This. I approached all of this with an abundance of caution because of the same reason as you, op. But, early on, I came to the conclusion that "if the devil is the deceiver and he is said to be extremely cunning, and that he is said to have placed a bet with God that he would be able to deceive all of humanity away from worshipping their true God.. What if the God that I was taught about is actually the devil himself? Well, if that is even remotely a possibility then it would be absolutely unacceptable for me to not shit check everything that I know in order to ensure that I am not being led astray from the True God"
In other words, if God is the Truth then I must make sure I have the correct definition of what is True. Approach everything with caution, baby steps. Everything that you read make sure that you also shit check, take the words of no man as gospel until you have figured out if what they speak of is the truth. There is deception all around us, layers upon layers, and there exist things… Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts, Words… That if approached incorrectly will lead to a very, very bad time.
I have been on this path for a while now and the conclusions that I have come to are: >There is, absolutely, a God, a Creator >There is absolutely a devil, a deceiver >There is absolutely great evil that lives in the realm of the spirit/aether/what ever you want to call it >There is also good out there, but the evil is cunning and will, at times, pretend to be good.. Guard your trust zealously
Outside of that there are various interpretations, thought-form theory, all being the result of a pattern of intermingled causality and potentiality , a demiurge deaf and blind asshole half-god that deceives, etc.. As you learn more you will see that most of these things are either true or hold a bit of truth.. The demiurge stuff, for instance, is highly misinterpreted. The demiurge is the demi-urge, the half-god urge, the urge to be less than you are.. to replace the almighty with the material. I may be wrong about this, but my journey has lead me to believe that this "demiurge" is in fact a (possibly THE) deceiver and that demiurge lives within us.. It is our inner animal. But, that does not mean it is our enemy. It means that we must find equilibrium between it and what is higher, we must have the awareness to find it, grab it by the scruff and tame it, keep it on a leash.
Your journey might lead you to a different conclusion. Don't take anyone for their word, we live in a world where the deception is piled high, even the well intentioned could be deceiving you on count of they themselves being deceived… Walk your path, stand tall, trust your heart, question everything, even your own senses, until you have proper answers, if you walk with the intention of finding god then you shall find him.. The Truth shall be revealed (although it might raise more questions itself).