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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 48rd Attention-Hungry Games
/qanon/ - Were on the road to nowhere

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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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How do I create a powerful sigil? I mean, a really powerful one. I was thinking about charging it with ejaculation after a 100 days of abstinence, or meditating on it for a couple days. Any ideas?

I'm not trying to change reality by the way, I just want the sigil to take an enormous effect on me.


Crowley attempted something similar once. Look into the Boleskine house.



I suppose the bigger the artistic merit or influence on the world, the most powerful the sigil would be. So something like a sigil turned into a book which becomes a best seller would be enormously powerful. I'm thinking that perhaps some writers might use this technique to create really strong thoughtforms, for example imagine J.K. Rowling coming up with a sigil and turning it into Harry Potter, how much energy do you think she's gained for her own personal enjoyment? Maybe that's how these people go from zero to hero so quickly (I mean the book itself is nothing original or good but it made her wealthy af )


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