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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look, I really don't want to shit on your board, but… Well… *pffffbbbppllbbbbbtt*

I went through your catalog, and it's all the same leaping crap. Faith healing, only instead of curing back problems and the gay, you're wanting wealth, magick powers and demonic fellatio. Thread after thread describing these things as if they're real and verified. Yet none of you is rich. None of you has summoned an actual demon. None of you has any special powers. If pressed all you can provide is stories, which are more larping and a defeated shoulder shrug. Give me proof. Just manifest evidence of one thing. One power, anything.


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Not a fedora tipper. I'd love to be proven wrong. My point is though you're all just roleplaying and it's gayer than all of Sweden with a million refugees simultaneously experiencing "sexual emergencies". I'm just saying don't make claims you know to be false. Let me see some videos of you immolating cars with psychic fireballs or read someone's mind or something.


Magick is bullshit, it doesn’t exist but can impact realities and other bullshit entities. It must be mastered.


Have you checked out this thread. >>117284



You know how when someone religious says when you don't get what you want it's because you didn't pray hard enough? Essentially, you can do the same here and say it's not because of X it's because of Y. If something was granted quite literally by random chance then it is up to us, the perceiver, to define it.

I've used what I know to:

-Land a great job that pays so many benefits I can retire early

-Suddenly grant boons of small amounts of money in desperation

-Keep my pets living longer than average life expectancy

-Keep my pets healthy

-Bree better alcohol

-Grow better plants in pots to consume their fruit later

-Win over strangers

Now you can go ahead and reply, "But those are all by positive random chance!" Well then I would ponder to know why I can teeter towards a more positive outcome rather than negative? It's all up to us to decide, it's your life, enjoy it how you want it. Who knows how many roots your seedling has left.



Pretty much what this dude said. Magic is pretty straightforward and most people who say it's bullshit are just sour grapes.

If you want us to post a video of one of us throwing a fireball, yeah, you sure showed us larpers. But come to me in person and I can make you flinch from five feet away with a chi ball.

Oh, but that was just a reflex, right?



I'll believe it when I see it. Sounds like textbook larp to me



And we should care because?



Read through it. Most interesting bit was the pdf on teleportation but that was science not magic and they've only found theoretical success with single entangled atoms.




All of the things you've mentioned can be achieved without magic.


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Magic is not some shit you can learn from wikipedia or reddit. It's called "occult" for a reason. Let that sink in.


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one of the first steps of sorcerous understanding is learning that there is no such thing as magic. there is only one miracle in the universe: motion. and this miracle was performed by that which we call God. everything can be explained, through infinite regression, to the point of prime motion. "magic powers" are an illusion that is derived from the gulf separating the hoi poloi [mundanes/normalfaggots/goyim/"the people"/proletariat/etc] and a given sorcerous class [magi/druid/philosopher/wizard/NEETs?/etc]. It is a similar gulf that separates mediocres from a given nobility [geopolitical monopolies on violence, as well as naturally emerging individuals who can influence reality – "the wolves and the sheep"]. FUN FACT: The union of the noble and the sorcerous class always results in a golden age.

Anyways, OP you're totally right to call out the LARPing. My response is that true sorcerers are just a small but crucial socioeconomic faction that simply observes the true nature of anything and everything (see first book of the Wealth of Nations). Industry, law, commerce, war, science, culture – all of these things have esoteric/occultic features and many of them have straight up esoteric/occultic roots. Only a pursuit of truth grants power – pursuing carnal desire ["how can I summen a sucubuss??"] and anime powers ["do u even cast spells faggit?"] leads directly to either "giving up" or LARPing.


just ignore the LARPers.. real wizards are closer to lawyers and astronomers than they are to Hogwarts graduates. also there are CIA niggers everywhere.


>give me proof




Do girls really do that?



That's some ashy perverts fantasy


To be honest this board is absolute shit and is way past its prime when actually interesting things were discussed. It's filled with mundane faggots who just want to use an ebin spell of magic to make their life easy and satisfy their egotistical needs, like greed or lust. Magic can help with that if you're far enough along the path but nobody actually puts effort into it, that's why the catalog and questions thread is filled with retarded shit by imbeciles unwilling to accept that magic requires effort to be good at. So much in fact that it would be more prudent to just get a job if you want money or get a Tinder profile to find a cumdumpster.


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Why should I?

1-I don't care if you think it doesn't work. Does people who doens't know gravity law can fly? It will change nothing if you don't believe…

2-I don't have the pretention to help people, the most I do is say read this, read that but really, I don't give a shit if you don't or did not understood…

3-Real practitioners are selfish. Some threads or comments have some unorthodox methods that is worth discussing that's why I stay, I don't stay to help people…



>magick isn't real

>not interesting

>give me proof

>believes this kind of thread is not created once every 3rd week

How about you educate yourself by reading books from the library archive and find the truth yourself.

[…] Only those who sin will be put to death.

Ezekiel 18:4

Unless you are not dying, don't waste your breath here.



Play card games with each other? Yes.



john chang and

the human stun gun

on youtube both have this stuff down



I'm sure lesbians play strip poker



Thing is everything is magic OP. Every actuality you percieve and recount is magic. We know it's all energy and consciousness, right? Well what of it? Here and now? Is it the outward that draws you inward, or the inward out? Where, but also why? I'd agree with you that most faggots around here are larpers for the same reason you are : they have their special places only they can know but come here to hypervalidate vague intuitions. You come here due to your sincere interest without looking into your own motivations. Everything is magic, everything.


atheists should be mercilessly slaughtered as they are un-Aryan and grand imitators of kikes.




>you're all just roleplaying

The threads here, like any other board, have varying levels of quality. Some of them are talking about superb tier shit, but it tends to be stuff that requires one to already be familiar with the esoteric. But a lot of the rest of the threads are grade a garbage that anyone with knowledge on these subjects either ignores or just shitposts in.

What it boils down to is either 1) chasing the ultimate mysteries of the universe, based on the belief that the renowned figures of the various religions of the world (buddha for instance) really did discover unexplainable levels of wisdom and knowledge, the mere knowing of which affects what you are capable of. or 2) idiots trying to summon spirits to suck their dick which is retarded, and dangerous, on so many levels

"Magic" I don't like the term because it implies you are trying to do something which is impossible, thats not the case at all.. its possible can be broken down into mundane, and understandable concepts, and if you could keep an open mind maybe this would give you a better understanding:

Ever know someone that was very successful at a certain task, maybe business or whatever? And maybe that person had something strange about their daily routine, like maybe they had an item that they believed brought them good luck or helped them maintain composure during high pressure meetings? So, when ever they are going to do this task they always have that item on them, and they tend to always do very well? What a normie would see as something that helps him feel more comfortable so that he can think and perform more clearly, an adept would see an item that has been charged with "magical qualities which helps him."

Now, you could say "thats just taking the ordinary understanding and getting ridiculous with it" And you would be correct. Only, reality is much more ridiculous than most people ever realize. When this phenomenon is replicable, and can be experimented with, there comes a point where it is not so ordinary anymore.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. But, yea this is some fucking weird shit and I would expect to be thrown in the looney bin if I told anyone irl what I truly believe. But, that's absolutely fine. You don't have to believe in this stuff… I sure as shit didn't until not too long ago. But, one day I asked myself a question. "What is a coincidence?" And I followed that up with another question "at what point is a coincidence a 'coincidence' and when does it become something that is written off as inconsequential merely because of a lack of understanding?" And then "Could such a lack of understanding be fueled entirely by people being unwilling to ask difficult questions; Moreover, could it be that they never ask difficult questions and never seek to arrive at independent answers?"

Look around you, how many people ever question what they are told? Even if there is no malicious intent involved in what they are being told is it not possible that the sources of this "unquestionable information" could be wrong themselves?

TLDR; Explore the world around you and accept no answers aside from those you can prove yourself. Think for yourself let no man tell you how reality works until you have explored all of the possibilities.



The luck giving object is a perfect example. This physical object holds dominion over living beings purely through belief and that is what magic is. It's not by any chance a law of the universe but none the less. The fact is that this object is vastly changing the course of several people's lives by extension. Just because of the belief one person put into it.

It gets even more bizarre when several people subscribe themselves to one thought. As agreeing a place is haunted where they can edge eachother on to such an extent they will see things that's out of the ordinary. Or religion. Where billions of people's course of life have been changed due to commonly agreed rules and routines. With enough understanding, a master of the magic art could produce a system like this to more or less achieve anything.

In the end however absolute majority of magic exists in direct connection to people's beliefs and thoughts. Which is an underestimated tool to changing reality. If you can manipulate other people's thoughts and your own too. You can experience which ever reality you desire.

The picture you have of magic probably comes from pop culture and personally I believe pop culture is doing the world a favor by delegitimizing the magic movement. The world would be a way harsher, although more interesting, place to navigate if these things were commonly practiced. As for fireballs. I've yet to see someone cast one in this dimension.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>as for fireballs

jej. tfw trying to figure something like that and a lightbulb flickers >did I do that?




Can you prove you're not a faggot?



1st clip: He pushed the air with his hand.

2nd: Good use of leverage and hand strength to break the cement.

3rd: Just really strong and tough hands.

4th: He had a lighter under the hay.

5th: Weird acting.

6th: They attached strings to the objects.

7th: He put a firecracker or lighter in his mouth before the start of the video.

8th: A hydraulic press is under the rock.

9th: The dude spit gasoline on the paper to make it catch fire.



I'm not buying your explanation for 2



your are too stupid to understand the video. Nothing is for everybody. Just go be happy, can't you be happy with something "real"? Or "this" is your idea of fun? To "teach" others that they have to believe your misconceptions? Can't your PC play any games? Don't you have a family to take care or at least consoles? Money?


Well…You won't get fun here with people throwing what you wish to have and you don't, when most of them have, in your face wouldn't you agree?



>none of you are rich

Say that to the Rothschilds



They lurk here?



Yes. I am the Rothschilds



A healthy, skeptical attitude is nothing to be alarmed over.


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Prove what? Symbols are real, systems of symbols are real, the imagination is real, people who believe these things are real, and people who apply these things are real.

Here's what you really mean OP: "Magic is bullshit because if it were real people would be using magic to become powerful, rich, throw fireballs, control minds, and would've easily been caught doing so by now and we'd all be doing it if it were real."

The problem with that, is that you have first proven you believe in society's cultural definition of magic, and thus by this logic OF COURSE it's not real.

Magic is about as easy to bend in definition as the various definitions for race and gender. That is because it's a socially constructed definition which is intersectionally defined across numerous schools of symbolic thought.

So what aspects of magic do you want me to tell you are and aren't real? Should I simply tell you what you already know? Anyone can persuade, anyone can create symbols, anyone can create imaginary beings, anyone can act. Mages however objectively cannot teleport, cannot move things with their mind without use of tech/bodies, cannot use primordial elements in a physically manifested manner, and cannot manipulate some "Force" or "Electromagnetic Current" as pseudoscientific charlatans claim.

Magic's reality is strictly one that is imagined, socially constructed, rooted in symbols and their respective systems of meaning, and about as real as memes and persuasion since they're one in the same.

So if this is all the case, why not just call it symbolism or dementia? Well simply put, the key difference between REAL magic and symbolism, is that magic emphasizes how symbols are arranged and mapped in order to create the ideal system of meaning which makes you more powerful by making your life more meaningful. As opposed to symbols, which focus more on individual symbols with little emphasis on how the symbol empowers you when combined with other symbols. You manipulate the ideas in your head in order to make yourself powerful; it's just organizing and empowering your thoughts in meaning and clarity in essence. Though I'm only giving you the best interpretation of magic; there's a lot of foolish ways to interpret magic.

~Epyc Wynn



So, you read 'The Secret'. Good for fuckin' you.



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ESP - Govt.

>Former CIA director Stansfield Turner admits that they had hired Pat Price.



>Jimmy Carter confirms they had used a psychic to find a downed bomber in Zaire.



>Nightline burn of the Stargate program


>Why the final AIR report for the Stargate program was bologna



>Grill Flame report


>Center Lane report


>Customer evaluations


>Example session - The Iran Hostage Situation (By McMoneagle who was awarded the Legion of Merit - "While with his command, he used his talents and expertise in the execution of more than 200 missions, addressing over 150 essential elements of information. These EEI contained critical intelligence reported at the highest echelons of our military and government, including such national level agencies as the Joint Chief’s of Staff, DIA, NSA, CIA, DEA, and the Secret Service, producing crucial and vital intelligence unavailable from any other source.”)


ESP - Cops

>Stephen Schwartz and Jeffrey Mishlove - Remote Viewing and criminology


>Hella Hammid & police Lt. Konar


>SRI psychics provided information regarding the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst and a Stanford student homicide.


>Ford and Knight assist with solving a murder


ESP - Playing the stock market




ESP - Research papers





ESP - Sites with more research papers

>Dean Radin


>Daryl Bem


>Rupert Sheldrake


>Brian Josephenson


>The PEAR lab publication list





Past Life Research





I can meditate and have lightning fall down where I am focused if the energy in the air is right. I have done, synced, and been shown (by someone unseen) how it's done a multitude of times now. My proof is the improbable chances of lightning striking around my house, literally back to back in different places during the two minutes I was deep in trance. I even moved away from my door out of fear before attempting what was done. The positive outlook is what does bring out success, the anticipation manifests reality. THAT would be the continual prayer kept in mind. One should never judge themselves, everyone without will do that. If a prayer is full of judgement, it is inert.



Where there is an expression of a law in one scale, it is there on a different scale. Perhaps the expression is in a different perception.

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