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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: d8a0e09be1ce702⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 550x359, 550:359, five-bodies.jpg)


So what does /fringe/ think about Aun Weor and the Solar Bodies?

For those unfamiliar start here


His stance on sex being vital to generate the Bodies is especially interesting. In a nutshell, one enters into Maithuna (sex without cumming) to re-create oneself step by step as a "true" human with Solar Bodies, while also dissolving one's ego in order to shed the 'lunar' bodies one was born with.


It is essential to consider Parmenides for the limit of the third change or else the orders of the imbalanced forces are not correctly determined in an en-cosmic being with a descried core.

It is in immortality and for want of the tour of the soldier that such teachings are described and the rape of Persephone is witnessed on the way.

Be aware that you are being taught to soldier though our right consists in a college of equals in a world set to foundation.



The successive creation of the solar spiritual bodies(Adam Kadmon of Genesis) through Tantra is an accurate description of the initiation process. I actually created a thread here which excerpted from his Perfect Matrimony book.


OP - S.A.W. gets a bad rap for some reason in occult circles, but I've benefitted greatly from his practices and teachings, as well as the teachings from the lecturers at Glorian. Some of them are in fact very high level initiates, though they won't mention it.


I'm sorry but the image you posted and the link you shared are a mixture of kabbalah and theosophy. Theosophy is a bastardization of eastern concepts designed to muddy and disinform western spiritual impulses. If you feel called to the kabbalistic side of what you are talking about, look for Israel Regardie, Poke Runyon, Eliphas Levi or even Aleister Crowley.

If you feel called to the other concepts (bodies, densities and all that), take a look at pure eastern spirituality. I'm afraid I can't guide you here, and you will find a ton of disinformation that has been disseminated here and in the east.

If you feel attracted to gnosticism itself, take a look at the apocriphal christian texts, Peter Novak as a starting point for more references.


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I came across a book of his once and made it through maybe 30 pages. He was explaining the Germanic Elder Futhark by using stories from Homer and heavily mixing in supposedly Gnostic teachings. Needless to say it felt like a heavy, schizophrenic mess of disinfo. He was also getting the most simple and basic of runes incorrect.

Personally I would look anywhere else if you're actually trying to learn something.



The book you're talking about is "Gnostic Magic of the Runes", not explained through the stories of Homer, but the Aeneid by Virgil.

The runes he uses are not the Elder Futhark either, he's actually using the same Armanen Futhark that Guido Von List used in Ariosophy.


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