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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 6524fe82eaf152b⋯.gif (327.2 KB, 834x870, 139:145, 1473453694448.gif)


I think this topic hasn't had it's own thread on here yet so here we go.

Thread for the topic of body swapping.

Now I don't have any experience of it, but I'd wager that you need to be good at astral projection. And please share it if you have any experience.

Been reading through this older thread >>127858 lately.

What do you guys think would be the possible karmic implications of it? Is it worth even trying to do it and not instead attempting something like switching into a different reality?

It's hard to find anything on this topic online at all really.


Oh this greatly interests me.

To me it's absolutely worth it simply to prove and document for all 8channers at least ( I don't care about the world at large ) the fact of the soul.

Nothing could break the illusion of the ties to one's body than body-swapping.

It's one of my long-term goals is to be able to pull it off. I have been doing a lot of preparation work for it and will also have to find someone who is willing to participate in the experiment with me.


I did experience occupying the body of someone else for a few seconds before, but instead of swapping, it was more akin to my ego also inhibiting their body together with their ego.

It was a pretty weird expetience and it felt kind of alien as I occupied someone's elses body and watched myself through the eyes of another.



Apply more power and take control of your enemies bodies. They shall cower before you.


File: c01763524726234⋯.pdf (481.5 KB, Draja Mickaharic - Immorta….pdf)

This book talks a bit about body swapping; might want to check it out.


I think uncle chuckie has something about this as well



Is the book about how to reach immortality?



Not quite. The author just relates some information about his thoughts on immortality and how it might be achieved. He lists three methods. The first is to impregnate a woman and then inhabit the egg so you'll be reborn as your own child essentially. The second method he describes is the body-swapping one. Lastly, he considers the alchemical angle; elixir of life and all that.

Not really a how-to guide on immorality, but maybe it'll give you some interesting ideas.

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