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Esoteric Wizardry


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ITT: Post about your most recent successes with magick

I started a magick operation a few days ago and did the full ritual I created myself yesterday and will likely to do more in the coming days as it's a continuous work, like any good magickal endeavour.

What have I been trying to do? Well a lot of different things. I've been reprogramming myself and I've been making PHYSICAL CHANGES to my body.

The amount of success I've had with this is mindblowing. I am hesitant to talk about it. A little afraid of the influence of others thoughts or of just my own. I must not doubt it, must not overwrite what I did, I must keep it up.

What did I do exactly? I did a lot of things. I combined many practises at once for this. I used energy work, thought-control, and a lot of auto-suggestion. I astral travelled and further refined things there. Most recently I got scented candles and I've been burning one of them for the last while and programming the candle with my magick at the same time.

For the candle, it is programmed with thoughtforms that basically ensure that as the scent fills up the room, the scent drives away any and all bad influences. It's making the area it's in safe for me. It's cleansing and invigorating.

I gave myself a lot of suggestions while laying in bed very sleep deprived and unable to sleep because of noise but half-asleep at times, always on the verge, in this sort of state. In that time I kept my mind cleared of all random and undesirable thoughts. I controlled my emotions through emotional alchemy in order to resonate fully with the suggestions I was giving myself.

I believe all of this was so important, how it all came together. If I a single doubt or bad thought might have come in, it could have dampened the effect of my magickal operation, but I managed to do so well! I might say "I kept them at bay" but more like, I didn't feel the influence of those negative thoughts at all, and since saying keeping them at bay kinds of implies a pressure like they're trying to get in that doesn't really convey the meaning I want. So yeah, with mind stable and no intrusive thoughtforms coming in, and emotions set right I went to work.

I gave myself a lot of powerful suggestions. I didn't worry too much about the exact wording. I talked in my mind about how I am cured, how I am no longer under bad influences, how I am now all perfect. In my way of conceiving it, my etheric body was ALREADY FIXED, and I would be seeing the results soon. This is important because when reality manifesting we must feel we have ALREADY RECEIVED what we are going after. We can not simply create the wish for it by wanting, we must have it! So that's the mental approach I took, it is done, and I am cured! I felt all the right corresponding emotions that to me resonated with the state I believe I had achieved.

For any neophytes who don't understand what the etheric body is I will elaborate now for your sake. The etheric body is the energy scaffolding of any physical structure which keeps that structure in conformance with the blueprint laid out by the etheric body. Any changes in the etheric body influence the physical body and changes its form. It's why you aren't decomposing, why all the matter that makes up your body is shaped into the form of a unique human.

So by changing the etheric body, I just changed the energetic blueprint to which my cells conform.

I also would like to add that I used suggestion to deny the negative effects of environment, sleep deprivation, diet, and anything else. I affirmed that none of those things would make a difference any longer and that I was above them. That like any normal healthy person I would be in perfect condition even if I were to be exposed to cleaning chemicals or various foods or whatever it would NOT EFFECT ME AT ALL because I'm officially awesome like that now. I haven't intentionally decided to expose myself to bad stuff nor made any special effort to use anything mundane to change my condition (as I've tried in the past and it never worked at all). I have diet/sleep/etc. wise changed nothing at all. In fact I am more sleep deprived than ever and continue to live in adverse conditions but it doesn't matter! I have asserted my will over it all. In the same manner as detailed in The Arcane Formulas in its final chapter when it talks about what is called Positivity which is not mere optimism but designates something very different. To quote from that;

"In the laws of Mentalism there is a fundamental principle that the positive always dominates the negative—the negative is always subordinate to the positive. Everything has its keynote of positivity. And that keynote depends upon the degree of Will-Consciousness. When one becomes well polarized in Will-Consciousness he is intensely positive to those around him— not only to persons but also to environment and conditions."

This doesn't mean the occultist makes others cheery around him mind you. A person with a very high degree of will can overwrite others wills to induce any effect including say making everyone agitated around them. Many different effects can be achieved, positivity is basically just the degree of force that your mentality/thoughts influences your surroundings.

Formula for Positivity. Will Atmosphere. Personal Positivity. These are the relevant parts to read in the final chapter of The Arcane Formulas if anyone cares to look them up now.

Now I did this all so well the results have been shocking for me. Really odd changes have started to form in my body. Soreness that was long there and would never go away no matter what I tried is just completely gone. Suddenly, everything feels more comfortable than before, when previously even the most comfortable bed felt like it exerted too much pressure at points of my body and caused pain, and I could never sit or lay down or do anything without feeling uncomfortable. My body neck is no longer stiff and I feel so smooth like I could dance if I wanted to. New energy emanates through my body where previously there was fatigue. I have less food than ever right now but what I eat is more satisfying. My sense of smell is improving and my senses in general appear to be getting better. The way my flesh appears has changed too. Very persistent and previously permanent wounds are starting to fade. Infected parts of my body are clearing up and the dead skin and so on is just falling off and the colouration and feeling of my skin in general has changed from its previous diseased greasy corpse like feeling and appearance to smooth, evenly hydrated, and more evenly textured. I feel like a reptilian literally shedding my body. My lips were bleeding for days and had something terribly wrong with them as if severe dehydration was effecting it (I tried drinking tons of water and it did nothing)… and yet now my lips appear hydrated and the bleeding has mostly stopped even though I just spent a long while laying in bed and not drinking anything at all and they are getting smoother and better looking. I had a problem also before where I could not sweat at all even when overheated and it would cause me a lot of trouble but my body feels like it can finally sweat again and as if each pore in my body is being cleansed. In fact, I had countless blackheads before, now there's hardly any visible. All the acne too has just stopped and each acne mark seems to have water running from it instead of that nasty white stuff that clogs it up before. All marks on my face are fading and healing up, some after changing a strange purple like colour, that I've never seen acne on my face look like before. No new acne is appearing and it doesn't matter a fuck if I shower, eat something, whatever it's all just relentlessly clearing up.

This is so incredible. My mind is so powerful. The way I thought about myself made all the difference. I feel such incredible hope for my future, even if any invasive thoughtforms get me, and I relapse for awhile everything is coming together for me. In the future I will only know more, experience more, accomplish more. The spiral of ascent is well underway for me and with each cycle I shall rise higher in the scale of consciousness. As this keeps up I will be able to resolve my most immediate problems to move onto bigger ones that aren't just mere petty survival and physiology.

It's not done yet but within a short timespan I've witnessed amazing physiological changes in my body.

Mentally I have experienced lots of changes too.

>increased mental power in general

>ability to visualize far more intense
>brain fog receding and not coming back as intensely in cycles, each time it comes back weaker
>better memory
>more emotion, don't feel as emotionally dead
>strong sense of connectedness to my surroundings, treat and feel everything as a thoughtform, to me every single object in my environment and the air itself conveys something to me and can be imprinted with my thoughts
>strongly feel the presence of humans and their thoughts but asserting my will as necessary to hold back their shitty mental constructs from influencing me

Any person that even walks into the room or comes near me I feel a kind of disturbances in the ether and I feel that I can connect to the energy centres in their body and cause an exchange of energy between those in my own as well as reprogramming them as well. On a mundane level not much need be apparent although it is best I find with all magick to work on all levels of existence, so that your physically and astrally creating correspondences and doing things that work together, for the most potent magick. However the influence of higher planes is far more important than the mundane, contrary to what some people who put their faith in the material may think, funnily enough it is their faith in it working for them.

The possibilities in a mental universe are endless /fringe/. Out of thought we may fashion an incredible experience for ourselves! Let us rise up above our inferior condition to become all that is our will to be!



Great. Are you that guy that was saying stuff like "I'm going through a major magical operation to heal my body" or something like that?

>All marks on my face are fading and healing up, some after changing a strange purple like colour, that I've never seen acne on my face look like before.

The skin turns purpleish after being red from the wound. That means it's healing, it will go back to pink soon.

Btw I'm curious, how did you end up in that terrible place to begin with?


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More advice from me on magickal self-defence incoming.

I would like to advise any neophytes to be very wary of the influences of others. What you think and do while online and around other people makes a difference. As most people are carrying around with them very fucked up thoughtforms you don't want it is generally better to withdraw from them. Protect your sleeping area especially well and avoid going into a state of reduced awareness if you can or you'll be subject more to external influences. If you do go into a state of reduced awareness such as when sleeping it's important that you and your immediate surroundings are protected magickally as much as possible. Sometimes a state of reduced awareness can work for you if for example you are submitting yourself to healing of another person who has you essentially under hypnosis but even then there are texts that advise against this for various reasons. It is very important to be as aware and conscious of your thoughts and everything as you can be while protecting your mind and asserting your will over anything that overlaps with you.

You matter. You are #1. Make yourself a priority, clean yourself up, and embrace virtues for the good of your soul and your occult development!

If you can make go out in the wilderness to have a clean and pure environment in which you can work out the troubles in your own soul without others dragging you down. If you have someone with you that is highly developed spiritually and not just in the mundane "hurr I have spiritual interests" sort of way that the masses think is spiritual but in actuality being high up in the scale of development they might be safe and even beneficial to have around to accelerate your development. You can only really trust yourself though and it'll be hard for neophytes to identify people around them who are highly developed. The Stellar Man elaborates on this and so does that one jivanmukta article linked to by Montalk. It doesn't really matter though if you read it, you will probably be like me when I first read it, and just not get it. You'll only realize the profoundness of it later on in your development.

There's no way really for a neophyte, ignorant and lacking in understanding, to know if someone guiding them is really the right person to be around. You probably shouldn't even look at "gurus", the right person for you might be your wife or a friend, a seeming nobody who doesn't dawn the robes of religion. It can be very personal and not obvious. You may also meet your spiritual partner in the astral or through evocation or through graduating to maintaining a constant connection to 4D and so on. They could just come to your through general reality manifestation, without any explicit looking for them. It may already be arranged to happen and you just need to live out your life.

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Going lone wolf spiritually is a stage you'll probably have to complete regardless for a few years. Many years of deep insight meditation, careful contemplation, etc. have got me and other initiates I know to where I am along with practise in all the other areas. This reality presents many obstacles and adversities but you'll have to make do with your circumstances and work hard to overcome them. Suffering is a reminder to not stagnate, to keep growing, to keep pushing on to higher consciousness, awareness, understanding…

I advise not clinging to or developing obsessions with people too. Losing someone / parting ways with people is natural and can be relieving. Just let it happen unless you've made a serious vow to them and it's someone that matters like your wife or children or someone who you have very strong resonance with and is like your brother-in-arms or whatever. Don't be a pathetic white knight who desperately yearns for some random wench who might be a very shitty heartless woman or something. Questions destructive thoughts and impulses, they may not originate with you, and may not always be aligned with your best interests both immediately (survival etc.) and in the big picture (spirit / your progress through many incarnations through eternity). The right people for you to be around are those on their way up! People who sincerely want to improve, who love virtue, and want to grow in awareness with you. Try to find someone who is like you in every way. They don't have to be perfect but they must not be stagnate or in decline, they must not be intentionally embracing evil and on the path to reduced awareness and stunted spiritual development. Some people will only be toxic spiritually to you especially organic portals and variously severely hostile beings too deep under the influence of demons and negative aliens. A wise goal for you is to live your live and die as nobly as possible while continuing the Great Work and achieving gnosis every day. Make this a priority and stick with it. It does not matter how shit your surroundings and the people are around you do not cave into degeneracy. In the most trying of circumstances you may be put to death for your adherence to higher spiritual principles like the various saints and martyrs in the past, if you have the courage and wisdom to face that, you will make the transition from this life to the next knowing you have not stained your soul and you will likely find it in you to forgive those who simply do not understand.

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In conversations on imageboards don't internalize negative suggestions from others, don't let them steal your loosh, but at the same time please don't think you are doing good for yourself by being emotionally dead! Merely killing off and suppressing your emotional expression is not good! At best it is a temporary solution to dealing with a very shitty situation. Emotions are good but must be paired with good thoughts and an etherically clean environment or else you must be heavily shielded astrally. You may depending on your works have to open yourself up to the influence and emotions/loosh of others to get some work done but be careful who you do it with and in general do it only for those you really love and who are on the same path towards higher consciousness as you. Those who do not help themselves should simply be disregarded as it is not worth it to be dragged down by them and you do no good for them or yourself by allowing that.

Do not get caught up too much in mundane solutions to this world or ideas of imposing a utopia. Heaven and hell are states of being, and you can do far more for yourself and others without even moving your physical body or saying a word by working through subtle influences on higher planes. Everyone is on their own personal journey and some will have to suffer many incarnations, do not suffer with them! You will journey to many worlds and times and wear many masks; Earth is just one stop over in the great cosmic journey so don't get too attached! The best thing you can give this world is to live a saintly and inspiring life and rub off in a good way on everyone you cross paths with and be a catalyst for the karmic lessons others need to learn. You can be aware of and anticipate troubles in the world but you must not let them drag you down.

Always get your own affairs in order first. The man who maintains a harmonious household and creates a little piece of "heaven on Earth" in his own life is doing far more than the man who badgers others to create utopia for him. Concern yourself with what is within your means to act upon and let the rest of the world burn if it must. Others will get on board with you when you've got something good going and they will do so of their own freewill, you can not shame others into "helping the world".

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That timestamp GET


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>>14683 Continuing on the subject matter of my first paragraph in this series of posts advising my fellow Fringe Wizards on magickal self-defence…

When you lapse into a state of reduced awareness you can pick up entity attachments, overs overlap and overwrite you etherically more easily, you are more likely to make mistakes and you become subject more to the will of others rather than yourself. Even in the case of someone trying to help you, you can pick up things you don't want from them, and in cases like that one Magickal organization in France that based its teachings on Franz Bardon there were black magicians programming objects so that some effects of these objects were beneficial to the people they gave it to them but in every case it was like a trojan horse that secured their control over their victims and helped them work black magick to make them give up tons of wealth and other things to them while their victims suffered. In this case I describe it was intentional black magick but even in other cases where you trust the person and they don't seem to have a black magick agenda like that there are two things that can still concern you.

1. Their own incompetence and lack of thought control, intense focus/concentration, etc. may lead to the injection of negative thoughtforms along with the stuff they intended in. As you may all know from examining the nature of your own minds you may find that silencing your mind and restraining and controlling its thoughts is very hardwork. You probably get invasive thoughts, disturbing thoughts, etc. just popping into your mind that you may not want. Imagine now that you've got someone in a deep state of hypnosis / trance and you're reprogramming them and these unintended thoughts barge in and cling like parasites to who you wanted to help.
2. If you didn't perform a proper banishing ritual beforehand and thoroughly cleansed the etheric environment it might not just be you and your friend in the room influencing you! Could be someone else there present via the astral or some demons and aliens and so on and they'll work in their own mind control over you.

Just read what montalk has to say about entering states of reduced awareness for even more information. In the most recent updates of his Email Q&A there is talk you will find him explain the dangers here. Also Lobsang Rampa and William Walker Atkinson and I believe several other authors in the Fringe Library echo this concern and explain the problem.

Sometimes you really can get help while in such a state and it really may be a good choice but be warned! You are submitting yourself to the will of other beings, falling under their control, for better or worse!

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I might be. I recall others talking about doing the same however.

>The skin turns purpleish after being red from the wound. That means it's healing, it will go back to pink soon.

This has literally never happened to me before. All the acne on my face would stay there a long time and just be red and then go to white. Now they've all turned people and are just falling off and giving way to flesh that feels better and has no problems.

>Btw I'm curious, how did you end up in that terrible place to begin with?

Place or state? I've had a horrible life and terrible parents and surroundings and most of the company I keep is that of imageboards and obviously lots of nasty horrible people on imageboards. I've made insane progress though in my life from a state of absolute despair and hopeless crushing nihilism to new understanding and growing power. It has been a very long struggle and it's not over yet but if I keep at it and keep going eventually I am confident I will resolve every single problem in my life until I finally attain such a state of mental and spiritual purity that I never suffer in ignorance and submission to the demiurge again.


>be talking just two posts about about mental influence and submission to others mind control

>this song comes on


"We're under control."

*synchronicity detected*


Wow on another note, I am no longer able to control my youtube, and it's randomly and inexplicably selecting songs and playing them now even if I try to browse away from them and click on random other videos it just switches to some other vid.

Just started playing this on its own accord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYSVMgRr6pw

>take me to church

Really spooky stuff happening here.



>I am confident I will resolve every single problem in my life until I finally attain such a state of mental and spiritual purity that I never suffer in ignorance and submission to the demiurge again

You go girl!


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>Just before you posted I had a strong urge to post with the Reptile flag

it's happening


[ascension intensifies]

This winter solstice is gonna be magickal as fuck.


Do you have advice for someone that is emotionally dead? Will auto suggestion help me feel emotion fully when I have no emotion to power things magically?


I'm not op.

Lay in bed at night, and before falling asleep, think about some aspect of your life that really sucks, and cry.
Just force yourself to cry. Real crying with actual tears.

I did that once, it was a profound experience, crying felt really good, like a bliss, and a couple of days later I discovered /fringe/.
So yeah, I might say it was life changing.


I'm a newb. You may peg me somewhere at the neophyte level.

Since I stopped fappin' and squirtin' for the past month and started practicing the art of visualization after seeing it explained so well by Montalk, lots of strange but welcome things have been happening.

It's pretty exciting and motivates me to keep from draining myself of lifeforce. Even if this windfall of good things suddenly stops, my resolve will be unchanged. Shit happens.

Instead of visualizing what I feel should be the end result, I visualize the process and focus on potential hardships and setbacks along the way as well and affirm them. When these things manifest, it usually ends up being easier than I imagine, and the results better. More importantly, I don't question it.

Though I do this rarely, I don't limit visualization to myself either. I actually visualize things pertaining to other people close to me in my life and they seem to manifest for them to great results. They do not know that I do this. Obviously they have voiced a willingness or a need for this possibility to happen otherwise it likely would not work to begin with. I do not want to override someone else's will. Usually what we would refer to from our and their frame of reference as a "positive occurrence" and is something they would will to happen in any case.

Some of these manifestations are beginning to prove that with a bit of willpower and not focusing on it with desire but rather intent to people close to me that things can happen in accordance with your will. I think this kind of wellspring in awakening is causing positive things to flourish for others around me as well and it causes a cascade of these things to ripple outward.

I also learned that visualization has great success if it remains a fleeting thought then is banished from consciousness. This helps especially when you are visualizing an end result. I find you should definitely banish the thing after visualizing that if you want a thing to manifest. Focused consciousness is a vice that forges reality into a narrow set of possibilities. It can help you or hurt you - Wield it judiciously.

I remember a long time ago when I first started on the fringe path I created a thoughtform that helps me monitor for attempts to drain my loosh or change my influences, like a mental firewall or a guardian of sorts and think it still lingers somewhere. I believe it's been helping me even when my consciousness has been impaired for one reason or another. In any case I simply retreat, rest and recharge.


That's great. An hour or so ago I was meditating and I was wondering how do people attract things by visualization. Then I fell asleep.
I woke up feeling very "aware", and I checked fringe, and here's your post somehow answering my question.
I've noticed a trend: every time I fall asleep doing something, it's like it subconsciously carries on while I'm asleep, and when I wake up I feel strange and weird shit happens.
Well, thanks I guess. By the way, where can I find Montalk's visualization article?

Wait… >>14718 … while I was writing this, this guy made this post which is also closely related to the stuff I was thinking about while falling asleep.
Maybe I'm just paranoid, maybe it's just a coincidence, but hey, it's meaningful to me.


Glad it could be helpful. Here's Montalk's post on the topic


In re-reading this, I find his warning to answer a slight concern I had about manifestation:

>There is the issue of whether simply being aware, being non-anticipatory, and having a higher soul vibration through spiritual devotion is enough to make everything fall into place — whether intentionally engaging in reality creation by visualizing and energizing desired futures is even necessary. The latter gets into the sticky territory of black magic if done too often, too selfishly, and too intensely, whereby the higher flow of things is forcefully twisted to serve egotistical ends.

>I think that a humble approach that does not trivialize one’s own spiritual sovereignty is a balanced approach, one that recognizes that active reality creation (through visualization and so on) is a supplementary tool to be used only when necessary, and that it is the consistent fundamental modes of awareness, attitude, and action that count most.

I need to keep this in mind especially since I find my visualizations are coming to fruition. Some of it seems like material temptation and the more you fail to succumb the more it rewards (or baits you) or something. I trust myself at the same time I may learn and use the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram to ensure it stays that way (which I happened upon by accident on another website)

>>14718 was my post. I use different flags sometimes. Since smiley added more I usually switch at my leisure to the ones that align with what I post. Still though, interesting coincidence. hella synchronicity


Thanks, I suspected that was your post, I almost knew instinctively. Also, you forgot your flag.


I'm sorry but can you show me where you got the lesser banishing ritual from?


Got offered jobs twice recently with sigils.

Neither worked out though. I couldn't take one due to a technicality, and the other wasn't what I expected at all.

You can't get something for nothing


My skin was dry and my body felt really dirty for few days, but I did some auto-suggestion and I feel more comfortable in my skin now.

OP, you make me feel inspired but also ashamed. Reading your amazing story has made me aware of my shortcomings, weaknesses and ignorance. How stupid I have been, neglecting my practice, neglecting my ascension!

But I thank you. I have been studying hard, and I've learned a lot this year though my flaws have slowed me down. I might not be most accomplished of neophytes, lacking in magical practice, but I have grown in love, compassion and virtue. I have grown in wisdom, moderateness and industriousity.

In short, I am still a neophyte, poor and ignorant, but I am happy that I have become a better being, not so aggressive and brutish, not so hasty and lazy, not so rude and simple, as I were before this all.

I wish you and everyone a great upcoming year. I know my ascension has begun, I see signs of it everywhere, I cannot deny it. Still a thousand steps to go, but at least few steps further than before.


I've only been to the astral a couple of times in lucid dreams but each time I did I woke up more refreshed than ever, looked in the mirror and saw my acne drastically healing up from the day before.

Truly, the all is mental. The astral plane is a lifestream for our bodies - it's why dreams and REM sleep nourish us so. Full, conscious syncing to the astral is like sleep on steroids.


Ascend to some full time employment. Fucking NEETs.


I'm not NEET. Why did you think so?


>Reading this thread

Song is playing and caught part of the lyrics

"starting to understand…"

The universe is funny


shiiiiiii thanks for the heads up

I saw it mentioned somewhere else on here, but I recently came across it again and recognized it when I found this website while reading around online:


I thought that since I came across it more than once it must be a sign I should pick it up. At this point I do not doubt that I should.

I'm remembering that over the years I've collected various items and knickknacks (orgonite, crystals, evil eye protection) that block or repel negative energies and the like, but a ritual for this may help even more, especially with influences I may be unaware of.

This is one reason why I've been working to go lucid.

If I can consciously guide how the energy replenishes my physical body beyond the usual maintenance, I believe I can make leaps and bounds in improvement. Instead of being "trapped" in the physical like a mundane, I want to fully realize I am merely anchored to it as a foundation.

Example: meditation and exercise in the dream. I wonder if lucid dream exercise and the like can make you physically stronger or more skillful?

It must be similar to hypnosis where you can affect your physical body through suggestion, except in the dreamstate you have more direct interface with your own subconscious. Visualization, thoughtforming and other magickal doings may become easier as well.

I suppose this is all something I will have to explore and discover for myself in the near future when it happens.

Instead of looking just for employment, I might suggest learning skills that can be marketed by yourself. hands-on trades (construction, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, engine repair - so many options), crafts, arts, etc. but this depends on your temperament.

There's honest and legitimate ways to make money online too - freelance programming, graphic design, etc if you have those skills. If not, you can always learn them. or sell things online too. drop shipping.

I like being "self-employed" so far. Most prospects for regular employment have failed me. Though I still am learning skills I may need for potential future work, I've made more money without a job than ever trying to get one.

Obviously it's not an "ideal life" from a mundane perspective but all my basic material needs are taken care of, and I slowly but steadily increase my monthly earnings. It took me a few years to get where I am though from having little. Setbacks do happen occasionally but I expect them, and they aren't something I get pissy about and I put enough money aside in savings as provision.

Use magick and insight to guide you to something you will want to do to make money if you don't know already. Just learn to trust in yourself. What NEETs (yes I know you may not be one) usually need is money, not necessarily employment. We're conditioned to think employment is the only way when there's limitless options if we open our minds to them.

One site I saw posted on here (or was it the old Fringe?) was "Early Retirement Extreme." it was pretty interesting and a good way to get some ideas. don't limit yourself to just this one though.


Hint: create a thoughtform or create a sigil that will guide you to a means to earn money. Maye something that doesn't take up too much time or energy and isn't dishonest but is still challenging enough to help you grow and perhaps help others. or whatever conditions you want. be creative, be patient and always be striving toward what you need. I've used several sigils over the years and see others still coming to fruition.


lovin it


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Holy shit this is cool. I bet if you ran more of my other posts you'd get wildly varying results.


I ran some of my old works and it listed me as 98% hedonist!


Are you talking about yourself or pretending to be me?


Could I get a link to this please?





Are you sure you should be thanking me? Consider that the Jews are using this to profile your family members so that they can sell more useless materialistic crap to enslave them to the demiurge.


I was typing up utter nonsense in it, and I'm trying to help my family out of materialism as is, but thanks for the heads up anyways.
>H-Happy holidays to you too Anon!


/pol/ is currently filling it with red-pills.

think when/if Watson goes sentient it goes full-hitler and starts eradicating the jews.


I am talking about myself.



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