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Esoteric Wizardry


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New Avatar Power

Do this, post results.


Repeat these steps ONCE a day, EVERYDAY, at the same time each day. Do this until your result manifests or you realize you don’t want the result anymore. You will definitely get some sort of result. Most people jiggle lose results close to what they want within hours or days. Sometimes you get something similar but isn’t quite what you wanted. You can decide if the manifestation was close enough, or if you need to keep repeating the ritual. If this is a difficult goal, you may have to repeat the ritual dozens of times of the course of weeks.


Step 1

Write down the date/time and the ritual you are going to perform in your journal. (If you don’t have a journal, start one just for magick. This step is important. Don’t skip on keeping track of ALL your rituals!)


Step 2
Quietly read the following words aloud, listening to what you are saying. Read slowly and carefully, pausing between sentences, and stopping for about three seconds wherever you find three periods (…) in the text. It should take you a full four minutes to read the words aloud from beginning to end. You may record this on your computer and play it back for yourself instead of reading it each time. The point is to completely relax and feel good for a few minutes.

"I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual. I call on the Inner Planes to witness. I state my purpose thus: ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY.

I begin to wind down, to let go and be rid of all the tensions of my body. To let my muscles relax, unwind and let go.

The tensions are beginning to drain from my body. Soon, a gradual heaviness will start to weigh down my thighs, my arms, my hands, my feet, my legs, my body.

My muscles unwind and let go. All my muscles are relaxing, unwinding, and relaxing.

Very soon I shall feel the winding, the letting go. Unwinding and letting go. Unwinding, letting go. Unwinding. Letting Go.

Deeper and deeper…letting go…unwinding and letting go.

The tensions drain from my muscles and they will soon become loose, letting go, relaxing and unwinding.

Breathing easily and deeply. Easily and deeply.

Unwinding and letting go…drifting into the peace and serenity of complete relaxation. And as my body unwinds and relaxes so I enter the peace and quiet, where only these words have meaning, and nothing else disturbs me.

Letting go..unwinding…letting go…unwinding…relax…relax…relax…let go…let go…let go…relax…relax…relax…let go…let go…let go.

I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel, who stands in the East, to assist me this and all my ventures. I know now that New Avatar Power is flooding to the surface. I now close my eyes gently."

Allow 5 minutes for the New Avatar Power to flood to the surface on its own as you relax.


Step 3

After reading the New Avatar Power Ritual then read ONE of the following depending on your goal:

Invocation for Money

"In the Power of the Names EH-HEH-YEH, YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM, & YEH-HO-

VO-AH-VAY-DAH-AHS I place this Invocation with Thee, NEE-TEE-KAH,

Genius of Wealth. Know that I require and command Thee to bring me

gold. Thou has dominion over wealth and Thou shalt begin this very

instant to shape the future such that money shall come to me, enough

and to spare, by the powers of these Words

and Invocation. Be Thou ruled by me the Names SHAH-DYE-ELL-KYE &

AH-DOE-NYE-HA-AH-RETZ. So mote it be."

Invocation to Bring Success

"In all my undertakings henceforward I conjure and command Thee,

mighty ELL-YOU-BAIT-ELL, to protect me, bear me up and carry me

forward to the pinnacle of success. Thou shalt give me clarity of

mind to confound my opposers; Thou shalt bend the Laws of the Cosmos

to my and Thy will, bringing each and every one of my desires to

pass. I shall be enwrapped in Thy faultless Powers, and tread ever

higher to that glittering peak which I covet. Hear this, and obey me:

AH-NAH-FAX-EE-TONE which Aaron heard and spoke. Thou shalt guide me

to success. So mote it be."

Invocation to Win A Legal Action

"Mighty EYE-EEL-AH-HE-YAH who holds sway over the decisions of men,

Thou shald bring Thy power to bear on my behalf in the legal action

which is pending. I command that I shall be successful in this, my

hour of need. Thou hast the ability to aid me in achieving this

desire. Hear the Word and be obedient to It and me: NAB-RAT-AGLA-SURE-

AN-AT. So mote it be."


Invocation For Protection from Evil

"I invoke Thee, GAH-DEE-ELL, in Thy power and wisdom to place around

me a shield against which evil shall be powerless. Those who would

harm me shall be powerless, and their evil shall return to them a

thousandfold. Be Thou ready and able to place this protection, as I

seal it with Thee with the Words: EE-YOTE-EEYAH-VAW-ARE-ZALL. I am

within Thy protection now and my enemies cannot harm me. So mote it


Invocation To Excite Love

"Hear me, AH-NAY-ELL & JAHZ-AIR, Thou spirits of Venus and love. I

desire to excite love and passion in the heart of a suitable

partner. Stretch forth Thine hands and pluck the heart strings such

that my desire is returned a hundredfold. I conjure this command

thus: HOR-TA-ELL-RACK-AH-MAY. So mote it be."

Invocation To Rekindle A Mate's Interest

"I invoke Thee, PA-GEE-ELL, to light a flame in the heart of my mate -

a flame that will burn ever higher, so that s/he turns to me in

fervor and in love, blind to my faults, and desiring only to please

me in whatever way s/he can. I command that our companionship shall

become perfect, each fulfilling every need and deisre for the other.

I also demand that any shortcomings, be they physical or mental, be

swept aside such athat our partnership shall be perfect. Hear this

Word of Power, Thou Pagiel and obey me: VEDGE-EED-OR-AH-MEET-EYE. So

mote it be."

Invocation to Give Secret Knowledge

"Titanic KAH-DREE-ELL, I invoke Thee. I require Thee to transform me

to one who can know things that are hidden from others. I desire to

know what will befall the future. I wish to know the thoughts of

others. I demand insight into the comings and goings of my fellow

creatures. All this shalt Thou do for me, placing the knowledge

within my mind during both waking and sleeping. I seal this command

thus: EE-BAN-HER-EE-ON-AH-DOH-NYE. So mote it be."

Invocation To Give Power Over Others

"Mightiest DYE-NAH-MISS! There are those over whom I would have

ultimate power so tha they obey my every word and thought. Bring Thy

mystic energy to bear on me, such that I radiate your power. Impress

those that I command to bend to my will at all times. I command Thee

with the Words: AH-GAH-LAH-OH-TEEMEE-TYE. So mote it be."

Invocation to Bring Health

"I call Thee ZO-ROE-ELL & SAH-BREE-ELL who hath dominion over

physical and mental health. At my command, banish from (me or name of

party) all diseases, discomfort, sickness and malfunction of body and

mind. Send down Thy beneficial healing rays, for Thou art able to

bring this to pass. During each passing hour Your powers will bring

youthfulness and freedom from pain. I seal this command with the

healing words EEM-AHN-YOU-ELL which Shadrach, Meshach and Abednago

sang in the fiery furnace and were delivered. Thus shall Your powers

dispel this sickness and disease. So mote it be."

General Purpose Invocation

"In the Powers vested in Thee, EE-AH-OAT, PATE-AH-YAH, and OH-PEA-

ELL, I command Thine aid. Bring Thy influences to bear on my affairs.

My desire is __ . Thou has heard, and in the Name of VEE-NOKE-OH-TEE-

SEE-AWN, Thou shalt fulfill my will in all things which seem good

unto me. So mote it be."


Step 4

Write down any final thoughts/feelings in your journal. You are done for the day.


trips command you fools


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I might be interested in this but I want to be sure of what I'm affirming. I've already gotten paste the point of skepticism and full well know the power that can lie in such things. Pic related is NOT what I want to be doing any more.

Clearly it isn't engligh and it does appear to be phonetic but other than that I cant seem to find translations. Aid, advise?



I've heard that this book is freakishly effective, but I've never been able to find a .pdf copy. Is there one floating around anywhere?


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Used to be on tpb, can't even find it on oldpiratebay or anywhere else now…

It was in the "Library of Atlantis" and "Occult.bz" and "Ritual Magic" torrents.

Just for you, from my personal archives.

Can't find all of the torrents, but here are some.

If I was on my comp (and not just toting my library around) I'd reseed them, they need to be.



Dude, thank you so much!


I've come to the point where I really don't care, the risk of not succeeding is far more worrysome than any reprecussions of any method I might use to reach it.


I'm skimming the book and it seems a little sensationalist (Suppose that's just the flavor of something written in the 70's)

In my experience if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Based wizard is based
They are angel names I believe, it looks like phoenetic hebrew.


Could someone please post a non-phonetic version of all the names?
As a non-english native speaker, I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce this stuff, it'd be a lot easier for me to just read the latin or whatever version than having to decipher "AH-GAH-LAH-OH-TEEMEE-TYE". Is that like Aglaotymity or what?



Reading it, I get the impression that the author knows his shit. He repeatedly makes mention of the power of the subconscious mind, and even says that the book is written in such a way as to speak directly to it.

So yeah, the testimonials are pretty sensationalist… but, while you're reading them and your conscious mind is judging them and saying "Yeah, right, whatever", your subconscious, which has no ability to judge or filter, is uncritically receiving the impression that this knowledge is powerful.

The point of any ritual in magic is to impress the subconscious mind. Reading about all the fantastical ways this book has changed people's lives is like a ritual. You might think it's silly, just like you might think it's silly to light incense and wave an athame around and chant the names of mythical gods… but your subconscious is just watching wide-eyed from the back, lapping it up.


What do I do if I want to improve my skin, make it beautiful etc?

I presume it's got something to do with Venus


I honestly was not able to get past the wording in the book, or of the rituals.

They have a very odd sort of, idk… Informercial-y vibe to them? Canned, maybe.

Went in enthusiastic, but got no results.


from no effort comes no success
Invocation to Bring Health


This is really weird because I'm like 99% sure I saw one for beauty on that website but can't find it now. Yeah, probably my mind messing with me though because I'm interested in the same thing.

Anyway, gonna give it a go right now and go to bed. Guess I'm a little worried cause it's 4:45am though, so if I was to continue, I'd probably do it at a different hour. Well, no matter. Let's see what happens!


Okay, finished it and did the journalling part also. Pretty relaxing on the whole, could feel myself kind of slipping into a trance while reading the induction. Some questions though:

The guide says to just let the NAP flood to the surface on its own during the 5min relaxation, so is just focusing on my breathing during this time ok? Can this be done open-eyed?

Also, during the ritual I fully focused on following the steps. Should I have also been constantly keeping my outcome in mind too?


close your fucking eyes


good luck to you bro


Why the fuck is this not at page 1,

I really am interested on reading more discussions of this.

bump this mein komaradens


I too am waiting to see if anyone has a cool million dollarydoos fall on their heads from the sky.


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i did the secret knowledge ritual and have been binging on pdfs and meditations. ive also started to reprogram my mind around flesh and mind, it has helped me stop masterbating so much. 9/10 strangley efficient.


So when do my elemental bending powers manifest?


Post your pdfs pls!


I've been doing the health one for 3 days now, I feel pretty good but nothing extraordinary yet. Will keep going

Thanks man, good luck to you too if you're doing it.


Are you sick or something? What are you trying to improve?


Is it okay to combine invocations?
Let's say my main invocation is to acquire secret knowledge. Can I do the invocation to bring success / invocation to protect from evil first?


ive been wondering this too.
i respectfully decline your advance, it would be too much work.


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>not living like a No limit nigga


Why the fuck did you post that and not spoiler it? Why do you even have that on your PC?


I mean at least post the name of the pdfs…


If it's anything like sigils, you may want to just focus on one at a time.

It is possible to do multiples of sigils according to the guy who writes Rune Soup (has worked for me) but I don't know how you would do that with these invocations.


Sigils are images, and spoken words are linear. Obviously the latter can only be done one at a time.

Best not to get greedy unless you can find a clever way to combine them. Maybe space another one out at another time during the day if you really want to do two.


For the first time now I just performed the NAP ritual and the "Invocation To Rekindle A Mate's Interest". Afterward, when I checked my earnings balance online, it was at $777. I take this as a sign my request has been received.

Will continue the ritual daily as I feel as needed and update.


Can I invoke for my friend?
Let's say I want to help my friend to attract a job for him.
Is that alright? Or am I breaking any freewill?



No one is going to force your friend to take a job, presumably. If your ritual is successful, it will just mean your friend gets offered a job, which he can choose to accept or not, so his freewill is not impinged upon.


Yeah you can do that. I keep getting lazy mundanes that demand I do magick for them but I'd rather they learn magick themselves. I wouldn't worry about breaking others freewill, it's pretty much impossible, and I challenge you to devise an experiment where you can do it.


How do I turn the auto updating off?


you dont


Probably under [Options].


God damn it, I just unconsciously imitated your flag, this keeps happening to me.


Thanks brah


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>Make Others Obey!
>Enjoy Lifetime Prosperity!
>Win unlimited riches!
>Attract Love Slaves!
>by chanting names "angels"

Yeah, no.


I found this book sometime ago at some forums.

BAsically what it does is condense the most important rituals of the western tradition such as the LBRP and The MPR, adding the evocation og some angelic entities(I forget which they were).

Everyone reports this as being efficient as fuck. AS for me, it didnt give me the results I asked for but you can attribute that to my failure to keep to one of the rituals.

Either way, following the procedures of the book surely raised my powerlevel.

Highly recomended


nice :D



Well, some people have recommended using the full version of certain rituals to empower the ritual, I think I will try it out like that. I'm pretty interested in the knowledge and health invocations.

Anyone has any experiences with those?


Been meaning to start doing this but keep putting it off until tomorrow. I read somewhere that invoking these sorts of 'spiritual entities' but not paying them can seriously mess you up.

If you've had any serious success with this stuff, did you take any measures as far as 'payment' went?


that's bullshit, stop being a lazy cunt


You are all free to follow this reptilian's suggestion, but I advice all to be cautious when it comes to invoking entities you do not know the true nature of for materialistic favors.


You can only be harmed if you believe you can



This is bullshit. The line is you can only be harmed by magic or curses if you believe in magic. That's bullshit too. If the magic is being worked well enough it will make you believe in it.

Believing you are safe from what you're working with is like an autosuggestion to avoid it turning negative so it works in some sense but it's not an absolute truth that will hold true every time. Learn to defend yourself, strengthened willpower, banishing rituals etc.


Did this now. No special sensations. Repeating tomorrow.


come on guys discuss more this is interesting


Not the reptilian but… you can only be harmed by fire and spear and so on if on some level you believe you can be. If you reprogram the default programming of your etheric body you can attain an invulnerable body.



Maybe the word believe is causing a communication breakdown.

I'm using the word in the sense that you can have a false belief or idea that you put stock in brazenly.

You're using the word in the sense of developed willpower and strong magical ability.


Tried the rekindling of interest one for about 4-5 days in a row.

-After 2 days, got a random msg from a girl who Im sure fancies me (but i only see as a friend) about hanging out sometime soon
-On the 3rd day recieved a msg from a girl I met on tinder after not speaking for a week or so
-On the 4th I left for a trip and met someone new who has a shockingly similar life story as an ex (even down to the way we met)

Some normal life stuff came about so I was not able to continue it and it didnt actually work on its intended targeted but the universe does work in mysterious ways.



jesus works in mysterious ways, but even he would have remembered to use a flag.

Anyone tried the "knowledge/health rituals" ?


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Seems like this ritual is the reason why my life got tower'd the fuck up


which ritual and what is happen comrade


420 blazeit

also bump for >>18373, what happened bro


Aww fuck, I hate posts like these. Just enough info to incite interest but then not enough to satisfy it.


Quit job, nothing in sight, money's running out, found love, made progress in magic.

Everything is chaotic.


>Be me
>Do the ritual to attain success
>Start feeling a headache soon after
>Three hours later I'm curled up in bed on the point of tears
>Feels like there's somesort of helmet crushing my head
>Pray to my ancestors and the All to help me revoke what I have done, go to sleep soon after
>Wake up feeling drained emotionally, feel physically exhausted too
>One month later and I can no longer feel my third eye/crown like I used to

I am never doing anything with NAP or any of these entities ever again, it completely messed me up.



I did one ritual, for knowledge out of curiosity, and too began having headaches. It didn't put me to the point of tears but it was annoying nonetheless(still feel sore today, but not near as much as the past few days.)

Being the christfag I am, I did prayer before the ritual as well as after as a sort of…failsafe I guess if something were to go wrong. The longer I abstain from this ritual, the better I have been feeling. I just hope that there weren't any permanent scars.


This is why I don't rush into shit and study everything methodically and just practise the basics every single day while I continue to slowly tread the waters of more complex works.

You ought to know, as best as you can, what you're getting into.

For all you know those pains were a good thing and a sign of adjustment and you shouldn't have prayed for it to be undone, you should have just waited it out.


>bailing on a ritual

No shit you got fucked up


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They are invoking Jewish deities

>trusting the Jews

>in any year
>on any plane


Any news or other stories from those that already done it?


lots of people have talked about depression after working with Elubatel.

damn , sucks that knowledge ritual does the headaches thing too. I don't get it, there's so much(real) testimonies about these working on the internet.


I finished the ritual, including writing what I felt afterwards too.

>For all you know those pains were a good thing
It was too much pain, and codiene wasn't helping. Not just the pain, but I felt wrong to have done this ritual too. That's why I prayed for it to be revoked too.


Depression? Sounds like every single demonic manifestation.


Guess it is pretty clear now that this stuff is from the devil. Did you still try the other one?


Last time I used NAP I got an extremely unusual amount of flies in my room. Apparently this sort of thing isn't a strange occurrence if you don't pay or offer something to the spirits that are aiding you.

Given that I hated having to kill and clean a ton of massive flies, how do I go about appeasing the spirits?


I've heard they chill if you burn them a candle as an offering, but someone else will have to back me up on that.


No, it's not a one time thing, idiot.


>from the devil

*tips fedora*



Wow it worked.

I used the General Purpose for two days to fulfill a mundane request - approve my credit card annual fee reversal.

Immediately after my 2nd NAP attempt, I called my CC company and they suddenly approved it. Not sure if coincidence but I've been requesting for a reversal thrice already since last week.

Do you guys know the proper names written in the general invocation? I'm not a native english speaker so I'm not sure how to spell the names properly. I want to research about them and give them a proper offering as thanks


Opiel, Iaoth and Petahyah, it's hebrew. Fuck, you did even with the others relating side effects?


I'm some other guy but I did the one for money 4 days in a row and I didn't have any negative side effects


i noticed a change immediately after doing so. it was somewhat minor, but pretty much exactly what i had in mind (success invocation). going to continue every day after this until unnecessary


I don't think I felt any major side effects but I'm somehow paranoid last night if something will happen to me.
Here are the things I observed during and after the ritual

>During the ritual, my hands feel cold and there's a cold air brushing me on the east

>(This may be unrelated) One hour later, I was on my way home on the bus and my attention shifted to the faint sound of the radio. The lyrics were ".. never gonna treat you bad, Cos I never wanna see you sad …"
>I didn't really mind this but then I suddenly noticed the bus window has a huge heart shaped pattern and I'm like "Cool coincidence"
>My ears started to ring really loud afterwards


what ritual did you do? Whenever i did the one for money, I always felt like i was enshrouded by a warm energy and once i would finish the ritual, it would fly off immediately. Also literally just 20 minutes ago, got an opportunity to make some easy cash on the side, and I got a letter that I'm pre selected for an american express gold card


I did the general invocation


hmmm it's curious… everyone has felt something different. Will you be doing it again? If so can you post what happens/what your feeling?


Will do
I should also mention that I haven't felt anything weird on my previous NAP invocations. Also they didn't work. The >>22764 was the first time it showed immediate results


I don't understand why the others got side effects. The names you've mentioned are Angel Names. Why would they mess with the person summoning it?


Why do you think the name "angel" implies benevolence? Even in the Bible the angels bring destruction. And they are also from a tradition not followed by most in here. Besides, why would they do it for free?


I looked up a couple and they seemed nice. Arzel, the one mentioned in the first part of the ritual is described as "one of the four "glorious and benevolent" angels of the east who is invoked by one who wishes to learn the secret wisdom of God. "


>getting your knowledge by googling


>".. never gonna treat you bad, Cos I never wanna see you sad …"

Sounds like you summoned Rick Astley through the Astlral plane


kek It's actually the lyrics from westlife


>implying i found the name Arzel on google



Is it just me, or does that download link do nothing?? It just loads the filedropper front page. :(




Fuck this selfish bullshit. OP is a Jew.


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you should be careful when you attack people without due cause




I've had amazing results with NAP. The day after I did the invocation for money I visited /g/, which I never did, and started mining dogecoin on the second day it was extant as a joke. Then it became not a joke. I eventually traded all of my buttcoin for ~2000 dollars in Amazon giftcards and put together a sweet occult library and temple, including a hardback copy of The Miracle of New Avatar Power.

Thanks to Nitika for favors granted.


me again
I found out my friend has a job interview last week. On the same day I tried the general invocation to help my friend find a job. He's also been really unlucky on finding a job since last year.
Anyway I've been doing the general invocation for a week. Then on saturday, he told me he got a job offer on the company he got interviewed last monday.

Not sure if coincidence or not but it's still pretty cool.


They think invoking powerful multidimensional aliens for cash is going to cost them nothing as if they're interacting with some wish-fullfillment fairy. They're in for a wild ride.


I'm getting that too


Been doing this for a week. Interesting stuff happening. Weird dreams. Was experiencing some synchronicities involving the Roman Goddess Juno making me feel like they were trying to contact me. (Which made a little sense considering my goals. Too bad I suck at any kind of two way communication with entities) Tingling all over during ritual. Been doing this:

Induction w/ Arzel invocation
Middle pillar
Bornless x3
Invoke Arzel again
Visualize NAP changing to relevant planetary color
Invoke Arzel a third time
Use one of the first 11 invocations relevant to my goals.
Dee-Hay-Thooth x3

TBH I feel really pent up and horny afterwards but I guess it's important to not waste energy and abstain until results manifest? Also been skipping diary. Does it help solidify your will or something?


Diaries are good for remembering what you've done. Most cause and effect. In another month or two you will completely forget half the good details.



>They think invoking powerful multidimensional aliens for cash is going to cost them nothing

I don't get this. Assuming you are interacting with incredibly powerful entities… why would they want payment? If they can basically grant wishes, why would they need anything from you? Why would you even attribute human motives like economic exchange to them? Is it an ego thing? Why would a being of such superlative power need to resort to petty punishments for perceived slights? Why would you assume that such a being could be offended by the failure of little ants like us to provide reciprocation?

I'd think that such a creature as an Archangel would be beyond all human attempts at comprehension. Lighting candles or making offerings to it would be akin to a cargo cult in the South Pacific building totemic airplane runways to encourage the U.S. navy to accidentally airdrop military supplies on them again.

Anyway, reposting a link to the book here, because the server reboot deleted the backup link I posted earlier:




Thank you. I searched for the pdf yesterday and all links were dead.



Obviously the other wizard has never dabbled in evocation before.





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Could it be said that Gray-Cobb should have just said light purple?



Not to mention fucking half of those rituals have an end goal that would involve violating the will of others.


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>yes, use these hebrew names that infringe on others' free will, we are angels and nothing will happen to you!



haha, good goy am I right?



>giving a shit about infringing on the "freewill" or subhumans who have yet to become Stellar men



actually i now evoke only 'service to others' beings and only without egoistic wishes(such as most of NAP).

I doubt you understand that trinkets you get from your 'Gods' can be used to corrupt your soul and gain a backdoor into your mind's programming.

i.e. the price is becoming that entity toy. "The only free cheese is in the mousetrap"


Damon Brand's books have been compared to NAP. Not sure if this is good or not.



>>giving a shit about infringing on the "freewill" or subhumans who have yet to become Stellar men

even implying that the vast majority of people even *have* freewill is dubious. people act as they are impelled by their environments and circumstances. almost no one really makes use of anything resembling "free will."



Good point.


Tried this shit for weeks, tried the money and success rituals, Nitika and Labezerin were petitioned and an agreement was reached. They did NOT uphold their end of the bargain, I got angry and vocalized my displeasure with them. That same day I almost swallowed a piece of glass that had found its way into my food. A large piece of glass that would have definitely killed me if I hadn't bit into it and discovered it was there. These spirits are NOT true angels and are NOT to be trusted. Banish them with extreme prejudice.


File: 1430502887837.jpg (501.36 KB, 1657x2441, 1657:2441, the-archangel-michael-defe….jpg)


Angels aren't all white light fluffy and new age, they can be wrathful.



How exactly is broken glass "finding its way" into your food? Maybe clean up your kitchen before blaming vengeful spirits.



Who ever said that they were

angels? Who ever said you needed to bargain with the spirits of the NAP grimoire?

Were you doing the relaxation ritual as written or were you freestyling? Because evoking Arzel after entering a trance state before petitioning your spirit is pretty much critical for success.



>Who ever said that they were angels?

When their name ends in "el" (Hebrew, "of God"), it implies that they're angels. More than a couple of the entities that NAP claims to evoke have these sames.



Elaborate please.



Do you one can acquire astral projection at command with this?



No idea, haven't got that far, I've just been using the self-hypnosis and the invocations.


Deleted the write up of the middle pillar adaption from the book. Read it on page 133.

For some reason sharing it messed up my vibes.


So anyone has any other experience to share with the book ?

I've downloaded it yeaterday and I'm reading it right now, it looks amaizing

any thoughts ?



don't do it man, although you get results, your third eye becomes numbed



How come?



no idea why but a couple other anons reported the same. I did it anyway to see what would happen and it's still not as energized as it used to be.



I've been working through it for a couple of weeks, to start with the self-hypnosis was really powerful but I guess I got used to it. Managed to steer synchronicity and psychic activity to my advantage using the invocations.

Started the middle pillar that's further into the book recently and things got weird. Powerful but feels slightly "off" unless I stay focused.

It does seem to "guide" psychic currents with the invocations, at the expense of not being totally open to what you normally would.

Does it impact other spiritual work for you?



Have you tried changing the way you read the induction part? Remembering to listen to the sound of your voice and reading it slower/in a more relaxed way?



It may be that I imagined it all, but I don't really do any conventional stuff or follow strict guidelines. Gather energy just seems to be more difficult now.



My bad, I meant that my third eye is not as energized as it used to be when not following the ritual. Again, I might just be imagining it.



Hm. Did you just do the self hypnosis and the invocations?

The self hypnosis followed by middle pillar ritual on page 133 brings up a lot of energy for me but no idea of the long term effects.

It mentions in the book the "tickling of the ant", weird feeling in the third eye which I get quite often while doing it but its not the same as the normal third eye feels I get.



I did steps 1 - 4 at the top of the thread. I did as though my whole body was covered in a 'heat' or energized but I did not feel as though my third eye was receiving priority; my whole body felt the same. As soon as I finished, the 'heat' immediately dissipated.



I only did it for 5 days as the 'numbing' of my third eye made me reluctant to continue.



Was that all the time or just when doing the nap stuff?



not sure what the nap stuff is but i mean 24/7


Do you need to do each one separate? Like, if you want two things, do you make another ritual like this?



nap=new avatar power

I just did step 2, invocation for protection, middle pillar, bornless rite adaption, uncrossing, further invocation for protection and am totally buzzing with energy from it.

Although you can use middle pillar separately to this book and I think that's where most of the energy is coming from, although the hypnotic state step 2 causes potentiates it quite a lot.



What is middle pilar, bornless rite adaptation, uncrossing?



So long as they're the same goal you can combine them, the book advises against combining separate goal invocations, suggests doing one a day, preferebly the same everyday until you have your result. I think this works on the level of both keeping your ritual and result on a level so that you can establish it works with cause-effect thereby creating a stronger faith in the system making it more powerful as well as on an energetic level.

Here is the full book btw, it's good to read it rather than just do the technique, although admittedly I've skipped over a lot:


There's a lot more to the book than just the invocations in the thread.



Middle pillar is on page 133, uncrossing is kabalistic cross + small script banishing evil + kabalistic cross again, stops negative entities and curses.

Bornless rite adaption is a shorter and slightly altered version of the golden dawn's bornless ritual to be done after the middle pillar.



Umm, do you know how long you'd have to do that until you get results? Does the time have to be exact?



Ah, you mean those weren't in the book?




Middle pillar is basically saying words of power to charge energy centers you visualise as white light above your head, at your throat, heart, groin and feet, then some visualisation/energy work of pushing the white light down left side of your body on exhale, up the right side on the inhale, then doing the same for left and front side of body, then right and back. Then breathe in drawing energy up through the pillar from foot to above head when it reaches the top, visualise it sprinkling down like a fountain on the outbreath.

It's a pretty powerful visualisation ritual. Read the book on page 133 for better instructions.



No they're all in the book. The stuff copied and pasted here is only like the first two chapters.


A lot of people talk about instant results, mine have been pretty instant, I did the invocation for wealth and got given a gram of gold the next day. All my other results have been mostly psychological but significant.





File: 1434575866088.png (273.29 KB, 567x545, 567:545, NAP GATES.png)

Here's the middle pillar part of the book (skipped some of it with a tl;dr version in brackets):

This chapter is one of the most powerful in this book. One feature of NAP is a tremendous manipulative force that compels miracles to happen for you. You will now learn to focus this force with an ancient Ritual and its accompanying Words of Power.

Once you use this practical method, you can renew your body and transform your entire environment. The powers you are bending to your will are those that keep the wheels of the universe circulating smoothly.

The primary step is to feel this force flowing close to you from an inexhaustible reservoir. Next you bring the force to a peak.

Then you locate five major centers in and around your body. Those centers are the gates to the force that is waiting to pour into y our being.

To open those gates you must use five arcane names of invocation. As you begin the ritual and recite the names you will thrill to the feeling of the force pouring through your body. Then having filled yourself with the force, you perform the control pillar ritual which directs the force wherever you wish it to go.

All this is here for you, in step by step form.

This is where much of the previous work with the earlier rituals begins to knit together. With your basic work already behind you, you are ready to control and direct the limitless flow of your NAP flooding to you at full strength.

The Five New Avatar Power Gates

First carry out the new avatar power ritual to point A. Lying flat on your bed if you wish.

When you reach point A, start to open the spirit gate, just above your head. Pretend that a white, sparkling balloon is hovering just above your scalp. Do not strain to see it or feel it, but just think what it would feel like if that balloon was hovering an inch above your skull.

As you are thinking about this white ball, pretend that it has become a ball of white light. Many people pretend that an electric light bulb inside the balloon has been switched on.

As the light comes on, say the first arcane word of power. (pic related)

[Then imagine a pillar going down from the spirit gate to the next gate which is also white light, say the word of power three times for each when it feels sufficiently charged, should feel tingling etc and get stronger on the use of the word of power]

When this is done…

As you lie or sit, fully charged with NAP, take the next step toward sending your NAP streaming out to do your bidding.

Bring your attention to the spirit gate, where you have created the ball of white light above your head. Pretend that the light turns to a liquid stream and begins to flow down the left side of your body, painting your left shoulder, arm, hip, leg, and foot with white brilliance. As you imagine this downflow, breathe out slowly at your normal relaxed speed.

When the stream of light reaches the ball of light corresponding to the Earth gate at your feet, begin to breathe in slowly, and pretend that the stream of light is running up the right side of your body, back to the ball of light at the spirit gate. On the way up it bathes your right leg, hip, arm and shoulder with sparkling brilliance, just as it did to your left side on the way down.

Perform this imaginary circulation, down on the left and up on the right for five more deep and easy breaths.


Now add a second flow to the first. In time with an outgoing breath, pretend the light from the spirit gate is flowing down the front of your body.

On the inhale add a second stream covering the back of your body.

Repeat this process with the second flow five times.

After taking twelve breaths and imagining the circulation of your NAP, think about the ball of light at the earth gate at your feet. Recall the shaft of light that you pretending was thrusting through the other balls of light.

Imagine that the spirit gate has turned into a powerful suction pump which is sucking the white light from the earth gate and up the center shaft. Inhale as you pretend that the light is rising in the shaft.

Then pretend that the light bursts out of the top of the shaft like a brilliant fountain. Begin to exhale and imagine the light showering down all over you from the spirit gate.

Take five more deep breaths. Sucking the light up the shaft and then imagining it cascading down your body like a waterfall, to be absorbed again by the ball of light at your feet.

You will now feel your NAP physically. With your body relaxed and still a great calmness will surge through your mind while your skin will prickle with warmth and a vibrant current of life.

Now is the moment to heal any part of your body that needs mending. If a physical disorder has been troubling you, think about the part of your body that is sick. If your normal mental patterns are not as clear cut as you would wish, direct your attention inside your head.

Think about the point in your brow where you may have felt the tickling of the ant described on page 74

You are now overflowing with the force of NAP and you bring this tide of power to a foaming glorious peak by reading the following invocation aloud and slowly, with feeling.

"Thee I invoke, The Bornless One. Thou art Man made perfect, whom no man has seen at any time. This is He whom the winds fear. Hear me and make all subject unto me, so that every spell and scourge of the VAST ONE shall be made obedient to me.

I am he, the bornless spirit, strong and of immortal fire. I am He the truth that lighteneth and thundereth. I am He whose mouth ever flameth. I am He the begetter and manifester unto the light."

Those words have a mystic power of their own. They are a true invocation to hidden spiritual beings and they have been used by powerful adepts for centuries. By saying the words you are attuning yourself with the power of those adepts, and the still greater powers of the beings.



>[Then imagine a pillar going down from the spirit gate to the next gate which is also white light, say the word of power three times for each when it feels sufficiently charged, should feel tingling etc and get stronger on the use of the word of power]

Just to make clear, keep going through each gate from spirit to earth before moving on.




Also there are further invocations you can make after doing the middle pillar which you can find in the book. Middle pillar starts on page 133, invocations are after that.


So from what I understand, if you perform an invocation for a certain result you have to be cooperative yourself. For example, if you perform something for money you have to go out and do something that will get you money and not expect a sack of cash to be waiting for you on the couch after a rite. Or after performing something for love, you have to go and confront your love interest and not just expect them to come running to you. Is anyone using a pendulum or any other form of divination to find out what further steps should be taken after a rite if they're unsure of how to progress from there? Any experiences?



Not necessarily, in my experience you are altering natural synchronistic currents to your advantage in a specific area. You can potentiate that by acting it out but I don't think you absolutely have to, it's just preferable to do so.



Anyone else trying this?

Middle pillar has been doing a whole lot of good for me.



I got a little motivation funk for the past week, maybe a bit tired for life reasons.

And I just wasn't motivated enough to use NAP, so I picked up his other book on acupineology and tried the basic exercices. After ~15 minutes of practice I was filled with energy, couldn't sleep until 4 am and when I went to sleep had awesome and incredibly vivid dreams (not lucid, but awesome!)

Based on my magickal work and experiece, I kow that ,for me, dreams are a maifestation of my current will and vibrations, awesome dreams generally means that the times to come will be even more amaizing. I am exited to see how the future has been shaped in my favor.

>just to say that the guy's work is legit and work


Some hints about NAP:

1. Don't perform any 1 ritual for more than a month! The pendulum swings in the

opposite direction and you will notice some bad luck coming your way if you do.

2. Try to perform 1 type of ritual everyday at the same time. If you miss a day

because something comes up is fine. It will just take longer to get results.

3. The book is great for these fast paced times we are in. It does not take a lot of

preparation work like other forms of sorcery/magick. The rituals need

improvements such as LBRP or other forms of protection before hand. The book

calls on powerful angelic forces outside oneself. You need all the protection you

can get. I would almost suggest setting up a circle of protection…

If you do everything you get a desired result. What is happening behind the

scenes is open for debate. No one can prove if spirits are part of my

subconscious or separate entities all their own.

1) Visualisation is how spirits communicate - the words of the spells are there

ONLY to focus your mind on your intent (if you are not well trained enough to do

this without a statement of intent) and to rouse emotions. The 'will' or 'desire'

that comes with focused intent, combined with the emotions need to be put intoa "liquid" state so that it can be transfered to the spirit. Unless this is done, how

will the spirit know what you are trying to achieve?

I have tried many different methods with NAP and I find the best results come

from when after each line of a spell, you stop (pause) and focus you intent on

what you are trying to achieve. I believe that this works because of the nature of

"spirits" in general. As you probably know, spirits aren't powerful people without

bodies, they form the building blocks of our universe, quite literally they are

energy that moves. By using visualization, you either pull or push that energy to

bring specific change into your life. The reason that NAP works so well is ONLY

because of the way it is worded.


God damnit, I recognize these shady "angel" names somewhere but I cant remember where. Just finished scouring the Book of Fifty Names as a last resort and found nothing in there



What's shady, he calls upon Eloheem, Arzel and all, they all are pretty much known (Eloheem, for example is in the first line of the bible).

If you can't be bothered to git gud or google search don't come and cry because you don't know the names of an entity.



Nuctameron and Transcendental Magic



Damon Brand uses similar names too.



Interesting, thank you for your perspective. I have actually adopted the NAP ritual as a mainstay in my magick workings ever since I learned of it here to some great success, and I'll keep your tips in mind as I practice it.

Personally I haven't had to perform the ritual to achieve the desired end results more than maybe 2 or 3 times, but I don't ask for a lot either, and I have actually done some of these magick workings to the benefit of others in my life besides myself.

So how would you set up a circle of protection as you say?

Do you think the uncrossing ritual included in the NAP book is enough? It looks to be basically the LBRP at first glance:


For comparison, page 79 of New Avatar Power:

>Stand up with your feet together. Close your eyes. With your left hand at your side, raise your right hand above your head, pointing at the ceiling with your first and second fingers. Keep those two fingers together, and curl your thumb and your third and fourth fingers into the palm of your hand.

>Say the Word of Power: AH-TAY

>Without altering the posture of your fingers, bring your right hand and arm straight down in front of your body and point at the floor between your feet.

>Say the Word of Power: MALL-COOT

>Lift your right arm, bending it at the elbow, and point your two fingers at your right shoulder.

>Say the Word of Power: VAY-GAY-VOO-RAH

>Move your right hand across your body and point at your left shoulder.

>Say the Word of Power: VAY-GAY-DOO-LAH

>Clasp both hands in front of your chest and say: LAY-OH-LAHM-AMEN.

>Then in a firm voice announce: "In the Name that is above every other Name, I banish from this place all seeds of evil. I bind them as with chains and cast them into the Outer Darkness where they shall trouble not the Seekers of Truth."

>Now repeat the gestures and Words of Power just given. Sit down gently and continue with your magical business.

>This shattering Uncrossing Ritual ensures that nothing evil can come anywhere near you. I shall be referring to this Ritual again in Chapter 8 where you will learn to attack and defend yourself from enemies using your awesome NAP.


I tried the astral travel technique in geof gray-cobb's book called Acupineology and It is appearing to be failing for me.

I can get all the feels and the tickling of the ant and everything but I am still stuck at the point just before separation, my body becomes "rigid" (in a sesnse that it is too relaxed, close to sleep paralysis I think) and all my body tickles with energy, then I feel ripples in my spine and everyhing stops.

Anyone got any tips on that ?

(I also did solar grounding after the basic acupineology work)

Also I have difficulties to relax my face while in meditation, especially visualization, my eyes frown and I think I focuse too much on the thing I'm seeing, then I try to let go and relax but as soon as the vizualisation gets too intense my eyes an face becomes frowny again.



>So how would you set up a circle of protection as you say?

a simple method is to imagine a circle of brilliant white light slowly growing from your heart to round you(about 9 foot in diameter).That's it

Do you think the uncrossing ritual included in the NAP book is enough?

Sure why not, but I prefer to use protection if I don't want to be much "influenced" by the entity.The protection is mainly to protect and AMPLIFY your desires, kinda like a speaker.

These are just tips,like add-ons.


This is my first ritual, I've only done sigils before.

I started a physical journal too. Rather than scribbles into onenote

I did the uncrossing ritual mentioned here:


And did the NAP with the invocation for success. I'll tell you guys how it turns out



Consistency and Discipline

As you probably now, keep doing each day once(same time if possible) until result manifest.(Just saying as a reminder)


What about Magic Mentor ritual? How many times it takes to him showing up? i tried this a few times half year ago and it didn't work.



I did it once and had him show up during the central pillar a few days later.



Although I didn't keep the connection for long, it was very real but my mind jumped and it cut off. Good meditation skill is probably required to be able to keep connection well.


Anyone working with the pendulum willing to share their stories or tips ?



Same anon here, just had a super successful experiment with my magic mentor.

> "Guessed" the last digit of numbers generated by the "random" unix command (a program that generates randomly generated numbers) with 100% accuracy

> Asked tons of questions to him, not on mundane physical plane stuff, yet, but on improvements I could make on my magical system/routines, got really surprising answers, will work on them and post results

> Had some insights on hermetic principles and philosophy and also had some eye openers and solutions to a couple of magic stuff I was working on.

> Also general insights in the waking world, like I'm doing something and poof, I find the optimal solution to the problem.

Then, and that's where it gets amaizing, I could not have any other questions I wanted to ask that camed to my mind and when I asked him what to ask, he said:

"It would be best if we could put a term to this conversation right now".

Just as I said "why?" someone called my name and made me wake up from my mild trance…

This book is fucking amaizing



Yes, yes OP is a jew…

And magic doesn't exist.


File: 1436320897243.gif (140.94 KB, 287x344, 287:344, Fedora 007.gif)





I just did it for the third time and I got an immense rushing feeling during the 5 minute meditation. It's the same one that snaps me out of my sleep when I slip into a half awake dream state, but I was fully aware during this. It was scary and I think my fear kept pulling me out of it. Felt dangerous.

Anyone else get this? Am I not supposed to feel that?



> felt dangerous

That's called the fear of the unknown, I suggest you read Gary Craig's tapoing tutorials to get rid of all fears and undesired emotions.



After doing a ritual I developed the worst headache of my life (I regularly have migraines but this had me in tears). It was akin to having a helmet placed on my head, which was continually shrinking and crushing my skull in the process.

I couldn't take any more after six hours when I felt like passing out from the pain/had thrown up and had to pray to my ancestors and the all to revoke what I had done. I was energetically and emotionally drained for two months or so after that and had to start my spiritual process from the bottom up.

I'm glad it works for others; but I get terrible vibes from new avatar power. Never touching this shit again.



It'd be interesting to know why we get different results.






Isn'this a pure copy pasta, please don't copy another post in the thread…

Also follow the instructions in the book and actually read it all first, you will have no concluent result if you think that you are an accomplished magus and therefor you do not need to meditate before the ritual or express the vibration of the thing you desire.

Humility is one of the most elevated virtue.



Remind me, why did I sage again ?



I haven't read much of the book but its still working for me…

Does it say to meditate before the ritual in the book? I just go straight into the self-relaxation part and then central pillar.



You should meditate and charge yourself before every ritual or act of magic.

But NAP has it's own relaxation thing so it's okay to only do that. I had waaay better success meditating and energizing my chakras before doing the nap stuff then just using the point A relaxation.



That and your intention did all the work, not the "ritual".



"The ritual" is a capital tool to canalize ones will.

If its well written, sequenced and balanced (like all the NAP ones are) it can add a great deal of focus to your already strong intention.

Agreed, you don't need rituals, but good ones enhances your belief.



What if you have a hard time believing in rituals and just do it without the belief in the ritual, but only in yourself? I may want to try some rituals, but I am easily put off by drawing sigils and chanting gibberish, as well as saying things I that sound fucking stupid and nonsensical. Might as well summon My Little Pony spirits.


File: 1437063485375.pdf (1.07 MB, Concentration Mouni Sadhu ….pdf)


Maybe making your own rituals is the route you would prefer as it will stick to your own belief system.

Take in mind that rituals are just a way of harnessing the energy of your beliefs and beliefs of others. If billions of people, throughout history thought that "Eloheem" created the whole universe, there must be a great deal of energy putted up to create and nurture that thought, why not use it ?

Doing energy work helps you understand on a gut level this concept of using other energies putted up by things, people, circumstances and events to your advantage. There is a meditation in the meditation super thread which, by the use of astral hands, enables you to take any thing's energy, object, people , animals…

But while rituals are awesome canalisers, they will hardly replace the fact that having energy to use is the basic "thing" to have in any magical work.

If you still do hate rituals, you can practice concentration. Concentration is eventually something most people, here, gain through occult practices and rituals but if you want to start by it, no worries.

It might not be as easy as you think though.



In that case you just end shitting up esoteric image boards with your mundane views about shit you don't even comprehend while trying to make it look like you get it by using lots of quotes.


There's a new book out on kindle which is a rehash of NAP called New Millennium Power: Updating New Avatar Power For a New Millennium



File: 1437251201344.pdf (406.77 KB, New Millennium Power_ Upda….pdf)


Ok. But only because its some fag getting rich off someone elses work.




Looks exactly like NAP with a few added extras like taking a bath with purification salts, magical oils and incense.



This is me again.

I did achieve success through this ritual. I won money in an online casino and got further in a video game than ever before (2 of the goals I had in mind when performing the ritual for success).

The first few days of my success I offered "tributes" such as not sleeping for the day or avoiding caffeine (which I'm a fiend for), but once I stopped offering the tributes I had a tooth infection flare up that still hasn't entirely gone away.

Just show appreciation for whatever you're given. I think that's the problem the other guy had.


I just tried this for the first time and did the Invocation for Wealth.

I felt I could've been a bit more relaxed. I'll work on that next time. I also noticed I should memorize the entire speech so I can do it all with my eyes closed next time.

I felt a slight tingling in my left wrist and now my left elbow/bicep. I don't know what that means.

My stubble also itches. I think I'll shave it off.

Other than that, I'm going to post a lot on eBay, which I planned to do already. I'll report back if something drastic happens.

Also, are there any dedicated forums for NAP? ( ones more active than this thread) I want to learn more about it. I already finished reading the book. I tried the invocation immediately after finishing it.



Don't rush through the relaxation script, do it slowly and in a relaxed voice.


This is so fucked up. Everytime I finish speaking with my magick mentor I can't believe I actually done it. It's so surreal… I always ask for proof and then he (she, it, I,..) guesses random numbers tells me the time right to the second and all that kind of crazy stuff.

I still can't believe it, I feel like a semi fedora fag. And it's so easy to do it's unbelievable



This forum has a section dedicated to it




pretty sure that's the vibrations.

Just pull yourself thru it, make the energy flow through out your body. And make sure to relax/focus on the darkness behind your eyeballs and let it flow naturally.

At first you might get panicky but the more you do it the more your body adapts to the energy and you can easily separate.


Just tell me why this is better than

Walter Delaney - Ultra-psychonics: how to work miracles with the limitless power of psycho-atomic energy



>After reviewing several outlandish claims made by Delaney, Goldstein reveals that Delaney's real name was Joseph Schaumberger and that he had written the book to cash in on the popularity of such books. Schaumberger worked as an editor in a publishing house that specialized in occult books promising magical powers to those who read them and followed their imaginative and sciencey-sounding recipes. He saw that the authors of such books were making much more money than he made editing them. So, he decided to write one of his own. The pseudonym "Delaney" was lifted from a brand of urinal–the Delaney Flush Boy. The pseudo-ideas and pseudo-powers that fill the pages of Ultra-Psychonics, however, sprung from the research and imaginative mind of Mr. Schaumberger himself.



Well the same kind of shit has been said on most Geoff Grey Cobb like authors, but is the books content legit?



at least FRY had physical results to show and a lot of his shit was passed around hollywood.

try cyclomancy and yoga for men.




After trying the first cyclomancy exercise I realised my will is too weak.

Any way to improve myself and finally feel the cold water being hot?

What kind of meditation would you suggest I use?


Has anyone here been successful with NAP on their first attempt with no prior meditation or magick experience?

I find it a bit unbelievable that so many people in Geoff's book got it right on their first try with no meditation experience.

(Or did they have several weeks of training in his class first?)



The factual accuracy of the stories in NAP doesn't matter. It's to show you what is possible. Some are true, some are romancized, some might have been stories told by friends of Geoff,…



It's quite straight forward. There's not much to be bad/inexperienced at if you're just using the relaxation script and invocations.


Does anybody have a copy of Helping Yourself with Acupineology that they can post? Thanks in advance, if you do.



It is in the huge mega in the sticky thread.

Main folder then Geoff Grey Cobb I think


File: 1439884638999.pdf (5.67 MB, Geof Gray-Cobb - Acupineol….pdf)




Thank you, to the both of you!


So, what are your surroundings supposed to be like during ritual? Preferably completely dark? All blinking little leds covered with masking tape? Or just as dark as immediately possible? I figure people must be looking at their lit up computer screens to read invocations and still get results.

Also, anyone have Cobb's "Secrets from Beyond the Pyramids" in pdf?



Do whatever you want for the surroundings. Just make sure it's dark enough so it doesn't bother you when you close your eyes and visualize



It's too big to be posted here, you will have to go in the mega folder.

just as >>50354 said.



>Also, anyone have Cobb's "Secrets from Beyond the Pyramids" in pdf?

Its in the big mega folder…



do anyone have a link for this book?



>began having headaches

Sounds like an energy headache. The energy got plugged in your head. I would suggest yoga, tai chi, or chi kung, to get the energy circulating, but sounds like you're out now…


I have a question. Can I do more than one of these rituals on a monthly basis?




Yea this happened to me, as well as to some others I knew around five years ago. The explanation I got was that every NAP spirit has an infernal counterpart, one of the being Beelzebub (the lord of flies), and if the ritual goes wrong you contact them instead



Beelzebub is a demonisation of baal meaning lord, christians added zebub -of flies to demonise baal, the god of another religion.



It's probably an equally as powerful thoughtform, since most people, me included, didn't know that .



Bugs and insects can be influenced magically, try willing one around mentally.



I can confirm this. Pissed off a witch once and got Hella mosquito bites that night. The swelling didn't stop till I focused healing them. Windows were closed that night and there was no mosquito while I was awake.

Telepathy with insects is easy if you stay basic in thought. I've had moths help me our at work when I can't find what I'm looking for. Those bastards are smart as fuck



I had a cricket jump on my dick seconds after a random urge to search for insects on motherless.

There was no way it coulda got into my room and it woulda been hard to not notice.

Thankyou fringechan anti-degenerate egregore.

Also I've discovered that willing flying insects to leave the room hugely improves chances of coaxing them out. Sometimes if they don't want to I can feel their will going against mine like an energetic battle.



You're so stupid I want to punch you in the face.



Yep, whenever a bee gets in my room I just tell her in a firm voce, get out, the exit is here and I point to it.

They always imediately go.




Jesus at least try it before punching me in the face.



Hey, I'm not the same anon as >>51896

I was actually agreeing with you and giving an example that happened to me.


Pro NAPer Omran recommended this guy to me who has a similar style and is probably a pseudonym for holy gary knob.




Omran on the books:

>Goetia pyramid mostly use one candle and imagining pyramid and shit to finish stuff. Goetian chant have a sort of middle pillar and a time in the day to contact spirit when they are (up) and willing to work so you don't need all that "HEAR ME AND MAKE ALL SPIRITS SUBJECT UNTO MOI" pretty neat stuff. The rome stuff is mainly a mental game/magic where you go up Jacob's leader and get help from Angels or Fallen Angel using Cabalistic name. and the new spirirt power create a thought form or as he say "Magical genie" to help you get da stuff



Funny, but after reading the NAP and Pyramid stuff of Cobb's, I am experiencing deja vu looking at Nagel's books ;)


Bumping this thread because this is the best thread on /fringe/.

I want to try this midnight, but i'm wondering if i need any kind of offer. This really works only with words or what?



Do not do anything in this thread. NAP revolves around summoning jewish demons who will harm you and bring suffering.

Fast results aren't worth this. Go to >>54577 and the FAQ instead. You will learn everything you need to know.

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