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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Greetings. We come from the same place as you. Where our origin is similar, the paths we walk are different. Our wish is to fill the space in between, to gleam a common understanding, by reflecting our differences from a position of oneness.

Ask us anything.




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Hello, discussing oneness.


What're the differences between us?
Do you inhabit the harvested, 4th density Earth?
What is love? And how do I raise my vibrations to it?


> gleam
> gleam
> gleam
> gleam
> gleam


Oh look!

It's the "Ask us anything" half/x/ cancer!

Long time no seen, kiddos…


On what density do you reside OP?


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The differences between us are actual. They stem from the will of one to be many. An example we wish to illustrate: I cannot see the back of my own head without the eyes of another.

>What is love?

Ask yourself, what is not love? Who is not love? Where is love not? Things are seen by contrast.

In another sense, love can be seen as a substance acting as a substrate, consuming itself so that it may grow, growing so that it may consume itself.

>And how do I raise my vibrations to it?

A vibration is a wave-like excitation of a medium. Which medium are you an excitation of? Would you be surprised if this medium is equivalent to love?



Hi! I'm yet another human being, who is different from every other human being yet somehow the same. I believe that everyone in the world is actually the same person who reincarnates in countless times, places and guises. I want to talk to other humans, so that our collective spirit can interact with itself as much as possible.

Ask me anything.



We already have a questions thread.

Post questions here >>13455 please


so much separateness on this deep dark website it must be the reincarnate soul of half Chan coming to haunt us… Ultimate power ultimately corrupts… ITT: we reflect our differences from a position of oneness…


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Anybody got any good books and some nice fucking alternatives to the shit fringe mega in its perverse codependent "unconditional love" labyrinth from hell?


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now now fellow observer we ARE a collective of sovereign souls, but neigh are we hive minded…


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we ask ourselves not others…
Don't you see?
we are all and everything we realize
the players on your chessboard dematerialize in the spin path toward zero point, it is the only way we can coexist.


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It is only because the human has made itself deeply divided on all levels from soil to soul that we resort to seeking advantage over others through predatory and parasitic means. For without autonomous self-actualization we attempting to gain what little light and energy we can from outside sources…having failed to understand how to achieve wholeness and connection in this divisive culture we have made for ourselves. Across the board in Borg society advantage is sort by power-over, competition, division, conflict and schism.


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Try an encyclopedia. Have you ever seen the words within words?

Neigh! Are we horses?

The division bell is ever ringing, yet some dance to the tune.

Do you think the borg are ultimately futile in their knowledge acquisition scheme? All species would eventually be assimilated, no more knowledge or distinctiveness to be added to their own, thought it seems like a game of rate-of-change. Their capacity for knowledge is effectively infinite, as long as new species pop up faster then they can assimilate. I wonder if at some level, the borg are the seeder species of the Milky Way. Farmers.



>but neigh are we hive minded…

I didn't say that we were. If everyone knew what everyone was thinking, why would we need to interact?


See I knew it this entire time. The borg where always a real entity and all that star trek was created to do was to prepare us all for the new society global invasion. The people of star trek even live in a new world order as explained in multiple instances. Their trying to make us move to a moneyless muti cultural society entirely accepting of aliens. Only the secret ancient magics of earth guarded by the strongest and mightiest monks can save us now.

This is why I continue to work on my astral projection. If I can project myself into the monks tombs steal their secrets and spread them…. perhaps there is some hope for mankind after all. I know for a fact though your oneness is a lie.

Many cannot form one and not lose from the whole that has been shown many times. You have come looking to destroy us with your ideas but its clear to me.


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Fuck yeah Smiley u filled me with hope once again. Sounds like uu literally wanna be a terton


Come back to the yoga thread

BTW star trek programmed men to be gay. I saw this guy on YouTube do an expose ( his username was Celtic something)

There is tons of media out here Shaping the minds of the goyim. a LOT is moon, or saturn, related

also I saw u say ur dad might try to tryto kill u? I highly reccommend something called bear fog. Dont be afraid to spend 30 bucks on it.
I sprayed it in soneones face recebtly and had excellent ressults


Celtic rebel was his name
Also That's not the flag I wanted
Also Here's wat u need smiley


Hide it once u get it.


I am not smiley. I merely have lurked for months following his teachings. I hope to one day be as wise as him.


Just know that Smileys biggest influences are Franz baron, hitler , and alestair crowley

And they all have one common message; exceed! Exceed!


Aleister Crowley and Thelema are not big influences for me. Thelema is for degenerates.

Adolf Hitler, William Walker Atkinson, Franz Bardon, Tom Montalk, Lobsang Rampa, various entities I've met in the astral, these are my biggest influences.


So you're a guy who says vague meaningless shit and is making fun out of us? lol ok


Goddamn I shook Montalk's hand.

What a great guy!


Fool! the borg have no knowledge beyond the assimilated, "The Borg is the pre-spiritual human that is so metabolically and cerebrally dys-integrated that sentience is reduced to the mere material plane and the associated commodification of all existence."


The Hive mind is a collective within an over-soul or queen that each has his own duties to the rest, it is interaction, but creativity is and differing perspective is lost.


obama is a borg…not the borg the borg live amongst us in the form of you…if oneness is a lie then you've denied yourself existence, if many cannot form one a not lose from the whole then how is their fruit? Let me know how steling the monks secrets goes…


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you men should be upstanding gentlemen, such as this one…


making fun is fun if your a donut.


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why you ask? because a donut comes from a position of oneness, and just can't be pushed around


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c'mon bros I thought we were going to quantize the differences we are experiencing from a position of oneness to gleam a common understanding


Anyone got the links to the archives on /x/ of that one guy who says tons of random new age terms to troll with pseudoscience?


The only way you can take in the healing pictures is to not be repulsed by it,
but instead understand it from within…
many of you are close to self-reference
,but deny yourself real change

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