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Hey /fringe/ I decided I'd give you guys a bit of a story about my first experience on "shapeshifting". Hopefully someone here had a simillar experience and if you'd like to try this I'll be happy to give you plenty of advice on how to do it. I've been doing it for three years if that's worth anything.

>I was first introduced to lucid dreaming through all the hype surrounding it. Never really saw inception but my circle of friends just wouldn't shut up about lucid dreaming this, OBE that. And I loved hearing about it. I remembered some occasions in my childhood when I had control of my dreams and wanted to experience all of it like I never had before. I remember being a child and while dreaming sometimes I would suddently gain control of myself. However, the idea of controlling dreams was too alien for me . As such once I seemed to click and find out it's all a dream there was nothing else to do but end it. I would just fall through an elevator shaft in order to wake up, basically commiting suicide in dream.

>I just let all the hype get to me. It was the kind of thing that seemed like a hoax despite having lucid dreams as a child, everyone was saying it was real, I saw proof of it through learning about how REM cycles work. It just seemed too good. I just wanted to lucid dream, all of the time, basically to live in a world of constant fantasy, completely detached from reality. This was an opportunity of making that wish come true.

>I spent days building hype, reading articles, getting ideas of what to do once lucid until the weekend when I had planned to do the wake back to bed method.

>Problem is I had absolutely zero experience in performing WBTB. This was going to be the first attempt. I only knew lucid dreaming completely in theory and as such there was a huge wall between knowing it and doing it. Thing is, this exact wall was what allowed me to learn how to "shapeshift".



Hey /fringe/ I decided I'd give you guys a bit of a story about my first experience on "shapeshifting". Hopefully someone here had a simillar experience and if you'd like to experience the same I'll be happy to give you plenty of advice on how to do it. I've been doing it for three years if that's worth anything.

>I was first introduced to lucid dreaming through all the hype surrounding it. Never really saw inception but my circle of friends just wouldn't shut up about lucid dreaming this, OBE that. And I loved hearing about it. I remembered some occasions in my childhood when I had control of my dreams and wanted to experience all of it like I never had before. I remember being a child and while dreaming sometimes I would suddently gain control of myself. However, the idea of controlling dreams was too alien for me . As such once I seemed to click and find out it's all a dream there was nothing else to do but end it. I would just fall through an elevator shaft in order to wake up, basically commiting suicide in dream.

>I just let all the hype get to me. It was the kind of thing that seemed like a hoax despite having lucid dreams as a child, everyone was saying it was real, I saw proof of it through learning about how REM cycles work. It just seemed too good. I just wanted to lucid dream, all of the time, basically to live in a world of constant fantasy, completely detached from reality. This was an opportunity of making that wish come true.

>I spent days building hype, reading articles, getting ideas of what to do once lucid until the weekend when I had planned to do the wake back to bed method.

>Problem is I had absolutely zero experience in performing WBTB. This was going to be the first attempt. I only knew lucid dreaming completely in theory and as such there was a huge wall between knowing it and doing it. Thing is, this exact wall was what allowed me to learn how to "shapeshift".

>I simply lied down, my back completely rested on the bed, default position for OBE/Lucid dreaming.

>Thought about absolutely nothing. I was completely commited to my objective of having a lucid dream. I had no other worry or care in the world aside from that and didn't even meditate beforehand. I didn't need to. The hype I was experiencing nullified all doubt, uncertainties and worries.

>I was waiting for the relaxed state, but as I had never gone into a relaxed state, how the hell was I suppoed to know If I was just experiencing enough relaxation at the moment? I just remained calm and collected, haven't moved a millimeter since I had started, and waited for some signal that was easier for me to notice.

>Then the elephant in the room just hit me. My body was undeniably numb, especially my limbs. And It just kept getting more and more intense the more I waited. I immediately believed I was going to have a lucid dream despite being the first attempt.

>I got to a state where my visualizations seemed to be getting more immersive, occasionally they would suck me in briefly. yet I still felt like I was still in bed. Because I was now believing I was about to have a lucid dream I'd get really hyped, like a kid who needs to go to sleep but has a school trip the next day and just can't fall asleep. I felt so close but just like that I couldn't get into it. My hearbeat was too fast because I was expecting the fullfilment of my wish.


I started wondering what's going wrong. I decided I would try to make my visualizations more "accessible" to me by dropping the fantasy backgrounds and just try to picture my room as is.

As the pro I am in visualization I imagined my room at that hour of the day, from a third person prespective, completely familliar in every way.

Except, lying in bed instead of me, was a girl. The thought of putting a girl in the place where I should be wasn't really a voluntary act, it just slipped in and I just felt too entranced by the vizualization to take it down and star anew. Besides I like girls. I like girls a bit too much some would say, that's why i crossdress, but that's another story.

Then it started happening. Do you know about ghost limbs? About say how a post-op transsexual gets the feeling he has a penis between their legs even though they just had surgery to remove it? Or how stimulating seemingly unrelated areas of the human body you get a reaction somewhere else? Instead of feelilng the diving feeling I get from inducing a lucid dream (which I had no idea of at the time) I just started to feel my percieved body differ from the physical body. Little changes at first, but changes I couldn't deny. At the time for the uneducated me it seemed like my physical body itself was changing.

>And at the time I thought this meant I already was in the dream even though I wasn't getting any visuals. I read somewhere that once you get into a lucid dream sometimes your eyes don't open in dream so that's what I had to be experiencing. I was getting into the dream. My body was changing to that of what I imagined and my room was probably being replaced with a dream room right beyond my eyelids.

> Continuing with the physical changes once I cane to the realization in the previous paragraph everything just picked up the pace like crazy. I felt like I was shrinking, I felt silky bangs on my forehead, I smelled a sweet fragrance, my facial features softening, my chest feeling hot and starting to swell, my nipples hardening, feeling sensitive and tugging my pajama while my breasts seemed to actually create weight on top of my ribs as if to signal they were there to stay, the skin all over my body softening without blemishes or body hairs, the sensation of my dick getting more and more faint as I feel a slit in my perineum, my waist and belly really slim contrasting my wider hips and squishy bottom. My pelvis tilting, my legs turning slim and feminine, with just a tad bit of inner thigh fat and dainty feet, dainty hands. I kinda felt a bit scared. It's like I was in a train with no brakes. I couldn't stop it because I couldn't stop believing I was actually turning into a girl on the spot. Even after the transformation, things just kept progressing. That feeling of numbness from the sleep paralisys seemed to be in the process of being cast in shadow as the percieved body overlaped everything. Now even my silhouette seemed as defined as when I'm awake with my physical body. My body was still sleeping but that inconstant feeling of numbness got slowly replaced by a clear cut body silhouette. I just felt like I had to stop it. Couldn't tell what was real or not anymore. In a panic I jumped out of bed, got a good throughout look at myself and realised I'm still me..



I needed to get to bed to sleep after that, it was just too much happening for a day. Even then, once I slipped inside the bedsheets, I found myself involuntairly with the body of that girl again. I wasn't even lying on my back, I was lying on my side which is the position that gets me to sleep the best and even so, I couldn't shake the sensation of that body, it looked like my subconscious was still stuck in that rut and fell asleep in "girl mode"

Since then I've been practicing this and while I could do it better in the past (my mind has been unable to focus recently, too many worries)I still get that throughout change I got in my first attempt occasionally.

So obviously what I was experiencing wasn't a dream. It was actually the result of self-suggestion. Lucid dream/OBE inductions and hypnosis inductions have a lot in common. In both you go into a state of trance. In both you may use visualizations to get a certain result. In both you use self-suggestion as a medium to get somewhere. sleep paralisys isn't normally something associated with hypnosis, yet I think it intensifies the outcome of hypnosys. Think about it. It's harder to overwrite a consciously defined body than a murky and numbed subconscious image of that same body. To get your body into a state where it'll be receptive to your suggestions it takes about as much time as a lucid dream induction. Then for the actual shapeshifting part it can vary depending on your skill at focusing, visualization and self suggestion.




>Be prepared to have setbacks though. you might feel like you're changing only to focus on an unchanged part of the body and can't let go of it and everything seems to reverse. There is still plenty of space to try though even after a few setbacks. unless you're a scatterbrain or have a desperate urge to move you can remain on your backside for days, so you've got plenty of time to try it in one session. Even if you feel like you're not making it just as you think that you might feel a wave of ASMR wash over you and notice you're shapeshifting all of sudden and can't stop it.


>This is the core mechanic of shapeshifting. It's even more vital than in lucid dreaming and demands A LOT more skill. In lucid dream induction I don't have to visualize much, I just have to get a basic idea of a place, maybe think of a sound associated with that place, then the subconscious fills in the gaps and throws you some hallucinations and before you know it you've been pulled into a Lucid Dream! In lucid dreaming you cooperate with your subconscious, but in shapeshifting, you make your subconscious your BITCH. YOU are going to tell YOU exctly how to feel. No half assing it here. The more detailed is your visualization, the better the result. There are no limits. I'd recommend if you're inexperienced with visualizations to just picturing simple shapes at first. Then with each success add a layer of difficulty. Introduce 3-d rotation, volume, then maybe some textures? some scenery? Light fx? HDR?? You choose! When you feel ready try finally to tackle shapeshifting for real.

>Also remember that visualizations are not only about visuals, but use every other sense. Imagine a particular smell, or maybe a voice that is now yours, maybe taste as the flavors of a sundae meld and make you feel like you're in the shoes of that person enjoying it? maybe tactile as you feel as if your skin is now covered in fur - and then what kind of fur?

>One of my favorites is actually kinetic and balance, as I imagine that body I'm in is actually running or performing certain… activities.

>Overall the visualization part is very similar to what you'd be doing when inducing a lucid dream, but stronger and more throughout makes your percieved body stronger. Also you want a very strong visualization because you don't want to get into a lucid dream. That's right, by imagining something very strongly you actually are preventing yourself from slipping into a dream. Your mind is just too busy for it to get dragged off or fall asleep.


>You actually might even be able to do shapeshifting without visualization, just suggestion. Be very detailed! the less vagueness in your words the better, never use negative phrases. I'd suggest trying alternating between a mantra with basic affirmations. (I AM __ I'M BECOMING____ MY BODY IS GETTING FUZZIER, idk) And a more detailed and impromptu style of suggestion to keep your interest and provide detail.



Okay, you should be ready to go. Remember the point of shapeshifting is to not fall asleep, so you'll basically keep yourself in trance until you decide to wrap up the session. Then you can fall asleep or get up to do whatever you do. The best time when you can start visualizing and suggestion is when sleep paralisys is at least present-partial. You can start before but you might find the imagined body isn't as clear cut as it could be.

So, do you guys have any questions? And don't be like "I don't want to be a girl when I go to sleep, OP sux". You don't necessarily need to think of a girl body to slip in. Just imagine what you're into most. Furfags will feel right at home imagining a furry body.

Lets say you wanna fuck a succubus. But wait, you're too fat and too small on the wrong places! Just create a mental image of a buff guy to slip into and get that demon pussy. Heck you might even be able to feel even more male energy than ever before.

Lets say you have a transformation fetish to transform ito anything and everything. You'll feel right at home when attempting this.

You wanna feel like you have multiple arms/legs? can help you with that!





I dun goofed on these sorry guys. It's a bit cringy but i think i nailed it


Be careful, and all that. This sort of self-conviction can cause biofeedback.


Seriously OP, be careful.


So the shapeshifting you get only applies to your subtle body perception while your 3rd density body remains the same?


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Everything else seems like bat-shit new age garbage.


>tfw wanted to get the GET


0.5 here I do not quite understand this board…




You're kinda right. At times it felt like the inner workings of my body got rewritten in a particular way. At one point my subconscious thought that body was the real one regardless of if it really was. However the impact that this has on your actual body is a bit shaky to me. In the three years I've attempted this I haven't noticed any changes deemed weird. Lets say because of the nature of that imagined body I could be having hormonal problems this very moment. I haven't noticed anything pointing to that.

Besides, once you get out of bed and carry on with your life your subconscious once again adapts that percieved body to the unquestionable consciously verified body you're walking inside atm.

For clarity and for your safety I guess it is safe to say you should keep a boundary between what you're percieving when attempting this and when you're living outside of this. In hypnosis the effects can be limited to as long as you remain in trance by suggestion so this seems to work just the same here.



That is it in a nutshell. Though it's apaling just what a simple image of a body in the back of your mind can do. If you do it right it might even seem to you that the percieved body is as real as the real one.



Could you guys elaborate on exactly what is ringing your alarm for bullshit? I understand this might seem completely alien to you and devoid of sense but I'd like to explain it to you to the best of my ability so if you can be a bit specific please do so.

I guess I could start by stating that phantom limb sensations are something amputees experience after removing a part of their body and this is identical in its symptoms. I wouldn't be too worried about experiencing pain though. Very rarely have I experienced pain when shapeshifting. In a way its similar to the kind of pain you get when you just got into an OBE and can't separate your astral body from your sleeping body. If you're feeling pain and it's becoming intense and want to cancel the session the only thing standing between that and whatever you're experiencing is sleep paralisys. I personally don't try to get out of sleep paralisys in any particular way, usually I can simply get up at any given time and stretch my legs. If you are incapable of getting out of sleep paralisys try inhaling slowly but deeply, then move fingers and progressively move larger areas of your body. It's identical to the measures you would get following a lucid dreaming tutorial


Fuck that. I'm using etheric reconfiguration to correct bodily defects and totally reshape my body, getting rid of injuries, fixing my eyes, etc.

I'm going to permanently change my body with no reservations whatsoever about holding onto my previous defective body form.


>that mundane mindset

Imagine being in a shitty defective body. Imagine knowing you can fix it and it's just a matter of using your mind correctly. It's ultimate freedom. Fuck your materiality.

Why did you even quote two my posts? I'm busy working magick right now and have only read like 3 of the OP's posts and am not done reading yet. Anything that can be imagined/reconstructed in the mind is possible in a mental universe.


I astral travel all the time btw and never experience sleep paralysis nor ever try to induce it. Sometimes I astral travel while my body is awake, and so I control two bodies at once, and see from 2 sets of eyes. That shit is epic… Also I bet if I astral projected into a female body form I could have sex with myself and experience the pleasures of both my female astral body and male physical body both at once.


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>Still have difficulties with AP and even LD.
>Try this
>Succeed in 5 min.
W-what is this sorcery?
Tonight I'm gonna try to grow an extra arm.


Stigmata master race.

You can fix your eyesight and everything with this.


Will test this out tonight. If I can have a lucid dream after this, it's just bonus.

Fixing my eyesight and skin problems on my hands seem like a good start.


Be careful with this, OP, you're not just fucking with your "subconscious", you're fucking with your mental body, and you will produce some physical changes if you keep it up, which might or might not be harmful.

You can use this to heal yourself and gain renewed vitality when you need it. Be safe.


can you use this to get /fit/
That would be pretty neat.


It's been proven that visualization will improve reflexes and coordination during difficult movements, as well as increasing your strength by allowing you to activate your muscles more efficiently.

I don't think many people have tried increasing muscle mass with a technique like this though, but it couldn't hurt to try.


I think it would improve your health and your muscle gain.
While exercising, don't do it mechanically, but hold the intent of building your muscle in your mind. Have fun with it.

It's also important to accept the fact that this works, or else you're going to have "subconscious" resistances.
Use self affirmations for this.


>I don't think many people have tried increasing muscle mass with a technique like this though, but it couldn't hurt to try.

I have and it has worked. Well, my muscle mass doesn't look bigger, but my actual strength is amazing and thunking my muscles is like tapping on a wooden trunk.

I am sedentary as shit but I regularly go into trances in which I just spend hours working out hardcore in the astral.

The body is intelligent as fuck bro. If you give orders to your cells to behave a certain way and you are in trance, they will listen. Surgeons regularly order people in trance to move all blood away from the area they are working on and it works. Your body is so smart it can know exactly, from a vague suggestion, what the person is talking about and to move the blood away from there so blood doesn't leak. Your body can do all sorts of amazing shit if you just learn to command it. When you get really far with this, you can be like these women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-bIWm08eJc


>The body is intelligent as fuck bro. If you give orders to your cells to behave a certain way and you are in trance, they will listen.

I know, I think there's a chapter about this in Atkinson's Yoga books.
He orders his Colon to shit, his blood to flow to his feet, and stuff like that. He says the masters can even concentrate and control single cell groups.


One more cool greenpill fact, people with alzheimers often literally forget they had bad eyesight, and the result is their eyesight becomes perfect again.

If you can just make yourself forget your body is a certain way and instead impose the idea that you inhabit a super strong aryan ubermensch body then prepare for physical excellence because it's going to happen!


Very interesting, did you notice any increase in appetite after you began doing this? Perhaps you would indeed get bigger if you gave your body additional resources to work with?


I never experience hunger or any sort of "appetite" however in recent times I have experienced terrible fatigue and a great need for more energy from any sources mundane or occult that I can get it from.

I've been trying to eat as much as possible and I think giving it additional resources is a good idea indeed. I want to also tap into higher energy sources in the astral and so on too. I should find random astral food and objects that I didn't expend energy creating and devour them.

I think that if I can just get deep enough in trance and remember my intent I could get tapped right into that infinite pool of energy that gives rise to all things.


Yes, I think breathing in an increased amount of Prana while in a trance is enough. I don't think you need more food.


>>17791 in which book will i learn etheric reconfiguration? atkinson?


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Wait. Are you saying that I could use this to have any body I want? Could I use it to raise my metabolism and burn fat faster? Change my hair and eye colours? Change my skin colour and facial structure? How far could this go if one allowed the biofeedback?

Why is biofeedback dangerous?


>Change my skin colour and facial structure

Hey, guys, I found the black magician!

Also, bumping for this guy.


>Could I use it to raise my metabolism and burn fat faster?

You can do that easily with just tumo meditation.

>Why is biofeedback dangerous?

It's not. Ignore them. They're tards. Just make sure you're giving yourself bodily features you actually want and not ones you'd rather you didn't have.


I don't know of any books on the subject other then ones that briefly mention what you need to know to do it and various studies I've read that prove it does happen for some people and works on other animals too (such as frogs that were studied).

It basically comes down to this: imagine the body you want until the imagined body becomes so substantial, so real to you, that in fact and actuality it becomes your body.


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Listen to the talking heads song 'seen and not seen '

David byrne is a wizard


>First time trying to lucid dream
>Have done absolutely no visualisation exercises apart from the unhealthy habit I've developed of myself being attacked by shadowy figures from all kinds of direction as an attempt to what scares me and why
>Have only kept a dream journal for a few days with only one entry
>Stay completely still and start visualising myself in a nice room in the body that I want
>Body goes numb–something's happening
>Intrusive visualisations of those shadowy figures keep entering my visualisation so I just try to focus on the room rather than the body
>Hear a buzzer as though I got the answer wrong to some kind of question
>Remain focused and keep trying to visualise the body
>Vaguely see the image of a girl on a throne with a red aura
>She's smugly smiling at me
>Give up and go to sleep

What the fuck? I'll give this more tries because that was quite interesting.


>tfw you are learning to astral


related both to the thread and your post.
> didn't have time for my thoughtform since those MONTHS I've been busy.
>still, yesterday it volunteered to induce SP on me as a training exercise.
>with a kind tone, I feel some tingling in my hand and get the sudden visualization of a stairway going down (normally used for inductions) only that indeed my thoughtform is guiding me. The whole scene is simple, but hyperreal.
>"Were'there, anon." hear as clear as in this plane.
>It's true. Sleep paralysis.
>Use it to create a "phantom arm" I can move and feel.
>get it to work.
This is awesome.
The problem is that I feel like a dick. My thoughtform is really based.


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Anyone else here had false awakenings accompanied with sleep paralysis? Sometimes in my dreams I start

Last night I was half-lucid,
>flying over a road, it's late winter evening
>I see my feet and note that I'm over ten meters in the air
>know that I am dreaming but cannot break past the veil, remain half-lucid
>I come to the end of the road, there's a forest way ahead me
>from the dark of the woods red eyepair blinks
>I know that I should probably back off, but I lower myself
>more eyes open in the shadows, a group of small blue frogs come jumping
>I decide to fly a bit higher, the frogs jump on my arm and "attach" themselves to it
>I try to shake them off, no use
>wake up

And this is the most interesting one,
>am walking to my family's plantations
>there's thin mist there, like after rain
>I "know" that the Nordic aliens are waiting for me
>hear beautiful singing coming over me
>I suddenly begin to float, rise up some ten meters
>wake up

I'm hoping to meet aliens but I didn't expect anything like this; then again, it is possibly easier for aliens and entities to interact you in your dreams.


*I wake up and start to sleep again, only to become paralyzed, hearing sounds and hearing visions.


Did you guys imagine the perfect bodies from a third or first person perspective?



I didn't want to shapeshift to be fair. I wanted to just have a regular lucid dream but with a beautiful body. I guess it's selfish of me to post my story in here when I know I didn't follow instructions.

I'll do it properly next time, I swear!


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>claims to unlock shape-shifting
>only you can sense it
>when you are half sleep in your bed

you are full of shit OP dont play with my heart like that.


But that could possibly be what he's doing. Not *physically*, in any sense as to evoke instantaneous results in his body, but he might be doing so in his subtle being, which can be dangerous to the health of his corporeal body.

I'm trying to make this really simple; how's that coming along?


I had another attempt just now before I fell asleep.

>Incorrectly visualise the body in the wrong position, relative to myself

>Nonetheless, start to feel changes occurring in my body and face
>Look at my hand (potentially hours later as I may have simply fallen asleep) and nothing's changed
I know this shit is legit now.

>Later, after already semi-waking up due to the coldness of my feet, try it again

>Feel changes in my body again but also feel my body get unusually hot
>Keep feeling changes but then I gulp some saliva and the whole thing takes a step back and takes a while to start up again then I gulp again and it takes time to go again and ultimately, due to repeated gulping, it never really progresses and then my sister's alarm rings
And that was that. Is there anything I can do to stop the gulping? I feel like I'm getting really close.

My understanding was that if you did it correctly, you could walk about and even look at yourself in the mirror and see the image you want rather your regular old mug. That it's basically an illusion but it feels real, as though you're cosplaying but purely in your mind. Apparently though, your body does eventually morph into what you visualised if you visualise it continuously so perhaps this could work for you in time? Overall, as he did explicitly state that you're tricking and commanding your subconscious, I don't know why you believed that this was an instantaneous shapeshifting like Ditto or something.

>which can be dangerous to the health of his corporeal body
You see? People keep talking about this "danger". I want to know what they're talking about.

Also, how do I change my eye colour if, when I'm trying to induce the trance, my eyes are closed?


Try putting a pillow in between the neck and jaw to keep your mouth shut while visualizing while lying down, if you're sitting in lotus you might just have to let your mouth stay open for the drool to drip down, thought this can be extremely uncomfortable and break concentration.


Hey man, I was thinking, could a towel work as well?

Also, when I visualise myself in my room with my preferred body, do I need to visualise myself under the blanket if I'm actually under one? In which case, would it be best that I don't sleep with a blanket in order to make the visualisation easier? If so, do I visualise myself in my preferred body wearing the clothes I'm actually wearing or do I visualise myself naked/clothed however I please? Or perhaps what really matters is merely the visualised body position relative to your own?

I always wondered. Who exactly is trying to astral? Me or you?


A towel would work well, you're only trying to use a prop for keeping the jaw closed. As for your other question the blanket would not matter, as for clothes, depends how in depth you are trying to go.


Thanks. Another question I had was regarding eye colour. How do I change this if I'm lying down with closed eyes and therefore need to visualise myself with closed eyes? Is it even necessary to visualise myself with closed eyes?


Just reach tier 3. How do i go about finding/decoding these hidden packets of information?


As long as I can't change my actual, physical body with this kinda stuff - like, make it mutate - I don't think this is actually worth my time. Did your real, physical body change in any way? Your physical body is supposed to have a strong connection to your soul after all.


How come Adeptus minor is tier 6…


When you visualize yourself with closed eyes, just maintain a cognitive note that they're changed; know what they look like. Alternatively, I don't think it's entirely necessary you visualize yourself with closed eyes (I think I recall some techniques actually using an open-eyes/eyes closed visualization approach). In some cases, visualizing yourself in the position you're laying helps immerse yourself in the image you're impressing upon your mind, but those more advanced in the practice almost certainly don't require that level of detail to reach their target depth of immersion.

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