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Esoteric Wizardry


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Continuation of this thread: https://archive.today/m0vog

1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.
2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!
4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes.

For those of you who have entirely transcended physical sex but who use succubus and so on you can also make pledges here to control your sexual thoughts and try not to evoke or meet any entities to have sex with.

Remade the thread since the last one was very popular and hit the bump limit and many of you want use your generative powers for a higher purpose than mere wasted moments of hedonism.

Post any techniques for the transformation and proper use of sexual energy here also.

Personally I feel that stage one should be to completely stop with touching or physical stimulation of sexual energy and learning to take that desire and drive and focus it mentally into thoughtforms. If you are going to entertain lustful ideas at least don't be a silly mundane about it when you could be using thoughtforce to telekinetically get yourself off or something similar. Straight up fapping is for mundanes.


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Makes for a nice desktop background.


How long to hold these positions for?

Tips on how to vocalize a mantra, while inhaling at the same time? I have struggled to do this in another technique that requires vocalization during inhalation

I read that massaging the testicles increases sperm count and testosterone, which is very good. Is this considered masturbation if it does not arouse?

I notice my testosterone peaks on 7th day of semen retention. Would this cycle continue if continence is pursued long term?


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Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replace it with a prebuilt disgusting one.

All that "no-fap" is bullshit, the real problem is fapping to porn, not the masturbation. If you feel the need to fap 10 times a day, then do it, but with your own fantasies.

Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.

The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerfull energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade your ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.

It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerfull and chocking images.

Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.


Would fapping to fully clothed females be just as bad?


>>18853 (You)
No, but still not advised. The nofap/noporn guys generally view fapping to any stimulus as bad. The worst thing to do is edge for extended periods while viewing various different videos looking for the "perfect one". If you must fap, do it quickly with as little stimulus as posible and apply loosh conservation techniques talked about in "The Multi Orgasmic Man".


Was reading that a few days ago… Would it be better to do the techniques in that book, which would allow sexual energy (most powerful) to be stored for other usages and prevent the dangers of repressing urges?


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Fappin is OK, Don't ejaculate tho

I'd rather be rappin , u can't emulate my Flow.

Kid u can't get on my level Cuz ur vibration too slow . Bout to dissapear from sight you'll be like whered he go?see U been stayin too long in the fap zone . 3rd eye be lookin like a dried out pine cone.Got stains on ur jeans from listening to whores moan,

now ur hormones outta wack , yea uve been whacking it.brain be lookin like a shriveled walnut, now I'm cracking it .
I blame 4chan , moot, and the Jews. to be scathed by Hebrew influences , I refuse

so Pass me the Linux, I'm hacking it. youll sit in the corner jacking it OK . JK. Lol
U ain't been where Ive been and I Don't pretend to know where u come from, Jack, but most likely I've Been there, and I've done that


>stating the opposite the book says

why so stupid


Do what the book says : have multiple orgasms by delaying and storing it with the big draw and don't ejaculate or do.

Ejaculate after this : 50% sex energy expenditure

Reverse ejaculation : 25%

No ejaculation : 0%


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pledging 350 days of No fapping

If I fail may I be eaten by my reptile brothers

I will still lust tho



What if I draw porn myself? What if I start drawing spiritually enhancing porn instead?



Forgot flag. That's better.


>not at least having sex with a succubus or doing some kind of magickal work with sex instead of pathetic mundane fapping

At the very least you could do this. If your third eye worked properly also you'd never need porn.


Pledging 1 day of no porn or fapping, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Gonna double every time.


I've limited my masturbation and porn to once a week. But I'm still having trouble stopping. It's the availability of it that gets me. Would quitting the internet be the best course of action then?


Maybe check out this program called K9. http://www1.k9webprotection.com/

It makes it less available, especially if you make a complex password and hide it someway. Just make sure to setup it well so that you won't miss some of your favorite sites!


It doesn't work on linux. I could always try to set up dansguardian and some other blocks though.


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Me again. I just woke up and The universe is tempting me to fap already


Pledging One Day


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I found that a way to stop getting into porn is to basically debunk and mock it. Approach any pornographic materialism with skepticism and disgust.
>Notice how uncomfortable these men and women are turning their bodies just to look at the camera.
>Notice how much abuse and control these people are exercising over each other, placing hands over chakras to steal energy and other sinister shit
>Notice how disconnected they are despite all that they are doing to each other
>Notice how they do not hold passionate eye contact nor romantically hold hands, nor talk about their emotional lives, nor do anything to promote spirituality.
>Notice how shallow, useless, and cancerous the industry is.


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Made my week. I pledge five weeks.


Good advice, that's what I do. Just let yourself become disillusioned with it.


Pledge a year because I can



Pledging a year because I can too


Pledging a week.


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Me too

That's 3 of us

Over 1000 days of cum have been spared the death penalty. Literally gallons

'Mind is a disease of semen'

-book of lies. Aleister Crowley

What Did he mean?


That mind can spoil semen (oversex'd mind)



Sounds to me like mind being a disease of semen is a poetic way of saying that mind/birth is a result of sex and dna survival tactics, something to be overcome.


Does basic hygiene include things like readjusting or scratching? they are not explicitly lust driven but do cause a sense of relief and gratification. I may be getting caught up in semantics, it seems like these things are trivial, or are these moments infact small inpreceivalble moments of lust? I am pledging a week regardless.

Along with quitting smoking, this is going to be trying. I am going too finish atleast a few of the fringe reading essencials in that time.


If you feel any emotions at all as a result of your quitting smoking you can just channel that shit into thoughtforms and make good use of it.

I bet I could get hooked on a really hardcore drug and then get off it no problem.

I don't need drugs though, I have magick.


Thought forms are a good suggestion, it seems like most of my most potent thoughts are while smoking though. I may need to try recreating the circumstances of those thought forms (I always smoke outside for one.) I know it is not just lust of the flesh that needs to be curbed. Lust for materialisim will be just as large an obstical. I figure addiction is another example of materialisim and one of the more difficult to over come.


Pledging Two Days


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What do u smoke?

I got american spirits menthol, and kush


I could go for an AS, they are delightful. Right now I have none, but my usual smokes are Gold Leaf Menthol. Canadian cigg, close to a Camel.

Got a bit of green, seems to be a decent mid, nothing I would call Kush though. Also very helpful with thought forms (Though I never realized it before a few days ago)

Perhaps that has something to do with the way I breathe while I smoke though, I have a lot of possibilities to look at and a lot of reading to still do.


So how important is cum itself in sexual energies? Usually when I'm actually having sex, I feel rejuvenated and energized afterward. Often I can rebound with almost no refractory period at least once, sometimes even twice.

Thing is, I've been wondering if I should be holding off on cumming even if it isn't technically masturbating.

My girlfriend's pretty mundane, and she has a really high sex drive. I doubt she'd appreciate the multi orgasmic man schtick if it didn't end with me cumming inside or on her.

Am I on the right track in assuming that loving sex is more of a mutual energy exchange, or am I spending vital energies while unaware?


i pledge no more fap


Pledging the rest of the month.


>that degeneracy



May I ask what makes you say that?
I have been taking careful contemplation of what constitutes lust and where I most strongly cling to the material. It is an unfortunate circumstance on my very recent walk down this path starts from a place where I am still struggling with addiction, but every hand tremor and cringe of desire today is being spent contemplating what it means to be chained by that which I feel I have no control over. I would ask if you seek to attempt to berate me, you do so in a more stunning manner, at least then I could laugh. If however that statement comes from a place of truth and not just attempting to wound me, I would ask you to recount your opinion. Calling me a degenerate is a truth in a sense, but it is hardly the whole sense of what I am or strive to be.

What is a degenerate to you? I see that word thrown around a lot here, and it's impact is, at best, menial, and at worst, a waste of your energy. Why use it?


talk about some loosh hurt


One day down. I shall pledge another 2.



2 days later and I've relapsed (just now). I could have not, but for some reason I chose to…

Anyway, pledging 1 full year. Starting now


Will abstain from orgasm and ejaculation from now on. However will perform Maithuna with partner if she presents herself.

The sacred book Guhya Samaja Tantra says that abstinence alone is not enough to save us, we need a partner, even if not for very long.



Can't seem to find a copy of that specific Tantra. Mind uploading yours?

Also, I've read Samael Aun Weor talk about Maithuna but no one else. And he didn't give very good instructions about it. Care to share your knowledge?


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I want it too


Don't have one sorry.

Copy pasted that second sentence from:


Read page 93 onwards, though the whole book is worth a thorough study in my opinion. Is more practical and useful than almost all the books in the sticky.

You'd probably like that author's other book 'Forbidden Religion', if you are interested in Gnosticism.


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Not really sure how many months I pledged last time, but I failed at 2 weeks and a few days. My previous best was a week.

I began my current celibacy pledge 5 days ago. I'm going for 4 months.


Fondled balls and penis while flipping through TV channels to view anchorwomen.
Went short of climax. Took cold shower.
Punishing self with long, unpleasant walk in the rain right now.


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Imagine if this was your mom

I'd give her all my loosh

Fuck cum tits sex pussy dick that ass, What are you a faggot?



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>dick that ass
I believe you have ass and tits confused. She ain't got no ass.


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Everybody poops

Especially your mom after a bowl of fruit loops

Then it's time to set sail like sloops, and get crazy on zoots, Dodge the Jack boots, they literally just drove by me as I cracked these eggs of truth, now its time to cut and run like that lil kike named moot


failed, damn you /hebe/


Only made it three days, pledging another week.

If only Russian women weren't so beautiful.


Pledging 1 Week


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testosterone does not always increase or decrease. what happens is your testosterone receptor activity diminishes due to elevated prolactin from your last orgasm. the prolactin sets off a cascade of reactions throughout the body. many systems are affected in your mind and body when you drain yourself.

what follows after 7 days is your body temporarily supercompensates in testosterone before it has a chance to replenish testosterone receptors. it's kinda like a ripple or wobble effect that can last for days or weeks following your last orgasm.

when testosterone receptors are available after extended nofap/no-ejac the body no longer needs to supercompensate. nonetheless, you get the same net effect as if you had extra testosterone. you do become used to your "superpowers" however, and there are die-offs as they call them.

This works because porn is not real to begin with.

it's a horribly abusive industry, it abuses the magick of sex and distorts perspectives and disconnects people from the truth.

If you have loosh and feels to spare, you may want to read the story of some ladies who have left the industry. they made their choices but you know there are some malicious people involved.



this mini documentary "date my porn star" is good because it shows how some guys may have great expectations about porn and sex, and wind up seeing how awful it is for everyone involved.

I'm not sure if the semen itself contains the energies, or if the ordinary act of orgasm is what causes the loss of energy. there isa study floating around somewhere on a multi-orgasmic male who did not ejaculate upon orgasm, but his prolactin levels never went up either.

usually if your g/f wants it a lot you need to give her a serious g-spot deep orgasm or something. when they lose energy they tend to back off for a while.

then when you think she's ready show her the serious shit to see if she will work on it. mundane women tend not to appreciate how easy it is to lose loosh, they take it for granted that they typically get to receive the energy.

women are conditioned by our society to be lazy consumers.

>practice sex magick with paid escort
>become so good she pays you

kidding. but yes, a partner is ideal even if only temporary.

learn to circulate your energies if you must indulge yourself. look up mantak chia if you haven't already.


I find dank kush of the sativa variety makes it very easy to retain loosh during the act. but your experience may vary. it's best to experience it first then ditch the kush training wheels.

also nice dubs


also I pledge 1 week. lost some loosh during dreaming once or twice in the last few months but have been pretty steadfast about keeping it. I did not feel the energy drain you would feel from a mundane orgasm and have recovered quickly.


Threw up a bunch of black stuff in dream after posting this >>19176. Lust or impurities symbolically leaving body maybe?

Thank you for your answer regarding testosterone. Very interesting. I've recently been massaging my testicles for 5 minutes and it seems to have raised my testosterone significantly, though I'm sure other things like cold showers and sleeping on hard surface have helped too.


guys cheese pizza is bad and we should feel bad ok

pledging one week because apparently a year is too hard


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3. Day in nigggaas
Combining it with fasting

Ah ah ah


I gave up too much vice at once it seems, last night my wife jumped me like a coke charged horny cougar. I busted nut 3 times in an hour.

I also had a cig yesterday afternoon on my way to the store (broke down and bummed one)

I made it 4 days and am pledging another 4.

No nutting, no smoking.


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Pledging the rest of this year

Also No more 4chan, aka the mind sewer


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Still got crazy synchronization even tho I fapped

Just now I was thinking of a totally random old song, and then THAT VERY SECOND a caller called into the station I'm listening to and requested it

2pac song about his momma lol


I'm on Day 3 of no smoking, day 2 of no fapping. I'll go slow, and pledge one week.

My depression has lifted yesterday night after nearly a month of it on and off, which is great news.


Pissing in an ocean of piss. Nothing of value was lost.


>tfw all these mundanes who struggle not to fap
>tfw every last one of you could be doing better things with your energy and if you even knew you'd never desire to fap again

That one guy though with his wife who is trying to stay celibate and not fug with his wife, that is more interesting…


I only fap once per week just because I hate having wet dreams and having to clean everything.


>not transmuting that energy… or fugging a succubus… or doing any of many other things more interesting than mundane fapping

Everyone here should just swear never to touch their dicks again with their hands. Only sex that isn't with your hands allowed.


I don't know how to do that, I don't tolerate demons, and I didn't felt nothing different when I was without doing that 2 months. I will try learn how to transmute the energy, if it changes something I will keep it, anyway I will reply if chenges something.


So, I searched and it is like this:
>don't ejaculate
>build up your sexual energy
>contract your pelvic floor muscles
>make the sound of “aah” deep form you diaphragm
>move the energy first in to the creative chakra
>visualize bright yellow colors as you feel your creativity expand
>time to think of creative solutions
>move the energy up to the heart chakra
>move the sexual energy into the throat chakra
>bring the sexual energy up to the level of the third eye
>now picture the thing that you wish to manifest
And it's done?


That's one method. I haven't tried it before, does it work for you?

I have had great results with Mantak Chia's book, the "big draw" and its variants.


I refer to and review this book so much I might as well get it in print.


I will try later, thanks.


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OK I will not touch it any more

It will be hard



10/10, would clone many times


I pledge one week


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It's not that interesting. We are physically incapable of sex 5 days a week, just due to schedules and work shifts. More so, no nut is controling my fapping, not as hard in the waning years of my 20's.
Deleting my porn stash and doing a 0 write so I am not tempted to recover it (not that I was) was easier then quitting smoking.

Channeling the energy of white knuckle soberity is working well though. I developed my first tulpa. Or maybe I have had it all along, but was just starving it, I feel the slow growth of this warm familiar energy all around. I suppose the best way to explain is to say that I am a writer, Itenhe is my Avatar. Since I've woken up, I feel her more closely guarding me then ever. I taught her how to help me stave off corrupting thoughts while meditating, and she quite enjoys chasing around the puppet master. last night my mind was a battle field of it screaming at her to get away. I nearly pissed myself laughing and broke my meditation when I heard "What's a matter darky, don't like cats?" To which it replied "No, so kindly go get railed you mewling spawn."

The more I think about it.. the more I realize I have been in tune to the metaphysical for a long time. It is time for some more reading, so farewell for now.


Day 4:
Had a fucked up dream about my workmates vagina, my mind almost forced me to ejaculate, but there was something else refusing to do so.

Day 5 bring it on


How do I use sexual energy for well, something not sexual?
I feel it stacking up and I don't know how to direct it somewhere else but porn.


Every night I do a chakras meditation starting from the lowest chakras are drawing the energy usually into the solar plexus and sometimes all the way up to the the third eye chakra. Depends on where I need it. Some entity awhile ago forcibly fucked with my heart chakra opening it up for me, it was a chakra I never did much with.

Just draw energy from your lowest chakra where you apparently have too much of it into the other areas.

In terms of dantians (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dantian#Three_dantians ) I've always been focusing most of my energy into the lower and upper ones but not the middle one. The entity that visited me corrected me by forcing into activity the middle one.

See also: New Energy Ways


It doesn't work with h-manga though.


How much time it takes to be totally disinfected.

I've been since 12 years old watching porn everyday, I know, it sucks.

I'm on my second week of no fap.


about 3 months according to yourbrainonporn


File: 1422443398254.pdf (2.24 MB, [Mantak_Chia,_Michael_Winn….pdf)

Here's a pdf version


For those getting into Chia, check out this post:



here's the most important parts of the thread about Chia's work, it explains why it shouldn't be used as a foundational discipline in itself.

>It's spread thin and is bolted together from several sources. Also it's not very detailed. For example, most people to try to do full MCO immediately. For example they will circulate Navel-Hui Yin-Ming Men and an intermediate point within the body which is not detailed in Chia's method. Then there is a further intermediate circulation that does not include the head.

In any case I've had no issues using his method to recirculate sexual energy, at least not yet. I've never referred to Chia for anything else, at least for serious chi kung or whatever.

If you or anyone else has superior resources in the same vein, they would be welcome here.

Nobody responded to that anon's request for books in the old thread.


Day 6
I think I'm over the hill, I had a mild depression yesterday and just looked at porn without any arousal.
Later I stumbled upon a rape thread on /b/ and I have to say thanks to the anon posting rape videos cus it completely shut down any sensation for me now watching porn.
Having a headache since then,
dunno if I recover or if I broke something.


pledging 15 days.


Reporting back.

Surprised to find it's only the 9th day. I'm not sure if my penis got bigger or if it's always a semi-boner now.

Anyway, extending it in advance to spring, so March 20th. 58 days without release, unless I nut in my sleep for the first time in my life.


Day 7 - I am become Human Being, destroyer of world. Time to start avoiding pain, striving for pleasure and Willing for Power? Or does Human Being mean something else in this sense?

I was reading The Multi Orgasmic Man and it seemed pretty good. Unsure of any other good works on the subject.

Would it be better to read Taoist Secrets of Love before The Multi Orgasmic Man?


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Not really, if you edge to videos of shemales for an hour straight that releases extreme amounts of dopamine. I know the techniques in the book are edging, more or less, but it's very different when you are concentrated fully on the sensation and not depending on some sort of stimuli to keep you going. The book was written before internet porn was widespread and research was done on the subject. Masturbating can be a very slippery slope that leads one to a binge on porn, which is why I said to make it as brief as possible. Neuroscienctists have recently discovered internet porn to be as addictive and potentially damaging to one's brain as hard drugs like cocaine. There's more info here, or in another part of this website: http://yourbrainonporn.com/ask-us

lel i wrote that post in the pic and says i'm replying to myself


Why are we still on about succubi?

I know that was a big joke on /x/ back in the day (though I never saw it as especially funny).

People need to expand their horizons to stuff that has a less negative connotation.

I've gotten interested in dakinis for example but why not fairy-wives or dryads or some shit at this point or like the stuff RAW talks about finding the Goddess Eris or whatnot?

Succubi is just like the Daoist concept of jing thieves, meaning that your vital essence is getting fucked over.

It just seems silly to keep invoking that kind of energy I guess.


>I was reading The Multi Orgasmic Man and it seemed pretty good. Unsure of any other good works on the subject.

Yeah, I want to heed that anon's advice but I will keep practicing (cautiously) what I know to work so far.

>Would it be better to read Taoist Secrets of Love before The Multi Orgasmic Man?

I like Taoist Secrets of Love a little more than Multi-Orgasmic Man, but if I recall correctly they are practically the same book. I didn't read the latter too much.

If you have access to both you might as well skim through either one and see what you can learn. TSOL talks more about society's attitude toward sex whereas TMOM is more focused on methodology, though TSOL also contains methodology.

>Masturbating can be a very slippery slope that leads one to a binge on porn, which is why I said to make it as brief as possible.

This is true. This is why going into it consciously and limiting indulgence you start to reign it in. Timers can help, and limiting and being conscious of how much time you waste on this stuff can help you gain control and awareness. For some however it seems that stopping cold turkey is the best.


i havnt posted on this thread, but i have gone for 4 days now and ongoing.



Day 7
Lost it over my gfs amateur videos.
Had serious issues today, I felt the devil inside me saying
>common before you do this, why not jack off first.

Meditated for 45 mins, my mind was full with my gf wanting me to sex her.
Couldn't channel this thoughts into something else.
At least I lost it on "good" porn.

Double now to 14 days, trying with daily meditation and self hypnosis
>I don't want sex
>I am free without sex

Meh let's see


You should try karezza with your girlfriend, unless you don't like her (want to break up) or she's your ex or something. There is no ejaculation/orgasm required and it creates a pretty euphoric state. It's basically sexual meditation.


Try making your affirmation seem like a gain..

"I have discipline when it comes to lust/sex", for instance.

what >>20134 said about Karezza.


Cool will try it once we're together again, currently a big geographical distance between us.

Thx for the advice


if anyone loses their loosh to the sex jew by accident or otherwise, I recommend forgiving yourself then trying this ritual >>18721

and posting of your new pledge here. stay on track.


File: 1422781913840.pdf (1.37 MB, Invoking the Monad.pdf)

I've made this into a PDF document for everyone to reference. It can also be accessed online here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i2gs6Dog6SRu0oFEOkle_48w8blYoZyzkubVNo5cHAo/pub


Is the very process of viewing porn damaging? Sometimes, although I don't fap, I still go to porn sites to view the material. I feel like I do this out of compulsion. Am I still injuring myself?


It releases unnaturally high levels of dopamine, creating an effect similar to hard drug use.

Check out this site: http://yourbrainonporn.com/


just had a wet dream just now, actually ejaculated. What does this mean?


Pledging 1 week for starters.


Pledging one week for starters.


Sorry for double-post



I've read from various posters here and elsewhere that, if you had a very sexual dream and thus ejaculated in your sleep, it basically means the lust thoughtforms created from your time masturbating for (I'll assume) years are trying to goad you back into masturbating regularly. It's possible they are also negative spiritual beings such as succubi or others.

I personally don't consider wet dreams as failing in this regard. Don't go back to jacking off and eventually those thoughtforms will go away. Meditate for a bit, reinforce chastity in your mind using positive thinking, and continue on your way.


I pledge a year.


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I see. What about daydreaming about porn? Is that alright provided I don't masturbate to the fantasy or is that equally damaging?

>Tfw I've managed 2 weeks without fapping

>Tfw I've noticed that I'm having an easier time with thought control
>Tfw gonna make it


>Only have a sexual relationship with gf as to keep her fulfilled
>Would be completely ascetic without her
>Don't do anything sexual for about 10 days
>In a half drowsy state, trying to meditate after waking
>Overcome with urge to fantasize about sex
>Dwell on it for a few seconds and realize this is wrong and detrimental
>Suddenly overcome with fear, and lust at the same time. See a flash of some woman's face

Swear on me mum, those succubi be out to take my loosh.


I see. So even fantasising about sex is bad. I didn't think no-porn was this extreme but alright, I accept the challenge.

I'll try to integrate this as well.


Fantasizing isn't totally bad as long as you're not doing it out of lust. It's all about the intention.


Because fantasizing is wasting mental energy on daydreaming. It's not going out to get it, it's not ritualizing to have the universe bring it to you easier. Going over it in your mind (aka dwelling on it) repeatedly will just increase your desire for it.

If you are going to go over things in your mind, it's to get more of them, to train your mind etc.

Fantasizing about sex is counter-productive, imho. If you are so terribly attached to sex that you haven't grown past it, by all means, get a lady and do it (with all that it entails) or, better yet get a succubi to diddle you (which might be worse, but w/e).


It is pure lust sadly.

I don't obsess over the act for it's own sake. I obsess over the aspect of the act that entails you being lusted for by another human being but sadly, I'm literally a 300lb neckbeard so even if I settled for less, it also goes that this person is also settling for me and even if I paid for something better, this person is merely doing their job.

I desire to be desired. All of my sexual fantasies revolve around the scenario of me basically being some sort of sex demi-god (ripped, visible abs, chiselled jaw, 8-inch dong, etc.) that then goes on to fuck emotionally vulnerable ugly chicks, underage girls and MILFs–people who would basically regard me as a blessing.

But alas, you've just explained to me that daydreaming in and of itself is a waste of mental energy so even the time I spend listening to piano performances and envisioning myself as the performer playing it or the time spent wallowing over regrettable memories is all time and energy wasted so this seems like something I should integrate anyway.


I don't even completely believe in sex and stuff having to do with it being detrimental to the study of magic, but what the hell. I pledge a week.

I should be able to stay away from porn for a week. Shouldn't I?

ONE WEEK NO PORN oh man what am I getting myself into. See you in a week.


Yes and no. Sounds like the sex part is you envisioning scenarios for a (ultimately) primitive and restrictive act that (from the sound of it) is you being recognized as the person you want to be and to be rewarded with sex.

That is daydreaming at it's worst. You are not remaking yourself to be that person with the idea of sex as a potential reward (so as to make the carnal part of your mind follow suit easier), you are not getting rid of these desires (that would need realization of doing wrong and putting it off or fulfilling it and denying any further attempts).
However, these scenarios could be used to create an image of what you want to be, and then to split it into parts so that it's easier to create the New You.

Somewhat similarly with the music performances. Although that is envisioning you straight away as a being capable of greatness (musically/having creative power in terms of music), which is a better thing to be and to want to be. Consider investing meditation time and practical time to learn music properly maybe?

As long as you only "desire" and do not reshape yourself as to be, you are setting yourself up as impotent and powerless, only capable of mental masturbation about the things you want.


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It depends, of course, on the power of your will. I can say that it was terribly hard for me when I quit "the drug". I'm still happy I indulged in porn and all that jazz, it made me strong, strong, STRONG!

Protip: don't shame yourself, but assure that you are the boss here! Have this Atkinsonian affirmation,

"I Can; I Will; I Dare; and I Do!"
"I Can; I Will; I Dare; and I Do!"
"I Can; I Will; I Dare; and I Do!"


>you are setting yourself up as impotent and powerless, only capable of mental masturbation about the things you want
I've felt this way about my behaviour for years but I never knew what I could do about it. I did find with the internet, a term called "maladaptive daydreaming" however there was no stated solution. All I could think of was to work towards my goal with dogged determination but even then, I was always subject to my mood. Sometimes I felt euphoric and so I felt compelled to daydream about my idealised self and other times, I felt depressed so I felt obsessed to ruminate on all that I feel should not have happened.

I'm still only reading the Kybalion but I think thought control and emotional alchemy may be what I need. Plus, there's supposedly the ability to use meditation as a substitute for sleep and therefore compress 9 hours of sleep into a mere 3 of deep meditation.


You need to break down how things are and how you want them to be. The person in your fantasies - what is he like, how does he deal with every day life, etc. But not to just fantasize about it but write it down. The purpose is for you to analyze what needs to be changed about yourself. The write how you are as of now. Be completely honest, throughout, detailed and meticulous. The goal is to go for each part, starting with the more important and most powerful ones and to switch states.

Franz Bardon in IIH had Black and White Soul Mirror exercise in a related fashion, asking the practitioner to write down all of their own qualities and list them according to elemental qualities (Fire, Air, Water, Earth). The goal was to eventually balance your elements and to transform the negative (black) elemental qualities, for example lazy (earth) into positive hardworking (white).

So then you have the thing you want to change thanks to your analysis what's next? Suggested reading: Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics. I think Step 1's exercises were these
>Use autosuggestion 3 times a day for 40 times until you feel like you have made a permanent change in a quality
>Visualize yourself as having the thing, the quality, how it influences you positively (not daydreaming about a huge cluster of things, just 1 quality that has changed), feel the happiness, the positive emotions that it brings you, visualize the people close to you commenting positively on your changes As per Neville Goddard's practical suggestions, which are also quite useful
>Every day at all times remembering that you are the quality you wanted changed (for example "I am Hardworking")

Most importantly - act the way you want to be. The magic is changing you from the inside, your reaction to the material outside world needs to be done manually.

>meditation as a substitute for sleep

That takes a lot of skill and time to learn. Believe me, I've tried ;_; So far it's better to sleep as little as you need to feel good and spend the rest on improvement.

Sorry, nigga. Got carried away a bit


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Oh I see. After much thought, the quality I desire most is equanimity.

It would allow me to continue working towards my goals unphased by emotional influences.
It would allow me to improvise in unpredictable situations unphased by social influences.
Basically, I feel that with equanimity, I can have everything I want in life–including being a hardworker.

With equanimity, I would have the keys to Godhood.


Also, due to your failed attempt to substitute sleep with deep meditation, I think I should ask: How long have you been practising magick?


Lightly for 3 years, looking for stuff that works, more off than on practice.
~9 months of more serious practice before /fringe/, going through IIH. Balancing elements, soul mirror type shit.
Since the shift to 8chan in September feels like my practice is in overdrive.

I cannot stress enough, how much a difference daily meditation of 2 hours and getting rid of wanking completely can make. Before that you can change your personality and find peacefulness, after you can get to some really magical shit.

Supposedly the deep meditation is deep trance while placing your consciousness into your spine. If smiley is to be believed, you can just as much astrally project all night and that will be all the more useful, although I have read that it would be exhausting and not recharging like sleep.


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A year no porn
A month no physical fap
A week no astral sex
A day no psychic fap/incubi

Saw someone post about no4chan and I'm pledging to that too. Four weeks for four chan.




>key to godhood

words only have power coming from the right place

focus on Self-discovery


So auto-suggestion can be completely ineffective?


30 days ago I made it about 70 days, and about 50 days the time before that. And 5 days ago, 25 days.. damn

Never again. That's the goal.


Auto-suggestion works extremely powerful if you establish emotional resonance and intent while making the suggestions.


Hey guys try looking at porn without feeling the slightest lust. Then stop looking at porn again for a very long time. If you can be "triggered" completely with the actual porn in front of you and still it has no influence on you, you will be free of this degeneracy forever. Don't even let one lustful thought come over you though, stare at it with boredom, or repulsion and disgust.


Would you say the intent and resonance are more important than the wording? How much does the exact wording change the effectiveness?



Just got off a seven day abstense, felt really "pure" full of energy, but on the seventh day I just woke up full of lust.

Gonna try for 14 or more days next


That's basically what I've been doing for months now, and it's finally working I can state at porn and feel nothing.


Words are just useful to focus the mind and your intent. You could in theory just form the intent without saying a thing and then hold the intent in your mind, strong, and stable. It's easier with mental chanting though of the word.

The word itself has fuck all to do with the power of suggestion, it's all the intent and resonance of the word. That's why you can give suggestions in a language your target does not even understand and still have the same effect.


Ahh ok, I always struggled with finding the correct word to reflect my intention, it's good to know I don't have to fret about that too much if I can keep my intent constant.


Flags are hard


he's referring to the story of enki becoming poisoned by his own semen

its a metaphor, not literal


One week, I pledge to myself, of abstinence.


I have not reported back in yet, I felt shame because I failed in the no ejac. I have become far more aware of how it drains me and how empty I feel because of it. It has been harder since quitting smoking, like my degenercy doubled back on me when I stopped poisoning myself one way. Happy to say though that I no longer find that driving need for a smoke every day.
I am so conflicted, so poisoned, drowning in my own vice. as of today, it's been 2 days no fap. Going for a week, I need to know I am still human and not some brain washed goy ripe for the picking.

I get it now. The shit side of my ego preceived it as an insult and not a harsh truth. Degenercy in moderation is still exactly that. I need to breathe more and think less.


Pledging one week



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Pledging 13 lunar months


Pledging a week, although I'm already 2 days in. The temptation has been strong, but I'm still holding out


Atkinson, Personal Power, Chapter XII - Regenerative Power - Transmutation

(You may find this book in the Mega library in the sticky)

>Form in your mind the clear, definite, positive idea or mental picture of the presence within the Genital Glands of an abundant supply of the concentrated, potent Regenerative Power. Employ your ideative and imagining faculties to create a positive, clear and strong idea or mental image of the presence within you of such potent energies inherent in the internal secretions of the Genital Glands. At the same time cultivate the firm conviction and belief that these potent energies are capable of regenerating, reinvigorating and strengthening the entire physical and mental organism, or any part of it to which they may be specially directed by you; and, above all, endeavor to enter into a full recognition and realization of your power to so direct these energies to the parts of your organism selected by you, just as you would direct a stream of electricity or magnetism under your control and direction.

>At the same time, you should awaken within yourself the strong, insistent desire and wish that these potent energies will flow under your direction, and according to your concentrated will, proceeding to the regions of your organism which you have selected for the purpose of Regeneration. This insistent desire is an important basis for the exercise of the persistent will. Finally, you should firmly, determinedly and persistently employ your will toward the end that these energies may flow freely when and where you may direct them, this direction being supplied by your mental picture or strong idea which serves as the chart, map, pattern, or mold for the actualization or materialization of the process.

>In directing the flow of the Regenerative Power to any part of your physical or mental organism, you should first form the mental pattern, chart, or mold, which you desire to be followed in the actualization process. You must also actually “see” (mentally) the flow of the power to the parts, glands, or centres indicated in your mental chart or pattern. The more clearly you can visualize the process, the more effective will be the result. After you have practiced the method of Regeneration for a short time, this visualization and conscious use of the directing will will become practically instinctive and automatic, the subconscious mentality having taken over the process as a habit, just as it does any action which you practice or perform frequently.

>You may either “treat” your entire system in this way, or else you may direct the flow of power to any particular part, portion, or centre of your body which you may feel to require or likely to be specially benefited by the reinvigoration and strengthening. However, even when you treat special parts of the body in this way, it is well to conclude the treatment by a general treatment in which you “flush” or saturate the whole body with a supply of the reinvigorating power.

>For increased mental power and activity, the current is to be directed to the brain; for increased breathing power, to the lungs; for increased muscular power, to the muscles in question; for increased digestive power, to the stomach and intestines; and so on, each organ or part receiving its special treatment.

>The unmarried man or woman may employ this method with excellent results when he or she experiences the rise of exciting amatory or sexual feelings which in many cases may cause physical or mental strain or distress. In such cases there is experienced a decided and positive “relief”—the tension is withdrawn—when this method is employed; moreover, the sexual energy is in such case actually transmuted into Regenerative Power and is employed for the upbuilding and strengthening of body and mind. If young persons of both sexes knew of this method, there would be fewer cases of their “going wrong” because of their sexual passions. Instead of a forced repression, under a nervous strain and tension, there would be secured the relief of transmutation and diffusion of these potent energies of the system, and health and vigor would replace nervous strain and the strenuous effort of repression.


I pledge 2 days of pure transmutation, no lust. Will pledge more of course.

I've used the "million dollar point" as mentioned in Mantak's teachings and while I do not feel as drained as I would if I had actually ejaculated, I feel it is not as good as avoiding the false stimulation altogether.

I will save some of Mantak's methods for actual sexual relations, and even then I will conserve my seed rather than wasting it.


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serial numbers. killing machines. the illest of means


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death grips… you get death grips when ya fap


It's safer than people.


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First time doing this, but I need to know. I pledge a week.


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Thats gif is better than anything you will ever do/accomplish/succeed in your life. How does that feel?


Happy for being able to experience the gif.


It is indeed a beautiful gif


Dwarf, get on Skype.



This reminded me of this


Also pledging for 9 days.


Fuck broke my pledge. I forgive myself and pledge double. 2 weeks.


I lost my loosh to a succubus today, she seduced me in the astral, and I was not able to stay sober-minded enough to resist her. I guess I have to start again.


3rd day is over with, today was a lot easier


Well fuck.

One week.


Damn this is hard



Failed myself after 13 days.
I pledge to not be so susceptible to obvious societal programming and/or mind control in the future


>It will be hard.
I see what you did there.


2 days no manual stimulation whatsoever. This is the furthest I've gone by my deliberate choice.

It's been easy when using transmutation and refocusing, makes any potential boners go away. >>22075

I pledge 3 additional days.


What do I visualise when I do this? Do I visualise myself sitting on a chair from a 3rd person perspective as I am in reality? Do I visualise myself standing in an empty space? I'm going to need some specifics.


I pledge two weeks


I pledge my name, my word, my blood, my honor on 2 weeks.


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Today is day 7, I made it


For those of you still struggling
You should try chakra balancing meditation
I'm not too concerned about celibacy and i was a masturbation addict before this but i cleansed my chakras on February 7th before i went to sleep and I've only gotten one boner since then
it's amazin


Ditto! Success!


>>22274 4 days in, first two days were very frustrating but by the third day the only think disturbing me was my mind drifting into sexual fantasies which I promptly stopped.
I never really noticed the amount of fantasies I had before now.

>>22797 What about morning wood? Although I usually have no real lust when waking up, I am still annoyed at the stiffy which doesn't go away quickly enough.


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How To NUKE Lust Tip
I suspect many people here will be too put off by the bizarre nature of this exercise, but here it is nonetheless.

Although I strongly recommend taking cold showers and that does work well, it is less practical just because when you're drooling at a computer screen with your wang out, or just alone in bed experiencing temptation, you don't feel like going all the way to the bathroom to be hit with a stream of freezing water. It's just not so immediate.

The way to NUKE lust is simple: get a belt and keep it by your side. If you somehow don't have one, buy one. It'll be worth it. Proceed to hold the belt (and grasp the metal part obviously, you don't want that shit hitting your back) and whip yourself, firmly.

You just want to cause pain. It will fucking hurt. Alternating the side is good. After a couple hits, analyze yourself. If you feel the lust has gone away, your work is done. Know that lust is a mindset, one which needn't be inevitable (it's not just women who can't be in "the mood").

If you try this, please report your experiences.


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>>22804 I am so glad I do not have that much trouble containing my lust to the point where I need to whip myself.


>mentally conditioning yourself to repress instinctual desire
Because it worked out sooo well for the Catholic priests….


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>I saw the Jewsmedia make a couple jokes about how Catholic priests all molest babbies so it must be true

The truth is that real deviancy is the product of sexual freedom. Just look at all the filthy NEET pornlings on 4chan, all kinds of deviant forms of pr0n (bestial, trans-freak, CP, ect.) are rampant among them.

Nuke the perversion-spawning hell-lust, whip your back upon strong urges


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That's the equivalent of saying "republicans are bad, vote democrat. Neither black nor white is healthy ya fuckin moron. A nice grey zone works wonders…


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That's your opinion, I'm merely suggesting a tool.

Rattle your belt buckle that your inner beast may shrink and tremble at the warning sound!


I don't remember about morningwood, but i know i havent had it in a while
maybe it helps


Pledging two weeks


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I pledge two weeks.


I join the success of those who pledged one week and now pledge two more in likeness of them. The battle for control is over and victory is already ours for the taking.


Managed more than a month but this full moon has fucked me up again.

I need some sort of meditation that does not transmute energy but literately burns it away from my etheric body.
As the moon grows so does the loosh gain and I simply cannot use it all up through my normal magical practices.
I have been doing energy work, mindfullness and chakra meditation in addition to some tummo almost all day but I still felt overloaded with energy.


Pledging four weeks.

Also putting in a word of encouragement to everyone to stay strong.


Having been whipped as a child, I can say that it is not a very effective method and creates problems.

It is important to remember that we are beings and not computational devices. Trying to tackle a problem mechanically through external means has never worked for me and I don't see why it would, because the internal problem is not addressed; I've just conditioned myself to be afraid of punishment and I'm not one to subsist on fear.


I spent 3 hours in bed today, daydreaming pornographic fantasies.

I pledge 1 week.


Create really powerful servitors and send them to Smiley, he needs the loosh.


I recall seeing a 'TORN' transmutation technique u a few days ago and perhaps another new one a few posts later, but not anymore. Anyone still have it and willing to share?

Also, I found this post the other day which is interesting, yet the technique is sadly vague and seemingly difficult.


I pledge a month


I've been looking everywhere for a free hypnosis script that will work for my purposes.

I came across this one that might be helpful for some of you:

Another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh0yOL7RBKo

It's difficult to find ones that are targeted toward losing the urge to masturbate, not just porn or "addiction". For myself the former is a bigger issue than the latter two. I don't do it often but I fucking hate when I do because it ruins my motivation levels and makes me lose my precious energies.


I´ve never liked porn. Some time ago i hurt myself real bad when channeling my energy without knowing what i was doing, so now i have no problem with pledging when conncious.
But i still regularly need to ejuculate. Any help with this


>Also, I've read Samael Aun Weor talk about Maithuna but no one else. And he didn't give very good instructions about it.

Why dont you try consulting a gnostic group then? They have a good spread internationally.


How legit are they? I've read some good stuff by them but also retarded things like: "We do not recommend Hatha Yoga simply because, spiritually speaking, the acrobatics of this discipline are fruitless; they should be left to the acrobats of the circus" then in the same chapter "the spine must be kept flexible" also "You must know that every esoteric exercise of meditation, if practiced with a lack of the sleepy state, is useless, sterile, because it damages the mind and harms the brain."

Can seem like a silly joke compared to tru Gnosticism & Yoga


>mfw I never have to make any pledges in this thread because I simply do not fap and never will

Sure, I get erections at times, but those are just normal erections without any lustful feeling accompanying it.

I am so far developed way beyond you all still struggling with your lust.


>Hurr durr muh dick is longer than all of u monkeys I am bettur
Oh Christ thanks Anon-chan I needed a laugh today.


>if practiced with a lack of the sleepy state
It sounds like they're mistaking being ungrounded for advancement.


Hey, no need to talk to a superior being with such derision, while you've all spilled your seed many times in the last year I am sure, I have not done so even once.


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>>18822 (OP)
>Path of Purification Extract:
It seems that as the elder was on his way from Cetiyapabbata to Anurádhapura for alms, a certain daughterinlaw of a clan, who had quarrelled with her husband and had set out early from Anurádhapura all dressed up and tricked out like a celestial nymph to go to her relatives’ home, saw him on the road, and being low-minded, [21] she laughed a loud laugh. [Wondering] “What is that?” the elder looked up and finding in the bones of her teeth the perception of foulness (ugliness), he reached Arahantship.
Hence it was said:
“He saw the bones that were her teeth,
And kept in mind his first perception;
And standing on that very spot
The elder became an Arahant.”
But her husband, who was going after her, saw the elder and asked, “Venerable
sir, did you by any chance see a woman?” The elder told him:
“Whether it was a man or woman
That went by I noticed not,
But only that on this high road
There goes a group of bones.”

“As the elder was going along (occupied) only in keeping his meditation subject in mind, since noise is a thorn to those in the early stage, he looked up with the noise of the laughter, (wondering) ‘What is that?’ ‘Perception of foulness’ is perception of bones; for the elder was then making bones his meditation subject. The elder, it seems as soon as he saw her teeth-bones while she was laughing, got the counterpart sign with access jhána because he had developed the preliminary-work well. While he stood there he reached the first jhána. Then he made that the basis for insight, which he augmented until he attained the paths one after the other and reached destruction of cankers


Failure and success are the same double edged sword. I know I may have failed at first and cut myself, But a scar is not the whole of my being. Lust has been melting away lately, I have never been happier.


Not even wet dreams?


That would a problem for me if I could remember or see my dreams. I have started mindfulness training to regain that. For now I am content in knowing she is protecting me until I am ready.


I spent an hour daydreaming about porn and then I spent 5 hours reading hentai.

I pledge 1 day of non-sexual thoughts and will begin attempting the transmutation of sexual energy into vitality.


been about 3 days, I pledge two months in the name of Daruma Bodhistorm


I had a masturbation curse put on me a while ago so it's currently more healthy for me to fight to fix that rather than be abstaining.

GTFO my head while I'm masturbating grandma


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From now until March 23 I shall not fap



Lol, oh man I can remember that when I was younger.. 5 tabs up, skimming through the videos until I could bust to "the perfect scene". Absolutely pathetic.

Mantak Chias works should be mandatory reading for anyone interested in "no fap".


Are all of his books worth reading?


I've been experimenting with celibacy, mainly just no ejaculation, and have noticed some things.

First time, I went for a full week. Had some sexual thoughts, fapped once or twice with no ejaculation because straight up no fapping wasn't my goal. I finished on the seventh day, decided to go for another week.

Now, this time around I didn't have any sexual thoughts out of the blue even once. I accidentally ended up going for 10 days because I simply forgot. Should I have my testosterone levels checked? It doesn't seem right at all.

Also, I've seen people attribute some effects of semen retention, often in a social context. In the last 3 of those 10 days, I had more social interaction than in a month despite not doing anything differently. Strangers just noticed me all of a sudden. Can the retention of energy start grabbing attention in such a short period of time or was it all a fluke?

Also, any methods of preventing wet dreams? I'd straight up go without ejaculating for months because it feels good but fuck everything about cumming in my underwear.


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Or… wear a condom to bed?


Man, I wish I could help with your problem, but I've never had wet dreams (nor blue balls) and I have no clue what anyone should do about either.


Someone post some more transmutation techniques please.

I don't like the Gnostic ones cos it making toad sound is tricky + it doesn't give timelines and asking for Kundalini to be raised sounds foolish when unprepared.

Unsure headstand and shoulder stand are enough, which is what I currently do.


Jason Miller has a new book out on sex magick. It goes over using sex and ejaculation as a magical tool as taught in the west in the higher grades of magical societies and in eastern traditions as well as semen retention and abstinence.

I've not read too far into it yet as I'm pretty busy so can't give much of a judgement on it but it covers a lot of bases and approaches to sex and spirituality.


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13 lunar months!

No touching my peepee unless it's non sexual


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Just caught myself instinctively going to 4chan porn threads

Pledging to Only go to sfw boards


failed it after a week. Going for two months again.


I just lost it this evening, lustfulness overtook me for the first time in weeks. I pledge a month


The key to stopping lust is engaging in mental effort-based works.
Writing, meditating,programming, arguing on forums. It needs to be engaging and long-term. If you fap, do it as quickly as possible(not focusing on the feeling it gives you, it the feeling(endorphines, endogenous reward system morphine) that gets you addicted) and switch back to whatever work you have immediately.


1.wear tighter underwear.
2.attach a small magnet to underwear.
3.practice dream discipline, treat all as real worlds with its own local laws.
4.Treat any sexual advance by entities as attempt to drain and attach closer to you.
They manufacture illusions tailor-made to exploit your psychic profile(romance, fetish,etc) to get you to open your lower chakra and feed.


ground your self with bathing/shower if you can't handle the energy, a cool water shower for about half a hour would deplete most of it.
Touching magnets,metallic surfaces also helps.


You may be less vulnerable if you transform your low-level desires into platonic/romantic attachment without sexual undertones. Treat low-level animalistic urges to fuck as primitive and filthy, opposed to refined love. Refining this emotion towards platonic non-specific loving kindness(as in Buddhism) will advance you spiritually.


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Ehh worked once then I went back to regular habits so I'm pledging again.

Let's say 6 days for now.


gonna do 10 days and see how it goes
my absolute goal would be 90 but i'm too undisciplined right now to manage. lately though i feel like fapping just takes away my energy, i'm pretty much left tired and lethargic with nothing to show for it.


I have found something interesting recently.
>go two weeks without fapping
>go to shower
>strong urge to fap comes
>start jacking it
>right before ejaculation somehow managed to get myself in control and stop all simulation completely
>all lust was gone and my body of flesh felt completely foreign
>get a very strange outlook on life, as if I was completely separated from everything physical as well as my body and all my memories and personality seemed to have dissipated for a moment

I suspect that I have reached out to my higher self.

This requires very strong self control and it's not for everyone but I found this form of meditation quite powerful, though I'm sure it was discovered by someone before me.


And now I feel like a fool. I thought I coupd express love and devotion physicaly and satisfy my wife. It turned against me this morning. Fuck it. This time a month. I need to focus my love close to home. I keep pouring too much energy into other people.


>practice dream discipline, treat all as real worlds with its own local laws.
Could you please elaborate on this. It seems like whenever I don't masturbate (without ejaculation and moving the energy to higher centers) I get forced to the lose the energies in my dreams. My dream self is usually a fool that can't be controlled.

Does ejaculating in dreams have a similar effect to doing it in waking life? I have pretty good control over ejaculation at this point. Haven't ejaculated in almost 2 months now. I've woken multiple times in the middle or near end of orgasm, but am able to keep it in or only lose a bit of presemen.


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I pledge five weeks abstinence from masturbation. My previous record was four weeks.

I have accomplished one day so far - I will not be pledging abstinence from porn because that seems impossible for as long as I continue to use 8chan. I could disable images or use a text-only web browser, but it seems absurd to do so on an imageboard.


Try lucid dreaming techniques, get manuals or books and practice them in a dream.
Lucid dreaming(its western version of Yoga Nidra/Dream Yoga: which are WILD induction type and in-dream induction type respectively, astral projection is projection from the dream state from WILD) is essential for spiritual development.
Dreams are in astral planes. You have to cultivate consciousness, awareness of yourself,take control. Stop moving as reaction, treat the world as illusions:everything you see is dependent on your concepts and belief of the world, respect the local entities(don't attack/provoke/rape), try to avoid sexual contact(as it you just eject energy and slip to lower levels).
Its very hard to do initially, but consider entities in dreams have plans to get your sexual energy and getting you to ejaculate is their goal(if you don't have sexual energy, they'll try to drain loosh (inducing fear and negative emotions)). This is typical for lower layers of astral where material emotions(hunger,lust,rage) are manifested.
By not feeding these emotions, your default place in the astral gets higher, more refined emotions appear, which in turn give way to mental plane thoughtforms,etc. you can advance yourself through dreaming consciously.


Lucid dreaming is perhaps my top material goal. Is very difficult to induce on a regular basis though.
Developing vairagya is also a top goal.
I suppose I should stop masturbating completely and avoid sexual thoughts. Hopefully this will not lead to more sexual temptation in dreams I can't yet handle. I will try harder.

I will save your post and try to remember it often, thank you.


Is there any difference in how this works for females?


I imagine women might experience less fatigue after wet dreams, for the reason of not emitting any semen. Otherwise I imagine it's pretty much the same.

Female abstention is new to me, though; have you absented from masturbation and pornography before, and has masturbation affected your energy levels in any significant way? If not, now's the time!


I've been abstaining from pornography for about a year now, mainly for the ethical concerns involved in porn production. I still masturbate on a regular bases under the impression that it would curb lust in my everday life, but looking at this thread has lead me to consider that it might be doing the opposite. So I think I'll try to abstain for a week and see how it goes.


You do it, (and you can do it!). What I can say from having absented for over a year now from masturbation and porn, (from male perspective), I feel it has reduced my lust significantly (the first weeks and months being the toughest) and I have more energy and time to do studies and practice. It's no panacea but it's a great boost; only "bad side" is regular wet dreams that sap my energy. . . if I learn to lucid dream, I can hopefully rid these permanently.

Anyways, I will be interested to hear more from you. Good luck!


I've been abstaining from both pornography and from masturbation for more than 6 months now and it's quite liberating. When before the sexual urge would come I would find it hard to resist, but these days I hardly even care for it. When I am in more sexual situations, the I feel the I AM set in, I let it happen, but I'm never a victim of lust. I am in control is what I mean.

Semi-related greentext:
>In a room with a chubby-fat ugly women giving me head
>I am disgusted by her, but I take full advantage of this
>I have a beautiful gf, but a succubi thought seducing me as a fat whale was all it took
I was both offended and annoyed when I woke up.


Pledging 10 days


Thank you very much for your encouragement. I'm also trying to get into lucid dreaming, although I've never had any wet dreams as far as I'm aware (possibly because I already exert all my sexual energy in real life, or possibly because malevolent forces already have me in the snare of degeneracy and have no need to try to lure me in : o ) I drew a pair of sigils(?) to hopefully encourage you along your goals, but I'm hesitant to post them without your permission, since some people tend to be uncomfortable with that sort of thing.


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I never had wet dreams when I masturbated, not even slightly sexual ones. It's pretty much a new phenomena to me.

You can post the sigils if you want to, just be sure to spoiler them so no one freaks out!

>the feel the I AM set in. . .

This is a good feel. Yesterday I was overcome with very a strong urge but I quickly set I AM on and the urge died soon after.

Few days ago though I got drained well by some succubus; when I woke up, I was extremely tired and lethargic and I had to use the whole day to regain my lost energy. . .


this is already getting difficult, post-orgasm lethargy is annoying but so is this tension


Don't give in, bro, it's not worth of the time and energy spent!

If it becomes unbearable, do some exercise and see if it helps.


thanks man! i'll try to stay strong!
good luck to you if you're abstaining also!


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Not sure if these count as proper sigils, but I've drawn these to for protection or advancement of goals for me and a few other people, and they seem to work pretty well. One to help cultivate awareness in order to encourage moral strength and adherence to your principles, the other to help trump the negative effects of wet dreams.


Thank you kindly! I do not think sigil-making is some 'exact science', as long as they work it's all fine!



>I was extremely tired and lethargic and I had to use the whole day to regain my lost energy

>fap and feel guilty afterwards

>cumming wasn't even pleasant
>feel like shit for an hour but then get an urge to do something productive
>done schoolwork a week ahead
>cleaned the house spontaneously
>cooked my family some nice food
Am I broken or something? It's almost as if fapping open up some energy blockage in me.

Strangely enough it seems I benefit more from constantly generating energy rather than storing it.


I know what you're talking about.
After that 20 minute or so tiredness, (which can be used to nap!)
I feel much more productive as well.


I feel energized sometimes after ejaculating. It might open some blockages, perhaps.

I feel lethargic because something absorbed my energy; normal ejaculation (without parasitic entities) doesn't sap my energy noticeably, but this was different.

Avoid them succubi.


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Broke pledge, didn't regret it because it was very enjoyable and no porn was involved.

Pledgen 9 days.


The Jing is stored in the kidneys and the adrenals. If you notice an emptiness in the kidneys in particular then I'd lay off, otherwise just focus on building up your lower chakras, including the one in between your feet to keep the energy flowing in.


chakra meditating every day so the energy intake is always good


I woke up this morning with blue balls and I've been in pain for several hours since. Whenever I get blue balls, it's because I just had another pointless porn binge session where I look at/fantasise about porn. I've been actively monitoring my thoughts recently in order to minimise this. If I'm waking up with blue balls then surely that means that lust is leaking into my dreams as well, such as in the case of nocturnal emissions? How do I stop lust entering my dreams? If I take on lucid dreaming, can I stop this?


You stop nocturnal emissions, by both stopping watch porn completely, no binging no fantasizing, no nothing. Then you transmute the sexual energy. It's nothing that hasn't been mentioned before. You are blue balling so hard because you still haven't broken out of the obsession with fucking, still.


>You are blue balling so hard because you still haven't broken out of the obsession with fucking, still.
I appreciate the response but I just told you that even after making efforts to minimise my sexual thoughts that I just woke up with blue balls meaning something was going on during my dreams. In any case, as I'm still reading through the starter material (currently on Mental Magic), I'll have to touch upon techniques for transmuting sexual energy later. For the time being, as tempting as it is to release this pressure, I'll just have to restrain myself.


That's what I mean. The thoughtform that was energized every time you fulfilled your sexual urges in response to something turning you on, or "the habit", is still alive. And, to try and tempt you back under it's control it's having you feel this discomfort and influencing you while you have slept. Transmutation and perseverance is all that can help and that I wish for you.


Alright, thanks.

Also, is it safe for me in my current state to abstain from "the habit" whilst being unable to transmute this energy? I knew abstinence would test my will but I never imagined that it would actually induce physical pain. I can't even walk normally anymore as I've been forced to move at a snail pace just to bear it.
Did I mention that the pain is focused purely in my right testicle? Normally, should I myself induce this state by fantasising about/watching porn, the pain would be distributed across both but today, since the time I awoke, only one of them is in pain–the other is fine. Is that normal? Is it possible that I might require medical attention?


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I'm on day 2 of my blue balls and I have to say, compared to this morning and especially when compared to yesterday, I feel significantly better. I'm so happy I didn't give in. I've gone nearly 60 days without fapping but I'm going to discount all of this and start again with my will to suppress lustful thoughts.

>Tfw finally taking control of your life


Nice get and good job.

Yea. Dat habit, I dun fell for it

I've been having trouble the past few days with my urges going wild on me again. I feel that (whatever) my guardian is, she feels sexual energy is better then no energy.

I need to start doing offerings, this entity is definitely in my corner.

Learning as I go is tough and balancing base energy is taking a lot of work.

Lets see what I learn about it this week.


theme song of the thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZbTpANdI54

the energy build-up is horrible because i can't transmute it, but i've made it this far so i might as well stick it out to the end, only a few more days left.


Committing to one week. No fap until Sunday night.


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>this entity is definitely in my corner



This might sound humorously non-helpful to you guys, but I've found that actually having sex or deep intimacy with a woman almost totally destroys urges to masturbate or look at porn. This may have just been my case with my own energetic blockages/parasites (because I've also noticed some positive changes in my productivity, motivation, anxiety, sense of fulfillment, etc. after doing it), but I really do recommend simply finding a mate and expressing your sexuality "properly." You don't need to struggle against one of the most basic parts of your human nature, that's just going to lead to repression and being further caught in the cycle.


>Feigning to understand relation from context
>Implying that my imaginary friend is less real then your imaginary friend
>Implying you see the shit that gets done when I don her as an ego

I am not falling into the same traps I did before. I have figured out how to ground myself and I am improving day by day in my understanding. The loss of composure was a lower ego decision, however one I chose to accept, if for no other reason to not overload myself again. (Though that does lead me to another question, if in fact this entity allows me to don her as an ego, why is it attracted to lustfulness in addition to higher astral energies? My speculation on this is due to the way in which I use her) I don't profess to know everything, though I am not foolish. I am not allowing her the same control as before. I can quiet my mind, I banish her when needed, the thoughts are my own once more. I've felt the addition of her power mingle with mine when I do energy work. If you want to help me to reconcile what is happening, post something other then a blurb from some book that says I am going psychotic because you want to loosh farm. The dynamic has changed and I AM gaining control.

Who is no longer a matter of concern for me. I am who I am.
What is now my focus.

PS you choose the wrong flag
Eat a bag of dicks


Me? Loosh farming? She's the one that gets the pay off.

Just pay attention to the difference between what you feel and what she wants you to feel.


I may need that reinforced a few times, thank you.


fucking caved and there was only 2 more days left (24th & 25th). the fap didn't even feel good, what a waste. don't make the same mistake as me.

having said that, i'm still pretty proud because i used to be at a once a day frequency, so 8 days is pretty good. it'll take some work but i think i could do even better next time.


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3 months no porn/hentai
1 month no cumming through sex
1 month no fapping to imagination



This time I actually did regret it.

I pledge to avoid sources where I could see arousing images, genital contact other than for hygiene and sexually exciting thoughts until the 30.3.


almost two months now. all lust and no fap makes john a dull boy.
Anyone else having other desires?
Like i´m now always hungry


Oh yeah, you reminded me. No 4chan for 1 month



Just got through 7th day, I've never gone more than 7 days before



Can I be a little lazy shit and ask for a simple sexual transmutation exercise?

I'm crawling in my head because of a girl and searching for an exercise now.

I don't want break my pledge three times in a month.


I feel ya brother, I found something this morning that works for me.

>be this morning

>morning wood like a mofo, dat shit be ready to rumble
>laying on stomach(or back, I tried both and they both worked but stomach seemed to work better because the external physical sensation helped concentrate on the desire to stop), rotate ankles inward while legs are held tightly together, breathe in while making one slow rotation visualising the root chakra charging
>exhale doing another rotation of the feet and ankles and visualising that energy doing something [anything] else (I charged my solar plexus)
New found knowledge and the first dream I have had in forever, things are lookin up for me!


Also renewing.. and from henceforth.. I shall call it the cockra!


Sixth Tibetan Rite



Thanks to you both, I'm so far keeping a mental handle on it and will be trying these techniques to see what works.

Also dear god is just fantasizing about sex enjoyable now, I feel like I'm a pubescent teen again.


I had my first nocturnal emission last night. I confess, I'd been passive on my meditation lately as I was pressed for time due to my Uni-project deadline coming up however that's no excuse. I could've easily taken 10 minutes out of one of my breaks to do this but instead, I continued my daydreaming. Hell, even looked at porn during this period.

I pledge 1 week. No dwelling on lustful thoughts. I'll be starting a logbook again as well so rather than allow myself to idle which inevitably leads to something erotic, I'll be able to go through my logbook and readily remind myself of the plentiful amount of available work there is for myself. I suppose I'm really renouncing laziness rather than lust but nonetheless.


I pledge 0 months, 0 weeks, 0 days, 0 minutes, 0 seconds.

All this fighting agaisn't your own desires.
Why do you fight pleasure? You only weaken Slaneesh.


"Researchers have shown that ejaculation, even twice a week, shrinks the dopamine-producing neurons in the VTA, which reduces a male's response to the pleasure of morphine. This also happens with repeated heroin use in both rats and humans."



Fedora level argument.

Worshipping will earn you much greater rewards.


Worshiping what and in what way?


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Phallus worship. Invoke thee mighty cock god upon thyself and ejaculate between the subtle realms and the gross.

A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.




The symbolism of this is pretty biting.

One dick appears to be fucking another dick while shitting out another dick.

And a woman is in control of the whole thing.


By the anger of–
The worship is pleasure. To let yourself be. Its letting free your very emotions. lust, greed, excess, pain, pleasure, perfection and hedonism.

Worshipping is letting yourself follow your wills.
Worship him, and soon every feeling of pleasure will be increased. It doesn't have to be sexual pleasure, but restraining yourself sexually is heresy.

What are you talking about here.



The middle part was a crowley quote where he talks about magical use of ejaculation. Sperm is the male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence.

The rest should be obvious.


Whatever you're worshipping its not the same im worshipping.

Altough i must admit the cock worship is kinda hot


Renouncing food lust until the first day of Gemini Renouncing wrath until the first day of scorpio


gonna hide my onahole, resist looking at hentai, and control my lustful thoughts while i pledge a month. wish me luck brethren.


Wrong flag


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>Altough i must admit the cock worship is kinda hot


1 month. I hope I make it.




So I'm having a hard (HA!) time trying to abstain from masturbating lately, might be me feeling lonely and just plain really horny because of summer and the lack of intimate contact.

Can I enjoy myself as long as I play safe and not ejaculate?


I'm going to try for 2 weeks. My addiction to fapping is so out of control that today I fapped five times. It's time to kick this shit.


It´s now been month and a half since last fap.
But i think i´ll loosen some ties tonight. Pledge was excellent help in energy training, but I don´t want kill my libido permanently


If you let it abate it will resurface in interesting and productive manner.


I've been fapping daily, often multiple times, for several years now, but lately I've become aware of how much more motivated and creative I am when I wait. I'd like to improve on that.

I'm not going to fap for a week.


I tried this for a time, but it's not very effective. You're making it more likely to orgasm.

The "need" to fap comes from the need to feel that stimulation and it comes from a deep need for comfort.

Indulging in orgasm creates a loss of that general sense of motherly comfort that every human being creates for themselves once they've reached adulthood.

Craving for orgasm can be replaced so your energies can be redirected.

Generally, hard exercise will help you get in touch with your body and what it needs. Do all of the calisthenics you can or hit the gym.

Also, try "breath of fire" technique when the craving surfaces.


If you're not against it, cannabis and alcohol may help too. I'm of a moderate mind though so I don't feel the need to indulge in those things like an addict until I master other methods. Only when there's the right time and place I indulge.

Interestingly I've found that during nofap streaks I lose the impulse to indulge in alcohol. During extended streaks when I do enjoy alcohol, I don't need to drink as much to feel great.


So i >>30610, fapped. It was not pleasurable at all. Atleast compared to my meditation and energy flow stuff. This will make next pledge a lot easier


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Come back under my influence you silly wizards! Let me wrap myself around you!



Ugh, at least TRY to look arrousing.


I renounce it now for two weeks.



Fuck, pledging another month. Threw away my onahole and will eat satisfying junk food as punishment.

I should meditate everyday for 20 minutes? Since i am new here, I don't know if this is the right flag to use, because i havnt finished reading any of the books.



Fuck, failed already. Need more training. And to avoid going to porn related sites. Two weeks starting now.


Fuck, I failed. One week, no porn sites this time.


Tomorrow I will complete my Lent no-fap challenge.



>three fucks given


>I should meditate everyday for 20 minutes?

Yes, ideally you should always try for more. First you must work on discipline, and meditation is one of the best ways to achieve it.


Be proud because if you win on this, you'll strengthen your Will and you will (ha!) have it easier. What 'it'? Everything.

20 minutes is a good intro for meditation, but you should indeed aim for more. Two hours a day is a great minimum, you can do three 40min rounds a day, but you can do shorter ones if you find it difficult. But even little meditation is good if you find absolutely impossible to practice longer.

Start small, get big.


Pledging 13 months. It shouldn't be difficult as long as I keep doing my suicide sprints


I pledge 2 months. NO exceptions, NO excuses.


I pledge one week.
Whoorah muthafuckas, guts and glory!


A fixed time for meditation is silly, why not use various forms of meditation all throughout the day, and maintain meditative states constantly throughout an entire day? e.g. visualize an object in your mind and hold it there constantly the whole day, never letting it disappear, no matter what else you are doing.


Constant meditation while doing things is hard until you have a handle on it without the distraction of other activities. The inactivity also leads to discipline as you deal with bodily discomfort and boredom.

Setting a time and duration means you can't weasel out of it, you have allotted a time you will feel shit having not done it.


I engage in shitloads of meditation all the time at every opportunity I have. 20 minutes a day is just pathetic. There are many forms of meditation, thousands, that can be used for developing various traits.


He is a newbie, its good to start small and ensure you are doing it right and regularly.

He can meditate moreso if he wants but he MUST at the very least do 20mins a day.

What sort of meditations do you partake in aside from visualization?

Vipassana can be very tricky while going about daily tasks, especially those which require any sort of thought aside from mundane repetition.


I pledge one week and one day which upon finishing I will have a healthy sexual release away from degenerate porn. (I've heard 7 days is best for the T cycle)

If I get the urge I will do push ups or meditate until the feeling passes


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I pledge with you one week and one day.

The past few weeks after I finished my last pledge (BARELY) has been rough. Slipping back into degeneracy and confusing it for love. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about love and sex, finding a healthy balance of the two in my mind. Since I have finished my last pledge I have been fapping almost every day and in some cases more then once a day. I discovered that often it comes from feelings of undesirability and insufficiency. I also discovered that the catalyst of it is much more subtle then formerly thought. As much as touch, sight, and sound can be an aspect of arousal, fear and curiosity (specific to my experiences last week) are also aspects of it. Intellectual arousal can lead to physical arousal just as easily. With new found knowledge I resolve to find a better means of expressing desire. I have a few tantra books I have started perusing. I have realized that I AM loved and that feeling down on myself about sex, love, desire, so on is just a negative aspect I need to cleanse when it arises and refocus when I need the energy.

I send forth the strength for all to know
Weeping and keeping will never grow
Hands off the lamb.
To let it grow, first let it go
Love will return, we reap what we sow.

Pic related… it was me this last week.


I'm currently in my 8th day but damn yesterday was horrible, like I can't remember since I was this horny in a long time, literally hours spent with erotic daydreaming and getting erections.
But now it's all gone, I have a very good sense of calm, my dick was practically dead for some time, if I don't browse porn I should be good
I'm doing this to see if it will affect my hairloss, since the link between libido and alopecia is established from long ago, but to test this I need to stay fapless for months on an end


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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What do you mean getting yourself telekinetically off?


I hate ugg boots so much.


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Shit's rough, whatever entity is trying to get me fall back into this spiral of lust it's trying pretty hard.
it has reached a point where girls on cam sites now ask me to show them my dick and fap to them.

around succubi, never relax


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One of the things I have discovered is that a huge amount of my sexual desire(Read, 99.5%) was not myself, it was thoughtforms. All my fetishes, everything that was highly arousing was just thoughtforms. This Easter I did a water fast, and a ritual cleansing(I also did the Triduum) and it seemed to clear those bastards out. I also enabled me to discover a deficiency in my sacral chakra which had been the source of MANY of my problems.

Know Thyself fellow wizards.


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Well, the mistake was visiting a cam site in the first place…


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>visiting sexual sites while on the Renouncing Lust challenge

Just willfully entertaining lustful THOUGHTS is a mortal sin according to our forefathers. Employ the general rule of treating everything sexual as cancer, see what happens


As in, using the same force you can use to push and move around objects with your mind, but applying it to your dick.


>disgusting unhealthy sweet popsicle
>doesn't even have blonde hair

Do not want.


>be on nofap day 6

>returning to dorm for class

>petite chick in pijamas with good tits goes past me

>get thir primal urge to fuck the shit out of her

this is literally hell, you want something so bad, it's right in your face but you know you can't get it



Having sex with a woman is actually the least harmful way to ejaculate so don't feel too bad.


For most people who can't last more than 2 weeks without ejaculating there should be no problem. But if you can last months or years you have to use that energy for magick/sex or risk your etheric body getting overloaded with energy. But most people here who don't ejaculate for that long use it for atral projection/thoughtforms/succubI. If you are doing it becouse you think lust is bad or religious reasons just don't do it.



>overloaded with energy

Do some exercise, you fat fuck



I'm not talking about myself and you have no idea what you are talking about.



So much energy that you are tiping yourself out of existence



Then don't talk for somebody else, because you sure show that you don't know



Why are you so upset most people don't exercise and this is what would happen to them. I don't have a problem with that. If I did exercise like the mundanes I would have no energy left for magick and I'm underweight.



Lazy as fuck excuse.



I don't need muscles. If somebody gets in my way I curse them or I project and fuck with them.



Exercises are not only about getting big, everybody needs to maintain their material vehicle in order as long as they stay in matter.




Let me explain why you NEVER get overloaded with energy. First, if you avoid masturbating and sex or can't get it, but have the thirst and lust for it, you are going to call succubus and get wet dreams wether you know about magick or not. This is true even for people with spiritual energy low enough to not remember their dreams. If their lust isn't that high but they have higher spiritual energy, they'll do astral projection once in a while sleeping and even out of body experiences. You'll also have people as thirsty as them that avoid sex and masturbating for religion or other beliefs that they took from somebody else, mostly a group. Those will eventually give in or release this energy in their everyday actions, attracting others at them and influencing them. Finally you have those with no lust at all, either from extremely strong personal beliefs capable of altering reality as well as their concept of themselves, from extreme exercise, or both.

Getting overloaded with energy is nonsense because an entity would take it from you, or your own body would find a way to reach an equilibrium


So last time I did this pledge, every night some birds did the same weird singing til the morning came, I gave up one day I woke up with some minor scars over my body, then I forgot about this.

Well I'm pledging 2 months again. This time it will be for real.



Does anyone else hear human words "in" birdsong? I've done this with someone else present once and we both heard the same thing.


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I pledge two weeks.


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Thank you



punishment isn't causal


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well, I'm going on since april 7th,

I'm restraining myself from fapping until a month is due.

How do you use this pent up energy?

I'm just continuing with my daily routine but I think I could be getting more out of this


I don't even remember the last time I ejaculated but I got into a habit of trolling the lust thoughtform attached to me from my old degenerate habits by stimulating myself while keeping my mind clear then right as I reach the edge I do the Transmutation described at >>22075


Fuck, I need to get my act together.

I'm fapping to things I don't even want to fap to.


/Fringe/, I feel like my celibacy is reaching a peak, and I want a mortal partner to further steel my will and use my sexual energy with.

Does /fringe/ advise?



Do that. Be ye are faithful.



I advise reading all the books and doing all the practises you can before getting a partner… and just making a tulpa rather than wasting time with a mundane partner.




Books will be read and practices practiced.

My tulpa is the embodiment of celibacy itself.

I have a knack for attracting wizards into my life, so I'll not have to worry about mundane partners.


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I lasted four fucking days.

I now pledge a week.


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Good luck.


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Wet Dream. For some reason she looked like my sister and yet wasn't her.

I pledge a week again.



just stop.


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You can do this…


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I pledge celibacy for a year and a day.

I must also confess to having made several large pledges of celibacy in the previous thread and broke them without confessing my transgression. The rest of this day will be wholly dedicated to completely removing all pornography from any and all storage mediums in my possession. This will be followed up with several overwrites with random data to ensure no file recovery is possible. I’ll also fiddle with my hosts file to make it next to impossible to purposefully view porn. I’ve come to the conclusion that small, one week personal pledges where I retain porn for later use isn’t enough.

So yeah, weaning myself off of it isn’t working and I acknowledge that. Cold turkey time.



Same thing happened to me a while back…

I climaxed in the dream but woke up dry


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Ok, so I just finished my one month pledge.

I'm torn between having the greatest fap of my life before pledging another month or just making it two



Just extend your pledge like i do :)


After having started to regularly swim has my lust to masturbate greatly diminished. It's been about 15 days (or more, haven't really kept track) since I've ejaculated, but I've massaged my penis a few times (just to keep it healthy) without associating it to anything sexual (except to initially get the boner blood flowing).

I have more energy but I still need to correct my diet (I tend to over-eat sometimes and it hella draining).

Anyway, keep strong, gentlemen.



But wouldnt it be better to just use my month's worth of cum to charge a given intent than just keep on accumulating energy?



accumulate nonstop nigger 62 days and counting here. if you really want to bust a nut do it in the astral atleast. That charge for an intent is a bullshit excuse and you know it


This is the second time this has happened. I went to bed, hoping for my first lucid dream but then I vaguely remember seeing an attractive woman. I got very, very aroused and next thing I remember is jizzing and pissing my pants. I look forward to learning transmutation because this is getting pathetic and rediculous.



Yeah, you're right, it is an excuse.

I'll just keep it all in until I can finally manifest a decent woman for me.

Pledging another month


I went 10 days without any issues. I'm going to try and get another week done.


I will not pledge celibacy but I pledge not to lose my loosh to images or for a brief moment of pleasure. Starting with 7 days.

I will be successful because I find this is in accordance with both my will and desire, and I will pledge more days afterward.

I am experimenting with lessons and techniques from the Taoist and Tantric paths and I have learned to circulate the energy very well at this point to prevent losing it to orgasm.

I've learned that projecting the pleasure to the rest of your body, circulating it around the chakras or the microcosmic orbit helps keep you from shooting out your energy. But you must hone your inner focus and learn to manipulate those energies, then reabsorb and use them where they are needed. You can still bleed out energy even if you don't ejaculate which is why you have to learn how to redirect it.

It took me a bit of trial and error to figure it out, but I've got it now thanks to autosuggestion and practice.

Newbies feel free to ask questions and I'll help you the best I can. Just make sure you've pledged first.



not to mention that most porn is cuckoldry by proxy. Accepting this idea should ideally greatly reduce the amount and genres of porn one is willing to view



Can you tell me how to make the most out of the accumulation of semen?

I've been a month and a half without orgasm and even though I feel the effects seeping into my workings I know I could be taking more out of this



mantak chia's books bro


I want to pledge but I need help.

In my case I don't get tempted with other people, porn or else, I feel so disgusted to the point of hating sex. On the other hand what kills me is masturbation, I'm only lustfull when I'm alone. Any tips for my case?



Others in this thread highlighted techniques for transmuting lustful energy into other types.

My answer would be be mindfulness and willpower. At the end of the day, you just have to not want to be a slave to your lustful thoughts.



For mantak's work to be useful you need a woman which you would have no qualm over having as your fusion partner for the rest of what you would consider experience.



As didi mentioned, Mantak Chia is a good place to start. you can find several of his books online, and many of them mention similar information, so find it and skim.


you can also skip to "The Microcosmic Orbit" on this site - http://www.tantraawakenings.org/meditators_guide_55.html

Get Atkinson's books from the fringe library in the sticky, read Volume XII in Personal Power on regeneration, and the Hindu Yogi Science of Breath. In those texts he teaches you how to harness that energy for thought-healing.

Knowing the nature of this energy and how to control it using thought is important.

If you haven't already, learn the microcosmic orbit. if you are already able to move the energy at will along that circuit you can bypass orgasm and use that built-up energy to do other things. you must remain focused though on breathing and energy circulating.

In my experience, the key is to focus on moving with the mind that sensation of orgasmic energy from the lower up the circuit along the back, then to the head, then draw it back down the front to the navel chakra. Repeat until satisfied. Exhale to move up along the spine, then inhale to draw down the front using the tongue to complete the circuit.

I don't agree with waiting until being on the verge of ejaculating to do this. I think this is what they tell plebs so they can sell these books as sex manuals. Instead you should be conscious of your breath and energy as much as possible. This is the trick that worked for me.

when I do it right, it's like the channel opens up and the energy flows and circulates very quickly in time with my breathing, and I don't have to stop from being on the verge of ejaculating or anything. I believe that opening this circuit and encouraging its flow balances the upper and lower chakras, like opening the locks in a canal.

in my experience these channels correspond with the chakras along the front and back of the body. Become acquainted with them, and if and where you find any blockages, work on those individual zones. You'll only get it if you read for yourself and practice. When working with that energy, your mind is the limit. Thoughtforms are a place to start, I'm delving into IIH myself.

Anyway, even though I think I learned a lot, I still have a lot to learn.


autosuggestion is how I crushed my habit.

Masturbation, like drugs, at its core, is used to cope with boredom and a general sense of despair, and it means you are not using your built-up energies, whether inward for healing, or outward for magick or taking physical action. If you can recognize this, you can find more constructive ways of coping. When you aren't alone in a place you are prone to doing your habit, focus on cultivating root chakra and sacral energies. there is a white magick ritual in the catalog on this board, it's useful for those purposes.

Try reading and practicing the techniques in some of the literature I mentioned above if you haven't already, especially Atkinson in regard to transmutation and suggestion. Ctrl+f and search keywords. In Atkinson's Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath, he explains that sexual control does not necessarily mean sexual weakness. You can take those virile energies to make them work for you.

You should build up your energies and direct them to the will, the navel aka solar plexus chakra. I notice that when I go long periods of not releasing my energies to orgasm, it becomes easier and easier to resist release. your will becomes honed like an iron sword.

Sometimes when you say "i really don't want to do this" you can use this as an exercise to strengthen your will and do what you feel you don't want to. Strengthen your lower chakras with foods, breathing and more and your resolve will be strengthened.


Hi guys. I'm at my 4th week of no-fap and having a bit of a problem here. I used to masturbate whenever I'm stressed out with life. The last few weeks have been pretty stable but this week is very stressfull for me. Any suggestion/advice so I wouldn't give in?



Focus on grounding yourself in the root chakra. Eat garlic, onions, roots and tubers. If you wanna go all paleo, some garlic and sweet potato will do you good.

There are plenty of herbs that can be used to deal with stress if you haven't learned how to magickally or mentally cope with them, google it and you'll find exactly what you need.



One week.


Also pledging a week under the terms of this thread. I was working on abstaining, but the promise I made myself kept getting weaker and weaker until I used porn again.



what the..? The site claims this is me but I swear I didnt post this.

I was just thinking how this thread is relevant to my interests as I was reading up on sexual Alchemy last night.



Seems like you are a happy fringe family!



It is not that bad, so long as you don't ejaculate.

Look into Mantak Chia or try this technique, but press down on your perinium to block semen escaping: http://www.enlightenmentcity.com/1/post/2012/09/ancient-egyptian-tantra.html


>>38731 (You)

A good portion of this thread got fucked up when a jewish kabbalist took down /fringe/ and the cripple had to restore it…


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I pledge to turn all my lustful desire into love.

Why lust when you can love, brothers!




7 days

I've done nofap for a month before. That was before I fell down the rabbit hole and was full fedora.

I did feel great amounts of energy but wrote it off as boosted testosterone or something.


I was in a lucid dream / sleep paralysis state of mind, I thought of women, got a boner and then proceeded to once again, piss and cum myself. It's a bit strange that I'm able both piss and cum at the same time in that state of mind but nonetheless, it's happened and I believe it's happening because I'm not being diligent enough with my thoughts.

I've taken some time to read Steve Pavlina's article on goal setting and with this new change in paradigm, I'll try again to develop healthier mental habits so I'm not even having lustful daydreams. For the time being, I pledge one day.


Being asexual is easy mode.

I'll pledge six months.



>hope this post isn't tl;dr

I hope more people make more long-ass, informative posts like yours.


After I started doing the lbrp and lirp my desire to masturbate just faded. So you can try that maybe it works for you too. I do the lirp in the morning and lbrp before bed.








I really wonder if people who are horny and restrain themselves, transmuting their lust, would do better than people who don't have any of this.

How can you transmute something that isn't there? Or does it work entirely in a different way?



Lesser banishing/invocation ritual of the pentagram


Lust can be a positive caracteristic if defined differently. It is normall for two people who love each other to feel lust for each other. But when a person desires another strongly and the other person is out of reach the first person will feel strong lust. The second kind of lust is the negative kind in my opinion. If lust doesn't come from/is used for a selfish desire than its fine.





As far as I've been able to tell, it's automatically transmuted to other things. The energy I'd otherwise devote to sex is now devoted to whatever else I happen to be occupying myself with.

Having an orgasm is always pretty terrible. I feel tired and even sick for several days to a week afterwards. Presumably, I'm so adjusted to the 'buildup' that not having it feels weird.


What is the middle way?

Surrendering to your impulses can only lead to destruction. But that's no reason to deny yourself all sources of sexual pleasure.



Most of our energy is spent perceiving this dimension but when we start to lower self indulgence in this dimension, we can relocate the saved energy into clairvoyant activities.

Self control is the ultimate source of power.


Pledge 7 days nofap noporn.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim Swill, about "The Absent Rapist"

The Absent Rapist was created in reaction to my own personal pornographic dependency and the addiction as a widespread phenomenon that goes fairly unspoken to this day. Many relationships, families, and marriages encounter this particular problem: boyfriends and husbands becoming addicted to pornography, losing emotional interest in the very family they brought into existence, as well as losing sexual interest in their girlfriends and wives, due to the symbolic representation of promiscuity and sexual power. Though not directly about rape “Absent Rapist” is more about a psychic vampire mentality, about the images and the person living vicariously through one another, about a set of domination and submission mind states that usurp a person's ability to function in a regular situation due to the over-saturation in a nonexistent sexual reality.

“You used to just take minutes, but now it's taking hours.”

Overtime as most people who’ve ever encountered a problem with porn would know, XXX media is very similar to drug abuse. You start with just small increments that rapidly turn into vast extensions, the amount of pornography seen with the amount of time invested. What was once 10 minutes quickly escalates into hours of searching without even masturbating, simply collecting the data, harvesting in a sense. The once tender area becoming a callous, and therefore not only the amount of material but the content gets upgraded as well. Especially for a lonely person there is not only sexual tension but resentment and anger as well. The porn industry knows this and it simply provides a harder drug to fulfill the high, the material becoming increasingly more violent, cruel, and degrading.

“You’re a faceless phantom far away their absent rapist.”

Pornography can take hold of carnal desire and bring some of the vilest human attributes to the surface. What makes it especially dark is the ability to become simply a spectator of violence and cruelty, satiating a perverse desire instead of overcoming it. This is by far the worst attribute of the pornographic addiction, hence it being addressed in the chorus. By providing relief instead overcoming our shortcomings, we are living lives like a bottle of cold medicine, simply relieving but lacking the ability to cure, making the sickness stronger and more resilient.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



“Alone and feeling nothing but the joy of empty ends, all those girls to give you what you want, every night it never ends. You gave up hope to ever find a bonded, decent lover. Now you’d only want a girl if you could stand above her.”

Engaging in pornography especially whilst in a relationship is without a doubt a form of legal adultery. Our culture encourages it; hyper sexual stimulation to the point where no real healthy relationship could fill the hole dug out by XXX media. It’s become a common problem across America for men being unable to perform in bed simply because of pornography and real sexuality not being as stimulating. It also would go hand in hand to say that even an interest in romance has waned, as we are overloaded with the fantasy of promiscuity on a massive scale as if it were a measure of manhood. Though I would agree it seems probable that the condition of an animal nature may enable the thoughts of wanting to impregnate as many living creatures in an instinctual ceremony of survival, I believe this to be a malleable part of being a human being. The idea of promiscuity is not entirely built on that premise of seed spreading, but more a worship of the individual and erasing what was once a family unit. By saying the person in the song feels “the joy of empty ends” I am saying they are satiating their desire for uncommitted sexual relationships, by creating the symbolism of promiscuity. The rest of the lyrics in that bar are a reiteration of the idea that as the content progressively becomes more hardcore, eventually the person’s idea of a relationship would degrade in a domination role.

“Your wife, your mother, neighbor, and even your own daughter all make you sick to look at because you only see in vulgar…”

These lines are more focused on the delusional reality induced by pornography. A man who can’t even look at his own children without a sexual flash. One of the most sinister aims of mainstream pornography is the strive to be pedophilic on a subversive level. So many sources make attempts to lie about the models' ages and whereabouts as if to say the girls are from high school, or live with their parents, fulfilling even more crude and disturbing desires built out of the inability to maintain the same mental high with more modest material.

“It’s only a matter of time before it becomes your normality your absent rapist mind state transfers into your reality.”

So in turn the character in the song is now plagued with sexual saturation, knowing instinctually that the thoughts are perverse and unnatural. I am also making a statement considered strong by some sexual liberation advocates to say that the pornography’s drug like hypnotism would only satisfy for so long, and eventually a person may venture out into the physical world in order to satisfy their addiction; leading to things such as adultery, divorce, solicitation of prostitutes, pedophilia, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, and possibly molestation and/or rape. That is why the title is “Absent Rapist”, for when engaged in the fictional reality they have the opportunity to be an observer, far away, detached from the act yet fulfilling the desire to do such a thing. An absentee participant.


The question is, how does one rekindle natural sexual nature


Pledging 7 more days. So far I got two. Noporn and nofapping.


I dungoofed at day 5 or 6 out of 7, gonna retry but this time aiming for 30 days.


This thread makes no sense to me1, nothing is really flat !



wie meinen?


I pledge to never actively try to get laid.

If shit goes down, activate passive mode


for anybody struggling affirming "my will is powerful" and then shortening it to "will is power" about 100 times a night with super focused intent being drawn into it has eliminated any falling into temptation for myself, even without affirming anti temptation to lust




This shit is quite thoughtful to me, so much so that after having an oddly close proximity chat with a cutie recently, I'll be attempting to resist any and all sexual material and thoughts. Lets say for 17 days.


I pledge to not masturbate for 1 month (and to not watch porn too).

I hope I find a girlfriend, I can't stand everyone around me asking why I am not in a relationship.


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Do you still store loosh if you get an erection but don't masturbate? I'm on my fourth day of no fap. After failing multiple times, I decided to lock down (literally?) and purchase a chastity belt. I've been in it for half a week so far, and I'm determined to go a month. I want to test the benefits of no fap, and see if I can actually observe a difference.



Do this, but don't worry about getting a girlfriend or your motivation for doing so will have been for nothing.

Too many guys have tried to do this just for the sake of getting a girlfriend, they land one, then they lose their loosh, then she's gone and they're miserable again.

Do it for you, not for anyone else.


My assumption is that Tantra is the middle way, but the important part is moderation. Some people hop into Tantra and get too far into the sexual aspects of it.

They end up being able to masturbate to porn for 6 hours straight because they don't ejaculate, but they still lose their vital power to it as it is turned into intense pleasure-sense signals

The energy loss is mitigated in this case when having tantric sex with a person of the opposite sex, providing that one does not ejaculate or focus too much on intensity of pleasure.


you can store loosh, but you have to learn how to draw it up. Look into "the microcosmic orbit", Mantak Chia discusses this in his books which you can find in this thread. CTRL+F mantak.


It's been…6, maybe 7 days now? I don't even remember and I haven't even set a goal. I'm starting to get sad/angry when I think how bad I need it, especially since I haven't had any results from it yet


I pledge 12 days.


1 week




nearing 2 weeks, havent had big temptations yet, just a little bit of bad habit loops. i can feel my natural sex drive re-balancing, as in i get a desire, then i go out and attempt to manifest it.


>>44193 Not sure what confessing in this thread will do but I pleasured myself today to some erotic writing and fantasy.

I am just 3 days and although I do not feel a great need, I long for it whenever I see the women I am attracted to. I should look up the various techniques in this thread.


I just masturbated to hardcore porn, I made this >>44197

pledge….and on the 3rd day I masturbated, I felt so weak, today was a tough day and I was sitting on the PC and I just said to myself "This one is the last…", I trembled as I was zipping my pants…

My willpower is so weak.

I start again, I pledge a month of no-fap, no-porn.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At the very least, wean yourself off pornography. It is degrading and evil, especially what you consume. Maybe you'll feel less negative vibes.


I've tried a few times to stop with fapping. I don't necessarily use porn, but I trade pics and video call and stuff.

I usually feel deep despair and emptiness when I don't fap. It's like the only source of true pleasure I get. Probably why I'm so addicted to it. If I was getting laid it might not be such a big issue, but I'm going to listen to my body.



see >>44207 if you haven't already.

Go one day. When you do that, come back and report in on how you feel, how you've done so far, and so on.


Ejaculatory orgasm does serious things to the mind and body. There are some good, but just as many are bad.

Just go a couple of days without fapping in any form whatsoever, think about things other than orgasm and sex, and those feelings will go away. Energy flows where attention goes.



I've done it successfully multiple times with success. For months. I don't have a problem doing it, I have a problem with the effect it has on me. Which is usually deep depression.


i pledge 1 week to realign myself.


>>44193 I broke my pledge just now to some shit I wanted to "research" for my art. The lust just took over me when I saw some live action shit with audio that really was too tempting not to indulge in.

So I am willing to do any and all techniques to counter this, I'm already reading up on the Taoist book mentioned in this thread and Undoing Yourself by Hyatt, which I've already tried once and got some very interesting results.



You'll be surprised how your mind can rationalize it. The temptation is really like a thoughtform or demon.


1 month


Fapping used to contribute to my depression, I'd always feel terrible for the next seven days after an orgasm, but a combination of my meds and intensive therapy got rid of that.

I have a very high sex drive (Combined with crippling shyness is a weird one), so I don't know if I'd be able to resist for very long. I don't look at porn unless you count 2D and fantasies.

I've seen some people in this thread mentioning sex magic, are you referring to tantra? Lust may be bad, but is frequent sex in a monogamous relationship good? Also, are there limits to it, because I seem to enjoy sex with both genders. If I'm going to stop fapping and start doing something like tantra, I want it to work with both genders.



To just add to this, I find that I have less concentration and my mood is much worse when I don't fap.

When I get horny, it feels like energy is building up inside me. When I was studying for my exams, if I hadn't fapped a while, I couldn't concentrate until I did. When I orgasm, it feels like excess energy is released and my body returns to normal.

This is only after four days by the way, a week is almost torture.


Today I was doing kundalini meditation. Puling the sexual energy out of my Muladhara chakra into my higher chakras . Instead of focusing on the end of my spine I focused to heavily unto the Muladhara chakra and ended up ejaculating. I didn't even touch my self and it wasn't pleasurable it just felt like peeing.



I pledge to refrain from masturbation until the first day of July (8 days).

If I break this promise, may I lose connection to the internet for the same number of days.



Well I used to have a high sex drive and used to do it like 5 times a day then it vanished as I got into magick seriously. After rising my kundalini there was no desire to do it any more. If you ejaculate you lose a lot of energy which would otherwise be used for healing and so on. Now I have so much more energy than I used too. Tantric sex means that you do not ejaculate at all during or after the act. It cannot be done with the same gender effectivly as far as I know. Because of the negative polarity of the Female and the Positive polarity of the male both benefit from the act.



>Because of the negative polarity of the Female and the Positive polarity of the male both benefit from the act.

I could explain the mechanics behind it in detail, but I'd rather not. If it works, it works.



I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with it then. I personally consider love and sex divine blessings (So long as as they are moderated).



I've come across this idea of male and female energies before, but I don't agree with it at all.

If reincarnation is possible, these energies would be unique to your body, not your soul, so they wouldn't really matter (Assuming the goal of all souls is to break the cycle of reincarnation).



My mistake I apologize I didn't read the post thoroughly. I think of sex as a form of service to others. I do not differentiate between sex and just random acts of kindness they are equal to me. If an person desires sex more then that I will do that if not I won't. It sounded like I prefer not to but i'm actually Indifferent to it.



>I've come across this idea of male and female energies before, but I don't agree with it at all.

It's just twisted words. It's ying/yang or electricity/magnetism. I don't want to tell more to be honest.

>If reincarnation is possible, these energies would be unique to your body, not your soul, so they wouldn't really matter (Assuming the goal of all souls is to break the cycle of reincarnation).

Ultimately it doesn't really matter, you are right. But for starters it's just easier to go with what's initially there to work with. You don't need sex or a tantra partner at all. It's just a tool.

This life is the only one that really matters to "you". There is no "next life". All lives (reincarnation) happen simultaneously. "Remembering" just means having more consciousness. Breaking the "cycle" means accumulating awareness.



I looked this up and sex when done with the thought of satisfying your partner becomes neutral when your partner also works to satisfy you.


It's true that you don't need sex, but why is it reviled by the people here, that's what I'm asking. I'd consider it an integral part of a healthy relationship.



>It's true that you don't need sex, but why is it reviled by the people here

Well, from a Gnostic perspective, it ties you down to the material plane, making it harder to focus on the astral.



Just to explain a bit more, female and male energies are integral to Buddhism, but I would disagree with this because the soul is genderless.

I'd instead say that their exists only one energy, which is sexless, and then go from there. Therefore, there would be no issues with polarity regarding homosexuality. The body, after all, is finite, meaning its energy is too, but the soul (And by extension its energy) is infinite.

It's said that ejaculation causes you to loose energy, but I would disagree. The soul is, like I said, infinite, and so is its energy, so its doesn't really matter if you ejaculate or not. Further more, tantric sex is an exchange of energies, so you won't lose anything.

What you feel as a "loss of energy" after ejaculation is what is known in science as the "post-coitus blues." It happens to women also (So there goes the theory of ejaculation expending energy) and is said to be both an existential and a biological thing.

One theory is that you feel bad because you have achieve your purpose, you have attempted to procreate. Another is that you are experiencing feelings of loss because you subconsciously think your partner could die at any moment, robbing you of the pleasure you just had.

Continuing with the theme of pleasure, another theory is that it is the natural reaction to the fact you have just orgasmed. You are now experiencing the low after the intense high as your body returns to equilibrium. You could compare it to an orgasmic hangover or a drug withdrawal.



That's only if you make it your singular purpose (Most people have lives outside of sex, especially academics). If moderated, I don't see an issue.



It is an iffy issue.

I think the rule of thumb is that the closer one is to Gnosis, the more one should avoid sexual contact.



It's not about sex. But attachment to materialism and physical pleasure in general.



I know, that's why it's best to avoid sex as much as possible on the path to Gnosis.

What is sex but attachment to the material and physical pleasure?



I agree. It's just that people often assume it's only sex and indulge in other things.



That's what ticks me off the most.

>no, it's okay, I don't fap/have sex

>i can totally eat all day

>i can totally surround myself in possessions

>at least I'm not having sex :^)






You should think of it as an addiction (Sex can be an addiction, this is recognised). It's fine in moderation, but when it distracts you from your normal life, you need to cut back.

It wouldn't matter if you were close to gnosis and you had sex so long as you didn't let it distract you. You need a certain amount of stability and relaxation in your life to be able to concentrate, so you could argue that sex is actually helpful.


Pledging 5 days since the last pledge >>44193 didn't go so well.

This time I will pledge to absolutely avoid the possibility of viewing any material which I know would could be arousing and genital contact beyond the necessary for 5 days.


I'm going a week. To start at least. When I do it I feel complacent and passive. Time to end.


Let's start small: 2 days


I've been abstaining from masturbation for nearly two months now, but I've started experiencing wet dreams.

I feel like I can overcome them on my own with a bit of time, but does anyone have any good advice for keeping the nocturnal emissions from making a mess of my underwear and bed sheets? I've tried putting a sock over my penis, but that only helped a little bit.



Beat off so you don't have wet dreams.

>problem solved



Around about 2 months remains my limit as well, be it either the end of my willpower or a wetdream that ends the streak.

I just attempt to have firm belief that I will speed nocturnal emission free but my case is somewhat interesting, I've found that my emissions are often tied to my dreams and at nights where I remain lucid I can prevent myself from cumming in the dream and at the same time in the physical.

So I suppose my advice to myself and to you is to increase lucidity and rev up them affirmations.


For all of you still struggling I will try to offer my help. It is not my desire to offend anyone if he does not agree with my opinion I apologize. Firstly you need to understand how the most basic chakra the mulandhara chakra functions. It is one of the 3 basic chakras all live beings posses in one way or another.The Mulandhara chakras function is essentially survival. The other two chakras being the Svadhisthana and Manipura chakra. Now the higher chakras which can be activated if you need them. Those are the Anahata, Visuddha and Ajna chakra. The Ajna chakra can although be activated without the Anahata and Visuddha chakra being activated. The two chakras we need to focus on are the Anahata and the Manipura chakra. Sexual energy usually lies withing the Mulandhara chakra. Now if you do want to rid yourself of the constant need for sexual intercourse which some experience. It would be wise to transmute the sexual energy of the Mulandhara chakra to something more usefull to you or another at that moment. Now for the positively polarized individual or the one who desires to be positive that would be the Anahata chakra. For the negatively polarized individual or the one who desires to be negative that would be the Manipura chakra. Obviously in both cases if possible the energy should go higher into the Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara/crown chakra. In Buddhism this practice is called kundalini. It is essentialy visualizing a fire serpent rising out of the end of your spine and going along your spine and eventually going out of your Sahasrara/crown chakra. Visualization is not needed here the same result can be achieved with just feeling the energy and forcing it higher with your consciousness. Now you will come to understand this practice is essentially the same as ejaculating only without the waste of sexual energy present therein. Now sexual energy can be used for various other means. It will also grant increased vitality and more energy. This should not be a struggle there should be no pain. There is often shaking lack of breath and joy associated with it . If all three or one of them happens do not be alarmed. A preliminary exercise would be to breath in prana/vrill etc. and direct it into the end of the spine. This should ideally be done in the morning and in the night or whenever you want. Do not strain yourself if 3 times fells too much do 2 until you can handle more.The last sentence apllies to the number of breaths and the amount of times the practice is done a day. Eventually the energy will start flowing upwards automatically. This last part is for the individuals who have no luck with the first practice. But after it starts flowing upwards you still have to consciously direct it upwards into the desired chakras. I hope my post was helpful.


>>45246 I've done something which was apperently Kundalini exercises from the book Undoing Yourself:

>Step 1. Sit or lie down. Make Faces>Step II. Hum and Chatter >Step III. Shoulders to Ears >Step IV. Nose Breathing >Step V. Turn Head >Step VI. Leg Stretch >Step VII. Quick Breath

I've practiced the steps for over a month, during which time I was completey void of any sexual activity or even thought. After the month I came into contact with a woman which presented a possibilty for sex and the the very thought of that caused the most powerful reaction I've ever felt in my body.

A very literal burst of energy from my groin/base of the spine shot up through my spines, down my limbs and exploded at the top of my head and I believe I felt the edges at the top of my head like a star shaped hole I've never heard of kundalini before this so it was all quite shocking but I couldn't stop myself from making the reaction happen over and over.

People who met me noticed how very happy and energetic I was and they themselves became more cheerful or it seemed to that they did at least. I felt boundless energy running through me throughout the day, never feeling such excitement in my life. Later in the evening I went out with some friends and started just flat out flirting with girls I fancied, something I've never done well or with any success until that day. However nothing quite happened, not even with the girl who I've had a thing with. Back home I ejaculated out of frustration.

The next day however I was utterly exahusted both mentally and physically, I could barely move or think and the feeling didn't pass for at least a week later.

I guess I'm wondering if I should start this practice again or should I go for some other book instead.



So flirting with girls is a Anahata or Manipura energy transfer. So depending on if your desire was to serve the other person in a infinite number of ways without getting anything in return that would be a Anahata energy transfer.

If however your desire was more on the selfish side for example sex than this is a Manipura energy transfer.

The difference is most people who only desire Manipura energy transfer will have a unsatisfiable desire for Manipura energy transfer. Meaning unsatisfiable desire for sex, power over others or to be dominated by another to count a few. Your frustration that day unfortunately in my opinion comes from receiving a big amount of Anahata energy transfers from other girls. Which for an individual who only has the Manipura chakra activated will only cause increased desire and frustration. Well the energy won't always flow by itself you sometimes have to consciously make it go upwards. This exercise just makes it easier for the kundalini energy to flow by itself. Now you should continue this exercise and then when you can feel the energy flowing upwards get into a position you feel comfortable in and just force it upwards. I do this either in a Savasana or just some basic Asana position. This can be done many times a day as much as feels comfortable. If you choose the Savasana make sure your hands are stretched upwards it makes it much easier. The aim of any book about kundalini is to make the energy flow upwards. Since the book you have helped you achieve this there is no need to change the book. Now in no way am I suggesting you need to change. I just explained why I think you felt the way you felt and you din't succeed. I hope I haven't offended you and that I was of help.



Having done that myself, that shit doesn't help. One night I explicitly did so right before bed to ensure that I wouldn't have a wet dream, but I ended up having one anyway. Working on transmuting that energy during the day, we'll see how it goes.



You should have beat off two times that day!

>problem solved


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>>45308 This is very interesting.

So simply doing these exercises and witholding my masturbation cycles caused one of these chakras to activate but if the other chakras do not activate as well I will simply end up being frustrated again?

And flirting with girls can cause a interchage of energy? I assume it isn't exactly a bad thing since having a healthy relationship with a woman is one of my current goals.

Also you're very polite, please feel free to be open.



You only grasp it partially. I will try to explain. Witholing masturbation only causes you to have more energy which most do not know what to do with. The Muladhara chakra will be full of energy but you will not be able to use it for the things you want. So the anahata chakra which is located in your hearth area when activated properly gives one compassion. It is most often activated by the intense desire to serve another in an infinite number of ways. Now in the case of both individuals having the Anahata chakra activated there will be a harmonious exchange of energy. The one who offers his Anahata energy will have it returned. If this does not happen becouse of either blockages in the anahata chakra or it not being activated at all. This will couse frustration and increased desire in the individual who does not have the hearth chakra activated. Now depending on if you want something in return when you flirt with girls or not there will be different results. Now if you flirt with a girl because you want to be of service you won't be frustrated or sad if she rejects you doesn't care or anything like that. Because if you have compassion for others you will respect her free will not to talk to you. Now with people who only use Manipura chakra transfers there has to be one who is dominant and another who gets dominated. Both enjoy each position equally.Now for you to note everyone has the Manipura chakra activated even animals. Animals have the possibility to activate the anahata chakra too. I hope you will be able to understand better now and that I was of help.




>The one who offers his Anahata energy will have it returned. If this does not happen becouse of either blockages in the anahata chakra or it not being activated at all. This will couse frustration and increased desire in the individual who does not have the hearth chakra activated.

This is a very interesting and illustrative way to look at it. When I abstain for a period, if I am not careful I can feel lustful, like an itch that you can try to scratch but it never goes away. Even if I don't ejaculate I will feel like I might as well have because the energy is flowing too intensely through the wrong pathways and is out of my reach for other uses.

But if I straighten myself out, there's this uncanny change in my mind that frees me. The lust disappears completely and my attitude and energy level changes and so does the way that other people respond to me. It's like a shift in my experience of reality, that's how I would describe it.

Also, I asked in the main question thread, but would you happen to know anything about the pranayama "breath of fire"? I've been practicing it and it seems to do some good for me especially in evening myself out, but I want some second opinions on it as I can find very little information on it. Is it good to practice by itself?



I think this guy is doing it quite well:


I will look if I have any books on the subject and then respond again. It looks quite interesting I might try doing it since it looks physically demanding if done for long periods. I think if it works for you continue if there are no negative effects. There is a vague description under the video too.


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After making a bunch of other pledges in this thread in the past few months I've realized that I've spent HALF A YEAR trying to quit porn, yesterday I masturbated again and I realized that there is nothing to gain from it, only a second of pleasure, I destroy my sex drive with that crap and I waste my sperm for no reason.

The next half of year will be without porn, I'll just never give in to that thing again, I promise.


1 week.


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I hope this finds you well.

Keep your right foot planted, only the left moves. Wear no shoes. If you are not outside standing on sand near a body of water or some grass, it will suffice to have an open window if that is an option. The stick man in the image is facing you; your arms extend on the left side of your body not the right. Face east. If you have not already, learn to modulate your syllables to find the most potent vibration that your mouth can produce. Olin is the name of the exercise, TORN is the vocalization.

Wishing you courage and strength brother!


fucked up the last week pledge at day 5. pledging another week


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Today at work I was put into a hard situation. Extreme fatigue. I felt as though I had no energy, no drive to push my muscles forward towards my goal; just pushing along through my 8 hour shift. I tried to take a half day but we were already down a man and my manager for the day insisted I stay with a light duty. I got pretty pissy but didn't show it, especially since he was riding me harder than usual today. I was browsing /pol/ on my break and came across a thread on stoicism and it really peaked my interest and seemed to coincide with many of the mental alchemical concepts I had come across while browsing /fringe/.

I just decided to occupy myself entirely watching what I was doing, didn't bitch about the sun, didn't look at the clock, didn't care about my aching feet, or my sore muscles just focused on what I was doing. I worked wonderfully.

I hope to adopt the same type of mindset as I try to conquer my chronic masturbation habits and general weak willed attitude. I believe that if I focus on what is in front of me I can knock out these reoccurring problems and advance to the more pressing issues in my life.

I'm feeling ballsy, or rather I'm not feeling ballsy, but clear headed; I pledge to not participate in self masturbation outside of love making and the use in certain magical operations.

Good luck to the rest of you.


Broke my pledge countless times. This will be my final post in this thread. Something as pathetic and energy draining as masturbation and disgusting as pornography won't be part of my life anymore.



One week



Broke my pledge on day two.

Pledging another week.




Pathetic I know

The second week will be better



You can do this. <3


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Is anyone a fucking aspergers freak like me, failing by inventing little autistic excuses every time? List some of those excuses, we will deconstruct them ITT



"""It's okay to fap now, I will do the center pillar ritual and a bit of "vampirism" to get my energy back…"""

> implying I couldn't get more energy by not waisting it faping…

> implying I won't attract energy leechers by doing the same thing.

"It's okay to fap now, I can control my PC muscles and not ejaculate"

> implying I will not succumb to the temptation of cumming

Fucking vicious cycle



"I've got enough willpower not to go overboard with touching myself so I can enjoy watching a gorgeous woman in pleasure."

"It's good to keep myself stimulated at least partially so I remmeber the awesome feel of lusting over women."

I don't think I reall verbalize it too much just "god damn I could go for some right now".



>It's just this ONE time after 2 weeks, then I'll endure even more so no biggie

>I did it yesterday so might do it today aswell afterall I have a long period of nofap ahead of me I'll take advantage of the momentum and go crazy until tomorrow!



This is all true. Edging w/o ejaculating for a week vs just not lusting at all for a week is a big difference in terms of energy. there is no substitute. there is no bargaining. you have to renounce completely to get results.


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Distrust yourself. When those rationalizations arise, consider that your reason is clouded by lust. When sober, you clearly know what's the better way. Why the change? Because it's a drug. So surrender your clouded thoughts as unreliable and take refuge in your clear-minded judgments.


As a principle, "just this once" applies every time, so it is obviously irrational when you think about. Realize that and then act in a principled manner, because that is the only way to succeed. You really only have to say "no" once (in that moment, on principle), and the days will build up.



After reading this I haven't felt any kind of urge in two days.

It's only two days though.

I've been trying the transfer of energy mentioned earlier in the thread, I feel as though this may be helping but I am unsure if I am doing it correctly.


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I re-pledge adding physical training every time I have the urge before I give in.


Been going for about two weeks now and nocturnal emissions started coming in.

Is there any recommended way to avoid those as I've found the temptations to be stronger on the day post emission and while I haven't given in I'd like to remove this obstacle permanently.



I personally experience the urge mainly in showers. When I do, I switch the water to cold and do a breathing exercise I learned during Hapkido training.

I find it helps a lot. You feel refreshed when you step out, and very warm.



Going for 5 days this time

How to cope with depression?

I have no friends, nobody to talk to in person, I'm ashamed of myself and always fall back to fapping as a reward that I made it trough another day



Find something you like doing and do it.

Could be a craft, martial arts, an art, physical exertion, anything.

Meditation works.

If you need to fap for stress relief, that's okay, just do it without porn.

Porn will ruin you mentally.

Too much causes depression, anxiety, willpower erosion, desensitisation, (physically and mentally) etc.

This guy explains further




have you tried Kegels or the Big Draw as Mantak Chia has taught?


Big disagree. While porn is problematic, the orgasm itself is what sets one back and robs you of your vital energy. It would be more constructive to wean oneself off the urge in other ways. Meditation works, vipassana and pranayama as well.


Orgasms can come naturally, no physical stimulation involved and without intention.



This is true, but only when separated from the physical act of ejaculation. These kinds of mind/body orgasms are energizing.



Both, I suspect it's not really a physical issue anymore but the work of the astral larva I created through masturbation before going celibate. It's doing its all to stay alive so I was hoping for something that could guard my mind during my sleep.

Banishing rituals and multiple shields haven't helped but I do still have some ideas I could try.



failed and retrying

This grill send me her nudes which made me give in



Day 3: proud of myself I'm still in the game



If it has no color and is watery like in my case. Its just pre-ejaculatory fluid which is not the same as semen. A different gland produces this and it is used as lube. I hope this helps.


two days



nope, real deal I'm afraid, complete with throbbing and a huge mess unless I hastily get to the toiled to dispose of it.



On my 6. Day now. Can I release now and…Nevermind, going to shower with ice water



Good choice friend.




This is so funny how my body wants this but I just laugh at it, it's almost like a split personality.

thoughts like

>just this one last time…

>look at them fucking, this is brutal, I am better than this

>you did so well, as a reward…

>Fuck off dick, I'm done with you, I've got my mind back

Whiny little bitch stop nagging me, I'm in control now


Hello this is a reminder to (myself) that I pledged to not masturbate or watch any porn dick until Monday. SO SHALL IT BE. If you get aroused just remember about this promise.




I made it. The only mishap was that I had was that I forgot to wash my dick.

Pledging 2 days



I've failed. I'm pledging until the first


Pledging 1 week.



that was a legit freestyle. We need more of that to connect with the kids.


Well fuck I would love to but I just bought an Autoblow2. Those blowjob robots are 20 percent off right now and so far it's pretty nice. Takes a while to get off, but nice and I'm determined to get my money's worth for it.



How is that guy not a satanist?



I've got a blowjob-bot too, it's your mum


1 week



>Can the retention of energy start grabbing attention in such a short period of time or was it all a fluke?

What do you think? If you need someone to tell you what you already know then just repeat the experiment again and see what happens.



>if the annunaki reptillians from niburu had a "feel-guy" equivilent



You know the reptillian shit could be seriously informing what we draw our influences from, what we're against and which side we choose right?

Just throwing that out there.

It might be too easy to just laugh at when it could be taken seriously if it weren't for the lol meme discrediting. It's worth looking at.


pledge a whole month starting now.



Glad you made it, but how do you forget to wash your dick?


>blowjob robot

Didn't even know that was a thing. I kind of thought it was a joke at first actually. As a wizard, why would you even need it though? 120$ just to masturbate doesn't sound like a good deal.


Good luck anon, hope you make it. I just went an entire month too and it was actually pretty easy. Just make sure to transmute any tempting sexual energy into something else, as many before me have said. Stuff like stretching, meditating, and swimming have helped me though all the pledges I've made. Also, doing the above activities naked makes them way more effective. In my opinion, clothes just aren't very helpful when doing most tasks in a magikal manner. Not really sure why either.

Also, if anyone is having a hard time keeping pledges, I've had pretty good success with the following method. For your natural schedule of masturbation, add two days to it, giving you your total days of abstinence. You'll probably fail before the goal is reached, but simply keep to the plan and you'll make it eventually. Once you've made your set goal, try to extend your abstinence for as long as possible, until you fail. Once you can go the full amount of days without masturbation and minimal lustful thoughts, bump it up to a week and repeat from the beginning. I started renouncing lust around the beginning of April, and by July I've been going months at a time and have improved immensely.


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Thank you I will try it seeing as I have fallen back into the habit.

Flex calves to recirculate blood. Breathing exercises to take my mind off it. Exercise to use make use of that energy I would have wasted. Meditate to develop my will and patience. Cold showers for control and character development.

Think not about lust in flesh, but about long term gratification with the women to whom my children will be born from the flesh and guided by her mind; if her mind is to be sharp so should mine, in my flesh there is discipline. So must it be.

I pledge again to not use my genitalia for self pleasure but for creation and connection. I pledge for the rest of my days to channel my sexual urges into my objectives.




I think that the serpent symbology re: the Annunaki/Our Creators was referencing their knowledge of DNA, as the twin helix resembles a serpent. They were most likely Nordics, since we resemble them. Reptillians seem to have gotten involved in our history after the fact and probably did modify our DNA to genetically stunt us.



That is solid advice. Thanks man I'll do my best, I've already given up most shitty things but for some reason I haven't given up on playing solos on the devil's clarinet.


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Okay, seriously. What is this thread even about?

I read all these bullshit physical exercises to …fight the boner?

Come on, I touch my dick every day and didn't ejaculate a month now, easy.

I don't even know why you're acting like such candyass lust slaves, seriously. Being scared of touching your penis except when washing, seriously?

Just save your semen for a vagina and touch your dick however you want m8s, works for me. It's all in your head. Oh, and don't smoke weed, because it significantly increases the craving to cum - at least for me it does.


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The physiological benefits of nofap actually have some scientific background

I'm 22 yo medical student from Helsinki, Finland. I have done some extensive research to determine if there is some mechanism through wich abstinence could have an impact to things many of you have reported such as deeper voice, increased growth of beard, more muscularity etc. I have found a possible explanation to those and I can quarantee it's not all about placebo! I'll try to speak plain and simple language.

Most of the physical benefits seem to be such things that are greatly affected by testosterone. Anyway, you all know the famous study wich proposed that plasma testosterone levels spike around day 7 of abstinence. Then you also know that testosterone levels tend to crash back to normal on days 8-10. Then why does the physical benefits really come after much longer abstinence?

Testosterone molecule is totally inactive in the bloodstream. It's only a messager wich in most cells activates synthesis of certain proteins (hormones, enzymes, muscle proteins etc.). The message is carried on only if the testosterone hormone binds to its receptor (androgen receptor, located in the nucleus).

For those interested in medicine: the binding of ligand (now lipid soluble steroid hormone) to its receptor (now androgen receptor) is much more random than you might think. It's not like ligand and receptor couple everytime they happen to be nearby. The possibility for coupling can be calculated and is called the receptors affinity for ligand.

Now I want you to understand that the effect that testosterone has depends from the amount and activity of androgen receptors as well as from the amount of testosterone in bloodstream. So how do we increase the quantity of androgen receptors? -By abstinence, it seems. You all know the theory about our dopamine receptors and what PMO does to them. There is evidence that suggests that the changes in hormones and neurotransmitters caused by orgasm or ejaculation decreases the amount and activity of androgen receptors. Here's my theory from biochemical and medical stanpoint…

Days 1-5 testosterone levels steadily increase…

Days 6-7 testosterone levels spike radically. Because of abstinence and higher testosterone levels (positive feedback regulation of androgen receptors) quantity and activity of androgen receptors increases.

Days 8-10 testosterone levels crash back to normal, because plasma free testosterone is bound to increased amount of androgen receptors. This is where it gets truly interesting! Next chapter is a bit filled with medical terminology so bare with me…

Here's what should happen next, if my thinking and medicine textbooks are correct: because testosterone is lowered to the "baseline", negative feedback-loop kicks in. Plasma testosterone levels are regulated by HPA-axis and many negative feedback-loops. Now that testosterone levels are lowered, hypothalamus (endocrine gland and part of anatomyous nervous system) produces more gonadotrophin releasing hormone. That stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more luthenizing hormone (LH) wich is the major regulator of testosterone synthesis in the Leydig cells of testicles. LH greatly accelerates the rate-limiting reaction of the reaction-chain that synthetizes testosterone by speeding up the transport of cholesterol derivate to right cell compartment. The cholesterol derivate is used to make pro-hormone pregnenolone. That's the first major reaction of testosterone biosynthesis.

In plain language this means that if abstinence continues testosterone levels will rise again well over the baseline and the same cycle begins all over again. So your testosterone levels and most importantly your androgen receptors will increase more and more by every cycle. That would explain the flatlines and highs that you experience when on longer "streaks", bottom line being that all the time the impact that testosterone has on you will magnify.

Some benefits like better skin can be result from zinc that you save by not ejaculating frequently. It's a fact that the zinc concentration of seminal fluid is relatively highest of all human tissue. It's a fact too that human body does recycle sperm cells and seminal fluid at least to some extent.

Thank you for reading! Don't mind possible grammatic mistakes, english is not my first language…



I don't understand shit of medical jargon, but thanks for putting it in everyday language. Basically nofap has its benefits outside not wasting of sexual energy and cheer promotion of will power.

Well the longest I have been without doing it ever since I discovered it was two weeks. I'll keep in mind whatever changes might occur during this experiment.



That's an interesting theory, but why should the androgen receptors increase?



These tests are all fucking retarded. Ignore them.



hm, that's a nice piece of knowledge, thank you


I pledge the 3 days without masturbating. Lustful thoughts are a bit hard to control at this age, hah


damn it, I failed. Well, I still have the weekend…


Anytime I try to masterbate something happens that tries to stop me. For example the internet goes out at the exact moment I make the decision to open up porn and comes back as soon as I pull my pants back up after having lost the desire to jerk it.

What's happening here? Is there some sort of good force that really doesn't want me to jerk it?



I think it's just you who's doing it unconsciously in some manner.

Or we've got a hell lot of coincidences.



You're right and are pretty lucky to just get synchronicities stopping you. Thank your higher self for this.


I erotically daydreamed this morning for perhaps 15 minutes and that's 15 minutes too many.

I pledge 3 days.


I pledge the whole next week, as well as today


24 hours chaste so far.

Pledging 1 week plus one day.





Spermidine promotes similar activity as short term fasting in increasing cell autophagy.


You guys should know that this takes time. I mean years. don't think that a lapse in concentration is a failure. You have to deprogram yourself from the jew and allow for a transmutation of your being.


Also a book that sealed the deal for me was Brain Gain by Danavir Goswami.


>Your semen is made of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, albumen, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin E, ect. and is alkaline in reaction.

>some of these components, specifically lecithin and phosphorus, are also found in high concentration in your brain, spinal column, and the branches of your central nervous system

>when not discharged the spermatozoa reabsorb into your bloodstream

>your testes are part of your ENDOCRINE system and are a GLAND

Just know that every time semen leaves your body you are depleting your Central Nervous System and wasting a potential better life for yourself.



fuck her but don't cum



then you should know that mantak chia explicitly states that you should orgasm every day while retaining fluid. How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction?




>I have a very high sex drive (Combined with crippling shyness is a weird one),

The western adolescent defined


Pledging two months

If I lose I'll get really fucking depressed



Mantak Chia didn't develop his principles in the era of Internet Porn. For me, masturbation is a slippery slope that leads to porn binges.


Right, let's try doing this right this time: Pledging one week.


I pledge 1 more month, elready finished one month.


i came after abstaining for 56 days

had been massaging my penis in a non-sexual way a few times a week but today while doing it I became a bit too aroused and ejaculated accidentally.

A bit of a shame, especially since I didn't direct the energy at anything specific wince I put all my effort into surpressing the orgasm, but it was too strong for me to withhold

It's been interesting but no conciderable change has occured from the abstinence as far as i've noticed.

Not beating myself up too much about orgasming, but I really should have at least directed it at something useful.. ah well.

Starting again.

Not gonna pledge any amount of days.

Just chosing not to masturbate for the sake of orgasming and no porn, but will keep on massaging.


Anyone got any good literature on penis massage? (Know its not really fringe but doesn't hurt asking)


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>so Pass me the Linux, I'm hacking it. youll sit in the corner jacking it OK


I pledge a week.


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>tfw don't feel the urge to fap anymore passively

The only times I do is when I get unintentionally aroused by something out of my control, women wearing immodest clothing, pornography being posted on normally SFW sites, etc.

We're all gonna make it brahs, dat dere sexual energy is strong as fuck.


Pledge 30 days starting today.


Pledging a week from yesterday (past midnight), and then I'm not sure if I'll keep track. I'd rather not work towards a goal because I might feel the need to reward myself after, but I also don't want to have no reason to do it. I feel incomplete without masturbating nightly, so clearly I am addicted even without porn. I'm sick of holding myself back with mundane distractions. Time to get back into cold showers… Not excited.



I pledge for 1 month.


Good idea… If I fail, no internet for a week.

I've tried to stop fapping informally a few times before and it went well, I felt much more productive and less tired.

It was pretty funny, that last night I broke my 2-week streak since I was in the horny "making excuses" state of mind. I figured that, technically, it doesn't count as fapping if I'm not touching my dick. So I punched myself in the balls for 3 hours until I came…


Seeing as there a number of others who tend to go over the edge a lot I was wondering what one can do to lessen the impact of an ejaculation?

Diverting your energy to other parts of your body near the verge of orgasm is one way to stop yourself ejaculating but what about after the release?

Would exercise and particular food help?

Is it a stupid idea to try and absorb your sperm by ingesting it in an attempt to reabsorb ones vital substances?


I pledge two week for starter


This is too good not to be posted here, stop torturing yourself and accept the wisdom of the egyptians.

Egyptian Sexual Energy and the Orgasm

It was believed in ancient Egypt that the orgasm was the key to eternal life, and that it was intimately connected with the chakra system. A chakra is an energy vortex connected to the entire human energy field, and the Universal Heart Chakra is the fifth of thirteen chakras. (There is also a system of eight chakras; in that system, the heart chakra is number four.) The Egyptian system held that the orgasm was intimately connected to this fifth, or Universal Heart Chakra.

First, we will explain the connection to eternal life.

Most people in the world are ignorant about what happens to their sexual energy after they have an orgasm. Usually, the energy moves up the spine and out the top of the head directly into the eighth or thirteenth chakra (same chakra, different system). In a few rare cases, the sexual energy is released down the spine into the hidden center below the feet, the point opposite the one above the head. In either case, the sexual energy — the concentrated life-force energy called prana in Hinduism — is dissipated and lost. It is similar to discharging a battery into a ground wire. It is no longer in the battery and so it is gone forever. This is what all the world's Tantric systems that I am aware of believe, that orgasm brings one a little closer to death because a person loses his or her life-force energy in the orgasm and is made weaker. But the Egyptians found long ago that it does not have to be this way.

It is for this reason that the Hindu and Tibetan Tantra systems ask the male to avoid ejaculating. Instead, they speak of these tiny invisible tubes where, when a student learns to control the orgasm and the flow of their sexual energy, the sperm migrates up to the higher centers.



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I've posted this here multiple times here, but no one ever replied to it…

Here is another explanation of it with some more detailed instruction:


What have been your experiences with it? I've found it works far better when I lie down. I usually make sure to put pressure on my perineum, so that no semen is lost. Do you find it easy to get the energy to loop every time? I used to do it at least daily, but it gives me excuses to look at arousing clothed women to stimulate myself, which can be harmful to my mind.



It all came (pardon the pun) kind of naturally. The first time I tried I found it a bit hard to move my energy to part of my "body" I didn't know about. But I managed it and I loop the energy every time. It's such an awesome feeling too.

I still try to masturbate less than I used to, because it just seems more healthy to have gaps of 3-5 days between your "sessions"



>I usually make sure to put pressure on my perineum, so that no semen is lost.

I actually let the sperm flow out, it doesn't matter, the sperm is just something on the physical level, full of nutrients, if you want to keep your sperm into you well…I'd suggest you read some of the scientific work of the benefits of ejaculation. Scientist are the ones more qualified to explain what is happening solely on the physical plane. Occultist explanes the rest of the universe and it's correspondance to the physical and the other planes. Take what I just said with a grain of salt, sometimes science is wrong and the occult view of it is right and sometimes neither of them are "right" and remember, as above so below, all thruths are half truths.

The "real" and most powerful energy flows out from the crown chakra, and by doing this technique you put it back into you. This is why egyptian tantra is better then any other tantric practice, you can and should actually ejaculate.

The egyptian (and alians, if you took that pill) gave us the Kabalah and build the pyramids. Now they just gave us the secret of eternal life.

All energies from the physical plane ( coming from the lower chakras, from heart to root) can be kept. This means that if done correctly and mastered, this technique enables you to live forever since it doesn't only limit itself to sexual energy. this is why the ankh is the symbol of eternal life…


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Woah, thank you so much for this! I didn't realize this practice was so powerful, I am going to treat it with the respect it deserves now. I could have been messing myself up a bit. I hope doing it while blazed isn't a no-no because that takes it to a whole new level and is something I've done too many times to count.

I am overly influenced by the testosterone explanation - this sort of idea >>48361 (was one of the first ideas I felt was strongly important when I sort of started my 'search'), but have lacked the esoteric understanding behind it, so thank you for clearing up this flawed belief I had. I have done it both while letting it flow and while not and it definitely seems better energetically when letting it go natural ("so do I" I hear in my mind after writing that in a nice tone)

>Now they just gave us the secret of eternal life.

If what you are saying is true this deserves it's own thread (not by me cos I've posted this at least 3 times here without it getting any appreciation and posts with 'high-level' info I make here seem to become invisible… maybe most people on this board just aren't ready for it and such important techniques should be discovered naturally, rather than shared with people who are not 'ripe' enough yet…) with people sharing their experiences, comparing the two different descriptions, attempting to make improvements and so on, but sadly this is not that sort of place…

(sorry for this mess of a post, I really shouldn't be posting stuff here when I'm not getting sleep, but I just wanted to thank you for this important post)



>If what you are saying is true this deserves it's own thread

It does indeed deserves it. And I'll do so once I am successful with identifying a bit more of the energies that flows out from the lower chakra's to the crown. Having a couple practical examples would clearly expose the potential of this technique and might create more interesting discussions.

The only thing that is "hard" to do in order to achieve "full eternal life" is that you would need to do this technique with most of the energies in your body at least once so your body adapts to it, and there is a lot of energy flowing out…

But I would think that after you have adapted your body to do that and having done that technique a sufficient number of time with a sufficient number of energies your brain should do it automatically to every bit of energy going out from the lower chakras. You can also create a thoughtform that will tell you whenever there is energy flowing out…

Now what is still buging me a little bit is that clearly, egyptian pharaohs died and so did their most trained priest and population.

Perhaps eternal life might mean something bigger then living forever unto this material plane? Perhaps they just got bored out of it, since death is only the start of a new cycle.

Does it really matter ?

I don't really know the answers but I'll surely do my best to stay informed and keep ankhing all my life :)



Or maybe it's about directing your infinite sexual energy to heal what needs to be healed in your body in order to then be more healthy and live longer ?





Two weeks.


Today is the sixth day for me. Should I just start over after the seventh day? or continue for a second week?



Tomorrow is my seventh day too, to be a degenerate and keep your will strong!

Lets pledge a second week together!



OK pledging a second week.


That makes three of us. Don't let each other down.


I pledge one week



Failed 3 times… pledging again, 1 week.


I pledged two days ago by dice roll. My date: September 23rd.


Two week pledge




I fucked up, pledging another week.


I made it ten days. Then I had the place to myself and I wasn't strong enough. Pledging another 10 days and to do something else with my time next time I'm alone.



pledging for a week, we'll see it from there, this is rather difficult for me as I am aroused too easily.

will break through



I made it through my second week. Pledging the next two weeks.


Today, I have acknowledged that my mental diet is very important and I have allowed myself to spend a lot of time in places where this habit is considered acceptable. As part of my pledge, I will spend at least half an hour a day going through the posts in this thread, maintaining my mind's defenses.

I pledge 10 days.


pledging one week.



Sorry guys I just failed. It was the biggest load in my life though. At least I made it two and a half weeks. Pledging the next 2 weeks.


I'm pledging 3 months of no porn no fap no unneccessary genital touching


Esoteric Bluepill, /pol/ redpill here.

I have been on nofap for a couple of times. I have noticed that I am usually much more productive when not doing it and have the energy to exercise much more.

But that is just the material aspect of it. Could some fringe expert explain what fapping does to your etheral/astral mind? Or name a book on the exact topic?


when I think about fapping I just see tumblerian's posts and laugh at them, and then I don't have a boner anymore.



Pledging until the 9th


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found my twin flame, no more reason for this mundane shit



sure you did pal


btw testosterone is a poison



explain further

I don't exactly believe you



well, it is an acid

but that guy is probably talking out of his ass



sure thing buddy… Fucking idiots…


estrogen is love, estrogen is life



Nice loosh friend

also "practicing tantra" aka edging to imagery like porn and women to lust over still saps your loosh.

if you're going to practice tantra, do it with a real woman, or do it after abstaining for a few months. quit edging, quit looking at whores. give it up. your life will change for the better.


I am pledging the entirety of September.



Oh fasho bruh

We both can't actually get off like we used to after meeting. The level of honesty is great.

I even tried to edge, just because I felt like it. Couldn't get past a couple seconds without giving up. Just doesn't feel right anymore

>get on my level plebs


I pledge a week of no fap and no porn with the intention of eventually becoming 100% celibate or until I find an appropriate partner.



Nice, if you'd be willing to spare me the ego, I would like to know how you did it.



>implying this is my ego and not just an internet mask I wear

Meeting your twin flame is actually pretty easy once I figured out how, but I had been in my own way the whole time. Confusing other girls for my flame because I wanted to find her was a big problem. One day I just got sick of it and made a profile on Tinder, I shit you not. I decided to do it for myself because I was sick and tired of constantly being disrespected by people I thought were close to me. I wanted a partner and whether or not she was "the one" didn't matter to me. I'm here and I just want someone to play the game with. And just like that we matched and met up, deleted our profiles, and now we're dating.

The way it works is like children playing in a sandbox. Everyone is trying to build a castle, but if you're running around trying to build a castle with someone else it's always going to seem like an amazing castle. You have to step back, build your own creation for yourself, and let your significant other sense that and walk into your creation. If you do it for any other reason it simply doesn't work because you're being reliant on them instead of creating for yourself.



Thank you for the change of perspective, I'm in a similar situation myself, confusing other people for my twin flame is as funny as it's awkward and irritating, especially if you are very direct lol. I too am starting to feel the I just want a partner "desesparation"…

I'll try to relax, forget about it and let the "serendipity" happen.

Thought increasing the odds of meeting might be a good idea, like you did with tinder, good things to think about.


I pledge 10 days


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Just popping back in to say i fucking suck at life, i'll keep trying though.


Pledging rest of my life. 100% commitment. None of my seed will be wasted on fapping. Also renouncing casual sex.



Messed up 2 weeks in. Pledging 1 month


pledging one week.


gonna pledge and report here how much I last


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Pledging three months. See you on February the 7th.


Pledgin a month. Went a good 12 days but I messed up. Gotta stop listening to my lower urges.


I pledge a whole week. I haven't eaten any chocolate in two or three years but if I manage to get until Friday without jerking off I will buy myself a big chocolate bar as a reward.


All I need is a week, I'll never go back.



Pledging 1 week.



Pledged on monday, failed on wednesday :I

I'm pledging the rest of the week, I'll try doing the belt thing to nuke lust that someone suggested. Also I'm going to start visualizing that the regular omega 3 pills I take every day have turned into "No lust" pills, and every day I'll take one "No lust" pill.



Stop taking faggot pills and practice awareness.

Keep yourself a wake for 10 minutes, then an hour, then a day, make it a habit.

You masturbate because you don't control yourself.


Pledging till till the till the end of the year.


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Pledging 3 weeks.


1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.

I pledge for the rest of this month and till the end of december.

2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread, if I break this I will give myself 100 lashes with a belt as well

3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!

4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes. correct


I haven't masturbated for months, but I'm nevertheless very tired, angry, irritated, depressed, unspiritual, no creativity. After my spiritual awakening 2,5 years ago I started seeking, yet everything went downhill. Fuck this world.


Can anyone explain to me how I may fug a succubus?


Pledging 2weeks!!!


This is harder that I thought. Pledging 1 week. I must work on gaining some control, and finding a healthy expression.

A chinese saying I learned on bad habits: "dogs never stop eating shit".


I hereby pledge the month of december



All the same. Currently i´m trying to die on ergot poisoning. And will fail even this.



Was going to do one week but this inspired me.

Pledging December as well.





Managed 26 days but ended up breaking the pledge in the stupidest way possible: cybering with a girl I met online.

My libido seems to be much, much lower. Whenever it isn't, my brain just recognizes that masturbating would just be completely useless so I don't "feel like it" afterwards.

Pledging 3 months.


but prostate cancer


Pledge a week.



I will second this and join you.

5 weeks one day in.


I pledge until I loose my virginity.


i'm about 10 days in and sex dreams are starting to hit full force. any tips?


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I've been experimenting a lot of with absence from masturbation and natural "aphrodisiacs" (watermelon, spices, ginseng etc.). Here are some observations that I consider important and interesting.

The numbing pinching I get between eyebrows during emotional visualization when on lower frequency brain waves is the same kind of pinching I get in prostate gland after massaging my prostate for a few hours. I also noticed the prostate is the source of typical pleasant "butterflies" in my lower stomach that are not usually sexual and I experience them during everyday situations sometimes. I learned technical term for these are p-waves and they are similar to the feeling you get when elevator stops, in car, or big wheel. From what I read, your body is constantly pulsating and with every pulse you release these. When aroused or excited, they become pleasurable. Then, there is also breathing that release these "happy excitement waves" as well. If you breathe at the right moment, and it happens to synchronize with one your natural pulses, you experience a p-wave. Basically two waves like this at once form something recognizable, something that makes you smile or tingles.

Absence from any sort of fapping leads to me being more concerned about my health and looks, and makes me more curious. When I stop sexual stimulation I spend more resources on better food, read more about diet, inspect myself in mirror more, exercise more. I used facial mask on my skin, something I'd never ever do before. I have no idea why, I just felt something deep in me wants me to do it. If I masturbate few times this feeling subsidies.

Because of my now inflated curiosity I experience great joy from living in state of a constant experiment: "how will my emotional perception change if I keep no fap for one more month?", "I wonder if I should eat these new fruits I bought at the morning or at the evening and whether they will improve my imagination when in half-sleep later", "I'm going to test this brew of white tea and meditate to sublimate my experiences, then write down effects of the tea".


What if I do those exercises where I train my pelvic floor muscles so that when I have an orgasm I don't ejaculate? What is the bad part about cumming, the orgasm or the ejaculation?

I've got pretty good at holding my cum , I think I have reduced the amount of sperm I waste, and I can usually have two or three orgasms on a period of ten to fifteen minutes. Most of the time after this I don't feel extremely tired but I just lose my will to continue masturbating.

Is this an acceptable practice? I know sexual energy is supposed to be very important, so is it all about saving sperm, or about not masturbating at all?


I pledge a week


been masturbating every day for the past two or three weeks

can't help it, i wake up and first thing I do is think about fucking some hotties

Any occult ways to make all these sexual thoughts disappear? I don't have the will-power to do it myself, I have tried but I always do it again. I feel like a stupid horny monkey



Making your cum go backwards during orgasm doesn't matter, and is unhealthy for your bladder. Your thought pattern is somewhat on the right track, though. What you need to channel in other direction is your sexual energy, which isn't physical and therefore doesn't manifest itself in cum.

It's the emotion behind your orgasm that you need to channel up your body to your heart, and when it's there, you express it, which is synonymous with creating, influencing reality, or doing magic.

If it was all about cum, it would be funny to just be able to reabsorb the energy by eating it back. Semen contains stack of chemicals that were prepared by you to help the vessel you fill it with to get pregnant, so mainly zinc and estrogens. Maybe someone who is too poor to buy oysters could recycle his own semen. On the other hand, maybe you could taste one spoon as the smell and taste reflect state of your body


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I will never masturbate again.

Fuck you.


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5 minutes in, going strong.


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Two days in want to masturbate but came to this thread.


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Three days. Watched some anal porn and gagged like three times. Can't believe I masturbated to that —– shit.


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Pledging a week. First time attempting this. No expectations for results.

I am extremely high libido, going more than 48 hours is unheard of for me.

If I fail, it will be the morning wood that gets me. I always wake up ravenous for pussy. It's borderline pathological.

Here goes nothin'


Pledging one week. Godspeed and best of luck to everyone here.


Now this is a thread I can get behind.


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When you masturbate regularly your brain builds up a dopamine tolerance from the insane levels of dopamine it releases.

Actual sex releases four times as much, but is much healthier on your brain because it has a person it can relate to and empathise with to attribute said good feelings to.

So, due to building up a tolerance to dopamine, you crave novelty to get the same dopamine release you uised to get when you even saw a tit. Now, you can look at twenty topless women and feel nothing. So you get into weirder and weirder stuff, depserate for something that can arouse you.

As you start to come off of the masturbation addiction and your brain chemistry resets itself, the stuff you used to be into you no longer like, because your brain no longer craves fringe stuff to get that dopamine release, and you see it for how it really is.



You do have the willpower.

Go to /fit/, if you can start lifting, you can stop masturbating. Lifting is so therapeutic and helps you build inner strength.


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Studies of brain chemistry confirm this



I think I will start posting on this thread every time I get horny instead.

Today I masturbated in the morning. I'm gonna try to go until Sunday morning without jerking off.



Would masturbating just one time a week count as "fucking up"?

Next time I try it it's going to be to a picture, and the next time I'll masturbate without any visual/auditory stimuli whatsoever.


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Reporting failure.

Still, I had managed to remain chaste for longer than I think I ever have, even if I didn't hit my goal.

Navel Chakra was going absolutely haywire by day 4.

I can attest to the desensitization of pornography however. I've been fapping to /d/tier shit for years, but by the time I broke down and had a fap at the end of this, just looking at pretty girls smiling was enough to get me hard as diamonds.



Something I found that helped me a lot was this:


It's a declaration of non-consent and freewill. It may read like a contract, but speak it as though you would a spell. Yes I know, it's long, do it.

After doing that, and making my will known to God in my own way as well it became, literally 1000 times easier to resist. I went from a daily fapper, almost cold turkey, 2 failures within a week, and going strong since. No urges what-so-ever.


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Pledging a week. I don't get paid until a week from today so at that time i will also maybe buy some occult texts, but only if i have succeeded. If not, i'll try another week before I buy any books.

For the record i'm 100% mundane and have only tried meditation 1 time and it was some loosey-goosey breath process that did not incorporate the level of focus demanded in IIH. On the other hand, I once had almost a year without fapping.

I am not really sure how sigils work but I made one for my strong will and chastity; hopefully putting this in public view helps keep me alert



>being a slave to materialism


good goy


Any tips on stopping? I stopped for 2 weeks, decided that using a succubi would be better, and I've been using porn on and off since. Not sure if it's because of all this free time because of the holidays or because the succubi fucked my shit up.

I definitely came out healthier because of my break, though. The first picture I finished too was just a girl posing and the thought of impregnation was what got me. Then it got into pointless sex and degenerate acts, which is why I feel so bad.


Can anybody else vouch for this? No hidden "you will be a slave to ___" in the middle? I read the first quarter already and it seems somewhat helpful.


>working to stay alive

>being a slave to materialism

What's the alternative? Willing money would just get you a job, would it not?


Stop fapping for weeks. Then use powerful arousal during masturbation to manifest something. You can edge for hours on end. When you're about to come just contract penile muscles. Maintainn strong intention and amplify it using arousal. Play with your energies. Write down the results of your experiments to see if masturbating ritual is worth the energy.

Of course read a lot on tantra and sex magic first.

You can also practice transmuting sexual energy from navel up. With every belly breath smudge the energy from your sacral to your solar plexus. You'll feel strong arousal at first of transmutation and powerful will at the end.


This is kinda interesting topic indeed.

Masturbating to porn is very damaging, spiritually and mentally, but I sometimes slip to it when I feel very down, it gives nice dopamine peak but uses alot of brain's dopamine, so you won't feel good about "normal small" things that much, and other things that I don't care dwell into, in short its pretty damaging in many ways.

But whats bugging me, is just plain masturbation, for example in shower masturbating into your imagination. I tend to do it, so I won't feel so horny around computer where may slip into watching porn.

But whats the point no masturbating, if you will have anyway erotic dreams you may as well ejaculate during them?

Its alot easier to pledge for alot longer time with lower testostene levels, and declining your sexuality may as well lower your testostereno levels, while overusing/abusing your sexuality may also.

In Taoism there's a thing, cultivating sexual energy in the lower dantia, also keeping posture in that, where your knees are 90' and keeping posture there. Sorry, don't remember name.


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>In Taoism there's a thing, cultivating sexual energy in the lower dantia, also keeping posture in that, where your knees are 90' and keeping posture there. Sorry, don't remember name.

I read Bone Marrow Nei Kung Sexual Reflexology by Master Chia. I wonder where I should go from there.


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>Can anybody else vouch for this?

It's good, but, as a student of the law, it's kinda a cluster fuck and my inner lawyer demanded I do something about it before I cast it myself.

So I decided to fix it up, trim down the unnecessary repetitions and add some minor clarificative content to expand it's effectiveness.

Happy new years /fringe/ may manifest into all that we could desire and imagine.


>No hidden "you will be a slave to ___" in the middle?

No, but even if there was you could just omit that when you 'cast' it.


I have been "edging" for six months. Thinking about giving porn up, but I do not have time for a real woman. Might try sweet/nudes only, and a girlfriend -for in six months to celebrate my anniversary. I have NO desire to ever cum again, unless it is to make a son. But I really miss a girls red face and making her happy. I know edging is a bad, but I do feel much better have been rewarded. I used to masturbate 2-4 times a day, up to ten but that made me sick. Now I just keep myself hard for ten minutes after waxing up and stop. And once a week I end up on a video site. Two times a bit of cum the size of a single tick tack got by me. So I know most of you will disregard this, but for science:

I was horrendously horny for one day.

Very horny for a month

I'd say after three I realized this is the right way

I have always respected women, but now they're less intimidating. I'm more critical at the same time.

My balls are larger, I am half stock more, and my erections are the best I've ever had.

Easier to focus, less shame, more down to earth.

Not as hungry.

During the first month I did not watch anything. There was an almost constant stream of perfectly clear and slippery cum. It is there so when you do cum it will have less friction -look it up, most interesting part.

Anyways . . . good luck


One year

I already started but I just wasn't around to post here





Ok so I'm tired of masterbating and losing energy to porn, so im going to try until next Monday. I feel completely drained afterwards and I'm sick of it



Ok I fucked up this morning. Not pornography but still bad. Going to keep trying for Monday and go to next Friday


I'm on my 4th week of no porn.

On my 9th day of no fap.

10+ years of hardcore porn destroyed my mind.

It's hard but I have to do it.

You can do it too.



>Of course read a lot on tantra and sex magic

What are some good books? Mantak Chia feels so simple, is there someone going deeper?



If you read stuff like Mantak Chia from the context of what you already know about your body, it's enough. Almost all the sensations described in tantra (and I think generally energy work) you already know, but never paid much attention to these sensations. For example, you feel muscles of your ass contract as an orgasm, but if you're like the most people, you never became aware enough to realize where exactly it's happening and how it works.


jerked off today, first time this month. pesky nap dreams got me too horny

formally announcing that I vow to not masturbate from now until the end of april


pledging 1 week.


Pledging 4 weeks.

Porn is stupid and my wife didn't want to fuck me anyways.


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Hmmm, interesting that this thread got bumped.

I went 6 months without any lust, but I quit it because I was too bored I guess. Recently, I have been not ejaculating and sorta attempting a kind of Grey Tantra to hold back my orgasm. Though, sometimes I let some slip by and have gotten awful scares at night when this happens.

It got me thinking. Someone once posted that ejaculation binds you to the Earth. That it tethers a part of your soul that you will never get back and have to leave behind. I wonder if this is true. It seems like sex is such a fleeting pleasure for what is actually possible in the universe. The cosmic energy that we can feel is the sun compared to sex which is but a flickering candle. Now with VR, sex is becoming more simulated. It will be more and more desensitized and make way for more restriction to our pleasure and our eternal being.

I am now on track to renounce lust again. I will see where it takes me this time. I don' think I will do this forever, but maybe. I will go as long as I can.


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one week



Same story, after about 4 months I'd say I was getting diminishing returns.



Well, i failed.

Pledging 1 week.


Can anyone point me out to good source backing up NoFap?

All I've found was:

>Some vague explanation about dopamin could also be applied to food, alcohol and video-games.

>Some fringe/monk interpretation that ejaculating makes you lose life-force

>Some testimonials indistinguishable from placebo effect.


Enlighten me, please.



this question is so irritating

just try nofap yourself and compare how you feel on and off of it. your writing makes me think that you are new here as well and do not actually follow anything from this board.

what the thinker thinks, the prover will prove.



I should have mentioned it in that post. I did it for 30 days, with no difference other than the expected lust. Even if I experienced improvements I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between legit effects an placebo either.

I've been on this board for about 5 months, but lurked into magick years before that. Even if I was a complete noob, it shouldn't matter. I asked for a source, as everyone should before trying. There is lot of things I've regret doing in the occult before and I don't want this to be another of them

I am asking because I am not sure if it is worth trying again for longer period of time. That's all.



alright, my apologies.

here's why i believe it works (for me)

>higher testosterone (it cycles every 7 days, not drops completely)

>less degenerate because not looking at degenerate porn

>more confidence, in both test and having accomplished something by doing nofap

>more willpower by being able to restrict myself from something that would take no effort and have immediate positive side effects (obviously leading to negative long term)



4 weeks


File: 1461766999564-0.png (632.62 KB, 1889x3505, 1889:3505, brain studies on porn use.png)

File: 1461766999565-1.jpg (614.97 KB, 900x1985, 180:397, tom sylvester and coyote t….jpg)




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



iirc it takes about 4-5 months for younger men to go back to normal through abstinence of porn and the fapping to it, and 2-3 for older men



I've seem that,

>One of the very few TED talks that has comments disabled.

Almost always a bad sign.

There is another one called "Why I stopped watching porn" that also has comments blocked, while some that support masturbation has comments enabled.

>Cooligde effect has never been tested on humans

but i volunteer for testing :^)

There are no bad implications if it is real.

>Dopamin explanation that could also be applied to food, alcohol and video-games.

modern world changed sexual excitement with internet porn. It also changed food both healthyly(vegetables selective breeding, cattle selective breeding, cow milk, etc.) and unhelthly(added sugar, etc.)

Video games, youtube videos and Netflix are also new and a HUGE source of dopamin and novelty.

>Real sex is better

Ok. But i am not getting any anytime soon.

>Admits studies have no control groups.

Does that means all studies on yourbrainonporn.com are worthless? (okay he changes his mind on control groups later)

>Binge mecanism

>Internet addiction studies


>(9:45) "None of these studies isolate porn users…"

worthless studies then?

>"…but they do include them"

He just said everyone was a porn user. If addicts and non-addicts have common trait, nothing can be deduced from that. It doesn't make any sense to use those studies as evidence of porn addiction. Even if it did, it wouldn't prove all porn users are porn addicts.

>Ex-Porn Users.

Finally a control group, but only testimonials and no studies like he pointed out himself.

>Erectile Disfunction

I can find an article that says any erections prevent erectile dysfunction.

http://www.webmd.com/erectile-dysfunction/features/erections-use-it-or-lose-it ( also read second page of article )

>Testimonial indistinguishable from placebo.

> "This movement to give up porn is growing rapidly"

So was Nazism and Islamic Terrorism…

>(15:00)"Porn that no longer fits his sexual orientation".

Does he means "I watch gay porn but i am not gay" or "gay porn made me gay"? Either way it's stupid.

Watching "extreme" porn is not a problem either. There are websites focused on fetishes for that.

Sorry for the long post but, i don't see any strong evidence to quit porn for 4-5 months. I don't even have ED, which he focused so much on.


the month of may

so it is, so it shall be



idk bro, i can feel porn is bad for me just watching it. if i see that shit when i'm tripping/really high i can just feel the bad vibes. shooting low vibrations directly into your face




>Finally a control group, but only testimonials and no studies like he pointed out himself.

that video is old as fuck, go read the studies done in the last two years with the control group he mentioned which I've posted here - >>74904




specifically that video was done in 2012, and the earlest study on their site being done in 2013, with the majority of the studies being in 2015 and 2016



>> "This movement to give up porn is growing rapidly"


>So was Nazism and Islamic Terrorism…


guess you should give up caring for animals or breathing because Hitler did it.

at least put some effort in next time.



That's not false equivalence. All he said was that popularity is not indicative of merit.




It took me longer to answer because it's a lot more content to look at.

I can't click image links so I am taking a look at: http://yourbrainonporn.com/research-articles-and-abstracts

I only later noticed the print is actualy from http://yourbrainonporn.com/brain-scan-studies-porn-users , but it shouldn't make much difference right?

I am reading everything there and analyzing things like: sample size, method (brain scans > questionnaire), falsifiability, repeatability, etc…

Regarding the scientific method it looks very very solid so far, but the conclusions look distorted to fit the purpose of the site and exacerbates correlation.

For example:

> 1)Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity

Associated With Pornography Consumption:

The Brain on Porn"

ends with a conclusion that says that heavy porn use could be caused by lower striatum volume and not the opposite. It says more research has to be done to be able conclude either way.

>2) (Cambridge Study) Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours

It's about patients diagnosed with Compulsive Sexual Behavior. It was never mentioned if the "healthy" control group used porn any more or less frequently. Porn and masturbation frequency are not symptoms of compulsive sexual behavior, at least not in absolute numbers but rather the effect it has on their lives.

I will continue reading the rest because i really want to find something.

I don't mean to annoying or close-minded. I really want this to be true, so that i can improve myself, but i see that much of big change should be a lifetime decision, just like eating healthy and exercising, so pleading weeks is not for me.

If anyone would help me gain time and point me to one of those articles/studies that follow the following criteria, i very would grateful for the rest my life:

>studies based only on questionnaires/surveys don't count.

>Correlation is never enough. The study result or conclusion should be clear that either porn or masturbation definitively causes negative effects on the brain of healthy individuals in way different from any socially acceptable dopamine-inducing activity.

again sorry for the long post and I wish you all well



fair enough


>The study result or conclusion should be clear that either porn or masturbation definitively causes negative effects on the brain of healthy individuals in way different from any socially acceptable dopamine-inducing activity.

Does Hypofrontality count?


>Hypofrontality is loosely defined as a decline frontal lobe functioning and metabolism. It's one of the major brain changes caused by an addiction process.

>Hypo mean less than normal or deficient. Frontal refers to the frontal lobes, or prefrontal lobes. Alternately the terms frontal cortex or prefrontal cortex are also used. However, cortex refers to the thin outer layer of densely packed nerve cells, which appears gray. Hypofrontailty means the the frontal lobes are under performing. Simply put, addiction-related hypofrontality is a decline in executive functioning, For an addict, it's an imbalance of power: Weakened self-control systems (hypofrontality), are overwhelmed by the cravings emanating from sensitized addiction pathways and a desensitized reward circuit. In other words - your willpower has eroded.



Hypofrontality does count. However that link is a list of studies rather a study itself.

I'll add that link to my list.



Actually "hypofrontality" on its own is not necessarily harmful according to this link:




that talks about transient Hypofrontality, whereas the Hypofrontality claimed to occur by the yourbrainonporn guys is probobly a much more permanent decline while fapping is still done.

regardless its an interesting link.

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