Frequently Asked Questions on /fringe/
>1. If am new to /fringe/ what books should I read to learn magick?Go to the sticky (
>>1 ).
Download the whole folder if you can.
Now read these books:
1. The Kybalion2. The Arcane Teachings3. The Arcane Formulas4. The Science of Breath5. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic6. 2014 a Series of Lessons7. Personal PowerCompleting the above books (all by William Walker Atkinson) will give you the knowledge you need to begin practising magick and developing yourself into an initiate. You will find more books in the library besides these to further extend and refine your training such as
Initiation Into Hermetics and
The Universal Master Key both by Franz Bardon and highly recommended. Other books will help you specialize in other areas.
New Energy Ways v2 will get you started with energywork and combines with all other practises. You may do further research on your own into various other systems relating to energywork to further flesh out your knowledge by reading about different cultures and authors views on the matter and comparing it.
Also read the Montalk PDFs (and the one text file) with the stars beside them under the Montalk folder. These are little articles but extremely important.Key Concepts,
Reality Creation Redux,
Realm Dynamics - v0.2,
Synchronicity and Reality Manipulation.
If you want to learn everything about astral projection, read
The Doctrine of the Subtle Body by G.R.S. Mead,
Life Beyond Death and
Psychomancy by William Walker Atkinson, and every book there is by Robert Bruce.
Post last edited at 2015-02-09 00:55:03
why is magic don't real?
>>20122…because you gave up after 5 minutes from the struggle of trying to open the book cover and not having the strength and will to do so.
Is this whole book code// or am I to be made believe in these wild ass theories?
Okay, after a long time of reading, I've recently began practicing my foundations. But in the meanwhile, something has popped up and I'm done playing nice.
I'd like to influence someone. Influence is a weak word. I wish utter submission from him in a certain matter, I require an action to be done to the letter without any hesitation or resistance. Nothing less will do. And no, this is neither sexual nor even hurtful to him.
Suggestions on what to do? Keep in mind he's from another country and I don't even know what he looks like.
Is this book in the mega, "The Keys of Enoch", the one recommended for Enochian magic?
I have had some successes in it, Enochian I mean, and I would like to go deeper in it. Was this the book some German initiate had used?
>>20130Multiple ways of doing it.
Easy but uncertain way would be to visualize all day every day what that person will do and how he will do it.
The harder but more direct way is merging your mind with his in his body. Theoretically you'll both have access to eachothers thoughts and memories but unless he's a developed wizard there's no doubt that he won't be able to remember the experience. While merged you'll be able to assume direct control. More on that in step 4 of IIH.
I hope smileberg will grace us with his presence as he apparently managed to assume control of some banker but I honestly doubt that a neophyte will be able to pull it off.
>>20137I've been doing the visualization thing but can vouch for it being uncertain. It probably doesn't help how inexperienced I am.
I read on these things in "The Forbidden Parapsychology" and unless I'm mistaken the author said the second method you speak of is less effective? I'm not sure what's up with that.
Can I at least assume that if I continue to visualize and direct my will towards this (+ a balanced dose of pestering him), it'll eventually have some effect on him, even if months from now?
People joke about "computer wizards"", but I swear to god I think I do actual magic with electronics. Shit just fuckin werks around me without me even trying.
>>20144I am sure I've read something of electronics and magic. It sounds like an interesting branch of magic to explore, no?
I've read in some places that you can permanently attain a state of mind where you process your emotions objectively as though they're merely sensations. Is there a name for this and how can I attain it?
>>20163It's called being jaded.
>>20129lol wtf are you reading
>>20130Psychomancy to find and begin targeting him, Neville Goddard style reality creation to control him, and also thoughtforms to infect his astral body and gain absolute control over his mind.
>>20136No the German initiate was using this book:
Thomas Karlsson - Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic>>20137If he wants to possess the target instead of influencing them at a distance then he'll have to complete hijack and overwhelm his natural astral defences and take over his body. Weakening the target through vampirism first could help or just waiting for a moment when the target is in a low state of consciousness such as certain phases of sleep or while drugged or drunk makes them an easier victim.
>>20139I would mess around with some stuff where you can get clear and instant feedback quickly so you know you're on the right track rather than try to go full on attacking this guy at present.
>>20144I know a guy who can influence any electronics around him and turn them off and on with his mind; only works while he's in a state of exalted trance though.
>>20163Have you even read
The Arcane Formulas yet and the various texts on emotional alchemy?
I only see dreams in black and white.
Is this rare?
I wasn't heavily exposed to black and white TV.
"A small minority of people say that they dream only in black and white.[86] A 2008 study by a researcher at the University of Dundee found that people who were only exposed to black and white television and film in childhood reported dreaming in black and white about 25% of the time.[87]"
>>20197Also, I sometimes see some colours, but they're very weak, or only one colour. For example I've had dreams that only consist of yellow.
I only have mobile and as a result can't really view all the pdf files. Can someone tell me hOw I can change my base emotions? I'm lazy and attached to comfort emotionally by default and I want to change this. How do I strengthen my will?
Hello I wanted some help on sitting Siddhasana
how Do I sit it
and what are the benefits?
Can some one interpret my dream, iit's bothering me.
This dream happened immediately after I fell asleep last night. I woke up quickly after it happened and only ten mins or so passed.
I had another dream before it which wasn't important enough to remember. So I had a false awakening into my bed. And I felt really weird for a minute which I've never felt before and there was an golden aura around my head. I asked God to show me what he wanted to show me and if it wasn't his presence, to protect me. At this point there was a blue book beside me kinda floating and I noticed all the junk on my bed hovering around.
A force dragged me around in a half circle and then off the bed but instead of hitting the ground painfully I kinda just hovered an inch off the ground. So I thought "uhh thanks"
But then it started to drag me towards the closet and I tried to scream but couldn't and I was like nope nope nope. I woke up suddenly after this and only ten minutes has passed since I went to sleep.
The closet sketches me out at night even though I'm a 21 yo male.
As a social person, how do you tolerate/cope with all of your friends having terribly mundane aspirations? How can one meet people of similar schools of thought?
Which books should I get started on to get myself out of this society and set up a self-sufficient living space? I need money and the ability to navigate social networks with ease, and that will take a shit ton of time to do, both by trial and error or by going to colleges. If I'm going to thrive it is absolutely required that I accelerate my learning at an exponential rate. Can /fringe/ help me?
>>20248It means you're overly paranoid of ghosts. Probable spectrophobia, and you're interested in and think of the concept of entities and spiritual guardians/personal angels
>>20253It's tough anon, sadly many humans are completely entrapped into their materialism and can never be put on the path to spiritual evolution.
However there are plenty that instinctively feel that there is more to this world than getting high, drunk, working to death and then dying having accomplished nothing of note.
It is thanks to these people I keep my sanity in this society and when I come across such individuals I either subtly, or not so much, share our ideals with them.
It's easy to hate the herd but you have to remember that past wizards, who've written so many wonderful books that now help us on our journey, did not give up and become hermits but were still part of society, formed families and have found themselves apprentices.
>>20255Im not trying to escape society in spite of it. I'm trying to get my shit together to lay down a foundation for my studies. Besides that, im just looking to find a way to seek friends to juggle thoughts with.
>>20259It's entirely up to you how you go about surviving in the modern world.
Some wizards just rely on the universe to provide them with food and basic necessities.
I'm in uni studying STEM and am looking at an engineering career to support my lifestyle of practicing magic in peace and quiet.
In regards to like minded friends just be on the lookout. Like attracts like so you might randomly run into people who also practice our craft.
>>20248It means you're a little bitch that asked God to show you something then pussied out.
do we gain anthing from astral projecting, and is it dangerous?
>>20265Knowledge, power, energy, transcendence, deeper senses; everything.
It has its dangers; but the greater danger is staying within physicality only. That is guaranteed self-destruction.
What's the point behind IIH washing yourself at morning in cold water and don't talking at all while eating?
People who have overcome steps 1 and 2, do you do that every day? I find it quite hard because where I live is so damn cold and also I don't live alone, so just don't talking at all while lunch is rude.
I want to keep improving myself but I don't want to advance steps without care. Is it necessary to do every thing as it's on the book or just fulfill objectives, like having a good habit at morning, don't eat fast and think while eating etc…?
>>20274Look up the many benefits of cold showers. Especially helpful for pore breathing in IIH I think.
It is good to fully focus on the food while eating, see:'m sure you'll progress fine without doing it all properly.
Hello /fringe/, I am a mundane who wishes to learn more about the occult and how to practice magick, where would I begin?
>>20282See first post in this thread
>>20089 No.20287
>>20283Oh shoot, sorry for the stupid question, didn't see that
>>20278Thankyou for answering!
Are planes magic?
>>20293Yes, there's various planes of existence that I would call "magical" :^).
>>20294>>20295What's your favorite plane then? Mine's the mig-21 and all variations of it.
>>20296Whichever ones were used on 9/11.
Is there a plane of existence where passenger jets crash people into buildings?
>>20304Yeah m8, if you get to a high enough power level you can even create one where billions of 9/11s happen per second.
>>20306I don't have enough ram for that
How does one strengthen their sense of egohood/self/will?
>>20313I find that exerting more self control or using willpower to keep away from bad habits and addictions strengthens it, also making yourself perform tasks which you don't want to.
>>20288No problem. I haven't passed step one yet and probably won't for a while still, since I am doing it as instructed by Frater Veos in his commentary, so 30 minutes of complete mental silence.
How long did it take you to complete step one?
>>20265>>20272Why would you astral project? Montalk advises against it because it gets you absolutely nowhere and it is very, very dangerous
>>20443Do you believe everything you're told by a perceived authority figure?
>>20444nice trips but gtfo you retarded faggot
>>20444thanks 4 the loosh btw :^)
>>20197>>20199Your visualization skill is just weak. Practice it.
>>20446No, thank U for the loosh :^)
>>20444Not him, but I've experienced similar levels of fuckery that Montalk has regarding hyperdimensional beings/entities so I've decided to go with his perspective.
What do you guys think about people like him and myself who are "targets" of higher forces regarding astral projection?
What is the astral plane like? What do you see hear and feel emotionally? Can you take on whatever form you want? Are there gods and disciples of gods there? How could you use the astral plane productively to expand your consciousness?
Has anyone else read the Cassiopaean Experiment? There's some really interesting stuff in there you might check out, one thing that especially relates to us.
>Q: (L) Who was Hermes Trismegistus?>A: Traitor to court of Pharoah Rana.
>Q: (L) Who is Pharoah Rana?>A: Egyptian leader of spiritual covenant.
>Q: (L) In what way was Hermes a traitor?>A: Broke covenant of spiritual unity of all peoples in area now known as Middle East.
>Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?>A: Himself; was power hungry. No.20480
Hello. I've been reading about alkaline diet and calcifying pineal gland. Well, I've read some comments here and on the old fringe board that people drink green tea with lemon in order to decalcify their pineal glands an to open their 3rd eye. But I've also heard that green tea actually contains fluoride. What are your thought about this?
>>20480white tea
young green tea, has components that counteract effects of fluoride
best if from Japan as their soil is fluoride deprived
silver needle variety
>>20486also it's youth causes it to absorb much less fluoride and I forgot flag
>>20479We all worship Montalk and he references the Cassiopeans in most of his articles. He says they became corrupted like around 2003 or something. I don't remember the exact date, but he has a disclaimer on his website.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>20480Take lots of iodine (kelp powder is best and it's dirt cheap), chlorella and spirulina is also good. This is a pretty good video about all the stuff to take to help in decalcifying your pineal gland.
>>20349I got it in two months or so. I've been trying to control my mind so I dont think in negative thoughts some time before starting IIH so I think it may had helped me. Its a great method, not just for occult students but for improving and knowning yourself better. Ive just used the book for now but youve said something about a commentary by Frater Veos, so I think Im going to read it as soon as I get it.
Anyways I still have a long path to follow.
>>20488Well, the contents of my link are from the period before they got hijacked by negative entities. This one is around the beginnings of the whole experiment.
Question: How do you get the glow text that is in the /fringe/ title?
>>20479>A: Why are you searching for guidance where it is not needed? No.20623
do you have to be male to join Golden Dawn and/or The Rosicrucian order
>>20623yes you do, women are the lesser sex and they cannot perform magick / astral project right
>>20489I stopped right when she asserted that the pineal gland produced DMT. Nobody fucking knows that. Its highest concentration in the body under normal circumstances is in lung tissue.
>>20628Our good lobsang ramps asserts the exact opposite. Males have a more difficult time with this domain.
>>20628Does this mean I should just stop studying magick and working on AP?
>>20628Could you point me to some reading on the subject?
>>20645It's my understanding that it can convert melatonin and serotonin to DMT and does so when we dream. So this would explain why when people take stuff like melatonin and 5-HTP it gives them livelier dreams.
Is it important to also improve and take care of your physical form in addition to your spiritual self?
Are the reptilians aliens who survived the last cycle of the universe/pralaya and are Satanists? What do they want exactly?
Does free will exist? and are the people saying it's not, not considering it are too materialistic? and only look at the physical?
>>20690No their just an ET species like any other. Some are good, some are bad. Things are not so black and white with aliens, no species is 100% good or 100% bad. The ones from the Alpha Draconis constellation are mostly part of the STS hierarchy and have been interfering with us on this planet since our creation.
>>20711Did you choose to post in this thread? if you deny free will then you deny all struggle of self improvement that a wizard goes through. But if you want a metaphysical answer, if you believe in consciousness then you have to believe in free will.
>>20648yes, stop all research into magic right now.
Seriously, you're a weak willed dumbass if you think you have to be part of some organisation to succeed in magic.
90% of fringe users are self initiated lone practitioners.
>>20689It is indeed important in regards to some practices but on the other hand it's easier to do something like AP if you're a malnourished skeleton nearing death.
I'd say take good care of it since we'll need as much time in this incarnation as we can get to advance our magic.
Hello /fringe/. I've been pondering about Gnosticism in general and specifically Demiurge and the True God. If the Demiurge is inherently flawed, does not that mean that the True God must also be flawed, for it spawned the Demiurge.
Also if we are trapped in this illusionary world upheld by Demiurge, how can we know for certain whether the concept about the True God isn't yet another scheme to blind us from the truth?
Everything's going to shit in about five years, if I want to attain some significant magical ability before then how much time should I put into practicing every day?
What can magick do for me?
>>20768What can anything give you?
What do you want?
Your question stems from probable misunderstanding of how "self growth" operates and how "magical" thinking works No.20792
>>20768We live in a mental universe, within the mind of The All. Magick can do anything which you can imagine.
>>20729Fuck the third density / material planes and its consciousness, raise yourself to fourth density / astral, that simple. Don't worry about that theological shit.
>>20689As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without; the laws of correspondence are always in effect man. My own awful physical appearance is a reflection of the poison in my soul. The body and mind must both be made healthy for they are indivisible.
>>20733Go for 4 hours at the start. 2 hours minimum when having a busy day. Most of it meditation. 1 hour of energy work when doing full days.
>>20795not the one you replied, but I want to ask regarding meditation. What do you usually focus at the first times meditating? How do I know if i'm doing things right?
Today I tried meditation for the first time and only got some weird sounds perceived and strange figures, I wasn't focusing on anything special.
Followed the thread that was on the original fringe chan No.20798
Every magician should realize that you can operate effectively while in the astral. That gives you 12 hours at least every single night to do magick. Spend all of that time doing magick and a portion of your day doing magick as well as integrating magickal principles and practises into everything you do. Eventually you'll be doing magick all the fucking time for the most part like me. We wizards have a way we eat, a way we exercise, a way we breath, a way we drink, a way we work, etc. everything is integrated with magick.
>>20797There are many forms of meditation to strengthen various aspects of the mind. Induce trance to take things to a whole new level. Trance is induced through the principle of rythm, doesn't matter if the rythm you're being entranced by is sound-based, light-based, breathing-based, etc. though the more things in rhythm together the better.
>>20795So I should be doing 3hours meditation and an hour of energy work. I already do an hour of energy work (somehow I already knew NEW very well before even starting) so I'll have to step up my meditation. I'm guessing I should start working towards the vacancy of mind described in IIH eh? Time to stop putting things off.
Can anyone explain to me black sun,black sun meditation, and anything related to black sun?
>>20798Could you become a God with a follOwing in the astral plane? Can you find Jesus and Buddha and Vishnu and Kali in the astral?
>>20840No, those avatars exist in the higher levels of 6th density.
It's important to incorporate mindfulness to absolutely everything you do. If you just try to do things hastily, you'll notice that, at times, you don't have any idea what you've been doing. Pay attention and stop acting like a robot, everyone!
Related; No.20869
Is anyone else here with absolutely cripple astral senses? I can't visualise for shit,despite daydreaming for the most of my life, can't AP, can't scry, can't evoke, don't feel anything after rituals.
If so, how did you deal with it?
>>20089Hey, what about "Vril, or Vital Magnetism"? Maybe it could be placed after the Arcane Formulas.
>>20869keep trying.
when you break your arm, and it remains inactive for a long time in a cast the muscle atrophy occurs.
This means your arm is weak as shit, and effectively useless for weeks or even months after the cast is off.
similar thing is happening with your astral senses.
keep exercising them slowly. note any improvements regardless of insignificance and above all believe in your progress
To AP effectively build up your health and vitality to a high level and then put your body through fasting and it'll be easy to AP. AP = dying. Just remember that. The more dead you are, the easier AP is.
See also: No.20899
>>20872It's been like that for years without improvement and there is no reason for there to be any atrophy.
I was doing some breath meditation but this time, I started chanting "All is in The All; The All is in All" because ever since I first read and tried to comprehend that sentence, I've felt weird and connected yet disconnected.
As I chanted it in my meditation, I felt a strange pressure in the sides of my head. The last time I felt this, I had this weird dream where I was in my bedroom sitting in my bed and yet the door in front of me was open and beyond there was a staircase leading down. Nothing was really clear though and I was just too scared so I stopped right there and begged to wake up before something horrifying happened. It was during this dream that this temporal-lobe pressure was not only much stronger but it actually surged from the sides and along the boundary of my skull, heading towards the center of my forehead but sadly, the two "surges" never actually met.
I found this strange because usually in my breath meditations, I just feel this pressure at the center of my forehead, now I'm feeling those side-pressures. Anybody know what's going on?
When going with the atkinson stuff, is it better to work on one book (and related exercises) per day, or would it be more productive to focus on one book only?
How and where can I look into psychokinesis?
Where can I find info on hand signs? Been doing this one subconsciously for awhile now and it's buggin' me.
What do other Wizards think about coffee?
Good or bad
>>20962Degenerate, terrible, bad; avoid.
>>20962Coffee can alter your state, if you allow it.
The task is to reflect where you are now. Coffee can cause you to forget this, or it may not.
>>20899fuck knows then, maybe decalcify your pineal gland or something.
Is there a way to measure ones morality or karma or whatever, and what is a average person or practitioners?
1) Would you describe astral projection as refreshing?
2) Is the law of vibration the most relevant/applicable hermetic axiom in regards to astral projection, if not, what is and how do other axioms apply to the process of APing?
3) Would you say that AP(and all magic) is something that has to be learned mainly intuitively by meditating, observing, noticing, and picking up on things rather than only using cognition and intelligence and studying to guide you and allow you to practice magic? (hopefully that made sense)
I notice that people on /fringe/ are of the opinion that you should take care of your body and make it beautiful as well as healthy due to your mind's dependence on it.
At the same time, I remember seeing in a transhumanism thread, a lot of /fringe/-posters stated that transhumanism and replacing your natural, biological components with materials is stupid because this affects your spirit or something.
What does /fringe/ think of cosmetic surgery then? And blood reception/donation? And appendix-removal? What's the general stance on fiddling with the body in these sorts of overt, irreversible, physical ways?
>>21005Avoid at any costs.
>>21005Ask yourself why you are altering the body. Are you doing it out of vanity (cosmetic surgery)? Or are you doing it to promote health?
>>21005>as well as healthy due to your mind's dependence on it.No. The body is a thoughtform and a reflection of the inner. The law of correspondence tell us "as within, so without". A healthy and beautiful body reflects a pure mind.
Cosmetic surgery does not help. It is wearing a mask over your diseased corpse of a body.
You should, if you can, attain a ton of energy then begin fasting and meditation and edit your etheric body to cause changes in the physical. In that time you can restore your eyesight and everything else to perfect functionality. Note that one monk with meditation made an ear rotten leg of his grow back that would have killed him off if his meditation had not worked btw.
I suggest reading the greenpills thread for some examples of how to modify the etheric body with magick.
>>21007That's a retarded suggestion. It's not like you need a justification to use magick. If someone wants to use magick for vanity that is perfectly fine. The best bodies in appearance are the healthiest bodies anyways. Beauty and health go together.
>>20974Karma is just higher causality, don't bother with trying to measure that shit. Some psychomancers see what happens to a person in the future anyways and know how their whole life will happen. Use elemental correspondences instead to measure your virtue and that of others.
The Universal Master Key will help you.
What is the relationship between psychopathy and spirituality
>>21012>as within, so withoutI've been struggling interpreting that line for a long time now. I just read a page explaining it and it makes sense. The outside reflects the inside. I just don't get the line is all.
>as withinThe way things are on the inside…
>so withoutWhat? So without what? Clearly, the word "without" is being used in a manner that I'm unfamiliar with.
>>21031All in All, Holographic Universe.
The Kybalion,
The Holographic Universe, and this article here: No.21035
It's an older usage of the word, which makes sense given that WWA's books are over 100 years old now.
>>21025Come on, you can be an immoral SOB and have an interest in metaphysics and spirituality, how else the fuck would black magic exist? Montalk is stupid
how do i open my third eye in some short time? I've started some chakra meditation but I assume it's slow
>>21063Fasting + visualization exercises will rapidly open it up.
>>21067what do you mean by fasting? What kind of visualization exercises?
I'm a complete twerp in this subject
What do you guys think about the Rune-gild and the Nine Doors of Midgard? I kinda like the idea of working from a Northern paradigm, but I'm also a little turned off by it since it all relies so heavily on the ideas of Edred Thorsson. How important is a symbolic system like the Hebrew alphabet or the Runes?
Does anyone have an efficient method for getting into trance state quickly? I've tried the falling method but it does not really help me.
>>21087what's wrong with climbing down a ladder method?
>>21089I try to feel and visualize myself climbing down the ladder and then letting go and falling down, i attempt this several times but do not seem to enter any trance state.
>>21091odd, what is your preconception of a trance state?
For me personally it's the slowing down of the consciousness and allowing the more powerful subconsciousness to take control.
You lose control of your breathing and have less awareness of your body.
What you may be doing wrong is not relaxing enough, or you don't simulate the feeling of falling down well enough.
I hope I don't have to tell you this but you also must have a quiet mind throughout the whole process of entering trance.
>>21095Thanks, i'll remember to take those things on next time i do it.
Would taking someone's virginity give me loosh?
>>21014is there a way to defy those psycho predictions?
In order to get into lucid dreaming, I've been keeping a dream journal (as recommended) however my problem is that as of late, all I can recall from my dreams are snippets of music. They seem to be spontaneous improvisations. The problem is that I don't know anything about music with regards to theory and sheets and whatnot so I don't know how to record or perhaps even, with programs, recreate what I'm hearing.
Would it be helpful to invest time into studying music or learning how to use music software so I can recreate these snippets or is just stating that I heard sounds enough?
How do I do complete Yogi Breath?
>>21131lrn2 The Science of Breath
Fill belly with air, move up to midsection, fill the upper chest. That difficult?
it seem full in the mid
>>21138Try to save some space on the midsection, you don't have to do a full inhalation.
>>21140I kinda feel lil pain after doing it
How do I differentiate between symbolism in a dream and interaction with an entity in a dreamscape? I cannot tell if the female in
>>21129 was a part of me or a separate entity attempting to harvest loosh from me. The synchronicities, too. My friend mentioning the availability of a truth serum to him, and my interest in the variability in dream characters. Can /fringe/ offer guidance?
Can anybody explain to a neophyte the various popular magick paths/paradigms and what they are about such that I can decide which resonate with me more to study when I am done with the /fringe/ essential works, preferably on both left hand and right hand paths.
How do i get rid of this sunspot from improper sun gazing? I've had it for a full day now.
>>21169Hours and hours of void meditation.
I sungazed today; with eyelids closed and face directed at the sun and conscious intent to absorb energy from it and purify my body, feeling and seeing in my mind's eye the energy of the sun entering through my head, and going through all my body.
>>21171Thank you, should you only sun gaze with closed eyes? and can it only be done during sunrise and set or during the day as well?
>>21176Depends. If it's mid-day and the sun is too bright gaze at the sun with closed eyes. If it's early in the morning or the sun is setting, you can gaze at it with eyes open. Don't be a dumb-ass though and just look at the sun when it's super bright in the sky without eyelids closed.
You still get fuckloads of light entering your body and even your eyes with eyelids closed. The sunlight passes through the blood and everything and enters you. If you receive it consciously you can use it.
You could also stare at the sun using the palm of your hand if you wanted to. You just have to spend approximately 6 months (maybe a lot less if you are really advanced or more if you just really suck at all this) training to see through your hand.
Are all the Aryan Hyperborean theories legit or just bullshit? Are any of these authors credible
>Julius Evola
>Samael Aun Weor
I saw a symbol in a dream and wondered if anyone knew what it was.
It looked like a 8-10 pointed star with dots in each of the tips.
Drawing it out I couldn't get it to look how I saw in my dream.
I had a really weird dream that I astral projected but I'm not sure if I really astral projected or if I was just dreaming about it based on what I know about astral projection, can anyone help me interpret what happened?
I was having a normal dream when I suddenly became lucid and my vision expanded in all directions beyond where I am even normally be able to see with my eyes. I was able to see with remarkable clarity and everything was crisper and more colorful than I had ever experienced. I was standing around admiring my new surroundings when I was approached by a group of friendly people who told me to follow them. They took me past a gate (that was previously locked and that I had encountered while lucid dreaming before) and into a building where we went into one of many rooms. I was congratulated by these people for having made it to this realm and was told that as a new citizen that I had rights and responsibilities to uphold to be a good neighbor to all creatures here.
I was taken on a tour by one of the people to an area that had a lot of strange bug-like creatures. I tried to magically seal a big gaping wound on one of them, but it didn't work. My guide told me, "Be patient, we'll teach you how to do that soon enough."
My memory is fuzzy about the exact details from here on but I spent a long time socializing with the other human citizens of this realm. It seemed like a very long time passed while I was dreaming, and I thought that maybe I had died, but the dream was so interesting I didn't try to force myself to wake up.
One of the agreements to being a citizen here was not to have illicit sexual relations with anyone. I was explicitly warned of this when I was initially welcomed into the group. Now, normally when I lucid dream the first thing I do is have a lot of sex in public places where everyone can watch me. The pride of having made it to this realm and welcomed into the community of the people who lived there was enough for me to initially hold off, but after what seemed like about two weeks of being there I started thinking, "Well, maybe this is just a dream, maybe I'm not in any special realm, and this is all just a figment of my imagination and I can do whatever I want." I was warned of the dangers of this kind of wrong thinking, but I didn't care anymore so I tried to grind on the butt of one of the guys.
Normally when I do this in dreams the sex just happens immediately but the guy was utterly appalled and scolded me, and I felt really bad about it. One of the girls took me into a room and we worked on a reflective exercise together about how what I did was wrong and I wrote down in writing that the next time I came to this realm, if I ever even made it back, I would never do this again. I really wanted to wake up at this point and tried desperately to force myself awake, and the last thing I saw before I woke up was a giant eye that engulfed my whole vision with an iris that changed in color from ice blue, to green, to hazel.
Was that just a dream or did I actually go somewhere?
>>21162Stop being lazy, try reading the various books in the fringe library that has a lot from Luciferian to enochian magic.
They all have very similar practices apart from symbolism which means complicated and highly diverse rituals.
I keep looking at the clock and it says its 3 numbers of something a lot, whats up with that? its weirding me out.
Example, looked at the clock an hour ago for some reason, said 3:33. did not look again for ages, but when i did it said 4:44. This stuff is happening a lot recently, its weirding me out.
>>21225Synchronicity, bro.
dat dub
>>20443man montalk is a viper
What's the step to astral projection after losing physical awareness of your body and feeling light as a feather? Sometimes after I reach that point I sink in and my consciousness becomes zoned in at one point and I feel ready for lift off but I just don't know what to actually consciously do or visualize
is there anyway to research material plane with astral projection?
What is /fringe/ thought of Holy Guardian Angel??
I've been practicing basic ceremonial and chaos magick for about a year and a half now, and some basic summoning and pathworking. I don't really practice heavily, maybe 10 min a night, an hour if I really get into it. For about 6 months now, starting almost every night a couple hours after I practice, I get this intense pain right in the center of my forehead, sometimes accompanied with body vibrations. I've read and understand that this is my third eye opening, but is there anything I can do to usher it along, or any way I can make use of the pain? What do you do when your brow starts aching?
>>21255whoops forgot flag
>>21253A very powerful exorcist I know of, believes in them and has one
Bit of a retarded question,
So the universe is mental, and is a fractal hologram of infinite proportions. Additionally it is only our mind that moves through and thereby generates for itself the illusion of space and time.
So (admittedly according to my janky theorycrafting) a change in perception would allow someone to change their point in time. Ie, Making time travel possible.
Don't get me wrong I know we're talking about time travel here, but have any of you had any bizarre experiences regarding your experience of time or could you theorize a /fringe/ path that could eventuate as time travel via vehicle of consciousness?
>>21288I have no idea whether the thread was on the freedom board or on here but I do remember people discussing it.
As to whether they managed it or not I'm not entirely sure, wait a while, maybe someone will come around.
Will swallowing break the trance state? i lie on my back for meditation which means i keep my mouth open and this forces my reflexes to swallow.
>>21294It sure breaks mine.
>>21300this, I think eye movement is about the only thing that doesn't affect alternate mental states.
>>21301>>21300Damn, do you guys have any special positions or methods to keep perfectly still for trance? I've tried sitting in padmasana the lotus position but my leg goes numb and other problems start to arise after 10-20 minutes in that.
>>21294Yes swallowing prevents trance. That's why all of the great magicians ever had servants to suck saliva out of their mouths with giant reptilian loosh dick
>>21301>moving your eyesHow fucking mundane can you be, holy shit
>>21304It doesn't matter what position you're in to enter trance.
Whatever is more comfortable for you.
It's best if you learn how to do it while sitting down since you won't always be able to lie not to mention there's a risk of falling asleep if you lie flat on your back.
Nocturnal emissIon apparently
Looshd by a successful Succubus
I remember reading an ingo swann story where he saw a 10/10 hot bitch with dat ass, and she had huge melons, I think this was at the grocery store btw
Ingo instinctively knew it was a telepathic alien from the moon, bitch. I would have tried to reproduce with it in the produce isle
Stack green like rothschild kikes goin wild
Cum in a grey twat, do what i likes, make a lunar child
eat a taco with the spicy sauce, wetback plz, fuck the mild
Flood that alien cooch like the river nile
Rap like im on the hooch or goin senile ,
Out the mud hippopotamus style ,remembering the straight and narrow
Put the pussy in a sarcopgagus, like yeezy the black pharoah
>>21063>>20899>>20969>>20869Fixed with montalk's reality creation redux, based as fuark
>nobody can stop us now No.21358
Is there any meditation that focuses on mental advancement? I don't mean the type where you meditate and feel good vibes, but the kind that helps you change your thoughts and feelings.
>>21358Almost all of the meditations I do are purely for mental advancement and I don't really give a shit about emotions, to me, emotions are purely a tool to be used. The only reason to feel happy is if it is useful to do so.
What do wizards think of entertainment, videogames, movies, anime, tv shows, music, et. Should it be avoided for that it might become a distraction?
>>21375I've tried using some of that shit for magick but yeah it should rally just be avoided it's a huge waste of time.
>>21377I thought as much, better to contribute my time towards goals and studies.
Goodnight wizards
I'ver come for advice and to try to solve my questions about what i've been feeling lately.
I've been feeling with a lot of anger lately, real tired, sometimes my nose bleeds out of nowhere and i start to bleed out from the nose.
I've already went to the doctor multiple times. He cant find anything at all.
This is a pic i took when i was feeling terrible, i think i saw something red in the window, like a face but i'm not sure.
I hope i can get a little of advice in here, my nightmares are worse every day and i'm really getting depressed over this.
What are the repercussions of being an edgy evil fuck
/Fringe/! I think i just figured everything out! but i need some high level wizards to confirm it. When you visualize in a trance (specifically for reality creation) or right before you go to sleep/in the morning before awakening but still in sleep, you're using your imagination(Kind of like a wizard tool) and paying loosh in the form of gratitude or other positive emotions in advance for a desired outcome. So instead of using a physical currency we are working with higher powers to manipulate reality through a system of exchange with the catalyst of imagination. If there is any truth to this grand revelation, this means we're reality hackers.
>>21394Going on, this would mean getting a job(wage slave) is mostly useless, for we are using our energy to earn tiny physical shekels which are less dynamic and versatile than the loosh we waist in the work.
>>21333Goddamnit, doublenigger. Will you quit the lame rhymes? Either git gud or don't post them.
>>21398sup fringe. Suddenly when I close my really quickly I see this flash in my vision (pic relate) I never saw this before. My brain tells me there is something else in my mind stealing or viewing my vision.
What do?
>>21399I had something similar for a few months after chugging some Robitussin. I put it down to brain lesions.
File: 1423426992887.jpg (143.03 KB, 596x794, 298:397, third of the sun power jpg.jpg)

looking for a seal, "growth, strength"
have this in turn.
>>21391Getting your ass kicked by the forces of light whenever you target someone important to them that they are protecting.
>>21334Check out these based as fuck quotes.
i've read here that it's possible to steal or copy skills and knowledge from other people. is it true? how to do that?
>>21492Yeah Foden Daf did it. I would just try to copy the skills not steal it or you'll get fucked up by pissed off people like what happened to Foden Daf.
Use psychomancy and start accessing their thoughts and copying what you need.
>>21495> Foden Dafwho? is he a poster here?
>>21499He sometimes posts here, there's a big thread about his life on old /fringe/, he's a telepathic Irish wizard with an epic wizard beard and heavy accent and who hanged himself once.
My question, what the hell is going on with this board and Smiley?
I used to come here(well, back when it was on freedomboard) on the rare occasion that I had time and energy to spare on the arcane arts. /x/ was for mind-numbing relaxation, /fringe/ was for getting down to business, and Smiley was a cool and knowledgeable guy.
Now it seems like the board is obsessed with air filters and Smiley is having a nervous breakdown about dust + background noise.
I'm dissapointed, /fringe/. I've seen 5x more useful content on than I have here in the last week of going through the catalog.
Zero disrespect intended, I just thought this board had a higher standard for itself and it'd be cool if it went back to that.
>>21520Might be that most of us browsing are probably neophytes or lesser.
>>21520Smiley got mad when someone called him out on his mental illness and now he's going on a shit posting spree like a child
Does anyone have any good notes or archived documents from the old fringechan for study purposes?
Anyone know of a good book or guide for proper trance induction?
>>21384Might be some entity fucking with you. Try doing a banishing ritual like the LBRP, imagining your whole room in a white, protective light (feel and intense feeling of protection while visualizing the light)and see if it brings any changes about.
>>21394I will go off on a
slight tangent here.
You're not hacking reality, you're creating results just how "reality" would have you make them. It's like having a ball rolling in the wind, and you then picking up the ball and placing where you wish be thought of as reality hacking.
About work - it is the simple limitation of this reality that some sort of work needs to be done by someone in some form. In older times you would find fields full of berries and forests brimming with wild life, just asking for you to eat your fill, but you still had to catch or collect them, or convince your tribe members to share. These days the system is set up through money, where it necessitates you to be involved in it's schemes as per it's rules. Meaning you need to do an arbitrary amount of work to receive an arbitrary amount of paper with which to get something of value.
I honestly believe that this is not a system that holds high quality work and the generation of wealth, since the people that get the most money out of it are the ones that would do the most money-work (speculatory in nature) without wealth creation.
>Where does that leave wizards? High level wizards, to cite another poster on this board, are capable of winning the lottery and then burning the ticket simply because money is of no value to them anymore. Similarly the more you are capable in magic the more you become a master of this plane, to get what you need with doing less of a work. Or to paraphrase what you wrote, you are putting down a note for the universe written with loosh on a paper of imagination, to please bring about this outcome for you and the universe abides as far as it's capable.
That means that, yes, you would indeed be wise to accumulate more loosh and power to rise above the grinding requirements of this plane. I would personally not be against all work because, as far as I can tell, it's part of each individual's personal karma to go into some or other thing (Even if you're a wizard, Harry, maybe being a doctor will unlock to you a step towards mastery).
Ascetic wizardry is great for all those who are capable of it (Imho, those who were born into that life, to be capable of it), but it's not the only path and I don't think all wizards benefit most of it.
TL;DR: nigga, I started writing and couldn't just stop
>>21551I much appreciate your response, i love reading informative tangents and rambling.
Now it's time to test all of this stuff out and get it working.
>>21520Having proper physical conditions enables us to focus on mental and spiritual aspects. When the basic needs are not fulfilled, the whole system fails. That's why we talk about air filters, cleaning, etc.
Plus some of the wizards here have cut off themselves from this site because they're busy practicing.
>>21546There was one thread that caught my attenion from the old freedomboard fringechan. Near the end of the thread, a poster posted a routine that allowed one to memorise entire books, first by absorbing them, then reciting them and then finally by visualising them. I always thought that was pretty cool.
In theory, you could transfer entire books to the astral and then just have your tulpa read it for you while you move onto more books to transfer. I'm really fucking excited about this. What will I be like when I'm 30 years old and borderline-omniscient? I'll be able to apply my understanding to business, make even more dosh and get my early retirement
even earlier thereby freeing me to focus completely on my studies as well as travel and whatnot.
How do you know if you're an organic portal?
>>21570You don't know if you're one, if you are one.
And by doubting if you are one, you have proven that you AREN'T an organic portal.
>>21571Thanks, man. I've ran into a lot of psychopaths in my life, and the most recent encounter left me disgusted at just how devoid of empathy these empty husks can be. I suppose wanting to avoid being like them is a natural reaction.
>>21562>I can't eat my oatmeal because there's a little dirt on the bottom of the bowlI understand the concept, but damn.
No.21582 on this?
Middle Hand path related.
>>21571If people who are devoid of empathy are organic portals then how does black magic exist?
>>21605>implying black magicians are devoid of empathy No.21631
>>21551What entitiy this could be and what it wants?
>>21631Your loosh, of course. That's all entities ever want. Try to transmute your fear of it into playful humor. Don't be afraid of it. Laugh at it for being a blood sucking parasite. Mock it because it has to feed off a superior being like yourself to exist.
>>21633I try to ignore it, mostly works. But i get terrible nightmares about it. Sometimes the room gets really uncomfortable and sometimes things reflects in the mirror that shouldnt be.
I dont even know what loosh means, it is like weed currency?
>>21624>imploofing black magicians care about empathy No.21644
>>21639They just work on a different spectrum of emotions.
So what other boards to /fringe/fags frequent or approve of?
Also, /christian/ or /baphomet/? (You must choose)
>>21384>bed facing the mirrorThis might be a factor
Has anyone successfully trained them self to see auras and chakras?
>>21646I'm banned from
>>>/islam/ and
>>>/christian/ all the time and every time I go back I get banned again. They both hate wizardry.
I go to a lot of other boards in fact until I get banned or get sick of the mundanes being filthy mundanes beyond all hope of redemption.
I've never ever been banned from /pol/ or /meta/ though.
>>21634>>21633Better to just break resonance with by raising yourself up to a higher vibration and ignoring it, worked for me against a very intense black magick thoughtform awhile ago, but was tough…
>>21570If you have experiences you are not one. If you do not experience anything, if you are a robot, then you are one.
>>21567I made that and posted that. If you got the energy for it you can become a walking library in a short while. I can just focus for a moment and see books from the akashic records.
I presently need more power though and am building up energy in my astral body and physical body and going to try to create thoughtforms to optimization of energy usage, advanced loosh extraction, storage, etc. and turn myself into a veritable battery of intense loosh energy that I can use for advanced magick operations.
>Plus some of the wizards here have cut off themselves from this site because they're busy practicing.I need to seriously limit my time on here and also cut off Skype entirely. I spend too much time refershing the board and checking for new posts instead of just leaving it be and then responding to everything in batches once a day for like an hour.
>>21551That thing about burning lottery tickets, one must realize they do not WANT the money, they HAVE the money; they resonate with MONEY. They feed their energy not into the want of money but the having of money. So they are of the mentality they are rich as fuck.
>>21547"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." — The Kybalion.
>just use rhythm, in every way you can, breathing, thoughts, heart beat, sounds, lights, etc.>>21520>wanting to waste energy processing toxins in your air while doing pranayamaYou have two choices anon.
1. Go to the himalayas or some similar pristine wilderness and meditate out there for an indefinite period of time.
2. Fuck that shit, get yourself some activated carbon, filter your own air, meditate in a hole or a room it doesn't matter.
Ram Bahadur Bomjon literally had a trench dug, filled with a little concrete, and a pipe thing for air to come in and he just meditated in there for months (without food too, as he has Inedia).
Sure, you can use some of your energy to remove toxins and distractions from your environment, but it's better to have an environment where you can focus 100% of yourself on the task at hand.
Is it possible to collect loosh from inanimate objects or baked goods?
Also what role do you guys think anti-matter has in our world?
Alright, so I wish to try my hand at making a homunculus, any instructions to follow/advice?
I had a dream last night that angels came to me for guidance, and I came to the conclusion that it was just a metaphor for how I feel about the people in my life. But now Im here?
I dont even know what this place is and for a long time about magic I've been very confused.
I dont know what I consider myself spiritually but biblically isnt it explicitly stated not to mess with magic?
i dont know what im doing here but i feel like im supposed to be
 | Rolled 9 |
>>21673>"I dont know what I consider myself spiritually but biblically isnt it explicitly stated not to mess with magic?"is it?
ever heard of the key of solomon?
from what i remember, god gave some jewish guy the knowledge of magic cuz he asked for it.
If you found this place then it was probably meant to be, and even more so if you feel like you belong. Just lurk and read some of text from the mega. And most importantly, have a little fun while you're at it
>>21672this ain't fma mate
How do I gather and gain loosh?
While doing most visualization works which require surrounding yourself with something or working on chakras, do you visualize in a third person perspective or in a first person perspective with a translucent or holographic body?
Why the fuck can't I astral project? I try every night but all I get is a loose feeling in my arms and hands and a lack of identifying with my body. But I still can't separate. It's making me lose belief and hope
I know this may not be the best board for this kind of thing, but back when I surfed 4chan, I would rather enjoy reading /x/ before sleep. And the best thing to help keep my mind calmly occupied until I got tired were nope/innawoods threads.
Should I just keep surfing 4chan /x/ for those threads?
>>21690If you want to. Isn't there also /x/ board on here, 8chan, too?
Well the downside to splitting up what could be considered 4chan /x/ into two boards is that they are slower than the joined board. And 8chan /x/ is clocking in at a brisk 1 post per hour, so I dunno if that will do.
>>21672Magical Use of Thoughtforms - D.A. Ashcroft-Nowicki, J.H.Brennan
Homonculi might not be quite what you envision them to be.
I'm nearly on step 5 of the IIH and my question is this.
The spirit exercise of step 4 tells you try to transfer consciousness into people you've never seen before.
With the people that I have seen or that are in my line of sight I have been able to accurately read their emotions and thoughts e.g. what they are doing in this current moment in time, where they're going, what their mood is like etc.
This all failed when I attempted to do the process with a person I have in skype but have never seen a picture of.
What I'm assuming is that I'm not actually failing, I am receiving emotions and thoughts but from someone else as I only have a rough idea what the person I'm attempting to transfer my consciousness into and am therefore inaccurately visualizing him.
Am I wrong and should I git gud or is this the limit of this ability by itself?
I know absolutely nothing about hermetics/esoterics/magic(k) but I am curious, what method most reflects that of Taoism? I strongly enjoy Chaung-Tzu and Tao Te Ching, is there any tradition that mirrors some of the same tenets?
I figure Taoism itself has its own magic stuff, but I wouldn't know where to look
>>21683try doing the growing ball breathing excersize. imagine it in front of you like a cirkle, then step it up, make that cirkle 3d, you can feel it from every angle, a sphere expanding and shrinking, next step is you are the ball, the ball is your aura.
when you become the ball and is it growing with your brath you are in another state of mind. keep it up and do whayever you want from here, your concentration is focused.
do the sme with chakras, imagine them then be it, in your body.
The general consensus of /fringe/ is that all forms of bodily modification should be avoided. I just seek further clarification: does this also include vasectomies?
What is a Rope-Awaiter?
>>21652It's great that you moved here because I have a further question for you:(Copied and pasted from the freedomboards)
Can you give me an example of recalling something without reciting it and can you give me an example of reciting something without recalling it?
My vague understanding is that to recall something, you are merely remembering it. You might recall how many windows are on the second floor of a building or whether or not your mother likes spaghetti so these are facts that you have absorbed. Likewise, you may understand the concepts explained in your physics or maths book so you've absorbed this too.
To recite however simply means to recall with a focus on the technical, concrete details rather than an abstract understanding. So rather than know what's happening in the novel you're reading, reciting the novel means memorising each and every word and how it's all phrased. That is to say: the act of recital is a type of recall/absorption.
In which case, I think the whole routine is structured as follows:
-Absorb the text for that basic understanding.
-Absorb the text for that wording and structure (more precise)
-Absorb how the text looks visually (far more precise)
Note: There's nothing visual about reciting. It's sonic, if anything and there's nothing sonic about understanding–it's intuitive, if anything.
>>21706I read once how one Hermeticist here said he loved to carry Tao Te Ching with him because it gave him insight and he saw a lot of similarities in Taoist and Hermetic teachings. You might want to check this out yourself, if you want to.
You should check out the /fringe/ library if you want to read Corpus Hermetica, the "holy book" of Hermeticists.
Anyways, don't worry too much about the philosophical aspect of magic. It'll come to you, just check out the first post in this thread and start practicing some of the basics, you then have better foundation to pursue whatever tradition you like to, (or you could make your own "tradition"!)
Of particular interest might be New Energy Ways and other Robert Bruce's works, considering that Taoists practice qiqong. You might be able to enchant qiqong practices by learning energywork as laid out by Bruce. But I don't really know any good qiqong practices, sorry.
Also, a déjà vu, I'm sure I've seen in my dream your post.
How do I learn to see through walls?
Anything right/wrong with tattoos?
>>21728If anything, the ink used for them is bad for you but I've seen people with pentacles and sigils tattooed. There's always scarring or burning if you want that
>>21728Some people say it marks your etheric body, I'm not sure but it may be true.
what exactly are "higher states of consciousness" and how does one reach them?
>>21769Increased awareness, faster and deeper thoughts, more visual capacity, more information processing, increased memory, stronger senses, etc.
Reach it through trance, energywork, thoughtforming, and mental building.
Mind Power The Secret of Mental Magic No.21804
I've been seeing 33 and 333 everywhere, can any of you tell me what it means?
are there any particular pros to learning sex magick? as far as I know, I've got taoist sex tips, and then I've heard of Crowley sodomizing everybody, are there any other traditions associated with the practice?
>>21807I'll tell you, for sex magic it's generally required for the practitioner to already be finely developed and very well instructed. It's just that current degeneracy, even among many occultists, just brings together the despair that people have to opening their legs to anything/sticking their dicks anywhere. Plus mundanes will just try to get something to distort and make it into "tips to save your marriage" or some shit like that.
Thing is, it's powerful, if you've read at least the Kybalion you might recognise the basis on which it works. But I wouldn't recommend you focus on it for your development.
Need some info on Tibetan occultism and practices please. Was told by a powerful person that I have gained certain powers from practicing in Tibet in a past life and have had Lamas protecting me or something. Is Teachings From Tibet in the sticky any good? I don't want any pleb nonsense like "the meaning of life is to be happy ;^)" which the current Dalai Lama has said. Downloaded Magic and Mystery in Tibet which seems good.
>>21804Saw 333 8 times in one day a few weeks ago, including 3 times in like a minute. Pretty sure it is a good sign or at least it is for me. Hard to say with numbers since different sources will say different things. You may find this article of interest: No.21828
What significance does Egyptian mythology and pantheon have to occult truth?
>>21828The same as other pantheons and mythologies that are symbolic of ultimate truth. It's just that Egypt was a keeper of the initiatic occult mysteries for a long time, and its influence remained in the teachings as they were passed on. Also the Memphis/Mizraim rites of Freemasonry, Golden Dawn and Thelemic workings on Egyptian mythology popularized it among modern occultists.
What are common errors made when attempting astral projection? What teachings from the arcane teachings and kybalion in specific can I apply to astral projection?
>>21832>What are common errors made when attempting astral projection?In my experience, failure to relax.
>>21834Took your advice during tonight's attempted astral projection session, been trying for around three weeks. Thanks for your advice it did help, tonight I got to a point where I got deeper into trance than usual, almost lost in blackness. Then my consciousness became focused, but unfocused. My blackness had like white fuzziness to it and my hands felt like ghost hands. Still couldn't achieve lift off. I'm making progress but I don't feel like it's enough. How close am I?
>>21845Have you experienced any of those things I described?
>>21846I did, just not sure what you mean by "focused but unfocused", the rest is common in projection attempts.
>>21847Just like I was taken into a different state of awareness, idk consciousness is a bitch to explain
How do I use mental magic to wake up on time? I am continuously late for school because I can't find it in me to wake up on time in the morning and I live by myself so no support to help me wake up
>>21871you're just being lazy, go to bed earlier
>>21871This device uses a complex system of spiritual symbols to harness the loosh while you sleep, and then set off a ringing sound the moment you set it to do so. Mundanes can't explain it!
>>21906I set multiple alarms already you clown. I just lack mental strength in the morning and submit to my desire to go right the fuck back to sleep, which is entirely mental and dealing with emotions and consciousness. Which is why I asked for "mental magic"
>>21931>Which is why I asked for "mental magic"Here's a spell, it's called "stop being a bitch nigga and get of bed"
>>21931Here's what you do, there's two things, first is to tell yourself mentally "I wake up every morning at x time", command yourself to wake up at certain time. Second is more effective if you are skeptical which is to set an alarm to go of every 1 minute, go to bed with the alarm there and when the alarm goes of you need to jump out of bed, repeat this at least 10 times. This is a method of training your subconscious to jump out of bed when the alarm goes of so in the morning you will instantly want to get out of bed from the previous days training.
>>21871summon a rooster familiar
Lately, I've picked up a habit of meditating. While meditating, with a little effort, I can transport myself to a snowy, mountainous area where I can meet a beautiful dragon who I'm madly in love with. Does anyone have any clue what's going on?
>Have friend
>friend astral projects
>eventually goes to akashic records
>he meets the keeper guy or w/e
>keeper guy says go look around but whatever you do, you can't go to one place
>friend can't resist the urge
>goes to forbidden place
>supposedly how he is supposed to die
>gaurdian guy is like baddog.png
>as punishment, keeper (apparently) cuts his silver cord
How do I help my friend?
>>21949your friend is full of shit
>>21871>>21903This. So many benefits come from sleeping earlier. I just had some wild lucid dreams this morning, woke up at 5 and went back to sleep only to experience more wild dreams. I cant recommend it enough, OP.
I'm pretty sure cutting the cord kills you here in the 3rd dimension
>>21871download extreme alarm clock
Hello /Fringe/ I know this might be a long and noob-ish post but please bare with me(If you can)
I want to start with all da magical spiritual stuff.
I want to start practicing Siddhasna(since I have no other place to sit and this seem easy).I don't have a pillow or anything to support my butt and I want to sit on the floor to meditate(since I can't sit on da soft bed).
With making servitor and thoughtform, I don't want them back-lashing and becoming negative anyway of making them be good(eternally)?
About the science of breath thing,I can't seem to get the complete yogi breath right, because I tend to yawn after 3-5 breath rounds.any simple dummy-proof guide for the complete breath?
I hear that Music sometime tend to be loosh farming(sometime playing in mind as an auto-farmer)is dat right?(I don't think that's right)
I can't go to /fringe/ a lot and I went to develop myself faster before the forced military training in Dubai(UAE), anyway I can skip the mind-set test they do so don't let me in?(Robert anton Wilson said that it's process of "robotization/mechanization" )
Any other tips or anything else?
I do the Gnostic Banishing pentagram silently 3 time a day now, any tips or anything( I do it silently in bathroom, coz of fanatic muslim in da house).I have found it kinda rearrange you for some reason any other benefits I should be experinceing ?
any tips advice?
>>22003Music which makes one weary or gets stuck in the mind is the worst music and steals your loosh. Music that produces emotion combined with your own skill in concentration can produce loosh gains. Like many things we wizards do, we're supposed to focus all of our attention on the task at hand, like the first steps of
Initiation Into Hermetics. When we eat, we really focus on our food, and imbue it with qualities we want to take into ourselves. Same for music. There are two ways really to use music if you are a wizard. White noise type music such as ambient or whatever that blocks out surroundings noises and lets you focus on reading or some similar task. Then other sort of music, it should ideally be taken in, in a room that is very quiet and isolated from distracting noises… and through a headset or speakers of high quality. In this case you would really listen to the music to the exclusion of much else. If you want to dance to it too, you can do that, but the dance must resonate very strongly with the music. Indeed your whole body and mind should resonate with the music… and you don't want to take in degenerate music that just give you suggestions to engage in vices. You want to submit fully to the music but it must be the kind of music worth submitting to.
See also: general I strongly dislike music and would prefer never to hear it again, in the most ideal of circumstances. At least third density music. Music in the astral planes is on a whole other level than anything from this plane. It's not uncommon to hear epic orchestrals, angelic voices, etc. in the astral and to really feel and hear the music with such depth and clarity as it not possible to the physical senses alone. When you hear the music of the astral you will understand why third density music just never ever measures up again.
>With making servitor and thoughtform, I don't want them back-lashing and becoming negative anyway of making them be good(eternally)?Just be really careful how you create and program them and make sure to feed them enough loosh to keep them satisfied. With increasing complexity and power they may be potentially more troublesome but
>I want to start practicing Siddhasna(since I have no other place to sit and this seem easy).I don't have a pillow or anything to support my butt and I want to sit on the floor to meditate(since I can't sit on da soft bed).I do all meditations in a chair or laying on the floor. I as of right now can't really do any of the cross-legged postures. Although I have used magick before to be able to temporarily do full lotus and it worked perfectly, it's energy intensive, and temporary… also if the effect starts to wear off before I get out of the position I end up hurting myself. So I just don't waste loosh and go with floor or chair… and make myself as comfortable as possible.
I think you are yawning after 3-5 breaths because you're somehow not getting enough air inhaled. Trying breathing more naturally (just make sure it's through nostrils of course and also to fill the whole of your lung capacity). I've been practising all sorts of pranayma techniques a long time now… it's rather artificial and awkward at first but it gets a lot easier later and eventually becomes completely natural. I used to yawn when fighting and doing breathwork at the same time, due to not getting enough air. Compared to absolutely everyone else I fight with btw, my breath is far more controlled, deeper, etc. while everyone else pants.
>>21947A dragon? wtf man. Are you a human in this place you go to or are you also a dragon?
>Does anyone have any clue what's going on?I suppose you're just a degenerate? lel
Can anyone provide any insight to the human races which had the least interaction with reptilian entities? I'm not finding much, but I was wondering how significant their history was with Europeans and middle easterners. Am I right to assume that there is feud between the two? Is it reptoid vs reptoid or human vs reptoid in nature?
>>21958>>21964Yeah it didn't really make sense to me. Is it more likely that it's an illusion? My friend is honestly kind of brain dead after the incident. Apparently he lost a lot of his memories and can't remember what he has and hasn't done.
I started reading some of the beginner material but haven't seen anything on getting energy and emotional alchemy yet. Where can I find practical instructions on those? I've conditioned myself into a fatigued apathy and need to fix it.
1. How were Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi and other musicians so genius? Where did they get that inspiration from? Could they have used magic? That brings me to my next question.
2. Is there a way to inscribe music/images with emotions? If you feel the emotion while creating the music or painting or whatever, does it ooze onto it or do you have to direct it somehow?
I've gave this a thought because my guitar playing changes at times depending on how i feel.
Should I believe in a God?
>>22040New Energy Ways V2 by Robert Bruce for basic energy work and initial steps of IIH by Franz Bardon for emotional alchemy.
>>22049We may never know why they were the way there are. Magical visions happen quite often to various otherwise mundane people such as Mendeleev's Periodic Table which he saw in a dream.
I find some music to be quite motivating so I sometimes listen to epic orchestral music to get myself in the mood for some magical work. Apart from setting the mood it seems to make the process of energy breathing much more fluid so it's definitely helpful.
>>22006what exactly is loosh and how do you gain it?
How could I use hatred, anger, scorn, feeling indignant etc constructively?
>>22069It's a stupid meme spouted by funposters
Whatever you say, sheltered pretentious fuckboy
My face manages to tense up while i try to do meditation for astral projection, is it vital to keep a completely relaxed body for the practice? or can some parts of the body be tense (Jaw closed, face tensed while breathing, etc).
Highly unlikely.
>>21674>"ever heard of the key of solomon?"The Key of Solomon is supposedly wrongly attributed to him and actually predates Solomon though. Is that correct?
not predates (oops), but…
>>20648>>20623>>20628>>20727Women have a lot of innate Magick though tend to lack the faculty of mastery by themselves.
You can experience ecstatic mysticism and will find relating to the natural world easier, however your reciprocity will lead the the possibility of being taken advantage of by dangerous entities.
Fear not, you can achieve a lot with Magick by finding a male partner/master to discipline and work with/through you.
To be a cherished vessel in the Great Work of a Magnus is a great honor.
>TL:DRFind a Magickal husbando. No.22129
>>22026Thoughtform a rescue party or find his astral body yourself.
If his physical husk is not expired that would suggest he is still there somewhere- however weak.
>Mundane explanation:He is experiencing acute psychosis. Entertaining his delusions may provide a ladder to get out of the catatonic rabbit-hole or make things worse.
Either way anti-psychotics are satan.
Maybe seek out a greenpilled authority figure to sort him out irl (spiritual teacher, Jungian psychologist, etc).
>>22129Oh shit forgot flag…
>>22082They are very energy intensive emotions, which while energizing initially will eventually burn you out. However you can harness the activity and guide it in positive directions via transmutation.
You will need to seek out more articulate and experienced posters here and elsewhere but the idea is that the raw agitated fire in the belly is a great stating point for pointed-concentration and/or the formation of positive emotions.
What is most important is that your emotions are strong, apathy and numbness are hard to work with. Be aware that if you don't use these emotions in a constructive direction you will burn out and be a husk however.
>>22082I can't believe no one actually answered this guy yet
Mostly chaos magic,also losh.
>>22129You're saying his astral body is not in his body?…
>>22234Well his anecdote is open to interpretation and his poor memory would make it hard to get a full picture.
Does he have any recollection after the cutting of the cord?
Perhaps he found his way back but was pretty badly psychically injured or/and endured some traumas that he is repressing thus the memory lapse.
If indeed his cord was cut yet he found he way back eventually he could have been lost in an astral wilderness for what may have seemed like an eternity, possibly preyed on by unimaginable horrors.
Or perhaps Robert Bruce's metaphysics are correct and the astral self is a double, in which case a copy of himself could be lost in the astral wilderness and the conciousness you are intereacting with is him, who is simultaneously suffering injury in the astral via the double.
A bit like how twins empathically suffer ordeals of their twin.
>>22236he doesn't seem to be in any trauma though.he doesn't remember anything before the cutting of the cord and lost and simply cannot remember what he has done in the past besides minute details. After his cord was "cut" he came back to the physical world and after the incident has since not been able to astral project
I keep converting names into their Gematria equivalents manually, those anyone know of a site or program that does this automatically that I can use? I have some gematria stuff I need to work out right now.
>>22256Minor synchronicity as I bookmarked this from a post on /ebola/ some days ago and was just checking my bookmarks now. No.22260
>>22256nvm found it, and
>Code of Godsheeiiiittt
Time to meditate on the number 74 in a hexagon and see what awaits me.
>>22261Don't do it smiley! All that awaits is your doom!!
What are some differences in doing or participating in chaos magic compared to plain magic? From what limited reading I've done its more intuitive and based on negatives/contrasts. How do I start practicing chaos magic?
I've tried separation techniques while in a trance state but they seem to bring awareness and tension to my physical body, does anyone know other techniques or ways to separate while in a trance state?
>>20962Hard question, think of you as human being, right? but instead of body-ready think of mental-ready.
You hardly give coffee to a 3 year old because they can handle it, but as they grow their body process it better.
How grown are you mentally and spiritually? if you honestly think you're still on baby steps you should avoid it. because as many said, it can alter your template.
I'm reading through the arcane teaching and there's this one section I'm reading reagrding the lower astral planes. Am I reading this correctly? Is it saying that people who try to change their sex are even lower than animals?
Wizard and Sorcerer
What is the difference?
>>22376Can you give me a page reference, i don't remember anything like that but i can check it out and try to interpret it for you.
>>22382"These creatures are the disembodied entities
of those who degenerated along abnormal sex lines—who
attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity, and thus
brought upon themselves the Recoil of the Life Forces."
Are you talking about this part?
>>22385That's the one, yes.
>>22386I'll try explain it.
Before that he talks about "ghoul-like" scum who are the product of the next line. These ghouls are referencing people who go against the 7th hermetic law of gender or as he says "who
attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity".
The 7th hermetic law talks of a male and female gender, the male energy is positive and electric, it wants to give energy like how a male ejaculates. Female energy is negative and magnetic, it takes in energy from a giver and creates something new, like how a women will create a child.
Atkinson talks about those who go against the natural law, this would be people like homosexuals and transgendered. Two males together means too much male energy being distributed, thus the energy stagnates and burns them out, both becoming "astral ghouls". A similar fate is in store for women which their feminine energy takes, so both the women end up tearing each others astral bodies apart, cause there is no one to give energy.
With all this in mind you can probably figure out how it can relate to transgendered, for they can change how their physical gender looks, but not the etheric bodies gender.
>>22389The tldr is to not become a thelemite.
>>22389So it is what I thought. Well, thank you for taking the time to write all that.
In arcane formula
Establishing the Ego
the first part
it say to start sensing your body until I feel the ego(I mean this part)
Let the Neophyte place himself in a quiet place, away from the disturbances and distracting influences of the outside world. Let him assume a position of rest, relaxing the tension from muscles and nerves. Then, let him fix his attention upon his physical body; first the body as a whole, and then beginning at the feet let him move the attention upward until. the whole body has been included in attention, step by step, until the brain is reached. During this process the Neophyte will become aware, by degrees, that he is a Something inside of the body, body, viewing and considering the latter in all of its details, instead of being identical with the body. There will be found a dawning realization that the body is but the physical envelope or sheath in which the Ego dwells — or a garment which the Ego has assumed for the conveniences of physical life. This realization will not come all at once, but will gradually dawn upon and in the consciousness, increasing by practice. When a degree of proficiency and realization of this stage has been acquired.
any experience I should feel before moving into the next step????
>>22397All he is really saying to you is that the physical body is not you, it's not the I or the ego, it's only an effective meat puppet for our various physical interactions and duties.
I found i did not have many insightful or amazing moments until the third (last step i think) practice, this is mainly because of my previous studies and experiences of consciousness, so if you are already fairly enlightened this is only baby stuff for you.
Do the exercises, if they don't have any profound new understandings or effects it probably means you've already have passed the teaching or lesson previously in life.
>>22399So basically I can skip the step if I feel nothing?
I tried doing it over and over for 5 contentious day each day 30 min
but nothing "profound" happened
so I should skip it?
is it safe to skip?
because I heard that people who skip steps in systems have their astral body puncture or something like in IIH
>>22400You're free to skip it, as i said all he is doing is using visualization to show that your physical body is not who you are, if you realize this and accept it you can move on.
It sounds like you've done the practice long enough to know it's not helping, as for IIH you will want to solidly attempt and get down everything in that(but there are some steps which can be simplified with a Bardon companion book).
>>22400Try this. Close your eyes and say in your mind, "What will I think of next?"
Your mind will quiet and you will notice that you are something that is aware. Anyone who does this will complete the practice in ten seconds or less.
>>22400Have you managed to develop any higher level of consciousness yet? I found linking it to willpower as Atkinson describes helped me, consciousness is kind of like your awareness I being an expression of the current moment.
what happened to 'paige'?
>>22389I'd like some other views and further analysis on this point because it does not seem as clear-cut on a second take.
If remember right, he states previously that everyone has degrees of Male and Female within himself and these do not necessarily match the genitals, which themselves seem irrelevant to the law in question.
It is said this takes a toll on the astral body but is it not that people can shapeshift that even to another gender? Does not that make it a moot point?
I know there have been some cultures and practices where being transgendered has been an esteemed spiritual practice, involving far more than the body. I would not disregard that so easily.
Considering all of this, I think Atkinson might mean something more than that with this passage. But who knows, the best of teachers are tempted to fit their personal views into their teachings.
>>22285Chaos magick focuses on the bare bone mechanics of magickal ability, and believes that belief paradigms and props are tools for the suspension of disbelief and gnosis.
So will, belief and intent are what is important, whatever paradigm you use should use depends on what gels with the practitioner and what is appropriate in the circumstance.
Chaos practitioners will often shift paradigms to suit their needs current needs, shedding worldviews like clothes.
Since belief is a tool, you can use anything so long as it seems to work- popular culture, comics, cthulu mythos, the bible, church of the subgenius etc.
There can be a degree of eclecticism however to avoid mixed or catastrophic results practitioners will usually use banishing rituals or other techniques to clear the previous paradigm before engaging in another.
A psychological outlook is popular, Sigil magick, is common, as well as eastern practices and drug use.
The works of the renowned British occultist and artist Austin Osman Spare was a strong influence on this school. No.22422
Following Liber Null at the minute - how do I know if I have truly stopped thinking? I've been practicing and it seems I can meditate a while without thinking - but I'm not 100% sure this is the real thing. Also, if this is truly not thinking - where do I go from here? What exactly can I do in this state? Sorry for all these questions in one post, but is there any significance to noticing a lot of strange coincidences ever since I first noticed myself not thinking?
>>22422Once in the state you need a method to implant the magickal objective deep in your unconscious, through contextual surroundings or the use of imagery or props such as per-prepared sigils.
Make the magickal objective something of little consequence for you yet something that can be verified at a later date. If it is something you desire too much lust for result with sabotage it.
Most practitioners believe that to work we must forget the intent on the sigil (conscious pondering over it can sabotage the unconscious), so to ensure it has worked it may be worth while jotting down the intent of the sigil while creating it in a magickal journal yet ensure you do not check back on your entry for at least a month.
Hopefully you will be successful and when the magickal objective occurs you will be struck by the synchronicity and recall the sigil intent after the fact without having to first refer back to your journal.
Greetings /fringe/.
Over the past few months, I've been coming here, taking in what I can, reading others experiences and gathering books and such. I've started reading a number of introductory works like Initiation into Hermetics and I must say that the explanations for much of man and the universe's nature resonate very much with what I had been feeling for a long time, in regards to the spirituality/reality/perception of various things.
I've dabbled with a few experiments, like or sigils mantras of intent to bring changes, with mixed (or maybe just delayed/unknown) results. Recently I even took up trying to make something of a companion thoughtform, a tulpa. After quite a number of sessions meditating and visualizing, it came into form, there right before my mind's eye was the perfect female complement to my male self, smiling at me, like a friend I hadn't seen in ages. It made me feel warm. I feel like this was my breakthrough moment. That there was definitely an infinite amount of knowledge and experience beyond the mundane.
The reason I'm posting is that I want to know about other wizards and neophytes. Maybe if I hear from others and their experiences or inspirations, I might gain insight as to what I want to focus on or delve into. So without further ado, a few questions.
1. How long have you been working with the mystic and magickal?
2. What was your big "ah-ha" moment?
3. Do you have a focus of sorts or specific goal in your learning and practice?
4. Do you have any tips from your experiences you'd care to share?
Thanks in advance.
>>22429I can give you something on the fourth:
Don't get tangled with theological, philosophical or metaphysical questions. You can enrich yourself with philosophy, of course, but don't get caught in speculation - you need to practice magic, not speculate it. There's a lot of interesting topics and all, and I spent too much time on reading instead of practicing. . . Reading is important. But practice is more important.
>>22430>Don't get tangled with theological, philosophical or metaphysical questionsTHANK GOD. Honestly, I was convinced I'd never progress because without a proper theoretical understanding, I'm gonna fuck myself up somehow or that the practises would make references to concepts that were outlined in the theory and so, with no theoretical backing, I just could not continue.
>>22433Read the essay in this post
>>22426 and enjoy the exercises therein.
>>22413well, part of the section quoted mentions that only the "lowest of the human satyres" are resigned to this fate. In his book on sex, he refers to Satyres as those who sublimate their conscious being on fornication for the sake of pleasure, taking on the aspects of the goat, who is the only animal which it was believed acted in this way. This was more or less part of his belief that those who partake of sex for purposes outside of procreation lower themselves. Presumably, homosexuals would be the epitome of this, as they cant even reproduce through accident. It is interesting to note that through female empowerment and contraceptives, our natural urge to mate has been put in to a state where people don't feel the need to control themselves, which is being used to feed in to materialistic ends, while simultaneously collapsing the birth rate of the so called "progressive" races. I guess nature corrects itself and technology and culture as a product of life is subject to evolution (death of the unfit).
I apologize for bothering you all but I have a bit of a question.
About two weeks ago, I had a very curious dream and it goes as the following. I was with a friend in my past, I had a dream previously about having them upset and in real life I always regretted what I had done to them in the past and they came to me and reconciled and they started to go kiss me and then I "woke" up into another dream I do not remember much from that dream and "woke" up again into another dream which I can't recall. I did this once more and woke up and felt very disconnected with my body. I heard a voice yelling within me saying something like "Spin" or something like that. It was undecipherable and I just laid there and slowly felt connected again to my body.
Does anyone have an idea in what occurred?
>>22442There's already a dream interpretation thread.
>>22443Thank you I will post it there as well. My intent from posting it is to try to understand the disconnected part, the "false awakenings" and the voice.
How could magic help me get a job I've applied to?
>>22467Create a sigil or make a thought form in a trance, also visualizing that you have the job before going to sleep (or before waking up) in great detail, imagine a scenario that you are given a job and try to put your emotion into it, feel grateful for it.
The Law and the Promise by Neville Goddard and also
Reality Creation Redux by Tom Montalk.
What does it mean if I remember seeing still images (but I can't tell exactly what they are, just fuzzy but still recognisable) when I wake up, then later on, what I'm looking at matches up perfectly? It's like a feeling of Déja vu, but so much stronger, because I can remember seeing what I am currently seeing, if that makes sense. Its like a moment of clarity.
I've posted in this thread a bit, but I'm at a dilemma. I've decided that I want to be visited by a succubus. The old fringe guide says to wait in bed with visual concentration, and more importantly - not to jerk off. The thing is, I've made a sigil, which is to be charged by jerking off. What would be more effective? Or is there another way that I should doing things?
>>22490Firstly, don't summon a succubus, they're demons who try to steal your loosh.
Second point would be about the sigil charging, charging a sigil via orgasm is only one of the many ways, you're looking to have an intense emotional release while thinking of the sigil to charge it, this can be through any emotion you can manage to channel, you can just focus on it really hard and try to conjure up love towards it.
>>22491So a succubus will just drain me of energy? Is it really that bad, I mean, can't I summon one anyway?
>>22492Well ideally you want to keep and horde up all your energy for magical practices and not for expelling lust, it's up to you if what you gain is more than what you loose.
>>22494So I should go the sigil method? Pic related, my ballin sigil.
>>22495Sigils are good for newer or chaos magicians i find, they create a ritual sense which imparts more belief and energy onto what you are trying to manifest. If you wanna get some succubus ass then that's up to you.
>>22496Thanks for the help, hopefully this is a successful first magical experience.
>>22497If you have any more succubus related problems or questions i would suggest posting it in the succubus thread, they're probably a lot more knowledgeable about this stuff.
I saw some stuff back on the old Fringe about wizards having strange effects on electromagnetic fields - in some cases causing things like power surges, etc.
Does anyone have more practical information on this? It seems like a very useful skill to have.
>You will never be able to astral project
>>22497I would suggest going for an undine mate. Also, might just be me but I continually tried over and over to get a succubus but I couldn't get one. I decided fuck it and just made a sigil that would attract anything that wanted to have sex and I was literally visited that same day. Not by by a succubus, not by an undine, but it was pretty fun. Also from what I've read, success with summoning a succubus and the steps requires varies on the circumstances. Go check out the succubus thread for a bit more info. I also have two succubus summoning info graphics laying around somewhere if you want.
>>22507Don't loose hope, I've been solidly practicing hours per day for over 2 months now, with no results yet my motivation will not wain, neither should you give up faith.
when I draw a sigil, sometimes I feel a little rush at the end when it's done, and when I crush/scribble/destroy it, I feel calm and forget about doing it really easily, but I'll just remember the outline and some of the basic shape of it, I draw shapes of letters but I more just focus on the "essence" of the thing or the feelings I have about it and what shapes that translates to, like an arrow for action, circle for solid/containment/comforting or a simplified shape of an object
also do i have to fap to it/burn it/is it too weak on just feels alone
Any repercussions or ill-effects of casting too many sigils?
>>22512You might cast a sigil you later regret, it can have minor disadvantages depending on how important it is to you
>>22513Yeah but like if I cast multiple for …the job I want, strength, obedience, social influence do you think I'd regret it? I'm open to your philosophical input
>>22514If you're casting multiple sigils for the same thing it sounds like you really want it and have made up your mind, worse case if you start to regret it, all you have to do is say no to the interviews or offers.
>>22511Generally you will focus on it to remember the sigil and calm your mind, try to charge it in your mind while visualizing it.
As for fapping, orgasm as mentioned earlier is just one of the many emotional forces which can charge them. With burning it is a method of getting rid of the sigil so you can keep it out of your mind, they also say fire connects to the spirits.
Funny enough I've found burying and putting away in a box to work just as well
>>22516so as long as I'm focused and putting emotional energy into it, it's being charged? can I recharge it after I forget the exact shape?
>>22525>so as long as I'm focused and putting emotional energy into it, it's being charged?Yes if you are thinking of the sigil and trying to flow your emotions into it (i visualize the energy seeping into it and making it glow)
>can I recharge it after I forget the exact shape?You need to remember the sigil so you can link your emotions and thoughts to it, if you forget it then i hope you have a carbon copy or can remember it. Generally one charge is enough to make anything work, unless it is for multiple people hence multiple charges.
Can anyone help with the separation stage of astral projection? I can get into a light trance state in about 5 minutes now, i move my energy body around to simulate it a little and then try to detach through various body movement techniques but they never seem to get me anywhere, some like the spinning make me feel a little nauseous but no separation.
Hello!, say if i brought something that doesnt match our worlds physical laws into this one? what happens to the object?
>>22437That makes a lot more sense. I can understand his ideology but I don't have any experience to know if it reflects reality or if he's trying to force things into his own perspective. Atkinson has shown to be otherwise a very wise man but even the Buddha warns against believing him without proving things for yourself.
Ideally, we could hear the account of an advanced bisexual practitioner who has paid attention to the energetic exchange during both acts, as well as the long-term effects.
>>22532While i do admire your thinking, with knowledge of the energy exchange between two people in intercourse and the 7th hermetic law of gender, you will be able to see why he says these things, i suggest you research either hermetic laws or sexual magical phenomena if you want a larger understanding.
>>22533But does that not bring us back to the previous point where I questioned how much do physical genitalia have to do with the spiritual gender? I am familiar with the Hermetic Laws. In fact, that Law states "everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles" and further in that chapter of the Kybalion it is stated that "For that matter, everything in the organic world
manifests both genders".
There's a lot more arguments I can make in this regard but I guess I should drop the point as it seems it can only lead to a theoretical beating of the gums. I'll just note it down as a topic of personal inquiry for once I have the experience and knowledge to examine it myself.
>>22541Yeah we do manifest both genders, but you're misinterpreting it. Go to page 39 of the 2001 pdf for Initiation into Hermetics, each part of the body is made up of male and female energy, or magnetic and electric.
But simply put for your question about gender, male genitals are male, female genitals are female. I forgot which other book out there talks a bit over this concept for explaining the law of gender (might of been The Stellar Man), how it talks about the left and the right brain, the left is male and the right is female for example, you can probably figure out why.
>>22542Male is electric and female it magnetic, i thought to correct that error above.
>>22542The Kybalion talks of a somewhat similar mind duality in the part about Mind Gender. I'll go check out IIH again and keep your points in mind, though I will consider it only the entry point of a thorough analysis.
>>22547Many hermetic books should give a bit of information on the concept of gender, i would recommend not to wary yourself about this much. As for your second point, i would suggest to visit the places Atkinson talks about, the lower astral realms where these creatures dwell, that is where you will find the answers you seek.
How can i use magic to get a high pitched metal voice? LOA?
>>22551Unfortunately, the subject really got my attention simply because of how far reaching it is. Considering how many different permutations of sexual acts there are and the relation between physical and otherwise, it becomes fascinating to consider the relation between all of them, as well the veracity of the underlying assumptions.
I have not been able to AP yet, hence my only being able to speak from a theoretical point. But it is interesting to note that Robert Monroe has seen the exact same thing in the lower astral realms. However, he does not ascribe it to matters of orientation but simply to people who never developed beyond their most base instincts. I forget which of his books talks about it unfortunately.
I'm having trouble applying the Law of Opposites.
Like, for example, let's start with cold. The opposite of cold is hot but hot and cold are also merely degrees of the same thing, temperature. According to the Law of Opposites, temperature should also have an opposite. I tried to think of the opposite of temperature and I can't think of anything.
Temperature is a measure of vibration so perhaps I should look at vibration and ask what the opposite of vibration is such that the opposite of temperature would be a measure of the opposite of vibration but all I can think of for the opposite of vibration is to be at rest. The Principle of Motion states that nothing is at rest and that it's only when something is vibrating at an infinite speed that it will appear to be at rest and so I'm just stuck.
I've been mulling over it for some time now. If I assume that temperature is merely one pole of some sort of duality then what is the other pole?
I think the principle is really interesting in its potential applications. There was an article I read once that discussed a secret behind the success of a lot of successful businessman–something called "Integrative Thinking". This is where you find yourself facing a paradoxical problem where you must pick either one solution or the other however picking one at the expense of another is usually trade-off that damages you in the long-run either way. Integrative Thinking allows you to come to the conclusion that the solution is both and you achieve this by "tying the two ends together".
>>22556>Temperature is a measure of vibration so perhaps I should look at vibration I'm no scientist but it seems like you've already found the opposite?
If temperature = vibration, hot = lots of vibration and cold = fewer vibrations (until you reach absolute zero, which is no vibration).
I'm new to /fringe/ but what you're talking about reminds me of something from Aristotle, where he talks about virtue and vice and the middle point is the best (but it's been a while since I've read the Nicomachean Ethics so I might be summarizing it poorly).
>>22565I'm asking what the opposite of temperature is. You're just looking at opposites within the concept of temperature (hot and cold) but at a second glance, I find your reasoning quite useful. This whole time, I've been trying to find the opposites
of things in order to create new spectrums but maybe I should start bisecting concepts and looking for opposites
within things. Perhaps that would be easier.
What does it feel like to come out of your body during meditation? I wasn't meditating for long, just repeating over the words for a sigil, but my hands started feeling really hot and as if they were vibrating, and I could have swore I was moving them. But then I opened my eyes and I was just sitting with my arms like normal. Was I close to etheral projection? What should I do differently?
>>22552please answer me someone, i really wanna use magic for music because i think it really has something spiritual about it
>>22585>>22586fuck you faggot
Why did it feel like a mental orgasm/ climax/ rising consciousness after I cast my first sigil?
Can I use Pokemon as thoughtforms to guard me? lol
>>22556It seems like you are too attached to the labels imposed upon things instead of the things themselves.
>>22573You can use magic for music, i used a sigil to improve my guitar playing and it started to improve about 10x faster.
Anyone else worship BBC or belong to the temple of Cuckolding?
>>22609>>22602Please be considerate when posting your porn! We've got underage moderators here, that might see this and become enormous fags!
…as if they aren't already
>>22612sorry :(
Here's our high priest btw
>>22571Maybe it'd help if I turned this into a proper question: How should I meditate to etherically project?
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>22623>lie down comfortably on your back>Put on some comfy headphones>Listen to this bitch and follow along>Don't move any muscle, you must make your body sleep>Don't get scared or excited if you feel your body vibratingA lot of people here don't like guided meditations but it's the easiest way for me
>>22624Oh I forgot. Git midly gud at visualizations, and RELAX nigga; that's the key.
>>22625I can visualise pretty well without practice for some reason, I'll try this now, thanks anon.
I tried astral projecting before, my vision went white and it felt like i was holding something, i focused on my hand and then the instant reflex to swallow came up and broke everything.
Does anyone know how to get rid of that reflex at crucial times?
Anybody know any death spells? Like serious black magic type shit
Ok if there astral projecting can go anywhere, why dont we see more humans ascend into omnipotence?
>>22648Nigga if someone "ascends" you won't be seeing them again
>>22628same way you get rid of the reflex to scratch or focus on external noises, enter a trance state.
>>22651im guessing the infinite cannot touch the finite?
How do you deal with pretentious faggot douchebags who say things like "if there is an afterlife its probably something unimaginable" and "reincarnation is wrong"
>>22656the same way you deal with people calling you a faggot, you butthurt faggot.
>>22655is it even possible to become omnipotent and still satay on a physical plane since there are infinite , could one use fictional beings to help become omnipotent and stay on this plane?
>>22660you don't understand, when someone goes beyond human understanding mundane matters simple stop being a concern.
It's hard to predict what goes through the minds of such entities but it sure as hell isn't staying in this physical realm.
>>22661i see, interesting to say the least
That feel when you use the rope method and vibrantly feel your ghost-like hands lifting up but your heart starts pounding and you lose concentration and tonight goes down as another failed attempt
>>20278This attentive reading is very interesting to me, could anyone give me some of their experiences being focused to fully on their food and nothing else?
Are there any negatives or punishments for using magic to make a ton of money through lottery?
>Woe unto those who wait, for they must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the seed-ground of stars, and await a new beginning.
I thought it was okay for me to use magick as a way to just generally improve my life and broaden my experiences. Developing my will and visualisation abilities to assist me in both my worldly and otherworldly pursuits. Then, rather than pursue reunion with The All, I would instead upon death and fulfilling my desires of power, lust and worldly and otherworldly exploration, fall into Astral Sleep and consequently disintegrate. I thought this was okay but apparently, the people who reunite get to retain all their memories (NG+) meanwhile those who didn't start again from scratch. Is this true?
Is there a guide on how to pronounce PTHOPTECK? It seems inexpressible and moreover, looks like a hidden form of "Top Kek".
>>22673I don't know what it is or is meant to be. There's a thread on the freedomboard for mantras that achieve certain effects. There's no pronunciation guide however.
>>22651i want to stay on physical planes i dont want to be omnipotent.
>>22573Turn songs into sigils or use hypnotic music (think high reverb drone stuff or repeditive drumming), to get yourself into a gnostic/shamanic state.
>>22666I find it quite difficult myself. It takes me too much time to eat properly, so I usually read or something eventually. The food definitely tastes superior when eaten in such ways.
Here is another resource, calling it one of the best meditations on Earth and needing serious reprogramming to establish: is a good article too: No.22699
>>22678>I want to stay in the shit pitwhy
How can I make my lucid dreams more potent? Like how can I become more aware and be part of it fully, I do feel aware but it's too fuzzy as I loose and gain control so often that I can't establish contact with anything consistently. It's like I'm trying to tune in a radio station but it gets mixed with static.
I'm not asking this in a right vs wrong sense,
Should one behave morally? Say from a chaos magician´s perspective, belief is a tool, then should I treat people kindly? Do good deeds? Only for myself to benefit from karma, influence or whatever other factor-wise. Will behaving righteously outwardly benefit me?
>>22049I heard that Mozart spent a lot of his child hood making maps and talking about the kingdom he ruled 'in his imagination'.
Also his ability to compose everything in his head then write the completed composition down suggests quite a level of mental control.
Don't know much about Bach but wouldn't be surprised.
From what I know about Vivaldi is that he worked pretty hard at getting his operas right, and quite a lot of them were huge flops. Though there is the one story of him as an alter boy doing something to incur the wrath of the priest during mass (probably spilt somthing?) and getting slapped by the priest. In retaliation Vivaldi said something to the tune of "hope you get struck by lightning". Seven or so years later this came to pass. Besides that nothing to /fringe/.
>>22739If we consider that by helping others we create future scenarios where we are helped, (LOA), then it seems "beneficial" to me to help others.
Of course, you need to consider the freewill of others before helping them. No need to help when help is not asked, but if you think you should help, ask first, if possible.
In short, good deeds bear good fruits.
>>20248You're getting taken by demons, son.
>>22699i want to be mystical but im not a nihilist that disregards things on the physical plane
>>22678>>22758Of course you don't need to become cynic/nihilist to become a mystic, friend. You don't even need to hate physical plane.
Do not worry, carry on.
>>22760just that half of this board is either a radical racist/or a cynic that hates the physical world.
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looking for a seal, "growth, strength"
>>22763A lot of us have lived a hard life on this plane, the experiences shape our outlook towards a more negative side.
>>22766if its hard here it is hard there.
>>22763No matter how good you are know, shit will get bad. And the better it is, the worse it will be. Just wait.
You sound like a faggot btw.
>>22678And why the fuck are you even here then?
>>22771nice double post m8
>>22739I'm using auto suggestion to remove all of my negative aspects of character to be a nice human bean and for good karma but I got enjoyment from helping others long before I became a wizard.
I also found when people express their sincere gratitude in person they provide quite a lot of loosh with their emotions directed towards you so there's that too .
Guys what place would you say has the most negative energy on earth?
Can we influence people thoughts via the astral?
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>>22783Oh yes.
You can visualize a sigil representing a command or compulsion, and force it upon someone else.
People are the most suseptible when asleep.
You can also send emotions this way, images, provoke forth dreams, implant suggestions..
You can also transmit these to yourself, either meditating upon them or using radionics, digital or old school.
>>22784so theoritically i could make someone end a comic or just off a building?
If you want him to jump off a cliff reinforce negatives, make him suicidal.
Feel the feel, zone in on him and pour your malice all over him.
This will of course affect you to, because you have to conjure up the feels and transmit them to him either directly focusing on his chakras or create a thoughtform to cling to his astral body.
You'll need skills in "letting it go" and banishing.
For "ending" a comic, transmit that its awful and that he should stop.
Couple it with an angry letter and you just might trigger his crippling self doubt hes been having lately.
Ending, completing? Positive reinforcement.
After a bit of practice, I observed some issues that I'd like to ask you about.
>Why are my visualizations unclear?
They seem always weak and cloudy. Is it a lack of practice?
>Positive Visualizations get interrupted by negative thoughts often
When trying to visualize something, especially the wellbeing of my body, then thoughts of illness come up. It's really annoying, I can't block them out.
Also imagining personal successes in general is always hindered by doubts. How to fix this?
Concerning lucid dreaming:
>Realizing that I'm in a dream, I don't take control consciously. I just let the dream go on and don't even care. Maybe I do control it to some extent because lucid dreams always turn out to be the most remarkable ones, but I don't control consciously. Only after waking up, I realize that I was noticing the lucid nature of the dream but just didn't act.
Why am I lacking the intention to interfere?
>After intense lucid dreams, I wake up with a body full of sweat
Do you experience this too?
My bed is really wet afterwards. I don't know the cause but the dreams aren't really the cause. They're actually pretty ordinary in nature, just lucid.
>>22788>>22788>>They seem always weak and cloudy. Is it a lack of practice?lack of prior practice in thought control, step II of initiation into hermetics (linked below) which then leads to visualization at step III on page )
>>22788lack of practice, do the exercies on pages 33+ (step I in the index) in initiation into hermetics
>>22788>>Why am I lacking the intention to interfere?read this section on autosuggestion page 41 (step II in the index)
>>22788>>My bed is really wet afterwards. I don't know the cause but the dreams aren't really the cause. They're actually pretty ordinary in nature, just lucid.during proper deep meditation the body heats the fuck up (why its called the inner fire), lay ontop of your sheets at the very least when doing lucid/astral exercises, maybe wear a wet towel if sitting, or take a cold shower beforehand if the session is going to be short
I recommend astral bruces mastering astral projection in 90 days, which will teach you all you need to know for lucid dreaming by the first 40 days
initiation into hermetics ->
>When trying to visualize something, especially the wellbeing of my body, then thoughts of illness come up. It's really annoying, I can't block them can, the first step is autosuggestion and telling yourself 40 times each night 'I think only beneficial thoughts, if any'
its important not to attach any sense of time to an autosuggestion, its always NOW and its always positive, do not include negatives like 'not' because they end up totally ignored, ending with 'I DO (not) THINK BAD THOUGHTS'
>Also imagining personal successes in general is always hindered by doubts. How to fix this?autosuggestion again, 40 times nightly an affirmation of what you want.
read about autosuggestion in the IIH or autogenics No.22792
>>22788>>When trying to visualize something, especially the wellbeing of my body, then thoughts of illness come up. It's really annoying, I can't block them out.>Also imagining personal successes in general is always hindered by doubts. How to fix this?lack of practice, do the exercies on pages 33+ (step I in the index) in initiation into hermetics
>>22791Why is your writing so terrible, anon?
hello, i have a question the omnipotence thing i mentioned, could there be a being monitoring us making sure we do not get too powerful?
>>22795>could there be a being monitoring us making sure we do not get too powerful?Yes, but not in the way you are thinking. Read these articles by Montalk, along with the ones Smiley recommends in the first post of this thread. No.22807
I think I'm having a problem with projection at the minute - I sit still in my bed to see if I can astral project, but I end up falling asleep. But the strange is, is that I wake up like 4 hours later - after having had an intense and realistic dream, that has many hidden messages in it. Is this really a dream? Doesn't REM sleep have to start to dream? Is there any way I can catch myself dreaming during this meditation?
Also, is it normal catch your mind not-thinking from time to time after making meditation a routine? Does this mean my mind is more focused? Ever since I noticed this, I keep seeing a lot of coincidences.
Which kind of binaural beats(alpha, delta, theta etc) would be best as astral projection training wheels?
>>22821I started with delta it's really soothing and left me with trance in a few minutes, but don't get dependant on it. Try to induce yourself, it's usually easier for me to project when I wake up and stay laid down, if I insist it all comes naturally.
>>22839Yeah I tried that this morning, visualization came in with (near)total clarity and at some times I sunk in to what seemed like a hyper aware and physically unaware state of consciousness but like no vibrations or etheric sensations. Was weird. I usually at least reach a feeling of slight lift-off when attempting AP. So idk ive been closer at night than morning.
How do I into protecting myself from psychic attacks
So every time I go to the chiropractor now, whenever he cracks my back i see this complex and semi random pattern of colors with my mind's eye. It's always very detailed… it feels like im looking at something way too closely and if I zoomed out I'd see a comprehensible picture. He said the last person that mentioned something like that to him was psychic, so I cant bring myself to dismiss it. Do I have a demon plaguing my back? Or some kind of parasite? How does one purge it?
Pic related.
>>22844Some good pdfs are dumped in this thread.
/fringe/res/18045.html No.22884
>>22807>Is this really a dream?Not something we could know.
>Doesn't REM sleep have to start to dream?Yes.
>Is there any way I can catch myself dreaming during this meditation?Well, you should stay aware during meditation.
>Also, is it normal catch your mind not-thinking from time to time after making meditation a routine? Does this mean my mind is more focused?It is, seems like you are stopping the inner dialogue.
>>22880Maybe it's helping you allign the chakras in some way, making the energy transit better.
Could you guys tell me about your individual routines and steps taken astrally projecting?
>>22904I also would like to know this.
>>22796can i get a tl'dr?
also is there a way to make my not have to eat or excrete?
Is there someplace I can go for updates and/or archives on smiley's adventures?
>>22714Maintaining lucidity for a prolonged period without either getting sucked back into the dream-state or the disintegration of the dream is difficult initially since the mind has to multitask in an unorthodox way.
Practice is important so persist with your dreamjournal/recall and reality testing, it is like any unusual skill, it takes a while before it becomes second nature.
There are some useful techniques that can help you however, one is to speak to yourself constantly, in order to not break lucidity.
If the environment or sense of self starts to become hazy body awareness is useful, try focusing on your hands, or feet, notice the concrete sense of sense in the imagined realm. Tactile sensations are useful as well, touch yourself, or the environment and close your eyes if maintaining the dream backdrop is too overwhelming, then open your eyes and hopefully it will be vivid.
A technique to regenerate and transform the dream-scape involves spinning on the spot, the kinetic motion will keep you lucid and the sensory overload will change the scene or renew the dying one. Attempt this with both eyes opened and closed, as well as with intent to change the environment to your whim as well as without intention. It pays to experiment.
The tuning a radio metaphor is very apt, in fact some dream explorers will create a thoughtform in the dreamscape of a remote control or radio and use it to tweak the experience, perhaps you could attempt this?
Does anyone know what this symbol is? I think I've seen it before.
I have one question
In arcane teaching
It speak of ego
Anyone can give me a clear idea of it??
What magic can I use to excel in academics instead of the basic psychological "magic" preached here like focus and visualizing
>>22948Atkinson uses the term Ego in different sense most other occult writers use it. Other writers use the term Ego negatively to portrait the false-Self (personality), but Atkinson doesn't.
For Atkinson, the Ego is the "Real Self" of the person, (call it spirit or soul) which "hides" behind that person's personality.
You are not your personality, thoughts, emotions or your body - you are none of these things but the spirit (you ARE spirit!) can use all these things to do its bidding.
In short, the Atkinson's ego is YOU - you as soul or spirit! - the real you who has lived many lives in different bodies, the real you who has experienced many lives, the real you who IS; the one who says, "I AM."
Want to experience the ego? Do this.
>Focus on your mind>Say in your mind, "Where will my next thought come from?">Your mind should quiet; you will experience pure awareness for a moment>this is your Ego No.22958
>>22880>>22884he most certainly is aligning the chakras by straightening the spine upon which these energies travel.
the result of yoga is a straight spine and perfect posture.
its the basics.
Recently due to a rather sad and awakening experience I can tap into a sad emotion almost at will at the moment.
The experience was due to my passive and unresponsive character and I wish to change myself.
Would making a sigil for self improvement and charging it with that emotion be a good idea?
>>22961Did u get beated up D^´=
>>22962A long distance relationship with someone I felt a genuine connection with has gotten engaged and is moving on with their life. I missed any sort of chance I had with them by being a passive shit.
>>22963Are "they" a transsexual or are you an gay?
>>22965No, its a girl, I'm a guy. I figured the details aren't important.
Why are we all mindlessly accepting the notion that the final refinement of consciousness, and endgoal of the whole metempsychosis/reincarnation process is unity with some gay, grand, fucking douchey white light spiritual father? Who's to say that that's only a point, and there's not more consciousness levels to rise above after that? Like Higher gods than THE god that we have? Why must we all be mentally and spiritually subservient to the preachings of montalk, it's like the middle ages with Christianity, but with montalk and occult forums instead. I refuse to believe that merging with "the all" is all we have to look forward to in the end, that left hand pathers have it all wrong. Fuck your philosophies, reincarnation serves higher and different, more FREE purposes.
What is the limit? Like today I did something that I never expected, got hurt bad on my knee tendon, visualized energy flowing and healing it and I had very good results I don't feel any pain. Could I use this to hurt someone? Just with my mind?
>>22965Do you know someone who was heart broken by a transsexual?
>>22984Legit? when did this happen
Buddhism and other schools of thought preach abandoning your sense of self and ego, dissipating. WWA preaches conscious egohood and molding your sense of self through meditation and mental exercise. Which is fucking right which is the illusion christ
With chakras visualization, do i visualize a third person copy of myself in front of my vision? As if i were looking at myself but with the energy centres. The question is mainly about the angle of visualization if it is first or third person, i don't see how to do it first person unless i need to look inside of my head or roll my eyes backwards.
Why does everyone here hate Crowley and Thelema?
>>23028it's first person AFAIK. You need to not only visualize where they are but try and FEEL them in yourself. It takes practice
What the hell is loosh?
Is my mod account still working or wtf happened No.24963
Can I influence someone or modify their mentality to just part separate ways? I mean no harm, just a neutral distancing.
I'm very new to fringe so this must be covered later on
>>24963Just cut them out of your life you fucking pussy.
Tomorrow on the full moon I will attempt to charge a sigil through orgasm which I've been abstaining for over a week now and will most likely try this while high.
Should I read anything in particular to increase my chances of success?
Has anyone here tried meditating with meteorites like Moldavite over their third eye?
Is head hunting legit? Can you trap someone's soul inside of their severed head so they'll be your slave in the afterlife? Also regarding black magic topics, how do you undo any curse that may have been casted upon you?
>>25016Most head hunting that happened was for economic reasons because white explorers took some of these heads back as curiosities and then they became very popular and there was a huge demand for them so headhunting activity in these regions skyrocketed and many killings happened. Just for money. A lot of fakes were also made from animals.
The genuine headhunting tradition that existed beforehand and which was done for magical reasons and not for getting various items from the white man was pretty much lost in the process.
Trapping a soul is an incredibly hard thing to do and I'm not sure how useful a severed and shrunken head would be in that task.
Who gave you this idea anyways that headhunting was to trap their soul and enslave them in the afterlife? I can think of much more practical uses (along the lines of magickal works) than that in using a head (or other human body parts).
>Also regarding black magic topics, how do you undo any curse that may have been casted upon you?See:…and practise virtue, raising your vibrations, etc. so you can caste off the dross of these lowly parasites more permanently.
Other material to read would be
The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon,
Mind Power The Secret of Mental Magic and the last chapter of
The Arcane Formulas both by William Walker Atkinson. Also
Transcendence and
The Invisible Influences by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski.
>>24969Read the Montalk reality creation text beforehand and remember the 3 keys of occult attainment;
“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”…and just any random books in the library that prime you for the ritual and set you in the right mind. Anything to get you hyped up into gnosis.
>>24963 should read Kybalion and the Arcane series first though, you're going to need a general occult knowledge and practise, before you get into specifics)
>>23030…because he is degenerate filth and obscures whatever knowledge he does part with (which is nothing exceptional, nothing that can't and hasn't been put in much plainer and straightforward language by others).
>>23016WWA is right. All mass religions are corrupted you know, the inner-teachings being reserved only for those ready to receive them, while the mass man just gets what he wants to hear and not what will actually illuminate him.
>>23028You do not even have to visualize them at all if you don't want to. You just need to feel them there with your awareness and activate their functions.
>>22975>Could I use this to hurt someone? Just with my mind?Yes you can. He who can heal can also destroy. The limit is the point where your mind merges with the infinite living mind of the All; and it being infinite, well, there isn't really a limit.
>>22971There are many deities but there is nothing greater than The All. By definition there can not be anything outside of The All or it would not be The All.
Merging with The All is not the bleak pile of shit you imagine it. It's becoming hyper conscious and in a way unfathomable to you at present. Super aware, super intelligent, feeling immense pain and immense joy, etc.
I am pretty much LHP myself but don't have a problem with Montalk and I say to you, don't worry about the ultimate goal, just keep perfecting yourself and becoming more conscious… one step at a time.
>>22961Make a sigil for you to read
The Universal Master Key and apply the teachings in that book. Learn the qualities of Fire and your problem will be resolved.
>>22921You could go to (it has been wiped clean by spam many times though) and also this board itself.
Is 'loosh' synonymous with 'vril'?
>>25053Yes, loosh, chi, vril, prana, etheric energy, all the same thing(i think there's over 100 names for it in all different cultures).
>>25032>Who gave you this idea anyways that headhunting was to trap their soul and enslave them in the afterlife? Just a metal song entitled "headhunter" lol.
And are you sure that's all I need to do to to remove a curse? I don't know if I can trust my visions, but if I can my previous incarnation I was a native american and murdered SOMETHING. I don't know what but I just get the feeling I have and the vision of myself(in amerindian form) stabbing someone. I've had an extremely traumatic lifetime in this incarnation thus far. Both partents dead before age 18, heartbreak, physical injuries, etc etc, but anyways yeah are you sure it's as simple as banishment, & raising vibrations?
>>25060>my previous incarnation I was a native americanHow fucking cliché lol. Must be some subliminal programming going on making a lot of people think they were an Amerindian in a previous life. …or maybe the massive population collapse of Amerindians has resulted in a lot of Amerindian souls reincarnating in Europeans on the same continent.
I believe that very few people actually reincarnate though and of those few most of them have practically everything destroyed in the process. Only a very small few actively consciously reincarnate.
Oh and another cliché about your story, the violence. Ian Stevenson found that practically every reincarnation case he examined in all of the thousands of people he interviewed, almost all of them featured some sort of unusually dramatic violence in the previous life. Nobody ever seems to want to remember a boring past life.
>but anyways yeah are you sure it's as simple as banishment, & raising vibrations?You act like those are simple tasks. It's really fucking hard to banish strongly attached entities and to raise your vibrations to a very high level and reach the upper astral planes. There is a very complex art to this and a lot of reading for you to do and a lot of work to be done.
Lower level stuff can be purged easier but you'll find that as you try to cleanse yourself of negative influences there'll be some deeper shit that is really hardcore at resisting your attempts to wipe it out.
In what manner are you receiving these visions and why are you assuming they actually your past life and not say you just remote viewing into the past? I myself am capable of experiencing the other lives of other people who are living RIGHT NOW but it's by tapping my spirit into their mind and body for awhile. It doesn't really mean I "was them" in the sense reincarnation would have it.
Negative influences, entity attachments, etc. these things are ubiquitous in the life of men on this third density Earth. It doesn't require a convoluted theory about wrongs occurring in a past-life somehow haunting you to today.
This makes me think though… there's a pamphlet Atkinson wrote called
What Determines a Man's Birth in a Certain Environment?I need someone to find that for me and post it so I can read it…
Also got to finish reading No.25064
>>25055Etheric energy is a more specific form of energy than what loosh denotes which is a very general term for a variety of energies.
Vril, Prana, and Loosh I think are all perfectly synonymous though.
Not sure about Chi. It might be synonymous or it might be a little bit more of a specific type of energy, possibly equivalent with Etheric energy, or something else.
Another one you haven't mentioned btw is mana. Mana is a very distinct concept and not at all like those names.
There are subtle metaphysical differences between some of these different spiritual energies described by various cultures.
When I started writing this it was initially meant as a reaction to a post of another thread, but since I felt it would steer the thread too off-topic I decide to post it here.
What about current friends? Most of my friends are 'degenerate', and thats to no suprise because in my teens I wouldn't want to be anything else. Smoking, drinking, drug-abuse and partying is a big part of my friend-circle. Having sex seems like a big priority for most of them, but on the other hand, the ones who are the worst in this area seem to also think the most about life and sometimes say the wisest of things, although they are probably not even conscious of what they actually said. I still believe I wouldn't would be on this path to enlightment if it wasn't for them, although they are probably far from aware of it.
I know they have bad influence on me, but in the recent years I've become a whole lot better to resist it, and I can hang out with them without getting tempted to do things that are hurtfull for my development. Although I feel more and more that I get nothing out of these events with them.
But I will cut to the question, I guess there are some wizards here that were in the same spot somewhere in their journey, and had to make some hard decisions about it.
So the questions: is it necesary to drop these friends? Cut all connection to them and find new ones, ones that are also working on improving, evolving and seeking truth. Or is it possible to drag my friends with me on this path? I know that the majority of them wouldn't even consider it, I mean life is one big party in their eyes, whats better than pleasure, right? But with some of them I get the feeling that I could take them with me on this journey, and it would give me people to start a group to search for the 'truth'
with people I know and know I can trust.
My next question would be about how to find people who are like-minded in real life? I remember Gurdjieff saying that: People that are interrested in 'mystery schools', occult and truth-seeking create a magnetic pole that attracts like-wise people. And although I've been dabbling in truth-seeking for atleast six years now, I've finally kicked it in overdrive now, for atleast six months.
Still I've never met a person in real life to discuss fringe related topics with.
>>25063Well ok then I will read up on the topics of removing negative entities. Ive just meditated trying to figure out who I was in a past life and I received images of a native american, and saw a native american village from first person perspective. I think that there may have been """""dramatic""""" violence in the past life because I am slightly immorally inclined, on occasion. That's the only reason, also the traumatic events of this life. You can say that they're cliches but so many things that people are aware of or to good to be true, things that are "as simple as that" etc turn out to be true. I don't know for sure but multiple people reporting it doesn't negate its possible validity.
>>25065Depends on the character of you friends. They may be hedonists, but are they loyal, do they care for you, is there a deeper layer under the grappling for sensuous pleasure?
If so, then yes, keep the friends. However if you find their behavior disruptive to your practice tell them and only interact with them on your own terms.
If you have no issue avoiding such temptations or have developed so you can engage in such behaviors without karmic stains or loss of energy you could continue accompanying them on their debauched adventures.
There seem to be two types of people who engage in these activities: sheep who go along with it to fit in or are slaves to certain urges and then there are those who are seeking sense adventure and often their exploits are motivated by a nobler urge for a unity with something, or an uncovering, they just cannot find the correct avenue.
Some decadents are quite innately smart and powerful, but they have no control of the beast so try to tame it through orgasm or drugs/alcohol to dull the senses/cognition. Research has suggested that those who experiment with drugs are on average more intelligent than those who do not, at least amongst youth.
You could get them onto this path, traditional psychedelics are a possibility. I found Shiva on psilocybin mushrooms. Or you could start them on something somewhat mundane but with green pill potential, such as secular meditation and yoga, or the fringes of psychology which veer into depths of green (William Reich, Jung, Gestalt psychology).
You will find similarly minded people at events or bookshops or online groups.
>>25068This answer is only valid from a mundane perspective. The higher you want to go, the more you must detach yourself. The greatest adepts abandoned even their families. This thing exposed as friendship is characterized only by the earnings of the lower self.
Hey, so i started studying magic. But im a Christianfag. I read in some christian book that magic, meditation, and so is a sin, so i stopped doing it. But then i realized that maybe meditation is really closely related to prayer in Christianity. So what do i do? (Orthodox flag is missing)
>>25069I heard a talk by an advanced Vajrayana (i forget which school I will try to find it) monk that claimed we must realize the present world as Buddhaland and those within it as sages and teachers.
If people cannot teach you, you aren't listening or watching with penetrating insight or humility. Once very advanced you will have no stains and will in fact heal those around you.
Tantric traditions tend to balance detachment and engagement. Though often we mush first detach, then once we experience the ineffable, it will expand outwards and engagement with the world will validate, strengthen and deepen what we have achieved through detachment.
>>25071>>25072Wrong flags and forgot trip.
I be spergin.
>>25071So Buddha abandoned his wife and child as all the monks abandon their families. Buddhists, even more so the vajrayana, reduce their teachings according to the capacity of the prospective listeners, in the same way as their schools of thought are learned in degrees.
A mundane can't accept the non-identification of the lower self, to which the family, friends and companions pertain. If people cannot teach you, you seek the teaching elsewhere. This is not related to insight or humility.
Tantric traditions are rarely taught nowadays, as they need a higher degree of development very hardly found in the modern world, let alone in the west. Just according to Buddha's predictions, his teachings on wisdom have been lost more than 1000 years ago. In late times Mystery schools for their plans have taken the stance of including the highest number of participants, keeping the practices from them for their unpreparedness. The tibetans are included, and many pseudo-tantric have this been given. They do not reflect the teachings, just a way to fine the student for a more suited next incarnation.
I have quit smoking going on 11 days now and have been reading lots of /fringe/ material. My question is what does /fringe/ think of smoking? Referring to cigarettes but feel free to share your opinion on cannabis also. I am very anti-drug (both recreational and prescription all the way down to coffee).
But I cant help but notice smoking seems to be very strongly tied to magick and protagonists in shows chocked full of subliminal messaging like true detective and house of cards smoke quite alot.
However I am ever aware of negative forces trying to lead me astray so please fill me in on what do
>>25075I think it ultimately come down to the nature of the relationship.
Sadhus while wandering mendicants, keep the company of fellow wandering mendicants while not engaging in individual activity, and take on seekers and teach them.
While wandering they help mundanes, and accept their hospitality. Wandering Buddhists will accept gifts and hospitality of kind mundanes as well as talk to them and try to alleviate their suffering, I would not call friendship with mundanes below them.
True friendship is a flower of compassion.
Service is important, when you help people your project yourself forward and those who you help may grow and find the same or a similar path, indeed they may excel further and you may find yourself looking up to them for insight and wisdom.
I believe lessons can be found in everyone and everything, even if it is what not to do.
The lesson that I listened to was apparently for those who were either extremely naive or extremely advanced, apparently to excel in that paradigm required you to be on extremes of the poles.
>>25077You keep disconsidering that friendship is just an aspect of the lower self, and so limited by time, space and mundane circunstances. Service is separate to that. Recognition of the All in everything is separate from that. Learning is separated from that. You can't help anyone if you don't help yourself. The ferryman and the shepard are intentions, only the king can properly lead. You need a higher plane to become the cause.
>>25078So we need to be enlightened first before trying to raise others, in the meanwhile seek out those more enlightened than you?
So service (karma yoga)should be undertaken but should be impersonal or else the connection may form attachment?
That is an interesting idea.
I feel that friendship is beneficial, I lack the written confirmation for this though or personal gnosis.
If the friendship lacks covetousness or jealousy and is not motivated by an urge to belong or be validated socially, would it be an issue?
Or at least if these things arise, you remain mindful of them?
Perhaps it takes finding extraordinary people, but it seems a lot of practitioners really start to develop once operating with others.
What could be more sublime than discovering the ineffable with someone else?
Ok I will leave it there, I enjoyed this exchange, I will ruminate over what you have written.
>>25076Smoking poisons your body and causes disturbances in your breathing. It makes it harder for a person to concentrate and work in higher energies. The prospect of addiction is also bad. I don't know if a natural tobacco-only cigarette would be better.
Cannabis not only does that, but may also confuse the mind with a false sense of awakening.
>Cannabis not only does that, but may also confuse the mind with a false sense of awakening.Truth
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>25140Stewart Swerdlow mentioned something that I find true on the matter - that it might open your chakra/-s, like your the brow chakra, but that's all it does and you might feel like you've gained some grand opening from it.
All it did for me was open me up for thoughtforms.
What are your thoughts on Swerdlow? I have not researched the Montauk project so I'm at a loss, I've experimented a few times with what he mentions, but at that time it corresponded with a energetic depression (no idea weather caused by it or by something else).
In vid related he talks about chakra meditations at one point. You would start by balancing your brain sides - first seeing a equal armed cross in the area of the pineal gland, then chakra spinning. In his words "proper" chakra spinning would be horizontal going from bottom up starting with a light brown colour from the soles of the feet to the middle of the thighs to ground yourself, going further as in a cylinder with the corresponding colors. You would pick clockwise or counterclockwise spinning to channel energy from one side to the other.
He suggests this method since spinning them the usual way - with the opening facing out from you (vertically) - would create holes in your aura which eases up access to your field.
Is there any value in his words?
>>25141Also - Smileberg, maybe edit a few of the old threads people keep posting in and add pictures for the OP? It feels like the threads are "broken" otherwise.
Has anyone invoked Dionysus or Apollo before? What were your experiences with them?
What is the best thing you can do /fringe/-wise while driving? I drive on average 1.5 hours a day and I'd like to be productive.
>>25150Listen to audiobooks, lectures, or podcasts.
>>25080>>25140How? the way I see it a sense of awakening is impossible to be false
Cannabis is amazing at self introspection and meditation and visualization and subconscious tuning and deep retrevial of many kinds (even memory, but is pretty bad at creating memories haha) and just general creativeness
the only thing bad it does it may create a false sense of independence and simple disillusionment over not being addicted when you totally are.
good to smoke like 0.05 every day or few hours at most to cure depression (and a lack of control over the environment) but any more causes addiction and more depression (through withdrawal effects)
also if one is rich and okay with addiction then it's great to constantly create media and anything that can be done when stationary, but a habit of it generally causes one to stay stationary and simple chores like cleaning a room becomes near impossible.
of course this might vary depending on the strain
suggestion to mod
maybe make a default flag? otherwise angry people will generally try to 'fight the power' and break what rules they think are lame, for le liberty
like make the default flag some lame thing that no one would want and would force them to look at all the flags and change right off the bat (but isn't too lame otherwise
neophytes would just come acroos as laughing stock)
>>25076I read somewhere that smoking generally causes perception of nonphysical things to stop
so if you are going crazy or something smoke one
makes sense, poisons like tobacco and alcohol kill the body and thus reduce chakra activity
>>25152i mean that's what i was doing but they weren't really fringe related. Got any good audiobooks?
>>25159if I had a super powerful mind and spirit I would create a tulpa/servitor to do the driving work for me
but I have no idea how that shit works lol
So I'm looking into The Lesser Key of Solomon and I'm thinking about becoming a Exorcist, It's what I resonating the strongest with out of all of my occult readings. What are some basics/tips on exorcism? What material do I need for summoning and how do I set up the magick circle with the sigil of the demon?
>>25174you need to know about how the banishing ritual works
hopefully an anon here can explain it
though I'm sure it's somewhere in the info archives sticky thing
>>25178This is the cornerstone of banishing shit, but you should also create some additional rituals that you have firm beleif in to further reinforce the protection of rooms/buildings.
Even that ritual in itself works just fine if you modify it somewhat to fit your beliefs. Your faith and feeling your rituals working is key in the practice, words of power and all that jazz is meaningless if you don't personally resonate with their significance.
>>25153>>25141>>25080>>25076Based on experimentation and observation of stoners, I would say that Sativa strains (high THC low CBD), open or agitate the Ajna Chakra. Especially those produced under hotlights antagonizing the plant to produce extreme amounts of THC at the expense of other cannabinoids.
What is revealed would depend on the level of cultivation of the smoker as well as the strength of the cannabis. Excessive use, especially for those with little self-control/awareness will leave the partaker vulnerable to delusion and the attraction of negative entities and spontaneous creation of troubling thoughtforms that the ego gets attached to.
This is what the mundanes call psychosis.
Indica strains (lower THC higher CBD) and high CBD hemp oil, dampens the Ajna chakra, weakening the projection of troubling thoughtforms and the magnetism to negative entities. Simultaneously, the base and lower chakras are gently stimulated, causing light kundalini activity along the spine radiating outwards and healing the exhausted and fatigued subtle body which in turn heals the corporeal body.
This explains the child like lethargy (like a mothers milk) and enhanced tactile stimulation, it is great for deep sleep (theta-dreamless sleep is an elevated state).
Mundanes have determined that CBD a potent cannabinoid is an anti-psychotic, counterbalancing the stimulating THC.
>>25197Yeah I had drug induced psychosis before going sober. Its almost scary how all the things I heard, saw and eventually believed in that state are all being echoed by this board and various other sites.
It was a really debilitating experience but definitely one i'm grateful for. It was like a really shitty fringe science crash course preparing me fot when I started researching things for myself.
Actually having said that before it started sapping away all my energy it was really fun. Kind of felt like I was a demigod.
>>20089I have taken the liberty to compose a new 'book recommendations' picture to be used as matériel de référence for the purpose of sharing of knowledge. In it I have included as essentials some of your recommended works, (and these you may find right in the beginning); I also decided to include some of my favorite works for the reason of their great insight and, most importantly, for their practical and utilitarian merit.
Theoretical occultism is useless if not supported by practice.
Mind the graphical clumsiness, I did my best and I did not wish to spend too much of my time on this.
TLDR: I made a thing!
>>25206Wow, that's great. Good job.
>>25197all sounds legit but I will add that
when I smoked a lot of weed I got an insane amount of thoughts and it really troubled me
all of a sudden I had a realization that I am addicted to thoughts
this puzzled me so much that I googled "addicted to thoughts" and found ekhart tolle and his videos
so sometimes, if you are not a retard, minor psychosis can be a good thing
put it another way, when completely sober and normal I already tend to be an introspective person having lots of thoughts and being annoyed how I always naturally analyzed everything and generally I couldn't still my mind, let alone meditate
when I smoked weed this made it WAY WORSE
and thus forced me to deal with it or at least experience a worst state
so that when I got sober, it was a better state relatively speaking
the contrasts in state alone allowed me to further control my thoughts (since I literally experience an increase then a decrease in thoughts. so if I could understand what was going on then maybe I could do it myself)
and so I was addicted to weed undergoing intense introspection for years
then I did acid and got btfo then general understanding got increased and a few months ago I realized I am red pilled enough let's try cleaning my room
and I couldn't even do a single thing until I was soboer for 3 or 4 days staright
thne I cleaned my room in 2 days, when I failed to do so for weeks before that
yes, something this lame can be enlightening when personally experienced…
>>25206Good work, mang. Making it a shareable image increases the likelihood of the info traveling beyond the hands of /fringe/ posters as well.
>Hey, kid, wanna see wizardry?>All those smileysIt's fun.
>>25206That chart badly needs Chasing Phantoms in it which is essential reading on the abduction phenomena.
>>25226I personally haven't read that one. I think we ought to keep it as it is, with the focus on practical occultism - but maybe I will sometime later compose another chart for alien/Matrix/hyperhistory topics. I still need to read Ra Material, Cassiopaeans and other "extraterrestrial" subjects before that, though. You can, of course, make your own chart as, as I said, it will take me quite a bit before I have enough literature read to make another one!
I hope Montalk's work will guide people to read more on your recommended subject.
>>25197Based on my personal experience, this sounds about right. Marijuana can definitely make the unprepared partaker more vulnerable to delusion and negative thoughtforms. Though, like so many poisons, it can also be curative in the hands of those who know what they're doing.
Are the logos of companies sigils? I was walking past Starbucks and it just struck me how the logos are printed all over the windows.
>>25240Some may be. Some chaotes talk about all logos being as sigils, I don't think it makes much sense.
>>25069>>25068I also enjoyed your exchange and thank both of you. Will ponder about it.
What significance if any am I to attribute my coming birthday this year to take place under the solar eclipse?
>>25272Jesus wants to place his mouth upon your succulent testicles (testicles being the name of a Greek philosopher) and service you
I can't stop jacking off. it's not gonna happen
even if it was, I'd just cum in my sleep and no one wants to deal with that mess
any productive way to use or transmute this sexual energy somehow?
>>25298Jack off on tombstones. Preferably of your dead family members.
>>25310isn't shitposhing a bannable offense?
(Rule 4 - user has no flag with his post) No.25350
>>25348Every single post made by him on the board is a shitpost according to his post history.
No, it's not a bannable offence, as long as his shitposts are replies to threads and not the creation of new threads.
>>25298The very last part of Personal Power is all about the transmutation of lust into energy you can use.
>>25239…because my abilities are worth far more than a million dollars and I also value my obscurity and do not want the mental influence of millions bearing down upon me when I am exposed to the whole world by Randi as the first person to demonstrate proof of the paranormal.
>>25068>Research has suggested that those who experiment with drugs are on average more intelligent than those who do not, at least amongst youth. I severely doubt this, all the shitskin niggers and abbos and other subhumans do a lot of drugs, and they are not intelligent. I need a citation on your claim.
Oh also Reichian therapy is proven ineffective and shit. Nobody into psychology should bother with
Wilhelm Reich's crap.
>>25066>implying some entity didn't just feed you delusions thereHow do you know you tuned in correctly? I wouldn't take those visions so seriously.
>>25065Pull off some absolute mindfuckery around them like evoking aliens and greenpill em' or begin to make them the subject of experiments in mental influence, seeing if you can change their vibration, and reprogram them towards a better path… or just ignore them.
If you want new friends than just use magickal methods to find them. I'd personally just hunt people down in the astral if I wanted to and then after meeting them in the astral find them on Earth… or I might send out a servitor to do the job of contacting others developing in my direction, to bring them to me.
…but I don't care for having friends or anything. People just come to me but I am really focused on studying and practising alone.
Does using magick have negative consequences or effects?
>>25354Depends on what you do. A big part of magick is cultivating virtues, healing, becoming more conscious, perfecting your being, etc.
If you do some unethical or stupid shit and piss off some entities than yeah there's gonna be negative consequences.
>>25350Not EVERY SINGLE post. You faggot.
How can I build a flying saucer and visit Adolf Hitler?
How exactly were all of these elemental and planetary sphere spirits formed, or how did they come into reality? Do magicians create egregoric like entities with knowledge and teaching to bestow?
I was reading through Smiley's tulpa guide on freedomboard, and I want to get started on making basic thoughtforms like servitors first.
What do I do to make sure I'm creating a simple thoughtform or servitor instead of a tulpa? I'm not entirely clear on that yet.
>>25384First you read a book. Magical Use of Thoughtforms - D.A. Ashcroft-Nowicki, J.H.Brennan
If you don't know "what to do" then, most likely, your all around knowledge on the subject matter is lacking.
>>25384On second thought, you live and you learn. You should check the Book of Knowledge in the mega, it has a ton of useful info.
Posting the practical part from it:
>Step 1) Decide what it is you want your thought form to do. Be specific.>Step 2) Build the thought form in your mind. Employ your increased imaginative abilities, until you can literally “see” it in your mind. You might also be able to “hear” it.>Step 3) Input the thoughts you want the thought form to have…"help others, love, forgiveness, mercy, happiness, friendship, healing, compassion.” This helps the thought form remain positive.>Step 4) Input the thought form’s mission or purpose. Be specific. For example, you could tell your thought form to “Locate cancer and remove it from my entire body.”>Step 6) Give your creation parameters to work within. For example, you could say, “Remove all cancer without harming the body.”>Step 7) Give it tools to use. For example, you could grant it a container with unlimited capacity to place the cancer cells in. Avoid harmful tools like “sharp objects” or “energy weapons.”>Step 8) Give it energy and verbal support. Tell your creation that it is "Invulnerable to everything but my command" and has “unlimited energy to accomplish your task, unless I take it away.”>Step 9) Refine the input. You could say, “You have unlimited capacity to absorb anything without doing harm and unlimited capacity, until I say otherwise, so that all tasks will be accomplished.”>Step 10) Refine yet again. Say, “You have unlimited agility.” You can use this to protect you thought form. You can say, “While removing cancer from the body, you may use agility to avoid white blood cells.”>Step 11) Finally, re-emphasize. Say, “Complete your task without causing any sort of harm, except for the cancer cells. Only destroy cancer cells.”>Step 12) Set a time limit. Tell your thought form, “Once your task is done, return to the nothingness from which you came.” Once again, tell the thought form about its mission commands.>You are done.>This is a technique I use. However, you can be creative. Just be warned; your thought form might appear physically at random times, unless you de-energize it. It can even appear to unsuspecting family members, which, while it can be quite amusing if harmless, is utterly dreadful to behold if negative. Thought forms will often enter the dreams and daily lives of people you know unless you are careful.There is no Step 5.
File: 1425554503199.jpg (13.02 KB, 219x346, 219:346, 41317GVBM0L._SY344_BO1,204….jpg)

If anyone happens to have a PDF of John Baines' "Hypsoconsciousness", I would appreciate if I could have it.
Can anyone tell me where to find the sacral chakra, I've heard it is at the base of the tail bone and also I've read about it being in between the anus and genitals. Also for the solar plexus chakra, is that located in the stomach or above it where the actual solar plexus glands are?
>>25410I remember someone posting an animated GIF chakra location guide which alternated between a front view and a side view of a human being..
It had lines and colours mapped out too… Anyone got it? Please post it!
>>25410Base chakra - between anus and genitals; sacral - below the navel in height; solar - solar plexus in height.
>>25411Of coursh!
You should really save anything noteworthy or intriguing you see on /fringe/, seeing as that at any time someone could fuck with us again. No.25413
>>25412Should i be spinning them? I've heard that spinning them can be harmful as it creates an energy vortex which goes through it.
>>25412Thank you kindly.
So, this picture seemed like a troll the first time I saw it - (hence not saving it) because the chakras seem to be in weird positions and the tubes all going up separate to the spine, wtf?
I'm certain I've felt my sacral chakra going, and it is right in my balls and my heart one seems to be in the center, not off to the side…
Anyone else able to verify the authenticity of this… picture?
I have taken to masturbating once every 3 or 4 days in order to alleviate my sexual urges. I don't watch porn or even fantasize I strictly do it to "clean the pipes".
Is this an effective tactic or should I make the effort to just go cold turkey?
Please explain your reasoning
>>25352>Research has suggested that those who experiment with drugs are on average more intelligent than those who do not, at least amongst youth. think the demographic of the sample was middle class and white, if you were to investigate drug use in an African American ghetto the results would be different, since drugs are mainstream and an easy way out for them (and crap like crack) rather than an unknown continent with a cornucopia of possibilities.
Artists, Intellectuals and Writers are often degenerate, open to new experiences and tend to entertain troubling notions that they may think they need substances to blot out (mortality, injustice, alienation etc).
>Oh also Reichian therapy is proven ineffective and shit. Nobody into psychology should bother with Wilhelm Reich's crap.I haven't experimented with Reich so I shouldn't recommend him. I mentioned him due to his interest in body tension blocks caused by early imprints, vitalism and a belief in UFOs. Bullshit or not, definitely someone open to the esoteric.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>20146Structure and interpretation of computer programming might be what you're thinking of.
It is both a book and a series of video lectures, as is embedded in this post. The book was originally made for the students to use along with the course.
The entire series is here: No.25425
>>25150You could try to maintain lucidity while driving. Try to stay in the present moment, do not let your mind drift into past or future. This is called "mindfulness" in Buddhism and self-remembering in Fourth Way.
This will increase your concentration and lucidity, which helps in emotional control and meditation.
>>20480It accelerates the minds and intensifies meditation. If you want more etheric energy btw use chamomile as well with it. Chamomile is used by Franz Bardon as a fluid condenser.
This would be a good thread for me to ask about loosh. Is there a "Loosh 101 For Complete Fucking Idiots" somewhere I could look at? I've had a lot of really weird dreams and experiences in my life and someone on /christian/ told me to come here and ask about my dream where I saw demons flying in hordes above the earth. I was above the area where satellites would be, and I was looking down at the earth, where I saw the demons who were invisible to humans I guess. The most vivid demon I remember looked like a flying centipede (minus the legs) and had a beetle head. Like one of those Chinese dragons sort of, except it looked like a beast that might actually exist, like some of the weirder dinosaurs.
File: 1425579312410.png (332.7 KB, 1244x611, 1244:611, Screen shot 2015-03-05 at ….png)

Is /fringe/ normally this broken? It seems 2/3 of the images just don't appear, and if I try to open them I get a 404 error.
>>25471Most of the recovered images are broken because of the Kabbalist
>>25471Kabbalist kikes took over /fringe/ and deleted everything.
>>24175 We got back the posts of a week ago only.
>>25471All posts had been deleted, hotwheels was able to recover part of them for us, but not the pics, CSS and flags.
>>25495Found you… and my posts were unreoverable as well. I think I may have said something I should not have. Measure myself in prudence against the casuality I bring. I know she is important but perhaps I was wrong in the manner. I don't even know what I am looking for right now, but I could use a bit of help. I'm strong, but I am lost in this. I felt my sigil last night and it has a fucking city on the underside. The entire top side is history I am struggling to read. I need to draw it this evening…. all of it, not the hacknee version when I was a teen. When you see it please give me creedence, I need help reading it.
>>25501Your tulpa was cooler than you, faggot.
>>25516Ohhhhh is that loosh? Thats nice. Angry because she chased you around and I threw you out? I dropped the seed to bait you. Don't worry, 2 months and the entire game will change.
>>25522Except I thoughtformed her to have a dick. How does it feel to be officially gay now?
>>25449In the other thread I recommended you New Energy Ways, not sure if you saw.
>>25523Not surprising considering everything else she hates about you. And me for that matter. Doooon't worry, you're gonna enjoy where this ride takes you.
What's /fringe/'s favourite animal and why?
legit question
Alright fronge, don't fail me now.
I need a meditation that will get me in the moment.
No worrying about my future, no living in the past.
Confidence. Seize the second. Here. Now.
>>25540Practice some mindfulness meditation, focus on one of these: breath, heart beat, darkness or white noise. Don't interact with any thoughts, this means no chasing them away as well.
>>25544Right. Just gotta silence my mind then.
This.. mundane.. distraction (a woman), literally can't stop thinking about her so i'm absolutely /off/.
Forgot the basics thinking about her.
Damnable semen demon.
Did i just raise kundalini? After suggestion of where the sacral chakra is from last nights discussion i decided to do chakra meditations, except for whatever reason i decided to stack energy in the sacral chakra and then to keep opening it for a good minute. This caused a slow build up which eventually erupted in multiple lighting strikes going upwards my spine to the head, an energy blob blanketed my entire spine and the back of my head (surrounded it all as well) for a good minute. My heart was beating uncontrollably hard and fast, almost like i was going to pop it. After this i felt like my etheric had split from the physical, but in a way that i became both of them overlapped still locked together, like when you squint your eyes. The entire night i felt electric and could not get to sleep very easy, my spine also still today has a kind of exercise like pain in the lower mid regions because that is where the electricity was strongest. For the aftermath, i managed to have an astral projection (at least i think so since it was FULL HD Dreaming), i feel like I'm a coffee virgin with his first coffee, beaming with energy and hype. This was a really intense experience, i started to fear half way that i might cause damage to my body, is this kundalini?
If this proves to be kundalini i'll write up a fringe guide thread for it.
>>25546There's no easy way about it when it's a real life thing you're trying to forget. Essentially every time you start to think about what you do, it feeds demons who are preying on you, so grab it by the root and completely stop. Absolute absence of thought for this will starve it out enough to remove it, i would suggest getting involved in a favored hobby, practice a meditative state in the hobby.
>tfw sometimes I get attacked by a hardcore thoughtform so strong it can't be switched out in the manner of a channel
You know how you've got basically one channel for each sense right? As you can think some words, remember some sounds, visualize some shit, feel some things, etc. all at once right but you can't say think two words at once?
Well once in awhile some nuisance thoughtform intrudes upon my conscious, usually spewing a song, and it is completely separate from my thoughts and unstoppable. I can try to think of another song and the song still doesn't stop, I just have two songs overlapping now. I can think out vocal dialogues, and it just overlaps with it.
When this shit happens, it's really damned hard to purge. I try one technique after another and sometimes it takes hours to get the job done. I use hundreds of different methods to purge these nuisance thoughtforms when they show up, sometimes certain methods that worked before stop working, so I have to keep switching things around every time to find something that works.
I need to read up more on the relevant texts Atkinson has wrote about thought-attraction.
>>25535The goat. Goats are greenpilled as fuck. They give you the best milk there is and have much occult symbolism attached to them. Goat's are a wizard's best friend.
>>25546>>25540Try doing one-pointedness meditation before you do any QMM or void meditation. It is easier to focus wholly on one single thing than it is to focus on nothing. Visualize a number and just look at the number in your mind's eye and rotate it around if you want. Concentrate all your focus on the number alone, until the number is the only thing there is, as far as you are concerned.
Do the same thing for any random object, word, or whatever that you want to pick for your subject and don't let your mind waiver from it at all.
Then after that follow it up with void meditation.
That's what I do. It's much easier than trying to jump straight into void.
Ok /fringe/ I've got a question, and it comes together with a story.
>be me
>as a kid I've had this dreams/nightmares/something that would repeate from time to time, but on very long intervals
>then a few years ago I've started having them about every week
here is the dream.
>be on dream and suddenly "wake up" in my room, I am not really awake I'm still dreaming, but I don't know that because in the dream everything was exactly like in reality
>as usually when I wake up in the middle of the night I try to go back to sleep
>that's when I start hearing things, and feeling many presences around my room
>then I "wake up again", still on the dream
>manifestations are getting stronger, sounds are becoming more frequent and distinct
>then I "wake up again" still in my room
>everytime this happened the presences became stronger and stronger, and their manifestations too
>always felt they were somehow dangerous
>after "waking up" still inside the dream about 10 times (I've never counted them cause I was still bluepill at the time but it was around that number)
>after about 10 times I would wake up for real, but only after something very specific happpened
>this happened every time I had that dream.
>feeling of panic is too strong, everytime I would try to fight against it more and more, only to "wake up" again still in the dream.
>at the last time I "wake up", still in the dream, I would get up
>feeling the manifestations trying to hold me down, I become uncontrolable, and mad
>at that point I get up and start walking somewhere (sometimes a parent bedroom, sometimes outside, sometimes the kitchen etc)
>when I got to where I was going to there would always be something there, lets call it IT
>well IT had many forms, but there was one common thing about IT, IT had always the same smile, sorta like making fun of me
>when I noticed that smile, I would break my paranoia and turn it to anger against IT
>first time I've had that dream a few years back IT said "ssshhh don't tell them"
>I was going to the church at the time
>after having this dream for a while, my quest for /fringe/ began
>last time I've dreamed of IT a few years ago
>I've got really angry looking at him
>so I manifested a knife on the dream and ran towards IT
>I thought IT would move or fight back or something
>IT stood there, smiling as always looking at me
>I woke up
>after that I control my nightmares, I still have them, but they became fun and respond to my desires
>never saw IT again
My questions are, what was IT? Why can I control my nightmares now whenever I have them now?
I kinda miss IT, I've never felt terror ever since I've killed him. I now think of him like an old friend or something.
>>25555>that GETImpressive.
>>25552Page 89 of Astral Dynamics has some tips to help silence these thoughtforms.
I'm looking for someone who is very experience in exorcism, Someone who could perhaps serve as a mentor for me to get started. There is so much material on this subject I don't really know where to start my practices.
>>25613become a roman catholic priest and get invested with the powers of exorcism by the vatican
>>25616look up the malachi martin interviews with art bell
you think demons are gonna be scared by some skinny pagan who astral projects naked all the time?
>>25617I would assume that they wouldn't.
>>25617But I don't think that running to the Roman Catholic Church for the ability to invoke/evoke demons would be the way to go.
>>25623Obviously, if you wish to do more with demons/spirits besides exorcism i'm sure there's better stuff out there, but speaking purely exorcisms? yeah the church is probably the way to go
>>25629I'm talking about The Lesser Key of Solomon type stuff, I wish to be skilled in the art of summoning and conversing with demons
>>25617>demons scared of fat mundane catholic priests No.25648
What do you guys think of Luciferianism/Spiritual Satanism?
>>25406I read that in the Thoughtforms post on Freedomboard, I'm building a general idea of what to do, but I'm still just not clear on how to make absolutely sure I'm creating just a servitor, and not anything sentient or independent.
I'm also not really clear on when I should be defining the thoughtform. Smiley's tulpa guide mentioned using muscle tensing and relaxation to give energy to the forming thoughtform would I define the thoughtform before, during, or after doing that?
I also just now noticed the "search" tab at the MEGA, I feel silly. I couldn't find Magical Use of Thoughtforms before then. I'll read through it.
>>25547Replace Sacral Chakra with Root, forgot to clear up that typo
>>25547yes, enjoy 6 months to two years of emotional turbulence. dont bother suppressing whayever comes up, itll just come bacl stronger intil you crying admit your wrongs to whom yoive wronged.
take it easy.
>>25554nah i can shut down my thougts as is the default mode, but her presence is overwhelming and everything zen just washes away, shes like a blessed storm after draught and im but a mere sapling on the vast grasslands that is her play ground
i want her so bad it makes me nervous, start thinking about what ill do to her, how ill charm her up and then i just stand there baffled and stupid without a coherent sentence coming out of my mouth
>>25648in essence evolution, to be the best you can be.
unfortunately it attracts evil.
>>25672I've already gone through a lot of that with my meditations, but i guess there's always more to scrape out.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>25617>implying demons are "afraid" of the physical aspects of the human nature"Scaring" demons away is pretty much a matter of energy, how much of it you can actually summon, and that is directly related to the way you live your life. Not even to mention that most demons are harmless, most of them have no power beyond being a general nuisance, most of them are like an annoying bug flying around your ear making that annoying buzz.
>>25677I was just teasing him about the skinny pagan part lol
Is their any magickal significance to having two uvulas and green eyes? Or dare I say hindrance?
Both occur in 2% of the population and I have both. I suspect this is just my ego getting the best of me though.
Pic related, my uvulas and eye.
>>25686lel it sounded a like somme people I know so I felt compeled to say something.
So what's the deal with this board?
At first glance it look like 4chan /x/ and they're a bunch of fucking losers.
>>25726I am the nicest fucking retarded spiritual loser you could ever meet. Have a nice day!
>>25726What's "the deal" with anything you fucking loser? What does that even mean?
>>25729Boo hoo, do what you came to do.
>>25726pls no bully.
We strive for less succubi shipping or creepypasterin' and more on ascendency, esoteric arts.
Self-improvement so we may realize and manipulate the super-sensible.
The crazy stuff people have been initiated into since we started playing shaman in caves.
>>25735I didn't cum 2 do U! That's fer sure!
>>25709Green eyes, yes, obviously. You're probably part reptilian and will be spared as a translator and negotiator during their takeover.
Double danglers, no. That's just disgusting. Wait, do reptiles have double danglers?
>>25634Demons probably just leave them because of how lame and annoying those priests are. "wtf is this nigger saying MUH JESUS over and over for, fuck this shit, I'm out of here".
>>25726It was founded by some National Socialists that wanted to explore the occult further in order to advance the interests of the white race.
>>25740>tripfaggingplease no
>>25673I am glad I have never become this infatuated with someone as you.
>>25662The difference between a servitor is mostly:
1. A matter of intent in its creation.
2. The amount of energy invested into it.
A servitor generally has just enough energy to carry out its task and then it dies. A tulpa has a lot more invested in it.
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>>25371This is a serious question. I read somewhere that he left earth with some buddies via flying saucer in 1945.
I think he was the greatest man to ever live and I want to meet him.
>>25837It's said some thousands of germans were taken to the South Pole in flying saucers by the end of war. Some say Hitler was with them. I don't know about that. I've had some personal revelations about him successfully escaping Germany, but I don't know how and to where.
>>1406292Original Entry Here:, look up Puma Punku, Gobekle Tepe, and every other place mentioned in Ancient Aliens. View as many of the episodes as possible. Study all conspiracy theories that seem potentially valid to you. Why do you guys think the Swastika is found everywhere amongst every single ancient civilization and culture the world over for one reason or another.
Pic Related: Swastika Motif At The Ruins Of Puma Punku In Bolivia
Science does not Explain how Puma Punku was constructed since it's composed of extremely hard stone that is almost perfectly interlocked far above the tree line of the Bolivian highlands. Question is, how was it destroyed if it was constructed in such a "solid" manner.
Gobekle Tepe is a recent find, discovered only last decade in what is now Turkey.
Please answer my straw poll on the matter: No.25898
>>25547Could you point exact point where your back hurt? I´m making a theory of everything and this could be a connecting thing between few things.
>>25892>Why do you guys think the Swastika is found everywhere amongst every single ancient civilization and culture the world over for one reason or another.…because it's an extremely simple basic pattern that anyone can easily independently discover just like the circle, triangle, and square.
>>25837>that alien on the leftching chong
i have a dream question /fringe/
i had a vivid dream when i was a kid, about 5 or 6 or so, and i've never forgotten it, indeed i have dreamed parts of the same dream again over the years.
basically i am standing in a room, with green striped faded wallpaper, there's a few pictures or frames on the wall in front of me, i think one of them over to the right is a mirror, all of which appear to be oval in shape.
the thing i am focusing on is a framed picture, i think it i a photo, but it is composed as if it were a portrait painting, in it is a woman, from about mid chest upward, wearing a black dress, she has brown hair and a stern expression.
after recognising this woman, i become aware of a presence in the room, it is in the corner behind me to the left, i do not look at it, but i know it is there, i know that it has no face, and it speaks into my mind.
it tells me that this woman is my wife, and that a family member of mine was going to die (which has since happened) and several other things which i can not remember any more but which i remember frightened me.
i've only ever told one person about this dream because it sounds pretty creepy.
what think?
>>25921I think you should just sit back and enjoy it anon. If it is your destiny trying to fight against it will just help fullfiling it. I think only you could recognize that woman, and maybe that's the most important part.
The presence in the room sounds to me like the dweller on the treshold, whenever a human is presented with a choice or with the next level of his development he will meet the dweller, a creature who lives in between both worlds it is usually shocking or scary because you recognize its power, but the dweller has no business in doing harm to you, it likes company, and curiously enough it is very honest when the conditions for his honesty are met, the dweller lies only to those who wish to be lied to.
>>25924I keep forgetting the goddamn flag.
>>25924interesting, thanks for the info.
i'll tell you one thing, if i ever meet that woman it's going to freak me the fuck out.
i mean if i do meet her then i will basically know that i'm going to marry her, surely that would effect the outcome… right?
to be frank i've always had a thing for blondes…
>>25929or maybe if i marry her then i will find out what happens next?
seems like quite the commitment for a chance to have a dream :S
Dreams are a lower form of AP right?
what's it like in the astral plane? how do we destroy this demiurge's hell?
will i ever be happy?
Why did you delete the magickal shapeshifting thread?
>>25971Threads with less than 10 posts are automatically purged when they get to page 5.
Either that or you do not realize that a short while ago, all of /fringe/ got completely blanked, and it was only with the help of the cripple that we got the threads restored (minus the images) and even then we lost a week's worth of stuff.
>>25973I know that /fringe/ got hijacked.
Damn, that thread had many posts before it cut down to 7 posts when /fringe/ got blanked.
>>25952>what's it like in the astral plane?Everything is more intense, more beautiful, deeper, more colourful, black is blacker, white is whiter, etc. it's 1080p to 240p (this world).
>how do we destroy this demiurge's hell?By becoming more conscious and thus unbounded from matter.
>will i ever be happy?Yes. I guarantee it. Just keep swinging that pendulum anon… and learn the secret of the middle and the transmutation of the circle into the ascending spiral. You will be happy.
>>25948Yes they are.
>>25929I really hope you have light features yourself and aren't some swarthoid seeking to defile a blonde.
if magic is real shouldnt there be tons of evidence by now. i mean how do you keep it a secret?
What is the proper way to explain to pretentious punk kid atheists that thinking Abrahamic religions and atheism are the only spiritual views is close-minded and absolutely retarded?
Why would you waste your time around tards?
>>26005By hypnotizing the fuck out of them and implanting the suggestion directly. These people are at a very low state of consciousness and can't really be reasoned with but they're not hard to crack.
>>26006Are you directing your question at the other poster with the same anti-flags flag as you?
…or asking in general?
In my case it would be because I live with a family that has a tard and gets paid by the government to keep the worthless tard vegetable alive.
>>25993There's fuckloads of evidence.
Books about it, videos, studies, everything. All occult shit by its nature is hard to find but it's out there.
The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism is a book that might interest you, I don't know of any PDF copies of it existing though, someone has to make a PDF of it.
There's a shitload of bullshit that is easy to find but push past it and you can find lots of real stuff too.
Tell me, like most fedoras, did you even bother spending one fucking hour actually searching seriously for evidence before making this comment?
Btw, in searching, it helps to actually know occult terminology and history and so on, so you can find shit.
So, I've been sounding out nnngg to open my crown chakra, and I notice that when I do this i hear an odd rattling noise. What is this? It sounds like a loose piece of bone vibrating, or like my computers hard drive when it's reading/writing data.
>>26030maybe you've got a screw loose m8
>>26030 Could be something in your wind pipe or sinus cavity. I remember when i was a kid my grandmother had a flap of skin loose in her sinus cavity and when she snored it made the craziest sounds. try relaxing your jaw in different ways so that the vibrations disperse through your head differently. Maybe open your chest more or less.
Is there a way to stop mundanes from draining your positive energy?
>>26096Anon responded to my post here
>>26097 if you're lurking and want to read it No.26104
>>25648>>25892"the code" - carl munck
"the revelations of the pyramids"
>>26027>Hi, Anthony Fantano here, internets busiest music nerd.Posting pictures of yourself on the internet is a bad idea. Posting them on a wizard board where you could be target practice is just stupid.
Why does Atkinson's writing style consist of the mental diarrhea you'd expect to hear from a telemarketer? The most grating example I've found so far is in "Vril or Vital Magnetism" where he CONSTANTLY and needlessly tries to justify his claims by referring to "the best of authorities" which are never specified.
Was the man a fool or does he assume the reader to be a total fucking retard?
>>26112Well, he WAS a businessman. Businessmen need to to do ch-ching.
I think it might be more of the latter; keep in mind that some of his subjects were completely new to the public.
>>26112He has a seed to plant, and that is what he is giving the user. New information to disseminate. The feel good schlocky parts of it seem like it is there to help a battered ego. I guess he figured if his readers came this far they could take a few more questions and a little comfort. It also seems like the man really hates his penis. Everyone lives a different experience, find what information works for you. Atkinson is helping me a lot at the moment however is it is the drive to learn and know more that pushes me forward.
>>26113>>26114The style seems in line with his works as Dumont, but these works talk about things so out of the norm that trying to apply the standard businessman woo to it borders on the surreal.
Now I'm actually curious how much popularity his books enjoyed with "mundanes".
So, what does /fringe/ do for living? NEETing? Study? Jobs? LOA?
I'm scared that I may be self-inflicting brain damage with improper breathing during my meditation sessions. How can I know if this is the case?
When I breathe, I typically either try to expand my lower belly and focus on that sensation or I try to control and flatten my belly and breathe which then leads to my mid-chest feeling full instead and focus on that sensation.
On another note–as I'm still only midway through the Science of Breath–do yoga instructors teach the complete yogic breath?
>>26133I read Science of Breath awhile ago. At first adjusting was a little odd because I had been a mouthbreather my whole life up until then. However after awhile I got the gist of it and now I breath without the slightest uneasiness, headache, gasping, whatever; it's just smooth and natural now.
How do i be like Jesus?
>>26133The complete yogic breath is taught by yoga instructors but it is worked towards, simpler mindful breathing is taught first.
Try to think of the motion like a wave which doesn't break, a flowing motion.
If you are having issues begin with abdominal breathing. (Abdominal breathing alone is fantastic and the usual starting point)
Relax and expand the stomach and allow your diaphragm to expand and drop down creating a void in which fresh air can rush in. Resting a hand on the navel can help you become mindful of this to ensure you are expanding correctly.
If you cannot sit comfortably and neutrally, do this lying down.
Once you have reached natural relaxed capacity slowly breathe out and then resume.
Once abdominal breathing is second nature, try doing some with a brief pause at the end on the in breath (1-2 seconds progressing to 3-5 as you become more advanced).
Once this is mastered stop pausing at the end on the in-breath, instead pause at the end of the our-breath (initially 1-2 seconds progressing to 3-5). In this brief pause you will feel a vacuity, which is like a delectable void, objects in your visual field will seem very vivid or uncanny. If your eyes are closed you may experience a disembodied sense of dissolution.
Once this is mastered, pause at the end of the in and out breath (1-2 seconds progressing to 3-5). The pauses are just approximations of progress limits, if five seconds is too long to be comfortable and causes anxiety do not progress to that duration of pause.
Make certain you breathe in through your nose, you may breathe out through your mouth or nose whichever comes more naturally. If breathing through the nose is problematic due to a blockage institute a regimen of Jala Neti (nasal irrigation).
Read this article carefully if you wish to pursue Jala Neti (powerful practice in its own right and vital for Pranayama): can use a traditional Neti pot, or pick up a substitute at a pharmacy (the pharmacy variants have further instructions which are useful plus saline power packs included).
>>26146I'm a neophyte so if you would please explain a bit more.
>>26115I enjoy it from the aspect of being able to more wholy grasp the concept of self. It's sachrin but resonant, stimulating but not intellectually over bearing. He offers several over arching views or prespectives can be used to process the information in many different types of mind. The dry nature of it may deter some people if they have not been trained on scraps of greater truth. This is more then a plate of scraps though, it is a whole feast for the soul. You would have a tough time eating it all in one sitting though.
>>26147>Once abdominal breathing has become second natureWoah, woah, woah. You're telling me that I need to
fully change my default breathing? That sounds interesting. Hell, even when I sleep, in theory, I could just lucid dream and do my abdominal breathing even whilst I'm there. I could be consciously altering my breathing 24/7.
Thank you for your informative post btw.
>>26175This has coincided for me with my screen bleeding, the lights flashing, revelations, and other strange happenings today.
Is there any magic for stupidity? I can be philosophical and articulate but am ultimately dumb as shit.
>>26198There's magick to improve memory, visualization, and yes intelligence in general. Atkinson's books will have you covered. I suggest you just look in all of his books, look at the index of chapters, and see if you find something matching what you're looking for. Start with the newest books first and work your ways backwards, so you don't accidentally read an older book, just to find Atkinson wrote another book on the same subject later that replaces the older one.
>>26126Electrical & Electronic engineering student.
Doing energy work on both the mundane and wizard levels.
>>26210What is he going to do when it rains?
>>25898It was mainly around the lower and mid spine area, but after a few days it seemed to have traveled up to the upper spine area below the neck.
Since a child I could feel other people's aura, which I simply though as being a feeling everyone has about others. Sometimes I would feel panic or get scared of completely normal places in a illogical way even for a child.
That made my childhood and puberty suck a lot. People wouldn't approach me, and I could feel the pity of adults around me, eventually I felt that those auras made a "link" between people, so I started testing with the small number of people who would "link" with me. That led to my best friend attacking me when he arrived in the classroom without reason, his parents told the principal that I did something to him and he was having problems to sleep and screaming my name in the night.
I learned to somehow "dissipate" my own energy, and for the first time in my life I started to have friends and approach people, got myself a cute girlfriend… Well, life's better.
Anyway, I am a neophyte here and to the world of wizards and fringe. I am a little afraid of going after books and techniques because, well, what's really there's to it? Can a human really manipulate all the energy there's I'm the world? What I feel from humans is so little compared to what I feel from everything else.
I can't l imagine how it must suck to be blind to all the colors the world has. That's why people are so depressive.
Are there any occult magic that will get me a girlfriend? I'm tired of being alone ;_;
>>26244You'll find someone you fucking asshole.
Quick question. Will masturbating having sex with tulpa give it loosh? Will the loosh make it grow faster?
>>26250Best answer from personal experience is don't do it. While my knowledge of the actual workings of Tulpas are a bit vague, I know that mine grew great resentment towards me for doing that exact same thing. Excessive masturbation is a drain of your time and energy for something entirely undeserving a consciousness you create. While they will gain power from that, they in turn become what you feed them. If the point of your tulpa is just to bust a nut
>>/sl/ would be a better board. No.26257
What is this I hear about elements? What are elements and why is it preached that they are the primordial things of the physical universe?
What are your guy's opinions on ASMR?
>>26219lol what did you do to him
>>26211maybe he'll rent a garage till the rain subsides
>>26220>what's really there's to it?You know a mundane person wouldn't believe you if you told them of how interconnected humanity is, why don't you try our practices to further realize your talents?
I found myself to also be able to do what you describe but not quite as naturally as you since I have to activate my heart chakra in order to "access" humans.
If you do decide to follow through the reading and the practice you'll be in for quite a wild ride I assure you.
>>26220Influence people. Sex. Money. Contacts. Business opportunity. Bringing people together. Implant thoughts, courage, cowardice, desires..
>>26219responded to the wrong guy.
to you, you should do some yoga/stretching to make it flow unhindered.
feel the block and search for a mudra for the correspondong chakra.
>>26163Just do the practice for a set time a day, every day.
Abdominal breathing will become habitual. Habitual yogic breathing is possible but start with the abdominal.
I don't recommend the pausing at the end of the in-breath and out-breath during all waking and un-waking moments.
It is useful while lying in bed before sleep however, can lead to astral projection/self-induced lucid dream preceded by hypnagogic imagery.
Good luck, and seek out pranayama texts and videos on instruction outside of Aktinsons works. He had varied and broad knowledge, but Hindu and Buddhist practitioners have developed and transmitted these techniques since time immemorial.
>>26244youll find one when you can handle being solidary, you clingy cunt.
she'll come to you when you exude the confidence, displaying that youre ready.
shiiiet, been namefagging
I've recently acquired a hermetic tarot deck, does anyone know any good resources for learning divination/ reading skills with it?
>>26266Ohhhhh lawd, is that still clinging?
>>26244Dude, just develop your personal magnetism and everything, and you'll soon have a lot of women after you; but don't give in. Women are a trap sent by the demiurge to prevent our ascent.
How do I go about reprogramming my subconscious? Autosuggestion and trance-induced suggestion seem to be two ways to do this, but is there anything else?
What if I would wish to make changes to my memories? Same methods? Is this doable?
>>26303Your brain/mind is not a storehouse of concrete memories, the act of remembering is a creative act and you are censoring, emphasizing and adding content to it all the time. (One of the reasons why witness testimonies are suspect)
Implanting memories would involve fantasizing in a suggestive state like a trance, the more emotive the content the easier it will be to get lodged. Sadly negative false memories are easier to lodge in than positive ones.
If memories are troubling you, you could revisit them under hypnosis or general verbal and visual techniques, and through the use of mindfulness or emphathogenic drugs like ecstasy, you can become ok with the memories. They will not dissolve entirely but the associated negative emotional associations will the rewritten. This technique has been used with people suffering from PTSD such as veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
My practice in this regard is limited so I will allow others to elaborate or correct me.
In terms of reprogramming your subconscious, what is important is lifestyle change. Act in virtuous and selfless ways and you will be less troubled. Memorizing positive texts such as Sutras is also very useful. Replacing nonsense or troubling media or ideas which take up a lot of mental chatter with transformative ones.
Fantastic article on monastic memorization: meditation.
Start with Samatha progress to Vipassana to improve general well-being and so you are less likely to be emotionally affected by fatigue, weakness, soreness, poor circulation. Bad physical states effect the mental and vice versa.
>>26305They will not dissolve entirely but the associated negative emotions will be rewritten.*
Here I am again, the anon from yesterday who wrote about his childhood and puberty and experiences he had with energy.
Anyway, there is anyone here who had experiences similar to mine? Feeling aura, emotions and energy is natural to me, and alone I learned to have some control of it. I used some psychology concepts to make easier to visualise what someone's "aura" is made off.
Its possible for me to start from the beginning? I want to learn more, but stuff like meditation doesn't work for me, I can only feel concentrated in the middle of chaos, like a jigsaw puzzle, slowly getting into place… Till I get bored and get new pieces. That's what life is, right? Just a jigsaw pizzle.
>>26332What different types of meditation have you tried?
Try the yogic breath from the science of breath.
If you like chaos try meditating to darkspy psytrance. No.26337
>>26332For how long have you tried meditation?
Sitting meditation can take a long while to yield results if you lack natural talent for it, its not a valid reason to give up though. The persistence alone will strengthen your will.
Try Samatha.
If it just seems too hard, in addition to working on Samatha try mantra chanting, it helps you regulate the breath and keeps the mind occupied so intrusive thoughts are pushed out .
You could also give dynamic meditation a go, that involves repetitive movements in order to enter various states. Like Sufi Whirling Dervishes. No.26343
>>26337If you try mantra get some mala beads they're pretty useful.
>>26337>>26335I have started with Samatha.
But I have to ask: what really is meditation? Is to focus your mind? Energy? How do you know you reached the "state" during meditation, or what it is the true purpose?
what fringe's thoughts of Sevan Bomar?
>>26378Meditation is a process, there are states you can reach through meditation but they shouldn't be the goal.
The goal is taming the monkey mind of daily chatter so that you can be more in tune with who you really are and understand yourself better, learning to distinguish between monkey chatter and real thought also to notice when you are acting in auto-pilot robotic type thinking in real life.
Don't have unrealistic expectations. When you recognise thoughts coming just let them pass, you haven't stopped meditating just from having thoughts, if you get mad at getting thoughts then you have stopped meditating.
>>25837>>25841>>25858That never really answered by question but thanks anyway. Very interesting docs.
I now have a few follow-up questions.
Was Adolf Hitler the avatar or manifestation of a god?
If so, who? My own research leads me to believe it is either Wotan or Vishnu.
and finally, how can I contact or evoke this god?
Let's talk about the joy of satan. Is satan a good or neutral guide? I've started browsing the site and came across a different chart of chakras (shoulder chakras, throat chakra over heart, directions they point out, etc) thus made me think. What are your opinions on it?
>>26416As I mentioned elsewhere, JOS mostly plagiarizes other material. What material they've plagiarized depends on who has contacted them last.
But the material they rip off and add the Satan/Lilith/Luficer label to is usually pretty good.
>>26419Some guy mentioned in a thread that their techniques were bretty good (the thoth-thor for example) and obtained results fast. Just want to know if i'll get a nasty side effect out of all this (demons)
>>26420Well if you link a specific technique I can find the original, sans the edgy marketing.
>>26426for example this
There must be more, but didn't have the time to take a look
>>26427Yeah if they're going to add minor chakras at least add the spleen. Though that throws off the corny symbolism of the upside down cross.
Those are the correct mantras for the corresponding chakras, this chakra dhyana has each mantra starting at the root: haven't heard of trying to merge the two mantras before however.
When the kundalini energy falls in the channels it has a heat sensation (and also when it burns through impurities). These are flows through energy channels though, not literally pointing chakras down, I've never heard of anyone literally pointing chakras anywhere.
>>26431Leadbeater was a victorian prude and left out the sexual chakra because he didn't want people to stimulate it, if you're wondering why it's missing.
>>26434B…but I poop from there!
>>26430well the author mentioned this
Perhaps to optimize the output? Don't know, will try this alignment exercise in a few minutes (Not doing the thoth stuff, still 2spooky)
>>26437You could just say "get your finger out of your nose and keep reading."
The message would come across the same.
>>26437>I've heard spinning chakras is not the right way to activate them, what is your take on it? No.26441
>>26440Was not meant to be greentext
Any other wizards feel the call tonight? Strongest it's been in months, years even.
>>26464if you mean this sudden urge to do something spiritual/rise in awareness yes I feel it.
Could you provide more info?
Is this how new batches of neophytes are put on the path?
>>26464>>26467Aye, I feel restless.
In one of the other threads, someone stated that they were essentially a loser with no life direction and they asked /fringe/ for help. The person making the thread got help. One of the self-help books posted in the thread was a book that addresses the underlying thought current that occurs in "nice guys" or whatever the term used was.
I know of No More Mr. Nice Guy and it's not that. There was another book. I remember briefly skimming through it and it mentioned that these people suffer from both a fear of failure and a fear of success and three other chief fears. I remember the page layout as well. It would begin talking about fears with this stylised bullet point which was some sort of diamond.
>>26475I don't think this is the book you are referring to, but it terms of self-improvement and having meaningful relationships with women the book Models - Attract Women Through Honesty is usually recommended along with No More Mr. Nice Guy.
I've uploaded the pdf as an attachment if anyone is interested.
I was dreaming last night, then I went lucid and realized I was out of my body, and I was not able to get back in. I thought that I was awake and in sleep paralysis several times, but then I would roll off my bed, then realize I'm in the bed again. I also heard my door open, and thought someone would come in, but the door stayed closed. After a few minutes, I ended up falling back out of the physical, and existed in a blank realm. I decided that I would stay there unless I could move my physical body, so I imagined feeling myself wiggle my root chakra. I woke up to myself grinding my pelvis into the bed, lmao. I never saw any strange entities.
Any of you /fringe/ wizards ever have trouble getting into your body like this?
Do you know why it is difficult to get back in?
What is easiest way to get back in?
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>26275>>26335>>26337>>26378>>26401Useful meditation and mind training video embedded.
Audio Version of a text by the venerable Thai forest monk Ajahn Chah.
>>20174Sounds like you're the type of guy who relies on pills to fix his emotional problems. lmao
>>26505I have no problem with using pills to feel good so long as they're not used everyday or out of misery. I don't believe in complete detachment from emotional response all the time, emotions are part of being human and are healthy to experience, at the same time self mastery and rising above them is more important.
Spoiler: it was a joke
>>26506Meditating can help balance brain chemicals, but pharmacology could prevent disaster in those without the tools to manage.
>>26479I've only been a part of the manosphere for a while now so I didn't know that this book was also heavily recommended along with NMMNG as I've only been briefly exposed to it in passive mention some weeks ago but nonetheless, while I'm thankful for the book, it's not what I seek.
There was a specific book that actually suggested auto-suggestion techniques. Nonetheless, I'll happily add this to my collection.
What does /fringe/ know of Mantak Chia? Which of his books are recommended? I too, seek to transmute my sexual energy into other, more useful purposes.
Does anyone know of any type of creature that is sort of like a giant horse/dog combination?
There were two of them in my dream last night and I've never seen anything like them before. I didn't get a good luck at their faces/fronts but the legs were taller than me (over 6 feet) if i reached my hands over my head I probably could have reached their bellies. They were friendly in demeanor like a dog. They ran past my and over me. I'm pretty sure they belonged to someone who was dead (i discovered his body) in my dream.
>>26521Summon them and ask them what their name is.
Use something like:
You who are part horse part dog, come
You who visited me in my dream last night, come
that kind of thing, preferably more than two sentences, maybe use incense as an offering. Close by asking them politely to leave when the communinion is over.
>>26506>>26507Pharmacology is largely a guinea pig experiment just as the majority of psychology is used to demonize and suppress certain types of people. The reason some lack 'tools' to manage is because they have been taken from them.
>>26525Do you think occultists with real power side with the pharmacologists and general machine-like people factory or the victim groups?
This is an open question to anyone, I'm interested in hearing any views.
My power is to uphold the meek and down trodden. I for one refuse the let the evoluition of my spirit be taken in a direction that subjigates and destroys. Wether pharma would do that or not I am uncertain. I know there are pharmacologists out there who aim to make the world better. In the same turn I understand that those in the highest positions of power are beholden to the reality that got them to that point. If greed/lust/hatred etc etc was the fuel, the machine is destruction. If the fuel for success is love/compassion/selflessness the machine will be a wonder of creation.
>>26529Power lends itself to cruelty. There are networks and social hierarchies built entirely out of misuse of power in near every aspect of life, do you see that ever changing?
>>26535It is only now I can see it changing. Before I never did. I write my own reality now, and I say fuck this shit.
>>26535Except hierarchies are a natural outcome when inequality exists.
Multitudes of powers are available to humans. The difference between people is how "well" these powers flow through us(how developed they are in us) and how they are utilized, and how they synergyze.
You are more often than not the inferior in relation to outside influences or another being. The logical conclusion is for you to find a superior, subordinate yourself to gain the benefit of his power until you either become the superior by unfolding yourself or until you no longer need him.
Problems arise when either a concrete or mental framework is established in relation to the inferior-superior dynamic in hopes to enforce it for maximum gain of the superior. Meaning - the weaker is set up in believing he is less powerful than really, he is denied growth or alternatives (or alternative frameworks or points of reference, indeed), the cost for the exchange is inflated, or more vile - the inferior is ever more depowered (pop quiz - why is there no definition or study of the word "depowerment" officially available?), or power games are played, but they are mostly for dominance among inferiors; and so on.
Ingo Swann representin'. His book is interesting, but purely theoretical (although good food for thought). Uses a lot of etymology as basis for a his reasoning, but it paints overall a picture of how words in relation to power used to be wider and more descriptive of capabilities or abilities of humans or of power, but were in recent times seamlessly redefined and reduced so that the modern man is even more weakened. If you don't know it exists, how can you use it?
I was writing so long I forgot where I was going with thisfugggg :DDDD No.26554
>>26546>tfw no aliens on the moon to mine titanium with
>tfw no sexy cyborg gf
>tfw Shafica Karagulla and Dora van Gelder will never mentor you about secret societies and power structures No.26556
How do I summon entities, an Undine for example? I saw in a succubus thread of how Undines are better.
I read somewhere that the body is the temple of the soul and that you should therefore be looking after your body. Fair enough.
The poster then claims that you should be showering at least twice a day. Now, while I admit that I'm prone to infrequently tending to my personal hygiene (in Summer during my teenage years where I was addicted to my MMORPGs, despite sweating so heavily that it was dripping down from my armpits, I only showered once every two weeks), isn't showering more than twice a day actually damaging? Wouldn't that do things to the body's natural oils or something? Is there a /fringe/-approved method for hygiene? I've heard some people mention that they make their own soaps.
I'm new to /fringe/. I don't know how much I believe yet, but I have come across an interesting phenomenon. Whenever I read montalk I become dizzy and nauseous. A little like the sickness that overcomes Alex DeLarge in "A Clockwork Orange", although no where near as extreme.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
>>26592Yes, yes, I also got this when I was reading the Kybalion and it tells me that "All is in the All; the All is in all". I felt both connected and yet disconnected. It's a very strange feeling but I hope to explore it further.
>>26592>>26596Had a strange level of dejavu while reading a lot of the early fringe recommended books. I would get memories of myself reading similar material before, only now i'm digging it back up.
>>26581Washing with luekwarm to cold water can be beneficial.
Avoid soaps, just rub the body down with your hands.
/fringe/, lately I've been trying to remedy my mental health, more specifically, my narcissism.
Lately, when I've begun using autosuggestion to remind myself that it's okay to be imperfect, that everyone is imperfect, that perfection doesn't exist and that the non-existence of perfection is perfect because it allows for the existence of continuous work and improvement thereby allowing our journeys to never end, I feel very, very weird.
The first thing I remember feeling was this strange pressure in the middle of my head–as in, at the center of my skull. Then, I felt this indescribable fire in my belly. Later on, it focused itself onto the left side of my lower abdomen, as though my kidney was having issues. Even now, just typing up what I just said, my head feels really hot again and I feel a slight chill on my nape.
Is my brain changing form due to these new positive thoughts or is there something else going on?
If i create a mental alter in my mind can i summon spirits there?
When I close my eyes to meditate usually while lying down I tend to see my room as if my eyes were open.
Is this a sign my third eye is opening? I'm thinking the stronger this gets the easier it will be to astral travel, any advice? I don't try to do this it just kind of happens on its own.
>When I close my eyes to meditate usually while lying down I tend to see my room as if my eyes were open.Try to maintain the state. At the same time do not overexcite yourself in it or fear if it fades. Calmly observe it with indifference.
If you have reached a level where entering this state is common and easy and you can maintain it for prolonged periods try moving your perspective forward or up, as though you are drifting out of the body.
Do not engage yourself physically, just allow the curiosity to explore the room visually cause you to split.
Happy journeys!