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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425285274562.png (96.29 KB, 375x444, 125:148, 1344705054931.png)

 No.24175[Last 50 Posts]


[3:08:51 AM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Hi
[3:09:27 AM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): I came online just to assist with this
[3:09:42 AM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): I asked lowcard to do it but he's MIA
[3:10:10 AM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): I'm very sorry this happened, here is the claim email 8chan received
[3:11:36 AM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): "The lower a person feels, the closer he comes to his true state and to
the Creator." - The Kabbalah

I have the recent posts made by Smiley in the days before his
disappearance and he has become as I can tell actually suicidal and
erratic. You have access to him in real life yes? I would recommend
strongly sending someone to check on him, on freedomboard.kiara he
posted a message a week ago and hasn't been active since claiming he was
leaving with the hint of suicide. I think he actually committed suicide.
The clause on your email "If Smiley comes back I'll give him back the
board by the way", does this have unlimited time frame? I am not sure
how to run /fringe/ in this case. I am hesitant to do anything. Please
send someone to look for him.


On 2015-02-28 17:58, 8chan Admin wrote:
> Hello,
> Looks like Smiley has gone missing. Here you go. If Smiley comes back
> I'll give him back the board by the way.
> Thanks for your interest in this board. Kindly find the username and
> password below. You can login at/mod.php.
> Username: fringe
> Password: SscnvdaLLY2q
> Thanks for using 8chan!
>> On Feb 27, 2015, at 2:17 PM, wlalyszc@cock.liwrote:
>> I am a Kabbalistic scholar and run an underground blog site on
>> DeMosean meditation. If control of the board is up for claiming I
>> would welcome the chance to bring the Hermetic to the masses.
>> My contact info is wlalyszc@cock.li
[3:12:48 AM] Fredrick (admin@8chan.co): Given his mail I did not foresee this outcome


File: 1425285296401.png (125.14 KB, 1680x1025, 336:205, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)


File: 1425285325618.png (36.48 KB, 832x505, 832:505, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

screencap 2


File: 1425285347438.png (125.14 KB, 1680x1025, 336:205, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

screencap 3 …. ….. extra text


File: 1425285681336.png (32.32 KB, 676x380, 169:95, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

screenshot 4

Where is everyone? Hopefully people will come back…


>trusting a jew

How dumb can this fucking cripple be?

Glad you got the board back though.


He is apparently working on restoring all the threads and hopefully the flags and everything else right now.


Can anyone translate the text?


So essentially because of Smiley's absence, some kike weasels in and convinces HotWheelz he's the ideal candidate to continue the site? And then, once the kike gained control, he deleted everything?

I'm guessing HotWheelz didn't realize Kabbalah is a part of Judaism, and didn't see the redflag.


I'm going to add a National Socialist flag so we don't have to post under this abhorrent Jew Star.


Death to the jew!


We need a new Rope Awaiter flag, the old one was rather shit, someone make a new one. Has to be 20x11 or 16x16 in size.


He is creating an inheritance system now.


Anyone got a better Pleiadian flag than what I have or think they can make this better?


File: 1425288176132.png (986 B, 16x16, 1:1, Pleiadian16x16 Blue Eyes 2.png)









File: 1425288540416.jpg (17.64 KB, 460x307, 460:307, 1418897951347.jpg)




File: 1425288928176.png (533 B, 16x16, 1:1, FileName.png)

The Fourth Way flag, please? Picture is related, it's Gurdjieff.


File: 1425289018232.png (733 B, 16x16, 1:1, Fourth Way.png)

Would you use it?

I just fixed your icon.


File: 1425289095480.png (447 B, 16x16, 1:1, FileName.png)

Haha, I just fixed it myself.

Yeah, I would use it. The Fourth Way/Fifth Way is a good tradition.


File: 1425289242391.png (588 B, 16x16, 1:1, Fourth Way.png)


File: 1425289299127.png (497 B, 16x16, 1:1, Fourth Way.png)

ah fuck maybe this will be better


File: 1425289338073.png (500 B, 16x16, 1:1, Fourth Way.png)

Perfected now, I hope.


This looks better in the darker styles. . .

But this one is better in the lighter ones.

I'm in mood for flag making. Suggestions?


File: 1425289495133.png (416 B, 16x16, 1:1, montalk.png)

Did we lost all the previous flags? No backups?


Should I group a bunch of flags into a Pagan category?


Pagan (Wicca)
Pagan (Sun Cross)
Pagan (Double Sig Rune)
Pagan (Celtic)
Pagan (Odal Rune) ?

It seems so, unless Fred succeeds in adding them back.


File: 1425289671255.png (810.88 KB, 878x676, 439:338, Dank Memegistus.png)

Nigga, we was waiting for you to fix this shit. Ain't nobody gone back to being a mundy.

The kikes fear us, else they would not try and take away our board. Even if it has too great a neophyte number, thanks to the library and the desire for people to know more it would take a year or less for the practitioners to become powerful enough that there would be no more stopping them.

And the gall to end it with a "we know"! Of course you rats know! You sit under a sword held by the goy's ignorance. Your time is numbered if it continues as it does.






File: 1425289843893.png (1.51 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 15n7prq.jpg.png)


File: 1425290040458.png (29.66 KB, 194x586, 97:293, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

We should probably add more ranks.


Thanks for editing this, man.




This is pure fucking gold!

>I have the recent posts made by Smiley in the days before his

disappearance and he has become as I can tell actually suicidal and


Also OP. Someone claiming to be Kabbalistic and then stealing our board is like Argentinians claiming to be white and invade Germany. It's probably a ruse and a setup to move the blame on someone else. Some IP tracing could lead you to the person and he probably has a board on 8chan.


Should I make a jew category?

Jew (Zionist)
Jew (Kabbalist)


We should have a series of alchemy symbols.


卐 卍

hmmm which of these two is the default swastika?


File: 1425291137708.png (756 B, 16x16, 1:1, Aryanist 16x16.png)

Gonna fix some flags.


Do you have a flag for Kabbalah?

I'll check out the alchemical symbols.


Can someone please make an Adolf Hitler 16x16 icon for me to use as an Esoteric Hiterlist flag in the 卐 Flags category?


>Do you have a flag for Kabbalah?

I think a really shitty one that has to be redone.


Let me see. . . I'll make the alchemy ones first, (takes like five minutes).


Does anyone feel like this flag should be redone so the two runes are further apart instead of so close?


>tfw some of the NatSoc flags can fit into alchemy category or pagan category
>tfw some of the Christian flags can fit into Gnostic (as something separate from Christianity)

ah well


Eh, maybe the left one could be some two pixels further from the right one?


File: 1425291689677.png (583 B, 16x16, 1:1, Double Sig Rune 2.png)

hmmmm this one is bloated/stretched


File: 1425291723550.png (387 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Sun_symbol.svg.png)

Testing, testing.

If I see that transparent turn into white, I'll. . .


File: 1425291755776.png (462 B, 12x16, 3:4, Double Sig Rune 3.png)



File: 1425291879718.png (701 B, 16x21, 16:21, Double Sig Rune 4.png)

Another bloated one.


File: 1425291933187.jpg (190.69 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H153….jpg)

Hmmm I guess they are supposed to be close together.


I'll just leave this as is I think. Although… they do look thicker on those uniforms. Maybe I should use this one ( >>24221 ) ?


File: 1425292065586.jpg (20.68 KB, 580x236, 145:59, o_ss-nco-double-rune-colla….jpg)

I think these are the actual collars?


File: 1425292114266-0.png (448 B, 16x16, 1:1, 15px-Crescent.svg.png)

File: 1425292114266-1.png (410 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Mars_symbol.svg.png)

File: 1425292114266-2.png (400 B, 16x16, 1:1, 28px-Mercury_symbol.svg.png)

File: 1425292114266-3.png (296 B, 16x16, 1:1, 25px-Line_within_circle.sv….png)

File: 1425292114266-4.png (407 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Sulphur.svg.png)




File: 1425292229556-0.png (375 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Alchemy_air_symbol.sv….png)

File: 1425292229556-1.png (382 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Alchemy_earth_symbol.….png)

File: 1425292229556-2.png (345 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Alchemy_fire_symbol.s….png)

File: 1425292229556-3.png (365 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Alchemy_water_symbol.….png)


File: 1425292286467-0.png (364 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Jupiter_symbol.svg.png)

File: 1425292286467-1.png (446 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Sulfur_symbol_1_2.svg.png)

File: 1425292286467-2.png (446 B, 16x16, 1:1, 20px-Sulfur_symbol_1_2.svg.png)


Which are those?

I think the only important ones in the alchemy series we need are:

>Salt, Mercury, Sulfur

>Akasha, Fire, Earth, Water, Air

Which Double Sig Rune is better btw?


File: 1425292489571.png (651 B, 14x16, 7:8, Double Sig Rune 5.png)

Here is a possible happy intermediate. Not too thick and not too thin. Hopefully much closer to the spirit of those uniforms. Moved them slightly apart one pixel too.



Stick with the original or maybe use this one or what should I do?



I kind of like the bigger one better.


Original here for comparison. Not flooding.


Or this, this one is good.


File: 1425292648187.png (8.41 KB, 183x144, 61:48, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

Back-to-back comparison.


First sig is the best in my opinion.

>invalid flag selection


File: 1425292738785.png (6.88 KB, 193x104, 193:104, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

Fug should I just put back the first original one then?


Third one D. S. Rune.




We could have a full series of Runes maybe

Rune ()

but that would be a fuckload of flags and I think we can only have a hundred flags.


I mean I like it.

Some trouble with Akasha symbol, will post soon.



Akasha is just a black egg-shaped oval. Not flood.


Should we call Akasha…

Prima Materia

or one of its various other names?

…since we don't call Fire Tejas

>The word "Tattvas" is a Hindu term connotating "realities, or states of being. The Tattvas represent primordial energies representing the five elements of Spirit (Akasha), Air (Vayu), Fire (Tejas), Water (Apas), and Earth (Prithivi)


There are several other symbols for it though.


File: 1425293548842-0.png (362 B, 16x16, 1:1, 100px-Tattva-Akasha-Spirit.png)


Spirit/Aether/Ether sounds good to me.


Spirit would fit better with the others, but I'd just keep Akasha. Void has other meanings, the others are usually represented in different ways.


Why does it look brittle lol?


File: 1425293885943.png (420 B, 16x16, 1:1, Ouroboros.png)

Should Ouroboros be classified in the Pagan category?

I can't tell for certain.



btw what about ylilauta saying they were the ones that took the board?



Should be in "alchemy" if there'll be one.


File: 1425294003262-0.png (327 B, 16x16, 1:1, 100px-Tattva-Akasha-Spirit.png)


The screencap there checks out with what I found in the CSS: >>24177


File: 1425294297432.jpg (9.35 KB, 495x144, 55:16, tattwas iii.jpg)


This pic is how is how I've seen akasha normally depicted. It's like a pomegranate seed sort of.


I don't think these guys here http://ylilauta.org/int/34924588 hacked the board or if they did they only hacked the CSS.

They certainly don't know my password. The passwords I use are always long and complicated random scramblings of characters and letters that I memorize perfectly.

My minecraft account password is the most complex btw, it's fucking huge, and just random gibberish.


File: 1425294813424.png (913 B, 14x16, 7:8, Pleiadian16x16 Ashtar.png)



File: 1425294920212.png (447 B, 16x16, 1:1, Adolf_Hitler_retouched.png)

I prefer this one.

By the way, here's Hitler! (?)


By "this one", I meant the flag.

Hm, blurry.


Holy shit that is terribad.

I think we still need a better Pleiadian flag than the two I've made so far.


New health and fitness superthread up >>24265


File: 1425295097027.png (832 B, 13x16, 13:16, Pleiadian16x16 Ashtar 2.png)



File: 1425295104042.gif (1.47 MB, 400x223, 400:223, goebbels gets funky.gif)

Oh thank Demiurge we're back, i thought the board had been perma-buttfucked for a while.


The old one isn't dead though. It is here: ( >>18066 )

It just doesn't have its image loaded at the moment.


File: 1425295212871.jpg (1014 B, 16x16, 1:1, article-2538526-1A6FF7F200….jpg)


Hey man which of three double sig runes I made do you like best?

See: ( >>24240 )

not flood


even worse, oy vey


File: 1425295342133.jpg (19.81 KB, 636x300, 53:25, article-1271841929916-093A….jpg)


File: 1425295436843.png (897 B, 13x16, 13:16, Adolf Hitler.png)

How about this one I just made now?

>le Adolf Hitler smashing degenerate jewish sculpture and remaking it into an ubermensch


I prefer the top one simply because it looks sharper


File: 1425295526211.jpg (56.34 KB, 600x450, 4:3, wolfenstein-3d-600x450.jpg)

Where did you get that? Reminds me of Wolfenstein.


That's a "black" sun, but not the "black sun".


Well that's two people in favour of that one, I'll restore it then.

THE black sun does not fit a 16x16 icon and still look like how it's supposed to.

卐 (Esoteric Hitlerist)


卐 (Adolf Hitler)

what to name it?


??? Should I have called this
卐 (Esoteric Hitlerist) ???


File: 1425295837345.jpg (56.01 KB, 550x791, 550:791, adolf-hitler_2.jpg)


I think so.

Pretty gud.


Esoteric Hitlerist.


File: 1425296005279.png (908 B, 13x16, 13:16, Adolf Hitler No Neck.png)



Which version is better, neck version, or no neck?


No neck.




Here is no neck.


File: 1425296093991.png (413 B, 16x16, 1:1, egg-icon.png)


File: 1425296313543.png (425 B, 13x16, 13:16, Element - Akasha.png)


Can you make one for the other 4 elements now?


File: 1425296483154.png (925 B, 16x16, 1:1, Voodoo.png)

Should we have an Africa category for Voodoo, Santeria, Obeah, and related traditions?


Also should the category just be called "Africa" or something else? What should it be called?



Make the other elements? Sure!

How about Pagan (Africa: Voodoo/Obeah/etc.)?

Then you might have to rename some of the preexisting ones with Pagan (Europe: blaablaa).


Practically all the shit under Pagan is European Paganism. Rather not do that shit.

I also don't like that because of alphabetical listing, all of the Africa options would appear at the top… unless maybe we just call it Nigger. lol


File: 1425296877050.png (44.59 KB, 180x180, 1:1, Pleiadian.png)

What symbols should represent the Adept and Master ranks?


File: 1425296986414-0.png (676 B, 16x16, 1:1, Buddhist Wheel.png)

File: 1425296986414-1.png (362 B, 16x16, 1:1, Aum.png)

File: 1425296986414-2.png (558 B, 13x13, 1:1, Ying Yang.png)

Should we make an Oriental category and put Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. under it?


Hinduism and buddhism are similar, but taoism isn't the same.


File: 1425297143698.jpg (95.47 KB, 350x600, 7:12, maj01.jpg)

Maybe a cup and sword?

But Buddhism and Taoism have influenced each other, (see; Zen).


File: 1425297230961-0.png (373 B, 13x16, 13:16, Thelema.png)

File: 1425297230961-1.png (460 B, 16x16, 1:1, Chaosphere 16x16.png)

File: 1425297230961-2.png (387 B, 13x15, 13:15, Caduceus.png)

File: 1425297230961-3.png (773 B, 13x16, 13:16, Golden Apple.png)

File: 1425297230961-4.png (602 B, 13x13, 1:1, Inverted Pentagram.png)

Should we have a Wizard category and put Thelema, Chaotees, Erisians, Hermeticists, Satanist, Illuminati, and similarly very magickal orders under it?


Adept should be the same as Initiate in freedomboards. Don't think there should be a separate Master flag.

Do it, it might take shinto and all other stuff that comes from the far east.


How the fuck is a cup and sword gonna fit 16x16?

What are the symbols used by the Golden Dawn or similar groups?

I got that neophyte icon from the golden dawn I think.


Taoism is from Asia though. I'd also throw Shinto and other Asian religions in the Oriental category.


File: 1425297643000-0.png (527 B, 13x13, 1:1, Taoism.png)

Improved edges on the Taoist flag I think?


File: 1425297766220-0.png (493 B, 16x16, 1:1, Hinduism.png)

Hopefully this has the white pixels gone…


File: 1425297827958-0.png (515 B, 16x16, 1:1, Hinduism.png)

Improved more.


File: 1425297909669-0.png (543 B, 16x16, 1:1, Hinduism.png)


(Check on the tomorrow and dark themes btw to see the white pixels better)


Ah shit, this version looks crap on light theme.


File: 1425297991041-0.png (515 B, 16x16, 1:1, Hinduism.png)

dsfdsfdsfsdf sdffdsfsd fds


File: 1425298054479-0.png (522 B, 16x16, 1:1, Hinduism.png)

erhserkjse hjaesd iassda poujasdop das god damn this flag is hard to get right


Ok this version looks ok on both light and dark themes.


File: 1425298063088.png (995 B, 16x16, 1:1, psionic.png)

Testing out for fun, do not mind.


Oh boy, Alois Irlmaier has a white glow against a dark background, but it doesn't look too bad.


File: 1425298294334.png (921 B, 16x16, 1:1, psionic.png)



Need to work on the edges.


Don't you have the Montalk theme anymore?


File: 1425298422612.png (936 B, 16x16, 1:1, psionic.png)

/fringe/; scanning your mind since 2015.


Akashic post


They're both uploaded. Oh you mean the CSS? Shit got obliterated and I'll have to recreate it or start a new CSS.


Yeah, the CSS. I see it's back now.


I can not see the CSS even though I just tried to add it back.


Oh, wait. That's not it.


File: 1425299016110.png (30.52 KB, 795x381, 265:127, 1.png)

It's part of it.


Does anyone have a Shinto Flag?


File: 1425299268231.png (1001 B, 16x16, 1:1, Pleiadian16x16 Blue Eyes 3.png)

Pleiadian (No Neck)


Is this an improvement on the older Pleiadian flag?


I like the original with neck.


File: 1425299535494-0.png (345 B, 16x16, 1:1, Untitled - Copy.png)

File: 1425299535494-1.png (287 B, 16x16, 1:1, Untitled.png)

File: 1425299535494-2.png (315 B, 16x16, 1:1, Untitled2 - Copy.png)

File: 1425299535494-3.png (250 B, 16x16, 1:1, Untitled2.png)

Testan' (?)


Should I add some color?


These looks bland as fuck.



I think it looks better without the neck/shoulders.


No shoulders version here.

not flooooddddd


I like it with the shoulders


Smiley, what do you like of this, >>24321?


None of the other alien icons include shoulders though.


Psionic isn't a tradition I know of. It reminds me of Hylic, Psychic, and Pneumatic (gnostic categories) though.


File: 1425300344947-0.png (956 B, 16x16, 1:1, Element - Fire.png)

File: 1425300344947-1.png (927 B, 16x16, 1:1, Element - Water.png)

File: 1425300344947-2.png (1017 B, 16x16, 1:1, Element - Earth.png)

File: 1425300344947-3.png (992 B, 16x16, 1:1, Element - Air.png)

These aren't that great.

May we should use a blue water drop, an orange fireball, a brown clay ball or boulder, and a yellow or white wispy thing for the elemental symbols?


Well, Psionics do mind-control, psychomancy, mind-reading, psychokinesis, etc.

I would say its wizardry stripped of ritual and philosophy, basically "scientific magic".

I would prefer something like that, alchemical symbols are difficult to work with.


File: 1425300876454-0.gif (326 B, 16x16, 1:1, Dire_Inferno.gif)

File: 1425300876454-1.gif (304 B, 14x14, 1:1, Froth_Spiral.gif)

File: 1425300876454-2.gif (324 B, 14x14, 1:1, Grand_Gaia.gif)

File: 1425300876454-3.gif (299 B, 14x14, 1:1, Tempest(icon).gif)

When in doubt, use vidya.


File: 1425300905260-0.png (590 B, 12x16, 3:4, Element - Water 2.png)

Can anyone make or find decent elemental icons in a full set?


This colourful outline style is really nice.


File: 1425301022676-0.png (795 B, 16x16, 1:1, fire_element-96.png)

I found a fire outline, but it needs to be improved.


File: 1425301106740-0.png (669 B, 10x16, 5:8, Element - Fire 2.png)

Not using your icon just uploading to see how this looks.


File: 1425301192659-0.png (633 B, 10x16, 5:8, Element - Fire 2.png)


File: 1425301233939-0.png (605 B, 10x16, 5:8, Element - Fire 3.png)


File: 1425301378865-0.png (1009 B, 21x13, 21:13, Element - Earth 2.png)


Looks like a ball of hair.


File: 1425301838264-0.png (509 B, 21x11, 21:11, Element - Air 2.png)

It's too bad we can't have animated icons.


File: 1425302071674-0.png (830 B, 13x16, 13:16, Element - Fire 4.png)


Incorrect dimensions.




All element icons uploaded, test em' out guys.


File: 1425302399505.png (830 B, 13x16, 13:16, Element - Fire 4.png)

Slightly improved. Not flood.


File: 1425302411127.png (828 B, 13x16, 13:16, Element - Fire 4.png)

a little moar transparency on that one pixel




Looks like shit/manure. lol


Any feedback on my questions here?

>>24304 and >>24295


Yea to Wizard, nay to Africa.

Why not just add the African stuff to Pagan category?


File: 1425303077450.png (460 B, 16x16, 1:1, Chaosphere 16x16.png)

Can we make any improvements to the Chaos Magician flag to make it nicer? Maybe colours or other nice changes?


Well, vodoo and santeria are mixed with christianity. Obeah is the only of the three that can be called truly pagan.


It could be more bold, and I think the black works the best.


File: 1425303759988.png (387 B, 13x15, 13:15, Caduceus.png)

We should make make the Caduceus more pretty too. Right now it's just black. Maybe it could be golden or something?


File: 1425304063413.png (689 B, 14x16, 7:8, Caduceus Wooden.png)


File: 1425304134676.png (825 B, 16x16, 1:1, Caduceus Silver Blue.png)



File: 1425304247658.png (670 B, 12x16, 3:4, Caduceus Silver Teal.png)

Which of these is best?


I still don't know if Ouroboros should be classified under Pagan or not.


I like both of these, but could you recolor the second so it's golden like the first one?

I think it's more of Alchemy than Paganism.


File: 1425304751206.png (773 B, 13x16, 13:16, Golden Apple.png)

Anyone got a better golden apple? The one currently used is from Minecraft icon set…


I can use a differently coloured Caduceus for either the Adept or Master rank maybe.


How about the second one for Master rank? I still think it should be golden, though.


File: 1425305188401-0.png (913 B, 14x16, 7:8, Golden Apple 3.png)

File: 1425305188401-1.png (919 B, 14x16, 7:8, Golden Apple 2.png)

File: 1425305188401-2.png (773 B, 13x16, 13:16, Golden Apple.png)



I like the first one of these.



Lots of potential golden apple icons around here.




Tried downloading one, didn't see any custom icons in it though for the items.


File: 1425305499688.png (484 B, 16x16, 1:1, index.png)

For fun, Atkinson.


Is it possible to add a hellenic paganism flag?


Hm, looked better on desktop.


File: 1425305642541-0.jpg (284.11 KB, 847x894, 847:894, Lenin.jpg)

Why the fuck does that look like Lenin?


File: 1425305765380.jpg (110.37 KB, 476x618, 238:309, William-Walker-Atkinson-Ph….jpg)

I can't see it!


File: 1425305841097.png (551 B, 16x16, 1:1, index.png)



File: 1425305911282-0.png (811 B, 12x16, 3:4, William Walker Atkinson.png)

le atkinson face


File: 1425305998686.png (676 B, 12x16, 3:4, 1425305911282-0.jpg.png)

I made it lighter.


Oh shiggy, I can now see Lenin there!


File: 1425306059961-0.png (790 B, 12x16, 3:4, William Walker Atkinson 2.png)

No you didn't, you turned up the contrast, but it's not lighter.


File: 1425306107418.png (453 B, 12x16, 3:4, 1425305911282-0.jpg.png)

Fine, I made it contraster.


File: 1425306170637-0.png (781 B, 12x16, 3:4, William Walker Atkinson 3.png)

both of these are high contrast tho'

Mine is better.


Do no coloured photographs of William Walker Atkinson exist? What about descriptions as to what his natural hair, eyes, and skin colour is?


File: 1425306270204.png (333 B, 12x16, 3:4, 1425305911282-0.jpg.png)

>both of these are high contrast

You anti-White, bro?


Looks like you turned up the brightness and contrast 1488%.




>tfw thumbnails are way darker than the actual image
>tfw Atkinson gone ghost mode here




File: 1425306866315.png (428.54 KB, 476x618, 238:309, colorized.png)

It's his astral head spooking around.

Here's a quick colorization, I just used what colors I had.


Wait, I'll give him brown hair.


What colour is his hair though? Is it black? Blonde? Who knows what it is?


File: 1425307096017-0.jpg (50.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, william-walker-atkinson.jpg)

File: 1425307096017-1.jpg (110.37 KB, 476x618, 238:309, 1425305765380.jpg)

Is there any way to tell in grey-scale photographs what the actual colour of the person's hair is?



This woman here has apparently read a lot of William Walker Atkinson.


File: 1425307632712.png (454.47 KB, 476x618, 238:309, colorized.png)

I am not sure what color his hair is, but I'm sure it isn't black.

I need better colors.


Do you not have GIMP?


Eh, I used http://www.colorizephoto.com/ to make the quick color, now I use Artweaver to make it better.


Should Christian (Generic) and Islam (Generic) just be renamed to Christian and Islam?



Hm, I think he has (light) brown hair.


File: 1425308299807-0.png (911 B, 16x16, 1:1, Fourth Way Symbol.png)

Isn't this the proper symbol of the Fourth Way? Should it not be used in place of the flag or the face of the guy who made Fourth Way?


File: 1425308307514-0.jpg (179.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ennea.jpg)

This is supposed to symbolize Fourth Way I think.


Enneagram? Sure, Enneagram encompasses both Fourth and Fifth Ways, so it's good.

I tried many times to make Enneagram flag but it always turned out horrible.


File: 1425308527309-0.jpg (1.99 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 074.jpg)

File: 1425308527309-1.jpg (228.2 KB, 700x514, 350:257, colorful-enneagram-.jpg)


You could use both Gurdjieff (the guy) and Enneagram, if you want to.


File: 1425308791217-0.png (1 KB, 16x16, 1:1, Enneagram.png)

What do you think of this?


I can't spot the Enneagram there. Can you try adding some red where the "spikes" go, please?




File: 1425309202836.gif (55.44 KB, 476x618, 238:309, colorized.gif)

8-Bit Atkinson!


File: 1425309375039-0.png (1.01 KB, 16x16, 1:1, Enneagram 2.png)

File: 1425309375039-1.png (17.29 KB, 1271x187, 1271:187, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

Also distinguished as degrees, the Illuminates of Thanateros, is a newer style of magic called chaos magic, which places adept closer to the top of their system.[citation needed]

4° Neophyte
3° Initiate
2° Adept
1° Magus

>tfw don't know what symbols they use for this


No need to.

By the way, if you want to categorize the Fourth Way, it goes to Christian.


File: 1425309742714.jpg (30.32 KB, 419x295, 419:295, 6_2.jpg)

>see the banner
>see Evola, think it's Ouspensky
>compare them


We could make a Person or Personality Category and then add William Walker Atkinson, Alois Irlmaier, and P. D. Ouspensky under it.


Sounds fun!


File: 1425310515971-0.png (1001 B, 16x16, 1:1, Adept.png)

Maybe this could be the adept rank? Than what should be Master or Magus rank?


File: 1425310988357-0.jpg (48.7 KB, 238x278, 119:139, Ouspensky-250px.jpg)

File: 1425310988357-1.png (602 B, 16x16, 1:1, uspenskii.png)

Hm, that's a difficult one. . .


File: 1425310994624.png (1002 B, 15x16, 15:16, Loosh Farmer.png)

Check out the ebin loosh farmer flag I added.


File: 1425311098892-0.png (633 B, 16x16, 1:1, uspenskii.png)




Cursed gray spots!


File: 1425311207942.png (624 B, 16x16, 1:1, Ouspensky.png)


File: 1425311282723.png (626 B, 16x16, 1:1, Ouspensky.png)

Extra fixed, there was a single grey pixel on his shoulder.


File: 1425311237094-0.png (593 B, 16x16, 1:1, uspenskii.png)


Yours is better.


Does anyone have a copy of the old rules page for /fringe/?

I need to restore the rules but can't find them.



That doesn't even contain all the rules ;_;.


Guys what can we use as symbols for Adept and Magus ranks, to compliment the Neophyte and Initiate ranks?


File: 1425313565538-0.png (475 B, 14x16, 7:8, Jew - Zionist.png)

File: 1425313565538-1.png (419 B, 11x13, 11:13, zionist.png)



The first one I prefer.


Should we add Spurdo Spärde, Smug Frog, Master Ruseman, and similar icons to a Meme category?


*waves hands*


>put mouse over him



File: 1425315791547.png (686 B, 20x11, 20:11, Rope Awaiter.png)


File: 1425316256854.png (595 B, 16x16, 1:1, 545450_10151161383159818_1….png)

Hermes Trismegistus, (?)




File: 1425316832282-0.png (333 B, 16x11, 16:11, Ironpill 2.png)

File: 1425316832282-1.png (346 B, 16x11, 16:11, Ironpill.png)

File: 1425316832282-2.png (358 B, 16x11, 16:11, Redpill.png)

File: 1425316832282-3.png (382 B, 16x11, 16:11, Mundane.png)

File: 1425316832282-4.png (333 B, 16x11, 16:11, Greenpill.png)

Which Iron Pill to use?


Icon looks like a crab at first glance. I can't even tell it's Hermes.


File: 1425317172018-0.png (4.96 KB, 138x146, 69:73, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

File: 1425317172018-1.png (11.02 KB, 206x194, 103:97, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

File: 1425317172018-2.png (8.44 KB, 194x125, 194:125, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

File: 1425317172018-3.png (5.87 KB, 158x130, 79:65, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

File: 1425317172018-4.png (21.31 KB, 241x340, 241:340, Screenshot from 2015-03-02….png)

All the major series we have so far (except the Christian series) pictured. Btw, I'm just going to add Voodoo by itself without a category, as it's not like we have very many niggers coming here anyways that there is any demand for flags to represent all the African traditions.


File: 1425317479062-0.png (615 B, 18x13, 18:13, Ankh.png)

Voodoo and Ouroboros added without being put in a category.

Do we have any Kemetists or other Egyptian based magicians here?

I guess if there's anything not on the flags list then I should just wait for someone to demand they have a flag added for their particular denomination.

There's a bunch of flags I have that I haven't bothered to add including some for various Amerindian groups.


File: 1425317706338-0.png (21.78 KB, 256x64, 4:1, Post Background 5.png)

File: 1425317706338-1.png (23.8 KB, 256x64, 4:1, Post Background 4.png)

File: 1425317706338-2.png (981 B, 16x26, 8:13, Fringe Cursor Arrow.png)

File: 1425317706338-3.png (951 B, 16x26, 8:13, Fringe Cursor Arrow 2.png)

File: 1425317706338-4.png (986 B, 16x26, 8:13, Fringe Cursor Arrow 3.png)


File: 1425341672076.jpg (1.27 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, hitler nazi 1375779258992.jpg)

the counterclockwise one, i.e. materializing
the first one on your line
also the nazi swastika isnt horizontal but at a 45° angle


File: 1425341836999-0.jpg (178.76 KB, 641x979, 641:979, aschmunadai practice of ma….jpg)

File: 1425341836999-1.jpg (22.38 KB, 395x400, 79:80, bardon tarot-3_2.jpg)

File: 1425341836999-2.jpg (28.78 KB, 291x400, 291:400, bardon tarot.jpg)

File: 1425341836999-3.jpg (67.98 KB, 411x596, 411:596, Franz_Bardon_1er arcane.jpg)


Always thought Aschmunadai's sigil was pretty crazy, would be a pain having to copy all of that down for an evoke.


If only there were some kind of machine that could lay ink on paper and be connected to a computer…


I thought all summoning sigils had to be hand drawn?


There's two Hermeticist flags, just to tell ya. Rank (uiuiui) one, and then this one.


Hey, smiley, just put the Montalk background, I think it's the only thing missing in the CSS.

background: url("http://montalk.net/images/19.jpg") repeat-y scroll 0% 0% #000;


File: 1425381089692.gif (36.07 KB, 470x470, 1:1, ormethion.gif)

>"The lower a person feels, the closer he comes to his true state and to the Creator."

Sounds really STS; feeling lower reminds me of low vibrations (negativity, darkness), "true state" signals delusion and corruption, and the so-called Creator might refer to the "sleeping half" of God, i. e. physicality, "Ormethion" as reptilians call their god.

Kabbalah is the art of making changes to physical universe; might it not be just a coincidence, that the most material of spirit use it for selfish and depraved purposes?


File: 1425391233336.jpg (207 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, niggers brides & blacks 11….jpg)

>Kabbalah is the art of making changes to physical universe
that would be magic
kabbalah is one branch of magic: the use of the divine word to make such changes


Should I put the memes into a meme flag category or just leave them scattered in the list?


memes category pls



>a member of our crazy board is suicidally crazy

Am I supposed to be surprised?


I agree with this.
It's too Jewish to be a real Jew.


Hey smiley, I have found myself in the possession of a top 25 politics board and was wondering if you'd be willing to help me fill it up with some decent content.


Please donate some IPs and some posts, I have always liked your sense of humor


I also could use your expertise in flag-making


fug it's dead now.

I will make a politics board CSS and flags set I guess one day and give the board to someone that wants it / give the code and flags set to someone that wants it.


Dumb ass, I was framed by someone pretending to be me and pretending that I was committing suicide.

It has been added now, guess I should delete the older stuff though.

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