Renouncing women thread 02/01/15 (Sun) 03:29:19 No. 20405 [Last 50 Posts]
They are disgusting decietful and lying degenerates and the source of all sins and vice. They are the origin of all weakness and foolishness and women more than everr today are nothing more than useful idols which suck the blood and lifeforce mana of a man. They are worth nothing more than what is between their legs and condtribute nothing of creativity or power to the race whoch they are born. Yes, women are worth only for producing more men. The ancient world knew this, and practiced it and prospered, and we are enslaved to the disgusting woman and all her vice and sin because of it. I renounce chasing women for my life. I hate them, they are what is holding the aryan race back from archiving racial godhood. Death to all cunts.
02/01/15 (Sun) 03:52:01 No. 20409
02/01/15 (Sun) 03:56:47 No. 20411
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:03:39 No. 20412
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02/01/15 (Sun) 04:21:13 No. 20415
Anonymous chat room to talk.
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:24:33 No. 20416
>>20405 I hear you, but this red pill mentality is very resentful and limiting. Women in the western world definitely are diseased and debased and I have not met one IRL worth spending much time around, but thinking that they are inherently inferior to men is folly.
SAGE! 02/01/15 (Sun) 04:27:53 No. 20417
>>20405 That's all fine that you believe that. More women = more loosh for me.
It's ironic that this is considered "redpill" when it's actually just as bluepill as being a beta provider cuck. even if it's just an ebin trole or a socratic sort of devil's advocate, this is a shining example of what not to do.
shiggy diggy. explicit hatred of women is still a form of attachment.
But in half-seriousness, women are creatures with souls too. Their biological makeup gives them a perspective we can only speculate about, and they can only speculate about ours.
They have been driven from us by materialism and hedonism, as have we from they. We're told to go and get a good salary under the guise that you can afford boats or nice cars and vacations. Women are told they need to find the man with the money or to be the independent woman to have the fancy cars and toys and vacations too.
It's no wonder why feminists are only concerned with how much money women can make for the saturnian slave master or how much sex they can have without "being judged." keeping women down as materialistic, hedonistic sluts sucking the saturnian cock around the clock keeps them from awakening to their inner divinity, and "red pill" mentality like this is a controlled opposition to perpetuate this old world order bullshit.
Both men and women are currently bereft of the love of family and the intimate balancing of the sexual energies.
A powerful race teaches all of its children to build strong character. Because women are told they don't need to aspire to more than popping out babies, they don't become anything more than a powerful consumer market, hence why media and marketing target them most of all.
Truth is that women are creators that shape the race as much as men are. It takes two to tango, and the male leads. If women woke up to this and joined our side, the corporations and material parasites that sprang up from these mentalities would go belly-up and human civilization would advance lightyears beyond our current imaginings.
>they are what is holding the aryan race back from archiving racial godhood.oh yehudi. racial godhood springs from within.
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:33:31 No. 20419
>renouncing women no homo………. .. right ???
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:34:56 No. 20420
>>20417 >Women are told they need to find the man with the money or to be the independent woman to have the fancy cars and toys and vacations too. lol no
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:36:30 No. 20421
I fergot muh flag pls fergib meh!!!!!!!!
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:37:34 No. 20422
Their bodies are so tempting tho Today I saw a Mexican slut in tight clothes with huge tits and ass. I wanted to stop in traffic and take a picture
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:39:09 No. 20423
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:40:30 No. 20424
SAGE! 02/01/15 (Sun) 04:41:06 No. 20425
>>20420 your picture is of an obvious exception. if you need loosh try doing this ritual
>>18721 also nice 420get
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:44:30 No. 20428
>>20420 Her, Ayn Rand, HP Blavastsky etc. are the exceptions that prove the rule.
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:48:34 No. 20430
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people of all races, colors, and creeds are crowded into the brightly lit auditorium. Seating room sold out within minutes. Many in the audience were greatful to get standing room admission. Slowly and without fanfare Smiley walks up from Backstage. He is shrouded in robes, notunlike those of a priest or druid, but textured with African patterns woven in to the fabric. >Good evening, we are gathered here tonight for a celebration The crowd listens intently. No one dares interrupt Smiley while he is speaking. >These electric lights, tools of the white man With a wave of his hand darkness sweeps the theatre, as though he was some sort of stand-up Dumbledore extinguishing the street lights with his deluminator. Not even the stage remains lit. >Tonight we use our tools the way Mother Nature intended when she first put people onto the great continent of Africa many thousands of years ago. A soft rhythm of Congo drum beats is heard. A flickering flame appears beside Smiley, illuminating not one but many figures on stage. Some with the same outline of robes. Some seemingly completely nude. >Come with me and cast off the shackles of the white colonial oppressor. Embrace the culture of your ancestors, give in to your tribal instincts. A few of the white patrons seem to be confused. Others are joining in. Some of the black theatre goers appear to have brought their own personal drums. The fire grows larger every second. >For too long the races of men have been separated. When they do come together they remain segregated like water and oil. Tonight this shall cease to be. Let the drumbeats be the detergent for the mixture of races. Oil and water shall be one. The rhythm gets louder, the fire brighter. Many in the audience are standing. Many are dancing. All are waiting for what Smiley has to say next. >BRING FORTH THE WHITE WOMEN. TONIGHT I PROCLAIM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL INTERRACIAL BREEDING GROUNDS
SAGE! 02/01/15 (Sun) 05:02:32 No. 20434
>>20430 dang smiley r u trying to beat le loosh demiurge at his own game with this next level shit? :^)
777/777 keks
>>20422 find a good catholic qt then slowly greenpill her and make her into your own proto-aryan wife like the post-3rd reich nazis did in south america
>>20428 >exceptions that prove the rule. the rule is that if you put women into this elaborate material playground without inner resilience they are more likely to succumb, just as any man would.
in poorer countries with decent educational programs and spiritual tradition, their women can mysteriously easily learn calculus and STEM which is why they eventually become doctors and scientists in the United States because the white "aryan" women have all but fully succumbed to the spirit jew programs like feminism contributing to the great loosh matrix.
02/01/15 (Sun) 05:03:24 No. 20436
I don't even know who is baiting who anymore, 3/10 for trying anyway.
02/01/15 (Sun) 05:07:17 No. 20438
>>20428 >Ayn Rand Fell for the most materialistic ploy ever, goy.
SAGE! 02/01/15 (Sun) 05:07:29 No. 20439
>>20428 also if you need explanation for "the rule" material prosperity is highly correlated with women from doing serious things with themselves, especially inner cultivation.
02/01/15 (Sun) 07:52:22 No. 20457
>>20438 I'm not a fan of her's. Her prose is absolutely fucking shit, I tried to read Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead just to see what she's all about and couldn't make it more than five pages.
What I'm saying is she, and the others, all had traditionally masculine qualities and pursuits.
02/01/15 (Sun) 07:54:52 No. 20459
>>20438 Also the absurdity of you thinking I'm a materialist just occurred to me when I listed HP Blavatsky, the person most responsible to bringing the Eastern traditions to the west, right next to her.
02/01/15 (Sun) 12:44:57 No. 20478
>>20417 I agree completely.
The sexualization of women from the media has a huge toll on the younger girls' heads.
I'm going to move out of America, somewhere where this isn't a big problem.
02/01/15 (Sun) 13:19:14 No. 20483
Disinformation hurts us all and it gives birth to all sort of angers. Males and females alike can feed on disinformation and become manipulated; does this mean they're inherently like that?
It's not the gender; it is the disinformation that hurts. You need both, male and female, to be whole.
In short,
>>20478 .
02/01/15 (Sun) 15:44:04 No. 20492
>>20478 The war on kids trailer: > Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society
> Mmmmm should we get started? :) Do you know who controls the porn industry?
02/01/15 (Sun) 15:44:54 No. 20493
02/01/15 (Sun) 16:48:50 No. 20505
>>20405 This is redundant with renouncing lust OP.
02/01/15 (Sun) 16:49:57 No. 20506
>>20405 >archiving racial godhood lol
Btw, how is the aryan race going to survive if you don't reproduce?
02/01/15 (Sun) 16:54:35 No. 20507
>>20416 >but thinking that they are inherently inferior to men is folly. lol no it's not, they are inherently inferior to men. What is folly is thinking they are all worthless. You guy things backwards.
02/01/15 (Sun) 16:57:45 No. 20508
>>20422 Reptilian, please.
☻ 02/01/15 (Sun) 16:59:06 No. 20509
>>20430 What the fuck man.
☻ 02/01/15 (Sun) 17:02:44 No. 20510
OP why not get an Undine/Pleiadian/etc. GF?
☻ 02/01/15 (Sun) 17:06:38 No. 20511
>>20478 Dude, that's pathetic beta shit, moving to another nation isn't going to fix your lack of personal magnetism and mastery over reality.
America is a pretty good nation to be in.
Your priority should be to live somewhere you can attain tons of loosh and be free of toxins. Then you can enable your ascent.
02/01/15 (Sun) 17:31:56 No. 20524
>>20507 They can't be, all human beings are holographs of the Creator (or The All etc). We have no inherent nature, humans are a programmable species and it just so happens that the societal programming targeted at females dumbs them down a lot more than men.
02/01/15 (Sun) 17:58:10 No. 20535
>>20524 Nah you're just a butthurt fgt, female is inferior to male. It doesn't mean we should hate the inferior anymore than we should hate lesser animals than humans.
02/01/15 (Sun) 18:03:32 No. 20537
>>20524 Just because we are programmable btw doesn't mean we don't have an inherent (inherited) nature.
02/01/15 (Sun) 18:28:57 No. 20550
>>20535 >>20537 >>20535 >thinks at least half of his species is inferior to him >calls me the butthurt faggot I'm not mad at you. It's all love, man. You can believe whatever contradictory shit and engage in as much cognitive dissonance as you want, it doesn't bother me at all–it's your life.
As far as "human nature" goes, the emerging science of epigenetics has proved quantitatively without a shadow of a doubt that "human nature" is a myth. You haven't done your research. Maybe instead of insulting me and making baseless claims you should
read some fucking books .
02/01/15 (Sun) 18:45:54 No. 20553
>>20535 >female is inferior to male Do you realize that this statement is as stupid as, let's say, "water is inferior to fire" ?
02/01/15 (Sun) 18:48:54 No. 20554
>>20550 >at least half More like 99% of it.
>You can believe whatever contradictory shit and engage in as much cognitive dissonance as you want, it doesn't bother me at all–it's your life.You are bothered as shit. There is nothing contradictory about it. Animals are inferior to man. Females are inferior to male. Deal with it fgt.
>As far as "human nature" goes, the emerging science of epigenetics has proved quantitatively without a shadow of a doubt that "human nature" is a myth. You haven't done your research. Maybe instead of insulting me and making baseless claims you should read some fucking books.
I've read several thousand books in my life. Maybe you should read them instead of just the headlines of news pieces that agree with you? Human nature is not a myth, it's fucking real. That doesn't mean human nature can't change either, human nature is not fixed, but it's still there.
>>20553 Water is inferior to fire. Deal with it fgt.
02/01/15 (Sun) 19:15:00 No. 20557
>>20554 >Water is inferior to fire. Deal with it fgt. I don't know if your condition can be called spiritual autism or spiritual illiteracy, but it's hilarious. Don't forget to stop drinking water, you don't want to be inferior ! Drink fire instead ! Thanks for the laugh.
02/01/15 (Sun) 19:26:43 No. 20559
>>20557 Fuck off egalitarian. Everything is hierarchy, everything is inferior and inferior, there is no equality bullshit. I will not call you by your "pronouns".
02/01/15 (Sun) 19:26:52 No. 20560
tfw people trying this hard to farm loosh thanks /fringe/
02/01/15 (Sun) 19:38:20 No. 20561
>>20559 inferior and superior*
02/01/15 (Sun) 19:48:05 No. 20566
Any man who talks about rejecting women wholesale is going to be met with a lot of shaming from other men calling him faggot, bitter loser, et cetera. It's really interesting, because it indicates that a huge percentage of the male population literally derives all their sense of self-worth from the approval of women, to such an extent that they can't imagine a man having any value if he's not winning the approval of women. And, of course, women themselves are not interested in men who value the approval of women over their own goals, like little boys with their mothers; women universally prefer men who don't seek approval. You can derive a lot of insight into the state of modern gender relations in the West, for instance the state of feminism, from this dynamic, I think.
☻ 02/01/15 (Sun) 19:54:30 No. 20567
>>20566 10/10 would make it into a copypasta if only your post was longer.
>tfw the goal and self-defined purpose of most men is simply to put penis into vagina>tfw men who live for a higher purpose like raising their consciousness are few in number
02/01/15 (Sun) 20:02:53 No. 20570
>>20566 I agree with it, rejecting woman is fine, but being edgy is not produtive. I for example was alone all this time because it was not worth to be with a woman that is not worth, and I will be alone until I see someone worth, and that's all.
☻ 02/01/15 (Sun) 20:17:21 No. 20573
>>20570 >edgy >not productive loosh farming and useful mental conditioning
02/01/15 (Sun) 20:40:55 No. 20578
>>20573 >being like a reptilian that needs to generate bad emotions from the mundanes to get shit done It isn't for me.
02/01/15 (Sun) 21:05:21 No. 20581
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>>20560 To farm loosh you need to induce strong lasting emotions in your target, if you make your target laugh more than a Dave Chapelle skit would or just raise a brow in contempt it can't work. Laughter dispels and deflects, indifference is useless and contempt is too weak to be exploited. I doubt that /fringe/ is the best place to do this really. Defending feminism on /r9k/ or /pol/ or lewdposting in presence of receptive users on /a/ for instance is much more efficient. But even then I doubt that it's worth the effort. 30 minutes under the sun if there aren't too much chemtrails, a few taichichuan or yoga exercises and a few fresh organic fruits and vegetables are more efficient than small scale loosh farming. Unless you're a famous singer or politician or at least give talks to some kind of public, loosh farming isn't really worth the hassle in my opinion.
If this is indeed an attempt at loosh farming, it's the weakest I've ever seen.
>>20566 True. But instead of giving coherent spiritual and personal reasons behind his statements, OP gave the classic sour grapes discourse.
The MGHOW says "given the current social and legal climate in the west, relationships with women are more trouble than they're worth, therefore I'll use my time and energy for other pursuits". He calculates the risk/reward ratio.
The herbivore or asexual doesn't say much, because there's nothing to say. He simply doesn't care.
The spiritually aware man says "I won't pursue women, but if, as unlikely as it is, I were to come across a suitable partner I would welcome her". He doesn't reject the eventuality, but it doesn't really matters to him if it happens or not.
OP said "ewww women are evil and inferior fuck'em", thereby inviting shaming, because it's a childish tantrum and not a coherent argument. Hence my comparison with water and fire. Just because all the water bodies around you are radioactive and full of shit, doesn't mean that water is inherently bad. You shouldn't drink that water, for sure, but I care about accuracy.
Not chasing women makes a lot of sense in this era, but not for the reasons that OP stated. His rage is also counterproductive and will hinder his spiritual journey until he deals with it. What you said is absolutely correct, yet dwelling on it is counterproductive.
SAGE! 02/01/15 (Sun) 21:55:11 No. 20588
>>20566 >>20567 >to such an extent that they can't imagine a man having any value if he's not winning the approval of women. >tfw the goal and self-defined purpose of most men is simply to put penis into vagina>tfw men who live for a higher purpose like raising their consciousness are few in number It's pretty disheartening to see and realize that most men are only chasing the pursuit of sex. sex is not wrong, but the mindless pursuit of it is, as with any addiction or vice. This is probably why the ancients thought it best to stop losing the seed.
When you've realized what it's like without lust clouding your mind, you don't want to go back to that mini-cycle of life-death-rebirth.
the lustful build-up to arousal, orgasm and subsequent crash only for the cycle to begin again is like the life-death-rebirth cycle on a microcosmic scale. When we break the program we start to become free.
when we consciously choose where we deposit our seed to create a new being, we form a new race. only pack animals and tiny creatures suitable as food for predators breed unconsciously out of fear of death.
Some men seriously fear being without sex or orgasm like it was death. I don't get it.
>>20581 Just highlighting this. This is important.
>The spiritually aware man says "I won't pursue women, but if, as unlikely as it is, I were to come across a suitable partner I would welcome her". He doesn't reject the eventuality, but it doesn't really matters to him if it happens or not.
02/01/15 (Sun) 22:26:37 No. 20590
This is too funny.
02/01/15 (Sun) 22:34:39 No. 20591
>>20581 >not just getting loosh from them, locking on in a trance, then siphoning more from them directly I did this to curls. He has never been the same since.
02/01/15 (Sun) 22:57:31 No. 20593
>>20553 There is a hierarchy. Women are weak. Spiritual teachers themselves say that women are virtually incapable of higher spiritual attainment. They are incapable of achieving enlightenment.
"Women are the embodiment of illusion." They are mother earth. They reign over the material world. Their moods and bodies are synced to the nature. They are more animal than men. Who are the philosophers, sages, saints, and arhats? Men. You won't see the levels of attainment men reach readily among women. This is as plain as night and day.
Women have their place, to be sure. Magic is inherent to them, though it is generally undirected. I would say, from my observations, that women are much more naturally talented in the realm of magic than men, but it is only ambient. Never directional. Natural witches.
I'm rambling. I was going to say I can't believe that even on /fringe/ we have white knight faggots who'll automatically assume that a man is a "bitter virgin" who "can't get laid" when they talk about this shit. Females are a DISTRACTION to the magician/mystic/yogi. A nuisance. It is rare, especially in the Kali Yuga, that you can find a woman actually worth your time.
Mind / Matter
Light / Dark
Sun / Moon
Masculine / Feminine
Know thyself. Come into your own manhood and lead your own self through logic.
02/01/15 (Sun) 23:29:47 No. 20607
>>20593 I hope you meet Dion Fortune in a dream and she kicks the ever living fuck out of you.
02/01/15 (Sun) 23:43:35 No. 20608
>>20607 lol not him, fuck Dion Fortune though, only 2 of her books are good (psychic self-defence and magical use of thoughtforms) but neither are indispensable.
02/02/15 (Mon) 00:30:16 No. 20621
>>20607 That was an irresponsible reaction to my post.
SAGE! 02/02/15 (Mon) 00:36:04 No. 20622
It doesn't seem like the Ultimate Being would ever create anything redundant and give the gift of self-aware consciousness to someone that would objectively be inferior in the universe. Maybe different but not worse? Balance. You know the feeling of being addicted or to be swaying to one side too heavily.
02/02/15 (Mon) 01:02:40 No. 20625
>>20622 You have to take a criterion to stabilish something as superior or inferior. Other users seem to be taking general capability of spiritual attainment, degree of animality, creativity, fidelity, and so on. Those are all valid standarts for judgement.
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:03:55 No. 20633
>>20622 Dude, I am an inferior piece of shit, and your egalitarian rhetoric isn't going to change that, and I do not wish to bring the great down to my level.
t. wizchan user, KV NEET
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:10:39 No. 20634
>>20581 >Dave Chappelle skit would or just raise a brow in contempt it can't work. Laughter dispels and deflects, indifference is useless and contempt is too weak to be exploited. "Many comics start out by trying to heal their family. That's how you get good. You're drunken grandparents leave and you turn around as a seven-year-old child and imitate them. That's how it began for me, bringing comic relief to my family." - Jim Carrey
Laughter is the best medicine!
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:23:17 No. 20636
>>20634 *your
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:28:16 No. 20638
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:40:36 No. 20640
biddi baumpedy baump>men are awesome
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:51:12 No. 20642
>>20581 I appreciate your efforts here. It shows the strength of the 'all women are evil' argument, when they respond with puerile attacks of 'fgt', 'butthurt' and 'white knight'. One day they will become aware of their own disharmony and develop themselves. Becoming absorbed in their own hatred only reflects their inner turmoil. It is a lesson we all learn in time, I just hope our fellow /fringe-goers learn it sooner rather than later.
02/02/15 (Mon) 02:58:22 No. 20644
02/02/15 (Mon) 04:17:58 No. 20666
>>20642 Women are inferior you fugging fgt. I say this as someone who loves women and does not fear rejection from them at all and who dominates them easily. Don't group me in with the beta faggots that hate women just because I realize the superiority of males to females.
02/02/15 (Mon) 04:19:24 No. 20667
>>20644 >>20666 God damn it, I just subconsciously copied the person's symbol above me again, at least I got me some fine trips too. Major synchronicities here.
02/02/15 (Mon) 04:21:08 No. 20668
>>20667 >>20666 Oh deary, someone is tapping into me right now and I'm losing my sense of a defined and coherent self, I guess I'll be back later when my mind isn't so expanded as it's getting right now because of Shane's shennanigans.
02/02/15 (Mon) 09:37:45 No. 20724
>>20412 >>20413 Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh says listening can help end the suffering of an individual, put an end to war and change the world for the better. Thich Nhat Hanh: Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening. You listen with only one purpose: to help him or her to empty his heart. Even if he says things that are full of wrong perceptions, full of bitterness, you are still capable of continuing to listen with compassion. Because you know that listening like that, you give that person a chance to suffer less. If you want to help him to correct his perception, you wait for another time. For now, you don't interrupt. You don't argue. If you do, he loses his chance. You just listen with compassion and help him to suffer less. One hour like that can bring transformation and healing.
Oprah: I love this idea of deep listening, because often when someone comes to you and wants to vent, it's so tempting to start giving advice. But if you allow the person just to let the feelings out, and then at another time come back with advice or comments, that person would experience a deeper healing. That's what you're saying.
Nhat Hanh: Yes. Deep listening helps us to recognize the existence of wrong perceptions in the other person and wrong perceptions in us. The other person has wrong perceptions about himself and about us. And we have wrong perceptions about ourselves and the other person. And that is the foundation for violence and conflict and war. The terrorists, they have the wrong perception. They believe that the other group is trying to destroy them as a religion, as a civilization. So they want to abolish us, to kill us before we can kill them. And the antiterrorist may think very much the same way—that these are terrorists and they are trying to eliminate us, so we have to eliminate them first. Both sides are motivated by fear, by anger, and by wrong perception. But wrong perceptions cannot be removed by guns and bombs. They should be removed by deep listening, compassionate listening, and loving space. "
bump 02/02/15 (Mon) 10:40:34 No. 20725
File: 1422873634641.jpg (246.33 KB, 500x409, 500:409, 1KpgOhsA7ihy8rgkmXkqungJo1….jpg )
Narrator: When people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you, instead of just …
Marla Singer: … instead of just waiting for their turn to speak?
Narrator: Yeah. Yeah.
02/02/15 (Mon) 12:32:57 No. 20728
02/02/15 (Mon) 17:24:20 No. 20736
>>20724 What a bunch of pacifist horseshit. I know for a fact there are people that want to destroy my race and who'd never just let us live in our nation alone.
02/02/15 (Mon) 17:51:33 No. 20744
>>20736 Yeah there are some real rotten apples out there who deserve rope. That is not the main point.
02/02/15 (Mon) 18:04:13 No. 20748
File: 1422900253871.jpg (347.12 KB, 1280x1573, 1280:1573, edward-munch-the-scream.jpg )
>>20736 You know. You can have internal battles and wars with in yourself and life. It doesn't always have to be so literal?
Here take this fucking stupid song and picture for example! ladi da da da faggot TA DA! Now it's fuckin art!
CORRECTION 02/02/15 (Mon) 18:30:29 No. 20751
>>20748 >stupid …it's not
I am just cranky.
02/02/15 (Mon) 18:35:48 No. 20752
>>20751 >>20748 wat.
brb, acquiring loosh
02/02/15 (Mon) 19:12:50 No. 20754
>>20724 >You listen with only one purpose: to help him or her to empty his heart. That's strange considering the excerpt from this book. I guess it's just a technique you should use in combination with others.
02/02/15 (Mon) 19:20:50 No. 20756
>>20754 Yeah no one of any gender wants to be an emotional tampon doormat. tl;dr fuck off.
02/02/15 (Mon) 19:30:15 No. 20758
02/02/15 (Mon) 19:53:43 No. 20761
>>20756 Actually, if you'd taken the time to read it, it basically gave an example of a case where by
not helping someone, you actually help them.
The story is an example of a case where acting as an emotional tampon provided the person with a way to cope with their problem thereby alleviating her desire to change it whereas by leaving the person alone, they're forced to acknowledge the problem and therefore go forth and change it.
02/02/15 (Mon) 19:54:27 No. 20763
>>20761 You dumb faggot. I was talking about the magick of friendship.
Bathroom Humor 02/02/15 (Mon) 20:46:40 No. 20771
>women don't find me irresistible and therefore are all useless and stupid You could split an atom with that edge
02/02/15 (Mon) 21:07:02 No. 20772
>>20771 Hey Faggots,
My name is Elliot, and I hate every single one of you. You girls have never been attracted to me. I'm the perfect guy, and yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men, instead of me, the supreme gentlemen. I will punish all of you for it. On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck up, blonde slut I see inside there.
I will take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one. The true alpha male (Got a BMW for my birthday; Shit was SO cash). You are animals, and I will slaughter you like animals. I'll be a god, exacting my retribution on all those who deserve it, and you do deserve it. If I had it in my power, I would stop at nothing to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood, and rightfully so. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related, it's me and my bitch
02/02/15 (Mon) 23:00:05 No. 20788
>>20772 >>20771 >tfw Elliot Rodger's parents never loved him, he was a mongrel afterthought, and his existence was pointless, trapped in that body and circumstances At least in death he has become a meme.
02/02/15 (Mon) 23:17:16 No. 20793
Therapeutic b8 thread. I took it from the start. I found out soul hurts.
02/03/15 (Tue) 00:15:00 No. 20803
02/05/15 (Thu) 12:15:24 No. 21126
Hey guys having a warm, friendly attitude towards women is for beta whiteknights. If you want respect, you should do like me and read MRA websites every day until you reek of hatred.
02/05/15 (Thu) 23:02:50 No. 21177
>>21126 Dude, I can treat women however I want, and they will respond however I want, and I can create exactly the scenarios I want; I am a wizard.
02/05/15 (Thu) 23:02:48 No. 21178
>>21126 Dude, I can treat women however I want, and they will respond however I want, and I can create exactly the scenarios I want; I am a wizard.
SAGE! 02/06/15 (Fri) 01:30:26 No. 21189
>>21126 Dude, I can treat women however I want, and they will respond however I want, and I can create exactly the scenarios I want; I am a wizard.
(just read Mind Power by Atkinson, shit was so cash)
02/06/15 (Fri) 02:15:52 No. 21193
>>21189 Can you summarize your methods?
02/06/15 (Fri) 07:26:31 No. 21217
>>21193 Reality manifestation (like montalk and Neville Goddard describe) and also the use of servitors / thoughtform attachments to seek out suitable targets for me who then basically fall under my conscious control and say and do what I want. Once they're hooked up on the target they power themselves off of the loosh of the target too so the effects of these entity attachments are very long lasting. I am so good at this that I just don't bother with mundane arguing with people, at least not in a serious manner, because I know it's the subtle influences that really get work done with changing people. I am very effective at changing people's lives without them even knowing it's happening. In fact awareness repels my manipulations.
02/06/15 (Fri) 07:31:42 No. 21218
Oh and btw, all people are just collections of thoughtforms, and the majority of people (who haven't developed conscious egohood) do not operate upon and program the thoughtforms that make their vessel and personality up. There is really no moral quandary in editing other people etherically however I want especially as I'm sick of how many plebs there are in this world so I like to create superhumans out of people. Sure you need beasts of burden to play out the background character roles that keep these societies on Earth going but it's lonely for a wizard when you're just in a sea of mundanes.
02/07/15 (Sat) 04:08:49 No. 21293
>>21217 have also encountered this.
I can tell people how I want to forcefully remove non whites from western countries and they are still drawn to me despite weakly attempting to scream racist at me.
Having high personal magnetism makes one's life so much easier.
02/07/15 (Sat) 04:13:22 No. 21295
>>21293 I remember reading in an Atkinson book that you try to visualize a field around you for high personal magnetism, is this what you find yourself using?
02/07/15 (Sat) 04:29:19 No. 21298
>>21295 Nope, don't know what caused it but I have been visualizing myself in all sorts of places from fields to forests.
It just sort of happened, never worked towards it.
02/07/15 (Sat) 04:49:43 No. 21303
Then take the cock.
05/13/15 (Wed) 00:06:52 No. 38211
Yessssss, white goyim, don't reproduce, females are evil!
05/19/15 (Tue) 04:11:46 No. 39380
Good goy!
Be a male feminist!
05/19/15 (Tue) 10:42:33 No. 39423
How can you renounce woman when you're all virgins?
It's like a blind man renouncing sight.
05/19/15 (Tue) 11:37:02 No. 39426
09/11/15 (Fri) 12:25:13 No. 53619
09/11/15 (Fri) 13:16:46 No. 53623
You should pop over to your doctor and get you a prescription for some Viagra or Cialis, nigger. It would do wonders for your anger issues.
09/11/15 (Fri) 18:56:19 No. 53629
>half the human race are degenerate monsters
get fucked you sheltered autist faggot. i black out if i hear the word misogyny but im not fucking retarded enough to believe every female on the planet has been pinned by rage-sharting faggots like you. what kind of cartoon are you living in? kill yourself
09/12/15 (Sat) 01:48:47 No. 53656
This great thread came alive on 911.
Is this what /fringe/ was like at the beginning of the year? Progressive.
I've already proven women can be easily compromised by reptilian interference through their genetics; it is truly a state of emergency.
09/12/15 (Sat) 02:59:48 No. 53659
come on now, the rantings of some crazy bitch aren't an undeniable proof that all women are fucked in the head
didi 09/12/15 (Sat) 04:10:58 No. 53661
FYI, i just spent 2 days away from internet reading and meditating.
Without a female you will never achieve universal-expansion.
male is actually a degenerate version of an androgynous humanoid which occurred something around 120-150k years ago.
Existence itself is from the triple darkness womb.
All deities where originally females prior to males.
Also if you seem to be brainwashed by jewish theology.
Please keep hating women but don't do anything physical about it - your essence will be recycled. Arrigato / Danke.
09/12/15 (Sat) 05:30:17 No. 53667
>FYI, i just spent 2 days away from internet reading and meditating.
>see image
>Without a female you will never achieve universal-expansion.
Okay, I think you mean transcending duality.
>male is actually a degenerate version of an androgynous humanoid which occurred something around 120-150k years ago.
>a degenerate version of an androgynous humanoid
then you're a degenerate by that standard and so is the female is degenerate alone, since both of them complete each other to create the non-degenerate female, right?
>an androgynous humanoid which occurred something around 120-150k years ago.
We are in magician imageboard here I was going to say "GIMMIE SOMETHING TO PROVE", but I want something to experince to prove what you are saying.Give me any magical act that prove that
> an androgynous humanoid which occurred something around 120-150k years ago.
actually existed(please, no sex magic).
>Existence itself is from the triple darkness womb.
Not necessarily, that is a little pagan think don't you think so?
>All deities where originally females prior to males.
Aesculapius,Mars,Bacchus,Priapus, and Quetzalcoatl.
and many more.
>your essence will be recycled.
really?any personal experience or witness to actually "experience" that?
I wanna try this "essence recycling"
09/12/15 (Sat) 05:43:01 No. 53670
women have little to no leadership capability. men innovate and lead STEM careers. women CAN do this also but when they do they are exercising their MALE faculties. when challenged women will never admit wrongdoing because they have no concept of honor, which is an intuitive abstraction of the male psyche.
didi 09/12/15 (Sat) 07:06:22 No. 53675
western science is watered down occultism/metaphysics.
Everything discovered or innovated in the past 600 years has been ripped off from the walls of khemet and other ancient cultures, tech and info found and kept undercover and moved to their area 51, the vatican or the pentagon, now most is stored under denver/vatican.
>then you're a degenerate by that standard and so is the female is degenerate alone, since both of them complete each other to create the non-degenerate female, right?
look up the lore of twin flames, not the new youtube bullshit.
>We are in magician imageboard here I was going to say "GIMMIE SOMETHING TO PROVE", but I want something to experince to prove what you are saying.Give me any magical act that prove that
Mitochondrial Eve
>Not necessarily, that is a little pagan think don't you think so?
pagan means foreign - also, triple dark womb is the unfathomable chaos of potential which permeates experience. Do a darkness meditation.
>All deities where originally females prior to males.
Aesculapius,Mars,Bacchus,Priapus, and Quetzalcoatl.
and many more.
get the
or any theological history book on deities and psychology of ancient cultures - all deities stem from the original aspect of the water-mother, aka the MU, goto my thread and watch the content, specially alim bey content, if you don't believe his content, go read the books he recommends or do your own diligence. Most deities are actually a form of the ancient Aphrodite / Artemis concept. Before the advent of the AB ( ab means father, AB/AT ) abrahamic - deities where mostly female in worship, one or two males of course to represent pan / horus / adonai / hanuman / yeshua,jesus (bullshit)
go watch the video with the 2 ppl fucking on my thread, sunyata saraswati - you will understand the breath/energy techniques and they correlate with the goddess worship.
>your essence will be recycled.
really?any personal experience or witness to actually "experience" that?
I wanna try this "essence recycling"
He won't reproduce or move on.
His life-force will atrophy.
Go see the yogis who renounce union, they are all without vitality or strength - weak.
Furthermore - I audaciously make the assumption that renouncing women doesn't include the porn he jacked off to.
Notice how most porn is some from of psychological or physical dominance or violence with the main focus being the female? That programs little kids like op and the woman-haters in this thread. It's not their fault really that they hate females, it's that they are weak mentally and have no intent or idea how to deal or begin to deal with their issues. This is the same shit as christians going to satanism or islam after getting tired of the christianity, moving to another means of control / behavior management religions.
Pony shit, furry shit, jesus, muhamed, buddha, etc etc, it's all religions, even memism ( yeah, it's now a thing… memes are now religion to some ).
Op should visit other countries or even leave his city once in a while, people outside his snowglobe aren't all carbon-copies of westernized psychologically damaged individuals.
Tell me, what is the difference between a female who gets trained every weekend by dudes and a dude who will put his penis in anything including a silicone cup? Nothing much really, most are the by-products of a broken western society, parents or tutelage who failed to address their own issues and convey their virulent psychological programming to their progeny / students.
All forms of disdain source from ignorance, mostly from the ego that was built up as a defensive survival-mode mechanism.
For many it all started when mom or dad said no at the super-market or the toystore to tyrant aspect.
>Posting on an occult board without knowing you're only helping occultists point out your bullshit
>If you come on fringe with the idea of spreading virulent self-depreciating content you will get shut-down and destroyed, your ego will be put in check and you will only serve to shed light on your bullshit.
Word of advice to further shitposters who do so with actual emotional+ego intents. If you don't want cognitive dissonance, don't bother posting here.
The purpose of a union with female/male depending on your gender is for introspection ultimately. Your attitude towards a gender or a race stems from a psychological hangup you have, and displaying disdain is simply advertising your own weaknesses and lack of will to address them.
09/12/15 (Sat) 07:47:33 No. 53685
>look up the lore of twin flames
please, I won't and if I did you would tell me "NO, THATS NOT THE LORE OF TWIN FLAME". give me a book,article, or anything from YOUR SOURCE so I don't clash with your reality tunnel.
>Mitochondrial Eve
Currently the battle is still raging over the history of Modern Human Origins and we still have the same two irreconcilable scientific camps:
The mitochondrial Eve data, that supports the "out-of-Africa" theory where Eve's decendents, on coming out of Africa, are seen as taking over the whole world and overcoming all the other man types with no sign of interbreeding, only 100,000 years ago.
The continuous genetic change of fossil data in many places on the globe seems to suggest to many that mankind has been advancing across the globe in a parallel multiregional evolutionary process. if Eve's descendants overtook the whole world suplanting all other peoples, there would be a break in the type of fossils seen in the field. The older fossils would not relate to the newer fossils that descend from Eve. There would be no way to explain the continuous change of fossil remains that is seen around the world, using the mitochondrial Eve data.
So, there seems to be no way for all the data to presently fit together. It is true, as "Kip" Thorne from Australian National University, mentioned: "The fossil evidence is really scrappy. There just isn't enough of it." However, it does not look like the situation will change anytime soon. Wolpoff thinks that the controversy will continue until they are all dead. Then the next generation, he says, will have to decide.
Soon after the watershed publication, some population geneticists criticised the analytical method as flawed, and also criticised some of the secondary conclusions[40] while some claimed the interpretation as dubious.[41][42][43][44] Alan Templeton asserted that the study did "not support the hypothesis of a recent African origin for all of humanity following a split between Africans and non-Africans 100,000 years ago" and also did "not support the hypothesis of a recent global replacement of humans coming out of Africa."[45] This criticism was popularised into a general conception that human mtDNA analysis and the hypothesis of recent African origin are false.[46][47]
Although the original research did have analytical limitations, DNA tests among African residents suggest the "Out of Africa" hypothesis still could be accurate.[48][49] However they should be interpreted, estimates of the age of the last common mitochondrial ancestor continue to be refined. A recent estimate (March 2013) from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology shows that Mitochondrial Eve lived about 160,000 years ago (within the reserved estimate of the original research) and also that the non-African humans were separated from Africans about 95,000 years ago.[50] In August 2013, a study led by Stanford University School of Medicine geneticists reported the age of Mitochondrial Eve to be between about 99,000 and 148,000 years, and the Y-MRCA to have lived between 120,000 and 156,000 years ago, based on genome sequencing of 69 people from 9 different populations.
>triple dark womb is the unfathomable chaos of potential
why not just say Chaos?do gods have gender to please you?
My own experince have proven to me that gods will wear the reality-tunnel that you have so they are able to communicate with you, they are forces, when you push a car do you call the force pushing the car a male or female god?
>all deities stem from the original aspect of the water-mother, aka the MU
Pan is considered an elder God who reside on the Negative veils of existence, does pan necessarily have to stem from the WATER-MOTHER?Surly the mother god seem the first because human weren't able to move only from danger and going back to the womb of the mother(bio-survival), does that mean that the other gods didn't exist?
>Most deities are actually a form of the ancient Aphrodite / Artemis concept.
>>Posting on an occult board without knowing you're only helping occultists point out your bullshit
That is actually good, when I get my bullshit pointed at me I learned to take my BS lightly and enjoy playing.
>If you come on fringe with the idea of spreading virulent self-depreciating content you will get shut-down and destroyed, your ego will be put in check and you will only serve to shed light on your bullshit.
:D ebin, I would like that and that seem like a good idea.
09/12/15 (Sat) 08:57:13 No. 53689
Only subhumans that can't attract women renounce (or in reality, justify their failure as "renouncement". See: MGTOW) them.
imbibi !RWFG129.cI 09/12/15 (Sat) 09:30:34 No. 53690
Name one esoteric or religious figure that preached casual sex.
09/12/15 (Sat) 09:58:38 No. 53695
Any Satanist cult leader that set up orgies and I'm pretty sure Crowley was known to have used his influence to fug female followers.
Then again, neither of those are good role models for a wizard imo.
09/12/15 (Sat) 11:11:53 No. 53699
Lol casual sex is shit tbh fam
!!Pl17JKGhvc SAGE! 09/12/15 (Sat) 19:23:23 No. 53757