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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.24265[Last 50 Posts]

Post all material you have on diets, nutrition, fitness, health etc. in here

What is fitness? Being fit means

>Competency in biomotor abilities (strength, endurance, power, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, coordination) in relation to needs or goals

>Muscle size, body composition, and activity level that matches needs or goals, not societal definitions or pressures
>Mobile joints & relaxed muscles
>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones
>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing
>Youthful respiratory quotient (optimal body temperature [bellow 36.8 is bad] and pulse rate [75-85])
>Efficient digestion and elimination
>Healthy heart and good circulation (strong pulse and warm extremities, tip of nose)
>Rarely experience sickness
>Excellent sleep, libido, and fertility
>Relaxed yet focused mind
>Positive outlook

Common diets include:
Peaterian (http://pastebin.com/GmsEHYqX)

Interesting nutrition and health articles


Common nutritional myths and rumors

>polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3s) are healthier for you than saturated fats

>sugary foods (such as orange juice) are bad for you/make you fat
>'complex carbs' (ie starch, pure glucose) are a superior source of energy to sugar (glucose + fructose)
>fructose is toxic to the liver
>white meat is better for you than red meat
>you need above-ground cruciferous vegetables for a healthy diet
>it's perfectly OK to eat undercooked/raw above-ground cruciferous vegetables
>margarine is healthier than butter
>salt/sodium is unhealthy, even in small amounts
>cholesterol is unhealthy and will clog your arteries, even in small amounts
>having a low resting pulse (under 75) indicates good health
>dairy is inherently unhealthy for you


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what teas would you recommend to a wizard?
i am currently drinking blueberry tea + raw cacao powder
(someone posted about it here on /fringe/)



Mushroom tea.


>nuts are bad
>butter and ice cream are good

Nuts are literally just fat and protein, the building blocks of your body.


Nuts and seeds that are low in vitamin e and high in polyunsaturated fat. Most nuts have moderate-high polyunsaturated fat content, which is bad, BUT some also have a nice vitamin e content which offsets the negative effects of the polyunsaturated fat content.



>milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, butter, ice cream, popcorn, refined wheat
sorry but this is quite difficult to take seriously



What is wrong with any of those foods? Milk, cheese, yogurt and eggs are very nutritious. Butter is fine in moderation. Popcorn is actually surprisingly nutritious. 2 scoops of ice cream or a piece of white bread never hurt anybody. Ice cream is just sugar+milk+emulsifiers.


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Good for general fitness, video tutorials for all the exercises are widely available. Combining workouts with sigilization is useful in my own practice!


Everyone's body is different so there is no master diet. People have been eating butter and bacon since way back and they were fine. We must exercise and hike mountains.


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I find any sort of activity outside helpful too! I love going on hikes in the mountains and haven't done it often enough. There are loads of magic traditions that advocate seekers entering the natural world for periods of self-reflection and such.


Well, you know, balance. Food is only a fraction. At least all can agree that processed things are poison for the soul.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>At least all can agree that processed things are poison for the soul.
Define processed.
Many foods are processed and healthy.


I'm not sure how to clarify what processed means. There is food that grows in nature. Then man meddles with it enough for it to come in conflict with a human body, which does not take much at all.


Smiley, please respond..


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This guy.


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Mint to calm, chamomile to increase etheric energy (used as a fluid condenser by Franz Bardon), green tea to accelerate the mind, any citrus / lemon to increase visual capacity.

I have like a hundred teas but those are the ones whose effects I know are useful in wizardry.


You guys know the previous thread isn't anywhere near its bump limit btw and this here is a duplicate thread as such and really should be deleted and merged into the previous thread?

Also, still waiting for the cripple to make it possible for me to edit the pictures in posts, so I can add in images back to all the threads that lost them.


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But the old one has no OP image and this has more OP info.


I intend to edit the old threads though and make them better soon as cripple adds in the edit picture function. :/


What the fug is going on in that image?



This only deepens the mystery for me. What is going on? Why are these chinks behaving so weirdly?





lel have you tried it?

From personal experience, that video is golden. I have followed that advice for a few months and not only it worked, it worked way better than any routine I've ever engaged in.

Say whatever you like, but you can't argue against results, and weather you believe it or not that guy helped me get it.

I remember it took only about two weeks following this and having a clean diet to get peopple noticing my gains.


Core strength, endurance, balance and flexibility are paramount.

Bulk building can lead to an imbalance of physical form which makes long periods of meditation and pranayama problematic.

https://www.youtube.com/user/GreenwaldTom/videos (Great series on body weight exercises)

Conditioning in heat and cold is also very useful, so extremes in weather do not phase you.

Lukewarm to cold showers are recommended by yogis as they help tame lust, clear the mind, increase blood flow, immune function and rectify skin conditions.


>what teas would you recommend to a wizard?

White tea (silver needles)with jasmine.

White tea is low fluoride, high in polyphenols, low in caffeine.

Jasmine flowers (Jasminum sambac) are very mild sedative which paradoxically increases physical and mental stamina, can be useful to assist visualization. Outside of practice, jasmine can lead to daydreaming.

The pleasant aroma from jasmine may have other applications in terms of banishing cleansing rituals (a theory haven't tried it yet).


>Mint to calm, chamomile to increase etheric energy (used as a fluid condenser by Franz Bardon), green tea to accelerate the mind, any citrus / lemon to increase visual capacity.

Chamomile is great, especially when feeling burnt-out. Citrus restores adrenal function as well, lemon is best since it is potent but lacks the sugars.

Avoid buying lemon juice as it tends to contain sulphide preserves, fresh squeezed lemon is always best.


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>not following an iron pill diet
Stay mundane


>beef, cola, coffee, garlic, onion

Explain yourself you lunatic


That is justified that stupid RayPeat diet again.


Grass-fed beef is a good source of many nutrients+protein, take it with gelatin to balance out amino acid ratios. Coca-cola is a good source of calories+coca extracts have some antioxidant effects, only good when you need energy and have already met needs for vitamins+minerals. Coffee stimulates the uptake (inactivation or storage) of serotonin, increases metabolic energy, and tends to improve mood. Garlic&onion can be harmful, depends on the person.


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I'm definitely not going down that road


raytard is more like it


Nice dubs. No way I'm going to eat the shit that ( >>25885 ) mentions or ice cream and chocolate. Also I am not giving up my nuts and seeds.


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>tfw did all my core exercises and walking today before my daily prayer.


the guy also eats pork
absolutely haram for all /fringe/ wizards


>white rice
>white rice
>white rice

I'll take being a 'mundie' thx


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No I don't
Chocolate is just sugar+milk+cocoa butter+cocoa mass+soya lecithin and milk is sugar+milk+emulsifiers.
If you eat fruit (which has sugar) and milk then not eating chocolate or ice cream because of "MUH SUGAR", "MUH MILK", makes no sense.
Whole grain shill plz go


>cocoa butter
>cocoa (anything)
>soya (anything)

No fucking way I want to consume any of this.

>If you eat fruit (which has sugar) and milk then not eating chocolate or ice cream because of "MUH SUGAR", "MUH MILK", makes no sense.

The sugar in fruit is different, chocolate is fucking disgusting, and so is milk.

Your diet is terrible.


The soya and emulsifiers are harmful but I doubt they do much in such small amounts.

>The sugar in fruit is different

No it isn't.
>chocolate is fucking disgusting, and so is milk.
Sorry you bad taste.


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>fish oil is good for you

>polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3s) are healthier for you than saturated fats
>saturated fats, rather than polyunsaturated fats, clog your arteries
>sugary foods (such as orange juice) are bad for you/make you fat
>fatty fish should be eaten often rather than sparingly/never
>'complex carbs' (ie starch, pure glucose) is a superior source of energy than sugar (glucose + fructose)
>fructose is toxic to the liver
>whole grains are healthy
>beans and legumes are as good of a source of protein as meat and should be eaten often
>white meat is better for you than red meat
>beef is inherently bad for you
>you need above-ground cruciferous vegetables for a healthy diet
>it's perfectly OK to eat undercooked/raw above-ground cruciferous vegetables
>there is nothing wrong with eating soy
>practically speaking, worrying about the # of calories you eat is more important than the quality of your food in regards to fat loss
>grains are a healthier source of carbs than orange juice
>avocado is a healthy fruit and should be eaten a lot
>margarine is healthier/less toxic than butter
>chocolate is a junk food
>caffeine is bad for you
>tobacco/nicotine is inherently bad for you
>carbs are not an essential macronutrient
>salt/sodium is bad for you
>cholesterol is bad for you and will clog your arteries
>you can avoid eating meat and still have a healthy, well-balanced diet
>having a low resting pulse (under 75) indicates good health
>you're generally better off taking a multivitamin that you can buy at the grocery store than not taking one
>canola oil is a good fat to cook with
>dairy is inherently bad for you

if you believe any of these lies you're a retard and should be banned from giving nutritional advice


I'm literally allergic to all legumes including soya so fuck no, I sure as fuck ain't consuming it.

>No it isn't.

Yes it is.

>Sorry you bad taste.

Fuck off cuckold! Chocolate is for nigger lovers!


It's just fucking sucrose+glucose. It's no different.



The fuck is wrong chocolate or cacao?
It's an incredibly powerful antioxidant and has been used ritually for millennia.

And how is fruit sugar different than any other sugar? afaik, that's a misconception.


fructose*, not sucrose.


where do you fucking retards come from


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Official best fruits+veg, top is the best, lowest is the worst.

Highlighted blues ones are extra-good.


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are you shitting, are you fucking shitting? because it smells awful what you're posting.

carrots top tier? fucking hybrid starch sugar.
Avocados bottom tier? fucking end your existence.

and where in your fucking stupid shit head did you ever fucking believe a fucking cranberry ( which is impossible to fucking eat ) is better than a mother fucking dragon fruit or a fucking kiwi? A FIGUE NIGGA? FUCK YOU



OPTIMAL DIET IS DR. SEBI METHOD with https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDE2C4814014E7C8B INFO ADDED - OF COURSE FILTER MUNDANITUDES.


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I needed to load up on some energy this morning, about to head off for a 5-6 hour solitary hike into the woods and up into some foothills.

- Eggs Benedict with free run eggs, smoked-salmon & avocado on whole grain English muffins. Made my own Hollandaise sauce with fresh squeezed organic lemon juice, egg yolk and butter.
- Potatoes, mushrooms and a tomato pan-fried in virgin olive oil.
- Home cooked beans (I slow cooked them myself over Friday night/Saturday morning and have enough for the next few days).
- Topped with fresh parsley.

Plus, I'm bringing myself a few apples for the trail.


looks great
i would personally switch the whole grain muffins with sourdough bread


my nigga my nigga

I remember hearing that hiking is proven to improve mental health as well. Whereas walking in a mall actually hampers mental health.

mind explaining some?

I think most people are equating chocolate/cacao with over sweetened candy chocolates.

Anyone got any recommendations (diet, or preferably exercises) for improving joint health?
My knee has been feeling weird lately.


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>buy cheese pizza because i cannot currently afford anything else
>ingredients: soybean oil


>Yes, soybean oil can be considered a healthy oil

montalk wrote
>I don’t eat soy because of the estrogen mimickers it contains, beans contain too many indigestible substances that upset my digestive system, and I can’t handle lots of carbs either.


This shit fucking pisses me off too because I'm allergic to legumes. They put fucking soybean oil in fucking EVERYTHING with impunity. Even stuff that has no business at all having any soybean oil in it, for some fucking reason, they add it.


Avocados are loaded with polyunsatuarated
Gelatin, stretches


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Your postings reveal your inner word realm

Because of that place u gotta eat the lil Caesar 5$box like all the fat ass beaners , while I eat large papa John's supremes with side orders of chicken with honey mustard sauce

-anime character flag guy


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Updated the image for ya boys.


This is such a shitty image. Who keeps making these blatant bait diet guides?

Low-fat milk, Coca-cola, coffee, ice-cream, milk chocolate, greek yoghurt, hard cheese, white rice, popcorn, no fatty fish, no poultry, jerky, dried fruits, watermelon and some others whose name in english i don't recall.

Don't forget, that someone, somewhere will always say that bad stuff is benefical for whatever reason. Better to look at what it does to your body and then judge. Soy's estrogen mimickers are a real problem, though.


It's a shill trying to send you down the path of pain and suffering.


Also, he's posting the same images on the >>>/ck/ board, trying to trick people.



Some of it I guess is a legit post, but fuck.



Its a nice diet to follow, but even the most mildly cooked beef and other shit has animal fat which contains pollutants which will harm your loosh. Its best to stick to a paleo and/or frutarian diet, excluding pork/cow/lamb. Get wild game if you can, and parasite cleane OFTEN.


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About 2 months ago I started getting more sugar in my diet. Let me specify what I mean by high-sugar: I drink about a liter of orange juice a day, a few tablespoons of honey, a few pieces of chocolate, few scoops of ice cream, maybe a soft drink and a coffee with sugar, multiple pieces of fruit. I'm getting around 200g sugar a day

Of course I still reach RDIs for vitamins+mineral, I don't just eat sugary stuff. 100-200g of lamb or beef, 2 eggs, milk, greek yogurt, cheese, oysters, popcorn, spinach, etc

Anyways, I feel pretty good. There is this lingering worry that taking doing something like this with my diet could be dangerous. Are there any possible negative side-effects of such a change in diet?


Feel free to explain why all of these are bad, because they're not.


you're feeding cancer cells.




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Based as fuck nuts and seeds and berries coming through.


>all these pizzas that this guy ate


i bought REAL maple syrup today, it tastes great
totally worth the price


by existing you're feeding cancer cells, kill yourself


Oh my god.. Smiley! you're eating the exact same nuts, berries, and seeds as I am!!



Can the guy posting the Ray Peat stuff give an example of what he eats in a day? Thanks.


It feels so nice to eat living foods. Every day, there's less and less craving to eat at all.

Looks wonderful.

I read an interesting book recently called Raw Food Controversies. The author brought up a point about how a lot of raw foodists made unhealthy decisions because they believed raw food was completely safe. He described people who gorged themselves on fats, and added oils, nuts, seeds, and avocado to almost everything they ate to enhance the flavor. It reminded me of myself when I would eat half a kilogram of raw cashews in one sitting and then paid the price through immense pain in my chest/stomach for the ensuing hours.

Fruit seems to me like the most pure food. It's very easy on the body and doesn't have addictive qualities. I'm only concerned about potential tooth damage that seems to be associated with high intake. That part I'm still researching. My hunch is that people eat way too much in general. I find that I'm never actually hungry. The two things that coerce me into putting food into my body are stress and social pressure.


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This basically + in season fruits



Sugar sourced from fruit is different to processed sugar because the sugar from fruit is locked up in fruit fiber. Also the enzyme action in ripened fruit plays a part in making it nutrition instead of a toxin.

Processed sugar hits your bloodstream like a sledge hammer on consumption in comparison to fruit sugars which are released gradually over digestion due to being locked up in fibre.

I believe part of your misconception is born out of food ratings systems like the 'glycemic index' or 'GI' which looks at compositional percentage which places fruit comparatively high (I think 70ies vs 100 which is white bread). A better index is 'glycemic load' which refers to how quickly the sugars can act on the body which fruit performs much better in.

Another argument for fruit sugar being different would be instinctively man in a state of nature would sooner reach for a mango than setup an industrial chemical process to extract sugar from a tasty stick, a root or some corn.



>Of course I still reach RDIs for vitamins+mineral

Putting nutriment in your mouth and swallowing is completely different to assimilating nutriments.

You are constantly taxing your body of nutriments with the indisputably toxic processed sugar. You will probably find even if your weight doesn't change that your blood work will reflect malnutrition.

Though you cannot count your fruit intake in the same category as processed sugar.

>Are there any possible negative side-effects

Every disease known to man


>Sugar sourced from fruit is different to processed sugar because the sugar from fruit is locked up in fruit fiber.
Fruits don't have that much fiber really and you're exaggerating the effect of fiber.

Fruits and fruit juices help modulate blood sugar and calm down the adrenal glands.
>indisputably toxic processed sugar
robert lustig plz go
>blood work will reflect malnutrition
My blood test shows normal results



Concerning tooth damage from high fruit intake. A lot of fruit is acid and when you eat it the outer most layer of your tooth enamel is dissolved. This may sound like a negative but it also means your mouth was just completely cleaned. If you are healthy and don't eat again until you are actually hungry you would of regenerated the lost layer.

Damage will occur if you are constantly eating (which is unhealthy and very taxing) or if we brush our teeth after eating which adds insult to injury by scraping another layer of tooth off. Brushing teeth after eating fruit is also completely redundant due to the natural cleansing effect of the acid in fruit.


Yup, sugar isn't really a problem with teeth unless you're covering you teeth with sugar constantly. If you're worried, drink sugary stuff with a straw and eat fruit quickly lol


Hm, but what if it's sticky food, like dried figs? Or nuts/seeds, which are acidic too and get stuck in teeth? If brushing would just scrape the acid into the enamel even more, maybe mouthwash is a better idea for those times? Or at least just water so that most of the little bits of food don't rot in between the teeth?

I read about neem today, apparently it's a plant that people use in India to maintain good oral health. Neem mouthwash is a thing but it seems to be sold as one of those expensive health items…


This is why I drink most of my food lol. From milk+orange juice. If you want to make nuts+seeds easier on the teeth+digestion you can soak them. my fav seeds+nuts are macadamia, almond and sunflower.


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Not sure about its efficacy for getting rid of acid fruit residue, but in terms of excess sugar, oil pulling is a sound technique to scrub the inside of the mouth and teeth of bacteria.

An anti-bacterial oil like unrefined coconut oil being ideal.

Demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJciYPRiHgQ


>Fruits don't have that much fibre really and you're exaggerating the effect of fibre.

Fibre is detrimental for keeping food. So there is an economic motive in processed foods having none of it.

Even though it looks like fruit has little 'dietary fibre' on paper we are forgetting it was a natural process which composed the fruit. This places the sugar in a multitude of cells each with their own little walls (fibre) for your stomach to penetrate before the food can be assimilated.

I believe this considerably slows the sugar down. Also fruit tastes best when it is completely ripe, meaning the enzymes processing the sugar in the fruit are at the right stage to help with digestion.
>robert lustig plz go

I don't know who this is.

Try taking a step back from 'nutritionist' personalities and look at multiple sources then do some value judgements. I get the impression that you have reason to believe this individual is an idiot and hence all his ideas should be ignored, but this is throwing the baby out with the bath water. Another mistake that may have led to this could be you have only been given poor reasons with faulty logic to argue a case which you have taken as meaning there are no other ways a case can be made.


>My blood test shows normal results
Normal compared to what? Perfection?
You will find that normal is based on an average, i.e. people who eat whatever was sold to them and can actually get sick! How very democratic.
The only standard worth judging against is perfection, why set your sights any lower?


You recommend drinking through a straw to avoid harming the teeth. This is another misconception about eating is taught practically nowhere. We need to remember as a principle that digestion starts in the mouth.

When a food hits your tongue your body start creating the necessary environment in the stomach to digest this particular food. The next stage is saliva being released and chewed into the food for a good while before you swallow and digestive tract takes over.

Without the saliva and chewing step you simply cannot do a good job of assimilating the nutrition in food.

This is why mothers should chew their baby’s food first themselves before feeding it. You can observe many animals in nature with their instincts still present pre-processing food for their young who are not capable of starting the digestive process yet (think birds regurgitation).

>Hm, but what if it's sticky food, like dried figs?
Dried fruit is not an ideal food since you have removed all the tree filtered water (read: perfect water) from it. You have to rehydrate the fig for it to move through your digestive tract so it is really a net loss in water eating it. Now you might think ‘simple fix, I’ll have a glass of water ‘ to a degree this will work but your body only assimilates water so quickly and it much prefers to do so through digesting an actual fig. I know this isn’t always convenient but the reason it might bother your mouth is because it isn’t a perfect food. If you still want to eat them (which isn’t a terrible choice) then just pick it out with your finger.
>Neem mouthwash
I’m going to take a wild guess. If it makes your mouth feel clean then it has probably just killed everything in it, lifted a layer of enamel and is an inferior replication of just eating some fruit.

No doubt you cannot swallow it because its toxic, so why put it in your mouth where it is going to get into your bloodstream?
It is simply another crouch for an imperfect diet.


Dried fruit isn't ideal, but it's just there for the transition phase, I'll eventually phase it out too. For now, soaking is probably the best tool I have.

>No doubt you cannot swallow it because its toxic, so why put it in your mouth where it is going to get into your bloodstream?

Reading more about neem, it looks like it's a naturally occurring pesticide, so probably not the best idea. Shrug shrug


Healthy results, within the recommended range.


What software are you using? This looks much, much better than the app Fitness Pal that I've been using.




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drunk 1l of milk today


I believe we could consider the relationship of sexuality to physiological, psychological and spiritual well-being, though I am unavailable to offer anything to such consideration, at this present moment at least.

I wish to invite people to reconsider their attitudes to their sexuality lest they have some unresolved problems with that part of themselves.


Ah, it is difficult to select the flag now, yo.


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Sexuality = who you want to fuck
Only right way to have sex in third density = mystical penor in vagoo
Man having sex with man = astral ghoul

Discovering your sexuality/reconsider attitudes on sexuality = masturbating (wasted energy, susceptible to demons and succubi) / having sex with men (ASTRAL GHOUL NIGGA).

It's very simple, why can't fags understand, I know it makes you butthurt, but that's the way it is, can't complain to me.

On the plus side, you can fix your degenerate fetish through the astral, but that takes some atkinsonology beforehand.


>no pork


shalom goy


Did you delete your image? Janitors are only supposed to spoiler pornography not delete it…


Don't worry, I deleted it myself.


Shalom iehudi.


God dammit this thread is filled with controversy and stinks of bullshit. Is there no one who can clue me in on a definitive guideline diet that will absolutely maximise loosh gainz?

I struggle to believe a good diet consists of comfort foods like ice cream and chocolate. And fucking coke? What in the fuck? Fuck off.

I already feel spoilt knowing grapes (my favourite fruit) are one of the very best but now people are saying icecream (my favourite comfort food) is also good for you??

Surely these people are trolling.

Help a neophyte out.



Eat hemp seed. Best nutrition you can get from a single food, has near all the essentials and is good for loosh as hemp is a holy plant gifted to us by aliens. (only half joking at the end there, there's a reasonable theory behind it seeing as its the most versatile plant around and has played a major role throughout the majority of human history, if you wanted to start a planet of civilized people and you could gift them one plant, it would be hemp for its many many uses.)



Also get the salted hemp seeds, they taste best. Or plain and add salt.


well there is not an specific perfect diet to fit every individual out there, everyone who says they have the holy grail to diet is lying.

But there are some basic guidelines you can follow, like, anything which is processed is bad for you.

Depending on your body type and your ancestors genes you might have to follow a more fruit and vegetable based diet, there are plenty of information on raw eating on youtube already, but the basics are eat fruit and vegetables, then eat a few oily food like olive oil or nuts and seeds. Or depending also on your body type and ancestors you might have to eat a more fat/protein based diet, eating mostly things like red meat and such, since my body is the first type I have never searched for this very much but I figure things like the keto diet might be useful.

The most important thing will always be eating clean natural food (yes green pillers, meat is natural food and depending on your body type it is what you should eat)




Here is some really fucking good advice on diet.

Eat like you are living in the 1900s or earlier. Look at any exceptionally long-lived ancestors of yours that lived, in very good health, for a very long time and emulate them.

How much fruits, nuts, vegetables, seeds, mushrooms, meats, dairy, etc. you need to consume and in what proportions your body will tell you.

Just don't eat corrupted foods.

…and ignore that RayPeat faggot.


God fucking damn it fuck this extended options thing.

muh flag



So are you saying as long as I stay away from processed shit I should listen to my cravings?

Are there any unprocessed foods that you would say are an absolute no go?


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Chocolate is just sugar+milk+cocoa butter+cocoa mass+soya lecithin and milk is sugar+milk+emulsifiers.
If you eat fruit (which has sugar) and milk then not eating chocolate or ice cream because of "MUH SUGAR", "MUH MILK", makes no sense.

GOBA GOLA is just sugar+flavoring+color+coca extracts, same logic applies.

Sugar is sugar. Milk is milk.


I never experience cravings. There are a series of meditations you should do to escape the maya of food.

Meditation 1: Learn to make bland food taste great by the imagination.
Meditation 2: Learn to perceive good tasting food as tasting terrible.
Meditation 3: Inverse of Meditation 2.
Meditation 4: Learn overcome the illusion of hunger, fast for a long time, with no desire whatsoever to eat.
Meditation 5: Eat as much food as you can with no desire to eat.
Meditation 6: Cultivate intense desire for a food item.
Meditation 7: Diffuse that desire again so it becomes nothing.
Meditation 8: Create astral thoughtforms of food and eat them, doing your best to make the thoughtform as substantial as possible, so you can smell and taste and feel them.

Then you should be able to eat food without the distortions caused by the thoughtforms you have giving you "cravings" and can pay more attention instead to how the food actually effects you.

Even just the experience of prolonged fasting for awhile usually is enough to teach many people the difference between there habituated hunger versus real hunger.

See also: Hatha Yoga by William Walker Atkinson


Yeah and "salt is salt" right? No difference at all between sea salts and rock salts and table salt? Nevermind that fish in an aquarium with table salt DIE while fish in an aquarium with sea salt or rock salt live and thrive. Nevermind that if you hook up a saline solution to a patient, it needs to be sea salt such as Celtic Sea Salt, and if it's just the table salt (which is pure sodium chloride sometimes with iodine) you will end up killing the patient.

Sodium Chloride or Sodium Chloride + Iodine = shit. The other salts (sea salt / rocksalt) have a ton more to them and don't harm the body.
Post last edited at


>fish in an aquarium with table salt DIE while fish in an aquarium with table salt live and thrive
u wot m8


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No, there is a difference between the sugar found in fruit as a whole food, and processed sugar.


Yes, fruit has a minimal amount of fiber with the sugar.


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In the past we got phytoestrogen's from foods like flax, soy, tofu, sesame and that was pretty much the only source. But now we have estrogenic compounds in plastics, even the ones considered BPA-free contain chemicals that act as estrogen within the body.

If estrogens in plastics weren't enough estrogens for you already, seed oils which are extremely high in polyunsaturated fat are now being consumed in larger quantities more often than ever before in history. Production, exportation, importation, consumption and use of seed oils continues to grow and shows no signs of stopping. The accumulation of polyunsaturated oils, in tissues promotes the action of estrogen in a variety of ways, and this effect of high amounts of polyunsaturated fat+estrogen tends to be cumulative, and to be self-accelerating. BY FAR the biggest source of polyunsaturated in the human diet is seed oils.

The estrogen-promoting actions of seed oils apply to all of the commonly used polyunsaturated fatty fats. They suppress thyroid function and have estrogenic effects.

Alcoholic drinks are estrogenic.

Alcoholic beverage congeners exerted estrogenic effects both in an experimental animal model and in post-menopausal women.

The estrogenic effects of alcoholic beverage congeners were detectable using a variety of estrogenic markers, including the pituitary hormones LH (in OVEX rats and postmeno-pausal women), FSH, and prolactin (in postmenopausal women); uterus weight (in OVEX rats); and the estrogen-responsive liver proteins HDL cholesterol and SHBG (in postmenopausal women)


So today, we've got phytoestrogens in food, estrogenic compounds in plastics and then we've got high-polyunsaturated oils all together causing men to have higher estrogen and lower testosterone than any other time in history.


So what can you do?

The avoidance of stress is the basic principle for preventing the development of the estrogen dominant state. Progesterone is the natural counterpart to estrogen but it is also the hormonal precursor to your stress hormones, such as cortisol. When you are stressed your body makes cortisol to help combat the effects of stress. Progesterone is the precursor molecule to cortisol, therefore an increase need for cortisol leads to a decline of progesterone. A lack of progesterone can then allow estrogen to ‘dominant’.

In conclusion: avoid stress, stop eating high phytoestrogen foods (soy, flax, tofu), stop eating seed oils (corn, soy, canola, peanut, vegetable, grapeseed, rice bran etc. olive and coconut are fine), stop eating fast food, stop cooking foods in non-food safe plastic, stoop drinking from plastic water bottles, stop drinking alcohol

And if you want to increase estrogen and lower test well… do the opposite and lead the way to an early grave.


I can vouch for fasting. It showed me that I only ever ate food as a distraction. It was quite scary to witness how empty my life seemed without food, actually. Right now, it seems to be a reaction to stress. I haven't actually been hungry since the fast (quite a while ago). Actually, I don't think I was hungry even then. Just desperate for a fix like a common addict. The only thing was that my body got ridiculously weak. By day four, getting out of bed took effort.

Smiley, how long did it take you to get through food attachment? Or were you always that way?


Is rubbing sesame seed oil into by skin okay?

I've found testicle massages (5min+) to be quite effective for raising testosterone. This + 2 cups of warm milk with honey + no ejaculating = semen on a hundred, thousand… trillion!


Hemp oil is also safe. I started using it when I found out that it has no pore-clogging effects and has seemed to helped me with my acne.

I've cut out using oils on all foods (salt too). Unsurprisingly, most of the cooked food I was eating tasted quite bland without pouring oils all over it.


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Prepare to be mad jelly. I just need to see a doctor and get my problem with actually being able to absorb the nutrition from food fixed and I'm going to make some mad GAINS here.


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These Ravioli cans have 1k calories in them each btw.


I fixed it. Read the new fixed up version.


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I have been for awhile trying to convince my mom to get glass containers to store all food in.

I also want them to get some kind of alternative to plastic bags for freezing fruits; but what? What can you put VERY LARGE quantities of fruits in and freeze them? (Note: we have 3 freezers).

I only drink water out of glass bottles. I have 4 glass water bottles (pic related). Two of them costed I think $15.00 each and are shatter-resistant and have the rubber thing on the outside and a glass top. My dad actually bought them on sale.

The other two costed only $3.00 each and came with water already in them but the tops are not glass and they probably aren't specially shatter resistant. They're bigger though and from Norway.

I really like my glass water bottles. I'm not sure if it's wise of me to continue using the ones that were meant to be throw-away bottles though? I have no idea if that glass is absolutely perfect and will last me a lifetime or if it's going to leach some heavy metals into the water in a years time or something. I noticed there was an expiration date on the water of 1 year for some reason. Maybe that has to do with the non-glass tops on these things though? Maybe that component will not last? I do not know. What do you think? Are my $3.00 glass water bottles perfect for the rest of my life or will they one day have to be replaced?


>corn, soy, canola, peanut, vegetable, grapeseed

Fug. I have lots of canola and vegetable and (sunflower?) oil. Is anything wrong with sunflower oil according to you?

Btw, your picture there; I have absolutely none of those problems except I used to have problems with memory and obviously I am depressed. Also I guess you could accuse me of reduced libido but the thing is I get easily aroused I just ignore boners.


I've always been this way. I've never loved food or had any attachment to it. I don't even know what that's really like. Food is just an annoying thing I have to eat in order to live when I'd rather never have to eat.

There was a while before when I would just drink olive oil by itself. Now I constantly try to combine foods though as it seems my body functions better when I don't just load it up with a ton of one thing but instead balance everything with a ton of variety.

I don't find salt or oils change foods taste much at all really.

I don't think my sense of taste is anything more than a cultivated mentality though. If I want some food to taste good, it will taste good. If I deem a certain food bad, it will taste bad. I do recall one exception though (the time an entity calling itself Satan visited me and talked about his witch gang in British Columbia) when I ate something exceedingly horrible though and my efforts to force myself to imagine it tasting good were much too exhausting of my loosh supply and I couldn't really do it very well.

I think in India those Aghoris eating rotting corpses must be doing something like I do to make it taste good. Either that or maybe rotting human corpses don't actually taste bad by default… or maybe they're adding spices to their rotten human corpse meat. In Autiobiography of a Yogi, there is one yogi described in the book, who could make anything smell like anything he wanted it to and I think there was another one that could do the same for changing the taste of anything; what is really exceptional about this is he could make the taste of food change in such a way that even other people given that food would taste the new flavour he'd imbue upon it.


Glass or a metal should be fine, low quality stuff… could? have some problems? Dunno.

I don't know what alternative you could use for freezing fruits, I don't think they're that big of a problem though.
Sunflower oil is high polyunsaturated fat and should be avoided too.
Stick to butter, coconut, olive and beef tallow.


Metal is NOT fine.

Glass is SUPPOSED TO BE OK however I've heard of for example crystal leaching lead into whatever is stored in it.

I trust my $15.00 glass water bottles to last me for life.

I am not so sure I should trust my $3.00 ones.

>I don't know what alternative you could use for freezing fruits, I don't think they're that big of a problem though.

Maybe there's like some kind of freezer baskets that large quantities of fruits can be put into before they go into the refrigerator to be frozen?

Is it know btw whether or not activated carbon is capable of adsorbing the bad shit that is in plastic? Would putting some activated carbon in the freezer and fridge absorb it?

>Sunflower oil is high polyunsaturated fat and should be avoided too.

Why is polyunsaturated fat so bad according to you and is there nothing it can't be combined with to balance it out and make it healthy for you again?

>Stick to butter, coconut, olive and beef tallow.

Does pork lard and all other animal based fats get your approval to?

Also, you're not that RayPeat guy are you? 'cause I don't trust his dietary advice.


Plants produce polyunsaturated fats for protection, not only to store energy for the germination of the seed. To defend the seeds from the animals that would eat them, the oils block the digestive enzymes in the animals' stomachs.

Seeds are designed to germinate in early spring, so their energy stores must be accessible when the temperatures are cool, and they normally don't have to remain viable through the hot summer months. Unsaturated oils are liquid when they are cold, and this is necessary for any organism that lives at low temperatures. For example, fish in cold water would be stiff if they contained saturated fats. These oils easily get rancid (spontaneously oxidizing) when they are warm and exposed to oxygen.

>Does pork lard and all other animal based fats get your approval to?

beef and lamb are best, pork and poultry are more mixed between saturated/unsaturated


oh and important note

Well, no, it's not the seed oils themselves, it's the products they breakdown to:

PUFA Breakdown Products - acrolein, malondialdehyde, hydroxynonenal, crotonaldehyde, lipid peroxides, isoprostanes, prostaglandins, neuroprostanes, eicosanoids, leukotrienes.


>To defend the seeds from the animals that would eat them, the oils block the digestive enzymes in the animals' stomachs.

How do squirrels and many other mammals that eat tons of nuts and seeds get around this?

Do you approve of my nuts and seeds here: /fringe/src/1426373432476-0.jpg ?

Also how fast do you think I should eat all my nuts and seeds there? They are just stored in a cupboard at room temperature.


Hibernating rodents can stay alive with their body tissues close to the freezing point, and their stored fats have to be unsaturated. When their diet doesn't allow them to store enough polyunsaturated fat, they fail to go into hibernation.

I can't tell what all these nuts are.

These nuts and seeds are the best: almonds, sunflower seeds and macadamia, all raw.

The vitamin e content reduces the harmful effects of the polyunsaturated fat, macadamias have very little polyunsaturated fat.


I've stopped consuming almonds because their modern production all depends on bees, and bees are in really bad shape atm. The practices aren't too humane either. Honey, bee pollen, and all other products at their expense for the same reason.


I refrigerate everything possible. It may corrupt the food vibration somewhat but you can store nuts/seeds for months there(freezer).
I'm vegan and have thsi guidelines: don't eat out of plastic(or at least don't put acidic/hot things), prefer fresh/organic/fresh frozen over everything else(boiled over fried,etc).
I eat foods so that they balance each other, neutralize acid/base, and stop eating before being full. Eating tons of sugary fruits/juice is bad and needs to be counter balanced by water and bland vegetables such as cucumber;


What do you guys use for toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, bug protection, soap, etc???


No toothpaste, water or salt solution.
No shampoo.
No conditioner.
No shaving cream,just water.
No soap.
I don't shower/bath much, i treat it as grounding/cleansing ritual that depletes your energy stores. Same with drinking too much water.


To optimally absorb food energy, you need to separate food you eat, eating each type in sequence with small delays. Mixing food will scramble its energy,in most cases lowering its potential.
Try it as experiment.
Make a salad. Make bowls of same ingredients separately.
1.eat salad, and evaluate how how much energy you absorb.
2.eat the ingredients separately,noting their flavor and energy content.


How many months can I store my nuts and seeds at room temperature? Also should I maybe just store them in the cellar instead where it's at least cooler but not freezing? They are all out of shell already anyways…

Squirrels do not hibernate they just eat nuts all winter long.

Why would you do that? If you lived near here, you could talk to the actual beekeepers who are doing everything they can to help bees, and buy honey from them so you get really good quality honey and help them in their campaign to save bees.

Also, practically all food depends on bees.

I usually just brush my teeth with water but I also have two other options which are:

1. Fluoride-free toothpaste I got from an European/Polish food store.
2. A tablet of activated carbon (unfortunately, I can't seem to break such a tablet in my mouth and clean out my mouth, without the activated carbon also going down my throat despite me not swallowing it…)

So normally I just brush with water, every once in awhile I use the toothpaste, and every rare once in awhile still I go the extra distance by using activated carbon.

Shampoo and conditioner are bad. I have one bottle of baby shampoo that I rarely use but practically never. Once in a rare while I also use someone else's conditioner in the house. I only ever do this when my hair is really fucked up for some reason.

Shaving cream? I don't ever shave.

Bug protection? Wear long-sleeved pants, thick socks, long-sleeved shirts, turtleneck, gloves, etc. let no actual part of the surface of your body be accessible to bugs. I don't typically cover my face but if you want you can get a mosquito net for that too. Moving around a lot and also going into big open fields that wind blows through is also a big part of how I avoid bugs biting me.

Soap? I used to have a bar of soap that was just soap like it used to be made in the 1900s without other crap. I rarely use soap, only when it's really necessary. I would just use dishwashing soap to remove a ton of oils that you might have got on you such as from touching greasy meat.

Anon, you should take a look at the size of shampoos/conditioners/soaps/etc. back in the 1800s and get an idea of how often they were used back then as compared to today. Also look at what dermatologists recommend (only once a month shampoo). People are overusing these cleaning products a fuckload and actually damaging their skin and causing problems for themselves.

Also, you really don't want to have your soaps and shampoos and stuff in plastic… should be in glass.

My one tube of toothpaste I think I may have had for a year or two now and it's only like half-done. All this stuff should last you a really long time if you use it only as a last resort when it's actually needed.

That would not be efficient enough for me if you are actually suggesting something like eating one type of salad leaf at a time.


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I just consumed St. John's Wort Tea for the first time in my life and I've never had this herb before, it's like my whole emotional climate has been shifted, and a sort of calm sense of wellbeing is radiating over me; not euphoria with its excesses and lack of permanence but a subtle shift where I no longer feel through a sort of melancholy filter that taints my every thought and perception.


A tablespoon of honey takes a ridiculous amount of effort to create. I feel much too guilty consuming it. Especially because it was stolen.

And you're right, singling out almonds is kind of silly. It's just that there is a lot of attention on them since half the bees in the States are bred for the pollination of this one crop. Top exporters in the world.

And it's not all food! Some plants are pollinated by wind and some by different insects.


Fuck that man, do you not realize what a potent source of etheric energy honey is? It's right up there with blood and (raw) milk and nectar. It's really damned good at powering you up. I ain't ever gonna give up honey until I achieve Inedia.

Note on this: I place it all down to the placebo effect / the power of suggestion, I felt like absolute fucking shit the rest of the day after that while being around mundanes, and engaged in a lot of suicidal ideation.


Dre… stop


Uhm… I'd say a few months before they start tasting a bit funny and the fast oxidizing.
>A tablespoon of honey takes a ridiculous amount of effort to create


that's not me bro, didn't write that.


I'm missing the humor.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



vegans r fags


I made a ton of soup with my mom today and a lot of other food.

In the process, there was a big pile of bones from all the chicken that went into the HUGE pot for the chicken soup I made.

I ate all those bones.

Later, I had blood sausage, and thus consumed a lot of blood.

>that potent etheric energy



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The iron pill has evolved into the emerald pill


>still white rice not brown rice
>still popcorn
>still low-fat milk and not, at least, high-fat milk
>still greek yoghurt
>still coffee
>still watermelon


Well buddy, you're going to have to explain why all of these are bad in detail.

Brown rice has slightly more fiber than white rice, apart from that it doesn't matter.

What the fuck is wrong with popcorn? If you air-pop it from kernels, it's literally just fucking corn starch but tasty.

Nothing wrong with low-fat milk, it's just milk that's… low-fat (damn…).

Hard mode: no "muh etheric energy" or "muh impure foods"


What is wrong with watermelon?


whats the /fringe/ consensus on pineapple?

I really really like pineapple


Some fruits, including bananas, pineapples, and tomatoes, contain enough serotonin to produce
physiological effects in susceptible people.

Generally, it's not a problem unless you're doing something like 30 Bananas + 30 Pineapples + 30 Tomatoes a Day diet


I met a paleo guy a while back and he was talking about watermelon's place on the glycemic index, that might be it.


glycemic index means nothing


I take a comprehensive vitamin-and-mineral combination, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, grapeseed extract, resveratrol, bilberry extract, lycopene, silymarine (milk thistle), conjugated linoleic acid, lecithin, evening primerose oil (omega-6 essential fatty acids), n-acetyl-cystein, ginger, garlic, l-carnitine, pyrodoxal-5-phosphate, and echinacea. I also take Chinese herbs prescribed by Dr. Glenn Rothfeld. For reducing insulin resistance and overcoming my type 2 diabetes, I take chromium, metformine (a powerful anti-aging medication that decreases insulin resistence and which we recommend everyone over 50 consider taking) and gymnema sylvestra. To improve LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, I take policosanol, gugulipid, plant sterols, niacin, oat bran, grapefruit powder, psyllium, lecithine and lipitor. To improve blood vessel health I take arginine, TMG and choline. To decrease blood viscosity I take daily baby aspirin and lumbrokinase. I reduce inflammination by taking EPA/DHA and curcumin. I have dramatically reduced my homocystein level by taking folic acid, B6 and TMG. I have a B12 shot once a week and take a daily B12 sublingual. Several of my intravenous therapies improve my body's detoxification: weekly EDTA and monthly DMPS. I also take n-acetyl-carnitine orally. I take weekly intravenous vitamins and alpha lipoic acid to boost antioxidants. I do a weekly glutathione IV to boost liver health. Perhaps the most important intravenous therapy I do is a weekly phosphatidylcholine IV, wich rejuvenates all of the body's tissues by restoring youthful cell membranes. I also take PtC orally each day and supplement my hormone levels with DHEA and testosterone. I take I-3-C, chrysin, nettle, ginger and herbs to reduce the conversation of testosterone into estrogen. I take a saw palmetto complex for prostate health. For stress management I take l-theonine, beta-sitosterol, phosphatidylserine and green tea in addition to drinking 8 to 10 cups of green tea itself. At bedtime I take GABA and sublingual melatonin. For brain health I take acetyl-l-carnitine, vinprocetine, phosphatidylserine, ginkgo biloba, glycerylphosphatidylcholine, nextrutine and quercertin. For eye health I take lutein and bilberry extract. For skin health I use an antioxidant skin cream on my face, neck and hands every day. For digestive health I take betaine HCl, pepsin, gentian root, peppermint, acidophilus bifodobacter, fructooligosaccharides, fish proteins, l-glutamine and n-acetyl-d-glucosamine. To inhibit the creation of advanced glycolysated end products I take n-acetyl-carnitine, carnosine, alpha lipoic acid and quercertin


You're a big guy. I just take a, vit e, vit k, zinc, gelatin, magnesium, gelatin, aspirin and caffeine+l-theanine.


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Haven't tried it, but it seems promising.


Aren't you worried about interactions or overdoses?

How do you keep track of all that?

How can you objectively validate what is helping and what is hindering and what works with what?


it's a copypasta


I'm a big fan of kratom for treatment of aches and pains



this nigger serious?


Notice *Optional?

Dude is taking the piss out of it.
Meta Irony is a powerful tool for energy conservation.


But yeah, he's not serious.
Just joking around.


I just wanted to say that people should focus on improving their posture before all else.

If you have kyphosis or lordosis or rounded shoulders or flat feet you should do exercises to fix them.
I have kyphosis and lordosis and I've been doing exercises 5 days a week to fix them, I'm on my 2nd month now and I've been seeing improvement, my body feels different, I feel better generaly and back pain is nearly gone.

If anyone is interested I can elaborate more.


I've been sleeping on the floor for months now and constantly obsessing over my posture but I'm not sure it's alright and I would like to know how you correct it.

I also want to learn to do the splits; how do I become capable of doing the splits?


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Sleeping on the floor is an extremely hardcore way of correcting your posture.

I recomend sleeping on your bed, on your side with 2 pillows below your head, 1 pillow between your legs and 1 pillow to hug.

My ultimate plan for correcting posture is:

1) Posture breathing

May be painfull for some (especially in the chest and abdomen area) but it does wonders, try and relax your body as much as you can while inhaling.

2) Correcting your posture 24/7

Be conscious of your posture all the time; correct in always, your lower back should be straight (by tilting your pelvis the right way), your thoraric extension of the spine should have a little curve, if the curve is big you have kyphosis, correct it by bringing the head back, your shoulders should be in line with the coronal plane.

3) Doing strength and mobility exercises.

For kyphosis:

- Prone cobra
Contract your glutes during the whole exercise, actually, contract your glutes during any kind of back bending exercise.

Another good video is this one, watch what he says about breathing. This guy is so underrated.

- Wall slide
Push your arms against the wall during the whole of the exercise.

- Bat wings
You need a bench and some light weights to do this, be sure your palms touch your armpits and your scapulae are squezzed against each other. Elbows are kept close to your core.

- Neck wall press
Exercise starts at 5:11 although the guy gives good info.

- Pec stretch
Is shown at 3:50

Mobility exercises:

Exercises are shown at 2:00
Be sure the movement comes from your thoraric vertebae, arms and head play a secondary role here not the primal one.

And of course, a foam roller is always helpfull.

Lordosis is harder in my opinion to get rid of.

Do cresent lunges for your hip flexors, hold the stretch up to a minute!

Hamstring strengthening is also helpfull.
Do exercises like hamstring curls.

Nordic Hamstring.

I talked only about kyphosis and lordosis, there are many more.
If you are interested in long reading these five-part article is pretty good.


Oh and I forgot to talk about one of the most unpleasant things to look at.


This video is 7 and half minutes long but gives great insight on the subject and teaches you how to push with your shoulders and train the serratus muscle which in turn pulls your scapula in.



As for the splits read Pavel Tsatsouline's book "Relax into stretch" and use the isometric or PNF method, it's the safest and faster way to do the splits but don't haste! It takes time to do a full split, maybe even a whole year.


Lifting weights + cardio + sleeping in proper position + not sitting 24/7 = posture fixed


>Sleeping on the floor is an extremely hardcore way of correcting your posture.

Well, I don't give a shit, I am hardXmotherfuckingXcore.

>I recomend sleeping on your bed, on your side with 2 pillows below your head, 1 pillow between your legs and 1 pillow to hug.

I got rid of my bed. I don't even have a bed anymore.

I really need to get my own computer though and set that up correctly so it doesn't do any harm to my posture. That's how my posture got fucked in the first place, and every time I've been on the computer for hours and I get off, I feel some pain when I go back to laying on the floor.


Yeap, doing deadlifts with good form will fix your back and running also fixes the posture in general.

Hatha yoga done right will also fix your posture.

But I'm not into running or lifting and I am addicted to the pc so I have to do the calisthenic exercises instead.


Try getting a stand up desk or use your laptop outside a desk type situation.


I do not have a laptop.

I am 6'4" and need instructions on how to make my own simple desk at the right size for me.


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Lets discuss topical ointments and cleaning products

What do you use?

I use kirks castile soap for cleaning hands, I don't use soap in the shower at all.

The soaps and shampoos people use are big problems. Just washing the skin with pure soap alters the skin's endocrine function for days and doing it every day is an "endocrine disrupter," even if there are no toxic additives in the soap.

For moisturizer I use jojoba oil.

Local brand of "natural toothpaste", I'm not concerned about it. Butterbean coconut oil sunscreen with zinc oxide, good stuff.

I use some chemical shampoo+conditioner, bug repellant and shaving cream because the "natural" alternatives don't work for me.

What about you guys?


I don't like apples and haven't eaten one for years. I think I just found out why I don't like them.

>The pectin in raw apples causes the intestine to release serotonin into the blood, so well cooked apples have much less effect


Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil is great.

I douse it on at least one meal a day. I am not fat, my skin is clear, body relaxed, little cholesterol and good blood pressure.

Ensure you get plenty of fats via meat fish eggs and nuts as well. Fat (Oil) is a vital substance in our body, the brain especially.


The bees get nectar, the crops get pollinated.

Whats the problem?


Bees get everything they work to produce taken away from them. Their nourishment becomes sugar water which is not what they are built to consume. The honey or crops you obtain that was a result of massive stress on bees (anything mass-produced) will change their structure accordingly, it's only logical.

Also, for us it does become a problem when the most efficient pollinators have died out because of abuse and we have to get people to do it manually, like in China.

The relationship is skewed. Honey is not a requirement by any means. There is other food that humans can eat that also happens to be very healthy. Getting oneself tangled in exploitation of other beings is a heavy burden, that's all I want to communicate.


I want to start utilizing local plants and trees for at least some hygiene-related stuff. People are completely in the dark about it but it seems like one can do a lot with what grows in their vicinity. I am currently looking for resources on this matter, so please post if you have any.



Sustainable beekeepers are a thing… There's a new hive system which allows only half or so of the honey to drain down a pipe a the back of the hive, without disrupting honeycombs.


Over harvesting of honey could be problematic.

I was more replying to the post which claimed that almonds should not be consumed due to bees being used as pollinators.

I would have thought that the relationship was symbiotic.

I guess monocultures and pesticides/herbicides could be problematic for bees in the long run. I support permaculture as the ideal.

My understanding is that most colony collapse is caused by parasitic mites, the source or cause of the sudden rise of this pathogen I am uncertain.


That's good. If you can get it from those sources. Still a small number of places. And if it gets to be a central part of your consumption, you may be prone to making a compromise supporting destructive beekeeping when you cannot get it from someone that does it right.

The conclusion that was made in a recent documentary on bees (More Than Honey) is that the population decline is a combination of everything: stress, pesticides, mites, etc. And no, it's not symbiotic. The bees work for a number of months, and then everything they've amassed is taken from them. Then they are shipped in crates to another state to go through the same thing. Sometimes they are outright killed when the cold comes because keeping them alive would not be cost-efficient. This is going just by what was presented as the American almond industry. They showed other places where things were more humane but they weren't producing on a mass scale.


Ah ok.

The American agricultural industry is an area I am not that educated about, Ausfag here.


A lot of the planet's almonds come from America, so it may be of concern if you happen to consume them.


I will keep that in mind.

It is silly the things we do in the short term for expediencies sake. Such myopia.


If you get a chance actually read the books (The Ringing Cedars) I strongly recommend it. They are written based on a nature witch who lives 100% in harmony in nature in the Siberian Taiga.

Her recommendations are, in a nutshell, to build a hive a certain way, not to harvest (if you can help it at all) for the 1st year, and minimally the 2nd, and only to harvest, when you do, 1/2 or so, so they have food as well.

Started links;


I am eating a lot of almonds right now which I believe are from America.


Just ate 3 tablespoons of raw honey, I can feel the etheric energy coursing through me



did you activate them?

it's 100% useless to eat nuts and seeds if you dont activate them in proper water or your saliva.


How do you even do that?


I've been eating spaghetti, love them proteins and keeps hunger away.

(Though I enjoy the sensation of hunger, makes me feel alive.)


this is gay


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Do you think weightlifting can help spiritually?

Squatting heavy feels like physical ascendance



I created a thoughtform that is responsible for my physical health and wellbeing which I invoke when I need an extra push when lifting.

The boost he provides me with increases with practice so lifting could definitely be incorporated as a spiritual exercise.

Furthermore I used to use some very basic mental alchemy, before I even became a wizard, in order to motivate myself by summoning an emotion of anger which I now replaced with a much stronger emotion of happiness and joy.


allw hitesare chucks


I'm diving deeper into fruitarianism and I'm feeling more and more like it's the next ideal thing after breatharianism.

Fruit is the easiest thing for the human body to digest. It is naturally delicious without the need of any additional preparation. It keeps the body slim without the need to count calories. It is non-addictive. You can actually feel full after consumption. There is no killing involved, not even of plants. It's a symbiotic relationship. They grow fruit for us (changing to a vibrant color to attract our attention at optimum ripeness) and we spread the seed that's inside. In this way, it is also the most sustainable.

It's all simple knowledge, astonishingly so. The fact that it makes so much sense is quite scary when put up against a society of people that will label you as insane.

I'm still doing research, both external and internal. The biggest question at the moment is the nature of nutrition. That is probably the most difficult part, since it's ultimately up to the individual to recreate their physical reality, including their relationship with food. It may be impossible to know but to at least follow intuition in a direction is always the best no matter what someone else says or writes.


Right then, I should also add… fruit is very light. Both physically and vibrationally. If you're practicing magick and related arts, it could make things easier for you. For the benefits in third density, it makes the short time here as pleasant as possible. Imagine it as a way to tend to your vessel so that she is in optimal condition to sail to your destination.


I tried the Ray Peat diet that's being posted in this thread. I really went at it for a few months.

Organic orange juice (without bits), organic milk, table salt every day, gelatin, dates, no bananas (too high serotonin), all the right kinds of meat.

I even changed my exercise to mirror the kind he found preferable. Short bursts, without over-exertion.

I related his ideas about Serotonin up-regulating consensus reality and learned helplessness and down-regulating natural insight to some fringe semi-academic articles. I spent a lot of time studying the detailed neurological dynamics of serotonin and dopamine. I related this all to how the classical psychedelics work upon the 5-HT2A and other Serotonin receptors, and Ray Peat's thoughts on LSD microdosing and how his diet might actually resemble the effects of such micro-dosing.

I wanted to create a permanently transcendent, psychedelic state of consciousness. Using diet.

But it just fucked me up. Before Ray Peat, I was filling notebooks with endless information flowing forth from my higher mind. I was living in some geometrical unfolding of revelation, where each new day revealed a new connection in the superstructure and made everything make more sense. More applicable sense.

By doing Ray Peat, I became bloated, slow, stupid, and my brain felt like it shut down completely. I became obsessive about food in a bad way, and really all of my thought and experience just got stuck to the feelings of my dysfunctional body.

I wanted to believe. For some reason it just didn't work.

Before it I was just eating natural pre-modern foods, mostly organic, and exercising a lot. I was doing low calories, which seemed to help my body not get in the way of spiritual concerns. Ray Peat advocates not controlling calories directly, so I didn't. Got fat, slow, and fucked up.



>Organic orange juice (without bits), organic milk, table salt every day, gelatin, dates, no bananas (too high serotonin), all the right kinds of meat.

Can you please tell us specifically what you ate?


Oh and it takes for a weeks for the body's gut flora to adjust to a new diet



I've been through this all with the insane zealots over in Ray Peat Land. They all absolutely refuse to believe their diet isn't the answer. None of them seemed like very high functioning people, though.

I basically researched for weeks on their forums and ate only the stuff they and Ray Peat recommend.

And I did it for 3-4 months.


So tell us what you actually ate



I ate


A few meals a day. Without calorie counting.

All organic, from organic supermarkets or Whole Food shops in the major city I was in.

Quite a lot of milk and orange juice in particular most days. Some conconut oil most days. Liver and shanks a few times a week, and seafood.

Had honey a lot. Alternated between doing the diet with coke and without.

Table salt every day. Extra sugar on some meals.

Dates and mangoes very frequently.

Eat Cheese most days. Unpasteurised.

Did the shredded carrot thing every day.

And whatever I've missed.


Mangoes can cause problems in high quantities, they're in the same family as poison ivy.

Shredded carrot with meals will block nutrient absorption generally, most people don't do it more than every second day or every few days on the Peat diet I find.

Did you eat seafood or meat everyday? Where are you getting zinc?

Any supplements? Did you supplement magnesium at least? Any coffee?



Didn't actually have mangoes more than once a week. Dates I had very often because my local supermarket had them

I had coffee most days.

I supplemented magnesium. I had a stack going.

I was eating salmon, chocolate, and eggs. So I think I got enough zinc from those.


>I had a stack going

What was this stack. I swear to god if you say it has fish oil in it.

>I was eating salmon, chocolate, and eggs. So I think I got enough zinc from those.

How much chocolate and eggs? Peat diet is low-fat so you shouldn't have more than 50g milk chocolate or 2 eggs. 50g milk chocolate and 2 eggs both have 10% RDI zinc, not much but a bit.

Salmon isn't even peat approved and doesn't contain very much zinc.

You probably didn't get enough zinc.



No, no fish oil.

Look I don't have it all fresh in my mind but I made a really good go of the whole thing. I didn't get more healthy than the general population. I got a lot less.

From what I saw, Ray Peat himself never seemed much of a model of health. Weak and pasty. And none of the people really into his stuff seemed healthy either.

You can try to find the one thing I got wrong. A carrot too many. Maybe too much chocolate. But that only explains things if you're working with a model where absolute precision in the diet acts as a threshold to any of its effects and improvements. I don't think humans are designed to be so rigid or to run on such limited parameters. It's not an adaptive set up.

If eating 90% more like a certain ideal diet (I think I was doing it basically 100%, but perhaps not by your rendition of the ideal) doesn't start getting you healthier, then maybe the ideal is wrong.

Also, esoterically, I haven't found any of the order or yogis or alchemists or even warriors who eat anything like RP talks about.


How does /fringe/ feel about Kale?


I started eating smaller meals more frequently and consuming anything with sugar in it (my fruits) much more slowly instead of consuming like 15 fucking oranges all at once in a few minutes. I'm eating a lot less food but feeling better and more energized now and my skin appears to be healing although I want to wait several more days before concluding these new modifications to my diet are truly working.

Also, before every single meal, I consume something fatty and I alternate the different fatty sources. Sometimes the fatty thing I consume is meats, sometimes it's organs, sometimes it's nuts, sometimes it's seeds, sometimes it's oils and butters.

…and I'm increasing my intake of vegetables. I didn't have much vegetables before.

I'm not sure if this is just going to be a temporary thing though or all coincidence and I'm just going to crash and burn like usual anyways soon enough.

I really need to just make a new tulpa already, one that doesn't just wander off, and which can help me with diet and everything and give special insight into the inner-workings of my body with its etheric sensing.


I've been going through some weird symptoms today related to my diet change. My fucking feet today were very blue and looked really dead. Some muscles in my legs were involuntarily twitching and also I got a lot of cramps in my feet. My skin is still healing up though.

I have so damned many scars all over me and my right foot is especially impressive as it's all fucking scars on top of scars.

I also appear to be regenerating skin in general at a much accelerated rate than normal, areas that normally get excess skin suddenly have an excess build up of skin already in just a few days rather than weeks.

I also get REALLY fucking tired during the day in a way I've never been able to before.

There is only 2 spots at present on my face that aren't yet totally healed and after that I think I will be at 100% free of acne. A few more days yet and maybe all of the dead skin cells will be done falling off, there's a lot of skin already that is really smooth and nice feeling to the touch.

I really need to somehow adjust my sleep though to occur during night instead of day like it is right now.


A whole bunch of other physiological changes are occurring right now to me as a result of my recent changes in diet (just got back from a fight btw):

1. I can feel pain now. I haven't been able to really feel pain in a long time. Now, fucking everything hurts and stings when damaged, whereas previously I could be ripped right open and feel nothing.
2. My skin feels smooth and soft to the touch, it's no longer disgusting and greasy at all.
3. My hair is more beautiful than it has ever been before and does not curl at all and does not feel greasy and disgusting instead if feels silky and smooth. I have not used any shampoos or conditioners whatsoever on my hair.
4. I am able to sweat now. I was previously completely unable to sweat no matter what. Now I can sweat a LOT.
5. My sense of smell has improved.
6. My sense of taste has improved.
7. I can now feel hunger for the first time ever. It was the weirdest thing for me, actually feeling the sensation of hunger.
8. My hands are a little less shaky although the shaking has not yet totally subsided. My ability to manipulate objects with my hands more precisely has increased a little too.
9. My ability to relax my muscles has become much greater.
10. My strength is absolutely ridiculous, I was able to overpower everyone, even while hurt and having to change my fighting style because of that.
11. My speed and timing and responsiveness is much greater.
12. My ability for visualization has increased significantly.
13. The type of thoughtforms I receive (when just waiting for them to come and not thinking about it, they come in their wholeness) are more beautiful and pleasant than ever before.
14. My acne is dying down, no new acne seems to be forming under the skin.
15. My most recent scrapes and stuff I just got look different. Whereas normally they'd just look white for a long while and then blue, now they are a light pink. Further time and observation is required to see if they will also heal faster and whether they will leave scars like has been the case for me most of the time previously.
16. I am able to breath easier through my nostrils than before and the mucus seems to have changed in some manner.
17. Other people seem more at ease around me and more likely to smile.
18. My complexion has changed, I do not look so much like a completely pale corpse, and now have a "healthy glow" about me.
19. My ability to stretch without hurting myself is now easier. Doing stretches do not hurt as much.
20. My energy levels are way higher and practically inexhaustible.
21. I am able to jump higher than before and can recover from the jump easier and jump again really high immediately afterwards. Before I could not jump as high and I would have to wait a few seconds to jump again.
22. I got an erection that lasted for hours and was really hard which I just ignored until it eventually subsided on its own. I felt a bit tempted to evoke a succubus put I am able to consciously douse my brain and body in pleasure chemicals anyways when I want to without having to do anything except will it.
23. It feels easier and more natural now to maintain a proper posture, the constant urge to collapse forward doesn't have to be fought against constantly now, as that urge just isn't there for the most part now and I don't feel that constant exhaustion that makes me want to slump over.
24. My lips are no longer bleeding and chapped constantly. They are soft like my skin with no cracks or bleeding.
25. I don't feel any thirst at all. It seems like while I lost my anti-hunger siddhi I have gained no-thirst siddhi. I feel well hydrated all the time instead of like how I was before where no matter how much water I would have I'd still feel thirsty.
26. I have been experiencing a lot of painful cramping for some reason in the bottom of my feet and sometimes in other parts of the body.

So I guess I lost my anti-pain and anti-hunger siddhis but everything else here seems to be all positive except that cramping is a serious issue for me at the moment, I keep getting cramps in the bottom of my feet and sometimes other parts of my body.

All this I have accomplished not by changing what I eat but by how I eat and in what order and timing and what proportions.

Lots of small meals. Always fatty stuff first (meats, nuts, etc.). Then grains and vegetables. After that a small amount of fruit at the end of the meal. In-between meals also I eat some random nuts or seeds in small quantities and sometimes a small amount of fruit.

Instead of overloading myself with like 15 oranges consumed all within 5 minutes it's now like 10 oranges spread out over the whole day.

Fruits that are less sweet I eat bigger proportions of at once while really sweet stuff like bananas and grapes… I will only eat half a banana at once and have the other half maybe an hour later. Grapes, instead of eating like a hundred of them at once, I might only eat 7-10 at once, maybe even less. Apples I eat like 3 really big ones at once but these apples aren't sweet and I have them with carrots.

I've also stopped eating so many fruit breads. I ate like 3-5 of them a day at one point. Now I only eat like a third of one of my fruit breads in a day and most of my fruit bread I'm just throwing out to squirrels.

I appear to be undergoing some of the most drastic improvements in my health ever right now because of these changes I've made.

Nobody ever told me about the importance of small meals and a steady supply of nutrients instead of overloading the body with a ton of a given nutrient at once. That Dutch wizchan anon that told me to make all these changes, I am extremely grateful to.

It seems I am finally mastering hatha yoga.

My physical appearance is rapidly transforming right now and I expect in a few weeks to a month of this I will look like a new man.
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Check em'
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It's ok but not any better than other leafy greens (beetroot leaf, spinach, etc)


That sounds incredible. Someone has told me that people of thinner frames are better suited for frequent meal intake. What is the longest you wait between meals and when do you stop eating? I assume you eat very slowly, without forcing the swallow as WWA instructs?

You should try doing rock pose for at least minutes after eating btw. It is good for digestion (rumor has it you can digest a rock while in it), among other things.


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Things that lower test and increase estrogen
>Long exposure to darkness
>High intake of polyunsaturated fa
>High tryptophan or methionine intake
>Too much phosphorus and not enough calcium
>Excessive iron intake

Things that increase test and lower estrogen
>vit a, d, e, k, calcium, magnesium
>emerald pill diet
>red light


>the best grins are white rice

Are u trolling or just a fuckhead…


White rice is just glucose and entirely devoid of antinutrients or toxins. It's a perfect food if you just want glucose.


Yo this is complete bullshit, all of it.

Obscurity is beneficial.
Foods recommended are counter-productive.


>fruits are counter productive
>honey is counter productive
>potatoes are counter productive
Reported you shitposting piece of shit, never post here again or I'll track down your IP and hack you


New changes since then…

27. I am able to maintain my body temperature easier now.
28. I can barely consume any sugar at all now, I am extremely sensitive, even a very little sugar makes me feel shit unless I've just had a huge meal to dilute it.
29. My sense of taste has increased MASSIVELY and not just slightly like before. Food actually tastes good now.
30. My need for water has strangely increased, even while being totally inactive, it seems my body needs more water to process all this fatty stuff.
31. I was able to fug a succubus in the astral and not get disconnected in less than a minute. In fact I didn't get disconnected at all and once I got control of myself I pushed her down into a storm drain along with someone else I beat the shit out of it and pretty much killed.
32. The sensitivity in my hands has increased, my sense of touch is stronger.


I eat anything with sugar now very slowly and even a little sugar fucks me up pretty quick. The less sweet a fruit is the better it is for me. Bananas; they fuck me up a lot because of how sweet they are. If I were to eat a banana I'd have to probably cut that banana up into small slices and eat one little slice like every 15 minutes. …or grapes, I could eat only a few of those, they are really sweet. Apples I can consume a lot more of. Oranges I've had to cutdown on but not as much as bananas and so on. I am trying to persuade my parents to get only the most non-sweet fruits possible at the farmers market and also rejecting the low-quality fruits I used to eat in mass before. I used to consume like 15 oranges in 5 minutes… and maybe 30-50 fruits (or one giant popcorn bowl of fruit) every single day and it was killing me. Now because my taste buds are finally functioning I can discriminate very accurately the quality of the food I am eating and because I am eating a lot less fruit I desire only to consume the highest quality fruit I can get.

Vegetables, meat, grains; these I consume fairly fast and in big quantities. Although lately I've noticed a lot of pain in my stomach and I'm not sure if that's from fighting or because my whole digestive system is becoming more efficient and wants me to eat less food or because of not having enough water to compensate for the new changes in my diet. However I spent like an hour eating a dish yesterday of mashed potatoes and vegetables and meat… so yeah even that stuff I eat slower now.

I just eat all day while awake at the moment and then stop eating when I want to go to bed. My sleep is still majorily fucked up right now, once I get my sleep fixed though, I can hardly anticipate how incredibly healthy I will be.

I don't know how to do rock pose, do you have instructions / links / book?
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Interesting. What about maple syrup? What sort of physical exercise do you do?

The pose is super easy to do and has many other benefits. You should master a few asanas as they are very good for health. In particular the King and Queen of asanas - headstand and shoulderstand. A strong & flexible spine is very important. Holding certain asanas for hours can give great powers.

I read this today, I wonder what it means in relation to astral projection:

"Within the human brain there is a neurotransmitter called Serotonin. Empirical studies have established a number of things about this important chemical, of which the following are germane to this work on Lucid Dreaming:

Its presence in the brain at the correct level is vital to good mental health. An abnormally high amount of Serotonin causes Mania (paranoia, schizoidal episodes etc); an abnormally low amount causes Depression.
Serotonin is naturally replenished by dreamless sleep: however, REM-sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep – the kind in which dreams with strong visual imagery occur) depletes it.

What has this to do with Lucid Dreaming? Simply put, Lucid Dreaming consists of a collection of techniques which aim at stimulating and enhancing REM-sleep, and thereby depleting the brain’s natural Serotonin levels. I mention this because I have come across a large number of people who are interested in the Occult – and who also suffer Depression. I am faced with the growing conviction that the high incidence of Depression among Occultists is either caused or exacerbated by the wrongful use of techniques such as Lucid Dreaming, and like techniques whereby the person retreats into a dream-world."


>I eat anything with sugar now very slowly and even a little sugar fucks me up pretty quick
I'm sorry, but that's a bad thing, not a good thing.
If you can't handle a small/moderate amount of sugar your metabolism and gut is fucked.
>Although lately I've noticed a lot of pain in my stomach
Lots of vegetables and grains can hard quite hard and irritating on the gut from the high fiber content among others things.
Honey is superior to maple syrup. The processing of maple syrup includes exposing it to high heat which produces carcinogens.


>If you can't handle a small/moderate amount of sugar your metabolism and gut is fucked.

I've got the same issue he does. Carbs make me crash hard. Does anyone know anything about gut repair?


I am a fan of honey myself, but I've read that poster expressing their liking for maple syrup in the past.

Is 4 tablespoons of organic honey considered too much? I mix it with warm milk often.


Honey doesn't fuck me up. It's not a big enough quantity to do me any harm when I consume it.

I'm not sure about maple syrup, I haven't touched my maple syrup in quite awhile.


starches, acids, food in general…

inedia, you recommend so much processed and acid bullshit, tons of hybrids, YOU fuck off shitposter, TRUTH > IGNORANCE.


If carbs make you crash hard, you've probably experienced the crashing and avoiding eating lots of carbs because of it, making the problem even worse.

I had the same problem as you and Smiley once I started consuming large amounts of carbs, I'd find that it'd give me a short energy burst and that'd be it.

You just need to persist and your liver will gradually be able to store more and more glycogen, leading to less and less crashes.

No, you can consume as much as you want really (unless we're talking about absurd amounts). The most I've had in one day is about 12 tablespoons across the whole day, when I didn't have access to any other good sources of sugars (most fruits were out of season, unripe and low quality).

You can eat too much sugar but once you do, it will taste tasty "syrupy" and weird, not sweet or sugary anymore.


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Don't mind me, just posting for reference;

>Competency in biomotor abilities (strength, endurance, power, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, coordination) in relation to needs or goals

>Muscle size, body composition, and activity level that matches needs or goals, not societal definitions or pressures
>Mobile joints & relaxed muscles
Yes, no.
>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones
>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing
>Youthful respiratory quotient (optimal body temperature [bellow 36.8 is bad] and pulse rate [75-85])
>Efficient digestion and elimination
>Healthy heart and good circulation (strong pulse and warm extremities, tip of nose)
>Rarely experience sickness
Yes, I've learned how to cure myself.
>Excellent sleep, libido, and fertility
>Relaxed yet focused mind
>Positive outlook


Carbohydrates don't have any effect on me at all. Only sugar.


How comes that cod and sole fish specifically are so often suggested?


Very low in polyunsaturated fat


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So olive oil is bad despite its liturgical uses and esoteric symbolism?


oils are bad


I consumed a whole bunch of olive oil today and feel better for it.



I've heard about some oils having the fats that your body needs. Is one of them olive oil?


No they're not, they're just fats, fine in moderation.
You only need a very small amount of fat to live optimally and that can easily gained by eating whole food, no oils required.
Olive oil is mostly monounsaturated, it is about 10% PUFA which would be a problem but it also has a lot of antioxidants.

Good in moderation, just don't go insane with it (like jamie oliver, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsTWFsEi0aE).

2 tablespoons is the most I'd use in a day.


Actually, I'd like to clarify that I do approve of olive oil, it's a good oil and I do use it. Just don't go overboard.


Also, some nutrition myths that people STILL believe despite never being true in the first place.

>aspirin causes stomach ulcers (pushed by pharmaceutical industry because paracetamol [which kills your liver] and ibuprofen are more profitable than aspirin)

>caffeine and coffee are unhealthy
>saturated fats are bad and polyunsaturated fats are good (a myth pushed by the seed oil industry to sell their products)
>white meat is healthier than red meat (if you're consuming a lot, white meat is generally better than red but you shouldn't be consuming a lot of meat anyways. red meat has a lot more nutrients than white meat)
>fructose is toxic (yes, it is, when you give mice absurd amounts they die from an overdose, just like when you drink 10 liters of water, you'll die)
>salt/sodium is bad for you
>margarine is healthier than butter
>dairy is inherently bad for you
>you need vegetables for a healthy diet (they're almost always beneficial but they're by no means NECESSARY)
>'complex carbs' (ie starch, pure glucose) is a superior source of energy than sugar (glucose + fructose)




I hear coffee grounds you in physical reality. This is not pleasant if you're a wizard.


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>reality. This is not pleasant
It usually isn't babydoll!


Do you have anything of substance to add?


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Do you?
>so far you are mirroring me and aren't adding anything sweetypie!


No. Originally I wished to know your thoughts on why you think we should be drinking coffee.


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It's not about coffee!


Sodium chloride is bad for you, coffee is terrible, and margarine IS worse than butter.

>'complex carbs' (ie starch, pure glucose) is a superior source of energy than sugar (glucose + fructose)

It has been my personal experience that my health was absolutely fucked on high levels of sugar (glucose + fructose) consumption but I experienced massive improvements in my health from getting all my sugar from complex carbs instead. It IS a superior source of energy, at least for my own body, maybe not for some other people.

What's with the degeneracy?


>Good in moderation, just don't go insane with it (like jamie oliver, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsTWFsEi0aE).

I drink huge quantities of olive oil and am fine.

Yes, drink it.


Take a glass of water and add oil to it - then take a minute to realize just how fucked you are.




Why is vegetable oil supposedly not healthy, shouldn't it be one of the best oils around because it's made from vegetables?


>Take a glass of water and add oil to it - then take a minute to realize just how fucked you are.

I do not get what you are saying. How is taking a glass of water and adding some oil to it going to indicate I am fucked at all? I am doing quite fine drinking excessive quantities of olive oil every day.


lmao wut
google before you ask stupid questions, vegetable oil is most commonly made from soybeans, canola or sunflower seeds, none of which are vegetables.
its very high in polyunsaturated fat which is bad.


Here goes being a neophyte

What about the whole "Mediterranean Diet" shit? And yeah, probably spelled it wrong.


It's an industrial byproduct produces using hexafluorane. Polyunsaturated fates are not happy.


I feel completely fucked up right now. I just got really hurt in a couple extra places and every time I get hurt, it just adds onto the previous stuff, and nothing ever fucking heals.

I don't know what are the macronutrients I'm supposed to be consuming.

I've been cramping terribly lately as well.

I think I'll start consuming salt before every meal, I haven't had any salt in my diet, maybe this will help.

If not, I suspect that I need to actually put more astral energy into my diet, as people who love food get fat.

Have you ever met a fatty that didn't love food?

They all love food. That love for their food probably ensures their body accepts the food rather than rejecting it.

I feel like I'm going to fucking die in a few years at this rate.

The sooner I am completely done my reading and make my tulpa the better because I badly need the insight of a higher being that actually knows exactly what is going on in my body and can help me fix it.


>Jewgle Shilling


Since honey is a great source of loosh. Does this then make mead an alchemical loosh potion?


Honey might be good stuff, but alcohol in general is no good for spiritual/magical pursuits.

There's a few specific types of magical practice that can make use of the buzzed state, but for most of us it only dulls and scatters the mind and subtle energy systems.


Fringes option on MSG?


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The actual Mediterranean diet is nothing like the so-called "Mediterranean diet" pushed by foodie fags.

Nothing beats emerald pill diet anyways.

inb4 somebody says
>hurr durr chocolate ice cream??? muh LOOSH

Moderation you dumb niggers, I'm not telling you eat a diet consisting of ice cream and chocolate. If you can find ice cream and chocolate without harmful additives (good luck) there's nothing wrong with having a bit.

Some alcohols have interesting properties but as a whole, alcohol is estrogenic and harmful.
Harmful, just like aspartame. Beginning with the industrial production of glutamic acid (sold as MSG, monosodium glutamate), the public has been systematically misinformed about the effects of amino acids in the diet.

The FDA has been industry's powerful ally in misleading the public. Despite research that clearly showed that adults assimilate whole proteins more effectively than free amino acids, much of the public has been led to believe that “predigested” hydrolized protein and manufactured free amino acids are more easily assimilated than real proteins, and that they are not toxic.

Even if free amino acids could be produced industrially without introducing toxins and allergens, they wouldn't be appropriate for nutritional use.
>I don't know what are the macronutrients I'm supposed to be consuming.
High-carb, moderate protein (at least 80g a day, 100g is a good aim, 110+g if you're EXTREMELY ACTIVE or very big like 100kg 6'4"), low fat (35% or less of calories, sub-100g a day is a good goal. I generally hit around there. They should be mostly saturated, more than 4g of polyunsaturated fat is harmful)
>I haven't had any salt in my diet
Wtf lol. Why? You need sodium.
>Have you ever met a fatty that didn't love food?
They love the act eating (because it's pleasurable to them) and also usually because of emotional problems.


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Non-clean version.

I'd like to note that the best sources of sugar are

Fruits > orange juice and honey >>> White sugar

White sugar is a last resort. If you have access to fresh, >>>RIPE<<< fruit, then by all means, eat only fruit and no white sugar at all.

Sadly, in the world we live in today, getting high quality ripe fruit at prices that won't leave you bankrupt is very hard. Almost all fruit in supermarkets are underripe and low quality, so this leads me to relying on honey and orange juice most of the time, which isn't so bad.


Thanks for answering my question. I do wonder how screwed the Asians are with all the soy sauce they cook with.


What if I find icecream and that other shit like Coca Cola and coffee absolutely fucking disgusting and don't want to eat it though?


What else do I need besides sodium and fat and carbs and protein? Please keep in mind that I am extremely ignorant and do not know basic nutritional science so stuff you might know and take for granted that everyone else knows, I probably do not know.

What happens to my body if I decide to consume fuckloads of fat?


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Actually, asians are doing it right with soy. Traditionally, soy dishes are fermented with helps to minimizes the negative effects of soy. It's only within the last few centuries that soy milk, tofu and other unfermented soy foods have risen to popularity and mostly in western countries.
Most soy grown is actually fed to animals, almost all meat in America is grain-fed with corn, soy or both. The problem is even worse with non-ruminant animals as they can't detoxify via multiple stomachs the harmful compounds in the foods they're fed.
You don't need to eat much meat at all, 100g of cooked weight beef or lamb gives LOADS of nutrients+protein. You also SHOULDN'T eat much meat, as it's high in the amino acids tryptophan and methionine which in excess have been proven to be quite harmful.
You don't have to, it's just options.
If you want a barebones diet I suggest this
>250-300g sugar in total (preferably from fruits, if not, from honey or orange juice. white sugar is fine as a last resort if the others are unavailable or prohibitively expensive)
>2 eggs
>100g lamb or beef
>1 liter of orange juice
>1 liter of low fat milk
>100-185 grams of greek yogurt
>30-40 grams of hard cheese
>25g spinach
>30g popcorn
>65mg of 95% mixed tocopherols vitamin e
Make sure to eat the meat with gelatin to balance out amino acid ratios, the glycine in gelatin minimizes harmful effects of tryptophan and methionine.
If you eat very low-carb, moderate protein and very high fat in a few days you'll go into ketosis where your body uses ketone bodies in the blood instead of carbohydrates. This has some positive and negative properties, if you ask keto diet communities they'll tell you all the AMAZING HEALTH PROPERTIES WOW!

What they won't tell you is that it's quite stressful on the body to be in ketosis and NO TRIBE IN HISTORY have ever been documented to be ketosis. It's a famine state, I would only suggest it if you're morbidly obese.

You don't TECHNICALLY need carbs, you also don't technically need to live. You need all the vitamins and minerals of course, vit a, e, d, k, calcium, magnesium, etc, etc. You can look that up.
There are many food sources of them and you can find lots of info on the best sources of them.

What they WON'T tell you is the big picture of those foods, the other effects of eating that food apart from nutritional value and HOW WELL THE NUTRIENTS ARE ACTUALLY ABSORBED. It doesn't matter if your almonds have a gazillion vitamin e if you can't actually absorb it.

The emerald pill diet I recommend is all high nutrient availability foods and easily digestible, unlike grains, legumes and most vegetables (lots of vegetables are high in indigestible cellulose).

If you consume a lot of fat + a lot of carbs, you'll probably just get fat. Your body (if not in ketosis) always uses a ratio of fats and carbs to fuel itself and once it runs out of fats and carbs to use, relies on stored fats and muscle (which you don't want to happen).

You don't need to actually go run and burn off fat, a healthy diet and lifestyle will result in little fat being stored. A system with abundant energy (calories) does not need to store energy (fat) which is why the dieting paradigm of low-carb diets is paradoxical.


I despise popcorn.

>65mg of 95% mixed tocopherols vitamin e

What the fuck is this?

>Make sure to eat the meat with gelatin to balance out amino acid ratios, the glycine in gelatin minimizes harmful effects of tryptophan and methionine.

Is jello, gelatin?


…but what if I want to eat extremely high carbohydrates, high fat, and high protein all at once?

>It doesn't matter if your almonds have a gazillion vitamin e if you can't actually absorb it.

I happen to have a lot of almonds… are you suggesting I can't absorb the nutrients from them?

>If you consume a lot of fat + a lot of carbs, you'll probably just get fat. Your body (if not in ketosis) always uses a ratio of fats and carbs to fuel itself and once it runs out of fats and carbs to use, relies on stored fats and muscle (which you don't want to happen).

I've never been fat in my life. Time to eat a super high carbs + fat diet.


Then eat something else to substitute the nutrients in popcorn.
>What the fuck is this?
Vitamin e supplement, good for a minimal diet because getting vitamin e from diet is a pain in the ass. If you don't want to supplement you can eat some raw almonds instead but that comes with quite a bit of polyunsaturated fat.
>Is jello, gelatin?
Yes but jello is generally low quality and contains harmful additives. I suggest great lakes gelatin, it's grass-fed and 1 can lasts quite a while. You can make your own jello with the red can or supplement with the green can.
>…but what if I want to eat extremely high carbohydrates, high fat, and high protein all at once?
High carbs is fine, high protein (I assume you mean 100gish, once you get into really high amounts like 150g some problems arise) is fine.
High fat is generally just fattening, as long as the fat is saturated it should be fine if you aren't gaining weight. A high-polyunsaturated fat, high-carb, high-protein diet is bad. A high-carb, high-protein, low-fat diet is preferable but if you want to do a high-saturated fat, high-carb, high-protein diet then go ahead.
Just watch out for the polyunsaturated fat.
>I happen to have a lot of almonds… are you suggesting I can't absorb the nutrients from them?
No, I was talking in general about foods. Absorption of nutrients from foods varies but generally legumes and grains have the worst absorption.


>actually giving me advice on how to not gain weight

ayyy lmao

I've never been able to gain weight in my life.


Nothing but meat, at least 60% calories from fat (calories, not grams, and absolutely essential in avoiding rabbit starvation). That is all I'll say.


please don't listen to this garbage


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it's obvious you're trolling with the shit you're posting. Why do you feel the need to spread damaging information, there is 0 difference between you and mike chang ruining young boy's metabolic chemistry.


All you people advocating starch, yeast, etc and anything in relation to nightshades such as potato and tomato etc need to do some extra research. Nightshades actually inhibit nutrients going into the body, such as iron and from my time as a vegan and vegetarian when I started developing iron deficiency it fully disappeared from cutting nightshades from my diet. No bruising whatsoever now. It applies fully to women as well, if you talk to ladies or are close to them you'd know that a majority of them suffer anaemia or iron deficiency even while consuming meat on a SAD… Cut out nightshades (like I did for my girlfriend who suffered such an issue for years) and suddenly anemia disappears within a month and she also reports having cleaner periods with redder blood to show the blood is properly oxidised. Other research states they can lead to arthritis and potentially lower life expectancy by up to 30 years. Nightshades are posion grown from the mother plant which itself is poisionous to human consumption.

>but muh taste and flavour

Your desire is speaking and these things can be controlled in time.

IN New Zealand there is even a controversial doctor going around citing patients exczema by promoting a no nightshade diet which is causing controversy; I used to have strong exczema on my hands that has now almost disappeared (can't see it unless using cleaning chemicals, no itchiness or any other sign of it) so I can also advocate this.

Stay vigilant and love to you brothers!


Sorry for typos ipad is annoying and I se no point in fixing the post up. If you realise the truth behind this or want to do more research then do so, all it takes is a quick google search (I prefer duckduckgo though).

As a side note thank god kumara (sweet potato) is from a different lineage!


Can't eat nightshade family. Can't eat onion and garlic family. Other guy's saying we can't eat legumes and beans. What are we meant to eat a diet of rice? Wizard diet life aint easy.


I'd say most of those other things are more of an "eat in moderation" type of thing whereas nightshades (especially potatoes) actually still have small fragments of themselves in your blood for months to come. From what I understand, these small particles in your blood can then accumulate in places such as a knee joint that may have a sensitivity to it then causing arthritis after gradual weakening and that's only for one of the symptoms. Garlic and onion can detox you but can also cause damage so if you're planning on doing a magical working you should probably not consume them 24-48 hours beforehand to make sure your mental clarity is at its highest. As for nightshades stay well away. Poisionous to the very end.


No, you are the troll.
Sounds like bullshit to me. If nightshades inhibited iron I'd eat more nightshades, the vast majority of people get TOO much iron.
Some people do have allergenic reactions to nightshades though.


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>tfw the شرطة caught me eating bacon and have sentenced me to execution in a 2 days
Goodbye brothers, allahu akbar


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Updated the emerald pill diet image.

Adjusted the digest, spacing, images and sizing. I think it looks a lot cleaner and is easier to understand now.


still complete garbage you disinfo shill - this is infinitely better than your retarded suggestions http://healing-art-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Dr.-SEBI.png

Fucking insulting the image of a super saiyan.

fucking mundanes.





>onions and garlic



When are we going to get a non-shill diet that isn't crap like this RayPeat and Emerald Pill diet shit that adds icecream and soda and other degenerate crap on the menu?


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Woops, forgot a few things.



You can remove the coke and ice cream he recommends, but Ray Peat is still pasty and weak and speaks in monotone.

And an American Boomer.


Just look at the image, I removed lots more.

Here is the true greenpilled diet.

Things you can eat:

>sourdough breads of any type but especially rye

>any other grains that expire within just a few days acquiring mould, even white bread isn't so harmful if it's made like it was made in Europe long ago
>higher quality forms of rice and other grains, stay away from the shit kinds made for mass consumption by the mass man
>any fish from the ocean you want, once in awhile
>any fruits you want whatsoever, just avoid fruits sprayed with pesticides, or else do your best to remove the pesticides from the fruit by putting them all in filtered water for awhile so the pesticides come out of the fruit and into the water and then you wash the water down the drain to go and pollute the city water supply… maybe a carbon filter in the water might also help this process? The best fruits are generally the ones most like the wild-types found in nature… or like old heritage varieties that weren't produced for the mass man
>any kind of salt that isn't just sodium chloride which appears white… so salts like Himalayan Pink Crystal Rock Salt and Celtic Sea Salt and any brown/pink/etc. coloured salts
>any vegetables you want, except avoid onions/garlic/plants-in-that-family when you're about to do some magickal work, as they fuck up your lucidity and in general do not consume too much of any one vegetable constantly or you'll probably fuck yourself up (in fact that goes for practically anything, too much of any one food tends to fuck you up eventually)
>any meat you want, just avoid factory-farmed meat and meat pumped full of hormones and other crap that's going to fuck you up… if the animal had a good diet and life it's ok to eat all of it (bones, organs, meat, blood, everything)
>avoid plants that are heavily GMO like wheat/corn/soya/canola that has been produced for the mass man
>only oils fit for consumption are olive oil, macadamia nut oil, and coconut oil and all of these should ideally not be heated up although if you're going to cook with heat then coconut oil is pretty much unaffected by heat and is ideal for that
>eat all the butter, lard, fat, cheese, etc. you want
>vinegar, sauerkraut, etc. is all good
>root crops are all good
>mushrooms are all good in moderation
>goat's milk is the ideal sort of milk… try to get quality dairy products of any type whatsoever that haven't been fucked up by hormones and other crap… cow's milk is really bad for your health because of hormones being pumped into the cows so unless you have access to raw milk from a pasture-fed cow don't consume it
>honey and nectar is perfect
>tree sap that hasn't been boiled down into maple syrup is probably also very good for you as a source of water that has some vitamins in it

Never consume food meant for the mass man; eat whenever possible what is pure and uncorrupted. Stick to a pre-World War II diet (nobody was ever obese back then).

Things you can not eat:

>shellfish and pork, unless you want to do black magick immediately afterwards when submerged in all those negative vibes

>onions and garlic and related plants, unless you want to temporarily shutdown your lucidity and disconnect from astral phenomena, or you aren't doing anything magickal at the time
>ice cream, soda, candies, chocolate, fastfood, shit that has a long shelf-life, artificial sweetener, coffee, white flour, etc.
>the degenerated, pesticide-sprayed, nutrient-lacking, mass man's food

The ideal diet is that of the man who lives on a homestead growing his own food in the proper conditions in good soils… or that of the hunter-gatherer living in the forest.

It's a shame pretty much every good goy ever right now keeps claiming Earth is not overpopulated. If you don't care about quality of life or sustainable agriculture then yeah, you can continue to turn this planet into one big human feedlot, but it's making life a lot more miserable and unhealthy for every human on this planet.

Always program your food that you consume, believe sincerely it can only do good for you, infuse your diet with enough loosh to overcome any negative effects that anything you might consume could have.


Is there a way to motivate myself to exercise?

Whenever I do it I get tired and achy very quickly and it demoralizes me and makes me feel depressed.


Yes, by reading the stuff in The Stellar Man and in Atkinson's book on Will about doing things you don't want to do.

When I exercise my problem is that I become really fucking awake for hours afterwards after.

As for pain, I have enough power to dull it or transmute it often, and I have been hurt so fucking many times over and kept on fighting. I have had finger nails broken, been scraped and bruised, sprained and had toes broken, etc. and didn't stop at all. The worst time for pain is when I'm laying on the floor trying to sleep and have to invoke Earth element to sedate myself.

If I just figure out how to heal better and fix up my deformities then I would love to force myself to endure 2 weeks of non-stop exercise all day every day except to eat and sleep and short rests after eating to digest food.

Ultimately I'm going to need a tulpa to help me optimize my body completely.

You should consume a whole bunch of salt, fat, and fruits beforehand if you want to feel no pain and be ready to GO GO GO all day.


I have consumed SO MUCH olive oil right now that I smell like olive oil. It's as if olive oil is leaking from my every pore. I have become olive oil; additive of many foods, absorber of vitamins; I am one with the olive oil.


Is it possible to program food with ideas? Like I make a coffee for my boss with the idea to give me a raise? If I do this everyday would it work or am I just wasting my time?


It can be done very potently. I have programmed food for myself and others with dramatic effect. I bet I could get myself a new 1k computer by programming some juice and giving it to my parents. Some foods are potent etheric energy sources, confirm for yourself with astral hands.


>removing all the crustaceans, onions, garlic, coffee and milk
Goy plz, there's nothing wrong these foods.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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best post on food i have seen on /fringe/ so far


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Hardly. It's full of stupid bullshit.

>any vegetables you want

Most vegetables are suboptimal, I've picked out the best in the emerald pill diet. Raw vegetables are worst, often containing toxins, hard to digest, high in fiber which irritates the gut and antithyroid compounds. If you don't want to eat dairy you can eat broths of high-calcium vegetables instead.
>any kind of salt that isn't just sodium chloride which appears white… so salts like Himalayan Pink Crystal Rock Salt and Celtic Sea Salt and any brown/pink/etc. coloured salts
Got it backwards, most pink salts and shit are contaminated with heavy metals. Pickling salt and sea/white salt are better choices, particularly mortons salt.
>any meat you want
Poultry and pork are not ruminant animals, they usually have worse diets than ruminant animals and due to lack of stomachs cannot detoxify. Pork is the worst, poultry is OK every once in a while if you can get it from a source (quite hard if you live in a city or something).
>The best fruits are generally the ones most like the wild-types found in nature… or like old heritage varieties that weren't produced for the mass man
>cow's milk is really bad for your health because of hormones being pumped into the cows so unless you have access to raw milk from a pasture-fed cow don't consume it
In all civilized countries hormones are banned. Note civilized countries, so not America.
Homogenization poses some problems, pasteurization is fine and can even make the milk less allergenic.
>except avoid onions/garlic/plants-in-that-family when you're about to do some magickal work
???, some people have allergenic reactions but thats not reason to disallow it for everyone. If you cook them, you deactivate harmful compounds. Same with potatoes, you shouldn't eat them raw but when well cooked they're very good.
>eat all the butter, lard, fat, cheese, etc. you want
Too much is bad
>vinegar, sauerkraut, etc. is all good
Too much is bad
>shellfish and pork, unless you want to do black magick immediately afterwards when submerged in all those negative vibes
ebin, stop eating those nutrient rich foods bcuz i say so. Christ disallowed shellfish because they're unclean, if you can get your hands on clean shellfish today they're EXTREMELY rich in nutrients, particularly crab, oysters and squid.
>ice cream, soda, candies, chocolate, fastfood, shit that has a long shelf-life, artificial sweetener, coffee, white flour, etc.
Nothing wrong with chocolate, ice-cream and soft drinks as long as they're free of harmful additives. Most chocolates have soya lethicin and most ice creams have carrageen.

I agree with some things though.
>honey and nectar is perfect
>goat's milk is the ideal sort of milk
>root crops are all good
>only oils fit for consumption are olive oil, macadamia nut oil, and coconut oil


I have been able to make myself extremely sick via programming food with negative energy. It is very possible and strongly influential. There was also a bunch of black magicians in Franz following Bardon's work that influenced people by modifying the food they were given.





If you want to see the source of what this guy is saying, go to Ray Peat's website.

There you'll find a few interesting articles and little-known historical facts, but a general preponderance of cherry-picked studies. Very many other cases could be made for various crazy diets at the threshold of evidence Peat uses, if you just added a little romantic spin around the studies.

Note that Ray Peat's ideas seem entirely based on:
1- the cobbling together of various almost-modern studies
2- the assertion that scientific and corporate coverup blocked the science of these studies from public knowledge (i.e. what every diet guru ever claims is the reason their diet isn't universally adopted)
3- William Blake and something about living eating, because why not
4- Actually scrap that last, because nobody's ever sure how it fits with the studies

What I can't find is any yogi or magician or emperor or genius or anything ever who's said to have ate Ray Peat style. And my ancestors didn't, either in agricultural or pre-agricultural times. So, that's the holism I use to make sense of thing in lieu of having any idea how William Blake explains rat studies.

Also the Ray Peat forums are full of some of the lamest and most obsessive and anal people on the internet. So that doesn't recommend it to me either.


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fuck off with this garbage

<== this is truth.


also took off the stupid scarf - what are you some britfg manlet?


>lmao no protein
>the assertion that scientific and corporate coverup blocked the science of these studies from public knowledge
Oh come on, you know this is true. Just look at the USDA food pyramid which has been proved to be manipulated by corporate interests.


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With this post I announce >>>/nutrition/

The purpose of the board is to discuss nutrition and diets.
Everybody is welcome from keto to vegan and even more niche diets.

Feel free to post studies, opinions, questions, ask for advice, whatever.

No censorship apart from banning blatant and persistent shitposters.



Of course I know it's true.

But that doesn't mean it proves any particular thing some diet guy says. They all say it proves everything they say.


no protein confirmed for trolling - you don't know shit about nutrition.



Seriously dude, I collect greenpills, and I actually research my greenpills as best as I can before presenting them. Sometimes I've distributed stuff that turned out to be wrong later. Don't embarass us with this quack. You know how they are doing shit to the water? They have music played to it and they put a label on it. You think that can make a difference? Where even is the consciousness? There's no people putting their intentions into the water. It's electronic music played, labels, and asking the consumers to think positive thoughts when drinking their overpriced bullshit water.

…and the ice crystals thing was done by being selective about what crystals they took pictures of, ignoring the beautiful crystals in the water mundanes talked bad words to, and ignoring the ugly ones in the other.

To actually do magick you don't just fucking talk to water you have to concentrate really fucking hard and you can't mass produce this shit, even doing it once for one person is a lot of effort.


What, are you going to get all your protein from quinoa? Lmao kid



I need to edit this bullshit and renounce their retarded mockery of New Thought.


Don't bother dude, your changes will be instantly reverted and your account permanently banned.
Fight on your own grounds, not the enemy's.



Hmmm… as usual not criticizing things very well, stupid smug fedoras, and I don't even support Pineal Gland claims beyond "it produces melatonin" myself too.




Everything in there article on New Thought is all wrong and characterizes the moment in a very inaccurate way.


In his picture walnuts have a LOT of protein and all the other stuff has at least a little protein.


Why does some faggot ALWAYS make a new board for every little thing on /fringe/ ffs? If I wanted a whole board dedicated to nutrition I would just go to >>>/fit/ and if I want to talk about greenpilled diets I would go to >>>/fringe/ where people are.

There is absolutely no need for that board to exist ffs.

>No censorship apart from banning blatant and persistent shitposters.

There's absolutely no censorship here other than when some faggot rogue janitor goes apeshit in which case try to figure out who did it and report him to Smileberg so his janitor privileges are taken away.

I'm not even going to your shitty board. It doesn't need to exist. A single thread on /fringe/ at a time can contain all this.

Literally, everything on /fringe/ spawns a new board. The renouncing lust threads have created /celibate/ and several other boards for the topic (all that died). The library threads created /occult/ and a bunch of other shitty boards. The threads about making a community for wizards spawn /fringeville/ which is yet another redundant board that doesn't need to exist.



Sorry to bust your bubble buddy, but 100g of walnuts only has 15g of protein, which is shit all considering that also comes with 65g of polyunsaturated.


You must be horrified to know then that I eat large quantities of nuts and seeds drizzled in olive oil and butter and then intentionally eat meats and other fatty things as well in an attempt to get even more fat in my diet and my body burns through all of it and I never gain weight.

I'm pretty sure I consume like a few hundred grams of fat on a typical day.

I never gain weight; any thing else you think should be happening though?

Also, if I do not do this, I burn out. I get like a literal headache in my brain. It's like my brain's a muscle and I keep overclocking it again & again with intense meditation and need more fat to keep it going.


So… keto? Or what?
Olive oil, butter and meat aren't a problem since they're mostly saturated+monounsaturated.
The amount of polyunsaturated fat would be outclassed by saturated+monounsaturated, meaning fat cells are composed of mostly saturated.
>I never gain weight; any thing else you think should be happening though?
Eating too much fat on top of the regular diet will lead to fat gain because the body will preferably store fat over converting sugar to fat.
Too much fat can cause insulin resistance in some people.
As long as the fat is almost all saturated+monounsaturated, it's not a big problem.
>Also, if I do not do this, I burn out. I get like a literal headache in my brain. It's like my brain's a muscle and I keep overclocking it again & again with intense meditation and need more fat to keep it going.
Same for me, except I use carbs instead of fat.


>So… keto? Or what?

It's the overload myself with everything diet while avoiding the stuff I don't consider food (like white bread, sugar, candies, sodas, and other weird ass shit that seems far removed from nature).

>Olive oil, butter and meat aren't a problem since they're mostly saturated+monounsaturated.

I also eat lard and every other part of an animal and sometimes but not often dairy.

>Eating too much fat on top of the regular diet will lead to fat gain because the body will preferably store fat over converting sugar to fat.

Then how come despite my ongoing efforts I never gain weight? Literally all the energy I get, I use for magick. I am extremely capable of utilizing all of my available energy and exhausting it. As fast as my body can extract energy from food, I can burn that energy even faster.

>Same for me, except I use carbs instead of fat.

I consume fuckloads of carbs as well though in addition to my fat. Like yesterday I consumed a few hundred grams of carbs in the form of oatmeal, bread, and gnocchi I am sure.

I also try to push the consumption of fruit as far as I can go every day without feeling terribly sick and disgusting. Currently rotating through apples, mandarins, and grapes and the occasional dried apricots.


You might be hypothyroid, when Ray Peat was hypothyroid he ate over 10,000 calories a day without gaining weight. Either that or you're overestimating your intake.


Or you could have an extremely good metabolism too.

Do me a favor
Measure your temperature and heart rate http://onlineheartrate.com and report back


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I know there's a guy on /fringe/ that really likes drinking his own piss, so here's an interview with Peat where he talks about the benefits of drinking your own piss



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Isometric excerises for the person without time/money/care about equipment. Body is a temple, rip that shit up using your own body as the foundation of your big gains.


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Post poisons


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Detected the low-test beta


Very helpful


What diet though ?


well estrogen comes from testosterone

so generally, low testosterone => low estrogen

this is why steroids users who don't do the research get boobies and get all emotional - they get more estrogen out of the testosterone they get

low estrogen beta master race


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>estrogen comes from testosterone
Where the fuck did you get this idea?
Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol and estradiol comes from the aromatase of testesterone

High test + low aromatase = high test, low estrogen
High test + high aromatase = medium test, medium estrogen
Low test + low aromatase = low test, low estrogen
Low test + high aromataste = low test, high estrogen

High test is always better, even if you have high aromatase. High vitamin e and progesterone inhibits the conversion of test into estradiol.

In summary

High test, low aromatase is master race


I'd like to clarify, that technically, you're right but in practice you're wrong.

Estradiol does come from test but not directly, it must aromatase, you're leaving out a key point. A diet, with good thyroid function, topical progesterone, fat-soluble vitamins K, A, D, E, selenium and low stress will result in pretty much no conversion of test to estradiol. Most aromatase activity in males actually occurs in fat tissue, so being lean is another big factor.


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Updated the image a bit


In terms of optimal health there is no excuse for drinking anything other than water.


Wow good job, you added fucking white bread and several other things that destroy your health.


Thanks mate for showing your ignorance again. Nothing wrong with some toast to put your eggs on and rice crackers to put your cheese on.
TOP KEK M8. Coffee, milk and juices are very good.


shoo satan, shoo.


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Here' i completed your work - you can now leave this place knowing your job is done.


I seriously hope you don't eat animal products at this stage.


After watching this, Google "Occam's Protocol." Five seconds up, five seconds down.


How's that Vitamin B12 deficiency treating you?

Unless you're getting animal products, you are poisoning yourself.


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>Thanks mate for showing your ignorance again. Nothing wrong with some toast to put your eggs on and rice crackers to put your cheese on.

I wonder WHO could be behind this post!


I am 6'4" and involved in very heavy physical labour and martial arts, I am eating more animals than ever right now, and it's still not really enough. I also appreciate and find use for the dark energies that sometimes come from such animals.

Until I actually start to gain weight I'm not going to cut down on my food loosh, I need tons of it, and I have yet to properly hook myself up to a steady influx of akasha straight from the astral to start to achieve Inedia.

My goal is to eat massive quantities of foods from all food groups. I just need more vegetables and more animals. I have unlimited fruit and bread and a good supply of nuts and seeds.

Currently devouring a turkey and wish I could have 12 eggs a day like levakama but the mundanes would get mad at me consuming eggs that fast.

I am very strong right now btw and only becoming more powerful as I eat more animals.


Hey /fringe/ what are ideal herbs and spices? i.e. ones that wont effect your magick/chi/loosh etc.

I am a neophyte so I implore genuine wizards to call out any shills that respond to this with bullshit! (looking at you smiley)

Thank you in advance


Mad unhealthy fucks.
Sorry, could you say that again? I couldn't hear you over my money machine counting the fat stacks the bread and rice cracker industry pay me.


No satan I wont let you have the last word this time.

Water, tea and coconut milk are the only acceptable things to drink for optimal health (tea with no added milk or sugar of course).

Know this unwary reader; anyone who tries to argue against what I just said is a shill and most likely jewish.


Try GOMAD, it works like a charm. You need to be lifting heavy in order to get the most out of it though.


the only ones I've seen that might lower magickal channels are garlic and onions, but because of that these can be used defensively.

I can't think of any other common spices that might screw you over.



What do you guys think of this?



Are you going to say anything backed with actual evidence or just mumbojumbo?



nutrition>short list of foods

when you're on that section look under beverages.

There are multiple conflicting studies about coffee saying it makes you live longer or that it will kill you so it is nullified. Regardless people are susceptible to becoming dependent on coffee so it's a bad idea period.

Shoo satan, shoo.


>foods to limit
>fruit juice


It is sugar water.


Google the nutrition of orange juice lmao kid, please stop posting. You don't know anything about nutrition.


There is nothing in fruit juice that cannot be gotten from a source which is easily obtained and objectively better. Are you trying to live optimally or just git 'er done? I think you're in the wrong place if you aren't trying to master yourself and how you interface with the world, Anon.


You're completely wrong.
Sugar is good and fruit juice has a load, along with loads of great nutrients
>Just eat oranges! MUH FIBER!
Fiber isn't always good, fermentable fiber feeds gut bacteria that produces toxins.
But if you want to eat 8 oranges instead of drinking a liter of orange juice… be my guest lol.


>Sugar is good
Go from here and return not!


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>Sugar is unhealthy!
Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Do you?



Based smiley himself has condemned raypeat, normalfag (>>27071).

Repent or be gone with you!


Fridge wizards, so whats the best sugar?
HFCS seems the most balanced, it even has minerals(mercury).


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White sugar has no toxins. It is processed through a charcoal filter which removes all impurities. It's just pure, clean energy. Nothing will benefit your magical practice more than an efficient energy source. If you are getting lots of micronutrients from other sources white sugar is fine, otherwise you can use unrefined cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses (if low in iron), etc. John the baptist lived off of honey and locusts. Of course your main sugar source would be fruit ideally, like the fruit from the garden of Eden.

Also in dairy products you find a sugar called galactose, the name comes from the same root as galaxy, as in the Milky way. Consuming galactose will give you the energy you would get devouring worlds, like Galactus. Another word for galactose is cerebrose which literally means brain sugar. Nothing will better enhance your psychic attunement than the cerebrose you will get from milk. Remember Canaan was the land of milk and honey. Don't buy the propaganda that sugar, salt and milk are bad because they are white. Your body craves sugar and salt for a reason.


"Remember that honey (bee honey) is the food of the Universal White Fraternity."
-Samael Aun Weor, 'The Yellow Book'


Oranges and other citrus fruits contain DMT, the 'spirit molecule'.



White sugar has no toxins. It is processed through a charcoal filter which removes all impurities.

That's literally why it's toxic, just like pure sodium chloride is toxic and responsible for all the health problems associated with salt, whereas sea salt which is not pure sodium chloride is ok for you.

As for sugar I've had to massively reduce the sugar I consume; and I've only ever consumed sugar in the form of fruits and honey.

Now I consume less fruits and more fat and feel better for it. Absolute no fruit juice anymore (too much sugar, too fast) and I sure as fuck am not going to add additional sugar in the form of white sugar.


>that GET


No, they are not toxic, the worst you can say is that white sugar and salt are lacking in micronutrients… vitamins and minerals… but on the flipside they are also free of toxic heavy metals. If you get enough micronutrients in the rest of your diet, white sugar and salt are fine. If not, use sugar and salt in forms that contain micronutrients. Getting energy from fat is less efficient, will cripple your thyroid function, slow down your metabolism, release PUFAs into your bloodstream causing oxidative damage, etc.


Absolute fucking bullshit, when I used to eat like you suggest I should, I was absolutely fucked up health-wise and couldn't function.

Now with tons of fat and much less sugar and better quality salt I am much better and my metabolism hasn't slowed down or anything. Only difference is now I have tons more energy, my body warmth is more stable, and my mind works at a much higher and more clear level.

You are a bluepilling kike! Books and studies I have read on this matter indicate you are wrong and my personal experience also indicates you are wrong.

If I start eating like you want me to do I will be sick again!


>Guys I was unhealthy, then I change diet, now healthy!
Well guess what. I eat tons of sugar in the form of fruit juice, etc and am perfectly healthy. So yea. lol.


To be honest, it sounds like you weren't eating any of the foods you should've been eating while you were eating sugar instead.

If you eat a little natural glucose and fructose while you eat those healthy foods you've adopted you'd be fine.

If you're doing high fat high protein low or no carbs, you might experience hypothyroid and chronic lethargy. there is not a tribe on earth that has lived without some carbohydrates, even the meat eaters.

Even the eskimos got carbs when they killed seals by eating the skin of the freshly-slain. After an animal has been dead for a while its cells have fully metabolized the glycogen that has been sitting there so it ends up being no-carbs.

If we hunted and killed for our food, we'd still be getting carbohydrates from the fresh kills. If you read all of your studies you'd probably know this. Your personal experience with and without sugar can easily be chalked up to placebo and nocebo.


Shlomo Shekelbergowicz, CEO of international corn syrup and sugar conglomerate


I don't believe you. Go from here disinfo agent.


I think a lot of this anti-sugar propaganda which is so prevalent in America today (Taubes, Lustig, etc.) comes from America's puritanical roots. Pay attention to the language the anti-sugar people use. It's not just about health, it's a moral crusade. Sugar can't possibly be good for us because humans greatly desire it, it gives us pleasure, and we all know that every human urge that gives us pleasure is a wicked sin. Hence people talking about 'carbohydrate addiction' in the same language that bureaucrats discuss the drug war.


Fuck off kike, I consume tons of carbohydrates, just not SUGAR.

I have no problem with consuming fuckloads of carbohydrates with my fat and protein and everything else. I just had to reduce my fruit consumption a lot. I now try to limit myself to about 7 fruits but because fruit is so fucking cheap and plentiful (I literally have boxes of fresh fruit here and most if it just going to expire and be thrown out into the forest) I tend to eat too much still and fuck myself up.

I absolutely will not consume fruit juice anymore, nor cane sugar, or any other pure sources of sugar… the fruits I consume are bad enough for me.

Most of what I need to be eating is fuckloads of high quality grains such as in sourdough rye bread, oatmeal, etc. with fuckloads of cheese, lard, olive oil, meats, blood, organs, etc. and some vegetables whenever possible and cooked if necessary.

>If you eat a little natural glucose and fructose while you eat those healthy foods you've adopted you'd be fine.

That's the problem. It has to be a little and yet I happen to be in a circumstance where I literally have unlimited fruit. I could eat 100+ fruits every single day or say 3 huge popcorn bowls full of nothing but fruit and not run out ever. I keep giving away fruit to whoever wants it but most people don't want to take much so most just goes into the forest when it expires. Many I'm fucking buried in fruits… I got unlimited citrus, unlimited grapes, unlimited apples, I got fucking pears a plenty… I got pomegranite. I could provide fruit for this whole board if everyone here lived with me.

I also got unlimited organic sourdough rye bread but that's fine, there are no limits on the bread I can eat without fucking myself up, so I just eat as much bread as I can possibly stuff into my body every day.

Just need to max out on fats as well, stuffing as much as that as possible into my body along with the bread and vegetables.

Fruits I must not eat so much of, got to stay under 7 fruits a day, maybe less… hard to do though when you've got all this fucking fruit around you constantly.

I've got a whole freezer as well absolutely full of every fruit imaginable and I don't even eat any of it anymore because I have all this fresh fruit constantly around me.

God damn I can't wait until avocados are in season because when that happens I'm going to eat fuckloads of avocados every single day. They aren't like other fruits; they are full of fat. I'm gonna become an avocado-fuelled wizard when that happens.


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I listened to Robert Lustigs 1.5 hour lecture on fructose, I lost count of how many times he said "evil, "toxic" and "poison".

I also looked at his sources + studies and couldn't find anything that supports his claims of fructose's harmful effects, in fact I found mostly beneficial things.


>Administration of sugars p.o. impaired absorption of ethanol and led to lower peak blood concentrations: fructose (0.88 mg/ml), glucose (1.21 mg/ml) mixture (1.10 mg/ml) and saline control (1.57 mg/ml).


>Fructose does not trigger the production of insulin by pancreatic β cells


Seriously reported you, you're a fucking asshole and aren't interested in finding the truth, just spreading bullshit and insulting people. Seriously go fuck yourself you dumb shit, you know NOTHING about /fringe/, you know NOTHING about nutrition and most of all are a self-deluded, self-important fuckwit.


Today despite my limitations I've ate probably 30 fruits but that's because I ate a fuckload of meat and vegetables and bread cheese today. I have ate so much fucking food. I used to have like no food but I used my magick and some reality manifestation and now I have all the food I can possibly eat… just need to use my magick some more to get better quality meats and cheeses in practically unlimited supply and I'll have beat the food game.

>Seriously reported you, you're a fucking asshole and aren't interested in finding the truth, just spreading bullshit and insulting people. Seriously go fuck yourself you dumb shit, you know NOTHING about /fringe/, you know NOTHING about nutrition and most of all are a self-deluded, self-important fuckwit.

Thanks for the loosh mundane!


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In fact right now I just ate a whole fucking bowl of salad which was mostly lettuce and a variety of vegetables with olive oil poured over the top and then a whole bunch of meat and potatoes and curry mixture on top of the salad and then I had some more pomegranate and a mandarin afterwards.

Now I might eat an entire sourdough rye bread again today, making it the second one consumed today, perhaps with lots of cheese over it hmmmm….

Sugars fuck me up 'cause they go direct to my blood-stream real fuckin' fast, like mere seconds, especially if it's in a liquid form I'm consuming. Carbohydrates my body intelligently breaks down and doesn't release in a huge fucking dose all at once. Although if I'm GO GO GOing real fuckin' hard all day then perhaps I could increase my fruit consumption more but it's hard to explain to people why you're dancing and lifting fuckloads of heavy boxes and stretching and running around at work still I do this to some extent anyways who fucking cares right?


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>he can't even into emotional alchemy


Y'all niggas just don't understand I'm Northern European and I consume a LOT of fruits and this is not good for me because of muh heritage. It's not normal for a Northern European, especially during winter (which it is right now), to have so much fucking fruit available… it makes sense I need more meat and grains. You know Europeans are so white because grains grow further north in Europe historically than grains grew in North America so with a grain-based diet in Europe we had to be a lot whiter than Inuit.

If you're a nigger you can probably thrive better on all this fruit I have.

Strictly speaking, sugar is not bad, but only in really small quantities; and I have fucking unlimited sugar in all of its forms available to me.

I try to eat as much fruit as I can stand without fucking myself over in the form of fruits and fuck that fruit juice that shit hits me so hard and fast.

I can't sleep with so much fucking sugar in my body when I eat like 50-100 fruits maybe more in a day.


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>No, no. I'm totally serious here, don't risk the chance of getting hooked on the sugar. It makes you hate yourself, you eating other food entirely, and you keep getting addictive reactions where you just want to eat sugar, because you feel like you need to eat it when you really don't. You'll stop enjoying other food, having constantly the thought of "Well, I could be eating sugar right now" in the back of your mind, half of the time, it doesn't eve taste good.
>I warn you. If you enjoy food DO NOT start eating sugar. I cannot speak for starch, but seriously, there are so many other things to eat, please don't eat sugar. Don't.


>Sugars fuck me up 'cause they go direct to my blood-stream real fuckin' fast, like mere seconds
You could have just wrote "I know nothing about nutrition and just spouting bullshit myths I heard" and your post would have essentially been the same.


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I probably eat more sugar than most of you pro-sugar niggers because of how much fruit I have. Maybe you'd be pretty fucked up too if you had a literally unlimited supply of fruit like me and you had the same heritage as me.

In general, I probably eat more of everything than most of you, because I'm a fire-imbalanced wizard that burns through fucking everything and gets so much fucking energy coursing through him sometimes it like electrocutes me.

I really need that fat though, lots of fats, that has to be the basis of my diet it gives me fuckloads of energy which I can consciously control the rate of energy flow into my body like I can incinerate the fat really fucking quick by doing fire meditation which I can also do in motion btw don't have to sit around doing it. Fat burns in my body and creates lots of heat I need during winter and if I want to I can transfer the heat through my body to a specific part of the body and out of the body.

There is so much energy in fat and it also helps to have that fat there to convert the fruits and everything else I eat.

Carbohydrates likewise don't quite overwhelm my body like pure sugar does because I can control the way and the speed in which my body metabolizes it and thus keep things in balance. Liquid sugar though goes straight to my blood and puts my body in stress and yes I can counter it but my body works hard to do that and the stress does damage.

Liquid sugar goes sanic fast in my body and I don't need that unless maybe I'm running a fucking marathon maybe and even then I'd have to like eat a small bunch of fruits at intervals. I could like wear a backpack or something full of fruit and reach in at random while running and jumping about and get some more fruit into me and I'd be a fruit-fuelled wizard but I still need that fat anyways so I better take some olive oil with me to drink inbetween gulps of fruit… and probably should take some bread with me too.

You can't really overload on one thing too log without throwing stuff out of balance. It's best to eat small quantities of everything, regularly, for the most part. Except meat because meat breaks down slowly so you can eat lots of it and then not worry about eating meat for 3-4 hours.


How about fuck you I know this from personal experience? I have a can of iced tea here with liquid sugar in it. I take a sip and I feel its effects on me in mere seconds.

It ain't a myth it's a reality for me. When I overload on sugar like this my acne gets worse, I can't sleep, and I tremble more and my body is stressed.

I don't care what shit you've read about it, I'm not going to start killing myself with liquid sugar just because your studies say something that my body contradicts.

Go back to the Caribbean nigger, a White Nordic man like can not handle your level of fruit-consumption (how many fruits do you eat anyways?).


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>When I overload on sugar like this my acne gets worse, I can't sleep, and I tremble more and my body is stressed.


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It's the 100% truth nigger. I may have a mutation or genetic problem or whatever but that's what fucking happens when I consume too much sugar too fast.


Try consuming it with protein (meat, dairy, seafood)+fat(saturated/monounsaturated) and from natural source (fruit juice, honey, fruits).


Nigger, have you even been reading my posts in this thread? Read back the last few posts with an Edgy Fuckwad flag. That's EXACTLY what I do in order not to fuck myself up. I eat fat/oils/lard/meats/organs/cheese/etc. and after eating a lot of that I then eat a couple fruits (NOT FRUIT JUICE, I USED TO DO THAT AND IT WAS TOO HARD ON MY BODY) and sometimes I have some honey on my oatmeal as well.

Liquid sugar, sugar, etc. I can't have but fruits and honey I can have a few of as long as the ratio of it is like 100g of fruit for 500g of animal products and grain products or something like that.


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This is Dr. Fred A Kummerow. At 100 years old he is responsible for the now widespread knowledge that Trans-fats are harmful. In this short clip he tells us the harms of Poly-unsaturated fats (vegetable oils). Notice his clear skin. https://vimeo.com/123987758

He follows a fairly routine diet of an egg, fruit, meat, milk, and vegetables, avoiding fried food, vegetable oils, and trans fats.


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'Does sugar cause cancer? NO!
When I refer to sugar I am referring to natural real foods with sugar: Fruits, root veggies, honey, OJ, Milk, etc.

Despite what many natural doctors and nutritional practitioners say…Sugar is not the CAUSE of cancer. Sugar is NOT the problem. The problem is the environment in which sugar is being metabolized. Cells of a cancer patient are unable to metabolize sugar properly. Its not sugars fault its their body's fault.
Poor sugar metabolism is the product of increased fatty acid metabolism which blocks proper sugar metabolism: Poly unsaturated fats, increased estrogen, low thyroid, stress, and a LOW carb lifestyle can lead to this state.

Does sugar feed cancer? Yes, but sugar feeds ALL cells. Sugar is fuel. AND If you don't feed your body sugar, your body will break down its OWN tissue to produce its OWN sugar. Cancer can survive on fats and protein just as well as sugar…
So is the answer to avoid all foods with sugar? NO!
The answer it to heal the environment in which sugar is metabolized. Heal the body do NOT remove the sugar!


Why are you ignoring that too much sugar too fast is harmful for you though?

Sugar in fruits and honey and from carbohydrates is OK if it's not too much of it at once.

If you consume like 30 oranges that have been blended up in just 2 minutes of drinking them all, you fuck yourself up, which is what I used to do.

Liquid sugar especially goes to your bloodstream super fast and messes you up.

Sodas and fruit juices are just terrible for the body.

If you ever do consume fruit juice anyways, you have to sip small amounts of it at a time, and if you are like me each sip will still feel pretty bad… and you have to take like an hour or two to finish drinking your glass of juice.

It's best to just eat some fruits every day, a few at a time, and not overload your system with tons of them at once and especially not in liquid form.


>too much sugar too fast
Too much of anything too fast is bad for you. Too much water too fast will kill you, as will sugar.

>Liquid sugar especially goes to your bloodstream super fast and messes you up.

Not if consumed with protein+fat. Starches (bread, potatoes, etc) also are processed extremely fast, being glucose (no fructose) also stimulate an even higher insulin response.

>Sodas and fruit juices are just terrible for the body.

Not really. Soda, yes. Fruit juices contain minerals, specifically potassium, which acts like insulin meaning your body has to secrete significantly less insulin.

>If you ever do consume fruit juice anyways, you have to sip small amounts of it at a time, and if you are like me each sip will still feel pretty bad…

I was like that too when I first starting consuming large amounts of orange juice but now I can down an entire glass (with a meal) and be fine.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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He focuses too much on G.I.

>hunter gatherer had fruit about every 6 weeks a year

>fructose causes weight gain and fat storage
lol, yea man those fruitarians are so fucking fat. show me 1 person that got fat from eating too much fruit.
He talks a bit about AGE (advanced glycation endproducts) and blames it on insulin and glucose, partially correct but he doesn't mention how carbon dioxide binds to the same groups as AGEs, stopping AGEs from causing harm and how polyunsaturated fats cause AGEs.
He also talks a bit about the famous rabbit study but he doesn't mention the cholesterol they used was oxidized before ingested, which caused the horrible effects, though he does talk about their herbivores, that matters too of course.
He says "oh carbs r bad, muh insulin response" and fails to mention how amino acids also stimulate a very strong insulin response as well. Nor dose he mention that the potassium in fruits and fruit juices acts like insulin, meaning little insulin has to be secreted.
>You have to have fatty acids
Yes you do, a very small amount, the amount however required is very small and so is the "optimal amount".
>eating lots of calories is bad rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
And he fails to mention those who are metabolically wasteful (people who eat lots of calories), live longer, have more energy and suffer from less disease. Children are remarkably healthy at their peak wasteful metabolic age (12-15).
>The insulin shoves all those calories in your fat tissue
Eating sugar with protein+fat will stimulate very little insulin response.
>insulin is always low when you eat a low-carb diet
Ay lmao, fucking no. Protein stimulates a high insulin response as well and fructose doesn't stimulate an insulin response at all.
>people who eat fat are not as hungry
Polyunsaturated fats suppress the thyroid and metabolism, so yes, no shit, eating poison will reduce hunger.
>we're supposed to mostly eat animal products.
Top. fucking kek. Yea man paleolithic man certainly didn't eat fruit, ayy lmao.
>magical stuff happens on this diet! wow don't have to count calories or exercise! wow!
So what? Any good diet should do this, I don't count calories and am lean.
He also doesn't mention how stressful it is to eat low carb. After the liver's glycogen is depleted, fasting destroys the tissues, starting with the thymus, then the muscles and liver.

He's partially right but partially wrong. On the right track with saturated+cholesterol but goes full retard with sugar with a SHIT TON of misinformation, myths and straight-up bullshit. Like "muh insulin, sugar = muh insulin" while in reality, fructose limits insulin and intensifies metabolism, burning calories faster.



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kill yourself


What is the problem with aryanism.net in your opinion, anon?


i'm not that anon, but after having read it, it makes a good case at first until you start to see they want you to eat vegan.

There's nothing inherently wrong with eating vegan or vegetarian, in fact it may be ideal. But the idea that aryans are supposed to be vegan subsistence farmers who never raised animals to sustain themselves is suspect.

For one, if you didn't live in a naturally fertile land, but you had plenty of grasslands around, you might raise ruminants like sheep, cattle or goats to eat the grass and poop to fertilize it. They would also need the big cattle to till the fields. This is how most of Europe survived as well as most of the world that advanced to agriculture.

Hindus proclaimed cows as sacred because some people were too unaware to understand that killing and eating your farm equipment was a bad idea in the long term. this is an aryan, or higher civilization idea.

The aryans are the conscious ones, conscious as to the reason why you aren't supposed to kill the cattle when you needed them for other reasons. this is why "aryans" of europe can tolerate dairy and not necessarily the pasteurized modern shit. The non-aryans are the unconscious individuals who have not attained the four realms of consciousness. they are also usually lactose intolerant.

tl;dr Aryanism.net seeks to categorize certain things as aryan or non-aryan very haphazardly to push a vegan agenda.

Also soups and stews are great sources of nutrition and every civilization around the world has their variants of it, but bone broth is what makes them very great.

>If you're a nigger you can probably thrive better on all this fruit I have.

If so, why are niggers in the west so obese and diabetic? They obviously can't thrive any better than you can with your 31337 aryan jeans. Clearly the case is for moderation, eating different foods, and to avoid modern processed junk food.

>when I eat like 50-100 fruits maybe more in a day.

>I probably eat more sugar than most of you pro-sugar niggers because of how much fruit I have.

Oh, that's why. This is your choice. You see, not even a nignog would be dumb enough to do that, except for maybe the american kind buying kool aid and hostess snacks on food stamps. then they suffer from the exact problems you describe.

We're all on the same page here and you're spilling your loosh all over this thread trying to defend your paranoia and contrarianism based on your poor decisions of eating too much fruit.

if you had more resistant starch and fibers, or even apple cider vinegar you'd understand these can all slow the uptake of glucose tremendously.

Even schlomo is right and he's obviously trying to shill his sugar.


A vegan diet is certainly not optimal.


>If so, why are niggers in the west so obese and diabetic? They obviously can't thrive any better than you can with your 31337 aryan jeans. Clearly the case is for moderation, eating different foods, and to avoid modern processed junk food.

…because they aren't fruitarians, idiot. You imply the west is just full of Fruitarians. If they were eating nothing but fruit they'd surely be thriving better on it than me.

>We're all on the same page here and you're spilling your loosh all over this thread trying to defend your paranoia and contrarianism based on your poor decisions of eating too much fruit.

Nigger, I've been repeating myself for awhile here, and you've been ignoring what I've been saying about too much fruit and consuming liquid sugar then chimping out on me. I eat tons of fruit but need to eat less.

>if you had more resistant starch and fibers, or even apple cider vinegar you'd understand these can all slow the uptake of glucose tremendously.

I already know that I can eat like 3 apples no problem but certain other fruits I can't eat the same quantity of fruit without getting fucked up.


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>…because they aren't fruitarians, idiot. You imply the west is just full of Fruitarians. If they were eating nothing but fruit they'd surely be thriving better on it than me.

What evidence do you have for that?


Niggers in America / "The West" do not subsist on fruits, they subsist on junkfood generally.


I'm so of this dank "le old fruit wasn't le sugary" meme, there is no fucking proof of that. Look at the wild fruit today that hasn't been genetically modified or extremely modified, it's just as sugary as an orange or watermelon, they just taste bitter due to high vitamin c content.


Nobody in this thread has ever said old fruit has less sugar…


Hi again, I've managed to keep to 90% fruit for the past month or so, nothing cooked. So far, clearer skin, less mucus, bodily odor intensity decreased (including that of waste), less sexual desire, feeling less inhibited and foggy, less instances of running to food as an emotional crutch. I will continue forth and report back sometime later in the year, as this particular plight is proving to be beneficial to me.


Good for you anon I hope it works for you



Comradery on my /fringe/?

Wish their was more of this on here rather than deluded dick swinging.

But yeah good effort anon I also hope you reach your goals.


now try drinking your urine for those free extra gains


Ok I could have sworn there was a great post with a pic of some anime girl eating a cheeseburger. It was a great comprehensive list of ideal nutrition and i'm 99% sure it was in this thread.

Can anyone confirm if it was removed or not?

I think someone with the handle "didi" also posted a pic of the emeretard pill diet with all the crap removed but that also appears to be gone.


I'm constantly increasing my intake of meat and cheese right now, especially cheese. I smell terrible but have a ton more power which I can use for fire meditation to heal and cleanse my body and burn up all the illness in it. I have to do a ridiculous amount of hard labour right now on top of my fighting and everything.

Maybe you are not a 6'4" Nordic like me and have a less physically intense lifestyle or your body is well adapted to this sort of diet…

The condition of my skin right now is pretty much entirely under the control of astral influences btw, food and stuff seems to have no effect on it, but not directing enough loosh energy to my body or having a bad astral trip does a lot of damage to my skin. I have to consciously heal my body.

That was ME posting as anonymous. Not Didi or any other persons.

There are multiple diet threads up at once right now, check the catalogue, you might find it that way.


Are you looking for my post here btw ( >>30846 ) ?


You are quite right; I am not of that stature nor heritage and currently live a sedentary lifestyle. I do not know if what I am eating now would support the active state, but I would like to believe so. Regardless, with the warm and beautiful weather, I will definitely be going outside more often in the coming months so it will show.


>fire meditation to heal and cleanse my body and burn up all the illness in it
which elemental meditation do you think is the most effective for healing?
I have used earth to mold the body eliminating imperfections, fire to cleanse disease and water to purify the body and soul but I can't think of a way to use air for healing.


Water, if you can tap into and receive healing from a good enough source. That way you get energized in the process while being healed instead of having to burn out your own energy doing it.

Air would be a matter of intelligently constructing thoughtforms that constantly heal you dynamically.


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>ice cream is unhealthy!
When will this meme end?

Pic related, my homemade ice cream.

>vanilla extract

How is any of that bad? Literally, it's just like drinking milk with extra sugar and fat. Oh nooo!

Ice cream is literally a health food.


Well there's a difference between homemade and store bought isn't there. Perhaps if that distinction was made at the start you'd have less flack.

Regardless if it isn't honey or fruit it's not needed. Your little home made treat is just a fix for your brains sugar addiction


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some store bought ice cream is not bad either. for example haagen dazs sells some that only have like 5 ingredients which are all natural. or you could spring for organic ice cream.


just be sure to avoid anything with carageenan, which they put in all the cheaper brands.


I bought lemons today and have had 3. I really like them but I worry it could be because they remind my pallet of the taste of the sour candies I used to consume and thus may reactivate cravings… However I quickly googled them and found that they can be very beneficial to the body.

So is it ok to go a little wild with them? Are there any big negatives I should know about?


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>sugar addiction


nice dubs

btw, for the fedorites in this thread, sugar (glucose) addiction is like saying air addiction


…or you could just let go of your stupid attachment to this non-food and eat proper and simple uncorrupted foods like any homesteading farmer would consume.


I have like a hundred lemons right now and well unlimited amounts of every fruit there is…

Go ahead and eat them or put em' in water and drink the water and whatever. The citric acid will increase your visual capacity and enhance your meditation. You just can't eat these citrus fruits constantly all the time every day as they are very acidic.

Pretty much any fruit or vegetable, no matter what it is, if you consume it constantly certain negatives will become pronounced and cause you problems. If you constantly vary your diet and change every day or every few days what fruits and vegetables you eat, you should not have problems.


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>combining milk, cream, egg yolk and sugar somehow 'corrupts' those foods and turns them into non-foods


One of the few good posts in this thread.


I actually replied to that post calling out his bullshit it seems a mod got upset and deleted it.

Oh well, the truth eludes most of you anyways, you don't WANT to know the truth, you just want to cling to your dogma like "all sugar is bad", etc.



Is there an equivalent/similar video for fire?


How do you combine your workouts with sigilization?


This thread is so full of conflicting information.

Can someone just link me a generic, wizard confirmed healthy diet?

Emerald/Iron pill diets don't look quite right to me.


Thoughts on Doshas (http://banyanbotanicals.com/info/prakriti-quiz)?
How much does blood type effect what diet should be like?


Any idea which janitor it might have been? This censorship from my hotpocket janitors is not acceptable.


>combining excessive heat and meat turns it non-food

Who'd have known some combinations ruin food?


it is your job to sift through the nonsense and find the truth

>you can trust me


Eat bread, cereals, fruit and vegetables.

Meat and dairy occasionally are fine


This here is the proper wizard diet: ( >>30846 ).


I will say this, if you are going to eat bread you are doing it the right way. Sourdough is good because it's fermented which gets rid of a lot of the phytic acid. Phytic acid is something in grains/nuts/seeds that binds to nutrients and can cause nutrient deficiencies.

The other good thing about sourdough bread is it can be made without oil, avoiding PUFAs which are in most breads.

I really think everyone would be better off without nuts and seeds (too much unsaturated fats) but if you choose to eat them at least soak them to get rid of the phytic acid, and sprout grains before using them.


Also if you want to eat fat you are better off sticking to stable saturated fats, like butter, ghee, cheese, cream, tallow, coconut oil, palm oil.

Generally the way you eat reminds me of what a guy named Matt Stone (not the South Park one) used to promote. He used to promote eating massive amounts of calories, mostly starches and fats, to boost the metabolism. Not surprisingly he ended up getting fat eating that way, lol, but maybe if you're burning enough calories as mana that won't happen to you. Since then Stone read Ray Peat's work and now promotes eating sugar too, he has some interesting stuff now and then although some of it is stupid.. his site:


I am slim and lanky as fuck and I don't even like eating so I assure you if I actually became noticeably fat I would just immediately reduce the amount of foods I eat in my diet. Also if I could eat more fruits than I already do without getting acne break-outs and other problems like not being able to sleep and shaky hands and so on from all the sugar than I would eat more as I have a truly unlimited supply of them.

I use huge amounts of energy up in the practise of magick.


>recommending bread and cereal as a major constituent of diet
plz go
Bread and cereal are hard to digest and have very little nutrients.
I'll go through the amount of stupid shit in this post, once again.
>sourdough breads of any type but especially rye
Traditionally made breads are a lot better than the modern quick-rise bread but shouldn't be a major part of diet.
>any fish from the ocean you want, once in awhile
No. Fatty fish should be avoided.
>>any fruits you want whatsoever, just avoid fruits sprayed with pesticides, or else do your best to remove the pesticides from the fruit by putting them all in filtered water for awhile so the pesticides come out of the fruit and into the water and then you wash the water down the drain to go and pollute the city water supply… maybe a carbon filter in the water might also help this process? The best fruits are generally the ones most like the wild-types found in nature… or like old heritage varieties that weren't produced for the mass man
No some fruits are hard to digest (pomegranates) and some contain known toxins (grapefruit).
>>any kind of salt that isn't just sodium chloride which appears white… so salts like Himalayan Pink Crystal Rock Salt and Celtic Sea Salt and any brown/pink/etc. coloured salts
Usually contaminated with heavy metals, plain white is better.
>>any vegetables you want, except avoid onions/garlic/plants-in-that-family when you're about to do some magickal work, as they fuck up your lucidity and in general do not consume too much of any one vegetable constantly or you'll probably fuck yourself up (in fact that goes for practically anything, too much of any one food tends to fuck you up eventually)
If you're going to eat any vegetables than excluding a few like onions+garlic is retarded. Most vegetables are hard to digest, the only vegetables I suggest are a few for flavor, potatoes if you're really poor and leaves for calcium if you can't eat dairy.
>>any meat you want, just avoid factory-farmed meat and meat pumped full of hormones and other crap that's going to fuck you up… if the animal had a good diet and life it's ok to eat all of it (bones, organs, meat, blood, everything)
No, avoid pork and poultry, they have the worst treatment, diets and conditions. Grass-fed ruminant animals are the best.
More gelatiny cuts are better.
>>eat all the butter, lard, fat, cheese, etc. you want
>>vinegar, sauerkraut, etc. is all good
TOo much = too much lactic acid. Small amount is OK.
>>shellfish and pork, unless you want to do black magick immediately afterwards when submerged in all those negative vibes
Pork, yes, shellfish, no. Shellfish is very in nutrients and safe for consumption unless you live like fucking india.
>onions and garlic and related plants, unless you want to temporarily shutdown your lucidity and disconnect from astral phenomena, or you aren't doing anything magickal at the time
Made up bullshit with no scientific or magical backing whatsoever
>ice cream, soda, candies, chocolate, fastfood, shit that has a long shelf-life, artificial sweetener, coffee, white flour, etc.
No. Ice cream, chocolate and soda are fine in moderation.

rest are pretty correct though
Dude u dont need eat like 600 grams of sugar, like holy fuck


Shit mode: vegan, low carb, SAD
Okay mode: WAPF/traditional diets
Godmode: peat/emerald pill (fruit>veg, sugar>starch, gelatin>muscle meats, sat. fat>PUFAs)


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The best sources of sugar are FRUIT and FRUIT juices, honey 2nd and refined sugar is worst due to lack of nutrients.

This IS a low-fat diet, but in the traditional sense, you get more than enough from meat, dairy, seafood and eggs. Carbs are better than fat, if you're going to eat fats, just eat the saturated fats and you'll be fine.

Some myths and bullshit people keep spreading
>Saturated fat and sugar are bad, much cholesterol, leptin, blah, blah, blah
Saturated fat and sugar have never been shown to be harmful 100%, the most we've got are a few studies showing that when people eat saturated fat (usually from fast food and shitty processed food, not from coconut oil, grass-fed meat and clean dairy) and more sugar (refined sugar from soft drinks, ice cream and chocolate filled with preservatives) have worse health. Yea, no shit. However, there is not a single study, none at all, showing any actual harmful effects from sugar+saturated fat intake from good sources on a healthy being. None. At all. If you have any, please show me, I've never found any. The most I've found are a few like fucking animal studies with absurd doses of fructose and bullshit alarmism from Lustig.

>dairy? M-muh estrogen! goy plz!

Dairy has waaaaaaay more progesterone than estrogen and the amount of estrogen is like, so fucking small, it's not significant at all. The calcium+protein+progesterone+other nutrients way more than makes up for the tiny estrogen content.
>muh grains! bread and rice crackers!? RRRRRRRRREEEEE
Yea, grains should be a small amount.
There's nothing wrong with chocolate or ice cream without additives.
Chocolate = sugar + milk + cocoa
Ice cream = sugar + milk + cream

That's it. Cocoa is high in nutrients in and ice cream tastes fuckin delicious+is healthy (in moderation, a couple scoops).
>where's muh high-fat fish, muh nuts, muh legumes, muh poultry, muh pork
Too much polyunsaturated fat which has many known negative health effects. Lamb+beef has more nutrients than pork+poultry + better diets + tastes better. Legumes, grains and nuts are hard to digest and don't really have much nutrients at all. The only nuts I can recommend in a small amount are almonds, sunflower seeds and macadamias, like half an ounce a day max.

You can get all your nutrients on this diet.


Re: the garlic thing, interesting link:


“Anti-Allium forces have been at work in the Old World since antiquity. There are claims that onions and garlic were considered unclean and avoided by priests in ancient Egypt […] Brahmins, other upper-caste Hindus and respectable persons were enjoined to reject various Allium species, such as onion, garlic, and leeks, along with certain other foods, prominent among them objectionable flesh such as pork and that of carnivorous birds. The concern here was with maintaining ritual purity and avoiding pollution, with avoiding Alliums because they were unclean. Some suggest that their impurity derived from the perception of them as being similar to flesh. One example is found in the Bower Manuscript, an Indian Buddhist medical treatise written in the fifth century A.D., which indicated that Brahmins should not eat garlic because it originated from a living being, which gave it an evil odor as well. Specifically, the treatise recounts a story of the deity Vishnu severing the head of the lord of the demons. Drops from the demon’s throat fell on the ground and these were the first garlic. By this tradition, garlic derived from an enemy of the gods and thus was evil.”

Also Dr. Bob Beck (electromedicine pioneer:

Not claiming that is legit, just food for thought.



damn this resonates with me n i use to love these foods but i've had my gut afflicted with leaky gut, i'm now lactose intolerant and have TONS of food allergies. i can't drink milk i can't drinksoy milk, almond milk, or even coconut milk ithink. and i can't eat ANY FRUIT, even boiled pears…how do i actually fix this


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can mental exercise and vistualization increase your muscles volume? I tried it and experience a little increase


u can maybe pump yourself up a little but…just lift weights


let me rephrase that: you can just lift weights =)


i already do,im thinking of doing this while sleeping


I know a good who never exercises, is totally sedentary, doesn't do sports, doesn't do anything at all and yet he has super human strength and speed.

It can be done. The Holographic Universe books explains how.



If you are white the odds of you having a genuine genetic intolerance for lactose are low, since your ancestors will have raised cattle and used them for dairy. There are a few options you can take to try to tolerate dairy.

One is to work your way up. Start just drinking s small amount, like say a quarter cup of milk, and then increase the amount gradually, week by week. Your body may learn to tolerate it.

Another option is to try different types of dairy. If you really are lactose intolerant, drinking lactose-free dairy could solve your problem. Or you could take a pill like Lactaid to help you tolerate the lactose.

Some people have a problem with milk because the vitamin D and A added to it can be allergenic, so another option would be to find milk without added vitamins.

Some people who can't tolerate pasteurized milk find that they do quite well on raw milk. Pasteurization kills some friendly bacteria which can help with digestion.

Also some people who don't do well on most cow's milk which has the A1 protein do better on milk that only has the A2 type of beta-casein protein. Goat milk is always A2 so you could try that out.

Only after trying all of these options should you consider dropping milk entirely.


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Any advice on making a ghetto water distiller?

I've tried and so far can only produce a mouth full per session and it tastes bad because of the plastic.

Also flags are stupid, they're obviously tied into some kind of magic so it can give the board owner more power when you submit.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a basic red pill on gmo's

and a green pill on how your emotion affect your DNA. https://youtu.be/VPLGN0yIDTg Fair warning though this is Dan Winter, it will take a few times of watching to get some info out of it…..It"s Dan Winter for crying out loud(oh and a bit in the end he talks about how GMO's effect dna/the soul, very interesting ).



> huh who's this Dan Winter guy

>open video

oh christ someone reaffirm for me I can be a high level STO without turning into a bitchboy



Thanks for posting that anon. Fairly informative too.

>that ending

Oh my sides. At least it had a good flow.


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Should I take up the drinking of buttery, salty, tea in order to gain huge quantities of loosh rapidly every day through my diet to fuel my intense magickal activity?



bulletproof tea. monks were putting butter in their tea centuries before dave asprey started putting it in his coffee.



I decided to try that out, I made it too salty for my taste.



Made mine too bitter. It's still a strangely nice drink.



If it said in a book that buddhist monks pee or shit in their tea to increase the energy they gain from it would you just do it.

Smiley you shouldn't take everything you read as the truth.

The buddhist only give knowledge to someone when they think he is ready. There is a 1000 different monasteries in Tibet with many different traditions which means not all of them eat the same things. But it is not my intention to stop you. I only want to stop people from doing the same things you want to do just becouse you post it in a thread. You only need fruit and vegetables that contain no pesticides. The animals you eat should also be feed with food that contains no pesticides. The only thing left is to avoid flouride. With eating this you have enough loosh to do anything you want. It is a lot more important to practice than to worry about what food or drink gives you the most energy.


Anyone doing Raw Till 4?

Unlimited carbs, 20g or less of fat a day.

I'm doing it since january, eating 5000 kcals a day and no weight gain.

I get loosh from food, and I bodybuild, so the more I eat, the better it is.

This diet gave me so much…




Fuck off kike, it's a widely reported practice of Tibet. Fucking kike, it's not even exclusive to monks, only because you are fucking dumb about it don't try to create a whole scenario in your head. 1000 monasteries? Kike please, not even 100. They are in a place of limited resources, the way of life and nourishment are mostly the same in all of them, kike, tradition changes are related to practices and teachings. Deception is inherent to you, but fuck, kike. Just stop now. You already kiked enough. Kikes, man.



I only practice mostly jewish magick. I'm not jewish. If drinking tea with butter and salt is your thing go ahead. You will go mad from thinking jews are behind everything your can't understand. I'm probably more aryan than you all of my ancestors for 1000 years back were white.



kike pls



All western magic is based on the kabbalah so I don't know why you call me a kike. If you practice european magic you just as much of a kike as me.




listen kike

just listen




its trash



>that ending

ya ending it with rap….ya its pretty bad. lol



>implying qabbalah is not egyptian in origin



This, this is the path for nutrition the greatest should go for.

From research, it takes 15-25 years to achieve if you began eating foods / meat / levels etc, the body has to recycle it's atoms fully every 7 years is a fresh new construct and a new sequence of chemicals are delivered - the body will itself become the proper channel for it's own sustainability.



not to mention, each step you take along the path of nutrition grants you more and more buffs - lol like in a video game,

vegetarian = better circulation and cognitive functioning along with proper sexual organ functioning ( it's common for males ages 20-40 to have sexual inadequacies due to meat and dairy consumption and poor cholesterol causes them to make bad decisions )

Vegan - You begin to have better recovery and your flexibility naturally increases, your body has more tone and definition and you are able to do more physical activity using less energy, your sexual drive is perfect and you have good erectile control along with proper endocrine function and more optimal chemical potency and quality in your body.

Raw vegan. Full nutrition absorption and less requirements for time to cook and manage nutritional intake - overall health is highly proper and ability to reproduce is optimal, system is clean of metals and foreign elements which are ingested after the chemical alteration of nutrients using cooking methods and preparations, respiration circulation heart efficiency organ efficiency cognitive functions all the possibilities are optimized to the best levels


Highest optimal nutritional intake, full fat+protein+fiber+hydration, perfect carbs, perfect amount of radiation as optimal diet requires tropical fruits which have the most contact and effectiveness ad acquiring high levels of energy and nutrients, chemical functioning of body is at peak, cholesterol is immaculate and endocrine system is fully functioning at maximum efficiency with proper quality building material for the entire construct to maximize it's potential. In sexual intercourse body fluids are sweeter and have a pleasant aroma, Ph levels in fluids are perfectly balanced and contain very little to almost no nefarious contaminants from secretions, among other effects when used with tao tantric sexual magick

further levels after, waterian, etc, are in the levels of what we know as fasting at the moment, it has been shown that when fasting properly and with training for certain periods of time, growth hormones get released in the body which permit various uses as long as one has the faculty to utilize their imagination enough to make proper use of them.



You have inspired me. I'm going to further research this and may drop my current regime.





>muh vegetarian vegan raw muh muh

plz go

Dairy, meat, eggs and honey are some of the best foods you can eat.



I tried to be a fruitarian and I got seriously fucked up in the process. Although I still don't have access to avocados, that one fucking fruit is the only fruit that gives you fat, and it's so expensive and they don't even have them at the market.

I really need dairy/meat/eggs/cheese/blood/honey/etc. at this time to survive. My brain functions completely fuck up otherwise.



Science says you're a fuckwit



…….smfh did you transition? did you slowly cleanse? did you see if it was the detox period? detox can take up to 2 years for some depending on the damage you did, the longer you hold it off the worse off it will be when you transition.

meat and dairy and eggs are complete shit tier lowest of low, you may aswell just make the fucking agreement to become a ghoul and give your body up.


Have you guys tried the 80, 10, 10 diet? 80% carbs and 10 fats and proteins. I find it works well for maximum energy and gains.



What are the negatives of dairy?



Uhh.. no.


Because eating only fruit leaves you missing many nutrients.


>meat and dairy and eggs are complete shit tier lowest of low, you may aswell just make the fucking agreement to become a ghoul and give your body up.

TOp kekkekek.

Dairy and eggs are MADE to be eaten, dairy is high in calcium and eggs various nutrients. Grass-fed is high in tons of nutrients.


Apart from a bit of estrogen (outweighed by progesterone), nothing really.



would you drink the milk of a random fat, ugly, dirty, tortured, diseased slave woman?

then why would you drink the milk of a random fat, ugly, dirty, tortured, diseased, slave cow?






Sure, cows are naturally "fat".




Depends on the source


Depends on the source.



We're discussing nutrition, not ethics, vegan.



good look drinking pus, blood, shit, hormones and bacteria





Less than 1 drop per cup, oh no


Good, dat estrogen-lowering progesterone


Yea, uh, like uh, every other food? WARNING: THIS FOOD CONTAINS DNA



Uhh… I think you need to contact your local health authorities



>All "missing" nutrients are generated by the body itself


An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal human body function that either cannot be synthesized by the body at all, or cannot be synthesized in amounts adequate for good health (e.g. niacin, choline), and thus must be obtained from a dietary source



I'm just going to go ahead and drop the ball by saying this diet is far easier to adapt to if you are at least some what ARYAN.

So if you struggle to accustom to it i'm afraid you are, unfortunately, a DEGENERATE



Explain why moors, africans, south americans and okiwana folk including indians and south east asian asiatics strive easily and for long periods of time on raw or almost unprocessed diets, sure they dont reach maximum potential as knowledge is kept far from them as we have it and most of their customs are either killed off by previous decades of violence or their cultures are incomplete in the full spectrum of information, almost their less practical living environment makes for longer periods required to fulfill everyday tasks.

Sentience self-adapts, when you put yourself in zero point mindset and begin a fasting process your body will fully reset regardless, you aren't a human, this is just a template for atoms to arrange themselves into and everything is a complex construct used for a specific purpose to navigate this environment, this is like a life-suit we pilot to navigate this density.

Degeneracy first is a thought as all is, Thoughts which are transmitted or encoded when there are external factors damaging and affecting the internal in a negative way and the operator has no knowledge or resource to deal with such.



so far and to be honest from personal experience, the ones who have the hardest time adapting are humans who have been westernized to fuck and poisoned by shit like milk advertisements..

here you go fuckwit >>34897

enjoy your science http://nutritionfacts.org/?s=dairy

see folks this is the sign of degeneracy; refusing to upgrade.



It's funny how when I ask an actual question on here I rarely get a decent answer but if I post a haphazard opinion I am given buckets of fascinating information.

But for the record aryanism is not an ethnic thing, it's based on facial and body structure.


Okay, there's tons of helpful info here on the mundane side of things but I've been wondering about effecting my body through magic for fitness related purposes.

I've seen people talk confidently of shape shifting so is slowly lengthening one's limbs past the age of growth something that can be done? Either first hand accounts or texts that seriously talk of it, I'm interested.

On a more realistic level, what about producing physiological effects similar to steroids?

What about any physical alteration that'd allow nearly superhuman strength, either as a permanent development or a temporary state such as the nordic berserkgang?



The question of how is implied. If I am asking if it's possible, I obviously want to know how.



read what i wrote, the answers are there for what you said, also cells = energy reactors / energy storage = more cells = more energy storage and ability === muscles = mass = better nervous system to spread energy.. blah blah blah… read mantak chia and use your imagination bro.

also, yes, you can increase your limbs, you can also increase your dick size if that's your interest.




ayy lmao



Which posts of yours are you referring to? All I see is general diet info from you. That's all fine and dandy and will obviously lead to better physical condition but I'm looking for magical means of going beyond physical limits. I'll take up your advice for Mantak Chia though, seems like the sort of stuff I need to read, although I think I remember people badmouthing him here.

Could you say more about limb lengthening or direct me to relevant texts? I'd do pretty much anything to fix my terrible armspan.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So aryan, bruh.



I commend his effort, It must have been incredibly difficult for him to get to where he is considering his handicap



Relevant to my interests.


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>CO2 (Bag Breathing)

Nice Ray Peat meme, my friend.




is this some kind of joke?

first time I saw this ray peat thing was in this thread it looked like such bullshit and now it is even worse with that updated picture

>any diet named after someone

>still being gullable in 2015



who gets into the occult in the first place?

gullable people



yo that dude seems based as fuck.



All backed by science baby ;)


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You mean the same science that kills countless people in hospitals, leaving them with inadequately recovered from whatever they came in there for, or even worse than if they received no treatment at all?



No, actual science, not the falsehood perpetuated today.



Are you saying the RayPeat diet is "scientific"?

Trufax; anyone who was genuinely scientific about diet would realize there is huge individual and racial variation in what constitutes the ideal diet. There is no "one diet fits all".



Of course, I agree with you, so does Ray. Which is why he says to measure temperature, BPM and other stuff after eating food to tell how you react to it. Generally, if your heart rate and temperature drops from eating, it's bad for you.



Listen to DurianRider

he's the only legit person in this industry

the fat you eat is the fat you wear, and low fat unlimited carb diet is the way to go

I started eating this way one year ago, i eat 5000 kcals a day, and my weight is stable as fuck (81 kg, 10% bodyfat with DEXA, 190 cm)

You can really eat a fuckton

Your cardio will improve by a fuckton

Your esplosive strength will improve by a fuckton (glucose, ATP)

And seriously, you don't need much protein, 1g per kg is enough if you're a bodybuilder like me


fruits are god-tier



Durianrider is right about carbs and fruit being good but is wrong about animal products being bad.



if you still want to eat low fat animal products go ahead

the most important thing is low fat (less than 30grams a day) and unlimited carbs


eating when you want energy, without gaining fat


Anyone know much about removing and killing candida?



buy a lot of epsom salt and pink himalayan salt, get raw apple cider vinegar organic, take a wharm as fuck bath but you need one of those shower filters as you would just open up your pores and let toxic metals and chemicals inside, you need clean filtered water so a shower filter is useful - soak in that water for 30-50 minutes with all the salts and the vinegar in it - put about a bowl of ceral worth of salt in the water and give about a cup or two of vinegar as to not make the water acid.



There is just too much stupid right there for me to even bother, some one else want to save this poor fucker or let him rot with dead carcass decomposing in his intestines for 9 days.



Fuck that, I also eat 5k calories, but a lot more fat; and I need that fat to power my brain through all the intense meditations and reading I do. My head literally heats up from all the excess energy from my brain processing.

I never become overweight.



That makes no sense considering the most potent and powerful meditations have always been achieved and recorded being done while on periods of fasts be it minimal or longer periods of time.




durianrider is living proof that carbs won't make you fat. BUT he is not exactly the picture of health. both he and his mentor doug graham ( >>35110 ) are wasting away, they have sunken eyes like skeletor, low muscle mass, doug graham's pinky finger broke, probably because of his bone-destroying calcium deficient diet. durianrider's extremely hostile nature, trash talking anyone who eats differently than him, appears to be a result of the 'vegan rage' lierre keith has described. if these people would just include some dairy and gelatin they would not have all these nutritional deficiencies destroying their health and sanity.



if you can get enough prana from the air and sunlight for energy you can meditate without food. but if your meditations are so powerful that the prana absorbable from your surroundings is not sufficient, or you are being blocked from absorbing environmental prana, you may need to eat massive amounts of calories.



Thanks for that. Can I use iodized sea salt or is pink himalayan essential?





He also roids now because his crap diet made him low-test (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHRbGf_5yzU)



You can add iodized salt but the epsom salt is the key ingredient.



I didn't start using steroids because of my "crap diet".

I did it momentarily and openly to show the results to the public.


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ok /fringe/ i'm pretty deep in the health game so I'm just gonna drop what I've learnt so far here

alliums (garlic, onions, leaks) are bad and slow down brain functionality.

Most condiments are shit and often have garlic and onion powder mixed in. Some of the pricier condiments have decent ingredient though. Aim for single ingredient shit like herbs and spices. Or make your own sauces. For example coconut milk, peanutbutter and cumin makes a great stir fry sauce.

Whole food all day erry day no processed shite like ready meals, frozen pizzas etc.

You want your diet to be made up of primarily slow release carbohydrates. In order of nutritional value: fruit, leafy greens, oats, brown rice, wholemeal pasta

Your brain is roughly 60% FAT but you don't want a high fat diet. Aim for small amounts of GOOD FATS which come from oily fish such as salmon (omega 3) and nuts and seeds like pumpkin. sunflower, almonds, and walnuts (omega 6)

Eggs are also OK if you're a poorfag.

Fruit juice being good is a bunk myth. Turning fruit into fruit juice takes away all the fibre meaning it becomes a fast release carb source rather than slow release. This means you will get a sudden surge of energy from the juice but will feel tired out shortly after. Eating whole fruits maintains the fibre enriched nutritious sugars which make them slow release so you have sustained energy throughout the day.

Obviously only drink water and herbal teas. Coconut milk is fine too if you have it. There is no excuse to drink anything else other than you being unable to let go of your dependency. Avoid high caffeine tea like green tea though.

Supplements aren't ideal but may be necessary due to the shit tier food that is in supermarkets now adays.

As far as fruits go berries are top tier. You can buy frozen bags of berries quite cheap. Mix them with some oats and honey and you have a pretty top tier breakfast (pic related). Citrus fruits like lemons and limes are great. I like to suck them but if your pallet can't handle the acidity try squeezing them into drinking water. Watermelon is awesome. Satsumas are tasty and so are grapes. All these fruits are packed with antioxidants as well which help to counteract the effects of the shit tier environment we live in.

Avoid tap water as much as possible because of the brain weakening fluoride jew in it.

Toothpaste is also fluoridated shit I recommend brushing with water or a baking soda/salt solution, plain floss, oil pulling and activated charcoal tablets. (if you dont know what some of that shit is fucking google it)

The biggest propagated myth in society is how much we need protein and that meat is a good source of protein. NO. Even grass fed and organic isn't ideal. Better, but not ideal. Like I said earlier oily fish, nuts and seeds are the way to go but even eat them in small amounts i.e. 3 portions of oily fish a week, a handful of nuts a day and maybe grind up seeds and put them in your oatmeal or whatever.

Ideal veg is low starch stuff like spinach, watercress, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, beansprouts, tomatoes, peppers… These have maximum nutrition with minimum not so good shit.

So to summarise you want a predominantly vegan diet with lots of fruit snacking, grain/veg based meals and small integers of oily fish, nuts and seeds. Eggs if you're a poorfag.

Obviously you are going to have strong cravings for processed sugary foods on the long beaten path. So if you do cave in at least aim for minimally-shit shit like icecream made with natural ingredients or some good yoghurt.

Obviously as you progress you will want to evolve to vegan, raw, waterian, breatharian etc. but I have found this to be a good baseline starting diet.

But hey perhaps you find your body operates better on a different diet. I see our friend smiley is often experimenting with mass quantities of different food groups. To each their own. Just be wary of the ever prevalent dis-info jew that is mainstream thinking.

This is just dietary stuff but exercising, stretching, lifestyle in general is equally important. Be sure to keep on top of that.



you're a lanky, dirty, poor 22 years old nerd NEET that lives with his parents

that by just looking at your hand






what did i got wrong?

ps: the less fat the better, with adequate number of calories



body type, cleanliness age, "nerd", living situation



ima add to make sure the food you eat has seeds in em, seedless shit is useless - also have quality water, atleast get a chlorine filter ffs its 10-15$ at supermarkets. on top of that you also should keep up your minerals with either some spirulina or irish moss or pink himalayan salt.



Well I can't gain any weight at all so I can't do fasting as I'm always critically low on energy.



I agree with everything except what you're saying about fat. If you're doing fire meditation and other intense mental work like me constantly you really need high-fat. Right now I'm eating avocados, eggs, butter, cheese, high-fat natural yoghurt, oatmeal, sourdough ryebread, some olive oil, and a bag of pecans every day. I also have soups with random vegetables and fruits in it and also consume random fruits throughout the day but I really have to avoid over-consuming fruits.

I am constantly overclocking my brain to the point there's tons of heat coming off of my head.

If you aren't doing intense mental work constantly like me then you don't need the fat but otherwise you're going to want to eat fat with everything.

Fruit juice really is terrible… unless you're about to do or in the middle of doing some extremely high-intensity exercise you shouldn't consume it. I've altogether stopped consuming fruit juice.

Smoothies with avocados in them are god-tier btw.

I have an entire freezer, a huge freezer, full of nothing but frozen fruit btw. I've got like a years worth of fruit I can't use and constant new fruit coming in.

>Watermelon is awesome.

Eating watermelon is almost like consuming fruit juice. Don't do it unless you plan on being physically active immediately afterwards. If you're going to go on a walk or something then you might eat a watermelon.

>activated charcoal tablets

I have those and I have an extremely hard time avoiding them charcoal going down my throat even though I'm not swallowing.

I just brush with water most days and once in awhile use my fluoride-free toothpaste I got from some European food store.


Meat is ok in small quantities in soups and stuff or if you raised the animals yourself or hunted them.

Right now I think avocados are the most god-tier fat source of all but they're so expensive and rare. They outclass any animal sources of fat and all nuts and seeds.

I keep looking for goat milk everywhere and can't find it btw.

I don't think I would have to consume nearly so much fat if I wasn't overclocking my brain constantly.



Chlorine filter?

Are you talking about activated carbon being used to filter chlorine?



>Aim for small amounts of GOOD FATS which come from oily fish such as salmon (omega 3) and nuts and seeds like pumpkin. sunflower, almonds, and walnuts (omega 6)

Yes goy poison yourself with thyroid-suppressing polyunsaturated fats



How do the jews get into the fish? Tell me!


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>eat no fruit at all today except 3 grapes

>feel better than ever

>no more shakes, my hands are fucking still for the first time in years

I think when I move out of this accursed place I'm presently trapped in I'm just going to eat a small quantity of extremely high quality fruit every day instead of huge quantities of very poor nearly expired fruits.

I wish that fruits that were more like the wild ones such as wild strawberries that do not taste sweet at all and are very bland were cultivated more. I fucking hate sugar. Bland fruits are the best thing ever.

All the mundanes around me still waste lots of money in order to go out of there way to eat the worst fucking food with no positive nutritional value and they never fucking listen to me about anything. I really hate the mundanes for all the trouble they cause me, if I just had my own place stocked only with my own foods, it would be cheap and efficient and a thousand times better. Soon I will get my own place, fuck being here.

Apparently coconuts have fuckloads of fat. There's a place right near me that sells coconuts. I have never consumed coconuts before but I'm going to start doing that as well as continuing my hunt for avocados. I actually want to go almost completely vegan as I feel that the animal products that are available are much inferior and much more costly compared to these sources of fat. I want to eat one bag of pecans, one or two avocado, and one coconut a day I guess, and some olives, and sometimes consume an egg or some butter or cheese but not as much and meat too should be rarer and higher quality than the shit I'm forced to consume at present. I must eat fat before every single meal and continue to eat lots of oatmeal and sourdough rye.

I haven't been able to find goat's milk anywhere. I really want to eat goat and rabbits; these animals are far less corrupted than pigs and cows which are for the mass man.

I also really need to get a good water filter, does anyone have any suggestions on something I could get less than $50.00? Maybe I could buy my own filter and a carboy and run a whole bunch of water through the filter until my whole carboy is filled up, keep the carboy in my room or maybe in the cellar where it's cooler, and get all my water from there while the mundanes continue to live on sodas and regular tap water and so on.


As for fish I don't like fish, only fish worth having I guess are ones you catch from uncontaminated water, or raw herring in small quantities every now and then. Fish are super expensive and hard to get anyways where I am so far away from any major body of water.

…and fuck all molluscs, clams, oysters, shrimps, lobsters, etc. they are the garbage collectors of the seas. If you've ever had any of these animals in your aquarium before you'll notice they eat absolutely everything; they eat the poop of fish, they eat each other (they are extremely prone to cannibalism), they eat dead fish, they will eat flakes and pellets too, but a lot of the time their diet can be pretty much consisting almost entirely of shit.


Non-homogenized organic milk + Manuka honey (mix very well together) + organic raw cacao powder (known as "Food of the Gods") + golden pea protein powder

Most superexcellent single meal?




Fruit is bad unless it's ripe (and most isn't properly ripened). Orange juice is second best when you can't get ripe fruit.

>I fucking hate sugar

Good goy

>I also really need to get a good water filter, does anyone have any suggestions on something I could get less than $50.00? Maybe I could buy my own filter and a carboy and run a whole bunch of water through the filter until my whole carboy is filled up, keep the carboy in my room or maybe in the cellar where it's cooler, and get all my water from there while the mundanes continue to live on sodas and regular tap water and so on.

There is none. The only filters that actually get everything are reverse osmosis, they're also very expensive and waste a shit ton of water.


>raw cacao

Traditional cultures ALWAYS roasted cacao before use/eating. Only new-age hippies eat this shit.


They expel all the toxins as solid waste pellets. Bivalves feed on plankton and other microscopic sea creatures, not waste.

Shellfish like lobsters eat crabs, mussels, clams, starfish, sea urchins, various marine worms and other lobsters. But of course, they expel toxins of what they eat and the amount you eat for nutrients is no way enough to cause even a tiny bit of harm.

The huge amount of minerals and nutrients makes up for more than the so-called "toxins".



>I also really need to get a good water filter, does anyone have any suggestions on something I could get less than $50.00?

Find a local health market that has a reverse osmosis filter

buy a glass jug

fill it with water

refill whenever you need to



Local honey is better


Carrot juice is a god tier

make sure to get organic btw so it isn't watered down



Carrots are fucking poison, hybridized starchy gmo poison. You wouldn't touch a natural carrot if you found one - this and white potatoes are engineered to feed the rabble cerfs of europe for cheap - fuck their health as long as they have the sugar to work the fields all day for m'lord.

Juice in general is fucking dumb, it's processed and you raped the nutrients, your saliva and chewing is all you need, if you can't break it down in your mouth you shouldn't be fucking swallowing it in the first place digestion begins in the mouth.

Juice your carrots and enjoy your kidney failure and make suck to post up a picture in your room that says fuck insulin.



>Good goy

Sugar fucks me up, you want me to ignore my body being dysfunctional when consuming sugar, in order to please you?



What is your opinion on coconut water? I saw some chink's coconut water nearby and look at the nutrition facts on it and even though no additional sugar is added it had like 24grams of sugar in it.



There is literally nothing wrong with GMO's. It's much better than dumping chemicals into the soil, at least.



> There is literally nothing wrong with GMO's.

Get out.



GMOs are a form of magick that will save all of society





Ironic Darwinism.


i love it, the best you can get is from natural coconuts directly from the fruit - it's natural gatoraid and if you're planning on have sex with a very special woman i recommend you drink heaps of it the day before ;P

realistically, thinking about it, it's a natural water filtration and nutrient source, if you can set yourself up to live near a coconut farm or have some trees along with other fruits well you have yourself the best alkalized nutrient dense high potency power drink on demand.

only sugars you need are from mangoes papayas watermelons etc. fruits, if you have issues with sugar is because you fucked your system up with wheat for a long time, you have to do professional fasting like start 2-3 days, then wait 1 week, then fast 5 days then wait 1 week then fast 10 days then wait one week, but over 20 days man - it's better to seek out a specialist or those retreats, i know they bs, but for THAT kind of shit you would want to have specialists with experience with you, and the cheaper you skimp out means less quality.


GMOs that create their own pesticides are extremely toxic. Other GMOs have been modified so that for example tomatoes produce twice the amount of crop; but the nutritional value for each tomato is half. So you're eating all of these tomatoes and getting far less nutrients from each one than a single regular tomato.

Two things wrong with GMOs.



>realistically, thinking about it, it's a natural water filtration and nutrient source, if you can set yourself up to live near a coconut farm or have some trees along with other fruits well you have yourself the best alkalized nutrient dense high potency power drink on demand.

I live in Canada, I barely ever even seen coconuts in my life.



entire world population can fit in texas with the demographic of new york - the rest of the world could be used as cultivation fields for nutrients or wild-life preservation sanctuaries - we strive on a fruitarian diet, one fruit type tree per family, with proper social logistics, we could essentially use 2 states out of the usa to produce all the food needed for the entire population.

overpopulation is bullshit.

The problem is miss-management of the population.

Corruption overtook proper management and the entire system fucked up and fell in ruins because it was built to be broken.

You can build a car to work for a lifetime or you can build it so as the buyer needs to come back for pieces and repairs every-so-often.



No GMO creates its own pesticide in the form you are taking it to mean, you are a mundane to the true magick practitioners of biological engineering.

Fewer nutrients is a lie feed to you by anti gmo jackasses.



Be silent and leave here.



i live in canada, every store sells them here, fresh or in container, the ones in container are decent if they aren't made with added bullshit, just pure 100% coconut water in a hermetic container, find the shipping+receiving central near you and go order or buy a case of coconuts if you want some, you're just not looking for a magickian like yourself summoning a coconut should be no problem now should it?

I moved to this area where i am now and as i've been here gradually the mundane stores have started stocking up on magi-tier products for everyday consumption, much to my delight one of my workings did great.


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Overpopulation is not bullshit if you factor in something called "quality of life". Gtfo out of here with trying to turn everyone into mass men herded into cities. Humanity would be better off with only around 10 million to maybe at max 200 million humans on the planet.



You must live in Toronto then or somewhere with extremely high population density.



i just said i would see every family have fruit trees and land, you're another level of dense.


didi posts a shit ton of disinfo



Your hormones are fucked up, probably from all that polyunsaturated fat. Fix that and try sugar again.

>one bag of pecans, one or two avocado

All that PUFA









>giving fruit trees and lands to retards, autists, niggers, sick people, and a wide assortment of other human filth



>Your hormones are fucked up, probably from all that polyunsaturated fat. Fix that and try sugar again.

I used to not consume very much fat at all and yet I was still unhealthy as fuck.

Your health advice is worthless.

I'm just going to evoke a deity of vitality one day and have it teach me the ways of superior health and if I don't get mad results following its teachings then I'll stop giving it loosh.



Did you even read any of the material.



>very much fat at all

I don't care if you "didn't eat much fat at all" if the majority of that was polyunsaturated.



If I can't go outside and find that my neighours are so far away that I can't even see or hear them, the world is overpopulated as far as I'm concerned, and I see absolutely no fucking reason to have more people on this planet.

There are thousands of reasons to have less people.

There are 0 reasons to have more.



>I don't care if you "didn't eat much fat at all" if the majority of that was polyunsaturated.

I used to NEVER consume nuts or seeds at all you faggot. I only started that this year. Two years ago I was living only on fruit, milk, oatmeal, meats, etc. basically like the RayPeat diet and my health was the worst it ever was then.



>no seafood


>meats (if you're eating a lot and they're not ruminant animals)

Doing it wrong



Whatever. The only right way to do things is to just keep experimenting until I find something optimal or I engineer an advanced magickal solution. What works for you doesn't work for me.

For now the nuts and avocados and stuff are successfully addressing a serious issue; the remove the brain fog and enable me to read a ton and do a lot of mental work I couldn't do effectively before.

Nothing else helped previously.



That's because they're suppressing your immune system, making you feel better in the short term and harming in the long term.



You make no sense.



What I said what pretty clear.

Polyunsaturated fats (such as those in nuts and avocados), suppress your immune system, in the short term this gets rid of symptoms of disease and health problems (as your body no longer fights), in the long term it exacerbates them.



Do you want to give a suggestion then as to why my immune system is constantly overworked and what's causing the problem?

Why am I constantly diseased and unhealthy?


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Cholesterol is used to make the chemicals you require, proper cholesterol is the most efficient.

Don't overdo it tho, there's a multitude of vegan videos on eating too much fat in a 70-30 or 80-1010 diet and they failed because they ate more fat than they should have.

why is the nutrition thread on this board the one being shilled and trolled the most…

seems like amateur work too because it's essentially putting a bunch of guards on one lot while having many, the common thinking would be that lot have something valuable there.

just a random thought.



I used to get sick 4-6 times a year, i live in a large city, lots of people, local university found that our public transport has semen and feces on everything you can imagine, every public area is a cesspool of bacteria, 2.5 years ago something happened to me and since then i haven't been sick, actually the opposite, i've had people cough on me during winter times in public and had to have contact with various people including homeless folk and i have not had any of the insane sicknesses i had, actually i feel like i have all the energy i want and more when i desire to access it, from experience i have a pool of unlimited energy i can access so long as my body can keep up.

I injured myself in a way that i was told would require me 1 year to heal, i've done it in 4 months.

What i do:

>eat vegan close to dr.sebi's diet

>drink only water and add lemon to it sometimes

consume pink himalayan salt

take in atleast 15 mins minimum of sun a day

>vape cannabis frequently

>constant daily mantras factually imposing my will upon my construct

i have a lot more wisdom and i've shared much of it so far, everything i say is gathered from various sources which have shown pragmatic and fruitful results.


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>i vape



I don't know your exact life so I'll just throw out the most likely problems.

>high stress from environment

>being around sick people constantly

>unclean air

>prostaglandins formed from polyunsaturated fat

>low thyroid from diet and stress

>lack of sleep

>lack of vitamins and minerals


>eat vegan close to dr.sebi's diet

Vegan diet is bad.

>drink only water and add lemon to it sometimes

Juice, milk and coffee are good.

>consume pink himalayan salt

No different to regular salt apart from some heavy metal content.

>vape cannabis frequently

Cannabis is good in some situations (bad in general), vaping is many magnitudes less harmful than smoking.

>take in atleast 15 mins minimum of sun a day




Whats wrong with fish oil?

I used to be into the fitness fad before my fringe days, and this is something i've stuck with out of habit.

I also see a lot of hating on nuts in here when I was previously led to believe nuts were the best food for fat sources?



pufas are shit

nuts pufa


fishoil pufa bad



Omega-6 used to be the health craze of the industry, once it came to light (years and years after discovery) in the mainstream how harmful omega-6 was, they switched to omega-3 (fish oil being the main product). The product itself isn't taken literally from fish like many people think (lol), it's from waste product and fish scraps (scales, fins, shells, unsellable meat, etc).

All fish oil by the time you buy has already oxidized, unless it's been kept cold the entire time (which it hasn't), rendering all the purported health benefits worthless. Even if you did somehow get unoxidized fish oil, it'll just become oxidized in your warm body and in the process, produce dangerous by-products.

Myths of fish oil and nut fats being healthy comes from industry propaganda and medical doctrine stating that "POLYUNSATURATED LOWER HEART ATTACK CHANCE AND LOWERS CHOLESTEROL!", among other things. There are huge industries behind this propaganda, the fish oil industry, the soy industry, the seed oil industry together reach trillions of revenue.

If the truth got out how harmful polyunsaturated fat is to health, it would DEVASTATE their business, so they do their best to air propaganda, bribe scientists+journals and suppress research that shows how harmful PUFA is.




Damn thanks guys. My fish oil was the kind that would be kept in the fridge(liquid form), but hey I'm not going to miss paying for that. I mainly got it because it made my joints feel better. Could have been the mind and the placebo effect though.

I still got one question. If nuts are bad what the fuck is the best source of fats then?



>I mainly got it because it made my joints feel better. Could have been the mind and the placebo effect though.

As said earlier in thread, probably because of placebo combined with that PUFA suppresses your immune system, making you feel better in the short term and harming in the long term.

>If nuts are bad what the fuck is the best source of fats then?

Unless you're doing a keto diet (like a retard), it's best to keep fats at a moderate level (10-40% of calories) and saturated.

Best sources: Dairy, low-fat seafood, fruit

Good sources but should be limited for various refined: Ruminant animals (cow, lamb) (150g cooked weight recommended) and eggs (2 recommended)

Best cooking oils: Refined coconut oil and butter

Avoid: Nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, vegetable oils



can you provide a source on your PUFA hate




Reasons* not refined


I like what the vegan/fruitarians say about it being a pure diet and alll that……However something that turns me off is that all of the people on these diets look sickly skinny and weak with little muscle mass and definition.

because of that alone I will keep meat and dairy in my diet.


lmao, outjewing the jew. "Hey do you guys have a reverse osmosis filter on your water supply?" lool



Yeah I'm definetly interesed in this aspect too. Magick and the Mind to increase physical performance. berserkergang sounds cool too.

I have a book on my reading list right now called "Peak Performance Mental raining Techniques of the Worlds greatest athletes" by Charles A. Garfield. Not sure if it's really occultish, but probably fits in with the theme in a way.



A pure fruitarian diet is really really bad, due to missing an insane amount of nutrients.

A fruitarian diet with some eggs, dairy, meat and seafood is very healthy.

A vegan diet including lots of grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, etc is supremely unhealthy.



Bottom line is you need to do a lot of research and studying but the basic principle is gaining control of your mind through consciousness rather than vice versa which is the mundane state of existence. This requires almost constant mindfulness, intense dedicated meditating and learning to consciously invoke willpower.

Don't listen to delirious vampire fags who claim to need more energy. Their minds are just infested with dark entities trying to impose a sense of limitation on them.

The universe is mental, there are multiple higher planes of dimension beyond what we perceive as reality. When you are born you see the world as an edgeless mesh because your ethereal self is not yet used to existing with in the constraints of material. As you age you become conditioned and accustomed to this limiting environment and at the same time become enslaved by the perceptions of your mind.

Magick is all about unlearning everything your brain has been taught. Similar to how your body detoxes as you switch from shit diet to optimal diet.

I'm just a neophyte but I did manage to use telekinesis to move my arm recently. I know that sounds super autist but I'm very serious. I literally moved my arm through sheer focus and willpower, not through use of my muscles.

TL;DR The only thing stopping you from being an Almighty God is your inherent belief that you are "only human"


Any /fringe/ tips for reducing/eliminating acid reflux symptoms so I can expand more fruit into my diet? Most things give me heart burn and it fucking sucks and I don't want to drink apple cider vinegar everyday, looking for a long term solution that can repair the damage.



antiacid tablets, baking soda



Do those already, looking for a fix for it so I don't have to rely on things like that to not have heart burn anymore



Have you tried out ginger?



I haven't, will look into though thanks.


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>read articles on different diets

>"huh, this one seems promising"

>then read something like "this a shit"

>this keeps going on

>not sure anymore what to eat

I tried going vegetarian once but it left me tired. My current diet is mostly based on milk and oat(meal), with few eggs now and then and some fish. I feel pretty average bodywise, enough energy to exercise and feel OK, but I don't have enough energy for advanced mental operations aka. magic and studying properly.

I have understood that I should cut out all grains, all dairy and most fruits (them carbs, bro), but then it leaves me with few options on what to eat. I think I will add more fat (with oils and bacon) but I feel kind of irked at eating so much oil. So I'm maybe willing to try Keto out, but there was this anon here who didn't like it. Man.

Damn it, I have no idea on what to eat because all the info is contradictory or I don't have the chance (at the moment) to get myself certain products aside of what I already consume, (oat, dairy).

I think I might avoid grain for good though it leaves a huge void on my plate.

I am confused as fuck.



Forgot the most important part; the questions.

So instead of asking for specific dietary plans, I would like to know;

>What foodstuffs give a lot of energy for my body to work hard daily? (so that my body feels good, energized, strong, "clean")

>What foodstuffs increase mental clarity and strengthen the mind/brain? (so that my mind feels good, no weakness, laziness or even a bit of fog)

And is >>30846 relevant anymore?


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>My current diet is mostly based on milk and oat(meal), with few eggs now and then and some fish

>I should cut out all grains, all dairy and most fruits

So basically, you're just picking out bits and pieces that sound good to you.

The infographic I've attached is my diet and works well for me, everybody is different. Measure your temp+pulse rate after eating food and if it drops consistently after multiple tests, it's most likely bad for you.

Don't go full retard and get your BPM up from exercise or something, then go rest and eat and then "go, wow my temp+pulse dropped, must be bad!".

Also check out the myths posted in the OP post.

Nutrition is fulled with scammers, con artists, misinformation, industry shills and straight-up lies.

>I think I will add more fat (with oils and bacon) but I feel kind of irked at eating so much oil

Eating lots of fat purposefully is dumb unless you're doing keto (which you shouldn't, it's a trash diet). Without even trying to consume loads of fats, you get enough. I eat a "low-fat" diet and still get more than "optimal" without even trying.

Eat ruminant animals (cow, lamb) (around 150g cooked weight recommended, higher gelatin cuts are better, liver is great), eggs (2 recommended), low-fat seafood and dairy for nutrients.

Eat fruit and drink orange juice for carbs.

Cook with refined coconut oil and butter (small amount).

Avoid grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetable oil and polyunsaturated fats.


My thoughts on that post here




>What foodstuffs give a lot of energy for my body to work hard daily? (so that my body feels good, energized, strong, "clean")

Carbohydrates. Fruit, fruit juice and honey

>What foodstuffs increase mental clarity and strengthen the mind/brain? (so that my mind feels good, no weakness, laziness or even a bit of fog)

High protein and nutrient foods. Dairy, seafood, ruminant animals, eggs, potatoes.





>So basically, you're just picking out bits and pieces that sound good to you.

I didn't mean to imply that. It's just that I've read so many different opinions on "what is good to eat" and "cutting out all grains, dairy and fruits" summed up their views. Personally I like fruits and dairy so I wouldn't like to cut them out, especially because I have no trouble at all with milk as I get it organic from my neighbour.

Anyways, I will ditch the grains for sure. They satisfy hunger but they give a slight brainfog. Will see if I can get some of the foodstuffs recommended.

Thanks bros.


I'm done posting here, read the comments with didi in the post name for valid information, too much shilling and bullshit from carnists and trolls trying to ruin the noobie magician's path with stupid non-sense diets while the science itself and the research is more than conclusive and solid on my suggestions, I have not been sick for 2 years and my muscle mass is awesome, my body looks sexy as fuck my hair is strong and healthy and i feel 120% every day without the need for supplements.

I know what to do, I'm doing it well - if you want to do it well simply follow dr.sebi's advice and mix it with loren lockman's advice - there are many vegan and raw vegan athletes and body builders who will demonstrate it's a marketing strategy by fitness companies to bullshit you on nutrition to sell you crap and treatments.

Keep eating meat if that fulfills you - enioy the consequences, keep eating dairy or eggs - enjoy the horrible hormone quality you will produce and the hair loss and libido loss. Say bye to your testicles as dairy increases testicular cancer chances by 30%.

OH and enjoy becoming an astral ghoul.



didi is a butthurt kike who spreads disinfo


>dumb fucking degenerate cracker - i bet you think yourself superior to another being because of your hue - tell me does your skin color stop a rhino from ramming you?



Damn, all but confirmed for being anti-white in that post.

Having noticable Muscle mass and that no meat/dairy shit seem incompatible. And no my expectations arn't looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger or some shit. Just a lean otter mode guy that looks functionally strong.



What about non-homogenized or raw milk?



What is wrong with boiled raw milk, from happy, protected cows? Gotta get that B12.





I don't know what to believe anymore about diet. Literally every single vegetable and fruit and grain and all animal products, at some point, someone tells me they are bad.

>tomatoes, peppers, nightshades, potatoes, supposedly destroy my stomach or something

>watermelon consumed too much gives same problem as tomatoes

>potatoes and carrots bad foods

>oatmeal bad, white flour bad, flax bad, various other grains bad, all grains period bad

>all meats bad

>fruits of various sorts bad

>onions, garlic, leeks, etc. bad

>nuts, seeds, olives, etc. bad

I think the only thing nobody has told me yet has anything bad about it is squash. Everything else I can think of there's always somebody telling me I should not consume it.




This a bunch of nonsense. Use TK on water or something, not on your arm. …and just because the word is mental doesn't mean you can ignore energy constraints. Also nobody consciously experiences anything when the body is born, people don't even enter their bodies until later.


Disregard all other faggots in this whole thread, the ultimate greenpilled diet is the homestead diet, if you eat like a farmer who is growing his own food and use fresh produce all the time in your food you will have insane vitality. Consume as big of a variety as stuff too as possible, consume EVERYTHING in small quantities every day. Grains, meats, dairy, nuts, seeds, squash, vegetables, fruits, etc. if you can grow them yourself and get some goats and stuff you will experience a whole new level of mental clarity, strength, and vitality like you've never known before.

I don't give a shit what your nutritional science stuff says you'll find things wrong with every food if you just alternate stuff and seek constant diversity of foods you'll overcome the limitations of any one given food group and if you eat extremely high quality nutrient dense foods you will not have to eat as much and you will get more energy and power from less food while wasting less energy just trying to digest your food.

Besides this LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. You don't need all this autistic shit, just eat something new every chance you get, then be mindful of how it effects your body in next couple of hours and throughout the day.

Most people are weak and sick because there food is laden with pesticides, it's picked unripe, the cultivars used are really nutrient poor, they're grown in exhausted factory-farmed soils, etc.

Try growing some strange varieties of tomatoes you never see being sold like Cherokee Purple (I just bought 8 big plants today + some leeks for $30.00) and eat those tomatoes straight from your garden or greenhouse at peak ripeness. I currently can not grow fresh food in big enough quantities for myself or year-round but what I do grow is infinitely better tasting and more vitalizing than all of the shit in the stores. The tomatoes from my garden are so different tasting from every single store-bought tomato it's as if they were different plants.

Once you have your own garden produce you'll feel like you're getting 10x the power then when you eat store-bought food.




>I'm done posting here

Good, your advice sucks.

>there are many vegan and raw vegan athletes and body builders who will demonstrate it's a marketing strategy by fitness companies to bullshit you on nutrition to sell you crap and treatments.

They're not shredded because of their diet or working out, they're shredded because they fucking roid.


Everything is bad, some things are just less bad. The only food I can think of that has no downsides whatsoever if you have a good source is fruit.



>be mindful of how it effects your body in next couple of hours and throughout the day

Yea, test yourself on poison, see you react, could be good!

>Most people are weak and sick because there food is laden with pesticides, it's picked unripe, the cultivars used are really nutrient poor, they're grown in exhausted factory-farmed soils, etc.

It's certainly not the only thing, but yea. Plants grown under monoculture in stressful conditions, forced to grow insanely large fruits/grains/whatever via fertilizers produce more toxins (as defense) and have less nutrients.



The world is a sea of contamination and no one on this plane is truly immortal. Use your own inner guidance about the best way to slowly kill yourself.



>The only food I can think of that has no downsides whatsoever if you have a good source is fruit.

Every single fruit I can think of has downsides. Please, stop pushing this fruitarian shit, I used to be a fruitarian until living on fruit fucked me up so bad I was really sick and unable to maintain my body temperature for a month and I've never been able to eat even normal amounts of fruit again afterwards.



>Yea, test yourself on poison, see you react, could be good!

Everything you grow on your homestead you fucking idiot. Don't intentionally misinterpret what I'm saying. You should never try processed foods, candies, sodas, etc. I'm talking about trying all the vegetables/fruits/meats/grains/etc. you produce on your farm.


Someone please quite William Walker Atkinson's eating advice in Hatha Yoga, Franz Bardon's eating advice in Initiation Into Hermetics, and Montalk's eating advice in his Q&A section of montalk.net



Please do not ditch grains. I've been eating a bowl of oatmeal every day of my life and sometimes two a day and I can do the full range of magickal practises including astral projection, evocation, psychokinesis, thoughtforming, tumo meditation, etc.

Grains are not bad if you're a White European. The reason Europeans are so white is because in prehistoric times grains could grow very far north in Europe because of the climate so they lived on grains a lot and died from malnutrition problems but they adapted by developing really white skin and so on (unlike the Inuit). The majority of humans today are very well adapted to eating grains.



Of course, consume quality grains, not that white flour ZOG shit. The more the grains you consume are like the grains of ancient times the better.



>OH and enjoy becoming an astral ghoul.

More on this didi? I am basically an astral ghoul and eat those things you're telling me not to and what I'm doing right now just isn't working for me so I'm thinking of changing my diet. I may adapt your diet for awhile.



>Guys I ate only fruit like a retard and got fucked up, fruit is bad



Oatmeal is one of the least troublesome grains. Grains ARE bad, low nutrition, high inherent toxins to protect seeds from being digested in stomach's of birds and hard to digest.



>Grains ARE bad, low nutrition, high inherent toxins to protect seeds from being digested in stomach's of birds and hard to digest.

That's why ancient people soaked and fermented them.

Corn for example is "nixtamalized" or treated with lime to free the nutrients. Settlers from Europe to North America who attempted to use corn as a staple grain experienced niacin deficiency because they did not know that corn was supposed to be processed with lime which is one more reason why every culture and civilization that grew a grain, seed or legume for food had a means to process it. For example, soy was never consumed by people unless it was fermented as natto. Read up on Weston A. Price Foundation and grain soaking. Those "toxins" like phytic acid can easily be antioxidants in moderation and chelate heavy metals in the body.



Sure, you can ferment, soak, activate, etc, but it just lowers toxins and in some cases increases nutrition a bit (corn).

But still, they're hard to digest and low nutrition.

The only grains that could be considered decent are masa harina, white rice, popcorn and oatmeal (traditionally prepared).

As a whole, grains and legumes are one of the most poor foods there are. Potatoes are better in nutrition and easier to digest, unless you're literally peasant-tier poor, grains are a waste of time.



>white rice

what? I eat brown rice, I've always been told white rice is shit for you



White rice is just brown rice without the hull.

The hull is hard to digest and the only "upside" is a tiny bit of extra fiber.

There is practically no nutritional difference between white and brown rice, apart from brown rice tasting way worse and being harder to digest.



I thought white rice was bad because through its processing it loses a lot of its nutrients



I just fucking explained to you: the only difference is removal of the hull and maybe some polishing or whatever

The nutritional differnce is like the difference between a peeled and unpeeled apple: it doesn't fucking matter



Pretty sure you are full of shit


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ok retard



sage isn't a downvote faggot



You're a huge disinfo.



but for real denouncing an entire thread as disinfo is infact disinfo. If the lazy little autist actually pointed out whihc posts he believed to be disinfo and which he considered plausible it would be ok. Not only that but he didn't even bother to share what he considers optimal eating. All in all that guy is a massive unbearable faggot



bump for interest


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Proof you can be a stacked vegan by supplementing muh protein with fruit and spirituality.

Avoid pesticides, GMO's etc.

Don't eat alliums.

ORGANIC Eggs, beef, and Honey are acceptable but not necessary.

…and don't eat grains, oats are barely acceptable but should be cut out eventually.


Oh and finally don't eat any of this shit


Now go forth and ascend beyond the material so that we may finally manifest a future free of unrelenting judaism



you never tried test-e, did you?

testosterone alone won't do shit, especially natty levels (>1000ndl)

do you think a flactuation of 100 ndl for a couple of days will do shit? no it won't

if you have low test, pin

if you have normal test (500-1000 ndl), either BLAST some test or don't do shit


it's the holy grain of nerds who are too afraid to pin, thanks to TheRedPill, the manosphere and salesmen who jumped on the bandwagon

promising that by increasing their testosterone naturally they will "change" and become hypermasculine



> holy grain

Your thought pattern is showing mundy


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>sugar lowers test




Just eat fruit for sugar you greedy mundane degenerate



I can dump a shitton of fitness info if anyone wants me to.



drop that shiiiiiiit



I'd appreciate it, mang.


File: 1431893294089.pdf (4.38 MB, Optimal Muscle Training-Ki….pdf)


File: 1431894544105.pdf (618.16 KB, Running Fast and Injury Fr….pdf)


I want to know what to do purely to eliminate stress from my body and have just the absolute best health for my brain. Fuck getting strong and whatever else if I'm not going to sleep well, going to have acne, lose flexibility and never feel comfortable, etc.

What is the ultimate exercise to not stress the body and totally rehabilitate everything?






Is there a complete video or book resource that will actually take me through say 1-2 hours of yoga I can do every day to improve my body massively? How many hours would I need to dedicate to yoga?

Also I've heard that running and swimming massively improves your body…



Try this:https://vimeo.com/111005679


Not complete, but this covers the most beneficial stretches that should be mastered: http://forums.vsociety.net/index.php?topic=12925.0



limes didn't exist in the americas before europeans settled there



Every time I notice signs of androgenic activity it comes after I eat a shit ton of sugar. Like I eat 2 huge bowls of some garbage sugary cereal before bed, the next morning I wake up with a ton of new body hair. All hormones are made out of cholesterol, and sugar raises cholesterol levels, do the math. And people who do low sugar diets like paleo/low carb frequently report metabolism crashing, libido crashing, slow pulse, low body temperature, etc.


Since this is a general health thread. Anyone know diets or cures for body fungus?


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Anyone doing spinning akin to Sufi dervishes? Apparently it encourages energy exchanges between the chakral system and helps "to reconnect to cosmic energies". Children spin naturally and many a channeled material recommend this practice, (Cassiopaeans, Bringers of the Dawn…)

I wish to test this out on willing "subjects", so to speak.

Try spinning clockwise 33 times three times a day for a week and please see how you feel. If you can, focus on your thumb while spinning and try to spin with your right foot. But you can, of course, spin how you want to. Just spin 33 times, three times a day. Here's the whole technique;

>choose a wide space where you can spin

>start spinning clockwise

>after 33 rounds, stop and put your hands together near your chest, like in a prayer (but don't clench them) and look straight forward and wait until the dizziness wears off


And please, don't hurt yourself and see if you can post results for me to gather information on this practice. Thank you!



I've been seeing the number 333 a bunch lately so I guess I'll try it out.



I don't know what you mean. If you mean spin with right foot out, you've said poorly. If you mean with right food kicking, you've said poorly. You've done bad.



Is there anyone that has done this diet long term that got good results. Seems like 80/10/10 rawtill4 type of diet with milk and some meats. What about the IGF1 in milk?


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- Ray Peat is a cranky old physiologist who writes a bunch of articles.

- He says the "saturated fat is harmful/unsaturated fat is good" conventional wisdom is exactly incorrect and based on propaganda and bad research from western seed oil companies.

- He says coconut oil, butter, and other saturated fats are healthy while polyunsaturated fat is very harmful.

- He says refined plantfoods are better than unrefined plantfoods because unrefined plantfoods contain impurities, allergens, and defensive toxins the plants use to discourage herbivores.

- He says sugar is also very good for you because it revs up your metabolism and keeps your body temperature high.




nice trips also 333 is the number of Lucifer btw



A lot of the stuff he says makes sense but i'm not so sure about milk and butter.



I didn't even notice that. I made a thread elsewhere the other day and it ended on 9333. I've seen mixed info on the meaning of 333 though.



Whenever I consume sugar, like even just one can of fruit juice, or one sugary food, then my body temperature drops and I get terrible acne and when I examine my hands by holding them up I can't hold them still they are really shaky.

I know sugar is an essential macronutrient but I can not handle so much of it being released into my body all at once. I get enough sugar just from vegetables for the most part.



stick to fruit, When fruit is turned into fruit juice it becomes fast releasing but as a whole fruit it retains the fibre and is slow release so it wont be a shock to the system



Why do I experience the exact opposite of you? wtf.


I have discovered an amazing life hack.

Put about a spoonful of honey all over your face and try to get it evenly applied everywhere. Then about 15 minutes later dab a little more water and just try to get it to be a thin even distribution all over. Then leave that.

Also, whenever you take a shower, do the same thing and also put about 2-3 spoonfuls (depends how much hair you have) of honey in your hair.

Basically every day you're going to wash your face just a little, very gently, with honey and the once or twice a week or so you shower you're going to put honey in your hair.

The results I have been getting doing this has been amazing but I've been combining it with magikal work namely:


I've been really careful to breath properly and do more cardio-type work every single day. Proper breath effects the skin a great deal. Mouthbreathing seems to be strongly associated with acne and receded jaws and general weakness.


Everytime I've been going to the astral lately I have been intentionally avoiding certain activities that are strenuous on my body. I have often gotten out of the astral completely exhausted because of doing shitloads of exercise or fighting or whatever else in the astral. Instead when you are in the astral aim to find relaxing settings and to absorb as much energy into you as possible. "Healing springs" or "airy, cool, comfortable and sunny places full of blankets and stuff" and similar motives seems to be great places to go. If you can make contact with any entities that can help you relax and give you basically an energetic vibrational astral massage and cleansing that helps massively too.

Avoid sex / fighting / fear / etc. just relax and regenerate as much as possible the whole time you're in the astral and absorb as much energy through every pore of your astral body as you can the whole time and do relaxing and gentle activities.

This combination of things is causing a significant amount of healing for me right now. Even the worts on my hands which I'm washing with honey every day seem to be shrinking and I'm thinking they might actually fall off; in the years past I've had worts that just stayed for months until they were cut out and my body wouldn't fucking heal at all.

Honey is a high etheric energy source and seems to nurture and cleanse the skin all at once in a way that absolutely no stupid chemical crap can do.

Maybe if I can keep this up I can achieve the final victory over my skin conditions and reach a point where it's all 100% cured and from that point on it should be easy to keep it away.



I forget if I posted my spinning meditation yet in my Meditations Superthread but I use spinning sometimes as a method to get out of my body and into the astral.



>Chocolate = sugar + milk + cocoa

>Ice cream = sugar + milk + cream

Not according to the ingredients lists of every single fucking icecream in every store I've gone into and checked so far which has been several. I can't find any non-degenerate ice cream or chocolate.



I don't know maybe get a sparkling water bottle and then carefully break the top off and put activated carbon inside and some clean cloth then try running water through that? …or go get a 5 gallon or 20 liter bucket or whatever, a big pucket from some store they will probably give you one free, and put a lot more filtration media in that and run water through it.

…or tap a bunch of trees and drink their sap.



>nice trips also 333 is the number of Lucifer btw

Bullshit. Lucifer's number is 741.



I am eating fruit but at most I can only eat a portion of fruit equal to about 1 large grapefruit or imagine my hands clasped together and put some fruit in it that's about all I can eat every day without problems and even then some days that's too much and it's best for me to just avoid fruit altogether until my hands stop shaking. I know I can eat fruits when I can hold my hands up and they're not shaking at all.




You are really losing your mind and should stop deleting your posts and making it so easy to negatively influence you.



How about you leave me alone? Want to lose your mind? Don't test me bitch.



well shit man you just sound fucked up I dont know



Oh youtube lied to me



>How about you leave me alone? Want to lose your mind? Don't test me bitch.

ayy lmao I'm just trying to help you because you're seeing shit that's not there, namely taking 333 as a sign something bad is going to happen, even though LUCIFER (when using the Rosicrucian method) is 741 not 333 and also Lucifer is a positive force, he is the light-bringer.

The other thing you don't realize is who you are responding to and how very sad and bad you would feel if you did harm upon me. You don't want to harm me; and I'm not saying this as a threat I'm saying this because you love me.


Have you accepted the honey pill yet /fringe/?


This site is an amazing resource and is LEGIT. I have benefited personally from it. You can too, just check this shit out, and start trying things out. It's not that hard to acquire a jar of honey you might already have one in your house.


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Leave me alone stalker.

>You are seeing things that are not there.



Pfft you're the one that stalks me.

Don't you know who I am?

Your clairvoyance is not very good I guess.

How far have you got in your reading? I reckon by now you've at least finished The Kybalion but did you get started on any of the other books?


[paranoia intensifies]

This is a recurring pattern now for me. I ought to get in contact with an entity in the know that may offer an explanation as to why this keeps happening to me.



[paranoia intensifies]



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I don't know how mentioning the number 333 devolved into more /fringe/-tier shitposting but I guess it's par for the course.



Lucifer is not female wtf.



Raw, Organic Honey



Danka, trying for acne





I used to consume a lot of honey, but recently I switched to maple syrup. Is honey much better? What sort of honey in specific? I like clover for taste, but Manuka is said to be healthiest.


Saw 333 6 times yesterday (not including on the internet)…



I consumed maple syrup for awhile but it's not as good as honey and it adversely affected my body.

Wildflower honey seems to be the best, probably because flowers haven't really been tampered with.


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Raw, Organic Honey



Okay will check that out, thanks. I think I've tried that before. I had 6 jars of different honeys when I was really into it a few months ago.



Where the fuck do you even get pasteurized not raw honey all I have in my area is raw honey from local honey producers…?

I even know and talk with the bee guy.



It's unclear and creamy consistency. It's got POLLEN AND SHIT.



Pasteurized is the opposite of raw.


Healthy eating, running and full yogi breaths is all you truly need, everything else helps but it's secondary. (and this come from someone who has been exercising for 5 years now in various sports)



No shit. The only form of honey I have even available to me is unpasteurized raw honey. I could even take pictures of the honey jars if you don't believe me. They don't even see not raw pasteurized honey here. Are you just pointing out the redundancy to me or what?



You forgot stretching.



Yes you could add that too but if you move in general you don't need it, also best kind of stretching is active stretching (most yogasanas are active stretching)



I didn't catch your meaning because your fault. All not raw honey is pasteurized as a matter of course.



In the US almost all honey is pasteurized shit from industrial farms. You have to go to health food stores or farmer's markets to get raw honey.



So, ignoring the redundancy, are you going to tell me; can you find pasteurized honey in your area?


kek really? Thank fuck I don't live in America where all the food is fucking ruined by bullshit like that.




You did not answer fuck all by linking me to that post.



>All not-raw honey is pasteurized as a matter of course.

I've added the thing for better understanding.

>Being that thick. Being that petulent.

Did you not deserve to be abused?



Full yogi breaths how often?



My question dipshit, not that I care to have it answered anymore from you, is whether pasteurized (otherwise known as "not raw") honey happens to be available in your specific area. In my area it's not.

Instead of answering my question you keep answering me with some shit that has nothing to do with the question I'm asking of you.

>Did you not deserve to be abused?

What the fuck are you talking about?



>What the fuck are you talking about?

I believe he is calling you retarded and citing previous mental, phyiscal, and emotional abuse as the reason for said retardation.



So he's calling me retarded since he failed to answer my actual question and instead kept telling me something I already knew over & over?

I don't see any basis for him to be knowing anything of my past and making any claims about it.


>tfw neighbour had his own bee hives and made his own honey but died 6 months ago (he was 87)

>tfw missed out on a supply of fresh, organic honey made by someone with like over 30 years experience



Why not everyday? Right after you wake up is a great time to do them, also they heat you up and make waking up easier.



In my area there is processed honey in the regular stores. It is pasteurized. In my area there is unprocessed honey in stores which are for healthy food. It is unpasteurized.



improving joint health….

i dunno,but if you feel pain in your joints try hitting a sauna.

any muscular/joint pain i have is gone after a good sauna+cold shower.



>still low-fat milk and not, at least, high-fat milk

i imagine that depending on your life style,gender and genetics you might need to consume more carbs+fat to keep a healthy weight and to aid in hormone production.


Was more wondering if it eventually becomes the natural breath throughout the day without forcing it.


Anyone got a pdf of The Peat Whisperer by Danny Roddy? Can't find that shit online. Its supposedly a guidebook to Ray Peat diet with meal plans and shit.

Also Ray Peat talks about increasing the metabolism which results in increased body heat and how the more CO2 you have the healthier your metabolism because your cells can breath in more oxygen. I'm guessing that is the aim of tummo and breathing exercises.



Just like how the goal of meditation is to achieve a 24/7 waking meditative state, the goal of the full breath is to make it the default mode of breathing, it may require some posture allignment through yoga and expansion of body awareness but it's achieveable.



people don't like getting acne because it looks bad, however it could be a good sign since raising hormone levels, such as testosterone, results in acne. this is why people develop acne in puberty, and why acne is a side effect of steroid use.



haagen dazs has a line of 5 ingredient ice cream that has nothing harmful or unnatural, their gelato is also good, or just make your own. this is how ray peat makes ice cream:

>"I blend an egg (warmed to 40 degrees C) with a cup of sugar (also warmed) and a cup of coconut oil until it's smoothly emulsified, and maybe half a cup of powdered milk for extra texture, then add milk to fill the blender (total volume a little over a liter), with strong coffee or orange juice for flavor, or other fruit or vanilla, etc. The high oil content, and powdered milk, make it freeze without crystallizing, so the ice cream machine isn't necessary."



A cup of sugar would fuck me up for the whole day.


I have severe acne and yet very little body hair, a soft voice, and I am generally effeminate. Explain that shit.



ayy bby…



testosterone does cause acne. however even some women get acne. this is because even women produce testosterone, just less than men. so you could get some acne from what testosterone is in your system and still be effeminate. i think if you take steps to increase your testosterone your body will adapt so it's better able to cope with it as it will be used to it, so your acne might ultimately go down.



testosterone is not the only cause of acne

ultimately increased metabolism will cause acne, especially in the absence of enough retinol

a lot of people, both men and women will get acne from taking a thyroid supplement


I use coconut as a topical anti-bacterial on parts.


How do I detoxify my pineal gland?

What water do I drink?

How do I shower or wash my hands after a fat ogre shit?

Should I just begin fasting and become a fruitarian for awhile?

Should I quit eating dead creatures and all animal products?

Should I create a demon tulpa to work out with like OP's pic related?



"(DHA) provided… the development of the photoreceptor, and conversion of photons into electricity stimulated (Nervous System Evolution)"

"This extreme conservation in electrical signalling membranes despite great genomic change suggests it was DHA dictating to DNA"

"The unique molecular structure of DHA allows for quantum transfer and communication of π-electrons"



Try a ketogenic diet



Did it for a week. Absolutely no discernible effect at all.

Just keep in mind I'm an armchair newbie with a history of things not working for me.


I'd like to eat maybe once a day, What one meal can I eat in one sitting to keep myself from being hungry for the rest of a 24 hour period.


I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here's How.

“Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate a chocolate bar every day. It made the front page of Bild, Europe’s largest daily newspaper, just beneath their update about the Germanwings crash. From there, it ricocheted around the internet and beyond, making news in more than 20 countries and half a dozen languages. It was discussed on television news shows. It appeared in glossy print, most recently in the June issue of Shape magazine (“Why You Must Eat Chocolate Daily,” page 128). Not only does chocolate accelerate weight loss, the study found, but it leads to healthier cholesterol levels and overall increased well-being. The Bild story quotes the study’s lead author, Johannes Bohannon, Ph.D., research director of the Institute of Diet and Health: “The best part is you can buy chocolate everywhere.”

I am Johannes Bohannon, Ph.D. Well, actually my name is John, and I’m a journalist. I do have a Ph.D., but it’s in the molecular biology of bacteria, not humans. The Institute of Diet and Health? That’s nothing more than a website.

Other than those fibs, the study was 100 percent authentic. My colleagues and I recruited actual human subjects in Germany. We ran an actual clinical trial, with subjects randomly assigned to different diet regimes. And the statistically significant benefits of chocolate that we reported are based on the actual data. It was, in fact, a fairly typical study for the field of diet research. Which is to say: It was terrible science. The results are meaningless, and the health claims that the media blasted out to millions of people around the world are utterly unfounded.

Here’s how we did it.

Read the rest here: http://io9.com/i-fooled-millions-into-thinking-chocolate-helps-weight-1707251800


File: 1432976063518.jpg (14.24 KB, 425x283, 425:283, pork.jpg)


>pigs eat anything, including rotten food, maggots, feces, other pigs, humans, teeth, hair, cancerous tumors.

>they carry more parasites than the average rat and no amount of cooking can completely remove it from the meat

>almost any virus carried by a pig is transmissible to humans

>It only takes four hours for a pig to digest it's food. It also can't sweat. Therefore it does not excrete the toxins it consumes and stores it in its own fat instead

>lower in nutrients than red meat

>(hard-line) Christians don't eat pork

>Jews don't eat pork

>Muslims don't eat pork






Answered your own question :^) but thanks for the info



also we need a new fitness thread this ones so old



People eat pork because it's cheap and readily available.




>powerful wizard

>can't handle a single porkchop

You guys disgrace the name of the art.



>powerful wizard

>consciously ingesting the result of suffering to prove to himself he's a #bossassbitch

yeah you got voodoo priests letting lethal animals bite them and they survive and other shit because >will+belief=win So fucking what.


Does anyone have a backup of the last Nutrition for Wizards thread?


For some reason I thought the threads on this site were archived, probably owing to the low traffic… Especially liked the input on gut bacteria and health. Thanks.




Some guy called Greenpill was posting most of the stuff.

Have shitty .txt backup up to No.19957, I'll upload if anyone wants it.


nvm found that shit


Blake K is an oK guy.



The Board Owner and his volunteers were the main ones posting everything in that thread, providing all that information.


I'm more or less a beginner and have a bench press, ez curl bar, some dumbbells, and a few other things at home. No gym membership, I prefer working out alone and doing cardio outside.

I've gotten my weight down to a desirable level and now need to develop muscle, so far I've been doing the following routine:

warmup with one set of dumbbell bench + flys

3-4 sets of bench press

3-4 more sets of dumbbell bench + flys

3-4 ezbar upright row + 3-4 sets of shrugs with dumbbells

3-4 sets of dumbbell rows

3-4 sets of dumbbell standing press

3-4 sets of bicep curls with ez bar

finish with trying new things, front + lateral raises, then grips

I want to incorporate some tricep stuff, was doing some ez bar tricep extensions but was too lazy to remove weight and so only did a few today.

I'll also occasionally do some pushups, pullups (I don't have my own pullup bar, there is one at my workplace so I do a few during the morning, before/after breaks, before I leave etc. but it isn't regular or consistent. I plan on getting one when I move, as I like the exercise a lot, you can do more either by losing weight or gaining muscle), situps (need to do more until I get a pullup bar, not hitting abdominals with my current routine enough I think), etc.

I walk a lot and have started to run more often as I don't do many leg exercises (and at least at this point find this easier to do).

Any advice here? What are some small simple things I can add or do at this point, or am I doing anything wrong? I will slowly figure out a better routine, after writing this I'll look into what I can do to hit all the major muscles on my upper body, after writing this I feel like I'm working some disproportionately and others not at all.



You aren't working your lower body at all. I would suggest doing deadlifts with your bench press bar, which will target your hamstrings (as well as some back). Also front squats for your quads. In order to do front squats you will have to clean the weight into front rack position since you have no squat rack. It would really be better for you to be on some type of structured program with a linear progression like Strong Lifts or Starting Strength.



Yeah I've kinda been getting advice from someone that really focused more on the upper body. Also my weightlifting space is cluttered but these are shitty excuses.



years of starcraft at profesional level



i don't eat much pork but that's mainly because it's too high in unsaturated fats. if i could get it wild-caught or pastured at a good price i would eat it. i believe the parasites and viruses are killed through cooking (if i'm wrong throw me a link, that isn't some nation-of-islam tier crap). pork spoils easily without refrigeration which could be why early 'muh notheists' prohibited it in their scriptures.


File: 1436839596973.pdf (1.38 MB, Danny Roddy - Hair Like a ….pdf)


here's his book 'hair like a fox', it's basically the same information. ignore the title, it's targeted at people fighting baldness but it's just as good as a general diet/nutrition guide even if you don't care about that issue.


File: 1437366191367.jpg (87.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spirulina.jpg)

is spirulina good?

i bought it because montalk recommended it (:fringe knowledge)



Spirulina is excellent. It contains anywhere from 50%-70% protein and contains all essential amino acids. It also has B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron, niacin and potassium.

One of the main "drawbacks" to a vegan or vegetarian diet is the supposed lack of protein from sources like milk and meat. Spirulina is just as effective, and would be one of the most important foods in a vegetarian diet.

I have also read that it supposedly helps with decalcifaction of the pineal gland, but I haven't seen any concrete proof of this and it's probably new age fluff, but spirulina is definitely a substance PACKED with nutritional value and is one of the oldest life forms on our planet



Why is it that adults think they need more protein than a growing child? Is it the brainwashing?

>muh protein



You just have to remember that doctors are people and usually mundane people to realize that it is nothing but a way to justify their own inadequacies. They'll say milk, meat and grains are good for you simply because they don't want to stop eating it and won't admit to themselves that even though they're doctors their stomach is still bloated, they're still fat and unhealthy. They'll search for ways to prove it even though the truth stares them in the face every time they look in a mirror.

You can do just fine eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and seeds, and if you're really worried you can also throw in some small fish on your diet.



I never said an adult needs more protein than a growing child. I was just comparing protein content in spirulina to meat and milk in terms of protein content. Children could definitely benefit from getting the bulk of their protein from spirulina, it beats the majority of milk and meat products that are made from severely mistreated cows on unacceptable corn diets. Spirulina is much more natural, and naturally easier on the digestive system.

Adults who are trying to gain muscle but want to avoid dairy and meat in their diets could also benefit tremendously from spirulina. I personally avoid just about all dairy, I use an organic protein powder that's made from chia seeds, hemp, sunflower oil and a whole bunch of other herbs. I lived for years believing milk and meat were the best foods ever but my digestive system is in much better shape now thanks to a better diet. I still eat meat and fish every now and so often if I know it's a good source. Fasting for 12-24 hours every now and again also really helps to balance your digestive system and the energy in your hara.



A real wizard drinks copious amounts of Ivan chai.



>I never said an adult needs more protein than a growing child.

Perhaps not, but that is the impression I got from your post and based on your last post it appears I was correct.

>organic protein powder….

Why not just eat an apple or whatever is an unprocessed version of that special powder?

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