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other thread got hotpocketed

>don't take a shower for a week

>hair is perfect + don't smell

>take shower

>skin is flaky
>hair sticks up


i just clean my hair and wash my balls now


A shower every other day works pretty well for me, I still get all dry and bushy haired though.

I wouldn't normally shower that much, but I'm gonna have to be dealing with the public more once I start teaching.


he's showing normal aging as other people, his immune system is the same, if you think about it you kind of eat shit piss and cum every day if you touch anything public or any bus or metro or even flush your toilet.. i mean there's bacteria in the air… seriously… btw your hair and all that shit issue is the metals in your water - get a 50-60$ shower head filter and you will see good results - also take natural water salt baths every week to clean the skin. I've found apple cider vinegar to be good for the hair but don't drink that shit, you should be 100% raw vegan fruitarian.


furthermore - as our original habits fr millions of years prior to the fall - we would wake and bathe by a close source of natural water in the early wake prior to sungazing and early activities. Don't be so fucking mundane, clean your ass you filthy fuck ONLY YOU don't smell yourself others do and if you aren't with compliment you arent even fucking into tier 3 yet fucks sake - if you go full raw fruitarian too you smell fucking good and your cum becomes crack cocaine to females - use the female for her energy and produce ultra soma and boom you are fucking godmode.. holy shit..


I'll admit my habit of not bathing enough comes from time spent as a degenerate drug addict lol. But I'm doing a lot better these days.

If I lived right next to a good water source I'd probably take a dip every morning, sure. For now the semi-daily showering seems like a good balance.


This is exactly what happens to me OP. Showers ruin my skin.


I shower like once a week and it always fucks things up.


Intermittent fasting helps, too. It allows time for your liver and so on to clear out the toxic substances that may enter with your food. If you are eating all the time, then you are getting a constant influx of toxic material and taxing your liver. This has a bad effect on your skin, hair, nails, and general health.


>get a 50-60$ shower head filter and you will see good results
post a link to a good one on the internet
>I've found apple cider vinegar to be good for the hair
I use that to condition my hair about once a week


>if you go full raw fruitarian too you smell fucking good and your cum becomes crack cocaine to females
my cum smells like honey thanks to /fringe/
how do you produce a lot of it..?



Mantak chia - read his work - also another book by lon milo duquette explains how to do it as well - it's about breath while injaculating each time taking in the energy to a specific energy point in your body ( organ gland etc ) while having sex you are healing yourself and her and amassing tremendous amounts of energy.


had to add - after a year of doing the practices and working on self with the sexual arts - both you and yours should be pretty much clean as fuck - in the same time you guys are supposed to consume each other's fluids - at certain dates correlating with the woman's cycle - you combine both your pubic hairs and fluids along with her menstruation - after it is CHARGED ( which is mentioned by mantak many times how to do it ) you both consume the ELIXIR - at the same time fully melding both your DNA's so you have 2 physical points of reference in the 3rd along with other increased effects - the FIRST gods where simply beings as you and I who had this knowledge and the patience and willpower to complete it's methods to achieve such levels of ascension.


Well, that's enough /fringe/ for me today.


OP is right. Don't shower, don't use toothpaste, stare at the sun for hours every day, refuse to eat anything that isn't fruit, put some vinegar on your hair from time to time, smoke shit, spend all your day daydreaming in your room and reading books written by people who have done the same.

This is the path for success and happiness.


>don't use toothpaste
fluoride free toothpaste
miswak (for muslims!)
baking soda


>baking soda
have fun fucking up your teeth.

oil pulling is 100x better


guys, my one slightly different way of doing things is better than your way of doing things. i am tru enlightened


>oil pulling
Gonna do it right now. I got a lot of coconut oil on hand for keto/soap.


Using shampoo everyday is unnecessary, I only use it every 5-10 days. Conditioner every 1-2 days.

Using soap on your entire body is an endocrine disruptor and very harmful.
No, fasting is very stressful on the body and you lose muscle mass, while retaining body fat. If you've been eating a diet with lots of polyunsaturated fats in the past, fasting gives you a pure diet of PUFA with lots of oxidation byproducts, which is EXTREMELY harmful.

It's better to get a carrot salad consisting of raw grated carrot + vinegar + coconut oil everyday while eating a good diet.
See this thread


>Using soap on your entire body is an endocrine disruptor and very harmful.
This is not true of castile soap or any of the pure soaps which are simple saponified fat (fat + lye). It must be without fragrance. The added benefit of getting in touch with your bodies own scent on taking note of what produces or reduces what smell is a positive.


Remember. The world is a sea of contamination. You are gonna die younger than people of the past because of it. There's nothing you can do about it. So stop clinging to life and let it end when it ends.


Dude, I saw that symbol on the hand of a giant during an ayahuasca trip. He just slapped his hand onto my window and it had an eye in the center. Can you contextualize the symbol for me please?


gain braincells
draw it out
talk it out
fuck off


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Pic related. Apparently it's hamsa. And protect against evil eye. That does not mean anything meaningful to me at this moment. What does it really meeeean? Gaiz?



You're lucky he slapped you at all! Lord knows you need it! It didn't do much! You need moar than a slap!


Can we not get a long? I'll take me ball and go home. And then you'll be alone and ballless and be saying "Where is anon?" But it will be too late and I'll be gone. Regret will be your province.


>No, fasting is very stressful on the body and you lose muscle mass, while retaining body fat.
That's why he said intermittent fasting, go read a book nigger.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
calm your tits


IF does not have that problem. I only eat in a six hour window in the evening and do not have any problems with muscle loss or strength loss.


No, it is true. It washes away the natural oils over your body.
Fasting is fasting. IF just increases stress. You clearly don't do any work in the morning if don't eat anything in the morning.


>No, it is true.
Not it isn't.


Thanks man. Purchased.


>The shower dechlorinator is not to be used for drinking purposes.

Why does it say this?


no clue, could be legal reasons? Bacteria from shower environments/baths?


* they want to sell you more shit?


my current cleaning rituals are working very well so I will share

daily cleaning
-brush teeth when they feel dirty (whatever I cannot clean with tongue), usually after eating
-wash face with clean water in morning and before bed
-scrub underarms with wet washcloth when I have work the next day, no work means no need to smell neutral
-clean hands when arriving at home with castile coap
-soak feet in clean water or clean water with sea salt depending on how I feel
-always clean out nose, boogers are bad, and even if there are no boogers give that stale snot a blow to get fresh stuff in there

weekly cleaning
-consider washing hair depending on how oily it is, only use clean water
-scrub down entire body with washcloth and water bucket with some clean water in it

other cleaning
-after exercise jump in the shower for some whole body cold water emmersion and to wash off sweat or jump in the snow outside if winter, shower water(tap water) is very bad and should be used sparingly
-always try to keep fingernails clean, use nails on the other hand to clean each other
-clean out nose if needed many times a day, will depend on your activities, a quick scoop with the index finger should do it

-avoid using soap if you can, I only use on my hands after work and when I do all sorts of black shit comes off that water alone could not do
-avoid toothpaste, just brush and have a good diet

-diet is key in determining how you smell and general cleanliness

-avoid shampoo, it is unneeded if you have a good diet as I have experianced for myself, my hairs natural oil now is very fair almost watery(it feels very nice to touch my hair) as opposed to some time ago when it felt like it was coated in cooking oil
-brush your hair, good for the scalp, feels good, and if for some reason you cut your hair then let it grow to its full length and brush it
-clean water for me is remineralized reverse osmosis water, but if you are fortunate enough to be near a lake or river then use that(it will feel amazing)
-bathing your feet is just as important and cleaning your hands, do you want your physical connection to the earth to be dirty? it also feels good


>-diet is key in determining how you smell and general cleanliness
is that why most shitskins smell so bad?
serious question


I never smell bad no matter what I eat and I know people that always smell bad no matter what they eat.

I highly doubt diet has fuck all to do with it.

Same thing in large part when concerning perceived cleanliness.


do you purposely try and make yourself seem this ignorant or does it come naturally?

Pamela Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at Monell Chemical Senses Center, who has spent over 20 years researching scent memory and what they refer to as “nose blindness.” When you first smell an odor, your scent receptors send a signal to your brain’s limbic system, which determines how you will process and feel about that particular scent. But Dalton says the receptors in your nose essentially turn off after around two breaths, and the scent—no matter how strong initially—starts to fade. She uses the example of a study she conducted where people were given a pine-scented air freshener for three weeks. “They would ask me, ‘Are you sure it’s still working?’”

it took me like 4 seconds to google it..



dumb fucking degenerate cracker - i bet you think yourself superior to another being because of your hue - tell me does your skin color stop a rhino from ramming you? Hahaha.


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>dumb fucking degenerate cracker - i bet you think yourself superior to another being because of your hue - tell me does your skin color stop a rhino from ramming you?


atleast follow this nutrient guide if you're going to go for anything worth a fuck in this… i don't think you guys understand what the steps are of this realm you stepped into, trust me i don't either fully, but i do know that further steps require us to be healthy, strong, efficient, intelligent, adaptive, well based emotionally, fulfilled, complimented by the aspect suited to expression, complete mastery of the earth element and further elements - once all 4 elements are mastered immortality over all is achieved - this is like basic shit, all these people are racing to be immortal so they can start looshfarming everything or gathering chi from the ethers by their own self-work, this is a fucking game with many levels and each level is like a new type of game merged with the previous - the stuff you read in the books posted here are to prepare your framework for this - the next steps are all layed out, i mean shit it's easy as fuck, ill post some info in a new thread in a bit.


Tiny little boys angry about other boys while the gods ascend.


thanks for the loosh, mundane


i have unlimited while in darkness.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am not sure exactly but a theory is that people of other races smell different/bad as somewhat of a deterrent. It isn't so much that they smell bad to themselvs but they just smell bad to you because you are unsure of them.

There is also that shitskins are wearing shitskins for a reason. Think about it.

If you want some truly nasty breath just put your body into ketosis. The rest of your body will stink too but your breath in particular will be horrid.

I could also make an argument that fat as fuck scooter drivers who eat shit all day then get shit stains on their ass which then stink of shit might not get shitstains if they ate more fibrous food.

>that full slide when some info is dropped


>-scrub down entire body with washcloth and water bucket with some clean water in it
I've been playing with the idea of washing myself with warmed distilled water only. I've been psyching myself up and reworking my habits so that I think to day that instead of hopping in the shower. I've become a little attached to the sensation of warm water all over myself and that attachment takes deconstructing which takes time.

Once I get to that point I'll have no contact left with unclean water save for the unclear water used to make my premade foods or feed the animals I eat. It's a process.


>-avoid shampoo, it is unneeded if you have a good diet as I have experianced for myself, my hairs natural oil now is very fair almost watery(it feels very nice to touch my hair) as opposed to some time ago when it felt like it was coated in cooking oil
If I may ask, what diet change brought about that change in the quality of your hair oils?


>If you want some truly nasty breath just put your body into ketosis. The rest of your body will stink too but your breath in particular will be horrid.
When I'm in ketosis, my body odor plummets and my breath tastes and smells, if I allow ketones to concentrate through inadequate hydration, sweet like aritificial sweetener. Which is not rancid like some report.


The low caloric diet (slow metabolism leads to long life), acquired resistance to microbes (shit smoking carcass eating) and superior skin bacteria-flora shield (not bathing) means this guy must be some sort of god man.


>No, it is true. It washes away the natural oils over your body.
>>31381 here. You're right. Soap fucked up my skin.


I use water that is sitting in my tank that is either fresh(cold) or room temp if sitting for a while. Warm water might seem nice but cold is better for your health.
If you have the chance go to a clean fresh water lake and jump right in any time of the year it does not matter it will be cold. At that moment you should understand why cold is best.
The best part is that you can turn cleaning yourself with a small amount of water into a powerful cleansing ritual very easy. Those "hot showers" that people are so fond of are a ritual of sorts that is harmfull in every way.

Hard to say exactly because I have been pushing so many changes and tests onto myself recently but consuming almost no fat would be my guess. My diet is based around rice and includes only plants. I should mention that the natural oil on my hair makes it have a brilliant shine under light so it looks good as well as feels good.

I can smell when someone is in ketosis from at least 4 meters away from just their breath. It does depend on the person though but most of the time when I smell people in ketosis they are a few meters away. Up close they can smell like they are rotting.
You may think your breath smells a bit odd but people around you who are not in ketosis will think it is far worse.


For daily face hygiene I use a facial wash that I make myself - white clay with oat, chamomile, St. John's wort and melissa. I also usually take daily showers but only use soap once in a week. It's important to use a normal soap, I found that ajurvedic herbal soaps work the best for me. "Alum stone" is a perfect natural substitute for deodorant, also I heard that guys can use it after shaving (if they shave lol). I also use ajurvedic fluoride free toothpaste because baking soda harms teeth. There's tons of recipes for hair hygiene but the main formula is baking soda + water. I usually add essential oils or herbs. If I have dry skin I use coconut oil.


This. I'm wary of the fluoride and chlorine etc in water, the tested and untested carcinogens in commercial body washes, soap in the end dries my skin out, but my butt smells like shit. What do /fringe/? How can I have enlightened bodily hygiene habits without going fruitarian?


Ice. Cold. Showers.


the body consumes fat first, then muscle. if it's consuming muscle that's bad…or the atkin's diet.

if you're a fatass, limiting your calories is key.


if your body is healthy using shampoo and conditioner is unnecessary period

source: me


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