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/fringe/ just got put in the top boards and that means that a lot of people will soon come here.

So new guy, listen up: we're going for a wild ride.

You probably think we are bunch of hippie dippie losers stuck in some Matrix/Neo fantasy, role playing our lives away writing like people taking World Of Warcraft seriously. Problem is, most of us are not role players, let alone liars.

It doesn't matter if we think we are wizards or not, we've seen things normal people wouldn't even imagine; done things few thought they could do and we are so far ahead on all this "life" stuff that you are having problems dealing with.

We call you mundane. Not because we hate you. Not because we are better than you, but because we struggle every day to live with you. We don't like the food you eat, music you listen to or the political system you so dearly vote your money away on. We have surpassed that illusion already.


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The Matrix movie is an excellent parable of what this world kind of is. We are not humans in pods per say, but we are not entirely human either. The atheists are not even wrong with their faith, it is entirely constructed to make people abandon any spiritual pursuit and accept a life of slavery to the powers most people can't see.

Some of us wake up. Either through depression, drugs or because we feel that something is strange with this world.
"Why does dreaming feel more real than being awake?"
Why is there more than 2000 years of books and knowledge talking about expanding the personality? Buddha surpassing the material. Jesus ascending to heaven. Moses splitting the sea.
It's because it's a concept that is truly possible and the foundation is laid in our genetics and human body. Almost like we are supposed to find it.

But first, you might think that the ultimate red pill is that the fake jews run the world. They own all the banks, media and food companies and Hitler was right. Well that's just part of the story. Truth is, there's a big galactic and astral war going on for our planet right now. The enemy of the human race controls both sides of every country and faction you see or hear about in media. They move because they are told to, not because Russia has free will and USA is a free country. They say "jump", everyone says "how high?". The few countries that do not bow to this leadership is deemed scapegoats in the media like North Korea, Nazi Germany and countries like Libya and Iraq.

It is only when you take a step back and start fiddling with the spiritual world, you will see the truth. When you unplug from the Matrix and see that you are being deprived of your energy just like a battery.


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I know you have a lot of questions. But you also have a programmed reaction to whatever you see on this board as being: edgy, fedora-tipping, crazy, nutty, conspiracy theory and all the other things the media has made you believe that we are. Instead of coming here with an open mind and unbiased opinions, you already have an opinion established that we are all crazy. I will try to touch on some things and also help you on your way as to let you awaken and start walking on your path.

The first thing I'd like to recommend is that you get interested in lucid dreams and out of body experiences. If your dreams are foggy and hard to remember, you are already deep into the system and it will take actual effort of you to dig yourself out. Start taking up a dream journal and write down as much as you remember as to instruct your brain that it is important to remember dreams. As soon as you can remember every dream, every morning you wake up, you can start working on the spiritual aspect and find the reason why you were born.

It is not important whether or not God exists or if you believe it to be true or not. Your emotional body and mind can be affected by a blockbuster movie with just some music and eye-tearing drama, why would religion be any different? Realize that all the power you will ever need exists inside of you. All those prodigies you hear about and see throughout history all access this potential. Some have had great head starts because of their heritage but that doesn't mean you can also get started on your journey.


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You are more than your physical body. When you die, it is not the end. There are actually several conspiracies that exists within the new age movement whether or not our death is also controlled and constructed to the point that we were forced to be born here. The sooner you can get out of the loop of "reincarnation" that forces people to be born here, the earlier you can work on becoming the original version of yourself.

Through Out of Body Experiences, you will quickly learn that we are more than our body. OBE is not a lucid dream, no matter how much they are trying to tell us that. Find guides on YouTube to get you started with leaving your body, but also ask the Universe for guidance on your path. Decide here and now what it is you want to find, and then focus on that for a moment. The universe will answer back to you.

But in order to leave room for this knowledge you are about to learn, you will have to let go of your past. All the history you've read, all the movies you've watched and all the garbage music you've been listening to, needs to go down the drain. The victor always writes the history. If Hitler would have won the war, he would have written it differently. Establish that everything you can know are theories. It will widen your understanding depending on what theory is more likely to be right, because there's always a new factor and information that changes everything. Something science is really bad on understanding sticking to half truths of "acknowledged" theories, accepted by a board of "victory writers".


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In the end, it comes down to several things, but mostly:
How would you like to live your life?

Did you ever watch people as you grew up thinking: "I want to be like that person"? Did you not have values and ethics in your heart you knew was true? The society we live in corrupts and makes people very evil. Why did you allow yourself to treat people bad? When did you allow negativity to take a hold of your life? Why are you not happy?

Everyone aspire to be happy. We want to be happy and we want to help others so they can be happy. But there's a hidden force not allowing us to be happy. The majority of people are not happy. Even with our free market, free society, free opinion, free politician system, free global everything; people are not happy. We consume, we buy, we have sex, we live with people, we live out our fantasies, but everyone is still not happy.

Few people find happiness. But they do not find it outside of themselves. Happiness is not a little toy you can buy or a car you can drive. These are temporarily pleasures, driven by the illusion and group pressure; "Buy this, become happy, I promise". But the object only leaves our wallet empty and on Monday we have to return to the slave job to grind the debt of our bank while the object is standing somewhere collecting dust.


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Problem is, you got all your priorities wrong. You think you are happy when you insult people (on the Internet). You think you are happy because you are better than the people that claim to be wizards here. Most wizards can't really say that they are happy either so don't expect to get happy responses back when you insult them. And you won't find happiness in your clothing collection or in the reflection of your new Mercedes car either.

All these things exists inside of you. It's like a tap which can easily be turned on and out from it flows all this happiness that you've been looking for. Surely it helps that you have a job you like, a wife you love and a good family, but these are all external things. What happens when you loose your job? Your wife dies? Your family betrays you? Then you can go head first into whatever religion and spirituality you want, happiness still won't be found outside of you. It's the tap inside of you.

But what is blocking you from experiencing happiness right now?
Firstly: It's you. But there are external effects that is affecting you that you probably don't even know about. The food you are eating is designed to trick you and kill you slowly. That's why we don't want mundane food. It's pure garbage. The water in your faucet is filled with chemicals not even the rich fake Jews would grab without protective gloves. The toothpaste contains crap humanity haven't needed for 3000 years in order to maintain healthy teeth and there are plenty of fluoride free alternatives.

All the things that you eat and drink right now, your body actively works to filter and remove from your system. No wonder everyone is so sick every day when the bodies needs to fight off poison and have no room for rest. You will not see a single human live past 100 years as long as we have our modern diets and customs and wizards of /fringe/ works actively to minimize the intake of poison in order to prolong their life to longevity and beyond.


So how do you get free? You've probably seen the iron pill and his diet circulating both /pol/ and other boards with its fruit, vegetables and raw meat diets. This is of course a sound diet if you are getting unmodified food directly from the farmer or the hunter. Everything else you find is treated with first insect poison, then wax to keep it from rotting, then flushed with tap water, cooked in tap water and then put on your plate. Even worse if you put it in the microwave and kill the food and its healthy bacteria.

The meat industry? Cows injected with vaccines, hormone altering drugs and other muscle building proteins, packed together in unhealthy environments and forcefully bred to accommodate for the high consumption; I don't think it's natural or healthy. Go do some research on how the animals are treated in the US and what injections they give the cattle, chickens and pigs to alter the profit of the meat. Chickens are debeaked to avoid them hacking at each other because of the stressful environment. Pigs have their tails cut off because they bite each others' tails when packed together. This is all done without anesthetics too.

And there's also one more issue. All animals you eat are female. The cow, the hen, the pig, the deer, the sheep and the goat. Because a male animal after puberty gets a real sour and bad taste in its muscles. This means that you are eating a spoon full of female hormones that affects your body's balance. There's a reason we eat calves when they are young, because after puberty the meat is not edible. This intake of female hormones affects everyone and gives rise to diseases but also to changes in the body that you see in the youth. Homosexuality is not more natural than being obese in the point that it's avoidable and treatable.


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But the physical body needs movement and activation. Otherwise the blood clogs up and you become a fat unhealthy fedora tipper.

So you do some sport to activate your body or you lift weights. This is very good and exercise should be encouraged among our youth from an early age as to prevent the Call of Duty generation from becoming NEET.

The sexual industry also contribute to unhealthiness and consumerism. The daily dispersion of the body fluids leaves the body at a malnutrition state all the time. Always being deficit of zinc, copper and protein we need to actually achieve happiness from the infinite tap. Female ejaculation is different, but the bad habit of craving sex does not help her curiosity for the spiritual world because she's always one penis away from satisfaction.

Even if atheists don't understand it, the old religious texts that write about sexual misconduct has a point. Modern science is not backed by the best interest of man, it is backed by the people that want to earn money from the medicine industry. They will claim that anything is healthy just for profit. Eating bananas is for monkeys remember, just drink this juice and you will get everything you need from a banana x20.

I'm not advertising to follow religion blindly. Without logic and intellect, religion is such a waste for the brainwashed sheeple. No, read the texts and discern the good from the bad. Mix with a lot of texts and find some occult books to even out the mix with spiritual practice.

A common mistake is to believe in Jesus, but not actually following his teaching or being like him. How can you be corrupt, hurt other people and claim that you believe in Jesus? That is absurd.


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The pictures we are enjoying in this thread is made by Alex Grey. He's a talented artist that draw pictures based on what he's seen during trips on certain stimulants. This segways into the next topic quite nicely.

Altered states of consciousness

"The reason drugs work, is because we are drugs".
And with a small breathing exercise and sitting like an utter fool on the floor, you can release and disperse these drugs at will whenever you want. This is done through meditation, trance and energy work. The body is a magnificent being, much like a computer or machine. Where we put our focus, this is where the body's attention goes. What if we want to hear something? We close our eyes and focus on our ears. What if we want to see? We open our eyes and focus.

Meditation is not so much about sitting on the ass and doing nothing. Less than that, it's not about clearing one's thoughts and becoming empty of them. That is just a mini-step in order to unleash the true potential of the mind and body.

When we stop thinking and just sit in the present moment of what is our breathing consciousness, we open up both our brain hemispheres for use. Have you seen a painter or a composer talk while creating art? It's because it takes a lot of skill and experience to talk while using the creative part of the brain. But a lot of people in today's world only think. This unbalance create people that are uncreative and can't access their spiritual side. How is it that artist can draw these amazing pictures of things that we only see in dreams? It's because they can tap in on that state of being and just let it flow.

So works spirituality the same way. We close down our thinking mind and chatter, and open up both of our brains in order to alter ourselves and change. And with enough experience and practice, eventually you'll go to places you thought didn't exist within yourself. You'll meet beings that are made by you, and also from places that have nothing to do with you.


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This is where the spiritual world starts. The etheric, the astral, the mind, the imagination, the memory and much, much more. I will summarize it in this post, but first hand experience is recommended.

We live in the physical world, the 3rd dimensional universe where everything has a width, length and height. There are certain laws that we need to adhere to like gravity, light, attraction and time. Through science we've discovered that these laws are governed by small particles and magnetic fields, quantum particles and relativity even touches on how time works because of gravity. We are used to living here and we are born here, and we die here.

The etheric world is the non-physical density (dimension) where our physical universe cast a kind of shadow. Everything here exists just as it does in the physical, but nothing is really solid. In this world, we encounter spirits, aliens, demons, angels and thoughtforms and this is also the most common world we leave our body to go to, when we have an out of body experience.
The etheric can be viewed through our mind's eye and many people have this ability secretly. It's called remote viewing, but the definition assumes that we are doing it remotely, when in actuality it's just a shift of our consciousness to that physical location. You'd be surprised how many know how to remote view.

The astral world is the complete "fantasy" land beyond the etheric where a lot of stuff happens. This is where spirits and demons actually live and come from and there are possibly infinite amount of astral worlds just as there are suns in our universe. Many of the astral worlds can be direct mirrored reflections of our own physical world, while others can be complete fantasy "alien" worlds. There exists heavens and hells here where some dead spirit travels to, to learn some lesson. This is where you can find great spirits of the past that has walked the earth and also guides. The astral world has so much to be said about, I recommend intending to go there as a goal in your life.

The mind is a multi layered fantasy world much like the astral, but is more subjective and local to the soul experiencing it. This is where you can make stuff up that doesn't exist, open up portals to the astral, build habits and traits inside of yourself through a self induced hypnotic trance state. Many people astral project here thinking they are projecting to the astral, while in reality they are facing their hallucinations and illusions. This is one of the basis for the skepticism around the astral phenomena.

The memory is your local hard drive with information on your current life, but with some tweaking could give you access to supposedly previous lives. The memory can be explored just like you would being outside your body, but it's completely internal. But a trick could also be done to access the etheric through memory which is a good method to leave one's body.


Me and 100 other lurkers are reading your book.
Way to go op.


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Problem is: We can only show you the door, you are the one that has to walk through it.

You are the one that has to take up lucid dreaming, OBE and meditation. You are the one that need to pursue what it is you need to find.
We're not going to debate you whether or not this is right. We're not going to say you should do this. This is something you will have to look for inside of yourself.

Maybe the very reason you've read this thread thoroughly from the start to the end, is because you deep down seek and yearn for the truth. Something that drives you that your logical mind can't explain. People call it the Higher Self, the inner guide, the inner voice, God and many things. But you also have free will. You can go back to your life and ignore this whole thread as complete bullshit. This is not even backed by science, scientists calls this hallucinations. It's also written by a person using a keyboard, not a scribe or a prophet that created a big religion 2000 years ago.

But when you do decide to go back to your mundane and normal life, don't attack the wizards here and call our faith shit without even trying it yourself. There's a reason why many people here take the red pill and tumble down the rabbit hole, never to come back; and that is because it is impossible to come back. Once you unplug from the illusion and see true what we are, what we can do and that we've been lied to our whole lives, the divine flame sparks within us and we go through all the stages of denial and grief. Then we settle in and accept the truth and try to make the best out of it. And then we find a way, we become Neo, chosen people, the ones.

But it's not an easy path. The warriors path is a lonely path. There are traps everywhere. Traps for the ego, traps for the greedy, traps for the people that are afraid. If it's consolidating: Know that everything you fear and have problems with, can be dealt with very easily. There's not a demon we don't have the power to banish, not a guide we can't invoke for protection and guidance, not a single thing we can't do with our patience and dedication.

"For the patience of the enlightened is indistinguishable from the gods"

I hope you find this thread helpful and that it has shown you something. Feel free to pose questions at any time and check back within 24 hours; I should have answered them for you.


Any simple magic exexercises I can so while reading and learning off the books?
I just finished the kybalion


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There are also things I forget to mention that doesn't really deserve its own post. I will briefly touch on it in the following posts.

You have this crazy friend that is looking at the stars wondering about some intelligent life form being out there, but too far away to come here. Well, to your surprise, these beings are already here. They have bunkered up in different factions and it can be summarized very easily into: The people that respect our freedom and the people that doesn't. They fight over our politicians and "free market" while we drink Coke and Pepsi. All meanwhile masquerading as angels, demons and different beings in the etheric for different people to be baffled about when Jesus shows up at the end of the bed to bless them (or angels and demons masquerading as aliens to make us think they are aliens instead of demons). We can't really be sure whether or not they exist because they all manifest in similar visual styles in our mind's eye. It seems logical that if they are spiritual beings just like us, they would be able to make themselves look like they want to look like in the etheric world while having physical proxies somewhere in the galaxy. It takes actual experience and understanding to know if aliens exist in the 3D world just like us because there are many uncertainties regarding the spiritual worlds.

Disinfo Operations
Because of humanity's gullibility or because how the spiritual world works, there's always disinfo coming through in one way or another. The obvious agents are the top institutions making websites with fake occult information to lure people into the wrong spiritual practices which doesn't work. This leads to a lot of curious people becoming angry and leaves the spiritual world all together (mission complete). And then there's the helpful idiots that do different kinds of drugs or stupid trance meditations that go explore some dream world inside their mind without realizing that they are projecting inwards. They go on forums and make threads how they met Jesus and the Demiurge and how they know the ultimate truth of the Universe (also mission complete because it's a trap). And then there's the obvious counter-intelligence in media defining anything spiritual as wacky, nuts or unhealthy. Often showing big groups of hippies sitting in a large circle chanting some random mantra while looking completely smoked. This is also part of the agenda because it will make people avoid joining any spiritual meeting. If you have the chance to go to a hippie meeting where everyone sits on the floor and chant mantras, you'll actually be able to get a headstart on the spiritual path because of the good energies. But beware of the money grabbers that are so full of ego or channel spirits.


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The chakras
You hear it all the time, those rainbow colorful wheels that are spinning and doesn't actually exist unless you make some fantasy about them, etc. Well, the chakras are parables. Every chakra is tied to a physical and biological gland and function. The Rosicrucians have good info on this because they write very technically.
Because of how our body digest food and sexually reproduce, our chakras are very good visual images that helps in meditation. Because when we focus on our body in our mind, we activate that part and run energy through it. This energy is electromagnetic, blood, prana, light and many things yet not observable by "accepted" modern science. If it turns out to be just oxygen in blood, that is still energy.

The major chakras of the body needs to active and "spinning" in order for us to advance in the spiritual world. Without balance, we can't leave our body, can't feel happiness, can't reproduce and we are attracted and prone to get diseases very easily. Lots of the mundane food suppresses the energy of our glands in the body and the most notorious example of this is the pineal gland and its calcification. But the pineal is only but one gland of our whole body, many other glands can be clogged up from alcohol consumption or fatty foods. Science can still describe this very well, but so did the Rosicrucians 100 years ago, so nothing new under the sun.

If you want to work with your chakras, I recommend Joy Of Satan's website on meditation: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Meditation.html

No I'm not from JoS and I do not advertise it, but they have one of the most clean and easily explained methods for chakras and different spiritual work. Everything from breathing techniques to hand mudras. If you follow your heart and don't let yourself be tempted by the dark arts, you will find many good and working enlightening techniques on that website. If you want a better teacher, go find a taoist guru.


Surprisingly, it's not a book and it's not copy pasted from any website.

I've been writing this while doing mundane laundry.

If but one person find it helpful, it will all have been worth it.

I recommend reading a lot in the beginning, then working on easy energy magick and work to get an idea of how the body and mind works. Even though I had a good start in my life understanding visualization and imagination from an early age, I didn't start doing anything heavy until I've read and researched for 2 years. I can still find information that will help me on my way today that improves my energy work, but there's a point you reach where you can't take anything more in. That's when you have to knock on the door within and find the wisdom from the inside. And then after that little period of being enlightened, you start over again and do more research, then you implement daily habitual meditations to improve your life.

And don't read occult books fast like fiction. Take time to digest it on all levels and really think and feel what it is you're reading. Skimming through these books should be punishable.


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Vibrations and words

Everything you hear and see, are vibrations. Oscillations of little protons or vibrations of air in the atmosphere that reaches your organs. The whole science of these vibrations have scientists baffled. When we observe particles from a particle cannon, they act like tennis balls. But when we don't observe particles, they start behaving like waves. And with the science of waves, we see that two identical waves amplify each other in a very mesmerizing way like when we throw stones across the surface of water.

To our surprise: thoughts, emotions, feelings, even our nerve system and heart works through vibrations. The first 3 not yet being proven by modern science, it will be proven soon that our heart beat emits the feeling of the mind and then eventually in the future: it will be proven that emotions exists as an unknown energy. It's hard to understand that our thoughts are waves that exists physically when we can't see them, but very soon: the US intelligence will begin to use mind state altering devices that will work across distances, unless they are already using it. This will be part of a transhumanism agenda where mind states can be induced and altered remotely, just like binaural beats do today.

But how does all this work? Yin and Yang, purpose and intention, it is hard to put the finger on it. Masaru Emoto performed a series of tests where he made water react to spoken words and thoughts just by freezing water and taking pictures of the crystals. Modern scientists calls his tests fraudilicious and not tested over ten thousand times makes the proof lacking. But if his water experiment's theory is true, this explains our mind's effects.

If our minds do exists as vibrations that affects matter on a quantum level and water can be affected by intention alone; it takes little intelligence to realize that the human body is composed of roughly 57% water and what we say or think about ourselves and others, affects us deeply.

So when we listen to Mr JayJay's latest album singing about his penis erectile dysfunctions and the not so dressed females lining up to yank the magic protein shake, we are indeed affected on the lowest atomic level. Thus it is important that you feed your mind with good intentions equally, as you feed your stomach with food that has good intentions.


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Why evil exists

Hippies always say that God created Evil because he created Good. Supposedly, Good cannot exist without Evil as Light cannot exist without Shadow. The problem is that human free will dictates whether or not we choose what we get and we have an active free choice of choosing what we want to see. If we want light, we flip a switch. If we want less shadows, we add more lights. Similarly, if we want more good, we shift ourselves into more good states of being.

Some people claim that Evil is necessary as well so that Good can prosper and evolve. Because people that become good cannot have done so without evil existing. And in the happy hippie future where everyone is not evil, evil must still exist as to show people what it is.

I disagree. I think the goal to attain an evil free society is well within our reach as human people and evilness can be kept in theoretical form in educational information. Because, if everyone on Earth lives with happiness originating from the inside, having parents that knows this happiness, in a society where everyone is happy and knows this, it will lead to a civilization where evil is non-existent.

If people knew that there is nothing to be afraid of after death, there is a secure net in the society that protects them from all harm and everyone lives in harmony, there will be little cause for evil to take root.

But all in all, the current main reason for evil being rampant is the lack of love. Not sex, unconditional love. The love you feel when you hug your children or pet your animal. The love you feel for people that emit a loving glow of radiant happiness. This love is lacking in this world. And because of all the bad things we have in our world, love will never manifest as long as evil prevails.

So it is an easy question you ask yourself: "Do I want people to live in harmony, peace and love?". Or "Do I want people to be miserable?".


i'm saving this - showing it to my woman.

Thanks, I AM.

as eye posted this, the marvin gaye song let's get it on queued.

Gracias. Arigato. Danke. Shi Shi. Merci.


double slit experiment is something to add to that one.



Try the basic breathing exercises in science of breath and the exercises in sorcerors secrets by jason miller.



I also recommend you buy the books that aren't out there free already, science of breath is out for free.






Thank you.

That's what it is called, correct.

Thank you for the assistance.

To all quoted posters above, make sure you use the little flags in the drop down menu under the reply field.


Then you hereby neglect yourself of the privilege to bash and criticize any poster on this board simply out of laziness and ignorance. What have humans become if they can't read less than an average chapter as taken out of a book on an image board dedicated to self improvement?


I've had some problems with mild depression and such. The main issue was that i was attempting to display a non-depressed version of my self to other people, so that they would like me. Then i realised i should stop doing that, taking example from art; i figured out that i was lacking expression of my true self.
Afterwards, don't know what happened, but the depression came back.

Then i turned to the religion that was closest to me, since im living in an Orthodox country. Reading some writings from various monks, i did prayer, and i started feeling good about my self again. Also read a bit about something about God's will (basically means that anything is meant to happen and leads to God).
That happiness could be an illusion, but i digress.

What i came here to ask was, can you explain a bit more about how do Christ's teaching fit into all the /fringe/ stuff? I don't know if i should continue researching the occult, as someone would call it, because it's clearly stated in the Bible that any practice of magic is forbidden. Maybe Jesus did magic?

Don't judge me for paying so much attention to social status, after all im really young and mundane to just /overcome/ something that everyone has faced at some point in their life.


>living in an Orthodox country
not OP, I can relate to both these points
Are you living in eastern europe? They have a very well established system and one of the most beautiful literature regarding spirituality, can't find anything to compare it to. Beautiful it's what it can be described, really heals your soul. It's a real shame most of /fringe/ will never get to read most books written about it's saints.
And yes, they do condemn most stuff here on /fringe/, according to them everything is the work of demons, especially dreamwork, meditation. I'm struggling also with this concept and I'd say that following the christian orthodox can do you only good.
For me the concept of dream exploration and OBEs is appealing, it's something always on the back of my mind. Other than that /fringe/ and orthodoxy have a lot of common they both promote a healthy diet, fasting, leaving all the junk from media behind, abstinence, self-awareness.
There's a saying that you can't be with your feet in 2 boats.

What country are you exactly from?


Serbia. It's a shame people here are beginning to back away from religion and going into new-age bullshit. I also read somewhere here that a lot of wizards were once actually Christian monks.


Thank you OP for writing this. Now I feel the need to go read and meditate as I've been neglecting both of these for too long.



"You will not see a single human live past 100 years as long as we have our modern diets and customs and wizards of /fringe/ works actively to minimize the intake of poison in order to prolong their life to longevity and beyond."

I have a question regarding this. If the modern foods are thought to be getting worse and worse, and the bodies are ingesting more "poison" why are people being able to live longer and longer?

also the non fatties from first world countries look WAY better than people from third world nations even if the third worlders have more "natural diets". and no im not strictly talking about the starving ones.


I'm from romania and yes, the younger generation's spirituality amounts to reading The Secret and feng-shui articles on yahoo news. I'm not even sure what is their motivation or reason for living.
And I can even talk about some shady Yoga sect around our country that it's mostly a pretext for sexual orgies if there are idiots to be fooled by the latest hinduist craze.
And even if there are still some young people claiming they are orthodox, they are at a superficial level, doing the cross sign if they get a good grade at an exam while still bad mouthing half the people they know if given the occasion, or they literally share on facebook quotes from saints and call it a day. Also I've been observing the kike owned media attacking religion more and more. We used to have obligatory orthodox religion classes at school all the way until we finished high-school, now they are optional since apparently christianity isn't anymore a part of this countries identity. And now they are starting the whole "gypsies have been enslaved for hundreds of years, they deserve reparations and we should feel ashamed of ourselves" propaganda, it's like they are literally copying the anti-white/pro-black propaganda you see in USA.

So it's best to keep whatever practice you choose to yourself since you can barely trust anyone.


Thank you for taking the time for this OP. I've started reading the books in the stickied thread.

. I went from being the typical /pol(fucking niggers and jews! pro christian!). Then I found JOS and started doing the meditations and digesting some of the info on that site. Then the Fringe books and other occult books I've found elsewhere are giving me more information to digest.

i'll tell you what. Adding meditation sessions 2x upon waking up and going to sleep has made me feel much more at peace, and lowered my anxiety.

I've also drastically cut down on some external factors in my life i believed to be negative(which for me was anything with a screen, negative TV shows, online video games, browsing random sites like /pol that have way too much crap).

goals for me include raising my kundalini and visiting the astral word.


You do realize that JOS repackaged new age stuff, sometimes ripping it entirely without even paraphrasing it, then added Satanic stuff here and there right?



I have read that a lot of their meditation is from Franz Bardons IIH. It doesn't really concern me whether they "ripped off" the information as long as the information they "rip off" isnt shit.

But most importantly JOS was pretty noob friendly. When you are a mundane a lot of these texts are "difficult reads" while JOS not so much. it allows you to get right into things. taking initiative.

After doing a little digging, I started reading that a lot of people criticizing JOS were doing so because of "neo nazi" material which I found pretty funny thihking about individuals who would go "nazis are evil!!! hurr heil Satan!!" As someone who was already aware of the role of Jews in the world power scheme, that aspect certainly didn't deter me.


>reading anything ever

Do you think they actually study science beyond listening to pop culture icons talk about it and doing a half-assed job of finishing their homework?

Every fedora ever to come here still doesn't know what magick is even about after all this time. None of them read anything, they just think they are right as a matter of faith, and don't believe they need to investigate further.


The pages have been altered over time after various authors have contacted Maxine about the plagiarism. I guess she kept whatever she hasn't been contacted about.


Thank you, I still have that unbound sense of gratitude that someone beneovelent and powerful is on my side. You gave me a lot of food for thought, and I will nurture that seed you planted. I guess I am still going to miss signs and make mistakes along the way, but you made me feel lighter and more brilliant when you could have just as easily tore me apart. It helps my little light to shine brighter, it warms me to know that despite my derpiness that people will love me to the degree that I love them. As above, so below.

Yea, it's gonna be a hell of a ride. Mr. Bones ain't got shit on me.


I've been a neophyte for a while, and say without pride that I've hit a brick wall this weekend on my path.

But this text encouraged me again, and I thank you sincerly.


Suppressing your bad feelings is never a good way to find a solution to it. Eventually the bucket runs over and you have a mess everywhere. You go to the root of the problem and drag it out of the ground. If you can't find the root, look for the clues.

But because of the nature of reality, it can be really hard to find the solution to our problems because it's dug down deeply with all our other problems.

I do not like religious or new age cults because they are often all about money and publicity. It's a front, like the mafia to cover up for people in a hierarchy to be allowed to act monstrous where they sprinkle a little hope and love at the bottom.

What I am saying will not sink in fast enough for you to realize it today, but hear me: All the power you need, is within your reach as fast as you can possible manage to realize it. Sadly, societal indoctrination makes us believe that all we need is external; a pill for a disease, a woman for our cravings, a car for our freedom and money for liberty. When we know our power that is deep within, everything we do and can do becomes just as easy as your every day chore.

Read, research, meditate, contemplate. Realize that you do not need the church of God because you have the seed of God within you, waiting to be unleashed. And the answer is love.


Correct. The reason churches and cults promote what occult and spirituality speaks of is because they know of all the esoteric wisdom in the higher hierarchy. Difference between fringe wizardry (going your own way) and the cults is that they hand you the information bit by bit, as you progress up through ego-boosting ranks. Ironically, I once applied for freemasonry in my country asking for membership. I could a hand written letter stating: "…that which I am looking for, cannot be found within masonry." and "Grand Master advices us to inform you, your membership is not of interest to our organization.". How cryptic or tempting they are trying to make it sound, I realized that the wisdom I thought I would find in their cult was readily available through books already uploaded to the Internet, and is always one meditation session away.

Building your own knowledge and library with the information available can make anyone here surpass any high rank within any cult. The biggest difference is experience and time they've spent doing things you can read about in books. Which is why it can be of importance to find people that are on the same page, or people who are experienced with it..


Whatever void you have in your heart cannot be filled with MTV and YouTube, nor Lamborghinis or hamburgers. The divinity in you is always knocking to get out, but we neglect it by thinking that it's out there waiting for us.
Eventually, when you've found yourself, you'll see that divinity exists everywhere around you like breadcrumbs from the God itself. You just weren't able to see it.

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”

“To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one's own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat.”

“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
― Plato

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”
― Socrates

There's little to no change in how humanity were 2000 years ago compared to today. Dwindle in the depressing writings of the old philosophers and you will soon realize the red thread of the human flaws that we have known for millennia.

The idea that we live longer today could be by a simple factor as warm houses or proper clothing (we also have elder care). Sticking it to the food industry means that you are advocating the companies and corporations, implying that they give any interest about you or your family. Maybe the statistics of old people are more existent because we actually do take note of statistics today compared to 500 years ago where only the most famous and wealthy had doctors declare them dead.

As I stated in: >>26079 the food industry preps their food with additives, using only female animals and also prepares the animals using muscle building chemicals. Our food is less natural than that of farmers 100 years ago.

Have you noticed the rise of Dementia and Alzheimer? Every elder of today can't remember what they had to eat 10 minutes ago. What if you could live as long as the bible claims Moses lived? Do your own research and look at each individual chemical and its effects.


Correct. Learn the few methods of exploring the inner mind and then never go back. There's enough methods to be learned today to establish your own teaching and cult.

More importantly: Rather than removing the things that makes you feel bad (e.g. reading /pol/, news and being up to date), remove the reason to feel bad. Don't be attached to the things happening and see it from a bigger perspective. The sooner you are in control of your emotions and your mind, the sooner you can start progressing spiritually.

Your goals are good. Ask the Universe to help you on your way and focus.

Does it matter if Plato himself wrote the articles of JOS, then had it stolen by someone only to be posted here when it actually help people transcend?
Sometimes, doing something bad for the greater good can be permissible.

Yes, JOS is Esoteric Hermeticism.
Regarding the difficulty of the texts: If you are a frequent user of Internet's favorite tumblr (irony intended) and you follow "spiritual" bloggers, you'll see a new trend in which they take hidden and esoteric occult book quotes, and post them in the simplest form online. With commentary for explaining every little detail of it.
Example: http://embodyilluminati.tumblr.com/post/105008646653/santa-claus-an-esoteric-interpretation-all-down
(The section is taken from a Rosicrucian book that explains the meaning of the glands and the correlation to Santa Claus)


If you're not going to bother taking the time to show them the truth, why should they bother taking their time going into it? If you can make a plugged in mundane question something as fundamental and basic as their own thoughts, the seed will have been planted firmly.

And her actions have helped thousands to progress and develop from a material mundane to a concerned human being. Are you the author of the texts she stole? Do you find her actions despicable? If you want to help, feel free to make your own website with esoteric knowledge and help people up. As you can guess, it's a matter of time before JOS gets booted offline together with the YouTube take down notices we see everyday. What then will happen to people stuck in the illusion?

I am not the one picked to tear you apart, that is your job. And from the broken vase, we put it back together and repair the cracks with gold. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi )

You are also the brick wall. If the burger is too large for your mouth, use cutlery to make smaller sized chops out of it.
No spiritual stake is too large for humans.


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How can you write all this?
Because time is running out. If you cannot see or are unaware of the world's current state, it can be summarized fairly easy:
* The economy is going down
* Countries are pushing tensions between them
* Ignorance and Foolishness is rampant
* Despite 7 billion people, we have less philosophers and inventors than the ancient civilizations
* You are not the best version of yourself
* WW3 is currently happening

Even though we have the biggest food industry, most developed technology, most advanced schools, machines that can fly and take us to space, machines that replace manual labor and many more things; WE STILL ARE STRUGGLING WITH BASIC FUNDAMENTAL STANDARDS OF LIVING AND NURTURING!

When children starve, get beaten and sexually abused a couple of miles near you and no one has the decency to listen to their heart and undoubtedly know that such actions are unforgivable; meanwhile a video of a cat with large cute eyes keeps the attention of billions of people entangled.

Where mundanes find it uninteresting and boring to partake in any advanced or intelligent political debate locally because they "trust" their superior rulers to have more decency than the common man, and find contempt in a life living as a slave to a system they are unaware of.

Yet when millions and millions of square miles of warehouses, are filled with food, fuel, resources, ingredients, metals and manufactured goods that cannot be freely accessed because it is owned by the 1%, later to be given to the sheeple mundanes at a discount price on black Friday; even though the price of the object has been reduced to almost nothing due to robotics and conveyor belts.

To the point where children realize that their parents are indoctrinating them with a false and Marxists, sexist conditioning into abandoning their identified sex and they speak up to their parents: "ENOUGH WITH THE GENDER BENDER BULLSHIT, I AM A BOY/GIRL AND I ACCEPT IT!".

As the philosophers and historians in the future looks back to this date and laugh at our ignorance for how we think the human mind works. Unless they are non-existent due to the coming wars and poverty that will strike the world once again. Unless there is no proof or existence of our ignorance due to radical groups burning books and destroying the heritage so that we must start a new every thousand years and relive every era with improved technology.

This is the heart in you that cries out. This is the children of the future that look at you and ask: "Where were you when the world went to shit?". No more will you let ignorance grow in your mind, because you are now eager to learn the truth about the world you live in. You like to help others because you know that it can lead only to good results. You share this bond with other animals, where you know that you cannot hurt another being because this being is you as much as it is not you. It is love. It is the love I carry for the people of the future. For if I go down without a fight, I cannot forgive myself for letting all this happen on my watch.

"Welcome to the real world."


>best prison is the prison in which the prisoner believe he is free

topkek OP


Just pointing out that sharing content and saying you created it aren't the same thing :^)


Not magick per se, but if you are doing a lot of reading at the moment try memorizing any passages or quotes which seem meaningful. Ensure the memorization includes the context and points which may be vital to the quotes comprehension.

Or else you may recall the meaningful sensation while forgetting the wisdom. Memorization also helps you draw connections and deeper meaning when penetrating more advanced texts.



Holy fuck this sounds SJW as fuck and I'm the sort of person who is getting beaten, abused, starved, etc. that nobody gives a fuck about.

OP is being a faggot.



Maybe you have stockholm syndrome of some kind and just don't like seeing people sticking up for victims.


I don't care about myself, I am shit, I just want the fucking Übermensch to take over and wipe out all untermensch. No uplifting of the masses, just evolution. Then when I reincarnate again on Earth it'll be a lot fucking better because my new vessel won't be shit.


not how that works for your mindset



I have transcended self-value. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the superior beings. Their success is the success of life, I only wish to serve them. Their thoughts are more beautiful, everything about them, so much better. I am as nothing in comparison to the coming man. Hail the Übermensch!


The creator claims all information on the webpage was channeled from Azazel, Lilith and Lucifer. Out of all the 20 methods I've tried for moving energy in my body, JoS was the only one that worked in the beginning. Eventually you learn to move them around without vibration so you can surpass the methods.

Thank you.

Social justice is non existent and illusionary. I live my life based on respect to my next of kin which is based on the love I emit by knowing that everyone I meet is just as me. And if I can't love them, I cannot love myself.
I am writing this text, not because I hate you and want to end you, but because I want you to wake up and become better than you are right now. For if I was you, I would be grateful that someone out there cares about me progressing. Most wizards here are therefor stuck in the ego and internal mindset that will not do them any good unless they are in the LHP. Love is the key.

And if you don't care about yourself, you cannot care for anyone else. You are waiting for an external force called the Übermensch which is a fictional meme group of iron pills to purge the world of mundanes. Your determination is not much different from the new age hippies waiting for a 4th density shift, or aliens ascending from the sky solving all our problems. These ideas are created by the opposition to make us slow and lazy and sit out our turn. It is good that you are aware of the alien ascension movement, it's good to know about the second rise of the third Reich, but waiting for it to happen is just as bad as being mundane.

And how are you going to be uplifted if not everyone is uplifted together with you? Are you certain that you will reincarnate? Are you certain you will not reincarnate into a starving african child with your memory wiped so you will have to suffer another mundane life?

I do not sit around and wait for enlightenment. I do not put any hope in the next life I do not even know I will be given. I am not going to wait for a slow and tormenting death, knowing that I can do stuff but chose to wait for something to happen. No, I struggle. It may be an uphill battle, but I will not stop until I reach the top or one of the steps along the way. Looking back, I will be able to appreciate my effort.

You want the fölklish body? Go to the nearest forest and lift a log up above your head. Drag it around, throw it on the ground and repeat until you are fit. That's how they did in the nature in the past. Climb a tree, swim in a lake, run on the beach, build a house, move some rocks. There's no excuse for sitting on the ass.



I can relate to that, but I don't have reason to fully believe in reincarnation.

Also I think I would have flourished in life if it weren't for jealous people tearing me down for being attractive and intelligent, so the distinction between ubermensch and untermensch is a problem for me.


lol, the point is that whatever you used wasn't JOS, or anything channeled, whatever you used was likely copypasta from elsewhere. Though I'm sure it did work.


Idol worship and worship. You fool!
You are divinity reflected in flesh!
You do not need to wait for anyone or anything, because inside you is the power you seek from those you idol.
Serve them by joining their ranks. Odin and Thor await your arrival in Helheim as the God you were born to be.
Your thoughts can be beautiful too. You have a conscious choice of making your thought what you want it to be. This is what Buddhist monks work on every breath for 24/7.
Awaken and find Mjölnir within you and become the person you were always supposed to be.



Not that guy but this part

>Your thoughts can be beautiful too. You have a conscious choice of making your thought what you want it to be. This is what Buddhist monks work on every breath for 24/7.

I have zero control over my thoughts, in fact I don't even have my own thoughts, I only ever pick up on and hear other peoples thoughts, it's a total nightmare. I meditate often but still can't get my mind back.

Any advice?

I've developed an instinct for how accurate the thoughts I pick up on are but that's hardly useful, most of the time its just annoying and depressing



I can influence the types of thoughts I pick up on through magick and offerings and such but they're still very much out of my control.


Chaos Magick: If you believe it works, it does.

Jokes aside, it works because it is universal principles. If the meditation techniques does not work for anyone, they are truly damaged by the modern world's intoxication.

Do you have more information on this topic:


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I assume you don't even do the basic bubble?

Imagine an image of yourself of how you look while you are sitting. Know in your heart that this image is you and everything you do to this image has a direct effect.

Start by evoking the feeling of love in your heart by remembering that precious moment with your pet or something that happened in your life. Fill your body with this feeling as a white radiant light.

Around you, you build a sphere of this white loving light that stretches from the center of your body to roughly 1m or 3 feet around you and you are seated inside the bubble. This bubble and its white light is your personal shield that protects you from all attachment, all evil possession and intrusion is warded off by the deflection of this shield. Make your shield personal by giving the shield a special texture or property.
Make it a diamond shield that cannot be crushed by the weight of the Universe. Make it oily and slippery as to disallow evil forces from grabbing you. Make the surface of the bubble hexagonal for support and structure.

Hold the image in your mind for as long as you feel it is necessary and then give this shield a name with a simple chant that you will use every time you charge it. A personal word, perhaps a name or simply bubble.

Do this 5 minutes every day in the morning to assure protection during the day. For additional habit, do it before sleep to protect your dreams and projections.

You should notice a change after 1 week and a total effect after 3 weeks.


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why do you know everything i know?


The entities attached to me urge me not to read this thread and are giving me super ADD when I try.



Thanks, not heard of this beore.


Because universal knowledge and wisdom is as universal as the remote controller.

Namaste jamayah.

Even more reason to do it and do it as soon as possible. The evil powers hate it when they loose control of someone they steal energy from.

Maybe you should do the bubble for 15 minutes the first time?

Here, have a powerful mantra on the house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZKnlpO0syA


Is loosh more powerful when given or stolen? Or does it depend entirely on the emotional intent and the scale of its energy? Were they watching me? Was that one who I think he is? Did the reality of the scene asscend with the seeming upward spiral of my emotions or was it all a series of tests? A few people caught my interest and one of them seemed frightened of me or would greatly distance herself when they were not in the group. I am warry on sticking a permanent impression on it, I don't want it to become reality, but I am keenly aware now they are as much me as not. Does my impression define reality or is it just intuition that can be molded by will? Do they already know what she can do when I am just scratching the surface? How powerful was my transition that night when I felt my vibration spike? I am gonna go ahead and guess I am on the radar of a lot of people now.



Have results already from this, thanks.


I have to disagree with you on that one OP.

I think Evvil is more than necessary. Not beause we couldn't go along without Evil, but because Evil has the power of showing something that the being is not doing right.

There is a lot of learning power in Evil. If you eat really bad you'll feel really bad exactly to the extent you're eating badly. If you use your thoughts to search for a definition of self (something the instrument of thought is not capable of doing fully) you'll experience the evil of feeling separate from the universe. Evil is not a thing in itself. Evil is merely the instances in which good fails to be.


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Thank you based op, I learned awhile ago that my task in this life was to bring the self loving light into the darkness,this guide you wrote is great and is filled with loosh, can I add this to my time to chant at people who are interested? I am on a phone so I can't copy and paste this into a document so can you do that for me?


Loosh given willingly is more powerful than loosh taken. When we give to the Universe, the Universe gives back amplified and generously. They are always watching you, through your eyes, through the peoples' eyes that you socialize with. Your emotions and feelings spiked because you created a shield against their trickery which naturally puts you on their radar as a threat.

The people that are frightened of you and distance themselves are one of two people:
They live in darkness so much of their lives and are ruled by the dark demons to the extent that your light energies make them disperse.
Or they act based on the people mentioned above as zombie proxies for their will and influence scaring them away from you to make you feel lonely.

Remove these people from your life. They are either weak or easily manipulated. Don't let them drag you down.


Be not the parrot of copypasta wisdom. Find the wisdom in yourself first and then speak from heart.


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Sometimes I think you Montalkers simply ignore any other kind of knowledge beyond simple gnosticism mixed with degenerated spirituality.

Still an excellent guide though, some bluepilled hylics can really get better after reading some stuff like this.


What do you mean by this 'degenerated spirituality'?



>We call you mundane. Not because we hate you. Not because we are better than you, but because we struggle every day to live with you

>You are more than your physical body. When you die, it is not the end

(It is for some.)

>In the end, it comes down to several things, but mostly:

>How would you like to live your life?

>Few people find happiness. But they do not find it outside of themselves.

>You think you are happy

>So how do you get free?

Modern Spirituality.

Pseudo-metaphysics based on democracy, egalitarianism, general self-help "find happiness and freedom" logic.

Magic is not for everyone, it was valuable knowledge kept secret to very specific castes of people who trained the whole life just to manipulate the invisible forces.

But the mere fact that you are here, trying to understand, studying hard, practicing, renouncing your old vices, points that you aren't everyone, but not all of us will make it through the end and that's not really problem or a reason to be sad, it's just how the world is.


>(It is for some.)

This is true. For some the death of their physical vessel means true death, (but did they ever have Life?), and those who survive death are bound to die the second time, this being the end of the personality, (but not the individual I presume). To add, if we want to nitpick, even organic portals are more than their bodies, (etheric components + soul), though they're bound to live a false life and die a false death.

So your take on reincarnation is that even those who have spirit (or those who ARE spirit) have the risk of dying permanently?

This I have been juggling with and it doesn't sound correct to me. If we consider that all lifeforms start from the lowest (1D) and ascend to the highest (7D), just why would the individual (spirit) cease existing after his death? I think many here agree that we've been some mineral, plant or animal in our past incarnations; so why would we suddenly cease existing after we die as humans? Just how could it be possible! It doesn't make any sense to me. Or are those who propose this annihilationism suggesting that we haven't had any past reincarnations as 1D and 2D beings, thus negating ex. a lot of the channeled material (The Ra Material and Cassiopaeans) and even the Kybalion?

So puzzling, wouldn't you say?

As I mentioned, not everyone survives death, but I find it odd only a handful of actually spirited beings would survive and reincarnate.

So odd.

>(The rest on modern spirituality.)

I agree that modern spirituality is too "feel-good" and political, plus there's nothing really 'spiritual' in it, it being commercialized and watered-down. It's mockery, it's foolery.


To add to this, isn't it weird that some very mundane people remember their past lives? And that they haven't even been magicians in those lives!



le me imitating the OP casting pearls before swine


That thread has escalated into pornography, so one reading this should avoid it for the sake of his mental health.



czech em'


I don't really like what Montalk is writing because he only deal with issues, and not solutions. I have confronted him on several occasions to ask why he do not spend time going for enlightenment or liberation of the suffering. He is simply not interested in it and thus I find his information as educating as Alex Jones' info wars.

His information is however quite solid on a very possible and plausible theory on how our world may look. It is one of the few sources for fringe knowledge that doesn't end in complete hippie love bullshit.


>(It is for some.)

Pulling subjective life relativity theory like that doesn't really cut it. If you believe that you are the only one on this planet with actual sentience and this world was made entirely for you to live our your fantasies, you are entitled to that belief entirely.

But if you haven't felt the universal powers of love, gratitude, generosity, harmony and forgiveness I guess you still haven't opened your heart.

>Magic is not for everyone, it was valuable knowledge kept secret to very specific castes of people who trained the whole life just to manipulate the invisible forces.

And it is not for the select few occult. No one is forcing mundanes in here, no one is handholding them onto this webpage or to the mega download folder with all the occult books. They awaken like flowers blossoming when the time is ripe. Because /fringe/ was amongst the boards in the top of the 8chan website, I decided to create this thread for people that came here and actually were meant to be here.

>But the mere fact that you are here, trying to understand, studying hard, practicing, renouncing your old vices, points that you aren't everyone, but not all of us will make it through the end and that's not really problem or a reason to be sad, it's just how the world is.

And I aim to change that. If but one person was helped by my hand at the moment my body dies here, it would have been worth it. I will transform the world and change it person by person. There will be no profiteers and no victims in the new world if I have my way. Everyone will be brothers and sisters in a big community and no one will even think the thought to harm another being.


The risk of dying permanently could be due to the memory wipe process that is theorized in the alien information agenda. It would be equal to dying permanently because all past lives would be erased in the process.

My goal is to be spiritual enough to be able to decide when I want to die. I will consciously leave my body and detach when I feel that my body is not capable of sustaining my vitality. This will help and allow the soul to choose where it wants to go after death, instead of falling into the white tunnel and get the memory wiped.

>Modern spirituality

A heart without love is a heart in suffering. LHP and dark magick does not fill the void and does not remove suffering from this world. Spend 1 day with a guru that has an open heart and you will know the potential of your heart.

More and more children of the future will be able to remember their past natively. This is a process in the making where forces are removing the memory wipe machines.



Personally I do not believe in that memory wipe thingie; I mean, our minds will die along with the other stuff, (but after the physical body has terminated), but I think some experiences dig themselves deep in the actual spirit, which cannot be harmed, or manipulated. These experiences manifest as "intuition" or "natural skills" (knowing how to play piano, having easy time learning a language etc.).

So yes, I believe our minds will die as anything else but our spirit (or us as spirits) will gather more and more experience.

It's a theory, at least.


It's a theory I came across when working on death and passing. The moon is the white light at death and it actively draws people to it at the moment of death. Because the church actively scares people into believing hell is below us, at the moment of death when we separate from our body, we are naturally drawn towards the ground. This will scare people and they will choose to follow the light instead of becoming free spirits.

The Moon, also called the Levaian is a spiritual space ship which wipes peoples' memories of their lives.

It could be a reason for why monks try to attain enlightenment through astral projection, as this helps the spirit to realize what happens after death. But we won't know until we get there 150 years from now.


The problem I have with posts like this, though I agree with the core takeaway messages conveyed, is that you present an extremely and exclusively bleak view of the world, with "love" as this sort of backhanded afterthought nudged in. "The world is in complete shambles, everything's falling apart, you're all poisoned cattle with no hope…But remember to love!" This is the same fear- and defeatist-mongering that the news media bombards us with daily, and look where that's put us. Do you really believe that this is an accurate summation of the state of affairs of the whole planet; of what all 7+ billion of us are doing and experiencing right now? Because I read this, then I get up and go outside, take a walk through nature, smell the fresh air, exchange friendly greetings with friendly people, maybe have some sex, and everything's pretty rosy to me.
It seems like many /fringe/ posters - perhaps of a more Gnostic strain - think "enlightenment" is seeing the world as pure garbage. I'm willing to bet these same people just have garbage lives that have left them with mental programming that reinforces this belief, while they're convinced it's the absolute truth, so they feel entitled to scoff at "mundanes" for pursuing things like sex, intimacy, financial security, etc. that they themselves have missed out on. Why this fixation on negativity, all the time, when apparently the "end goal" is true happiness? Isn't that a bit counter-productive?
But I'm not directly accusing you of this, OP. Just venting a general grievance. Again, I agree with the core of what you're saying. Thanks for the guide and for an extra kick of motivation today, but beware of the fact that large doses of entirely negative information can discourage, if not damage, the newcomers, and I think we're all a little tired of being discouraged.


do you believe you are your body?


Don't start that with me. I'm certainly no "mundane" at this point, at least in terms of personal philosophy and seeing through the illusions of things. My body is a part of the All, which is what I am essentially.


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Hey /fringe/, a little new

what do you guys think about Kabbalah I hope it goes without saying that I mean real Kabbalah, and not maddona bullshit



never mind. I wanted to make a new thread. didn't realize where I was. sorry for being a faggot


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>mfw jewish


Flags please

If you find a book in English, let us know.


The first time I read your post, I wanted to yell at you for being a shill. The second time I read it, I saw what you meant.
My intention was not at all to push people down with fear as the media does, I seek to make normal people interested in the bigger picture and to question themselves. Love is an important factor for spiritual progress. I try to avoid sounding hippie as I've met enough hippies to know that they have stuck themselves in one of latter traps of enlightenment. Enlightenment is not all about love, but having love and knowing how to tap it from the inner source is very important as we head deep into the truths of the world. Without love, we loose faith in humanity and start becoming nihilistic, which most people on /pol/ already show signs of daily.

Most people that enter into gnostic, occult, esoteric teachings do so with a very grim and negative mindset. Many want to use magick to improve their lives materialistically and manifest caskets of gold. While it can be good to be financially stable in life, abundance only leads to boredom that we see evidence of in the rich elite group and their sinful activities.

I cannot judge mundanes for pursuing materialistic goals and intimacy with lovers because that is equally as fulfilling as attaining enlightenment. But some people live their whole lives with a deep void in their heart that the materialistic concept cannot fill. These are the people I address when I write posts because these are the people that tend to loose hope and faith in the world. They have no one to talk to, no one to ask all the questions and they do not yet know how to find information to start researching the occult on their own.

But remember that the rose tinted shades you are wearing while reading these posts reflect more who you are, than the intention of my writing. You certainly are correct that media are pushing people using fear, but I have no such intentions.


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>we loose faith in humanity and start becoming nihilistic, which most people on /pol/ already show signs of daily.
/pol/ isn't about losing faith in humanity, but degenerate leftist nihilism, there are people sad because of it, but only and exclusively because their peers and the society they live in is imbued with progressivist nihilism.



>we loose faith in humanity

I lose faith in humanity when people spell lose as loose.


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Why are you replying to my post then? I'm just quoting the guy above.



Because anime reaction images make me lose faith in humanity too and I foresaw that you were going to post one in response.



OP, thank you for this thread. I was wondering if you could help me on my path.

I studied Buddhism for a number of years (15+) but for a long time it was merely an intellectual curiosity. My interest and actual practice did grow over time, but in the last few years it got serious.

I met some fellow mediators online, and they helped me see through the illusion of a "self" in control. I was told this was enlightenment, and any remaining "self" feelings or thoughts that came up were merely "stories". I no longer agree with that view ("it's all stories" is itself a story, and based Descartes logically proved that there is SOMETHING here, even if it is only a subtle illuminating awareness).

This persisted for a good two years or so, but it became obvious to me on further reflection that this was not nirvana. So I started digging deeper into meditation and really, really getting serious about it. Multiple meditation sittings per day, daily yoga, diet modification.

This led me to the most profound meditation session I ever had. I'm not what I did, but I had a vision of God. It turned me from an agnostic-atheist "fedora" into a gnostic-theist instantly.

Since then, I've been…well, basically scared. The Fear came in strong, like when coming up on mushrooms. I got drawn into Christianity as I had no master or guru. Christianity, sadly, strikes me as spiritually dead. I agree completely that I don't think any Christians I've met yet are really following the path Jesus did. But trusting in Jesus does dispel The Fear.

I'm scared to practice magic, but I do want to continue my spiritual journey, in the name of that overwhelming Love that I touched for the briefest of moments.

I have two questions for you:

1. Can you help me determine what I experienced? I strikes me as ego-death, and ego-rebirth (there was a STRONG period of ego-mania afterwards, I thought I was Jesus, then I thought I was Satan, then I finally came back down to mundane level). Also, any tips on safely moving forward in my path?

2. What do you make of the numerous Illuminati symbols being used in modern media? Things like covering one eye, the pyramid hand sign, etc. I don't trust Kabballah, kundalini, etc. I'm afraid that dark powers are trying to led me down a damning path. My spiritual goals are a drive to reach enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings (bodhichitta), love (metta, agape), and to bear witness of the light to all that I can.

Thank you!


Only in darkness can one find the light switch.



Sometimes you're groping around for the light switch with a snake in the room.


Get a flashlight. :^)



I guess that's what I'm asking for, a flashlight on what I stumbled upon, to know where I was and if it was the correct path, and a flashlight on the correct path from here.


read books in recommended.

vape lot's of herb

go raw vegan fruitarian.




get a female you want for life

don't settle for shit.


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Trust in your innocence. God will not take you down a dark path unless you desire it.
You might want to take some time learning more about what this universe is about. Maybe read about Hermeticism as it follows in line with the Buddha's techings and it will more than certainly help with your piousness. Read about the astral. Something I will reccomend for you to read first off is The Synchronicity Key by David Wilcock, it will describe a lot about what this universe is capable of and some of the backstory about what's happening here on this obviously screwy planet.


everything but the wilcock - wilcock is 100% shill scum.


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Don't forget the flags under post options.

You need to understand that there is a spiritual world next to our physical reality. In the spiritual world, we have spirits, angels, demons, aliens, fairies and trolls. Whatever shape the entity want to look like, is the shape it can get. But the human mind also have a way of interpreting things subjectively through our ego or soul. That is why many people see angels everywhere, because they believe somewhere deep down that they exist or they look that way. While I personally see entities as picture related.

When you met this God entity, you had a very strong emotion of love and bliss fall upon you. I am not going to argue and say that it wasn't God you met, but know that the same thing happens when you meet aliens, Jesus, angels and sometimes demons. Give your gratitude to the entity for the energies you received but do not trust them completely. Speak to the entity in your mind. Did you learn something new from it? Was it something that you couldn't learn from a book or something you've seen before?

There's no need to fear these beings. The demons lives of fear from other entities. Thus the media pushing a lot of fear sparks theories that the industry is controlled by spiritual entities so that they can feed of our energies. Don't constrain yourself with one faith or one teaching. You've been into Buddhism for a long time, check some other occult schools out and read some books. Check this thread out: /fringe/res/1.html and go to the mega folder to find a lot of books. If you don't know where to start, read other peoples' recommendations or ask for inner divine guidance.

You don't have to be scared to practice magick. There is a light and dark path that you choose to embark on. You decide what you want to do with your powers, so you don't have to worry.

1. It could be a simple reunification with your higher self. When we start living through our soul and heart instead of our ego and lesser mind, we get connected to the universe in a way that makes us feel as if we were everything. The lesser human mind can't really comprehend these emotions and we feel torn between choices. Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, God, Buddha and many other spiritual concepts and characters all exist within us, dormant. It's not so much about good and evil for us than it is about being a person connected to the universe. The lack of connection to the universe creates separation, ego, unknowing, ignorance and hatred. You need to calm yourself.

2. There are 2 sides to the symbology. One is that of obvious attention whoring and advertisement. I went and watched Chappie some days ago and 2 kids behind me were talking during the trailers. Out of nowhere they started talking about Illuminati and then the older kid says that "Madonna is the leader of the Illuminati". Well mission complete, you have people talking about Madonna, that's all they care about. All publicity is good publicity.
The second aspect to the symbology I got explained to me by a mason is that the symbols are there to kind of advertise towards the spiritual aspect of people. The classical "ASK ABOUT ILLUMINATI" from the Disney cartoon where Uncle Scrooge visits the doctor is a good example for this. In a sense, the enlightened people of the world wants more people to awaken. But from experience and history, it's been proven from time to time that you can't awaken everyone and especially against their will. So they advertise towards mundanes in media to kind of spark their inner spirituality.

I had a vision in my mind once where I was asked to become a member of said organization. I asked all the questions I had about why they're not doing their best to wake people up. But for every question I had, they had an answer in a book and examples from earlier civilizations on Earth. That they tried to wake people up from before the Egyptian era and it always lead to destruction and the fall of an empire. Now I don't put all my money on this and if there's any truth in it, but it's a good theory.


>vape lot's of herb

Hah. Glad to know I'm not the only one. Vaping it feels…spiritual.
Smoking it feels…dopey.



Vaping releases the essential oils in the herb, the trichomes containing the oils and cannabinoids pretty much get boiled and turned into vapor, I guess you could liken it to aromatherapy.



First, I'm sorry, I'm new to 8chan. What are the flags under the post options?

Second, thank you for responding. I, actually, had another little "episode" last night. I was deep in meditation again on the nature of God and the universe. Although the train of thought is kinda blurry now, I somehow found my mind going down the path of no-self again, dissolving that self/not-self dichotomy and basically ending up in the same "one with the universe" perspective/feeling. It eventually leads me to, basically, pantheism.

The problem I have with that though is that it is, as far as Christianity is concerned, heresy. To make yourself God is exactly what Satan did, damning himself to hell.

I am obviously not God, and I'm afraid to even follow this train of thought any longer. I had a huge freakout over it last night, basically an extended panic attack that lasted all evening.

I'm obviously a newb and in over my head. I'm going to take a step back from all of this and go mundane for a bit just to cool my head.

Just wanted to check in and say thank you. May God, goodness, and all that is holy protect us all.


>Make yourself God
That's strange. I'm not OP but if I recall correctly, Satan tried to establish himself as God in the Christian sense of an all-powerful, all-knowing being. My understanding of Mentalism is that while you are God, you're not this single, powerful entity. You're God in the same way that a single hair cell on your head is still referred to as–you. That was my understanding.


Flags is rule 4 of this board, not a global rule of 8chan. In the bottom right of the post box or right down under the reply field, there's a yellow text saying: [▶ Show post options & limits]. In the drop down menu where it says "None", you select a flag. Any flag will do.

And pantheism is more true than devotion to any idolized figure you will find in many of the religions. The moment you realize that everything is part of the whole, and you so, you realize that you are God too. You don't have to make yourself into a God, you just have to realize that you are him, through you.

The reason you are afraid is because you most likely were indoctrinated by religious forces when you grew up that teaches that the only way to live is by devotion and submission by sending your energy through prayers to it. Thought is your ego made from the memories and experiences you've had here in the physical. I would recommend that you back to the meditation where you find yourself one with the universe, and then work your way towards answers. While you are in this state, you must ask yourself the questions you need answers to through your heart. Also realize that you are not your thought. You are not the habit of your thoughts nor its style. You are the divine being having a human experience. You are in control of your thoughts and you do not let them judge you.

Once you open your heart and find the holy, you must make a choice. Either stay there and enjoy that moment and shape your life after that, or go back to a mundane life while always having that abstinence of wanting to go back. I recommend to not let fear control you. If you can't control your thought and emotions, you will have more issues later when you progress further.


OP do you mind me saving all this to a .txt file and adding it to a community works folder on the mega?

If you're interested in writing like this on a more advanced or in depth level for non neophytes check this thread for details on how to get it saved in the mega: >>26699



Ok, I think I've got the flag thing down, thank you.

>The moment you realize that everything is part of the whole, and you so, you realize that you are God too. You don't have to make yourself into a God, you just have to realize that you are him, through you.

This. Exactly this. 100% this. "The Father and I are one" but how can I be sure that it's the Father and not Satan?

>The reason you are afraid is because you most likely were indoctrinated by religious forces when you grew up that teaches that the only way to live is by devotion and submission by sending your energy through prayers to it.


>I would recommend that you back to the meditation where you find yourself one with the universe, and then work your way towards answers. While you are in this state, you must ask yourself the questions you need answers to through your heart.

This sounds like sagely advice. I'm going to write out my questions for my self/Self beforehand.

>I recommend to not let fear control you. If you can't control your thought and emotions, you will have more issues later when you progress further.

Thank you, this is good advice. This is all new territory for me. Is fringe the correct board for this, would you say? Esoteric/Mystical Christianity?








I will consider the second proposal. I am very reliant on supply and demand when it comes to writing, thus when this thread has fulfilled its purpose, it will go to page 18.


You can't be sure if it's the father or Satan because you need to go further in order to tell the difference. After reading a lot of info, my guess is that the higher up God is both the light and the darkness, but the lower entities are more different. You know in your heart when you are doing the right thing so you don't have to worry about doing the wrong things.

And fear is important. The sooner you become fearless because you realize how low energy fear is, the further you can advance and the sooner. The entities that you will come in contact with will not always be good. Thus, if you don't react to fear and negative emotions, they can't touch you.

Good luck on your journey.


And who got the get I wonder.





In the symbolism that came with my vision, The Source of All was pure, loving white light. It was after this light was fractured that we get all the colors (some beautiful, some ugly).

This thread is way on point to me and where I am at on the path: >>27424


Yes, the prism does that. It splits light up.
You are on your way now. Don't let anything stop you.




>Remove these people from your life. They are either weak or easily manipulated. Don't let them drag you down.
Is there anyway to protect my girlfriend from these forces? I can tell they are starting to focus her to bring me down.


I was thinking of just creating a powerful aura to shield her.


Already written in this post, in this thread: >>26346


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This thread is getting bumped to the first page as interest in magick comes after the alleged /bane/ plane crash incident.

Feel free to read the thread and ask any questions if you are new to the topic of /fringe/.


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Howdy there, friend. I read through the entire thread, finishing up just a few minutes ago. Thank you so much for sharing these insights to everyone here. I've always had an interest in spirituality and the paranormal, even at a young age. I never thought much of it other than "Oh yeah, ghosts are probably real and extraterrestrials have probably visited us", and went about living life with no true concerns about it. My mind started its shift around the October of last year, with the death of my grandmother. After a long battle with dementia, she finally passed away in her and my grandfather's home, peacefully in her sleep. It was the first death I've ever truly experienced, in terms of having it be of somebody close to me, and it kicked the sudden realization that I will die someday into HIGH fucking gear. The funeral was in a very nice cemetery, with a light drizzle coming down while my grandfather, uncles, and father read their eulogies. A mourner's prayer from a rabbi friend my grandfather knew (I come from a Jewish family, and was brought up pretty standard of Reformed American Jews), and everyone invited left as the casket was being lowered into the grave, since we all felt that my grandmother would have wanted us to not make too much of a fuss of things.

Very unnecessary details, I realize, but the entire aesthetic of that day has never left me. I started delving into the realm of all kinds of spirituality soon after, from that fear of death. I know now that it is a very selfish reason to learn the ways just for assurance that there's more to my existence than being here. It's been a very scary, gut-wrenching journey so far, but I'm now finally coming into understanding that the fear of my own death is just the fear of my consciousness no longer existing.

I can't say that I've done nearly as much research into the way the cosmos work as you have, but I've ended up at nearly the same conclusions you've drawn in your writings within this thread. I cannot remember not existing, even when I physically did not exist. When that happens again with my death, I simply won't remember it. It's an alright assumption to put my faith into, the notion that whatever energy that consciousness is, if it's a soul or aura or shard of some sort of divine, it will find a way back into the physical world. There's always the possibility that I'm wrong, and that death truly is the end of all, but I've done enough psychedelics and meditation to convince myself that existence has always been, from a logical standpoint. I feel as though I've begun to break free, whether it be of a cycle of "unenlightenment" (I'm not too keen on using the concept of enlightenment as a measure of how much one's life or lives mattered, in a cosmic scale), or just of the oppressive forces that have made an effort to keep others unaware of all the potential within themselves. I know I still have a long way to go, but these past few first steps have made me feel more aware and in-tune than I've ever felt in my life. feelsgoodman.

This is actually my first post on this board (and first post on 8chan in general! I've quietly lurked the few boards devoted to the paranormal and the cosmological, but that's about it), and I guess I'd just like to ask how you yourself came to these conclusions? Mine are weaker, obviously, but that's probably on account of my reliance on using substances to supplement my mind's ability to comprehend the supposed truths about our reality, and not a whole lot of access to formal training/researching. Have you always felt like there's more to things than just this? And are there any ways of trying to share these beliefs with the ones you care about, and not sound like a crackpot? Growing up, I've always been the one in my various groups of friends who believed in the hidden things that are mocked by the status quo. it never bothered me too much, since I figured too much dissonance between supposed reality and actual reality would cause all sorts of panic for people not as open to things, but I really would like to be able to help my loved ones experience the wonderful awareness I've been enjoying…and not sound like some sort of New Age hippie-dippie conspiracy theorist crystal-humper. I've got nothing against people who DO fall into that description, but their credibility is harmed by the assumptions set in place, and I don't want all of these words to fall upon deaf ears because of that. I know forcing someone against their will to "wake up" never works, and isn't fair to them, but there's GOTTA be a way to help them see, right? Your thoughts on the matter?

Regardless, thank you for such wonderful content.


The knowledge comes from connecting to the higher self and the higher source at which all things we've accumulated during past lives and experiences becomes intuitive knowledge that you just know is right. But it is also through dialog with other spiritual people you come to realize that there's more to our existence than just our physical vessels.

After I left my body for the first time while being awake, it was a complete plunge down the rabbit hole on all levels. I've already read and understood the skeptics and their opinion on all spiritual related phenomena, but I didn't find any answers to my experiences in their unphilosophical thinking. When I learned about the control system of our world and how slavery was imposed on us on all levels, I also understood that spirituality was under heavy attacks by the same people that discredited the truth about 9/11 and the banking system.

"It's just a lucid dream" they would say. No matter how far you traveled in the astral or in the etheric, seeing things you haven't physically been able to see only to confirm it afterwards while being awake, "It's just a dream, made my mind". The answer didn't cut it. Eventually, aliens started taking notice of me and after 6 months I met the major ones. Now I don't doubt that aliens exist, I question if they are spirits, demons, angels or souls like us having actual physical bodies.

Soon you start realizing that the thoughts you think and feel exists as a physical matter in one of the realms that you can't see with your eyes, and that it is all connected back to the source of whatever it is. You can ask any question you have to the Universe and focus on it, the Universe eventually comes back to you to respond.

I have a project in another thread I'm working on: /fringe/res/29203.html that I will use to make people think. However it is under constant attack and critique from a person that has not evolved much in the matter. It's the board's mascot Smiley, you can make what you want of him.
Since time is running out and our planet's resources are dwindling, it is of utmost importance that more people wake up, and fast. I will eventually take the green/red-pilling to the streets when I am confronted with lies.

You are welcome.


Hi OP, great stuff, this helped me re-evaluate my path, and so brought me to the thing i love the most - music.

You mentioned that artists, composers, etc. don't focus on other things while creating art, because it hinders them from using both hemispheres of the brain. So what i wanna ask you is how do i tap into the other side of the brain? Sometimes it just comes to me at random, but not when i most need it.

Also, i have a theory of mine, and that is that music is basically just emotions put into sound - something which words can't describe. Am i wrong with this? I haven't read much material here but maybe it has something to do with the astral (emotional plane as i understand it)?



The way I've always viewed it is that music, in essence, is just applying mathematics to a certain kind of physics. Sound waves resonating in certain ways that we respond to in specific biological, neurological, and maaaaaybe even spiritual ways? The calculated pitches and frequencies that music consists of can very much be on the same "level" as our bodies and minds. I think the emotional and spiritual power of music is the same kind of power all art forms give us. They're outlets to allow true expressions of our unphysical selves to exist in the physical world. That, and there's definitely some stock to put into with the whole "our wills giving energy to symbols and in return those symbols give us energy" school of Symbolic Magic, if that's the right term for it.

I've always considered things like music and humor to be the nuances of beings that have pretty advanced energies residing in them. I'd love to see works of art from other alien races, or to listen to the music (or sheer noise, depending on how they interpret sound…) they've composed. Humor, though, is something that's different for every culture here on Earth, which means the jokes extraterrestrials tell must be ten different levels of confusing for us. Even if that's the case, I'm still very much excited for the possibility of one day (or one existence) being exposed to it.

I'm sorry that I wasn't too helpful with the brain hemisphere inquiry. I too find it difficult to access one or the other at will.


I don't like to view music in a mathematical way you've just described, although on the theoritcal and practical level that's just what it is. Also i do agree that all art forms are just expressions of our unphysical selves in the physical world. It's just that i haven't been able to put it that way, my english is kinda bad.


The idea I meant was: In order to be creative with no limits, you need to stop thinking. Because the left brain is limited by the right brain during the activity, in order to get maximum potential out of your painting and composing, you avoid talking or thinking.

This is the same state you access as you meditate and enter into a deep trance as well. From this deep state, you can do many things that pertain to magick.

Music is a divine expression of vibrations of frequencies just as color is to the eye. But music is audio, thus it spans the 4th dimension as well and not just the 3rd. You can put emotion in music as you can extract emotion from music. Listening to Mozart or Beethoven's last symphonies clearly indicate this.

Some claim that the band Tornados had an alien reincarnate. This song is probably the closest to alien you will hear on Earth:

Balance your brain by doing activities pertaining to the brain hemispheres. Or sit and meditate and activate both by thinking of a the letter X.


So will the "emotions" go into the song/painting by themselves or do you have to embbed them?


This is something you will understand when you know how sigils, rituals and magick in general works.
Short answer: yes.


For all new users and browsers of /fringe/, I bump for your inconvenience.

I hope this thread will help to answer questions you have and you may also pose questions in this thread if you feel you need to.

This a reanimating bump.


>tfw can't be bothered to read this so don't know if I should add it to the Fringe Guide html


Do so, it's a great guide.



If my problem was me not being liked by other people, if i understood you correctly that's not the actual *problem*, the problem is me trying to get social status in order to achieve happiness?

I've also noticed that after thinking this through and applying it everywhere, i just thought i will not care about anything that happens, because it isn't my source of happiness. I will do things i want to do, but if they fail, then it's fine. I realized that after that, you start to enjoy everything much more. After finding God in yourself then you start seeing him everywhere.


I have to say, this is one of the best threads on this board. I might not agree with all of what OP days once he gets more into conspiracy theory type dialogue, but it's all thought provoking and generated thoughtful discussion. This is what

drew me to this board, and is much rather read this type of discussion than the usual "derp thnx 4 the LOOSH mundane!" type crap that's been the standard lately.



This is the thread that convinced me to stick around these parts, and so far no other thread's been as illuminating and reasonable as it.



Unfortunately those that have higher knowledge and understanding are often far too busy with their own affairs to stick around an imageboard guiding newbies. I'd consider this thread the spark of a new beginning and journey of self discovery for yourself.

Just don't let any degenerate scum tell you you can't do something. e.g. people that say "that's just life". The only thing you can't do are the things you are incapable of perceiving.


Thanks a million OP this thread is really helping open up

I always knew I was a little different than everyone else. My thirst for answers, inability to blindly trust others, constant questioning of the truth and I still remember telling everyone at school about my strange dreams and they always looked at me with a "your probably lying" type of face. Strange paranormal things that happened to me are the prime reason why I'm capable of believing in this. Maybe one day I'll be an enlightened being like you.


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You are welcome brother. And through seeing God in everything, you see also yourself.


Question everything. Remove the illusions like you remove the outer layers of the fruit only to have the true core left that is sweet and sound. It's our duty to uphold the standard of topics on the board.


Sadly, this board is a box of reverse chocolates. All the good pieces are as rare as the bad ones in a real box. Someone created a thread about proper walking this week which I recommend checking out. According to pressure massage, GODO walking really does massages the heart and lungs. Check it out here: /fringe/res/36825.html


Yes, I'm busy researching immortality, vampirism, breatharianism and such. I'm planning to do part of the great work during the summer here and achieve liberty from digesting foods. If I get to live for an extra couple of hundred years as a result of it, that will be fine, otherwise I'll just research that too.

Anyone that tells you that you can't or shouldn't are just reflecting a part of your own doubt. When you are free from doubt and you know that you follow your heart and listen to your body, any persons' arguments for how dangerous or stupid the spiritual things are immediately loose any value.


Hmm, enlightenment is very progressive. The stage I am at now is not even considered an enlightened stage. But I am probably very harsh on myself because I am not contempt with my results until I can look back and see the progress.

All things aside, the one thing that should echo inside your head is: Never give up. Or the positive version: Always giving it all.

I was not expecting a thread bump today so I'll give you a new post after this one.



Could you provide any good sources on the workings of vampirism?



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This long post will be about a very common topic that I noticed that I did not write about in one post, but I have talked about many times.


You cannot truly develop or venture into the unknown until you have conquered your fear. But in a traditional sense, you cannot conquer fear because you cannot overcome a negative feeling with rage, anger or more fear as it only feeds the thoughtform to create more of itself. So you must battle fear with the opposites of energies: love, compassion, understanding and strength.

The problem with fear is that it strikes when we are usually at the weakest point. When we are stressed and accidentally locks ourselves inside a small dark confined space. When the battery on our phone runs out and dark shadows stalk our nightly walk. As soon as we grab the bat and shield and stand ready to fight fear, the battlefield is as quiet as crickets chirp. But just as anything, we can invoke fear and we can fight it on the home front at any time.

>Find a relaxing spot and do the breathing exercises that gets your body very relaxed.

>Imagine in your mind a place that you know is your mind. As long as you know and believe you are imagining it, you will get there.

>When you get there, it will look different for everyone that does it, but it's usually a large space in dark or bright color.

>Wish and focus your intention on meeting the being responsible for the things you fear.

From this point on, you are on your own. I can't give you any advice except for once: The sooner you realize that it's not a battle, you will win. But you can't win the way you think you will win. At any moment you want to abort, just exit the construct you've created and move back to your physical location.

Morpheus: "I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."

The weapons for fighting fear is also manifested through our thought during our wake hours. When confronted with your fears, realize that what you are afraid of is very silly. There's no need to fear death because we are infinite beings. There's no need to fear pain because pain is just the body's protection system against injuries. Spiders are more afraid of you than you are afraid of them. Eventually you will be so free of fear, you will start to feel other beings' fears.

Watch the movie Fearless and Revolver. Enjoy.


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This thread is receiving a bump because /fringe/ is now back on the top bar together with the other boards.

Ask away in the thread after you've read OP's posts. All OP's posts uses the Montalk flag, tripcode: !giiMcpCzGI and pictures that are all made by the same creator.

10 points for Vibram shoes.



are you avin a giggle m8? they are obviously just peddling their book to scam the feeble minded. they support the FBI in anti piracy. disinfo BS



salut romunulei.

yeah usa purchased a fuck ton of land in romania and installed a massive aa defensive system across the borders to the east. There are some deep as fuck and incredible findings to be had in romania, the tunnel systems there lead all the way to fucking egypt but are controlled by gov. the whole vampire thing dates back from khemet and there are some weird things with romanian blood.

Further more it seems romania is a massive new-age dump, where a lot of fools are buying into LOA tier 1 shit and focusing on the most mundane crap. LOA like shit bob proctor and other channelers and what such speak on, they get a lot of money when they visit romania and asiatic countries, 50-75$ a chair in a room to listen to a guy talk about the basics.




What other boards do you browse? Do you watch anime?



Hey, OP, it's me again. Why am i feeling bad again? I've just had a great time yesterday and i've talked to people, i played some instruments and i had a lot of fun. But now i feel depressed again. I know that the reason i was happy yesterday wasn't because i managed to enjoy the physical world, but because i found the happiness inside. But now i can't get that feeling back.


"Mundane" here, I've seen some shit that probably falls under the category of

>we've seen things normal people wouldn't even imagine

So I'm here to learn more and see what it's all about. I saw the stickies and I'm downloading the reading material, just thought I'd post a message too. Not all the normies who are going to come to /fringe/ since it's in the top boards are total shitters. Some of them really do want to learn more about these things and be open minded to possibilities.

So, thanks for making resources easy to find on this board, and I guess I'll check back in once I'm done reading. Cheers.



>browsing fullchan


tep kok habibi



Maybe it is just the pendulum swing.



/pol/, /x/, /k/, /tech/, /32/ and some other less important ones.

I used to watch Japanese anime when I was younger but found it repetitive and boring. Only a few gems truly surface among the dirt of copypasta people enjoy as anime and when I think back to animes that were supposedly good at the time (as the show FMA Brotherhood) I today can only see what a ploy it was to make people believe that spiritual alchemy had anything to do with making swords and fighting. For a person putting so much time and research to make accurate transmutation circles that could work with slight modifications, I understand that the mangaka knows more than she is allowed to tell.


The people we hang out with usually project emotional energy back and forth. If you are sensitive to these energies by default, you will feel these moodswings when you hang out with people. What I'd really recommend is that you break free from any person that think it is ok to do immoral actions. This could be pathological liars, thieves, criminals and sexual deviators.

It is possible that you might have tapped into a spirit's energy that first time because they love to trick humans into believing that they did the deed when they did it. So you need to dig again inside your heart and find that infinite tap of loving energy and unleash its potential. Visualize a chord from your spine's bottom that connects with the center of the earth and then work on going inside yourself.


Regardless of how ironic the scenes from the first Matrix movie seems where Morpheus explains how the machine world has created the matrix, it's allegory connection to how our world works is, is nearly as a documentary. Don't give up. You are on the lonely road of the truth seeker. At the end of it, we are all waiting for you.



I think i am sure i dont hang out with those people. The thing is, i had to search inside for this happiness multiple times, and i made it but somehow i keep telling myself the same things and it works, each time better than the last one. I am having some wierd dreams since i got depression (about a year ago) and they are very vivid. Can they mean something, can they help me?



> jew



This is already Zionist Occupied Board.



Do you know anything similar in Serbia? I'd like to know.



The OP isn't a wizard.



imageboards are hiveminds made of autists/psychopaths



"happiness" is doing your true will

you can't find happiness, happiness is only a byproduct

that's the paradox of hedonism


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I couldn't have formulated it better.



>To the point where children realize that their parents are indoctrinating them with a false and Marxists, sexist conditioning into abandoning their identified sex and they speak up to their parents: "ENOUGH WITH THE GENDER BENDER BULLSHIT, I AM A BOY/GIRL AND I ACCEPT IT!".

Seems a fairly closed minded opinion for an occultist to hold. Surely there is great power in sexless androgyny. If a man is overly macho he turns into a witless testosterone lump, the masculine should be tempered by the feminine.



No it shoudln't, fuck off tumblr



>If a man is overly macho he turns into a witless testosterone lump

this is what sissies actually believe, hahaha


Without regard to any of the other things in the thread, I'm sick of people saying humans had healthy teeth in ancient times. They fucking didn't. Even royalty had their teeth fucking rot away midway through their adult life because toothcare was so fucking awful (at least on Europe. There was the miswak in the middle east, for instance, and even the egyptians had a proto-toothpaste) There are diets which can prevent tooth decay effectively, like the traditional diets of the eskimos, but

unless you want to eat exclusively meat and not even the tiniest amount of sugar for the rest of your life those aren't for you.



>* Despite 7 billion people, we have less philosophers and inventors than the ancient civilizations

[citation needed]

If you didn't get the hint, you're entirely wrong. Less famous philosophers and inventors when compared to the total amount of famous philosophers and inventors is more like it. We've run out of low-hanging fruit, anything you can think of has almost certainly been thought before and technology is now so complex it's no longer possible to just tinker with crap in your garage until something works. You sound like the idiots who say advancement in science has slowed down just because they personally are scientifically illiterate and think only big, clear, game-changing, awesome-sounding advances like finding the Higgs bosson or going to the Moon matter.



You can always help yourself. Internally is the optimal way.


From within the heart we can access the infinite tap of love which leads to the equivalent of a happy feeling more referred to as bliss.


The law of polarity states that all is masculine and feminine. Going against these laws creates suffering which is why the face jews in power push it on the populous and ultimately reduce the global population. Sadly, they don't advertise it in parts of the world that could really need depopulation.

It is closed mindedness to follow indoctrination without questioning the cause for it and researching only one side of the story.


The white spots on your teeth is a direct result from dental fluorosis. The bad dental health of the past is related to eating acid food which feeds the bacteria in the mouth to create inflammation in the gums. Children of God should not eat anything.


20th century may have been ripe of interesting characters creating technology and theories for sciences, but no one is taught in basic school any of the names of modern science, medicine and other areas. Now with the introduction of Common Core in United States, you will indeed see the direct result of its implementation and you will understand what I meant 50 years from now.

Everybody know who Tesla was, but no one knows who John Searl is, let alone Stanley Meyer.

You're welcome in 2 years when you understand that you've been lied to and after following enough bread crumbs you'll see the truth.


wHAT BOUT DA holy guardian angel?


Okay, so I read all this and while in the absence of any proof I won't immediately accept it I'm interested enough to want to learn more. However, the 'recommended reading' list provided in the sticky is way too big. Could you give me one or maybe a couple of books I can read to get a good general knowledge? Out of body experiences seem cool so if there's a guide for how best to do that that would be cool.

However I do get the impression that you're really right-wing and you are saying a lot of stupid shit that you can't possibly have evidence for such as 'we have less philosophers and inventors than the ancient civilizations'. I am a Marxist, is that a problem?



GTFO Marxist, magick doesn't real, and do not dare study all the books in the library.



>believing in schizo roleplayers online

This is a new low for humanity



I don't believe it, I'm just interested by stuff like this. And while I don't think 'out of body experiences' are legit I'd like to try meditating like that even if it's just a cool hallucination.


I'm reviving this thread as summer is approaching.

I've had a bad feeling about the coming September and the predicted economical crash. I've stocked up on food so that I'm ready. But nothing can prepare us for it.


The proof is always inside. By realizing that your imagination is the control system for the energy of your body and focus is the pointer of said energy, you can direct and utilize your energy at will.

You will be the one reading the books, doing the meditations and going through the door; we can't do this for you. If you want proof, then seek it out. There's plenty of daredevils on YouTube that work day and night to move light objects with their mind.

/fringe/ is a right wing image board influenced and inspired by /pol/. I believe in traditional culture which anyone can interpret as conservative and right wing. The idea of a socialist society is a hypothetical and theoretical wet dream of a functioning society based on love and compassion, but reality is far from it. Even though you want to be the spearhead of a society based on love, leftist and liberal movements have been infiltrated with people that don't understand love. Thus leading to lots of conflict that the opposition will always use to discredit the movement.

The reason a socialist heaven like Sweden worked was because most people were educated, masters of a trade and averagely intelligent. After the flood gates of immigrants entered the country, abusing the socialist welfare system, the country is finally on a path to economical collapse. While politicians sit around blaming each other for the imminent collapse and looking confused for what to do, the problem becomes the big elephant in the room.

Nay, I do not oppose socialism as it is a valid system based on love and compassion. But humanity is not ready for its implementation in hundreds of years. Build your Venus Project and sit back in awe of how wonderful your little utopia is. Then open the flood gates to third world countries and watch it all cripple in less than 3 generations. There are no white, black, yellow or brown humans; there are only civilized intelligent people and the rest.



>I've had a bad feeling about the coming September and the predicted economical crash. I've stocked up on food so that I'm ready. But nothing can prepare us for it.

How old are you for believing that nonsense? Where were you when they predicted the end of the world via floods, pole shift, WW3 and nuclear wars all those past years?

Like always, nothing will happen.



>The second aspect to the symbology I got explained to me by a mason is that the symbols are there to kind of advertise towards the spiritual aspect of people. The classical "ASK ABOUT ILLUMINATI" from the Disney cartoon where Uncle Scrooge visits the doctor is a good example for this. In a sense, the enlightened people of the world wants more people to awaken. But from experience and history, it's been proven from time to time that you can't awaken everyone and especially against their will. So they advertise towards mundanes in media to kind of spark their inner spirituality.

Yeah, and when they anally rape children they actually try to awaken their bottom chakras and guide them towards enlightenment. And when they murder and dismember them upon an altar it's all in good faith, because the child spirit gets to the astral plane faster than an adult spirit, so it's all fucking dandy. Love nad light, right?

Actually, according to their definitions, it is love and light. For them, killing is an act of love. For them, detonating a nuclear bomb is a step toward enlightenment.

It's amazing so many people swallow your useful idiot tier generic half-thruths and even thank you for them. Absolutely digusting.



>After I left my body for the first time while being awake

You mean AP? I know this is off topic but can you share how you AP'd and what preparations did you do?



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You mean this Picture?

Yes that's a similar appreciation of how it looks, mine lacked color and was very grey.

Ask the universe the questions you want answers to, but be ready to get answers you do not like.





>Female ejaculation is different, but the bad habit of craving sex does not help her curiosity for the spiritual world because she's always one penis away from satisfaction.

Fug, this is what happened to me as a guy, fapping gave satisfaction and browsing porn and so did edging for hours to ever more extreme and kinky shit so all my curiosity and brief inroads into spirituality and meditation withered away as worldy carnal pleasures became more important, and the addiction only got worse, like 4 years maybe 5, and I never felt so spiritually disconnected as I have now.

All I can do right now is take small steps to get back on the course I abandoned, stop with the fucking porn and that shit that pollutes the mind which I have learned though red pill is peddled and pushed by primarily jewish interests in order to pacify and enslave a population to their desires keep them from questioning shit, keep them from striving for greater things because they are busy jacking off to porn and wasting their energy, instead of practicing transmutation of the semen we waste it daily, sometimes multiple times a day and feeling like shit, lethargic and foggy the next day and the next as you repeat it all again because the popular media and academia say this is all a part of "healthy sexuality".



>“To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one's own nature is the worst and most ignoble defeat.”

These words resonate with me. The ancient Greeks and Romans really had their shit figured out, had I studied the classics more, or indeed if the study of the classics was still ongoing in public education - then I may not be in the sorry ignoble state I am now and have been for some time.

Really, I got a taste of the classics and the wisdom and sheer humility of the ancient Greeks and Romans in college and on the internet and all I can say is that we are worse off as a civilization for neglecting and ignoring their wisdom and removing the study of the Classics from our education system.


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>The Moon, also called the Levaian is a spiritual space ship which wipes peoples' memories of their lives.

Nah, just a celestial body mate, nothing sinister or ulterior, remains of a larger body and some of the Earth that took a glancing blow, and coalesced from a debris disk orbiting the Earth over millions of years to that friendly rock we know today.

One of hundreds in our solar system, one of trillions in the universe, there is nothing sinister about the fucking MOON!



Thank you.


>I fail to read a simple sentence.

At the beginning of the paragraph it states:

"It's a theory…"



The red pill is a lie.


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No shit.



in the past, i commited a crime, i wanst aware of any of this at the time and i was living "by the gun" so back them i didn't feel anything, now that i know some stuff, i regreat it,some times even think about offing myself, i want to know if those things can keep me from becoming a better person as i'm being haunted by things i have done to others.


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Which red pill are you referring to, you can't honestly expect me to consider your reply of any worth when you only give me such a piss-poor reply like that, you don't even clarify what you mean, you don't even bother to say why that is so, just think that blindly saying so is enough for someone to understand what you're saying?


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This is a great post OP, excellent job. I can relate to pretty much everything you are saying. I have only really just begun my journey, felt my chakras spin and breathe the other day. I will now work on my lucid dreaming to achieve the astral. Thanks :)


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>Many people astral project here thinking they are projecting to the astral, while in reality they are facing their hallucinations and illusions. This is one of the basis for the skepticism around the astral phenomena.

My dear OP and others, how do you know for certain you are not being fooled by the same illusions?

I read Frank Kepple's Astral Pulse writings and one thing that stood out was that all the stuff about fighting demons, banishing spirits or coming into contact with otherworldly entities was all an illusion, just the inner workings of the mind and when he realized this he realized that these were not "real" entities in the astral planes but mental entities within his own mind, and with that realization they stopped happening and he broke through the illusion and it was all rather peaceful from then on.

You talk of aliens, spirits and demons and such, well how do you know that they are not merely the products of your imagination and your expectations causing such things to manifest? I like to believe that lucid dreaming and astral projection are two different things, although closely linked, so how does one know for certain that if they appear to be astral traveling they are not in fact in a lucid dream, in which they have convinced themselves they are not in a dream but phasing to the astral, due to a technique they were practicing and as such have no belief that they can manipulate or control anything around them which being a lucid dream becomes true and they then encounter whatever it is they encounter there and so on.

So how, in your view is one to know the difference? Are there certain qualities or things unique to astral projecting that are not present or possible in lucid dreaming and what are they? How do you know that you are not just astral projecting into a lucid dream plane or merely just lucid dreaming thinking that you are projecting when you encounter "astral entities"?

I've barely begun lucid dreaming and I've never had an AP so forgive my ignorance in these matters, but I've read up quite a lot on them and these are the question that puzzle me right now.


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Don't go to astral world/plane until your astral sense "accomedate" with the physical world(from your astral body).

The trap of entering unprepared into the astral realms is similar to the drug-induced experiences reported in psychological journals and the popular press. The difference between the "good trips" and the "bad trips" are the differences between the individual's astral reality at the time of the drug experience. In magical training there is no use for the drug-induced astral experience, except to point out the similarity of dangers to the unprepared in projection to the astral realms.When entering the astral realms, preconceptions, beliefs, and assumptions act as effective barriers to prevent people from learning anything that they are not ready to learn. In the astral body,it is difficult to indulge in fantasy and self-delusion about the physical world. No such barrier exists in the astral realms, where thoughts create reality, based upon both conscious and subconscious desires.

Here lemme quote crowley, he seem little more "dramatic" with it:-

'' The Magician may go on for a long time being fooled and flattered by the Astrals that he has himself modified or manufactured. Their natural subservience to himself will please him, poor ape!

They will pretend to show him marvellous mysteries, pageants of beauty and wonder unspeakably splendid; he will incline to accept them as true, for the very reason that they are images of himself idealized by the imagination.

But his real progress will stop dead. These phantasms will prevent him from coming into contact with independent intelligences, from whom alone he can learn anything new.

He will become increasingly interested in himself, imagine himself to be attaining one initiation after another. His Ego will expand unchecked, till he seem to himself to have heaven at his feet. Yet all this will be nothing but his fool's face of Narcissus smirking up from the pool that will drown him.'' ~Crowley,Notes for an Astral Atlas



You obviously fail to understand two very important things:

1. That all is mind, everything is mental.

2, Resonance.

ProTip: there are no illusions, no hallucinations, only state of being that you are resonance with

This whole physical plane you're so intensely habituated to experiencin as solid, deal, definite, etc. can appear and be interacted with as if were quite "unreal" under the right circumstances.

Stop being a deluded faggot full of incorrect assumptions about reality and study Hermeticism.


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>a deluded faggot full of incorrect assumptions



how is all this chakra, montalk stuff not just another model? why shouldn't I just create my own?

i had an incredible experience last night on psychedelics where i feel like i truly understood "what the thinker thinks, the prover proves." seeing tons of UFOs, sychronicity out the ass, i was changing the basic nature of reality just by changing my mind about what it was. is this stuff you guys are posting about not just another way of looking at things like religion, 'rationalism', etc.?



It can be tested with devices and if you're psychic enough. It's like you people on /fringe/ got stuck in the middle ages with all these retarded jewish rituals.

German and Russian scientists proved a lot in that regard already and can measure the frequencies emanating from your chakras as well as your aura. This stuff is real and not just a model. Pair that with with the Daoist treasures and you got a solid "model" that actually works.


Hey OP. I read the initial part of your thread, and overall I like it. Since I am here and not there, I'm able to post this reply. I'm glad you pointed this out:

>Establish that everything you can know are theories.

It's a good way to make sure everyone understands no truths are being claimed, just views painted. Sometimes this one thing ends the conversation altogether as people start wondering about things (both by thought and action) instead of just trying to teach something out or study something in. The theory you introduce us in your posts seems quite complex, which is often desirable with theories trying to include absolutely everything. There's a few crude things or loose ends here and there but I understand some of those are just an effect of the post being lengthy. I'm not sure whether a lengthier post would bring about less or more loose ends.

There seems to be a tendency to associate things that are generally desired with /fringe/. Almost every community somehow dedicated to a theory does this promoting/promising; be it political, religious, scientific, whatever. It's not fake unlike whatever else you've been doing or thinking. They also seem to understand their own theory better than other ones - I don't even see how it is possible when their theory encompasses everything; yet other theories are usually represented with generalizations and little depth. Are those other theories just little boxes one needs to break out from, or are they the same thing painted from a different angle? I understand that no person is as complex as himself plus another person are together, so crude things and loose ends are a necessity.

I was also reminded how this thread or even my own post is trying to fit so much in so little.

Quietly lying on your back and staring into a starry night sky. You can't put all of that in text or music or images or video or VR or drugs or lucid dreams or anything. You can certainly try, and with effort you will reach more and more accurate results - but while you do, the thing will also grow incredibly fat, like any canon of any religion. But staring into the starry night sky is certainly not a long book, piece of music or spoonful of medicine. I once wanted to read the Tao Te Ching out of curiosity, but I couldn't. I immediately stopped after the first line:

>The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao

I'm pretty sure that there is nothing else to be written, and so I quit instead of reading whatever else was there. I get the general vibe that /fringe/ and everything you contemplate, study and practice here are just the fat on that starry sky-gazing or first line. Perhaps if you do it all-in then for you it is the sky-gazing itself; but not for those who are doing something else like riding a bike. Why care to make them sky-gaze?

This post got fat. I don't know. I don't know.



The biggest difference is that lucid dreams are less clear in image than the projections. Most of the times as you enter into a lucid state in a dream, you see and feel that it is still a dream.

After leaving your body for the first time and start using the almost 360-degree vision, you notice that it's different. OBE and AP have a clear but somewhat darker look while projecting while dreams are more blurry.

Start using the memory method to AP the first couple of times and you'll learn by being outside your body.


He was asking a question, not attacking your opinion.


You could create your own system and definition of energy just like the rest of the new churches and new age groups that spawned during the 20th century. It's been done to death.

Read and learn a couple of different schools and stick with it. Switching from new age lingo to hermeticism to Rosicrucian while reading Tibethan books will be harder but very comprehensive. Eventually, names and definitions disappear and you work only with concepts known to yourself without putting a label on it.



>Why care to make them sky-gaze?

Because of liberation and freedom from the suffering we have created on ourselves is a given right to all human beings. Most people however, never question their own mind, their own thoughts or things they see or hear. It requires a deep depression or a surge of stress to trigger the wanderlust within people and when that time comes, they usually can't find the information they need.

I recommend that you read the rest of the thread as well and then pose your curious questions. /fringe/ is a collection for esoteric wisdom where all different neophytes and energy workers gather to share experiences or insight. The fringe you think of is the movie/TV franchise fringe which focuses around unexplained phenomena or time travel. I haven't been with freedomboard from the start, so I don't know why the word fringe was used, but it's suitable.

As we go into September and NASA just accepted sun gazing as a valid method of eating, we are in for a wild ride.



I posted that after reading 1/3, I just finished with the thread. I still don't see why sky-gazing is any better than bike riding, or tree climbing, or whatever else. What makes things here on /fringe/ libre and free and everything else suffering? From what I see, the perspective people here have is huge and colorful. Just like the perspective from a more scientific circle. Or the circle of a specific religion. Or political group.

It feels like you guys know your own house very well, the neighborhood kind of well, and the rest of the world not so well. And yet you are saying that everyone should move in your house because all their houses are "suffering". But they know their houses just as well, their neighborhoods kind of well, and the rest of the world not so well. Why should they move to your house and sky-gaze?



Now I understand your question better.

You do know that the world is an illusion. We use printed paper valued as currency to trade for things that have actual value. We vote for politicians that do not care about us and we put our trust in them to spy on us, take away our rights and liberties saying that it is for our own good.

If you know anything about this world, you know it is fake to its core; even the things that people claim to be original, invented or made by random events are staged and pushed as an agenda. The people that own the companies that decide what you are allowed to watch and listen to, are majorly psychotic and would rather burn the world than hand it over to someone else.

The spiritual journey is the journey of self-discovery. It's where we find out that there's a truth to be found and cherished, a purpose in life and a goal. Many people do not feel the need to find a goal or purpose because they have accepted their self-creating reality as something they do not control.

India have a caste system for different classes of the society. One born in poverty is expected to stay there. In the western world, we have the same idea about our spiritual journeys. One born Christian stays Christian, one born atheist stays atheist. We do not allow ourselves to discover or explore anything beyond the physical realm and the concept is not even discussed.

Numberless times do I break the spiritual ice in a conversation when I start talking about sleep paralysis, fighting demons or travel inside the void of mind. It's always met with surprise that someone else knows anything about a person's unique experience featuring angels, aliens or visitors. After all, it's a very easy system to learn and understand and we've based so much literature and entertainment off these ideas already.

And it's not really about people changing their view to my world. It's about them discovering their own. Many people meet aliens when they are in bed, think it's a dream and then go and worry about it. Some meet angels from the gospels and gets a reassuring faith in their lord.

This guide was written for the people that was lost in darkness with no guidance. It introduces them to new terminology that allows them to search for more information. I'm lacking PDF books but the sticky thread and mega dump already fill that gap.


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I'll be watching. If you are more real than

>this world, you know it is fake to its core

then you'll see me anyway.


These kinds of threads would be a lot better if people provided citations and proofs.


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the whole point of fringe is that they understand that everything that humans "know" are just theories (and so they make some very weird ones)

there are no literal particles or quanta, those things are just theories to simplify something that is actually there. there are no laws of nature, those are just rough models to summarize some little experience. i'm not saying there's someone else who knows what's there, i'm saying that no one does and there's only theories.

a human is a complex being. all that tissue and things, and it is also changing quickly. some of this complexity (mostly the brain) can be used to store/understand theories of some complexity - obviously only the ones that fit in, thus are less complex than the human itself.

a human is less complex than himself plus all other humans

C(1) < C(1) + C(EveryoneElse)

all humans are less complex than themselves plus everything else

C(everyone) < C(Everyone) + C(EverythingElse)

that's why talking about everything necessarily means you are talking in theories.

intelligent people theorize. there's no goal, so this includes art, science, religious stuff, unconscious though, anything. it's just pure thought, often useless.

practical people rationalize. they define a goal / decide what is valuable, and discard almost everything, except what they think is valuable to reach the goal. hence it is contextual, but works well for… practical applications. this is where engineering, medicine, economy, politics etc are.

note that rational is a 'subset' of theoretical (you could think of anything practical even if you're just pointlessly contemplate)

/fringe/ people always just throw in 'resonance and energy yo' when they don't have complexity left to absorb all the scientific detail and information on the topic.

/sci/ people always just call wizards autistic tinfoil hats when they don't have complexity left to absorb all the esoteric detail and information.

well this is just a theory relying on other theories.

with all that shit said, i hope you see how citations and proofs just lead to opinion / someone else's theories.



worst poster on /fringe/



best trol



Yep is becose of the world game

The world game is there to realize of the false dichotomies

How to use our money ?

Capitalism or communism? neither, the Ower of the money is the true winner so nacional socialism is the right anwsering nobody onw the money

God or evil?

Heaven or he'll on the next life?

Either one , the right answer is detach from the world, that good and bad are relatively and emotional detachment from this categories allow to see the true face of the world game.

Science or magic?

Both, they are two faces of the same coin

The truth is just one science or magic ate two different ways of seeing the same true , is the same true who is being see trough two faces of the same prism(

knowlege ,magical or scientific they are both knowlege )

This world is a giant game , and the games all of them have the same goal , to make the player councius of the higer level , the hidden answer ,the third option. Awakening is the real answer and leveling up the real road , too bad that there is no price for the people who realise this , only more work to do , but at least is work in the right direction, (I hope)

every pill is a awakening to a new level , and the next one seem to be in the astral , if I ever manage to reach there I'll told you if the game there changes , but I have no high expectations, I guees every new level has is onw game



jump out a fuckin window


It is not the action in itself that is the problem that we experience; it is the reaction to the action that becomes a habit, and eventually becomes the problem.

Spiritual people always say to look in the mirror, but do you know what it means? To fully observe your actions, habits and thoughts; to see what you are and not just live what you think you are not?

You are not alone. Seek inwards.



>and NASA just accepted sun gazing as a valid method of eating

Gonna need citations for that. All I could find on the net are some articles on fringe news-sites that also don't provide any citations. I wish what you are saying is true, but I can't afford to be lied to. Do you have any links for official NASA statements, or the actual studies on sun gazing?



Since everyone was talking about the event with Manek as being true, I assumed the sources for this was correct. After spending 1 hour digging around the web for a creditable news source or one from NASA themselves, I've come up with nothing.

This is feminist/modern journalism at its finest where even things that a person like Jasmuheen says needs to be cross-referenced because they've been played by their own kind.

Manek's website points to an audiobook for $19.99 which implies that this was all a ruse to get people rushing to buy his merchandise. A cowardly tactic by greedy people.

On the topic at hand though: I've spent the last months working on fasting and meditations, only to find out that it is possible to live off Prana with no effort at all. It requires some bold faith in yourself and to deconstruct worldly beliefs about food and death as to conquer one's self.

It is however not my duty or purpose to spoonfeed you for yourself. If you are really interested in finding the truth, you will be self motivated.



I've been trying to transition into a breatharian diet for some time and have ran into one roadblock. That is of the actual mental desire/addiction for food because of the detoxification process. How would you say to remove food from ones life? I've come to understand that it acts as an easy way to change the state to a more pleasurable one because without that I would start to suffer detox symptoms. Any sources or tips you could give to help?



I would approach it the same way a drug addict would approach withdrawal symptoms. That is really all it is, mental discipline alone can handle it but I can understand that kind of struggle. From what I hear you are supposed to be still for long periods of time during a breatharian fast, I would suggest spending most of the day in deep meditation. If you have available take some DMT or something. I hear iboga cures addicts at a seriously high rate. I would not recommend replacing it with another desire though.



Thanks. I'll try forcing myself to meditate it out. Food really is a drug and I've had enough addictions to recall the feelings of being addicted. Addiction brings the worst kind of thoughtforms or "demons" around you. As for staying still. I figure that's my largest hurdle since I've always been one to keep myself doing something. I figure this will be my largest test thus far so I'll tackle it with all I have.



I wonder have you been following any process guides?



What helped for me was to unplug the computer. Give the computer away or remove the cord and give it to someone for the time you are fasting. Don't go out, don't talk to anyone and lay in bed with a grounding cable.

Structure it like this:

1 day only fruit.

1 day of fruit juices

1 day only pure water.

4 days of dry fasting

1 day of pure water

See where to go from here.

You need to lay still in bed for 3 hours a day when you are awake to allow divine beings to help your bodies. They will help you when you are sleeping too, but being awake and laying still in bed will help the best.

If you get clear enough, you will be able to have a dialogue with the beings and you will be able to ask them for advice or when you can move and so.

However, at one point you will be able to talk to your body. Don't fall for its tricks. The body is a being of habit, it will say that it wants to eat (not that it needs) and I fell for this the first time. I can't stress this enough: If you eat anything while fasting after you've received divine intervention, you will suffer like a baby with a sickness. Sour throat, nocturnal emissions, feeling to want to puke, diarrhoea, dryness, muscle stiffness, panic attacks and body shivers/shaking.

Walk out of a fast the same way you walk into it: easy and gentle.

If you're bored you can listen to calm music or the occasional JewTube video. But give yourself pauses between media to listen for the voices that will help you.

The process will take anything from 10-20 days depending on how much help the body needs.



I have not. Should I be?


Thankyou very much for the write up. 4 days of dry fasting feel a lot easier to get through. I was just going to do pure water fasting but I can imagine the dry fasting is required to keep you in the highest state for your body to be altered.



Nah not unless you feel you have to. Just don't die on us now m8.



Don't worry. I have too many spirits behind me that wont let me die or stray from the path hahaha.



How do I transition from each diet? First I go from meat to vegetarian, vege to vegan, vegan to raw vegan, rv to fruit, fruit to just water, water to breath? How do I make sure I don't die during transitioning?



Gradually. The idea behind adopting any new way of eating is to do it slowly so it becomes part of your lifestyle rather than a temporary diet which you relapse from later. For instance, you cut out just one type of food and then some time later you cut out another one, etc. Maybe you don't cut all of it out right away but only eat it every other day and decrease the frequency. It's the inverse with introducing new food, too.

Also, you should know that nobody here has been a breatharian or going on just water for a long period of time. So, this is not a good place to ask. I found that the internet in general is not a very good information source for that sort of thing. But, look up Jericho Sunfire for a sane view on the subject. Don't listen to the crooks that are using this as a platform to rake in cash or bask in vanity. Being open-minded is not the same thing as being naive.

You are more inclined to die if you know something is going astray but you decide to listen to someone else over your own judgement. You'll also die inside if you become too obsessed with diet. It alone won't propel you to God-like status, but you may feel better day to day.



You make sure you don't die by knowing in your heart before you beginning that: you will not die. If you feel that it is not a process for you then don't do it.

Most people need to live on a fruit diet for a long time in order to open up the crown chakra to receive divine information and get in contact with spirit; while others just feel that food is part of the illusion and work out very quickly how to quit.

The best transition is the one that is slow because it eliminates desire for food first, which is the most annoying. Not even Jasmuheen dealt with desire enough and can still enjoy tea or chocolate while being a breatharian. Ray Maor went and bought a pizza and shared it with a friend after a time period he's been a breatharian, but later regretted it.

It's like any desire really. Sex, food, nicotine, cocaine - the body will suffer from withdrawal symptoms and depending on what you currently have in your system, you will suffer too. People on raw food diet will have it really easy to transition.

The thing I've learned over this summer as well, is that vitamins and minerals are not necessary in a pure diet. Eating raw food, what you need will be in the food you eat in order to deal with the diet. While our modern diet has created a huge need for many minerals and vitamins that the body then becomes dependent on in order to break down the food it doesn't need or want, creates the diseases we see at the later part of our lives.

I'm currently thinking how a breatharian will deal with carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and peoples' reeking aftershave perfumes.



very interesting.

Could you please explain a bit?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes. Have a look at the embedded YouTube video.

Everything we create, we first create in our mind. This is the first step to any action in our reality: will > intention > thought > action. The monks and any creator of art, spend a lot of time making the art itself. It is sometimes enough to plan the art for a little moment, then draw support lines and then finalize the art in multiple steps.

The longer we keep an image in our mind of the current art, the more energy we put into it. Artists keeps the finalized image in their head for a long time during production, their focus is on par with meditation itself. This leads to the creation of a thought form when associated with a feeling and emotion.

As you can see in the video, the mandala is said to bring peace into an area. The geometry of the art itself helps align the astral intentions with the physical geometry, and then the creators and monks in the room, chant mantras of peace using throat singing. This sets the mood for the energy to the creators, which in turn puts it into the image they are working on.

Later on when they are finished with the art, they allow for people to come look at it to actualize the energy and spread it, and after a couple of days, they erase the sand off the table and disperse the energy into activation.

When creating a sigil, you go through the same process. First you plan ahead how and what your sigil will mean and do. Then you create an image of how the sigil will look and during this process you focus on the image in your mind during a very long time.

My most successful sigils has been created using Photoshop first, then measured, then drawn using rulers onto paper, using a compass to keep circles uniform. I've used an expensive and organic paper mixed with organic ink, using old nib pens to make the sigil.

An easy sigil can take 4 hours to make that contains only one instruction and some letters. Then after making it, it's time to charge it. This is the time when "people come and watch it" as the monks do, but I don't let people in my house to see it, no - I charge it in meditation. When I see that the sigil is powerful enough by itself I move on to the last step: erasing.

You can burn sigils, bury them in dirt, displace them, use a paper shredder and throw it out or whatever you want to do. Depending on method, I'd like to use hide and forget or hidden in plain sight.

I hope that answers your questions.



Thanks for the info, I feel it to be a necessary part of my development and transformation. I already started to try and get over the craving by being mindful of eating. It's crazy how much our mouths go about on their own when it tastes something. Like crazy muscle spasms almost.



well, you did answer many questions, but I still have some doubts.

It's not clear how that energy gets "actualized" just by people looking at it. And how it gets "activated" when you erase a sigil or forget about it, wich sounds paradoxical.



Energy follows attention, "adept".



Because according to known principle: Energy never dies, just change form. You could say that the spiritual world also have a certain principle when it comes to energy.

Sigils, magick energy work and such work on the principle of using energy (etheric, astral energy) from the soul. Focus and attention is the foremost accelerator or catalyst for the energy to reach it's destination.

The paradoxical part about focusing all your energy into something that is destroyed, is the act of removing the physical anchor and letting the energy fulfil it's purpose as a spiritual wish. You can do the reverse as well, focus your attention and energy on something that only exists in your imagination, and eventually it can and will be manifested in the physical world because it was created in the astral first. By reversing the process, you can affect the etheric and the astral, which controls the mind and emotion of people and living things.

I'd recommend making your own sigil for truthseeking, knowledge and peace for yourself. There should be enough guides online to get started making a normal letter sigil.



sorry, I confused flags, I'm no more than a neophyte, as my words demonstrated.


Thank you. So that's why when I started to be interested in spiritual matters and synchronicities so many strange "coincidences" began to happen. I once evoked a person I did not see from a very long time by just thinking about her while feeling a very bad feeling. 3 days after I saw her on the bus after 4 years. I think I powered the mental image and used that energy to evoke her without even trying.

Or studying sacred geometry and finding the seed of life on a table in a study room the day after.

Or studying crystals and magick and finding a tv movie on witches, crystals and magick the very same evening.

These are not coincidences. This is stuff I evoked by putting emotion in, and focusing on, to my thoughts, right?

However, if I think about having a girlfriend, why doesn't this happen? Does human consciousness and will play a role? I thought that it is so probably because, when humans are in the equation, one has to keep in mind the other humans' willpower and intentions. That's also why I evoked that person: she looks not so strong and sometimes even pathetic. What are your thoughts on this? Am I on the right track?



The different reasons why you won't get what you want at some times and get it at some times is related to one of the mysteries of the universe.

The things that you truly think you manifested by thinking about it, you manifested effortlessly. But the girlfriend you want, you are putting effort into finding, or trying to manifest. This is one of the strangest things that most practitioners will encounter when working with manifestation, is that the path of least resistance will always be taken.

There's also the factor of your own subconscious will and intent. Do you really want a girlfriend? Or do you want to prove that manifesting works? Whatever will or wish that is stronger than another, will overpower and lead to conflicts of interest.

The famous quote I use from time to time to tell people about their suffering describes this as well:

"A sick person cannot be cured until he is sick of being sick"

Most people suffer from something, but in a recursive, self-fulfilling way they manifest more of the thing that make them suffer by projecting it outwards and on themselves.

>I hate fever, I have fever all the time, fever sucks.

Instead, the person should change his focus towards the positive aspect instead, to avoid manifesting what he doesn't want.

>I love being healthy. I am grateful for being healthy. I am always healthy.

Your rank of being a neophyte doesn't matter. Yet another illusion you have to climb over.



Please explain to me more about vibrations and the such. I've been catalyzed by either my inner self or an outer force to discover the science behind these things. I understand i may not be able to get it through to the mainstream science community within my lifetime, but i know my research will not go to waste. The universe has led me down this path, and its imperative that i do the best i can to bring it to fruition. I've seen some things with my minds eye and it brings me to a higher level of understanding, but I'm still relatively new to doing so, and going into that state of mind is still unsettling. If there is any way you could assist me, I would greatly appreciate it.



I see. I had a doubt about removing the physical anchor: when you, say, burn a sigil or destroy it or forget about it you don't really remove its physical anchor.

If one burns it, then ash and heat will be produced. Heat will disperse and ash will still remain. If one destroys it by ripping it apart, then pieces of it remain. However you want to look at it, physical destruction/removal from the physical plane is practically impossible.

So my first question is: what do you mean by removing the physical anchor?

Also, yes, I really want to get signs about the validity of magick, manifestation and the existence of a superimposed spiritual plane. For a period of time I really got a waterfall of them manifesting into my life (the examples I wrote earlier are just some of them), but they never were quite convincing.

It's like the universe is playing with my beliefs, and is not giving me the definitive signs, the definitive proofs. Just little stuff that could mislead me into strange beliefs (I once asked the Universe for guidance about the Lucifer experiment and 30 minutes after that a friend sent me a "spirit science" video about the alternative human history; the lucifer experiment was talked about very briefly, the rest of the video just talked about zecharia sitchin's alternative history, which has been proved a hoax). Every "sign"

couldn't really be explained scientifically, or maybe it could: I feel frustrated when these kind of signs manifest.

This is my second question. Why no definitive signs? What should I do to have them? I also have been initiated to Martinism some weeks ago and plan to join freemasonry. Is there something I should know about?




Just want to come in and say great wisdom you're dropping. Always appreciate another teacher helping the many students learn about themselves.

Anyway as for your question. I've found we have something which I call a "sphere of influence" or "manifestation bubble". This basically means that we can only manifest what is within this sphere of manifestation possibility. Meaning if you're dead broke and do a ritual to try get a Ferrari then you're probably not going to get one. Socially most of us wizards or magical practitioners don't really have many social connections thus it's extremely difficult for us to find love. Best thing I can say is increase your internal energy through cultivation and start building up that sphere of influence. Find a way to enter areas with lots of people like a university, club or job.

Anyway goodluck.



New to this board, not completely new to the topic as a Christian.

A quick question for OP and others:

The topic of Holocaust(s) keep occurring and the 20th Century has been so intensely bloody with such unimaginable suffering and destruction.

1) Have any of you old-timer astral explorers noticed any (significant) changes in these realms?

2) Is the mass murder of in particular Christian people by Bolsheviks and others in the 20th Century for a discernible purpose?

3) Sodom and Gomorrah: Did they abandon spiritualism completely for hedonism (usual interpretation) or did they instead go too far into it and lost themselves, maybe even thinking their civilization to death (salt stone)?

4) The new spectrum: the Digital. The Mundane has built a new layer of existence in the form of the Digital, including the Internet but also video game entertainment. The fact that mankind is even capable of such feats should say a great deal.

Does the Digital realm allow for astral, etherial projections or even containment, let's say?

Or in other words: Can the Digital also be "possessed" or realms for the supernatural?

5) The power of belief. Does the spiritual stop existing even in the astral and etherial if all believers have vanished? There have been countless religions conquered and destroyed throughout history.

6) The power of Words, or "Spells": Do blessings and curses in the most mundane forms "God bless you" and the usual "F you" create and/or strengthen such elements by themselves, rather than by consequence of feeling good or bad?

In other words, do "spells" have an independent effect?

7) Ever thought why it's Go(o)d and (D)Evil in English? I always thought that was curious.

8) Utilizing material/mundane creations such as the Pyramids and symbolism in general, mostly general curiousity.

Just jump in to whichever question interests you to answer. Any interpretations are welcome.

Thanks beforehand!



The post you refer to explained it very thouroughly. Please ask specific questions if you want answers.

You are the marble and scultpturer, the creator and experiencer.


Your idea of removing the physical anchor relates to purging the object in it's entirety from the physical world, this is not the case. Removing something is a symbolical action, an action that is like a parable to instruct the mind. Burning an object transforms the object from one state to another, but for the mind it has a symbolical meaning and effect. In order to learn more about symbology you will have to research the occult by reading books or spending time with masters.

The universe is not playing with your beliefs, you are. Decide on one version of a narrative that you want to believe in and focus on it. Don't change your mind and belief like someone changes clothing after weather, it sends different signals to the universe.

The all has described to many exactly why he does not work in signs. Human intelligence is laughable at best and you can read the bible stories yourself to see how stupid humans have been in the past, seeing a burning bush as a holy omen when we today know that it could just as well be a methane gas leak caught on fire. To any significantly low intelligent and technological species, any sufficient high enough technology will be indistinguishable from magic. The creator does not use signs anymore and work with individuals instead.

In order to have signs, you will use prayer of gratitude. Thank the universe and the all for your experience and for things you want in your life. Gratitude is the shortcut to manifestation. And if you lack actual gratitude for your prayers: fake it until you make it.

I'd advise not to join masonry since they are corrupt and infiltrated on high levels by people who would choose your death over their own suffering any day. To find a good lodge would take too much time and effort that you'd get caught up in the bullshit lodges while doing it. However if you must insist, choose the red lodge.


There are different kinds of spheres of influence that you can work with. The normal one is the social connections of your life that leads to a greater probability of the Universe being able to manifest your wish. The other is the one of "God" where blind faith in the all, gives you access to anything you need but in turn makes you in servitude to it, which may seem to an outsider to remove personal freedom.

The main factor for the sphere of influence is the subconscious belief of the manifester. Thus it's important to start to manifest small things in one's life in order to convince one's self that manifesting works in order to recursively feed the belief that it is possible. It's important to start out small with baby steps, take small bites of the universe in order to understand one's own ability to get what it wants. If you set the bar too high, you will jump short and fall onto the ground and spend the rest of your life complaining that the law of attraction doesn't work, while on the contrary: ironically you are manifesting exactly what you want.



1: Yes, there's been a time shift that has affected our reality, most likely due to CERN or some other secret influence. As for the holocaust itself the meme of masturbation machines spawned out of thin air.

2: Population control, like any farmer would remove rodents and pests from it's farm. Doesn't matter if you are Christian, atheist or hindu, you will be removed. Statistically Christians are not even in the majority of people purged throughout history.

4: The Internet exists through the Astral and allows for practitioners to find websites while projecting. This is due mostly to the fact that the idea of a website exists in the mind of people, and thus exists in the astral. I frequently use a shortcut through the astral Internet to find people I'm working with.

To answer your second question: I've not yet seen it, but I would imagine it to work.

5: Yes. Remove enough people believing in something and the energy of that belief is dispersed. But a concept that we believe in on Earth may also be imagined on a planet somewhere else, thus leaving the belief intact for anyone who can access it later.

6: Words have energy, the energy is in vibrations and vibrations affect matter and non-matter. You must be conscious of your words that you say and you think at all times. To be ignorant and careless of your speech and thoughts is to fast track yourself to doom and suffering.

The old Norse language of the vikings used the letter r at the end of every noun. Vargr, wolfr, kungr, svärdr. Pronouncing these words like they did, you will immediately feel the energy in the vibrations of the letter r.

7: No. Etymology is another topic in which you will find that every English word can be spelled and pronounced using Hebrew characters some time after Old English was abolished.

8: The pyramide as a geometric shape is like a funnel for energy. It amplifies towards the pointy bit.

Do not take my sage as an insult, I use it only to not bump the thread twice.

May you walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ as intended and discover your purpose.



what do you mean "The creator does not use signs anymore and work with individuals instead"? And what will my prayers of gratitude achieve?

Also, what is the red lodge? I'm in Italy and I'm planning to join the Droit Humain to avoid the Grande Oriente d'Italia that is pretty corrupt.



The creator got tired (not really tired) of human stupidity after prophets were given instructions to spread the word of God. Jesus had the voice with the all in his mind and had a clear faith, thus could do miracles because he had to. Instead of being uplifted to Jesus level, people saw him as God which breaks the first commitment (commandment):

1. You shall love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. And there shall be no other God set before Me. No longer will you worship human love, or success, money, or power, nor any symbol thereof. You will set aside these things as a child sets aside toys. Not because they are unworthy, but because you have outgrown them.

So in an ironic fashion, all prophet worship is breaking the first commitment from the all, which people have done for thousands of years. Justin Bieber is worshiped, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe; all worshiped.

The all is in all creatures, dormant and hidden. Only when you are true to your heart and ready to hear, will you hear the voice of God. Most people only feel emotions, some hear small words or gets put on the right track but some: like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and others, gets the direct connection with the all which helps them be liberated from suffering and the human created illusions.

Prayers of gratitude is the only prayer you should and can use in order to get what you want. All other prayer is null. Thank the universe for your experiences, for the things you enjoy and what you love. Thank the universe for your daily bread and more will be given to you without doubt.

The red lodge is the Scottish rite which is the lodge which focus on truths in a more logical fashion, closer to AMORC teachings. The blue lodge are for people who believe in the Abraham God and will always be second to the red lodge. To clearify: There is no Abraham God, the bible books are worth it's weight in toilet paper for the masses. The true God compasses everything, the good and bad, the light and dark, the hot and cold, the love and fear. It is the God we refer to as: the all, the creator, the universe: all that is, all that will ever be, all that was.

The sooner you find it, the sooner you can start your true journey towards enlightenment. But there's also a second path. Thus: LHP, RHP.

I don't have enough information on Droit Humain, but know that once you're in, there's no out.



Hate to repeat myself, but: what do you mean by once in, there's no out?

And you're talking about an immanent god. If God is everything, it might as well be considered as nothing, because there's no asymmetry permitting action between him and himself.

Dunno if you get my idea, tell me if I'm not clear.

I always thought that a spiritual journey should reveal something incredible, like how to communicate telepathically, move stuff with your mind, read thoughts of other people, teleport, project out of your body and see the real world and reach the stars and contemplate them instead of a self generated mental world, etc.

According to your view, instead, everything collapses and a simple view of the universe emerges, indicating that one should just discard all this nonsense and just concentrate on doing good stuff for himself and the others. And this is what good people leading a normal life normally do, without any kind of spiritual or fringe training whatsoever. Am I right? What is the meaning of all the fringe knowledge then?

(also, I very much like reading you. Please write as much as you can and know that I will absorb as much as I can)


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Don't think that masonry is some door you can walk through whenever you feel. Once you're in, you are in for life. Even if you get buried 10 ft under, you're still in.

I'm talking about a God that is everything and who's opposite is nothing. The all is not a God for people that do good every day and punishes the wicked. The all is not a God that makes good people look stupid and rewards those who laugh at them. The all is the light and the darkness, the good and the bad, the black and white. When God speaks to man, it is the all that speaks, not the God that favours Mormons over Jehova's or the God that favours Muslims over infidels.

Stop assuming God is on anyone's side. Don't assume he will help the poor or destroy the wicked, for that is not what the all is. The all is everything.

Your spiritual journey is focused on the wrong things. Your utmost goal and focus should be that of liberation, liberation from suffering, liberation from illusions, liberation from falsehoods. Your goal must be to be true to yourself, and also others. If you don't like wearing shoes, you don't have to. To be true to yourself is one of the first steps towards your higher self and the all.

Spiritual abilities, such as those you have listed will come for those who are ready. But if you're goal is to get those abilities first, and then become spiritual, you are greatly mistaken. I was also tempted by the idea of leaving my body in the beginning, but after doing it for hundreds of times since then, it kind of lost it's charm. When you realize you can always leave your body at will, the pursuit for such ability is rendered null.

Currently on my journey, I spend time healing my body, connecting to my heart and allow love to flow through me. Lack of love creates suffering, abundance of love lets the soul align with the all. Thus I spend a lot of my spiritual time feeding ducks in a park (picture most related) where I allow only love and purity in my mind. For healing of the body is not something that can be realized in order to be done, it is something that needs to open like a flower and bloom.

Go learn how to make a cat wait for you every moment you're not there. Make wild animals come to you. That is the true spiritual ability.



Well, I assume you lost the fascination for those kind of things, but being that I didn't experience them I am fascinated and would want to know more.

How should one proceed to leave its body? How can one acquire such gifts?

God is not on anyone's side, you say. What about rituals that use Gods to achieve something? Are they egregores? Did God create man and did man create the Gods as psychological entities?

And when you say that even when dead one still is a mason you mean that they will claim "oh yeah did you know that he was a mason?" if you accomplish good things in your life?



I want to know more about heart practices. Is there no meditations/rituals that you can do for the heart chakra? How do you keep your ego from getting in the way of your love and kindness. Do you ever find yourself thinking something like "look how loving I am, I am like fucking buddha"?


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I never lost fascination for the abilities, they just became as normal as breathing, walking and thinking. I told myself: "How does my future look 20 years from now?" and I saw a possible future that I liked. I said to the universe: "Thank you for knowledge. I am knowing." and little by little, knowledge came to me. Clairvoyance was already well established, I need not prove it to anyone.

If you wish to get started, I recommend:

For the general idea and beginning to grasp astral travel:


After, when you've read Ophiel's book:


And something to chew on when you're bored of astral projection:


>God is not on anyone's side, you say. What about rituals that use Gods to achieve something? Are they egregores? Did God create man and did man create the Gods as psychological entities?

Realize this oh playful man: You are God, God is you, all is God, you are part of all. When you make a ritual and evoke the power of God, this is the power within you. When you say to God: "I am thankful for my life", God is generous. When you ask of "God": "Make my enemy die", demons takes the place of God and fulfil your wish so that you fall for one of the spiritual traps. God created all, but when man finally had the sentience to talk to God, they wrote it into words. These words were misinterpreted by those of lesser intelligence and who has no connection to God, thus it became a childish fight: "My God vs your God". Out of all the people on earth, present and past, less than 1 million people connected to God and spread his word. There may be me many people today that are connected to God unknowingly, but they do not have time to spread his word or philosophise on image boards online about it.


Start by doing the fast I mentioned in my previous post:


While doing the fast or after, go out and meet animals and plants. Animals are the easiest because they will appreciate you for just a handful of food. Tame animals are optimal but wild animals are more powerful. Pet the animal and look deeply into the eyes of the animal while being relaxed. Give the animal a comfortable rub and massage on it's muscles and spine and finish up by pulling the fur like they do on each other. If you do not feel anything at this point and it feels dull, you might have to start drinking cacao.

Buy the most clean cacao you can find (research different brands).

2 oz cacao to 7 parts water. Whisk it in a stove on high eat until you feel the warmth, then lower the heat while whisking it. It should not boil but it should steam a little. Pour it into a cup and drink it slowly while listening to music or meditating.

Remember to drink water after the ritual because cacao dehydrates almost like cinnamon.

Avoid mixing cacao with milk or sugar to make chocolate drinks (Milk breaks down the heart opening ingredients). Instead, use clean honey for the sweet taste and use dried chilli to open up the pours on your tongue in order to fully embrace the cacao.

After drinking cacao every second day for 2 weeks, your heart should be open enough for you to burst out in tears wherever you are.

Meditational aspects of opening the heart is to focus on memories of universal love you remember. Pets, parents, experiences. Do not waste time meditating on sex partners or lost relationships, that wasn't even love. Universal love is the love of the dog waiting for you to come home. The dog doesn't want to shag you, it wants to lick you in your face.

I hope that answers some of your questions.



You forgot about masonry. Can you be more specific? Avoid the mysterious halo and get to the point, make some examples, please.

Also, I know from personal experience that drinking cocoa for prolonged periods of time can make you piss blood and oxalates, so be careful with that. Yeah, the bliss that the cocoa makes you feel can be quite the thing (see its chemicals) but be careful.



the part about cacao was intended for:


I recommend that you meditate on a future in which you've joined masonry. Say to the Universe: "How does my future within Droit Humain look like?". Anything you will see and experience will be an astral view of the future (depending on your abilities) and what you might see could also be parables for the real deal.

I did this myself last year when I was interested in joining the lodge of my country (which is a special lodge based on Scottish Rite and the knights of Malta), before I sent them an email asking about joining, I did the special meditation twice.

First meditation session:

I was invited to a big party where everyone dressed in tie, fancy with food and alcohol like any rich man's party. Half way through the party I ask who's the party for, and they say: "You". Turns out they've spiked my food with sleeping pills and I doze off.

I wake up inside a pitch black place, laying on my back. It is comfortable but very claustrophobic. I feel around to get an idea of where I am and soon notices that I'm inside a coffin. I spend time reflecting on how I got there but then give up and just lay there in silence. Minutes goes by and it feels like a very long time. Eventually I hear noise from the outside, they are uncovering the coffin. They attach the bands and pull it up of the hole, standing the coffin up. They open it up and everyone from the party are standing there looking at me. A brother on my right approaches me and opens his arms to hug me: "Welcome brother".

This story didn't mean much to me. In fact, I diverted it as just another spiritual experience and didn't think much of it. After a couple of months, I met and spoke with a person that was in the red lodge of the US freemasonry and told him about my story. The confirmation I got back was simply: "How do you know about the death ritual?". It turns out that this ritual was done a lot in the past during the 20th century and before that, it was a popular ritual as it destroyed the ego in some way and lead to a rebirth. Most people would scream for the whole duration until succumbing to defeat. Some would claw the inside of the coffin. Could you imagine being abandoned under ground for no reason?

The second meditation:

In this vision, it was assumed that I was a member already and I was to begin the initiation ritual for a higher degree. I'm brought to the main lodge hall on a dark evening, candles are lit gently in the back of the room as to prevent me from seeing anyone's face clearly. In the middle of the hall on the altar is a spotlight of bright white light centred. After walking up to the altar, the grand master speaks: "Are you ready to do what you are told, even when in doubt?". I say nothing back, having the hall at a great suspense expecting an answer. "Very well, bring in the sacrifice!" he says. The doors are opened behind me and two brothers in full apron dress, drags a naked person with a hood over his head. As the they come closer I notice that the person is smaller than them, eventually notice that the person is a boy, not even 13 years old. The boy is dropped off on the altar near me and the hood is removed. A face with dried tears and mud is revealed, with the expression like no child should be allowed to have. The boy doesn't even care about where he is, he doesn't even look up at the surrounding to try and figure out an escape route, he's just on the floor there, naked, gasping for air in between his tears.

A man with white gloves comes into the light from the grand master's side holding a straight and thin sword in both hands. He holds it at arms reach prompting me to grab it. I take it with my right hand and lower it. "Kill this boy" the grand master says. I stand there, grasping the sword with my hand tightly. Anger, fear, rage, all the negative emotions are bottling up inside of me. I'm so furious, I've never felt it like this in any meditation in the past. (I can't describe it more clearly at this point, it goes without word to try and describe the anger I felt.) I look up from the ground and stare into the wall, a 1000 yard stare. "God give me strength" I mutter in quiet words.

With one strike of the sword, the room is decapitated. Blood is all over my body, the sword a mere twig that is broken and bent. Nothing corrupt in the room lived any more, it was finally peaceful. I took a blanket and put on the boy, then slowly helped him out from the room. The rest of the vision deals with private spiritual insights and is not for sharing with others.

Shortly after my second vision, I got a written letter in my mail with a header and footer with the famous masonic symbols (computers isn't their strong point), saying that: "The grand master finds my membership in the lodge to be of no use or gain to any involved.". That's when I chose to let go off secret clubs, I didn't want any of it.

May you find a lodge that is not corrupt, may I say.



Thank you.


I had a good laugh, thanks OP.

And remember, the Noosphere will soon be completed and you will all be devoured by Chaos.



As always, thank you for your time.

1) May I ask how does one meditate? Is it simply by thinking about the things you want to "ponder" about? Or does it involve some mental stuff that one doesn't already do in his normal everyday life? Is it some mystic procedure or is the astral view just using your imagination to think about how could the future be, like one does normally during his lifetime?

This is a very important point that I would want to understand.

2) Also, did it ever strike you that your "visions" could just be imagination? If negative, how could you be sure of it?

3) Is the first "vision" really bad? If yes, why?

4) Did it ever cross your mind that you are being superstitious by thinking that maybe your second vision and the written letter are two events causally correlated?


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You ask me how to meditate but have so much to say about my meditation sessions. Please fall out of the human stereotypes quicker.

Meditation is such a broad activity that can be done in many ways, I cannot write it all out in one post. Someone else made you a favor a long time ago and made a thread, and I made you a favor of finding it: /fringe/res/33148.html

To answer the questions hidden behind the question: Meditation is the opposite of thinking, it involves not thinking a single word or image in the mind for an extended period of time. You think that your power of imagination is you creating an image of something you are familiar with, but have never reconsidered that imagination may be a way to astral project or remote view. Judging from your writing you don't even know the basic quiet meditation techniques. I was born an automatic meditative thinker, which makes meditation effortless. Too much information to write, experience is the fastest way to knowledge.

When you understand how to program your mind and yourself, any vision you see will be as real as it is made out to be. For futuristic visions, it's a matter of choice. I chose not to join a lodge based on what I saw, but another future I've seen I'm choosing all the time.

Define bad. Is the ritual bad if it leads to something good?

No, because I do not deal with worries and quarrels. Spending time thinking about something that doesn't matter is what you all do already. How can I name two of the rituals used within a lodge without ever reading about them? How can I know something I've seen in a vision that is not written in any book you will find online? Did I make it up on the spot and then reality just happened to coincide with what I saw? As your abilities progress, you will understand the accuracy of what you see and will be able to differentiate between visions with analogies and visions that are based in the physical.

Less talking, more doing.



You take one step, god takes one.



Good sir, thank you so much, I'm going to devour that thread.

I'm sorry if I hit a bad spot, my intent never was destructive, only inquisitive. I understand that you felt it was accusative instead.

A question rises, however: how can one meditate about something when meditation (as I understand, the "eastern one", whereas the western is just "pondering something") is thinking about nothing, or simply put, not thinking? How can you have visions if you're not thinking?



Learn to meditate first. Then learn how to see things while meditating.

You never ponder a subject while meditating, you program yourself prior to meditating what it is you want to see. Visions comes automatically to those that are quiet in the mind. It takes practice and discipline in order to see anything.


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You are a fool.

You seek inside the Hyperuranion what can only be accomplished through the Noosphere.

This thread is pure, raw idiocy.

I can almost hear the fourty gods screaming in agony as they are forced to bystand and deal with the mental projection of the people who are reading this thread and everything in it.

You sicken me and my brethren with your old, antiquated, misbegotten forms of knowledge.

You are not helping these so-called "mundanes" with such a cringeworthy wall of text full of rants and not-chaotically sentences, you are just making it worse by attracting potential Negativus Noospherical energy to yourself and all the board.

Stop trying to help these idiots accomplish what *you* think is the key answer for the universe and everything, you're only making things worse.

Remember that CHAOS EST LEX, op.




I see. Thank you for your time. Blessings



I don't see you making a thread helping anyone.

Your path is the only path, there is no other; there is no way except for the chaotic way, your methods are superior to anyone elses'.

>Do you even project?

Go make your own superior thread and teach people the truth. That's right, it takes actual effort to help people, better not.



Other than the quantum bullshit physics and the happiness fetishism, this is pretty good OP.



>helping humans

>any century

The world will forget about you in no less than 10 years.

Chaos is eternal.




This is some of the stupidest shit i have ever read. call me whatever, but saying that female hormones in food causes homosexuality and shit like that, i cant take any of it seriously. this is why all of you sound like crazies and idiots, because all you do is spout conspiracy theories that are so far removed from reality that you can only react by saying this shit is stupid, or you can agree because you are probably some conspiracy theory nut.



How much loosh have you collected with this post?


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(xeno)estrogen is real, and very effective if not countered. It's basically low-level forced HRT for the masses. In males it makes them more submissive and wanting to be girly, often the result is homosexual or bisexual leanings. In females it makes them emotionally unstable and causes increased rates of reproductive diseases due to abnormally high levels of of the hormone.

This is one of the (many) contributing factors to the degenerate state of society, and it helps to keep us weak and in check.

However you are partially correct, it is not the sole cause of deviant sexuality, just one of the many factors.


For additional (yet far from complete) information.

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