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Esoteric Wizardry


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As it happens, I used to be a social outsider mommy's boy and gonna be a freshman next year. Naturally, I missed the acquiring of domestic knowledge and skills, and recently found myself not knowing a lot of crucial things. Understandably, taking on faith others' words (here people either share their scientific knowledge or try to pretend to do so rather badly) and going with the flow shopping-wise is below me, so here I am.

tl;dr: ITT we ask domestic-related questions which have to do with natural sciences

- Which components do we look for in a toothpaste, soap, shampoo and shower gel?
- What are the dangers of not having a regular shower, if there are such?
- It is said that consuming food which has touched surfaces it shouldn't is bad for your health. What risks are we talking about here, how likely is it and which infections/bacteria are typically found in homes? Say, the apple touched the table or the floor.
- What chemicals aside from ethanol are used as an antiseptics, what do we look for in the cleaning mixtures?
- Which factors we need to consider to create a diet? Are there any evidence to support Sheldon's somatotype-related assessments and suggestions about diet? Are there are any evidence to support such a distinction at all?
- What are the risks of nocturnal sleep regime, oversleep and undersleep? How harmful such things are to the brain? I'm afraid I'm losing my intellect because of partially nocturnal oversleep. Also is there really such thing as stress? What is it specifically and how harmful is it, if it exists?


>What are the risks of nocturnal sleep regime, oversleep and undersleep? How harmful such things are to the brain? I'm afraid I'm losing my intellect because of partially nocturnal oversleep. Also is there really such thing as stress? What is it specifically and how harmful is it, if it exists?

You mean staying up at night and sleeping through the day? It is terrible for you, evidence has shown that night-workers are worse off in all health markers and tend to die earlier. I know from personal experience that it negatively affects the intellect, leads to laziness, isolation, anxiety and fatigue.

You should get 7-9 hours a night, the optimal sleep hours are those before twelve and the less optimal are those approaching morning (optimal for lucid dreaming but not for regeneration).

Stress is the body experiencing physical or mental insults and compensating by releasing cortisol and increasing blood pressure. This puts us in fight or flight mode a lot of the time which is useful if a tiger is stalking us but not in day to day life. The prolonged increased cortisol level damages the organs and reduces lifespan.



Not an advanced wizard here, more of a Buddhist-Yogi, but here are my two cents. Most of this was common sense for our grandparents.


1. Regular, normal sleep. Sometimes sleep reduction can net you some benefit, but in general aim for 6-8 hours of good sleep a night. Turn off all electronics AT LEAST an hour before bed. I sleep on the floor and find a VERY firm surface promotes better sleep (for me).

2. A good diet. This is going to differ from person to person, but try and eat like your grandparents did. Unprocessed, natural food. Eat your fruits and veggies, raw when you can. Fast food is slow poison, as are most carbohydrates. Keep your food reasonably clean but don't freak out about it touching a table or whatever. Your immune system needs to be used like a muscle. Avoid bottom feeders and pork. If you can, go vegetarian or fruititarian.

3. Avoid fluoride whenever possible (water and toothpaste). Brush and floss daily.

4. Use organic body deodorant. Avoid all the sports ones, and ESPECIALLY the anti-antiperspirant. Google what the toxic garbage they put into these.

5. Shower daily.

6. Clean with bleach when you can.


1. Meditate daily. If you haven't already started, do 5 minutes today, and work up to 10. Then 15. Then two 15 minute sessions a day. Then two 15 minute sessions and a half hour session. Eventually you'll get into a rhythm where you are basically in a meditative state at all times.

2. Keep a journal.


1. Yoga. This could go in either of the two sections above, but it really surpasses both. Start simple, like yoga stretches, and work your way up in whichever yoga path calls to you.

Heal your body to heal your mind. Heal your mind to heal your body. Heal your body and mind to heal your spirit. Heal your spirit to heal the world. Meta-program yourself.


How the hell is this /fringe/? Go to /ask/ or /improve/ or something.


What exactly do you clean you teeth with then? Just a brush and nothing else?


Linking inquiry from the fitness/diet thread: >>28301

(I think this thread could be merged with that thread since there is overlap.)

The physical realm is important too. And guidance is required because we have no education on what is actually beneficial to a human. It's annoying to have to learn about these basic things all over again (properly this time) but an investment will make life on this plane more comfortable.


While not /fringe/ related, this post asks some useful questions, I think it should be merged with the general health diet and fitness thread.



Personally, I'm not sure why there is such opposition on this board to new threads. I'm not saying we should slide into /b/ but sometimes it's nice to have fresh threads and fresh perspectives that stimulate conversation. Just my opinion.




Can you please elaborate on the benefits of Yoga? Do the postures do something beyond just the physical?


Not him. but a proper posture used in meditation can help you to concentrate, see Lotus Pose and similar ones. Why do they helo? because those postures help you to keep your back straight, so you don't "lose your poise" while meditating.



Depends on how far down the rabbit whole you are. If you are totally an unbeliever, then they help increase circulation, gland secretions, posture, muscle relaxation, etc.

Yogis believe there is a force called prana, which is a life force. Read more here: http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Prana

Yoga also helps open chakras. Read more here: http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Chakra

Note that these are models to represent an idea, the map if you will. They are not a 100% accurate representation of reality. Don't mistake the map for the territory. Test it out for yourself, see if it holds water. Namaste.


You know, you can and you should go full wizard with the explanations on /fringe/ it encourages those that don't understand to learn more and makes it easier for those that do know to come to an agreement faster.

As far as I know mudras and postures direct energy to certain parts, like chakras. But is this because they redirect the "total incoming flow" of prana towards those parts or what do you believe?



I am very, very new to magic so I am not the correct voice for that. I've spent 16 years studying Buddhism, so that is the system I'm going to default to. :)

I also like to try and stay "grounded" and relate possible connections between the esoteric and modern science. I think this also helps beginners/skeptics.

Please feel free to "translate" to wizard speak if you would like, I would love to learn more and I think it would benefit others here.

As to prana, it seems to me that asana and mudras have a two-fold effect: one is allowing the energy to flow in a desired way and clear possible blockages, and secondly, the psychological effect on the practitioner. It trains the mind, as well as ties you into centuries of tradition and practices in a non-local time frame.


I came across a piece that suggested alternating hot and cold, each for ten seconds in the shower to forgo using soaps, as it lets the pores open and close rapidly while letting the dirt out in between. Finishing off with cold. Cold showers also seem to have positive effects on a human.

I haven't used shampoo in a long time because it made my hair feel weird and I realized that there was never really a point to do it. Generally speaking, the fewer chemicals you make contact with the better. They are all corrosive but in low enough intensity so that people don't get suspicious (even though there is a poison warning on almost all of the products). The body only sustains damage over time.

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