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Hey fringe

I'm not very well versed in your ways but I'm looking for an explanation for this phenomenon that I've had ever since I was a child. I found no explanation so I'll gladly listen to whatever you think about it.

In certain situations I start to feel a pressure on my forehead. It's like a pressure pushing from the inside outwards. I can also make myself feel it by remembering the feeling and it will lightly appear again on command. If I concentrate on it in the right way the pushing from the inside gets stronger, but not in a painful way, it's like a mix between tickling and caressing. After that stage it starts to feel like a light pre-orgasm feeling. Not mind blowing like a real orgasm but that point of no return stage where you already feel good. The strongest level I ever had is truly weird, first the pushing on the forehead from the inside out feels like it's about to burst (like a strong massage), second the feeling of my body seems to slowly get sucked into that point. You know how you can feel your arms, your legs, and your conscious in your head? That all gets sucked into that point. Like a singularity, I can't keep this up for more than a few seconds though. This is the farthest I ever got with it.

So what is this? Third eye? I never did any yoga or meditation, I never did anything spiritual at all. Anyone else feeling this? And if it's the third eye shouldn't it require training? Is there something else I can do with this?

I feel like a kid in front of a vending machine and a sack of cash but too dumb to figure it out.


That's just the Earth element / etheric energy and it means nothing, you can make that pressure appear anywhere in the body, try applying it to a thoughtform outside of your body to use it for more interesting purposes.


What you are doing is awareness meditation / energy manipulation. Same shit as described in Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways book.

It has nothing to do with the third eye / mind's eye which is not a physical eye. If you practise visualization, that is what strengthens the third eye.

What you are doing will allow you to do healing, telekinesis, imbuing thoughtforms with more solidness, etc.


OP you have vermins inside your head.
They release those substances which make you feel good in order to trick you in not removing them.

You must stop them before they completely feed on you, leaving nothing but a shell. I'm sure that even no you can feel them, moving, chewing, twitching inside thei little tunnels under your skin.

You must stop this OP, cut them out.


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Thank you both. Which book(s) would you recommend me to read? And do you think it's a good idea to go further with this?

I don't buy it.


forgot my flag


The guy posting with the montalk flag is bullshitting you.

Just read the standard books recommended at the start of the questions thread.

It's a good idea to go further with this yes.

Read The Kybalion, The Arcane Teachings, The Arcane Formulas, Life Beyond Death, Mind Power, The Universal Master Key, and then Initiation Into Hermetics.


…and if you can get ahold of Robert Bruce's newest book on energy manipulation that too but nobody has that as a PDF yet.


Definitely sounds like your Ajna chakra is being worked. You can focus on any of the chakra spots and recreate the same feeling to activate them. I do recommend getting a copy of Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways as stated above. This will allow you to develop your energy body as to allow this chakra to develop well.


I have this same experience and have always wondered why. I am also interested in this.



I feel the same sensation as well. I have felt it since I was a little kid and it used to just happen randomly, but in the past year I've made it so that I can make the sensation occur at will. Every time I do it I focus on it and make it last longer. I can make the sensation happen indefinitely so long as I slightly focus on it.

However, I can only do it on my forehead though. One other time I had this really really bad headache in the back of my head, and I placed my hand there and thought really hard about extracting the pain from my head and placing it in an imaginary harm. I got that same sensation but just on the point I was focusing on.

We should both try to move that sensation throughout our bodies at will. I'm sure getting control over it would help us get better and controlling the flow of our energy.



*placing it in an imaginary jar


File: 1427897616579.pdf (754.46 KB, new.pdf)

Thank you I'm downloading these currently. Attached is Robert Bruce's 'New Energy Ways' if anyone else wants it.

I can't make it manifest anywhere else but maybe I'm lacking training for that. Weird that it naturally occurs at the forehead though.


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I'm glad to meet you both. Have you also experienced the more intense stages I described? Or maybe more? Anything else related to it I haven't mentioned yet?

That sounds identical to what I have I'm pretty sure we're "on" the same thing here.

Coincidentally I just had a headache and used your method, I had to do it twice to get rid of it completely but both times the pain stopped immediately. It looks like I can manifest "it" on other areas of the head but it is much weaker than on the forehead, so weak it's hard to even compare it to the forehead feeling. And it doesn't work at all anywhere else (I tried the throat chakra region as suggested by >>30490).

How do you think we should go about moving this elsewhere? Considering we naturally were given this thing, and both at the same location. And why do you think we should move it? Maybe we should keep our focus on that spot and make it more intense? I wonder what the next stage is like, if there is one.


New Energy Ways is already in the Fringe Library and it's out-of-date and so too is your copy out-of-date.

Does anyone have the new book that Robert Bruce wrote on energy manipulation that's apparently a lot bigger and better?


If you can reproduce this sensation anywhere in the body and move it around you can also pour it into thoughtforms and make them able to physically interact with things in your environment.



Yeah, it's the exact same as you described aside from the feeling of my body being sucked into the region on my forehead. But the pressure as well as the feelings of pleasure are the same as you described.

Since this post I've tried moving it throughout my body by leading the "energy" to the places that I want it to go. I did this by trying to make it flow with my breathing and focusing on the region i want to experience it in like I do when I manifest the sensation on my forehead.

I've had success with it in that I've been able to move the same sensation down into my cheeks. That's all I've been able to do so far though. It's a little bit different though. My cheeks feel more tense than my forehead.

I'm gonna keep practicing until I can experience it on any part of my body at will


Eventually we should be able to do what >>30639 is describing.



Here's robert bruce's 2011 (most recent i think) book on energy work



Wow, thank you, anonymous! I've been looking for that everywhere.



Can you help with this here? These books are too huge filesize and we need them to be smaller and yet not shit.



I'm the same guy as did the ones here >>32274

also same guy as here >>18045

I can buy the books on kindle and try converting but I'm not great at conversion and am not made of money. I will try though, over time.

If anyone else has a kindle with occult books on it email me at derpm0ngler@hotmail.co.uk with 0 as a o and i'll help you share your books.


Question for OP. Did you suck your thumb dating all the way back to when you were in the womb? I've had the same sensation for as long as I can remember, it gets so bad at night when I'm laying around in bed I have to lay my hand or something else across my forehead. I've never been able to find anything on google about it except for other people trying to figure out what causes it or anything, I'm honestly shocked I just found this thread, I've never even been to this board before tonight. Three only guess I've come up with is that its from that since I was always sucking my thumb in the womb and as a child and the way I use to do it I would rest my index finger across the area around the top of the bridge of my nose like kinda right above the middle spot between my eyes. And that doing that non stop for so long maybe my forehead just got use to something being there. who knows though. I absolutely hate it, it makes it hard to function sometimes, especially if I'm trying to look someone in the eyes and I have to look away Ahmad I start blinking and making weird faces.


The pineal gland has rods and cones; technically it is an eye.


All the conversions you do result in a messed up PDF I can't read on my tablet screen because the text occupies like only half of each page or the page size is weird and small and other strange anomalies.



Most work ok on a pc screen although the sorcerry one does only have text on half a page for some reason. What type of tablet is it? There's a lot of types of conversion to choose from I went for a generic type which works with computers.



Try some of the other conversions I've done here to see if its just those two books or all of them


will help me adjust settings.


Every one of them you've done so far is shit and needs some serious cleaning up to make it nice and readable.

I don't have my tablet right now, it accidentally went to Toronto, and will be back Tuesday…


Why is your copy of The Subtle Body still images as far as I can tell? Each page, I can not copy the text.



They work fine for me. The text runs right across the screen without any space on the edges but that's just a minor aesthetic issue and doesn't really stop it from being readable.


They are utter shit for me to try and read. Can't you get them to be nice like the Atkinson PDFs from Yogebooks?



Take a screenshot of them so I can see what they're like. So far as I can tell they're not unreadable.


I can copy the text fine.



Can a few other people check the quality of these pdfs so we can see if its not just smiley's pc being shit.



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>tricking me into downloading a Thelema book

Yes, that style is perfectly fine and readable.

Also the Robert Bruce Energy Work book here is readable though it could be made slightly more pretty.

The Atkinson books however have the very best layout, with a nice index, nice chapters, nice font, etc.


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This book is just shit, no index, everything is a mess, not well laid-out, text on only half-the-page, etc.



lol that book actually bashes crowley and thelema II think, I chose it at random.

It'll probably take some time for me to get good at converting them well, you can change font settings and stuff on calibre.

I'm not sure why the sorcery book turned out so weird though.


Can't you pretty them up somehow?



I can tweak settings in calibre and see how they come out, I'll work on adding proper margins when I have time.

Alternatively I could upload the .mobi files and let someone else try.


Choose a font that doesn't suck dick while you're at it then and try to get the start of new chapters to be proper and everything.


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should I upload my PDF?


How is that any different from the PDF in here: ( >>31562 )?


oh, I didn't see that thread before

did you read parts of the book yet?
is it good?


Only the introductory page.


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Whoa damn thought it was dead when there were no posts for a while. Thanks for the interest guys!


That's very cool, I haven't achieved that but I've been trying something else. I tried to get it going as long as I could, as in the moment I woke up I activated it and just saw how long I could keep going, I did about three days. I noticed breathing helps a lot just as you did, and visualization! Whenever I feel it starting to lose focus I think about my forehead vibrating vividly and it increases again. Maybe this can be of help to you.


Thank you!


I don't know about the womb but I did suck my thumb a lot as a kid. I only know this because my mother and sister would comment on it a lot later in life. So it must've been excessive.

That sounds like you don't enjoy it? I never saw it as a nuisance to be honest, it feels good, not painful or distracting. When I put my finger/hand on the area it gets stronger, not weaker? I'm not sure if we have the same thing here. The feeling only appears to me in certain situations or mostly when I will it to appear, which is a lot lately. Yeah putting the index finger between the bridge does make it stronger, I feel that too. Come to think of it those two points are connected! I CAN actually move it between the forehead and the bridge of the nose holy shit. Haha I didn't expect this.

I'm not sure how you can turn it off, I can turn it off at will if I have to but I don't know how to describe it.


I feel pressure where I believe my third eye is too. I can also feel it in other places in my head, like where my crown chakra is, and other places on my head that seem to move around more.

There were some months were the pressure was very intense, but the intensity is not as high as it used to be.

I guess it's a part of the ascension process.


I'm not sure if it's the third eye for anything, but I can visualize myself in the positions of other people, it's a bit strenuous, but it's kind of accurate.


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>I feel like a kid in front of a vending machine and a sack of cash but too dumb to figure it out.

so it's just greed for sensations and powers

get out


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> the ascension process.


Tinglings of the etheric body are the signs of true awakening and transformation. One must focus and make it tingle without conscious input. Let your body surge with pure power. This is the work which transcends man into god.


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It's A.S.M.R


There's a whole community of video creators on YouTube that create content that triggers the same feeling, the genres vary widely.



No, it isn't.


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>So what is this? Third eye?


>Anyone else feeling this?


>And if it's the third eye shouldn't it require training?


>Is there something else I can do with this?





Put it this way, it feels exactly like he explained it, personally speaking.


Phantom tingling is a sensory illusion, similar to an optical illusion. Similar phenomena include the sensation of surprise, or flenching if something appears as if it is going to hit you, your skin crawling, and ASMR; expectation causes the sensation. It however can be very useful for meditation due to the nature of the illusion.

The fact that it is an illusion can be demonstrated in two ways, as well as give a replication for people who haven't experienced this. Take a pencil or other pointed object and point it at the center of your forehead above the ridge of your brow. Move the tip close to your forehead without touching, but imagine what it would feel like if it were to touch. With luck, you'll feel the sensation straight away. If you have difficulty, try moving the pencil, doing this exercise in a mirror, or have someone else point the pencil at your forehead.

Another way to replicate the sensation is to take a coin and place it on the middle of your forehead, with your head tipped back so it doesn't fall off, but not too far back. Wait a minute and then move your head forwards, letting the coin fall. You should feel a phantom coin sensation remaining.

While possibly related to ASMR, I find that this experience is distinct; ASMR feels pleasurable while this feels neutral. While this sensation can be first experienced by props, as others have noted you can induce it just by remembering what it feels like and expecting to feel it. The sensation can also be strengthened and manipulated by concentrating on it, which is why it is useful for meditation: it gives you something to focus on instead of letting your thoughts wander, and serves as a barometer for your strength of focus. By closing your eyes and meditating by trying to focus on the sensation and nothing else, you can get into deep meditative states, including ones that give roiling colorful geometric hallucinations similar to when you are just about to fall asleep or press on your eyeballs (Don't do this, apparently it's very bad for them by increasing fluid pressure in them.) This state is exactly the same as ones reached by other methods such as breathing, visualization, and mindfulness. The deeper the meditative state, the stronger the phantom tingling.

This sensation is also not just limited to your forehead, for me it is found just as strongly in the fingertips, but to a far lesser extent can be induced in other parts and throughout the body.

To induce it in your fingertips, lay down on your back and prop up your upper arms with your elbows to your sides, and make a cage with your fingers, with your fingertips of each hand touching. Position your arms to balance them to use the least amount of exertion and present the least amount of pressure against your fingertips as possible. Now, concentrate on the sensation of your fingertips touching, recalling the sensation you have felt in your forehead. You should begin to feel the same sort of tingling. You can do this in conjunction with focusing on your forehead, but you don't have to.

Moving your hands apart won't stop the sensation, and with practice you can induce it without touching fingertips, or even while walking etc. One trick is to just slightly begin to move the muscles of your arms as if moving your fingertips apart, but keep them touching, and imagine your hands moving apart. If you are successful, it will feel as if your hands are moving apart when they are still touching, because you are tricking your mind into perceiving that they are. This seems to give an instant deepening of one's meditative state.

I would recommend not being suckered into the fantasy that this is some type of "energy," magick, or the inner resonance of your pine eel chakra colliding with the fifth moon of the solstice. Charlatans love to use this phenomena to sucker people into their hogwash, and they're in this thread in full force. The true magic is in the mind-hacking you are doing, which is entirely internal to your mind, and the potential psychological benefits of meditation which it can facilitate.





I feel it forever, and not just on the third eye.





Is ASMR a focused pressure in the center of your forehead that can be engaged on a whim? Because that is what the OP is describing.

I experience this aswell, it seems to come and go every once in a while. I've experienced fairly intense sensations while focusing intently on it. A good method to use is to imagine the air flowing through the area as you exhale nasally.

I am going to start meditating on this daily while developing my visualization.



I need to do some more reading.

But I know some people can stimulate the tingling ASMR sensation at will.

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