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I have seen a lot of delusion in the questions thread lately and in a few other threads as well and some things need clarification so I'm going to talk about some stuff neophytes need to understand.

Astral Projection

There is a lot of confusion existing around this topic. People do not know what the astral planes is or how easy it is to get there.

The astral planes are the mental planes. It is a plane on which mental activities occur and thoughts interact. The astral planes itself is divided into 7^7 planes that is 7 planes with 7 subdivisions each for each subdivision ( 823,543 total ).

If you imagine anything, if you dream, and if you remember; you are interacting with the astral. The astral is not far away from you and not super inaccessible.

If you want to AP just learn to concentrate, visualize, and reproduce/mirror all of the physical senses in the mental. If you can dream you already can AP.

The astral planes contain within it everything imaginable. It is not the exclusive domain of do-gooders as I saw one random faggot saying in a thread, it does in fact contain all the horrible things as well. Specific realms within the astral vary and some are very nice places and some very bad. There is also a higher astral and a lower astral, the higher parts being accessed more easily by a highly developed occultist who has refined his astral senses greatly.

The problem with actually making use of the astral is a matter of developing the astral senses and learning to navigate the astral. By the astral you can remote view, you can enter others dreams, you can go visit someone else's astral realm they've been constructing, you can access new knowledge and abilities, and do many other things. The issue isn't with learning to AP but with navigating the astral; you're all already connected to the astral.


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Developing New Faculties

Desire and will and knowledge of the elements are extremely important to realizing, developing, and accomplishing anything.

Fire is expansive, imposing, positive, will, etc. whereas water is contracting, receiving, condensing, holding, desire, etc. it is the opposite of water.

Fire and water are the only true elements. Air is basically fire and water in a volatile state and is associated with the intelligence of a thing as such. Earth is stable and denser, it is the opposite of air, and has to do with solidity/touch/heaviness/etc.

Akasha (fifth element / prima materia / void / spirit / quintessence) can be used by using fire and water in a nondual manner. To give an example do this:

1. Go to https://www.random.org/
2. Set your minimum value to 0 and max value to 9.

Now before you click Generate and get a random number there are two ways to "predict" the number.

3.a Using Water The first way is to caste water and receive an impression at to what the number will be. If you do this, you simply empty your mind, and then hold the desire that the number that will be generated when you click shall appear in your mind and you WAIT. You do not think about it or guess what it is, you just concentrate the desire-force and receive the number. This is how you use water. Don't guess with the intellect either (air).
3.b Using Fire The second way is to caste fire and force the number to be what you want. In this way you could force it to be 5 say 5 times in a row (extremely improbable but if your will is strong enough you'll be able to do it).

This works for mind-reading as well you know. Some people mind-read by picking up the thoughts of people and telling them what they thought but others can "mind-read" by planting thoughts in their minds and then telling them what they just planted there.

4. Using Both If you use fire and water at once, I think that would count as using akasha. Whatever the case you would at once desire to see the number that it's going to be while also using your will to force it to be a specific number you think or want it to be. If you do this really well then you can know exactly when the right moment to actually click generate is, as you can know at once that result you're going to get, while also forcing it to be the number you want it to be. In your mind's eye this could appear as say a number on the left of you showing the number you want to force it to generate and on the right a number will appear to you that shows you the number it will be.

If anyone wants to expand on what I've said here or correct me please do as I kind of have to re-read Zivorad and Franz Bardon again to refresh this in my mind.

If you want any new faculty do void meditation to remove distractions and then just desire very strongly and with intense concentration the new faculty and it should come to you pretty quickly if you do things right and pour enough emotion into it and don't get distracted by other impulses, desires, etc.


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The Location of the Soul

The soul is distributed over the whole body and beyond it in a cloud-like or ocean-like matter. It would be pretty accurate to say also that your soul lies "wherever your awareness stretches or is focused". All your cells have a little bit of awareness to them and as such have souls which resonate with and connect to each other and form a super soul for your whole body; which in turn is embedded in a greater world soul and a soul of physicality (the demiurge). Your spirit interfaces with your soul through awareness + will by a process of resonance. Please be aware that when I talk of soul and spirit I am using Montalk's terms which are standard on this board and spirit has a different meaning than soul: http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary#soul — Your soul is a thoughtform.

Learning Energy Work the way Robert Bruce recommends will help you dislodge your soul from your body or create an extra astral body to extend your awareness into.



>3.a Using Water The first way is to caste water and receive an impression at to what the number will be. If you do this, you simply empty your mind, and then hold the desire that the number that will be generated when you click shall appear in your mind and you WAIT. You do not think about it or guess what it is, you just concentrate the desire-force and receive the number. This is how you use water. Don't guess with the intellect either (air).

>3.b Using Fire The second way is to caste fire and force the number to be what you want. In this way you could force it to be 5 say 5 times in a row (extremely improbable but if your will is strong enough you'll be able to do it).

I've been doing these for a while now and was beginning to intuitively grasp they were two sides of the same coin and didn't know each method was referred to as water or fire. Thank you, looking forward to more.


Thank you for this OP. This should be stickyied.


There's already 2 stickies and I will probably add more material to this thread later or else just answer large bouts of questions again in the questions thread later.

I don't want it stickied, it could be added as an important thread though in the important threads list in >>1


Going to make a new thread for meditations, lots of people asking for meditations, and I use and know about over a hundred of them and want to prove it.


I appreciate your care, thank you.




We are all figs here.




Added everything to the FAQ.



>Fire and water are the only true elements. Air is basically fire and water in a volatile state and is associated with the intelligence of a thing as such. Earth is stable and denser, it is the opposite of air, and has to do with solidity/touch/heaviness/etc.

That's an interesting theory. Is this like how clouds, which are composed mostly of water droplets, can produced fire (thunder and lightning)?



>The astral planes itself is divided into 7^7 planes that is 7 planes with 7 subdivisions each for each subdivision ( 823,543 total ).




Can you make less flashy to the FAQ frame?



It was in Arcane Teaching or Formulas, you should've read it by now.


Also, I'm quite certain that Astral Projection is closer to lucid dreaming than to imagination, check out Robert Bruce.


>posting with initiate flag when obviously still mundane as fuck



Copypaste from FAQ



Board owner added to FAQ. Check before posting.



>letting him off this easy

Little autist called based OP mundane but the mouthbreather is so new that he hadn't even read the FAQ before OP's postings were added


My sincere thanks OP, this has helped greatly



>It was in Arcane Teaching or Formulas, you should've read it by now.

I think it was in one of Manly P. Hall's texts actually or Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson.

>quite certain that Astral Projection is closer to lucid dreaming than to imagination, check out Robert Bruce.

Look you nigger, you live in a mental universe, all astral projection / dreaming / lucid shit / etc. is just different ways for consciousness to interact with the mental planes and yes two or more consciousness can interface over the plane of mentality so you can do stuff like enter people's dreams and vice versa as well as appear to them while they are awake and vice versa.

>posting with initiate flag when obviously still mundane as fuck

Say that to my face while I'm performing an evocation to full materialization (at least to my senses, haven't confirmed with a second person yet because evocation I always do in secret) and not on /fringe/ and we'll see what happens.

>Copypaste from FAQ

I wrote it, posted it here, then had it added to the FAQ. The FAQ is a copypaste of my thread.




Woah m80s, I just reread my copy of The Kybalion, and page 118 states that the physical, mental, and spiritual planes have seven minor planes each. Each minor plane is comprised of seven smaller subdivisions as well. Now I know The Kybalion doesn't go into the fullest detail about this subject, and I have yet to receive my copies of The Arcane Teachings/Formulas either, but is it really that divided?


>Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson.

Is it good?



>Is it good?

Better than any other text on the subject of the astral. You ought to have some intelligence and experience yourself to really appreciate it but if you do meet those requirements it's better than Robert Bruce, Lobsang Rampa, Franz Bardon, and the other authors writing on the subject.



>The Hermetists sub-divide each of the Three Great Planes into Seven Minor Planes, and each of these latter are also sub-divided into seven sub-planes, all divisions being more or less arbitrary, shading into each other, and adopted merely for convenience of scientific study and thought.

That feel when 3 major dan-tiens and 7 chakras.

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