Developing New FacultiesDesire and will and knowledge of the elements are extremely important to realizing, developing, and accomplishing anything.
Fire is expansive, imposing, positive, will, etc. whereas water is contracting, receiving, condensing, holding, desire, etc. it is the opposite of water.
Fire and water are the only true elements. Air is basically fire and water in a volatile state and is associated with the intelligence of a thing as such. Earth is stable and denser, it is the opposite of air, and has to do with solidity/touch/heaviness/etc.
Akasha (fifth element / prima materia / void / spirit / quintessence) can be used by using fire and water in a nondual manner. To give an example do this:
1. Go to Set your minimum value to 0 and max value to 9.
Now before you click
Generate and get a random number there are two ways to "predict" the number.
3.a Using Water The first way is to caste water and receive an impression at to what the number will be. If you do this, you simply empty your mind, and then hold the desire that the number that will be generated when you click shall appear in your mind and you WAIT. You do not think about it or guess what it is, you just concentrate the desire-force and
receive the number. This is how you use water. Don't guess with the intellect either (air).
3.b Using Fire The second way is to caste fire and force the number to be what you want. In this way you could force it to be 5 say 5 times in a row (extremely improbable but if your will is strong enough you'll be able to do it).
This works for mind-reading as well you know. Some people mind-read by picking up the thoughts of people and telling them what they thought but others can "mind-read" by planting thoughts in their minds and then telling them what they just planted there.
4. Using Both If you use fire and water at once, I think that would count as using akasha. Whatever the case you would at once desire to see the number that it's going to be while also using your will to force it to be a specific number you think or want it to be. If you do this really well then you can know exactly when the right moment to actually click generate is, as you can know at once that result you're going to get, while also forcing it to be the number you want it to be. In your mind's eye this could appear as say a number on the left of you showing the number you want to force it to generate and on the right a number will appear to you that shows you the number it will be.
If anyone wants to expand on what I've said here or correct me please do as I kind of have to re-read Zivorad and Franz Bardon again to refresh this in my mind.
If you want any new faculty do void meditation to remove distractions and then just desire very strongly and with intense concentration the new faculty and it should come to you pretty quickly if you do things right and pour enough emotion into it and don't get distracted by other impulses, desires, etc.