Job Offering 04/11/15 (Sat) 21:42:02 No. 32443
Looking for a hard worker who lives near / can easily travel to St. Jacobs (Ontario, Canada) 2 days time a week to do some work. You will get unlimited fruits and vegetables and organic bread and some money as well. No experience required, all that is required of you is that you actually show up, and that you do the work without dicking off. If you are redpilled and greenpilled and reasonably physically fit then all the better. Lots of wizards here you can also talk about magick and practise with too if you want, we all know about William Walker Atkinson and read him. No resume required. Apply in this thread if you live in Ontario or are a wandering hobo wizard that can come here no problem or whatever.
04/11/15 (Sat) 21:44:41 No. 32446
You'll have plenty of time to be NEET and study/practise magick, you only have to work 2 days of the week, and you will definitely not starve.
04/11/15 (Sat) 22:08:59 No. 32453
inb4 someone gets sacrificed
04/11/15 (Sat) 22:43:28 No. 32458
Wait, is this Smiley offering a job or someone offering Smiley a job?
04/11/15 (Sat) 23:03:52 No. 32465
>>32458 Me offering a job. Muh magick is getting too intense and creating so much bounty in my life I can't even make proper use of all this.
Post last edited at 04/11/15 (Sat) 23:49:05
didi 04/11/15 (Sat) 23:56:31 No. 32483
>>32465 well i have used magick to gather quite some funds and i'm in montreal and bored.
04/12/15 (Sun) 00:03:17 No. 32484
>>32483 you are the sperg who got mad:
/fringe/res/31149.html#q31531 >do you purposely try and make yourself seem this ignorant or does it come naturally? >dumb fucking degenerate cracker - i bet you think yourself superior to another being because of your hue - tell me does your skin color stop a rhino from ramming you? Hahaha.
04/12/15 (Sun) 00:13:14 No. 32485
Would the work be consecuitive days? Would transportation be an aspect I neen to fulfill? (I have a liscense but no car.) I don't exactly fit the bill of easily being able to transport myself there. Right now I am stuck in a place where I need to support my family beyond just being a stay at home dad. I need to pull income to help get out of debt, and find a place to grow a family. Right now the prospect of wage slavery is daunting, however something I will succum to in the not too distant future. (I get the easy excuse of not working because I provide the childcare. I am eligible to work in Canada though.) So the prospect of a job that is not soul crushing and would allow me to be around others whom are not 'blue pill' is an exciting prospect for a neophyte. As for being physically fit, I am to the extent that a hard labor job would wear me out day to day but something I can and will do. (I chase around a 3 year old all day after all.) I'm am in better than average physical condition. Minus the 40-50 more pounds to lose and healing my mouth and eyes (Secondary, glasses don't really bother me.) I know it is a long shot, but I will throw my wish on the wind and let the universe answer my call as it will.
didi 04/12/15 (Sun) 00:38:47 No. 32489
>>32484 Definitely my comment, I wasn't angry tho.
Far from a
sperg .
04/12/15 (Sun) 00:39:47 No. 32490
>>32465 I'm genuinely surprised you're speaking in plural. Since when are there lots of wizards?
04/12/15 (Sun) 01:42:46 No. 32504
too bad I am no longer a hobo wandering around ontario or I would be interested
04/12/15 (Sun) 03:07:51 No. 32514
>>32490 Apparently 1% of humanity are wizards but that means there are tens of millions of wizards spread all over the Earth.
If you take into account that only a fraction of those are conscious wizards it doesn't seem that far fetched.
04/12/15 (Sun) 05:13:11 No. 32532
Sorry OP, can't help you. Amerifag here.
04/12/15 (Sun) 10:25:07 No. 32559
>>32514 I meant at his location…
04/12/15 (Sun) 10:37:21 No. 32562
>>32559 I'm sure there's at least a couple.
04/12/15 (Sun) 12:31:41 No. 32577
>>32443 I live in Ottawa, too far away. ;-;
04/12/15 (Sun) 14:43:34 No. 32589
>>32577 I'd be all over it, but I live in WA. Set up a franchise on the west coast, and we'll talk.
04/13/15 (Mon) 03:18:55 No. 32675
>>32485 It's only on Thursday and Saturday that you would have to work until later in the summer in which case it'll be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
>Would transportation be an aspect I neen to fulfill?Yes. You need to actually get there or at least to some location on the route from the food terminal to the market in order to be picked up.
Did your wife / whoever you had a child with leave you?
>>32483 Can you show up at St. Jacobs Ontario?
>>32577 Learn to teleport if you can. :/
04/13/15 (Mon) 06:56:12 No. 32710
>tfw so many NEETs in the world and can't find a worker
04/13/15 (Mon) 10:55:48 No. 32725
>>32710 I live about an hour away in Hamilton.
Transportation is an issue though.
04/13/15 (Mon) 15:03:04 No. 32752
OP I live 15 minutes away and am a regular poster on /fringe/. Feels like a synchronicity. I don't desperately need the food and stuff but it would be nice and I'm interested. You better not be looking for somebody to sacrifice or experiment on or whatever, though. I have an important mission in this life. It would be interesting for you to be an ally of it. Also you can share by account if you'd like.
04/13/15 (Mon) 15:08:02 No. 32753
>>32675 No, I was not dumped, does it bare credence on this conversation? Throwing it out there was just casting a line in the moment to not let an opportunity pass me by. I have a desire to do something fulfilling while I am tending this seed (Srsly, whatever your name is.. fuck you, this is some deep shit :P) I didn't set my heart or intent in working for you, as cool as it sounds. I was fishing deeper within myself to spur the thoughts of what might actually benefit this family.
Thank you for the concern.
04/14/15 (Tue) 00:20:07 No. 32778
would anyone like to carpool this(I'm from Hamilton by the way), this is a job I've been longing for a while. Just to get out of this city.
04/14/15 (Tue) 00:27:01 No. 32781
04/14/15 (Tue) 05:40:52 No. 32816
>>32752 Just 15 minutes away from St. Jacobs?
Ok, well, meet me at the
St. Jacobs Farmers Market at about 4:30 AM and you can work with me.
If you don't really want the food then I'll take the bulk of it for myself and you can just take whatever you want.
I'm not going to sacrifice you, you're just going to help unpack and sell produce and then pack it all up again at the end of the day then you get paid and you get to take home a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables that you want.
Are you redpilled and greenpilled and a Hermeticist like me?
04/14/15 (Tue) 05:43:56 No. 32818
>>32778 If you can somehow get here as well then just do this:
04/14/15 (Tue) 05:46:14 No. 32819
>>32753 Are you new to imageboards or just a boomer or what?
You seem
butthurt .
04/14/15 (Tue) 12:37:23 No. 32860
>>32816 Ok, what day? A search says it runs on Thursday and Saturday.
I am redpilled and greenpilled, yes. A hermeticist above all. Path in life is to be a magician. Been involved in the occult for years, although dealing with lots of issues recently and only an initiate at best.
04/14/15 (Tue) 19:04:43 No. 32904
>>32860 >A search says it runs on Thursday and Saturday. Both of those days you'll need to be there.
04/14/15 (Tue) 19:55:06 No. 32915
>>32819 You'd also be butthurt if you were a jobless men depending on your wife, who you should provide for, in order to eat, having to spend your day as a full time nanny, emasculated, useless.
Not everyone has the balls to take charge of their own lives, but we shouldn't make fun of them for it.
04/14/15 (Tue) 22:47:17 No. 32934
>>32915 Dude, I should have been aborted, at least you got a wife and child, I get to suffer in a dysfunctional body every day and die an early death as an involuntary virgin. The least I can do to make myself feel better is try to upset everyone I meet online while trying to distract myself from the pains of my body. …and I haven't worked in forever and can't and my body is a revolting semi-crippled mess. If I could have my consciousness transplanted into a better vessel that alone would make me ridiculously happy.
04/15/15 (Wed) 18:31:54 No. 33075
>>32816 i have a friend who is willing to get me their next saturday. Will see if i can get the other day. Are we working all day?
04/15/15 (Wed) 21:45:48 No. 33111
>>33075 >Are we working all day? Until about 4:00 PM. Market ends at like 3:00 / 3:30 PM but it takes awhile to pack everything up.
Do you guys know how to find me? Should I draw a chaos star sigil on the ground or something? I tried looking on the map but google maps shows the market burned down still and things all get changed around constantly anyways.
I guess you can just go inside the green-house looking white building and sit down at one of the tables on the one end and wait for me there or you can wander around outside and wait for our truck to arrive.
The guy you'll be working for is a 75 year old Calabrese Italian and very tanned btw.
How should I spot any of you? Do you guys have any occult stuff you can wear to make yourselves stand out to me?
04/16/15 (Thu) 03:46:34 No. 33177
>>33111 Hey Smiley I'll be pretty close starting next fall, If you're still at this market I'd like to come see you. I'm not very advanced but I should know enough to recognize any symbols you leave. Especially if it's chaos or dischordian related. Not interested in work at the moment as i"m not in the area, but at the very least I would like to thank you for showing me the beginnings of the path.
So I guess I'm asking if you'd be open to random neophytes dropping by to say hello. If your veg looks good I'll probably get some too :)
04/16/15 (Thu) 05:06:03 No. 33192
Guys in 3 hours 30 minutes you need to be at the market! I hope I see you there and can find you.
04/16/15 (Thu) 17:16:44 No. 33245
04/16/15 (Thu) 21:18:12 No. 33270
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. WHERE WERE YOU GUYS? Nobody showed up!!!
He's going to hire a chink and a currynigger if you guys don't show up Saturday.
Please, don't let this job fall into the hands of the hoards of the orient, we must claim this job and food for the white race!
Here is where you are supposed to go:
04/16/15 (Thu) 21:30:52 No. 33273
>>33245 You are 85.5 km's away? Maybe if you are hardcore you could bike to the market. Just sleep a bit during the day I guess / rest and prepare yourself and then you could probably get on a bike at like 12:00 at night and get there by 4:00 maybe? I don't know if you're hardcore enough for that though. Whatever you do, you got to get here somehow I guess… If you had a bike with a motor thing that makes it easier to go long distances fast where energy is supplied partly by pedalling and partly by electricity maybe you could do it easily enough.,+ON,+Canada/St.+Jacobs+Farmers%27+Market+%26+Flea+Market,+Woolwich,+ON,+Canada/@43.294657,-80.1511842,49791m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x882c986c27de778f:0x2b6aee56d8df0e21!2m2!1d-79.8660914!2d43.2500208!1m5!1m1!1s0x882bf179e806d471:0x8591dde29c821a93!2m2!1d-80.554262!2d43.511853!3e2 Apparently it would take you 14 hours walking but biking is a lot faster than walking…
04/16/15 (Thu) 21:32:17 No. 33274
It would also take you 3 hours by public transit. I don't know how much you pay for 3 hours of public transit. Hopefully next Saturday someone will drive you here but in the future you could consider biking, biking that kind of distance twice a week back and fourth would constitute some hardcore wizard training.
04/16/15 (Thu) 21:50:09 No. 33277
Can anyone confirm my vid I posted btw is viewable?
04/16/15 (Thu) 21:51:05 No. 33278
04/17/15 (Fri) 03:07:47 No. 33353
>>33273 Map Quest bitch hmm… challenge accepted
i wanted to be their next week Saturday ,but if time is of the essence.
oh and fyi i ain't white.
04/17/15 (Fri) 03:13:38 No. 33356
04/17/15 (Fri) 03:17:44 No. 33358
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>32860 Please anon show up on saturday here: It's You versus the Hamilton mud. The white race depends upon you!
04/17/15 (Fri) 03:19:43 No. 33359
Hermeticist anon please confirm you will be there on Saturday and that you haven't forgot about this thread!!
04/17/15 (Fri) 05:31:21 No. 33380
>>33192 >trying to hire hardworkers out of a board that's 90% unemployed I'd pick the chink over anyone on this board every time.
04/17/15 (Fri) 17:53:45 No. 33435
>>33359 Dear smiley,
Sorry I wasn't there! I may actually be having to move countries. It's a bit up in the air but you can't count on me. I am actually 15 mins away, though. Really wanted to meet as well.
Also I have pure white ancestry of good stock and blue eyes, and my surname is to do with being a Druid.
>>33380 is probably right though.
04/17/15 (Fri) 20:40:23 No. 33447
>>33435 Next Saturday is likely your last chance please show up ;_;
I don't want to have to work with non-whites for the rest of the year, that will be awkward as fuck.
Why would you have to move countries and how could you even just do that?
>>33380 Just because they are unemployed doesn't mean they do not want to work or that they would not be good workers if given the chance.
04/17/15 (Fri) 23:29:41 No. 33481
>>33435 Even if you don't show up early in the morning like you're supposed to at least visit please sometime during the day? You're only 15 minutes away so you ought to visit me ;_;…
04/18/15 (Sat) 01:34:31 No. 33515
>tfw going to have to work with the Hamilton mud Are you at least greenpilled and redpilled despite your non-whiteness?
04/18/15 (Sat) 04:05:51 No. 33565
>>33515 AAArgh…..i cant make it at 4:00….
my bike's wheel just blown out.
can i try to apply at 9 ish?
04/18/15 (Sat) 04:37:27 No. 33567
>>33565 Yes you can. As long as you at least show up some time today you'll be given work to do for the remainder of the market day and will be hired. In the future you should try to make it earlier… but at least do show up!
04/18/15 (Sat) 04:56:40 No. 33570
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Look for that green truck in the film btw. It's not our truck, but it's always there and quite distinctive, and our spot is right beside it.
I'm going to now spend the rest tonight until 4:00 in meditation. I myself only live 4.5 KM from the market and can easily walk the distance or bike there or be driven there.
Anyone at all on /fringe/ that wants to work please show up sometime today here!
04/18/15 (Sat) 10:01:39 No. 33594
>>33481 You mean today or next Saturday? I'd love to visit you anyway. Aryan wizards talking over fruits and vegetables. What could be lovelier?
If it's next I should be able to make it.
I wish I didn't have to move. Would prefer to talk hermetics for the year.
04/18/15 (Sat) 11:04:33 No. 33602
Yo can some fellow wizard please post the following for me as a new thread on /aristoi/. I'm running anti-NRx Fringe trolling ops (NRx is breaking apart right now), but if I post asking in that thread they'll see it when they get linked. I can't post b/c Tor Browser doesn't work on that board and my ISP is interested in my political traffic:
THREAD TITLE: NRx's Arch Enemy: The Order of Fringe Wizards
Aren't we all forgetting that bizarre campaign the ONA orchestrated through useful /fringe/, upon /pol/, targeting NRx?
The whole Jewish question exploded around that time, along with pretty illustrated quotes from Moldberg's more Kosher moments.
Here's the thread the ONA started the Entryist games on, anyway. Still going. Seems like they might have expanded their campaign over time:
04/18/15 (Sat) 19:20:50 No. 33659
>>32816 oh fuck what an easy gig
>tfw so far awayI would do this alongside my actual job if I was there
04/18/15 (Sat) 23:03:31 No. 33700
File: 1429398211695.png (11.81 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1sc16t7q.wizardchan.136431….png )
>tfw met the Hamilton mud today and gave him tons of fruits and vegetables and some sourdough bread and talked about magick for about an hour Btw, I still have about 800 or so oranges that are good to give away. I tried filling up 3 bags full of them, about a hundred, and looking for people to give them away to. There was a little family and their dad that took some oranges from me but everyone else wouldn't take any oranges, I approached some kids on the street playing hockey, and tried to give them oranges and none of them wanted them and I just left about 6 of them in the grass near them. What do they think I am trying to do poison them? I picked only good oranges to fill those bags with. >tfw so many oranges and can't even give them away for free
04/18/15 (Sat) 23:07:54 No. 33701
>>33594 Please just show up any day of the week at some point. At the very least I'll have fuckloads of food to give away to you.
04/18/15 (Sat) 23:29:02 No. 33704
;_; why they don't take my oranges?
04/18/15 (Sat) 23:39:19 No. 33707
Mundanes fear oranges, perhaps they don't want their calcified pineal glands to be decalcified by the citric acid in the oranges. All you got to do to repel mundanes is walk around with a whole bunch of oranges and offer to give them free to anyone. Just look at them. I have nothing but perfect oranges in those 3 bags I selected out of the some of the boxes, taking only the very best. Nobody wanted them though… and I tried to give some to a random young adult as well and he didn't take any.
04/18/15 (Sat) 23:57:19 No. 33708
Hamilton anon the reading list in here btw is pretty much perfect Btw, some white guy showed up to work but he's some random mundane and not greenpilled so at least I'm saved from having to work with a chink but I can't talk to him at all as he's a bluepill.
Hamilton anon is a greenpilled Jamaican negro who has a lot of really beautiful rocks for various magickal purposes and he offered to give me some but I don't know how to use rocks for magick and I think his rocks are probably expensive and it would be a shame to just have them and then neglect using them. I got one rock in my room anyways I found in a field. He has some ability for clairaudience and is mostly working on the basics, doing some yoga, and the basic meditations, while studying the books. He's also got a pretty much perfect greenpilled vegan diet and eats lots of fruits but he needs to get himself some glass water bottles so I showed him my bottles and suggested he goes to any random grocery store and gets some sparkling water glass water bottles from Norway. He is still working on astral projection and has difficulty with it but I reckon he'll figure it out in time once he develops his astral body or starts doing the practises in
Initation Into Hermetics and gets a lot of related techniques down.
We didn't get to do any hardcore occult experiments because we had to walk with all the food I gave him to a bus stop but we got to talk on the way.
I talked to him about numbers meditation and astral hands and a couple other techniques, even created a few number-counting thoughtforms while talking to him and then read out the result at random a few times as it counted up while I talked.
He's the first greenpill I've met and he likewise hasn't met any other greenpills before.
Anyone else that wants to come to the market and meet me and (possibly) do some work can get lots of free food from me if you're willing to hang around long enough… if you come really early too and the other people that are supposed to be there fail to show up then you could potentially get to work for a whole day and be paid at the end of the day.
04/18/15 (Sat) 23:59:56 No. 33709
>>33659 Check out the oranges (
>>33707 ), this isn't even all the oranges, I still threw away like 8 boxes, just to reduce the number of boxes I'd be taking home.
04/19/15 (Sun) 00:32:19 No. 33718
>>33707 >Mundanes fear oranges Hilariously true, although most people fear anything that's out of common.
Oranges look good, sad to see food wasted. Have you trying improving your marketing/salesman skills?
04/19/15 (Sun) 00:49:18 No. 33719
>>33718 >Have you trying improving your marketing/salesman skills? I have to fix my face first, a good face is very important. My acne btw since the morning until right now almost completely healed up through the day. I looked terrible in the early morning and by the end of the day there wasn't much noticeable acne.
As for marketing/salesman, there's an Atkinson book for that: I haven't read that book and haven't been planning on doing it but maybe I should after I finish my more important books.
I wish I could find some people that would appreciate a whole bunch of free oranges.
I tried to bring some to a neighbour as well but he didn't seem to be around at all, the house seems deserted.
Maybe I'll take a whole bunch of them to the dojo and Judo practitioners might appreciate them.
04/19/15 (Sun) 00:55:16 No. 33722
>>33719 >I wish I could find some people that would appreciate a whole bunch of free oranges. Go to a homeless shelter.
04/19/15 (Sun) 01:02:01 No. 33725
>>33722 I've tried giving free food to hobos in the past and none of them appreciate it or care. I hate this place I live in, me personally, I love free food and always take free food and didn't like it when I was in need and nobody was around to offer help.
I'm the exception to the norm apparently. Most of the hobos around here apparently eat really bad food. There's a baker at the Farmers Market, he makes sourdough ryebread, sometimes he has a few hundred loaves he has to give away and he has tried to give it away to food bank and they don't take it. So it all just gets fed to chickens.
I live in a cesspool of multikulti degeneracy. Bluepills, racemixers, muds, degenerates, autists, etc. Southern Ontario is just one big wasteland of human refuse that none of the other provinces ever want to deal with and they all probably prey the inhabitants of S. Ontario stay in S. Ontario.
04/19/15 (Sun) 02:43:55 No. 33735
Is Hamilton anon OK? Did he ever get back home?
04/19/15 (Sun) 05:36:47 No. 33746
>>33725 >I'm the exception to the norm apparently. Most of the hobos around here apparently eat really bad food. There's a baker at the Farmers Market, he makes sourdough ryebread, sometimes he has a few hundred loaves he has to give away and he has tried to give it away to food bank and they don't take it. So it all just gets fed to chickens. Sounds like first world problems to me.
How obese is the population over there? Have you tried selling in bulk to industry or markets? If you manage to delegate the sales to a third party you'll have even more free time.
04/19/15 (Sun) 06:15:07 No. 33749
>>33719 Good idea man. You'll find appreciation in dropping those off at some sporting event.
>gyms>football, soccer (youth or adult)
04/21/15 (Tue) 01:24:38 No. 34049
hey all, Hamilton anon here
Hamilton anon is a greenpilled Jamaican negro who has a lot of really beautiful rocks for various magickal purposes and he offered to give me some but I don't know how to use rocks for magick and I think his rocks are probably expensive and it would be a shame to just have them and then neglect using them. I got one rock in my room anyways I found in a field.
it's really easy to use them. it's all about picking one that most resonate with you. Choose and feel them. they all have there own attribute(grounding manifestation,psychic..etc). the price range the price very of course(free to allot)example: had almost a pebble of moldavite cost me 6.00$ but its moldavite a heart chakra activating spiritual accelerator/amplifier. Was worth it.
I know some people don't like spirit science….but this is a good vid about stone's and i can't find the pdf at the moment but would reccomend The Book Of Stones Who they are & what they teach by Robert Simmons. great book
here's a baker at the Farmers Market, he makes sourdough ryebread, sometimes he has a few hundred loaves he has to give away and he has tried to give it away to food bank and they don't take it. So it all just gets fed to chickens.
WHAT"??? His Bread Freaking Phenomenal!! a true artisan. I was on an anti-gluten diet but, my intuition nudge me to try it. Showed me a possibility "good" gluten. was eating it all day. what a waste to throw away :(
I'm good was exausted from carrying the food but I'm good
ps; may I request a shaman flag
04/21/15 (Tue) 01:45:53 No. 34050
>Hamilton anon the reading list in here btw is pretty much perfect
Thanks man , i lost your note on the way. much appreciated. :)
04/21/15 (Tue) 04:15:16 No. 34063
Most of the bread gets thrown away during winter although it can happen at others time in the season too as there can be a lot of random variation in when and how many people will show up to get his bread.
I tried making a shaman flag before but couldn't make a decent enough icon for it. If you have a 16x16 icon for Shamanism that's good I'll add it.
Did the bags break any further and did the pot I gave you to hold stuff make things a lot easier?
04/21/15 (Tue) 04:42:32 No. 34066
>I tried making a shaman flag before but couldn't make a decent enough icon for it. If you have a 16x16 icon for Shamanism that's good I'll add it.
I'll look or ask a friend to draw something.
>Did the bags break any further and did the pot I gave you to hold stuff make things a lot easier?
one of them broke, but it had a bag in it. i repaired/shrank it and put it in the duffel bag. Had to carry it by 2's(1 trip for bag and anther r the pot). The pot helped though.
04/21/15 (Tue) 11:32:42 No. 34101
Do I get Unlimited Blade Works?
04/21/15 (Tue) 11:34:58 No. 34102
I thought Smiley was about to rope Hamilton anon or something but it seems like Smiley's a nice guy :D
04/21/15 (Tue) 11:41:04 No. 34104
Where's the warlock flag? That would be nice.
04/21/15 (Tue) 12:44:24 No. 34111
04/22/15 (Wed) 12:33:49 No. 34234
Smiley isn't a tall tanned nip with white hair, neither is he a qt wearing red.
04/25/15 (Sat) 00:25:03 No. 34646
Hermetic Anon who lives 15 minutes away PLEASE show up sometime tomorrow at the St. Jacobs Farmers Market.
One guy isn't gonna be there so you'll be needed!
If you can show up early that would be best but even if you don't, at least do show up at some point.
Also if you can act extroverted as fuck you'll get hired. He wants someone who can shout out about the produce to the crowd. I don't do that, I don't have the voice and demeanour for it.
04/25/15 (Sat) 01:21:30 No. 34661
>I don't have the voice and demeanour for it.
That's not something very hard to accomplish. All the magic in the world and you can't convince people to buy some oranges?
04/25/15 (Sat) 01:40:09 No. 34670
Not something hard for the average person to accomplish. I can't do it because:
1. If I use emotions, magickal shit happens. So my default condition is emotionally flat in order to conserve loosh and stay stable.
2. My throat isn't configured like the average for the general populace, my veins are in a different place, and there's some other oddities about it.
3. I am very effeminate and sound like a young child or a girl.
4. I can't see people properly with my physical eyes.
5. I can't interact with people without feeling them on a subliminal level, if someone thinks something bad about me, it's very intense for me.
6. I look really weird and messed up all the time.
I'm not there to shout and sell stuff anyways. My purpose in being there is mostly to unload, load, break boxes, sort out the rubbish, keep people from robbing the place, and occasionally mess around with putting the produce into the smaller containers on the stands. I bag produce and take cash only when there's nobody else to do it before me… and I'm not expected to try and shout and sell stuff.
He wants someone else to do that. I just hang around in the background mostly, that's what I'm supposed to do. Someone with good looks and charisma and a good voice and so on is needed for selling stuff and shouting about the produce.
…and I can't convince anyone to do anything in an overt manner. I either have to convince people purely through magickal means or else my appearances and so on are off-putting. Takes me a LOT of loosh to even influence one person and I already eat so much fucking food constantly to refuel and still my body temperature keeps dropping below where it should be at and other indicators of exhaustion of my vitality keep happening to me.
tl;dr he wants someone to do this and doesn't expect me to do it, so even if I could do it, it's not my place to be doing it
Just show up man.
Thatguyinthebackground 06/25/15 (Thu) 13:30:28 No. 44952
hey smiley its hamilton anon how are you doing?
06/25/15 (Thu) 16:57:56 No. 44968
I'm walking distance from st. Jacobs… Do you have a contact email or anything
06/26/15 (Fri) 00:35:12 No. 44988
06/26/15 (Fri) 00:46:45 No. 44990
You guys are way too late, there's no job left now, you can come visit but there ain't shit for you to do now. Literally today a group of like 3 naturally platinum blonde super aryan girls applied and got turned down. They were 10/10 Pleiadian-tier superhumans.
06/26/15 (Fri) 04:02:24 No. 45012
Did anyone from here end up showing up? Its a shame, I would have if I were closer and heard about this in time.
06/26/15 (Fri) 16:00:51 No. 45039
Not looking for a job, just wanted to visit. Am gonna come by tomorrow, are you still located in the greenhouse area?
I'll be wearing a large leather necklace.