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ITT: We renounce distractions

I have no problems with laziness ( >>576 ) or with lust ( >>18822 ) but distractions are the one thing holding me back right now from developing as fast as I could.

In this thread identify distractions and hindrances of all sorts and pledge to not waste anymore time on them for a period of time – perhaps a day, to a few days, to a week, maybe a month, maybe even a year if you're going to be extremely hardcore.

Day after day my time is wasted by Skype conversations I check in on which pretty much NEVER are about anything important or useful to me. I need to completely close Skype and resist the temptation to open it and read through the chatlogs. Maybe only check briefly like once a week and refuse to read through the group chats with their endless spam, I'll just pay attention to PMs only, and mostly only get on Skype if and when I think there's something important someone needs to talk to me about.

The rest of my time, even more than Skype, is wasted on imageboards. I mostly confine myself to /fringe/ and freedomboard and /4chon/ with a few wanderings to other places. I need to confine myself exclusively to just freedomboard and /fringe/ and I need to only go into the essential threads and otherwise stick only to creating my own threads and being of service every once in awhile answering some of the neophyte questions in the main question thread.

These things are absolutely killing my time.


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Next thing is I need to prioritize in this manner:

>sleep if I feel I can sleep at all, sleep as much as possible, and spend my time in the astral more wisely than just dicking around with whatever distracts me out there

>spend as little time on food as possible, no elaborate time consuming cooking, just eat and be done with it
>do what is mandatory of me (go to work and do the work) and spend as much time at work meditating while my body carries out the commands given to it (I am usually in a trance at work, my mind is engaged in various meditations, but my body does a lot of different tasks I set it to without needing to consciously think about them)
>spend all the rest of my time, of which I have a fair lot, reading the books and doing the basic practises
>when properly prepared, conduct advanced magickal operations

The majority of threads on here are a distraction. I've got no time to waste on pessimist threads, inane speculation threads, stoner-tier philosophy threads, random non-productive arguments, and most of the other stuff on here. I am not criticizing the existence of these threads; for others they serve a purpose or function as an outlet of creative expression and I do not mind them co-existing here on the board. I personally just need to, for my own sake, stay out of them and ignore them in order to dedicate my own time to the acquisition of knowledge and its unfoldment in practise.

I have come very far and am doing well – but most of my reading I have got done while internet was down for me for a few weeks at a time. With internet connection; I barely get one book done in 2-3 weeks. Without internet connection; I get a book done every 2-3 days sometimes even faster.


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The only threads I need to be in here are:
1. Ones concerning magickal matters of an advanced nature that are at my level, no need to waste time on and argue with people that would know better if they themselves would just read the books.
2. Threads I myself make to share my own knowledge, of which I have in immense supply, and can refresh in my own memory by sharing; I can part tons of knowledge to /fringe/ and I already do so but I should do so more ardently and concisely and efficiently.
3. Threads in which to talk about and relay my experiences and newest findings.
4. Threads concerning the acquisition of books I need and in which others may also bring my attention to material that is worthy of my review.
5. The main questions thread, in order to answer batches of questions, to inspire and carry neophytes onwards to greater levels of attainment and be of service to the community… though it should be noted this is a practise of altruism and self-sacrifice on my part as I gain nothing from it but enriching your lives and so it must be done in moderation as I must primarily look to my own self-interest in order that in the future I can be of greater service still to myself and to others, being able to intervene more efficiently and strongly on behalf of others, to uplift them towards the higher spheres of consciousness. If one wastes too much time trying to help others and not enough time on helping themselves, they achieve very little for themselves and for others.

I don't know why I want to help others, it's a habit that needs to be suppressed for me, and I think it's because I hate to see people suffer as I have and I want to be a catalyst in reaching out to others and helping. Stupid of me. Lets not focus too much on this though.

If I really buckled down and studied I could be done this year with books from third density. If I keep going at this rate, being distracted so much, unless I lose my internet again for a few weeks; I will probably not have progressed very much at the end of this year of 2015.

I know so much and I just need to finish off rounding out my knowledge in order to be fully prepared to traverse the dangerous path of ascension from here. There are also others in trouble that I really need to help and that really want my help but can't help at this time because I'm not powerful enough.


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I already dedicate the majority of my time to the practise of magick but I need to truly attain a near 100% dedication. All of my time, both in sleep and awake, I must be engaged in either the study or practise of magick. When at last my studies are done, then all of my time must be dedicated to the practise of magick, until some necessity for further study is identified; although I intend to transition to learning mostly from other astral beings and through practise than reading.

Neglecting various problems I am faced with because I can deal with them later is probably not a good idea. There's no telling when armed conflict could find its way to my doorstep or my poor health under the influence of the negative astral beings I haven't yet completely wiped out from my living space and from attaching to my body and draining me of vitality is going to kill me. I have a lot of obligations to fulfil to both myself and more importantly to others and I feel that I should have already acted much earlier; and yet I know that I wasn't ready and I'm still not ready. So I need to cut the shitposting from my life and the inane distractions on imageboards and in the chats and truly focus. If I don't get about 2 books read every week, I ought to be very ashamed of myself. If I do not sleep more because I'm wasting time shitposting instead of either sleeping (or meditating if I can't sleep) then this is not good.

I really need to address the issue of unwise use of my time also in the astral. About 12 hours ago I was in the astral doing remote viewing. With one astral eye I removed viewed stuff around where I live using filters to only see what is physically there, with the other I viewed it with astral noise included, and if I turned my head a bit so that one eye would dominate that's what I would see as it was hard to keep my vision split with about 50 percent of my field of view being astral + astral noise and the other being a view of the physical stuff there without astral noise. I ultimately became distracted by the astral noise and ended up experiencing a whole bunch of things that weaved together many previous astral trips for me and related them to another and learned I was being prepared for something; however this is NOT what I should have been doing and overall the experience really is not that valuable and I should have been practising my remote viewing instead and doing other more productive goals I have in the astral than going on wild and very beautiful trips through the astral, heading wherever the currents of thought take me. I love to spend so much time wandering the astral instead of getting down to work in the astral… not good.

I pledge… 1 day starting tomorrow of no wasted time. In the event of failure I will part some portion of my loosh to someone else, packaged up probably in a thoughtform to aid them with some problem. This pledge does not, for now, extend to time wasted in the astral though. It only counts for time wasted while in third density. In the future when I feel it's necessary to purge even more distractions though I may decide to prevent myself from being distracted so much in the astral… fuck I spent a very long time just a few days ago in the astral doing nothing but playing incredibly fun astral games the whole time. :/

I get so fucking high off of art btw. You wouldn't believe what it's like being a well-developed wizard with strong astral senses doing psychomancy on art and connecting to the feelings held within art and meditating upon it. I'll write a post about this in a moment…


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Not all art is good material to connect to mind you. Art of a degenerate nature is no good. Art with muddy colours also is not that great. Vibrant art with strong colours like that of a healthy human aura and that is very detailed and that the artist had to spend many hours or days on is the best… and art with beautiful emotions and beautiful minds connected to it.

To properly connect with art and appreciate it on a much deeper magickal level this is what you must do:

1. View a lot of art, taking in many impressions, intending to expose yourself to as much good art as possible that meets the right criteria.
2. Gaze upon that art and endeavour to form a mental image of the art while you look at it. Look away or close your eyes and imagine the art you just looked at.
3. While doing step 2 pour lots of emotion (astral energy / loosh) into it, to deepen and vivify the impression, and strengthen your connection at the same time.
4. In so doing you should form a clear image in your mind's eye of the art.
5. In doing this practise, you strengthen your memory, your visualization, your psychomancy / astral navigational skills, thoughtforming, concentration, and emotions all at once.
6. Move onto some other art do the same with it.
7. Much later when you're not actively looking at any of that art and you're in a state of rest and light trance, such as while trying to sleep at night, bring fourth those impressions and reproduce them 3-dimensionally and rotate and look around them with your mind.
8. You should at this time receive an influx of other thoughts, let them draw them into you, and follow them. You will connect to others thoughts and memories that were attached to that art. You will be barraged then with a great many beautiful things if the art you looked at had the right vibes surrounding it.
9. If the artist or the people who connected previously with the artwork was severely disturbed or felt bad feels, you'll feel that too.

I can look at some art and feel what others and especially the creator of it felt. I know really quickly as a general rule not to delve deeper sometimes. Like I have a painting in my room and it's full of longing and I know the artist was a young person in university when it was painted and had feelings typical of such a person at their stage of life and I don't want to jump into that too much. There's a lot of art though out in the world and sometimes quite old that has connected to it so much beauty.

I would also advise too avoiding super popular well known art as there's so much connected to it that it becomes noise and you don't receive much of anything worth from it.

I never cared about or was interested much in all the art around me until I started using it for magickal purposes. There are some tulpamancers that paint portraits of their tulpas many times over or one portait with great care over a long period of time in order to prepare themselves for tulpamancy. I personally paint and create art but only via the astral, I don't make any physical art, I am really good at painting with my astral senses. If you meditate upon a blank canvas or piece of paper or asphalt or chalkboard or whatever else and then start using various implements like chalk, paints, etc. to start drawing and you hold this all in your mind it is a good practise and one I did many times over as part of my great array of magickal practises that helped strengthened my abilities in many ways. As your drawing/painting gets bigger and more complex the harder it is to hold all in mind without any of it dissolving away or mutating on you… so to advance in this practise you just do it many times over and endeavour each time to make a bigger and more complex creation each time.

Maybe I should just create a whole thread for this. Hmmm… at the very least tomorrow or whenever I wake up and get back on the computer I will begin a thread on my hundreds of meditations.


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I waste a lot of time on the Internet (on /fringe/ and chats mostly), but my main problem is that I do things too spontaneously, reading a bit here and there and at the end having no true understanding of anything I just read. That's how I get distracted, I want to do little bit of everything (because of my fear of wasting time, how ironic!) but I achieve nothing.

So now I will pledge to make plans on what to read and do - though, to be honest, I already pledged the last evening, so this thread came quite synchronistically to me.

I pledge to read the books and actually mentally digest their content. Along with this I will dedicate minimum two hours of practice a day.
I also pledge to quit using the computer immediately if I find myself procrastinating. Along with that, I will pledge to;
>Forget all the business and take a nap whenever I feel like it
>Practice visualization whenever possible
>Do all my practices during the day and not one hour before going to sleep


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You can't really do shit anyways without developing first in many different areas all at once so don't get too carried away with trying to do only one thing as you'll likely need to develop in other areas before you can do that one thing better.

After every book I write a review and spend many hours sometimes stretching over days just thinking about the book and its contents and processing them. Some books I only read one or a few chapters at a time and just think of those chapters the rest of the day. I sometimes also test it out and do things in them, but to a limited degree, as I don't want to go too far using elemental powers or anything else dangerous until I have finish muh booookkkkssss…

You should always utilize all of your time in which your body is asleep btw to do magick, I personally maintain full conscious 24/7, and get a lot of work done while my body is just laying there… and there's tons of work to do during the day as well that can be slotted in all over the place.

Here's another tip for you from me; whenever I have to count something or do anything with numbers instead of sounding it out I just picture the numbers and have them add up without a single sound-based thought passing through my mind related to it. I can also create thoughtform counters like this that add up while I'm thinking about other things or typing to you right now.

Every time I have to handle cash, count how many items are in a box, etc. I just see the numbers in my mind instead of thinking "ONE", "TWO", THREE", etc. I just see the actual numbers visually. I also find that adding up Roman Numerals in this visual way is easier. There's actually a fuckload of different meditations I do with numbers, I'll write about in the meditations superthread I have planned later.

Another thing I do is any person I see and talk to I make an effort to remember how they looked moments after looking away from them. I now see clear images of anyone flash through my mind when I think about them that are so vivid they appear as if they are actually before me and not opaque.

I do many of my practises before going to sleep but I also fit in magick with absolutely everything I do throughout the day.



The book described here seems like it would be worth your time and your cup of tea, OP.


I've stopped distracting myself as a matter of course. The not-uprightness of the distractions used like (reddit/x/fringe/) is becoming glaring to me. I know what I'll do when the last distraction is cut off. I will be.


Be what? You're gonna waste time doing nothing? Why not at least be perfect?


Why would you think that book interests me at all? What sort of impression are you even getting of me? I already have a big list of books to be reading through and I am not sure why you'd think that text there wouldn't be a waste of time for me.


I have no pity for these paltry renouncement threads, but be sure to include everything devised from a Jewish mind, including these chans,




My bad, thought you would be into advanced wholly Hermetic magic from, a group pf experimental Italian adepts that Mussolini feared. It is far too advanced for most posters here, but it sounded to me you might be up to the challenge.

This doesn't appeal to you?:

"While Evola and the UR Group placed themselves on the side of Order and high spiritual aspirations, their goal of human Deification led them to see conventional mystical notions, such as “merging with the One” or submission of the Ego to God, as manifestations of a downward pull leading the individual away from his ascent to the Divine. In one essay, Evola appropriates René Guénon’s concept of the “counter-initiation” in characterising Theosophy, Spiritualism, and other “sentimental” movements as “Satanic” impulses."
"Their magical system makes almost no mention of how a would-be magus should comport himself towards others. There are no exhortations to live for the sake of others or to help those who are less advantaged. There are only repeated statements of the need for courage, steadfastness, clear vision, and singleness of purpose on the magical path. Time and again, the reader is reminded of the relativity of “Good and Evil” from the vantage point of the accomplished initiate. At best, the UR system might be characterised as morally neutral, at least by conventional standards."


Yes. Be. I will be.


Well that's retarded and you obviously have 0 aspirations because you always are. If you just want to be, you've already been doing that forever.

I'm into magick to become superhuman.


Gibes PDFs.

I don't like the idea of merging with the one either, I'm pursuing human perfection, becoming superhuman.

The texts I already read are just like that btw, they already are morally neutral, and espouse good and evil as being relative, and so on.


So Self-Deification. I don't believe many other books go into depth on how this is achieved.

Skip the preface, then read at least the first part, which is only 30 pages or so. The first part may be too beginner for you, but the writing is a real treat to read.



>the filesize on that book

Wtf, why is it so HUGE? I opened it up and I don't see why its filesize is that ridiculously huge.


I need to renounce distractions again for another day or a couple. I just wasted a whole day catching up with threads and browsing with many tabs open…


I think it was ripped from that 300MB Evola collection that's on /pdfs/, shit always ends up with crazy sizes when you do that.

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