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Esoteric Wizardry


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Heya /fringe/,

/tk/ here. I was wondering if there are any esoteric aspects to tickling? Both the fetish and the actual act? Modern science has no explanation for the involuntary laughter caused by touching sensitive areas of the body. It's written off as an evolutionary benefit that helps you protect vulnerable areas of your body, but it still doesn't explain the laughter.

I've always had this fetish. I have memories of being aroused by cartoon scenes that involved harmless "tickle torture" as early as 3-5 years old. Any theories on how this thought form latches on? Is it dangerous? In return for answers, gratitude.


I think it's just a socially conditioned thing. I can't laugh and tickling doesn't feel good to me it feels like someone just scratching and jabbing me painfully and it's irritating and I don't laugh.


Try tickling merdidians and minor chakras to see what happens. You could transfer energy that way and possibly stimulate them.


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>I have memories of being aroused by cartoon scenes that involved harmless "tickle torture" as early as 3-5 years old. Any theories on how this thought form latches on?

A relative may have touched your no-nos while tickling you.


Holy fucking shit, will now every damn retard claim that his fetish has deeper meaning in an enlightenment process?

It's a fucking desire thoughtform latching on to something that made you feel aroused, it's creating abnormal sexual impulses so you get to be a freak and either degenerate yourself or create shitty emotion that feed it. Fucking cure yourself and don't act like that shit is good in a meaningful way.



>enjoying tickling makes you a degenerate and means you have some evil spiritual attachments

You drank too much of the kool aid my friend, take a week off. Make some friends, go outside, stop seeing alien entities and malicious jew plots everywhere.


Oh boy here we go again. Hopefully we won't have a first page filled with weird "totally spiritul I sware guise" fetishes a month by now.



I'm not joking when I say "this." This.




The silly mundanes obviously haven't created and used desire thoughtforms before otherwise they would know full well they are just being mislead by loosh parasites that are draining them of their vital reserves and perverting their mindset.



Fuck off reptilian kike. Everyone should do exactly the opposite of what you suggest here.

• Don't waste time on frivolous friendship making.

• Don't go outside, find a place of solitude, and turn within.

• Don't ignore the alien agenda, be aware of it and fight against it.

• Don't ignore the jew, be aware of it, and refuse to become a victim of their plots.


It might not have been touching, it could have been a relative thinking pedophilic sexual thoughts about him at some point, and the resulting thoughtforms latching on.


OP here

I want to kill this parasitic thought form. Just finished the Kybalion. I'm having trouble applying what I learned. I get that I'm supposed to focus / visualize the opposite of my problems, but I don't know what to do. Should I visualize NOT having the fetish? Just like, being normal? Sorry for being so mundane, but I am interested and willing to learn.

To save my loosh, will I need to completely abstain from the fetish? Even thinking about it? I thought it was possible to farm loosh using those thoughts:


(I can sage the rest of my responses if you want this thread to die).



>I get that I'm supposed to focus / visualize the opposite of my problems, but I don't know what to do.

That's not what you do. You got to figure out where that thoughtform is or is attached and banish the shit out of it. Visit the meditations thread for some ideas: ( >>33148 )



The Kybalion contains no actionable information. It is information one should know. You want to read a book on psychic or magickal self defense. Pick you panacea.


notice when you laugh, have an orgasm, get tickled, feel excited, feel anxious, feel fascinated, have a spiritual ecstacy etc its all the same feeling all the same energy flowing just in different ways


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thats why something hilarious to one person is arousing to another and disgusting to another etc

also why society has such an anxiety about sex; cus it all comes from the same source



>It's written off as an evolutionary benefit that helps you protect vulnerable areas of your body, but it still doesn't explain the laughter.

It's to encourage other people to tickle. You'd be more compelled to tickle a child if they looked like they enjoyed it, by laughing and giggling and such.


>esoteric tickling

dis nigga serious?

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