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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://8archive.moe/fringe/thread/31522/


Hi /fringe/. For Pineal Gland de-calcification, can i substitute seaweed with orange when seaweed is not available? Was gonna ask this in previous thread but it hit the reply limit





Hey /fringe/. Is it possible to decalcify purely by meditation or mental and visualization alone?



The power of visualization is a power of the third eye/pineal gland. If it is calcified you cannot visualize it away because visualization is only as potent as your pineal gland is un-calcified. The answer is not. The third eye/pineal gland must be liberated by the virtue or the lower chakras i.e. physically.



How do you go about decalcifying the pineal gland?



So I may only decalcify through supplements? I've heard Iodized Salt works. Do I have to take it alone? I've also heard that almost all food barring home grown crops have fluoride due to being created using water in which fluoride is contained. I'm sorry I ask so many questions, it's just that the only thing I see on the internet is Seaweed and going THHHHH for half an hour every day, and that seems stupid.


How can I manifest objects? I would like specific instructions if available please.



I can't tell you about the efficacy of iodized salt because I used Seaweed, melatonin, and raw cacao powder (and a bit of raw apple cider vinegar but I stopped taking it because of ayurvedic counterindications).

Don't eat salt. It's gross.

Here are iodine levels in various foods: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iodine-HealthProfessional/

Seaweed is at the top. You want to use everything in your wheelhouse to repair and edify your pineal gland.

>I've also heard that almost all food barring home grown crops have fluoride due to being created using water in which fluoride is contained.

The world is an ocean of contamination. You can detox more than you take in through iodine. You can reduce the poisons you take in. Will it and it shall be. Be receptive and you shall discern.





Thank you very much friend. Good luck in journeys to be!



I forgot to mention, you want much more than the RDA. The RDA has been creeping downward as people get less iodine and its inadequate. The american RDA is like 150ug. Japanese people get like 13000ug a day because of all the sea vegetables they eat. You want to get near to that japanese ideal intake.

If you feel nauseous, you're doing it right. That is you body flushing all the fluoride, bromides, chlorine and everything else. You took it in in your water and bread and such an accumulated it chronically so you probably didn't feel too sick while getting it IN your body. But the detox is acute which is why its exit is dramatic. Nausea is a symptom of accute fluoride/bromide/chlorine exposure. The exposure is the unwanted elements leaving the body.

This is probably rambling. The entities around me are going crazy and its affecting my communication.



Are we talking about daily intake of iodine?


How does one channel loosh? How does one absorb loosh? What book will tell me all I need to know about loosh?



Yes. Daily. From nutritional sources (because they are abundant and MUCH cheaper than supplements).


Am I supposed to chant the chakras out loud or make them resonate in my head? I lose concentration because I keep switching




desire power is the one to start with I think.


Just wanted to share with you all that I burst a cloud for the first time today :D



Neat. How?



You may do either. Physically chanting will cause stronger effects but astral chanting is still viable. I suggest you focus more on the tactile sensations of the exercise.



I'M not ENTIRELY sure. I just looked at one and focused on it whilst truly believing I could do it and it happened.



Pretty decent reality manipulation, key is to feel detached from the result while being fully confident that whatever you will to accomplish will happen according to your will.

You'll be causing rain, clearing clouds and summoning wind gusts like me in no time, hold on to this experience and never let foreign doubts sway you from the path.




I'm pretty sure freemasons have been covertly butting into my life recently also. What's their deal?



I'm not a freemason so there's no way for me to say.

If you live in America where they have a stronger presence than my backwater country they may be either considering you as a member or a potential person to scare away from the occult or they're just watching your progress, there really is no way to be sure.

Look into psychic self defense and concealment just in case.


Is there anything you can do to help the spirit of a passing of an animal?

My mom has 3 cats that just had 13 kittens between them just a couple weeks ago. Her grey cat had 4 kittens that seem kinda sickly and off compared to the others. I'm pretty poor and can't take them to the vet. One passed yesterday, one is pretty sick today and another (why i'm writing this post) probably won't make it another few hours. I just want to make the kitten as comfortable as possible and make sure it can pass on safely. Also if anyone knows of any high powered healing that might work

tl;dr poorfag with sick/dying cats, how can i use magic to make this easier on them/make them feel better/less pain?


What happened to /fringe/ a few weeks ago?

I checked the front page and it looked like smiley killed himself and someone jacked the board.



if they're gonna die anyway, sacrifice them to satan



really i just want to make sure they pass comfortably, i don't want to gain anything from their deaths. i feel bad enough about their suffering as it is.



yeah i was kidding bro

create thoughtforms that will help them :)



Basically this, I think;

>Smiley didn't login for a good while, this means someone willing can take over the board because you need to login regularly to keep he board alive

>Someone decided to do take over, was given admin rights by the 8chan staff

>That someone messed up the board before leaving for good

>Smiley asks for his admin's license to be given back, is given


I found a small bird that hadn't even opened his eyes with his wing and legs bleeding, it still does muscle spasms once in a while. A couple of months ago I found a grown one already dead and my dog devoured it before I did anything. Is this some kind of omen? Is this universe laughing at me/testing to make me understand that I will never be UBW Shirou?



>Is this some kind of omen?

you're next



it could just be that it's spring, my cat's have been killing birds and lizards like crazy lately


Some of the texts from the Twilight grotto have hebrew characters within them and apparenlty you need the font to make them work. The one they suggest is down so I downloaded a fuckton of them but it doesn't seem to be working. Anybody knows which one I'm supposed to download that will work 100% to read these characters?


File: 1430182212673.jpg (64.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Coalgirls]_Nichijou_11_(1….jpg)

Ok, my trust with others seems to go haywire. Sometimes I can tell people stuff you wouldn't regularly say too people. other time's i don't want to talk to anyone(even if I know some of people I Know wouldn't cause harm). Help


How much seaweed should I eat? Any good recipes for it?



A lot. I can't tell you how much. I'm up to 2TBSP a day.

Recipes (mostly salads and soups)



Why do some people complain about really bad experiences after awakening their third eye? Should my focus be on awakening the third eye first or learning how to defend myself as a neophyte? I don't wanna be too spooked :/



I would say, as a fellow Neophyte, that it's because they don't understand what they're doing. it seems that awaking your third eye allows you to sense the astral, so people are jus seeing things from the astral. i was would awaken it first, then read books about Psychic Self Defense, because it would seem a natural progression, as you cannot grasp how to defend yourself if you have never even fathomed what it is like.


This thread is illegitimate.


Go here.



This FYI is not true at all. There is a physical form of telepathy that involves the use of the pineal gland but it is much less powerful than the psychomantic form of telepathy.


It is possible to use your will to direct energy, nutrients, etc. around in your body and Will the cells in your body to repair themselves and so on. Any part of your body can be repaired in meditation. I have done the testing for this myself and speak from experience not just texts alone.

If you can sleep well btw, your pineal gland isn't that fucked up. If you get to a point that you can no longer sleep properly there's something wrong with the function of your pineal gland.


By imagining them as real objects you can touch and using all of your astral senses to construct them. Don't merely visualize a hologram your hands can pass through, imagine touching it, until it feels real and solid. Imagine then it can collide with and actually interact with your physical surroundings. Eventually you reach a point where you can grab the thoughtformed object you made, nudge it up against another object in your room, and you will notice that it does collide and you can say push over a glass with it. At that point it's a solid object and anyone should be able to see and interact with it.

You were asking about directly creating them right btw? If you meant like, how to use magick to find or attract the object into your life, that's another matter and more easily accomplished.

>all these other questions in the thread

You guys just go repost your questions in the legit question thread I got to go do something now I can't be reading all this right now.

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