Question Thread #9 Post All Questions In Here 04/28/15 (Tue) 06:18:27 No. 35355 [Last 50 Posts]
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
Post last edited at 04/28/15 (Tue) 06:19:15
04/28/15 (Tue) 06:35:54 No. 35360
>Hi /fringe/ I have a rather silly question. Asking opinion of all of you. Which one is better for a relationship; a human women or a tulpa :) ?
The tulpa by far (provided you crafted it with the purest intentions and filled it with lots of good loosh to give it a good start in life). You can get the best of both worlds too by making your tulpa and then sending it out one day when it's really strong to possess a suitable physical women in this world with instructions to then come to you... or you can just keep giving energy to your tulpa until it becomes a tulku / a materialized being.
t. initiate
04/28/15 (Tue) 06:57:36 No. 35366
I have a silly question too.
According to Atkinson, willing yourself first requires visualising what you want and if you can't do that then at least visualise the work you have to do to get what you want. I want to be present in the moment though, aware of my breathing. How do I visualise that?
04/28/15 (Tue) 07:07:59 No. 35367
Reupload the first link please.
04/28/15 (Tue) 07:09:38 No. 35368
See yourself as if you're breathing right where you sit. As if you had a mirror in front of yourself. That like. Same goes with being present in other things you are doing. See yourself doing the thing.
04/28/15 (Tue) 08:13:15 No. 35374
i keep hearing teories
has anyone here succesfully crafted a gf tulku?
SAGE! 04/28/15 (Tue) 08:50:02 No. 35375
04/28/15 (Tue) 09:05:30 No. 35377
I'm looking for books on the virtues of crystals like the Crystal handbook. Preferably one with pictures of each. I already have Cunningham's Encyclopedia of crystals, gems, and metals. The more the better. Give me everything you have.
04/28/15 (Tue) 10:51:12 No. 35383
Some of the texts from the Twilight grotto have hebrew characters within them and apparenlty you need the font to make them work. The one they suggest is down so I downloaded a fuckton of them but it doesn't seem to be working. Anybody knows which one I'm supposed to download that will work 100% to read these characters?
04/28/15 (Tue) 11:34:15 No. 35386
anyone got clever tulpa ideas?
like one that generates free loosh or one that absorbs you into the astral
04/28/15 (Tue) 11:47:03 No. 35387
04/28/15 (Tue) 12:11:40 No. 35391
I spend more than 1hr a day using the internet recreationally
04/28/15 (Tue) 14:04:17 No. 35398
was hitler a zionist puppet?
04/28/15 (Tue) 14:32:42 No. 35400
Both you linked to are still there
The only work I've taken down is damon brands as it is interfering with my using it.
04/28/15 (Tue) 16:08:32 No. 35403
acknowledge the fact that the "good" feeling you gain from doing so called "recreational" activities is a mental cancer and the bad feeling you get when you consider gaining knowledge/exercising/eating healthy/all the things you know are good but you "don't want to do" is actually the most beautiful feeling in the world. The only reason you PERCEIVE it as "bad" is because the powers that be have polluted the food,air,water etc. of this reality with toxins designed to convolute that feeling into a negative one.
I hope this helps you.
04/28/15 (Tue) 16:09:33 No. 35404
A noble man who was all but forced into puppetry
04/28/15 (Tue) 16:55:33 No. 35406
Can someone direct me to some quality/in-depth material on the tree of life? Hermetic or kabbalistic interpretations, it does not matter. Right or wrong, it is irrelevant. My higher self or the universe herself has lead me to the path to the path of development.
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:03:25 No. 35409
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:03:33 No. 35410
Do you think vampires exist or Tales about them are just people imagination.
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:21:18 No. 35412
anyone got a pdf for desire power? I couldnt find it in the sticky.
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:24:45 No. 35414
Do anyone have any books on the properties of crystals? Any and everything will do. The more the better. I'm greedy for wisdom. I'm doing work with crystals and I'd like a better reference sources that I can cross reference and might give me a better feel for their magickal properties.
Absolutely I believe vampires exist. There is nothing the mind can conceive which does not exist. I believe they exist in physical manifestation, drinking blood. I know they exist spiritually, draining people of vital energy. Those kind are literally everywhere. People are degenerate vampires the world over in this age.
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:29:06 No. 35416
Well thanks for answer. About Spiritually I made contact with one, not the best experience.
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:30:25 No. 35419
It would be interesting for me too.
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:52:05 No. 35424
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:58:27 No. 35425
are illuminati true satanists?
or do they worship something more evil?
04/28/15 (Tue) 18:10:26 No. 35436
04/28/15 (Tue) 19:07:52 No. 35453
how can you worship something blind and indifferent?
shit's complicated as fuck
i'm searching for the truth, but every piece of the puzzle adds another meter of puzzle
zionists own this 3d world
the reptilians own the zionists
and the reptilians are owned by 5D STS nordics
but then again, the 6D STS corrupted demiurge owns everything that is physical
the illuminati and freemasonry are run by zionists, like everything else, right?
do they "worship" aliens, then?
and what the fuck is really satan/lucifer/the devil
is it the demiurge?
does an evil force that isn't a blind demiurge even exist?
is the demiurge sentient?
also, what's the point of being STS if you can't get past 5D? if 5D nordics exist, there is some reason other than muh ego
oh, and another question
if advanced occultists can cause great change to occure with will power, why the fuck were there famous left hand path-ers degenerates like aleister crowley, a fucking fat drug addict?
the world is a mindfuck
04/28/15 (Tue) 19:28:23 No. 35456
In my all be it limited studying Lucifer is the being of femininity (lunar/yin/eve) and is actually what is trying to salvage humanity from the chains of material desire where as satan is the personification and worship of material desire.
The demiurge is every moment you spend not feeling blissful. It is a deep rooted weed but it is slowly rotting
I suspect "aliens" are just how astral entities present themselves to mundanes.
Crowley was commendable in that he truly destroyed his perception of negativity. Certainly not optimal but a great example of dedication to something, even if it is pure filth.
I recommend reading into the hermetic qabalistic tree of life if you haven't already
I'm currently leaning mostly towards STO and view STS as a hedonistic honeytrap but I refuse to believe you can't do both.
I'm hazy on who truly controls material reality. I simply refer to it as "the powers that be".
I don't worship anything. Show respect and admiration where its due if you come in to contact with higher powers but always know you can become as powerful if not greater than them if you stay loyal to your higher self.
04/28/15 (Tue) 19:34:39 No. 35457
it is one of the books contained in "personal power" which is in the sticky
04/28/15 (Tue) 19:41:39 No. 35458
What do you think Jenny is?
☻ 04/28/15 (Tue) 19:46:12 No. 35459
>smiley, why do you wanna become homeless?
I don't want to be homeless. I made a thread denouncing this idea actually.
I want to live on a homestead in some rural place.
Jenny drew some of the other art of her.
04/28/15 (Tue) 20:11:59 No. 35463
Are you sure about that? I checked again and couldn't find it.
04/28/15 (Tue) 20:12:45 No. 35464
Anyone have a PDF of atkinsons desire power book? I can't seem to find it.
04/28/15 (Tue) 20:21:13 No. 35468
Oh nevermind I found it. I didn't realise personalpower was in PDF format
04/28/15 (Tue) 23:01:40 No. 35508
I think this board is infested with them.
04/29/15 (Wed) 00:25:38 No. 35534
The Damon Brands book just what I want uploaded.
04/29/15 (Wed) 01:31:38 No. 35549
In the previous question thread an anon said what I was experiencing was auric vision. After a search on auric vision I found a site claiming I could see my own aura in a mirror. I did the exercise and at first saw an aura like if I were just looking at my hand but then I saw a full body change.
Was that full body change my astral body or something?
04/29/15 (Wed) 02:39:10 No. 35567
>thought I was doing a service by making a new question thread since I happened to be there when it hit reply limit
>mod comes 2 days late and shits on it
## Board Owner 04/29/15 (Wed) 02:45:54 No. 35568
Thanks for the loosh mundane.
04/29/15 (Wed) 02:45:54 No. 35569
I can empathise, crossbro.
## Board Owner 04/29/15 (Wed) 02:48:43 No. 35570
Your thread didn't have the dubs I desired, nor the formatting, nor the use of the usual archiving service, nor the mention of the FAQ I wanted to include at the start. and it didn't have the wizard hat flag.
04/29/15 (Wed) 02:58:41 No. 35574
Fair enough, but why not use the 8archive? Navigating is a pain.
04/29/15 (Wed) 03:56:09 No. 35579
Hey /fringe/. Is there any precaution i should take when i want to create a tulpa? I don't want it to turn on me or stuff like that.
On some related stuff, is it possible to create some sort of emergency button that will instantly terminate the tulpa in case of some emergency scenario ?
04/29/15 (Wed) 09:38:05 No. 35604
>On some related stuff, is it possible to create some sort of emergency button that will instantly terminate the tulpa in case of some emergency scenario ?
Yes, just use a symbol to represent it so you don't accidentally trigger it (e.g. use a stone to represent your tulpa and while forming it picture that if the stone is smashed, the tulpa is destroyed).
A tulpa is, in the end, a creation of your mind. Buddhists understood that and made use of them to teach their disciples about the nature of the universe. After creating something so "real" with your mind, you can either perceive the product of your mind as a reality, or all the reality as a product of the mind.
It shouldn't turn on your unless you have some unresolved self-hate problems, conscious or subconscious, on which case I advice strongly that you deal with those before attempting to create sentient thought-forms.
04/29/15 (Wed) 17:59:48 No. 35649
So, in January I tried to astral project but got my loosh stolen by a succbus. Tried to astral project couple of days later and I was brought into a court by a entity called Yggareth (her name was called like this; she was a female entity in a place surrounded by ice sticks)
So I looked it up and she is one of the four Semitic Queens of succubi, she seemed friendly to me.
Now what? I've never been into the edgy dark side, is this the dark side?
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:13:42 No. 35650
ask her for money, power and bitches
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:30:34 No. 35654
I want to try something with magicka. I don't even know where should I start. If someone could show the way I would be really happy.
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:52:27 No. 35657
I did a pendulum divination and figured out that my great-grandfather is some kind of guardian angel.
Is that normal according to X lore?
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:53:20 No. 35658
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:53:51 No. 35659
My study of Orgone energy has yeilded some unexpected insights into the problem of niggers.
For those of you unfamiliar, Orgone is anti-entropic, and thus flows from low concentrations to high concentrations. It causes order, rather than disorder. It is responsible for life, all life, arising spontaneously. I highly recommend checking out the Orgone Accumulator Handbook, located in the fringe library.
Another, key, point for the following post is that Orgone cannot be stopped or manipulated by any material. It phases through everything. It is, however, highly receptive to geometric shapes. Pyramids, rings, anything with a wide base that terminates into a point will naturally interrupt the Orgone field, and redirect it.
Further, the Orgone field is omnipresent. It is the field which pervades the entire universe, and the medium through which all other waves travel. It is the Akasha, Chi, Prana, Tejas, The Ether.
Now, what does this have to do with niggers? Why are they so reactive, so lazy, so black?
Simple, their blood is uniquely shaped for orgone. Sickle Cell anemia. Where as everybody else has blood which retains orgone and holds onto it, a black with sickle cells will have the field jet through their body, then leave.
They are a highly conductive material, which retains no charge.
This explanation will be more useful for anyone who has been studying orgone physics, and I am fully prepared to answer any follow-up questions.
Further, if I am correct, I have devised a device which will turn angry niggers into happy niggers, just by altering the frequency of their energetic environment. It is a type of orgonite which will disturb the ambient orgone field in such a way that niggers are energized, without allowing it to become too charged, thus turning them into Baltimore rioters.
04/29/15 (Wed) 18:54:55 No. 35660
That's not very helpful. What Kind of book should I start with?
04/29/15 (Wed) 19:28:39 No. 35662
04/29/15 (Wed) 19:55:36 No. 35668
Some time ago I had a terrifying case of sleep paralysis and basically I have a sort of tribalistic animal skull in my room inside a triangle and from there came out a floating head of an old woman that flew around and even came up to my face scaring me a lot.
Now I can see the similarity in their aspect (skull/woman) it even has some sort of hair but is there a chance that the object has a presence within it? Any way to check this?
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:11:40 No. 35674
Yeah. It's normal according to a lot of lores. I think my grandmother 'watches' over me. It may just be an entity though.
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:44:32 No. 35678
Is there something you can do with hair and nails? I find it hard to believe that we should just throw them away. Any magical or technical use?
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:48:57 No. 35680
Make a voodoo doll of yourself. Burn your toenails in effigy to 'burn out' those influences in your life which mean you ill.
I actually have two voodoo dolls of myself from my hair cuttings from the last time I grew out my hair. Good question, anon.
04/29/15 (Wed) 20:59:52 No. 35682
Just "an" entity? Who identifies itself as my great-grandfather?
04/29/15 (Wed) 21:13:16 No. 35689
How can I channel sexual energy towards creative endeavors? I've recently been following the breathing exercises from >>17298 instead of ejaculating. I hope to completely abstain from ejaculation eventually, so I save my loosh.
Once I've moved sexual energy up my spine and store it, how do I actually use it for creative stuff like drawing or programming? Personal project I'm working on involves drawing women in pinup poses, and I keep getting aroused instead of focusing. Any advice /fringe/?
04/29/15 (Wed) 22:30:51 No. 35711
Do chakra work, figure out where they all are, learn to activate them, then move energy from the chakra at the base of your penis, through your spine to wherever you want the energy to go.
Incidentally, this is the best way to get rid of an erection, along with raising energy. Read Robert Bruce, anything by him will have detailed instructions for energy work.
04/30/15 (Thu) 00:17:24 No. 35714
how to replicate sensations of drugs while meditating?
04/30/15 (Thu) 00:46:54 No. 35716
Get a copy of The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford by Lon Milo Duquette. I tried to upload it but the book is just a little bit too large. There's a copy on the huge fringe mega in the sticky.
That was your bodies aura field. Eventually you can turn it into seeing colours with practice. Also try to look towards the left or right of your head and body so your full body is in peripheral. That will help you to see the colours.
04/30/15 (Thu) 01:07:07 No. 35718
Any tips on how to stomach seaweed? My body really doesnt like the texture. I don't want to make it tasty, just get it down. Also is one sheet of nari a day good enough to decalcify?
04/30/15 (Thu) 01:40:21 No. 35719
If you're getting nauseous, that is the acute release of fluoride and such which was otherwise accumulating in your endocrine system this is good.
I grind my seaweed up in a Magic Bullet and then I swallow it by the tablespoon with water.
Nori doesn't have much iodine.
>Brown seaweeds – higher in iodine – include all kelps, Fucus (said to be the best for underactive thyroids), Hijiki, and Sargassum. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss, and Gracillaria. Nori, used to make sushi, is easy to find in all Oriental markets and many health food stores. Some is toasted and packaged in small packets. It's delicious, but not particularly high in iodine. Most forms of kelp have 500-1500 ppm (parts per million) of iodine; nori has 15 ppm. Toasting doesn't affect seaweed's iodine content, so eat it in whatever form you like best, but don't depend only on nori to boost your iodine levels.
04/30/15 (Thu) 02:27:21 No. 35727
Shit, alright then. Where can I get the good stuff?
04/30/15 (Thu) 02:29:13 No. 35729
An asian super market or online. Wakame is SOOPER cheap. Like 12oz for $4 bucks. I live in a city so I have an asian supermarket near me. Dried wakame is what you want. I hope you have a blender or you're gonna be eating seaweed (miso) soup errday.
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:06:58 No. 35734
A schizophrenic, drugged up teen?
04/30/15 (Thu) 03:33:57 No. 35740
Hey guys, any esoteric/spritual related advice on a NEET that desperately need a job right now? Mainly on how to change my negative-I wont succeed with this job mindset.
Im 21, only have High School Degree, don't really have social anxiety problem but is traumatized by some financial incident back when i try to start a bussiness when i was 19.
04/30/15 (Thu) 04:33:44 No. 35768
start from the bottom. literally search for jobs in customer service or something and work your way up. You already know how to change your mindset, you need to just believe in yourself and know that the universe will provide you with what you need. Trust yourself and DO.
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:26:58 No. 35782
Why does /fringe/ hate black people?
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:39:17 No. 35785
/fringe/ was/is originally built on /pol/-influenced foundation thus bringing a certain vibes of Esoteric Nazism and Aryanism with it, (as you might see by checking out some of the flag options, like the one I just used). Atkinson, one of the most popular author here, also espouses some racial views which might play a part in the views of the users here.
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:40:37 No. 35786
>Esoteric Nazism
>and Aryanism
04/30/15 (Thu) 05:46:54 No. 35790
What is exactly wrong with Aryanism? I do not espouse it myself, but I've seen there's a lot of dislike towards it.
04/30/15 (Thu) 06:39:50 No. 35794
>Because they are ghetto, unpersonable, and they steal things.
04/30/15 (Thu) 06:40:18 No. 35795
accidentally greentexted
04/30/15 (Thu) 07:01:37 No. 35798
I just saw that thread about feminine magick. It got me thinking.
I desire raw masculine strength and power. How can I attain this?
Would evoking something and channeling it be a good way to do this? What should i evoke if I do this?
04/30/15 (Thu) 07:02:40 No. 35799
/bane/ is working fine for me.
04/30/15 (Thu) 07:04:27 No. 35800
its working fine for me now too, but after reading that thread about the bane crash I went to check it out and got that
04/30/15 (Thu) 07:47:39 No. 35804
the higher self concept doesn't make sense
so, everyone is the fragment of a higher being, other than a fragment of the all
so the soul of every human on the planet was noble enough to become godhead?
are there so many godheads?
if there are 5d/6d warriors against the demiurge, why the fuck don't they just destroy it? at the end of the day, the demiurge is just 6D, and he is 1
04/30/15 (Thu) 08:50:38 No. 35811
invoke a reptilian
become a raging psychopath in 10 minutes
04/30/15 (Thu) 08:56:25 No. 35812
Start evoking masculine and strong entities like Hercules or Aries.
Newsman !OdohnQlIAo 04/30/15 (Thu) 09:38:20 No. 35818
I haven't been studying magic for a while because I'm currently applying it to my life, has anyone else done or is doing the same?
04/30/15 (Thu) 10:00:15 No. 35821
I've been meditating and doing energy work a lot these days
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:04:39 No. 35827
Hey fringe lets say I wanna get into this magick thing but I don't want to spend +9000 hours reading stuff, I want to do, not read. I've read too much throughout my life, and while I love reading, reading so much and not doing shit is what got me in my current situation which I'm already fixing.
Does the sticky contain a list of books that are usable like that? If not, why doesn't it? If it doesn't can any of you provide it?
I know of pop magick but when I made a sigil I felt something sinister as fuck nearby, and that was without even usging it. So I've stayed away from those in order to not invite… who knows what into my life.
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:13:14 No. 35828
read the kybalion and then try to figure everything out on your own
…or just read for a year while meditating and then put everything into practice
don't be penny wise and pound foolish, 1 year reading is nothing
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:22:25 No. 35829
Try Damon Brands books if you want something instant.
OR Jason Miller's sorcerors secrets, has theory mixed with practise throughout.
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:26:36 No. 35830
Learn the Hermetic laws and figure out how to apply them correctly through practice. Also learn the Qabalah so you can understand the micro and macrocosm.
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:48:37 No. 35832
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:50:58 No. 35833
Also try the exercises in here (science of breath):!bgR3hYiS!nTP7YvJ2Jg3LKfOm4h06iDuXLTMOI0zTiDRCgx1OSpQ
Learn the yogic full breath and use it to meditate, when you get good at it you can get looshed up from a few breaths. I get a full on high from just 5.
04/30/15 (Thu) 11:51:58 No. 35834
> Damon Brands
is he legit?
04/30/15 (Thu) 12:09:56 No. 35835
When the 4th Reich comes to power your device will be most useful, good work anon.
Never did drugs but connecting with your higher self will through you in a euphoric(tips fedora) state of blissful happiness.
autosuggestions using positive affirmations with faith that what you're affirming has already happened every night and morning.
Also read the reality manifestation bit in the FAQ.
I created a masculine thoughtform for myself that influences me into becoming more 'alpha' to make life in this density easier. It's responsible for the physical manifestation of my character like fixing my body and making me more dominant but I have another that oversees my intellectual and spiritual development.
Learn to have balance.
300 US marines vs one 4D entity, discuss?
04/30/15 (Thu) 12:11:32 No. 35837
He uses hebrew holy names and angels so if you're not ok with that no, but otherwise yes, his defence book is good.
04/30/15 (Thu) 12:16:55 No. 35838
I've been doing a divination again and got results that atheism is true and that there is no life after death.
Is an entity tricking with me?
04/30/15 (Thu) 12:21:54 No. 35839
I would assume so. Generally you will pick up the first entity next to you. Which is probably going to be a scummy imp,
04/30/15 (Thu) 12:42:36 No. 35840
How can I use my mania towards magickal practices?
I get this fucking energy, and I just use it by dancing around, moving, dancing, screaming etc.
I feel like I could create a fucking tornado with all this loosh
04/30/15 (Thu) 12:44:42 No. 35841
300 marines could kill a lone 4d entity imho
04/30/15 (Thu) 13:45:29 No. 35845
I need to pass my exams, but I'm terribly behind…
Any magickal way I can easily absorb the information needed for my exams?
I was thinking about a Tulpa, I tried creating a Tulpa that remembered the texts, but it didn't work.
Help, please
Jooooos 04/30/15 (Thu) 13:56:27 No. 35846
Can someone give me some places to start reading up on these reptilians?
04/30/15 (Thu) 13:57:13 No. 35847
04/30/15 (Thu) 14:17:31 No. 35849
it's a bright sunny but my heart is cold
i'm wishing everyday, it's getting old
i'm worrying too much about others, i need to worry about myself, build myself up. i can worry about others later. i've got enough on my hands already.
i'm living in hell, trying to get to heaven.
wasting too much time, too much effort, giving what isn't taken.
how do you focus your own lives and goals wizards? how do you determine what is useful and what is useless?
04/30/15 (Thu) 14:43:11 No. 35854
What are the most practical aspects of the occult?
>Just read all of the kybalion and stuff
Would if I could, but I can't. I live in third world shithole and am a literal wageslave working in a factory. I don't have the time, I don't even spend more than 15 minutes a day on the internet.
I'm thinking visualization and meditation? Maybe manifesting a tulpa (dangerous?)? Lucid dreaming maybe, but I don't see the practicality there apart from a bit of fun.
Please give me some general topics or chapters of books (a dl link or place to dl would be nice to, but certainly not required).
Thanks for your time, I eagerly await your replies and am sorry about any spelling/grammar mistakes, english not first language.
04/30/15 (Thu) 15:01:36 No. 35857
While you work, meditate.
Use every second to meditate.
Focus on your breath, breath from your belly and visualize breathing in energy.
Visualize shit, engage the third eye.
Develop your Will.
Learn to lucid dream by chanting mantras every night and writing down your dreams.
Learn to astral project.
Think only positive thoughts.
If you want to get money to quit your job, you have to put on the mindset of HAVING MONEY ALREADY.
Don't think you'll get money soon, strongly BELIEVE, DESIRE and WILL yourself to have money.
04/30/15 (Thu) 15:12:32 No. 35858
Can I summon the thoughtform of Gandalf in our plane of existance?
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:01:36 No. 35862
Is it viable to absorb loose from nature?
How can I go about doing this?
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:17:17 No. 35865
visualize the loosh around and breath it with yogi complete breath
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:43:40 No. 35866
Yes. I am certain that you are being deceived.
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:51:27 No. 35868
Does anyone know a practical way to perceive time differently? I know that one way to feel them moving more slowly is by feeling anxious/nervous but its not really helpful when your intent is studying
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:52:00 No. 35869
>Learn to lucid dream by chanting mantras every night and writing down your dreams.
What kind of mantras? Will "Ohm" suffice?
04/30/15 (Thu) 17:21:18 No. 35871
What do you guys think of the Liber null?
04/30/15 (Thu) 18:48:24 No. 35880
What is an astral chart? I had a dream that I died, and an older version of myself appeared amd had something similar. He said it was because something on it wasnt right. The leftmost part was completely blank, I have a feeling that has something to do with it.
04/30/15 (Thu) 19:28:20 No. 35883
i forgot german when i was 4
i don't know shit about it now, but i was a "fluent" child back then
how can i get access to those memories?
the language is still there, in my subconscious
will a german tulpa work? will it give me back my memories?
how should i program it?
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:01:43 No. 35885
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:06:49 No. 35886
Other than ignorant white liberals in first world countries there is not a single group of people in the world who "like" black people.
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:35:27 No. 35890
Are energy vampires real?
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:40:59 No. 35892
>what some psychic attacks? Join the skype group!
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:45:30 No. 35893
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:47:23 No. 35894
it's terrible! Have fun!
04/30/15 (Thu) 20:50:00 No. 35895
i guess i'll have to wait a couple of days before even getting accepted in the group
the fun has started
04/30/15 (Thu) 21:05:54 No. 35898
Skype group? You mean the one where nobody ever bothers to post?
04/30/15 (Thu) 22:18:43 No. 35905
>Never did drugs but connecting with your higher self will through you in a euphoric(tips fedora) state of blissful happiness.
sounds good, thanks! i'll check out some ways of channeling/connecting to the higher self once i'm done with atkinson's personal power
04/30/15 (Thu) 22:53:33 No. 35907
I've looked around and seen a lot of information on the tree of life, and I'm a little confused on the path's association with the tarot cards. So, Binah to Keter is the Magus. The magus is masculine, and Binah is feminine. Why is it that chokmah is masculine, but its path to keter is associated with the fool, which is feminine?
That said, can anybody link me to a library with a collection of TOL writings? Kinda tired of scavenging information like a bird does seeds.
04/30/15 (Thu) 23:47:49 No. 35911
Hi all. Im curious, what kind of imagination/scenario that you use to channel your Desire Power/Wanting something hard enough?
05/01/15 (Fri) 00:45:16 No. 35917
Hey! I personally edge to tranny porn in order to increase my desire for them. My most recurrent scenario is a cute thai ladyboy entering my room. I just express my will and will let the universe do the rest.
05/01/15 (Fri) 02:23:00 No. 35922
Binah is actually masculine. And Chockmah is feminine. While they are within the feminine and masculine pillars, the heads are the opposite.
05/01/15 (Fri) 03:11:41 No. 35928
Except for the "good ones." You'll always find a racist who hates niggers but is fine with, generally, "that black family" becase they're one of the good ones.
05/01/15 (Fri) 06:26:46 No. 35935
>300 US Marines vs one 4D entity
>marines attack the entity
>the entity switches to 4D, leaving the 3D marines behind
>the battle ends here
05/01/15 (Fri) 06:50:07 No. 35936
Seems like you can experience and go on some cool adventures in astral and shit? Fugg. What practices did you do before this?
Oh hey, same problem here, have exams and need to pass them ;-;
total neophyte faggot here so you can ignore me if you want to, but I think making a thoughtform with the intention of helping you remember German(not learn, remember, since you already know it )
People get psychically attacked in the skype group?
05/01/15 (Fri) 08:47:16 No. 35944
05/01/15 (Fri) 08:48:29 No. 35945
tell me how 300 4D human-psy-warriors vs 1 4D Reptoid
05/01/15 (Fri) 09:02:29 No. 35947
get into a meditative state, get into trace and ask for a reptilian to get into your body
4d humans are way more powerful and smart than reptilians
05/01/15 (Fri) 09:08:03 No. 35949
what type of raging psychopath do you become?
05/01/15 (Fri) 09:15:23 No. 35950
the ones that control the world
05/01/15 (Fri) 09:21:38 No. 35951
not bad, and if I call an angel instead?
05/01/15 (Fri) 10:17:58 No. 35955
How would you characterize your internet browsing? How long do you spend on the internet and/or in the computer and playing games, and how do you normally feel/is when doing it?
I ask this because I feel a horrible problem with an almost impulsive vice to waste my time away on the computer whenever I can. I have long stopped playing games, so I usually just browse internet and *chans. However, I've noticed that, when I start browsing, I look for things that interest me and go check the updates on my daily sites and channels. This normally takes about ten to twenty minutes, depending on how much material has been updated or posted in these sites. From here on out, I almost lose consciousness, browsing mindlessly for literally hours until my bodily necessities or my family interrupt the process. That, or if I'm about to pass out from the fatigue. During this period, I don't derive any kind of joy from anything I see or read, and time normally passes by in skipped sections of about forty minutes to one hour(or whenever I end up turning up to look at the clock).
Does anyone else in here experiences this when using the internet or when engaged with a type of activity in which you think you're addicted to?
05/01/15 (Fri) 10:23:25 No. 35956
Whenever I feel like I'm even remotely good at something, I think of all the stuff I've seen on the internet, and how there are countless people who are much more intelligent, clever, interesting, and talented than I am or ever will be, regardless of how much effort I put in.
I often ditch creative projects because I realize they'll just pale in comparison to what other people can do. For instance, I've tried dabbling in drawing and writing, but a couple minutes of browsing the web will yield results which make my work look absolutely horrible. So then I think "why bother" and delete what I make and tell myself I shouldn't try again.
If you look at places like DeviantArt or, you can see so many cases of people with zero talent who continue to pursue things they'll likely never get good at. They are often mocked on really popular websites, publicly called out and laughed at for their lack of talent.
By no means am I saying sophomoric DA "art" is good, but maybe you can understand the message I'm trying to convey here. If you give up, you're a quitter; if you keep on trying, you're wasting your time, because you suck.
Of course, I can (and do) make things and never share them with anyone publicly, but even so, I can't help but feel like it's a waste of time and that I should give up because my work is so terrible. I delete my work on my hard drive even when I know there is no chance of anyone else ever seeing it. I just think of all the things people would say if they could see my projects. Perhaps this is the result of bullying when I was growing up, where kids made sure to make me hyper-aware of all my numerous flaws.
Is this logical, or just a an irrational response to an overexposure to the internet? If it's the latter, how can I remedy the situation? And does anyone here feel similarly?
05/01/15 (Fri) 11:15:21 No. 35958
I think it is entirely possible to succeed to the levels you mean you see on the internet, but that would imao require not only hard work at the craft but also spiritual work to aid the process
05/01/15 (Fri) 15:20:45 No. 35973
>not a single group of people in the world who "like" black people.
Not even black "people" themselves like blacks.
☻ 05/01/15 (Fri) 15:44:12 No. 35976
>tfw in the astral and some astral virus infects me and I couldn't disconnect from the astral even when I tried to and time got scrambled before me as I ran about my house and saw pieces of the past and possibly the future all mixed up in a weird way and even just before finally getting out I had x-ray vision and could see through my eyelids and see things around me without the use of my physical eyes
05/01/15 (Fri) 15:52:15 No. 35977
Then why does every other source state the opposite?
05/01/15 (Fri) 15:52:25 No. 35978
Go read Magical Use of Thoughtforms and take the next step up in your conscious evolution. It doesn't matter how much you practise and try until you start using the occult to make everything way easier.
05/01/15 (Fri) 15:52:56 No. 35979
>>35978 is meant for >>35956
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:08:09 No. 35987
This is my female friends birth chart, anyone in to astrology please tell me what kind of person are they?
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:43:25 No. 36062
I was wearing nitrile-coated gloves similar to pic related for 12 hours and they smell horrible and it's been about 18 or so hours since I last took them off and despite efforts at cleaning my hands and everything they still smell horrible.
Are these things poisonous and am I fucked now? How to get rid of the horrible fucking smell? Should nitrile-coated work gloves be banned?
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:52:47 No. 36063
The packaging name for these gloves is:
Nitrile Coated General Purpose Gloves
They are made in China.
They come from here:
I don't see the ones I have on the site though. Mine are yellow coloured with black stuff on it, like in the pic I previously posted.
The smell of these gloves is fucking awful, they smell poisonous.
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:57:13 No. 36064
Glove Nitrile Coated 5pk. Firm Grip (Or B/U $1.69ea.) $6.99
Exact place I got em' from.
These things are fucking awful smelling.
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:40:11 No. 36074
I have been dreaming of this person I know about from a friend for 45 days straight now. I know how he looks like, I have only met him a couple of times but every single night he appears in my dreams, worst part - whenever I look at his eyes I wake up. I can't really replicate his personality ( like people do when they dream their friends up ) so maybe his body is just taking a form of something else?
Sometimes he is good to me, sometimes it's like he hates me. I just want this to be over….please help me.
05/01/15 (Fri) 21:29:46 No. 36079
What do you guys think of epilepsy? Is it really the conseguence of bad karma from previous lives like I've read on some book?
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:20:13 No. 36091
Your unreasonably comparing yourself to the top .1% of the world when you look at that shit.
People didn't have this problem before when they took their hobbies or what not to the community and got their information from books. Often than not as long as they showed a mild form of dedication they would be among the best in their village or what not.
use the Pomoderro method(set an interval of 20 minutes or however long you want) and only go on the internet/computer with that specific purpose in mind. It can be somthing as mild as checking your email or checking out one of the chans(hopefully not a useless one), but when you complete your task or the 20 minutes elapses close the computer and take a short break of contemplating. If you didnt achieve your goal set another 20 minutes of focus. But always have intent of a specific purpose in mind for using.
also get that fucking porn shit out of here.
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:58:56 No. 36102
Folk magic, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, herbs and crystals are all very practical and relevant.
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:17:02 No. 36107
You sound like you broke into four dimensional consciousness.
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:17:55 No. 36108
Is masturbating considered celibate?
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:24:12 No. 36110
05/01/15 (Fri) 23:42:05 No. 36120
It isn't Grey at all
05/02/15 (Sat) 00:27:14 No. 36130
Qabalah is a living system. There are many forms of it. That and many of them are either incorrect or disinfo. An example is Kether as Pluto or Neptune when it is actually Uranus.
05/02/15 (Sat) 00:36:19 No. 36132
Since the qabalah predates the discovery of those planets isn't it a bit unauthentic to even have thos planets in?
05/02/15 (Sat) 00:42:05 No. 36133
The original Qabalah was made with extra room since Hermeticist knew there would be more planets discovered. The problem now is that people don't understand enough about the energies of the new planets to give them a proper correspondence.
As I also mentioned above. The Qabalah is a LIVING SYSTEM. This means it is and forever will continue to evolve.
05/02/15 (Sat) 00:51:38 No. 36135
So some times when i am sleeping I feel this sensation that their is a current of electricity flowing through my body and my whole body feels like its shaking. Any ideas on what it might be?
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:02:14 No. 36136
Do you fall from your bed? Have you got involuntary muscle twitches? Might be epilepsy. Hopefully it's nothing of the like but you should have people around you when you sleep so they can check out nothing happens.
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:05:31 No. 36138
It's just your energy body. Get a copy of one of Robert Bruce's energy books to experiment with it.
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:07:33 No. 36139
Are Neptune,Uranus and Pluto even that important? I mean they are very slow and far away compared to the rest. I figured in astrology one could keep using the old 7 planets system
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:42:07 No. 36143
Depends if you value their energies. Healing, clairvoyance, scrying, psychomancy, energy manipulation, divination and more all fall under Neptune.
05/02/15 (Sat) 01:53:49 No. 36146
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:04:20 No. 36148
Seems like a legitimate month old thread that someone has hijacked with gore. no reason to ban the OP.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:05:28 No. 36150
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:08:21 No. 36153
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:10:27 No. 36155
Also, one other place the "case" is being dealt with… but I'm not posting a link to that place as it's not password-protected but I'll hint that it's a board connected with this board that links back to this board . The target must not become aware however of what is being done so no Willed resistance can be encountered.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:24:20 No. 36156
>Healing, clairvoyance, scrying, psychomancy, energy manipulation, divination and more all fall under Neptune.
I do all of these things except divination although once in awhile I have involuntary experiences of divination.
…and I know nothing of Neptune and Astrology.
Astrology is a useless distraction in a world gone haywire with lights and artificial rhythms.
Nothing is in-synch anymore.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:27:25 No. 36157
lrn2psychomancy & mental influence
Go read the books in the library on that subject.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:28:46 No. 36158
Everything, absolutely everything, has its cause. Karma is just the Eastern concept of causality.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:31:58 No. 36161
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:36:24 No. 36162
nah no epilepsy as far as I know plus I cant think of anyone that would watch over me while i sleep
Cool one last stupid question. Around December when I first discovered fringe I had the horrible idea of getting drunk and marathoning all of Nobody TM videos. Then when I went to sleep I felt the same sensation that I described but this time images of the greys were popping up in my mind and when I was waking up I briefly saw them. This was only for a second and they just looked like blurred out midgets with huge black eyes. I havent seen them since then which is fine with me but what the fuck were they trying to do ? Were they after muh loosh ? Seems weird to try and mess with me but then to just give up.
05/02/15 (Sat) 02:39:34 No. 36163
forgot proper flag
05/02/15 (Sat) 03:10:38 No. 36168
Years ago when I was a small kid I discovered if I focus on different body parts while I lay in bed I could create an increasingly intense sense of pressure in that area, I called this "The Blood Game" because the only way I knew how to explain it was that I was actually controlling my blood and forcing it to collect in that spot,
(I've since learned this is just energy manipulation, I had no knowledge of any mystical stuff until recently and just assumed this was a weird imagination game I played in my childhood-teen years)
But anyways, I always played the blood game every night and over the years I became really fucking good at it, being able to make it appear in multiple spots and grow to the point I thought whatever body part I was focusing my blood too might explode so I cooled down on it for a while not wanting to hurt me body.
Then I hit puberty and started masturbating, and noticed that whenever I ejaculate I got the same pressure like sense I got from the blood but instead shooting out of and then start to play the game again when I orgasm except instead of letting the energy shoot out, I'd pull it all back into myself and channel it into various points in my body and have a really crazy orgasm that would last for like 10-15 minutes. I got to the point where I could make the energy leave my body float over my head and then back down into my body again, but I never figured out what to do with it since then. Eventually lost interest in it as a became a fedora in my late teens.
My questions are
1: Was this actually harvesting the energy I'd normally waste by having an orgasm? (Sorry if this is retarded)
2: What is it I can actually do with the energy when I focus it in various points in my body? I have really good control over it but no idea how to actually cause it to do anything other than just sit where I push it to.
Thank you for your time.
05/02/15 (Sat) 05:42:27 No. 36177
05/02/15 (Sat) 05:45:31 No. 36178
Btw were you guys serious that /illuminati/ is entered through psychomancy?
No one ever told his "friend" the key?
05/02/15 (Sat) 08:01:58 No. 36181
Back in the day when someone asked this the response was to demonstrate megical power in the skype group or psychomancy so yeah.
05/02/15 (Sat) 08:26:28 No. 36182
draw a sigil with an intent in mind, masturbate, orgasm while watching the sigil, forget about it
congrats, you're a sorcerer
Every single day I feel like shit 05/02/15 (Sat) 09:55:30 No. 36194
Being alive just feels inconvenient and hollow like a chore forced on you. You will never love, be happy, or be excited as much as you did before, so why bother anymore when it feels so empty now.
It feels like you only try in an attempt to relive old memories or simply as a gesture you have to do. Hell, even feeling bad or humiliated has completely lost its power to jolt you. I don't want to perform suicide but I wouldn't mind going to sleep and suddenly not exist anymore.
I pretend to be a real person to get things that I want, but I don't think like real people. I know I don't. I want to die. If there were a button I could push to send me spiraling peacefully into nonexistence, I would not even have to think about pushing it for a nanosecond.
I only fear the act of suicide in the capacity that it might hurt or fail, and things will be made irreparably worse. I have all of these existential worries clouding my mind, and I acknowledge my life and all of reality as a pointless quantum accident.
I'm just a meat puppet, ruled by chemicals and cursed with consciousness.
05/02/15 (Sat) 10:52:56 No. 36207
so after death soul goes to astral world? what about reincarnation? who goes to astral and who incarnates? also, how to be sure that you remember all your previous life experiences when you incarnate?
05/02/15 (Sat) 11:42:20 No. 36209
so what are the effects of kali yoga on a individual and what can one do to prevent/counter it?
05/02/15 (Sat) 12:17:50 No. 36211
>I'm just a meat puppet, ruled by chemicals and cursed with consciousness.
If that's what you think you are, then you hardly have any real consciousness
Everyone goes to the astral for a little while, undeveloped souls start to miss their material life and by the law of attraction get reincarnated soon, advanced souls on the other hand enjoy their rest for longer and hang out on the higher astral planes but after a while they seek to learn more lessons that develop a soul and thus will to reincarnate. If during this life you will reach a certain level of spiritual enlightenment the reincarnation with be conscious.
05/02/15 (Sat) 12:40:54 No. 36215
So, I lied in my bed and pushed energy into my 1st chakra. My 7th chakra that is constantly tingling somehow connected with it via an arc (I felt it) and I had something like an orgasm. Why? I had no intention of doing that, just energy work. It happened twice.
05/02/15 (Sat) 12:49:29 No. 36217
> I had something like an orgasm
Whats the problem?
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:17:28 No. 36219
Thanks, helpful alien.
Hypnosis and crystals? Really?? Isn't that bullshit?
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:19:53 No. 36220
So does /fringe/ into the flat earth? And if so, would a globe earth fuck with magick more than a flat one?
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:22:47 No. 36222
Oh we've got flags finally, didn't notice.
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:33:59 No. 36223
Can't speak for hypnosis, but it depends on how you use crystals. They're just conductors, really. Think of them as a loosh deposit.
As for this, tulpas are cool and all, but they're really nothing practical. Yeah it's dangerous, but only if you set out to make an incredibly edgy tulpa.
Meditation is the way to go, then understanding that lucid dreaming is actually projecting yourself onto the astral plain, and working off of that.
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:50:43 No. 36227
I'm wondering why it happened. I had spiritual orgasms before, but they, were willingly caused.
05/02/15 (Sat) 13:52:22 No. 36228
Any pro-tips for lucid dreaming? There are so-so many methods out there, it's pretty overwhelming really.
Tulpas seem like a powerful form of thoughtforms though.
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:15:54 No. 36232
I'm the type of fag who has to either meditate before hand or listen to (actual) static. Can't really help you out anon, experiment with techniques and find something that works for you.
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:46:20 No. 36238
after two years studying the occult, i conclude that magick is just placebo = weak shit
you will just astral travel and fail in life
then you die
do you really want to live like that?
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:50:33 No. 36239
I just saw my neighbour who is an exceptionally degenerate mundane and he absolutely stank of smegma… I've never smelt it on him before though. Is this a typical demonic odour that I've acquired the ability to detect?
05/02/15 (Sat) 14:53:09 No. 36240
Go away fedora, two years is jack shit.
Start getting into chaos magick, then understand that placebo's aren't a bad thing
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:07:26 No. 36243
look at the people who wrote these books
they're all failures
all fat, or degenerates, or hippies
the most succesful was atkison, and he still had spend the majority of his days writing books and being a lawyer to get money
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:19:14 No. 36246
>Material wealth
Jesus christ, what the fuck is a normalfag doing here?
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:41:15 No. 36248
Hello /fringe/. Do You consider women as inferior beings? If yes, why?
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:49:05 No. 36250
oh yeah, they have spiritual knowledge!
they can fuck around in the astral!
knowledge they will lose after death
like wealth
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:50:02 No. 36251
men will
women are willing
05/02/15 (Sat) 15:56:30 No. 36254
Okay this is just me being autistic so I wouldnt take it as a all-of-/fringe/-is-like-this situation, but I genuinely do simply because they havent contributed as much to society and survive almost solely off of males feeling sorry for them.
05/02/15 (Sat) 16:14:42 No. 36260
Thank You for answering.
05/02/15 (Sat) 16:18:15 No. 36262
get out faggot/woman
05/02/15 (Sat) 17:10:09 No. 36270
women have weak will
they are a bit more perceptive at first, but they don't develop
05/02/15 (Sat) 17:45:58 No. 36276
I agree they seem to have an easier opening but then struggle to progress. Hence why so many of them end up becoming materialistic and worshipping the moon or some equally faggy endeavour rather than pursuing self actualisation
05/02/15 (Sat) 22:47:49 No. 36306
Anyone know of any love magick that doesn't defile freewill?
05/02/15 (Sat) 22:50:23 No. 36307
05/02/15 (Sat) 22:53:35 No. 36308
I did read on a book that the egyptians mummified animals transforming them in animal gods ,so that domestic, or animals that have contact with humans don't evolve to be first time humans, how does that work?
05/02/15 (Sat) 23:11:56 No. 36316
Any know where I can find more information on Chaos spheres and how to make them. Only read one text on them and they sound really useful.
05/03/15 (Sun) 00:10:00 No. 36330
Why is it that I feel sleepy or fall asleep when thoughtforming?
05/03/15 (Sun) 00:23:56 No. 36335
Wakame, how do you guys stomach this shit?
05/03/15 (Sun) 00:25:03 No. 36336
Moon Owl-kin 05/03/15 (Sun) 02:15:41 No. 36355
… Are you trying to insult the moon goddess?
I'm only 14 but I know my way around spells combined with blood magic!
I'm taking out my candles now as we speak.
You're fucking dead, oppressor.
05/03/15 (Sun) 03:13:37 No. 36366
What do you guys think about the Jews? They scare the shit out of me.
05/03/15 (Sun) 03:15:01 No. 36367
>1: Was this actually harvesting the energy I'd normally waste by having an orgasm? (Sorry if this is retarded)
That is 100% correct. I say so.
>2: What is it I can actually do with the energy when I focus it in various points in my body? I have really good control over it but no idea how to actually cause it to do anything other than just sit where I push it to.
As an experiment, try to transute it dimensionally, so instead of making your BODY tingle, it gives you good emotion tingles. :)
05/03/15 (Sun) 05:43:43 No. 36373
>Hypnosis and crystals? Really?? Isn't that bullshit?
Okay. Uou baited me. I'm the one who recommended that. I'm not about telling people bullshit faggot. It works 100% as advertised. Fuck you for making me repeat myself, mortal.
05/03/15 (Sun) 06:24:45 No. 36375
holy shit, are you for real?
just grow up, fucking kid
people these days get me so mad
05/03/15 (Sun) 06:34:26 No. 36376
Any magick done on your self to make yourself genuinely and subsantively more attractive does not defile free will but is good.
05/03/15 (Sun) 07:57:01 No. 36381
Tell me why you want to be alone tonight
I'll pick you up in my ride
until the morning light
I place my hand on your thigh
I'll take you far away
From the pain in your life
And if you got problems, I'll be the answer
05/03/15 (Sun) 08:21:06 No. 36382
Holy shit, I actually thought that I was a mundane on /r9k/ obsessed with le sex for a moment
05/03/15 (Sun) 10:30:18 No. 36387
>tfw maybe delusional
>tfw maybe psychosis
>tfw maybe dementia
maybe i'm over thinking things.. yeaah..
how to reprogram real fast?
05/03/15 (Sun) 10:59:31 No. 36388
What is a 4D human like? I've never heard of any.
05/03/15 (Sun) 11:35:49 No. 36391
>asks for help with those on a board that seriously researches and practices magic
you wot m8?
05/03/15 (Sun) 11:53:53 No. 36392
broken as fuck, i can find answers anywhere if need be. its all fuel for thought an what-not.
05/03/15 (Sun) 12:06:30 No. 36395
"wizards" are all delusional schizophrenics
you're not in the right place haha xD
05/03/15 (Sun) 12:42:23 No. 36401
The internet isn't the right place to be. or should i say wasn't
>tfw cant exactly go back
i'll fix this shit somehow i guess
05/03/15 (Sun) 13:29:17 No. 36408
trust me, go talk with a doctor about this
what would you do if you had heart disease?
you would go to a doctor, not try to cure it with "magick"
05/03/15 (Sun) 13:45:35 No. 36412
I don't know where anymore, but someone recommended a book about money magick. Anyone know it's name?
Newsman !OdohnQlIAo 05/03/15 (Sun) 14:01:55 No. 36414
05/03/15 (Sun) 14:04:51 No. 36415
Jason Miller Financial Sorcery Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth . I personally didn't like it because, as far as I can tell, creative visualization Neville Goddard style is all that is needed for financial well being.
Get in a cool shower, program the water to wash away all unruly thoughts and anything that is making you lesser. Can't help if I can't understand you, nigga.
Can't judge for crystals, but hypnosis is just using your will upon another with or without them entering a trance state.
05/03/15 (Sun) 14:07:15 No. 36416
financial sorcery
don't waste you time bro, it just says that:
- You have to make money work for you as your servant, not the other way around
- You have to eliminate useless expenses
- You have to worship some bullshit entities
- You have to start a business
mundane book full of mundane advice with a bit of worshipping entitities
05/03/15 (Sun) 14:11:42 No. 36417
Oh… Thanks. That saves me the trouble of reading it.
05/03/15 (Sun) 14:12:54 No. 36418
heh my subwoofer is shit and basically doesn't work and my neighbour just stopped by to give me his old subwoofer he no longer needed and it works a charm
tfw winds are blowing in your favour
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:49:01 No. 36426
Ok guys, I asked this before but no answer was given and its getting more relevant by the day.
I stopped fapping a month ago and am now feeling a surge of power I am not used too. I tried to direct it towards my normal workings but I feel I can get more out of . What I'm asking you is.
What are your ways of using pent up sexual energy?
Are there any good books you can recommend on the subject?
I've heard that Atkinson wrote something about it, is it true? If it is can you tell me where to find it?
Thanks in advance.
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:55:05 No. 36429
I'd try to fix it with magic m8. I've already cleared up most of my major problems using occult tools, now it's just a matter of developing higher abilities.
Ur a faggot, doctors don't know anything. 95% of their job could be done by call center workers reading off of a script. The other 5% is surgery.
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:55:46 No. 36430
File: 1430668546798.jpg (196.24 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 10344194_470845043051517_1….jpg )
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:58:14 No. 36431
Isn't the internet literally a part of the astral planes?
Wouldn't that mean we are all connected to the astral right now, through this machine?
If that is true, how much work would be needed to get this machine to connect to other parts of the astral realm?
05/03/15 (Sun) 16:14:26 No. 36435
WHy do I always forget my fucking flag
05/03/15 (Sun) 17:14:15 No. 36442
I am trying to self-remember as I browse the internet and read articles. The problem is that it seems I cannot read and simultaneously self-remember. If I keep practising, will my ability to be aware of multiple things (breath + topic) improve? If not, could I create a thoughtform that could dedicate a fixed, basal amount of awareness to my breath and I have to consciously use the leftovers? Assuming I was at that level that is.
05/03/15 (Sun) 17:15:56 No. 36443
Atkinson did write something on transmuting sexual energy somewhere in one of the beginner books, yes. If it helps, I am reading them all in order and I have yet to finish Mental Magic so that should narrow your search down.
05/03/15 (Sun) 17:42:27 No. 36453
Chapter XV of Science of Breath has a section on the matter. It also looks like volume XII of Personal Power is all about it as well, although I haven't gotten around to that myself yet.
05/03/15 (Sun) 18:41:54 No. 36456
Quick and easy Magick way to earn money?
05/03/15 (Sun) 18:45:27 No. 36458
Get off your ass and go to apply for a job.
Why do you think occultists still have to publish books?
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:03:01 No. 36459
So many coming here looking for a quick way to make a quick buck. If you took the time to read up on any of the recommended texts in the library you'd see that all real progress is gained through hard work and determination, not a quick path to success. Furthermore, if you truly decide to walk the path your inclination for lavish material wealth will fade as you focus more on the ascension of your mind then buying your way to being happy.
A pure STS path may eventually get you where you want to be but at what cost? Do you wish to degrade yourself for the trappings of this brief existence?
Like other said, your best coarse of action would be to either join the rat race and work a normal job. If you can't stomach that simply give up the desire to wield material wealth as a cudgel to beat a path to happiness and contentment.
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:06:53 No. 36460
Try damon brands wealth, cashbook and job seeker books.
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:26:07 No. 36462
Reality creation like of montalk, creative visualization like of Neville Goddard. There are no "quick and easy" anything's by the way, you sure can increase the flow, but the less you want to work for it and the more you want might make the difference of how fast and how accessible it actually is.
I disagree. Spiritual growth is independent of material wealth, that is, it doesn't give a damn whether you are rich or poor. The way men become rich usually is the part that intrudes on development.
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:31:29 No. 36464
Wow so many fast responses thanks
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:37:06 No. 36465
oh lord, i hate this new age bullshit
seriously? how do you get money to survive?
do you seriously think you can ignore money this way?
your basic needs must be satisfied to better self-actualize
as you progress into the study of the occult, you'll realize that IT'S HARD WORK, it's HARD AS FUCK TO FIND REAL KNOWLEDGE and that this reality isn't really malleable, so you'll rationalize away your poverty by thinking you overcame "material desires"
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:43:02 No. 36466
Mantak Chia my nigga. Search some of his pdfs, "The multi orgasmic man" is one and uhm taoist secrets of cultivating male sexual energy.
didi 05/03/15 (Sun) 19:44:12 No. 36467
That plane ticket to south america so you can live in a rainforest off fruit and spend all day meditating and working out costs money - money is used to speed up a process - you can go smelt down mineral after you recover it and assemble an axe or buy it made - you need materials, either pay for them to have them quickly or make them yourself which takes longer - it's all just options.
didi 05/03/15 (Sun) 19:44:47 No. 36468
This x100
Also the book King Warrior Magician Lover and youtube: Elliot hulse.
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:46:06 No. 36469
I believe I may have not communicated my point well. I was responding in the context of "hey I want a quick magical path to wealth!" instead of "you have to give up all desires and money to proceed along a spiritual path". Becoming self sufficient allows you to practice on your terms as well as help others in meaningful ways (if you see fit to). It is in your best interest to get self sufficient if you don't want to live in a commune or the life of a beggar (not that I see anything wrong with those paths either).
I am a software engineer. I do well for myself but outside of the law of attraction I built my success on mundane hard work and being good in my field, nothing more nothing less.
I don't think that having wealth in and of itself corrupts you, nor does a normal desire not to live a life of poverty. However fostering the mentality that you can do little and gain much is toxic and will engender you towards behaviors and attitudes which don't befit mundane or spiritual success.
05/03/15 (Sun) 20:13:29 No. 36473
>Many of those who use magic are sick all the time
Because they have detoxed their body to the point where it is consciously aware of the toxic environment…
>they cannot beat their own drug or sex addiction
What? These people aren't wizards.
This mundane author confused sexual degenerates and drug addicts with actual magical folk…
Enjoy having your mind constricted by social constructs set in place by an incestual family of lizard vampires
05/03/15 (Sun) 20:58:36 No. 36478
Thanks guys, I'll look through your suggestions
05/03/15 (Sun) 21:55:25 No. 36483
Why shouldn't I kill myself?
05/03/15 (Sun) 22:19:44 No. 36484
How2stop social anxiety and be more confident around people
05/03/15 (Sun) 22:50:47 No. 36485
A couple weeks back I had a dream my grandmas house almost caught on fire. Some punk was smoking in her house and flicking ashes on the floor until a fire started. After that I stopped it and got rid of him.
Same night after I went to bed an (unoccupied) building down the street went up in flames and burnt to the ground. They think it was an arson by a similarly punky kid that lived right next door to her.
Did I deflect it somehow?
05/03/15 (Sun) 23:47:59 No. 36489
You will be wasting this opportunity and risking being born in a even worse situation.
05/03/15 (Sun) 23:53:47 No. 36490
This is probably a internal problem that you developed or a trauma, it's hard to give advice for you without a background. On most cases it is a self esteem problem, if it is get healthy and /fit/ and if you think you don't have any value at all, think again.
Also, remove negative emotions that are stuck on your hearth.
05/04/15 (Mon) 01:40:08 No. 36514
>The first Jupiter rite I did was modeled on the story of Israel Regardie’s success. He did a Jupiter rite to get rich, and within a couple of weeks he was doing some massage therapy on one of his clients, and he got a hot stock tip. Regardie invested everything he had in the stock, and made a fortune. He was able to quit his day job and pursue occult practice and his writing full time.
05/04/15 (Mon) 01:55:46 No. 36518
i was told to come here from this thread
what it boils down to is essentially that is that no matter how much or hard i try i can never focus on this. i can never get any control over my own life. everything i try gets destroyed or ruined in some way. no matter what i do i cant get focus on myself.
the person in that thread theorised that "looks like something doesn't want you following this path, you should post in the question thread there regarding this issue."
05/04/15 (Mon) 01:56:37 No. 36519
so here i am. wondering if there is anything here that can help me with.. well whatever my problems are.
05/04/15 (Mon) 03:01:52 No. 36523
Hey /fringe/, does Norse/Germanic Paganism have any merit to it? Is there any spiritual significance to any of it at all? Are there any books on it? What can it be used for? I'm not looking for edgy people who claim "muh ancestors" or anything like that, I'm talking esoteric shit. Thanks in advance brothers
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:00:34 No. 36534
How can I manifest objects?
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:13:35 No. 36538
I may be blind but I didn't see that in the MEGA. Would you have a copy to point me at?
05/04/15 (Mon) 07:06:53 No. 36564
05/04/15 (Mon) 07:22:29 No. 36566
Just checked and I didn't see it either, perhaps Smiley removed it because of file size.
Anyways heres a copy.!9dYDWA4Z!h8vVXDxRe25CnKnOyXxwHalKgWKb2RaGp8Xom2T6shE
05/04/15 (Mon) 08:06:32 No. 36581
I want to start exercising, can you direct me to some yoga resources? I mean just some basic stretches etc. just to keep my body in good condition. There are some exercises in Atkinson's "Hatha Yoga", are they legit?
05/04/15 (Mon) 08:28:27 No. 36586
yoga won't do jack shit to you body, just give you some flexibility
get into biking/running/swimming if you want cardio
get into calisthenics/lifting weights if you want strength
get into both if you want to be masterrace
for istance, lifting for 30 minutes/3 times per weak will benefit you more than doing yoga 20 hours a day every day
05/04/15 (Mon) 12:54:57 No. 36602
Yoga can stimulate glands and aims to create better natural posture and more comfort in joints.
05/04/15 (Mon) 12:57:14 No. 36603
Just added seven spheres by rufus opus to the library. I'm reading through it myself at the moment and it seems decent, even if it takes a while to get to the rituals. It has a good account of hermetic philosophy and how it relates to the rituals which are mostly based around planetary magic.!S1YWQRpQ!2CbjDJJkSHDkzCUrJvWmyk67r1l_XpZuweX2kgTvjyI
05/04/15 (Mon) 13:17:32 No. 36606
>im so terrified of doing this.. i want to try it, learn it. control my own life for once. but the demons deep in my mind stop me.
my lack of focus stops me
my fear of simply fucking it up stops me
i am completely alone in this world. so no one to help me. teach me, show me the true way.
im so confused. every day i wake up my mind is clouded. i work out and that helps me focus on my body but its not enough. everything in my life is so confusing. i just dont understand.
Get to reading the stuff in the books listed in the FAQ, got a long path ahead of ya m80.
Basically the gist of things is this, you are an immortal spirit inhabiting your John Doe personality which in turn inhabits the body. Death is not the end, read read read. Once you understand the theory start applying it. Autosuggestion is your friend, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is what you could use at this point to get rid of whatever thoughtform is causing you this anxiety.
Lie down and listen to your stream of thoughts, exhaust the things you could possibly think of while simply observing them. After that the hard part begins, silence your mind, do not allow yourself to think of anything. Read the Meditation thread and try some of those too.
Your key task right now is fixing your mind and getting to know that you don't have those problems. Better be ready to put in the work.
Visualize object, how it interacts with other objects and how it feels very vividly for a lengthy period of time.
Is on the money but yoga is good in conjunction with those since it gives breddy good flexibility and reduces risk of injury. Doing it on its own will make you forever a hungry skeleton though.
05/04/15 (Mon) 15:13:31 No. 36613
Where did the moderator named Odin go?
05/04/15 (Mon) 15:45:47 No. 36618
Provur ate him to accumulate his age so he wasn't underageb& anymore.
Then I ate provur.
05/04/15 (Mon) 18:12:19 No. 36634
You can go ahead and kill yourself but you must do it via Mahasamadi.
05/04/15 (Mon) 19:29:17 No. 36659
In case you haven't read the sticky here's the huge mega from it:!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw
it's only up for another month unless op gets another voucher donation
has all other known megas mirrored in it
05/04/15 (Mon) 19:39:18 No. 36661
Yeah that's the only way you're getting in other than maybe elite hacking.
05/05/15 (Tue) 04:17:26 No. 36727
Why don't my Sigils work?
05/05/15 (Tue) 04:30:29 No. 36729
Stop worrying about them. After you banish your sigils after casting them, you shouldn't even be thinking about them or what they were even for.
05/05/15 (Tue) 05:08:05 No. 36743
True. Fuck, it's so hard to get them out of my mind though. Every few minuetes they pop back up in my head and Its difficult to stop worrying about them.
Meditating or just willing myself to forget about them would probably be the best way. It's very hard though.
05/05/15 (Tue) 06:10:31 No. 36755
she seems quite refined and gentle with sun, Jupiter and Venus in Libra. Strong research powers with sun close to Scorpio with mars and mercury lying in the same sign. Moon in Sagittarius shows a predominant inclination towards freedom and being independent.
05/05/15 (Tue) 06:13:15 No. 36756
05/05/15 (Tue) 06:21:03 No. 36757
05/05/15 (Tue) 06:32:11 No. 36758
look into kundalini dude
05/05/15 (Tue) 08:00:32 No. 36763
Anyone here know how to permanently open the 3rd eye?
05/05/15 (Tue) 09:02:50 No. 36765
05/05/15 (Tue) 09:13:57 No. 36766
Give reasons as to why one should keep silence regarding the occult and conspiracies in public.
I feel like I learned a lesson today to keep my silence, I won't forget it surely. I should not open up to people quickly. I should limit the amount I reveal about myself.
The only people I feel comfortable revealing myself fully is people on the internet.
I think I was talking something about jews and I noticed some guy who I just felt surely was a jew looked at us. He had blue eyes though, but I could just feel he was Jewish. Ever since then I've been feeling like something is off and stumbled upon something that made me depressed.
Lesson learnt: Keep your silence in public; never open up to random autists.
05/05/15 (Tue) 10:21:18 No. 36770
I did, but there is too much nonsense about it. So far only Robert Bruce seems to be a valid source.
05/05/15 (Tue) 10:54:14 No. 36774
Das rite, only to people you trust you can somewhat reveal your interest in the occult, but never your full power level.
I lucked out, I have friends with whom I can shitpost IRL about jews and drop dank memes everywhere, shit's great.
>a jewess's face when we start yelling about jews and niggers in our programming lecture
Robert Bruce's astral projection guide, read it and apply it.
05/05/15 (Tue) 10:56:17 No. 36777
Can you check my trips using magick?
05/05/15 (Tue) 11:28:50 No. 36778
How the fuck do I make friends guys
Every single guide I go too on the internet says the exact same shit and they're not helpful
>just talk to people
>just bee urself
>meet new people
How do I do it /fringe/
I feel like my friends are disappearing 1 by 1. Fake friends on me, only call me when they need something. They only my dough, fake ass hoes. Why do they only call me when they need something from me?
Nothing funny about a fake friend. All they do is take shit, tell it to my face, then do the opposite right behind my back, they'll stab you in the back like that.
05/05/15 (Tue) 12:15:33 No. 36781
just b urself :^)
seriously though, getting out of this mindset that you are surrounded by backstabbing cunts will help.
Think to yourself that you already have what you desire and such friends will enter your life soon enough.
Having common interests and doing activities together forms bonds. What do you like doing anon? apart from wizardry of course.
05/05/15 (Tue) 16:53:54 No. 36807
What gives fringe?
> try law of attraction since February when I bought a book about it
> nothing happens
> write before going to bed and say on my way to work affirmations of what I want to be
> Im no different than back then
> try nap twice last week, not more because having the house cohabitants hear me doing this is asking for trouble
> nothing noteworthy has happened
I'm neutral and agnostic towards most things, but based on my experience it seems the fedoras have been right all along, because absolutely nothing has happened? Or is it Christians, because by undertaking in magick my situation is borderline failure in all aspects of my life despite months of effort, as a punishment for disobeying their god? Or perhaps it is the paranoid within me telling me "what if this is all a trap destroy those who rise above pleb status"?
Combined I owe $700 for this month alone, while only holding $30 on my wallet, having my car broken and my friends left me all behind because I don't hang with them since doing so usually costs money which I certainly wouldnt waste on diversions like those when my situation is the way it is.
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:01:18 No. 36810
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:12:36 No. 36811
tell me about it, I was trying to improve my life the mundane way and then thought trying some magick on top of it wouldn't hurt. I guess neither raw mundane efforts nor magick can fix my situation by what it seems.
And are you implying the fedoras have been saying the truth all along? If so, isn't this a roleplaying forum as some people say? I'm not judging, but I'm curious and always like to find out the truth. If the fedoras are right I'll have to go for bankrupcy, give up my career and… I don't know, manage somehow. At least god won't strike me down with lightning (if the fedoras are right).
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:26:47 No. 36813
Magic isn't always results based, its also a worldview and a philosophy.
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:29:03 No. 36814
How do I channel healing powers?
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:33:26 No. 36815
The worldview and philosophy have been nice, but that doesn't mean I should ignore my reality. And honestly your comment sounds like quite a cop out
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:39:13 No. 36816
autosuggestion always works if you have no internal blockages
what you're gunning for is what you really want, right?
also autosuggestion works when it works.
Finally depending on the type of person you are, it could take longer than others.
fill out this chart and only count the yeses when you tally up your score. the first chart is for physical suggestibility and the second is for emotional suggestibility.
If you turn out as an emotional then you need to use emotional suggestive phrases, if you turn out physical then you need literal physical phrases.
as an example if you were physical you would say each night 'I feel great' each night and if you we're emotional you would say 'I feel confident'
suggestibility has to do with how you learned as a child and once we've discovered that we can figure out which messages are the most powerful for us.
I'm a more emotional fellow myself, and my autosuggestions have only now started working.
if you want to learn about this more indepth and on a personal level check out any of these books
professional hypnotism manual
success is not an accident
self hypnosis both the sports and relationship ones
you can also take some free classes at where they'll tell you the basics very well
sounds like you've convinced yourself emotionally and physically but not intellectually?
05/05/15 (Tue) 17:45:58 No. 36817
>sounds like you've convinced yourself emotionally and physically but not intellectually
Without even knowing what you mean by physically I think you might be right there. Thanks for the comment, will respond more in depth once I check out what you said.
05/05/15 (Tue) 18:00:35 No. 36821
> but never your full power level.
Want to emphasise this. Even your closest friend could be a covert empirical vampire. Keep them wary.
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:06:52 No. 36833
>covert empirical vampire
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:28:06 No. 36838
The #1 reason I personally keep silence about all my workings, at least until they are complete, including every single curse or other psychic attack I conduct on various targets both online and offline is on order not to encounter any mental resistance from them.
A target that is aware it's under attack can begin various counter-measures from invoking very strong doubts it can be effected at all, to willing intensely that it be shielded from my attack, etc.
…but a target that doesn't know what I'm doing to it has no idea what's going on and is easy to influence.
Likewise, even for workings that aren't targeted at other people or entities, I don't want people to know.
e.g. I won't announce "today I'm going to do a healing ritual" unless it's around people who believe strongly in my ability and know I'm a good healer as the thoughtwaves they will emit will actually support the working… but if I went somewhere that people aren't impressed by me and they all think "pfft, that faggot can't do anything" then I I encounter extra-resistance to my working that I don't want.
We live in a mental universe and everyone is always doing magick all the time, the only difference between a magician and someone else is the magician has conscious mastery over the forces and knows what he's doing, but other people subconsciously use the same forces and sometimes very intensely so.
This is also why I think anyone would be a fool to try and take on the James Randi challenge and they would become a permanent target for an immense amount of doubt thoughtwaves that would annihilate their ability to do magick unless they were far more mentally and spiritually powerful than the combined force of all those fedoras who so strongly and faithfully believe in materialism.
By keeping silent, avoiding mundanes, living as a secluded hermit, "falling out of consensus reality", you can achieve far more powerful workings in secrecy with only fellow initiates or just by yourself then if you become a public figure.
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:32:10 No. 36839
One other thing, if you do HAVE to become a public figure, create multiple personalities for yourself and do something like Crowley did with the using different rings for different personalities…
This way you can separate your wizard self from your public self and section off a lot of the magick-suppressing thoughtwaves from having any influence on you wizard self. Going so far as to use a different name, having different clothing, etc. when going wizard mode can help too.
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:35:03 No. 36840
Who is Frater Perdurabo?
Took the whole of telemachus sneezed to figure that one out…
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:39:11 No. 36841
>By keeping silent, avoiding mundanes, living as a secluded hermit, "falling out of consensus reality", you can achieve far more powerful workings in secrecy with only fellow initiates or just by yourself then if you become a public figure.
Thank you for this lesson.
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:45:31 No. 36842
The problem is you're reading bullshit New Age books for the mass man. List me all the books and authors you have read.
Fedoras are completely wrong, there just are no easy ways in the occult, and you are far from attaining mastery.
Healing is relating to psychokinesis and the same power the heals can also cause damage to bodies, organs, etc.
The way to do it is described here: >>33148
There are actually MANY different ways to do it but it's all based on mixing-and-matching of various of the underlying principles behind healing.
You should read Atkinson's books on healing.
Also this
I have had really bad health problems and been subject to many neg attacks most of my life so I've been forced to become really fucking good at healing. Now I'm almost cured of everything and I suspect to completely have mended my body fully in a few years from now when I start work on some heavy duty rituals.
…but for now, tell me what you want to heal, and I'll design a ritual for you.
05/05/15 (Tue) 19:52:25 No. 36844
Autosuggestion is beginner-tier and rather weak compared to the pure arcane power I wield.
Do the mental exercises with the numbers and apply it also to letters and then words.
Do also this: >>35481
Now, you should realize that there's a moment of WILLED-INTENTION right before the actual words and sentences are made.
Use pure intent and will combined with loosh / desire to make shit amazing happen.
That's the real power behind the words. Using autosuggestion without emotion, merely blandly repeating something over and over, or worse yet doing it while feeling sadness and doubt is counterproductive.
05/05/15 (Tue) 20:04:28 No. 36847
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>36757
By using your imagination to project an imaginal body and then psychomancy to connect with others objectively in this mental universe we live in.
Practise visualization, constantly.
There's a video on youtube that explains how to do chaos magick sigils properly, chances are, you're not entering trance while doing them and that's why they aren't working for you. See:
If you really want to be master race you should do isometrics, yoga, callisthenics, cardio, and meditation all at once and imitate Shaolin monks.
05/05/15 (Tue) 20:33:23 No. 36853
Can we change the Anonymous flag look, please?
05/05/15 (Tue) 20:40:43 No. 36855
>Autosuggestion is beginner-tier and rather weak compared to the pure arcane power I wield.
thats great buddy, but not really relevant
>Using autosuggestion without emotion
already covered above, if someone is an emotional type then they have to use emotional wording for better effect.
05/05/15 (Tue) 21:06:56 No. 36864
…no. The point about emotions is that you create the emotional state which resonates with the thing you want. Joy/ecstasy/sadness/anger that you have the thing/capability/personality/ability etc. Get into the state you want and using as intense emotions as possible feel it in. Compared to just "words" it is a whole other degree of power because at the end of the day you are just changing/recreating thoughtforms and feeding them with emotion.
You should probably write up what you did for what and how you did it if you want a complete check up. Have you read/listened to Neville Goddard yet, man?
05/05/15 (Tue) 21:37:33 No. 36867
>…no. The point about emotions is that you create the emotional state which resonates with the thing you want. Joy/ecstasy/sadness/anger that you have the thing/capability/personality/ability etc. Get into the state you want and using as intense emotions as possible feel it in. Compared to just "words" it is a whole other degree of power because at the end of the day you are just changing/recreating thoughtforms and feeding them with emotion.
control over emotions isnt something a beginner would be capable of, generally speaking. Also you fundamentally misunderstand what I mean by emotion in regards to suggestibility-though I doubt you'd agree with that anyways. Lastly almost ever single post you make on this board is coupled with some kind of self congratulatory back slapping, are you sure you have the people here who ask questions best interests in mind and not just feeding off them to satiate your narcissistic ego?
05/06/15 (Wed) 00:32:06 No. 36888
05/06/15 (Wed) 00:51:06 No. 36891
Another question. When making sigils, what alphabet should I use? Or are they all the same?
05/06/15 (Wed) 00:59:36 No. 36894
Hey guys I need direction.
Should I follow the reading to astral project or should I follow the standard book order in the faq?
I am looking to remove an attachment as soon as possible, what is the best way? Destroying it in the astral or reading the book order by fringe?
05/06/15 (Wed) 00:59:56 No. 36895
Use whatever alphabet yu want. You don't even have to know what it means to anyone, even yourself. Just keep it as it when it feels right, as it feels right, until the end of that right feeling. Do consecrate your sigils with salt water! Then charge them :)
05/06/15 (Wed) 01:01:53 No. 36896
Thank you friend, I very much appreciate it!
05/06/15 (Wed) 01:10:54 No. 36897
How goes that sanctuary in the astral. I need a progress report
05/06/15 (Wed) 01:40:31 No. 36899
>fill out this chart
>no chart
05/06/15 (Wed) 03:14:45 No. 36912
Mundane here. I have this terrible habit of biting my cuticles. It's really fucking up my hands. I can't get rid of this habit for the life of me. What do.
Also, what are habits? Thoughtforms?
05/06/15 (Wed) 08:41:47 No. 36938
>tfw cant drop dank memes anywhere
can I be your friend anon
I should really start reading and applying the Astral Projection guide though.
Thanks a lot for the lesson <3
I like the idea of creating multiple personalities for myself since my personality does not remain the same and opinions change a lot every other day.
Seems like a good idea to compartmentalize these "different" personalities.
05/06/15 (Wed) 08:43:35 No. 36939
I was wondering how ceremonial rituals are actually created and how one can create his own.
This is the 7 pointed star used for invoking the 7 planets. It's old Hermetic magic that I wanted to upgrade to the current with our 10 planet system. Can I technically get a 10 pointed star, attribute a planet to each point and use it to invoke the energies?
05/06/15 (Wed) 09:18:42 No. 36947
Try to not read the the words but to acknowledge the meanings. Also use slow deep breaths to give yourself enough energy to be conscious. The task is not exactly self remembering but to remain conscious or completely aware, in a high consciousness state.
05/06/15 (Wed) 09:58:52 No. 36959
Do people not get copy pasta's and internet jokes?
05/06/15 (Wed) 10:03:36 No. 36960
Put your cuticles in something distasteful. Poop or hot sauce. You'll stop biting them eventually once the ick factor clicks or you start evaluating.
05/06/15 (Wed) 10:07:28 No. 36961
Look within to find the source of your compulsion to shitpost.
Ritual magic is performed through the interplay of perception and action. You can make your own if you have imagined what you want to do, can perceive the forces at play and the actions to take to work within that framework/paradigm/etcetc. Nothing better than living and dying by your own magickal wits.
05/06/15 (Wed) 10:10:10 No. 36962
I appreciate that. I'll give it a shot.
05/06/15 (Wed) 13:28:23 No. 36974
05/06/15 (Wed) 16:34:39 No. 36984
Why is it that my sense of smell increased significantly after decalcifying?
05/06/15 (Wed) 17:03:53 No. 36986
how to change physical appearance?
05/06/15 (Wed) 17:24:42 No. 36988
05/06/15 (Wed) 17:59:12 No. 36993
Same way you apply magic.
But do learn trance and astral projection meanwhile. In my theory you could stay in the plane where you have the power to shapeshift.
05/06/15 (Wed) 20:54:58 No. 37014
I'm in a shitty situation. I was with this girl for two years. She is amazing. I was going to marry her. And then she fell out of love with me and dumped me. I know she was really hurt because of a lot of the things that I did. I used to get scared about my own inadequacy, so I would lie about a lot of things to try to protect her and myself. But It just tore a rift between us in the end as everything collapsed onto itself. She doesn't feel like she can trust me anymore, and I know I hurt her badly. But it was more than that. I became too docile because I was in love with her, and I know deep down that's one of the reasons she stopped loving me. A few months after we broke up, we started hanging out again and she fell back in love with me. But even though it was going amazingly well, she still got worried and she dropped me because she our problems in the past fucked her over again.
It's been at least 8 months since we broke up the first time. Im a lot stronger than I was back then. I went through a really dark spot, and I can out a lot better than I was before. The one thing I couldn't do though was drown my feelings for her. I can't fucking do it as hard as I try.
Recently I started trying to talk to her, but she no longer has any feelings for me. All she has is resentment and distrust. She thinks that I'm insane for not being able to give up on something that I value this much. She wants me to go away. She's had feelings for other people, but as hard as I try she keeps fucking filling my thoughts. I can't get them out. I am determined for her to be my woman. She is moving in a month too and I no longer will see her, which gives me a time restraint. I would move too if we were together, but doing that while she doesn't love me would just make me seem like a stalker.
Normally when people ask for advice about these type of things, they ask how to get over the person. But I refuse to do that. I'm not just going to walk away while she goes on either pathetically having feelings for other people, and I'm not just going to lie down like a dog and die. And I refuse to give up my dignity and act like a pathetic cuck. I want her to notice me. I want her to be in love with me like I am with her. I know that I want her to be mine still. I am not going to give up. This is my will.
What do I do?
05/06/15 (Wed) 20:58:37 No. 37016
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:03:11 No. 37017
Heya /fringe/,
I'm new af, but I'm working my way out of my fedora. Finished listening to the Kybalion audio book and watched the Holographic Universe lecture. Also watched MonTalk's videos. From all of this I've gathered things are clearly not what they appear with my limited senses.
I used to meditate, but I never really got any measurable benefit from it (I was only doing it at the time because I heard it could increase grey matter in the brain). Used to meditate around 20 minutes every day, and aside from feeling slightly better after it, I didn't notice any real difference in my experience. I keep reading over and over again here that the only way to understand magick is to do it yourself. What are some common "green pills" or simple practical exercises I can do right now to prove myself any of this stuff is real?
Any books that have actual formulas and actionable methods, and not just metaphysical theory? Thanks in advance.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:11:30 No. 37018
I need to prove my self as better than the guy that she likes. It's driving me insane. I am going to prove myself as better. My heart and my dignity aren't going to stop until I show that I am better than he is and she chooses me. It's really fucking making me crazy.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:24:58 No. 37025
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:26:10 No. 37026
Try transmutation. Figure out what you are feeling, and go towards the opposite of it.
Everytime you start thinking about her, tell yourself that you are a wizard and that you can resist her.
She may also be a physic vampire. Work on protecting yourself.
One good way is to image a link between you and her, a type of root system that connects to you. Visualize a a cutting tool severing all the links that are directly connected to you. Not the center shaft, the connecting parts. For cutting the center shaft will still leave stuff attached to you, remove it all and cleanse yourself.
For a cutting tool, just visualize whatever is best for you. Whether it is a knife, laser, hand saw. Just make sure that it WILL do the cutting. Leave no doubt.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:28:52 No. 37027
Look at >>37026
The last option will also work. Remember, the universe is mental. There are many paths and ways to go about something.
Also create a protective bubble around yourself that will stop attachments. Keep doing these and you will be safe. Also, as a neophyte, doing something magick once will not always be done. So cutting the thing off takes several times.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:30:52 No. 37028
Remember, it will take several times of cutting her away to be truly gone. Just keep going at it anon.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:31:31 No. 37029
I'm pretty sure bubbles don't work against attachments. Whenever I create one it gets past it, it's no on the outside; it's inside.
What book path should I take? I want to AP the most but not sure if I can with an attachment.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:34:51 No. 37031
Act it out in ritual. Maybe try damon brands book on protection. Or the invisible influences.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:45:11 No. 37034
Sever it motherfucker. She is sucking you dry.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:46:02 No. 37035
Remember. The longer a issue goes on the worse it will get. The stronger the foothold it will have.
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:45:57 No. 37036
What happens after we die?
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:47:53 No. 37037
Shit deleted that post by accident.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. Emotions are a strange thing. They can empower you or completely incapacitate you.
I don't want to sever the tie yet though. She is an amazing person, and I know that the things we could accomplish together would be amazing. It's just that everything has become convoluted. I wont give up on this.Not yet anyway. I still have faith that I can find a way to heal everything between us and make it far superior to what it used to be. Both of us have become a lot stronger because of this. I know that if everything was less complicated her love for me would resurface from everything that it has been buried under.
I don't know how to clear all of this up. She resents me as of now quite a bit.
05/06/15 (Wed) 22:01:37 No. 37041
You have to start the bubble infinitesimally small and then expand it. If you feel upset, heat, etc. then it is working well.
05/06/15 (Wed) 22:31:07 No. 37044
I didn't want to make a new thread.
I could bother to add input into the following, but all the sources I had on the internet were deleted, people I had contact with vanished (or ascended), and I never hear /x/ or /fringe/ talking about it. Since I don't have one of these devices, I shouldn't even comment on it much…
It's about Steven Gibbs and his HDR or Hyper Dimensional Resonator.
I concluded the HDR was an astral projection device which was also supposed to work physically in a "vortex" area.
If you're an American you should definitely do a research.
05/07/15 (Thu) 00:00:19 No. 37050
Might wanna try this meditation for some greenpilling. Also for practical stuff, try reading the "Book of Knowledge"
05/07/15 (Thu) 00:49:28 No. 37061
You're going to want to start doing these meditations here: ( >>33148 )
05/07/15 (Thu) 02:41:13 No. 37074
Why is it so hard to find the truth?
Just to find the truth about diet, exercise, health, skincare, etc, you have to wade through miles upon miles of bullshit.
That's just the basic stuff, health and your own body, then once you get into sociology, biology and politics, the amount of lies and misinformation outweighs the truth by at least 1000.
05/07/15 (Thu) 02:43:11 No. 37075
Thus is the temporial nature of the age.
05/07/15 (Thu) 02:54:44 No. 37076
diet: natural diet - Asian or Mediterranean
exercise: as the soldiers do, they are all in good shape and combat ready.
health: diet and exercise
skincare: diet and showering, clean environment to live in
etc: do magic, also for all of the above
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:11:25 No. 37079
Showers destroy my skin and I've gone through countless diet changes over my life and absolutely none of them have had any effect at all on my skin condition.
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:13:42 No. 37080
Because only noble people can find the truth.
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:16:20 No. 37081
Does anyone have a quick tutorial on how to do tummo meditation?
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:30:31 No. 37085
One of my biggest worries is never remembering anything after I die and reincarnate.
How do I make sure that I remember everything PERFECTLY? Including 'me' and my individuality.
☻ 05/07/15 (Thu) 03:31:42 No. 37086
There are many ways to do it just be careful not to burn yourself doing it as I have on various occasions.
Merely overclocking your brain will produce a lot of heat but also a little willed-intent and a bit of energy work will allow you to just will yourself into producing fuckloads of heat.
If you imagine heat effecting your body in various ways you can produce various effects, just don't imagine yourself being microwaved, I did that (in public too) and a lot of my skin turned red and fell off.
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:32:30 No. 37087
That must have been painful.
Did you heal yourself right up afterward?
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:32:56 No. 37088
You go to the astral planes. Then depending on how well you can handle conditions there you might last anywhere from a very short while to many hundreds of years before reincarnating. It can end up being a wonderful and beautiful experience or it can be total hell if you end up in the wrong parts of the astral.
☻ 05/07/15 (Thu) 03:34:06 No. 37089
It was the equivalent of a bad skin burn or a bunch of rashes or an allergic reaction in how painful and bad it was.
I healed up in about 24 hours.
05/07/15 (Thu) 03:56:03 No. 37100
Making Decisions
Right now I'm at a crossroads in my career path. Basically I'm choosing between two options that will last 4-5 years before I move onto the next phase.
>Good pay
>likely to receive quality mentoring
>Guaranteed work year round
>People that are similar to me/get along with/vibe with
Option 1:
>Considered by higher ups and trusted associates as more practical & beneficial for phase 2 of my career
>More local work, less being on the road
>Considered to be more diverse
>Have been around people in this career for 4 months and never considered doing it until a higher up began telling me the benefits
>I see the benefits, but don't feel them
>More first hand experience around this option
Option 2
>I feel like this is what I want to do
>It's something that I think I will enjoy doing enough to try to be the best I can be at it
>Have been around people in this career for a month and imagined myself in an alternate reality doing this even though at that time there was no possibility that I would ever go down this route
>Had two dreams last night about this career. One Positive and one negative. The first I was walking around an empty building excited by how great the outfit was. The second I was being rejected by all the people in it.
>less first hand experience around this option
I'm hoping for your input /fringe/. Follow my feelings (my heart?) or my rational mind. My rational mind believes that 1 has an edge. Despite that, there's a tugging feeling that wants 2.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:00:59 No. 37102
Since you are on /fringe/ I assume your goal in life is magick. So choose the job where you are given more time for that.
If you are mundane, choose the better paying job, or the one that allows more in that area. Maybe choose the job that you would in enjoy (you little mundane).
As a future wizard, a job should only be for money. Otherwise it will suck you in and become part of the system.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:02:15 No. 37104
maybe make a tulpa with all your memories and cause it to possess a baby then when you are reborn cause it to find you and meld with you?
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:02:59 No. 37105
TY, I'll look into this as an amerifag.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:08:34 No. 37109
Hey, you're right. I was getting caught up in the mundane aspects. I'm going to roll option 2. I feel like you just washed my head clean from the influence of my higher ups pushing for option 1.
I feel so clean right now. Thank you based anon.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:10:08 No. 37110
No worries fellow /fringe/ brother.
Just a future tip, do a banishing ritual before making an important discisen.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:13:25 No. 37112
I looked into it. That is some scary stuff as a neophyte. I am going to stay far away from that right now.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:13:26 No. 37113
Read or listen to the Tibetan Book of the Dead
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:15:59 No. 37114
I appreciate that. Willed intent and energy work is the method I have been trying. I imagine it might take a few days practice to get it down right?
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:19:41 No. 37116
Looking through it now.
It has a lot of strange words, but I am pushing through. Another issue is that I need someone else to say the Thodol for me. That would be an issue.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:25:15 No. 37118
Further in that same book it says reading it yourself is not insignificant and even if you don't 'get it' now your clarity increases 9-fold in the bardo state so you will be able to recall it with better clarity when that time comes.
05/07/15 (Thu) 04:26:38 No. 37119
Thank you. I'll be sure to read this once a year.
☻ 05/07/15 (Thu) 04:27:36 No. 37120
Do you have a method for inducing trance quickly?
It shouldn't really take long, I can do it anytime I want, provided I'm not too weak and sick and overtired at the time. Hell even in a really miserly state like I'm in right now I can usually do it.
05/07/15 (Thu) 05:13:37 No. 37131
What is the /fringe/ consensus on DMT? I've had an urge to enter the astral plane lately and this seems like a good way to do it.
05/07/15 (Thu) 05:15:57 No. 37132
No consensus. Con means against. DMT is that thing which the brain of the enlightened releases natural. Smoke it and see. Do not smoke it and do not see.
05/07/15 (Thu) 05:21:25 No. 37133
From cōnsentiō (“feel together; agree”), a fusion of cōn- (“together”) and sentiō (“sense; perceive; feel”).
How do I release it naturally?
05/07/15 (Thu) 05:31:21 No. 37135
I've learnt to trance within about a second from learning evocation. Just drop mind and wait for the static. Are you talking about a light trance or deeper trance? For a deeper I can just use rhythm and start rocking or speaking in tongues to get me there.
05/07/15 (Thu) 05:33:56 No. 37136
Get a copy of Darkness technology by Mantak Chia. You essentially need to spend 12 days in complete darkness.
05/07/15 (Thu) 06:39:36 No. 37145
Is donating plasma unhealthy? I am unemployed and in need of spending money. I've been working on my health and I think removing my plasma would work against that those which are healthy in a cumulative fashion. Do you think it is better to donate plasma and buy healthier food with the money?
05/07/15 (Thu) 06:50:01 No. 37146
Can I not reincarnate?
05/07/15 (Thu) 07:17:43 No. 37148
I tried for about 20 minutes in trance to get it working. I think I managed to get a bit of heat running, but nothing substantial. I summoned up a ton of emotion and tried to will it into heating up my body, burning it as fuel to energize me. Mostly just managed to get a huge nervous system and energy body response out of it.
05/07/15 (Thu) 07:44:15 No. 37150
What are the most beneficial practices, ideas and things in general you've learned from "the occult"?
05/07/15 (Thu) 10:09:41 No. 37160
ice cold showers nigger hot showers rape skin
05/07/15 (Thu) 10:22:13 No. 37163
Can anyone provide a pdf of mastering astral projection by robert bruce? The one on google search is incomplete.
05/07/15 (Thu) 11:08:58 No. 37169
>Nothing better than living and dying by your own magickal wits.
Agree with this wholeheartedly. Performing my own rituals based on guidance from my high self when I elevate my consciousness will never be beaten by preexisting systems of ritual magic.
That's part of the reason why I keep putting off my research into the Order of the Golden Dawn, if it doesn't resonate with my on a personal level I can't use it as efficiently.
This is how an STS wizard is born.
Have some faith anon, learn the law of attraction through which you will be able to attract your perfect mate, whether that is the girl you currently hold dear or not is not really up to you.
>a job should only be for money
not necessarily, I find that it's quite fulfilling to do work in the general sense. Working on something and improving towards a final product is quite a good, soul ennobling feel, regardless of the money it makes.
I otherwise agree with the option 2, in my own life I've often found that my instinctive choices were better than the intellectual ones.
Tipping my etheric fedora folded over a million times in the fires of Hell.
It's in the mega library in the sticky.
05/07/15 (Thu) 11:12:36 No. 37170
Is nature friend or foe?
I cant decide if animals are all just programmed organic scripts run by the demiurge or if they can aid in greater magickal understanding
05/07/15 (Thu) 11:15:04 No. 37171
They're a lower tier entities that sometimes acquire some basic intellect in their life and reincarnate as very low consciousness humans i.e. niggers.
05/07/15 (Thu) 11:27:33 No. 37175
How would you suggest one starts out in trying to create and perform their own rituals? I'm bordering on understanding and being able to go of and do it and also on the other fence of thinking I'm completely of.
Just say I want to invoke Neptunian or Uranian forces, can I wing it and make up my own thing as in draw the planetary symbol on the floor, designate the area as a portal and allow the energy to flow through. I imagine all this stuff is really just your intent plus action as the other guy said.
05/07/15 (Thu) 12:41:07 No. 37189
You don't necessarily need symbols exactly, as long as you can feel the essence of the entity you're trying to invoke your ritual should work.
I use an entity's symbols only if I'm not already in tune with them but even then, visualizing the energy of what the entity represents should be enough.
I do my rituals in a trance so I also instinctively do whole body motions in my rituals which I find helpful and easier than just doing things while lying down or in an asana.
I'm sorry I can't give more precise instructions but this is something you just have to figure out on your own but what I can tell you is learn to have faith in yourself. Doing Atkinson's exercises in Arcane Teachings of feeling your true "I am" help to get in tune with your higher self which will in turn guide you through your rituals and daily life choices.
If you know that your ritual is working and that your higher self is guiding you there is zero chance of failure.
05/07/15 (Thu) 12:53:57 No. 37191
Thanks I really do appreciate that. I think understanding what the Higher self is and is not is a top priority. I will generally ask questions to myself and get so many voices and images all with conflicting answers. So it can be difficult to wade through it all and figure out what is correct.
05/07/15 (Thu) 13:19:45 No. 37197
A method of checking if my remote viewing is correct is seeing whatever it is I see, then try to visualize something else. With experience you'll notice that visualizations which are a product of your own mind feel distinctly different to the real remote viewing or psychomancy or whatever you call it.
Similar process can be applies to listening in to your higher self, try to imagine what it would feel like if your higher self wanted you to do something that it obviously won't, like some degenerate shit such as clubbing or whoring around etc. Then compare it to the impressions you originally received and the ones that feel the most "right" and pure are probably from your higher self.
Keep in mind there may be other entities that are sending thoughts over to you so it's a good idea to perform a banishing ritual, start with the basic LBRP which you'll modify to your own needs later to try to purge undesired entities. That will make it easier to wade through the tricks entities might play on you
05/07/15 (Thu) 14:41:04 No. 37204
There is a practice in Toltec tradition (Castaneda and Mares) called Recapitulation and I think it might be used by other shamans but don't count on me on this one. Basically recapitulation is remembering absolutely everything you have done in your life, remembering each detail for a long period of time, (this can take years). However, because we live so busy lives nowadays it is more usable to remember just the important events in our life. When you recapitulate for long, you create a copy of your memory that survives your death and which will come to you later in your next reincarnation.
I am not sure if this is valid, I have not read much on it but consider it as a possibility and do some research before you do it, if you will do it.
05/07/15 (Thu) 17:50:10 No. 37220
I have heard that donating plasma about once a month can actually have a cleansing effect on your blood - especially if you drink a cup of coffee before you go. Kind of shitty to cause your body to give up all your crap to someone who needs blood, but they don't screen for coffee drinkers.
You might want to do some research on it in this vein however as I've only heard of this second hand.
My qualm with it would be giving large portions of my DNA to an element that isn't under my control but if you don't care about that give it a try once and record your state of being.
05/07/15 (Thu) 20:01:12 No. 37232
That only makes sense, necessarily, if my blood is more poison than panacea. Who can tell me how to perceive the moment that is no longer true?
05/08/15 (Fri) 02:57:09 No. 37288
>not knowing that they use blood as sacrifice
05/08/15 (Fri) 08:48:01 No. 37311
How do I get into warding? Is dowsing legitimate?
05/08/15 (Fri) 09:15:53 No. 37317
>How do I get into warding?
Google. Start one the first link and follow your inner guidance. I don't know of any specific books. The rune pic is a nice rune of warding. I like to disconnect the umbrella part from the phallic line part. It tends to repel all spirits though. If you want a line to spirits and to interact with the good ones, this rune is like hanging up the phone to all but the most in-grain, footholded entities.
That should get you started.
>Is dowsing legitimate?
05/08/15 (Fri) 11:06:55 No. 37325
I was reading Inner guide meditation and I wanted to know how to make my active imagination better and more clearer ?
05/08/15 (Fri) 12:37:36 No. 37339
Holy shit has anyone seen the opening scene of game of thrones s5e3? Basically said how all Gods are the same God wearing a different mask and how the ultimate ascension of a human is to have no identity
They're literally telling mundanes the truth under the guise of it being a tv show evil cunts
05/08/15 (Fri) 13:32:45 No. 37345
only breathe through your nose and breathe from your stomach not your lungs
You don't need to be conscious of it constantly just always breathe in that way. When you get good at meditation you realise you don't actually need to breathe
05/08/15 (Fri) 13:36:01 No. 37346
How to have a handsome face?
Perfect skin?
05/08/15 (Fri) 14:41:38 No. 37359
Sorry for deleting my post, I thought my question was stupid.
Breathe from my stomach? I've noticed that I seem to have four ways of breathing. I'm either pushing my lower belly out, pushing my mid-belly out or, assuming I've held my stomach, I am feeling motion upwards in my chest or that same motion downwards.
>You don't need to be conscious of it constantly
Yup. I'm reading a really nice article on the Fourth Way and breath-awareness is unnecessary. It's simply one form of inner-awareness. As long as my attention is divided and some part of it has been introverted then it's alright.
Thanks for the reply. It's just that when I was trying to meditate today, I noticed that I felt very sleepy so I assumed it was a breath issue. I do remember reading somewhere that improper breathing can actually induce brain damage. Everything's alright.
05/08/15 (Fri) 14:43:48 No. 37360
For a handsome face, I suggest checking the thread on manipulating your mind's perception of your body. If you go far enough, you should be able to modify your etheric body which then follows on to make physical changes. Not recommended though. Supposedly, something terrible can happen.
05/08/15 (Fri) 15:29:55 No. 37366
Is this some kind of roleplay board or did I just not get the joke? You guys don't seriously believe in this stuff do you?
05/08/15 (Fri) 15:42:19 No. 37372
We are pretty serious about this. Some of us believe and some of us have experienced this sort of stuff.
We have a lot of semi-sages, some RPers but we are mostly pretty serious. If you hang around, you will understand why.
Evidence on Youtube? 05/08/15 (Fri) 17:58:26 No. 37384
Do any of you guys know of any youtube channels that elaborate on the topics discussed here or show evidence of the effects of the topics shown here or run you through the actual process of engaging in the topics discussed here?
i.e. someone predicting a set of numbers they possibly couldn't have
someone have a tantric awakening/orgasm on camera
someone have an out of body experience or astral projecting live on camera?
05/08/15 (Fri) 18:03:12 No. 37389
I had one about a turkish guy using chi to have a fridge work or its lamp or something idk can't be arsed to search for it.
05/08/15 (Fri) 18:13:59 No. 37395
I heard the theric body is damaged by buttsex, but if I clean my ass with flowing water, or just rub it, is it damaged?
Newsman !OdohnQlIAo 05/08/15 (Fri) 18:16:51 No. 37397
What's the best way to spend my free time?
HELP 05/08/15 (Fri) 18:28:11 No. 37401
for real /fringe/ i've been here a little over a month I was a normal fag and in decent shape before with an OK diet but since being here i've optimised diet, started meditating and cut out all non whole foods and try and get as much organic shit as possible etc. and started garnering quite a vast amount of occult knowledge.
Problem is I'm detoxed to the point that I'm consciously aware of my life force being drained. I realised how bad it was when I was in a meditative state and could see all these vague insidious eyes staring at me. I'm not entirely sure how to counteract it. Even as I'm sitting here typing I can feel how heavy my body is and I can feel my insides operating. I've lost motivation to exercise and am barely managing to keep doing my stretches in the morning.
Please what are top tier methods of fighting off this leeching? I don't for a second believe that imagining a shield around you works that's way too placebo I want to be able to negate these effects purely through the power of my mind/spirit. I want these fuckers to fear me.
Wish I could astral project already and go meet some incarnate spiritual teacher but my body can't stay relaxed enough to let it happen yet…
05/08/15 (Fri) 18:58:06 No. 37403
>I was in a meditative state and could see all these vague insidious eyes staring at me.
Holy shit, I notice the same thing. I thought this was just some projection of my mind (which I still won't rule out), but I frequently see these vague impressions of eyes that either look reptilian with a slit and everything, or large and blank like a grey's. I even try to check if I'm just seeing an after-image of something circular, like a light source that had been in my field of vision, but it's never really the case, and sometimes happens when I'm falling asleep in bed with all the lights off.
Sorry, I don't mean to hijack your question, but this makes me curious about other people's experiences with this.
05/08/15 (Fri) 20:39:54 No. 37412
Smilekins could you make a hypercube flag? Like in Salvador Dali's Crucifixion. Just a little 3-dimensional cross. Shouldn't be too hard. It's just a few blocks added together from a 3-d perspective.
Could you make it the flag for 'Wizard (hyperdimensional)'
Also could you make a little straight-line worm as the flag for 'Mundane (flatlander)'
All of that would be so cool.
05/08/15 (Fri) 22:22:43 No. 37424
OPen the door to your imagination and let it out. Let it play upon itself. Imagine imagining. Imagine today. This very day. And then the next. Don't worry if it gets dark. What matters is that you imagine.
05/08/15 (Fri) 22:25:44 No. 37425
>They're literally telling mundanes the truth under the guise of it being a tv show evil cunts
So many flavors to pick from and you picked salty.
05/08/15 (Fri) 22:56:55 No. 37431
Get some black obsidian and/or Black tourmaline from a new age shop. Place it in salt water and place it in sunlight for a day or a couple hours to (standard spiritual cleanse and prana charge). Now place it in all the water you drink. when convenient, place it in water and then put that water in the sun for 2-4 hours to make a gem elixir. The essential nature of those two gems (black obsidian: psychic vacuum cleaner, rids negativity) (black tourmaline: pretty much the same thing minus the vacuum cleaning part) will do you good.
05/08/15 (Fri) 22:58:12 No. 37432
Why am I seeing more and more magick related things in /b/? I saw a thread with Eris, fnord, and other chaos things. And I keep seeing threads with /fringe/ related titles and content.
Are they waking up?
05/09/15 (Sat) 03:54:06 No. 37468
05/09/15 (Sat) 04:40:52 No. 37469
That's some reverse psychology there.
05/09/15 (Sat) 07:45:32 No. 37475
People always speak about ascending, it seems the higher the plane the nicer the place. What is the second density like? Is the 1st what most people consider hell? Would it be possible to visit the 2nd or 1st dimmensions?
05/09/15 (Sat) 08:03:38 No. 37476
Second density is reserved for animals and plants. First density/dimension is reserved for minerals. Humans are 3D and because we're physical, we share the same world with 1D and 2D critters. Considering you're human, you've already had the joy of living the life of 1D and 2D creatures.
Fun, isn't it?
"Hell" corresponds to some of the really lowest planes in the astral, which I think is 5D? Astral projectors and dead people can visit 5D/astral temporarily, most likely "in the middle zones".
05/09/15 (Sat) 08:08:07 No. 37478
Thank you for the reply, one question though? What do I do with runes and glyphs? Bing has yielded me nothing but MMORPG-related stuff
05/09/15 (Sat) 08:11:19 No. 37479
I may have had an epiphany thanks to you, am I right in thinking of it as something of a 7-layer egg? With the different densities just being expansions of the previous?
05/09/15 (Sat) 08:46:15 No. 37483
Egg might do, though perhaps a hue palette might be more better, because densities, planes and dimensions blend together so finely it is difficult to say where and when one ends and another begins.
It also boils down to vibrations; the higher the vibration, the less "dense" (as in materially dense) something is. We as humans vibrate quite lowly, being physical, and there are numerous beings above us that vibrate so high that we cannot witness them - see, a dimension, a plane or a density is not really 'a place' but a state of vibration! Those who have about the same frequency of vibration co-exist in the same dimension/density/plane. That is why we rarely see any archangels here on Earth; they vibrate so high as to be considered divine in our eyes. . . but archangels can see us, if they wish to, because all higher beings can see the lower ones; that is why we can see and interact with rocks and stones and small furry animals. Of course, we can see and interact with astral beings if we develop certain faculties - and we can meet them in states of trance and astral projection - but it's because we have astral bodies that vibrate more high than our physical bodies. We can activate our latent etheric and astral faculties as to interact with higher beings, and that is what magic can do.
(Do remember that higher beings are not always higher in morality. A demon is a higher being than us, but they are not highly moral!!)
But I am ranting. Yes, in a way, different densities are expansions of the previous one - but what is that which expands? Consciousness does.
Raise the vibration of your consciousness and you raise in the scale of life, so to speak. Of course, you won't need magic to do that because your consciousness expands during many, many incarnations, but magic can "speed up" some of the development. There's plenty of 'non-magical' esoteric traditions that aim for this, (Anthroposophy, Fifth Way). . . Montalk writes really well on these subjects, please check him out.
But I'm ranting again.
05/09/15 (Sat) 09:38:19 No. 37485
That doesn't add up to me.
>what do I do with runes and glyphs?
Play with them.
05/09/15 (Sat) 09:41:16 No. 37486
That doesn't sound 100% right. It sounds like misunderstanding anchored by a single, true thing. :/
05/09/15 (Sat) 09:49:30 No. 37487
Well, I do not wish to claim I am 100% right and I admit I am not the best person to explain these things, that's why I recommended Montalk.
05/09/15 (Sat) 10:19:44 No. 37491
Nothing to question, just came to say that miasma is real
05/09/15 (Sat) 11:01:24 No. 37492
it happens to me too
I see every kind of eyes when I try to meditate. Grey, human, others that are more "beautiful" and "exotic".
I'm interested in knowing more about this, does anyone know more?
05/09/15 (Sat) 11:16:49 No. 37495
Glad I'm not the only one with this but I doubt it's a hostile entity.
Essentially I used to get just a single eye in the middle of my vision. Focusing on it sends me rapidly in trance and makes astral projection easier, feels kind of like when in sci-fi movies someone activates the warp drive and they fly really fast through a tunnel.
The other type appeared when I started sending heaps of energy to every part of my body, particularly the eyes with addition of using the fire element. That got me pretty decent astral vision and lets me see things with my eyes closed.
05/09/15 (Sat) 11:18:40 No. 37496
Does anybody has literature to read about vampires?
05/09/15 (Sat) 11:36:40 No. 37497
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>37384
If your looking for proof of magic tgis vid is pretty conclusive
Fedoras beware
05/09/15 (Sat) 11:59:43 No. 37500
Hello /fringe/. Can I use chaos magic for my personal purposes? Knowledge is the most important thing for me and I study about 8 hours a day. My problem is that I want to learn all these things faster so I got interested in /x/ stuff. Also sometimes I have lack of motivation so can be those sigils come in handy to install myself eternal motivation to study? I am new to Magic and read only uprising of prometheus. Thank you very much
05/09/15 (Sat) 12:21:00 No. 37502
Learn to keep your mind clear of any thoughts, that will allow you to focus on a single thing for extended periods of time.
Furthermore learn to thoughtform and create one that will keep you motivated on task.
In regards to learning faster Smiley made a thread somewhere about reading faster but basically in order to better imprint information you have to be able to recite and visualize every paragraph you read. So read some text and reproduce it in your mind. You'll be able to recite entire books with this sort of training.
05/09/15 (Sat) 12:22:13 No. 37503
He says the positive and negative from the Core star (lower tan tien) and I think root or sacral. Can anyone share some details on this in combining the energies and the proper locations and such.
05/09/15 (Sat) 12:24:47 No. 37504
There aren't many places in the body where one would store and combine huge amounts of energy so I would expect them to be either in a heart center or the solar plexus.
05/09/15 (Sat) 12:26:39 No. 37505
This is the thread, the book meditation post is what I was talking about in particular.
05/09/15 (Sat) 12:49:55 No. 37510
I appreciate that. It looks like as you said this is a really messy field to be finding proper information in. If anyone else has read or experience in this area please do share your insight and resource.
05/09/15 (Sat) 13:31:19 No. 37517
I cant find it, i am on my phone. Can you give thread url?
05/09/15 (Sat) 13:55:35 No. 37524
Thanks this was very informative
Pic related is my chieat sheet
05/09/15 (Sat) 15:36:30 No. 37540
and how does one combine this energy inside one's body?
05/09/15 (Sat) 15:53:00 No. 37545
by ejaculating into your mouth
05/09/15 (Sat) 16:00:31 No. 37547
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:26:49 No. 37567
/fringe/, how do you time travel? (consciousness-wise)
does it require dissociative techniques? pls explain.
thanks in advance.
05/09/15 (Sat) 22:42:26 No. 37587
Guys I would be absolutely thrilled if someone could take the time to help me. I tweaked my lower back lifting weights today. I havn't read the Atkinson books yet, and am a noob.
could someone please give me a summary of steps I can take to heal my lower back with magick?
05/09/15 (Sat) 23:04:02 No. 37589
05/09/15 (Sat) 23:23:19 No. 37591
Are there any helpful gods that want you to reach enlightenment? It seems so hopeless at times, with the demiurge, his archons, the media, fluoride, illuminati, and a conspiracy behind every corner.
I want to become one with The ALL, but getting there is like trying to find my way through a cactus hedgemaze.
Are there any gods/higher beings that sincerely want to help others reach enlightenment?
05/10/15 (Sun) 00:18:41 No. 37603
>becoming one with the all
>not a trap
top kek
05/10/15 (Sun) 01:08:48 No. 37605
Where do I find magical items? I'd rather it be non religion based magic.I want to be a magical anime girl.
05/10/15 (Sun) 02:58:08 No. 37625
By universal law all entities are one with the all… The all is existence itself and we are a semi-organic fractal of its workings. As far as i'm aware the only alternative is becoming a vampyre but even then you're just putting more distance between yourself and the all whilst also having to become dependent on leeching energy to sustain yourself.
Basically you are already in this so called trap you speak of. Its merely a matter of conforming or running away from it for the rest of eternity. Or maybe you have gotten the all mixed up with the demiurge.
> implying STA doesn't require vast magnitudes more will power than STS
05/10/15 (Sun) 03:36:09 No. 37632
05/10/15 (Sun) 03:36:53 No. 37633
So, we forced Pepe into the physical world. That makes three times it's happened, as before this, we had Bane and Ebola-chan. My question is this: is this something that we can do consciously, with things other than dank memes? Our energy isn't exactly well-directed or controlled, but apparently thousands of anons shitposting the same thing causes reflections IRL.
What, if anything, are we doing, and how can we refine our skills?
05/10/15 (Sun) 03:40:06 No. 37634
Also, I'm digging the new CSS. Been a while since I've posted on /fringe/ and the gradient on the left feels pretty slick.
05/10/15 (Sun) 04:12:29 No. 37645
/v/ did confirm their ironic shitpost about crashing the industry.
link to the tread since it did not archive properly in the 8moe.
05/10/15 (Sun) 04:33:14 No. 37651
Dear, god. The End is coming quickly isn't it?
05/10/15 (Sun) 05:01:22 No. 37657
I do not see the end of the world in a negative way, everything has to end sooner or later in this world.
The end of humanity could be as simple as Humans steeping up on the ladder towards Godhood.
Definitely the end of today's world is needed so that it can be rebuild on more sane grounds, but even the end of the world prophecies state that only a limited fraction of perceived reality will end.
Take the Bible apocalypse as example, it explains how the world will end to Christians and how they will be saved by it. But it only applies to Christians and it could be as simple as a new prophet coming along and updating their teachings or as complex as all of them dying and re-incarnating in a better world, either are valid futures that you can chose to follow.
If anything keep a health body and mind, all you need to do is have knowledge and means to survive until the next day.
This will not be the first time the world change and the previous one cease to exist.
05/10/15 (Sun) 05:55:38 No. 37660
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. When I have some sort of bizarre physios episode.. I need you to talk to me like a child having trouble.. unable to comprehend psychologically traumatizing events. I might not be all together, but can you be together for me?
05/10/15 (Sun) 05:56:48 No. 37661
Not exactly. It would be more precise to say change is coming, and the magnitude of the change will be so large that the world after won't much resemble the world before and in that, it will be the end of an era.
As reality becomes more fluid and the veil thins you will need to learn mental mastery or else you may hurt yourself or someone else with a careless thought.
05/10/15 (Sun) 06:00:08 No. 37662
dear universe,
I can't stop shaking
05/10/15 (Sun) 07:57:56 No. 37670
On a related note, how does /fringe/ think spurdo will become manifest in reality?
05/10/15 (Sun) 09:02:21 No. 37678
Muh new age is coming!!!
Fuck this world
Fuck humanity
Fuck matter
Matter is something to be erased, not changed
05/10/15 (Sun) 09:44:08 No. 37682
What do I read from Mantak Chia? He has so many books so I am wondering what are just repeats and what are the best he has.
05/10/15 (Sun) 11:08:35 No. 37689
so how do i enhance my gains for /fit/?
i'm a fucking plebian noob, so please don't hurt me for this question
05/10/15 (Sun) 11:20:09 No. 37691
do like arnold
visualize your goal body intensely when you lift
05/10/15 (Sun) 12:37:25 No. 37697
Thanks I'll check it out.
05/10/15 (Sun) 13:11:53 No. 37703
that, you could also invoke some deity of strength or use your own thoughtform for that extra boost when lifting.
05/10/15 (Sun) 13:36:54 No. 37705
i've only just come across some tutorial pictures on /pol/ which teach you how to make sigils…. so i have to create one from "I make sick gains" and cum on it everyday or what?
05/10/15 (Sun) 14:32:25 No. 37708
make sigils like:
I will squat 400 lbs tomorrow for more than X reps.
Your subconscious takes your intention very literaly, so you must be PRECISE.
05/10/15 (Sun) 14:34:40 No. 37709
brb, gonna break my bones squatting
05/10/15 (Sun) 14:41:12 No. 37710
also, you must believe you can
if you squat 150 lbs, don't try to make a sigil to squat 400 lbs
BELIEF on a subconscious level is magick
you must believe you can do it
05/10/15 (Sun) 15:26:32 No. 37712
I read that in an imaginary spurdo voice.
05/10/15 (Sun) 16:49:46 No. 37723
Look at this my fellow wizards.
/pol/ has discovered the power of memes and is now using it.
/bane/ already created their first sigil for crashing planes.
How long until the other boards find out about this magick?
And what of us /fringe/? What will we do? The End is closing in. Have you starting working on your magick yet?
You must be prepared. Are you self-sufficient?
05/10/15 (Sun) 18:29:26 No. 37746
Thoughts on binaural beats? I'm skeptical of them causing specific effects, but I've been using them anyway because they help me suppress auditory thoughtforms while meditating, like a mantra.
05/10/15 (Sun) 19:37:05 No. 37750
resbond :-(((
pls ;__;
05/10/15 (Sun) 19:37:42 No. 37751
I saw this in my dream last night, any idea what it is supposed to mean?
mental alchemy?
05/10/15 (Sun) 19:44:11 No. 37752
How do you deal with the frustration of not getting something you want, /fringe/? Is strong desire inherently bad or is it possible to acquire enough power to satisfy even petty needs?
05/10/15 (Sun) 19:53:45 No. 37753
you're the avatar of feminism
05/10/15 (Sun) 19:55:08 No. 37755
05/10/15 (Sun) 20:06:42 No. 37756
Lust for results destroy magick.
☻ 05/10/15 (Sun) 20:48:08 No. 37759
The very start of this movie features Dynamo Jack and it has examples of telekinesis, clairvoyance, and psychomancy in it.
It is intensely greenpilled.
☻ 05/10/15 (Sun) 20:49:20 No. 37760
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>37759
The part where Dynamo Jack sets fire to some paper with his hands, it's featured in the opening sequence of this movie.
☻ 05/10/15 (Sun) 20:53:08 No. 37761
Types of Superhumans
Watchers have the ability to foresee the future to varying degrees. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, Watchers' visions of the future in their direct sphere of influence are subject to frequent shifting. Watchers visions are like a sense of déjà vu. Watchers can get visions at will. Drinking alcoholic beverages can temporarily enhance a Watcher's abilities (as shown by Cassie). Cassie and Pop Girl are Watchers. Cassie's Mother has been revealed to be the most powerful Watcher in the world, setting all the events and foreseeing them even decades earlier, also saying them to Nick's father.
Movers are powerful telekinetics who are trained to identify the specific atomic frequencies of a given material and alter the gravitational field around it, usually causing the nearby air to appear "warped". This allows them to move both animate and inanimate objects. Advanced Movers can work at the molecular level, creating shields in the air around them to deflect bullets or create power fists and kicks, a strike that delivers three times the power of a normal punch. Nick is a Mover with his abilities at a basic level. Victor, Carver's right-hand man, is a more advanced Mover with abilities to create shields and power-strikes. Nick's father was also an advanced Mover.
Pushers have the ability to implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of other people in order to manipulate them. The skill level of the Pusher determines how many people the Pusher is able to control at one time, and how vivid the implanted memories are. A powerful Pusher can push a large group of people at the same time, basically creating a personal army. A Pusher is able to make a person do anything the Pusher desires, even commit suicide. A Pusher's eyes indicate how powerful they are: their pupils will dilate to certain degrees depending on how powerful the push is (for example, Henry Carver's eyes are rendered completely black, signifying that he is an extremely able and effective Pusher). Kira is also an very powerful Pusher, controlling 12 people at the same time.
Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels. While using this ability, their pupils turn into vertical slits, like a snake's, because of synthetic materials implanted in them to protect their blood vessels from the effects of their own ability. They are also sometimes known as Screechers or Screamers. Pop Girl's brothers and father, the Triads, are Bleeders. Pop Girl's brothers are powerful enough to destroy locks on doors and shattering glasses to pieces, showing that they are advanced Bleeders. The father of the trio is an extremely advanced Bleeder, creating such a powerful sonic vibration that causes an entire 20-floor construction site to collapse, accidentally killing him in the process.
☻ 05/10/15 (Sun) 20:53:14 No. 37762
Sniffs are highly developed psychometrics who can track the location of people or objects over varying distances. Like bloodhounds, their ability is increased if they have tactile access to an object that has been in direct contact with the subject. Sniffs receive information in the form of images, which is why identifiable landmarks help increase their effectiveness. Emily Hu is a highly trained Sniff, and she uses her powers for money. Carver's associates who kidnapped Kira are also Sniffs.
Shifters can temporarily alter the appearance of an object by manipulating patterns of light interacting with it. Once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for a short period of time. For example, a Shifter could touch a one dollar bill and alter it to appear as a one hundred dollar bill until the effect expires. The object shifted must have roughly the same dimensions as the object it is shifted into. The length of time that the effect will last is based on the Shifter's experience. Hook Waters, an ex-Division agent and Nick's friend, is a highly experienced Shifter, capable of turning a large suitcase into a fake one and managing to hold the illusion for a quarter a day.
Wipers are skilled at either temporarily or permanently erasing memories, an invaluable asset in espionage. Experience will dictate the accuracy of their wipes, though there is always the danger that they will eliminate a desired memory. Wo Chiang, a fisherman who lives on a dock, is a Wiper who uses his powers on those who request it for money. He erases part of Nick's and Kira's memories in the film. It can be speculated that Wipers can send mental blasts into a target's brain or put high mind-stress into their wipes for offensive means, as shown by Wo Chiang when he saves Cassie from Pop Girl by sneaking up behind her and rendering her unconscious, either through the mental-blast method or deliberately over-stressing her mind through his wipe.
Shadows are trained to block the visions of other clairvoyants, such as Sniffs, by diverting the attention of the target radius so that they "flicker" through different locations other than the subject's actual whereabouts. Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect. Shadows need to be awake to manifest their ability, so it is common for a detail of two Shadows to operate in shifts while protecting a person or object for extended periods. Most Shadows are effective only against Sniffs, but some extremely powerful Shadows are able to block even Watchers. Pinky, a friend of Nick's, is a Shadow, and he is effective only against Sniffs and is shown to be inferior to the Division's Shadows. Like other characters, he also uses his powers for money. An old woman hired by Kira to hide the syringe has the ability to shadow an entire building, even from Watchers.
Stitches are psychic healers trained to quickly reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even "un-heal" whatever they have done. For more detailed work, Stitches use a silver-based cream on their hands which acts as a conductor for their ability. Teresa Stowe is a powerful Stitch, capable of healing Nick's back to pristine shape and also disabling him later in the film, who also uses the cream.
05/10/15 (Sun) 21:54:58 No. 37766
symbol of pluto. Use google you fuck.
05/10/15 (Sun) 21:57:56 No. 37768
Lust for results destroys magick. I've coped with this fact by doing instinctual instinctive magic and a lot of it so I A) sometimes don't know what I'm doing (I KNOW magick works so I don't worry that it will be useless B) Don't (CAN'T) worry about what is coming from what because I have so many arrows firing in so many directions and am taking in so many conversations that I just let it be. It's perfect. I am doing mostly natural magic + sigils and spells and visualizations.
05/11/15 (Mon) 01:15:03 No. 37795
actually its the symbol of the ALL
Use esoteric knowledge you cuck.
05/11/15 (Mon) 01:18:23 No. 37796
i'm confused are you talking about the film or IRL??
If IRL are you saying everyone who studies the occult enough will eventually fall into one of these categories..? Because fuck that I want to just do whatever I want
05/11/15 (Mon) 01:28:12 No. 37803
Could someone recomend me any book on banishing?
05/11/15 (Mon) 02:37:41 No. 37807
Hey guys. I have a question about some dream related stuff. I dont really have problem remembering my dreams but everytime i gain lucidity in my dream (aware that im dreaming) the dream-vision in front of me darken and i woke up. Any tips so it wont happen again ?
05/11/15 (Mon) 03:16:03 No. 37814
it's the movie you cuck
a powerful wizard can do any of that
(… while he astral project)
a powerful wizard in real life can manifest a pearl meditating, though.
or use chi he has in his body to do stuff like healing
but that will take decades worth of practice, and you'll need a mentor
☻ 05/11/15 (Mon) 04:27:15 No. 37828
No it's from the movie, you should have checked the link I posted.
…and I can do multiple things from that movie.
…and it's NORMAL to unfold multiple abilities all at once. When you learn to do one occult thing, doing the others is easier as well.
Actual wizards in our world aren't specialists like in that movie.
Also another wrong about that movie is they act like a drug could make any real difference, as if it were some biological thing, which is really only a half-truth. Anyone can develop psychic abilities provided they desire to do so and have at least a smidgen of ability for visualization and so on which they can then practise and develop further.
Yet another is that people are born this way. Some people ARE born with the psychic powers already active but most not really, most people have to train to unfold them.
Btw that movie is based off of the Stargate Project.
I am really surprised there's 0 Fedora-tier disputes on the talk page of the Stargate Project article on wikipedia btw.
05/11/15 (Mon) 04:30:59 No. 37830
>a powerful wizard in real life can manifest a pearl meditating, though.
This is a very specific thing you are mentioning. Have you witnessed this yourself or have a citation for this ever being done? In what manner do you mean also that a pearl be manifested; as in attracted into their life or materialized or formed out of their body as in the manner of stigmata?
>but that will take decades worth of practice, and you'll need a mentor
Not necessarily true. You don't always need a mentor also if you do want a mentor they don't have to be physically incarnate here, you can learn from astral beings.
## Board Owner 05/11/15 (Mon) 04:38:08 No. 37832
What do you guys think of the board advertisement spam? It's getting really obnoxious. I can just choose to ignore them and thus not provoke them into some serious butthurt and of course their shitty threads will die as nobody wants to go their redundant dead boards and this has been going on for years now and every single one of them has always failed except the ones worthy of success (like /asatru/). It's starting to feel like someone is creating new boards as offshoots of /fringe/ just as a joke now. Someone always creates a whole new board for every little subtopic of /fringe/.
05/11/15 (Mon) 04:43:17 No. 37834
They should get banned.
I think there should at least be an /astral/ board on 8ch though like what freedom board had.
05/11/15 (Mon) 04:50:06 No. 37836
From the sticky >>1
mportant Threads: QUESTIONS: ( >>13455 ) Meditations: ( >>33148 ) Renouncing Lust: ( >>18822 ) Renouncing Laziness: ( >>576 ) Fringe Music III: ( >>1222 ) Diet: ( >>24265 ) Visualization & Thoughtforming: ( >>81 ) Reincarnation: ( >>72 ) Fringe Girl: ( >>75 ) Synchronicity: ( >>1666 ) Astral Travels: ( >>967 ) Survey: ( >>3299 ) Wizard Progress Report: ( >>30727 )
That one thread there serves the function of the whole /astral/ board on freedomboard. Just post in it.
05/11/15 (Mon) 05:10:14 No. 37837
>last post was a month ago
Would rather not use that shit.
05/11/15 (Mon) 05:20:33 No. 37838
WHY? /fringe/ has always been really slow, I'm going to go post in that thread right now just to spite you.
05/11/15 (Mon) 05:39:51 No. 37841
the astrological sign for mercury
05/11/15 (Mon) 06:14:17 No. 37843
In my planet that is the symbol of a brothel. Symbolism changes depending on your emotional state and dimension. Universale symbolism doesn't real.
05/11/15 (Mon) 06:29:07 No. 37845
It has been the case since the beginning of time that one needs a mentor to become enlightened. time is beginningless. None has reached enlightenment without a mentor.
Manifest like "click" from the unmanifest now there is manifest this material.
05/11/15 (Mon) 09:21:13 No. 37850
>mfw all those other replies
What exactly do you mean by enlightenment?
There's plenty of power and enlightenment to be gained without a mentor and while it is definitely advantageous to have a mentor guiding you I fail to see the necessity in a physical one at least.
05/11/15 (Mon) 10:06:02 No. 37852
I don't HAVE to answer you.
Enlightenment = complete knowledge of self and the consequent qualities which proceeds from that knowledge.
You fail to see the necessity in a physical mentor.
05/11/15 (Mon) 10:48:41 No. 37854
you don't convince me, how can another person know you, better than you, yourself, through the connection to the All and your higher self?
05/11/15 (Mon) 11:29:28 No. 37862
It is so that one knowing himself completely see that all separate entities around him as similar in nature as he is. Thus it is so that that same entity can say with complete certainty "Just as I do this thing and this is the resulting effect if you do this thing the resulting effect will be identical." Accordingly, that same entity, through the power of complete self knowledge and awareness of the essential similarity of all entities can say with complete certainty "Just as I abstain from this thing and this is the effect, If you abstain from this thing the resulting effect will be identical."
Life is as I say and is not as I say not.
05/11/15 (Mon) 13:41:14 No. 37882
thoughts on terence mckenna?
i think he's based as fuck
05/11/15 (Mon) 13:42:56 No. 37883
Why is there so much pain and suffering?
Warning: Extremely NSFW webm
05/11/15 (Mon) 13:50:29 No. 37885
don't you have a bit of empathy?
05/11/15 (Mon) 13:56:04 No. 37887
Why do you type as if trying to obfuscate a lack of understanding?
Mundane viewpoints, druggy.
>Says everything is language
>Not mind
It's funny that little old ISIS can afford high def cameras to shoot these silly videos. Guess they need more scary PR than back when Al-Qaeda was still a thing.
Webm related, a favorite. Can't tell me that this shit doesn't look fake as fuck.
05/11/15 (Mon) 14:46:50 No. 37891
05/11/15 (Mon) 14:55:10 No. 37894
05/11/15 (Mon) 14:55:40 No. 37895
are humans eternal beings (at least their consciousness), or do we have to do something to survive?
05/11/15 (Mon) 14:59:14 No. 37896
eternal not in the way you think
when you die, you won't have your brain anymore
so, your physical experiences will be…. gone, as if you never existed and this life never existed
this is a good thing, death is a great equalizer
you're will.
think about a microbe, and think how you would perceive life a microbe
that's how eternal your life is
05/11/15 (Mon) 15:02:43 No. 37897
and what can i take from here to… wherever? how can i let human existence amount to anything?
05/11/15 (Mon) 15:15:31 No. 37899
you silly boy
why does existence have to amount to anything?
do you think THE ALL has to amount to anything?
NO. he just is
the meaning of existence is to exist
after you finish a video game, you don't think "fuck it, now it's over, it was fucking worthless, all i did i did for nothing!"
you say "oh, it was fun while it lasted"
when you play a videogame, using cheat codes or playing on easy mode is boring
that's why people play videogames on HARD, to challenge themselves
some say that if you like this life, you like pain and that you're a masochist
i ask them, why?
are you a masochist if you want to take a challenge?
when you die, you'll do what thou wilt
as you'll be pure will, a part of the will of god
05/11/15 (Mon) 15:29:53 No. 37903
05/11/15 (Mon) 15:37:02 No. 37907
>Why do you type as if trying to obfuscate a lack of understanding?
That is a question.
Shut up, stupid.
05/11/15 (Mon) 17:41:59 No. 37922
Check the sticky. Its right at the top.
05/11/15 (Mon) 17:50:48 No. 37923
Have you ever tried that link?
05/11/15 (Mon) 17:58:25 No. 37924
Hint: It's a troll group, not even the real chat (where nobody is active).
05/11/15 (Mon) 18:01:25 No. 37925
Yes. The #fringe chat was supposed to be fringe related but no one uses it. #here is a bullshit lobby group but its better than the skype chat.
05/11/15 (Mon) 20:03:33 No. 37938
can any /fringe/ wizards confirm if any of this is accurate
Currently I'm thinking Christ is associated with spirit, consciousness, unifying with the all, and ascending to the immaterial realms
Lucifer/Isis/Eris(?) is associated with soul, maintaining balance and harmony in 3D and is the tether between us and the all
Yahweh/Demiurge/Satan is body, an extension/other half of Lucifer and is associated with our LHP base emotions e.g. lust, hatred, deceit
Am I on the ball? If not please enlighten me
05/11/15 (Mon) 20:20:45 No. 37942
Sounds good but Eris is a goddamn bitch.
05/11/15 (Mon) 20:26:19 No. 37944
You just are rude and disrespectful. She see's right through you.. and treats you with discord because you deserve it! Calling her a bitch? No wonder eris would not be kind to you!
05/11/15 (Mon) 20:56:56 No. 37948
Psh. I was quoting Kerry Thornley one of the co-creators of discordianism.
Read a history book.!rhAXHTqa!qhc2PXxEA_HftFyUD4LJjjldhCwvVbI4y3MwrflUrUo
05/11/15 (Mon) 21:01:20 No. 37949
Can anyone tell me what pic related is from? I'm a bit of a fedora - I read a few of the essentials but they haven't convinced me yet, I want something to practice and get results.
Also, why are there so many sigil guides - could someone point me towards fringe's recommended methods? The last time I tried I think I fucked it up.
05/11/15 (Mon) 21:35:03 No. 37951
Thank you for the picture.
05/11/15 (Mon) 21:42:28 No. 37953
I don't know if it works though, I don't think I even found it on /fringe/.
It's really the parts that seem to come before that interest me - everything seems so simple on the pic that there must be a sort of prerequisite to them, some practice that you need to know. That's what I think anyway, it'd be good if someone more experienced were to clear this up.
05/11/15 (Mon) 22:44:07 No. 37959
Magick seems simple.
Like lifting weights is simple.
But to do higher, more powerful, better magick, you have to do it more and more.
On paper, it is simple. So is writing out that I'm going to lift 2,000 pounds.
Magick takes lots of training, like Olympic athletes. It is just another part of your life.
05/11/15 (Mon) 23:00:34 No. 37964
The thing i have most trouble with is visualization and dreaming.
Most of the time I dont even dream at night, anyone have any advice on how to get that started?
05/11/15 (Mon) 23:55:20 No. 37967
That picture is not without work. I've been curating magickal techniques from fantasy novels since I started reading Harry Potter in elementary. It's good to do.
My favored version of sigil magick is just making sigils without even a conscious reason and consecrating them and putting them in my living area. Their purpose WILL out. That's unconscious sigil making. I've also made conscious sigils for attracting magick but when I do that depends on when my subconscious tells me its okay. For example I have a guitar I want selling but I'm not even putting it on craigslist or making a sigil for attracting a buyer because it doesn't feel like the right time. It might be that there is a negative entity lying in the background to attract a negative buyer into my life. OR that my subconscious knows that in a weeks time I will come upon this big new interest hobby/need/etc and THEN will be the proper time to seek money to fuel it. Either way I am content to wait until things come to a proper head.
Painting is a suitable sigil maker. My room is rimmed by my paintings and I know they affect me subconsciously positively because I made them and I don't do stupid, foolish things.
05/12/15 (Tue) 01:53:12 No. 37985
What is difference between The All & Brahman?
Here is the rest of that if you need it…
Section III should take you a few months if done properly.
Before sleeping affirm you will remember all dreams with clarity and ease, with strong intent. Keep a journal next to your pillow. When you wake up in the morning do not move. Ask yourself what you were dreaming about. Write down anything remembered immediately. Repeat the mantra RAOM GAOM in your mind.
Go back to sleep after staying up for 20-90 mins (without doing overstimulating activity) and you will have much more vivid dreams. Naps achieve a similar effect.
Visualize your day backwards without attachment, as if you are watching a film on rewind. This will improve visualization and dream memory. Make sure you are getting enough B vitamins.
Also to improve visualization, stare at a candle for 2-3 minutes from at least arms length, then close eyes and watch afterimage till it goes a way. Do the same with pictures and other objects.
Do you really need a whole book? (I believe it is better to start from bottom left) and laughing are good.
Try spinning, rubbing hands together, say what you are doing as you are doing it, say "clarity now" or "increase clarity"
05/12/15 (Tue) 02:53:59 No. 37994
lucifer/christ/eris is associated with spirit
yahweh/demiurge/satan with body and soul
05/12/15 (Tue) 03:52:03 No. 38007
How to do Magick Missle?
Jade Helm 15 is in action and I need a weapon.
But as a poor fag, I have no gun. BEST way to do magick missle?
05/12/15 (Tue) 03:54:43 No. 38008
I recently got a filling at the dentist.
Upon thinking about it more, it may have been a bad idea. Do you think that the doctor could have put a chip or some sort of device along with the filling. I've heard about many that happening to many people without their consent or knowledge.
What do you think?
05/12/15 (Tue) 03:56:24 No. 38009
I'd be more worried about what the filling is made up of. What chemicals.
But the transmitter/tracker can be destroy with a magnet in the mouth.
05/12/15 (Tue) 04:25:44 No. 38019
Yeah, I am slightly worried about the filling's materials. It's a plastic resin which isn't good if that leechesinto my body.
How do I destroy a potential chip? Is there a guide on how to do it maybe?
05/12/15 (Tue) 04:27:40 No. 38020
Nah, no need for a guide.
Just find a good magnet and put it next to your mouth for awhile (Make sure it is strong.) If it is weak, then keep it in your mouth as close as possible. (This is a bad idea as you really don't want something like a magnet in your mouth.)
05/12/15 (Tue) 04:55:05 No. 38028
>What is the difference between the All and Brahman?
The All contains Brahman and none contains the All.
05/12/15 (Tue) 12:03:07 No. 38094
I've been having weird experiences for a while - note that I haven't started practicing magic yet though, I just read.
Every time I think of something obscure in the shower, I find that later in the day, the topic somehow comes up, like in a thread or a conversation. Sometimes I even feel like I know the exact response to a post, then it just appears.
Another related thing is having a fuzzy image in my head when I wake up in the morning, then I just remember it halfway through the day to find that its like a snapshot of what I'm seeing right now.
Can anyone explain these phenomenons to me? Or is it just all in my head?
05/12/15 (Tue) 12:19:02 No. 38095
05/12/15 (Tue) 13:14:09 No. 38102
whats the best way to kill yourself
05/12/15 (Tue) 14:26:29 No. 38107
buy a plane and fly it into that cube in meccah
05/12/15 (Tue) 15:16:32 No. 38111
This life is hell, literally.
If you kill yourself, you're not gonna leave HELL.
You'll reincarnate here again, and again and again, until you finally ascend into a superior density.
You're lucky man, you found /fringe/.
You can now escape the cycle of reincarnation by transcending 3th density.
Or will you kill yourself, to be born again as a retarded/deformed/ill/extremely poor child that suffers from past life amnesia?
05/12/15 (Tue) 15:23:05 No. 38112
hehe, that's hard
actions that would dramatically change history aren't allowed in this world
you know, mind control and shit
05/12/15 (Tue) 19:02:26 No. 38158
I'm having trouble applying what I learned from this Montalk article:
So visualizing / imaging what you want actually prevents it from happening, but emotionally resonating with what you want (feeling the same way you would as if has already happened) will attract that reality?
So basically, to manifest something like bigger muscles, aside from working out, I should imagine / visualize myself as a skinny-fat loser, but act and feel like a confident guy in shape?
Spirit but no soul 05/12/15 (Tue) 19:20:11 No. 38161
How does it feel to have a spirit but no soul?
05/12/15 (Tue) 20:00:17 No. 38165
relevant to this: what are the differences between soul, spirit and body? what is your mind/consciousness/unconsciousness/brain/penis made of?
05/12/15 (Tue) 20:05:00 No. 38167
The short answer to all is "vibration".
05/12/15 (Tue) 20:06:46 No. 38168
oh yeha, my dicks a magical vibrator
05/12/15 (Tue) 20:25:03 No. 38172
Or am I going to a standard "those are mundane prospects" response, showing none of this has any kind of actionable/measurable results. It can't be disproven so it must be true.
Sorry if I sound like a massive mundane faggot, but to be blunt: I'm selfish. I'm only interested in magick if I can help myself / prove it to myself. All the crazy assertions on this board can't be proven because they exist outside materialism. This then begs the question: who cares about any of this if I can't make my immediate experience better?
05/12/15 (Tue) 20:27:17 No. 38175
STS wizard.
Practice. Practice all of it. The only way you are going to get better. Magick isn't abra kadabra. It takes training, like lifting weights. Almost everybody has weak magick muscles and need to work and get stronger.
05/12/15 (Tue) 22:29:36 No. 38194
Day in day out thinking about how you would like to have it, thinking around it, wanting to be it and merely hoping you could be, and thinking about how it could realize itself you prevent things from happening. When you visualize, live it in in imagination and put loosh (attention and emotion) into it, you "resonate" with it and make it happen.
You imagine yourself as the muscle bound guy you want to be feel glorious and full of pride about it, imagine talking with friends commenting about how much stronger/bigger you are, see yourself as if in a mirror being ripped etc.
Deal with your own problems first and then figure out how you want to continue beyond materialistic things. The "crazy things" can be proven by the people themselves for themselves, but it still needs work to get there.
I swear, either I grossly misunderstand STS and STO or people are actively being dumb about it. Being an STO doesn't mean your a goody two shoes going around blessing everyone.
Increasing consciousness and free will (or not violating it) might as well be the only valuable metrics determining STO. You're not an STS fag simply because you get your own. You act "in an STS manner" when you specifically take away from somebody when that person's own free will was against it. Putting out the thoughtform that leads to the end conclusion where at some point somebody must have given up, let's say, some form of wealth at some point out of his own accord because he followed inclination in thoughts isn't a violation. Making people actively dumber and less capable might be STS, but a net gain must also be considered.
05/12/15 (Tue) 22:59:45 No. 38199
Greetings /fringe/, I wanted to ask what would be the best (and fastest) way to go about creating a servitor.
I need it for the purpose of taking care of thought work that's irrelevant to me so I could devote more time and attention towards things that matter to me more, like reading /fringe/-approved books and such.
Thank you in advance.
05/12/15 (Tue) 23:04:38 No. 38200
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. /fringe/ what the fuck is this creature
05/12/15 (Tue) 23:51:12 No. 38203
It's a 144p video. It's a very rare creature these days but it still pops out of shitty parts of youtube every once in a while.
05/13/15 (Wed) 02:53:08 No. 38241
Soul is the ALL that one is. It is that innermost thing which is the consciousness. Spirit is a part of the soul. The highest part of the soul. Body is the lowest part of the soul.
Soul is YOU. Spirit is highest part of you (it is the top of the spirit and capstone which lets you know, if you have fully palpated the SPIRIT that you have thus fully palpalited the whole of your Self), body is the lowest part of the soul. It is the beginning of the journey to complete awareness of self. Body is stability itself.
Body doesn't mean material by the way. When you astral travel and leave you material body you incarnate in your astral body and it is that body which allows you to sense, be stable, etc all the things we think about when thinking about the nature of the material body.
05/13/15 (Wed) 02:55:48 No. 38242
To me it is either a witch/supernatural thing, an assaulted person/supernatural-or-not-supernatural thing, or a not-assaulted-person, not-supernatural thing.
In truth, it is a single thing. Who here can tell the truth?
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 03:22:58 No. 38250
Right now this month I am focusing on nothing but gardening and then the next month I might focus on nothing but cleaning out the house we'll see.
So I don't have time for books and only browse here for about 30 minutes to 2 hours each day at most.
In the meanwhile though, my knowledge is already immense, and though I want to finish those other books and although I am trying to hold back on my development until I finish those books I am pretty much experiencing automatic spiritual growth right now.
Every day now, for a little while, I go 4D while my body is awake. I could intentionally speed up the process massively and just got all out 4D but I want to finish those books… yet this shit is just happening to me right now without me even trying.
It feels almost as if for all the hard work I'm doing every day I am being rewarded with consciousness upgrades.
I have been doing some really fun and awesome things in the astral and meeting entities both in the astral and in the body awake but still connected to the astral states that are exceptionally intelligent, unique, and interesting beings with fully fleshed out personalities and life histories and everything to rival or surpass what you can get talking to random third density humans.
05/13/15 (Wed) 04:18:26 No. 38265
How do I create a tulpa smarter than I am, especially in other fields? Is it possible for them to access the astral, including Akashic Records?
Other people on the site seem to have been successful in creating tulpae with both qualities, but frankly, I don't know how. I've been putting off any sort of creation until I understand how those folks do it.
On an unrelated note, has anyone else noticed just how hard the board's been spammed and slid lately? It just keeps getting worse.
05/13/15 (Wed) 04:45:04 No. 38266
Tulpas are dangerous for beginners, just try to advance yourself right now.
Yes, the board spam is getting worse. It seems like it is going to become like 4shit/x/.
05/13/15 (Wed) 04:56:34 No. 38270
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 05:32:27 No. 38274
It is easy to create a smarter tulpa than yourself and yeah you can have it specialize in other fields and also they are native to the astral and getting them to access the akashic records isn't hard.
The tricky thing is making your tulpa stay around and not just wander off and you never hear from it again.
>On an unrelated note, has anyone else noticed just how hard the board's been spammed and slid lately? It just keeps getting worse.
Yeah there seems to be a possibly intentional effort to shit on the board lately with low-quality threads.
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 05:33:53 No. 38276
Oh man I really want to evoke Fringe Girl based on that art you made there.
Maybe I'll do it soon.
05/13/15 (Wed) 08:07:13 No. 38290
Does anyone know how to turn a basic evocation into a full manifestation?
05/13/15 (Wed) 08:16:07 No. 38291
Smiley, delete the gore.
05/13/15 (Wed) 13:30:33 No. 38333
I know /fringe/ doesnt into crystals that much, but I think this is the best place to ask. Why the fuck do mine seem to be "leaking" color? A few of them have gone completely see-through and some maintain very little of their original color.
05/13/15 (Wed) 15:15:47 No. 38343
crystals don't do shit on their own
you believe they do something, so they do what you believe they do
05/13/15 (Wed) 15:20:24 No. 38344
This is completely wrong. Our modern communications devices are quartz based. IBM even employs a quartz crystal specialist.
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 16:49:18 No. 38362
What is with all the disappearing posts on /fringe/?
I keep seeing this in threads all over the place, deleted posts, all just disappearing randomly.
Is this someone just fucking with me to fire the flames of my paranoia?
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 16:53:48 No. 38365
This seriously just happened right in front of me.
05/13/15 (Wed) 16:57:25 No. 38366
Hi fringe. I don't know what to do. I just want to be happy, but the connections with the outside world is making me unhappy. But acheieved disconnecting from the material world, and it felt great, how did it happen again?
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 16:57:30 No. 38367
Make some decent-to-good Fringe Girl OC and I'll spoiler any gore you want.
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 17:06:31 No. 38371
File: 1431536791735.png (72.65 KB, 482x250, 241:125, Screenshot from 2015-05-13….png )
☻ 05/13/15 (Wed) 17:06:49 No. 38372
File: 1431536809751.png (69.17 KB, 550x223, 550:223, Screenshot from 2015-05-13….png )
sage 05/13/15 (Wed) 17:22:36 No. 38379
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:55:12 No. 38388
Nope. Pop them bitches in salt water (if they don't dissolve), then pop that shit in some sunlight (or moonlight if sunlight bleaches the color, the color is important, like amethyst or citrine) and keep that shit in your aura. You just done natural magic.
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:56:46 No. 38390
That's the wrong answer.
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:57:22 No. 38392
I thought you were the board owner. Check that logs, geek.
05/13/15 (Wed) 20:04:12 No. 38408
Late response, but thank you.
05/13/15 (Wed) 21:16:16 No. 38428
Could anyone suggest some tips for entering gnosis for the first time, and possibly how to know if you've entered it?
05/13/15 (Wed) 21:59:28 No. 38443
How long does it take for me to reach Stage 1 of my consciousness development? I've been taking self-observation far more seriously now so I would like to know just what kind of goal I've opted to take on.
Newsman !/0NK7Vf.9g 05/13/15 (Wed) 22:14:23 No. 38448
contemplation while being as honest as possible with yourself
05/13/15 (Wed) 22:30:37 No. 38454
When you guys visualize the chakras, what exactly does it look like for you in terms of the "camera" of the mind's eye? I'm having trouble settling on a good image. Sometimes I have it so the "camera" is set looking right at an orb of light that I juxtapose with feeling points of my body (like looking at the pic related combined with feeling it), but other times it becomes this sort of vague impression of my body itself, or certain parts of it, with the chakras overlapping. It's all a little muddled for me now so I'm wondering what works for you guys.
05/13/15 (Wed) 22:31:52 No. 38456
File: 1431556312460.jpg (4.12 MB, 3072x3000, 128:125, Energy-you-bring-ball-of-l….jpg )
05/14/15 (Thu) 02:56:38 No. 38492
Can someone recommend me Paranormal videos? Thanks.
05/14/15 (Thu) 08:11:34 No. 38532
Perhaps it's one guy who wants to loosh out /fringe/ by shitposting then deleting his post after he gets a reply?
05/14/15 (Thu) 08:31:06 No. 38533
Or it's some sort of guilt ridden habit from expressing ones self and feeling terrible after wards…
like verbal vomit of free expression..
and they need to flush the toilette afterwards?
05/14/15 (Thu) 09:15:34 No. 38534
I've read all the recommended books, Montalk, Discordianism books, Chaos Magick Books, the entirety of /fringe/, freedomboard, /chaos/, /illuminati/ etc. etc.
I'm doing good with meditation and astral travel, but I don't think this is going anywhere.
I now think that I have to suck it up and use my Will to achieve success and perfection IRL.
Astral traveling all night is good and all, but you'll have to live on this planet until you die.
05/14/15 (Thu) 09:24:59 No. 38535
>Astral traveling all night is good and all, but you'll have to live on this planet until you die.
You lucky bastard, I've only managed to astral a few times
05/14/15 (Thu) 09:25:58 No. 38536
Forgot to reply to
05/14/15 (Thu) 09:37:05 No. 38537
i was able to do it since i was a child
05/14/15 (Thu) 09:41:46 No. 38538
>Astral traveling all night is good and all, but you'll have to live on this planet until you die.
You live on this planet forever until you break reincarnation.. what are you talking about reaching perfection IRL?
05/14/15 (Thu) 09:45:03 No. 38539
What is your current daily routine?
x amount of meditation, etc.
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:15:53 No. 38540
Time is an illusion, death is an illusion, reincarnation is not linear, existence is not linear, consciousness is not linear.
Therefore you can't really say what happens after death. Everything's possible, really.
Will you "wake up" as a god?
Will you reincarnate into something else?
Will you return into the void?
Life into this planet is an experience.
Everything is mental.
Our brain processes the imput we get from our 5 senses, and then consciousness can use the brain as a tool. What if we had 10 senses?
That's unimaginable for US.
A blind person from birth has never experienced sight, that's a completely different reality for him.
Reality is a materialized dream born from chaos.
Magick is real.
I've witnessed martial artists manipulating the energies in their bodies and pushing it outside of themselves.
But what's magick, really?
Will and awareness is magick.
Language is telepathy.
All is mental, all is data.
Is the meaning of life simply being alivive, realizing that life is absurd and trying to understand it as a human would be like trying to get into Harvard as a gorilla?
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:40:40 No. 38542
I never really thought about it but it seems I visualize my body being kind of transparent and your spheres of energy with corresponding colours occupying the chakra positions.
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:43:31 No. 38543
File: 1431600211758.jpg (292.03 KB, 460x706, 230:353, rexfeatures_336943_3087837….jpg )
I have to admit being asked "what do you do all day?" is the most humiliating invasive question ever asked. As if you are a repetitive lab rat, forever chasing the same thing. Forever doing the same thing, always with a mechanical response. Prying where ones nose does not belong. Into a depth of personal boundary's far crossing a line with is laid out. What do I do all day? Is that your business? As far as I can tell.. it is not. top kek jk you got a warrant for that 1984 thought police?
“The medieval fool was continually reminding us of our mortality, our animal nature, of how unreasonable and ridiculous and petty we can be.” This continued through to the 16th century, where Shakespearean jesters were often linked to death and dark truths. “King Lear’s fool wanders around reminding everyone that they’re not as clever as think they are while talking in contorted double speak to undermine our sense of what we think is going on,” says Stott. “Clowns have always been associated with danger and fear, because they push logic up to its breaking point,” he adds. “They push our understanding to the limits of reason and they do this through joking but also through ridicule.”
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:47:05 No. 38544
That's probably good for that person then. Like how you sometimes purge of all the things BAD for you before coming up on a psychedelic trip. Expurging all the things that don't belong in the headspace.
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:48:52 No. 38545
Stop saying stupid things. What you just said was stupid.
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:49:11 No. 38546
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:51:37 No. 38547
I second this. The whole fundament of asking a questions about the internal thoughts, actions, and speech is really spiritual rape.
05/14/15 (Thu) 10:52:23 No. 38548
top kek
elites harvesting virgins
05/14/15 (Thu) 11:06:48 No. 38552
My post went tooooo the wrong person.
05/14/15 (Thu) 11:17:38 No. 38554
It's honestly none of your god damn business what some one does till dusk, till dawn. Unless you are included. Others lives are not yours. They are not trinkets, the lives they live are not nick nacks you can stack on your gossip achievement awards of knowing everyone's business. You fucking nosy bastard.
05/14/15 (Thu) 12:04:45 No. 38559
I know you targeted the wrong poster.
05/14/15 (Thu) 12:09:55 No. 38560
If the nazis were so esoteric, why didn't they win the war?
Maybe because magick isn't real?
05/14/15 (Thu) 12:13:56 No. 38561
No one can out-magick the chosen.
We keep our practices secret and our knowledge away from the goyim.
All these authors and books you see people here following are nothing but bread crumbs filled with misinformation we purposely leave in order to distract any stray goy who might pick up interest in such practices.
05/14/15 (Thu) 12:43:03 No. 38567
Counter magicks
propaganda against nazis made citizens subconsciously go against them magically
05/14/15 (Thu) 12:55:38 No. 38571
>asking questions = spiritual rape
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:01:54 No. 38572
holy shit shut the fuck up you insufferable anxious fuck
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:04:49 No. 38573
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>38572
needs moar of your projection to be clear
What is that? could you rephrase that?
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:06:29 No. 38574
>spiritual rape
fill in the blanks moar pls. idk what you guys are snorting, but it's fucking mad libs in here!
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:16:10 No. 38576
you sound like a bitch, the guy just asked for other people's routine get a grip
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:18:53 No. 38577
When you an hero people will throw a party : )
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:22:25 No. 38578
sorry for feelingz hurt : (
05/14/15 (Thu) 13:25:44 No. 38579
I want to outkike the kike.
Charles Dickens 05/14/15 (Thu) 13:56:41 No. 38582
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. . . .
05/14/15 (Thu) 21:24:29 No. 38603
There There is There is no one on3i oni can trust
05/14/15 (Thu) 21:27:34 No. 38604
I I just need as much information on cloned humans with alien….something in them.
I found out that I am alone, and there is no in I can go to for help beca7se, oh god I've never been m9re scared
05/14/15 (Thu) 21:37:06 No. 38605
I'm scared to post anything that reveals that I know anything, I don't know what to do.
But just, my entire life makes sense now and I don't know what to do.
What, if any, information is there on what happeneds when a man is cloned, and and that and that clone andthatclonehas andthatclonehasalien andthatclonehasaliensomething andthatclonehasaliensomethinginside them, I'm assuming DNA but, it could be something else.
And that clone with alien something inside, has has a child with what I hope to hell is a normal human mother.
Why and what the fuck purpose be?
05/15/15 (Fri) 01:18:53 No. 38653
Take a knife
Cut it out
05/15/15 (Fri) 01:19:54 No. 38654
05/15/15 (Fri) 01:30:15 No. 38665
How is this a problem?
05/15/15 (Fri) 03:31:10 No. 38693
Where is the delete post option?
05/15/15 (Fri) 03:31:29 No. 38694
I need to delete being a jackass.
05/15/15 (Fri) 04:01:38 No. 38705
05/15/15 (Fri) 04:14:05 No. 38707
thanks friend
I know
>the delete feature didn't work for a second
05/15/15 (Fri) 05:30:52 No. 38713
Does mental influence over me increase if I am sleep deprived?
Like entities making me ignore reading occult texts/fap?
05/15/15 (Fri) 05:50:58 No. 38717
Yes, you have lower energy levels and you are less in control. There's also an increase in psychic susceptibility of sort.
05/15/15 (Fri) 06:46:38 No. 38720
Truth be told, you probably want to jerk off because you feel numb and that adds pleasure to it.
05/15/15 (Fri) 06:58:14 No. 38721
Do you think some 4D beings wish they could be cute 3D beings just like how some 3D want to be 2D?
05/15/15 (Fri) 07:34:08 No. 38724
05/15/15 (Fri) 11:46:30 No. 38734
I'm sorry I will check my privilege next time.
*mutters* "the goys know"
05/15/15 (Fri) 12:51:54 No. 38739
Probably some underdeveloped degenerate 4D beings still attached to 3D.
05/15/15 (Fri) 13:13:37 No. 38741
What's gonna happen in september?
05/15/15 (Fri) 13:13:36 No. 38742
there are no 4D beings attached to 3D
they would have reincarnated
05/15/15 (Fri) 13:56:41 No. 38744
Not immediately, some lower order beings fresh after leaving the physical density would spend some time feeling homesick in the astral before reincarnating.
05/15/15 (Fri) 15:35:00 No. 38750
Hey guys, me and my friend are planning on opening up an Occult Supply shop pretty soon we need a few suggestions.
>1.We need a name for our Magick Shop
>2.We need a good location for our shop where
our occult goods would reach as many
practitioners as possible
>3.What would be the most useful items our shop
could sell
05/15/15 (Fri) 15:37:30 No. 38751
I fucked up and somehow posted it early, but yah all of those questions.
05/15/15 (Fri) 15:47:34 No. 38752
goy -singular
goyim -plural
Why don't you know this kike? Did your parents end up in a gas chamber?
05/15/15 (Fri) 16:11:18 No. 38755
Hi people. Any tips of entering a trance state while having physical pain cause of sickness? Is it even possible to do it ?
05/15/15 (Fri) 18:53:20 No. 38772
Try these:
"I WILL have a lucid dream tonight"
"I vividly remember my dreams upon waking"
"I always wake up after a dream so I can write it down"
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:01:34 No. 38775
Just as I thought, thanks. I will try very hard to avoid staying up all night now.
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:02:59 No. 38776
/fringe/ i'm gonna crack
I'v been doing great for so long but i've hit a wall. I've lost motivation to read, exercise, meditate and generally pursue further understanding. All i've maintained thus far is diet and abstinence from masturbation and drugs. I've literally been eating nothing but fruit, vegetables, honey, eggs and white rice for a fortnight but I just feel depleted and am extremely tempted to go buy a tub of icecream or something. I just really need a source of pleasure right now.
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:24:48 No. 38777
Don't break. Stay strong!
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:40:30 No. 38780
Then attain some pleasure, but perhaps seek the most beneficial, "healthy" form of it that you can. I don't condone hedonism, but repressing your cravings too severely or too quickly will lead to some kind of distress, relapse and/or bottling up of emotions which I'm sure many will agree could be just as damaging to your health as having a little sugary snack to take the edge off. There's a fine line between self-discipline and self-deprecation, so just take it easy a little. If you feel like you can keep going and that this is just a moment of weakness, then keep going. If you feel like you're absolutely losing your mind, then indulge a little, start over, and take it more slowly.
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:42:17 No. 38783
Nice motivational poster. I am sure they are really motivated now.
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:48:37 No. 38785
You should have within you a inner knowing about how much suffering you will accept in one "Go" at getting healthy/enlightened. I've failed and then done better afterwards many times. It's like a sine wave which when you zoom out, "big picture" is always trending upward. If you are suffering from lack of ice cream, eat ice cream. Then, focus on what it is doing to you/for you and then focus on what you can do to fulfill that need without poisoning yourself or otherwise cause that need to cessate.
05/15/15 (Fri) 19:48:13 No. 38786
05/15/15 (Fri) 20:26:43 No. 38788
Alright /fringe/, I want to actually succeed at entering gnosis for once - I've fallen asleep every other time.
So this time I'm planning to sit upright in a comfy chair, but I've got a few questions:
How long does it take to enter gnosis?
An anon told me that I should honestly contemplate myself, but I read that you're supposed to not think - so which is it, am I supposed to think about myself or just not think at all?
How do I know I've entered it? Is it just the fact that I can't tell what the room around me is like, or are there more signs?
Lastly - what do I do once I'm there? Focus on particular parts of my body, or try pushing out?
Thanks /fringe/, I don't expect one anon to have all the answers, but I'm fucking pumped tonight, I feel like I'm gonna finally into magic.
05/15/15 (Fri) 21:56:17 No. 38794
Thank you all I decided to just get a bag of candy (fuck the dairy jew) and watched some shitty tv.
Regarding the sine wave thing I've noticed this too. I have had slip ups in the past but ultimately overcame them. I just fear falling into the mundane attitude of having a "cheat" day rather than striving for freedom from vices. But then I think of how far I've come and realise that as much as I may contemplate it, I'll never be able to go back.
05/16/15 (Sat) 00:49:53 No. 38809
what are the vril?
Do the elites possess the ability to steal your consciousness and put it into a clone body while you sleep?
Are humans potentially the most powerful beings in existence?
05/16/15 (Sat) 01:29:28 No. 38812
If you dedicate your life to avoiding something you're still enslaved to it, you just changed the shape of your chains.
True hedonism is not having no will-power and simply being a biological drone, but embracing all your corruption and vices in order to liberate yourself from their hold.
Only when there are no more walls in your mind and your carnality bears no grip on you, only then you're truly free.
05/16/15 (Sat) 02:12:46 No. 38820
If I summon an angelic entity, and spoke the second Semiphoras(yeseraye) that will improve the chances of manifesting?
05/16/15 (Sat) 02:21:35 No. 38823
Anyone have good reading/method of biokenetics? Seems really advanced, but something that would intrigue me very much.
05/16/15 (Sat) 02:26:30 No. 38824
The "babel spell" (Understanding of all languajes ) exist? and someone knows it?
05/16/15 (Sat) 03:10:24 No. 38825
use the internet. find your demographic. what do occultists need that you can provide?
05/16/15 (Sat) 03:59:52 No. 38827
05/16/15 (Sat) 04:51:30 No. 38834
05/16/15 (Sat) 05:14:03 No. 38838
Thoughts on Julius Evola?
05/16/15 (Sat) 05:28:43 No. 38841
So, last night I was falling asleep, then I unconsciously entered in a lucid dream/astral projection, I still knew I was in bed, it wasn't very lucid.
Basically, I was walking on water on a lake, then I thought "You aren't ready for that power yet".
The lake absorbed me, I then felt like I was inside a star, a fuckton of energy got inside me and I was scared as fuck, like "Holy shit, all this energy would destroy my body IRL, I can't return now".
I felt like merging with some divine power, it was beautiful, for an instant I thought that I want to abandon my physical life to stay there.
It lasted for around 10 seconds.
What the fuck happened? The power (energy) was intense, and it felt like it was MINE, but from a bigger manifestation of myself.
Was it my higher self?
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:04:38 No. 38847
I had a dream last night where I was moots girl friend. At the end of the dream.. his mom picks him up? wtf? okay. We were cuddling and hanging out. He hugged me slumped over like he was embarrassed (while his mom was picking him up on the front porch) before leaving.
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:13:38 No. 38848
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:39:46 No. 38852
Same as prana, chi etc. essentially. Read Atkinson's Vril book, if you want to know more, but it's pretty much a rewrite of The Arcane Formulas and The Arcane Teaching, as far as I recall.
>steal your consciousness
No idea. I find it dubious that the "consciousness", Atkinson's big E Ego, the I AM could be transplanted against someones will because, although someone would be able to skip bodies out of his own accord, wouldn't it require a lot of power to get to that level that you can do it wilfully without drawbacks or forgetting memories? Then again supposedly, aliens, militaries can "reanimate" dead bodies, which end up "mimicking" people they are "assigned to" (see Carissa Conti's brother, Chasing Phantoms ). They're definitely spirit/Ego-less, but it still serves as food for thought.
>humans = most powerful?
No. Other creatures have existed before us in similar vein going the same path, growing more powerful and conscious. We can't suddenly surpass them out of nothing, but we can grow along the same lines as them. Just like after us there will come another race or species going through 3D, 4D and beyond.
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:47:42 No. 38854
I've understood that they cannot forcefully "kick out" one's "I AM" from the body. Usually these reanimations happen after depression or other prolonged negative mental states, because negative emotions give an entry to negative entities to enter your life. Thus when you dwell in negativity, the negative entities manage to "subvert" your freewill and then, when you least expect it, they take you out. Well, no real "subverting" happens because it is the person itself who, using his freewill, even if subconsciously, gives permission for the negative entities to reanimate/kill/possess him.
These reanimation cases are gold-mines for the negative entities because they can spread disinformation freely without no one suspecting a thing.
05/16/15 (Sat) 07:19:44 No. 38858
Literally what is the difference between lucifer and christ?
05/16/15 (Sat) 07:34:52 No. 38859
Rudolf Steiner wants you to find out who Lucifer, Christ and the Ahriman are. Read his books, my friend.
I suspected as much, thank you for your input.
05/16/15 (Sat) 10:48:23 No. 38875
I don't know if what you're going through right now is the dark night of the soul or not but I suggest you read up on it and prepare accordingly.
He's a pretty good philosopher and was a decent wizard but he's far from being the best source for inspiration.
It's nearly impossible to say since dream symbolism is unique to every person. Either way, keep walking the path.
05/16/15 (Sat) 11:21:24 No. 38876
Do you ever have the feeling you are around some dead people who haven't moved on?
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:04:25 No. 38879
he wasn't a wizard
he was a mundane
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:19:57 No. 38881
What gives you that impression?
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:46:50 No. 38885
One of his books is titled Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus
That and the fact that he had a group of wizards whose name I forgot led me to believe that he wasn't quite mundane.
05/16/15 (Sat) 14:06:23 No. 38892
>In 1927, Julius Evola and other leading Italian intellectuals formed the mysterious UR group. Their goal: to bring their individual egos into a state of superhuman power and awareness in which they could act 'magically' on the world. Their methods: the practice of ancient Tantric and Buddhist rituals and the study of rare Hermetic texts. So successful were they that rumors spread throughout Italy of the group's power, and Mussolini himself reputedly became quite fearful of them. Now, for the first time in English, Introduction to Magic collects the rites, practices, and knowledge of the UR group for the use of aspiring mages.
05/16/15 (Sat) 14:25:53 No. 38893
How does one move about without moving an inch? By thinking.
05/16/15 (Sat) 14:33:06 No. 38895
this is salesman level shit
05/16/15 (Sat) 14:45:17 No. 38896
Well yes, I copied it from teh book description.
05/16/15 (Sat) 14:52:59 No. 38898
THIS, my friends, IS MAGICK.
Not some supernatural bullshit.
05/16/15 (Sat) 15:32:55 No. 38902
I've had strange experiences while resting in my bed. I'm not exactly sure what activates it, but when it does, I feel like I'm sinking further into it than I already am, and yet feel like another part of me is pulling itself away from the bed. There's an intense ringing in my ears when this happens, and almost completely paralyzed when it happens.
There are ways to get out of the state, but I've never taken the entire plunge into the state. Does anyone know what was happening?
05/16/15 (Sat) 15:51:28 No. 38903
what the fuck have you done with your life?
05/16/15 (Sat) 15:52:33 No. 38904
Sounds like the beginning stages of wake induced lucid dreaming, or WILD, look it up to see if it matches.
05/16/15 (Sat) 16:21:41 No. 38909
>If you become fearful under the influence of sleep paralysis, you may accidentally invite fearful characters into your dream. Such dream figures can be extremely menacing.
Holy fuck it matches up perfectly. Thanks anon.
05/16/15 (Sat) 18:13:28 No. 38912
I've been reading the Arcane Formulas, and have a question about Egohood. Is there anything more to it than just simple mental acknowledgements of what it says?
05/16/15 (Sat) 19:04:25 No. 38913
How in the world do I astral project? I've been trying various different methods for months now and nothing has been working.
05/16/15 (Sat) 19:45:27 No. 38914
Short version, you don't have strong enough energy body or astral senses to project if you've tried various techniques. Most strong technique seems to be as awaking at night as described in The Book of Knowledge. All in all, energy work and meditation, as well as training astral sight as in walking around your home and recalling things, both visual, smell, touch etc. Ophiel had an ok book on the subject and I don't have the time to type it out now, sorry.
05/16/15 (Sat) 20:56:00 No. 38919
Thanks, I'm reading up. I'll admit that I'm a skeptic so I'm really eager to see if this works
05/16/15 (Sat) 21:58:50 No. 38933
astrologyfags…I have always been curious about this:
sidereal or tropical?
05/16/15 (Sat) 22:26:16 No. 38945
upload magical use of thought forms, please
05/16/15 (Sat) 22:56:11 No. 38949
Was just balancing on an exercise ball (also my chair) and found that if I move energy lower in my body such as the base of the spine that my balance greatly increases. It is as if I am stuck to the ball and the ball is a solid chair. When moving energy higher balancing is much harder.
Any explanaition for this?
05/16/15 (Sat) 22:58:48 No. 38950
So does anyone have any neat/useful exercises for visualization sitting around, or books you'd recommend that touch on it? I read through the visualization/thoughtform thread and I've been messing with just trying to see things in my mind's eye and manipulate them, but I'm unsure if I'm really progressing. I can see a flash of super intense imagery for a moment, but my eyes take back over right after that.
05/17/15 (Sun) 00:19:40 No. 38951
How come this is considered a top fringe site? You can't even download without paying money.
05/17/15 (Sun) 01:09:38 No. 38959
I don't know what you mean, clicking on the text links allows you to download the text in a zip file?
Numbers without subvocalization, simple things, "moving" things like gears and such, huge pictures. Add vision, touch and other senses to things, do it with eyes open for greater effect. Keep trying nonetheless, visualization can be seen as basic training anyway.
05/17/15 (Sun) 01:40:42 No. 38965
Thanks for the ideas! I've had big issues with sub vocalization with numbers when I did attempt that, so I'll keep at it.
05/17/15 (Sun) 02:58:01 No. 38975
I'm about to crack just as >>38776 but for different reasons.
Since I've started opening up my mind I aquired a slight sense of disgust from mundane activities in general. It's not that I have a superiority complex but I'm not able to stand the stupidity arround me, I'm feeling that I'm wasting my time with everything I do and everyone I relate to: the place I live, work and where I'm taking my degree. It's getting more intense day by day and the more I enlighten myself the more I feel out of place as I get bombarded everyday with the same mundane crap, heh, I'm even trying to get engaged in their activities like hanging out, socialize and shit like that but it all seems just a waste of time. How can I calm the fuck down and not freakout until I'm able to exit this cycle.
05/17/15 (Sun) 05:21:28 No. 38987
05/17/15 (Sun) 06:27:15 No. 38995
>I WILL have a lucid dream tonight
I don't think that will work. The subcsonscious will pick up the "will" and go "ah! This means I can do it later! Time to wait!".
The others seem ok though, present tense and positive.
05/17/15 (Sun) 08:08:36 No. 39000
Many wizards are doomed to live among mundanes despite their sacred knowledge.
I find that it's important to have some humility and remember that while a lot of people you see in your daily life are soulless husks, many are human just like you but at a lower stage of development.
Sure it's very disheartening to see their ignorant actions but you can't hate a child for not understanding why you can't just split things equally and make everyone in the world happy. Their scope of understanding just isn't there yet but if you find a mundane worthy of the knowledge feel free to give him a push into the esoteric, observing such an evolution of consciousness will make you feel better about the race.
Alternatively you can give in to hate and attempt to magically kill as many mundanes as you can.
05/17/15 (Sun) 11:29:46 No. 39011
>I don't know what you mean, clicking on the text links allows you to download the text in a zip file?
Sorry, I linked the wrong site. :(
what i meant was
05/17/15 (Sun) 12:18:01 No. 39014
If we are in "the infinite", then is there a "beyond infinite"? If it's "beyond infinite" then "the infinite" is not "the infinite", but if there's not a "beyond infinite" it's not "the infinite"?
"the infinite" is both the "beyond infinite" and "the infinite"
05/17/15 (Sun) 12:26:57 No. 39018
There is nothing beyond the infinite as an abstract concept.
05/17/15 (Sun) 12:44:36 No. 39022
That's possible anon as anything is possible.
For example. Something without limits can be at the same time something with limits.
05/17/15 (Sun) 13:26:52 No. 39027
You freshman level "philosophers" are making me sick.
05/17/15 (Sun) 14:18:28 No. 39034
- Robert Anton Wilson books
- Every other high level occultist around
Daily reminder that magick is just the manipulation of consciousness and that no, you can't "SPAWN" shit into existence.
05/17/15 (Sun) 14:23:33 No. 39035
Not many people here take Crowley seriously.
05/17/15 (Sun) 14:30:40 No. 39036
Because this place is full of edgy teens that think magick will make them all powerful.
05/17/15 (Sun) 14:45:43 No. 39037
05/17/15 (Sun) 15:38:26 No. 39042
In the same way you would be sympathetic to the plight of an uneducated slave as a learned man, you should feel for people still locked in the system of oppression that is the modern world.
While you have been able to see past the systems of control and seek the path many have fallen prey to all the various mechanisms that keep them spiritually suppressed. This doesn't make them bad people, just normal. These systems were designed to be as effective on the general populace as they can be, creating a consumerist mentality and preaching materialism from every pulpit of authority the modern world has. When you are conditioned to think of spirituality as ignorant superstition or worse yet the desperate clinging to "something more" by those terrified of the absolute void of impending death it's easy to see why they wouldn't even consider alternatives.
Living, loving, and working among those who have tunnel vision, degenerate tendencies, and close minded philosophies is an excellent way to temper and improve yourself. Transmute feelings of anger and disappointment to joy and acceptance. Cultivate a positive outlook and work on shedding your ego. Walk the middle path for it is the hardest yet the most rewarding.
Too many people here are cynical, jaded, or just dismissive of anyone who is not all in as if they have something to prove. If your focus is truly inwards to ascend, especially if your goal is to help others along the way, then shutting yourself out or worse yet closing yourself off in to a group where selection bias can run ramped can hinder you in the long run.
didi 05/17/15 (Sun) 15:47:48 No. 39048
Just curious if other people have had this:
when i have a task to do that is somewhat something i consider important or useful for me, when i exit the house to do it, this happens. so far it's happened 4 times while i was aware of it.
>play music at home or on device while walking or ready to leave
>at the store or place i need to go to the exact same song either continues playing from where i left home
>exact same song is playing in the area that i'm listening to on my device.
and before i leave i always see tripple diggits on clocks.
this has happened with very random songs and with specific shit i mean, i downloaded a 2 hour spanish guitar audio and played it, somewhere in the middle this awesome song came on then im at a cash register and the exact same tune and beat is playing on the radio near the clerk only it's some weird cover by a mainstream pop artist using the same exact melody or sample.
that was an example… it happens with weird music, it happened with an 80's dance song, with these 2 indi songs which people have never heard of.
Every time when i do something healthy or productive this occurs…
curious if we have any others and if there is a tangible explanation for shit like 111 222 333 444 555.
when i see 12 12 on a clock 100% of the time after something very fucking beneficial and awesome occurs.
11:11 i always learn some knowledge or wisdom on self or see a portal to take for another reality .
05/17/15 (Sun) 15:58:59 No. 39050
To be honest this does occur to me too, just much more subtle. The number i see most is 33, and it happens at pure random, it somehow follows me everywhere.
05/17/15 (Sun) 16:00:18 No. 39051
Also, where is the book about Vril, i searched for it in the book mega but couldn't find it. What's the title of it anyway?
05/17/15 (Sun) 16:06:44 No. 39052
Best I could find even though quality is shitty. Too bad it's a rehash of Formulas and Teachings.
Synchronicities. As far as I can tell, meanings number sighting are specific for people. Haven't classified mine so far, but a general amount of synchronicity "pile-up" is a good sign I should keep my eyes open. Montalk mentioned them as well.
05/17/15 (Sun) 16:08:30 No. 39053
Thanks. Did nazis use vril?
05/17/15 (Sun) 16:09:54 No. 39054
Yep. I never thought it necessary to look into the history of the word, so no idea about the specifics, but it's just life force by any other name.
05/17/15 (Sun) 16:11:36 No. 39055
see this thread
also you guys might be interested in this book on crowley's involvement in ww2:!qwBWzIzI!ZK7f5EpoQeUeLtiQYjwR_dJjAHJFWKEzBV7c3N4xBgo
05/17/15 (Sun) 17:07:39 No. 39068
Hello fringe.
Few days ago I lost my only (internet) friend that I cared about over a stupid argument "forever, literally" as they put it.
I've been feeling extremely empty since then, since over the several years I've known them they got integrated into my daily life to the point that when they were away for more than a day or so I'd start feeling very distressed.
So while sitting with a gaping void left by the departure and feeling my sanity slowly slipping away I started thinking just how weird this whole situation was.
To start off it happened on Wednesday (the 13th day of this month) and I noticed how during the argument I was feeling entirely calm, even smug and somewhat pleased with myself, which is extremely unlikely of me.
That got me thinking, maybe what happened wasn't entirely my doing, as in maybe I got manipulated by some being?
To add to this, 9 days before that they said they were having a god-awful night and right after that they told me to "Go outside and shout something 4 times and something related to what you shout will happen" and so being a gullible mundane I did as I was asked to and shouted for our friendship to last forever (they also said not to shout their name, so I didn't).
Now I can't get the feeling off that this is somehow related, I can just sense that it is.
So my question would be what did actually happen? Was it just me being a dick? Was I manipulated by some being?
and can I somehow fix this departure of friendship?
05/17/15 (Sun) 17:41:39 No. 39075
Give your friend time to cool down. Let the high emotions you guys are running on diffuse. In the mean time, write a letter. Explain how much your friendship means and anything else. Everything will be okay. Your friend could have a lot on there plate currently. Just give them some space and room to breath. If your friendship is strong, you guys will pull through.
05/17/15 (Sun) 18:09:45 No. 39080
I will try that, thanks.
It would be awful if it really ended like this.
05/17/15 (Sun) 18:47:41 No. 39083
>I can't take responsibility for my own mistakes!
>maybe I can blame a spirit or something
/fringe/ in a nutshell
05/17/15 (Sun) 19:04:14 No. 39088
>magick is just the manipulation of consciousness
>not realizing that The One is MIND
>can't "SPAWN" shit into existence
>spawn into existence
>implying you're not just transforming energy
shiggy diggy
didi 05/17/15 (Sun) 19:04:56 No. 39089
yeah this is like the entry-tier stuff you learn, syncs n stuff, sure, but i'm curious if there is deeper research into this… at one point some fellas where saying it's actually not a good thing it's the demiderp using real-time nlp-type triggers to direct you in a specific way.. but yeah i really don't care about the whole good vs evil shit, i already know i am the ultimate good and the evil that can be as i have full choice over my immediate yadi-yah.
if a sync is a notable pattern then there must be some science to be had, at least some form of ledge to know so you don't trip over or something… knowledge is knowing where the ledge ends.
didi 05/17/15 (Sun) 19:06:17 No. 39090
actually, if you had the equipment which would run you a good hefty sum, you could see the reactions your will has on matter.
05/17/15 (Sun) 19:11:02 No. 39091
Well, yes.
You're transforming energy through WILL, changing its vibration and thus altering matter. Everything is a state of vibration.
Isn't WILL itself a type of energy?
05/17/15 (Sun) 20:03:05 No. 39098
That was beautiful
05/18/15 (Mon) 06:22:52 No. 39220
05/18/15 (Mon) 06:38:35 No. 39226
I had a very vivid dream last night. I was searching for a book, to perform a ritual that seemed very important. It was quite a big book, and I remember that the title on the page where the ritual was, was something about "21th gate"… I did some reasearch but couldn't find anything relevant.
Does "21th gate" remind you of something?
I just want to be sure, it was a very weird dream.
05/18/15 (Mon) 07:53:56 No. 39234
please im desperate the OBE guide isnt specific enough.
05/18/15 (Mon) 09:52:23 No. 39237
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:09:21 No. 39274
What is the best way to lucid dreaming? How to prepare for it? How to not lost your consciousness before fall asleep?
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:26:05 No. 39275
Check out lucidology in teh huge mega in the sticky under lucid dreaming.
Everyday when you wake up don't move, stay perfectly still and recall every detail you can from your dreams, then when you move write it all down. Get to know that state of just waking up and not moving because it can be used for a lot of things, not just dream recall.
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:29:04 No. 39276
Thank you for information… I will check it out.
But I had problem this night, I didn't dreamed anything. I was lying first time on my back…
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:31:43 No. 39277
How long have you been using that technique? Have you achieved body paralysis while conscious yet? Or heard the weird rushing noises? Seen any visuals?
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:40:27 No. 39279
It was 2nd attempt. Because before I couldn't sleep on my back it's harder to fall asleep. And the first time I actually did it.
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:43:25 No. 39280
Did you experience any of things I asked about or just fall asleep on your back?
You're supposed to go through various stages before entering into the dream, paralysis, rushing noises, faint visual-imagery then lucid dream.
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:45:35 No. 39281
Everything was pretty normal, I was concentrating on breathing, tried to empty my mind. And suddenly fall asleep :(.
Btw, I can't find book in MEGA, can you specify category (Folder)?
05/18/15 (Mon) 17:50:48 No. 39282
Here's the lucid dreaming category….!SwBlCCyT!27XTLH5m13P-Hd-GobvtKA
It'd be cool if someone could move my mega (huge - it could also do with a fancier name but I can't think of one) to the top of the sticky, I have all other megas mirrored in there and about 300gb of other material.
Try reading through this to get a better idea of whats supposed to happen
It can take a while to lucid dream correctly, WILD is kind of a hard technique too, just waking up a few hours earlier than normal and then sleeping again is much easier for enhanced dreaming, not necessarily lucid but more vivid and magical for sure.
05/18/15 (Mon) 20:27:12 No. 39298
Hey /fringe/,
I have problem concentrating on meditation. When my mind is empty, I start to not breath. and when I found out that I Don't breath my head is not empty… Any advices how to keep head empty ?
05/18/15 (Mon) 20:45:04 No. 39299
Use meditation that involves foucusing on your breath. Learn the yogi full breathing from science of breath and use that.
05/19/15 (Tue) 00:17:23 No. 39318
How can I heal myself/others?
05/19/15 (Tue) 00:27:27 No. 39327
Somewhere in here is an archive of the healing thread. There are many different techniques but it basically all comes down to either moving your consciousness through the affected part and delivering more energy to the area and intending the cells heal or else sending a thoughtform in that sends the same instructions and energy in to repair the cells.
05/19/15 (Tue) 01:37:24 No. 39336
How do I strenghten my astral projection? I can't do it for long and when I do I can't make my physical body stop and rest, altough while I'm doing it I am also able to control my physical body while staying out of it and watching over. The problem is that everything I do in the astral I feel it right away on the physical body such as pain, pleasure, etc… I would love to leave it on "standby" and go out without worries.
05/19/15 (Tue) 01:37:21 No. 39337
>be indigopilled master race
>be with a succubus again tonight
>usually after each visit with a succubus I am drained of vitality and feel shit and sick afterwards
>pull out this time just before I was about to jizz
>totally stop the energy from going outside of me
>much better feeling and healthier than normal today
05/19/15 (Tue) 01:48:33 No. 39338
Anyone here got any ideas, preferably backed up by experience, on how to protect electronics and other things in your room from being interfered with by entities? So they can't throw them around, turn them off, damage them, etc.?
05/19/15 (Tue) 01:54:31 No. 39340
You release a lot more energy with an orgasm.. so I've heard. You are still giving some of just by having sex though.
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:07:18 No. 39359
One possessed by a tulpa and thus tulku.
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:11:39 No. 39360
>It is the Akasha, Chi, Prana, Tejas, The Ether.
It's not the Akasha anon. I agree with you on the other ones but Akasha specifically is distinct from it. Ether is like a semi-physical medium between pure thought and physicality and that's what orgone corresponds most closely with. Akasha is like void, potential, etc. and is of a higher nature than orgone.
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:19:49 No. 39362
>Now I can see the similarity in their aspect (skull/woman) it even has some sort of hair but is there a chance that the object has a presence within it? Any way to check this?
You need to use your astral senses to check out this shit. I know there were some magickal objects from a black magick group in France that were examined and found to have negative influences in them.
Also hair in there? For sure your object is magickal man. Don't destroy it or anything though chances are it's really useful in some way.
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:22:58 No. 39363
I'm a borderline retard. Are there any fringe ways of making myself into a more intelligent person ?
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:25:16 No. 39364
Just concentrate it and use your intention to direct it into a proper thoughtform while doing all that other shit.
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:30:36 No. 39365
NO. Socrate's greatness was due to a tulpa. A tulpa is extremely practical and powerful. You just need to thoughtform better and create a more powerful tulpa.
05/19/15 (Tue) 03:32:36 No. 39366
Two years of how intense study?
Some people study more in a year than others will in a decade.
Magick ain't fucking weak, it can literally cause physical changes in your environment and kill people.