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Esoteric Wizardry


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I want to learn about magical studies with a focus on femininity… help direct me fringe.




Pick one and only one.

They may pray and borrow favors from stronger entities, but no female will ever hold true power in this plane.

There's a reason all magus you can name are male.



Magic is very dual in nature. You might want to look up Neptunian abilities like scrying, clairvoyance (any of the clair abilities), divination, energetic sensing, auras/energy sight. As I mentioned above, you will need to study both sides since this is a field of both powers and energies.


I'll assume this isn't bait.

I've been reading Demons of the Flesh and it seems like a good primer on femininity in magic, strongly recommend it. Just ignore the "muh male power" degenerates.


In what way do you want to focus on femininity. Seek and you shall find. What about the feminine do you want to know? I assume you want to know how it meshes with a specific magic or discipline. What's on your mind?



magic that increases femininity



It's a rare book, the "το βιβλίο της πλαστικής χειρουργικής"



In that case you can start working with a feminine entity. Evoke and especially invoke them. Whatever you work with will eventually change you. This is why necromancers and people who work with death channels end up looking sickly and decrepit.




If you're a male trying to use magick to flood yourself with feminine energy you will have a very uncomfortable experience.

If you want the energy tho, i've worked with Aphrodite Oshun of the waters of life Isis and Ma'at Kwan yin.

Read every piece of lore on them and gather similarities to their likes. Dancing or love making is the 2 best methods to call down and embody the energies with efficient compatibility - IF YOU AXE DEM FOR SOMETHING DONT GO AND DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU AXED FOR, REAL TALK YOU WILL GET REPERCUSSIONS ( i have and it was obvious ).

That's my experience on it.


I'm a transexual so I most definitely want it. Thank you for the help fringe.



You are walking down a dangerous path towards self destruction. Try to become comfortable or to accept your gender.





Like i said, all you can do is warn them.



I don't desire to be a pretty princess or modern women. I just wanna be my self and help my deep down subconscious feminity stunted by testosterone to grow. I struggled with shame and years of suicidal thoughts before I took the path of transistion. Its strange to explain looking at your body and the testosterone inside you making you wraith in pain at night and contemplate suicide to end the suffering hoping you could just be reborn non defective. I tried for years just to be normal, I attempted adopting manly trades, dating girls, working towards marriage etc hoping it would fix me and I could feel comfortable with my body, mind and gender.



Explain what decided for you to say I am mundane outside your childish need to troll those you look down upon?



lmao check out this mad fag


sounds so a bunch of childish elitist who desire to be special snowflakes like those that pretend to be schizoid or transgender…. Seems like I dodged a bullet then thanks. You are the exact sort of people who have never actually felt the feeling of pain of truly being a outcast.



>sounds so a bunch of childish elitist who desire to be special snowflakes like those that pretend to be schizoid or transgender

Sounds like you'd fit right in with them


Yes I get it fringe is cringest of special snowflake normalfags. So very le edge as well.


This thread is a reoccurence, it's an anomaly to me, i see the same patterns, the same question format, the same answer sequences, even the shill and the fedora's generic answer…

what's going on? is this some form of small reoccurence or is it a scripted bot?



Because tranny and feminist-minded shitposting is a tried and true way to derail boards and threads. It worked for /pol/ well enough.


Wanting to increase femininity, one should look into the magick properties of herbs and ingest those herbs, regularly which are rule by FEMININE planets, related to water and earth, and those herbs increase the powers of perception (third sight, dreams, clair-anything) etc. That is a good course of action. Also crystals which do the same thing. I recommend amethyst for a start.

Invest in a mortar and pestle (http://www.amazon.com/HIC-Porcelain-Mortar-Pestle-White/dp/B000BI4GII/ref=sr_1_7?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1429489653&sr=1-7&keywords=mortar+and+pestle) and get to cooking.



>directly ask about magic.

>somehow shit post and unrelated because muh /pol/ got triggered.




but what if my main goal with magick is to become the little girl, will I still be required to use male energies after transforming my body?



There are purely feminine realms as well as purely masculine realms. We happen to live in a realm of androgny. Rejoice.



I don't believe your assertion.



>being this much of a sissyboi



Those purely female realms are paradoxically masculine as it's not a penis and a vagina it's principles.





>>35628 (kinda a wannabe snowflake dick)


These people answered my questions, now you guy's are just sperging out.

Didn’t mean to spark a debate on this being a acceptable form/quest of using magic. I already wanna die so I dont give a shit if its dangerous. Im gonna do it. That goes for the hormone meds i take as well.

In the past I was interested in magic and was pushed away from it for it being a little girls interest, my area was mostly dianic wicca so i guess that almost makes sense.




I respect your precision of language.


There is not enough oomph in a mere three dimensions to full express the roll of my eyes. My eye roll has echoed into the past and future.


>Not mentioning >>35664

Fine. Yes. It's okay. I wanted you to notice me. :(


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Faggots that have gotten conditioned by this kali yuga itno hating masculinity and castrating themselves shouldn't seek magic to further their degeneracy but try to adopt a healthier state of mind.

Sorry that it hurts your feelings.



sorry meant to include you.

One thing though I actually have to avoid herbs with photoestrogens, they can compete with the estrogens in my medication and actually do harm to my transition.


Sorry not gonna happen, 8ch users have lately been making a point of doxing transsexuals and well I enjoy my privacy.



>kali yuga

>age of vice

I would say my transition has actually caused me to drop allot of vices. You have no idea how expensive the process is. I bleed money because of it and have much fewer drugs and food. Have to work twice as many hours etc.


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I have taken interest in a book called 'Wisdom of the serpent and the power of the raven', which is supposed to be an introduction to magick for young celtic females. If anyone has the right direction for a such book or pdf I would be very much obliged.

Not to stray on-topic but I would appreciate a link to the cards of ONA aswell.



>Wisdom of the serpent and the power of the raven

$0.66 on amazon


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Oh yes, the one place that I liked to keep my hands off of.




>implying you can't talk to him here





>literally blowing away shitloads of money in order to destroy your body and fail at actually becoming a woman

Kill yourself.



Hey greenpill anon there's more shit like this in Zivorad's books, go check, there was someone with an entity attachment of another gender stuck to them and it was messing up their thoughts, character, sexuality, etc. but once it was removed they were completely normal and had a sexuality and everything harmonious with their body and their purpose in being incarnate here.

>Note: This doesn't make real transsexualism illegitimate.

What are you talking about? People born defective with messed up genitals? They should be regarded as no more than abominations.


OP is still here lurking, its just whats the point in talking with you guys? I asked my question and used the information presented. Am I suppose to be defending some point or arguing with every post?


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>It's a rare book, the "το βιβλίο της πλαστικής χειρουργικής"




> a feral and unmodern kind of femininity, not a transexual fantasy of femininity or even most modern women's experience of it.


would it be the type of feminity manifested by dominant feminists, not necessarily dykes but sometimes yes. Some kind of dominant feminist that wants male power in the name of female power.


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and you're strill trying to fix yourself by ignoring your biological nature

look up what happens to transexuals, especially how surgery and hormone "therapy" doesnt fix their issues

look up their own testimonies i mean



>This thread is a reoccurence, it's an anomaly to me, i see the same patterns, the same question format, the same answer sequences, even the shill and the fedora's generic answer…

this was a common occurence on 4chan, so much so that we had thread upon thread about it on /pol/, and names for it: shillbots

maybe you're having a psychical experience though



Wicca, Hecatian worship, Qliphotian worships. I heard that, as a femine side of druidism, some black rose order/school/path/etc existed.



what the fuck is dragon breathing?



As far as OP asked for "Feminine magic", I've provided him/her appropriate way to search and use. Efficience is not stated in request. There is no efficient woman based magics.



>my transition


>b-but I cut it off






Where are the missing posts you are responding to? Why have they been deleted?


So some people went back pages just to shit post in this thread? Really fringe is truly pathetic.



Strange. 38323 post was just stating that Wicca is not really good paradigm.



That was not what it was saying at all, it was commenting on Freya worship.



You anti-women faggots are literally the male version of feminists.

Driving a wedge between men and woman is the merchant's plot, and if you help him you are his useful idiot.



Son why don't you try to magic ur self into NOT wanting to be a grill and accepting who you are?





…just because a woman is inferior doesn't mean I hate her. Fuck off with your "anti-woman" bullshit just because I'm not spewing your bullshit egalitarianism. Am I "anti-cats" because I realize cats are inferior to humans?

>inb4 retardo egalitarians claims that cats and humans are equal


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Y'all niggas need Shakti.



Women are inferior in what way?



In any way?



Belief that women are inferior is found in the mind of retarded.



make a baby.

Also, women make better killers than men do - and better life creators than men do.

Each polarity has it's specific purpose.

Also your weakest point is exposed, if i kick you in the balls you're fucked, with enough force - your entire lineage and dna is fucked.

Here's a lesson in advanced magick - you're leaking loosh like fuck when you hold grudges.



If I puch you in the head with enough strength ur fuckd while a rhino would just get pissed



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you have to be trolling me… right?


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Son there is no egalitarian in me, not once ounce. I believe some people are better than others, some races better than others, etc.

But the belief the women are inferior is retarded, as they have their own set of strengths and benefits to society. Sure we're superior to them in some aspects such as strength and making/inventing shit, but a mother's role is the pillar to civilization.

Just look at this shit hole we are living in right now since the destruction of the family unit.



The Man is the head of the family… but the Woman is the neck.

Basically Women are manipulative, Men are resourceful.



You've never met manipulative men in your life? Is that a joke?



In which point woman is better in "Making a baby"?

While men create, women recreate, there are no evidences of women creating something new.

The point is that if you kick man in his balls, your "lineage" is fucked too.



In addition, I'm not saying that women are worth than a men by default. They are worth because they don't have to be great to have profits from society.



Its faggots like you who give women that inferiority complex that drives them to be "stronk independent career wymyn" feminists who don't want to procreate the next generation of aryans.

You are as cancerous to society as feminism is.



>men create, women recreate

gr8 b8 m8


>"stronk independent career wymyn"

It is important to be independent in case you get stuck in an abusive relationship. So you can get you and your children's asses out of it. If need be.



>Its faggots like you who give women that inferiority complex

In what way? Women can do as more as men can, but they don't. Why?



Does he strike you as the type that would know that he met a manipulative person if he met one?



Please don't put words in my mouth.

Women are inherently manipulative, men have to learn it.

Men are inherently resourceful, women have to learn it.



First off, I did not put words in your mouth. Second off, I do not believe men have to "learn it" why wouldn't both genders have to "learn it" or be that way? I have met assholes.. manipulative fucked up snakes of both genders. I have met wonderful beautiful beings of both genders. I believe your world view is black and white.


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Seeing as they could not even answer QUESTIONS and manipulated it to be "putting words in their mouth"…

actually quite comical..

if you ask me



Shit smiley. Kill yourself. You're so annoying. Just die.

A man's strength and virtue in their prowess. A woman's virtue is in their intuition. You're literally so fucking dumb.



A woman in an abusive relationship can go to a woman's shelter or tell her brother or male friend and get his ass kicked for being an abusive prick. You don't need to be a MUH CAREER WYMYN to deal with shit like that.


A great man once said that women can be doctors or lawyers if they wanted to, but being a good mother to raise a healthy next generation is far more important to a nation and our yolk.



Belief that anything is equal in this universe is found in the mind of the egalitarian, a word synonymous with retard.

Men and women are not equal and women sure as fuck aren't superior to men.



>Women are inferior in what way?

Physical strength, intelligence, height, magickal ability, cooking, philosophy, ability to contribute to and advance society forward, sports, pretty much everything. They are more beautiful to look at then men though and a good feminine wife is greatly valued by any man.


Shut the fuck up egalitarian in denial and stop equating "inferior" with "bad" in your mind. Something being inferior doesn't make it bad.

Your egalitarian mangina shit is corrupting and destroying the family unit. The man is supposed to be the head of the household you're not supposed to be equal with her dipshit.


>It is important to be independent in case you get stuck in an abusive relationship. So you can get you and your children's asses out of it. If need be.

If you went so far as to actually marry and procreate you better have made the fucking right choice and if you didn't then you fix that fucking relationship or you die trying. This is the standard I hold myself to and a woman should try to meet the same standard not bail out on a relationship.



That poster isn't me.

How the hell is prowess masculine and intuition feminine or otherwise gender-specific?



All things fall into gender

Intuition is feminine

Logic is masculine

Androgynous balance is the path of the wise



>Androgynous balance is the path of the wise

Kill yourself failed tranny



"I would say my transition has"

You do know that you're not actually becoming a woman right?

You can make yourself appear to be one, but you will never actually be one.


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Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics.



Not in the sense of a faggot who wears makeup, no.



I didn't mean it "in the sense of a faggot who wears make up" lmfao



You're dumb. Shut up. Listen.



It's true. See that it is true and know that it is true. "How" is the fucking wrong question. To create is masculine. To SEE what is is feminine. Patterns and creation are masculine (Pater = father). The womb of creation, sight, sense, blah blah is feminine (Mater = mother).

See why this is so without asking stupid question and you will know without feeling foolish in the seeking.



Androgyny is that. That is not good androgyny though. Just like mere spirituality does not mean spiritually good. Mere androgyny is not the whole of ceaseless enlightenment. Ceaseless enlightenment does not occur without androgyny.



Plain and simple.

If you realize that's a load of crap, try erisian magick.



What is erisian magic?



>All things fall into gender

The problem with your statement is that intuition and logic are not THINGS.



>You're dumb. Shut up. Listen.

I'm reading your posts and you are utterly failing to prove that females are superior to or equal with males.

Superiority is masculine, inferiority is feminine, what do you think of that statement? …or are we going to pretend that superiority and inferiority is not gendered?


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Like her ugly beautifulness would grant you tree frogs any of her strongly weak blessing



No. Intuition and logic are objects of mental substance. You don't know about mental substance and have said something stupid sources from the place of ignorance you occupy.


I haven't failed to prove. You have failed to understand. Stupid.


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Human women are physically, mentally, and spiritually inferior to human men. Don't babble to me about masculine and feminine principles because we're not talking about principles we're talking about the males and females of our species. Males are overwhelmingly superior to females.

Are you some stupid feminist bitch, an egalitarian hook-nosed kike, or just some beta feminist mangina?



I responded but the board went down. There's no reshooting my load. I think you're retarded and ignorant and a danger to yourself and others horizontally. Because you're stupid.



You are in denial of reality. Your egalitarian sentiments are destructive and evil.

What am I ignorant of? I sure am not ignorant of the facts that demonstrate the superiority of males over females.

How am I retarded? I am a very capable and intelligent man as evidenced by my personal success in life and my ability to learn complex systems fast and use them well.

I'm only a danger to degenerates like you that would destroy the great in order to make everything equal.



Blah blah blah



>How am I retarded? I am a very capable and intelligent man as evidenced by my personal success in life and my ability to learn complex systems fast and use them well.

You are trying to convince yourself by convincing me/other. :/



Are you a female anon? Want to fight me and see who is superior in physical combat?


Females are superior because they can create life and men can't. Prove me wrong :^).






The so called "physical" is actually mental and my combat is always magickally enhanced.

I can beat you pure magick, pure physicality, and in hybrid combat.



>good at any forms of combat at all


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Anti-natalist master race reporting in, women are tools of the demiurge, fuck them for trapping our spirits in this realm.



Your argument is the other side of the coin called "Stupid things said about gender."


Stephanie Tanner, the middle child of the widower Danny Tanner was very excited about her new band, Girl Talk. After the girls blew off rehearsals and bickered amongst each other, their performance ended very poorly. However, after that performance, 14 year old Stephanie faced a much worse situation…

The girls from the group all left the auditorium in a huff after the disastrous performance by the band. Stephanie stormed out the back door, leaving Kimmie and the others inside. The teens concentrated too much on image, and although this caused the singing to worsen, they did a fine job on their looks. Stephanie wore a very short skirt and thigh-high stockings to go with her dress shirt.

The Tanner household and the band was scouring the auditorium in search of Stephanie. "Hey, Steph?" called out her older sister DJ. Kimmie was searching the restrooms for her, and the rest of the family was searching around backstage. "Hey, Stephanie, where are you at?" asked her uncle, with still no reply.

Meanwhile, Stephanie was planning on walking home, but she was not alone in the alley down the street as hungry, lustful eyes were watching the young girls' every move.

Stephanie turned a corner near an old building, and suddenly was grabbed by someone inside the doorway.

"Heeeyyyy! Letmegooo! Helpppp!" Stephanie cried out at she was dragged into what appeared to be a shabby little apartment. Her cried were muted by a hand covering her mouth, she kicked her feet trying to free herself. The man pulled her into a back room and tossed her onto a mattress. Then he slammed and locked the door.

"What the fuck are you doing? What do you want? you bastard!?" Stephanie yelled at the creepy looking man moving back towards her. SMACK!

The man smacked young Miss Tanner across the face, the force of which knocked her onto her back. He then pounced on top of her, and forcibly shoved his tongue into her mouth amid her struggles.

"Noooo, mppphhhhh," Muted grunts were all that came from Stephanie.

Stephanie's eyes were wide as she felt the mans' tongue probing her mouth. Then, to her horror, she felt him pinning her arms over her head and handcuffing her to a radiator as she lay on her back.

"No, please, please let me go! I'll never say anything to anyone! PLEASE! "

Her pleas for freedom went for naught as her forced her legs apart, and then tore off her halter top, exposing her perky young tits to his desires.

"Oh my God! Don't rape me, please! I'm a virgin! "

He smiled and snarled "Not for long, bitch!"

With that, he reached down and yanked her panties from her body and then quickly mounted her as she squealed for help.

"Nooooooo! Ohhnoooooo! Ohmygawddddd!"

Stephanie cried out as she was raped by this man.

"Uughhhhhh…. owwwwwww…. ughhhhh!"

He told her to wrap her legs around him, when she didn't obey, she was slapped, and then she reluctantly did what she was told as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Uughhhhhh…. oh-my-gawd! Ohhhh… ughhhh… why!"

Stephanie would be raped a second time before the man covered her mouth with a chloroform-laced rag to knock her out and her limp body was left in an alley. Young Stephanie's unconscious body lay there, her golden blond hair strewn about, her naked chest exposed and her mini skirt and thigh-highs the only clothing that remained.

She had no way to know what would happen next…



>Thinking about nothing but combat is truly pathetic.

Says the weak-ass fuck female.

What else do you want me to outperform you in?

'cause there ain't shit you can do better than me that I can't do better than you.


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How many noteable female philosophers are there?

What about scientists?

Wizards and occultists?

What have females contributed to anything?



Indigopill master race reporting in, I do energy work and psychokinesis, and guess what? I discovered that building muscle means having the ability to retain more energy in my body. So I've been working a LOT on becoming as strong as possible (not bulky, just muscles that are optimized to hold shitloads of bioelectric energy) in order to enhance my magick.

A strong powerful body means tons of energy which you can then use your will to transfer it around to various areas like your brain.

Women are smaller and weaker and therefore have less energetic potential.



>But it's a huge fallacy that men are superior.

It's a huge fallacy that any two biological groupings when compared will ever come out equal. There is always a superior and an inferior, ALWAYS.

>You greatly underestimate the impact of motherhood.

…and you greatly underestimate the far more impact of men on the future of the race. If everything were left up to women progress would not be made and we'd be going in circles for thousands of years.


Why does the woman/eununch in this thread keep using the same fucking retarded logical fallacies and expelling loosh all over the place?

It's embarassing.



>Women are smaller and weaker and therefore have less energetic potential.

>Not understanding the virtue in being completely void of energy and thus completely receptive

You're dumb.


>Energy is stored in the dantians and chakras. A smaller build has no impact on that. You merely redistribute it throughout your body.


>Yeah, but it's men who are inferior by design.



>There is no such thing as equality. Nothing exist on equal plane with anything else.

Shit. You are just a bone-deep lonely, desperate, conquestatorial, insecure faggot. I'll see you in the pure land when you stop having "Dark Nights" of the soul, little nigga.



You've not given thought to how a purely male world might come about and how a female may come about in that male world. If you had you would have seen the other side of the coin and come to the conclusion that, truthfully, there IS NO SUPERIOR GENDER.



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seek feminininity


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Shut up.



i need this statue… for reasons.



What kind of psychokinesis can you do?



not him, but I've played a little with aerokinesis and had a bit of success in seeding snowstorms.



>the sum of you argument; repeatedly call the opponent "dumb" and hope you can declare victory

Another thing women and feminists are shit at: debating.



>Energy is stored in the dantians and chakras. A smaller build has no impact on that. You merely redistribute it throughout your body.

The dantians and chakras are bundles of nerves in the body you idiot. It has its physical correspondence and the amount of energy in the body varies depending on how you develop your body. ffs a small build does not contain as much bioelectric energy.

>Yeah, but it's men who are inferior by design.

In what way? The design of the male body is all around superior to that of the female.

>No, I don't. Women do things men can't which leaves the rest to men, that's self-explanatory. All this technology is inherently degenerate, we're too dependant on it.

Women can hardly do fuck all.



Read at 01:45



Shut up egalitarian faggot males are superior to females. You're even more delusional than the crazed feminists in this thread that actually think females are superior to males, an absolutely absurd notion.



You're dumb.



You're a clown.



If you're anything as feminine as that statue I'll seek you out if you know what I mean.



>females of any species of ape

>androgynous at any point ever




I can cause move leaves across water in its weak form and in a much stronger form using thoughtforms I can get heavy furniture to be dragged or lifted around the room and practically nothing can stop it then. Kind of like that one guy who was known for levitating tables.


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Women are degenerate as fuck, all pics very related.



Brother, why do you point at the mote in your siblings eye and ignore the plank in your own? Remove the plank from your own eye and you will be able to remove the mote from your siblings eye.



Egalitarian gtfo.



>I'm probably gonna die and these are going to be the last seconds of my life, better tell my… fuck that here's ma puss

I hope it's fake



9/11 memes! Totally real!



You are like a shit flower growing downward from a pool of lite.



OP, if you're female, focus on the feminine mysteries, keep in shape, be powerful and brave.

Don't be a man hating dyke, strive to be the best on an equal field.

Study the Dianic cults and the followers of Freya, Eris, and Brigid.

Study Sidhr, herbs, and divination.

All this is just a guideline, do what you want.



Not even, OP but thank you



Can you record it and post it?



Seriously, does anyone know where I can buy a resin replica of this for my altar?


Either Artemis, Persephone, or Hecate

Wait, all 3 are part of you emotion fueled children. The Artemis ones are best. Persephone ones are plains open to be turned into grey deal wastelands or fertile fields of crop. It is up to your surroundings and will. Being you're a woman, surroundings. Hecate is this sordid wasteland of chaos we suffer within. The stronk womyn shit and equality phantoms are her conjuration, as a priestess of Ereshkigal and devote to Tiamat.



wow, have you ever reached that far into your ass for bullshit before?



Now there there my upset friend. How have I "reached far into my ass for bullshit" according to your perception?



the most obvious part of your absolute lack of info is your combination of Hecate with Ereshkigal and Tiamat.



>implying divine manifestations are bore in a bubble

Explain further friend



You're mixing your pantheons, dumbass. Holy shit I hope you're a troll.



Seriously,, you really thing all the pantheons are without direct and in-direct connections?

Holy fuck, kekocaust there!



How simple and completely ignorant of the river you are. These channels flow into one another. You wont get this for you have not done the work and are just going off words of those who had a sack and did the work.



wow… seek help.

I think you may be severely damaged in the brain.



So you admit you have done zero work in regards to occultism and/or magick other than read other people's works and be content in your chair proclaiming yourself wise?

Get off your ass faggot, work a system all the way through, then you see how all the systems (various uses of pantheons and etc..) are connected. The mask is not the substance, nor is it the waters that flow through the veins of that substance.



Come on wise one, devoid of know how, shoot me down. You fixate on masks and ignore the river and ultimately, ocean.



So you're a pussy? Yes you are.

Also, she will ditch you once she realizes you're a pussy. Have fun faggot.


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>not teaching your women to be submissive and faithful in place of power and being brave

It's like you want to end up all emasculated as shit.


lol butthurt



Already did before on old fringe. The really old one (before even freedomboard.kirara.ca).


Are they still around? Is that old fringe board still around so I can find them?



this little post popped up in my FOV.

If one needs to make another weaker than himself so as he may not be emasculated one has already been emasculated.

this is 101 material, wtf.



Nope the eldest /fringe/ was killed by the admin of the site who was a butthurt homosexual called Gabe.

The second /fringe/ was killed by a chink called Stal.

The third /fringe/ is this one and was at one point killed by a kabbalist jew but resurrected again by the crippled lord of the 8chan realms.



>If one needs to make another weaker than himself so as he may not be emasculated one has already been emasculated.

Women are already weaker by default and don't need to be made weak but need to stop chasing stronk indypyndnt career women dreams instead of betraying their family and husband.


Feminists are the human version of the hyena.




>the weakest, most pathetic of human females that whine instead of act

>human version of the hyena

You are insulting women and hyenas everywhere.


I said feminists are the human version of hyenas, not women are the human version of hyenas, so I don't know how I could be insulting women.



You were making the implication that feminists are the strongest that women have to offer. Might've been true in the time of Edith Garrud but certainly not today.



No I wasn't.

If I was making an implication about strength I would use lions as the comparison animal, or maybe bears.

What I was doing was pointing out that feminist women are masculinzed females (and also that feminist men are less masculinized than the females) and that the social organisation and mating system of hyenas is concordant with the form of social organisation and mating system that feminists wish to create (that is one where the cultural understanding of gender and gender roles and expectations are inverted, and society is organised along a line such that masculinized females (and lesser so feminised males) win out over feminised females and masculinized males.

i.e. creating the cultural norm that good women go out and pursue a career rather than trying to be a stay at home mum. That harms feminised females and masculinized males but benefits masculinized females (i.e. feminists).

I was also trying to point out that the reason these feminists are masculinized is biological. They don't believe what they do because they "have thrown of the shackles of patriarchial brainwashing and achieved a higher level of consciousness".

No they have their values and preferences because they have received higher degrees of androgenization than other females. In other words they have been biologically masculinized.



>hurrr durr if you go against feminism you're going against all women

>every woman is a "feminist"

Go take another look at: >>40029


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>something about physical strength out of nowhere

>"feminist women are masculinzed females"

Okay, I can't be bothered anymore.


The one going hurr durr is you, you stupid nigger. At least the guy above is capable of basic reading comprehension. People like you are making it hard to distinguish whether the purpose of this board is magic or turning mental retardation into an artform. Try reading what I wrote again and hope a fairy will come along and sprinkle some magical dust on your rotted brain.



And if you think the post you quoted is an argument, try reading a book at least once in your lifetime.



>something about physical strength out of nowhere


The first two and hence most common definitions of strong relate to physical strength. If someone says "strong", physical strength is the most appropriate meaning to take.

>"feminist women are masculinzed females"

Yes they are.


Feminist activist women are masculinized in terms of digit-ratio and social dominance: a possible explanation for the feminist paradox.



The topic was of a mental and social nature so it was a bit of stretch to assume the physical meaning of the word unless I had specified that I am talking about how it relates to those aspects.

As for your second point, that's interesting because it's contradictory with feminism as it is today. The current face of feminism are people like Anita Sarke-something and communities like tumblr which are not masculine in any way but rather a concentrated sludge of the worst that femininity has to offer. Perhaps it is explained by who took part in the study as there are still legitimate feminists. It says the sample was from a feminist conference and tumblrinas don't leave their house to my knowledge.



I would wager that such tumblerinas would still fall more on the masculine side of various attributes than non-feminist women.

i.e. promiscuity, disagreeableness, etc.

Plus feminism isn't solely about masculinised women. It's unifying force is about being anti-patriarchy, which both masculinised women and SJW-tumblerina women would have in common.


I would seriously love for every so-called male to spout venom of obvious lol umad energy in this thread to sit down for a second and take in perspective the situation in which their daughter or the wife they would envision having, be it even if you did not seek to have progeny at the moment, just a thought, imagine you stumbled on the path where you now have some good fortune and a highly desirable wife with a daughter, and your daughter is in front of you and she asks you what you think of women… would you seriously say the toxic shit you're saying to your own daughter?

If the answer is yes. Read the arcane teachings.


It is the masculine principle which chews and the feminine principles which senses the food is chewed enough and bids it be swallowed. It is the masculine principle which digests the food and the feminine principle which absorbs it. It is the masculine principle which further moves the food and the feminine principle which further absorbs. It is the feminine principle which detects that the cycle is near completion and it is the masculine principle which thus defecates.

Fools! Do you see that in this world one cannot function as we of this realm expect if it has only masculine or feminine principles. This is the androgynous mortal realm.




Thanks for the loosh



>le "caring is weakness, meaninglessness is strength"




My Flag When



Read at 02:12



>would you seriously say the toxic shit you're saying to your own daughter?

Fuck yes I would. I don't want her to be ruined by not knowing the proper way to behave as a lady. She must know her place.



You are going toward hell.



Hell for egalitarians. Paradise for me.



Is that a joke?

because it's hilarious



You're 3/4's empty and viceful.



Be a virgin and get raped by an ascending wizard, sacrifice your nubile essence… Whore. Learn to have multiple orgasms and give them to your male counterpart. Bestow the Three Treasures on lovers.

Actually I know some respectable females who have held the space for magical proceedings, but they all bow to the Gods and have strong Men in their life. Goddesses (NOT HUMAN FEMALES) have been instrumental in guiding and teaching Humanity.

The prophets of the Bible wrote for women to obey Men as Men obey the Gods. Women were created from a different 'seed' and are inferior if not outright evil in all ways. Basic bitches…



I forgot to mention that a womb is a tool for manifestation, an intent can be planted there to manifest in the outer world.


I also need to clarify that the Chief of Hosts is EA, it is a crime to worship lesser gods.








Pick one. All the people on /fringe/ will lead miserable lives, while pretending they don't. Men are tainted with their own pride, and instead of looking past gender or sex or "roles" they have to preach all this inane, unenlightened bullshit to make themselves feel like they are something in life. If they actually had anything worthy of being reaped they'd be busy doing the harvesting instead of spewing hate against other human beings.



>All the people on /fringe/ will lead miserable lives, while pretending they don't.

Just like your mum.

Yes, your post is this low.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



women and men have only been raised similarly for the past 4 decades or so, turd.



Learn to knit or sew. Learn to cook. Learn to forage. Learn to walk like a lady and talk like a lady and move like a lady. Learn to be conniving. Why?

They are the pre-studies of the would-be female witch. Few witches, you may imagine, exist, today. Many male practices require familiarity with writing, etc. Be warned, writing is a masculine energy. You must use female structures and systems to perform female magic. But you must learn the basics of being female to perform female magic.



Learn to knit or sew. Learn to cook. Learn to forage. Learn to walk like a lady and talk like a lady and move like a lady. Learn to be conniving. Why?

They are the pre-studies of the would-be female witch. Few witches, you may imagine, exist, today. Many male practices require familiarity with writing, etc. Be warned, writing is a masculine energy. You must use female structures and systems to perform female magic. But you must learn the basics of being female to perform female magic.



mysteries of Cybele, goddess of transsexuals and the earth mother ( inb4 " pick one " ).

most of her priestesses were born male and castrated themselves during initiatory rituals of frenzy, dancing, tribal music, chanting and endurance of pain to achieve ecstatic trance states to unite Cybele ( or in more occult terms uniting Attis - the priestess as well as the microcosm of divinity prior to division - with Cybele - the goddess and macrocosm of divinity prior to the division - to reach oneness and connection again. ).

from there they lived as women full term and were known as Galla Priestesses.

it's not peace and love wiccan sisterhoods but a more primal and ascetic, almost Maenadic path.



unless they became actual women it's fucking stupid



A good woman can transform a man, helping him become stronger



They don't want this because they've excluded themselves from traditional, white, monogamous relationships to pursue nigger-style relationships

The idea is to not be around for these sons and daughters at all, to put the minimum of investment in them

This is essentially what you want if you are to go on hating females and trying to mold yourself into an archetypal Alpha male (by *chan standards, of there are other visions)



they did as much as they could that medicine at the time could do.

they went through full castration to greatly lower testosterone production, changed their wardrobe to the female gender, learned to do things like hair and makeup and baking ( it was part of their rites to have beer along with bread they made from the bonfire as communion ), shaved regularly if they had already developed any hair in the wrong places as well as of course their legs, and were addressed by most with female pronouns as they lived the role both symbolically and literally.

they gecame women. now picture that in a world with actual estrogen and testosterone blockers and more people actually understanding and accepting what a transsexual is


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Feminine power lies in sexuality. Learn to manipulate the sexual energy and gain power through use of it.






>Women are inferior in what way?

Everything minus lactating?




Typical egalitarian argumentation.



> wäenk



>no female will ever hold true power in this plane.

unless you feed her >>56878


Ryukyuan shinto has a heavy emphasis on women being the primary spiritual force, and men being the primary physical force. Not to say men cannot be spiritual, but it's more a form of inclination. Then the two mix and bring each other up(or down, or to the side, as long as it's not stagnancy), helixing.


You're on the wrong board for that kind of stuff. You're better off trying elsewhere, but good luck finding a real community that accepts transsexual issues without being an LGBT hugbox. And provides actual information on the reality of the condition. Pre-Christian world such non-conforming tendencies would be regarded as having heavy spiritual power because you'd be able to utilize both male and female psyches. (two souls, one body. Compared to the average person of one soul, one body.)


From a psychological perspective, it's important to differentiate between primary and secondary transsexualism. If you never had any gender-related issues before puberty (Or since you can remember) it isn't a gender issue, it's some form of social issue that manifests as as discontentment with your gender.

If you are truly transsexual, you will identity as the gender you gravitate to and not as a transsexual. There is a big difference.

Your transsexual status is no one's business but yours and who you sleep with. Just mentioning it has caused a shitstorm and a massive derailing of what sort of information you were requesting. At the end of the day it is a medical condition. Not a "lifestyle" like fags want to make it out to be.

There is a TON of misinformation out there, between liberals who want to accept everything regardless if it's rational, and those who don't like anything outside of their realm of experience. Ideologies are being heavily polarized, don't fall into that trap.

That's all the basic, true information I can give you without personally speaking with you. Best of luck, and refrain from visiting here, the people are usually roleplayers or are highly jaded and thus unable to see the various layers to issues like these.



One more thing since I went through and read even more comments in this thread;

Real wizards/druids/shaman seek to learn about the various planes, the relationship between them all, and help others get moving in their own path. Only edgy, angsty autists think this can be accomplished while still being brash and telling people to kill themselves or that they are abominations. In no way does that accomplish anything other than boosting their own ego.

Any of you doing this, your ancestors are frowning at your shameful displays.

As said earlier, these are either roleplayers or jaded angst-lords.



>As said earlier, these are either roleplayers or jaded angst-lords.

They could be both.

Masculine forces condemning feminine forces while embracing feminine forces in order to exist in their personal identities seem a bit hypocritical, but it's not like they're wrong; though it's not like I would know who's right or wrong, or anything at all.

Femininity/masculinity, good and evil, what is and what isn't. You can't have one without the other.

I am conflicted though about my own existence. I think I'm a negative force, or rather just an identity most (or just some I like) would reject, but so much of the world seems to want to move in a positive direction. I think I know what I need to do, what I want to do, but I'm not doing anything thinking I don't know what to do. I guess that's fine, everything is, unless it really isn't. I'm not sure, but I think I wish I thought I knew something. Words really have become more useless for me. I guess it's my "femininity" that makes me so pathetic, I just love talking to myself.



I didn't mean to exclude the option they could be both.

It's important to distinguish between a negative force, and a force that has become associated with negativity in the modern world.

All sorts of chthonically-aligned souls that are portrayed as evil because of our modern, warped sense of morality from judeo-christian values.

For example: Hades was not evil in ancient times. He was associated with death, but what he did was watch over and protect the souls of the dead, which is quite noble.

Sorry if that's not what you mean by you regarding yourself as a negative force.

But do not interpret femininity in you as weak; Again that's Judeo-Christian values bleeding into the minds of everyone. Masculine and Feminine are NOT equal in that they are the same thing, but they ARE two very different things of vital importance. If you are the rare sort who can healthily implement both, more power to you. But there is no shame in not being able to.

I would suggest reading into Animus+Anima if you haven't already.

Very few of the people here have probably had a successful relationship outside of high school. they probably don't even know what constitutes their own male energy (Or for the few ladies here, their female energy) beyond modern pseudo-values.


Balance is key, you need balance between your masculine and feminine aspects, just like any other rivaling aspects.

Transsexualism is destructive to spirituality because it focuses on destroying either by introducing the other, causing the entire binary system to collapse



Only if you go about it that way. you can alter your physical body while spiritually using elements of both.

OP needs to do what they personally need to achieve balance, which will be different from anyone else.



So many people looking for any rationale to justify that they are simply uncomfortable with transsexuality.



>If you are the rare sort who can healthily implement both

I am not. I've been feeding my black wolf far too much, he'll devour me if I give him the chance, and I may very well give him that chance considering how much I love him.

I detest being a wasteful person so I'll probably continue to exist; however I worry nothing will come of me as I am willingly paralyzed by my uncertainty.

I think that I think I want to be understood, maybe helped, but the way it feel the less said the better. I'm always lying after all, unless I'm not.



You sound like your life is in a bad place at the moment.

Refrain from making any long-term/arduous life decisions (such as a potential gender transition) until you're in a better state of mind.

If you need to have a 1 on 1 or just talk to someone about such things in depth , I've made a second email.

No pressure, or offense taken if you'd rather not, and best of luck with your life if that is the case.

I can be contacted at: emshielyo@gmail.com



I'm not op, or a transvestite, I'm just a human dealing with human problems. I'm not sure how to outsmart myself in order to win

Really I couldn't tell you if I was a patient asking for medicine or an alcoholic asking for booze.

Thank you though.



I was meaning to extend a line to OP, my bad




Is this what you're afraid of?


I just invoked the wrath of Aphrodite on this thread. You're all going to pay for your ignorance!



I love you.




pweace kamisama sugoi ne



Well, this sums it up for good

Why is this thread even alive then?

sage, we've had enough shitposting.


Does soy products a good way to raise estrogen to female levels.



not worth it

do shapeshifting or body theft



Why is not worth it?



are you dumb? the amount of soy you'd have to consume wouldn't do much anyways without lowering the testosterone levels as well. not to mention how vastly inferior this method is to said alternatives or hrt.




Only male, virgin and 30 years+ can into the secret wizard club



gonna need the password for the rar files



what are they



That is the point

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