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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1431029483468.jpg (47.55 KB, 599x534, 599:534, malachite.jpg)


Be safe on the Internet, /fringe/. Pic related is how.



>still not using linux

Enjoy your botnet



linux's a botnet too




>doesnt realize linux is just a kernel



I'm helping people!



Newb at Magik here

Do crystals actually do the things people claim? I thought it was just a new-age hoax.



Magic does not exist.


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There are very few non-free blobs in the linux kernel, not enough to make it a botnet in my opinion. Linux-Libre is always an option if you want a fully free kernel too.

>>37375 is right though. Windows is inherently harmful to its users as is any proprietary software, and is best to be avoided.

Some (gnu)/linux distros such as ubuntu ship with proprietary software and services though. There are much better alternatives to these kinds of distros, thankfully.


Well I doubt malachite could have any effect like warding viruses, but I've seen posts on here before with anons who do crystal work, so I think they do have some magical properties, at least.



>newb at magik

>is posting with the adept flag

Do you even realize that not even I consider myself an adept? I consider myself an initiate but I wouldn't post with adept or magus ranks until much later and I've been studying and practising for 2 years.

Crystals apparently have etheric properties that can be exploited in some way or other but I don't know how to do it.


File: 1431139848622.gif (498.93 KB, 450x296, 225:148, Fedora 030.gif)


*tips fedora*



If you can prove magick exists please do it.



I use Linux Mint and on here I use Firefox (with AdBlockPlus) as web browser and Skype as chat client.

Everything else is just linux programs.

Am I in the clear, Skype aside?

Also I pretty much never use Skype anymore, I used to a lot, but it ate up a lot of my time back when I was NEET and I stopped and now I work and certainly won't start up Skype again.

I am possibly interested though in any Privacy positive Skype alternatives that may exist to migrate to.


>all these gnu/cancer users

>not using gentoo/funtoo

>not using slackware

>not using LFS


>still sucking that commie kike stallmans mutilated cock



if YOU can DO this for ME


File: 1431177586402.jpg (291.89 KB, 948x713, 948:713, Demiurge 008.jpg)


>Come to magick board


Nobody has to prove to you that magick exists anon. You're not some special snowflake that we'll all drop what we're doing to prove to you that magick exists. If you don't believe n magick then fuck off already.



Looshed :^)


File: 1431190481878.png (328.33 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, freedoms.png)


>Am I in the clear, Skype aside?

Sadly, I don't think anyone could ever be completely in the clear at this present time. While the software we use might be FOSS, the hardware is (mostly) all proprietary. Even then, if someone with the right tools gets access to your machine, physically or digitally, and whether you use free or non-free software, your machine is compromised.

Obviously you can reduce the risk by securing your network connection, reducing MITM attacks and browser profiling, and not using proprietary software.

As for an alternative to skype, you could try Tox or setup an irc just for you and your friends. I'm not too sure how many other free options there are though. If you want to truly tinfoil it up, check the /g/wiki (might be linked on tech, I think) as it has a lot of good info on improving computer/browser security.


>using anything but slackware


Here's something you could try. Seems pretty useful too. >>37431



>Even then, if someone with the right tools gets access to your machine, physically or digitally, and whether you use free or non-free software, your machine is compromised.

That's why you always use FDE and beware of the hardware you buy. If you use proper encryption and your hardware isn't compromised (some lenovo computers ship with hardware backdoors for example, that's why security agencies don't use them) it'll be impossible to access your data with current technology, even if they have physical access to your machine.


File: 1431200958474.gif (1.47 MB, 181x179, 181:179, 1428260242469.gif)




Prove magick exists little boy.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cough cough

think of them as "living metaphysical magnets". They'll: synchronistically attract/teach you things(books,etc) depending on what type you use, can effect your astral body to have new perspectives, clear "hole" in the astral body(eg malachite).



just meditate with it.



Well… if energy and magnetism are real you can bet your bottom crystals are a condensed form of an aspect of energy/magnetism. For now I just work with amethysts can't help but feel attracted to them.



Why do I have to prove that to you?



Thanks for finding me a good youtube channel, I'm sick and tired of them either being poorly made or fedora



And here I thought spirit science was poorly made ANd fedora. I guess It's the best we got in video format.

Videos are usually degenerate if the information can easily be read instead, IMO



Compared to the garbage I've seen it's hardly poorly made. At least it's not a 50 year old who swallowed his mic using stock photos.


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It doesn't matter what distro you use, it only takes 1 backdoor to pwn your box. Attackers always have an edge.



Not unless you use malachite, silly.

Seriosuly though, the distro you use is pretty much irrelevant (although some distros are more security oriented OOTB). Following the advice from some of the prior posts should at least lower the risks of some certain types of attacks.



dat sigil usage in league background


meanwhile blizzard put the history of our planet into wow lore and diablo lore is the angel and demon bs if you play the shit over and know the science it's super fucking greenpilled. then you have starcraft, which is future firefly aka mass effect future too - you literally have them pre-programming realities into millions and millions of unconscious batteries and generators for mass world events..


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