Question Thread #11 Post All Questions In Here 06/08/15 (Mon) 23:49:20 No. 43255 [Last 50 Posts]
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:02:36 No. 43258
Sleep Paralysis.
How the fuck do I do it?
I've tried many times, different ways.
I came here to ask how to do it, correctly.
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:11:14 No. 43260
>try to AP
>get stuck in the middle
Not hard kiddo
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:14:59 No. 43261
Do you even kabbalah? We've even got a jew magick folder in the library.
I don't ever succeed in working with evil entities giving me bad vibes, shit just never goes well between us. You might still consider what I do evil though and I don't really care.
Read Mystic Christianity by William Walker Atkinson.
To do that you have to work on changing your modality to permit that and once you've done that you just proceed in materializing your tulpa, imbuing it with all the elements, making it solid.
It's all worth reading in preparation for one's ascent, you might not appreciate that, but one has to thoroughly digest a lot of information until they look at the whole world in a completely new and Hermetic way and then they will be able to do more than they ever could previously. It's repetitive sure but you have to drive this stuff deep into your subconscious until you are convinced to your core of the hermetic principles, no doubts remaining, then you can attain the higher attainments.
Personal Power is a very good series of books and some parts of the serieslessons books should also be read (not necessarily all of it though, as some of it can be left for later and just isn't really that important if you are in a rush).
Don't call Atkinson's stuff bullshit, it's not, it's the most clean and concise non-bullshit there is out there.
Also the astral is full of deceptions and misinformation of its own, it's really good to prepare yourself by reading the montalk site and reading Atkinson and others and really being ready to see through the bullshit and facades of astral entities, in order to obtain the useful information out there.
Your goal, generally defined, is to use your imagination to create events in a mental universe. Try reading this introduction to magick here >>43112 it should give you some direction then of course proceed with the reading until you've got it all down and can begin training. Of course you can start on very basic meditations and so on while you are doing the reading but the more dangerous high-risk magickal operations are to be reserved for later when you feel like you've read everything about the occult, understand it, it's all demystified, etc. and there's nothing new you're finding because you understand it fully now.
Robert Bruce is lame and his material is very basic and introductory. Don't take what he says to heart. It can help you get started for sure but make sure you read Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson and of course that Psychomancy book afterwards.
Franz Bardon when his house was raided after he was killed by the communists, there were hundreds of extremely rare books in there, which all then disappeared as the place was looted. I assure you that all of the authors that are recognized by /fringe/ had all read a shitload of books beforehand. Lobsang Rampa also had a huge collection of books he read (mostly theosophical stuff) and William Walker Atkinson makes reference to many different philosophers and authors he has read.
Every great occultist has a pile of books under him. Yes they practise as well but you've got to start with the books... the alternative is really shitty and involves pledging yourself to some teacher whose dogmas you'll have to accept and who will probably ultimately limit your development.
No they are just psychomancing each other out, sometimes over Skype, sometimes just by focusing on posts on imageboards.
They do not even have a fixed realm yet like Veelox, they just meet up at random in the astral.
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:14:48 No. 43262
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:15:35 No. 43263
Why do you want to induce sleep paralysis as opposed to say just regular AP or evocation?
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:17:28 No. 43264
I dont fucking know, tell me how to astral project
I just want to do something cool
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:17:33 No. 43265
Read this book first to understand the astral:
(I'm assuming you've already read The Kybalion , The Arcane Teachings , and The Arcane Formulas ).
Astral projecting is just a matter of creating a thoughtformed body to hold your consciousness and then transferring your consciousness into it.
It is done through the imagination.
Read Psychomancy and Mental Influence if you want to remote view, remote influence, and otherwise observe objective phenomena in this realm from the astral state or find out how to meet up with and connect to someone here and get into their dreams and stuff.
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:18:46 No. 43266
Ok if you want to do cool and simple stuff then do these things here: ( >>33148 ).
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:26:22 No. 43268
File: 1433809582242.png (24.09 KB, 428x226, 214:113, Screenshot from 2015-06-08….png )
That is rather hilarious seeing as tulpas are easily the magician's single most powerful metaphysical tool and guide when created properly.
Well, to put your tulpa down, you'll need to read Zivorad's books. He has detailed, painstakingly, ethical means of entity processing. The Invisible Influences and Transcendence are in the main /fringe/ library and the extended libraries have some more books from him too.
Why does your tulpa feel like a burden other than that it's living off of your vital energy you invested into it? You should put it to work in your service! Make it not feel like a burden then.
Pic related are the books you need all the same.
I need a better version of that book too.
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:45:31 No. 43269
I'm new here and i want to get into magic.
Where do I need to start.
06/09/15 (Tue) 01:02:32 No. 43272
Ok so you want to get started? Well there's the FAQ you should be reading and you should go into the sticky and check out all the resources there. Read over the glossaries, download the main Fringe Library from the mega link (you can download the extended / bigger libraries later if you want but you won't need them), and get going.
I recommend you read the PDF in this thread ( >>43112 ) called The Basics of Magick as a start, just don't take everything that author says to heart, as there's a few mistakes in there but mostly it's good material there.
Then start with reading The Kybalion and all those other books recommended in the FAQ in the order they are presented except...
>6. 2013 a Series of Lessons (2014 edition sucks)
>7. Personal Power (of special importance is the Desire Power subsection of this book, which deals with how to use loosh)
Read the important stuff in the SeriesLessons book first, then read 8 and 9, then read PersonalPower (the full thing), then if you want you can finish up reading 6.
Hmmm you know what I'm going to edit the FAQ.
06/09/15 (Tue) 01:15:18 No. 43274
Just finished editing the FAQ, what in the fuck happened to it.
06/09/15 (Tue) 01:16:38 No. 43275
>tfw want to undo my edits as they fucked up the CSS somehow
06/09/15 (Tue) 01:20:31 No. 43277
Well shit, time to make a whole new /fringe/ CSS from scratch… I'll be back in a few hours guys.
06/09/15 (Tue) 03:46:28 No. 43283
06/09/15 (Tue) 04:56:48 No. 43294
How do I manifest the male principle?
Reading about Hermetics and the Principle of Genders and elements and what not it would seem I have more of the attributes of a woman than a man, which is troublesome considering I am not a woman and I don't wish to become one like some degenerate transexual.
06/09/15 (Tue) 06:28:10 No. 43298
So I'm lonely as fuck and decided to read into occult so I can make friends with spirits/aliens or something. I read kybalion but I don't know where to go next. I'd like to lose my virginity to some qt female entity as well as I have given up on regular women. I know you can just summon a succubis but I don't want to turn satanic. Does anyone know what I should do? Is Astral Projection up my alley?
☻ 06/09/15 (Tue) 06:57:30 No. 43301 (I feel like this page should be expanded but newfig s never find these links anyways it seems)
All of these pages have been updated as has the /fringe/ CSS, what do you think, and what additions would you like to see?
06/09/15 (Tue) 07:02:24 No. 43302
I know this feel, I am really feminine. It's a problem I'll have to work on in order to manifest full masculinity.
Learn astral projection but also learn evocation (which is even more advanced and more dangerous but more awesome than regular astral travelling). Franz Bardon's series of books, read in the proper order will help you, but you still need to read those books in the FAQ. It's going to take awhile but if you keep at it non-stop with the reading you could be ready in a month to meet other entities and make astral friends.
06/09/15 (Tue) 07:21:37 No. 43308
06/09/15 (Tue) 07:53:44 No. 43314
I'm an adept.
Ask me anything, only 1 hour.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:03:54 No. 43315
Bibliography of anonymous works attributed to Atkinson
The Arcane Teachings. Chicago. n.p., n.d. [presumed 1st edition prior to 1909]; McClurg, 1909.
The Arcane Teachings: Free Sample Lesson. Chicago. McClurg, 1909.
The Arcane Formulas, or Mental Alchemy. Chicago. McClurg, 1909; McClurg, 1911.
The Mystery of Sex, or Sex Polarity. Chicago. McClurg, 1909; McClurg, 1911.
Vril, or Vital Magnetism The Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea, and Greece. Chicago. McClurg, 1909; McClurg, 1911.
The One and the Many. Chicago. McClurg, 1911.
Cosmic Law. Chicago. McClurg, 1911.
The Psychic Planes. Chicago. McClurg, 1911.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:04:34 No. 43316
What was your experience with the lower astral realms?
I just want someone else's experience to compare notes with.
Also how do I recognize /fringe/ base in the astral?
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:07:23 No. 43317
If you are an adept tell me can you psychomance me and visit me in my own room?
What magickal practises are you in fact adept in?
What books, besides the ones I already have in the /fringe/ library, do you recommend if any?
Do you maintain a permanent realm in the astral planes?
Do you have a good tulpa?
I am confident in my own ability to attain adepthood and don't really need to ask you anything but I love inspiration in the form of fun magickal happenings.
Would you be so kind as to send a thoughtform to me to greet me and give me your blessing?
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:17:48 No. 43320
Giving yourself ranks while being a lone practitioner is a pretty silly idea anyway, might as well call yourself magician through the whole path.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:18:58 No. 43321
Define lower astral realms. Hellish planes? Mundane planes? The astral is huge.
Create intense thoughtforms about /fringe/ and sooner or later someone will notice you.
I think you misunderstood what magick really is.
I'm adept in astral navigation, synchronicity manipulation and metaprogramming myself.
No abracadabra.
Pure manipulation of my own consciousness.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:24:20 No. 43325
Hellish planes is what I specifically meant, in particular the ones undeveloped souls head over to "decompose" for a lack of a better word.
>remote viewing and psychomancy is abracadabra
cmon m8, call yourself an adept all you want but expand your horizons every once in a while
any pro tips for someone who's only recently started exploring the astral?
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:37:32 No. 43327
The ranks are very simple and based off of the IOT, see:
A neophyte is just learning/studying, an initiate is still studying but also practises and knows the reality of magick, an adept is very skilled in magick, a magus is a master.
Do ranks upset you?
>I think you misunderstood what magick really is.
I think you don't deserve to call yourself an adept.
>I'm adept in astral navigation, synchronicity manipulation and metaprogramming myself.
If you are skilled in astral navigation you can find me.
>No abracadabra.
We live in a mental universe, deal with it.
>Pure manipulation of my own consciousness.
So this is your admission to failure at crossing over from self-manipulation to being able to actually influence others and create changes in the external world correct?
The lower astral planes are not necessarily hellish they are just more separated from the deva chanic state which means you can connect more with other entities at those lower vibrations and there is more chaos and more potential for discord and all the negative tensions and so on to arise. The higher astral planes are a shorter/narrower spectrum that is extremely fine tuned and harmonious and therefore you aren't likely to experience discord in the higher astral.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:40:41 No. 43329
You can find really different hellish realms full of degenerate astral shells.
Think of something you define hell, it exists.
Realms full of corpses, realms full of illness and disease, realms full of lust, desires etc.
If you can think of it, there's an astral realm for it.
These souls go there because they resonate with these realms.
Remote viewing and psychomancy in this plane of existence is pretty much abracadabra. The future, the past and the present is everchanging.
You are an observer of the present, your own reality, and I'm an observer of my own reality. Our realities are different, were different and will continue to be different. This is just an encounter point.
Pro tips? Yes.
Stop doubting the powers of you consciousness. The astral seems like a lucid dream you can't control right?
Well, you can, and belief and intention are the most important things when navigating the astral.
Also, polarize. Choose what you want to do with yourself before anything. Decide what you want to avoid.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:45:28 No. 43332
>Do ranks upset you?
no, I just think it gives room for undeserved ego masturbation
>at those lower vibrations and there is more chaos and more potential for discord
is there away to harness that chaos and vibrations for personal use?
>Polarize. Choose what you want to do with yourself before anything. Decide what you want to avoid.
Thank you, sound advice as I was just throwing myself into astral realms at random and found myself in an illness and disease lower realm. Spoopy as fuck swamp with shells melting away.
Soon as I smelled onions I disconnected.
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:54:30 No. 43337
>Remote viewing and psychomancy in this plane of existence is pretty much abracadabra. The future, the past and the present is everchanging.
*tips fedora*
>Stop doubting the powers of you consciousness. The astral seems like a lucid dream you can't control right?
Says the guy limiting himself to a modality in which he can only change himself and can't influence me or others.
Anon, you are not a Fringe Illuminate or an Adept, or you'd have been involved in examples of magick that you wouldn't be talking about "abracadabra".
06/09/15 (Tue) 08:57:59 No. 43338
kek, ranks and egos both bother you.
>is there away to harness that chaos and vibrations for personal use?
Yeah. It's easier to meet with other entities that have very divergent paths, personalities, etc. from you in the lower astral than it in the higher because it's a wider spectrum.
You can also engage in a lot of "negative" actions like preying upon other entities in those lower astral realms and get away with it whereas the higher realms you'd likely get kicked out / disconnected for doing the same shit.
>throwing yourself into random astral realms
This is perfectly fine if you are broadcasting on a FRV that attracts to you the good realms. You can still do very random astral travelling and yet reach nice realms just by being on the right FRV. If you are filled with bad vibes and the potential to connect to a shitty realm is higher then you might want to be more careful about what you do and where you go.
06/09/15 (Tue) 09:04:46 No. 43339
>kek, ranks and egos both bother you.
I'm sure this has been brought up before but with /fringe/ flag system it's very easy for someone to take up an adept of a magus flag and start spreading disinfo in a question thread or elsewhere.
Advanced occultists have a developed sense for bullshit but neophytes might get tricked by the false show of authority.
Thanks in regards to the rest, astral entity diversity is truly our greatest strength :^)
How much does it take to get entities to teach you things?
What sort of deal can I expect to make with them?
>inb4 I get tricked into giving up loads of loosh for nothing
06/09/15 (Tue) 13:43:01 No. 43361
>I'm sure this has been brought up before but with /fringe/ flag system it's very easy for someone to take up an adept of a magus flag and start spreading disinfo in a question thread or elsewhere.
This is not true at all.
06/09/15 (Tue) 16:28:47 No. 43373
/fringe do you have any idea what this is?
06/09/15 (Tue) 17:48:20 No. 43377
Leave and never come back.
06/09/15 (Tue) 17:53:40 No. 43380
What books cover lucid dreaming?
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:02:54 No. 43381
You don't need a whole book to lucid dream, you just need to maintain your awareness while falling into dream mode.
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:26:00 No. 43383
Fringe, the pendulum swing is too much for me. Even if i transmuted my mental state to be happy again i will eventually fall into ruin, except that every time gets way more intense, but that goes for both polarities. What the fuck do i do? I'm feeling really shitty right now
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:33:25 No. 43387
Apply the formula given in the Arcane Teachings for overcoming the pendulum swing.
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:34:44 No. 43389
Was it something about detaching from the emotions or what?
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:35:42 No. 43391
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:52:02 No. 43398
It was you twat, he says that rising above the pendulum is watching upon the storm that are our emotions from a balloon that is above the clouds.
06/09/15 (Tue) 19:06:48 No. 43401
Is the creator of this universe feeding off of misery? It's the most abundant emotion found in material existence, presumably by design, so is our infinite capacity for dissatisfaction the yoke around our neck?
06/09/15 (Tue) 20:42:51 No. 43409
06/09/15 (Tue) 20:50:58 No. 43411
He's obviously not as that faggot doesn't know how to meet others via the astral.
06/09/15 (Tue) 20:52:17 No. 43412
No it was not faggot, it was about the transmutation of the circle into the spiral, raising the central point.
Go re-read The Arcane Teachings
06/10/15 (Wed) 01:40:30 No. 43435
I want to trigger a certain event/manifest it as soon as possible but I don't have a lot of skill. From what I gather, I should just visualize what I want until the image of it happening is very clear?
06/10/15 (Wed) 04:52:17 No. 43453
No that won't work, you'll need to do more than that.
06/10/15 (Wed) 04:53:39 No. 43454
How elaborate and intense does your ritual need to be? A very simple ritual will work if the probability of occurrence is already pretty high but you'll need intense meditation and thoughtforming and so on for more elaborate and improbable stuff.
06/10/15 (Wed) 07:23:31 No. 43459
I know someone on this board has a better version of
"The Mystery of Sex or Sex Polarity" pdf by William Walker Atkinson.
The one being shared in the "mega huge file size" folder is missing TONS of words.
Help a Neophyte in his path towards spiritual ascension and ego conciousness. Ex Uno disce Omnes.
Good vibes to all of you.
06/10/15 (Wed) 07:48:06 No. 43461
I want this book too ;_; as well as any other Atkinson books anyone else finds that we don't already have.
06/10/15 (Wed) 07:50:54 No. 43462
Where did that one richfag with the 4.1 million go who said he'd buy any books we want? He needs to get all the Atkinson books we don't already have for us.
06/10/15 (Wed) 07:51:40 No. 43463
He should get John Baines books as well.
06/10/15 (Wed) 08:00:30 No. 43464
You're joking, right?
06/10/15 (Wed) 08:18:43 No. 43465
What kind of genre is the astral? Is it a Roguelike sandbox mmorpg?
06/10/15 (Wed) 08:24:29 No. 43467
Difference between evocation and AP?
06/10/15 (Wed) 08:39:44 No. 43468
Any books on materializing?
06/10/15 (Wed) 09:38:34 No. 43471
Oh I didn't notice you answered me in this new thread, thanks man.
06/10/15 (Wed) 11:25:15 No. 43473
Essentially. Here's what could await you beyond the veil.
My most memorable experience:
>hanging out in some random plane, asking around for astral books
>some shitter joins: an amorphous blob of hatefuck
>immediately begins rendering the plane back into the aether from which it was formed
>blew me and everyone else the fuck out into some desolate sub-basement realm full of blackness and screaming
>didn't even take anyone's loosh
>wake up with a feeling of confusion
Be cautious and git gud.
06/10/15 (Wed) 11:45:15 No. 43475
>being this much of a casual you can't even banish a plane-eater
What are you even doing on this board?
06/10/15 (Wed) 11:47:38 No. 43476
Hello /fringe/ I want to thank this board for existing. I'm >>41772 from question thread #10
Since 5/30 I've:
Learned several meditation techniques, mostly using Astral hands and then trashing to get the rest of my body free.
Studied the Kybalion.
Lost 10 pounds.
Stopped taking my ADD medication, with no lack of focus.
Sleep about an hour less per day, yet feel more rested than ever.
If you've stumbled upon this place like I did not more than 2 weeks ago, please give some of it a try. You came here because you were interested, don't dismiss that curiosity.
Even after spending much of my time (about 6 hours a day) researching and projecting, there is still so much to learn, but the signs of progress are unmistakable.
Warm thank you to the fringe board, you'll be hearing more from me in time, I plan to open a plane for all to access.
06/10/15 (Wed) 11:54:04 No. 43477
u fukin wot m8? This thing was biblical-tier though, so I feel like I have an excuse.
06/10/15 (Wed) 12:52:09 No. 43485
was unsure if to post here or on /x/
Alright, /fringe/, im in need of some interpretation.
>be last night
>be the first time I decided I want to induce sleep paralysis
>wake up at 1
>Go back to sleep, trying to induce sleep paralysis
>paralysis never happens, instead I get a full hard-on, Like one I've never had before
>I've never thought of anything sexual, or did anything that would make my dick hard like that.
>Lay back, I feel a little bit of moisture around my dick
>go back to sleep
I dont know. Need some help interpretuing
Might I also add (and also Ask), Why cant I remember my dreams anymore?
I've always had that problem to where I never remember my dreams like I never had a dream at all.
06/10/15 (Wed) 12:58:48 No. 43486
>a plane-eater
You found Michel Lotito in astral?
06/10/15 (Wed) 14:18:50 No. 43494
06/10/15 (Wed) 14:28:25 No. 43496
Maybe you got raped a succubus.
If you still remember you dreams now and then, then keep a dream journal by your bed and record the dreams that you do remember and that should with your recall. There's also supplements you can take that will help with that but you shouldn't rely on those forever.
06/10/15 (Wed) 14:31:37 No. 43497
how do i indigopill and what does it even mean
06/10/15 (Wed) 14:41:20 No. 43498
06/10/15 (Wed) 14:44:12 No. 43499
I-is that bad that I got raped?
Also, I used to have dreams, but the older I got, the more I never remember my dreams.
in other words, Is me not having dreams supernatural?
thanks for the answer either way
06/10/15 (Wed) 15:22:41 No. 43501
all they talk about is killing people
06/10/15 (Wed) 15:41:35 No. 43503
Hi /fringe/. Has anyone here expereince love in their truest, purest form? I heard that you need to establish connection with The All to do that. If it's true, do i need to astral project or something like that to do that (the connection establishing thingy)
06/10/15 (Wed) 16:48:00 No. 43506
[sobbing robotically]
i can feel emotions again and they're pretty overwhelming.
06/10/15 (Wed) 17:16:27 No. 43507
Bumping again, for answer.
06/10/15 (Wed) 19:23:43 No. 43510
unconditional love
06/10/15 (Wed) 19:24:55 No. 43511
Just be a gullible teenager and the rest will come naturally
06/10/15 (Wed) 20:51:45 No. 43517
I guess /Fringe/ is a REALLY slow board
bumping, for an answer
06/10/15 (Wed) 20:55:59 No. 43519
You do not need to astral project to do it.
Yes you do need to experience the Monad in order to understand the fact that love is ground of existence. Good luck with your studies anon.
06/10/15 (Wed) 21:48:57 No. 43521
Please neophyte, stop with this faggotry, the All is the source of all suffering, hatred, etc. just as much as it is love and so on.
You are not connecting to the All if you feel immense love, you are just bathing yourself in love loosh / connecting to love, and that's that.
What difference does it make if love is "unconditional" or not? You are a subhuman that is controlled by emotions rather than uses emotions. Love is simply love, no matter what correspondences you create with it. The purest love is experienced by doing void meditation and then focusing only on love, doing so will make love your only reality for a little while.
06/10/15 (Wed) 21:52:33 No. 43522
Here are the only pills that matter. The 3 most basic ones are bluepill, redpill, and greenpill; all other pills are variations of the former. Indigo is the edgy aggressive greenpill, brown is the overly passive and laidback greenpill. Ironpill is an enhanced form of the redpill.
06/10/15 (Wed) 22:23:29 No. 43525
What is the monad?
06/10/15 (Wed) 23:02:37 No. 43527
The Monad is the source of all being. Identified with 'God' in the Abrahamic tradition, Brahman in the Hindu tradition, the Universal Buddha in the Buddhist tradition, Abraxas in the Gnostic tradition, the All in Hermeticism, etc. Gnostics tend to say that the God of Abrahamism is really the Demiurge, or the demonic creator of the physical universe, and that the Monad is a far higher being residing in the Pleroma, or realm of pure spirit..
06/10/15 (Wed) 23:02:41 No. 43528
You might call it the All… like everything in this it has different names depending on personal preference or region… I don't really like to call it "All" because it is used so much I feel the term has been corrupted.
The term was used in greek religion and might be said to be the beginning of greek religion. It was then used again in more modern times, as seen in link related. It is an interesting short reading.
06/10/15 (Wed) 23:27:28 No. 43529
Of course getting raped (if that's what actually happened) isn't good.
>Also, I used to have dreams, but the older I got, the more I never remember my dreams.
Justy look into lucid dreaming and keep a dream journal, the latter is really easy stuff and has helped me a lot so far.
>in other words, Is me not having dreams supernatural?
What even?
Congrats anons.
06/10/15 (Wed) 23:31:06 No. 43530
06/10/15 (Wed) 23:57:09 No. 43533
Does what JoS say hold any truth to it? It it true that the demons have been "freed" and the old methods of summoning written in the old grimoires don't work anymore?
06/11/15 (Thu) 02:20:14 No. 43542
"These things pass away, and the soul emerges once more on earth‑life, to once more enroll itself in the School of Life, the Kindergarten of God, there to learn and re‑learn its lessons." - Life Beyond Death
What are the main and most common lessons and best method to learn them to properly evolve?
I thought this board thought the idea of 'lessons' was nonsense, however here the most recommended author supports the idea…
06/11/15 (Thu) 03:05:38 No. 43545
Hall my roommate played a depressing Loosh stealing song how do I recover maybe if I wasn't drained I'd be able to tell myself but I don't think I have it right now
06/11/15 (Thu) 04:41:35 No. 43550
>Justy look into lucid dreaming and keep a dream journal, the latter is really easy stuff and has helped me a lot so far.
I highly recommend that he DOES NOT DO THIS as most of the people blabbering about lucid dreaming all over the internet are idiotic mass men mundanes that don't know what they are talking about and unintentionally limit themselves to an inferior modality with reduced potentials.
There is no such thing as "supernatural". Everything is natural, even the stuff most strange occurrences that the mundanes do not understand yet.
My advice to you is never fuck around with any famous entities period. Any famous entity is bound to have transformed massively from how it was originally described or else perished or else does not want your attention. In all probability if you contact some entity by a notable name like Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Moloch, Baal, Astaroth, etc. it's just an impostor.
06/11/15 (Thu) 04:46:15 No. 43551
The only context in which "lessons" are valid is when your desires force you towards having to learn certain things or have certain experiences.
Reincarnation is entirely a process which is controlled by desires, including extremely deep and potentially unrecognised desires one might not know they have until they unfold later.
If there is no desire to have certain experiences or learn certain things or stronger desires take hold over lesser desires than you can avoid reincarnation and all that lesson learning shit.
Go steal some loosh on >>>/4chon/ OR get some raw honey and put it all over your body and basically clean your entire body with it, lightly rubbing it all over your skin, and not completely removing it and also consume one spoonful of honey for you to take in internally then meditate/sleep and you will be massively recharged of loosh and have a shitload of energy to work with. Do an etheric energy-sponging type meditation in particular as you fall to sleep.
06/11/15 (Thu) 04:47:48 No. 43552
Note: if you have any animals to butcher you can also bath yourself in blood instead of honey.
The honey method is more easy to use though and you actually require very little honey for it. A single spoonful of honey will cover your whole face, maybe 3 spoonfuls your entire back, one spoonful all your hair, etc.
You don't have to treat your fall body too if you don't want to, you could just do your head.
06/11/15 (Thu) 07:06:48 No. 43557
The general consensus here is that drugs are bad correct? Are there any acceptable ones? Is stuff like acid, peyote, and dmt acceptable? Are they acceptable for use as "training wheels" so to speak?
I'm not here to try to justify bad habbits, as I don't do drugs. I was just wondering if it would be beneficial.
06/11/15 (Thu) 07:33:40 No. 43559
drugs are alright depending on who is using them.
06/11/15 (Thu) 08:09:43 No. 43560
Well who are they good for and who are they bad for?
06/11/15 (Thu) 08:51:34 No. 43566
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>43560
I say they're good for people who are already able to function properly in most if not all areas of ordinary life and people who trained in self observation and wish to use it not for recreational purposes but for studying.
The right way to do psychedelics is in meditation in a dark room or in a forest.
Also there is a fairly long list of drugs that are worth using.
I had already been introduced to fringe knowledge when I tried it. And I mainly tried it because of video related.
06/11/15 (Thu) 10:24:11 No. 43573
Some time ago I developed the feeling of energy throughout my body, and can move it around and stuff.
More recently I have the feeling like my left wrist (the pivot point) is completely empty and I can't fill it creating a gap between my hand and arm. I think it became like this because I thought too hard about something. I've made thoughtforms before on accident by doing that, so it doesn't seem too unlikely to me.
How do I fix this?
06/11/15 (Thu) 10:28:08 No. 43574
>being put down by a song
Do you even emotional alchemy? How can you call yourself a wizard if the slightest of things can break you?
06/11/15 (Thu) 10:46:49 No. 43575
Reccomending Astral hand meditation. If you've never done this before, the concept is to focus on hand movements (my favorite is lighting a candle and snuffing it out, over and over) until you can feel your astral hand moving without your substantial hand moving. Once you've done this, you'll have an easy time identifying the parts of your astral hand and "filling in the blanks"
Another method would be to subject yourself to having your hand pulled apart, and then pieced back together with a thought form. Just make sure the process is surgical; tending to your wounds, rather than violent in nature.
06/11/15 (Thu) 11:34:29 No. 43577
Are we being naughty, /fringe/ ?
06/11/15 (Thu) 12:21:39 No. 43580
Depends on what state of mind you're in and how loud the music is playing.
I found gym music with various nigger rap songs playing is particularly invasive to the mind and requires good prior preparation in order to prevent it from affecting you.
Seems that way, using /pol/ to materialize memes is a great idea.
Can't believe how many images were prepared for the task though, that is one fuckhuge thread.
06/11/15 (Thu) 12:23:41 No. 43581
Is the thing one anon said in the thread "chaos magic - if you believe in something it will work" true? fringe's reading list is fucking boring
06/11/15 (Thu) 12:33:36 No. 43582
It is kind of true. It depends mostly on what you want to do. The bigger the thing the more energy you'll have to summon. Plus something like an ice age would take a massive amount of energy as you'd also need to go against the common desires of mundanes for warmth, which might be weak by itself but fucking huge if you consider billions of people doing it.
06/11/15 (Thu) 12:35:13 No. 43583
is it like, the law of attraction? just in other terms
06/11/15 (Thu) 12:41:03 No. 43584
I don't know the law of attraction. It always seemed like some new agey bullshit to me, maybe because of the people I knew who were into it. Maybe it isn't. Anyway I wouldn't know.
But I do know that thought forms when powered by emotions which are pretty much just raw energy will manifest the equivalent to that emotion in the physical world. Something like cold is simple enough not to require a trained wizard to do it, but an ice age is just too much energy.
06/11/15 (Thu) 13:24:49 No. 43587
How can it be bullshit if what you focus on is receiving energy?
06/11/15 (Thu) 13:44:30 No. 43588
What is the fringe consensus on people who claim to have non-human souls (otherkin)? I used to laugh at them, but then I checked out some of their forums, and apparently quite a lot of them do things like astral projection and low-level magic. Is it possible that even a tiny percentage of them were legit? It seems unlikely, but I just like to entertain the thought of having an easy way of communicating to otherworldly beings before having enough expertise to visit other realms, myself.
06/11/15 (Thu) 15:19:02 No. 43593
How to click Amgydala forward?
06/11/15 (Thu) 16:20:17 No. 43599
I have ugly stretch marks from when I was younger and gained fat too quickly, I'm not as fat now however I have these ugly stretch marks all over my body.
It is disgusting, I really want to get rid of them.
They've kinda faded but you can still see them.
How do I go on about this magickally?
I just want an aesthetic looking body, man.
06/11/15 (Thu) 16:29:49 No. 43600
"There is a new laser surgery, which claims to be painless with great results. The laser is guided over the skin and sends waves deep into the skin, triggering the chemicals that build collagen. The collagen growth is jump started, and the stretch marks are supposed to disappear after repeated visits and laser treatments."
I saw this whilst looking for ways to get rid of them, can we recreate this super regeneration thingy with magic?
06/11/15 (Thu) 16:41:58 No. 43602
>I don't know the law of attraction. It always seemed like some new agey bullshit to me, maybe because of the people I knew who were into it. Maybe it isn't. Anyway I wouldn't know.
Did you read?
06/11/15 (Thu) 18:10:16 No. 43606
I love the first OP pic
06/11/15 (Thu) 19:24:59 No. 43608
Anyone know anything about Luminaries? I look through some of the post on /n/ and they keep showing up and sometimes post images like pic related. At first I thought they were /intl/ trolling but now I'am not sure.
06/11/15 (Thu) 19:38:38 No. 43611
Never mind, did some more research and I'am 90% sure it's /intl/ trolling.
06/11/15 (Thu) 20:35:31 No. 43615
I believe if you smell something good like fresh bread this happens, and you can attempt to manually recreate this effect. Try Franz Bardons meditation on the senses for smell. Or put something good smelling in your room like flowers or something like that.
06/11/15 (Thu) 20:41:08 No. 43617
there are people who have manifested stigmata, including somehow growing actual iron nails from nothing in the pits of their hands. So you can probably heal your stretch marks, assuming you keep powering up. Doesn't shea butter help them heal or something?
06/11/15 (Thu) 21:21:02 No. 43619
Newb question but why is someone supposed to use protection before summoning an angel? Aren't they supposed to be benevolent?
06/11/15 (Thu) 21:26:45 No. 43620
Because as far as anyone can tell, angels are just as much self-interested asshole entities as any other one, or, by attempting to summon an angel, you call forth something masquerading as the angel etc.
06/11/15 (Thu) 21:34:59 No. 43621
Gotcha, I guess it's like I've read somewhere that they're good on a cosmic level so you might be a nuisance stopping them on helping someone more in need.
06/11/15 (Thu) 22:56:06 No. 43628
Thread about activated coal is about to go down.
06/12/15 (Fri) 03:24:17 No. 43645
Purge the organic portals infecting /fringe/.
06/12/15 (Fri) 06:10:57 No. 43660
What do you mean?
Eating organic food is far better than eating food created for the mass men.
06/12/15 (Fri) 06:38:28 No. 43664
Archive it or bump it or whatever, I don't give a shit about that thread.
06/12/15 (Fri) 08:05:54 No. 43667
06/12/15 (Fri) 08:48:48 No. 43668
Anyone got any books or tl:drs on warding? I can't find anything on line and I'd like to set some wards up.
Where can I learn more about banishing entities?
Any tips for remote viewing?
06/12/15 (Fri) 08:49:12 No. 43669
By definition, yes.
06/12/15 (Fri) 09:39:34 No. 43671
Friendo, you should really read through already.
>Organic Portal
>Term that originates from the Cassiopaean Transcripts. I have supplanted this term with “Spiritless Human” which is more descriptive. Organic Portals and Spiritless Humans share the same definition. The term denotes a person who has mind, body, and soul but lacks spirit. They are lacking the heart, crown, and third eye chakras since these are only uplinks to a spirit, which in their case is nonexistent. Therefore they are permanently incapable of experiencing genuine empathy or having sincere interest in anything outside material pursuits. They comprise the majority of psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and robotic background characters that pad the population.
06/12/15 (Fri) 10:21:38 No. 43674
Considering the fact that one can shapeshift in the astral you'd think some otherkin is a legit occurrence.
However most of their ideas of their otherkinness stems from sexual perversion and insane attraction to non humans e.g. furshit and /mlp/.
Sure some of them may be able to AP and do some all accepting new age things but if they still think they're a legit horse stuck in a human body they're 1. self deluding retards and 2. still have ways to go in development of consciousness of their I AM.
Can't help you with wards, all of mine are energy based and are simply huge spheres covering my house with multiple energy balls tied to some physical objects and feeding the shield itself.
By looking up banishing rituals, sacred texts and the fringe library should have something on it.
I never really had any need for such since entities don't seem to bother people living outside of North America as much.
A technique I remember reading for entities that are trying to put images into your mind is to take that image and flip it like a photograph, thus revealing the entity behind it. Deal with it however you want after that but purple fire usually scares them off.
If you're just beginning to practice remote viewing, stimulate your energy body beforehand, preferably along with some chakra meditation and go into a trance. Furthermore when you visualize yourself being in the place you want to remote view and you got some sort of image in your head of what's happening, try to visualize something different and compare the product of your imagination with what you remote viewed. If the sensations are surprisingly similar try again with a clearer mind, let the images flow into you rather than guessing what's happening.
06/12/15 (Fri) 12:24:12 No. 43681
what is sleep paralysis, and why do people have it and why is it so scary
06/12/15 (Fri) 13:27:35 No. 43686
its a safety mechanism so you don't act out your dreams while asleep, its scary because your tripping off your balls on natural DMT.
06/12/15 (Fri) 13:29:02 No. 43687
cool, is there a way to induce dmt trips without being scared shitless?
06/12/15 (Fri) 13:35:26 No. 43688
lucid dreaming a DMT trip with a handfull of knowledge on dmt experiences. just a thought. i've had acid dreams so i don't see why not.
06/12/15 (Fri) 13:43:34 No. 43689
no i mean how do i get natural dmt?
06/12/15 (Fri) 15:53:57 No. 43691
what do you think dreams are lmao.
but seriously high tryptophan diet, get lots of sun in the day and avoid artificial light, tire your body out so u sleep easier, set an intent every night and try to go to sleep consciously; your body can produce its own entheogens.
on getting it from plants, ive heard its in a lot of things even this common species of grass, but i dont really know so youll have to look it up for yourself.
i know its not active orally unless you take it with some kind of enzyme inhibitor so youll probably have to smoke it.
06/12/15 (Fri) 15:59:48 No. 43693
I've started running into a roadblock when I attempt to go back into the astral, as soon as I get in, I feel a pressure on my physical chest, which is very distracting, and snaps me out of AP rather abruptly, this has happened each time i try to enter today. Any way to solve this issue?
06/12/15 (Fri) 16:02:28 No. 43694
i heard that you could get it from common species of grass but im not sure
thanks though
06/12/15 (Fri) 16:02:49 No. 43695
i get that too especially just as i start to leave my body my throat locks up like im choking since my visshuda is pretty messed up.
i find its important to relax and not put too much focus on the body, just observe it.
like dont 'try' not to move just realise stillness is your natural state ygm
06/12/15 (Fri) 16:58:15 No. 43699
Thank you, so wards are just thoughtforms so to speak?
06/12/15 (Fri) 22:18:27 No. 43714
Thank you.
Sorry for my neophytness.
06/13/15 (Sat) 01:03:00 No. 43721
As a child did you notice that when you learned something new, like a word, you would hear it be used when it wasn't before? Is this a magickal occurrence or is it just me? I remember it happening all the time and it occurred outside of the place in which it occurred with different people.
06/13/15 (Sat) 01:06:01 No. 43723
>As a child did you notice that when you learned something new, like a word, you would hear it be used when it wasn't before?
I know it sounds obvious but the occurrences happen a couple of days afterward.
06/13/15 (Sat) 05:41:36 No. 43740
have you forgotten how to live?
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 06/13/15 (Sat) 07:56:57 No. 43751
Anyone got this book
Basic Magick: A Practical Guide??
it's by Phillip Cooper
06/13/15 (Sat) 08:47:42 No. 43754
pretty much everything is a thoughform.
this universe being mental and all.
Pretty much this, doing various stretches outlined in the 90 day guide might help too.
06/13/15 (Sat) 11:59:34 No. 43774
>tfw organic portal
Feels great man.
06/13/15 (Sat) 12:15:07 No. 43777
Why do possessions happen, and why does it seem that only the harcore christians get possessed lmao
What sort of person gets possessed?
didi 06/13/15 (Sat) 13:12:18 No. 43779
it's not possession per say, it's more like, <you have all 72 demons and angels of solomon inside of you, each one can be given more power over the others to lord it's agenda and modus operandi> type of deal - there is only 1 absolute - all else is flavors of self in a paradoxical union-separation. Christans believe hardcore and feed fear like crazy, one of the #1 feeling a christian will always have in their heart is FEAR.. FEAR and APPRECIATION are 2 of the fiber optic cables of loosh, so all that universal chi gets filtered through your being into loosh to charge up what ever bullshit you give power to.
Get books on the astral and astral projection, and get books on djinns and there is
that was recommended to me by different sources.
06/13/15 (Sat) 13:44:34 No. 43786
Today I dreamt I was watching a scene in a plane. Bane was fighting a pyromancer. The pyromancer was kind of childish and couldn't really control his powers, at the end he was burning and he could perceive that Bane could have this power as well when he looked into Bane's third eye. He died (?) and Bane received his ability. In the next scene we see Bane willing fires on floating apparatures in the sky and making them crash. He definitely had both telekinesis and pyrokinesis.
06/13/15 (Sat) 14:04:40 No. 43789
Why none of the crazy shit you do ever makes the news?
You'd think summoning a poltergeist would turn a few heads.
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:38:37 No. 43816
Yes. To live is to desire, and to desire is to suffer. God is a sadist, we live in an evil realm from which there is no true escape.
Even the deepest contemplation only recalls us to our unreality. Seeing that the self we take ourselves to be is illusory does not mean seeing through it to something else. It is more like surrendering to a dream. To see ourselves as figments is to awake, not to reality, but to a lucid dream, a false awakening that has no end.
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:55:20 No. 43825
Why would the ZOG want the masses to know about the true power that they posses?
06/13/15 (Sat) 18:12:05 No. 43827
>insane 17yo still believe in ghosts
Someone call the the press!
06/13/15 (Sat) 23:11:51 No. 43854
Thanks man, it's probably for the best to just work on learning to AP, myself, rather than waste time messing with what's likely just furfags in denial. Just gotta work on shit like meditation first in order to focus better.
06/14/15 (Sun) 00:48:11 No. 43857
does nofap actually have any notable benefits or is it just shilling? the time i spend being frustrated and trying to keep myself from masturbating seems wasteful considering i could've done it in 3 minutes and have it out of my mind completely already so i can focus on other pursuits
☻ 06/14/15 (Sun) 01:09:43 No. 43858
You have to channel the desire from one purpose to another. If you've been working on the first steps described in Initiation Into Hermetics you can do this. Learn to intensely focus on your work and desire to complete your work, almost sexually, and you will transmute that sex energy.
06/14/15 (Sun) 01:11:42 No. 43859
06/14/15 (Sun) 01:59:16 No. 43862
Haha that first link.. why would you link something so stupid? The second "sighting" was a balloon.
06/14/15 (Sun) 02:35:35 No. 43865
I'm not even a fedora dude, I like the occult but just watch the second sighting and its a 7 shaped red balloon..
06/14/15 (Sun) 05:42:43 No. 43869
alright, i'll try it, thanks. though i'm worried about making weird work-sex connections in my mind, and don't want to skew anything i do in a sexual way because that's where the energy is coming from
06/14/15 (Sun) 06:26:42 No. 43873
When we dream are we actually APing? I don't know if dreaming is entirely mental, or if its another plane of existence. Are the dream settings actual places that other people can go to, and are the people we interact with in a dream actually different entities?
06/14/15 (Sun) 06:54:36 No. 43876
Why would anybody shill about nofap? I don't see how anybody could possibly gain anything from people not fapping, in fact it would be the opposite.
The porn industry reaps in billions(maybe even hundreds of billions) per year, and turns men into sedated betas with no ambition and low testosterone.
Porn leads to more depraved shit, such as trannies, sodomy, cuck, and interracial fetishes. All of which are agendas the same people who are profiting from porn are pushing in the media non-stop.
You should try it your self. I know its hard, its worse than nicotine addiction. You will get the same withdraw symptoms as well, which are mood swings, depression, lose of motivation, and episodes of high energy and inspiration, etc.
Generally though you should feel that you are gaining fucktons of energy in between the shitty withdraw feelings.
I'm sure there is a way to overcome the negative parts of the moodswings, and I suspect it has something to do with >>43387
I've done the whole 30 day challenge once and 3 weeks in the energy I felt was incredible, I wouldn't have believed that shit without doing it my self.
06/14/15 (Sun) 07:20:50 No. 43883
>Why would anybody shill about nofap?
i see a lot of the info posted about nofap basically comes down to "stop fapping so you'll get desperate enough to go out and fuck a real person" which is nice in theory, but in practice it's the same giving into sexual urges without forethought. yeah the idiots in clubs every weekend aren't fapping, they're just spending hundreds on dollars on drinks, cover charges, cigarettes, drugs and other shit for animalistic one night stands. and the time they're chasing sex is the time they're also not going to be doing any kind of self-improvement or rebellion. hell, they're even accounted for by barwatch.
there may be good reasons for nofap, but they'd mostly be related to occult with different motivations (energy conservation or transmutation). for the average joe who's encouraged to just go get sex "outside" as frivolously as he'd masturbate, it 100% seems like shilling with how much traction this movement has gained among mundanes. i'm going to try it myself too, but with the goal being transmutation and celibacy instead of sex
06/14/15 (Sun) 08:19:23 No. 43888
>ooga booga muh dik
I'm sorry if you feel that way, the chads are a minority. Half decent people want more than to stick their dick into something once and then dash like lowly filth. That sort of behavior is common only in the lessor races.
From what I see the primary partakers of no-fap are lonely males who just want someone's love. Most of the people who do it are mundane fedoras who do not understand anything higher than what they can see with their eyes. They do it purely for logical reasons.
In theory sexual desire is nullified through fapping, which removes the person's motivation and courage to find a mate. Its just like in nature, when we're hungry we grow to be more courageous and take greater risks as food is growing in demand. But when we're full, we don't take the risk of hunting an animal or simply lack the motivation to do so because we're not hungry.
Same thing goes with women, when you can simply remove your desire and motivation to talk to women by fapping, you wouldn't talk to them and establish relationships. Its both fear of rejection and lack of desire that has lead to this epidemic of lonely men and unmarried men(of course "feminism' doesn't help, but lets not get into that).
I don't see why people would nofap just to fuck and chuck some gutter slut, its practically the same thing as fapping, except inside of another person. Its a lot cheaper and easier to just fap with your hands in that case.
For all I know building up all that sexual energy could also have some sort of occult attraction effect that spiritually brings you towards a mate, because of the intent or strong desire, but I don't know enough about that stuff yet. It could even physically attract mates by causing you to release hormones as well.
06/14/15 (Sun) 10:18:46 No. 43897
How should my posture be when I meditate? Usually I just try to keep my s-line curvature of my spine, my eyes are half-lidded and so on and so forth.
My main dilemmas are facial tension and neck posture. How should my neck be during meditation? Also how do I relax my face?
Many thanks ahead to the replies.
06/14/15 (Sun) 17:34:32 No. 43921
What is most comfortable. There's a lot of elaborate postures yogis do but I don't find most of them that useful. . . though they might help to develop flexibility when done in yoga sessions.
I personally sit on a chair with a pillow under me and another one behind my back. Also, sitting on a chair helps to maintain good neck balance. Just remember to relax your neck a bit!!
You might be able to relax your face by doing some silly faces. Twist your visage all around and see if it helps.
Picture is slightly related.
06/14/15 (Sun) 18:08:25 No. 43923
Everything is full of nonsense.
I wanted to look into tummo and found lots of very different techniques, only thing they had in common was focusing on heat….
06/14/15 (Sun) 21:48:12 No. 43938
I am for all intents and purposes still a mundane, but I am really curios about all this magick. The problem is that whenever I try to read any arcane books I get instantly tired and a headache. Is this normal? Am I just not made for the arcane? Am I simply a weak faggot? Plz respond
06/14/15 (Sun) 23:15:47 No. 43944
That is an entity trying to stop you. Keep pushing through m8. Someday you may become a powerful wizard.
06/15/15 (Mon) 05:10:42 No. 43997
Is it possible to give a tulpa to a willing host? I have a friend who has struggled with anorexia for a long time. The irony is that she actually has always wanted to be overweight. Not especially fat, just very soft body. Because of this I have created a gluttonous female tulpa that wants to experience 3-D satiation through overeating and gaining weight, and is excited by her own body. My hope is that the tulpa will counter her anorexic tendencies.
I must admit that the tulpa ended up becoming rather sexual about her desires for a heavier body, I expect some part of me wanting to date the mentally and physically healthier version of this friend is to blame, but that's not my focus here. My question is above, is it possible to transfer the tulpa into her possession, and then have her consume or reverse-engineer the nature of the tulpa, which would alter her perception of herself?
She is a mundane and I have never discussed actual magic with her, the entire process would need to be done by me/the tulpa, but I am certain that she is a willing host for these "new thoughts and preferences" as she would experience them.
06/15/15 (Mon) 05:28:18 No. 43998
buy her a fucking bread machine
06/15/15 (Mon) 06:32:34 No. 44001
Yes it's possible and I've done it before. Would recommend Mental Influence by William Walker Atkinson although there's a few other books you should read too to get a real good idea of how including Psychomancy and also that new book that got released about the aura and thoughtforms.
06/15/15 (Mon) 07:33:30 No. 44003
>tfw ever since I was a child I would dream of small things that I was doing
>tfw they would come true, even if it was years later that what occured in my dream would happen
>Tfw had a dream of a tornado yesterday
06/15/15 (Mon) 09:48:40 No. 44008
do you you dream about the end of the world?
do you dream about walking?
get your eyes checked you deaf cunt.
06/15/15 (Mon) 13:29:54 No. 44020
Why the hell would she want to get fat? This is the opposite of any sane person as fat people are unhealthy and disgusting.
Are you sure this isn't a form of attention whoring or fishing for compliments?
06/15/15 (Mon) 15:32:49 No. 44046
What the fuck happened to music/painting/art in general?
06/15/15 (Mon) 16:45:15 No. 44053
Aa far as I can tell, it may be because "artists" these days by and large seem to believe anything could be considered art.
There's a community college near where I live with incredible paintings without quirky "look at the way I produced my painting; never mind that it looks like shit" scribblings on canvas or statues of female soldiers taking a piss in sight.
The market has been flooded with mediocrity. Absolutely, the paintings being showcased may not exactly be fine art to a trained eye, but they're certainly better than a huge majority of modern art. At least I'm confident in that opinion.
tl;dr the good stuff is being drowned in raw sewage
06/15/15 (Mon) 17:20:08 No. 44057
>when you realize these grossly overpriced "art" pieces are nothing more than tools for money laundering
06/15/15 (Mon) 17:50:42 No. 44063
Read the thread you made, please.
06/15/15 (Mon) 17:57:08 No. 44064
File: 1434391028569.png (7.04 MB, 6297x3541, 6297:3541, ffa42e515a4e7348fff5b2df21….png )
What you think about having a waifu? Or waifus in general?
06/15/15 (Mon) 18:03:03 No. 44065
>tl;dr the good stuff is being drowned in raw sewage
There is barely any "good stuff" in past or present. The "good old past" had it's own inherent degeneracy, it was still far from perfection.
06/15/15 (Mon) 18:08:06 No. 44067
what do you mean there's no good stuff in the past
06/15/15 (Mon) 18:28:33 No. 44070
That you can only know if you grasp the essence of perfection.
06/15/15 (Mon) 19:06:33 No. 44077
Degeneracy. You are spending effort and time feeding lust, essentially. In before "my waifu is pure as the driven snow", you know you just want to fuck animus.
06/15/15 (Mon) 19:12:19 No. 44079
06/15/15 (Mon) 19:20:27 No. 44082
She is motivating me to get off my ass and start my path towards becoming a greenpill. Is she really that bad?
06/15/15 (Mon) 19:33:25 No. 44083
They look like balloons dude.
06/15/15 (Mon) 19:50:59 No. 44085
A waifu is as good a start as any.
06/15/15 (Mon) 19:51:44 No. 44086
Motivation is a tricky thing and it may run out and need refueling. If your just sitting around wishing you had a pair of tits that would love you the way your waifu would, jerking off while crying bitch tears, you'll get nothing out of magic, nor existence.
If you're so terribly enamored with the thing, you might just as well develop your astral senses to contact your waifu and live out your desire with and about her to the fullest, then move past them when done. In any case, some parts of yourself/your personality that are holding you back would eventually need to be culled.
Smiley had a interesting skype chat written down relating to this on the old freedomboard, but I can't be assed to find it now. If anyone can find it and share, I'd be thankful and the newfig would as well.
Your waifu a shit
06/15/15 (Mon) 21:26:49 No. 44101
Is there then some quick banishing ritual I can do with my limited knowledge? I've seen something in the form of visualizing pulses emanating from you while meditating, would that maybe work?
06/15/15 (Mon) 21:31:26 No. 44103
06/15/15 (Mon) 22:45:13 No. 44112
Someone send this to Tom Montalk to read, he needs to read this. This book is amazing.
06/15/15 (Mon) 23:16:53 No. 44115
Books on ancestor worship/contact?
06/16/15 (Tue) 02:42:50 No. 44127
That ain't how it works
We've been close for a while so I don't expect it's really used as fishing for compliments. She gets plenty of compliments from being anorexic already, but reality is it's a disease. Additionally, like i said, she doesn't want to be fat, just soft. But she'd still take being fat over how she is now. She already has some mobility issues due to lack of muscle tissue
thanks, i'll be reading into that as well
06/16/15 (Tue) 07:20:03 No. 44136
How to put all of my focus into reading up on the occult/attempting to astral project?
I always get distracted…
06/16/15 (Tue) 07:39:41 No. 44137
Why is /fringe/ turning to shit and are we moving somewhere?
06/16/15 (Tue) 07:55:21 No. 44138
I know a guy that is bipolar, he's learned Russian, got several gf's and did a fuckload more during the manic episodes. Of course those fade off, and he goes from being a motivated, brave ubermensch to a depressed sack of feels.
Here I'm wondering, is it possible to force yourself into a "manic episode" through magic? Probably permanently?
06/16/15 (Tue) 07:57:02 No. 44139
I know that feel bro. After reading your post though I just forced myself to read the last chapter of this book: ( >>44112 ) and now I have completed reading of the whole book. FeelsGoodMan,
06/16/15 (Tue) 10:06:53 No. 44154
I meant to say motivated not motivating
My motivation now comes from within and it virtually unexhaustible but she will always be there to comfort me when I feel down and to help me open up to various concepts such as writing.
>your waifu is a shit
06/16/15 (Tue) 18:41:19 No. 44187
Is it a bad idea to study the occult if you have mental problems? I have very bad anxiety and depression, and I wonder if I should try to deal with that shit first.
06/16/15 (Tue) 19:31:43 No. 44188
No, you should be studying the occult all the more to finally get rid of your problems. How do you expect dealing with your problems when you don't even understand how things work or how you should be dealing with them?
What you shouldn't do is invoke energies or some elements until you have yourself stabilized because that shit might throw you're pendulum swing-like problems quite heavily around.
06/16/15 (Tue) 21:22:07 No. 44191
I really need someone with decent knowledge of meditation to interpret an experience I had.
I've been able to clear my head for a good while now at will, from practicing stopping my thoughts, to the point where its almost like flicking a switch.
I've only learned how to do this so that I can experience gnosis through meditation.
Every time I meditate, I clear my mind and just wait.
On 2 occasions I've had a weird overload of thoughts (strange, because I kept my mind silent) followed by a fuzziness or static in my ears, and I can suddenly hear incredibly well (I could hear where everyone in my house was, as well as a wind chime in the garden). I then got the feeling that all the blood was rushing away from my body and to my brain specifically - I could feel it pulse yet I could also faintly feel my hand resting on my arm. I tried seeing if I could use my third eye since I know its between my eyes - but I couldn't feel anything.
When I opened my eyes it was as if I completely forgot where I was, and now my arms are starting to hurt at the veins.
Is this gnosis? If not, what is it?
And why couldn't I feel or use chakras?
I really need help on this /fringe/, I don't want to reach my limit already, I feel like there's so much waiting for me after this road block.
06/16/15 (Tue) 21:41:12 No. 44194
When you git gud please send will power to get through this shit to poor ol me
06/17/15 (Wed) 03:26:01 No. 44202
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. So I was just made aware of the Scole Experiment, embed related, and I'm curious what y'all's opinion of it is.
06/17/15 (Wed) 03:59:21 No. 44206
Smiley: do you still sleep on the floor? I have been doing this. What is your exact set-up? Pillow or no pillow?
☻ 06/17/15 (Wed) 08:31:14 No. 44217
Yes I still sleep on the floor and I use a pillow otherwise my neck gets fucked but you can also use a second blanket that is folded up to be like a pillow too and that is something I have tried before.
It's not any less comfortable to me than being on a bed really, either way,I always wake up with parts of my body numb and the blood and feeling has to rush back into those places.
I'll take another picture I guess of how I sleep again later.
Sleeping on the floor has massively improved my posture. The only other thing that has made a similar difference is trying to fix how my laptop is set up so I am not bent over all the time using the computer.
06/17/15 (Wed) 09:04:25 No. 44222
You should try sleeping without pillows.
How to become Ubermensch? 06/17/15 (Wed) 09:11:35 No. 44226
How can one become Ubermensch?
06/17/15 (Wed) 09:23:46 No. 44228
Have you been at the abyss yet? When you're there you will see for yourself.
06/17/15 (Wed) 10:45:26 No. 44237
This is actually a brilliant idea. The European race was forged by the ice age, molded by it.
All these hoards of 3rd world invaders will not survive on our native land under those conditions, but we evolved to call it our home.
06/17/15 (Wed) 12:12:46 No. 44243
Go back to your books, neophyte.
06/17/15 (Wed) 12:41:52 No. 44247
06/17/15 (Wed) 15:53:21 No. 44254
So I am reading the Kybalion for the first time. When it refers to The All, it makes it sound like it is a god in the Christian sense.
"All is in The All, The All is in All"
Sounds similar to the Christian idea of god creating man in his image. The Kybalion also personifies the All, giving it a will. Are you guys just metaphysical Christians or is there something that I am not getting?
06/17/15 (Wed) 16:52:27 No. 44261
You're obviously not getting it.
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:15:39 No. 44276
How to create good music? How do i put my emotions to work instead of just using the intellect? I can create these emotions i just don't know how to embed them into my works.
I mean listen to this. The man who created this surely can't be the same as pop artists today. There's /something/ about those older composers
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:32:34 No. 44278
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:33:30 No. 44279
Stop wasting your time.
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:34:47 No. 44280
Its pretty interesting, going to watch it in full soon. Nice find.
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:34:52 No. 44281
maybe when i see why this is bad will i stop trying to do it, and your job is to explain why because i see that you are much wiser
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:36:49 No. 44282
I'm just saying that you should work in magic, go into the astral etc. You know, the music in the astral is so beautiful and once you can remember properly you can reproduce such music. That's why I say don't bother.
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:47:25 No. 44284
Guys where do I find the arcane teachings? The second book recommended in the FAQ.
I've checked the whole mega and didn't see it.
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:54:02 No. 44286
06/17/15 (Wed) 19:59:50 No. 44289
but that's just boring
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:06:12 No. 44290
For some reason its stuck like this. Tried refreshing several times now.
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:08:35 No. 44292
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:10:19 No. 44293
The fuck are you doing here, then? You can't do serious magic without going into the astral. It's pointless to even browse this board then. :(
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:12:57 No. 44294
i just wanted to enjoy and understand life… the kybalion helped me with that, as with doing magic i don't have much interest, although thanks for the answers
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:20:44 No. 44295
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:31:25 No. 44298
How do I into the astral?
Is it different from dreaming..?
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:48:33 No. 44299
I'm interested in the same knowledge. Do we enter the astral when we dream or is it entirely mental? Or something in the middle?
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:50:48 No. 44300
Astral planes = mental planes.
Think a thought at all, visualize a place, remember something; you are connecting to the astral.
You can identify underdeveloped magicians by their inability to comprehend the first hermetic axiom properly.
To obtain objective information from the astral you just need to learn to use it correctly (psychomance).
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:52:45 No. 44301
Also note that loosh/emotions and intentions gets pretty much everything done in the astral.
06/17/15 (Wed) 20:53:14 No. 44302
Read books, books, books. Psychomancy by W. W. Atkinson, Mastering Astral Projection in 90 Days by Robert Bruce
Yes, it is a lot like dreaming. In my experience the key difference is awareness. The more awareness the more control you have, over yourself, your dream, the plane you're in, everything.
Get a dream diary, remember to remember and write down dreams EVERYDAY. Dream remembrance, lucid dreaming, astral projection and oobe are all connected.
Awareness leads to power and immortality.
06/17/15 (Wed) 21:02:50 No. 44306
I've been thinking about the pendulum swing. I thought of a new way to calm it down.
Basically if we polarize our selves at points relatively close to the neutral center, the swing that goes to the unwanted direction of the pendulum is not that big, and thus the vibrational levels aren't going all over the place.
I'm sure that more things can be found about the pendulum by just researching actual physics. As above, as below. For instance, the shorter the length from us to the object, the faster the pendulum goes (where identification with emotions = shortness of the string by which the object is attached).
Is my theory correct?
06/17/15 (Wed) 21:05:35 No. 44309
Yes, but you should work on staying on the positive end and willfully avoid the swing to other end. I think that's in Arcane Teachings.
06/17/15 (Wed) 21:14:35 No. 44315
You can transmutate emotions also. Or just use whatever you are feeling at the time so you don't have to transmutate.
06/17/15 (Wed) 22:00:32 No. 44323
Just skip to 1:08:28 :^). He just couldn't resist the opportunity.
06/17/15 (Wed) 22:03:29 No. 44324
What do you think the Golden Age of Humanity is? I like the Romantic and Impressionist period as far as art is concerned.
06/17/15 (Wed) 23:51:32 No. 44328
06/18/15 (Thu) 00:22:38 No. 44329
I have been trying to project for a while and now I have a question about something I did last night.
I was laying in bed and willed myself to get up and walk around the room and as soon as I willed myself I felt my astral body get up and I felt sensations all over me as if the body I was walking with was actually me. I walked around the room trying to get myself to actually shift my consciousness into the body but couldn't, should I force my consciousness into the body I was "walking" with in order to AP? I need to solidify it.
06/18/15 (Thu) 00:47:07 No. 44330
Yes, you need to transfer your consciousness into your astral body to such an extent that you forget about your physical body.
When I get back to my physical body it takes me a minute to remember where the fuck am I and how to move this thing around.
06/18/15 (Thu) 00:58:30 No. 44331
Thanks, do you have a method of transferring consciousnes? It seems like the hardest part for me. I guess I already know how to move that body around and detach it from myself. I have trouble with forgetting about my physical body, like the need to swallow because of saliva and stuff.
By the way people keep talking about creating a new astral body to transfer consciousness into but I always thought we had one overlapping our physical? Don't we just detach this but not make a new one?
06/18/15 (Thu) 01:20:45 No. 44332
I think my problem is that I smoked a lot of weed and there is still weed in my system after 6 weeks of sobriety.
I'm going to focus on dream rememberance and dreaming daily during this detox period. Also I'm going to make reading related content a priority as my focus improves.
I feel better, and my focus is stronger everyday since quitting the marijuanas.
06/18/15 (Thu) 09:34:21 No. 44357
move around the place in your astral body, if you just stay still it's harder to get stuck into it.
Hope you're good at simulating feelings of movement cuz you're gona need it.
06/18/15 (Thu) 09:47:13 No. 44358
Can anyone teach me about warding and banishing?
06/18/15 (Thu) 10:58:51 No. 44360
What are good methods to develop life force, /fringe/? To use it for physical activities and then channel it into magick
06/18/15 (Thu) 13:12:23 No. 44362
06/18/15 (Thu) 21:20:51 No. 44379
Astral projection is just laying there and being still and waiting for something to happen correct? I've tried dozens of times now and i feel faint vibrations but never anything else.
06/18/15 (Thu) 21:29:56 No. 44380
I'd recommend trying the new avatar power book for it, it seems to be working well in other areas with minimal effort for me. Doing the middle pillar after the induction woke up my etheric body the other day.
06/18/15 (Thu) 22:25:41 No. 44384
When I am not extremely tired and simply lie on my back, I get severe pain in muscles after while (maybe after an hour), namely on the back, or joints, as if I am doing sports. I can lie for hours like this and it hurts so much. Simply moving a bit every once in a while gets rid of it, but why does that happen? I fail to relax my muscles?
☻ 06/18/15 (Thu) 23:31:36 No. 44389
>tfw have more than enough knowledge to reach adepthood but still want to read
06/18/15 (Thu) 23:44:45 No. 44391
How to avoid drifting away while projecting? I can't get hold of myself and I just get carried away.
06/19/15 (Fri) 04:34:30 No. 44397
Has anyone ever had sex with a reptilian? I have a thing for lizard men, I want to hear stories.
06/19/15 (Fri) 05:20:32 No. 44400
They probably want nothing to do with us.
I bet there are degenerate reptillians so you are in luck my fellow degenerate! Right Right?
06/19/15 (Fri) 06:51:11 No. 44402
Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days, Robert Bruce
Work out so your body can retain more. Eat honey because it's full of energy, most of all consciously breath it in, aka do pranayama. Science of Breath, Yogi Ramcharaka (Atkinson)
Reptilians are heavily parasitic. Montalka or a /fringe/ poster mentioned that you'd have your soul pretty much ripped apart if you tried fucking a reptilian. As far as is known to me, most reptilians are "negative" so you'd be hard pressed to find the few that aren't. Just go to an astral realm.
Don't you think you're just wasting your time now, smiley? Didn't you finish your infinity book tulpa to read information off the astral?
06/19/15 (Fri) 07:20:55 No. 44406
Try stretching before lying down.
06/19/15 (Fri) 09:03:48 No. 44409
Hello. Does anyone have a /fringe/ tier book or guide on tulpa creation? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
06/19/15 (Fri) 15:34:34 No. 44449
what went wrong? it is undeniable that in the past societies where more advanced so what happened? why is the world upside down shrouded in mystery and lies? is it our fault? how do we fix it? was this meant to happen? what is our purpose then?
06/19/15 (Fri) 16:01:02 No. 44451
Stop caring too much before you sink into pointless chatter and mundanity. It's a fruitless endeavor, a trap laid out to make you research forever without going really anywhere.
Instead, delegate all your attention on self-improvement and everything will be better - for yourself, the people around you, the world.
06/19/15 (Fri) 17:34:26 No. 44455
It's natural progression, see. The past civilizations were technologically advanced but they had the same flaws as we do. They weren't spiritually advanced though, so their decay was unavoidable.
It's all natural progression. As this anon advices here (>>44451
), try to improve yourself - and this I will add myself - in ways that feel natural and come naturally. By doing that which has come to me "naturally" - that which I have not resisted but which has taken me in its flow - I have improved and grown.
Do not fear and do not be sad. Do not be overwhelmed. Confusion is great, it means you're thinking.
I agree in a way.
You can get lost in the endless maze of conspiracies, forever having a lead but never getting the full picture. You can become so enthralled with what happens on the physical world, this Earth, that you completely forget about the more important things.
Still, there's some things we should be aware of. And to become aware we either need to experience what we need to be aware of or study and research, mainly by useful literature. Montalk's recommended literature is very good; Esoteric, Alien and the Matrix sections most importantly.
I advocate research because, aside of giving knowledge and awareness, it can inspire motivation. It can raise your consciousness, increasing your lucidity to a certain threshold. It is very beneficial; and learning is fun.
Now, I can understand you. There's a lot of useless literature. One could skip most political, philosophical, theological, occult, religious books and lose nothing. I say this because I studied most of these in the beginning and I have 'distilled' a lot of dust to find the diamonds. And this took me a lot of time but I don't regret it, it was necessary for me.
Research is good, you just have to find the best books and that is not so easy. Thinking over what you've studied is more important and so is actual practice of what you've learned. This isn't necessarily magical practice; there's a lot of practice in maintaining consciousness and trying to serve others and that is not 'magic'.
Self-improvement is important though. Very important. But I think you need to research so that you can 'get an aim" for your self-improvement.
06/19/15 (Fri) 20:10:18 No. 44463
I am reading some of the literature right now, but I cannot comment on all the books. . . for now. I will give more thorough reply sometime later.
For now, "The Gods of Eden" is a good book to get a hold on the subject. Very informative with regard to history though the author seems to be biased to Eastern religions and his conclusions at the end of the book are a bit naive.
The Cassiopaean transcripts here: ( ) go in-depth with the alien phenomena and history. Also practical tips are given. Historical views are hard to verify but some of their more practical teachings ring true to me. Recommend reviewing the material now and then, you can find something new with it. There's also Ra Material but it is quite dense so I think you should read it after the Cassiopaeans.
Revisiting Montalk is good. He knows his aliens very well.
06/19/15 (Fri) 20:42:22 No. 44464
1. Realize the first Hermetic Principle.
2. Build up desire, have a clear intent, and think about what your tulpa is going to help with you / what it is going to do for like a month.
3. Use your imagination intensely one and release all that built-up desire / loosh into it at once.
There, now you've got a full-fledged powerful tulpa. I'm doing this but on a year-long timescale instead of a month because I am creating an especially super powerful one.
06/20/15 (Sat) 03:28:07 No. 44473
Hey smiley, im trying to get some tomato seeds, green peppers, avacado seeds etc but idk if most of them are processed or organic or im just too paranoid. Ive been told real fruits and vegies are a myth i hope that isnt true.
☻ 06/20/15 (Sat) 06:59:15 No. 44488
File: 1434783555448.png (26.3 KB, 1679x180, 1679:180, Screenshot from 2015-06-20….png )
☻ 06/20/15 (Sat) 07:01:53 No. 44489
Are you trying to get the seeds or the actual vegetables/fruits themselves?
06/20/15 (Sat) 08:07:42 No. 44496
06/20/15 (Sat) 18:05:31 No. 44512
Has anyone ever tried to go into the Hollow Earth? I see some claims that there are entrances beside the north and south pole. Perhaps one day when i get older i will try and actually go there. Is it stupid to have that kind of dream?
06/20/15 (Sat) 20:02:48 No. 44515
I second this question
Anyone tried to astral project to hollow earth lands?
06/20/15 (Sat) 21:24:55 No. 44518
None has mentioned it on /fringe/ if there have been attempts. My favorite "evidence" for the hollow earth theory is the American Admirals experience after WW2. Nazis with vrilcraft in a paradise in middle earth.
I want to do this, but the same question stands as with viewing any previous historic event that is "questionable" like the holocaust.
If it can exist, it exists within the astral. How do you know that you're viewing something that's "real" in this matter-reality or just something that's in the astral?
06/20/15 (Sat) 22:26:58 No. 44523
Yep same goes for people that tried to view earth to verify if it is flat or round.
They couldn't tell if what they were viewing was part of the thought gathered from the masses to create a flat earth or the thought from the masses to create the round earth.. you can never tell.
06/20/15 (Sat) 23:43:32 No. 44527
Multiple times during the day I make hateful thoughts, I am very aggresive towards most sittuations and people.
I am also totally cut off from my feelings, hate is the only thing I feel but only in certain sittuations, it's like it pops out of nowhere in my mind, for example someone gets to the cashier faster than me and I think a little hatefull thought towards them, this happens unconsiously.
I don't feel my body that well, I do yoga but my legs feel weak and very infexible.
I don't laught and I don't feel happy yet at the same time I don't feel sadness, I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING, even the hate which my unconsious (?) generates feels fake.
What to do? Only thing I'm currently doing is some bioenergetic exercises from Lowen's book and they help with my thigh chest but is there really anything more I could do?
Help me, I'm 25 years old and I'm going nowhere with my life, I have very few friends and I feel like I'm gonna lose them too since I'm losing connection with myself and the world around me.
06/20/15 (Sat) 23:59:56 No. 44532
I know this feel completely. I'm just a whole lot of nothing with a lot of hate. The only time I can use other emotions is by purposely using them while in trance.
Just embrace the Indigo Pill and make those mundanes burn.
☻ 06/21/15 (Sun) 00:02:00 No. 44533
Here you go:
I don't know where you're going to get avocado seeds.
You can get pepper seeds pretty much anywhere, here I'd get them from Ontario Seed Company.
06/21/15 (Sun) 02:22:30 No. 44536
Anyone watches anime here?
Have you incorporated anime into your magical practice?
06/21/15 (Sun) 03:00:19 No. 44540
What is the best Grimoire for starters /fringe/ ? Which ones are your favorites
06/21/15 (Sun) 04:38:34 No. 44544
How do I into hypnotizing others?
06/21/15 (Sun) 05:39:03 No. 44549
>2d pill
>astral projection is 4d
oh my lel.
In all seriousness you shouldn't be using something so mundane in the occult, I watch anime sometimes and its pretty cute but wouldn't bring it into the occult unless I wanted to look at a cute 2d in the astral for fun..
06/21/15 (Sun) 11:43:10 No. 44560
So i try the exercises in Arcane Formulas on detaching the ego from the body and personalities, but i don't get any "elevated feeling". I have the same feeling as always. It's like i already knew the self is not the body nor the mind.
Also, i can't rise above the pendulum swing. What do? Maybe i don't understand correctly what i need to do.
06/21/15 (Sun) 15:27:42 No. 44564
From my experiences.
He gets off good things just as much as off bad things.
love, murder, benevolence, rape, empathy.
06/21/15 (Sun) 16:57:51 No. 44566
I'm scared shitless of sleep paralysis, how can i prevent it or overcome this fear?
06/21/15 (Sun) 20:43:01 No. 44575
>not literally wanting and trying for months on end to induce sleep paralysis
Why in the fuck would you be scared of something so awesome?
06/21/15 (Sun) 20:43:53 No. 44576
Do you even void meditation?
06/21/15 (Sun) 23:15:09 No. 44582
Μυ perceptiveness is just bad.
I miss things all the time, things other said, material things in front of me, I live in a world of fantasy for most of my day.
Just the other day I almost lost my eye when I crouched to smell a bush who had stand sticks coming out of it, they were there in plain sight but I just didn't pay any attention to them and it hit me right in between the eyebrowns, I bled, if it had hit me in the eye I could be half blind right now.
What to do?
06/22/15 (Mon) 00:40:09 No. 44584
Probably dumb question, but I think I have precognotive dreams sometimes. Is there a way to train myself to have them more often? It started when I was 8 or 9 and really started having dreams frequently, that were vivid and I could remember. Around 11 or 12 I started having lucid dreams naturally, where the dream would become incredibly focused, and then soon after I'd realize I was dreaming, and wake up. I learned at 15 or 16 how to slow the decay once I was lucid, but the novelty of it quickly wore off (instant gratification of my desires was fun but it got old) now I keep a dream journal, just to keep up my practice.
But the main thing is that stuff I very clearly remember dreaming about several times when I was young (in a "I messed up last timw, I have to fix it" way) later happened in the waking world, where my repetitious dream helped me make it come out in my favor or the way I wanted. notably avoiding a car crash (blind corner, I got dejavu, hit the breaks, truck ignoring stop sign barreled by) and a girl (was into me, maybe it was just bad vibes but I started fading her out of my life, reports later of her being crazy bitch level, dream of girl like her, yelling at me constantly)
There are a lot of small coincidence and moments where I swear I've felt it before only to remember a dream. So I want to try a broaden it, so I can see atufd, that doesn't just effect me. Is it possible?
06/22/15 (Mon) 01:18:50 No. 44586
I have two questions.
1: Can a mundane still study the occult without practicing it?
2: What philosophies are compatible with the general consensus of /fringe/?
Currently reading the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, and the idea of the Universal Nature (or Logos) resonates with me.
Apologies in advance if I come off as too mundane.
06/22/15 (Mon) 01:28:19 No. 44587
Testing something concerning thumbnails.
>1: Can a mundane still study the occult without practicing it?
Yes. You'd be a perpetual neophyte but whatever. I am sure that once you understand the occult and how the occult laws are always in effect you will inevitably become a practitioner anyways.
>2: What philosophies are compatible with the general consensus of /fringe/?
Neo-platonism, Gnosticism, New Thought, Hermeticism, Idealism, etc.
06/22/15 (Mon) 01:28:39 No. 44588
Yep, thumbnails confirmed fucked.
06/22/15 (Mon) 01:32:34 No. 44589
>Yes. You'd be a perpetual neophyte but whatever.
Interesting. The reason I ask is that I like to study something as much as possible before making some decision involving it.
>Neo-platonism, Gnosticism, New Thought, Hermeticism, Idealism, etc.
I was aware that Gnosticism and Hermeticism are popular here, the others make sense.
I really do need to pick up the /fringe/ library at some point.
Thank you for answering, anon.
06/22/15 (Mon) 02:03:20 No. 44591
Damn anon, that's pretty rad. Maybe you should pick up William Walker Atkinson's "Practical Psycomany and Crystal Gazing". It's a short book and should be in the library. Also since you already have some ability to psycomance, developing crystal gazing or other facets of the craft should come easier to you. Good luck anon.
06/22/15 (Mon) 02:27:33 No. 44592
Alright, I'll try and find it and check it out. To be honest I haven't done much Fringe stuff. The lucid dreaming just comes naturally, along with the weird semi-precog stuff. It's all mostly useless.
Reading the wiki thing about Psychomancy gives me spoopy vibes, because a lot of the time I find myself questioning stuff in the dreams and being given this weird combination of technobable and real, meaningful responses. Stuff sounds like it's being said with a weird water barrier mixed with static, hard to hear, and hard to make sense of, then it feels like someone tunes a radio, and things get clear, but they move past the channel and stuff goes foggy again, so I'd like to try and cut back on stuff like that.
06/22/15 (Mon) 05:38:21 No. 44595
Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, New Thought (which is basically esoteric Christianity/Hermeticism for modern age), Hermeticism are some 'philosophies' that are compatible with the 'general consensus', as the anon above me said; there's also Fourth Way (à la Mouravieff), Esoteric Christianity, Toltec teachings, Rosicrucianism and Anthroposophy though these ones are rarer among the userbase here.
Don't worry too much about philosophy or adopting philosophical views, (by this I mean "mainstream" metaphysics). It does not matter too much. I studied philosophy for a long time until I realized it couldn't answer the questions I had; still, I don't regret it, it teaches a lot of useful terminology to you and you can broaden your weltanschauung by it.
But as a tip, don't get too tangled with metaphysical mazery! Philosophers are giants of reason but not necessarily of consciousness, something important to spiritual seekers.
06/22/15 (Mon) 06:25:16 No. 44596
I tried to project and felt as if I had grown a new ear next to my physical's own? It stayed like that as if wind was brushing up against me and I felt like anyone was going to whisper in my ear at any moment. It lasted for a couple seconds and the same happened to the other side to my other ear, can anyone explain? My astral senses? Hearing?
06/22/15 (Mon) 09:25:38 No. 44601
Precognitive dreams are a thing. Train yourself like you would for astral projection and for generally improved lucidity. Meditate on astral senses, write down dreams, empty mind and energy body stimulation etc.
Sounds like you're already pretty good with this so it would be a waste if you don't pursue it further.
You can study the occult, if you want to learn what it's about and try and intellectualize it, but the simple fact remains, that to actually "study" the occult, you need to do it. You wanting to understand it before you do it is alright in a sense.
Armchair occultists are mostly people that spend more time reading than doing (like another anon said, perpetual neophytes). The only way of "being capable" or understanding the occult is by doing it since the part that is most influenced by spiritual growth is beyond the intellectual.
Might be astral ear duplicates receiving astral info. Keep practicing and ignore them.
06/22/15 (Mon) 13:04:04 No. 44615
>Very many persons possess respectable degrees of Simple
Psychomancy, varying from vague impressions to the full
manifestation of the faculty, as described in these lessons. Such
a person has “intuitions”; “notions”; “presentiments,” and the
faculty of getting ideas regarding other persons and things,
other than by the usual mental processes.
Reading this shit and coming back to this, I am very much like. "Oh shit this is me." I always get 'vibes' about someone really soon after meeting them about whether the person is a total shit bag or not. Even if the person is being very nice and sincere up front, no matter how convincing, I always feel like I can tell if they're genuinely good or not. On a few occasions I've gotten it and straight up told my friends the person is bad news, usually met with scoffs. I make myself scarce whenever they're around, and then, four or five months later, hanging out I watch the person doing incredibly obvious red flags of 'i'm a huge ass hole.' I warn my friends about them, they blow it off as one of that person's 'quirks'. Then another month later my friend comes back like 'Yeah, what their face was a huge dick and totally stabbed me in the back, what a real cunt.' Leaving me going "It wasn't obvious from day one?"
Counter point to that is that there was someone really shitty, at least outwardly that a lot of my people at work thought was a dirt bag. He used drugs a lot, and sold them on the side. He was always getting in fights, but never really punished for it, hard drinker, big party-er. I could tell a lot of my people at work 'liked' him, but didn't think very highly of him. It took a while, but from the moment I met him I had a good feeling about him. Maybe I'm just a sucker. But after about a half year working with him, being pretty good friends, I came back to his house to play some sick xbaux. Found a very humble trailer and a small set up battle station. Dude was a very considerate gamer, being nice to people online, and much more relaxed than he was out in public. Later I helped him out with about 100 dollars, he needed for something. [Told him it was a gift, I don't believe in lending people bling. having someone in debt to you feels weird] But I wrote him a little letter with it, because he needed it for his son [is what he told me, no reason to question it] I felt a little weird, but I gave it to him, it was only about a page long, in chicken scratch that is my hand writing.
Dude read it, looked up at me, read it again, and started openly crying. Felt weird, but gave me a hug and said it was the nicest thing anyone had written or said to him in almost three years. Said it meant more to him then any amount of money ever would. Took the letter, and pulled out a Ziplock baggy he had hidden behind a ton of stuff, including a false back on a shelf. Inside was a fuck load of letters and mementos. Put it in there and said that he held onto every letter from people that mattered. Lots of stuff from his mom, some pictures his kid drew, love notes from his first wife. It was a weird final confirmation for me of how good a person he was, and something I felt like really only I thought from the start.
From what I'm reading it feels like these intuitions are a part of it, and it is kind of cool thinking that my natural lucid dreams, the pre-cog stuff, the senses of dejavu, the entity questioning that happens in some of my dreams, all that is related. Never realized my lucid dream training would help refine it. I always thought that Lucidity was just its own little thing, and that it is related to stuff like this is pretty intense.
06/22/15 (Mon) 18:07:46 No. 44642
Be careful what you choose to absorb into your morphic field.
06/22/15 (Mon) 18:52:15 No. 44645
How do I improve my visualization skills? Mine are pretty awful, and I don't think I'll ever be able to AP before fixing this issue.
06/22/15 (Mon) 19:50:50 No. 44647
Improve your daily practise. Do meditation and middle pillar while lying down, that gets me feeling my astral body. Maybe lbrp for visualisation specifically.
Use the lbrp in this book:
This mp3 guided meditation has visualisation:!fhYBwCTR!nHm8aTx_Uir3xCr1ND0lEFr41Oy-oXuwjF86iMhEzx4
06/22/15 (Mon) 20:12:24 No. 44650
What are some good, practical books about Hermetic Alchemy? i'm especially interested in awakening through focusing attention on the suffering
06/22/15 (Mon) 20:30:56 No. 44653
File: 1435005056890.jpg (107.11 KB, 800x517, 800:517, 800px-john_weguelin_-_the_….jpg )
Hello /fringe/.
Does any of you guys know a way of using magic to become more handsome?
The type of change I want cannot be achieved with the traditional means (gym, haircut, clothes, etc.). It is my bone structure which bothers me.
06/22/15 (Mon) 20:44:36 No. 44654
06/22/15 (Mon) 20:49:21 No. 44655
Indeed. But still… Do you know anything about?
06/22/15 (Mon) 21:07:50 No. 44658
Thank you! Guided meditations are something that I only recently discovered, and the ones focusing on visualization have definitely helped, although there's still ways to go.
06/22/15 (Mon) 21:42:06 No. 44659
Check the huge mega in the sticky
>exclusives >gold by israel regardie
>main folder >arthur e waite
06/22/15 (Mon) 21:57:23 No. 44662
Try using psychomancy at work to tell your boss that something will happen. They usually respond with "well how do you know?" and to that I say "I just do".
It really pisses them off but how can they fault you if you are right?
All in good fun.
06/22/15 (Mon) 22:40:22 No. 44663
By actually working on them. Visualization is imagination. You can literally train them by looking at an object and then imagining the object after you close your eyes/look away.
You can do so with numbers shapes, forms, color blobs or simple objects. And go further with moving things, animations, animals, people, complex structures etc., but start simple first.
If that doesn't work out that easily for you, then do tactile imagining a la Robert Bruce. Aka imagine feeling and touching things around you/yourself and so on.
Changing what really is there means reconfiguring your etheric body. It ain't simple and it'd take years of study.
Alternatively just create about yourself an aura of good-looks and have other feel energized into thinking your good looking. You won't change, but their perception of you will.
William Walker Atkinson's book (as Theron Q Dumont) about Personal Magnetism deals with this.
06/22/15 (Mon) 22:49:03 No. 44664
Not hi, but having a vivid and active imagination is a good thing?
06/22/15 (Mon) 23:00:44 No. 44666
Uncontrolled and uninhibited - no. Ideally your verbal, visual and emotional thoughts should be under your control because it creates or modifies thoughtforms that make up your, your opinions or things in your life as generally waste your emotional and mental energy.
Imagining is just employing the various astral senses to perceive something that isn't physically present. If you can imagine anything at any time, for however long, while simultaneously not imagining other sights/sounds/etc., you can powerfully influence your surroundings.
06/22/15 (Mon) 23:42:09 No. 44669
>>44653 here. I was hoping for a method of literally changing my physical appearance.
But thank you very much for your help anon. I'll take a look on the book.
06/22/15 (Mon) 23:44:11 No. 44670
FIXING: I'll take a look both on the book and about this 'etheric body reconfiguration'.
Thank you again.
06/22/15 (Mon) 23:55:21 No. 44671
Would it be much harder to AP without reading required texts? (I.E Arcane formulas, etc.)
06/23/15 (Tue) 00:20:15 No. 44672
Yes, definitely. Also you won't be able to use the astral productively without learning psychomancy.
06/23/15 (Tue) 00:36:11 No. 44677
Could you explain more?
06/23/15 (Tue) 00:44:15 No. 44680
06/23/15 (Tue) 00:48:18 No. 44681
Thanks I have tried for a year I think and got some cool experiences in my attempts but not a full on AP. I haven't read anything but I have been trying with just techniques.
I become tired a few hours after I wake up and have no energy for most things.
What are your thoughts on energy drinks? Is it bad from an occult point of view? I have an entity attachment which I think is draining me… it feels like it but not too sure as I have no clue what I am doing most of the time.
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:16:56 No. 44686
So using kundalini's power is the way to get a real, physical, change?
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:23:24 No. 44687
It's like a turbo button. Also, be healthy. It makes things easier. Master Astral Projection as well.
And most importantly, honestly believe that everything is possible.
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:29:12 No. 44691
Thank you, anon. I have never thought it would be easy, the only thing I was concerned was if it was possible.
06/23/15 (Tue) 05:42:55 No. 44712
File: 1435038175382.gif (72.29 KB, 450x383, 450:383, 6a00d834515f7269e200e54f3d….gif )
How is your diet and sleep? I thought also that I had an entity attachment but it was really just a bad diet (in my case, not eating enough and eating too much carbs).
Also, get proper exercise. Seriously, first few days you probably won't feel a thing but soon you will have extra energy and feel a bit more alert. I go to gym (it's free for me, so I have that) but you don't have to, just find some good exercise you like to do. Anything that gets your blood flow and heart beat, this will oxygenate your whole body and brain, clearing mental fog and fatigue!!
>energy drinks
Get rid off that poison. The extra-extra sugar in it can give you a temporary boost but also a sugar crash; this means fatigue and a step closer to diabetes and other diseases.
From occult point of view, it makes it more difficult do anything magical; from mundane point of view, you'll get sick.
06/23/15 (Tue) 05:54:50 No. 44713
Diet is pretty good, sleep is 9+ hours but if I don't have an alarm on I can sleep like 11-12 hours.
No.. I know I have an attachment, well.. it's either that or some other shit.The reason why I know there is something here because it is sexual, you can feel the energy when it sends it if you know what I mean. I still don't know if it is my subconscious doing it or what have you but I am not aware of the source at all.
How does it make it difficult to do things magically? I have slowly started to stop drinking it but sometimes I feel so drained I feel the need to have it.. I just don't have any energy anymore.
06/23/15 (Tue) 06:42:04 No. 44715
Why is wicca so full of faggots?
I'm serious, it's like wicca is designed to attract the most obnoxious, least self-aware turds this side of the planet.
06/23/15 (Tue) 06:54:17 No. 44717
You might sleep too much. Personally I feel more sleepy if I go over +9 hours. 7-8h is OK for me.
I cannot really comment on the attachment part, mainly because I haven't had to deal with entity attachments.
Difficult because of the sugar crash you can have; it will leave you tired, so you can't focus, can't do much, you will feel disgustingly sick, etc. I feel more tired if I consume too much sugar/carbs - and even little sugar/carbs can be too much. Potatoes, especially mashed, can give you sugar crash, so it is not just matter of avoiding "trash food" or candies.
06/23/15 (Tue) 09:47:50 No. 44727
I need to conjure up MATERIAL objects from nothing. What books do i read to learn this type of magic?
06/23/15 (Tue) 09:48:38 No. 44728
I think it is a plot by the jew, just as newage is a plot by the jew to turn people away from the occult arts and the awakening.
06/23/15 (Tue) 10:13:51 No. 44730
>new age isn't garbage
>wicca isn't garbage
Are these really your opinions, anon?
06/23/15 (Tue) 11:02:40 No. 44739
Yeah and there are occult paths that are shittier than others. What's the point of wading through shit when you can go directly to less diluted sources and study from them?
06/23/15 (Tue) 11:13:12 No. 44741
>new age
What exactly is new age?
Can't a fair amount of stuff on here be classified as"new age"?
Asatru, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism seem like the only "ancient" occult stuff.
06/23/15 (Tue) 11:36:09 No. 44744
Depends on the definition, but we might say that New Age is something that;
>is "feels-good", focuses on fluffy, ignorant form of positivity while ignoring anything seen as negative
>encourages You Create Your Own Reality” to an immoderate degree; "negativity doesn't exist because I do not believe in it, nor is there any limits to constrain me, be it physical or metaphysical" ( )
>is emotional; denies rationality
>is constructed haphazardly and without proper thought; belief systems that make the ego feel secure and which have no basis on reality
New Age = emotional self-deception called spirituality
06/23/15 (Tue) 12:41:54 No. 44749
That's what I figured.
Whenever someone says to me "negativity is an illusion!" that sets off red flags.
Wicca may have more of a structure, but they are New Age to the core.
Of all the "ancient' occult groups, Gnosticism intrigues me the most.
I still need to read the Gnostic texts.
06/23/15 (Tue) 12:51:49 No. 44750
Can you expand the mega (is it still 500+ GB)?
I hope that every time someone upload a mega file, the Board Owner adds it into the Torrent/Mega collection (updated every month so it can grow).
06/23/15 (Tue) 15:46:17 No. 44788
Vril energy can repair a body's DNA, allowing one to revert to the healthiest state of youth. The medium Sigrun of the Vril Society was at least 140 years old and never aged.
06/23/15 (Tue) 20:26:13 No. 44820
Mind‑Power. This force has come to man just when he most needs it. He has used the so‑called mechanical forces to clear away the obstacles that Nature put into his way in order to develop him into a Man, and now he turns to higher forms of energy and work—he is crying for new worlds to conquer. And these new worlds will be conquered by the mind, rather than by the muscle. Great things are before the race, and one of the greatest forces in Nature in the work of the building up of the Super‑Man, will be this force called Mind‑Power. By it man will be enabled to fight off the forces of ignorance and materialism, and to draw to himself knowledge from the Universal Mind that will enable him to accomplish the heretofore Impossible.
06/23/15 (Tue) 20:51:57 No. 44821
The only method I'm aware of is in chapter 23 in The Book of Knowledge by anonymous however I must admit I'm unsure if it actually works because I never attempted it myself or met anyone that has.
The Book of Knowledge should be in the sticky if you don't already have it.
06/23/15 (Tue) 21:26:05 No. 44825
Can anyone help me with making curses/malicious thoughtforms?
06/23/15 (Tue) 22:33:25 No. 44827
I was "revitalizing" my body with a conscious effort towards the whole of it like described in the Arcane Formulas and I got this weird feeling where my body became heavy and paradoxicaly it was like being pulled upwards. Am I doing it wrong?
06/24/15 (Wed) 02:27:58 No. 44834
What are /fringe/s thoughts on the NWO/Illuminati and Atlantis?
06/24/15 (Wed) 02:36:10 No. 44835
More than likely servants of the Demiurge.
They seek to keep people from achieving Gnosis and putting them in servile positions.
I'm not as well read on Atlantis as I'd like to be.
06/24/15 (Wed) 02:54:15 No. 44837
Why would the NWO leave info on achieving gnosis online though? Like the ancient texts?
06/24/15 (Wed) 02:57:33 No. 44838
They over-saturate people with information to the point where they won't seek it out.
Why do you think smartphones are so popular? People are barraged with sights, sounds, and words on a constant basis.
If they even come across the idea of Gnosis, they'll just forget about it in a couple days and move on to the next thing.
This is a preferable alternative to outlawing it, because attempting to remove it would trigger the Streisand effect, making it all the more popular.
Make people apathetic and information constantly changing, no one will bother seeking it out.
06/24/15 (Wed) 03:01:32 No. 44839
Anyways how can you be a gnostic christian?
Isn't Jesus just a highly powerful thought form that is fueled by the masses?
06/24/15 (Wed) 03:03:24 No. 44840
Jesus was an Aeon sent to take on flesh and teach us the ways to Gnosis.
He was an emanation of the Divine, and was already in a state of Gnosis.
Gnostic Christians reject the Old Testament and the OT God as an evil/corrupted entity that created the material realm to trap emanations of the divine (what we call the soul/spirit).
06/24/15 (Wed) 03:07:58 No. 44841
Will achieving gnosis only become harder and harder for mundanes? Did I discover /fringe/ just in time? Can someone explain what exactly the demiurge is and what it wants?
06/24/15 (Wed) 03:17:13 No. 44843
>Will achieving gnosis only become harder and harder for mundanes?
Anyone has the potential to achieve Gnosis.
If someone dies without doing it, their Divine Spark merely returns to the material plane to inhabit another body, thus starting the cycle over.
That's primarily why suicide and murder are advised against, it deprives someone of the chance to further the path to Gnosis.
>Did I discover /fringe/ just in time?
It would seem you have, my friend.
I wandered my way in here a few days ago, myself.
>Can someone explain what exactly the demiurge is and what it wants?
The Demiurge was a creation of Sophia, who in turn was the female emanation of the True God (The Monad).
For some reason, the Demiurge became corrupted and assumed it was the only God. It then created the material realm and mankind.
Since he was not all-powerful, it took Sophia and other Aeons to imbue the Divine Spark in this creation, animating it.
He wants the subjugation of humanity and their perpetual ignorance.
That's why the Jews were so averse to knowledge-seeking, and why the Demiurge (Yahweh/Jehova/etc) acts like such a malevolent enity.
06/24/15 (Wed) 03:36:32 No. 44844
How sure are you about all this? I'm a Christian currently but believing what you say will earn me a ticket in hell if it turns out to be false. I'm sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions, I'm very new to all this. It's like seeing the night sky for the first time.
06/24/15 (Wed) 03:41:29 No. 44845
It's okay, questions are good.
Gnostics aren't about preventing you from looking into things.
I'm only as sure as what can be personally revealed to me.
That's what Gnosis is, direct knowledge of the Divine.
Many before us have achieved it and shown the way, Jesus Christ being the primary one.
My recommendation is that you head on over to and read the beginning materials there.
I'll try to be here as much as possible to answer any further questions you have.
There's also a gnostic general on >>>/christ/
06/24/15 (Wed) 06:36:22 No. 44849
Smiley: I saw one of your old posts from last thread and you said something about skype being a trap for loosh farming and cursing.
I was in the "new veelox" skype group and I think I was affected by that, do you know the people behind veelox and stuff? What kind of people are they? I know one was named "Wolf"
Also how is here on this image board different from being loosh farmed in skype?
06/24/15 (Wed) 06:52:54 No. 44850
Any one know what this spooki image is about?
06/24/15 (Wed) 07:11:45 No. 44852
A dream I had which seemed to have left quite the impression on me and I wish for someone more knowledgeable to read it and give an opinion if one would like to:
I am at a lake surrounded by a forest in the winter with some friends.
I as well as another friend are compelled to go onto the edge of the dock and dip ourselves into the water, we both feel a strange "pull" towards the center of the lake but neither let go of the dock and we climb up.
While talking a bit with my friends on the dock I see in the sky that the moon is an odd colour of red, orange and white.
I point this out to my friends to which a woman with red hair ( I think ) pulls out a map and starts to talk of the war. On a dark map of the world with continets lined with white outlines there were shining stars dotted all over it.
I focused on the ones in Europe and then more specifically the Netherlands. And as I look at the points there, more lights showed up, less strong but much more numerous. I found my self falling towards a city at a gliding rate, seeing details come into view. I'm gliding down a shipyard, a dock with tents, cargo and people everywhere. I see men in green American army uniforms, except more than half of them have the same metallic face like of a cartoonish robot while some look normal and others are between the two states. I am gliding right in the middle of everything happening, my feet just a few meters off the ground, I seem to be invisible or not at least not out of the ordinary so I observe the people go about their business and then see an old bloody man on the ground in a stretcher, covered in blood and rasping. He's looking everywhere in panic until he looks at my direction and an almost groan of relief and disappointment comes out of him as if seeing a ghost and realizing he just died. I glide on only to see the woman with red hair again, sitting in a chair against a wall reading a book and saying she was waiting for me to get here. She points to a pair a big double doors on the wall and tells me to go through them. She said that what I'll find in there should be quite "impressive", she put emphasis on that word.
So I go through the double doors, which just lead to some long stairs with another pair of doors. And the same again after that. It kept going, just a long, slow stairway rise with doors in the intersections. Finally I feel like this next pair of doors with lead me to whatever it is I'm supposed to see. I open them and another pair of doors just as before. I am about to take a step forward to keep on going but then the doors open.
This throws me off a bit because I wasn't expecting it, but then I see someone stepping out through one of the doors in full view in one fluid motion. It was a beautiful woman, with blonde hair tied tightly into a knot behind her, blue eyes and tanned skin. Her body was tall and well toned and her posture was all but solid and confident even though she was wearing nothing at all.
I was completely stunned, speechless and unable to do or think anything. I believe she said something along the lines of "Welcome, I'm Sif, I've been waiting for you."
I can't remember how I got by her side or how her arm was placed around my shoulder, I just felt the touch of her skin on my skin and went from a state of being stunned to melting in her arms. The room she guided me looked a bit like a wooden sauna and as she was trying to kneel me down onto the wooden floor her hand disappeared down my trousers. I went from melting to burning, the intensity scrambling any kind of senses I had. I faintly remember her giving me a ring with a single jewel saying "Don't forget this." The ring started flashing different colors, red, blue, green and yellow, each time showing the image of some knight, a wiseman, a mage and something I can't remember.
06/24/15 (Wed) 08:02:00 No. 44854
How would one go about improving their vision through magical means? I've been plagued with poor eyesight since I was a child. If the Universe is truly mental, is it enough to simply have the firm belief that it will improve? I am interested in a permanent significant change, preferably to 20/20 or beyond.
06/24/15 (Wed) 08:05:53 No. 44855
My understanding so far:
The all is everything. A better term instead of "god" is "the universe" but not as a mundane would think of it. Sophia was made by the all and Sophia made the demiurge, who became malicious and fucked everything up, so Sophia gave everyone an out, and that's to unite with their higher self and achieve henosis. Gnosis ia understanding the process and starting the journey, which will ultimately end with uniting with your higher self and being able to enter Pleroma.
Is this correct? I apologize if I'm wrong, thank you for your patience.
If this isn't gnosis, then what is? Can I find the definition on the website you linked? I'm still reading through it, so just say if I'll find it on there.
If this is gnosis, then why do we no longer continue to reincarnate on the 3rd density after achieving it?
I'm sorry if these are noob as fuck questions, I've only been here a few weeks and am eager to get the ball rolling, I'm still trying to enter the astral. I'm hoping to do it tonight.
06/24/15 (Wed) 08:37:06 No. 44856
That's a general idea of it, yes.
Very simplified.
>If this isn't gnosis, then what is?
Gnosis is knowledge of the divine.
It's when you have direct contact with the divine and become fully aware of it on a spiritual level.
Once you die, you achieve henosis (oneness with the All/Monad) because you have become fully aware of it.
>Can I find the definition on the website you linked?
You should be able to.
There's also some good stuff at on gnosis.
>If this is gnosis, then why do we no longer continue to reincarnate on the 3rd density after achieving it?
Gnosis is becoming fully aware of the divine through direct knowledge.
Henosis is becoming one with the divine after dying.
>I'm sorry if these are noob as fuck questions, I've only been here a few weeks and am eager to get the ball rolling, I'm still trying to enter the astral. I'm hoping to do it tonight.
No need to apologize, we all take baby steps.
I would highly reading the various Gnostic texts available.
They are not the way to achieve Gnosis, but rather serve to point you in the right direction.
06/24/15 (Wed) 13:39:31 No. 44868
Not necessarily, you're bringing your consciousness down closer to the physical hence why you might feel heaviness.
That's also the effect of condensing the Earth element in one's body.
Connect the dots.
Fire element is responsible for vision and general visualization.
Filling my eyes with the element both boosts my physical eyesight and makes my visualizations more crisp and clear.
06/24/15 (Wed) 14:28:54 No. 44873
Dr. Bates Method and law of attraction.
06/24/15 (Wed) 16:57:43 No. 44885
Gnosticism seems like Christianity XL, same basic ideas, just "zoomed out" so to speak. It makes a lot more sense than Christianity as well, I wouldn't call Gnosticism a religion, it's more of a knowledge. An understanding.
Thank you very much for your time and knowledge, you've given me a massive headstart. One thing I still don't understand is reincarnation. It's all done over and over in the 3rd density untill you achieve gnosis, then you elevate correct? Do you understand the mechanics behind this?
06/24/15 (Wed) 20:09:48 No. 44890
Could anyone recommend any books/articles on emotional alchemy? I've already read Montalk. Thanks.
06/24/15 (Wed) 22:50:39 No. 44900
Also, anything about internal thoughtforms/post-traumatic amnesia etc. would be appreciated!
06/24/15 (Wed) 23:43:38 No. 44904
Alas, even I have some difficulty understanding the process.
That is why I strive to seek Gnosis.
And no, thank you. You've helped me, too.
Also, don't be shy. Come to the generals if you have further questions/seek advice/just want to talk.
06/25/15 (Thu) 01:58:10 No. 44907
Why do I want to be a part of god if I hate people? What makes God any better?
Ascension to a higher plane of existence to merge with God.
etc. etc.
Also, why even bother connect with God? What is it in for me? I just want to die and be done with it.
Also, why farm loosh? I thought demons were the ones to siphon loosh out of people, and the "good guys" (can't remember the names) are the ones who make it themselves.
Background: Demons are made eventually from farming loosh instead of making it while the benevolent path is to make it yourself. You won't hurt anyone that way.
It's all from what I've seen here. I've already read the thread on demons on the original fringechan. I miss those days.
06/25/15 (Thu) 02:20:16 No. 44908
What's with these constant posts in the question thread about god?
Are you all from /christ/ trying to convert neophytes into your Gnostic shit?
06/25/15 (Thu) 02:21:00 No. 44909
I'm going to attempt astrial projection for the first time today. I have a general understanding of what I'm supposed to do but is there anything you recommend I do beforehand to prepare myself or help my chances? Is there anything I should avoid?
06/25/15 (Thu) 03:09:39 No. 44913
At worst nothing will happen and you will just lie for hours.
06/25/15 (Thu) 03:10:50 No. 44914
They sure are pushing it with their bible nonsense. Can't they just stay in their containment thread?
06/25/15 (Thu) 03:24:59 No. 44917
They are pushing it hard all of a sudden, must have been planned.
06/25/15 (Thu) 04:16:08 No. 44920
Not from /christ/. Actually was on fringechan by 2013, and I don't lurk 8chan other than now.
I'm just a person who sees no reason to live.
I'd apologize for such a thing, but I never knew any better. I only lurk about one in a few months top. I can't dedicate myself to any kind of thing, and I've been fascinated by this since 2013, but I know it's just another way to get my hopes up, whether it's real or not. If it is, then death isn't the end and I won't force myself to do it. I'd reincarnate and become even more stupid, or become "normal" and not find this place again.
I just want to know why I should pursue this. It won't matter anyways, but I want to at least get my hopes up.
06/25/15 (Thu) 04:21:50 No. 44921
Well use your time wisely now that you have found this place, read the recommended books in the faq.
06/25/15 (Thu) 05:04:15 No. 44922
I keep seeing people suggest to "fill" body parts with elements and to "channel" elements, but I really have no idea what anyone means by those things.
Is there a short answer to how to use the elements, or a book I could read to learn more?
06/25/15 (Thu) 06:37:15 No. 44925
I apologize if I gave the impression that I was forcing this.
My intrigue into Gnosticism has been spurred by my lurking on /fringe/.
I started a general on /christ/ since /christian/ is somewhat unwelcoming to Gnostics.
I only asked and provided answers to get some closure on the subject.
To my knowledge, only myself and the other anon have been discussing Gnosticism itt.
Again, apologies if I gave the impression of hostility and force.
06/25/15 (Thu) 10:06:07 No. 44935
Initiation Into Hermetics (IIH commonly) by Franz Bardon in the sticky.
06/25/15 (Thu) 18:25:38 No. 44971
the loosh farmer can see your ip address in skype hence he can establish better connection = more loosh stolen
06/25/15 (Thu) 18:30:39 No. 44972
Look up pore breathing.
06/26/15 (Fri) 00:19:51 No. 44982
Are there any materials that deal with music?
I've found that music, any kind of music from classical to pop, metal and beyond, both improves my focus, my imagination and helps me become more 'in control' of what i'm feeling, if that makes sense.
'sad' songs dont necessarily make me sad for instance, but they allow me to choose what i'm feeling by simply imagining a scenario that fits the music.
The actual words dont matter, only the sound they make as part of the song.
I know this has a basis in the mundane, but what i experience seems to be more intense than others based on conversations I've had, so i was wondering if /fringe/ had any insight.
06/26/15 (Fri) 00:21:40 No. 44983
06/26/15 (Fri) 00:38:23 No. 44989
Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
06/26/15 (Fri) 01:01:43 No. 44993
looking for a PDF of
Liber 333 Paperback by Tempel ov Blood
06/26/15 (Fri) 01:43:28 No. 45001
06/26/15 (Fri) 02:02:19 No. 45003
It's concerning when your dads asks you, what he did with his scotch. How the fuck do you misplace a bottle of scotch? I don't drink it. You brought it upstairs like you always do??
06/26/15 (Fri) 02:26:31 No. 45005
Would it be okay to read the recommended astral books (Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic, Life Beyond Death, and Psychomancy )
before reading the standard list in the FAQ like arcane teachings/formulas? I kind of find teachings to be really boring. I read the kyballion but want to AP as soon as possible.
06/26/15 (Fri) 02:51:32 No. 45007
Better start with Mastering Astral Projection while reading the books in /fringe/ order.
MAP is practical
06/26/15 (Fri) 03:31:47 No. 45010
Also is science of breathe really necessary? I am not a mouth breather.
06/26/15 (Fri) 04:01:24 No. 45011
reading that book in particular is not "necessary" but doing the exercises in it is extremely beneficial, and the book is short and to the point.
06/26/15 (Fri) 08:34:02 No. 45017
I'm not sure what to believe /fringe/, where did the universe come from? Why are we all here? How did we get here? Why are there so many different ideaologies/religions? Which ones correct? Should I stop questioning things and jump into eris' sweet embrace? How do I question less and know more?
06/26/15 (Fri) 09:01:45 No. 45018
06/26/15 (Fri) 09:02:52 No. 45019
How do I remember how I died?
06/26/15 (Fri) 09:10:21 No. 45020
06/26/15 (Fri) 10:30:42 No. 45021
The Astral would be my best guess.
06/26/15 (Fri) 10:31:26 No. 45022
What is /fringe/ opinion of Serrano, being that this is a NS board
06/26/15 (Fri) 10:35:54 No. 45024
A waste of time. I actually read all his books and while they are indeed interesting they contain lots of bullshit and disinfo.
06/26/15 (Fri) 12:53:26 No. 45025
Thanks man you saved me a shitton of time.
06/26/15 (Fri) 14:16:38 No. 45033
His knowledge on chakras was despicable as he didn't even know their exact locations. He was making stuff up, like women having no chakras which is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. I can feel chakras and energy currents, Miguel Serrano was a bullshit fantasy author.
06/26/15 (Fri) 15:20:14 No. 45036
Whats /fringe/s opinion on channeling with animals?
06/26/15 (Fri) 19:33:51 No. 45045
ok iv been looking around my chakra's(don't ask) and i noticed another big one in my chest beside the heart. May i get some info?
06/26/15 (Fri) 19:43:47 No. 45046
the book of knowledge has extended info on additional major chakras
06/26/15 (Fri) 20:20:31 No. 45049
What is astral projecting like? Is it like you're actually there? Or does it feel like your dreaming?
06/26/15 (Fri) 20:35:21 No. 45052
Look into hermeticism. This quote is from Crowley and isn't saying what it seems to. I'm pretty sure it's about hermeticism or the idea of the population of the universe being God playing hide and seek. Eventually you realise that you are the king and that you are only wearing the clothes of the beggar. (this may be a completely wrong compared to what Crowley actually meant but I feel it's accurate as an interpretation)
Here's a book on hermeticism…!O4xBgDya!y9eQRaKY6VcSyJ9SGB9xhoY3L1fKONCJlXAZ3eH_9sE
06/26/15 (Fri) 21:50:04 No. 45068
what is asmr in /fringe/ terms?
06/26/15 (Fri) 23:23:28 No. 45074
>And Death is not real, even in the Relative sense—it is but
Birth to a new life—and You shall go on, and on, and on, to
higher and still higher planes of life, for aeons upon aeons of
time. The Universe is your home, and you shall explore its
farthest recesses before the end of Time. You are dwelling
in the Infinite Mind of The All, and your possibilities and
opportunities are infinite, both in time and space. And at the
end of the Grand Cycle of Aeons, when The All shall draw back
into itself all of its creations—you will go gladly, for you will
then be able to know the Whole Truth of being At One with
The All. Such is the report of the illumined—those who have
advanced well along The Path.
And, in the meantime, rest calm and serene—you are safe and
protected by the Infinite Power of the Father‐Mother‐Mind.
So am I part of the all, or not? Obviously, we're all in a mental universe (Principle of Correspondence), but are WE mental projections? Are we real? Are our bodies fake and our spirits real? Us being the mental makes more sense because THE ALL cannot use raw materials, but can use its mind.
06/26/15 (Fri) 23:24:14 No. 45075
Oh, it's from the Kybalian be tee dubs.
06/26/15 (Fri) 23:28:11 No. 45076
I actually know this one! I can help!
"There are beings with powers and attributes higher than
Man has ever dreamed of the gods’ possessing. And yet these
beings were once as you, and still lower—and you will be even
as they, and still higher, in time, for such is the Destiny of Man
as reported by the illumined."
page 36 of the Kybalian.
So, yes. Through multiple re-incarnations and/or time, you can. It's up for speculation.
06/26/15 (Fri) 23:46:09 No. 45077
Whoops, I meant Principle of Mentalism. Correspondence is "as is above is below, and as is below is above".
06/27/15 (Sat) 04:10:35 No. 45086
it is required to have a vaccine in order to go to college.
will this affect my future career as a wizard?
06/27/15 (Sat) 04:22:17 No. 45087
How come every time I meditate I become physically and mentally drained/tired afterwards?
06/27/15 (Sat) 05:07:34 No. 45089
do you meditate in the same place everytime?
try going out someplace alone and see if there is a difference. Could be a leech/egregore/shitty neighbors what have you.
06/27/15 (Sat) 05:18:49 No. 45090
Well my room is the only peaceful place around here that I can do it.
Tried it in the woods once a long time ago as a mundane and I got spooked by some sort of forest spirits or my imagination.
How does something leech your energy, and why most noticeably while meditating? By shitty neighbors do you mean mundanes that unknowingly leeches off of you somehow?
I haven't made/fed any thought forms/egregores besides Ebola-chan when I half jokingly give praise to her in threads.
How do I remove leech?
06/27/15 (Sat) 06:26:48 No. 45092
could be mundanes with a natural proclivity to drain you, or occultists you don't even know about. they leech you with (conscious/unconscious) awareness and willpower/desire.
An egregore is something that can form naturally in an area, and if you have a lot of people with vampiric natures it can form a naturally vampiric egregore.
You could try making a talisman and programming it as a thoughtform as described in the book of knowledge in order to try to prevent this, but the nature of the cause is unknown to us. If you still feel drained after meditating elsewhere it might be something intrinsic to your physiology or method.
06/27/15 (Sat) 07:34:26 No. 45094
What are purely occult techniques for falling asleep instantly as well as putting anyone else to sleep?
I want to be able to make my body fall asleep in mere seconds as well as be able to make anyone else, animal or human, fall asleep in seconds.
Is there a way anyone here knows?
06/27/15 (Sat) 11:51:14 No. 45097
They best way I've found so far to influence other people is the one written in the IIH.
Can't remember the step but it basically involves transferring yourself into the core of the being and affecting him/her from there.
Been able to turn people from sad and beaten down to happy and energetic using this method so I'm sure you'd be able to do the opposite and induce drowsiness.
You can do the same to yourself btw.
My question, in light of the recent homo laws passed in the US, is can we somehow shift the public outlook against it and trigger a backlash over it?
Something on a very large scale requires a group of initiates so I'm wondering if the new /illuminati/ people are doing anything.
06/28/15 (Sun) 01:51:21 No. 45109
How can I make a girl love me through the occult? I have an expansive amount of desire for her, but I need to know how to channel it.
06/28/15 (Sun) 02:09:49 No. 45110
Well I cannot really contribute with ideas at this point, I'm willing to support you guys.
What if we just meme the world to chaos? And I don't mean the organized chaos we see today with cultural marxism, that has each step carefully planned out decades in advance.
Imagine what true chaos would do amongst marxism.
06/28/15 (Sun) 02:44:36 No. 45114
Whay can be sapped from dead or dying people?
06/28/15 (Sun) 07:38:54 No. 45133
06/28/15 (Sun) 08:32:27 No. 45140
You'd figure out your solution by actually reading suggested material.
If you want other people to do/feel something you do as if they're tulpas, call them forth in your mind and tell them/act out how they should be.
Problem is, you're trying to make a certain person feel something, let's say, harder to sustain, if you're a boring sack of crap. Generally (and that's with a whole lot of things), you don't want and shouldn't go for specific things and people, you want the emotions, the feeling, surroundings and so on. You don't want x person, you want a lover. Also of note in this regard is Atkinson's book The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism as Theron Q Dumont I've suggested previously in this thread (I think).
Seen it, been even posted here before.
The good part is it introduces people to fringe stuff. The bad, that it still doesn't go the full nine yards or misses a few important points.
06/28/15 (Sun) 09:05:03 No. 45141
can someone tell me how bad vaccines are?
06/28/15 (Sun) 09:55:53 No. 45143
They're good for you, they stop you from dying and help children and easily infected because of Herd Immunity.
06/28/15 (Sun) 10:45:13 No. 45145
Do your own research, ain't nobody gonna teach you.
06/28/15 (Sun) 12:03:13 No. 45151
Use nap here >>16000
and read wwa's personal magnitism
06/28/15 (Sun) 13:53:50 No. 45161
The hatred for "new age" spouted here is ridiculous.
06/28/15 (Sun) 14:22:41 No. 45163
06/28/15 (Sun) 14:41:58 No. 45164
Do tell why new age isn't shit.
06/28/15 (Sun) 15:00:36 No. 45165
Beccause it's nothing more than an umbrella term.
06/28/15 (Sun) 18:08:14 No. 45176
Does anyone have the book review thread from freedomboard archived? I need the picture of the wizard reading posted in it and the book reviews.
06/28/15 (Sun) 18:55:28 No. 45178
06/28/15 (Sun) 19:55:34 No. 45184
06/28/15 (Sun) 20:35:03 No. 45186
You gotta stop jerking off man.
06/28/15 (Sun) 21:05:00 No. 45189
What's the ultimate greenpill way to get money? Sigils?
06/28/15 (Sun) 21:11:12 No. 45190
Try jason miller's financial sorcery.
Or damon brands wealth (long term) and cashbook (short term).
06/28/15 (Sun) 21:16:52 No. 45191
Figure I'll call attention to my question again. Any books?
06/28/15 (Sun) 23:37:51 No. 45193
Never gets discussed here.
Couldn't find anything in the library, if you know of any specific books post their names so i can search them
06/29/15 (Mon) 00:31:42 No. 45196
>be me
>be on new meds
>be in my room
>astral senses are stronger than normal
>decide to listen to the astral
>hear the most wondrous electronic music ever
>it reaches a point where I my whole body is rocked by intense vibrations and sense of pleasure listening to this
Is this what a full-body orgasm or whatever is?
06/29/15 (Mon) 00:32:21 No. 45197
Fuck sigils and fuck that. Use thoughtforms.
06/29/15 (Mon) 00:36:11 No. 45198
You got fucked by your first entity, congrats.
06/29/15 (Mon) 01:05:27 No. 45199
Bullshit faggot, there was no sex happening.
06/29/15 (Mon) 01:25:44 No. 45205
Not your traditional physical sex.
It was fucking you good.
06/29/15 (Mon) 01:29:28 No. 45206
I be givin them ear-gasms its ridiculous
This track would be drenched
If this mic
Had a clitoris
06/29/15 (Mon) 02:10:00 No. 45210
File: 1435543800062.png (469.84 KB, 1310x2779, 1310:2779, practice makes the memory ….png )
Has anyone tried this "mediation" in said image? Does it work? Does it really build functioning tulpas?
second question, does anyone have the guys math trick that he says he'd post?
☻ 06/29/15 (Mon) 02:30:49 No. 45212
Does anyone have Mind‑Power: The Law of Dynamic Mentation and Scientific Parenthood both by William Walker Atkinson?
☻ 06/29/15 (Mon) 02:32:16 No. 45213
Also The Mind Building of a Child and The Psychology of Success .
☻ 06/29/15 (Mon) 04:50:54 No. 45216
Every single book under the name "Swami Panchadasi" by William Walker Atkinson is of great interest to me. They seem to be his most obscure works.
06/29/15 (Mon) 04:52:44 No. 45218
How would one even use thoughtforms to get money?
06/29/15 (Mon) 05:01:41 No. 45219
Countless ways, literally no other method will work as effectively as using thoughtforms.
You can use thoughtforms to influence others, you can create one that is specifically to alert you to business opportunities and help you succeed financially with many programmed in subfunctions powered by loosh you give it, you can use them to enhance yourself so you yourself can become better at everything you do, you can remote view stocks with them and do future-time psychomancy, etc.
06/29/15 (Mon) 05:25:59 No. 45220
Wow. Do you have any tips for doing this? I know how thoughtforms work but have very little experience.
06/29/15 (Mon) 06:59:14 No. 45221
Any recommended yogic books for physical exercise?
Or a program would do.
06/29/15 (Mon) 07:25:04 No. 45222
Oh… I always had this theory.
Like the top players in video games/art/music etc etc are the top of their category because of alternative means like this, this is why certain people are top for a reason, right?
06/29/15 (Mon) 08:57:45 No. 45224
So your mindset is "they at the top cuz they be cheatin yo"? On videogames moreover? You must have black blood.
06/29/15 (Mon) 09:05:22 No. 45226
Says the one who thinks you can't win without magick.
06/29/15 (Mon) 09:28:14 No. 45228
whatever makes you sleep at night, hon
06/29/15 (Mon) 10:17:31 No. 45231
06/29/15 (Mon) 10:39:55 No. 45232
>Can't handle the bant
Oy, m80, u wot?
That's the thing. Anybody can naturally practice this, but only those "in the know" will apply it when they have no prior investment in the subject.
Let's say a athlete will become obsessed with winning. He will picture himself as the victor, fuel his desire into it, confidently declare himself as the best, do everything it takes physically for him to be it. In this case he's making a powerful thoughtform that is perpetuated by him and his actions, but it's a natural/unconscious use of these laws.
If you, knowing how to use this, would figure out what you want, and even when you previously have little record of being obsessive and willpower-full about some such thing, would use these laws, you would eventually reach the same heights others, unconsciously have reached as well.
It might be the natural thing for athletes and vidya autists, art is questionable because it has a somewhat different approach to the same thing (disregarding modern money laundering art), music is chuck full of symbolism and repetitious shit that "reminds" you that you like it (mind control type stuff).
Thoughtforms play a really important part, but the how of application is different.
06/29/15 (Mon) 12:41:04 No. 45236
A quick jewgle search got me this.
You'll add everything you find to the MEGA I assume?
06/29/15 (Mon) 13:34:11 No. 45240
I need protection from mind control waves.
What are my options?
Budget and no expense limit options.
Mind control is not a conspiracy its a fact and where I live is a target zone of heavy mind control battery.
06/29/15 (Mon) 16:00:45 No. 45247
What are some /fringe/ approved substances for relaxation? I took some muscle relaxers and had some of the reallest dreams in a while, any sort of tea that will accomplish the same thing?
06/29/15 (Mon) 16:12:17 No. 45248
Magick is not cheating / easy. It's not for the lazy and undisciplined. It's literally for only the people of the most high virtue and intelligence and good habits to succeed in. It's too hard for people that are looking for shortcuts; there are none in the occult.
06/29/15 (Mon) 16:38:57 No. 45249
Creating a thoughtform is easy but dangerous. Here are the steps I'd do for some serious thoughtforming work:
>cleanse out whatever thoughtforms are currently affecting you with lots of white noise and avoiding exposure to new ones until your mind has gone blank / calmed down, you do not necessarily have to void meditate, but you have to bring your mind as much as possible to a halt and center it and maybe affirm the principle of spirit and try to minimize the impression of the senses
>once you've got that under control, clear a space (actually you should have had this done already beforehand) so you have room to work and begin your magickal operation with no random objects near you can get thrown at you or whatever, if possible
>now start using rhythmic sounds, if only imagined, like the sound of a drum or of a heart or of rattles going off at exact intervals or else just stick with the white noise; this can be astrally generated or physically, I just do it astrally, I don't have an actual drum or rattle to induce trance state
>now, have a circle designated with perhaps chalk or you can use twine or whatever, and while you're in this trance focus on the circle and impart some loosh to it while visualizing a transparent shield that is going to hold the entity you're creating in place in the circle (you could also reverse things so that you stand in the circle and the entity has free reign outside of your circle of protection but I don't like this method)
>once you feel confident the circle is going to hold, begin the creation of the thoughtform inside
>depending on what sort of thoughtform it is, it can be very dangerous or not really, you might want to have created and consecrated a variety of magickal weapons beforehand if it's a particularly dangerous entity. Generally the more freewill and intelligence of the entity or uncontrolled factors concerning the manifestation of the entity the greater the danger
>some examples of thoughtforms I suggest for you to create:
• An infinitybook (or even just a random astral book)
For this I just walk around the circle, which at this point is both thoughtformed into place, as well as maybe having a physical indication of it in the form of chalk/twine/sand/whatever. I walk around the circle in a trance, usually slowly, focusing mentally on the fog of astral matter I am condensing into the inside of the circle and never breaking the focus. I tend to gesture with my physical arms and my astral arms (it's like I have 4 arms btw) as I focus more vital energy into the thoughtform being made.
In this case I am creating a book. It may be a completely random book, it might be that I intend for a certain sort of book to be manifested and that narrows down a bit what will appear, or it could be very specific. I suggest for the first one just manifesting a completely random book, with no idea about what the topic will be, or what will be its content. Then afterwards you can try making another one with a more specific topic, such as "I intend to manifest a book of healing" or something.
Now as you focus, dump intense emotion into the manifestation, and it will leap forward many times over in how solid it appears and feels. At first it will be extremely transparent and hardly noticeable but you can make it appear as a physical object soon enough that you can touch and feel and everything. It's done when you have a stable and fully functional thoughtform you can interact with using all your senses.
Manifesting an astral book like this is the least dangerous thing you can do however because you are using your astral senses and doing some heavy energywork and everything at once you are extremely likely to enter a 4D total immersion state and see all manner of entities around you and get them attracted to you and they can cause you all sorts of trouble. Don't do stuff like this on a day you have work to do or any obligations to anything, even though the actual manifestation may take 15 minutes if you're good at using your loosh, and it would be a good idea to have someone around to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't get hurt (preferably another occultist that knows wtf is going on) but if you're like me and are alone you just have to take chances after trying to prepare yourself as much as possible beforehand.
06/29/15 (Mon) 16:39:23 No. 45250
Other stuff you can create:
• A little servant, like a gnome, that sits on your desk or something that you can pick up and put around your room and whatever and it just helps you with things, entertains you, etc. (moderately dangerous)
• You can evoke all manner of entities for their counsel and knowledge and services, in this case you create this kind of astral fog, but you don't think about a specific form at all you just intend for them to show up and you wait for it to happen while intensifying the intent with your loosh (Note: highly dangerous)
• You can create a full-fledged tulpa to be a companion and help you with unlocking all your astral senses and achieving every single occult ability like remote viewing, telekinesis, healing by thoughtforce, etc. (extremely dangerous)
• You can use your astral senses to just scan around your environment like a bat, sending out sonar like waves that make apparent anything in the area around you, (extremely dangerous)
• You can create toys and stuff that come alive and do whatever you want. If you feel like it, you could make an entire set of toy army soldiers (like the little green and tan and gray plastic soldiers) and they could actually walk around you room, create formations, move little thoughtformed sandbags around and drive plastic army jeeps and stuff, then you can have them fight a war with each other.
• Any kind of hologram stuff you can make with thoughtforms.
It's not hard to make these once you know how, the ones with little energy dissipate really quickly, ones with more energy are much more persistent and lasting and hard to banish and so on, ones with especially high energy are completely self-sustaining. Creating quality thoughtforms takes skill and very careful intentions and purity of mind and so on.
06/29/15 (Mon) 16:41:01 No. 45251
As a general rule, the more uncontrolled variables in the creation/manifestation of a thoughtform the more potential risks, however thinking and planning out every little fucking nuance of a thoughtform is a real pain, and for some purposes you need to intentionally avoid consciously filling in details so that they can be taken care of subconsciously instead.
06/29/15 (Mon) 16:46:07 No. 45252
>you can't win without magick.
You literally can not win without magick because the laws of magick are in constant effect and your ignorance of them does not help you avoid their effect; the laws of magick are the same laws of All That Is
There is nobody who occupies a position they "do not have the right to be in", magick is not cheating, magick is how the world works. All great artists, athletes, inventors, etc. are skilled in the practices which constitute magick; whether they consciously realize it or not they are magicians.
06/29/15 (Mon) 17:04:53 No. 45254
I know that I was just trying to address the defeatist worldview of the posts I quoted but I probably came off as a disinfo shlomo.
Also thanks for the contribution.
06/29/15 (Mon) 17:50:11 No. 45255
This shit seems limitless, thank you for your posts. You've helped me greatly. You spoke of magickal weapons, can you speak more on those? And can I make a grizzly bear thoughtform?
06/29/15 (Mon) 18:20:10 No. 45256
>And can I make a grizzly bear thoughtform?
You could by why the fuck would you want to manifest such a dangerous animal and possibly have it rampage around your place and kill you?
06/29/15 (Mon) 18:21:19 No. 45257
The Golden Dawn has lots of material about magickal weapons and Franz Bardon's texts should have some stuff about it. You can just manifest a book or something from the astral though on it, read what it says, and apply it. The fringe library has some stuff about magickal weapons in various books in there.
06/29/15 (Mon) 18:23:06 No. 45259
>You can just manifest a book or something from the astral though on it
Can you do this with any degree of accuracy in the information given?
06/29/15 (Mon) 20:06:07 No. 45261
Do youtubers and comedians rake in tons of loosh?
06/29/15 (Mon) 22:25:51 No. 45267
No, you are just stupid
06/30/15 (Tue) 01:05:48 No. 45274
Who are we talking about when we say "Golden Dawn"? The Greek nationalists?
06/30/15 (Tue) 01:09:33 No. 45275
Semitic Order of the Golden Goy
06/30/15 (Tue) 07:28:52 No. 45293
Sorry didn't want to fuck your mind up like that. Now you're screwed because of me and I feel guilty.
06/30/15 (Tue) 07:32:57 No. 45296
I used to be real into psionics and junk as a teenager. Was that whole thing a load of trash? I mean, on a lot of sites, people would talk about how they do stuff from Naruto, so obviously that part is. Is there a nugget of reality in it though?
06/30/15 (Tue) 07:58:34 No. 45297
You can form balls of energy between your hands and throw them around. Read some chi-kung/qigong material.
06/30/15 (Tue) 10:20:58 No. 45304
You didn't break anything. I already told you why you are stupid, stupid.
Sorry your mind can't handle the word "alternative". That's pathetic.
06/30/15 (Tue) 10:45:53 No. 45306
Ok buddy no need to be all angry and stuff I already told you I'm sorry for making you believe that stuff. I'm confident it can be undone one day so no worries.
06/30/15 (Tue) 11:34:06 No. 45309
Any decent forums to check out? Also, what do you mean exactly by "Psionics fails mostly due to the lack of power"?
06/30/15 (Tue) 12:56:40 No. 45314
>If you read psipog or other stuff you'll see that most people don't go beyond the beginner stages because they don't know about the energy systems or how to cultivate more raw energy in order to do more.
Right, but is that an issue with the system or the users?
06/30/15 (Tue) 14:31:40 No. 45323
>walk in the forest
>sit down
>nice open clearing
>just think about life and death
>not sure if I will ever meet my gf again due to personal reasons
>we still love eachother, but culture differences make it hard
>get hypnotized by the wind waving in the bushes
>look upwards and see a clear blue sky
>think about Tengri, Tengriism and such
>suddenly my head thinks about a scene I cannot control
>a western man from ancient times meet with a Scythian warrior
>They shake hands as ordered by some sort of sage
>realise that I am the western man and that the Scythian man is a ancestor of my girlfriend (girlfriend is Turkic fyi)
>scene dissapears
>Hear crows all time,
>all time feel some sort of energy in my spine due to this scene
>feel more powerful or something
Can anyone explain what this sounds like? Did my thoughts went astral?
06/30/15 (Tue) 18:31:52 No. 45333
Sounds exactly like visions of a previous incarnation.
kundalini pranayama - breath of fire 07/01/15 (Wed) 06:05:53 No. 45366
what does the pranayama practice "breath of fire" do?
I just recently got the diaphragm movement down after practicing this one daily for the last two months or so.
I notice I feel energized, calm, positive, powerful, and notice many more synchronicities when I perform it. negative feelings and forces dissipate. my magick workings improve tremendously as well. is it like a pranic supercharge? I can't find a whole lot of information on it anywhere.
07/01/15 (Wed) 12:50:15 No. 45379
Page 80 of 2013serieslessons finally confirms that barely anyone here understands what they're reading. Trying to twist this quote to suit your own needs or pretending like this wasn't written honestly only proves that you're a spiritual subhuman who wants to justify their degeneracy.
"While thought‑forms are often sent out unconsciously by men of selfish desires and aims and many are affected by them, we wish to say that there need be no fear of anyone being affected against his own good if he will maintain a mental atmosphere of Love and Confidence. These two conditions will repel the strongest thought‑wave which may either be directed against one or which may be encountered in the astral atmosphere.
The higher the order of thought the stronger it is, and the weakest person, providing his mind is filled with Universal Love and Confidence in the One Power, is many times stronger than the person of the strongest power who would stoop to use that power for selfish ends . The highest powers of this kind can be possessed only by those of great spiritual development, who have long since left behind them the low aims and ambitions of undeveloped man. Such persons are constantly sending forth thought‑waves of strength and help, which may be drawn upon by those who need such help. All that one has to do is to make the mental demand for help from those who are able to give it, and at once they attract to themselves the waves of the strong, helpful spiritual thought which is being constantly emanated from the minds of the helpers of the race, both in the flesh and out of it. Were the race at the mercy of those of selfish thoughts, it would have perished long since, but things are otherwise ordered.
The only things to be feared in the world of thought‑forms are those corresponding with any base thoughts which we may be entertaining ourselves. For instance, if we entertain low, selfish thoughts, we are open to thought‑forms of similar character which may be lurking in the psychic atmosphere, which may take hold of our minds and urge us on to the doing of things which we would have shrunk from doing in the beginning. We have the right to invite what mental guests we wish — let us be careful to whom we issue invitations.
Our strong desires create thought‑forms which work toward the gratification of those desires, be they good or bad. We draw things toward us and are drawn toward things by these thought‑forms. They become powerful helpers, and never sleep in their work. Let us be careful how we send them forth. Send forth no strong thought‑desire unless it meet with the approval of the Highest Self. Otherwise you will become enmeshed in the consequences arising from it, and will suffer much in learning the lesson that psychic powers must not be used for unworthy ends . You are punished by such things, not for them. Above all, never under any circumstances send forth a strong desire‑thought to injure another, for there is but one consequence of such an act and the experience will prove a bitter lesson. Such a person is usually hanged on the gallows he builds for others. Evil thought projected against a pure mind will rebound at once to the sender, and will gather force from the impact. We must apologize to our students for laying so much stress on these matters, but as there is always the chance of lessons of this kind falling into the hands of those unprepared to receive them, it is necessary for the warning to accompany anything written on the subject, in order to prevent thoughtless persons using the information improperly and thereby injuring themselves as well as others. It is the “Danger” signal displayed for the careless or thoughtless. "
07/01/15 (Wed) 13:13:59 No. 45380
Yes, yes. . .
You see, all negative/selfish entities can achieve "great power" - but only to a certain point. That's when the limitations start to hit, but wishful thinking prevents them from seeing that they cannot achieve "the ultimate power" without giving up their negativity and selfish aims. And when one gives up on such selfish ambitions to possess power, he realizes that he now has an infinite supply of it which he can access just by asking. Only by positive attitude can one enjoy the riches and "possess great spiritual development."
One can't dwell in negativity and expect to reach the stars, so heavy is the burden. And one sure can't even leave the ground if one tries to be both positive and negative - in fact, that's negativity-in-disguise. Light expands and shares its warmth to everyone, while darkness compresses upon itself and itself only, robbing everyone else of warmth and light, (as cornily as I might put it here.)
Might add that "knowledge protects, ignorance endangers"; if you are aware of possible attack/negative influence - and one should expect one without becoming paranoid - you can repel it by being aware of such an attack or negative influence - yet a positive attitude (confidence/faith enforced by Love and knowledge) helps enormously (and is absolutely necessary) and can block any 'magic'/thoughtforming done by even the most negative entities/black magicians/self-servers.
I think karmic cause-and-effect is not wholly true. It feels very wrong and negative to me.
See: picture related.
07/01/15 (Wed) 13:28:06 No. 45381
>I think karmic cause-and-effect is not wholly true. It feels very wrong and negative to me.
It works to a certain extent, yes, but it's not absolute.
07/01/15 (Wed) 13:51:29 No. 45386
Yes. I think it's a distortion of some truer principle.
By the way, NobleRealms (montalk's forum) has a lot of great discussions if you are interested. There's things you won't find by reading his articles.
See: currently reading
07/01/15 (Wed) 14:02:34 No. 45387
Could you upload the rest?
I'm not saying I disagree with this statement, but I feel like it leaves out some valuable information in regards to the application of this when a "developed man" interacts or tries to defend himself from the "lower developed" or "protecting" some "lower developed" from others. Sorry that I don't expound the idea, no time atm.
07/01/15 (Wed) 14:20:29 No. 45388
07/01/15 (Wed) 14:24:48 No. 45389
Ah, by the way, you can (and should!) use the search option there. "montalk" and "lyra" have some of the best posts there, though the process of networking (discussion with others) is fun and important to note, too.
07/01/15 (Wed) 15:15:26 No. 45398
I've only studied the fringe related topics for a few months, but I have noticed the huge Jewish influence, whether it be authors, or magical or historical influences. Now I know that Jews usually mean bad news, but I rarely see any warnings against them here. So I guess me "question" is a request that someone more knowledgeable than me start a thread and spread info about Jewish influences in the occult world, and how they try to trick and manipulate us, which Jews we should be extra aware of. They tend to change names so it's not always easy to spot a kike right away.
07/01/15 (Wed) 15:56:01 No. 45400
Spoken like a true neophyte faggot. The danger lies in disinfo, not "jews".
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:05:09 No. 45401
I´m kinda sick of my fuckups in life, and I want to know if there´s any place where I can learn how to revert some of them; project my mind into my former self; change the past; travel to parallel dimensions where I haven´t fuck´d up, etc.
I´m just starting to investigate about it; Should I drop it? Can magic achieve that? Is skepticism fucking up my chances of achieving anything in this matter?
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:19:27 No. 45404
Of course if you're skeptic of the result you're not gonna achieve it this is true with everything to a certain extent. Do you think if you were an athlete and were running the 100m run you'd get first by thinking "geeze these guys here sure look faster than me I'm pretty certain I'm not gonna win". Think about it.
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:20:10 No. 45405
Skepticism is the worst burden. I don't know how to travel back, but you should just get into astral projection and start improving yourself right now.
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:23:28 No. 45406
I can relate. The things that help me every day is reading good story books and practicing mindfulness meditation, 1 hour when i wake up and 1 hour before i go to bed. i do vipassana. This stuff really works.
a book that will help you awaken and restore your love:
100 years of solitude
good ol' calvin and hobbes has, surprisingly, helped me too. get a compilation book, like the authoritative calvin and hobbes.
it's the simplicity of a story that'll help a soul. love a story, love your life.
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:24:46 No. 45407
I fight hard against skepticism, but sometimes it just gets over. I´ll spend my winter break (I´m in the south hemisphere) to start the basic literature, but jeez I just wish I had more time.
SAGE! 07/01/15 (Wed) 16:25:59 No. 45408
thank you this was helpful lol
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:34:58 No. 45409
That's the last greenpill one has to grasp in third dimension. Link contains half-truths.
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:38:10 No. 45410
trips for truth
How to know more from this incarnation?
07/01/15 (Wed) 17:35:30 No. 45415
I tried wake back to bed and was able to try to Astral Project 4 times or so. Twice I saw some blue square in my vision and started vibrating wildly, how close was I? Any tips?
07/02/15 (Thu) 04:11:04 No. 45450
What do the two lines mean? What about her white eyes? What does it all represent?
07/02/15 (Thu) 04:24:53 No. 45451
has anybody actually tried using the name of god like jesus did
07/02/15 (Thu) 07:24:15 No. 45459
>Studying the hermeticism
>Getting progressively hornier
Also, people "follow" and understand the things in the Kybalian, right? It seems not. Barely much mention of it.
07/02/15 (Thu) 08:37:34 No. 45460
what do reptilians look like?
are they sexually attractive?
07/02/15 (Thu) 12:02:33 No. 45466
Is it possible to track/contact someone from their internet persona?
A poster on a forum I used to go to left, and I really need to get in touch with them.
07/02/15 (Thu) 12:18:52 No. 45468
07/02/15 (Thu) 12:35:00 No. 45469
First thing I tried. My levels of internet stalking were disgusting, couldn't find them.
07/02/15 (Thu) 12:57:18 No. 45471
Is there an option to send them an email instead of a pm on the forum? Or will pm show up in email?
07/02/15 (Thu) 13:14:36 No. 45472
They scrambled their forum and email passwords before leaving. I think fringe is my only hope here
07/02/15 (Thu) 13:41:15 No. 45476
how do I get rid of a strong curse?
i'm pretty sure I was cursed by a my own sister
happened a few years ago,
ever since , my life gradually turned from good, worse and worse every day, and I feel like there is nothing I can do
i don't want to actually harm her, just get rid of the curse
07/02/15 (Thu) 13:45:19 No. 45477
Try Damon Brand's protection book, do the sword banishing, master ritual and curse reversal ritual.
Or you could try new avatar power + protection from evil invocation, then progress to new avatar power + central pillar + defence invocation.
07/02/15 (Thu) 15:47:56 No. 45490
I don't know, but I found this image really disturbing.
07/02/15 (Thu) 16:13:06 No. 45494
Is there a way to astral project and communicate with a certain diety? Let's say Mithras?
07/02/15 (Thu) 16:41:49 No. 45499
Yes you can build yourself a astral temple and then evoke the diety there. It is the same as regular evocation only that it is done out of body. As you would have probably figured out by now you first need to know how to evoke in order to do so out of body. I would recommend the book magical evocation by franz bardon. I will upload the pdf if anyone may need it.
07/02/15 (Thu) 16:57:41 No. 45504
If you truly love her the curse should backfire on her. From this you can see that if you do not love your enemies you cannot even curse them properly. Now since you said you don't wish to harm her. In my opinion if she has indeed cursed you out of love she was already willing to suffer karmic repercussion for you. So here I see 2 choices for you either you return the curse or to suffer. I told you how to return the curse now the choice is yours to make. I hope this was of help.
07/02/15 (Thu) 22:16:37 No. 45536
im gonna reply in my thread now
07/02/15 (Thu) 22:21:11 No. 45538
>The Mystery of Sex or Sex Polarity
>>43461 atkinson _the_mystery_of_sex_or_sex_polarity.pdf
07/02/15 (Thu) 22:21:58 No. 45539
>>45538 atkinson _the_mystery_of_sex_or_sex_polarity.pdf
fixed link
07/02/15 (Thu) 22:23:13 No. 45540
stupid fucking 8ch keeps changing the formatting
just go here:
and search for it. great archive of western occult books
07/02/15 (Thu) 22:24:43 No. 45541
Care to elaborate?
07/02/15 (Thu) 23:32:40 No. 45549
how do i get into/percieve the 4th/5th/6th dimension? how do i evolve my consciousness to that point…
07/03/15 (Fri) 01:25:56 No. 45553
How does one escape the cycle of reincarnation?
07/03/15 (Fri) 03:38:28 No. 45566
Has anyone been able to start fires with chi yet?
07/03/15 (Fri) 06:51:21 No. 45576
I've done some thinking, each religion says believe this and you'll go to heaven. Wards and magickal weapons/tools primarily work off belief. Is it simply a matter of believing you'll ascend?
07/03/15 (Fri) 12:59:23 No. 45584
By eliminating your desire to learn and experience the physical.
In general terms, the higher you develop your consciousness in this life, the closer you get to escaping the cycle of reincarnation by prolonging your stay in the astral before your next wild ride.
07/03/15 (Fri) 13:37:00 No. 45585
How well by practicing alchemy or any occult tradition which could be slower of faster as alchemy.
>Jean Dubuis:
From the time you will be able to make it rain, or snow, you will have twelve incarnations left on this world.
One of the great alchemical procedures makes possible the transfer of the level of consciousness of matter, so that the evolution of matter that would require one hundred million years would be done in two months… We create nature. Elohims, in the ancient text, are the photons of modern science. They have the power of creation, of all matter, of all worlds… Man is an eternal being that must insure his Becoming. This Becoming is only realized through freedom and love, but also knowledge to be able to see what is useful and what is not… Everything that prevents you from being free is not good. Freedom must be entire. Go forward through your own inner experiences, your own inner master.
07/03/15 (Fri) 14:02:21 No. 45586
so it can be summed up into "do everything, know everything there is to know here, then move along to the next station"?
07/03/15 (Fri) 14:16:25 No. 45588
07/03/15 (Fri) 18:04:08 No. 45596
I've been told that we reincarnate here because our higher self chooses it. Once we learn all we need to learn from here our higher self will advance us, how true is this? Is reincarnation just a matter of learning your goal on this earth and reaching it?
I've also been told it's just a matter of desiring not to be here.
What your refering to is knowledge of the tunnel of light correct? By not letting the archons/aliens put you through it you won't reincarnate just yet correct?
07/03/15 (Fri) 18:05:45 No. 45597
How do I achieve constant awareness?
I realise that my problems come from a lack of awareness what should I do to mantain it at all moments? Vipassana?
07/03/15 (Fri) 19:31:32 No. 45601
What kind of population do we have here?
Can we get stats on numbers of lurkers and posters?
07/03/15 (Fri) 20:39:25 No. 45603
>I've been told that we reincarnate here because our higher self chooses it.
If this were so you could be forced to reincarnate against your will.
Your higher self is a 6 density being of light. Which means it would never violate your free will. From this you can see you yourself choose to reincarnate. After you have reached a seniority of vibration you also choose all the lessons you learn in one incarnation yourself. Your higher self only watches over you while you are learning your lessons and helps if you desire help.
>I've also been told it's just a matter of desiring not to be here.
From the answer from before we can see you yourself come here to learn. From this we can assume that you do not achieve your goal by leaving this density based in the desire not to be here.
>Is reincarnation just a matter of learning your goal on this earth and reaching it?
Yes it sounds simple but isn't unfortunately.
>Once we learn all we need to learn from here our higher self will advance us, how true is this?
After your death 6 density beings evaluate your development based on your crown/Sahasrara chakras color. Or the total vibrationary complex of the person being evaluated.Thus once you reach the necessary spiritual maturity you ascend to 4 density and are free to roam the universe since you now poses a light body.
07/03/15 (Fri) 20:59:16 No. 45605
Constantly reminding yourself to be aware. Mindfulness meditation is useful. But you will have achieved your purpose once you either get used to constantly reminding yourself to be aware or have gotten to the point where you are subconsciously reminded to be aware constantly. The way this meditation should be done is to focus the mind on a single object at first for a certain period of time then you should try to be aware of more and more things all at once. The temperature in the room the humidity in the room the amount of light in the room sound or any change that happens. For example you could try sitting and staring at an apple cut in half for 30 minutes. This meditation can be done at any time or location in a crowded place or at home. I hope this helps.
07/03/15 (Fri) 21:54:35 No. 45607
Thabk you based schlomo, you've been a great help.
Does anyone here have any info on immortality?
07/03/15 (Fri) 23:10:47 No. 45622
Anyone has the more "obscure" books by geof gray-cobb?
I'm not talking about NAP nor the pyramids thing but about a book he allegidly (his daughter says so) wrote on astral travel. Of course it's just called astral travel… (he also has an audio tape called relaxations and meditations.) Fucking generic terms…
Also I really want to astral travel but I can't find any simple methods.
I tried the Acupineology method to astral travel but can't really shift my consciousness anyone had any success with it or can offer tips and tricks ?
Any general NAP/acupineology/astral tips appreciated…
07/04/15 (Sat) 02:26:38 No. 45639
Mathew 7:24
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Notice the emphasis on doing not believing. The laws of the universe don't care if you believe in them or not. It is doing that makes the difference.
07/04/15 (Sat) 06:07:37 No. 45647
Not me, but Bardon's IIH step V has directions (or IV?)
07/04/15 (Sat) 06:20:07 No. 45648
How do I become better at reading?
07/04/15 (Sat) 06:23:14 No. 45649
Absolutely. If you have time to learn or the experience, do an evocation. Otherwise you can do the following, which is less safe but easier.
Pray for some time. Ask for a sign. Watch carefully for omens the rest of the day. If you receive a good one, then pray before bed or make a suitable offering if you want, and ask for a meeting.
Go to sleep with the strong desire to contact this deity. It must be so strong your every thought, conscious and unconscious, is directed towards it. Anxiety is fine, that helps even. Anything to heighten the tension and make this your only concern, so that you do not stop thinking about it. You must feel that your entire destiny hinges on the outcome of this one meeting. This ensures you will do the proper thing and reach out to your deity when you reach the verge of sleep.
Experience with astral projection helps. Fasting for 2-3 days beforehand seems to help, but I have not experimented enough to be sure.
This is not a universal method nor can I guarantee it's reliability, it's just something that worked for me.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:27:27 No. 45658
If occultists were straightforward with sharing their wisdom we wouldn't have to sift through dozens of shitty books.
>What your refering to is knowledge of the tunnel of light correct? By not letting the archons/aliens put you through it you won't reincarnate just yet correct?
I'm more partial to the idea that it is our growing desire to reincarnate and experience the physical that incarnates us back here.
With the laws of free will in effect and all that I doubt it's a trick of some higher entity like the ones you described but you never know.
>>45603 is right on the money, ennobling your soul in this incarnation is a sure way to at least attempt to learn whichever lesson you've incarnated here to learn.
07/04/15 (Sat) 19:05:47 No. 45706
I don't know what I did but I had some of the wierdest and reallest dreams ever last night. It was amazing. It felt realler than here honestly. How do I recreate this? Any tips for lucid dreaming? I was so close to doing it.
07/04/15 (Sat) 21:17:57 No. 45714
Hey /fringe/, I have this type of entities or mechanisms orbiting around me. I became aware of them two months ago, after starting my path towards occult knowledge.
I have tried multiple times to communicate with them, ask their names: no result. I can see them clearly, in fact, they are getting more tangible as time passes.
At first I thought they were benign and good, but now I am 99% sure this pieces of crap are parasites, since for no reason at all grotesque images get projected into my consciousness that interrupt my sleep or daily activities (images like baphomet rising its left hand, the girl of the ring movie, or the exorcist).
Last night after getting extremely anxious for this situation, I noted a yellow orb with a dark sphere on its centers orbiting me. I don't what that thing is, or if it is the root of my problems.
Can any one please recommend me a simple way to make this pests disappear? I am not occult expert yet, and can't astral project, yet.
I tried to imagine a pulse that emanates from my solar plexus and burns them, but with no results.
I am getting desperate. I can't sleep, and I feel very weak.
07/04/15 (Sat) 21:30:37 No. 45715
Work on your body of light, using nap + central pillar gets mine working, moments of feeling/seeing astral body.
07/04/15 (Sat) 21:57:14 No. 45717
Just wondering, if I stop my cannabis cannabis is there anything I can do outside of exercise/diet etc to help flush and detox my body of any inner issues or chemical buildups from the cannabis?
Anything that would help give me mental stability in the first week for example?
My current regimen, in terms of physical work, will be quite strong but would like to work with as many different areas of healing as possible.
07/04/15 (Sat) 23:15:49 No. 45724
Here's a question- why is this board's design so shit?
07/04/15 (Sat) 23:17:43 No. 45725
Is there anything occult about the pyramids in egypt? And what the fuck is up with atlantis?
07/04/15 (Sat) 23:43:39 No. 45726
Help me piss off crowley fags, i.e. good points for why crowley a shit.
07/04/15 (Sat) 23:54:40 No. 45727
>Help me piss off crowley fags, i.e. good points for why crowley a shit
Well, you know what they say. You are what you eat.
07/04/15 (Sat) 23:57:18 No. 45728
How do i practice detachment from my personality/feelings/mind? I succeed in it for a while but then i start feeling like shit again.
07/05/15 (Sun) 02:05:21 No. 45731
07/05/15 (Sun) 06:24:45 No. 45737
How do I affect or control someone elses dreams?
07/05/15 (Sun) 09:48:03 No. 45739
check the headcount thread
big headed babies?
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:01:49 No. 45742
Nobody????? Well at least can anyone here recommend a method to clear my mind of this grotesque images????????
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:15:58 No. 45744
Is there a less hassle, directly to the point method to
Astral Project?
Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce seems like a unnecessarily long, more complicated path to travel (seriously, 90 days?)
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:27:17 No. 45745
The effects of cannabis usually last for about 6 hours after that you should be good to go in my opinion. Cannabis is not a poison which would stay in the system for weeks the body produces a substance similar to thc naturally in small quantities.
Cannabis can be useful for spiritual practices if you use it in very small quantities and not recreational use. Which coused the mental fog you probably have now. The only thing you can do now is wait. How I understand this is that you want to heal yourself. Well you can try rising your kundalini this should give you more energy which you can use to heal yourself. If you want some kundalini exercises I'll post them and books too. Otherwise you need to have your chakras balanced and need to be able to see energy blockages in other people to be able to heal others properly. I can provide books for this too if you or anyone else wants them.
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:31:51 No. 45747
They were used for healing and initation purposes. Atlantis was a old service to self civilization which was offered knowladge by 6 density service to others beings. They essentially coused their own demise the ones that survived escaped to Turkey, Egypt and Tibet. If you want to know more about the pryamids I can post some links. I hope this helps.
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:34:59 No. 45748
Wasn't Atlantis the base of operations of the negative aliens?
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:38:34 No. 45751
I recommend doing the Lesser banishing ritual. It should be in my opinion done daily by any occultist. Since the practice of occultism tends to attract all sorts of astral beings.
If you don't already know how to do the lbrp here you go:
You should not show any fear or emotion. When an image you don't like gets projected into your head just imagine it burning up in a inferno of flames. That is what I do. If all this fails try to find a local occultist who can help you. Just search the internet for people those who want money are not recommended. I hope this helps.
07/05/15 (Sun) 12:40:54 No. 45752
No just evil humans who were offered knowladge by 6 density beings. Sts 6 density beings might have made contact with them too.
07/05/15 (Sun) 13:11:23 No. 45753
Buddha taught that the source of suffering is our attempt to escape from our direct experience. First, we cause ourselves suffering by trying to get away from pain and attempting to hang on to pleasure. Unfortunately, instead of quelling our suffering or perpetuating our happiness, this strategy has the opposite effect. Instead of making us happier, it causes us to suffer. Second, we cause suffering when we try to prop up a false identity usually known as ego. This, too, doesn't work and leads instead to suffering.
Also looking at yourself as a soul and not a human may help. Looking at others the same way realizing everyone incarnates here to learn. Every one is equal. You begin to see everyone is working on them selfs some are aware of the process some are not. To come to earth means to seek perfection noone on earth is perfect it would be foolish or egoistical of anyone to claim the opposite. As many issues you may have there is 1000 of people who have more and 1000 who have less.
Personality/feelings/mind one of those doesn't exist. One is not important. One is crucial to experience life on earth and evolve.
To detach yourself from what is crucial to evolution on earth would thus be foolish. One may have many personalities which change during the day according to what you need. Some are even unaware of the fact. So you can see in reality thinking of yourself as you is not what you truly are. You may change your personality to your liking. I hope i didn't offend you in any way and that I was of help.
07/05/15 (Sun) 14:56:49 No. 45757
Read the book Photoreading
07/05/15 (Sun) 16:28:46 No. 45760
Anybody got any sleep tips? I know all the standard shit like dark room but it's more physiological for me… I feel like I'm missing something when I'm sleeping.
07/05/15 (Sun) 16:58:43 No. 45761
Phones disturb your etheric/energy body if you have to use them either crack the screen or don't put it close to your head. The best kind of sleep is the one in which you don't dream since the body can rest. Thus you also need less dreamless sleep than with dreams. Other electric devices also couse disturbances you could try turning off your electricity and every electrical device when you sleep. I hope this helps.
07/05/15 (Sun) 17:44:37 No. 45763
Hey /fringe/ mundane here. Some of what I'm about to ask has probably been answered but I may have missed it/want a more personal response.
I recently started browsing out of curiosity but the more I've been experiencing the more strange it is. I don't practice magick or anything but some of the things interested me. I've always been in my own mind and everynight I'd imagine whatever until I guess I made an imaginary friend I'd talk too. I'd usually talk to her or it until I fell asleep because I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Well one night I felt myself fall asleep and when I did I had this weird feeling of being caught between being awake and asleep. During that time I was talking, at first too myself then what felt like two other people. They were giving me advice on my life and it was funny because everything they told me seemed common sense stuff but hearing it just added so much weight to it. It made me feel better. They also gave off this aura of wisdom. They didn't seem evil just benign and wise. When I woke up to go to school I felt exhausted and I couldn't remember what they had said, though lately when I dream I go through and realize that I'm in a dream. Something I've never done much before.
Would you mind sharing your thoughts on this or was I just imagining things?
07/05/15 (Sun) 18:13:35 No. 45771
>If you want some kundalini exercises I'll post them and books too.
>you need to have your chakras balanced
>I can provide books for this too if you or anyone else wants them.
Pal if you are still here, please do this. I was just thinking that I need to work in my chakras to balance myself.
07/05/15 (Sun) 19:17:05 No. 45779
But i thought that not identifying oneself with emotions/thoughts/personality can grant you peace? Because we are not aware of the Higher Self thus live in a rollercoaster of emotions. If we are not aware of the higher self then we are in storm which is called our personalities, we cannot change it because we think we are it, instead of realizing that we are higher above it.
Again, keep in mind, for the Buddha ego is the personalities which reside inside us. So we have multiple personalities, but, according to WWA the Ego is the higher self, the true I, the consciousness.
I do not think doing what i just described will be foolish. I already did it multiple times, and my feelings became changed, i was not feeling depressed but relaxed and was actually enjoying life. Again, im still trying not to fall into the trap that i am those feelings and i am the personality that enjoys life. I am pure consciousness above that, i merely experience it with my mind, and use my personalities as a mask.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/05/15 (Sun) 19:27:06 No. 45780
you might wake up exhausted because your astral body "shuffle" or get nudged
do a KC(kabalistic cross)
The imginary friend could be dream tulpa, they are cool, not harmful, but if there is another entity that other entity might have caused you the exhaustion(do the KC, if it stays, it is good if not then it's bad)
07/05/15 (Sun) 19:33:07 No. 45782
I'll try that, though what was speaking to me had an older male voice I hadn't heard before and the possible dream tulpa has a feminine voice. It's only happened twice though last month.
To give a little more context when I was lying in bed that night I had my eyes closed and I was trying to clear my mind while observing the feint lights. Always found it weird it's be completely dark and my eyes closed seeing dancing lights. They'd go in and out and make different faces while I cleared my mind. I'd only stop when I felt a falling sensation that scared me.
I don't know if that's all relevant to anything really just thought I'd give context.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/05/15 (Sun) 19:47:59 No. 45783
If you ever feel that there are other entities other than your creation just follow the Test,Converse,Banish,Research
Test the entity by putting it under a name of great deity(May you be banished in the name of Great Osiris if you are not here to help the seeker of truth)(or something like that)
Converse and try to get as much information as possible(try to bind it or use any binding spirit to force to speak truthfully)
Banish(use simple methods such as laugther to the somewhat simple like Lord's prayer to the complicated to LBRP) to keep area safe
Research(look up anything you have on the internet to see if most information the entity gave you were true)
In the end here a simple way to protect
a simple way to protect is to write the formula on paper like this
and then focusing on sending light from your body to the formula to "activate" it
07/05/15 (Sun) 19:57:35 No. 45787
I guess the first..well first thing is probably read up on the things you mentioned. I really don't know anything about the occult and only came here because of a mixture of curiosity and other things that have happened in my life like this event.
I haven't heard from the entities in a while, in some ways I feel like they had something important to tell me so I feel some disapointment. Though the more I read and spend time here I get the impression to be careful.
I just downloaded the pdf and bought a copy of the Kyballion, just haven't had much time to read them because of summer semester. Also It's kinda nice to talk to someone and get some immediate troubleshooting. Thank you for the time in answering and I hope I'm not being a bother here in both questions and phrasing.
07/05/15 (Sun) 21:20:32 No. 45794
Emotions are tools with which you may learn. One can be void of emotions and use them for a higher purpose. But to avoid a emotion would be as buddha said trying to get away from pain. Which couses you to suffer even more. The perfectly balanced individual only percieves one emotion that is love.He sees all things as love. Even in a attack of another he sees a opportunity for serving the other person. Thus all emotions are equally as important and are there to teach you.I hope this helps.
07/05/15 (Sun) 21:25:35 No. 45795
I don't really see how one would suffer more when avoiding emotions. Is it because he doesn't learn the lessons needed? Recommend me some book or articles to help, i don't wanna bother you to write it all out, also, is what you're talking about compatible with WWA?
07/05/15 (Sun) 21:44:14 No. 45804
Yes you do not learn the lessons needed. You yourself choose to incarnate and which lessons you will learn in a particular incarnation. After you have reached a seniority of vibration that is . You do forget yes otherwise it would be pointless. You may program catalyst in a way where you end up suffering if you are not learning any lessons in a incarnation.
Well you can read this .
07/05/15 (Sun) 22:50:23 No. 45808
The first preliminary exercise:
First hold any asana you are comfortable in. Breathe in and take in energy from the air. You should send it to the end of your spinal column.Do this exercise 2 times a day for as long as it feels comfortable. I would recommend 2-3 breaths a a starting point.Then you can do as many as you want. I would recommend doing the exercise in the morning and in the night before bed.
Now once you feel the energy flowing upwards force it upwards. Do this with all of your might. The goal is to send it to the top of your head. You can imagine a firey serpent rising out of the end of your spine going along the spine and going out of the top of your head. Now this exercise can be done everywhere. It can be done while standing runing or sitting. I haven't done it while runing yet although. You don't need to imagine the serpent you can just feel the energy going upwards and it should also work.
For balancing I would recommend this web site .
A chakra is ussualy unbalanced becouse you do things wrongly. It can be unaceptence of others hatred greed and many more. All those will cause blockages and make it harder for the energy to flow upwards. Now I can be done with ignoring the hearth and throat chakra if you are left hand path. If you are right hand path you need to balanc all your chakras. I spend time in meditation looking at the mistakes I've done and finding the correct solution. I also do this for random daily problems. This is how I balance my chakras now there are many different ways to do this. You may choose the one which works best for you. I will post the book in a reply to this post. I hope this helps.
07/05/15 (Sun) 22:57:12 No. 45809
This is the book the 2 practices are from there is also prayers in there.If you need more books on kundalini I can post them but I haven't read them yet.
07/05/15 (Sun) 23:29:01 No. 45811
Try counting sheep
Not a joke just do it
07/06/15 (Mon) 02:43:52 No. 45817
If pests are there, it's because they're feeding. You must find the root reason they hang around you, and cut it off. Banishing will only help temporarily.
If they project images, thoughts, or feelings into your mind, you must not react. Pay them no mind and find out which of your behaviors they seek to encourage. That's their food source.
SAGE! 07/06/15 (Mon) 03:07:15 No. 45818
And kill that anxiety. That's one of the best foods there is because it's an emotion that lingers. Just be calm and remember they cannot do you real harm.
07/06/15 (Mon) 04:20:03 No. 45826
>saging a stickied thread
07/06/15 (Mon) 05:13:50 No. 45831
why are the pictures on this board mostly wiped out? do they get deleted after a certain time or has the board been attacked at some point?
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/06/15 (Mon) 07:30:07 No. 45833
No problem if you have any other question ask away, if you think you want something of a "better" quality contact me on skype, mine is omranana1
07/06/15 (Mon) 09:56:04 No. 45845
Lately I've been trying to learn lucid dreaming, but I feel like I'm kinda stagnating at this point, I'm not sure what I should be practicing.
As of now I've been keeping a dream journal, doing reality checks (although I think I need to try doing them more often), periodically trying to remember how I got where I am at the current moment, and thinking about all of the things I did in a day before I go to sleep.
Are there any other things I could be practicing? Am I missing something important, or doing something wrong?
I managed to have a few somewhat lucid dreams when I started trying to learn them, but I haven't been having very many lately. I've seen a lot of people recommend learning astral projection instead, but I'd prefer to stick to the "safer space" of lucid dreaming until my magical chops are up to snuff to take care of myself out in the wild world of the astral.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/06/15 (Mon) 11:42:24 No. 45849
If you can practice LBRP(adding on the last the usage of 4 elemental winds) and MP it would be great.They are "cornerstone" western ceremonial magic(most of it).You will start lucid dreaming faster
Other thing to try is Tibetan Dream yoga and usage of autosuggestion to boost chance of lucidity
You can try Chartres table(cross-eyed meditation) to induce lucidity,lucid dream,better dream remembering
Lastly you can use Dream Tulpa to induce lucidity in dream.
Any question?
07/06/15 (Mon) 12:19:05 No. 45851
Does anyone know of any books that explain some methods of telekinesis?
I'm trying to do it with just energy work with decent success on my own body but not so much with inanimate objects.
07/06/15 (Mon) 17:25:00 No. 45874
One unconventional method of lucid dreaming, that I discovered in my workings is to put yourself to sleep and visualize something to occupy your conscious mind (sex fantasies works wonders).
I find it best to base your fantasy on a memory you had and to modify the events in it, don't be afraid to restart your visualisation by recalling the "real" memory you had from time to time, this will activate the part of your brain needed for the recall of your lucid dream.
Then you continue to do so until something that you have NOT created or something that is not in your control happens, at this point you can either wait a bit more and let you take over, all within control of course (and have a more realistic dream, this is not advised if it's your first time) or directly take control and create whatever scene you wish
Have a clear idea of what you want to experience BEFORE your dream and you will be able to do it quite easily.(just put the general scenery and then your subconscious mind will fill in the details for you. You can also trigger OOB's with practice.
This method is also easier to bounce from dream to dream with . (I have about 4-5 different dreams with it.)
The only "catch" is that sometimes you can loose your control for a while, but you (in my experience ) always get it back.
I call this method DILDO: Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming and Oob
It is very much based on the WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming ) method but it's less painful and hard to do since it takes advantage of the deep trance you have in your sleep.
Have fun!
07/06/15 (Mon) 19:07:04 No. 45877
anyone got any good material regarding merkaba?
07/06/15 (Mon) 22:42:09 No. 45881
I have not delved into TK too much, but heard some experiences and stories and it seems that the most common way of working with it is to use a light, small, paper made pyramid. So I would try that for your inanimate object testing.
07/06/15 (Mon) 23:13:19 No. 45886
And make the pyramid spin, clockwise and then counter clockwise, most people have a hard time withthe counter clockwise part.
When you can do that, you are practically on your own, I've heard many people complain that they couldn't find another challenge adapted to their skills (not being a telekenesy guy I would say add weight to it, make it move back/forward and all)
07/06/15 (Mon) 23:50:20 No. 45889
Do you think you could elaborate more on the things you mentioned? I'm not that clear on the things you mentioned
Except the Chartres table, I have tried that before, but I don't know if I did it right. I first tried doing cross-eye exercises with just my thumbs, and when I started doing that I immediately experienced more vivid and more easily remembered dreams.
What I did before was just cross my eyes so that both sets of shapes overlapped to make the third set, and then focus on the third set so that it would become clear. Then I would just focus on each shape separately for a minute or so.
I'll try this too, this sounds like a good idea.
07/07/15 (Tue) 01:28:52 No. 45892
I'm in the same boat as this guy. One thing I've found helpful is for the next few nights don't try and astrap project, just watch yourself go to sleep. Don't leave your body, just watch the process and encourage the vibrations. Let your mind wander.
07/07/15 (Tue) 06:08:55 No. 45904
many thanks, the objects I tried were metallic so maybe that's why I've met little success.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/07/15 (Tue) 09:51:31 No. 45925
Lesser Banishing Ritual and Middle Pillar can be found in the Internet(I prefer that you actually do them and experience the benefit instead of me just throwing what will happen to you)[ ALSO DON'T FORGET THE ARCHANGEL PART AND IMAGINE THEM]
>Tibetan Dream yoga
>see pdf
"repeat each morning and night 40 time the phrase
>Dream Tulpa
you could spend some minutes working with the Dream Tulpa each night. Your aim should be not so much to impose features onto the shadow-form - but to let them arise. For example, you might notice, the first time you do this, that the Tulpa is a man. Mentally note one or two features (write them down when you can) and leave it at that. The next night, you might find yourself deciding that the man wears heavy gold rings on his hands. The trick is to let the shape build up gradually, taking on more detail and its own ‘life’, until it spontaneously crosses over into your dream experience.
Knowing that you have dreamt about the Tulpa is itself, a great step forwards. If you can reach that stage, then you may consider working with the Tulpa consciously, in waking, semi-waking, and dream states. You could for example, ask the Tulpa to act as a ‘trigger’ to bring you to lucid awareness in dream, or to guide you in travelling to different realms in the lands of dream. It is important that you build up a relationship of trust and confidence with the Tulpa, that you recognise it as an individual entity, albeit one that you are responsible for.
07/07/15 (Tue) 10:11:02 No. 45927
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/07/15 (Tue) 10:27:17 No. 45930
The four winds are not included?
07/07/15 (Tue) 10:42:11 No. 45931
What are the four winds?
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/07/15 (Tue) 10:47:47 No. 45932
Zeypherus(Water)[I think I fucked up this name]
07/07/15 (Tue) 12:40:08 No. 45933
Is there like an ABC or Alphabet for Sigils or you are supposed to create your own random characters?
If anyone could recommend some great books that detail Sigil Magick, my humble appreciation goes to you.
07/07/15 (Tue) 12:50:56 No. 45937
I can't remember any books on sigil making but the general process is the following
>write what you want to happen in an english sentence
>remove vowels and repeating letters
>throw the remaining symbols together however you want
>redraw the sigil until it becomes fairly fluid and doesn't look like a bunch of letters thrown together
>fire it off however you like, if it involves heat somehow burn it, etc.
That's the process if I remember it right.
Sigil making basically requires an artistic approach but it's really just a tool for you to focus your will so don't sweat too much over it.
07/07/15 (Tue) 12:54:57 No. 45938
Excellent response.
Good vibes to you.
07/07/15 (Tue) 14:48:00 No. 45942
Hello people of /fringe/, I would like to inquire some information on the "δείτε τα έντερα" cult I've been seeing on random boards from time to time. Any kind of information would be greatly appreciated.
Video related.
07/07/15 (Tue) 16:34:16 No. 45946
What basis is there for the notion that time loops and we live this exact life over and over? It seems people are being primed that way on 4chan with the 'don't forget: you're here forever' flags.
07/07/15 (Tue) 17:29:52 No. 45948
I've done some research into magickal swords, could the same process be used to make magickal guns?
07/07/15 (Tue) 20:14:32 No. 45954
Greenpill way to deal with chronic pain?
didi 07/07/15 (Tue) 20:34:47 No. 45957
healthy natural vegan diet ( ) ( youtube: loren lockman )
meditation on the area ( i've meditated away in pure darkness muscle injuries and headaches )
Projection of pure red spectrum light preferably direct sunlight through a red carnelian.
surrounding the perception with abundance of green colored items, plants, proximity to plants for optimal oxygen and field .
07/07/15 (Tue) 20:34:55 No. 45958
Try this:!DkxCUBpB!fzghdUZAJW-ziHfvtmA_Tw
It sounds stupid/corny but it works.
Also try the middle pillar and when you're done building the energy and doing the circulation and fountain exercises redirect the vibes to the site of the pain.
didi 07/07/15 (Tue) 20:36:28 No. 45959
OR… if you're very desperate, the arch angels aka the angles of light ( the 72 ) do some rituals with white light n gold light summoning them, enochian magick i believe?..
07/07/15 (Tue) 21:29:20 No. 45963
And here we have another manifestation of Meme Magick.
Pure coincidence? You decide.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:10:07 No. 45964
So are memes a form of modern magick?
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:17:13 No. 45965
How bad is fluoride in tap water against magicks? Is it all just new age stuff I should stop worrying about, experienced occultists only pls.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:28:48 No. 45966
Not as bad as brushing your teeth using toothpaste that has fluoride in it. Use fluoride-free toothpaste, if you can avoid water high in fluoride, etc. but if there is fluoride in your water it won't stop you, it'll just make things a little harder.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:35:39 No. 45967
Thank you. I've been told cannabis is bad for magick and stuff though. Something about it disconnecting you from the astral.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:38:10 No. 45968
I have fluroride free toothpaste, it's Tom's of Maine.
I have a filter but these don't filter fluoride, I guess I am stuck with that since people in my house think the filter is fine and that bottled water is expensive.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:42:20 No. 45969
You can try distilling water, tapping trees for their sap, collecting rainwater (if there isn't too much smog where you live), etc. just make sure to constantly eat soup because drinking super pure distilled water a lot can have long-term consequences for your health if you don't take it in with some other stuff that balances it. You could also just put pieces of charcoal into the water to help alkalize it and avoid most of the negative effects of distilled water.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:44:08 No. 45970
I used to astral project using weed+psytrance with headphones on in a dark room. I started by fusing the body vibes with the music mentally, then what I saw, ended up having crazy visuals, then I ended up inside some music realm with visual blobs and patterns of the music which I felt as incredibly intense high vibrations as I moved/willed myself through them. A tip for this: follow a single consistent stream of sound in the music like the pulsing beat or a specific instrument, tune into this with your body vibes and then learn to layer the different sounds in terms of vibes. This is a good way to navigate the music in the first stages and slowly build the synesthesia.
When I opened my eyes from a session once I saw a friendly seeming entity made of light on my ceiling. Shortly after I saw a dancing man made of tree branches blowing in the wind behind the rooftops across the street.
You can use weed as an occult tool and it has been used in ceremony and ritual for thousands of years, but be careful with it cus if you open that door you won't be able to shut it easily, you may not be able to enjoy weed recreationally ever again and it can turn on you in ways you couldn't imagine.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:49:49 No. 45971
Should also add, this topped any experiences I've had with actual psychedelics. It was much more intense than shrooms and acid when I learnt how to do it properly. If I pushed hard enough the vibes would get literally painfully intense. You can reach heaven and hell realms through this.
Use for psytrance, I'd also recommend shpongle's tales of the inexpressible.
07/07/15 (Tue) 22:53:29 No. 45972
Soup? Don't they put fluoride in canned soup?
07/07/15 (Tue) 23:08:45 No. 45976
Why the fuck would you eat canned soup? I never eat canned soup. Don't you have a giant pot, maybe multiple, to make soups in? Just throw in tons of vegetables, meats, your water, some fruit to make it sweeter, some fat, maybe coconut oil, etc. and boil it.
07/07/15 (Tue) 23:40:27 No. 45981
I've done this before without the use of drugs. I was experimenting with music meditation while laying in bed on my back and listening to classical(pure) music with my eyes closed in a dark room.
It started with me trying to do void meditation while having music playing to drown out all the white noise that would distract me. I figured that classical music wouldn't invoke mental activities what would fuck up my void meditation.
What ended up happening is seeing a bunch of colorful shapes moving/changing with the smooth music. There were all sorts of patterns and shit too. Some extremely complex ones in the twirling formation of sunflower seeds.
It was a pretty interesting experience, still haven't tried to recreate it though.
I find that the shitty lyrics in modern music distract me and suggest ideas which would interfere with the meditation.
didi 07/07/15 (Tue) 23:42:52 No. 45982
>eating mundane slave shit
If its not palatable raw it's not for consumption by us.
07/08/15 (Wed) 00:46:15 No. 45985
Then your only choice is to find natural, normal water, from a well, from a region where the water hasn't been poisoned. Tobermory, Ontario, Canada is one such place.
>tfw I've seen bottles of spring water before in stores, in glass (never get bottled water in plastic), and the fuckers added fluoride to it
didi 07/08/15 (Wed) 01:03:07 No. 45988
im in western canada, they don't fluoride the water in this city so all i need is a proper filter every 6 months, now for some quality waters so far i have found
which is sold everywhere in canada
some weird ozonated water for like 1.99$ a giant ass bottle enough for the day…
personally i'm doing a ritual to get this
kangen machine from japan, the top natural athletes all have one and it's the best you can do, is 3-5 grand depending on the unit but it can make your water powerful as fuck in ph, tho you don't want to overdo it, that's stupid, you want to have the proper balance then overclock the corehertz by just 5-10 nums every few so keeping the whole unit proper and well functioning.
There is a lot to write on this but honestly… our end game would be to have properties up in mountains in south americas and asias and africas with proper temperatures and fauna to have the best bio-sphere of energy and optimal environment to achieve maximal integration of all spectrums to then decide if you want to keep going, or change state, but that's a whole other event and of course, it's to have access to the highest qualities of naturally refined and processed water which feeds the entirety of these echo-systems.
07/08/15 (Wed) 01:09:19 No. 45990
you self-centered piece of shit, shut up already
didi 07/08/15 (Wed) 01:24:05 No. 45994
beloved, may i suggest some quality cannabis and a walk in nature, try to take a few steps barefoot, also if you're consuming meats or dairy products - it may affect your mood and cognitive functions.
07/08/15 (Wed) 01:53:19 No. 45996
What type of 420 blaze would you recommend?
07/08/15 (Wed) 05:30:52 No. 46011
I need help, is there any kind of practices that would help one find their ideal career path in the mundane world?
i know i should devote most of my time to studying the occult and not worry about something so trivial as a job but until i advance further i would like to have an ideal career to support my self as i slowly further myself down the occult path.
thank you kind wizards for any advice.
07/08/15 (Wed) 05:49:30 No. 46012
Is anyone else familiar with the YouTube channel Jackwgn? Supposedly this guy can channel and utilize chi/life energy to do all sorts of different things, and he seems very open and sincere about it all. He can do stuff like telekinesis, power electronics, heat/cool water, and even crazier claims such as teleporting or duplicating of small items. He's also a bit on the cringe side, teeming with social awkwardness, and his crappy camera work can leave his amazing feats to skepticism, but there's quite a few of his videos that really show off his abilities.
He always explains his methods, and his videos on using his chi energy to color water are what convinced me. At the 5:40 mark in this video, he pushes 3rd eye chakra energy out his hand and into a bottle, coloring it purple
Any thoughts?
07/08/15 (Wed) 08:25:48 No. 46017
not a fedora but in this guys case he is obviously using colored dye. He places it in the bottom of the cap and when he shakes it boom purple. In another video of his he pours it over his hand into a jar and he obviously put a shitload of dye onto his hand ahead of time.
Seems like a scam artist.
07/08/15 (Wed) 08:36:40 No. 46018
also to step away from my skepticism for a moment this video is more convincing to me, but seeing as how it's a video you may as well watch Dynamo Magician impossible since he does shit like this with open visuals of objects vanishing without the cups.
07/08/15 (Wed) 09:31:04 No. 46019
Hybrid, you need a body buzz and some mind stuff going on. If that doesnt work try indica.
07/08/15 (Wed) 10:00:49 No. 46020
>doing drugs
>for "spiritual" purposes
07/08/15 (Wed) 10:10:49 No. 46023
Yeah, it's called being a psychonaut.
07/08/15 (Wed) 10:27:50 No. 46025
07/08/15 (Wed) 10:51:03 No. 46028
Drugs have been used spiritually the world over for centuries.
07/08/15 (Wed) 12:20:41 No. 46031
>mfw I won't have to go through all that shit because we're getting a reverse osmosis filter installed soon
if you're far enough along that path that you're getting regular synchronicities I'd say just learn to let your higher self guide you and passively use autosuggestion to make yourself a desired employee.
Aside from that, there's a method to directly contact your higher self and ask it yes or no questions written in the IHH if that's what you want. Additionally you could use sigil magic to further increase your chances.
Remember though, magic will bring opportunities to you but you'll have to be the one to "instinctively" act upon them, this means actually searching for jobs when you get this urge and trusting yourself to make the right choice.
This, watch them all make drugs their crutch into the occult rather than developing their own latent powers through sheer force of will.
07/08/15 (Wed) 12:41:36 No. 46032
It'll put you in some crutches.
>no threat intended fbi
dis-spelling 07/08/15 (Wed) 13:33:48 No. 46034
Ok i need some help. i had an occurrence with some mages. and i need help in dispelling what ever they did to me it's keep me from accepting all of magic's but I've been fighting it off. need help
ps: and its big REALLY BIG
07/08/15 (Wed) 16:29:49 No. 46041
Has anyone tried the sex spell from McGrath's Practical Magickal Evocation? How effective was it, and what did the person think after having sex?
07/08/15 (Wed) 20:26:06 No. 46052
I finished the Kybalion and have begun the Arcane Teachings, but I can't seem to make much progress. Whenever I start reading, I'll start daydreaming after only a few seconds and not comprehend anything. It took me a month to finish the Kybalion, and the idea of mental transmutation made me think I could transmute the daydreams and desire to just lay around all day into being productive, but I have no idea if it would work or how do so. The words I read are meaningless unless I read them over 3 times. My question is how can I make progress on the books and get stuff done?
07/08/15 (Wed) 21:19:29 No. 46057
Do you watch a lot of television? I know when I used to watch television I couldn't read for shit and would just start to "lose the thread" every other line. Make sure you take it seriously and when you start reading you are ready to put effort into it. You can't retain information without giving it importance.
You don't need to "transmute daydreaming", daydreaming is there because your mind is lazy and has no discipline so forget television and the internet and know that you're studying for bettering yourself and nothing can top that.
07/08/15 (Wed) 22:26:00 No. 46063
It's because of what you're reading.
07/08/15 (Wed) 22:42:46 No. 46064
Why is there so many references to "astral" and "planes" in video games?
Are they trying to wake people up?
07/08/15 (Wed) 22:55:36 No. 46067
No. Despite what you might think the "astral plane" is pretty common knowledge. Also forget the "good guys that just want to wake people up". Too many people are spouting this shit lately.
Read stuff and understand that these people are working against you or better yet read the stuff that makes you better and forget about them for the time being.
07/08/15 (Wed) 23:31:10 No. 46068
07/08/15 (Wed) 23:57:27 No. 46073
It's not common knowledge at all… It is never discussed or talked about.
didi 07/09/15 (Thu) 00:11:40 No. 46075
absolutely every company that earns over the million dollar mark has SOME form of occult / magick THING tied to it… for fucks sake have you ever taken a moment to look at the battletags in bf4 or the entire lore of diablo or world of warcraft.. it's pretty much all there… deus ex is going to happen soon, mass effect… etc… alan fucking wake, fucks sake the whole game is like reading a phil hines blog … even fucking minecraft, beat the purple dragon at the end, read the entire credits 100% hermeticism…
Are you even trying?
07/09/15 (Thu) 01:12:53 No. 46080
I already know its VERY COMMON in big businesses.
Common knowledge refers to the masses and the masses don't know what astral and planes are. I already know there is a lot of references to shit in gaming that's why I made that post?
Are you even trying?
didi 07/09/15 (Thu) 01:23:29 No. 46082
every time you say anything occulty-outside the matrix crap, people will assume you're talking about some video game or movie or comic book reference.
To the masses, what we know works and read, is but hocus, because the white guys in white coats told them so, meanwhile most of science is lead by occultists… nasa was only possible thanks to occultists who held orgies in expensive homes.
If you explain metaphysics to someone ( most of the time white or brown or asian males ) they will auto-assume you're insane and taking comics or games as fact..
it's some tactical shit.
07/09/15 (Thu) 01:29:23 No. 46083
Makes sense, someone I know online was starting to believe the matrix is real and there is a world outside of this world.
I kept messaging him for a couple of days about it and all of a sudden he turned on me and called me insane, feels bad, I wanted to convert him.
07/09/15 (Thu) 02:34:32 No. 46086
Heh you're right, I was telling my friend about how aliens came her eons ago and altered our DNA and he said that I was plagarizing the plot of Assassins Creed 2 or some shit.
didi 07/09/15 (Thu) 02:51:19 No. 46088
you mean the same assassin creed which plagialized the whole summerian/babylonian/vedic/south american/dogon/south east asian/ western african lore which has strong similarities in their testimonies across ages and geographical limitations? yeah i bet your friend doesn't know about THAT fact - mission accomplished.. the veil of bullshit maya is reinforced - all this thanks to the doritos mtndew gamer niche - mind you there is greenpill as fuck media and video games, and it is popular and filled with occultist types - i have ran into occultists in many games numerous times and many of them even advertise themselves subtly with symbols in their displays -
There seems to be a 3 chance rule, you try 3 times you earnest to lift them, if they seriously just tell you to fuck off after 3 times - it's concrete .. their experience needs this.
07/09/15 (Thu) 05:37:50 No. 46091
"memes are magick" is a meme
07/09/15 (Thu) 06:22:38 No. 46093
Could smily please allow people to add ebooks to his collection??? We could get this to 600+ GB!
07/09/15 (Thu) 07:35:15 No. 46095
I think the idea is to have the suggested books of Fringe and some others to go from there not to actually have thousands of books, there's that other library for that.
07/09/15 (Thu) 07:41:21 No. 46096
I said it's common knowledge meaning the high-ups know about the astral to be real while the goyim think it's just fiction, nevertheless they know about it. For fuck's sake it's even on D&D.
07/09/15 (Thu) 08:51:08 No. 46103
Hey /fringe/, I have some questions.
So I've been meditating for a few months now, and everyone seems to be talking about visions of light and what-have-you. And while I do get these kinds of things sometimes, oft it's just a dark mugginess, a dilution of awareness from this world. It's a very warm kind of place, if you could still call it so, since there is no reference point; there is literally nothing there? I'm unsure how to word how I feel about this place.
Anyway, I have three questions. One concerns about the mental plane, is what am I experiencing or voyaging to a part of the mental plane exclusively or is it that and something else?
Next, Is this "place" a good foundation in practicing thought-forms, image-based meditations?
Three, I find it hard to actually cultivate desire in a typical manner, willing myself to feel desire, while in this state. Is there another manner to how I can cultivate desire? Also, if it helps, I'm very fluid with beliefs and such.
Many thanks in advance.
07/09/15 (Thu) 09:16:10 No. 46104
Anyone figured out how to fly yet?
07/09/15 (Thu) 16:15:51 No. 46122
If you want you guys can help run my mega (mine is the 450gb one).
You can mirror it and then add to it or I can transfer ownership. I'm kind of tired of looking after it and have other things to do.
didi 07/09/15 (Thu) 17:31:37 No. 46125
drabon ball z, gohan teaches videl + mantak chia stuff + more muscles = more cells = more chi processors/storage/conductors.
Fat = slows down the potency of the chi aka the bio-electric energy.
Read Frank rudolph young and do the exercises - if you can get to the point where you move a small paper with your own will power and overstand how the connection to the item works ( there is no connection you are the paper ) then you just lifted 5LBS of the 550LBS you should be able to.. now keep working the muscle of psy/chi/mental until you reach swolbro level aka you can funnel and push chi out of your body.
So far.. THAT is the closest thing - Those asians living in the mountains who are claimed to live 150-300 years and who can perform feats of intense levels, it's all about becoming a comfortable flow for knowing not belief. Belief is tier 1 shit, you have to be in the KNOWING to do real shit.
07/09/15 (Thu) 18:23:23 No. 46130
I have noticed some objects glimmering when seen in peripheral. Looking directly at them loses the effect. What is this?
07/09/15 (Thu) 18:38:46 No. 46133
Vibrate the qabalistic formula Aeloheem Gaebooor. Vibrate either out loud or in your mind.First focus on the general area in pain then focus on the pain itself. I hope this helps. Weed only affects you negatively for 6 hours. After that you may do all the magick you want without the substance interfering. Now it also depends on the strain this is general information. I hope this helps.
07/09/15 (Thu) 18:49:43 No. 46134
Well I'm sorry but from what you have written I can't help you. Now if they are attcking you and do the lbrp. If you feel physical pain vibrate Aeloheem Gaebooor into the area in pain and then focus on the pain itself. If they couse you too have mood svings or depression vibrate Yaehaeshwaah. This is how it is pronounced its written YHShVH. I hope this helps.
07/09/15 (Thu) 19:33:52 No. 46139
07/09/15 (Thu) 19:46:18 No. 46142
Well I wouldn't even mention anything to them. One has to learn those things by themselves if they are told they do not have the same effect. Now if the occult path is what they desire it will find them they won't need to search for it. No need to convince anyone into practicing the occult. There is also a certain sense of satisfaction after ones inner seeking is answered. This is just my opinon. Now if you follow a different ideology you may attack them to show them that the occult is real and powerful. With this you also force them to practice or they will suffer. Because they can't defend themselves. I hope this helps.
07/09/15 (Thu) 20:35:21 No. 46145
I don't believe that with all the delusions and disinformation around today. I think they need some help especially if I already know them.
07/09/15 (Thu) 21:08:38 No. 46147
You know you might end up teaching them to suck eggs right?
didi 07/09/15 (Thu) 21:15:33 No. 46148
I feel you on that, because so far it seems every occultist has gone through some form of indoctrinated religion -> Atheism -> Conspiracy alims reptiles astral hoo-lala -> new agism+christianity bs with ascended masters n shit -> the paths either left or right hand or mid -> realizing EVERYTHING is bullshit -> true occultism -> making your own magick.
someone correct me if i'm wrong but it seems like that's the parkour most of the time.
07/09/15 (Thu) 21:46:46 No. 46158
somewhere along the line you can also add an adapting of a redpilling-mindset… the better part of the /pol/-spirit. finding truth no matter how bizarre, no matter how ego-shattering… that's how i found that there may be more than the simplistic materialism to the world…. my /fringe/ period began with stumbling upon the double-slit-experiment and then deciding that human consciousness is more than the sum of the atoms that make up the brain, and thus there are certain parts of the universe that have a different nature than others, thus someone higher than the universe (or what we know of it) exists, thus opened my mind to things like hermeticism
07/09/15 (Thu) 22:35:27 No. 46171
Now you can fly when you project etherically or astraly. This is the easiest way to achieve flight and is also beneficial to your spiritual growth. Etheric projection should feel very real and there should be almost no difference from real flight and this. I hope this helps.
07/10/15 (Fri) 01:45:14 No. 46181
Anyway to walk through walls?
07/10/15 (Fri) 02:55:31 No. 46184
I need help deciding if taking medication is a good idea. I've heard specifically that SSRIs are bad for meditation but what about Buproprion for depression? any opinions? I'm really at a loss.
07/10/15 (Fri) 04:17:57 No. 46186
Is it okay to fap to porn when using sigils?
07/10/15 (Fri) 04:39:59 No. 46188
Where did the Fringe Essentials list and folder go? I'm probably overlooking something here.
07/10/15 (Fri) 05:34:49 No. 46190
nofap, plant based diet, meditation, Research, Exercise. If you want to try and cut corners you've already failed.
Surely deep down you know this?
07/10/15 (Fri) 08:51:18 No. 46192
You're special pleading, anon. "Can I indulge in vice if I do it while attempting magic?" Also, you're energy would be wishy washy since you're not focused on the determined result in that case.
>Charging sigils with masturbation ISHYGYDYGY
It went nowhere
07/10/15 (Fri) 10:51:07 No. 46193
Thank you very much.
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:28:20 No. 46197
You can learn to project etherically out of your body and you can go through walls and fly. I hope this helps.
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:35:49 No. 46199
I skipped a few of those steps but this rings quite true
Bardon's IIH teaches how to levitate using the air element.
I'm trying to do that now, it's hard as dick, even with light paper.
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:53:03 No. 46202
Now my personal opinion is that anything that nature doesn't provide naturally shouldn't be used. Now there is certain circumstances where you need medication. When there is no other way then it's fine. I personally was very depressed I didn't ever use any medication people use for depression or go to the doctor. I was very depressed for I would say 1-2 years. Now I got out of it with practicing the occult. I also realized all the suffering I went through was necessary for me to advance spiritually.
I could explain how I got out of it but the next quote describes it perfectly.
If you don't understand try to meditate on the quote. It will come to you eventually don't give up.
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
I hope this helps.
07/10/15 (Fri) 19:41:54 No. 46218
Hey guys.
Since I've started studying Art History, Art Theory, and Aesthetics, I've been increasingly interested in the relationship between the occult/esoteric/hermetic and Arts.
What are some good reads on the meaning, conception, and importance of images in these philosophies and practices? Or maybe any book on the importance of such philosophies on Art.
Also, is there any good dictionary of hermetic symbols that you guys would recommend?
Waite's Pictorial Key is the kind of stuff I'm searching, for example.
07/10/15 (Fri) 20:54:24 No. 46224
File: 1436561664947.jpg (131.92 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, young_wizard_19_by_rachgra….jpg )
Hey everyone,
So I've been lurking on /fringe/ for quite a while now, and I finally decided to get deeper into Magick.
I already did started reading some of the starter books recommended on /fringe/ "Wizard Progress", but I feel like everytime I go on a diferent book, the subject just madly changes, and It confuses me alot.
Btw, my friend pointed me to this website;
Are you guys familiar with it?
Is it worth following?
Please enlight a confused mind!
07/10/15 (Fri) 21:35:49 No. 46226
People still fall for this bullshit?
07/10/15 (Fri) 21:41:01 No. 46227
Read and understand the kybalion, take whatever time is needed for it, get better at meditation and choose something you want to do that excites you, go full on that subject, read books, practice until results manifest.
You have a crashcourse on magick, then rince and repeat.
07/10/15 (Fri) 22:33:47 No. 46230
So… That is completly useless?
By what I understood of that, I can consider the Kybalion the base of Magick? And what do you mean by choosing something? What is there to choose, for exemple?
I just noticed The Kybalion is only like the 27th book in the /fringe/ list, i wonder why so many reading before?
Sorry to explode with questions, I just notice too much diferent content around here
07/10/15 (Fri) 23:03:27 No. 46233
Nigga books on the library aren't in reading order check the FAQ for the order.
07/10/15 (Fri) 23:45:31 No. 46236
The kybalion is not the base for magick, it is a resume of the hermetic teachings, which is considered as one of the best philosophy that can explain the Truth and the inner workings of the universe we interact with and manipulate.
Magick is manipulating the universe to a desired result, generally by using higher laws "against" lower ones.
For that you need to know the theory first.
More on that in the hermetic teachings (the kybalion, initiation to hermetics,…)
If these are a bit hard to understand, you can read the full Conversation with god series by Neal Donald Walsh. It can seem a bit mundane or new agey, but the core of the various hermetic principles and laws are in there. (Also, he probably isn't talking to "God" but to his higher self, something you can do yourself btw). Note you can't just skip the books in the faq, they are not perfect, nor "the bible of magick" but they are good none of the less.
As for the things you can do well, they are a lot of stuff.
For example: astral travelling, thought forms, "telepathy", influence over others (that means mind control), telekinesy, divination, talking to your higher self, also money, sex, power and all that…
They are tons of things to do, just get books on what you want and binge on them, then practice and with a bit of willpower, you can do it.
To get inspiration, you can lurk the threads in /fringe/.
07/11/15 (Sat) 02:37:27 No. 46239
I fucking hate reading.
I've always thought books were for faggots. Not illiterate or anything like that, its just hard to stay interested in a single book for long enough to read it. Usually after 30 pages I'm just falling asleep and dreading finishing the damn thing. I've never read a single book for leisure. Only for school.
Maybe its due to growing up in this shitty generation where I'm bombarded with optic stimulation my whole life. I don't think my imagination has been given a chance to develop. If I wanted to play, I played video games, if I wanted entertainment I watched TV, if I wanted to fap I fapped to porn. There weren't many cases where I had no choice but to use my imagination for entertainment or playing or fapping.
When I read, its just words. I don't imagine anything. If someone read to me maybe I could somewhat imagine the shit going on, but I can't read and imagine at the same time. Also I'm a pretty slow reader, I often have to go back and re-read the sentence a couple of times because I keep losing focus. I'd start reading and then 2 minutes later I find my self making internal chatter in parallel with reading the actual words in the book.
Taking the path to enlightenment requires books and lots of reading. I really can't avoid it, all the quality resources are in text.
I could really use some advice here. How can I make reading less shitty, focus better, read faster, etc?
07/11/15 (Sat) 05:28:02 No. 46241
How can I channel my rage into something constructive or destructive?
The generation of intense emotion seems to be a cornerstone of all workings, and with the world as it is, and my sensibilities as they are the only emotion I have at excess is anger.
I'd rather do something with it than let it sit.
07/11/15 (Sat) 06:00:54 No. 46242
Kek doesn't rage release a bunch of loosh?
07/11/15 (Sat) 07:14:13 No. 46245
go back to grade school you stupid fuck
07/11/15 (Sat) 07:33:54 No. 46247
Learn to put energy into thoughtforms. When I feel enraged or sad I imagine some crystal and the emotion flowing from me into the thoughtform. You can store it for later use or just forget about it. Just as much create a thoughtform and flow the energy directly from yourself or from the stored thoughtform. Learn emotional transmutation so you can go from enraged to blissfully happy. Don't let your emotions control in any case.
Lel, years of video games and TV have led you to having shit interest generation capabilities. Reading and keeping in focus follows Interest > Attention > Interest. Force yourself to get into the whatever your doing and you'll start to get into it after a while.
Do empty mind or void meditations to suppress the chatter, because that ain't good for nothing.
Reading faster is generally learning to store and recall more information the less you focus on a single word. Which means you pour a lot of interest and attention into the page for a moment then you store the info.
07/11/15 (Sat) 09:40:21 No. 46249
I have a solution for you but you will have to read a book first.
It's called photoreading, it teaches you , not to speed read, but ro read using your subconscious mind, which means that you read at incredible speeds that are deemed impossible to reach, but you will know as I do that reading a 400page book in 30-45minutes with 80% recall is an easy thing…
It also males reading for fun insanely more fun.
07/11/15 (Sat) 10:29:01 No. 46251
>I have a solution for you but you will have to read a book first.
which book m8?
07/11/15 (Sat) 10:50:11 No. 46252
>have to read a book first
>it's called photoreading
07/11/15 (Sat) 11:41:30 No. 46254
Now sometimes occultist try to use symbolism to explain certain concepts. Usually the reason is to keep them secret and available to only a select few. This site will explain a bit of alchemical symbolism:
Now if there was such a thing as one simple dictionary where all symbols would be explained in. There would be no point to use symbols in the first place since they are used for secrecy. Now the use of secrecy was very common in the middle ages since the power Christianity had back then. Now nothing is truly hidden but would be missed by the uninitiated. I will also add some books you may be interested in. But if you want to pursue the occult path I can provide books to get you started. The books I provided are only for what you asked. I apologize if you have Waite's book already and just used it for reference.
I hope this helps you.
07/11/15 (Sat) 11:56:32 No. 46257
07/11/15 (Sat) 12:23:17 No. 46260
Oh, since "photoreading" wasn't capitalized I thought he was just describing the technique.
07/11/15 (Sat) 17:45:33 No. 46277
I appreciate your response very much, thank you for taking the time. But I'm actually not new to this world, I have read a few works on the topics of hermeticism (I actually have a physical copy of Evola's "Hermetic Tradition", which explains what you say very, very well).
I am simply interesting in exploring the topic of Magick/Occult/etc X Aesthetic. The Pictorial Key was one of the few places I started, since I had read it previously.
The Tarot is a excelent example of what I'm searching for, actually: not exactly the meaning behind the symbols, but the way the symbols are translated to images. Tarot even has that amazing bit for Art Historians, which is the possibility to explore the evolution of the images throughout the ages.
Again, thank you for your post. I'll definitely check that first one you posted, at least.
Also, more specifically, I've been searching Evola's "Abstract Art, Theoretical Position", does anyone have a digital copy?
07/11/15 (Sat) 20:38:52 No. 46293
Hey guys,
How do I astral travel, I've done it once, in the middle of two lucid dreams, but I can't do it anymore.
I'd like to know how to do it from a trance. Most of the methods haven't worked for me, probably due to the fact that I have trouble creating a "trance" or seeing any hypnogogic imagery…
How can I do the trance /fringe/, any *FUN* way of doing it ?
07/11/15 (Sat) 21:30:48 No. 46310
/fringe/ how can I train myself to clearly perceive the Aura of others?
07/11/15 (Sat) 23:59:22 No. 46316
I'm like you m8, I can't find any reliable technique to astral travel
07/12/15 (Sun) 00:02:07 No. 46317
looking to buy a shower filter, which filter do you recommend?
07/12/15 (Sun) 00:19:08 No. 46320
"In the West we are very fixated by “book knowledge.” We imagine that internalized information is equivalent to knowledge, but in theurgy information and knowledge are different. The kind of information one can receive from most books will do nothing to prepare the hopeful aspirant for the path of theurgy. The truth is that there would actually be a greater likelihood that such reading and studying would become a distraction, and would lead the student away from the clear and straight path of experience, down into the murky waters of speculation and information.
This will be a hard pill to swallow for newcomers to mysticism, who want to feel like they are doing something. This urge is actually just the restlessness of the mind, and feeding it will only make your theurgic pursuit more difficult. Instead of reading books, the individual aspiring to one day become an initiate should devote himself to simple mental exercises and personal discipline. Develop the ability to sit in one place for an hour without being bored or having the desire to move and do something else. Practice always living in the moment with a clear mind, concentrating on what you are doing, instead of living in your thoughts. Discover your vices, then work hard to convert them into virtues, ennobling your character. These simple practices, which anyone can figure out and do on their own, will go much further in preparing the student for genuine initiation than any books will. When you have practiced these things to exhaustion, then practice them more.
For students not interested in these classes or with no intentions of acquiring a teacher in the near future, the only suitable book we can recommend is Franz Bardon’s “Initiation into Hermetics.” It gives a basic outline of practices which, if rigorously adhered to, can produce great results. It is one of the only training manuals available to the public, and though it is most ideally practiced with the guidance of a teacher who has completed the system, it can safely be practiced alone."
07/12/15 (Sun) 03:18:14 No. 46334
Fuck that shit. Every occultist should have 100 books under his belt. They should study really fucking intensely for a few years while developing slowly doing the basic practises while mostly reading. This will allow for a very strong foundation to build upon. Then they can just stop reading and go full-force into practise.
07/12/15 (Sun) 05:16:28 No. 46350
I don't think there are 100 occult books worth reading. Bardon's books have enough theory and practice to do the job.
“When we read, another person thinks for us: we merely repeat his mental process. In learning to write, the pupil goes over with his pen what the teacher has outlined in pencil: so in reading; the greater part of the work of thought is already done for us. This is why it relieves us to take up a book after being occupied with our own thoughts. And in reading, the mind is, in fact, only the playground of another’s thoughts. So it comes about that if anyone spends almost the whole day in reading, and by way of relaxation devotes the intervals to some thoughtless pastime, he gradually loses the capacity for thinking; just as the man who always rides, at last forgets how to walk. This is the case with many learned persons: they have read themselves stupid.”
07/12/15 (Sun) 05:54:53 No. 46351
So this is a complicated question to some and im just going to ask it. There was god, right? Who made god? What was before god? or is god just a big huge all-seeing being behind a screen?
07/12/15 (Sun) 06:46:57 No. 46357
07/12/15 (Sun) 06:47:42 No. 46358
Oops, mobilfag here. Accidently clicked the post number while scrolling.
07/12/15 (Sun) 11:20:34 No. 46363
Does anybody know where I can find pdfs of Damon Brand's books? Specifically the money ones. Would buy physical copies but poorfag. Cart and horse situation here. Been checking links and most have been taken down, including the one I tried in this here thread before posting to ask.
07/12/15 (Sun) 11:28:33 No. 46364
read the kybalion… the ALL gets explained very clearly in there.. unless you talk of the beings who may or may not have powered the may or may not existing jesus to become chist
07/12/15 (Sun) 12:22:26 No. 46370
Fully agree with >>46334 , both >>46320 and >>46350 are both terrible and harming advice. With ANY book or author, you are obligated to leave the bad and keep with the GOOD (you are the judge here). If you don't read and educate yourself, how are you supposed to practice and measure your progress? You can't.
Aspiring occultists, always read, practice and rest. It's a key balance that must be respected in order to ascend in the spiral of spiritual progression.
07/12/15 (Sun) 13:04:49 No. 46371
"Occultism" is 90% shit.
07/12/15 (Sun) 13:56:21 No. 46379
Oops. Was meant to type 'Damon Brand's occult books' there.
07/12/15 (Sun) 14:04:08 No. 46380
I only have Magickal protection and Magickal angels here's Magickal protection if you want the other one say so and I'll post that too.!HM9CHCBK!xwR3daAay2aB0SHXll53UuW0E6raP9zZmoZCU9tEFts
07/12/15 (Sun) 14:13:29 No. 46382
To add to this, the whole nature of many esoteric texts is "reveal a part, obscure a part" especially with the original Rosicrucians, which Bardon was supposedly a part of as well. He did reveal a lot, but he still didn't touch upon other things, both deliberately and due to time constraints. For instance, how to develop the power necessary to do a lot of things he outlines (pranayama and sexual transmutation). Not even mentioning that it's possible to expand a lot on what he says without being redundant.
Without practice, you'll never be anything of worth. Without reading, your odds of figuring things out for yourself are very small, if you don't have strong intuition working for you.
07/12/15 (Sun) 14:58:37 No. 46387
The cash book is in the big mega. Stupid mega barely responds and is stuck at 10 kb/s forever.
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:01:18 No. 46389
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:01:43 No. 46390
This has all of them. For now anyway.
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:20:16 No. 46395
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:32:03 No. 46400
I cannot download it. It takes forever. What the fuck is wrong with mega?
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:36:55 No. 46404
>implying I don't read from many sources to overcome biases and that I don't actually still spend way more time thinking intensely about magick then reading the books even though I've read so many books
>implying I don't mentally comment on what I'm reading all the time and think there's bullshit here and there in various of the books I read
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:41:04 No. 46407
>hurrr durrr who made God
God is eternal and wasn't made. From God comes Time, there is no before God.
>The human reason, whose reports we must accept so long as we think at all, informs us as follows regarding THE ALL, and that without attempting to remove the veil of the Unknowable:
> 1. THE ALL must be ALL that REALLY IS. There can be nothing existing outside of THE ALL, else THE ALL would not be THE ALL.
> 2. THE ALL must be INFINITE, for there is nothing else to define, confine, bound, limit or restrict THE ALL. It must be Infinite in Time, or ETERNAL, — it must have always continuously existed, for there is nothing else to have ever created it, and something can never evolve from nothing, and if it had ever "not been," even for a moment, it would not "be" now, — it must continuously exist forever, for there is nothing to destroy it, and it can never "not-be," even for a moment, because something can never become nothing. It must be Infinite in Space — it must be Everywhere, for there is no place outside of THE ALL — it cannot be otherwise than continuous in Space, without break, cessation, separation, or interruption, for there is nothing to break, separate, or interrupt its continuity, and nothing with which to "fill in the gaps." It must be Infinite in Power, or Absolute, for there is nothing to limit, restrict, restrain, confine, disturb or condition it — it is subject to no other Power, for there is no other Power.
> 3. THE ALL must be IMMUTABLE, or not subject to change in its real nature, for there is nothing to work changes upon it; nothing into which it could change, nor from which it could have changed. It cannot be added to nor subtracted from; increased nor diminished; nor become greater or lesser in any respect whatsoever. It must have always been, and must always remain, just what it is now — THE ALL — there has never been, is not now, and never will be, anything else into which it can change.
>THE ALL being Infinite, Absolute, Eternal and Unchangeable it must follow that anything finite, changeable, fleeting, and conditioned cannot be THE ALL. And as there is Nothing outside of THE ALL, in Reality, then any and all such finite things must be as Nothing in Reality. Now do not become befogged, nor frightened — we are not trying to lead you into the Christian Science field under cover of Hermetic Philosophy. There is a Reconciliation of this apparently contradictory state of affairs. Be patient, we will reach it in time.
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:43:16 No. 46408
Try downloading each file individually.
It might be capped because so many people are downloading or something.
It works ok for me (mega owner), get each book in a few seconds.
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:43:54 No. 46409
Also you could try a different browser or install the mega plugin
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:45:34 No. 46410
>implying time is real and not just a limitation of 3rd density
07/12/15 (Sun) 16:31:56 No. 46417
*tips wizard hat*
Was going to post that exact same reply.
07/12/15 (Sun) 16:51:07 No. 46421
Apparently my provider is at fault. Limiting speed for hosting sites after reaching a limit…
07/12/15 (Sun) 17:13:37 No. 46424
Post your skype and I'll send them to you directly.
07/12/15 (Sun) 18:05:48 No. 46435
It's ok now. Somewho it finished. Thank you anyways.
07/13/15 (Mon) 03:43:37 No. 46501
It is missing Magickal Job Seeker which you cacn find here in the misc folder!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw
07/13/15 (Mon) 11:22:58 No. 46531
how can i check sigils which write in hebrew?
i mean i can't speak it, but i could easily learn the writing system and look up each word individually to make sure that there's no stuff like death & destruction written, right?
is that enough? and should i look in dictionaries for ancient hebrew or the artificial new one?
07/13/15 (Mon) 11:48:03 No. 46533
First you don't use other people sigils, not because they might write death on it, but because sigils have to be made by the owner. This gives a sense of attachement to it that amplifies the vibration.
Second, even if it's written:"I'm going to be john smith's fuckslut", if you attach a positive vibration of what you expect to the symbol, your will will be carried out anyways. The universe doesn't understand words, it understands vibrations.
07/13/15 (Mon) 12:12:17 No. 46535
Sometimes I wonder if there are people on /fringe/ that never actually read books but just occasionally pop into the question thread to ask their shitty entry level question that's covered in pretty much all of the recommended reading material.
07/13/15 (Mon) 16:41:05 No. 46549
I heard it's possible to astral travel only by meditating, no projection techniques, it just happens naturally.
Has anyone done it ? Any tips for anyone wanting to replicate ?
07/13/15 (Mon) 17:00:49 No. 46550
That's simply an advanced form. Just do your homework and progress to that point naturally.
07/13/15 (Mon) 17:36:23 No. 46556
So what could I use as an easier method to AT ?
07/13/15 (Mon) 17:37:21 No. 46557
Wake up 5 hours early, do something for a few minutes and go back to sleep.
07/13/15 (Mon) 17:40:49 No. 46558
Seeing as that there's a lot of stupid questions asked almost regularly, you're more right than I'd like.
07/13/15 (Mon) 17:52:48 No. 46559
07/13/15 (Mon) 18:01:58 No. 46560
It can work, it's not fool proof though.
07/13/15 (Mon) 18:06:13 No. 46561
Is it necessary to read Plato before reading Platonis' enneads?
07/13/15 (Mon) 18:22:27 No. 46563
What's your take on the Bible and YHWH's hatred of magick? Is it legit or have the text been modified to fit an agenda?
07/13/15 (Mon) 18:47:55 No. 46570
Are there vampires? (could be in astral, energy vampires, real vampires)
How could a human become one?
07/13/15 (Mon) 19:01:41 No. 46572
don't trust jews with the truth. could be anything
07/13/15 (Mon) 20:04:01 No. 46575
Energy vampires, sure, we all are.
>Do the "gun" gesture with your right hand.
Make sure that the index and middle finger are "pointing".
>lay the others, including your thumb, comfortably on your hand.
>Now point in the general direction of a living thing (never tried on animals but it should work)
>Now breathe fully and slowly and close your eyes if you wish.
>Feel the energy prickling in your hand, direct it anywhere you please.
You can also gather bigger amount of energy using your astral hands and just taking it from other people or even things.
07/13/15 (Mon) 20:13:56 No. 46576
I heard that opening your third eye chakra is an amaizing experience and helps astral project. People say they see through their close eyelids.
I've been directing a lot of energy in my 3rd eye but I don't have those things happening.
How do I do it ?
Also everytime I try to AP my eyelids and face contract really hard and its quite painful and after 10mins of that I open them, because…pain.
Anyway to deal with that ?
07/13/15 (Mon) 21:20:19 No. 46577
>Also everytime I try to AP my eyelids and face contract really hard and its quite painful and after 10mins of that I open them, because…pain.
Anyway to deal with that ?
just stop contracting them
07/14/15 (Tue) 01:39:25 No. 46588
Hello, i have a problem that now i'll explain.
Trough my high-school life until 18, when i dropped out of school, i've always had some generic bad relationship with my peers, in cases i also disliked many of them. After high school i lived as a NEET, until my 20, when i was forced on a job, where i had a woman as a boss, that with some time, i've learned to hate.
The point is that just then i've learned what hatred was, and at that point i couldn't stop it from growing, till i started to hate many things, included my family (blessed by genetics yet mixed with black, i have to suffer my mother and brother's subhuman behaviour).
Now i'm in a situation where i can no longer access my mind freely as i used to, and can no longer easily experience or act esoteric related phenomenas that are not somehow related to hatred or destruction.
My question is, what's the best way to purge hatred and recover my original state of being?
07/14/15 (Tue) 04:19:51 No. 46604
Meditate friend, fill your life with positive stuff.
07/14/15 (Tue) 08:45:41 No. 46616
hey /fringe/, just wondering if you had an opinion on an experience i had not too long ago on psychedelics. Story starts with my brother procuring some supposed LSD. A bit of backstory, Im young, only 20 and have tried many substances and chemicals before, mushrooms, X, LSD and an array of research chemical (2C-I, 2C-B and 2C-E, even those nasty nBOMEs, albeit in small dosages) these experiences were usually quite happy and chilled out not much of the way of "bad trips". My brother and I, twins, actively interested in substances that change and bend perception, i know it sounds cliche, young adults interested in psychedelics.
The night in question however was one of the scariest moments of my life, just like any other night with the intention of taking a substance we decided to fast for the day only ingesting water and small amounts of bread, Except for the fact that I was ill in the days before the trip and I had taken some pseudo-ephedrine. The come-up is the same as most chemicals, i think if you've tried mushrooms before you know what I mean. for those who haven't it feels like energy creeping from the soles of my feet all the way up my body until I am inebriated, but nonetheless climbing higher. This continued for a few hours until the peak, this is where things get weird, my brother is making me laugh intensely by his impersonation of a pig, hysterically laughing i start to run out of breath and something my brother says instantly ceases my laughter. "Watch your laughter, you may fall into a loop".
In that instant something clicked in my mind, it was ineffable but ill do my best. It felt like I was sucked from my body, and in the instant i was sucked out, i was back in again. My brother no longer seems like my brother, the place where I am, my home - ive grown up here - feels like nowhere ive ever been before, I question my brother almost in tears, "Am I dead? Have I died?"
So /fringe/, was i just tripping dicks, or was something greater at play, could the combination of chemicals actually have killed me and my soul been transferred into another version of myself - see Quantum Suicide
07/14/15 (Tue) 14:25:13 No. 46633
Does anyone knows where can i get some epub format of the books posted here? Or some other stuff in epub format would be great. Pdfs are not very friendly in tablets
07/14/15 (Tue) 15:00:20 No. 46637
07/14/15 (Tue) 15:13:39 No. 46640
thanks, will go through the mediafire folders and take a look
07/14/15 (Tue) 16:18:23 No. 46643
07/14/15 (Tue) 16:41:56 No. 46645
not the original poster, but i have now performed the ritual for the first time
07/14/15 (Tue) 16:58:24 No. 46647