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I have many ambitions but I am extremely lazy to the point where I cannot stop wasting time and procrastinating by looking at an empty wall, sleeping (I can sleep for hours and hours) or browsing the Internet instead of doing the things I really want to do.

If something is too hard I quit easily and I absolutely HATE IT, I have so many ideas, projects, things I want to learn, books I want to read but my laziness keeps getting in the way.

I constantly suffer from malicious envy. I am unable to be friends with people I envy. This is something I've struggled with since I was very young and have lost many friendships because of it. I specially envy people who are smarter and younger or close to my age or people who are richer or luckier than me.

This is especially effecting me at wageslave job where I am unable to be friends with any of my coworkers because I envy their skills and their smarts to the point of thinking of physically harming them, I never act on these feelings but they pop up constantly. I am only able to make friends with people I consider my equal or below me in any way.

I am really desperate for a solution and have been thinking of using drugs but can't find a reliable source in my area yet.


that's just human nature, find enjoyment in perseverance and you'll make progress.


you need to detoxify your body. change your diet, make alkaline baths in soda for about 5-12 hours and fast. then your motivation comes automatically. read arnold ehret.


All I know all I know is,

Love will save the dayeeeee

A good lyric. you need to find a lover that will pull the worst out of you like a poultice and fight it.



That's a fucking retarded idea.

OP should muster strength to fight it himself. A girlfirend could help a bit, but only on the surface, and if he dumps her/is dumped he would only suffer more than before. Self - sufficiency is the way.


Just train your Will. In time you will be able to overcome all obstacles.


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To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.



You need to make some giant realisations, coming from someone who used to be in a possibly worse state than yourself. These realisations don’t come without pushing yourself outside of your comfort but really is that not what you’re asking for? Comfort is being stuck in mediocrity. Im comfortable when I sit on the couch hitting the bong all day, am I actually moving forward or just wasting the day?

Some realisations I made which helped push me in the right direction;

1. Attitude sets your course. If you go into something with a half-assed attitude you reap what you sow. If you go into something feeling negative and thinking about how you'll fail or how you can't do it then you never will. If you go into it with a positive train of thought then you’ll accomplish far more. Hardest thing about this for someone who is at your level is to do so without expecting that the attitude will make everything fall in place instead of just living in the present with the knowledge you’ll end up there. Intention vs Expectation.

2. Everyone is programmed like a computer application running AI. Since your birth you've constantly been learning habits, rituals, thought patterns etc. These are then fed to you through media, tv, movies, video games, music, etc and it is eaten up by the mass (sheep) because of how insidious it is; it abuses your subconscious to make lasting impacts and changes in your personal character. At the end of the day the most abstract parts of your brains use symbols (which it translates into word, a word after all represents a symbol shared between minds) and pattern detection, the patterns and symbols (aka images) in the things you watch and listen to are burnt into your brain and even the way you act at anytime though you could 100% believe it to be yourself is actually most of the time just this programmed response to how you’ve been subconsciously directed to act and yet you define your whole persona on these actions you chose. This is what we talk about when we say “ego” because at the end of the day every thought you have, every action you make could really be a programmed ego state. It makes sense in the wild, you grow up around your parents and tribesmen and must learn from their actions to perform yourself (pre-language) so by watching what they do you now learn how to do it. By watching these things you are being taught how to perform functions without even knowing it. WE ARE SLAVES.

3. Meditation IS MENTAL REPROGRAMMING. It helps you to realise these things, meditating daily WILL give you GREAT benefit I promise if you keep at it daily. As my teacher will say to all students, it's a selfish discipline and if you manage to meditate for a month or 4 weeks you will feel completely different. It may take time, using the preceding point you may have been consuming media etc for years for example which in turn would leave a lot of programming in your mind for you to unravel. You’ll notice what I mean by how subtle it is if you stick to this path. The hardest and yet simplest (further in) is to not have expectations of what will occur during the meditation. Any thought that comes up is your brain trying to make your Soul react in a certain manner. That is what a thought is. Your thoughts are not your soul, and the reason you have so many and why you must always think is because of how much attention you’ve given to the thoughts and how much you’ve used them to protect and safeguard yourself in the past. Like a seagull who landed on your shore you fed a chip to and his whole flock has now come upon you you’ve fed the thoughts so now they’re feeding on the thoughts you continue to feed. Now you have to make sure you don’t throw the chip (aka attach yourself to the thoughts or mental states such as fear) and although it may take a time they’ll get hungry and go bug some other person.

4. Nothing changes unless you get up and do something to make it change. The only reason you like the "change" that is occurring constantly on the internet is most likely because it's changing without your direct input (as easy as refreshing the page). This programs your mind (and chemical releases, like dopamine) around the quick reward of it all and makes you less likely to beat your actual issues as you’re too busy expecting the reward to be 1sec click. Program yourself. Meditate.



5. Justifications are your arch nemesis. From now on consider your mind split in 2 (like all those shows show when you’re young, an angel and a devil, go figure… [point 2]) and anytime you try to help the angel more the devil whips back and makes sure you come back to him. Whereas when you follow the devil the angel, although frustrated, just kind of lets you do whatever so you’ll learn (if you love them, let them go). So this state you’re being trapped in where you feel useless is this bad side of your mind keeping you locked into this state of chemical release and material desires, more more more. It wants everything, the worst food for you, the most expensive cars, it wants to cheat, it wants to sleep around and it wants to make sure you don’t leave its tight grasp. Whenever you think of doing something to break free of your old thoughts, ex; “Maybe I shouldn’t eat that bad meal for dinner…” or “Maybe I should go for a run…” you know the answer is yes you should but that voice pops up that justifies why you shouldn’t or why right now isn’t the best time or how you have the opportunity of a lifetime so of course you should! It’s the last time, you promise!!! This is that bad, programmed mind (it has literally been programmed into 99% of the current population it would seem) to make sure you never gain the balls, the power, any status or sense of respect for yourself to actually rise up in this society and fight for yourself. This voice will become very clear to you when you continue your meditations. You’ll notice how terrible it is, how it hates everything you really want to achieve and only wants to keep you trapped in its shit. It is, very much, a thought form! A very powerful one drilled in to you since you were a kid by programming. Some even identify this form as being a green figure, or a reptile like being or a voice, or just a very subtle way of contradicting yourself in thought. It is increasingly obvious in meditation and at first you won’t be able to meditate for long at first with so many thoughts and attempts to stop you. Don’t let this stop you though, just be aware that it is in fact there.

But, friend, if you do anything at all I recommend you do not touch SSRIs like Prozac! A LOT of people have had years of depression afterwards and people report not having much creativity for years after as well. Your visualisation is also impacted with many if not the majority getting little to no visualisations. Some, in turn, feel the need to stay on it all their lives. At the end of the day if you really have to and you feel destined to go on them then sure, but just be ready for some time after of maybe not feeling the same as you did before (both in the bad ways AND good ways). If you do go on Prozac get a good meditation discipline beforehand then try again months after prozac and you’ll see exactly what I mean about how damaging it can be and hopefully from all these points you’ll realise how screwed up the modern society we live in is, and why that is! 3 cheers for the powers that be!

I promise if you set your course with your attitude and follow that with meditation & it's concepts such as letting go, being aware of yourself (including your thought patterns) and gaining willpower then you will be able to beat yourself and clock yourself. You know deep down the world is screwed, you are a product of that. Become a product of yourself now. It’s time to take the redpill and greenpill and not just in sense of reading about what they entail but putting them into practice and the practice will give you the greatest insight and allow you to see far beyond any reading.

However, you must start somewhere so look up Mindfulness in Plain English: best book for you if you're starting the path, brother. Meditation will also help when it comes to venturing further into occult once you've programmed your mind into a better state :) Be honest with yourself -> Know Yourself. Truth will set you free.


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>All I know is love

>So go outwards to find someone to love

I mean the love part is always right, and yes finding someone else to love is great but that's just a funny idea. Surely there will be low chance of finding a proper girl when there is not much willpower and not much self confidence or self-love, there is a strong possibility of getting into a terrible relationship with someone who exploits you and not knowing much better because of your low-confidence state already. Girls these days are trained to dominate that completely.

Go inwards, find compassion which leads to love for yourself, use that love in real life with confidence in everything you do and your will, confidence and love should cause some good magnetism to start taking place. Then the good girls are around every corner.



Meditation is for euphoric fags



Out of interest, have you actually tried meditation? If so, for how long and why have you come to such a false conclusion?

I mean either way it doesn't matter, I'll be over here having changed my life from bad to very good with it and continue giving the advice to others to do so especially when they ask for help for moving their life forward on a board dedicated to esoterica.






Don't mind the retards. I'm in a similar situation as op and I greatly appreciate your posts.



>Meditation IS MENTAL REPROGRAMMING. It helps you to realise these things, meditating daily WILL give you GREAT benefit I promise if you keep at it daily

There are many types of meditation (/fringe/res/33148.html#34081)

I assume you're talking about void meditation?




*tips fedora*



To get on a horse takes effort, no matter how short or long the ride is never forget that you got on. If you go away from this board today and never come back and find a hard spot in the future and you find yourself stuck yet again remember to meditate.

I only say this because I know that for people who start meditation fresh you could be in a proper routine and get lots of benefit from it after say a month or 2 but then end up deciding to stop meditating because one day you justify it to yourself that for that day it'd be nice to have a rest or you'd prefer to spend 20mins playing games etc. Then that one day becomes 2, then 3 and so on. Next thing you know you're months into a deep depression, your wife has fucked 2 guys and shits hit that fan again…

What happened? This is the yoyo effect, the 1click dopamine brain sees the day-to-day benefits of meditation after a while and justifies stopping by saying that now you have the benefits you don't need to continue. Then subtley your mind starts winding itself back into old habits and because even the notion of meditation was struck by your ego mind (remember what I said about justification earlier, you justified those days where you weren't going to meditate) now your ego is regaining force and slowly getting you back into old habits and kicking you down like a dog.




Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just a meditating male who greatly values his happiness and spiritual purity over any silly shill post written 3,500 seconds ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony shill's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my ability to not bow into their posts.’


Also try a 30day NoFap, even if you don't believe in the benefits but just to prove that you can.

It will help you build confidence in your self and help show you that you are able to break free of patterns and that you can beat your doubts, and for most even a week is longer than their routine.

If you want to Know Yourself and trust yourself, believe in yourself and love yourself you'll have to do things that you haven't perceived before to be "natural" such as pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and realising your thoughts aren't your own… But when we sit around on a chair in front of a plastic machine drinking fermented liquids from glass formed bottles that have been imported over thousands of kilometres by a flying ever-so-finely designed piece of metal what is natural really?

This is another example of your programming whereas because you're so used to something being a certain way you've considered it natural. But if you really step back and observe what you do, whats natural? The human mind is definitely not natural. The people who are more natural? You label them "down to Earth" and those who are less natural are your multiple personality programming types such as the Kardashians who have personality out the ass all fake all lies built on desire completely unnatural and yet everyone fawns over them and chases them. If anything, you can see from this that humans HATE the natural if it's not in short camp trips or exotic adventures and would do anything to escape having to go back to the default - natural, form. So if we hate the natural, and you've just realised everything around you really isn't natural at all then don't try to justify not fixing yourself over your perception of it being not so because in reality the only reason you don't think it "natural" is that to you it's a foreign concept. Now you decide what's foreign or not.



Sorry about the late reply. There are many types of meditation but any type will set you off well for the rest of the types available. Stick to one type for the first month or so as to not confuse yourself or upset your discipline and growth. Mindfulness is a good starting meditation for most as is Vipassana. God speed brother.




Nice memes my friend.



You seem like someone who knows his shit. I mean you have a clear solution on how to fix ones problems. I'm in a similar situation as OP's, the only problem is i fail to see the point in everything. I mean, what's the point of enlightenment, feeling good, actually doing stiff in your life. Is it just for shits and giggles, or is it something that makes us happy? So is being happy and fullfilled the ultimate cause here?



if you really think a guy like OP could get a girl, you know nothing about getting girls. girls are telepathic and can smell decay.



this a thousand times, even if you manage to get them to laugh and shit you still have some creepy aura about you



Thank you for this and your subsequent posts



From one Indigo to another, fuck the point, do your Will. There doesn't have to be a meaning, just DO THINGS.



…otherwise you'll turn into a passive brownpill faggot.



In comparison to the enlightened I know nothing, in comparison to the masters I know less. However, what I know is my dedication to know more than the day prior, what I know is my will to continue and what I find is myself, all of these points are just manifestations of the steps I'm taking on a path; albeit small I don't let this tie me down unlike I used to before ever starting. Albeit small every step I take is one step further from that body that was attached to my computer chair morning to night playing WoW not knowing a thing about myself or the universe around me but just the sorrow that was deep within. Don't lie to yourself, it's how you stay here. I changed my attitude and the way I perceived myself to match what I wanted to be. This can take a whole lot of effort when you are starting especially when there are others who will try and constantly push you into the easier path, that being the path of just bowing in to negative emotions. If you had done that you'd never even start on the path whatsoever.

I've already bowed into my suffering for enough years, already bowed into my lust for desire and control and what have I reaped from it? Nothing. What would I reap from it? Hatred? Why would I want to hate everyone when I used to have enough problem from hating myself. When you go inwards it affects the outer, running to your vices keeps you trapped in them.

I have had many points in my adolescence and in the past where I was always lusting after power and thinking about how much I hated everyone and the world around me as a whole. What have I now found? That hate, that hate which I perceived as others having separated from me and my "perfectness" (everyone perceives their actions as perfect, this being the default defence mechanism of our wall or ego that we've constructed to make sure we never see the truth of our actions) which was too good for them, that separation wasn't actually because of them but myself and my own inner state and my own outer expression of that state which is to say I had my own inner issues such as anxieties, upset, problems from the past and many more which affected how I'd convey myself and in effect how I was outwardly perceived. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? WHO CARES, only you decide what comes next!



This is what happens when you do not have enough strength for the growth, for whatever reason. At some level you aren't fully accepting of the fact you need to change, instead your busy wishing the world around you will change or how disgusting the world has become instead of realising the truth beyond this which is that these people themselves are so disgusting because they followed the exact same path as the indigo pill: never actually learning the true complexity of their emotion and mental states and never taking responsibility for their own actions. Never mastering themselves. Instead of changing themselves inwardly to help bring about the change in the world they're looking for they instead chose to kill or harm which just furthers the negativity and in turn helps the exact society which they hate to grow. For these people the universal laws still apply however much they think their "power" can keep it at bay temporarily.

They'll justify this to themselves and to others, as this indigo pill does and has towards me in other threads. At the end of the day I'm not justifying any action I make I'm purely here to help pass the flame to those who are open to it. It will take hardships, it will take strength, it can take you further than you ever thought could be done in this world. Life itself is one big illusion or "testing grounds", the thing that always grounds me is to think of what life on my deathbed would be like; Will I be tossing and turning for hours thinking about all the mistakes I've made with that deep-set fear and knowledge that there is not a nice ride ahead. Even the most atheist of people have this terrible feeling and this deepest knowledge that after ordaining an Ego for 50-80 years they've accomplished nothing and now, on their deathbed, there is nothing more feared than what is next. I will never be there.

To those who thank me, instead thank yourselves. You are the ones who not only decided to read these things but chose to accept them even when your ego told you to lie and hide like you always have. Even when your ego tried to justify afterwards "oh, that's cool but I'll never get there" or whatever lame excuse you made or do make thank yourself for being able to finally have some little tidbit of power over that and remember that everything begins from the smallest of changes. Remember, after all, what happened from something as minute as a single sperm met the egg of your parents and you were formed from this synthesis. See what has come from such a small change. Appreciate everything especially the creative powers of the divine and nature.

Peace to you all, brothers.



im not a indigopill, i like because le edgy pentagrams and rituals :^)



Can we create some sort of thought form or something to unfuck brendan's shit up?



>I have many ambitions but I am extremely lazy


>If something is too hard I quit easily and I absolutely HATE IT, I have so many ideas, projects, things I want to learn, books I want to read but my laziness keeps getting in the way.

Yeah man, you're not alone with this. Let me offer a way out of this hellhole.

>This is especially effecting me at wageslave job where I am unable to be friends with any of my coworkers because I envy their skills and their smarts to the point of thinking of physically harming them

You hate what you see in the mirror, it's too painful for you to be aware how pathetic you are in your own eyes. That's why you fantasize about harming them, because they enable you to see yourself. I've been there as well (except for the harm part).

>I am really desperate for a solution and have been thinking of using drugs but can't find a reliable source in my area yet.

I too thought about taking drugs, wanting DMT or ayahuasca to somehow magically awake my spirit, to start the fire burning, to get me deal with my problems. But drugs are not needed. Just look into exposure therapy. The drugs you'd like to use, they'd put you through ordeal, showing you what you try to bury. What you need is more pain, not less. You need way more pain by facing your pathetic existence, up to the point where you won't be able to take anymore and through anger you'll turn around on the spot, not accepting your bullshit any longer. It's nasty, but it fucking works.

For this occasion, let's assume that there is such a thing as an alternate universe, and in that universe, there's an alternate version of you, Anon. What does he look like? What is he like? What does he do? What is his character?

I've tried this many times, and each time it's like being hit by a sledgehammer. I see myself, as I could have been. Why is that? Why, in a matter of mere seconds, do I get a crystal clear picture of what I've could have been? Because I know that it's within my power to be like that if I don't give a way to my bullshit but listen to myself for a change.

There are 3 things that helped me to dig myself out of a hole: meditation, cold showers, and split-hours.


I don't do transcendental, Buddhist, Zen, or guarding myself against thinking. I do it for the sole purpose of entering a "God mode". Think of yourself as both God and a machine. You, the internal God, are capable of achieving astonishing things through your will and genius. You, the machine, are capable to run like an automaton through your habits, both good and bad. When I start meditating, I focus on breathing and calming my mind. Then I enter a God mode, where I drop every bit of bullshit and refocus my mind on what is important to me, and to this world. I lift my spirit as much as possible. I say my mantra. Then finish with more breathing while keeping sharp focus.

Cold Showers

Genius invention to build your will and getting you sharp. Early in the morning, I roll two dice. If one of them is 6, I combine it with the number on the other dice. If none of them is 6, I take the one which number is higher. That determines how long I'm gonna be under the water. In minutes, obviously. The beginning is awful, after finishing I'd be thanking Odin that I did it again. That's how powerful this is.


After work, in my free time, I split each hour into two 30m blocks. The 1st block is used exclusively for working on my current project, the 2nd block for whatever I feel like enjoying. 1st achievement, then fun. This process repeats until I decide to go to sleep. Each fucking day.

Choose 1 project you want to accomplish within a month. There needs to be something tangible at the end, and daring as well. Then you work on it for a month. Works miracles.

If you wanna learn how to play guitar, for instance, choose 1 song that is dear to you. That's the song you'll be playing at the end of the month like a fucking rockstar. Guitar playing, like anything, has its very simple fundamentals. Learn them. There are basic chords you need to know, and know them by muscle memory. Practice this the most. At the same time, choose a small portion of your dear song (couple of chords), and play them each block for a couple of minutes. Like nothing, soon you'll become more confident and by the end of the month, you'll play the song like nothing.

And this goes for every fucking thing. Skills do not appear magically, they're built over time. Duh.


read feeling good by burns and go talk to a nice therapist if you can


I am the same as you OP.

I also have trouble meditating (same as trouble concentrating). I sit for 30 minutes and I just can't keep my focus on anything.

I think it's my breathing, I have a extremely tight chest and thus my exhalation is fast and foreful.

I think I need to fix this first.



Wow you and I are much the same. I've done everything you've mentioned besides the split hour thing(but tried stuff similar to it). This is something that me from another universe would have written.



You aren't fooling anyone loosh fag.


The problem is that there is a gap between your intention (what you need and want to do) and action (what you actually do.) "Just do it" and other motivational slogans won't work; it's akin to magical thinking that you can just recite the proper incantation to solve your problems or use emotions themselves to solve them.

Our society has conditioned you to think reactively based on emotion (which is fed to you from external sources) instead of using emotion as the fuel of reason.

The only way to solve your problem is to methodologically re-program how your mind works. Think of it as applying scientific methodology to your own behavior. This is difficult to do just by thinking alone, because one's thoughts are transient and amorphous. You want to make your thinking concrete.

The premise of the following technique is that it is impossible to not do something you've fully decided to be rational. If you fully convince yourself to act, you must do so. The problem is when you don't convince yourself fully, giving irrational thought patterns room to decide for you. If you do so, you're literally writing your own victory and being the author of your life instead of a passive observer (something that we're unfortunately conditioned to do from birth in many ways.)

Get some paper (preferably a notebook) and a pen. Don't use your computer because you want to make the act of writing as physical as possible. Write down your current problem and the emotions that go along with it. Start with something small such as wanting to walk or read a chapter of a book. The purpose of physical pain is to inform an organism of a problem with the body, and likewise the purpose of emotional pain is to inform an organism there is a problem with the mind.

Now write down questions that come from the problem, i.e. "why do I feel this way?" "What can I do to solve this problem?" and "Where does this problem come from?" Explicitly asking yourself questions is a vital part of the process.

Now try to answer your questions to the fullest of your ability, especially "What can I do immediately to help solve this problem?" List out multiple different options, reasons for doing so, and hypothesize what will happen if you complete such tasks, especially emotionally. Making a list of pros and cons can be helpful. Be fully honest to yourself.

Now select what you think is the best option about of your list and write it down, along with "I resolve to do X immediately" or, if it must be delayed due to necessity, set an exact time and date. Set your cell phone's alarm for the actions.

If you have fully convinced yourself, you will set down the notebook and immediately go do the task you have promised yourself to do. If this is not the case, then immediately go back to the notebook and re-start the process, inquiring on what is preventing you from doing so.

After you complete the task, go back to your notebook and write about your success. Because you've completed a task you've yourself fully deemed rational, the result will be a rational positive emotion. It can help to reward yourself early on, but the emotion itself should eventually be reward enough.

Here's the big "trick": you use the emotional momentum from success and plug it right back into the process, continuing from where you left off with another problem and task. You're making a positive feedback loop between emotion, reason, and action. This in turn makes the process easier, which makes the gap between intention and action smaller over time until it is negligible: your actions precisely match your will, as far as reality will allow.

This isn't intended to be a step-by-step guide, but more of a template that you can modify for yourself: the entire point is to use your own powers of reasoning to solve problems with reasoning. However if you can at least begin to write to yourself in this way, this is guaranteed to help.



Now for another technique that can help: meditation. There's many different types of meditation, but I'll offer one that is easy to learn and helps build concentration and mental focus. It also feels like you're doing fucking magic, which is awesome, but I'd recommend not fooling yourself into thinking you're some damned wizard, because it subverts the true purpose and power of what you are doing: creating a feedback loop between expectation and perception via mental focus. However thinking that it is magic as in being a self-induced illusion is good.

What you'll be doing is inducing the perception of "energy" or a tingling sensation in your forehead and fingertips, and focusing on it to intensify it, and manipulating it. The principle is as mundane as feeling a jolt when surprised or flinching when something is approaching you unexpectedly. This technique creates the same deep state as other forms of meditation, and can be used in conjunction with them.

Take a pencil or other elongated object (I'd recommend a knife if a pencil doesn't work, but be careful) and point it at the center of your forehead just above the bridge of your brow, moving it close to the skin without touching. Imagine what it would feel like if it were to touch, move the pencil back and forth, or look at the pencil. With luck, you'll feel a phantom tingling. If you don't feel it, try using a mirror to reinforce the expectation.

If this fails take a penny and place it on your forehead, and balance it for a minute. Then take the penny off. Hopefully you should feel a "phantom penny" there.

Once you have experienced the tingling, the hard part is over because you know what sensation you're anticipating. You can now move on to trying to induce the sensation without external props by closing your eyes and remembering what it felt like, while focusing on your forehead.

Once you do this, you can begin to try to strengthen the sensation by focusing in the sensation itself. Perceiving the sensation strengthens the anticipation of feeling it in a feedback loop that can be incredibly strong. You can move this sensation around somewhat, down to your nose up to the top of your head.

Another big loci for this sensation is your fingertips. Lay down in bed and prop your upper arms up with your elbows, and form a "cage" with your fingers with only your fingertips touching. Balance your arms so the least amount of pressure is put on your fingertips, but you're also using no muscles to keep your hands propped up. Close your eyes and focus on the sensation of your fingertips touching, and remember the sensation you felt on your forehead.

Hopefully you should begin to feel a tingling in your fingertips which isn't from numbness and feels nothing like it. You can focus on this sensation to amplify it, combine it with focusing on your forehead (though the split attention can reduce the intensity) and move your hands apart and continue to focus on and intensify the sensation.

One thing that almost instantly increases the depth of your meditative state is to begin to move your hands and fingers apart in the smallest way possible while keeping them touched, or even just imagining your hands moving apart when they are not. With luck, you'll feel the sensation itself moving apart while your fingertips remain touching, which flips out your mind because it thinks your hands are in a different location than they actually are.

Using these techiques you can get into meditative states so deep that you see vivid geometric hallucinations similar to when you press on your eyeballs (don't do this, apparently it's bad for them.) Once you have practiced you can try to focus on your entire body, and create the sensation from head to toe, though to a lesser extent than forehead and fingertips.

One last trick, though it is hard to replicate. When I was little, as a joke I used to hold my breath and "push" to make my face bright red as a joke to my friends. This is probably bad to do, but In doing it I discovered some muscle deep inside my neck, or at the base of my skull that I could flex without exertion. It gives a slight physical adrenaline rush-like sensation similar to surprise. I haven't been able to find any information on it, but it feels like I'm constricting some blood vessel. Flexing it during meditation instantly intensifies the tingling sensations, and deepens the meditative state.



Thank you for the info



Sincere thanks for taking the time to write all these helpful posts.

I've been experimenting with your methods and have felt results, but wonder what I can do with it. Will the next step of this excercise reveal itself through practice or is there some other tip you could give regarding what one could do after attaining the focus tingles?


Start drinking a lot of coffee, at least a pot a day. Seriously, I know it's super obvious but caffeine is the world's most popular drug for a reason; it gets shit done and it's a big motivator.

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