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>tfw made a poltergeist and it's causing so much disturbance so frequently now that practically everyone in the house notices when it's fucking around with things in the house

>tfw it just fucked around some a clock and some electronics near me right now which is what provoked me to make this thread

>tfw it's fucking around with the intercom system

I am pleased by this.


Also, it took me very little effort to create it, but it's a self-sustaining thoughtform at this point already.


I really should protect my stuff better of course and be prepared to leave the house in a moment in case it burns it down or something. Maybe also keep a rope in my room to escape through the window if necessary.


how did you make it? did you meditate for hours or jack off on a piece of paper?



Probably the same way he posted it in the meditation thread >>35537



>tfw hate myself so I cut my own arms and break furniture

>tfw family is starting to notice

>tfw I tell them it's a ghost haunting me and they believe it

Just another day in the life of an indigo pill :^)



Take your meds anon.


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>I created an entity that's stirring shit up around the house


why would anyone who already knows that magick is real make an undesired entity like that?

what the fuck?



"A man whose thoughts or desires are spiteful, brutal, sensual, avaricious, moves through the world carrying with him everywhere a pestiferous atmosphere of his own, peopled with the loathsome beings which he has created to be his companions. Thus he is not only in sadly evil case himself, but is a dangerous nuisance to his fellow‑men, subjecting all who have the misfortune to come in contact with him to the risk of moral contagion from the influence of the abominations with which he chooses to surround himself."


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>taking indigo pill

>not taking octarine pill



It's exciting, fun, and thrilling and the mundanes are scared now which is feeding the poltergeist thoughtform even more!


That's pretty much how I did it, although it started as a fear of electrical equipment being fucked with that began while I was reading the Robert Bruce books in the library, a fear which although I suppressed it a fair bit kept striving to reach panic levels and then manifested as a reality. I now repeat the mantra of "I have a warranty on this, it's OK, don't worry, I can return it all and get everything replaced."


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It's so fucking great to not have to be fucking scared of the little cunts anymore. I end up up sensing poltergeists when they get nearby, or any other kinds of spirits.

I sensed one trying to spook me not even an hour ago. I flipped it off and made it gtfo.

Not getting my juice box, fucker. I earned this loosh.



You should try and pull off something on the level of the movie Grave Encounters.

Can you?




>The camera is turned back on, showing Lance alive, though his eye is bleeding from a lobotomy (done by Friedkin himself). He then states to the camera "I'm so much better now…finally, I can go home," before the screen cuts to black, implying that he has now gone mentally insane from his operation.

>gets a lobotomy

>is able to talk afterwards

…now this is some magick that I'd be hard-pressed to pull off.

The rest, sure, it could be done; just not sure how to avoid "reaping the whirlwind" so to speak and it's not like anyone would ever even find out about my achievements in the black arts or if they did I'd be fucked because soon a RHP faggot would lay down some serious magick on me.



>haunting your own house

>not haunting someone else's house

Why? You could haunt the chads that picked on you as a kid, or the stacys that cheated on you with chads.



>reaping the whirlwind

isn't that the point? I want to fill my juice box enough to leave this plane entirely.

So uhm… Got any pdfs on how to summon poltergeists?



Does anyone have any of the comics that OP's image is from?



Thank you for this quote.



I didn't go to school and have lived my whole life in isolation so that's not really an option for me. My whole life does not contain any memories of being picked on by chads or whatever. The main people I've ever seen around are family members and other than that I'm alone.


If you want to commit suicide by poltergeist well I can help you with that, easily enough.

You don't need a whole PDF for it, the technique is really simple, just get obsessed and full of fears and have the right modality where your fears can become real.

The Meditations thread basically explains it.

Here is a technique you can use…

>go into a room

>start reading Chasing Phantoms or some other text like it with the possibility of inducing lots of fear

>now (this works in the astral btw just as well as it does in this plane) walk in one room and expect something to be there

>keep repeating this, working up intense fear, walking around from one room to another to another checking each one intensely expecting something to be there

>eventually you'll enter a room and OH SHIT OH SHIT HOLY FUCK NOOOO AN ALIEN

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