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As a mundane who wants to get into occultism, convince me whether I should go right hand path or left hand.


If you need us to convince you, the right hand path is obviously for you.



But why the right hand? Left hand path sounds little funner to me as there are sex with succubi and contacting spirits and stuff. I'm alone and friendless and never had a gf before so this sounds funner. I also like the idea of serving oneself over others as I only trust myself fully. But at the same time it seems far more risky to go left. But I want to know from people which path they recommend and why,


You need both hands.



So your saying I should do both?


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Don't you need both hands? I think you should do, whatever you want to do…



I heard that one can't simply do both of them



Shit accidently changed my flag


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Do the right hand path. Left hand sounds fun and edgey and cool kid, but right hand will give you some structure.



Hate to sound picky, but what do you mean by structure?



Well, maybe some others who are on said path can explain it more to you. I've never considered myself on either.

I just tend to think "structure" as in a good ways to learn. There's simply a lot more books, groups both offline and online, etc. that are on this path. Right handed is also just bigger period. There's more variety to it.

Don't be fooled by the idea that left hand is just hellfire and fun times. The "left handed" ones I've met, especially irl, tended to be the most restrictive and ritualistic I've ever met. It just had a darker feel.

There is definite structure to both and neither is right or wrong. I just tend to find the right hand more forgiving, especially to someone just jumping in.

What personally appeals to you, anon? Surely you had preference before even posting.



I wrote little bit of why I am interested over here >>43733



I'm probably going to give rotten advice as a pathless neutral, but why not both or mix and match as you see fit?

For sexual purposes, you don't have to just have something like a "succubi". There's plenty of other beings that can fulfill that role that might be less dangerous to attempt as a beginner. For example, I've heard of plain old poltergeists doing things like this. Not really good or bad entities, I guess.

Just my personal experience: I've had severe sleep paralysis and constant nightmares ever since I could remember. Some of it has been sexual and no it is not fun. It's pretty terrifying and I would never dream of invoking something of the "nightmare" or demonic variety. It sounds great at first, but it can definitely overwhelm you.

I'm pretty selfish myself. Nothing wrong or evil with satisfying your own needs, especially something as human as sexual desires. I know the "paths" might see it as good or evil, but I don't think it is. Do whatever you think will help you, though.


Sorry anon, im a noob too, but i think if someone wants to be spoonfed magic is not for him. In order to really understand magic and the way things work you have to do a lot of reading, a lot of research, contemplation, in the end you have your own view and then you can decide whether to go left hand path or right hand path. No one can really tell you. Infact, don't listen to anyone else. Don't even take the books seriously, most of them are garbage. If you do, be careful.


>not knowing the middle wade way

>not knowing it is superior and/or inferior to any other path

Plebs might need know the joys of the middle wade way


>Left hand path sounds little funner to me as there are sex with succubi and contacting spirits and stuff.

Ask yourself why it sounds more fun to you. There's very little support to those feelings towards the left hand path.

I would rather fuck whores than succubi, whores are cleaner generally take less energy and are more honest. And spirits who are worth contacting don't have much interest in humans, plus contacting spirits is not a matter of path, the kinds of spirits you talk to are a matter of path. Personally I love playing with sylphs.


why not try both and see which one you resonate with more?

better yet, become proficient at both paths.



you can follow two masters, my friend. You might follow none, but you can't follow both.



You can git gud at both cursing and healing people depending on the situation at hand.

Some times to prevent a negro doing damage to your loved ones it takes some morally questionable methods but I see nothing wrong in doing some damage for everyone's greater good.

Other times one may wish to help another with his/her problems and curses and other STS magic won't do much there but STO can fix up a person's life.

Perhaps this mindset will prevent me from mastering either but right now I'm in a comfy spot between the two.



The mistake is in thinking you can choose any of it consciously and rationally. It is perhaps too vague to put it like this but people who are destined to follow the RHP will do so and the same goes for the LHP. That being said, there is no reason why one shouldn't study both paths, because ultimately it is not the path of study but the path of conduct that determines which path one is following.


Y'all niggas are confusing mundane evil with metaphysical evil.



lel really? You think RHP and LHP is about good and evil? And you're calling me a "mundane"? Don't blame others for your lack of interpretation


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Right-hand path and left-hand path is a false dichotomy. One advocates dogmatic following of 'rules of conduct' and self-neglecting (which is STS), while the other advocates glorification of ego - in this case, the lower self with its animal impulses - and calling it "following one's True Will" (which is really a false Will) or "fulfilling one's desires/potential" and calling it service to All.

RHPers believe they are STO because they adhere to 'rules', are 'nice' and don't use magick for negative ends. However, they neglect themselves with their material asceticism and passivity to violence. To be STO is not to adhere to rules and mundane laws (except universal laws); to be STO is to respect the freewill of others, to serve them when service is needed and to follow intuition, the voice of the spirit, and make choices with its guidance. To be STO is also to respect oneself - STO does not partake in STS duality of prey/predator for it has transcended it.

LHPers believe they have 'transcended' the limitations of RHPers by indulging in materiality or dark magic and ditching rules of conduct for moral relativism or amoralism. They paradoxically believe they can serve self and others at the time; they think they can serve others and the Creation by insisting their "higher ideals" upon others or "killing the cancer cells", that is, any entity who doesn't adhere to their ideals. They think they serve the Creator by "following their True Will", which as I have said, is really the lower self - the bestial, demonic Ego - pretending to be something transcendent. The "True" True Will is the intuition, not the lower self. At times LHPers don't believe in dualism, thinking STO/STO doesn't exist; sometimes they believe in this duality but they think these are equal and lead to the same end, that is, to unity with creator. However, the existence and possibility of freewill inevitably leads to STO/STS - there is the choice to help others and ascend together and there is the choice to manipulate others to 'ascend' oneself. However, STS does not ascend for it is the path of imbalance, spiritual entropy and death. STS absorbs all energy to oneself, STO gives its energy freely. STO raises oneself through others, but STS descends for it cannot cope with its growing imbalance.

RHP and LHP are both STS, though in different degrees. RHP plays the part of the naive prey while LHP plays the part of egoistic predator. STO does not follow paths, it follows intuition and plays by the universal laws.

In short, RHP/LHP is a poor way to describe the Choice (to serve others along with self, or to serve the self with expense of others) / STO/STS is better.


Another useless STO/STS thread.



The only thing that counts is action, acting instead of talking.


Thanks for the answer guys. I read many people telling me to do both. I'm mostly interested in Hermeticism and Luceferianism so I will be looking into those. Summoning Succubuses for sex also sounds interesting but that's just Satanism correct? Either way I'd like to try it sometime. Thank you again, esoteric wizards. I will continue to read whatever gets posted in this thread



I otherwise agree with the sentiments expressed in this post, but how can you believe in dualism and a monistic All? Dualism, free will etc. are illusions.


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I will try to define freewill first.

I agree with Montalk here; freewill is not an "all-or-nothing" thing but a matter of degree, that is, you can have a little bit of it or a huge amount or something in between. If we think freewill in absolutes, we can say no man has absolute freewill; but this is not true in my understanding, we have freewill but in varying degrees.

To have a free will means to be able to start new causal chains. To do this you need enough awareness, energy and willpower. These qualities can be attained through soul-growing. If you cannot do something with a free will, it is left to deterministic forces.

Why do I believe in freewill? I think Montalk explains it well here,

>So, what makes me think we have any freewill at all? Mainly because by becoming aware of a chain of causality, one can go against it. If we have no freewill, then everything is pre-decided. Thus even if I become aware of the future, if there were no freewill then there’s nothing I can do to change it. And yet, I can. If you were God and told me I would drop my pen in exactly 5 seconds, based on that I can choose to keep holding it, making the prediction wrong.

>In a more real-life example, we can see a tug-of-war in our own lives, opposite impulses pulling us in different directions. But it’s not always the strongest one that wins. For most people it is, as they’re not aware, not having willpower, and not caring, so they go whichever way the wind blows. But by becoming aware of these impulses, one can then choose which to go against. If all environmental and biological conditions induce a feeling of hunger in me, and I have before me a plate of food, then causality says I would be driven to eat it right away. If I didn’t think, I would. But if I become aware that causal forces are driving me to eat, that awareness alone is enough for me to choose to resist, thereby contradicting causality and showing I have freewill.

I have noticed the above in myself in different situations and I have come to personal conclusion that I do have some amount of freewill.

And what comes to dualism, I believe I have to quote Montalk again for he explains it the best,

>These dualities (STO/STS) follow from the fact that 1) you are conscious, 2) your consciousness is individualized, which gives you a sense of “self”, 3) you interact with “others” who are also conscious and individualized, 4) you have the freewill to choose the relation between your “self” and these “others.” Consequently, you either choose to grow at their expense (be predator) (STS), let them grow at your expense (be prey) (STS), or grow in a way that benefits both/all/most (neither predator nor prey) (STO).

Please see more, http://montalk.net/metaphys/267/sto-sts-and-densities#d5

I have to admit that I am not exactly sure how to reconcile dualism and monistic All with absolute certainty and understanding. It is not an understanding that can be attained with one's rational mind. In absolute sense, dualism might not exist. That is the so-called Law of One. However, we have to work with relativism while we are here, we have to participate in the illusion, so to speak.

It is all an illusion but it does not matter; it benefits our growth and leads us to the One.



Summoning a succubus is not "Satanism" at all. Succubus goes way back before any notions of a Satan entity.



I look as much as I can online but I only see it relating to Satanism, what other thing is it associated with?



Every single magickal religion of the world has succubus in it. Check out the "spirit spouse" page and also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus#Qarinah and please keep in mind what a succubus actually is. It goes by different names in other paradigms but it's the same class of entity described again & again.


Which path grants the most power?

Which path has the most accessible power?


I would recommend you read this http://www.lawofone.info and then decide yourself. No path is better then the other you choose which one to follow with your free will. Wheather you choose lhp or rph you will still be able to leave. Provided you have learned all the lessons you incarnated here to learn. The ra channelings might seem a bit rhp/sto oriented but I think they explain lhp/sts quite well too.



You want both, depending on the description of it. If you believe RHP/LHP is based on selfless/selfish then…Do both. Be moderate. If you think it's the pathway to God or to godhood, it's whichever floats your boat. Some one want to merge with "God", others want to be separate from it and individually powerful.

Or choose an Afro-Caribbean religion, interesting, powerful. Quimbanda, Palo, Vodou, Santeria…



A land of deeper shade,

Unpierced by human thought

The dreary region of the dead, where all things are forgot

Soon as from Earth I go, what will become of me?

Eternal happiness or woe, must then my fortune be

Waked by the trumpet sound I from my grave shall rise

And see the Judge with glory crowned, and see the flaming skies



Thanks for the post. I do believe in a phenomenologically derived inescapable dual-aspect nature of reality, yet have some kind of faith in the monistic truth, so can tolerate a schism.

This seems to make free will into an affection though.

I suppose this is why we are warned against trying to comprehend the All. Rationally anyway, or at least, this is only one component.



Have you had sex with a sylph?


just do it faggot


Only the most advanced Hermetists are able to grasp the

Inner Teachings regarding the state of existence, and the powers

manifested on the Spiritual Planes. The phenomena is so much

higher than that of the Mental Planes that a confusion of ideas

would surely result from an attempt to describe the same. Only

those whose minds have been carefully trained along the lines

of the Hermetic Philosophy for years—yes, those who have

brought with them from other incarnations the knowledge

acquired previously—can comprehend just what is meant

by the Teaching regarding these Spiritual Planes. And much

of these Inner Teachings is held by the Hermetists as being

too sacred, important and even dangerous for general public

dissemination. The intelligent student may recognize what we

mean by this when we state that the meaning of “Spirit” as used

by the Hermetists is akin to “Living Power”; “Animated Force”;

“Inner Essence”; “Essence of Life,” etc., which meaning must not

be confounded with that usually and commonly employed

in connection with the term, i. e., “religious; ecclesiastical;

spirituelle; ethereal; holy,” etc., etc. To occultists the word “Spirit”

is used in the sense of “The Animating Principle,” carrying

with it the idea of Power, Living Energy, Mystic Force, etc. And

occultists know that that which is known to them as “Spiritual

Power” may be employed for evil as well as good ends (in

accordance with the Principle of Polarity), a fact which has been

recognized by the majority of religions in their conceptions of

Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, Lucifer, Fallen Angels, etc. And so

the knowledge regarding these Planes has been kept in the

Holy of Holies in all Esoteric Fraternities and Occult Orders,—

in the Secret Chamber of the Temple. But this may be said

here, that those who have attained high spiritual powers and

have misused them, have a terrible fate in store for them, and

the swing of the pendulum of Rhythm will inevitably swing

them back to the furthest extreme of Material existence, from

which point they must retrace their steps Spiritward, along the

weary rounds of The Path, but always with the added torture

of having always with them a lingering memory of the heights

from which they fell owing to their evil actions. The legends of

the Fallen Angels have a basis in actual facts, as all advanced

occultists know. The striving for selfish power on the Spiritual

Planes inevitably results in the selfish soul losing its spiritual

balance and falling back as far as it had previously risen. But

to even such a soul, the opportunity of a return is given—and

such souls make the return journey, paying the terrible penalty

according to the invariable Law.

The Kybalian, pages 66-67



William Walker Atkinson approves.

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