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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.46722[Last 50 Posts]

Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: https://archive.is/r8wWL FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


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First top kek


Also, are there any good esoteric forums/imageboards?







don't bother too much with western stuff



Thank you.


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I'm looking for some motivation. Are there sentient fairies that I can talk to and play with in the astral planes? If not, are there any cute sentient beings that I can hang out with?


How to protect myself from, as I call them, spirit vampires, or things that pull me down?

Backstory is, I have a sad and unhealthy relationship with my gf, we have a child together so I try to make it work, but I'm unhappy, I can't talk to her, she's unresponsive, uninterested, drains my finances, to the point where I feel numb and empty inside.

Meditating becomes extremely hard because I get distracted of this sadness and also become physically tired of that until I give up and sleep.

I don't see how I can get out of this.




yeah, I tried finding a realm with Sylphs after some anon here posted on the fun he had playing with them.

can confirm, running through the wind with them is fun as fuck.


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I was wondering if anyone has some kind of information about this Nostradamus Deck.

I can't find any good information about this anywhere…

Have you guys ever at least heard of the existence of this deck?

I actually found it on the street, still closed in the box!! (Yea weird…) But it doesent have any kind of "manual" or information about it…




Your point is..?



Greenpill on gender



On F.A.Q?…

Good job…



None of the stuff besides the FAQ gets archived.



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Nostradamus? Y2K?




Awesome. I have read the Kybalion as well as Montalk's Fringe Knowledge for Beginners and know we live in a mental universe where anything can manifest. Should I continue down the suggested reading material like the Arcane Teachings or can I go ahead and start learning to Astral Project with Robert Bruce guide.



Do both. Astral Projection is the ultimate key.



So I should continue down the reading list in order before learning to Astral Project?





What's with all the hate for Crowley? I'm not CIDF I'm just interested in Thelema.



>muh Asians

Shoo away weeaboo, western occult is best occult.



Western occultism is based mostly on judiasm.



No way. Start MAP asap.


Anyone happen to have the picture resembling the hanged man tarot, a man hanging upside down dipping his hand in a pool, a rope tied to his feet with a pulley leading the rope to his other hand?


Does anyone have advice for good ways to aid falling asleep? My sleep schedule's been really messed up lately and I've had an awful time getting to sleep.

I've got some melatonin, but it really doesn't seem to help.

Are there any breathing techniques that help? That's something I could employ right away.



you could try pranayama. I haven't tried these myself unfortunately.


do you drink caffeine? don't drink any 6+ hours before you plan to sleep.

what's your melatonin dosage?

how do you currently sleep? same time every day? how fucked up is your schedule and is it beyond your immediate control?

install f.lux on all of your electronic devices, better yet turn them off if you can, and keep your lights out or dim an hour or so before you plan to go to sleep. blue light seems to keep people awake.

pay attention to what time you get tired before bed too and try to go to sleep around that time. Try to wake up and sleep around the same time if you want to normalize your sleep cycle and avoid taking naps if you can help it. You could take naps after your schedule is mostly normalized.

If you aren't a fatass and don't mind the addition of calories you could also eat something that will help make you sleepy like a banana or a few apples before bed.

if you're not against it, 420 mah nigga always helps me sleep early. it bombs your brain with melatonin.



the other anon is right, do both as energy work is a big part of magic in general and the key to astral projecting easily.


physical or mental exercise throughout the day that exhausts your reserves of energy. knocks me right out at the end of a tough day


Why is /fringe/'s Skype group so full of cancer and people who think they are smart, when they eat everything Google feeds them?



I've never checked it, but past experience taught me that whenever people from the chans gather together it becomes a "who's the master memer?" competition.

There's no avoiding it.



The skype chat is full of cancer because /fringe/ is full of cancer.


Hello there. I´m starting to get into Wizardry, and as the FAQ instructed, I went for the books.

1.- The Kybalion: Everyhting fitted perfectly, I felt that sense of correctness inside…

2.- The Arcane Teaching: From the very beginning I felt uneasy with this one. Lots of things I learned from the Kybalion kind of fell apart. Where is THE ALL? Why is THE LAW above all else now? Is this just another point of view? Why is Nothingness and Not a thing now? Why isn´t the world Mental now? I haven´t finished this book yet but I´m finding it hard to follow.



I don't drink caffeine.

The melatonin tablets I have are 5mg.

I try to go to sleep around 9-11PM, but my sleep schedule seems to want me to go to sleep at like, 3-5AM. It usually results in me waking up really late so it makes it harder to get to bed earlier.

I'll try out f.lux, that sounds like a good idea. I usually leave my computers running while I sleep, the fans drown out ambient noise that would normally wake me up. I leave my lamp on while I sleep though, and I can imagine this might be a problem. I can't really sleep without it though, if it's off I'll wake up in the middle of the night with a terrible feeling of dread.


I would imagine exercise would help, but I have problems sweating and overheat if I exercise long enough to wear myself out. I'd rather not chance any health risks involved there if I can help it.


To those attempting to astral project, like I, don't try to AP, instead try to induce sleep paralysis, and then AP. It's been a complete gamechanger for me, I'm so close to it.



I would recommend you meditate on these concepts. If you don't understand them. Once you truly understand them you will know how to use those concepts in every situation that comes up.

I can answer those questions for you if you want although just comment on my post. It is not necessary to hold any fancy asanas or doing breathing techniques when you meditate. Now if you still want them I can post some information on this. Since you said you are fairly new to this just try to clear you mind and keep it focused on one thing which in this case is understanding the kybalion and the Arcane teachings. You can sit in a chair or even walk. Yes walking meditation works and the Buddhists and many other religions do it. The only thing needed is that you relax and not move unless you are doing some sort of walking meditation.I hope this helps.



I try to meditate on the go, as I read, taking notes about what I think is the most important.

As I mentioned, The Kybalion was just beautiful, my mind embraced every concept easily.

Now… Arcane Teachings. I won´t continue my reading until I make my mind up to the concepts exposed in the first chapter Fundamental Principles. But I have issues with the change of focus from Principle to Law, ALL to LAW. Is THE ALL irrelevant in the cosmic scale, whereas THE LAW takes its place? Is creation possible without THE ALL, is it all just matter reciclying under THE LAW?

Why do the Three Initiates bother to talk about the supremacy of THE ALL if Atkinson will just mop the floor with that concept and state that THE LAW can´t be inferior to any other IS-ness?

If THE LAW is so Absolute and isn´t bound to Change then how is everything else changing, how can people bend The Laws via transmutation?



I guess the answer to all your questions is the following.

Now I will call the all the creator so this is easier to explain.

Now the all created everything there is.

You are a creator just as well and have the same power in a limited form since you are confined to earth for now. So you are just a creator experiencing himself.

In the same way the all experiences itself.

Now from this you can see the laws are never bend. I hope this helps.


I fucking hate "rituals", "sigils" and any kind of nonsense that doesn't utlize pure mind power. This is disgusting and degenerate, Atkinson is the real deal, no bulllshit added.



May I ask what is the aim of posting this here?and as the saying goes "different stroke for different folks", why the cultish follower mind-set?what make other practice "disgusting and degenerate"?



Is Smiley still updating and adding new books to /fringe/ MEGA/Torrent?


I have a question regarding the whole magick thing, I don't mean to sound like a fedora-tipper, but is there some way to find proof about anything on this board that doesn't involve months of reading and performing mystical things? Don't get me wrong, I would totally do these kinds of things because they sound cool, but I'm at the point were only psychedelics could convince me to follow some sort of faith(sounds autistic, I know). I'm not usually the kind of person to worry about gods or an afterlife or anything. The only thing I kinda believe in is spooky ghosts, and that's only because I watch a lot of ghost investigations.

tl;dr Is there a way to prove anything on this board without it taking a long time?



go look at this


and read The Invisibles


Does anyone know of any good source about Rodnovery (slavic paganism)? Every site i go into tells about the solstices, equinoxes etc. but none say anything about the practices. For example, someone says that the ancients who worshipped these gods in the time of Atlantis, Thule, Hyperborea were way more technologically advanced, but they don't tell us how, and why.




this is an introduction to one of the most significant experiments in quantum physics. this is what definitely opened my mind to accepting the supernatural nature of the human consciousness… and thus some kin of "will" that created the universe..


this is the book that the faq sais to be the first one you should read. it's pretty short and not that heady, in addition to just making intuitive sense…

the thing that sets the reasoning behind the principles of hermeticism apart from any other beliefs is that

1. it never ever contradicts with the observable

for example the pagan beliefs of some tribes in buttfuck nowhere who believe we are swimming on one huge tortoise swimming in an ocean is disprovable…

2. every principle, every thought, everything is build upon observable things that are provable, without any leaps in logic. (unless you just shut down and say "no it can't be, because")

the passage on the nature of the ALL is a formidable example of this logical way of deducing truth.

there is a reason why people like newton himself spend most of their time with alchemy and hermeticism than with math, optics and other physics.




Thanks guys, I will be sure to read/watch the things you sent, and hopefully I can decide what I believe.


I'll be visiting a psychic reader with very good reviews soon. It is my first time doing it, so does anyone have any tips? She does tarot, palm, crystal, tea leaf, aura, and past life readings.





I'm going to be honest, I am pretty stupid. I couldn't get past the 5 part of The Invisibles because I just have a hard time getting into comics, and this one is long and convoluted. The youtube video is alright, but it didn't do anything for me, especially since this wasn't the first time learning about this phenomenon. And kybalion is just a pain in the ass to read. Is there just an idiot's guide for this in nice and stupid layman's terms?



If you're interested in practical methods and trying stuff out rather than going too into the philosophy side of things try NAP: >>47073

I only read the first invisbles book and it sucked tbh.

Do NAP for a few days and you'll surprise yourself.

After that maybe start up a meditation practise, look up half lotus asana and focus on your breath for 10-20 minutes a day.


I think he was just trolling with that comic. If tehre is any good magic in media it's to be found in Anime, not this.


Yeah, magick aint for me. I have a hard time believing any of this. The reading material seems sketchy at best too. Oh well.



Really? Do you not understand simple logic? 2+2=4? Is that too hard to grasp?

How old are you? Maybe you should just spend more time reading generic fiction to acclimatize yourself with various concepts.


Reading, kinda, but not really "Joys of Satan".


1. DOES he, or does he NOT condemn people to a "Hell"? I've read Satan's poetry. Here's something from "Qu'ret al-Yezid; Revelation of Melek Ta'us". Page 43 of Joy of Satan.

Not the false gods of their books, wrongly written;

But they come to know me, a peacock of bronze and gold,

Wings spread over Kaaba, temple, and church, not to be overshadowed.

And in the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,

Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.

Knowing this, who dares deny?

Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?

Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

Know that who knows me will I cast into paradisiacal gardens of my pleasure!

But the Yezid who knows me not will I cast into affliction.

That's not the only sense where non-believers are punished.

Page 44, "Peace unto him"

Who dies in my love, I will cast him

In the midst of paradise, by my will and pleasure;

But he that dies unmindful of me

Will be thrown into torture in misery and affliction.

Read that, and interpret it as either hubris or as someone who understands their power and authority.


Poem 1, page 45:

Constellations prostrated to me until I was elevated.

Like the prostration of servants to the served.

And all those in the universe said to me

O God, Lead us into the straight path.

??? Last line. Please explain?

Poem 2, page 45:

My honor is presiding over everything.

And for this I am the one, the most strong and the most perfect

And I call in my strength who is the rule other than me.

I am the great and the most high.

O my worshippers believe in me, do not disregard me

For disbelief is of the characteristics of the selfish.

I give the infidels an ever close fire to drink

And breezes to those who believe in me.

Praise be to me glorified is my ability

Elevated is my sublimity, Here I am the King of the Earth.

Just trying to be open minded, as stated everyone worshipping Satan should question everything.

"Unlike most religions, Spiritual Satanism encourages one to question everything. Being one's personal

best and exceeding limitations are the essence of Spiritual Satanism and this begins with using one's

brains to their maximum potential."

page 22.

I am no enemy, but someone very willing to learn.



/fringe/'s reading list is the best because magic is really just about willing stuff into existence.


i don't want results… i just wanna expand my conscioussness… don't know how to describe i just want to be like the inhabitants of atlantis… did they follow the path as fringe? if so, why isn't fringe turning the world around? is fringe just a bunch of kids trying to use magic in order to lose their v card?



I think 85 people vs 7,000,000,000 are highly stacked odds.



not necessarily the world lol… but making a huge difference, why not? it is /magic/ after all


I'm sick of summer and socializing etc getting in the way of spiritual practices. After this incarnation is done I'm studying in the astral for a while. What can I do metaphysically while on vacation in a beach town? Practice stealing loosh from others? Sacrifice beachgoers to Satan? What?



have some fun man, you don't go to beaches every day :^)



How do you know they're not making a huge difference in their lives and in the lives of people around them?



The ALL is the canvas of reality. The LAW are the conditions in which it operates. When the ALL slides into nothingness after the cosmic slumber manifestation occurs. The LAW is the principles noted in the kybalion that manifest (and unmanfiest) reality obeys



I thought of that but each author/authors is very emphatic on the absoluteness and supremacy of every concept.

The ALL is given more attributes than those of a canvas, such as spirit, will (that is not bound to anything or else it wouldn´t be absolute), genres, etc. I think that the Three Initiates even mention that it is over the Laws.

The LAW, in a similar fashion, is given the complete supremacy, hence it´s absoluteness, over everything, that nothing and Nothing can be over it. Yet the LAW doesn´t seem to have a creator property, or genres, or Will, it´s just a framework.

What do?



I was simplifying it but you are correct. The ALL would be more aptly attributed to the canvas, paintbrush and paint. To clarify things, Nothingness would be the best description of the canvas.

The ALL is the cosmic mind in which thoughts create manifestation. The LAW is not above the ALL, but the framework. Nothing is without the ALL, everything is within. i.e. the ALL is subject to the principle of polarity, but the duality is an illusion since the principle of polarity is within the ALL. Seperate-ness is a half truth. When he mentions the Laws absoluteness, WWA is saying that one can equalize these Laws to utilize them but can never transcend them since they are integral to the ALL.



Thanks for the insight. I think I fell for the mistake of attributing the ALL´s mentality human features and confounding the Will with a mere will.



Did you miss the part where I said I was stupid? I don't do a whole lot of intensive reading like other people might. I play vidya and draw, that is the extent of the things I do.


I can understand that, but I need to be some sort of literary scholar to understand most of it. It all beats around the point. It never straight up says "If you do_ this will happen" it says "well if you like__ and want __ do __ on the _ and hope to god that _____"



>Did you miss the part where I said I was stupid?

Don't ever use that as an excuse. You don't need to be smartsy-pantsy to read a 50 page book. If you are really interested in "getting it" you'll read it otherwise it just means that at the moment you're not interested enough; simple as that. Perhaps another time then but remember, if you ever start on this path you'll come to regret not doing it earlier.



I'm sorry, I don't mean to be condescending but you should really educate yourself for your own good.


Is it normal that when I do the part of the exercise of the arcane formulas where I have to energize the body by concentrating upon it if I concentrate intensely I start trembling, even my eyelids? Maybe it might be because I'm using epilepsy meds? Never had conscious seizure but it feels like I might have one if I keep doing it.


Also it's not like I get this when I concentrate on a single body part/s but when I concentrate on the whole of it with too much strength that happens. It also happens when I concentrate on the space around me. I just want to know if it's normal because I don't wanna risk bad stuff.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



from my experience it might be one of two things, but never both at the same time.

1 - Your ideas of concentration bring with it the notion of effort, and therefore when you concentrate it goes together with a tightening of the body which results in trembling simply because you are applying tension where there shouldn't be.

2 - Your ideas of concentration bare no notion of tension which results in you resolving tensions which were previously being applied in the body unconsciously, which therefore result in trembling because you are solving tension.

Trembling is merely the passing of stages. So in other words you are either going from relaxed to rigid or from rigid to tense.

I'm leaving you with a video of Krishnamurti. He makes a for a very good demonstration between this two aspects of human existence, he calls the first concentration and the second attention, or choiceless awareness. Feel free to search for another speech if you feel this one is too long.



oops I meant. You are either going from relaxed to rigid or from rigid to relaxed.



Thanks for your answer, I'm gonna watch the video ASAP. At the moment I feel bad, depressed and weak. I'm probably doing it wrong like in the first example you used and bombarding myself with energy or something like that, I don't feel rigid muscles but at the same time I start "sensing" my body like I was touched almost on the whole of it, particularly the arms. This happens also when I concentrate on the external space, like some sort of pressure about my body. Does this even have some utility? I'm not even sure I wanna ever do this again with these bad feels but I'd like to know anyway in case you're aware of any?



>you're aware of any?

Yeah, I'm highly kinetic (I don't know if that's the right word) even when I'm playing music I feel it more as energy movement than sound really. Its like I can feel the whole environment as my body.

>Does this even have some utility?

Absolutely yes, once you know how to recognize both types in yourself it will be amazing. That is the beginning of tai chi, healing and other /fringe disciplines. After you become fully aware of both types and how they relate to each other you can learn to utilize them. So take it as a blessing.

Plus it is pretty funny when you learn overpower people using it with just one finger without moving the body or using strength.



>At the moment I feel bad, depressed and weak.

Reading your message again, I forgot to add something important here.

Sometimes you might feel depressed and weak not because you're doing it wrong but because you're doing it right. The energy itself doesn't carry with it any type of emotion, the emotion is created by your relationship to it. Sometimes you might free yourself from old tensions and as a result it will bring the "psychological" problem which caused those tensions to rise to surface giving you the chance of solving it once and for all.



>not necessarily the world lol… but making a huge difference, why not?

>implying it wasn't /fringe/ that taught /pol/ meme magic, using them to boost Ebola and various other happening in the last years


Meanwhile winter in the southern hemisphere

>too cold to get motivated

> desired occult practices keep getting put on hold due to getting sick, forcing me to focus on getting better immediately

Self healing yourself while your nose is blocked and you're getting chills is the fucking worst since it takes your all to visualize yourself as healthy.

Just enjoy summer and catch up on magick at night after you're done with mundanes.




Thanks for your time man, I'll keep practicing and hopefully one day I'll master this gift.


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I've been playing the video game Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

and I've been wondering if real vampires are real. In the sense that they can live 200-500+ years being dead but alive, feeding on human cattle, blue bloods.

I know there are "psychic vampires" as they drain spiritual/psychic energies but what about real vampires? Also the question about Ghouls, normal human who have been bitten and feed on Kindred's (vampires) blood to get a drug rush.

I can't find many information about vampires, and the good one are always 30 bucks a book which has 10% relevant information.



You can already live without food, be immortal in the flesh and avoid the sun if that's what you're into. But what's so cool about vampires anyways? Read Teachings of the immortals if you're wondering.



noted I'll check that

It's not really the coolness of vampires but more about if theyre the concept of it is real thing that interest me. It would totally make sense. Blood donations and all, the final death, the gold, etc.



>but more about if theyre the concept

I mean, if the concept of it is real, never mind this I just woke up and Im not english, etc.


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I'm so tired of this AP shit, I've tried more times than I can count over the course of several months and I've never gotten even close. I've never even gotten to the sleep paral stage. Is AP real or have I been memed?



What other spiritual practise do you do regularly?

Don't try running before you can walk.



Read more, watch more, get more information and guidance. You do understand that lucid dreaming and dream remembrance plays a key role here? An absolute idiot proof guide is Robert Bruce's course.



Do the middle pillar to build your body of light, you need this strong to ap properly. Check the nap thread for the new millenium power for a good middle pillar system, use the self hypnosis script, relax for 5-10 minutes or however long you feel like it, and then do the middle pillar.

Do this everyday and you'll build yer body of light enough to ap a lot easier.

Here's the book:


Write down the holy names you vibrate and each energy center in a notepad so you can do it lying down with your head propped up or do it while sitting and read it from the screen, shutting your eyes while you build the energy.


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>"occultists" wearing glasses

>"occultists" aging and dying

>"occultists" with life-threatening illnesses




In my nitch books


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I want to have a human cow. It would be a human being within whom I implanted a tulpa during her time as a foetus, causing her to grow into a woman with very large, lactating breasts and a profound desire to serve specifically me. Is this possible?

If it's not possible, can I at least use magick to free myself of this fetish?


Need greenpill on western alchemy. What exactly are they doing besides reading old texts? What's the application? Are they even doing real magic or simply transmute their emotional and characteristic aspects as the Kybalion mentions?



look up the book of aquarius - i dont think its completely right but its a good start


http://www.alchemyprocesses.com/ is a good website.


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basically all things have life energy and are in the process of evolution.

the life energy is contained in three parts - in the fixed salt, volatile salt and spirit.

by passing the spirit through the salt in various processes emulating nature the life energy is infused in the substance and can be used for medicine and apparently turn base metals to gold.

theres more too it than that but i havent done any experiments or anything yet



Having read some of the old texts:

Some are about meditation. It's a complex symbology detailing workings of the mind alone.

Some are about tantric sex.

Some are about actual alchemy involving spiritual and material operations to create an actual object. This is by all means the most cryptic and according to some, full of shit. This is also likely to be what killed Parsons, good with chemistry but probably not as good with alchemy, as mercury fulminate is involved in fuckups, especially in the dry way. If you want to know more, get your hands on the book by Frater Albertus. Good read, gets you trough the creation of the vegetal stone, babby's first alchemical operation. For me, I got the intended result. The glassware wasn't expensive but depending on where you live there may be laws about buying it. Beware: takes time, and I had some training in chemistry to begin with, so I was already familiar with lab 101.

One of the most prized texts is the Mutus Liber. Look it up. Keep also in mind that this is rooted in a different belief system than the one you have now, from a time when modern medicine did not exist.


Awakening your Psychic Abilities and Spiritual Awareness



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can one find lost knowledge in the astral, and i am looking for good beats to astral project to as i wish to astral project to find knowledge of how to travel to one of the infinite parallel realities.



Only basic level banishing and kaballistic cross. I sort of jumped into things and may have been rushing.


I remember 99% of my dreams, have had a journal for months. I've tried Bruce's book but a lot of the shit seemed silly. I'll try again but do all of it I suppose.


Thank you, will do.



That's exactly what I want to do, too.



>to find knowledge of how to travel to one of the infinite parallel realities.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you can only change to another reality through insanity or altering your future actions so that consequences will be in accordance with the reality you want in the future.



It's very possible to change dimensions.


Does anybody know where to start in yoga exercises? I mean physical exercies, the mental part I'm acquainted with. I wanted to do some stretches, get more flexible, all that stuff. Any books, manuals, vids, anything you got would be extremely helpful.




Thank you, I will make a good use of it.



I would look up Jean dubuis.

I have a book explaining hermetic alchemy. I can link it.

You should also read this http://www.golden-dawn.com/eu/displaycontent.aspx?pageid=102-true-nature-of-hermetic-alchemy.

I also have muanascripts from Manly P hall on alchemy.

Now as a start I would recommend the books from Jean dubuis hovewer. Just comment and I'll link the books. I hope this helps.


Where is the kind of "dangerous" Kundalini Yoga? The one that people always refer to as too intense?






Thank you all.

Btw I have Jean Dubius materials already.



Could you link the materials you mentioned? Especially Jean Dubuis stuff.



For Jean Dubuis try this torrent


Mega is uploading like 20-40 kb/s so I can't upload it.

The other things are here https://mega.co.nz/#F!rFM31Z5R!Pu8laOnAAEKo3nszCvM91w

I may try to upload the Jean Dubuis folder again tommorow if mega works.


What is "meme magic"?

The name sounds stupid, but I keep hearing about shit like this on /pol/, and some other boards.

Something about collective will and egregores some such or another.



Effecting reality through memes and the collective force of the imagination and will of the userbase bringing them to life.

Egregores can be seen in two ways, they can be seen as a spirit or intelligence created by a group or as a spirit or intelligence that is created by AND influences the group. An example of the former is ebola chan and bane, an example of the latter is the idea of anonymous as an entity coming from "anonymous" being the default name on /b/ and their collective actions, the egregore then governs what is permissible and expected on the site and acts through the users (as in raids). The former usage of the term is more common on chan sites these days and is more about creating a spirit which causes results in the world separately to the direct actions of but based on or charged by the will and ritual action of the userbase.



>ebola chan and bane

Could you elaborate on that, please?



How does it connect to Baneposting and it affecting reality?




Ebola chan stuff is worshiping an anime "goddess" of the ebola virus in order for it to spread more.

Don't know much about baneposting I missed out on that, all I can gather is that it supposedly caused some plane to crash, maybe someone else can fill you in on more of the details.


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Can I get a tl;dr about memes?


what are your views on jews and african americans and how and/or are they related?



Good taste in vidya.

As far as I'm aware there aren't any "supernatural" creatures that use blood for sustenance and die from sun light. When occult books mention vampires it's usually referring to people who have a tendency to vampirise other people's energy, loosh farmers essentially.

Most commonly they're unaware of their energy draining nature and don't realize why contact with other people makes them energized while leaving the others emotionally drained.


I would personally recommend you cure yourself of this fetish which will probably be as simple as you ending exposure to this sort of porn and going no fap for about a month. This should revert your fetishes to vanilla if nothing else.

The way to actually satisfy this fetish of yours could probably be done in the same way that people have managed to materialize their tulpas. Make your cowslut tulpa and pour energy into it until it becomes stronk enough to materialize in your life in form of some big breasted woman you'd meet one day.


>Can one find lost knowledge in the astral

yes, akashic records, good luck interpreting and remembering that shit though


/fringe/ is split between good goyim egalitarians and /pol/ tier nat socs.

admins belong to the latter and would happily gassen der juden and hang dindus, with magick of course.




The deeper you get the sooner you realize how little things like that matter, although since I'm not to that point in my journey gas the kikes race war now


Is there a place I can find old freedomboard /fringe/ threads? There were some good ones I never got to read.


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There is a HUGE number of "occultists" wearing glasses while lecturing on "healing".




>be me

>about a month ago

>went to a "shamanism and healing" lecture

>show up five minutes late.

>speaker had already started.

>bloated fat chick

>struggling to project her voice

>tense as fuck.

>stop at the entrance for a minute to see what she is saying.

>"now we all have powers"

>ok maybe I can deal with this

>"like the power wake up in the morning"

>realize she is talking semantics as a defense mechanism

>left right away

I wonder why so many people eat up this shit. I didn't into /fringe/ until I've found a proper expression of it, which in my case was the Tao Te Ching.



>I'm not to that point in my journey

So how do you know? How can you predict an entirely new thing? Don't you think that if you can predict it it is just an expression of previous knowledge and experience? A perpetuation of the state you're already in right now?



He was just joking around, Anon.



oh… so I might have made a fool out of myself again then? Kek its like I never learn.



I was not poking around. You'll know when you get there anon.



Would you mind sharing what you know of the akashic records?



there where? You mean to say jews are in any way shape or form relevant?

I do realize a lot of the things which I see as dreadful in the world can be tracked down fairly accurately to "the jews did it". I just make it a point of priority to ignore it. I simply refuse to entertain the idea that anyone but myself is responsible for the world we live in, and I do think blaming and or praising whoever for the current state of things is petty and shallow.



>simply refuse to entertain the idea that anyone but myself is responsible for the world we live in,

Having an internal locus of control is good and so is refusing to blame others but at the same time we need to be progressing between the two points of being responsible for our own world and the weight of other peoples actions. Progressing through this is a good way to gradually achieve an understanding of your true will, your degree of influence and control over your own life and how you want to live and how to achieve that.

An accurate understanding of these things is important in occultism and in living life to the fullest. Reverting to complete inward responsibility without recognising others influence stifles social and cultural progression and therefore undermines the degree to which we can cause actual change in the world.

(Not coming at this from a stormfront angle btw)



That sounds pretty solipsistic to me.



Solipsism is real.



that is all well and good, except it is something that can't be done except by setting an example which is what you do when you refuse to excuse yourself from responsibility. Saying someone or something else is to blame is an excuse. Jews wouldn't be a problem at all if everyone stopped falling into their tricks, they'd be seen as a child trying to trick an adult.

Just for illustration, I don't use cellphones. I haven't used them for about 4 years now. I could have that attitude by thinking all those privacy issues or by explaining how cellphone companies (and others) affect negatively our daily life simply by their cheer lack of morals. But I didn't, I stopped using it because it was a social convention I didn't need and wasn't adding anything of relevance to my own experience of life.

So when people ask me about it they're usually weirded out in the beginning, slowly however they begin to realize I'm not trying to teach them anything, I'm not lets say "insulting their intelligence", I am simply doing what is best for me. And some do arrive at the conclusion eventually that it is best for them. Most don't stop using it entirely but a lot of the people around me use it way less, and I've seen it many times where they sell their iphone5000 for an old cellphone just so they can message people when they really need it.

I realize I could not have "influenced" those people if at any point I had had the idea of doing so. I tried it the other way around and it NEVER WORKS. Only when I've given up on thinking in terms of control over people that I've been able to manifest any, if you can call it that.

It happens with many things, like when I came back to my home town my family was weirded out by me drinking vegetable juice every morning. They tried to make fun of it and argue logic points about it. All attempts to put it down however failed because I was simply indulging in my experience of life and living that as well as I could, and that is something nobody can argue with anyone about. Now a lot of them drink it, my aunt have done vegetable juice fasting, my mom always drinks it in the morning, my dad started saying "it is the best remedy I've ever seen" after getting well from the flu in a shorter time he was expecting to when he decided to try it.


I actually had to google it. I had forgotten about it entirely. From my previous consideration of this philosophy I believe most of it is not wrong, just incomplete.


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Is the Hermetica worth a read? The only other Magickal texts I have read is the Kybalion and Montalk's book.



The translation of one part presented in The Secret Teachings of All Ages is certainly worth reading. If you don't like that, don't bother with the rest. It had a profound effect on me when I read it, but the other parts didn't appeal much to me, as I'm not fond of the translations of the other parts available.


You know /fringe/ i went on a weed trip yesterday and i while trying to get out, i felt reaally dreamy and i thought i was skipping from one dream to another, and after a while i'd forget what i was dreaming about. But then i thought, if i just go through different dreams, when the trip ends, we go back to the "real" world.

So is the thing we are living in now a dream? Think about it, when we have a lucid dream we can shape it using our thoughts IF we realize we are in a dream. Then we have mastery over it. So is with the the thing we are living in right now. This is not "our" dream, it is a collective one. The wild things in our lucid dreams do not happen in the real life dream because it is not ours, it would take a big amount of people to put energy into something in order to will it into existence.

This kinda makes sense to me. Does it to anyone else?


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Can anyone upload this to Mega or /pdfs/? I can't find it on any torrents.



>Quantum Touch

Either you're shilling super hard, or you need to give some more info to back that up.

I havent read any full texts by Quantum Touch but from what I've seen on their website it's new-age bullshit.

Mind uploading some PDFs for us?



>this is better

>"what is it?"

>i won't tell you :^)

ahahahaha you faggot get the fuck out


I need to know how to utlize the magic of "Sieg Heil" and nazi salute.

Do you "Sieg Heil" everyday?



No, that sounds TAYYYYYYYRIble



Essentially a library that contains all the knowledge in the world allegedly. It's interpreted by different people differently so for some it could be a computer database or akin to a physical library for others.

I tried using it for fairly mundane desires to git gud at mathematics but once back in my physical body I couldn't articulate what I've discovered. Likely because my astral senses are lacking.


Do you need to be able to AP to see auras/energy?



You need to have your 3 rd eye open and be relaxed enough. The aura of the color blue is the easiest to see for example . This book should help you Robert Bruce - Training to See Auras. Now for ap I would recommend to first learn to see auras and remember all of your dreams before you attempt to ap. I hope this helps.



I went no fap for the whole of Jan to June only to eventually succumb to these vices. To be honest though, while I did not fap, I most certainly did daydream on these things thus I never truly ended my exposure.

In order to rid myself of it for good then, I'll need to take conscious observation of my mind far, far more seriously. Rather, conscious control is the only way. I don't want to live my life as a mere victim of my environment so I'll accept the challenge. The hardest part is that when I slip-up, I don't even realise that I'm slipping because that realisation requires the very consciousness that I lack. Nonetheless, I'll try this again but properly.



Thanks m8


which occult techniue gives results most quickly?



Would you be so kind as to share your knowledge of how to get there/use it? I tried once but I don't know if I did it correctly.



With drugs: mushrooms, dmt or ayahuasca.

Without drugs: nap, middle pillar, meditation



Nei Gong



The closest thing to the crash site had "Baine" in it, the plane's id started with 4U, and the plane crashed with no survivors.



That's creepy seriously.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Robert Bruce has a pretty good video on the Akashic Records.



>the plane's id started with 4U

What's the relevence of this?


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but wait! there's more



cia: if i take that mask off will you die?

bane: it would be extremely painful

cia: you're a big guy

bane: for you


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How do you raise strong aryan children without physical/mental defects?


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Thanks a lot, will save this.

Would definitely appreciate more on raising great children.



I'm talking about stuff like (As what people have said here) Avoiding mouth breathing, resting tongue on roof of mouth, etc.



>water birth at home

>raw vegan

>dont let them wear shoes, keep them walking properly, at best barefeet

>lots of fresh air and clean, nice environment

>teach meditation and astral projection asap

>be a role model

>lots of outdoor activities, especially swimming

>teach them not to squint their eyes when it's bright, eyefold muscles should stay relaxed, teach sungazing

>no sunglasses, no sunscreen

>get them games that let them be both creative and analytical, like legos

>avoid contact with mundanes, especially when they're babies and get carried along everywhere, babies see auras and cry qhen they're confronted with these disgusting freaks you see everywhere



*meant heeled shoes

>try to avoid doctors

>absolutely no flu shots, vaccines

>lots of mental stimulation

>encourage cold water cures/cold showers/swimming in the icy water, walking on snow

By the time they must go to school you should be able to talk to them as if they're adults.


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I would raise mine on a perfect diet, not let them wear shoes, home school them in important subjects, make sure they get into good sleeping, exercise, and other good habits as early as possible, try to make them predominately INFP or INTJ, use hypnosis on them and anything else that would help them become a legendary spiritual teacher, inventor, or revolutionary leader of something important.




>dat moustache

Great book if you're into philosophy: Aristokratia. Includes elucidation on Nietzsche's views on politics, what his position on the slave morality and ubermensch really mean. He's not completely against all religion or spirituality.

Also includes essays on Evola, Hinduism and Crowley's political views amongst other philosophers.



Basically Nietzsche's political views are best summed up as aristocratic radicalism, democracy promotes mediocrity and we should be ruled by people with merit of good character and personal qualities. Book goes into what this involves.



I think you forgot Nietzsche's view about life

le god is ded



and also freemasonry, nothing worthwhile, fuck him.


How can I drink or smoke marijuana without being affected by it and inebriated. Does it require a massive amount of willpower, and are there multiple ways to not be affected by it? I know that there are monks that can take hallucinagenics and intentionally be unnafected by it.




That's an incomplete picture based on a quote that is out of context from an allegorical piece of fiction.

>numerous references to Dionysus

>strong Hellenic influence on his thought

>Despite nietzsche's common association with atheism, his attitude towards religion stems from a dislike of the Judeo-Christian environment of his day, and contains strands of religious philosophy. To the casual reader, the material found in The Antichrist and Twilight of the Idols could be a simple product of atheism, but it is actually another carefully constructed dyad in his words; that of Rome and Judea. This is not crude anti-semitism however, which is something that Nietzsche disapproved of, rather it is based on the religious values inherited from the Abrahamic Traditions passed into modern democratic society from ancient times.

>[on why certain people are worthy of leadership] Neitzsche's claim is that they are of higher value because they realize higher states of the soul. An unusual claim for a philosopher linked to the "death of God" - however Nietzsche's philosophy of religion is not strictly atheism. Whilst it does denounce the Judeo-Christian Tradition, Nietzsche actually speaks with great admiration of other traditions, such as the hindu and the hellenic.



I've heard cold showers recommended elsewhere, what does it accomplish?


Hello /fringe/

I would probably be considered an open mindend

mundane by most of you and have a simple questions.

I persue a single very secular goal, which is achievable through conventinal means.

It requires a lifelong amount of dedication and alot of skill and is risky without end

and could lead to alot of misery but it is the thing I prioritize the most in the world.

Power is a tool I need to achieve it and I am

already on my way to get it in different forms.

Still if I can find more of it I would engage in its pursuit.

Reading some of the descriptions here most forms of occultism/wizardry

require a certain willingness to let go of worldly desires which is in

conflict with my intentions.

Also I am more or less required to pursue ALOT of /sci/-faggotry

aswell as to move in morally ambiguous areas.

Considering all of this my question is:

How much can I gain from studying the occult?


Well if this post wasn't worth anything to you atleast take this:


Pathologic Summary taken from link:

>On the surface, Pathologic is a first person horror adventure game where you control one of three "heroes." Dig deeper, however, and you’ll find an experience that will affect your emotional and psychological state; you’ll find yourself in situations where morals and good deeds are meaningless in the face of raw despair and endless need. Talk to the denizens of the town and decide for yourself if you wish to ease someone else’s pain or save every bit of precious medicine to protect yourself from the invisible and inexorable plague. Become witness to the miasma of horror as the plague begins to overcome the town. Get ready for Pathologic. The show is about to begin.

Really good story and setting

shit gameplay, better with cheats.

If you browse /fringe/ or enjoyed Vampire the masquerade

you probaby end up liking it.




You don't need to let go of worldly desires, unless you want to reach the highest stages of development. It is generally recommend that a beginner manages the desires of the tongue (tasty unhealthy food most people are addicted to are bad for the body and mind, so slow development) and genitals (losing semen is bad for the body and mind, and sexual energy is better used for other things.

You can gain great concentration, visualization and self-control, which is essential for nearly any major worldly goal. Do you mind sharing your goal?

I would recommend The Master Key System. The recommend starting text generally given by this board is The Kybalion and this book is said to be a practical wrapper of it, which is more suited for people with worldly desires.

Consider the following and ask yourself whether this sounds right for you:

"There are many today who claim The Master Key System is the greatest personal-development book ever written.

It is simply one of the finest studies in personal power, metaphysics, and prosperity consciousness that exists.

And The Master Key System was among the first books to use the phrase Law of Attraction, which has become such a popular term today when referring to the most powerful force in the universe.

Covering everything from how to create abundance and wealth to how to get healthy, the author Charles F Haanel leaves no stone unturned.

With precision, he elucidates on each topic with logic and rigor that not only leaves you feeling good, but also thinking good.

It is Silicon Valley's secret that almost every entrepreneur who made a fortune in recent years did so by studying the words Mr. Haanel penned around 100 years ago! Almost every millionaire and billionaire in the Valley read The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. Since this book was no longer in print until recently, copies of The Master Key System became a hot commodity in the Valley.

The book was also one of the major inspirations behind the hit movie known as "The Secret" and is now known to have inspired the writing of the world's most famous success book Think And Grow Rich."

The above is quoted from here, where the book can be found in full: http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTekTMKSContents.html#sthash.TeNegSG2.dpbs&gsc.tab=0



>The master key system

>is that Napoleon Hill?

>Charles F Haanel

Thanks anon, I was not aware of this. I've listened to Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil" some time ago, but for some reason didn't search further into it.


>I persue a single very secular goal, which is achievable through conventinal means.

>It requires a lifelong amount of dedication and alot of skill and is risky without end

A huge part of /fringe/ study is about removing things that put you down and cultivating things that put you up, so to speak.

Just for illustration… I often say I'm a child again, not because I necessarily think or act like a child but because I feel somewhere along the line I stopped learning/experiencing the "how humans work" process and now I'm beginning to learn it from where I stopped as a child . Somewhere along the line I started breathing through my chest, somewhere along the line I traded mother's milk for bullshit food, somewhere along the line I began believing things which were not so. So pretty much by a process of elimination of that which is unnecessary I find that which is necessary. By eliminating the futile you discover the effective. By eliminating the shallow you discover the deep. By eliminating the cheap you discover the valuable.

I feel a lot of the "eliminate desire/thought/identification" is pretty much a way to correct that which had been wrongly assumed. Lets take for instance a hypothetical person who say things like "I want to be a scientist" but the more you know that person the more you realize all that person really wants is to be respected intellectually, and then you realize he wants that simply to feel like he is important to others, which translates to "I don't want to feel irrelevant". So you reach the conclusion that being a scientist and actually achieving his real desires are two different things, and this two things might even be mutually exclusive.

It might be that you begin the path thinking about achieving a certain desire, but further down the road you might discover that is not what you really wanted to begin with. It sounds tempting to some people to ignore the path because of this, but there's really no way for anyone to predict whats going to happen by following it. Maybe the hypothetical dude really wanted to be a scientist in the end too.

So the only real way to find out about it is by actually doing it.



Generally boosts your immune system, I ended up staying healthy throughout the period of time when all the mundanes around me were sneezing their heads off.

Also if you do it ritually you can use the running cold water to remove adverse traits from yourself, read IIH for more details about the process.


>Power is a tool I need to achieve it and I am already on my way to get it in different forms.

While it heavily relies on your dedication to occult practices, it's possible to possess varying levels of control over people and events. There are even techniques to place thoughts in peoples' minds if you git gud enough. That's mostly theory for me as that's far from my personal reasons for studying this but what I can tell from personal experience is that I was able to remotely check a person's mood and his surroundings at any given time in day, which I later checked and found to be my remote viewing to be correct. I'd imagine the mood bit would be particularly useful to you.

If nothing else, occult practices like meditation will provide you with a collected mind and tight control over your emotions which will certainly be beneficial.

I already played Pathologic and the ending especially is /fringe/ as fuck, though I doubt many people here would be able to stomach the early part of the game which boils down to a walking simulator. That's what cheats are for though, hopefully the devs will add some sort of fast travel in the re-release.

Are you from Brazil by any chance?



Maybe you should start by asking yourself why you want that. Based on your post alone it seems as though you're just trying to excuse degeneracy.


Why should we take the concept of the four elements seriously?


Anyone have remote viewing tips? Ima try to remote view the stockmarket.


There are five.



And in other systems there are even more. All of them look made up.



What about the periodic table?


does avoiding masturbation and not giving into lust increase my spiritual presence? or am I depriving myself of pleasure needlessly by not fapping?

If I do give into lust my thought would be to channel sexual energies into achieving higher states of consciousness, but I am not as to the best way to do it. Maybe I could try masturbation while meditating. Even if it doesn't work on a spiritual level, at least I would be conditioning myself to see meditation as a biologically rewarding experience and thereby making it easier to achieve Gnostic states of consciousness.



You can channel both orgasm and plain old sexual energy into spiritual advancement.

When you masturbate, and I only recommend masturbation once every 1-2 weeks, channel that shit up your spine.




Thanks a lot! So he'll avoid mundanes till he goes to school, and by then he'll know not to absorb autistic behaviors right?


Hmm, why are shoes bad?

At around what age can the kid wear shoes?

I don't want my child to be extremely sheltered or anything, just strongly developed enough to handle mundanes without being influenced heavily by them. (Also, growing up to his full physical potential, as in no stretch marks, skin problems, mouth breathing etc)



>mouth breathing

Have their head propped up with a pillow when they sleep, enough to close the mouth and encourage breathing through the nostrils.



>Avoiding mouth breathing, resting tongue on roof of mouth, etc.

What's this about? Is resting the tongue on the roof of the mouth bad or what? Can you link me info about this?



It's good. Read the tongue thread. Also well-known in Tao.



Like most things, they sound like bullshit until you successfully use them and really feel their power. They are very real, though they might not be the only truth.




Sorry, very new here (only read The Kybalion and am going through The Arcane Teaching now), but are you saying there is a way to heal damaged vision? What are some good books to start healing?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Of course there is. Get into Bates method for starters and look for eye exercises.Rub hands, feel your Chi and apply it on your eyes. Feel them heal. Visualize perfect sight.

Keep up the exercises with a good mood.

Maybe also learn some other methods like from Bruce Lipton, Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetics.

Most importantly, don't bother with occult shit made by mundanes who can't even fix their body. That's just pure shit.



Help dealing with a poltergeist?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Montalk has given a sneak peek of his upcoming album.



Thank you very much for your input on this.

I already have a similiar structure to the masterkey system

a mixture out of some information out of a pedagogy book, some /fit/-shit bodyweight exercises, diet and martial arts.

Would I still gain something if I look into it?


I try to live by a "cut away the excess fat"-attitude

and compared to earlier points of my life I have gained alot of selfdiscipline

but I still feel lacking in that regard. Especially masturbation is a problem. I have r

Considering your example I might should add that my goals purpose is in no

way to gain any spiritual, emotional or monetary fulfilment. or any kind of fulfilment at all.

I just have to pursuit it no matter what I really want for myself.


>While it heavily relies on your dedication to occult practices

That is the thing. The occult will never be the first, second or even third thing I can dedicate any

study- /working power to (in any foreseeable time).

At suitable times I might be able to work on occult studys a little less then an hour a day. Maybe more on weekends if I feel like it. At less suitable ones not at all.

I also noticed that appereantly alot of the stuff described her contains life improvement instructions in some shape or form usually based on discipline. I already have obtained some discipline and have structured my life efficiency enhancing (can't really phrase it differently).

Considering that and assuming that I can give an hour to the occult each day for 2 years,

how far and in what ways could my abilities Develop in this time?

(it probably is very dependend on each person but if you can help I would appreciate it)

Also I noticed that an appereantly shared opinion by most of you is "Different strokes for different folks " when it comes to the different kind of practitions.

How would I find my Stroke?

P.s: Am Kraut not brazilian though I happen to be looking for material on the brazilian portuguese language.


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How can we trust Franz Bardon?

He gave no credit to his teacher Friedrich Wilhelm Quintscher and made some pretty amateurish spelling mistakes.



>made some pretty amateurish spelling mistakes

In German? We're reading digital versions of translations, mind you.



Yep, in German. It's said he spread some disinfo concerning the names.



Hmm… Yeah I was re-reading the theory part of IIH yesterday and I noticed Akasha was spelled Akasa and it bothered me a bit.






Have you compiled a numbered list of each spelling error? The letters may be part of a deeper message.



>how far and in what ways could my abilities Develop in this time?

I don't really want to make any promises as this sort of thing also relies on your latent talent in the occult. Some people manage to do things like Astral Projection on their first try while others, like me, have to spend months to manage it.

In that timeframe, I recon you'd be able to achieve some solid magical power that could be used in your work.

You would for example develop a solid 6th sense for whether people are lying to you or not, instinct to what you have to be doing at what time and definitely a fair grasp on out of body experiences.

What you shouldn't expect is fireballs out of your hands and everyone immediately submitting before you will automatically.

What do you actually want out of the occult? Name it and I'd be able to tell you whether you're likely to possess it after two years.

>How would I find my Stroke?

Quite simple, try reading different material e.g. Yoga, Christian Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Luciferian texts etc. and see what resonates with you the most.

I personally go through all disciplines and assimilate whatever works for me into my general arsenal of rituals though I predominantly work with Hermetic principles and Yogic breath exercises.

The reason I asked if you were Brazilian is because I remember a Brazil anon asking people for some tips on how he could stir shit up down there with his slowly growing nat soc group.

Worldwide Reich soon, it seems.


I wouldn't worry too much, most writers make a fucktonne of mistakes like that in their books and it's up to the editors to go through it all and iron out typos and such.



>what do you actually want out of the occult?

What seems most servicing to me would be different forms of intelligence gathering.

That can go from "seeing" what an other person

knows (this includes the lying part) then to know what is in a neighbouring room/building/area (favourably quick and in an awake condition).

How far could I travel in an out of body experiences and how reliable would be the Info gathered that way?

I also would be intrested in healing (both of wounds/sickness and older ailments (short sighted) both of me and others)

Some sort of disguise/camouflage for either social situations (changing appereance or lowering memorability of myself) or really hiding (invisibilty) would be nice if you know something.

Can I enhance my physical abilities outside of human boundaries? Not just training to an extent that it seems superhuman (olympian athlete for example) but under regular circumstances impossible (jumping from ground floor to the third floor e.g.).

Can I enhance my senses?

How far magickal manipulation of technology?

Obviously I am still looking for what is possible for me and not what would be nice to have.

General question how "strong" can someone get without dedicating oneself to "enlightenment"?

Where is the Jedi/fireball/telekineses/expelliamus pop-culture magick point or does it even exist at all?

Where does omniscience/demi-godhood start and is it even desirable at all?



Additionaly I want to ask:

How many institutions are aware of paranormal phenomenas?

How many actively work on/with/against them?

How likely is it for a single person to clash with these?

Are they govermantel institutions or non govermantel?

What is their purpose, what do they want?



>"seeing" what an other person knows

might be possible after two years or work, haven't tried this myself

>know what is in a neighbouring room/building/area

yes, look into psychomancy and mental projection. possible in less than two years for sure

>How far could I travel in an out of body experiences

Literally as far as you want, different planets if you want

>how reliable would be the Info gathered that way?

unfortunately there's no way to know for sure if your information is correct, I've had times when I was wrong and right on the money. I suppose with sufficient training focusing on that, you'd be able to improve efficiency.

>I also would be intrested in healing

for sure, you'd be able to do that within months, with your skill only increasing with experience. I'd rather not go into details as to not jinx anything but my experience shows that even cancer is curable with magic.

Atkinson has plenty on it, I believe there was a whole chapter on it in his Series Lessons book.

>Some sort of disguise/camouflage for either social situations

I can think of a few rituals that sort of pull the void over you which would make you less noticeable to others but changing appearance completely is a stretch in just two years. Complete invisibility is impossible in that timeframe.

>jumping from ground floor to the third floor

in two years you'd get the general idea of how you'd be able to do something like this, though sadly you'll also realize something like that is possible only after a lifetime of practice.

>Can I enhance my senses?

for sure

>How far magickal manipulation of technology?

anons here have been known to make electrical appliances go haywire, like blinking streetlights. I don't possess that ability sadly and don't know if it's an inborn talent or something you can develop.

>Where is the Jedi/fireball/telekineses/expelliamus pop-culture magick point

So far down the path of enlightenment that the master possessing those powers doesn't feel the slightest desire to use them. Don't expect anything as flashy as that.

>Where does omniscience/demi-godhood start and is it even desirable at all?

to you? probably not necessary or desirable at all.

>How many institutions are aware of paranormal phenomenas?

That's hard to tell, but depending on what conspiracy theories you believe most governments of the world are aware of the paranormal. There was also a book in which some guy described a now allegedly scrambled psychic US program from the times of the Cold War but I forget the name.

>How many actively work on/with/against them?

You can't work against the supernatural, it's a force of nature essentially so it'd be like working against gravity. I'm certain there are agencies that spy using remote viewing though, that's at least as far as they're using the occult imo.

>How likely is it for a single person to clash with these?

Extremely unlikely, especially if you live outside the US.

>Are they govermantel institutions or non govermantel?

Government institutions. if you're interested, Montalk has heaps on this, his site is in the sticky.

>What is their purpose, what do they want?

All depends to what conspiracy theory you chose to believe. I can't speak for all of /fringe/ but many here seem to believe that the governments of the Earth have made contact with negative entities/ayyliens and are cooperating in a planet-wide loosh(energy) farming project that involves keep mundanes on a low consciousness level where they have base, materialistic desires.

In regards to what the other anon said, he means that there is nothing "paranormal". The forces involved in magical work are perfectly natural and are constantly at work throughout our daily lives as was outlined in a book called Invisible Influences by Zivorad Slavinski I believe.



Thanks alot for your help man.

These are probably my last questions for the nearest future.

>look into psychomancy and mental projection.

lets assume an annon drops some terms like these on me and I don't know where to research for those. Where should I start to look?

I downloaded the Mega Libraries on here so I got more then enough research material.

Is the Montalk.net/reading site a good place to start reading on the /fringe/ stuff as recommend by the BO? How much of it should I take with a grain of salt?

>sadly you'll also realize something like that is possible only after a lifetime of practice

Well can I atleast slightly enhance my abilities e.g: jump naturaly 1m high but add another 20cm through mojo in the time span of 2 years?

Do non-human supernatural beeings exist? There seems to be a consensus here about astral plains existing which has inhabitants. How do they effect me?

Do non-human supernatural beeings exist in the physical world?

Lets say I`ve beein going on the path for some time and realise It doesn't get me anywhere I want to be. Can I simply leave it? Just stop any kind of study and training and I won't be confronted with it again if I don't inniciate?

Also while I am very much open to the possibility of magic (or whatever the correct term would be) existing I am still doubtful. How would that affect my study?

Do I need to believe in it or be convinced of it to achieve a feat that would "prove" its existince to me?

Again thank you very much with your help. Sorry for the many questions that must seem naive to you or that are very open to interpretation by individuals of the community / that walk the path.



Foundation of Practical magic by Israel regadie


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>So you are just a creator experiencing himself.

This sentence, right here, is the master key to solve all the mysteries.

Thanks for taking the time to share this underrated jewel.

May the best vibes go into you.



Read green pill books before you go to bed. They seem to make me tired.

Also to fix sleep scheduled try staying up a whole night, go through the day without falling asleep, and then go to sleep at an appropriate time at night. It helps a lot if you aren't at home for the day because all the noise, movement, strangers, and doing stuff will keep you awake.

Make sure you set an alarm to wake you up in the morning so you don't end up sleeping for 14 hours and fucking it up even worse.

Then throughout the week go to sleep 1 hour earlier then usual and wake up 1 hour later than usual(or 2 hours earlier if you have to wake up for something like work/school). That way you will catch up on missed sleep over the week.



I know what you mean, I feel the same except not that negatively about it.

If they want to do rituals I don't give a fuck, but the real pure way is with pure will and no crutches.

From what I understand rituals and sigils are only tools for focusing your will onto something.


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what does it mean when your crown and forehead chakras, as well as your palms, are tingling forever?



>Where should I start to look?

Your search engine of choice or a quick Ctlr + f through old question threads are your go to places, though the numerous books you'll have to read is what will really solidify your knowledge.

>Is the Montalk.net/reading site a good place to start reading on the /fringe/ stuff as recommend by the BO?

Yes, wouldn't be recommended if it wasn't. Atkinson and Montalk are the two people with the least dogma attached to their material so they're widely praised.

>How much of it should I take with a grain of salt?

What's up to you, don't take anything without a grain but most of the concepts that ask for you to take without proof you should just accept if you don't instinctively feel them to be true. You'll learn that they are true later on down your path so don't worry, there is a practical application to all of them, it requires creativity to apply them though.

>Well can I atleast slightly enhance my abilities e.g: jump naturaly 1m high but add another 20cm through mojo in the time span of 2 years?

I don't know. Possibly. Those who are further down the path of spiritual growth find it easier to gain powers like that but you can't just trick yourself like that. Either you're going to do one pointed exercises to gain those extra 20 for two years or you actually walk along the path till you understand a more efficient way of developing the ability you seek.

Whichever you chose is entirely up to you, though I'd suggest actually going through the process of ennobling your soul and walking the path.

>Do non-human supernatural beeings exist?

Yes, too numerous to describe but you can find any manner of being in the astral, from Sylphs to Undines. You name it, astral's got it.

>How do they effect me?

An astral entity might chose to fuck around with you but that's not until you actually elevate your consciousness and get some attention from someone.

Hope you're ok with a feeling of being watched in your room late at night, because you might get that.

>Do non-human supernatural beeings exist in the physical world?

Again, referring to Montalk some have incarnated into the physical, nordics and greys I believe. They're of little concern to you at this stage. Unless you read the book by Montalks girlfriend, forgot its name but be sure to expect visitors.

>Can I simply leave it?

You can, though it's likely you'll return to it as you'll never stop noticing synchronicities in your daily life. For reference, they're weird coincidences that are too perfect to be random.

>Just stop any kind of study and training and I won't be confronted with it again if I don't inniciate?

Everyone will likely lose interest in you, yes. I think you have quite a dramatic picture of the occult in your head, your exposure to various occult forces will be severely limited in the time you plan to spend studying it so I don't expect any sort of issues.

>How would that affect my study?

I was an atheist before trying some ritual for keks. Visualizing 3D numbers while lying perfectly still to calm myself it was.

Little did I know that it's a technique that's even used by anons here to astral project, so you can imagine how shocked I was when my heart started racing and heat surged through my body. It wasn't my physical heart of course, but I didn't know that at the time.

My point is, no, you won't need complete faith for magic, though it helps. As long there is even a shred of doubt in your atheistic beliefs, it's likely to be enough for your first greenpill.



Thank you very much.

Will Try to put the montalk stuff into my general study plan.

Wish you luck on your way.


How exactly should astral projection feel? Do you continue to feel your body or is it just a jump into an astral body?



You mean your ajna and crown chakra. Well it means you are awakening slowly but surely. First you may experience increased intuition and desire for wisdom. Since wisdom stimulates the ajna chakra. Now the tingling in the ajna and crown chakra should happen in the morning. However if it persist throughout the day don't worry. This is the natural flow of energy. Now your palms are lesser chakras. They can be used for healing as the energy flows from the hearth/anahata chakra into your palms. I hope this helps.



For five years, permanently. It's cold and feels like ectoplasm. The people I asked all told me the similar things you just wrote. I've been doing Robert Bruce's MAP course and I ignite similar sensations on the lower chakras. It's easy to create a flow of energy, be it from the chakras to the hands or hand to hand, and create "psi balls", other people can feel it, too. I can merely concentrate on making the sensations stronger, but I still don't have a clue what's going on and that fact is nagging me.



And I'm not talking about tiny prickling, this feels as real as having someone touch you. The surge of energy is very apparent.



Did you manage to project in any way? Well the kundalini flows from the muladhara chakra to the crown and lights up all chakras along the way. It is possible this is what is happening to you. However in my case its not cold its more like and tingling which can be as intense as you described but never cold.



I didn't get better in astral projecting because of this. I somehow accidentally managed to connect the 1st chakra (muladhara) to the crown (not through the body) and experienced orgasms. Since I am unsure on what is really going on stopped doing so. And reading about Kundalini is like reading disinfo mixed with truth all over gain. I don't even know where to start.

It's cold, icy even, but maybe it's also just very hot. Hard to feel a difference. Imagine being plunged into cold water?



You seem to know your thing. Could your recommend any good books or techniques to wake-up the chakras?





I just found this article http://iarp.org/reiki-sensations/

. It about people getting treated but it just the same the only difference being that the enrgy flows into the body from an outside source. Apparently coldness is an energy blockage.


I didn't read through all of them.

As I have urgent matters to attend to right now. I will be back later however.



I am not this poster >>47935

My objective right now is waking up my chakras, but I need the proper techniques to do this.



A lady told me Reiki past grade 1 induces non-benevolent thoughtforms. She explained that what I was feeling were blockades, too. (I didn't even understand what's "wrong")

And where do "Western occultists" explain this without Eastern influence anyway?

It doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, more like I'm upgraded - it's not just two top chakras, various spots on the head, too, feels like horns/wearing a crown. When I do energy work and breathing exercises I can have similar sensations on the other chakras. Sometimes I do feel hot.

I repeat: I have no real idea yet still and all I have are theories and superstitions. (though Kundalini and energy work are where to look)

I've been lazy, depressed and disappointed in a lot of the material I've found, hence the 5 years gap until I found this board again. The spiritual healers (and similar) I've been to were just awfully mundane.


I have three questions.

Magic Creatures and where to find them.

How do I summon elementals.

Does anyone have a book on Indian Fakirs.

I've done research on all of these but no dice.



Bump for this. Is it like a super real dream or is it like you're in your actual body flying?



I guess the this answer also aplies to you. It does depend what you want if you want to project other exercises are recommended I can post them if this is what you want.


Now blockages occur because of your believes. Those could be just any opinion you hold of yourself or another. They make energy harder to flow upwards. They can also completely block the energy flow if they are severe enough. This website should give you a basic understanding of all the chakras and when they are balanced:


Now I recommend that you go through the mistakes you did in the past and during the day. You do this every day all that does not seem balanced to you has to change. According to your view of what is perfect balance. Now this will make it easier for the energy to flow upwards.

Now I would recommend books on energy work.

Those 2 may get you started:

-new energy ways Robert Bruce

-Energy Work: The Secret of Healing and Spiritual Development

by the same author

I can also link some books on kundalini if you are interested. If you cannot find the second Robert Bruce book or need any book I can link it.



>Now blockages occur because of your believes. Those could be just any opinion you hold of yourself or another.

I understand this concept, I just fail to see the connection between the sensations.

>basic understanding of all the chakras

I can already see it's not completely correct. The 6th is centered in the forhead, not between the eyebrows. And the Nadis don't run literally in the spine.

>Now I recommend that you go through the mistakes you did in the past and during the day. You do this every day all that does not seem balanced to you has to change. According to your view of what is perfect balance. Now this will make it easier for the energy to flow upwards.

Ok, but why upwards? There's already a stream of light cold emitting from the crown. Maybe do Mantak Chia's microcosmic? I am still connecting dots.

>I can also link some books on kundalini if you are interested. If you cannot find the second Robert Bruce book or need any book I can link it.

I have all Robert Bruce books. I know that he made some errors in the chakra descriptions in his MAP book. Tell me some of the Kundalini books, so I can check if I have them already and mark them as recommended.

Thanks btw. But this is still not making sense. It started out slowly, and the it reached the crown, hands, and became stronger.


File: 1437942130817-0.pdf (33.37 KB, Kundalini - A Personal App….pdf)

File: 1437942130817-1.pdf (8.33 KB, Kundalini Breathing Exerci….pdf)

File: 1437942130818-2.pdf (779.5 KB, Kundalini yoga.pdf)


Now everyone is different and will react to the intense flow of energy differently. Some may feel cold, pressure, heat or even shaking. Now this can simply be explained as with focusing a lot of electricity on a small wire immense heat will be the result. You can simply figure out if this configuration of your chakras is normall or not. Take a string which has a piece of metal attached to it. It should look like something like this:


Now place it on the chakra you want to check. The balanced configuration is that it spins clockwise. If it goes from one side to the other unevenly the chakra is unbalanced. Make sure you focus on the chakra and are sending energy into it when you do this. Also make sure the string does not move on its own. If there is no unbalance to be found this is normal and you shouldn't worry about it. Becouse if it does not flow upwards there is no way to activate the higher chakras. Also do the chakras feel cold to the touch also?

I hope this helps.



Thanks I'll check this.

>Also do the chakras feel cold to the touch also?

Not at all.


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They are not tingling forever, and it's nothing magical.

The ajna chakra or your "third eye" is your medial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and pineal gland functionning differently, and you hallucinate because your pineal gland produces DMT.

The pineal gland is involved in sleep and dreaming, this is also why the "third eye" causes troubles with sleep (I noticed being half awake, I had an out of body experience and I had many sleep paralysis)

To close it, all you need to do is, while meditating, and after you have reached a deep, deep state, imagine it as an open flower. The ajna chakra or third eye.

And then, as you breathe in through your noses, you see it close slowly.

You breathe out through your mouth, so it doesn't re open.

Do it WELL.

Don't leave the third eye the slightest open.

It's nothing hard and you don't have to be stuck with it forever.



Also, the orbito frontal cortex is involved in intuition, and medial prefrontal cortex in deep sleep.

If you focus on your ajna chakra with the your eyes closed, they will start moving randomly, and by themselves. Just like in the REM sleep phase. And you will start to hallucinate.

You can dream consciously, and at will.


Delta: 0.1 to 3 Hz.

The Delta level is normally associated with a deep dreamless sleep, trance

state, and non-REM type of sleep:

1.00 Hz Feeling of well-being; pituitary stimulation to release growth

hormone; overall view of inter-relationships.

Theta: 3 to 7 Hz.

The Theta level is normally associated with recall, fantasy, imagery,

creativity, inspiration, future planning, dreaming, switching thoughts,

and drowsiness.

3.50 Hz Feeling of one with everything; accelerated language retention.

5.50 Hz Moves beyond knowledge to knowing; shows visions of growth


6.30 Hz Mental and astral projection; accelerated learning and increased

memory retention.

Alpha: 7 to 13 Hz.

The Alpha level is associated with a non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil

state of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness;

body/mind integration.

7.00 Hz Mental and astral projections; bending objects;

psychic surgery

7.50 Hz Inter-awareness of self and purpose; guided

meditation; creative thought for art, invention, music, etc.;

contact with spirit guides for direction

7.83 Hz Earth resonance (Beck)

8.00 Hz Level for past life regression

8.30 Hz Pickup visual imagery of mental objects

9.00 Hz Awareness of causes of body imbalances and means for


10.50 Hz Frequency to go for healing of the body; mind/body

connection; firewalking

12.00 Hz Centering; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules - a


Beta: 13 to 30 Hz.

The Beta level is associated with outward awareness, the taking in and

evaluating of various forms of data received through the senses; it is

present with worry, anger, fear, hunger, and surprise.

13.00 Hz - 30.00 Hz is the NORMAL awakened, daily functioning state.

High Beta: 30 to 500 Hz.

The High Beta level is not associated currently with any state of mind.

Some effects have been observed, but currently not enough research has

been done in this area, to prove, or disprove, anything.

35.00 Hz Awakening of mid-chakras; balance of chakras

55.00 Hz Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini

63.00 Hz Astral projection

70.00 Hz Mental and astral projection

80.00 Hz Awareness and control of right direction

83.00 Hz Third eye opening for some people

90.00 Hz Good feelings; security, well being, balancing

105.00 Hz Overall view of complete situation

108.00 Hz Total knowing

120.00 - 500.00 Hz P.S.I.; moving of objects, changing matter;




Nice. Thanks for sharing


I have an object, can anyone guess what it is?

(For RV: use 2A73F27C15V0 as the target designation)

I took a photo as well. I will upload it to my computer next week to post here as an answer.


How do I use sex for spiritual development?


Can I become a god after I die and make my own universe of anime titties? How do I do this?


a bowl, or at the very least something round.


Ok i want to practice chaos magick, If i made a sigil and spread it on the internet as just a random image would that work and give it power?



Most people will have trouble answering this, have you tried for example explaining to someone how visualization is done? How you do it specifically rather.

I would describe as moving your consciousness to the head of this body made of very gentle light. You should indeed feel your astral legs and hands while in your astral body. In an ideal separation, you should forget about your body completely. To a point where you'll get confused as to where you are once you get back into your physical body after a trip.


Astral realms.

Read the IIH.

Can't help with the Fakirs.


Hey guys.

I've been wanting to check out a grimoire, just for the sake of it. I'm interested in one of the solomonic-like grimoires, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which one, and which edition/version to get, mostly because they all seem so alike… Is there anyone who could shed some lights?

Also, I've been searching for a good, digital version of Levi's Dogma and Ritual that is not a fac-simile, nor that common one that's roaming the interwebs (since I intend to print it, and that version would not be very good for that)?



I sure hope it's not a dragon dildo


what do you all think of bible black? the first 6 episodes are great, the rest is alright too in my view


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Is it me or does Touhou have a lot of greenpilled themes? Also something feel a little strange about Yukari, wouldn't you say?



reading in the yoga pdf these two terms came up which I do not understand

>cast circle



what are these and how do I perform them?



I've read none of those pdfs but from what I remember the circle refers to either a physically drawn or a visualized one and grounding is a ritual where you connect with the earth by sort of tethering your root chakra to the ground.

Not 100% sure so hopefully der juden can correct me if necessary.



I do solar grounding I can explain this one. Depends entirely on the circle you are trying to cast.

You imagine you have a gaint astral body first. Then you put one leg into the sun and the other into the Earth. Make sure both legs are firmly planted in the Sun and Earth. Then make the energy flow into you from the Sun flow through you and go into the earth.

Now there is many different ways to ground yourself. You can imagine you are a tree and your roots go to the center of the earth.

You get energy from the sun and send it to the earth. You can imagine your crown chakra touching the sun in this case. But it is not necessary you can just use your own energy if you like it will still ground you. Essentially it doesn't matter what you do as long as the result is vibrating more in tune with the Earth vibration. I hope this helps.



IIH? Explain please.



Initiation into Hermetics - legit exercises, but flawed theories


what do you guys use to read books? i dont like reading on the computer i was thinking about buying a tablet but some people argue that eBook Readers are better but i feel like they are very limited, thanks in advance



It may not be cost efficient but i just buy them off amazon, usually paperback. I find it a lot easier to read from page than screen, plus that way i can have a physical collection which is strangely appealing to me.



Using a kindle here. It is very nice to have this little slate that holds hundreds of books and can do other neat things.

I would much rather have a real book in my hands though. There is something special about a physical book, whereas the kindle is just a trinket.

Kindle was 49$ earlier this month and probably will be again. The books on the mega are "free". Physical books will add up in cost very quick.

So, many things to consider here.


Have you tried printing books? I was wondering how one would be able to do that.



Well if you use a printer you will be expending a shitload of money on paper and ink. I printed out a few montalk things but that's just a few pages. You could go to some workplace that has a mass printer and do it there. I am not sure how to properly print out books.



I've found reading pdfs on my android phone while laying down on my bed to be a pretty enjoyable experience. I also have a Kindle paperwhite, which is great, but you can't always find mobi/azw versions of books.



eBook Readers are shit and you won't even be able to read most of the books on here on one.

Get yourself a QHD Samsung Galaxy Tab S. It has an insanely high resolution and incredible colouration and it's the best thing I have for reading the books right now. Get yourself the case keyboard thing as well with it and a solar power recharger and if you want an OTG cable so you can use a regular keyboard and mouse with it and/or a bluetooth mouse for it.

I'm getting a MicroSD card for my tablet next as I ran out of space, have a shitload of books on it.



Nice 6969 bro :^)



The book you were talking about by Montalk's Girlfriend is called Chasing Phantoms, and personally I read it and nothing happened, but be careful.


Always question the reality of that which you hold to be real and seek to establish the reality of that which seems like a phantasm.

t. experienced Fringe Wizard


File: 1438162535936.jpg (172.75 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 1436986277292.jpg)


this, the comfiest experience of them all.



Use a kindle paperwhite.

I love it simply because of its long charge and its comfy screen light levels.

An Ipad at night burns through your eyes compared to that.


I return from a previous question thread. I've been practicing my clarvoyence, doing some reading. I recently moved houses and so I feel like im less anchored than before. Last night was my first night of real long restful sleep that I'd had since the move, and when I dreamt, I could feel it more as my mind hanging around in my head trying to sort everything, and that if I wanted to I could pull away.

I also felt a big need to stay in my body, but anyway. Near the end of the night my "phone" buzzed, which is weird I do t ussually have my phone on me in dreams. I pulled it out, and on the screen was a calendar with a message from a girl I think I used to love that stopped talking to me cold turkey one day.

It sticks out, because people always say in dreams and the like, text is garbled meaningless stuff, but on my phone it was clear as day. "Anon! I got your message. I miss hanging out with you and J! I had to stop talking with you. Even with how much I liked you *emoticon of one smiley face spewing hearts, the other smacking them away* not like that, I had to stop talking because you kept using a certain phrase word, and it really worried me. I m…" And I got really excited , this was the first contact with her in years. I looked up from my phone and felt like I could almost see her face, but then everything got fuzzy, and I started grabbing at my phone, I wanted to read more, my phone slipped out of my hands and I started reaching for it, and wham. Back to the waking world.

Date on the phone was some month, the 8th, 6 am. That time kept repeating. My question for the thread is: if someone else can project, can they leave messages, or communicate at/to you through dreams, or was this just a generation of my emotionally needy brain?


Why do we reincarnate here? Is it to build our ego? Is it acceptable to become a wage slave as a character building excersize?


Need non-retarded scans of Swami Panchadasi's works.


File: 1438199533368.png (102.41 KB, 255x258, 85:86, mfw.png)


What in the fuck.



There is a difference between printing the words of a book and the book itself. Like I said before, a book is special.


Kindle can display pdf's and the only book I can't read on it so far is one that is scanned as two pages in one pdf page, making the text very small even on a large computer monitor.



you're fucking retarded, there is nothing special about a bunch of pages



There's a mobi folder in the "huge" mega



> the definition of an autistic red pilled anon


File: 1438224314972.jpg (856.33 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 2A73F27C15V0 .JPG)



Posting results ahead of time. I think I might just make a new thread instead.

I can add image spoilers, and upload several files. So this means I can create test targets in large batches. So a new thread won't feel like a waste of space like I thought it would. Plus I can put together some links and information about psionic sensing methods.

Round and bowl like were pretty good btw. You just need to push for more details now on future tries.



>Plus I can put together some links and information about psionic sensing methods

I'd appreciate that.



I've found the Kindle Paperwhite's pdf display to be pretty abysmal. I have a first generation one though, it may have been improved. On a Kindle Fire pdfs would of course be fine as it is a proper tablet. What kind do you have?


Anyone got any tips or techniques to help me conquer nofap? Thank you in advance.



If there is a infinite amount of universes i want to travel to the ones identical to fiction. How do i do this?



Through lucid dreaming and astral projection. A lucid dream is essentially your own private astral world.



Well I saw a green circular object with white in the center, not too bad.


File: 1438257013445.png (135.54 KB, 329x396, 329:396, 1437492099578.png)


>tfw for some reason a cylindrical shaped object made me think of dildos

my /b/ phase is probably going to haunt me forever..



I have the cheapest kindle (79$) and a kindle fire hdx. The hdx is collecting dust and the kindle is being used daily for reading pdf's. The kindle fire may have a better resolution screen but it is still small so you will need to scroll through a single page to read it. It is also hard to look at the bright screen for long periods.

The "mobi" files are often converted from pdf's and when that is done there are formatting errors that make the words unreadable.

On the kindle if you find pdf's hard to read then just put it into landscape mode and the problem is solved.



I just tried it in landscape mode and it still is fairly unsatisfactory. I guess the basic Kindle is better in this case. Or it could be that my device is almost three years old now. Hooray for planned obsolescence…



but i cannot even reach the vibrational stage of astral projection, no one tells me how to reach it.


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Does anyone know of any methods to rapidly learn a language?

The only method I know involves Goetia summoning which i'd like to avoid.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I believe this works. I haven't tried it ever since I found this guy, but his principles are in perfect accordance with the way I learned English and it did take me about six months.

I haven't mastered it in six months and to many degrees I'm still learning, but in six months I was good enough to understand anything but scientific studies and old English, and could pretty much have a conversation with anyone.





>Why do we reincarnate here?

We incarnate here to achieve unconditional love. Your ego is not important well depending on what path you follow.


Is it possible to cure "incurable" diseases like HIV/AIDS, ebola, etc using magick?



Stay away from sites that frequently have pictures of attractive girls, such as 8ch. Basically, out of sight, out of mind.



Germanic New Medicine is what you're looking for.


What do you guys think of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean?


Anyone got any good guides for developing memory?


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Some jackass who used to live in the house I'm in before me put (1) a vodou effigy in a tree outside the house and (2) an animal spine hanging on the south side of the exterior wall.

I'm quite sure the lwa in question is Maman Brigitte, but need to be rid of her and have no idea how to unsummon vodou.

What does one do to remove the influence/protection of Maman Brigitte?



Can't you just throw that shit away with firm belief that you purged whatever influence it had on your house while you do it?



Ok will the worlds i astral project to be as real as ours, not ones created from our thoughts as i wish to abandon this reality for one identical to fiction but not formed of our thoughts



I want this, too. For ever.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All that is was created by thought. If you want to be in a world however that is very old and which was fashioned well before you put any thoughts into it, that's no problem.

Just set your sights on visiting certain subplanes of the astral and learn to tune in correctly and you should be able to find something like what you're looking for.

Swami Panchadasi's text on "the astral world" will help you get the idea.

Mapping out and navigating the astral takes a lot of time, evoke a guide to make things potentially a little faster, just make sure to do the evocation properly so you get a useful guide and not some trickster feeding on incorrect expectations.


There's a book by William Walke rAtkinson on it that is excellent and it also available as audiobook on youtube.

tl'dr of forming memories however is that every memory is formed out of loosh and concentration

Just be very engaged in everything that you do and very emotionally changed and you will remember everything. Naturally, traumas and any events that have strong emotions of any sort tied up with them are well remembered,, and people who are depressed and don't feel much emotions and lose interest in life feel that time passes them by very fast and they form very little memories.

I'd also recommend Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki as a book of thoughtforming ideas to get you started and creating an infinity book thoughtform as suggested in the one meditations guide on /fringe/ (I think).

In your infinity book you can have the first few pages be indexes you can search. One index opens up another index, so you can for example get a chronological sort of events in your life translated as text and imagery in the book, or you can go through another index which displays books by topic and load them up and read them in your infinity book thoughtform, and you can also use your book obviously for mediumship.

Memory palaces also work and various thoughtforms you create can assist in managing, searching, collecting, and bringing relevant information to you.

Also because of the akashic records nothing is lost, so if you spent years of your life failing to memorize shit and everything went by in a blur, you can use various magickal techniques to recover everything in perfect detail that goes beyond even what your physical senses can pick up.


Note: to really travel properly to a place and experience it as real you must accept it as real. Even if that other place is another spot on this plane and you're doing bilocation or teleportation.

On every plane of the astral, its native inhabitants experience and accept their native plane as being as real and material as we do our native plane, and any insubstantiality we seem to perceive is because we're not fully tuned in.

As hard as it is for the unenlightened mind to truly understand the only thing stopping you from going through walls is the way your mind has been conditioned to accept them as solid.

Try making a game scenario where you're restricted only to a certain area, play around in there a very long time, and later on mentally try to wander about the same gameworld and try to step beyond the boundaries. You may find it impossible or very hard and tedious to do so. This can happen in just a few hours. Years and years, over a lifetime, and knowing nothing else but what the demiurge has patterned for you makes it near impossible for you move beyond the boundaries set for you in this life.



I read some of them the information seems very accurate. But if you have not progressed on the path to a certain extent you won't understand a lot of what is said. He basically attempts to share his wisdom and does not deny that there are many mysteries which none other but we ourselves can solve. As such there is very little one can gain from simply reading them. I in no way discourage reading them. But a lot of wisdom is to be gained by seriously studying them. As he was essentially who hermeticist call Hermes Trismagestus. If those tablets are genuine and were preserved without any distortions is still a question however. I hope this answers your question.


How do I get in contact with my higher self?


Planning on summoning a succubus; any information or advice would be appreciated.



Save for a trip to Amsterdam and save yourself the trouble.



So if there is a infinite amount of worlds, that means there are ones identical to fiction just by chance right? not the thought forms ones that are fully astral, the worlds i am talking bout have existed as long as ours and are just coincidentally identical to fiction, like they have there own real time zone and everything, and they are not formed by thoughts just coincidentally identical to fiction. Can i astral project to those?


I just sort of stumbled into loosh farming 4chan. It's so damn easy they just want to get needlessly emotional over everything. Is this a bad thing? I mean they aren't going to be using the energy anyway.



Phillip K. Dick's later works are, according to him, based on worlds he astral projected to.



Well, for some that's a really "good" thing, but that sort of behavior makes you a predator and STS, so know that. Emotional manipulation and self-justification (wishful thinking) are dead giveaways there.



Ok but i will need a body in this new universe, Do i just possess a corpse or something?



I'm just going to stop going there entirely to remove the temptation, they make it too damn easy.




is there a easy way to astral project as i am on day 10 of the MAP guide.



As a long time wizard, I wouldn't know, I personally boycott such things, I've found it just more productive to post on my time instead of chatting in realtime.


What does fringe think of Vlach magic? It's pretty common where i live and some say it's stronger than any other type of magic in the world. Which brings me to my next question: how does magic even work? I mean, if some old bitch takes a magical item and tosses it under your bed thinking it will make you ill, does the ritual (tossing the thing under the bed) hold the power to making magic work or does the mind of the one doing the ritual? (If you believe in something, then it works!)

So i can make my own ritual to make a lot of cash? I'll just pray in front of an altar of Bill Gates to bless me his beloved shekels, and then go out and buy a PS4 and destroy it in order to prove my loyalty to the lord and master Bill Gates? It makes sense in my head, and if i know/believe it will work then will it work?



Manele is magic.


I'm looking into getting some glass water bottles. What would fringe recommend?



People where I live leave glass bottles in a bin at the edge of their yards once a week.



Rituals are just a tool to enforce belief. I mean, if you believe a ritual will help you then it will help in the sense that it will make your belief stronger.




Service to Self, as opposed to Service to Others. Basically being an egotistical asshole.


How do you begin working on TK?



There's a very big difference between "I really really want this to happen, but deep down, I think it's probably too good to be true" vs. "I KNOW this will happen."

The EXACT moment you think to yourself "eh…it's probably not going to work" is the moment you make it so. Symbols, sigils, totems, etc, are a way to to help bolster one's beliefs, thus bolstering the effectiveness of the magick.

Think of the Placebo Effect. Something works because you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT believe it will.

>So wait, magic is all in my head?

Yes. But we've been conditioned to believe that something is "MERELY the Placebo Effect" and thus write it off as "not real." Now hold on just a minute. I MERELY healed a disease without medicine, using the power of my mind? Why are we belittling such an amazing feat?

Magick is LITERALLY a mental process. Elaborate rituals and mantras are a crutch, but they work because the magi who perform them KNOW they will work. Eventually, a point can be reached in which rituals etc are no longer necessary. In fact, they never were.

But merely intellectualizing and understanding this concept is not enough. If you don't believe, it won't work. Jesus himself once said that one can move mountains with sheer faith. Therefor the only obstacles are the ones put forth by yourself. Best of luck.



So do the symbols, sigils, totems and mantras possess any magical power whatsoever? Is it different if you use "avada kedavra" or some words from an 1000 yEar old grimOire?



Think about it in terms of energy.

"avada kedavra" is from harry poter, maybe a hundreds of million of people know about it. But did they believe in it. DId they nourish the thought that it was in fact a real word of power that could kill someone in an instant ?


Now compare it with "some word" of power that has the name of a god which billions of people believed into throughout the ages and has been recited by powerful adepts and initiates for centuries.

Which do you think is more powerful. Which do you think has more energy that you can use to fulfill your objective ?

Magic is all about energy



In my experience belief doesn't mean shit.

Ritual can work whether you firmly believe in it or not, what is needed is a lack of a certain type of disbelief which jepordises the operation. Exactly what this kind of disbelief is requires first hand experience I think, an approximation could be: the kind of disbelief that says this is silly and not worth my time.

It's more about attitude than belief. It's about willingness to let it work.



>Ritual can work whether you firmly believe in it or not

Correct, because said ritual has already been empowered by the beliefs of many others that it works. However, keep in mind that its original creator invented it from scratch, much like the inventor of a cooking recipe. The greatest magicians are capable of making their own custom spells.


There was thread some time ago about seeing entities upon waking. Could not find the thread so:

I may have attracted something to my presence, or i´m just starting to sense better. Is this good or bad? Should i try to banish it or use it somehow?



You can quite literally feel if an entity is "good" or "bad". How does the presence of the entity make you feel? If the answer is an overwhelming sense of fear or other negative emotion, then banish it promptly.

If not, then attempt communication if that is your wish. Keep in mind that spoken word is an out-dated and clunky form of communication that pretty much only humans use. Some typical forms of non-verbal communication include (but are not limited to) telepathy and dream visitation. Report your results back. I'll be looking out for you.


How to get back in the same dream? Or repeat the same dream ?



Dream journaling, visualisaiton excercises and lucid dreaming can recreate the world you were in, in the dream.

However the knowledge of it plus the effects of memory and fluctuations of mental content and associations means it will never be exactly the same.

Your best bet is to keep up the dream journaling and visualisation. I find that you can acurrately replay a dream backwards for a few minutes if you close your eyes and focus on the strongest memorable components straight after you have awakened.

Due to the finicky nature of memory some details may be a bit off but the general content and narrative will be correct.



So because more people believe in something it is more powerful because you have a lot more minds working for you indirectly?


How do I destroy and block or stop negative thoughtforms from subconscious imprints like desires for indulgent food or sex?

Also a side question. After I raised kundalini I've found that I get electric shocks and static up my spine and my body starts to overheat whenever I perform any heavy exercise. This becomes unbearable and I need to try ground and cool of as soon as possible. Does anyone know anything about it?



>How do I destroy and block or stop negative thoughtforms from subconscious imprints like desires for indulgent food or sex?

Kleshas (unwholesome mental states) are useful as awareness and understanding of them and there sources can lead to an innoculation from these distractions. You need to be mindful and nonjudgemental of them if they arise, while retaining an altert attitude so you are not seduced by them. Eventually you will seperate the thought from the emotive response and they will fade.

Trying to block or destory them with lead to anxiety and aversion which will turn into neurosis.

A useful strategy for waning the attraction of these things is to focus on the emptiness of all composite beings. The woman you lust for is shit and meat and bones and sinew. Her flesh bag is slowly rotting and soon she will just be worm food.

The same can be done for food, the ripe fruit was originally decaying animals and shit broken down by bacteria and absorbed by the plant and it will either be turned into mush then shit by you or mould and rot until it is food for another burgeoning plant.

Often the desire for sensuous delight is there because the spiritual aspirant has replaced the material bounty and ecstacy for an otherworldy one. The only true way out is to give up on everything even any sort of ascension or enligthenment all the while still practicisng.

Attachment to the idea of enlightenment is a trap a lot of people cannot get out of.

Breaking the ego is hard, a useful tool is the practice of complete surrender to a guru or dharma protector or idol object of bhakti meditation. Carry no airs or big ideas about yourself, unburden yourself of pride and preconception and you will be lighter than a feather.



Thanks I really appreciate that. I think you're right relaxing and becoming mindful towards them. My resisting only seems to make it worse.


Could somebody recommend a book, paradigm, writer etc. that really nails down the spiritual anatomy of man and how the spiritual "body" (if that's the right way of thinking about it) relates to the physical? I really want to get it clear in my head, sometimes it feels like I'm thinking too vaguely and fuzzily about energy fields and the like.



After I raised my kundalini I lost sexual desire.It may also be my view on it. There is two paths one one is to be with a women and the other is to be single. Now both extremes give you equal benefits. I also tend to sweat heavily and I get very hot that is how sexual energy is unfortunately. If you get electric shocks that feel unpleasant that means the kundalini is awakening.I also had some minor shaking when it was awakening.

Some people feel like their spine is on fire when their kundalini rises so don't worry. The goal with food is I think to have no desire for food and to eat only as much as you need to. This can be achieved by eating very few different kinds of food. Also not using any spices except for salt and maybe sugar. Mixing fruit. vegetables,meat and grains is also not recommended. That is at least how they eat in buddhist monasteries. Now you may eat grains either alone or with some fruit. You may add eggs or butter to meat and so on.You cannot survive without food for more than a month and even if you manage to do so you wont have enough energy to do anything substantial. Festing is also useful for getting rid of thoughtforms. You can just not eat anything for the first 7-12 hours of the day. That will give you minor benefits but is still better than nothing. It also works for the lifestlye of the average westerner. If you decide to do the mini fest make sure you drink water. I hope I answered all of you questions.




this should give you the basics


Here you can see how the sephira on the tree of life correspond to the 7 chakras.






Do the bornless ritual Omram made a post about it.

Here you go /fringe/res/46893.html. I hope this helps.




Try the method here, it's in the core practise part.


Does anyone have any martial arts pdfs?


if a demon/succubus thing makes contact with me during a harvest moon, what do i do


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fuck her right in the pussy m8



poster asks for something that

>really nails down the spiritual anatomy of man

you post some random bullshit

Way to go, disinfo agent….



>How do I destroy and block or stop negative thoughtforms from subconscious imprints like desires for indulgent food or sex?

Traditional magic aside, I'll tell you of my own experience with eliminating lust.

Having tried to get rid of it for a while, going on no fap streaks I went with out fapping on and off for months or two at a time, always caving in at the end.

What's done it for me is one, extremely guilt ridden fap with a high chance of being caught. I've used the immense output of the shame emotion I was releasing at the time to create a thoughtform that would keep me celibate from there on.

It's essentially a chastity belt that extends all over my body and dissipates my excess sexual energy into other energy centers and provides my body with regenerative energy without any need of my conscious involvement.

Essentially I used the principle of polarity, having pushed my lust to an extreme with that indulgence, I made it easier for myself to convert it into the opposite, celibate state.

Rest assured, if you aren't adept at making thoughtforms this process isn't for you, as I fear that people will just use this as an excuse and fap away.


>The goal with food is I think to have no desire for food and to eat only as much as you need to.

Say jew-kun, if in addition to burning a gorrilion calories by working at uni and lifting in the gym I also exhaust myself with my magical work, how food much do I really need then?

Do I only need to eat however much to survive, disregarding my waning strength and consistent hunger? Or would you say whatever calorie count I need to get stronk is what I realistically need?



I appreciate that. I've never exactly understood what everyone refers to as thoughtforms since everyone seems to have a different take on it. My understanding would be that you need to channel all of that energy (in your case the shame or lust) into dedication and desire to remain abstinent. Would this be correct?


I've started with the pleiadian lightwork book some days ago, and have some basic doubts about visualization.

Can you make it with open eyes? What does the difference between open and closed visualization?

How do I know if i'm doing visualization correctly?



The monks for example only eat egg yolks usually but when they are doing heavy labor they eat the whole egg. If they aren't doing so they discard the remaining part. This will tell you only eat as much as you need in a certain scenario.

>disregarding my waning strength and consistent hunger

I would recommend you do what suits your needs the best. If you need to eat a lot more then others its fine. As long as you don't suffer or feel weak. I would recommend you look up the shaoling monk diet as they do heavy physical training every day. I hope this helps.



Some people find that closed eye visualization is easier and "stronger"

you are doing visualization correctly when you see the image in your mind's eye.



I attempted to explain how the 7 chakras correspond to the tree of life. In the same way blood flows through you veins energy flows through your nervous system. Now the chakras are points which energy either passes through or gets blocked depending on your balance. I do understand I gave a very brief explanation and I do see how it would be hard to understand. So thank you for pointing this out. I will also leave this link which explains a bit about the 7 chakras.


I hope this is sufficient if not you may correct me.



>unconditional love

beware new age bullshit. love, passivity and surrending/sacrificing yourself to others is not the goal of spiritual development. self sacrifice is NOT spiritual. it is death. spiritually, emotionally, and physically. read into luciferianism



>love isn't spiritual

If self-sacrifice isn't spiritual then what was Jesus doing? Perhaps some discernment is needed here. There is a difference between acting for the genuine benefit of others, and just mindlessly going along with the groupthink.


How do i invoke an entity? What is invocation anyway? Does the entity actually take control of your actions and body or do you just get the traits of the latter?



you obviously failed to understand what unconditional love really means


"Alchemy" looks like a bunch of nonsense, it's a part of the 90% bullshit "occultism".



I've not read much on alchemy but you might wanna check out isreal regardie's book on it, most of his books are good. He was one of the proponents of the theory that alchemy was a psychological process rather than turning physical lead to gold.



What do you guys think of coffee or caffinated teas? Is the productivity worth the health effects?




This. Alchemy is an allegorical tradition, all that stuff about immortality and turning lead into gold was just a front for their real occult practices.



Pretty much spot on, and make that thoughtform a manifestation of that desire by assigning an image to it, location and task as well as its lifespan.

You've done any energy work at all? Like the exercises in the 90 day astral/book of knowledge/IIH where you breathe energy in?

Once you've visualized your thoughtform you should supply it with some energy to power it up somewhat.



Stop pretending.




Hi again. The thing appeared two nights a row. I was feeling just neutral, except the first night when I woke to a nightmare.

My communication probably looked like an ape trying to communicate with computer.


Reminder that Kaballah is complete horsehit.



Cats must be studied.


Our technology is so far

advanced from yours, for we?ve had the opportunity of peaceful living conditions to continu-

ously develop it for millennia, without a break in our life spans. This is why your Immortality

is so crucial. The longer you live in the same body, the more you can develop your talents and

technologies, and the more you can create and refine things, rather than stopping and starting

over again in each succeeding lifetime. All this stopping and starting over and over again gets

you nowhere. You are continuously ?reinventing the wheel?, and never moving beyond it. It

is stagnation in evolution, getting you nowhere.

Everything here is in a heightened state of evolution, and everything here responds

immediately to our thoughts. We command the elements, and the elements work with us, not

against us, to bring us our perfect climate and perfect environment. Everything responds to

everything, and together creates a synergy of resonating melodies that uplift and nourish our

souls. We are constantly being fed by the vibrations of all life around us, restoring ourselves

continuously and fully with the great life force necessary for our existence in immortality.


"My dear friends! We move everything back to front. What we are doing is incor-

rect and contrary to Nature. Nature moves in other ways. She primarily employs

attracting or sucking energies, since these are indispensable to Nature for the

growth and maintenance of life. Nature only uses pressural energies and explosive

forces for destruction and reducing quality. The work of atomic physicists is also

upside down. They would be more accurate if they started with simple nuclear

fusion. They should set about the cold transformation of hydrogen into helium, as

Nature has done over the millions of years of Creation. Today's technology has

grasped the tiger by the tail, because it splits the heaviest atoms with the greatest

development of heat and an enormous expenditure of energy."

V.S. - (Implosion Magazine, No.51, p.22).


Since the very beginning of time the Sun has tood above everything, star-

ing down in icy silence at the frenzied activities of humanity, who regard it

as a fiery orb. How could it be otherwise, such is their direct mental

approach towards life? Yet the closer we approach this source of light and

heat, the colder and darker its face will become. The nearer we are to it, the

brighter the stars will be. As its light diminishes, heat, atmosphere, water

and life will also disappear.

• What serves the Sun as a carrier of light and heat, if, in the view of our

learned scientists, space is a vacuum?

• Why is the light and heat in the tropics more diffuse, and at the poles the

Sun's light more intense and its radiant heat less?

• Why is water at the poles warmer at the bottom? Why is the sunlit sur-

face so icily cold?

• Why doesn't the warmer, lighter bottom-water of the sea rise upwards?

• Why are water temperatures at the equator so warm? Why is it that it gets

colder with increasing depth, and why does it get warmer again below

the boundary layer of +4°C (+39.2°F), and why does Life begin there


• Why do the magnetic lines of force run from south to north, and why

does the Earth rotate from west to east?

• Why does a top stand upright when it is spun from the side?

• Why is the desert so dead despite all the heat?

• How is it that the warm Gulf Stream can push cold seawater aside and

wend its way for thousands of kilometres over ocean mountains and val-

leys in a reversed temperature-gradient, without the assistance of a

mechanical gradient?

• Why does groundwater in walls rise far above the surface of the ground?

• Why don't wooden posts rot under water, but always above it?

• Why do damp tiled roofs dry out from the eaves towards the ridge?

• Why can rising cold water pierce through the hardest rock?

• Why doesn't the Earth's warm air rise?

• Why is it so cold at the top of a mountain - nearer the Sun?

• Why is it warmer nearer the ceiling and colder at the floor in our houses

when an artificial source of heat is used?

• Why do gases condense with a decrease in temperature, and why don't

the fiery gases of the Sun, with supposed temperatures of over 6000°C

(10,832°F), stream out into space?

• Why does marble expand with heat, and why doesn't it contract again

with cold?

• Why do west->east flowing water-courses fertilise their banks?

• Why are the banks of east->-west flowing rivers so barren?

Why are the banks of south->north flowing watercourses fertile on one

side only?"

• Why do rivers flowing into cold seas migrate laterally to the north?

• Why does the salt content of the seas vary?

• Why do herrings migrate northwards in winter?

• Why do deep-sea fish glow?

• Why do cold-blooded animals carry fever-inducing poison?

• Why does a cold fever occur in the tropics? Why does a warm fever arise

from a chill? What is fever anyway?

• What is temperature? What is heat? What is cold?

• What is energy?

• Why does the heart beat in our breast? Who gives this muscle its impulse

to move? Where is the motor for this pump? Why does blood circulate in

our blood vessels? Why do we breathe day and night, when asleep and

even when totally unconscious?

• Why do the fluids in a chicken's egg circulate without a heart? Why does

a stone suffocate when we cut off its air supply?

• Why do light-demanding timbers have a thick bark, and shade-deman-

ders only a thin one?

• Why does a trout stand still in a raging torrent, as if by magic?

• What is it that keeps the Earth floating in space?

• Does the heart beat because we breathe, or do we breathe because the

heart beats? Where is the heart of a plant?

• Why does water pulsate and breathe? Why does groundwater manage to

remain on the sides of mountains and why, growing colder and heavier,

does it rise upwards? Why does it frequently spring from high peaks?

• Why do deltas and estuaries develop?

• What is evaporation? What is vaporisation?

• What is dissolution, what is combination, what is absorption, and on

what effects are these processes founded?

• Why is our body-temperature sub-normal when climbing a mountain

and above normal as we descend?


File: 1438736361184.pdf (1.41 MB, 7379130-Coats-Schauberger-….pdf)

I scared a large trout from its lair where it is able to feed and rest without

effort. As if no law of gravity existed and as though shot from a bow, the

trout darted upstream like lightning. Two questions flashed into my mind

just as quickly as the trout sped upstream.

One: How did this trout actually get to this spot (later I saw dozens of

them in the same stream) which was cut off by a waterfall about 100 metres

high roughly a kilometre downstream?

Two: What forces enabled the trout, not only to overcome its own body-

weight so effortlessly and quickly, but also to overcome the weight of the

water flowing against it?

Many years later I finally understood the cause of this phenomenon. It is

the 'cycloid-spiral space-curve'. In conjunction with reactive differences in

temperature it achieves the incredible; the overcoming of all weight through

the creation of a reactive counterweight, generally known as the 'specific

weight'. It is necessary to understand this concept as a condition of densation

pertaining to higher, more etherealised and more energetic formative enti-

ties, already in a metaphysical state of being.

Having realised this, however, a great many more observations would

have to be made of all the interactions before the true causes of this levita-

tion could be appreciated. It was far more difficult, however, to construct

the appropriate apparatus and to determine the proper alloys with which to

build it. This had first to be done in order to establish the innumerable pre-

conditions that were eventually crowned with success.

My obsession with this levitational force, would have remained fruitless

had I not come to understand the whole reason for the creation of the

human body. Through continual study of the processes taking place after

death, I also realised that present religious ideas and world-views were

either the perpetration of fraud on a grand scale, or self-deception to which

we had become accustomed over the course of millennia.

I say this because anyone who is convinced that metaphysical growth is

possible without continual decomposition and restructuring of earthly

remains through 'cycloid-spiral space-curve motion', will never get any

closer to the truth; to the nature of the genuine spiritually awakening force

brought about by higher reversionary influences. Thus it was that one day I

came to understand the 'hereafter'. It is the great vault arching above us

that a famous poet once called the 'Living Breath of God', which is no

empty phrase. Its significance will only become clear to those who know


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The "Primeval Code" – the ecological alternative to controversial genetic engineering!

Can the global food problem at last be solved – without using genetic engineering? In his new book the "Primeval Code" (Munich 2007) Swiss journalist Luc Bürgin unveils the secret of a sensational biological discovery at the pharmaceutical giant Ciba (now Novartis), which unfortunately has been ignored by the experts up to the present day. In laboratory experiments the researchers there Dr. Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch exposed cereal seeds and fish eggs to an "electrostatic field" – in other words, to a high voltage field, in which no current flows.

Unexpectedly primeval organisms grew out of these seeds and eggs: a fern that no botanist was able to identify; primeval corn with up to twelve ears per stalk; wheat that was ready to be harvested in just four to six weeks. And giant trout, extinct in Europe for 130 years, with so-called salmon hooks. It was as if these organisms accessed their own genetic memories on command in the electric field, a phenomenon, which the English biochemist, Rupert Sheldrake, for instance believes is possible.



Do you guys eat pork?

>Moses, possessor of certain Hermetic secrets, forbade his followers to eat pork, as this animal has a particularly dense and low vibratory state which would therefore produce a deterioration in intellectual capacity

>Regarding food, we will only recommend abstaining from consuming dense meats "of a low vibration" such as pork

- John Baines - The Stellar Man


How does one correctly separate falsity from truth when examining fringe knowledge?

Clearly, this has to be the master key to all occult studies. If you can't tell what's bullshit, and what's not then not a lot of progress can be made, right?

I have an idea, but still it seems flawed.

If the universe is 'mental' then what's truth must be subjective therefore what you truly think to be true is, and find what's correct is a matter of weeding out what you least believe.

Then it's just super subjective. There are no universal truths because a retard can think he's a sandwich, and since he so firmly believes it then it's true.


How do I deal with boredom better?



Except there are Laws in place along which things manifest. The whole point of the Demiurge is that it's a mind that thinks into existence how this reality works.

A retard can't rethink himself wholly as a sandwitch on the physical level because he'd lack the energy to recreate himself and I doubt that that form could sustain life and he would therefore be dead on arrival. That is, he'd be in the astral if he succeeds.


>Find worthwhile activities

>Do them

>Don't give in to boredom because that's an emotion that keeps coming back

>Autosuggestion along the way



>There are no universal truths because a retard can think he's a sandwich, and since he so firmly believes it then it's true.

He may think so but is he really?

Until he doesn't turn into a sandwich to the outside world without any outside intervention no universal laws were broken.



>actually reading Baines

You're a fucking retarded subhuman.



Just ask me. I hold more knowledge than any of these posters and frequently greenpill with stuff that can actually be proven.



Laws can't be broken. You can only use higher laws "against" lower ones. Besides, the guy who firmly believe he is a sandwich is probably turning in a sandwich in the astral world. Why would it make it more "real" if it happened physically ?


Lately I've been trying to practice abdominal breathing (like that covered in Science of Breath), and on a number of occasions I have experienced some very unusual effects. When done for a while, I begin to get these energetic sensations all throughout my body, like all the various nerve endings are charged with electricity. If I continue to keep this up for an extended period, it can even cause the muscles and tendons of my hands to force my fingers to assume a certain amount of extension, and on one occasion I continued with this exercise to a point where the energy flow was so intense that it caused some temporary pain in my wrists. Does anybody with more experience on this kind of matter know what it is, or how it could be utilized?



As a keen gardener, thanks for this.



You are stimulating your etheric body through the cultivation of Prana.

My experience with techniques to utilise it are limited but I would recommend reading up on charka activation, out of body experiences and using this flow to target areas for healing.

You could even try directing the flow onto other people through touch to heal them or relieve pain.

Robert Bruce has a course which I believe was linked free somewhere on this board a while ago detailing energy work which a lot of people reported was very effective for using this sort of thing.

Qijong is the Chinese energy work paradigm for dealing with this energy which they call Chi or Ki or Qi. Tai Chi is a mainstream means of cultivating it within Chinese culture but the esoteric elements are somewhat downplayed these days a bit like how yoga has become a mainstream fitness movement.

I would recommend trying some basic Tai Chi for furter cultivation as well as general good health and the texts of Mantak Chia for Qigong, his work is pretty comprehensive and easy to find online.

Be aware that while the technical content is sound he has a Christian background which influences some of his ideas.


Doing pleiadian lightwork (through the book of author amorah), had what I think was the first session with Christ and the Pleiadians themselves. Anyone else went through this or has experience in Ka activation?



Imagine what this would do on a human.



Yeah I do Qi gong every day. I appreciate that energy work description. It's what I've been looking for for a long time. When the student is ready the master arrives. hahaha.


What are the best books on tulpa creation?


Tips fedora


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I believe this one is still the most used.



Very appreciated!


I am new to this stuff and am primarily interested in practical day-to-day effects. I have been looking into Chaos Magick.

What is the effect of changing the names of entities in certain rituals to something more familiar? For example, in New Avatar Power there are all these entities and words of power that are totally meaningless to me. With the Golden Dawn banishing ritual they invoke a bunch of archangels that are unfamiliar to me (and it all seems a bit too Jewish).

What would happen if I replaced these entities with Bane or other characters from fiction that resonate much more strongly with me? I already visualize such characters when I lift and it helps a lot.

What would happen if I changed the spoken part of the banishing ritual here:


to something I thought up myself?

Some other questions:

Is Chaos Magick a bad place to start?

Do I need a formal base in another system first?

As a beginner, is taking the rituals from various systems and customizing them for myself a good approach?

Are "rate my workout" threads frowned upon? For example, listing my goals, the books I have read, exercises I do, beliefs I hold, etc and asking for feedback.



the ultimate goal is for you to know atleast what kind of flavor each magickal main archetype has and decide what's useful to you and what works for you and what doesn't discard it or keep it until you find something else that makes it click or gives it purpose.

chaos magick is good but dont go too deep into it or you turn into a fucktarded degenerate.

best shit ever is to mix hermetics + mantak chia + intro chaos magick + summonings of your own + neville goddard content

ultimately you want to create your own pantheon of gods and simply use the ones already there if you feel the calling to.

I dislike how this board doesn't tell people to do half n halfs on reading.

1book on paradigm shifting such as arcane teachings then 1 book with physical energy techniques such as mantak chia's darkness meditation then the kybalion then arcane formulas then a book on qi gong or sexual tantra etc etc.



You first need a well formed foundation to work your way up into higher magick. Your first objective should be viewing the world from an Esoteric Point of View: to grasp the concept that "everything is mind", and "We are all One". Check smileyberg wizard progression thread. Go read the fringe essentials on the mega: The Arcane Teachings, The Arcane Formulas, etc. (emphasis on the teachings). Those books destroy the common misconceptions on how our "reality works", retrain your mind to be more open-minded and how what we consider the "ordinary" is not ordinary at all, but completely extraordinary.

Most magicians on /fringe/ recommend starting with William W. Atkinson and the Arcane Series. There is a very good reason for this.

Good luck on your path.



Is there more power in using established entities (especially as a beginner)? Would using my own be less or more effective?

>chaos magick is good but dont go too deep into it or you turn into a fucktarded degenerate

How does it turn you into a degenerate? I'm a /pol/lack BTW.


How much of a foundation should I have before trying practical stuff?

I have long been sold on a more esoteric worldview (due to a conspiracy background, familiarity with Rupert Sheldrake and the like, a few minor supernatural events that occurred to me). However, until I came to fringe (after the Banecrash) I thought study and control of the esoteric was beyond the average man.

Thanks for the responses.


Someone please claim /creepypasta/ and add it to the board list please

Username: PastaReader Password: 8b+haG1CWTPG



if a deity comes in your sphere look into it and summon it.

Question everything that happens at-least thrice within a week to you.



You're one of those who pretend. Wisdom, however, is in an other direction.



you don't pretend results…



My boy, half-truths yield half the results.


Alchemy is the continuous process of refinement and purification. The more pure, the closer to the essence. The essence is raw and waits to be disclosed by you. There are many paths and they lead to many essences. Know thyself.



Hello again.

Can you describe the nightmare you had on the first night? Deciphering the encrypted message within is probably our best bet in determining our next course of action.

Also, you mentioned it appeared two nights in a row. What happened on the second visit?




I don´t think my nightmare had anything to do with it. But anyway, basic mirror fuckery with my face and stuff trying to choke me.

The thing is almost every time present when waking and it just floats in air. After a while it disappears.


How to use meditation to induce drug feeling?



Meditation can create a high much better than drugs. Don't expect it to though, just be persistant and keep your eye on the greater goal of spiritual growth.

After ~ 6 weeks of daily meditation I kept waking up with a crazy strong high in the morning that would last all day.


I just noticed something odd regarding reading books. Usually, when I read books, I typically read it as though I were reading it to someone i.e. a fictitious audience. When I reframe my mindset such that I am the audience being spoken to, it typically sinks in much better and can even feel more engaging. What do you think? Is this a meaningless observation or have I caught onto something?



Well that is interesting observation. Something every scholar should know




I thought the same thing, very interesting observation indeed. From what I can tell I read as if I am being told the information by someone. I think this is because I have had conversations with myself for as long I can remember.


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Since I've started delving into the esoteric mysteries, I've noticed that I've found little material directly pertaining to Jupiter. There appears to be a disproportionate focus on Saturn, Mercury, and Sol.

Perhaps I simply haven't been looking in the right places.

If anyone here could provide information, or links to information, on the topic of Jupiter, I would be greatly appreciative.


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Has anyone tried making sigils from vowels instead of consonants?



That sounds like the edgiest possible thing someone could do








(notice the sigil in the wiki )


those are all sounds you make to attune your pineal to a level




sounds of creation and will

the other letters are symbolic bridges


hermes aka thoth aka tehuti

actual name djehuti

actual written and pronounced name : dwhty



>my boy , half-truths

you must be one of my fans.




So,you're saying that vowels are sounds of creation and will.For example,if I want to make a sigil with the purpose of creating something,then making a sigil from vowels would be better than making one from consonants,right?



In The Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge by Jean Dubuis, there is a section that mentions vowels and consonants, and which certain sounds mean what.

It might be different from what you're looking for, but it's worth taking a look at.


How can I set up my bedroom for the most effective magical practices? Would feng shui be worth looking into?



I will read it,thank you.



vowels are healing / power sounds

the consonants are symbols

so harmonizing both for use, yes.


Is it possible to charge sigils with hard physical exercise? How would I go about this?

I have experience with the mental aspects of martial arts, lifting and running. Focusing on a sigil on a 5k run would be easier for me than sitting and meditating on it for half an hour. Could I draw it on my body and then go for a run to charge it?

Also, what is the difference between charging a sigil by holding it in your mind and looking at it directly on paper? I find graphic visualization very difficult (abstract stuff is no problem).

Can sigils be charged by smearing them with my blood? What about sweat from a hard workout?

Finally, should sigils be burned after casting them? Kept? Thrown in the bin?




alpha-theta is your goal.

pepsi logo is a sigil so, depends on what you use it for.

company logo is a sigil you keep

blood or semen on sigils is to link it multidimensionally to your essence because blood = life river, semen = 40-60 drops of blood/drop of semen.

pure exhaustion from activity or dance

the bwiti tribe in the congo dance for 16-20 hours straight to induce insane levels of trance and magick, many reports of them entering in people's trips while they trip on iboga to make sure they don't disrupt the spirits.

goto the monkey bars at a park and hang on them until you want to cry while looking at your sigil..

but honestly tho guys, it's much better and easier to just work out of sigils and move into using visualizations.


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Amazing argument you have presented.


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Reminder that Catholics are LITERALLY cuckolds.

They LITERALLY believe that if you married a wholesome, pure, qt 3.14 hymen-intact virgin and she somehow turned into an ultimate degenerate wench, even becoming pregnant with another man's child and despite your best possible efforts, with all your prayers and so-forth, nothing works… you cannot ever divorce and should stay with her and raise his child.

No hyperbole. Literal, cold-hard truth about what this Catholicucks ACTUALLY believe. Would Jesus REALLY approve of this? I don't think so.



How long each session and what kind of meditation? Breath or void? I can't do void yet, I'm not that good



That's strange because I naturally read to an audience and I too, have been having conversations in my head for a long time as well.



Breath and concentration mostly. 20-30 minutes a day.


Is there any particular field of magick dedicated to just experiencing things? Like just adventuring? I'm not particularly interested in rituals and magick and stuff, I'd like to just go places and experience the universe. To explore realms and shit. Is there any field or study devoted to just jumping into the great beyond? Also what's your guys' end goals for all of this?



90 day astral projection guide by Robert Bruce is your go to for wacky astral adventures with various entities.

>Also what's your guys' end goals for all of this?

varies from person to person but it's either some material gains for people that only got into magic to further their physical goals or "ascension" though it means slightly different things to everyone.


Why is time moving so much faster lately


Has anyone read/worked with The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage? I picked up a copy at a used bookstore today but I'm balls deep in the /fringe/ books so I probably wont get around to it for a while. Asking here because it looks really interesting. Mathers translation btw



Good question.




A few of us have noticed this too - I have no issue with his since it means less idle time during my workout sessions and rest sessions and I find plenty enough time to do my reading and breathing work. Only issue is between 7am - 4pm feels like about 1 hour, so doing yoga or qi gong in the morning feels like it took half the day.

It could also be the psycho-biological effects of highschool and schooling and the fact that a many of us have concluded or are concluding such reality tunnels.


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I cut contact to my friends because they were a bunch of assholes.

Now I feel like shit, some of my chakras seem blocked (heart and throat) and this disturbes my breathing. I guess this is what you get for getting attached to things.

How do I leave this shit behind, how do I stop being a slave of the circumstances? I want that fucking enlightment right now, the torture of being a mental slave becomes unbearable lately, need to break free from it all.

I seriously can't stand all the shitty thoughts crawling into my mind, they make me stand up while meditating and rage like a berserker, I feel trapped.

How to get away from all the attachment and bullshit?



Resistance will make the thoughts and emotions stronger.

You have to work with them while meditating. Observe them in a non-judgemental fashion. Eventually they will appear but will be felt only as mental formations without the strong negative emotional sting.

If you are very angry and frustrated it is useful directing that energy into explosive cardio or weightlifting.

Another option for dealing with aggression and negative emotions is loud resonating chanting of mantras.

Om Na-Mah Shi-Va-Ya is useful for this purpose. The Om grounds and energises the belly and diaphragm with the Na-Mah rising and clearing physical and etheric obstructions through the chest, shoulders and back. Shi should clear the throat and Va-Ya should be light, rising and clearing the head and crowning you.

Use of a necklace of beads ensures you chant a sufficient amount and have a marker for when to cease (the end of the guru bead), or if it is working very well you can start another round and so on.


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>Resistance will make the thoughts and emotions stronger.

I know, it bugs me the most that I can't just let go.

>Observe them in a non-judgemental fashion. Eventually they will appear but will be felt only as mental formations without the strong negative emotional sting.

I was able to do this, but recently it doesn't work at all. That's the reason why I'm so frustrated. All thanks to some shitty friends who decided to become energy sucking exploiter whores. Fucking mundanes man.

>If you are very angry and frustrated it is useful directing that energy into explosive cardio or weightlifting.

I'm doing this instinctively already by hitting and smashing my furniture.

>Om Na-Mah Shi-Va-Ya is useful for this purpose. The Om grounds and energises the belly and diaphragm with the Na-Mah rising and clearing physical and etheric obstructions through the chest, shoulders and back. Shi should clear the throat and Va-Ya should be light, rising and clearing the head and crowning you.

Thank you. There is an one hour drive laying ahead of me today, I will practice this while driving.



Don't smash your furniture.

Channel your anger into useful energy.



Just for clarification I find the pronunciation Om Na-mah Shiv-ae-ya most effective.

However it is pronouced the most important thing is that Namah Shivaya segement is made of five syllables with the addition of the Om for six.

>I'm doing this instinctively already by hitting and smashing my furniture.

If it must be violence use a punching bag. Martial Arts are known for the control and focused application of aggression. I recommend classes.

>I was able to do this, but recently it doesn't work at all. That's the reason why I'm so frustrated. All thanks to some shitty friends who decided to become energy sucking exploiter whores. Fucking mundanes man.

A converse way to look at such beings would be to see them as cosmic teaches exponding harsh lessons. Often the problem is not the friend as such but your own feeling that you have let yourself be exploited in some way which leads to indignity.

Thank them for the lesson, you will be better at vetting friends in the future and have better skills for dealing with such indivduals. The injury to the ego reminds you that you have a way to go and the road is endless so not to rest on your laurels. Painful awakenings can ward off complacency and fuel great works.



I'll try.


I'll put more emphasis on the Shi by seperating it.

>If it must be violence use a punching bag.

I don't have access to such luxuries.

>Martial Arts are known for the control and focused application of aggression. I recommend classes.

I even thought about it while raging around. Any Mortal Kombat tier recommendations?

>Thank them for the lesson, you will be better at vetting friends in the future and have better skills for dealing with such indivduals.

The problem is that I cut contact to most of my friends because they turned out to be of this shitty exploiting kind. This dog-eat-dog shit is getting on my nerves.




>>If it must be violence use a punching bag.


>I don't have access to such luxuries.

I'm not a wizard, but I am a martial artist. Try high-intensity shadow kickboxing against an imaginary opponent. Or if you have a tree, hang a sandbag.



Just let it be. Seriously. Look at some Zen teachings


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>doesn't elliot


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


/fringe/'s take on nofap?



all for it

See the Renouncing Lust thread >>18822


I have some questions about visualizing.

I find it very difficult to "see" the things I want to visualize (for example white light during the middle pillar, or sigils in my mind). I can assemble the shapes in my mind, but it is kind of like drawing something in the air. I know the shape, but there is nothing there.

When I close my eyes I always see lurid shifting starfields, colored blobs, fractal patterns etc. There is a lot going on, which also makes it difficult to visualize a simple straight line, let alone sigils with detail and color.

What is visualizing like for you?

When visualizing energy, do you close your eyes and see the energy imposed on your body in the third person? If not, how do you see it?

Is visualization primarily visual, or can it be centered on the tactile and aural?


Any books on various types of Kinesis I'm drunk enough to try to eartthbend


How to go about achieving invisibility? I don't mean literally being invisible, just sort of unnoticeable or stealthy amongst people.

Also, any way to make people forget me, possibly also make some stupid traces of me from a long time ago vanish? I was a dumb, dumb kid when I was younger and I'd like to get rid of that reputation.



Can't help you with removing reputation but I remember reading about a ritual where you sort of make a tear in reality and pull the void over your body to make yourself less noticeable to people.



Thank you, I love the sound of that ritual. Do you remember if you've read about it on here or in a book? I'll try my best to find it


How do I cool down in summer? My ass is sweating 24/7/30 right now, and I could use some rest from that. Do I visualize cold air in my lungs or what?



Run cold water onto the veins in your wrists, cools your blood.


Is it possible to invite astral entities into my house to live with me? I had this dream a long time ago where a cute demon girl was banished out of her own dimension, and came to my house one day. She started going to school with me, as I was in school at the time, and we got into all kinds of crazy hijinks. I'm looking for some inspiration to keep reading.



do you have a diet high in starches and or consume animal products?

Body temp changes while those are digested/processed.

Proper breathing also makes sure your body is cooled ( computer fan )

Check out Wim Hoff - he has content on adapting to temps.


>name change

>start lifting


>pull down from the sun a spiraling beam of gold light + pull down from the moon a spiraling beam of silver light + pick a planet you desire it's effects ( mercury or pluto in this instance ) and visualize the beam of light appropriate to such planet doing he same spiraling down into your head and going through your body in in the ground - while this is going on you have a golden shell of energy around you and your aura is blending the blue and red polarity energies of your being to form a purple-looking blend of energy between red and blue all over your body. ( this is a technique i learned a long time ago before even getting into any of this and it has worked when i used it - tho this is a general energy technique for defense and avoiding unwanted interactions and powering up )

>do shadow work on the fact that you have such emotional ties to your past and other's ideas of you.


>dreams are your subconscious trying to give you information you seek or help you desire to gain your goal - everything in a dream is to be interpreted allegorically depending on your own symbolic lexicon and general bio-historical effects on the collective program you had installed on you while you where cementing this reality. ( example used by bro panic : to many heaven is pussy food and or drugs - but mainly pussy, to a monkey it's bananas monkey pussy.. so when the allegory of the mind uses symbols you associate to higher states of existence such as having a dream with obvious sexual undertones about a cute demon girl, you most certainly have innerstanding to do.


someone hre have experiences or opinions on dissociatives? I mean drugs like ketamine, dxm, mxe, pcp…

ketamien users seem all to experience a sort of alinging with quantum conciousness, or something similar on their first high dose experiences, I myself can confirm soemthing like that.

for a long while they also made me feel a bit like taking part in those SEELE meetings in evangelion. my room was a space ship and somehow indirectly hanging out with other bright and like-minded uberphilosphers.

overdid it at times and had some reall bad experiences, basically visions of dying for the world, some horrible experience over and over again that always ended in me being sacrificed or fucking up to some end, other time I was in some dark medival town and got sentenced to get my leg cut off in exchange for something, when I came to my senses I had been moving about in my room and fallen badly on my knee and shit.

anyway since that time these drugs mostly lost their magic for me, and I don't really know why, I'm afraid they somehow opened up astral pathways that have now been torn down forever.

i wanst conciously seeking out magic knowledge with my experiences, but certainly seeking knowledge and understanding which I know see was mostly esoteric in nature.

i don't know, not really a question, but thoughts anyone?


Is it possible to change my eye color from brown to blue using magic/reality creation? My mom has brown eyes, and so does her father. Everyone else in my family, including my 3 siblings, have blue eyes, so it is in my genetic makeup.


I have idle time every now and then, are there visualization exercises (for chakras, third eye, etc) that I can work without going into meditation?


What to do when my thoughts are suddenly not my own?

The thoughts are judging mostly family in a very harsh and negative way and I cannot control it, it seems like me but it is not. Is it an entity?



>pull down from the sun a spiraling beam of gold light + pull down from the moon a spiraling beam of silver light + pick a planet you desire it's effects ( mercury or pluto in this instance ) and visualize the beam of light appropriate to such planet doing he same spiraling down into your head and going through your body in in the ground - while this is going on you have a golden shell of energy around you and your aura is blending the blue and red polarity energies of your being to form a purple-looking blend of energy between red and blue all over your body. ( this is a technique i learned a long time ago before even getting into any of this and it has worked when i used it - tho this is a general energy technique for defense and avoiding unwanted interactions and powering up )

Thank you didi, this seems really good. Around how long on average would this ritual take you if it's ok to ask? My visualization is not the best yet, and the whole thing only takes a few minutes or so.



you just KNOW when it's done. Entire body feels it.



Thanks kindly didi. I'm not at that point to feel it that much, only some light body tingling so far, but I'll keep practicing. Thanks again


Has anyone ever thought about or practiced eating dirt? I figure it could possibly be a way of getting vital nutrients among many other obvious health benefits.



not a good idea because of so many reasons but you would consume SOME kind of dirt a long time ago when you ate out of your own harvest to get some good b12.


Vegetarian > vegan > raw vegan > fruitarian > liquidarian > breatharian ( theres a science to it if you read enough shit from mantak and sunyata saraswati and get some info on glands in the brain.


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Looks familiar to anyone?



Why would you say fruitarian and raw is bad?



Because you're not supposed to eat.

There are levels of sustenance such as small microbes which consume electrons, many animals are biologically immortal and self-sustaining - etc etc.

atm, raw vegan and fruitarian is the highest level of quality in terms of lifestyle you can chose to abide by for maximal efficiency… but the path leads to renouncing the need to taste for the simple fact that you can eat via your eyes directly from the sun or create your own milk and honey from the glands which drop down your throat and revitalize your cells.

Fruitarian is the best you can go atm because 1. we're biologically built to eat fruit, even tho we are capable of omnivore diets they aren't optimal for us. 2. fruit is the placenta of a plant, you don't kill it's sentience or reproduction since you end up spitting out the seeds and in some instances you spread it's code as you walk around spitting seeds all over.

read aibi in the library, look up sunfire jericho, look up inedia and the milk and honey gland bellow the pineal



I'm no immunologist /virologist … but yeah, viruses are CREATED, not natural.

Also, take a bath with some unprocessed sea salt and let some raw apple cider vinegar sit in your hair for 10 mins, make sure you sit your head in the water too.. your hair needs it.



Oh I misread. I thought you were saying that Vegetarian is the best out of the tiers you listed.



There's one problem I find with Inedia/breatharianism is that what do you do when it's winter and there are too many clouds in the sky?



>asking didi


Anyone got a pdf of Magickal Use of Thoughtforms? I couldn't find it in the library.


Anyone having success with the magical cashbook?


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no, but i tried it only thrice (i mean days) and maybe have made a few mistakes in creating it..

i plan on trying it again with another amount which is 1. smaller and 2. more specific, like 16.37€


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I'll try it too, will report on the results.



I am in the same boat as you I can't find it anywhere




Here you go, just uploaded it. It's too big to upload here as an attachment.



Rosicrucianism is on the same level of retardatation as Kabbalah shit.

"Wisdom" coming from bald, ugly, old, sick men with glasses.

Pathetic. This is not magic.


There are entities in the universe that are living in more dimensions than us, right? So how do we live in those fifth, sixth, or higher dimensions? If it's not possible, could we have a sneak peek inside to see what's going on in there?

I really feel like Atkinson is taking fringe nowhere, and that using your mind power to attract a gf you never had won't make you any more "enlightened".


When should I meditate? Usuall I do magic work in the morning and meditate in the evening. Should I be meditating right before I do magic?



It's good to do your meditations in the morning because it prepares your mind for the day. After that you can do your magical work at any time of the day except make sure sure you're alert and well rested so your mind is sharp.


Hello /fringe/

I downloaded everything by Atkinson I could find including all his Anonymous works and everything by his Pseudonyms, etc.

There is a lot of material and I don't where to start.

I'm done with Arcane Teachings and Arcane Formulas (Read them twice already), and I'm trying to figure out what to start with next.

Anyone recommend a good order on which books to read first and which ones to read in the end? Most important to least or best order to efficiently put the Atkinson tapestry together from basic to advanced. I hope I made myself clear here.

I am also doing some prep work before starting on IIH Practical Stuff. I have already started on Step One, though I am not finding the time efficiency to do it properly. Some advice on how to go about the Soul Mirror would be appreciated. I understand this is something we should figure out on our own, but some resources I am unaware of would be cool.

Thank you to all wizards on here taking the time out to help us neophytes!




What are your suggestions?



That depends on what you want. Some of these fat fucks, like Franz Bardon, have good material regardless.



These are the things I would like:

1. I want Mind Power.

I want to develop Near-Perfect Memory, Highly Analytical, Problem-Solving Skills, Speed Reading Abilities. Develop my Imagination, Obtain Mastery of Mind, Know myself and master/understand all my subconscious complexes so that I can develop personality.

I want to AP, Lucid Dream, etc too but I''m saving those things for later



So basically I want to balance my left and right brain hemispheres and also develop memory, etc



I'm sure it was in a book somewhere, it's somewhere in the fringe library, could be the Book of Knowledge, one of them anyway.


Have you read the Kybalion and The Science of Breath? The /fringe/ FAQ has a list of books and the order they aught to be read in if you'd like some guide to follow.

My own question is, has anyone managed to consciously raise the memories of their past dreams through a ritual of some kind or through the astral?

I've had an even today which roused strong feelings of deja vu and I remembered that the past couples of hours I've actually dreamt up at some point so I'd like to dig through my buried memories and see what other premonitions I can find.


Someone give me a TLDR on the ABRAXAS technique for banishment and how it works?


What does /fringe/ think of Evola?


I need some help banishing an irritating entity. It appears every time a wake up and then slowly fades away.

Don´t know any of its purpose, but better safe than sorry. So how to basic?


Any books/techniques about boosting creativity, specifically with music or writing? Sometimes if I'm really high I can hear really beautiful music in my head, or ideas just come to me really easily



Drugs are useful and may give all kinds of experiences depending on the dosage and drug. However all the things you can achieve on drugs can be achieved in a sober state in which you also have more control. Your body is also not taxed after the experience. Lsd for example will take a toll on your body for 1 month after ingestion. Now if you want to do drugs I would guess IIbogaine, Ayahuasca, Peyote or other substances which are used by various tribes to this day would serve you better.



It does not matter where you are or what you are doing if you can still concentrate on visualizing the specific object it will be fine. You can even do it while walking. If you need exercises Initiation Into Hermetics has a lot of them.



Banish them if they are obsessive if not imagine them burning away or disappearing in some other fashion. For banishing I would do the LBRP visualize the thought in the middle of the circle and visualize it slowly diapering while doing the ritual. Most likely its just malicious thought forms. So don't worry about it.



tl;dr bullshit without application, like 90% of "occultism"



> So how do we live in those fifth, sixth, or higher dimensions?

By evolving spiritually.

>If it's not possible, could we have a sneak peek inside to see what's going on in there?

Well you do go there every time you die but you forget it happened.


I have an intense, burning desire inside of me. It is so strong that everything else seems meaningless in comparison to what I want. How can I channel this desire into something useful like a thoughtform?



I've been here for months and have never recieved a straightforward answer on this, how does one evolve spiritually? How does one ascend? What happens when you get to the top?

Every single time I've asked people have just beat around the bush or shilled their ideology.



>how does one evolve spiritually?

by letting go of human bullshit and seeking to understand the inner world first and then overstand how it affects the outerworld and how both are in synergy for experience.

>how does one ascend?

Ascension is a personal thing and it's based on your ability to comprehend more of the spectrum of the initial first point which expands outwards infinitely - if you ascend, you technically should have already ascended, if you ascended, why did you bring your ass down to the world of the living dead in the first place? It's about self-expansion and being the greatest version of self possible, closest thing you can find in the human sphere to intellectualize spirituality and ascension are the 7 hermetic axioms and the 42 laws of ma'at.

>what happens when you get to the top?

You realize you just want to come your ass back into the 3d to experience again.

Those who desire deletion die atheist.

You get exactly what you believe happens to you.

It's difficult to even fathom ceasing to exist once you realize you are i am because as long as possibility is there - you are.


also, honestly, just get 5g dried psylocibin and do them while on a fast in the dark at night with lots of spring water close by and a bucket and a towel.

You will seriously get anything you want to know out of life doing that - thing is are you based enough to allow yourself to remember it or bring back something.

IF you're just tripping to trip, or doing magick for shits or to get over someone - you're fucked, you just opened the energy for you to be fucked with since you jumped on that road ( free for all pvp zones in video games ) if you think of something- you've moved yourself to that energy - magick and ritual is a method that has been refined for the human condition by the human condition to navigate this environment and attune yourself to specific energies which can manifest as concepts often times given names such as deities or spirits or creeds.

>i've been here for months

have you been staring at the background? give some of the 2-4 hour occult vidoes or the recommended books given a go for info.



Do you know that the 4th dimension is just a fancy word to say astral plane?

The fifth is mental and so on.

He was just asking how could he visit the astral and you are giving him the longest possible road to achieve it…

Learn about astral projection


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How often must I do the arcane formulas's exercises thorough the day?

How long must each last?

Atkinson says that when the neophyte feels that he's mastered this or that exercise, he should move onto the next one. But subjective evaluation isn't something I'd like to base my growth on.

How long did it take for you?


Esotericist know, almost unanimously, that buttfucking (between men) is totally haram right?

But still, what standard of masculinity'feminity must a practicioner reach?

Evola, by no means a liberal, talks about the ideal being androgynous rather than masculine "ironpill-mode".

Are there esoteric problems to an androgynous male, or a "tomboy" female, granted that they don't engage in homosexuality?


Is there any secret society worth joining?


Someone crossed a line. I wish to be able to put them back in their place. I've ordered "Death and Destruction: How to Cast Magic Spells for Vengeance, Harm, &c" by Talia Felix after finding EA Koetting's Baneful Magick's spells to be easily deflected and prone to backfire.

This book could take a week or longer to arrive and I'd like to start preparing while the righteous anger still burns hot. I'm sure I'll find a use for the physical book another time if it serves me well.

Does anybody have a line on where I can find a PDF to peruse?


Does anybody have/know where to find a PDF copy of "Death and Destruction: How to Cast Magic Spells for Vengeance, Harm, &c" by Talia Felix? I've ordered a physical copy but it could take several weeks to arrive. I'd like to start getting even while the righteous anger still burns hot. I must be vindicated.


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>how does one evolve spiritually?

By improving certain skills which open you to further enquiry and experience culminating in ultimate freedom.

Start small and conscientiously, it is a marathon and you will start by crawling. (Do not be jealous of those who can run and jump or reach the conclusion that the running and jumping is an illusion)

I will list some of the signposts of evolution but will not detail the activities of achieving such. With your own research and experimentation you will find the best methods for you.

1) Skill of Negation (Neti Neti in Sanskrit, “Not this, not this”). Mental ability to detach the sense of self from body, emotions, thoughts etc and bathe in the illumination of what is left. This shifting of identification allows the self to be much more pliable and moldable, assists in non-attachment and can ultimately allow for disembodied supernatural experiences.

2) Non-attachment. Looking after the physical self and thriving is important but it should be done so without the fetters of fear of loss or possessiveness. The non-attached person is truly free and not lead on a leash by his emotions nor does he acquire negative karma through poor actions and thought. Non-attachment is useful for magickal operations as intent is not clouded by desire.

3) Correct action and thought (Karma Yoga). Act in accordance with your Holy Guardian Angel (Future Magickal Self), Will of God or way of the Universe, whichever way you want to conceptualise it. There are a multitude of opinions on correct conduct. The most commonly held belief is we should work for our own liberation as well as that of others (or at the very least do not get in others way). Strive for a harmonious society which is ripe to cultivate our higher faculties. The exact means of doing this day-to-day knowing how complex the world is, is hard, hopefully with the aquisition of other abilities metioned which allow one to “evolve” the correct conduct and action will become apparent.

If done correctly, Karma Yoga will lead you to feel light and move with ease through life. There is a general feeling of blamelessness and warmth, both towards yourself and others. Difficulty will be seen as an opportunity to act correctly and you will be more forgiving of others as they lack awareness of the cause of their behaviour and the harmful results.

4) Skill of Absorption. Another meditative skill like negation and negation assists Absorption. Absorption is the ability for the subject and object to merge. Like when you are watching a movie or reading a book and it is so compelling the rest of the world and worries melt away. There is only the object. This allows the self to merge with whatever is useful, that thing becomes the only reality. This skill is very powerful for magickal operations as you can invest all of yourself into the sigil or murti or chant, without exterior distraction or fear or lust for desirable outcomes.

5) Skill of Expansion. This is the opposite of negation in many ways. Using cultivation of power through meditation and yoga, as well as the self’s ability to shift consciousness outside of the typical realm of perception (Such as seeing things from the perspective of a lamp or astrally projecting), to expand Self-Identity to include your surroundings as well as unseen realms. Expansion allows the self the greatest ability to overcome causal inertia in the material world as well as send “feelers” out to divine knowledge.

Those who radiate power and strange and awesome things tend to occur around them have some level of skill in expansion. Expansion is far more advanced than negation, absorption, non-attachment and correct conduct and sufficient mastery of those is usually required for expansion, unless the seeker has been born with an astounding preternatural ability.

6) Freedom from views. You can spontaneously achieve a samadi beyond conceptual thinking, alertness without a conceptual framework, just phenomena. This overlaps with negation and absorption, but should be mentioned separately. It could be realisation of Brahman or emptiness, but within the state there are no such preconceptions.

7) Fearlessness. The ultimate non-attachment reached is lack of concern of annihilation. I am not suggesting that this is what will occur on death, but the peace with this possibility means you can journey and perfect skills but will not hold onto them as a crutch in the hope of immortality. This should not be confused with will for or attachment to annihilation.




Sorry, this was when the thread was giving me bullshit error messages. Read one, disregard the other.



>I'd like to start getting even while the righteous anger still burns hot. I must be vindicated.

What happened?




Very good answers, you have my thanks.



How did people like Franz Bardon obtain all their methods techniques and rituals?


How can I get laid using magick?




>almost everyone's first sigil/ritual is for pussy/money.


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A sigil is just a energetically charged declaration of intent, cast unto the universe. It's actually quite simple. See image, or link for further details.




nice loosh farm sigil



>nice loosh farm sigil

newfig here. Could you please explain this? Is there a way I can make a loosh farming sigil and unleash it upon normies on a business card, email footer, forum avatar, etc?



I know that but generally sigils don't work quite well for pussy…

I am talking about something more like boosting my aura to appear and be more confident, tricking people around me for me to appear more attractive, making the grill think about me and her having sex and generally making her want sex before even the first date, knowing what she thinks (something closer to immediate feedback then mind reading) and I would like to have techniques on how to do that and similar things

And yes I am a virgin


I tried some astral projectiont today. Once I got out my vision was black, though I could sort of see some things. What I could see was very inconsistent with what my room should actually be like and I think I saw some fairly nonsensical stuff too, but I can't remember that part too well.

What should I do to improve my ability to see while projecting?



Yes, even porn



Could you please explain in detail how it works?



I got mine better by doing some fire element meditation and just general practice.

The most I could see was about a meter ahead of me when I just started.


Reminder that aging is just another word for an accumulation of diseases, toxins and degeneracy.

You may laugh at self-proclaimed healers as you please.



Were you near your physical body when you projected?

I find the physical body acts like a negative energy sink supping your power and coaxing you back.

When I first projected I was stuck in the confines of my room totally blind and barely able to stand after crashing into a wall opposite my bed. The tactile details were consistent with my room to a T besides some picture frames.

Curiously I was going to hang some pictures there in a few weeks time. I tried to force my vision to clarity but I shot back into my physical shell like the elastic of a bungee springing back.


>Reminder that aging is just another word for an accumulation of diseases, toxins and degeneracy.

Correct to an extent, but even in ideal circumstances, most of our cells have a certain number of times they can split until they become unviable due to telomere shortening.

This is due to the material worlds tendency for entropy and the lack of historical necessity to keep on living (too many people would affect resource management in the tribe).

There are some species which seem to lack this tendency of telomere shortening such as crayfish and certain amoebas (or netamotes I forget) which outside of disease or misadventure are technically immortal.

It is only a matter of time before we integrate this biotechnology into our cells and become ageless Godmen.

In the meantime the body will age and eventually die, miracles do happen, but it is staving off what is currently an inevitable.

The continuation of consciousness is another matter.


What are some gud books of angeology/demonology?



Just read some fantasy books.


Who is the poster here:


I want to talk to you



That's Smiley posting as anon.

t. smilebergologist


What can you do with meteorites?



Nickel-Iron meteorites can probably make really fine tools and weapons. There is likely no air pockets or impurities in the metal. Wish I could obtain a large meteorite and take it over to a blacksmith. Some people are allergic to nickel, so you might not want to make anything that will be worn.

As for any fringe related purposes for meteorites, I don't know of any.



Start cults.



>reminder that aging is the shortening of the telomeres due to telomerase depletion and meditation+breathing exercises+yoga+vegan/rawvegan 80% alkaline 20% acidic diet has proven to reverse the depletion of telomerase.

>combining frank rudolph young's material with occult visualization to extend telomeres

>been doing this for 2 years to multiple body parts

>with success.



>edit: protip - look at all the old as fuck bodybuilders and look at all the old as fuck gurus/etc. Muscle maintenance = vitality / information being sent to body that the user is still using and maintaining the construct.

>Depression, self-destructive tendencies, suicidal / self-harm come from the construct receiving information from the user it's done - we're done, let's just deplete and restart over or we give up etc etc this occurs when one ceases to utilize their body and become comfortable with

1.wake up, eat bullshit acid breakfest with gmo shit

2.goto work for 8-12 hours

3. come home eat and watch tv/game

4. sleep

*5.(optional) have a life on weekends or what ever.

do this till 45-65 then go on retirement.

now you look like a dried up mr.potato head with a kyphotic spine no hair and slow cognitive functions.

why bother at this point doing any kind of self-empowering work

live out the rest… reset in reincarnation and do it again a few hundred times..



Read King warrior magician lover by robert moore

Read Sexual magick by Paschal beverly randolph

Read frank rudolph young cyclomancy

Btw - you should strive for only conscious/witch pussy when you're at this level or in the knowing of this… fucking mundanes is going backwards. If you want conscious pussy goto esoteric shops / anything related to energy world.

Ultimately you want love for the sex magick and further growth.

Doesn't make sense for an all powerful androgynous entity to just be a male or just be a female - the split happened in two. There's 2 snakes - 2 brain hemispheres - 2 genders… united they form 3 - the 3 for triangle, the first shape outside of a circle that geometry can form.

>mantak chia's books are essential so you don't end up getting vamped and depleted of all your energy / nutrients from ejaculation.



>nickel is found in concentration in the RNA

>nickel depletion in small animals such as rats/chickens causes tissue/health problems

>some people are allergic to nickel

I bet there's something cool there to research and find out.



I'm not a biologist or anything. I just know some people break out from wearing jewelry with nickel in it.


Anyone have success with a fruitarian diet? If so, what would be the ideal fruits to eat?



There are fruitarian bodybuilders, youtube / google.

Most vegans agree on the same shit just look up dr.sebi and add his stuff to it because a lot of folk still think shit like carrots or cauliflower is good for you when it's pure fucking poison.


Any way to use magic to make my dick bigger?


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You basically just make a symbol/sigil that will redirect all energy it receives to you (or someone/thing else) and then get people to project their loosh upon it.

Trolling is common (projection of anger), as anon mentioned porn (projection of lust) or perhaps you can get people some other way to focus on it.

More benevolently, you could make a sigil and then invite your friends to focus on it, to help charge, but otherwise I doubt you'll find many willing to give up their own energy for your ends unless they agree with your cause or are being tricked.

Personally I would recommend against vampirizing others via loosh farming.



Thank you very much for the answer.

So to make a sigil that redirected loosh to me I would just make it in the same way as a usual one ("It is my will to redirect…")? Is that what company logos are? So if you wear shoes with a Nike logo you are feeding them loosh? Or even just looking at their logo does it?

Interesting that since I was young I always tried to avoid clothing with logos on it, probably because my dad said "why pay someone to advertise their products?".

In the case of porn, who is the recipient? The chicks in it? The company who releases it?

What are some other ways I am getting farmed every day? How can I protect myself?

Sorry for all the questions, I am new to this and the amount of stuff to learn is overwhelming.

Thanks to everyone who answers in these threads, it is really appreciated.


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>Is that what company logos are?

Perhaps, depends on the original intent of the creator, and to a lesser extent, what others down the line have tried to mold it into.

>So if you wear shoes with a Nike logo you are feeding them loosh?

Sort of.

>Or even just looking at their logo does it?

More accurately, by holding that image in your mind (even if only for a second, as when you see it).

>In the case of porn, who is the recipient?

Lets say their is a sigil hidden in the video, once again the sigil's creator chooses these things. If it's very evident, it might be the company, but IMO that is less likely than a renegade wizard post production editor.

>What are some other ways I am getting farmed every day?

That my sir, is a very deep and complicated question. Basically when ever you are not making freewill choices you are being manipulated to an extent, however the catch is, if it's not a freewill choice you're by definition not aware of it. You can grow and expand in you awareness so as to 'cover all your bases.' For starters I would recommend learning about the battlefield


And learning about your enemy.


>How can I protect myself?

In 1 word awareness, in many more words


>Sorry for all the questions,

Questions are good, never stop asking them.

All that I ask is that you use your knowledge wisely, even though I have no way to guarantee that I still deeply enjoy helping.

>I am new to this and the amount of stuff to learn is overwhelming.

It can be, but relax, your perspective may turn itself inside out a few times before your though the rabbit hole, but know this: There is no need for fear


i have a question, im able to sort of cool myself off and give myself goosebumps by doing something in my lungs or throat i have no idea what it is but its really cool, its like a wave of energy originating at the top of the spin and heads down,what is it?


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It's the beginnings of sensitivity to subtle energy. You can do many things with it.

As you gather it, and as you feel the flow, your hair stands on end, and feel the energy moving though your body, try to shape it as you do. Try moving your fleshly form in varying ways, experimenting with the sensations. Try collecting the energy within your hand(s) like pic related, or DBZ style (I'm serious) if you need a visualization.

Learning to wield this energy (in ever increasingly aware ways with ever-greater magnitude) is a fundamental step to working with reality in a more conscious way.

Simple things to do include basic though forms/servitors, charging/enchanting objects, and spellcraft.



Again, thank you very much for the answers.

Not a question, but I feel I have to share this with someone. Before I started practicing magic, I was drinking at home every single day, jerking off to porn at least once a day and chronically procrastinating with internet or games. From time to time I also thought about ending it all.

The very first practical exercise I did was meditation and a very simple chaos-magic banishing. I went in with no intention other than learning how to banish and to actually start doing practical magic. I didn't even consciously want to lose those habits.

Since that first banishing I have zero desire to drink or jerk off and only "procrastinate" when resting after the gym. I feel much more positive and I'm excited by all that there is to learn.

I haven't seen any results from my sigils or rituals yet, but the way those bad habits disappeared was almost as if by magic. So thanks /fringe/.

Oh, one question I guess. Was I infested by parasites or something that left with the banishing?



>Was I infested by parasites or something that left with the banishing?

Perhaps those of an energetic nature, or maybe a demon that had been following your around, just speculation though.



>So thanks /fringe/.

We love you too anon.


I'm not very far into reading The Arcane Teaching, so maybe this is answered ahead, but it states that pantheism is nonsensical because it would rely on a god not being perfect with an eternity to prepare and thus not absolute.


But if this poster is right, why would I be The All experiencing myself as if The All wasn't absolute and wouldn't already know this? The All is absolute, that is undebatable, so why doesn't this add up? I'm very confused.


Guys I would like some help here. I have been trying to astral project or lucid dream since 2011 every night with no results, I've read a lot of books on it, practiced, I always write my dreams down and I can remember them in full detail.

No matter what I do I can't seem to do it by sleeping or meditations. I'm pretty gifted at everything else and this seems to be the only thing I can't do. I would really like some advice. Thanks!



>Were you near your physical body when you projected?

Yeah, that'll be it. Thanks for the answer.

I'll try to project directly to someplace further from my body, or move somewhere else right after I get out



>pantheism is nonsensical because it would rely on a god not being perfect with an eternity to prepare and thus not absolute.

Perceived imperfections are God limiting himself or challenging himself with his own power and free will.

He contracts his consciousness into the perception of separate souls which through suffering develop the animus to work for the realisation of wholeness once more.

It is endless contraction and expansion. This is his play.

Not pantheism (world-is-god) but panentheism (all-in-god). Indeed the world is part of god but limiting him to the material is a mistake, he is everything which can be conceived of while simultaneously separate whole and discrete.


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Have you tried the book attached?

Starts small and gets increasingly complex. Requires daily practice though.

The clear instruction and lack of woo is nice.



I have not but I will read it.

I've been practicing for 5 years now with no results. Could I be doing something wrong?



I would say the most important actions are daily dream journaling and varying reality testing every day.

It is also important not to want it too much, just keep up the exercises for fun and when you least expect it, it will work.



Did you manage to Lucid Dream employing the instructions on that book? What instructions on the book were the most important for you?


Still working on willed and lengthy ones but the general occurrence of lucidity in dreams has improved substantially as well as recollection.

Willing lucidity before the initial sleep cycle is hard however autosuggestion does increase the general occurrence. Currently I will often half-wake up momentarily in the night and realise I have just emerged from a dream and in that semi-lucid state am able to reenter with awareness.

The most common occurrence of lucidity is the realisation that something is off or inconsistent, a revelation that you are dreaming. This is known as a DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming).

The best techniques for achieving DILDs is analysis of dreams for common themes, feelings as well as logical inconsistencies and reality testing in your day to day life. Once reality testing becomes common practice you will eventually attempt such a reality test in the dreaming state.

The entire section on techniques is only about a third of the book, the critical sections are the explanations and exercises to help identify common dream signs, The Critical State testing section under “Waking Up in the Dream World” chapter and the exercise plan for querying if you are dreaming by phenomena triggers which occur in waking and sleeping life (toward the end of chapter 3).

So read the dream-sign material towards the end of Chapter two and all of Chapter 3 at least.

Where the book gets very interesting is Chapter 5 onwards where he gives a practical explanation of the creation of dreams, the ability to manipulate them as well as practical means to improve real-life skills, mental health or even seek enlightenment within the confines of the controlled dream realm.

What I like about the book is it starts simple and becomes increasingly interesting without being obtuse, the exercises are well explained and the anecdotes and activities within the dream realm keep you interested. He refers to a few occult sources for further study as well (mainly Tibetan Dream Yoga).



Yeah, wouldn't surprise me. Lots of myths about monks hibernating for very long periods of time. Historic figures living from 100 to even 500 years old…

That idea of longevity must come from somewhere.


I agree with this as an evolution-centric view, but even then, what about cancer?



I am not an expert, but mastery of telomere function excites a lot of scientists and longevity groups.

Cancer seems to be mixed when comes to telomere function from what I understand, disfunction causes lengthening and immortalization of some cells, yet the content of some other tumour tissue has very short telomeres.

Whatever the causal factor cancer is more prominent in people with shorter telomeres likely due to weaker immune response (I think) and genome damage. At least that is what I've gleaned off the wikipedia page, it’s a bit hard to fully comprehend without a background in biology.


Is karma real? If so, what does it effect?



Where do you guy's find those awesome books from the 60's like new avatar power, cyclomancy, acupineology, inner guide meditations and all?

And what are the places to get "witch/conscious pussy"? I can't find nothing but mundanes



>Where do you guy's find those awesome books from the 60's like new avatar power, cyclomancy, acupineology, inner guide meditations and all?

They are all in the megas in the sticky. If you want physical copies a lot are still in print or second hand copies are floating around.

Sacred-texts has a lot of stuff out of copyright www.holybooks.com is another decent source

If you mean how did people come upon such tomes to begin with, just by searching around blogs and communities working out what is regarded as practical and useful. Having green-pilled IRL friends helps as well.

>And what are the places to get "witch/conscious pussy"? I can't find nothing but mundanes

Not sure what level of green-pill you are after but stoners and musicians are often into weird stuff. Especially those who dabble in psychedelics and dissociatives.

A lot of yoga practitioners have taken the full dharma-pill.

New Age festivals are quite common.

Occult bookstores are still a thing, so maybe loiter there? Quite a few meetup.com groups in major cities involving the occult or new pagan religious movements.

Be wary that some Wtichy groups are mostly middle-aged or fat women and quite feminist.

Even if the girl is not into the serious more "adult" occult stuff yet, if she is keen on Tarot, auras, peledians, faeries etc she'll likely be open to whatever you are into.



Many thanks anon




Also here is an archive of the old chaosmatrix website. Great resource of ideas, theory, practice and essays.

Would be a good idea for someone to back it up.



Is there any sort of blessing I can do for animals that I need to kill? Like a spiritual form of saying "safe travels you fluffy mess".



are you a butcher or something?


After trying the first cyclomancy exercise I realised my will is too weak.

Any way to improve myself and finally feel the cold water being hot?

What kind of meditation would you suggest I use?



program your will to be strong.

>my placebo powers suck

>use placebo to make placebo work

make a mantra, find music or a sound or do some form of noise from your throat while programming yourself with the mantra.

Make a sigil to increase your willpower, sort of like an energy drink sigil, when you look at it and stare at it for a while zoning out, it should pump you up the same way you would from listening to the transformers opening from the 80s.

Look up WIM HOFF too for good example, WIM won't tell you he took FRY's content tho.



No, I just occasionally need to kill animals and I feel bad about it.



Perhaps there is a more obvious and deeper issue to solve?



do you have blue or green eyes?


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I have a wound from an incision that was made underneath my nose. It needs to be healed in 48 hours. Does anyone have any advice, occult or otherwise as to heal it FAST?



go get aloe gel and horsetail tea, grab some colloidal silver

brew the tea, mix all liquids including aloe gel


will heal 30-40% quicker if you also go in pure darkness for 6-10 hours and do MCO 10/10 20/20 30/30 breathing inhale/exhale.


Western medicine is good at triage and sowing oranges back up, that's about it.

Shame you don't have access to you one of the highly prized healing springs found around the world such as in honduras, roumania, japan, tibet, iceland, the ph of 8-10 combined with the optimal minerals and nutrients straight from mixed volcanic matter and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity compounds.

Yeah… we got some work to do, but we know what the steps are so we have that going for us which is good… Tho eventually we will have to abandon our introverted ways to reach the next steps, it's going to take logistics.



Thanks a lot man. Can I just drink the tea? I have already applied silver and aloe to it.



horsetail has silica, so apply, you can also drink it, but apply



ok, thanks.



if its a cut you can use eggs. There's a thin skin between the shell and the actual egg, from personal experience that is way better than stitches or band-aid. I think it gives a structure for your blood to flow to which makes its job easier, weather I'm correct or not it still works wonders.

Other than that it is pretty much belief. Believe you are healed already and you will heal. It is simple, if you believe you are healing, the universe will read it as "I am still sick" and being sick will be perpetuated for that reason. If you believe you are already healed your body will run fast to overcome whatever problem it has.


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For physically aiding the rebuilding of skin, vitamin D, applied topically can help.

Metaphysically, meditate on your body being perfect in form, the more you meditate the faster it will heal. (Also, it should be a given, but, believe you can.)


Best way to send energy to someone or something?



I assume you mean just not killing the animals in the first place, but that isn't always an option.


Brown actually.


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>1 Make a psiball

>2 pour the energy into it (that you wish to send)

>3 visualize the person or thing it is to be sent to

>4 repeat 2 and 3 until you are satisfied with energy density (or until it feels right)

>5 release it unto the world, it will find them

Really basic, but it works. You can very it up a lot depending on what you're trying to do


oes luck exist and is it a force that can be manipulated in your favor, or in the misfavor of someone else? I feel like it would tie in with synchronicity.



>luck exist and is it a force that can be manipulated in your favor, or in the misfavor of someone else?

That is correct.

>I feel like it would tie in with synchronicity.

It does, luck can manipulate the odds of things happenings, in or against your favor.

Synchronicity is simply the word for meaningful 'luck.'


What is the best material to read for a total beginner in energy work?



Interesting. So with willpower alone can I develop extrordinary luck?


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Theoretically, yes.


Would anyone here consider themselves powerful? Why do you think this?



anyone is exactly as powerful as anyone else, so power sort of lose its meaning.

There is really no reason to consider power level when into magick. Measuring is useless.


Got invited to give a talk to a group of mundanes about Reich. After talking to one of the guys I realized their interest is not Orgone but the social criticism of fascism in some of Reich's work.

Should I go through with it and use it as a way to teach them basic /fringe/ knowledge? I would completely ignore the politics and society shit, just pretty much start with a basic guided meditation and then develop further into a explanation of the mindless state of mind.

Bare in mind that this people are all graduated and with masters on their field of work, mostly layers, economists and psychologists. Just the thought of how mundane they probably are scares the shit out of me, but I always liked giving talks and usually do it whenever I can (it is my dream job)


Has anyone had experiance with a sort of tingling sensation coming from around the lower spine?

I can draw from it and it appears to increase ability that I apply it to but then it just feels like it runs out and I can't pull anymore from it.


What is bigfoot and how do i protect against it when i'm inna woods. I'm kind of leaning towards it being a demon of some kind



Start with Robert Bruce's book New energy ways or his new one. After that move onto Taoist texts by Mantak Chia or any Qi gong text you can find.


Has anyone had any experience with long fasts? I'm planning to go for a 46 day fast the coming next new moon and I'm wondering what I need to know about long fasts. How much physical activity I need, what I should and shouldn't do, etc.



I looked through Energy Work by Robert Bruce and tried his tactile "visualization" with energy balls. I tried it with the middle pillar and had very noticeable physical sensations for the first time. It works much better than the visual methods I have tried before.

Thanks for the advice.



If bigfoot is real, he's most likely a humanoid or a cryptid. As with most large creatures, steel core .30-06 should do the trick.


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Instead of the middle pillar I recommend you go through each chakra on both sides of the body (front and back) and activate/fuel them with energy. I find this will be a much thorough exercise. You can also spiral the energy upwards the spine down the front and back channel in a circle if you put the tongue behind your top teeth on the roof of the mouth and tense your anus and perineum. This is called the microcosmic orbit.



One question still remains though. How is this going to help me get laid?



No, best stick to their expectations at least for a while but mention /fringe/ aspects in passing.

If you go full greenpill it's likely you'll become discredited in their eyes.



>What is bigfoot

Bigfoot is a being to be used for gene material. Since they can apparently withstand huge amounts of radiation. So in the unfortunate case of a nuclear war humanity doesn't go extinct. They have a good understanding of technology since they come from a planet which was at a higher level of technological development as earth but destroyed itself. So I guess if it was near its goal would be to run and not to harm you. Now this also explains the reason why they are so hard to film or get any real evidence for.



Maybe I could use their expectation of politics as a platform. To begin talking about why the mundane mindsets wouldn't work in the real world. I think it would be ok as long as I bashed everything equally and didn't suggest any substitute point of view.

But then again, by my interactions with one of them I know they are prone to ignore things even if it is factual.

To give you an idea the guy who invited me to give the talk calls himself a "feminist" and a "marxist". The conversation went a little like this.

>>wage gap

>that's bullshit statistics if you account for all the relevant factors

>>Show me proof

>you didn't show proof either

>>its common knowledge

>common knowledge which is wrong

>>are you trying to tell me people can be wrong?


>>no they can't, and you're wrong.

I mean the guy is literally a caricature of all the bullshit point of views in society. If you do show him proof, he goes into a circular argument "it must be false because my first premise must be true".

Well, I'll probably do it.



Suit yourself.

Not sure why you'd even want to teach magic to these types of people but I sure can't stop you.

Good luck trying to teach magic to people who reject other things that have solid proof, grounded in the physical reality.



Don't be an idiot give them what they want or you'll put them off.

If you want to segue into it ask them if they heard of any of the theories that Reich was persecuted for. Relate orgone to chi and prana.



Second this/

my captcha was bgttyfuk lolwut.



Don't go full greenpill.

Do what the black dudes do when they get invited to speak about social bullshit about martin or york or sharpton, start with it but then break into real shit like mark passio does

give a look at tom campbell and edward bruce bynum on how they bring fringe-tier stuff to mainstream physics science and psychology.


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because if you don't contribute to the elevation of the condition on this planet - you're into this for self-gain, ultimately, it's completely fucking pointless, because nothing forces you to stay or do anything of this illusion.


Which books or methods are best to stop social anxiety? I have been trying meditation and I read the first two recommended Atkinson books, but anxiety is the biggest flaw I need to get rid of before progressing with other traits. I can't go out of my room without getting self-conscious and fidgeting, and even imagining myself in social situations gives me a churning stomach.



Yes, and when you exhale you release the tense muscles.




>Elliot hulse on youtube

>high cortisol / adrenaline producing diet

>shallow breathing

First fix your breathing, don't allow yourself to start shallow breathing… at first the breathing muscles will be weak as fuck in your body, but as you develop and incorporate squats, deadlifts, your entire mid-dantien lungs will be powerful, even your voice will change a little.



explain the 7 circuit model of pookrum based on leary's 8 circuit or just go with leary's 8 circuit.

If he doesn't see himself in that - fuck it, some swine won't even eat the pearls.



yall should know there are 3 billion something clones on this planet, NPCs.

Purely reactionary on physical level - zero connection to the CHAOS. Genetic A.I.



I'm quite serious though, Cyclomancy is a bunch of very cool "psyonic" exercices.

Sexual magick is about sex magick and "hermeticist tantra".

King warrior magician lover is a psychology essay on personality archetypes.

I must be blind, please enlight me


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What's the deal with the Cultists of Chaos pictures in the mega? Do they actually exist in the astral or I am I an idiot and they are just a meme.



From what i understand, the bulk of magic is making "Servants" in order to hack your own brain, by tricking it in having another self-conscious that you can directly command.

But there are people that think that those "servants" are actual Human(?) Beings. Holy hell, could you be anymore delusional? I could make servants galore and destroy them just as easily, and I'd feel no remorse. Why should I? They don't exist Physically.


Is there any guaranteed way to make sure I am greenpilled in my next reincarnation? I've seen somebody bring up teaching a tulpa to train you, but my tulpa isn't very active right now. I hate to rush things, but September is looking more and more likely and I'm a bit worried.


Alright so i'm kind of new to this, i've wanted to practice magic to see if it works, i've been pointed to books like "Natural Occultism" and "The Goetia" , i've also been practicing the visualization method of visualizing a black sun rising and reaching it's zenith, my main goal in this is to be able to change my face's shape, i don't know if this is possible, but from what i've heard nothing's really impossible, does anyone here have any info on this?



I have not heard that one before. By muscles do you mean the entire body? I imagine this is produce more chi via breaking the glycogen reserves in the muscles right?



yes, but i notice mantak is onto something with his horse stance, so id say try to make some form of halfsquat with your pelvis tucked in and make it the least forcing position, the less you need to send neurological input to keep balance or pressure on a spot the best, sitting yoga is cool, but if you have a soft ground like pillows or soft soil, your feet don't touch the ground tho..

from many sources and personal experience

take off your feet and do this by the roots of many trees in an area.. preferably a darkened somber enclosure of trees somewhere natural with less grass element in between.



I can agree with horse stance. It's one of the best to keep you rooted into the earth and having the spine straight allows for easy energy transfer.


How do I get past lust for results?

How do I forget a sigil after casting it?

What if I remember the desire two days later?



Late response but:

To be dumb is one thing,

To not will is being dumb.


I started reading Monsters and Magical Sticks: There's no such thing as hypnosis? by Steven Heller and Terry Steele

It's a book that goes in that every form of learning, communication and experience could be a form of hypnosis. Like what is the difference between inducing someone in trance and make him put up his right hand when the hypnotist snaps his fingers or that we got stumped in our heads by our elementary teacher that cat is spelled C-A-T in our schools.

Not finished with it yet but thought that Fringe might had some thoughts about it?



I don't disagree with greenpilling individuals who are ready for it, but casting pearls before swine is unwise.


Green pill novel recomendations please



Everything written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Especially The Coming Race.


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looking for entry-level physics books, what should i get?



The Flat-Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay


How accurate is the OP in this? https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/16554421


I'm getting mad synchronicities about Shmita and 13th September in general.

Numbers 13 and September keep popping up, whether on signs or people mentioning it, it just doesn't stop.

Wizards who are experiencing the same, report in and those who don't, hold on to your butts, because whether it's going to be the promised economic collapse or not, something is going to happen.



Maybe it's just going to happen for YOU ! Why would your synchronicities would have any effect on the rest of the world?


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Reaction image dump, I take it.


If I make offerings to an entity and it doesn't come through with what I asked, what should I do with the offering? Should I only make offerings once an entity has delivered?


Can I use masturbation without ejaculation to raise my energies? If so then how. Thanks.



I used to do it to then transmit the sexual energy to other part of my body for regeneration purposes, but then I realize I was mostly doing it out of a desire for pleasure rather than a magical operation, so I wouldn't recommend it.



What's wrong with pleasure and doing something productive at the same time ?

I would enjoy being blow jobed while driving, you ingrate faggot.



My lower left wisdom tooth started acting up two days ago. It's coming out at an angle but doesn't seem to be pushing the other tooth.

Wondering here if I should remove it or not. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to check on it and am a bit worried that they will want to remove it immediately or something.

The pain of the removal isn't what worries me but this does:

''It has been shown that there is a direct correlation between the amount of teeth that a person has and the person's memory capacity. The more teeth that an individual has, the longer he can retain information. In particular, healthy mouths are closely correlated with people having excellent short-term memory. Researchers are baffled by this and research is ongoing. The main hypothesis is related to the fact that dentists cut the nerves that rest behind the teeth during extractions. These nerves are believed to be directly connected to brain tissues, and cutting them may kill, or at least injure certain regions of the brain.

"While carrying out their experiments on animals, our Japanese colleagues managed to prove that whenever a doctor extracts a tooth, he also pulls out the nerve that stretches to the brain"

– Prof. Ian Begdahl, University of Umea

Studies of rats have shown that tooth transplants do not return lost memory, lending credence to the presiding hypothesis. Perhaps most interesting is that the loss of memory does not occur whenever a tooth simply falls out naturally. It only occurs when it is forced out through brute force trauma, whether that be from a brawl or dental work. The current research shows that memory problems are increased for every tooth that is pulled. Dental procedures may be responsible for most of the memory problems that are attributed to aging.''

Could someone greenpill me on wisdom teeth or whatever?


I wonder if it would be possible to remove the amygdala connected tooth and turn full psycho. Someone surely has to try…



I fiddled (haha) around with it today a bit. This is 100% amateur speculation but I think basically if you could remain hard and aroused without lusting after something, ie having thoughts and putting energy into images in your mind or porn (which is then just in your mind again), you basically have energy flowing out of you. But if you can get the force of will that comes with an erection completely seperated from the bodily pleasure or the lusting after an image, and also keep your breath steady, I think that is some sort of will training, or balancing act.

But having tried this this morning, even though I didn't ejaculate and got soft for a couple of hours, not touching myself, it left me with hightened sexual excitability, or lusting after every little pic of hot girl on the net, basically just raising some energies but failing to transmute them away from the sexual.

I eventually decided to come to rid myself of the thought interference, trying to "let it all out" while at the same time trying to keep the residual fires (of the wrong kind) low…

tl;dr: this is probably advanced stuff that takes lots of time and practice and you gotta be careful that you don't just slip into pig mode lust edging.


I pop a stiffy whenever i feel like i'm about to AP - anyone want to explain?



kundalini energy. Use the energy, move it upwards your spine. Breathe.



Actually consuming porn, ie: sexual imagery, will use less energy then visualizing. Channel that energy in the chakras and you are done.

A solo version of tantra



He is accurate in some answers and inaccurate in others. In the end it is for you to decide what is true and what isn’t.



How do I transcend and leave this lame as s 3rd density world behind?



My bad not supposed to quote you.



I would recommend reading Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon.

>If I make offerings to an entity and it doesn't come through with what I asked, what should I do with the offering?

Offerings are not needed. Beings that are stubborn can be forced to manifest with a sword or dagger.

The magician if he is properly trained has magickal authority and beings of a certain sphere will willingly serve him. No matter if they are negative or positive.




If those books pique your interest I highly recommend you read:

>The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

This is the published portions of a revealed text which an entity communicated to him over a series of weeks triggered by a visitation from a "secret Christian" bearing a fish symbol which removed forgettfulness.




I read the transmigration of timothy archer, which I think was pkd's last published work and in it there's a really vehement anti-occult monologue which is weird considering his experiences.

Here's the exegesis:




Authors often write characters with view points that are not their own.


>reminder to stay BASED.



Bubbly Awaiting Said End Dead.


Are there any practical or mechanical differences between Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path?



Yes of course. One is the way of non-interference and unconditional admiration, the other is the way of hedonism which eventually leads to sadism til you get bored of it all and decide to go the other way.



brother panic's definition of it sounds about right

right hand path : the path that everyone wants you to follow - society, mundane.

left hand path : the path of questioning, doing things that don't make sense to anyone else but yourself for yourself.

balance .


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>right hand path : the path that everyone wants you to follow - society, mundane.

>left hand path : the path of questioning, doing things that don't make sense to anyone else but yourself for yourself.

are you even serious? more like

right hand path : walking with godhood

left hand path : being godhood

I prefer being strong with God, right hand, than be a retarded Saturn puppet without God and allies



honestly, the path's aren't there to be interpreted as you desire - it's the kabalah paths, and this is what the pillars in freemasonry represent..

everything else is you just giving some externalized romanticized bullshit human-animal-monkey definition to something ineffable that you represent incarnated in this experience.


Will Smiley Update the torrent with new books (that the people here submitted) ? I hope he does



my sides



I think a clear distinction between lhp and rhp is an oversimplification if we look at the full scope of practice throughout the world.

In the western tradition left hand path is associated with ego and magick for self-aggrandisement and attacking enemies with the end game of becoming a god whereas the right hand path is more for working in accordance with God's will. This came about through Western Orientalist misinterpretation of Eastern Tantra and their own strict good-evil dichotomy.

Left hand path in the East tends to be quicker (able to be achieved in one lifetime hopefully) but fraught with perils. Realisations through the breaking of taboos (cutting through to realise the Godliness of even vile things to quickly achieve Monism) and often sanity taxing rituals and physical/mental exertion. Expansion as opposed to (or as well as) negation is a common practice >>49704 (You) .

Most lhp or tantric practitioners have the same end game (enlightenment) as those on the right hand path, however due to the fact that such actions may be easier to cultivate siddhis (powers) it is sometimes misused.

Vajrayana Buddhism and Tantric Kaula Hinduism are examples of paths which incorporate a lot of lhp

Right hand path tends to be more in accordance with worldly duty, correct ritual and action. It can be hard though as it means doing what ought be done as opposed to what is easy or expedient. Discipline is important as well as study and intuition to realise the nature of reality.



thank you.

This should be framed and jped.

Here is another example:

Right hand path : I practice Yoruba - I can only do certain rituals to deities on specific dates / lunar dispositions / i mush wear these colors and light these candles and make sure i recite the prayers this many times

Left hand path: OK so this is how the ritual works - this is the main gist of the deities affinities and it responds to such and such… but wait a second, i read and tried in another ritual that if i add these herbs or do it with this crystal or shit wait a minute, if these deities need my force to exist… why am i the one following their bullshit? if they want loosh they better do as i say.

You can't help but walk both paths at least once in your lifetime - it's impossible not to as long as CHOICE and individual flavors exist.


I have a somewhat silly question, yet is something that has been bothering me since I can remember.

In the majority of rituals (just like LBRP), they say you need to start facing East.

My question is, do you REALLY? What if you have no way of knowing where is East?



Do what ever feels the best for you - the more you feel that feeling you get when you're about 80% done cooking your favorite meal the better. Freestyle that shit nigga.




and they just mean the sunset/sunrise, … you got different chemistry in your body depending on time of day / etc.

best rituals are done at 3 am.




I usually do my occult "experiences" around midnight, since my current situation makes it so.

Reading during the day, practicing during the night, that is.

I got that cooking thing, but what do you mean by Freestylin' it? You mean like changing the ritual and turning into something of my own creation?

Sorry in advance, for asking another stupid question


Let's say i want to manifest my materialistic dreams with magic, what path do i take?



kabalah and freemasonry are all left path of course they're gonna prone it

>implying being with god is romanticized bullshit human animal monkey definition

yeah whatever didi



Same question here, usually wizards on this board go on about how one who practices magic has no excuses about how they can't provide all they materialistic needs or write long phrases and paragraphs that basically sums up to: "Do a ritual" without ever saying what kind of ritual.

The worst are the mental magick ones "just will it" they say…

Yes Law of attraction works that way, but if we are practicing magick don't you think we have the right to expect results a bit more quickly then if we just wishfully thought about it ?

If it's just the same as LOA why the fuck would being a magician trying to ascend from Malkuth be anything else then a New Age faggot ?

>take my loosh, it's free



do you even know what the word god means or how it affects your subconscious when you utter such sounds?




yeah, cuz if i make a money ritual and it works for me, and i spread it around, and it works for others, it still works for me too and i get a % of the energy since the coding of the ritual was imprinted with my intentions.

just like how some shithead a year ago was tricking perverts into accepting his tulpae as succubi and feeding him all the loosh, ppl where getting their dicks wet astrally but their physical lives started suffering depending on how much they had invested in that.

It's so fucking annoying that kids knew not to fuck around like idiots with this by the age of 13 and we have 20somethings doing the most retarded shit imaginable… in occult scene and in the social scene..

what the fuck did the 60s-80s generation do to just suck so fucking much at parenting? did hollywood really just completely calcified them?

Ask anyone between the age of 10-35 now and they will tell you they have at least 2-3 different bullshit psychological disorders you never heard of a century ago.


what magic can transform your outer body? I don't mean major transformation, just minor changes to the bone structure


Is initiation into hermetics a legit good place to start or is it shit? Some people are claiming that bardon is a fraud



start with kybalion



are Atkinson nd bardon any good?




they are J. K. Rowling wannabes, kek



this cripple motherfucker as been shitposting trolling for satanism since 2 days. Don't believe this mundane mudblood


What's the strongest kundalini-awakening meditation known to you guys? Like the ones you hear all the stories about how they made people go insane and stuff.



i was getting that for a couple months


In observing the machinations of my mind (IIH Chapter 1) I have come across an obstacle of sorts.

I am aware that you are supposed to be detached from the activities of the mind, but I am truly starting to feel as though I can't tell what's "my" doing and what's automatic identification with an autonomous function.

During seated sessions, I insist that I remain detached and focused. I can manage this, until some point where my internal voice begins monologuing.

I remove myself from being identified, but soon find my tongue and lips twitching in tempo to my mind-voice.

I have no idea if what I'm doing is effective (it's been over a month worth of practice.)

I don't know if what I observe are the effects of my own volition or if they're sneaky traps (very, very effective traps…)

I really don't know how to articulate this issue, but basically I don't know if I'm sabotaging the practice or seeing into a powerful illusion of sorts.

Halp, please!



once you realize you are essentially god in a lesser form you really have no choice but to take the left hand path.



I learned to love myself. I did that by killing my ego.

If you don't want to read everything just go to the Do's and Dont's. I feel like everyone should focus on this before they get into anything else. That way you avoid fucking up.


I used to look at myself in the mirror and want to die, now I feel like I'm beautiful. I also can see the beauty in everyone else better. If you are bitter about the hand that life dealt you, tell life to go fuck itself and don't let up until you get what you want. If your goals don't involve harming good innocent people, then you will easily achieve them.

Oh yeah, and be sure to combine that with eating health and drinking a shit ton of water. Ween yourself off of all processed shit. I save so much money by doing shit like buying potatoes and making fries instead of 5 dollar bags of chips, and it's alot better for you.



Congratulations on taking the first steps toward enlightenment! If you wouldn't mind a recommendation, now that you're familiarizing yourself with Taoist principles, I would strongly recommend either increasing your knowledge of Dharmic metaphysics and the general Hindu worldview or, if you are already quite familiar with them, consider the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius for putting this into practice in your day to day life.


Good luck!



P-please respond


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I'm in the midst of learning through meditation and I've been talking to a friend about it. She apparently AP's often and told me today that "judgement day" is coming in the next 5 years. She didn't hear it herself, but she heard it from a friend that AP's often. By judgement day, she means that the rapture will happen as said in revelation. Also, apparently others that Astral Project have told her this as well.

The question is: Is she telling the truth? Is she lying? Has her friend been tricked by an entity in the astral? Can anyone find who is spreading this news in the Astral?

I can't confirm this because I can't AP at will yet, I wish I could.



I guess you are doing mindfulness meditation then. Concentrating on your breathing or body may help you. You will also start identifying obsessive thoughts and the like after you have had some practice.

You can try the fourfold breath. Even though Bardon says breathing techniques aren't important they can still be helpful. So you breath in for 4 seconds, you hold your breath for 4 seconds, you exhale and hold your breath again for 4 seconds. Then you simply repeat this.




>Like the ones you hear all the stories about how they made people go insane and stuff.

psychedelics alone in a dark room. It seems perfect for your wants.

>Fast progress with a higher chance of going badly then any other method

>Formal knowledge not necessary

>You can find it in any college, bar or party (just don't do it there save it for the dark room)

Go acid, and mushrooms. If you're feeling a little exotic and have the necessary connections, try some blue lily, mescaline, dmt and salvia. Bonus points if you can find the least processed version of all this drugs.

Things like weed and hashish are nice too, and way easier to find, but probably won't achieve the desired effects if smoked, if you really want to do it right just eat a bunch of it (be careful because you can od by eating weed, or don't be careful and go out with a bang). From personal experience good amnesia is the best strain of weed, get a grinder and make the hashish yourself once you get enough crystals.

There are also some less know psychedelics or at least less talked about which are equally as powerful, but from what I know probably won't allow for repetitive usage, like ketamine.

Or just go near death experiences.



meant for >>50610 not you sorry



I've been doing some research on alkaline foods, and there seems to be a lot of bullshit going around about what has been labeled "alkaline" when it is in fact acidic.

But because I'm a paranoid motherfucker, I don't know what sources to trust, so I was wondering if someone knowledgeable could possibly point towards a direction that makes some sense to me.

Also check out these two links:




Also, are oils bad? I read somewhere that oils are not good for the body.




I once read a article telling people not to do the ascetic kind of yoga. As it apparently causes harm if done in our environment. People react differently to higher levels of energy. For some it feels like it was always there for them to control but they didn't know. Others may shake get intense emotions or feel like their spine is on fire.

You can try this book Kundalini Yoga by Sri Swami Sivananda.



Dr Sebi + Loren Lockman.



Some folk who are spiritually attuned and roam around large cities such as new york claim they have to cut their long grown hair or keep it under cloth as they pick up too much information from folk around them, empathic energies to their emotions and the such.




There is a lot of shit to check out which I surely will, but any basic info on best alkaline diet or better yet just a starter pack diet for a neophyte just starting to get into basic meditation and increasing energy. I haven't even felt the lifeforce within me yet.

Still preparing myself I guess but definitely overthinking a lot of shit



…which b >>50625

didi do you have an email or something? you seem to be one of the only people on here who knows some shit. I also peeped Brother Panic and he's on some next level shit and I'm learning a lot from him so I gotta give you props on that shit.

I got questions though so I would love to have a chat with you if that's cool.


Can someone tell me why this bitch is saying apples are acidic and NOT alkaline like everyone else has been saying?

>2. Fruit is alkaline. FALSE. Fruit is fructose aka sugar which is acidic. There are two types of food and beverages; alkaline or acidic. This makes life very easy and simple and true health even easier. Sugar aka acid equals illness and disease. There are 5 friendly fruits that either are or have an alkalizing effect on our body; avocados, lemons, limes, coloured bell peppers, tomatoes and occasionally grapefruit. Yep all those berries, apples, pineapples, mangoes, bananas, grapes etc are all high sugar and acidic. Even though they may tote health benefits, they are 100% acidic with damaging long term side effects. You can get all the benefits without the acidic intoxication from eating and drinking green coloured veggies. However, if you are eating traditional fruit eat it in the morning on an empty stomach and 20 minutes away from all other food and beverages. And never mix it with any “healthy” item like yogurt or granola… it’s alcohol poisoning at this point as it begins to ferment and make acetaldehyde from fermenting in your bowel.


So why in fuck is every other alkaline diet article on the face of the planet saying eat apples?



How many grams of shrooms would you recommend?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


another fella already asked me for contact info and i don't have info that is non-elated to my finances… yet.

currently i'm going through each one of the shows on


These guys are based as fuck and imo their content is very valuable and legit.


You want to balance a 80% alkaline 20% acid food type diet to navigate this realm in comfort in your body

Eventually you can move on to refining the process.

check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ-3GMvdNkw

this guy tells you to not rush it and take it very slowly to allow your organs to revert to original form - something like 15 years to transition.

a lot of kids who are having misfired kundalini experiences from factors such as too many drugs without knowledge end up saying shit like dude i dont need food anymore, i dont even eat blah blah, dont understand that the milk and honey produced from the pineal's residue of dmt experiences is appetite suppressing because of it's composition.

Absolutely do not rush this, eliminate bullshit slowly and keep researching on deep sciences, most folk just stop a vegan or vegetarian without going into the chemistry and then physics…


apples absorb toxins too easily

almost every apple is a hybrid.

that shit you posted is retarded, grapefuit is hybrid

mangoes, pineapple and small original burro bananas are legit ( see loren lockman )

also she's a fucking retard, fruit gets passed 6-8 hours after consumption, there won't be fermentation….

She's correct about greens… but all you want from greens is their enzymes/chlorophyll.



1g of shrooms = weak weed

2g of shrooms = strong weed

3g of shrooms = closed eye visuals

4g of shrooms = full visual experience

5g of shrooms = full experience

6g of shrooms = pointless, the effect caps at 5g dried.



I got done with Panic's most recent lecture on YT talking about Satanism, witchcraft, etc. and he gave some remarkable insight about creating your own system from the plethora of information out there on the web, which is all well and good but from what little I've observed so far, there is a lot of bullshit out there.



Define "full experience"; if it is above "visual experience" do I have audio-hallucinations (is that the correct term?), too?

And when I'm on the trip how do I activate the kundalini? Or will it just happen by itself?

I know it's supposed to be dangerous but it must be done and I do not have a lot of time left and I know I am ready.

I also know that I sound impatient and I am not denying that - I am by nature. But, well, my spiritual path so far only ever went to a next stage when I took challenges head-on.



what is 'hybrid'? is that a good thing or bad thing?



Not that guy but I think it means apples have both acids and alkalines. Which means it's neither.

Personally I believe that if I let something like food stop me from becoming as spiritual as I want to be, I won't get anywhere.

Isn't it about creating your own reality? Shouldn't YOU decide what food is good for you and which isn't? To me thats something I can just feel by now. And which food feels right and which feels wrong might differ from day to day.

Interestingly enough the list of that one guy is pretty accurate. Avocados, man. Best fruit. Tomatoes also never felt wrong to me.

But that's just me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm not didi. But from personal experience the full thing would be the temporary disappearance of ego. There's a point in which you stop existing as you, at that point you'll intuitively know how to activate the kundalini or do damn well whatever you want. Hallucinations are cool but there's a point in which you just observe and don't get moved by them, that is the point you are looking for. You get hallucinations from all your senses, people just notice visuals the most because they tend to ignored the others.

For more information you can check vid related.



I see, thanks.

I have been there, or close to that, actually. When I was on shrooms before, I felt like all I had to do was do one of those DNA-activation meditations on youtube and on the next day, I would have all the power I would want to have.

Of course when I woke up the trip was over and everything was the same again but the experience was still amazing.

I feel like I was really close to making a HUGE step there.



thanks for this


What kind of clothes do you guys wear for your workings?

Also, is there anything to potions and charms? Any decent guides relating to these?


Is there a way to recover from SSRI use? Do they really kill your soul and trap you in time?


how do i achieve real materialistic results by using magic,what path do i choose? i don't mean stuff like just focusing on the stuff you want to achieve and achieving them, i can do that , what i want is something that will make my dreams come true, they are unreachable at this point



Try New Avatar Power and damon brand



>dont feel like starting a new thread so ill post something interesting i found in this one about the aryan / hitler / white supremacy stuff.

No. Those quotes are misplaced translation/ interpretation of texts. I think you're referencing from colonial era Western translators who were either biased or ignorant and certainly not experts of Sanskrit, Hindu scriptures and spirituality.

"black womb" "swarthy skin" would be barbaric, uncivilized progeny whose ways and beliefs would be considered aka culturally or spiritually meaningless by Vedic people and hence termed 'dark' or abyss-like.

What Hitler (mis) believed in was his own fault.

Also remember that in Hindu scriptures, unlike your Christian/ Muslim ones, the emphasis is on context and not on literal meaning.

Can you cite even a single event of white vs black skin racial battle in ancient India? If Vedas were about 'white supremacy' how come a dark skinned Ved Vyas was compiling them and getting honors and respect from Vedic fraternity for it? He would have been expelled from fraternity at first place, had that (white supremacy) been the case.

. · 3 years ago

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Unfortunately Vedas were first being translated from Sanskrit to German by Germans.Then from Germans to French and then from French to English.

In between do not forget that those Germans like Max muller(revered as an Indologist in My country) has not bothered to visit India even once.In 1845, Müller moved to Paris to study Sanskrit under Eugène Burnouf. It was Burnouf who encouraged him to publish the complete Rig Veda in Sanskrit, using manuscripts available in England.Secondly Max mueller was not Historians and in fact was a Christian Missionary. .

In a letter to his wife, he said:

The translation of the Veda will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It is the root of their religion, and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, is the only way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last 3000 years.

In 1868 he wrote to George Campbell, the newly appointed Secretary of State for India,

"India has been conquered once, but India must be conquered again, and that second conquest should be a conquest by education.As to religion, that will take care of itself. The missionaries have done far more than they themselves seem to be aware of, nay, much of the work which is theirs they would probably disclaim. The Christianity of our nineteenth century will hardly be the Christianity of India. But the ancient religion of India is doomed — and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?"So one can see vested interest of Those who have translated Vedas into English.

Go for correct translation as done by many including Sri aurbindo

Lastly there is no compulsion in Hinduism , still if you feel it to be racist then don,t follow it.It,s as simple as that.

aprichit · 3 years ago




newfig here. I have had zero results with NAP. However, it is very easy to get "up and running" and in hindsight I think practicing it was worthwhile as a kind of dry run.

With Phil Hine's stuff (Oven Ready Chaos) I have had very noticeable success with stuff aimed at influencing myself but zero success trying to influence things outside myself. I expect some veterans to set me straight on my thought process here.

Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman is also very straightforward and practical.

The first thing I learned and practiced was a banishing ritual by Phil Hine (referenced earlier in the thread). I had instantaneous results.



I'm pretty sure everything I've tried with NAP has worked, invocation for money worked the next day, invocation for success worked with exams.

You probably need to work on the psychic censor that tells you magic is purely psychological. Thinker think, prover prove.



>You probably need to work on the psychic censor that tells you magic is purely psychological

How do I go about this?



just believe



I think the best way to do it is through experience. To build experience practise results orientated magic, study it and look for a way of circumventing the psychic censor.

I'd suggest trying NAP again but using the central pillar before the invocation.


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First time posting on /fringe/

Anyone got details on how to talk to spirits? I'm an old-time wizkid with some reality bending under my belt, but I haven't found any good literature on spirits that makes sense yet.

I 'think' I've been holding conversations with some, but I like to avoid placebos. From what I can tell, all you can 'hear' from a spirit is intent. Our minds translates those intents into words the best way it can. I've had some Neophyte friends also talk to the same spirit, we get different results.


I hear

"The grass is green on the other side."

Neophyte 1 hears

"Over there is green grass."

Neophyte 2 hears

"Theres some green grass over there."

Does this sound accurate? Thoughts? Criticism?

The spirit I made contact with is an egregore of a specific franchise. A friend of mind claims he made a contract with the egregore known as Hatsune Miku, and she has emotions and what not. He says he tested the spirit, but won't tell me how. I just want to see if he's full of shit or not.

If he's right, then I've made contact with Kasane Teto?



What do you mean by "reality bending"?


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Example of reality bending. Maybe.

It may be classified under "meme magick", but the concept is the same. Except I do it alone, without a couple hundred anons. It's pretty draining to say the least.



>color scheme





i don't get it, what did you do in the last post?


How is the first exercise in "initiation into hermetics" of any importance? It's literally do nothing for 5 minutes



Try offering rituals



What is a good guide for such rituals? How do I know what to offer?



Offer something suitable to the nature of the spirit. Deities normally have specific things they are traditionally offered.

In general incense works well. A simple purification process and small script directed at the spirit stating your intent and license to depart at the end is enough.

Jason Miller's book sorcerors secrets has a general offering ritual to various types of spirits.


If you're interested in more depth there's a book called ritual offerings by Aaron Leitch.



Thanks anon.

I am constantly impressed by how helpful /fringe/ is. Thanks to all of you guys who take the time to answer questions and help anons.


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Here's just one example. This Uncle series didn't exist, at least in my/my friends perception, until I started the shitposting war on /b/.

Also got this neat OC for looshing dice rolls on /monster/

There's other examples too but I don't have images for it. Once reality changes, most people don't remember what it was like before the change.

Example: Berenstein bears, Fidel Castro being alive instead of dead, etc.


Never prescribed to rituals, never will. One of the first things I learned is that willpower = magick. Rituals only work because you believe they work. Not only that, but rituals are all about getting on your knees and begging a spirit to implore you, mostly. I just reach out into the void, ping a name, hope I don't get a dupe spirit, and pull them to me. It's way easier, but imagine you're taking a shower and then all the sudden you poof in front of a stranger. You'd be pissed. The only real spirit I couldn't control was the imp known as Aur, but thank god for having wizard friends who can banish for you irl.

Also, that didn't really answer my question. I'm looking for "how to talk to spirits", not how to summon one. I described how I perceive conversations with spirits in the last post, and I'm looking for confirmation from anyone with a similar experience with spirits.




Btw, anyone familiar with Aur should know he isn't very strong, but he is very persistent and crafty. I fell for his ruse cruise and got possessed. Lesson learned.



alright, i mostly get it, but seems a bit far fetched still, did you accomplish anything more believable with this "reality altering"? If you can alter realities, then you should know that there are endless realities, and by that you could practically change anything, even yourself


How do I dedicate an act of sex to Venus?



>far fetched

It's one of the most basic forms of magick… Are you sure? What do you think ebola-chan is? Ebola was meant to die off a long ass time ago, but using her as a sigil/thought form keeps it alive to this day. Changing the course of history, backwords or forwards, is "reality bending".

The most concrete proof of magick I can give you that I have successfully done is this thread. It has all the archives of the story. I get involved on the very first crit of the story.


I suggest reading it, it's hilarious.



alright, but how do you consciously do this? without the help of other anons?


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Can you change reality?



well shit i don't know


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Could someone tell me what sort of repercussions I might face in doing the ritual in pic related? I'm considering doing this because I want to test it out but I'd rather not screw myself over in some way. If all that happens is that I'm followed around by some negative entities or succubi then I'll just deal with it.


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you were supposed to say yes I can

We do not need to understand, we only need to know.




I see where this is going, this kinda opens the door for delusion but whatever, yeah i can change reality too, but how do you consciously change it?



you get a lawsuit from J.K.Rowling kek



do not see the reference to harry potter



Offerings are more about building a relationship than communication.

I find most telepathic communication to follow those lines, it's not the exact thought transmitted rather the nature and content.


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How to heal eyesight?

inb4 bates method which doesn't work.

Is there something in the Kybalion that helps with this?

Any other methods?

pls help



Just do it with no worries anon.

Maybe read up on Asmodeus a bit more, so that you know what you're getting into.


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The only rule that I ever found that helps, is to act out of will rather than desire. Gnosis also helps.

Simply will it to be. You won't get results your first tries, probably. It's all a matter of experience, and trial and error. Always try to avoid placebos.

>opens the door to delusions

True. Many people start this path, resort to calling something a coincidence and then give up. Return to being mundies. Don't stop practicing. Eventually you'll start to see patterns in things you force, and you'll start to eliminate self-doubt slowly over time. You'll get times when you know you forced something.

Once you overcome doubt, you reach deity status. Chaac, Mayan God of Rain, he created storms because he knew he can, and he overcame doubt. Now he's forever imprinted on history.

I skipped all the ritualistic nonsense and started right with believing in myself, but I'm still far from mastery.

Remember, will, not desire.

"It will happen."

"It is happening."

"It has happened."



First, eliminate doubt.


"My eyes are fine."


How should I go about dealing with cryptids if they come near my house? I've heard stories about the woods near me but have never gone very far into them.



I'm the same guy, and i was loosing hope man, but fuck, are you me? I'm trying out this stuff for about a month and a half now, the thing you should focus on in my opinion is that the desired effect has already happened, but i'm still not getting results, maybe cause i revert back to checking if the thing has happened in the middle of my believing,i do this because i want to change myself phisically, i guess for max results you just keep the stuff that you desire to happen in your mind the whole day right?



>"The Demonic Bible, Tsirk Susej..

It is a journey through the subconscious, by way of symbolic invocations. This book begins with the author's basic history and philosophy of demonic incantations. It continues on with the invocations of many dark spirits and beings designed to change the consciousness through identification. According to the author it is a ritual for "Crossing the Gates of Hell" These demonic forces are a source of dark enlightenment but also of obsession.

>The rituals in The Demonic Bible are intense and are not for the faint of heart. Empower yourself today and align yourself with the forces of hell if you dare.. "

This is a description given from a separate source. Sounds kind of dramatic.

I'm thinking all I have to do is realign myself with positive energy and forces after I'm done with this.

Can somebody give me a second opinion on this? Although I've been studying this stuff for a long time I've never really done a ritual like this because I could never figure out what I want in life. I'm just doing this because I'm kind of horny but want to see what will happen at the same time.


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Stop saying desire. Use will. But you're on the right path.

I reccomend using dice. Try rolling 20's on a die 20 on command. Granted, you'll roll 20's out OD pure luck sometimes, but you should start to see a pattern and learn the trick.

Find friends who also want to learn. Find a mentor if possible. You will operate better together than alone.

The problem with /fringe/ is that it's overrun with kikes who spread misinformation, and roleplayers. That's why I said I never really post here, but this time I really needed a question answered. I ended up answering questions though. Magick in its very essence is actually very simple, and those who stay on /fringe/ will forever remain Neophytes. Finding actual information here from posters is like finding a diamond in the rough.



Thanks a lot man, do you have skype or anything? How can i contact you?



yet other serious people still come back here. in all honesty anyone could figure out everything they want to know themselves knowing a couple basic concepts but some unfamiliar territories might merit posting here for a swifter reply/answer



tfw feel responsible for causing this mess of random groups starting to come here out due to my posting… what do you think of my idea here if you don't mind: >>50703

You strike me as that 'yogapilling' anon from a while ago… if so is there a way to contact you outside the astral…?




I'll post my tox when I get home from work.






Nietzsche totally rejected any sort of metaphysical pondering as ultimately pointless.

He was a nihilist who understood the utility of ideas even if they may be objectively false or arise from faulty reasoning. He admired philosophers and theologians for their will to power trying to shape reality in their image but laughed at their self-deception.

His interest in the pre-Socratic Greeks was due to their take on aesthetics and heroism and the ritual cultural Dionysian-Apolloian dynamic. Heroic cultures such as the pre-Socratic Greeks were very focued on "life as art", that is trying to turn your deeds into poetry for glory and posterity. He had no beliefs that any of this had any revealed mystical basis.

He is useful to read if you have an interest of how ideas can shape people and society and whether they lead to poverty of the self, or enoble the self.

What is the cost and direction of progress?

Will we be lazy saited last-men, or hungry and expansive ubermensch savages?



Not that guy, but what happened?


I've been wanting to study the occult for a year and whenever I will myself to read texts I suddenly feel very drained and tired but it doesn't seem me causing it. I have only read the kybalion and I am not too far in the Arcane teaching.



Where does that ritual come from, is there a book attached to it ?


What is the real differece between RHP and LHP? As a newbie to all of this occult stuff I find myself feeling more like LHP is for me. What should I expect from it?

On a completely unrelated note, is it true that 'spirit' means wind while 'soul' means breath? Is there some symbolism behind this?






Who cares, do what the fuck you want and works for you.



It's just a new style of "literature". You will adapt in time. It took me a couple of months to read occult stuff without straining and being drained by it.



Start with Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman.

It is modern and clear without being dumbed down. Explicitly outlines activities to attempt. Thorough explanation of occult ideas without being dogmatic. Quite entertaining as well.

If you can find a copy of Duncan Barford's Occult Experiments in the Home grab it as well.

Lacks practical activities but is full of interesting anecdotes and essays on ideas and concepts which will open you up to possibility and get you hungry for direct experience.

They are both members of The Baptist Head, seem like pretty cool chaps.



>What is the real differece between RHP and LHP? As a newbie to all of this occult stuff I find myself feeling more like LHP is for me. What should I expect from it?



>On a completely unrelated note, is it true that 'spirit' means wind while 'soul' means breath? Is there some symbolism behind this?

Depends on the system. I would consider soul to be jiva, the undestroyable part of God that happens to be embodied in your flesh at the moment and "spirit" as prana or ki (subtle energy)



It's just RP term you can ignore. Don't limit yourself.


Some questions about pranotherapy/chakras:

-How do they spin? I've heard they alternate, and about the male/female inversion, but nothing more

-Hand chakras: is it true that the right hand projects energy and that the left one absorbs? I know this, but looking about it on the internet i can't find anything.

-elemental magic/manipulation of the physical plane: i practice it using respiration to invoke elements and project them with my hands. Are there any better/faster methods?



In many exercises that come later in the same book clearing you mind of thoughs is vital. That is why it is suggested.



Kek I love this video too. The video is in full, but the work should be divided into each part of the trip. If you mark the relevant points in the video, like "the return voyage" or "the hallucination" and then listen to it while experience that part of the trip, you'll be blow away.



The part with the hands absorbing and projecting energy is true.

How good are you at manipulating elements? Can you tell me more?






idk but something may happen on december 23rd


Already asked, just in case someone that knows from the subject is around..

Anyone read or went through the pleiadian lightwork by amorah? Thoughts on it? Thoughts on the pleiadians? Does ka activation equals dna activation?



What the fuck is that dna activation thing ?

Is it some new New Age term to describe a watered down version of some real occult material?


File: 1440110900000.pdf (5.26 MB, Robert_Morse - The Detox M….pdf)


Whether a food is alkaline or acidifying is based on the mineral ash it leaves after digestion. That woman has a complete misunderstanding and it seems like she just threw a bunch of random vegan/paleo dietary advice together. She is correct about food combining with fruit, though.

From The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse (see pp. 303-305, 344-346 of the pdf):

Potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium are considered the alkaline-forming electrolytes. Phosphorus, sulfur and manganese are the acid-forming elements.


I compare alkaline foods to winter. They cool and soothe inflamed tissues, heal ulcerations and enhance cellular functions. These foods leave mainly calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium ash after they have been digested, yielding mainly an alkaline reaction and condition.


I compare acid foods to fire. Acid foods are high in sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen. They are mainly protein (amino-acid-rich) foods. These foods

include all meats, eggs, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, pasteurized dairy products and cooked tomatoes, to name a few.

Most animal protein foods are irritants to the mucosa and cells of the body, invoking an immune response. This causes your lymphatic system and mucosa to respond with mucus and lymph cells. Foreign proteins cause mucus production all through the body, creating congestive issues. The more we consume, the more congestion we create, and the more we create, the more we store, until our lungs, sinus cavities, ear canals, and throat become saturated. The intestines also become saturated with this mucus. This brings parasites, increases white blood cells, and creates inflammation, all of which affect the body’s ability to function properly. This congestion and inflammation eventually leads to cellular death.



>Is it some new New Age term to descr


mumbo jumbo for illumination/spiritual awakening/ascension/etc


While we are at it, can you get high by programming a psyball for it?




Then why do you do it if it's new age, does it actually work ?

>can you get high by programming a psyball for it?

Yes I'd suggest you get high "for real" and when the effects go away, you remember those feelings in great details and put it into your psyball.

>Although a better idea might be to shape your psiball in the form of a joint or whatnot, it's fun and creates a better emotional conection and recognition between the ball and you.

>The best idea would be to have a drug dealer thoughtform

>The divine idea would be to just don't do drugs or any kinds of stuff that alters your mind in a way that you have difficulty to control.


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