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At advanced levels of yoga-meditation it is possible to possess someones body from a distance and control their thoughts and actions with your mind.

This siddhi(psychic power) is called parkaya pravesha. It is mentioned here along with others.


Western culture used to know of these psychic powers however with the conquest of christianity psychic powers had to be interpreted in a christian context. With the rise of the modern world the rise of psychiatry also happened. Psychiatry is designed to promote a materialistic view of the universe: the idea that matter is the primary reality.

Some of the people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia were experiencing psychic phenomena and the diagnosis of schizophrenia resulted in mind numbing psychiatric drugs being given to them that suppressed their psychic powers.

The problem is they experienced the unfolding of those abilities without the guidance of a guru.

The truth is we are all psychic. Psychic abilities are normal.

Other siddhis(psychic powers) mentioned in that link:

the ability to teleport ones body

the ability to remote view(second sight)

the ability to rule the world

the ability to have physical immortality

the ability to see into the future and the past

Intuition though is a psychic ability too though.

You are psychic.


Yes, but how?



Are we then, living in someone else's created fantasy forged in psychic power?



Surely, non of this can come about with soccor-mom yoga. So, what kind of yoga do you recommend?


Kewl bruh, now, where is the manual ?




Why do you post wikipedia…



Well, I think wikipedia's a good reference. It's helped me a whole bunch of times when I didn't know what people were talking about.



Wikipedia is not where you go for the practical parts.



There is tons of Yoga, of the good kind, like Kundalini, Hatha, Raja. The question is what works?


Of course we're psychic, that's why we're here. This isn't skepti/x/ mootland.


i think the trick is realising that youre intuiting/psychicing/whatever all the time subconsciously


How to do it:

Watch your target. Feel what they feel, physically and mentally, for some time until you cannot feel your own body anymore. Concentrate your will in a burst to move their body or implant a thought. If moving their body, your will should be much the same as the will you exert to move your own body. It will be accomplished immediately if it works.

It's actually fairly easy. Start with people who are obviously distracted or lost in thought.



That's basic shit…

What about physical immortality and teleportation


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“The spiritual power of self-realization is infinitely greater than all the siddhis put together.

“….Do not think too much of psychical phenomena and such things. Their number is legion; clairvoyance, clairaudience and such things are not worth having, when so much far greater illumination and peace of mind are possible without them than with them. The master takes on these powers as a form of self-sacrifice! The master becomes only the instrument of God, and hen his mouth opens it speaks God’s words with out effort or forethought; and when he raises a hand, God flows again through hat, to work a miracle.

“The idea that a master is simply one who has attained power over the various occult senses by long practice and prayer or anything of the kind, is absolutely false. No true master ever cared a rap for occult powers, for he has no need of hem in his daily life.

“Do not fix your attention on all these changing things of life, eath and phenomena. Do not think even of the actual act of seeing or perceiving them, but only of that which sees all these things—that which is responsible for it all [the unique self].”



I do not understand this perspective. Like, at all. At least tell us how to attain this thing that you say is so much better so that we can experience it for ourselves. Because right now, it's just the same dull story every single time people strive for powers another person comes and lectures them on how that is bad.

To us it looks like you're just on "happy hippie mode". *shrugs*


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Research Sri Ramana Maharshi (the master of the Direct Path, which is not a Yoga, since it is far beyond any of them).




Simply put, a person believes that reality is better 'X' way because of preconceived notions.

Apply Occam's razor: if I am satisfied by a mind that is powerful, then I can attain that same satisfaction directly by changing the mind.

But maybe the two paths outlined above are not so different, as are sides to a coin. There's a path and a direction.


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How is one psychic? The whole universe is, and fundamentally interconnected in nature, and us being of it, we are as well.

A better question would be how isn't one? This is primarily due the general lack of awareness. Awakening to the knowledge of your psychic nature, in a consciousness manner, is but a step down the path of self-realized Godhood.


In a way, you could call that some one God.


Possible but very unlikely. The primary difference is the focusing of awareness upon the present moment and your body while you preform the various bio-geometric forms.

That said, I recommend, Kriya and or Hatha yogas.


When you purify your body to a certain extent and or raise your average vibratory level to that threshold (usually both) then your will have mastery over your body to heal yourself, and to prevent decay.

Teleportation is (or is nearly) physical ascension level. You will have to have enough mastery over the elements that you can manifest, from higher dimensional energy alone, objects real time. Then you can start working on larger and more complex forms, crafting their physical shells, and their energetic forms to perfection. By this point you would be a master at APing already and moving your mind to any location in 'time-space' would be trivial, then you just need to manifest a physical body at the desired location while unmanifesting the other one (or not)


These 'powers' are but a side effect of a greater degree of unity with the all, and not the end goal in and of itself. If you chase power you are not deserving of it. Only when you seek knowledge for knowledge's sake and not out a lust for power will you understand this.



>These 'powers' are but a side effect of a greater degree of unity with the all, and not the end goal in and of itself. If you chase power you are not deserving of it. Only when you seek knowledge for knowledge's sake and not out a lust for power will you understand this.

People keep repeating such phrases as if it was true. It's not llike I am a "power chaser", what does that even mean? You can't obtain higher powers if you don't work on yourself. These two go hand in hand. I already know that.

We use our mind power everyday and it is totally normal. I merely want to push things further, expand on that and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Why would anyone oppose enlightend beings being able to fly and teleport at their leisure, instead of relying on technology? Maybe there is some greater conspiracy behind it, but whenever I see these gurus it is very hard for me to see behind the presented mundanity.


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While I find this noble and fascinating, I have to wonder why people aren't absolutely horrified of the idea of unity with the all.

Reality is basically terrible, and as far as I can tell, built from the ground up to be horrifying endless torment, offering only deeper horror as an escape. Even the idea of eternal bliss is unpleasant to me, as pursuing that alone strikes me as not too dissimilar in result and pursuit to just overusing drugs.

On a similar note, if pursuing unity with all as a means of obtaining bliss is acceptable, why is a similarly selfish goal of pursuing it for power not so? Is it because the pursuit of bliss is an internal, self-focused act where the obtaining of power is ultimately external(in obtaining power over other things)?

If unity with the all is itself a goal, why so?

I apologize for a torrent of questions. I do earnestly believe there are good answers to these questions that I do not yet understand.


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>People keep repeating such phrases as if it was true.

And you postulate that it is false?

>You can't obtain higher powers if you don't work on yourself.

Agreed, but the motivation of such an endeavor is the object in question.

>It's not like I am a "power chaser", what does that even mean?

There may be a multitude of reasons why one might work on oneself in such a fashion though. Desire to dominate others, simple lust, avarice, gluttony, &c., or perhaps for a higher calling such as to aid others, by helping them find perfection.

>We use our mind power everyday and it is totally normal.

Indeed we do, and we also, consciously or unconsciously evolve while we live.

>I merely want to push things further, expand on that and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The question you must ask yourself is why, and are you truly ok with that path?

>Why would anyone oppose enlightend beings being able to fly and teleport at their leisure, instead of relying on technology?

As long as they are benevolent, I'm all for it. It's just I don't see many people that would use such great power wisely, nonetheless if you want to karmically shoot yourself in the foot, I generally won't stop you (as it's not my place to judge), and in that I differ from many with an inkling of knowledge.

Though if one has declared an intent to cause other's harm I may not share, dispite my love to teaching.

>Maybe there is some greater conspiracy behind it, but whenever I see these gurus it is very hard for me to see behind the presented mundanity.

Firstly, they have nothing to prove, to you or any one else, it's their would-be disciples that desire for them to 'show off.' And perhaps those with greater knowledge are just more cautious, as not to allow the student to bring harm to themselves or others. My philosophy is more chaotic in that respect.



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>I have to wonder why people aren't absolutely horrified of the idea of unity with the all.

Why should they be? It is just complete conscious union with the divine plan, with infinite love and joy flowing though you.

>Reality is basically terrible, and as far as I can tell, built from the ground up to be horrifying endless torment, offering only deeper horror as an escape.

It need not be so, the corruption of the demiurge has rendered to much more unpleasant that it need be. As you grow and increase your awareness and thus control over things, you can alter reality for the better (assuming that is your desire), or perhaps you are a STS, and you will bring more suffering.

>Even the idea of eternal bliss is unpleasant to me,

How so?

>as pursuing that alone strikes me as not too dissimilar in result and pursuit to just overusing drugs.

I cannot speak for that one might experience on their trip nor what lessons one might have learned. Now as it is generally portrayed in our culture, you could call it negative as you may be circumventing your life path, and if it's done to be rid of pain and suffering without growth and progress sure, you may call it undesirable. But every one, every time, is different, and it is not my place to judge.

>On a similar note, if pursuing unity with all as a means of obtaining bliss is acceptable, why is a similarly selfish goal of pursuing it for power not so?

Both STS and STO have their place, technically even the grandest 'evil' is acceptable in divine eyes as it fuels spiritual evolution.

>Is it because the pursuit of bliss is an internal, self-focused act where the obtaining of power is ultimately external(in obtaining power over other things)?

You have it all wrong. If you are a STO, and you purify and perfect yourself then you will be in a position to, if only by example of your supreme state of non-suffering help others. You first start small, with power and mastery over the self, then it can cascade to others.

To address the second half of the question, it's just that generally, if you seek power for reasons other that what was just outlined you are on a STS path, and most find that not only undesirable and detestable, but if not balanced can actually require divine intervention to allow universal growth to continue.

>If unity with the all is itself a goal, why so?

As you grow, you become more than you where before, as you do that, those around you (even if just by 'spiritual osmosis') will be elevated, and as that happens God also grows (in complexity) and thusly increases in glory. For me personally it's more of a curiosity to see what there is to become and a compassion to help other's along the way.

>I apologize for a torrent of questions. I do earnestly believe there are good answers to these questions that I do not yet understand.

Do not worry, questions are good, never stop asking them. I highly recommend montalk's works (though the entire sticky is pretty much gold), I just found there was a greater degree and depth of knowledge per page that in many other writings.

I do have a question for you though; why the fixation on bliss?




I like your attitude towards bliss, it's something that should be asked. Maybe bliss is not what we think it is, maybe bliss is peace that allows nature to flow freely. I think that when we are at peace with letting the garden grow as it will, then we free ourselves from endless and stressful tending. Then there isn't anything that we should do or avoid; nature is.

What's your take? Like how would you describe the direction you are traveling in?


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>And you postulate that it is false?

It's an interpretation that doesn't fully resonate with me. Seeking power may not be the ultimate goal, but inherently it is not different from wanting to live happily.

>The question you must ask yourself is why, and are you truly ok with that path?

I want to live in a better world. Man should be like god.

>As long as they are benevolent, I'm all for it. It's just I don't see many people that would use such great power wisely, nonetheless if you want to karmically shoot yourself in the foot, I generally won't stop you (as it's not my place to judge), and in that I differ from many with an inkling of knowledge.

There is no Karma, just cause and effect. That being said, I certainly have no desire to pollute myself and my environment with thoughts and acts of the negative spectrum.

>Firstly, they have nothing to prove, to you or any one else, it's their would-be disciples that desire for them to 'show off.' And perhaps those with greater knowledge are just more cautious, as not to allow the student to bring harm to themselves or others. My philosophy is more chaotic in that respect.

They certainly don't have to, whatever their reasons may be. It's still suspicious as I am unable to figure out what's going on. Nowadays I gained the insight that they might simply dwell in higher planes of existence while still living, as mundane as they may appear, on this plane.

Like I said, how do you even discern them from happy hippies? They even wear glasses or have other weaknesses, it is extremely difficult for me to take them seriously as this sows doubt.


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>Why should they be? It is just complete conscious union with the divine plan, with infinite love and joy flowing though you.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is the idea that it may not be infinite love and joy. I'm willing to put this up to me being jaded, though, so I'll concede.

>As you grow and increase your awareness and thus control over things, you can alter reality for the better (assuming that is your desire), or perhaps you are a STS, and you will bring more suffering.

You misunderstand. I'm not saying that I hate this reality, but rather that I don't see why people would want to join with it. In the event that it does have infinite love and joy hidden behind the veneer, I would then personally wish to not have that, as the concept strikes me as uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, I'm aiming to be an orthopedic surgeon, not a thoracic surgeon, so I cannot join the STS. That was a joke.

>How so?

This is perhaps a subjective thing. I find happiness and contentment in what a lot of people consider to be suffering or horror(though not necessarily horrific things happening to other people). When others describe a feeling of bliss to me, it inevitably becomes a laundry list of things I dislike, and my experiences with apparent blissful joy-bringers as meditation and yoga have all been unpleasant.

This could just a thing of "bliss is different for everyone", of course, but it does motivate me to question others when they talk about joy and happiness.

>But every one, every time, is different, and it is not my place to judge.

Reasonable. I hope I do not appear judgemental either.

>Both STS and STO have their place, technically even the grandest 'evil' is acceptable in divine eyes as it fuels spiritual evolution.

This is a reasonable stance, but I meant more "why it is disapproved of in the eyes of others". Perhaps I care too much about what people think, but I do try to focus on valuable perspectives.

>You have it all wrong. If you are a STO, and you purify and perfect yourself then you will be in a position to, if only by example of your supreme state of non-suffering help others. You first start small, with power and mastery over the self, then it can cascade to others.

I may have stated myself wrong. I know that self-mastery is critical, regardless of what you intend to do with that mastery; STS, STO, STA, ect. I was wondering why it is considered superior to seek that power for one reason and not another.

>To address the second half of the question, it's just that generally, if you seek power for reasons other that what was just outlined you are on a STS path, and most find that not only undesirable and detestable, but if not balanced can actually require divine intervention to allow universal growth to continue.

This is an interesting concept that I haven't heard of. If you could elaborate on how it produces stagnation that even death and reincarnation cannot jostle, I'd be interested in hearing it.

I assume it is considered detestable because of the stagnation it causes?

>For me personally it's more of a curiosity to see what there is to become and a compassion to help other's along the way.

An interesting reason, and it says a lot about you and how we are different.

Call me edgy if you so please, but I don't have a great deal of compassion. I have no immediate motivation to help those in need(beyond social norms), nor do I feel any particular happiness watching the world become a better place.


I'll take the time to read them.

>I do have a question for you though; why the fixation on bliss?

Because I dislike bliss. I would legitimately subscribe to the idea you have, and this paradigm, if it didn't involve universal bliss as being an unavoidable 'benefit'. My(admittedly few)experiences with it through meditation and yoga have been vomitously terrible. The feeling of light and love are uncomfortable to me.

As odd as that may be to hear, it is not a lie. Excuse me for sharing so many personal details of myself, but it seems to have become pertinent.



To explain a bit further where, in retrospect, I needed to;

>I have no immediate motivation to help those in need(beyond social norms), nor do I feel any particular happiness watching the world become a better place.

I should mention that I do not feel any pleasure in watching the world suffer, either. I'm not that kind of universal sadist.


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>I don't see why people would want to join with it.

I suspect you are confusing maya with reality.

All I think I can say is; you must learn more, and perhaps try a void meditation but focused on a single thing. Otherwise, I'm sorry.

>In the event that it does have infinite love and joy hidden behind the veneer, I would then personally wish to not have that, as the concept strikes me as uncomfortable.

I think we need to get down to what you personally define as love and joy vs other's definitions. Personally I try to get the most technically precise yet broadest in scope definition.

>This is perhaps a subjective thing.

I can agree on that, sort of. I think eventually there will be a pic related eventually though.

>I find happiness and contentment in what a lot of people consider to be suffering or horror(though not necessarily horrific things happening to other people).

So maybe you are the pillar that holds the others.

>When others describe a feeling of bliss to me, it inevitably becomes a laundry list of things I dislike

Sounds like you are the contrast to others, the things they are not, so they, and you, know what the difference is.

>and my experiences with apparent blissful joy-bringers as meditation and yoga have all been unpleasant.

Every one if different, and you must find your own calling in your own way, and most importantly it must resonate with you.

>This could just a thing of "bliss is different for everyone"


>but it does motivate me to question others when they talk about joy and happiness.

For I, joy is that which one enjoys (sorry for the use of a derivative word), that which one likes doing, gets pleasure from and or appreciates or loves being in the presence of. Happiness is the state of being/feeling of satisfaction of desire, whether short term or long. And per the question above, love, in it's purest form is appreciation for/of, someone or something, and is also often accompanied with the desire for union with (such as in the act of joining with your mate).

>I hope I do not appear judgemental either.

Not at all.

>I meant more "why it is disapproved of in the eyes of others".

Perhaps its a semi/subconscious influence guiding (the collective) us.

>Perhaps I care too much about what people think,

That is one explanation, perhaps though

If you believe that is the case I suggest you examine your ego and ask

>but I do try to focus on valuable perspectives.

Always good.

>I was wondering why it is considered superior to seek that power for one reason and not another.

A good question, myself I can say, without a doubt because it is more efficient to do so evolutionary speaking (in growth, where growth is defined as complexity of being * vibratory frequency/reality frames)

…for others, I believe they have not been introduced to, and adopted, such a long term view of things.

>If you could elaborate on how it produces stagnation

Imagine if, all there was was green (and imagine colors in abstract here for a second), and that there never was anything else, no red, blue, &c, and that you never knew anything else. How could you be said to have a choice/freewill/awareness of the color of a thing? (Well yes you could imagine new colors, but that is asking a much greater leap in complexity that one who has a template… and I'm trying to make a deterministically influenced point here, not an intuitively based one. I pose it this way as until one becomes greater degrees of aware, their choices are largely influenced by their environment, until they master it.)

>that even death and reincarnation cannot jostle,

Now imagine that every possible reality in which one might incarnate, is into such a state of imbalance.

>I assume it is considered detestable because of the stagnation it causes?

I would too, though I can not directly speak the masses.



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>An interesting reason, and it says a lot about you and how we are different.

I'm reminded of this thread on freedomboard about bodhisattva types.

A king-like bodhisattva is like a good king who first wants everything luxurious for himself, like a big palace, a large entourage, a beautiful queen, and so on. But once his happiness has been achieved, he also wants to help and support his subjects as much as possible. Accordingly, a kinglike bodhisattva has the motivation, “First, I want to free myself from samsara and attain perfect enlightenment. As soon as I have reached buddhahood, I will help all other sentient beings to become buddhas as well.”

A captain-like bodhisattva would say, “I would like to become a buddha, and I will take all other sentient beings along with me so that we reach enlightenment together.” This is just as the captain of a ship crosses the sea, he takes his passengers with him, and they reach the far shore simultaneously.

A shepherd-like bodhisattva is inspired by thinking, “I want to help all sentient beings to reach enlightenment and see the truth. Only when this is achieved and samsara is emptied will I become a buddha myself.” In actual fact it may not happen this way, but anyone who has this motivation is called a “shepherd-like bodhisattva.” In the old days, sheep were not kept in fenced pastures, and the shepherds had to bring them down from the mountains to protect them from wolves. They would follow behind the sheep, guiding them into their pen and lock them in. A shepherd would take care of his sheep first, and only then would he go home and eat.

I am a captain because it seems, to me, the best path, though that is quite subjective. You appear to be a king type.

>Call me edgy if you so please, but I don't have a great deal of compassion. I have no immediate motivation to help those in need(beyond social norms), nor do I feel any particular happiness watching the world become a better place.

Goes with the territory.

>As odd as that may be to hear, it is not a lie.

I believe you anon, and also I've seen some pretty mindblowing different things, so it's hardly odd at all.

>Excuse me for sharing so many personal details of myself, but it seems to have become pertinent.

No need for excuse, though I'll state it for the record. Everything is always excused, /fringe/ is far more of an open(minded) board than you might have even suspected. With love, anon.


>I'm aiming to be an orthopedic surgeon

I'll keep that in mind. Have you studied any of the more (subtle) energy based medicine of the east?



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>It's an interpretation that doesn't fully resonate with me.

Sound enough.

>Seeking power may not be the ultimate goal, but inherently it is not different from wanting to live happily.

It can be, but need not necessarily be.

>I want to live in a better world. Man should be like god.


>There is no Karma, just cause and effect.

That what I call cause and effect, only on a transjective level and as guided by you higher self.

>They even wear glasses or have other weaknesses,

Chances are if they still exist at this level, they will have something left to master, else they wouldn't be here.

>it is extremely difficult for me to take them seriously as this sows doubt.

Can you not feel the truth of something resonate within you when you hear it?



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>I suspect you are confusing maya with reality.

I do see some of what you mean, and that is a decent though. Perhaps I just haven't seen past the illusion enough, and my experiences are based on illusion rather than reality. That is my favorite method of meditation, though.

>I think we need to get down to what you personally define as love and joy vs other's definitions.

Warmth, elation, light, energy, sexual sensations… these are unpleasant things to me. I find more joy in cold, quiet, dark, motionless, and painful things.

To hear people describe their experiences… Well, "light and love" already leaves a poor impression.

>I can agree on that, sort of. I think eventually there will be a pic related eventually though.

Something that all can enjoy? The pure feeling of bliss, unattached to sensation? It's possible.

>So maybe you are the pillar that holds the others.

? As in, there must be suffering for pleasure to exist?

>Sounds like you are the contrast to others, the things they are not, so they, and you, know what the difference is.

It's possible. Are you suggesting I was somehow shaped or even created to be this way to fulfill that requirement? I am not special–if I am like it, someone else must also be like this.

>Every one if different, and you must find your own calling in your own way, and most importantly it must resonate with you.

True, I suppose.

>For I, joy is that which one enjoys…

Those are logical and balanced definitions, but it is still subjective, and I have no way of knowing if union is truly unpleasant or if it is a pure feeling of bliss independent of sensation.

>Perhaps its a semi/subconscious influence guiding (the collective) us.

It's possible.

>If you believe that is the case I suggest you examine your ego and ask

I don't have much faith in my own perspective, as it can be a little warped when concerning subjective matters. I like collecting input to verify my own assertions.

>A good question, myself I can say, without a doubt because it is more efficient to do so evolutionary speaking (in growth, where growth is defined as complexity of being * vibratory frequency/reality frames)

That's sensible.

>Imagine if, all there was was green…

So someone becomes so… literally self absorbed that they understand only themselves? In a less extreme sense, of course.


>I'm reminded of this thread on freedomboard about bodhisattva types…

I have no particular desire to bring people to enlightenment. It never struck me as a categorical imperative of life. There is indeed a kind of delicious despair to being trapped in a rotting illusion of a world, experiencing the despair and hopelessness of watching your life cave in with no belief in something after, thinking that all existence will one day be cold and empty.

I think it's fine if people are like that.

>Goes with the territory.

It does. Working in medicine takes a toll on your ability to sympathize. Being around the ill, tormented, and dying at all times of day would numb anyone.

>I believe you anon, and also I've seen some pretty mindblowing different things, so it's hardly odd at all.

I should remember where I am, yes. Such a small thing wouldn't surprise many here.

>I'll keep that in mind. Have you studied any of the more (subtle) energy based medicine of the east?

I have to an extent(and like learning more), but I'm not here to heal, I just have a passion for human anatomy. I want to reach inside someone's body and feel them be alive, feel their pulse and breathing, and the tickle of the lymphatic system running underneath tissue.

Also, orthopedic surgeons have the training to perform cybernetic implants, and that's rad.



>Can you not feel the truth of something resonate within you when you hear it?

I want to believe, but I've been tricked before.



Some of us are trying to abstain from the erotic,. Mind putting a spoiler on that next time, or maybe deleting the picture.


If all this is real why are there no records of anyone doing it?

I understand things like ESP, but levitation, teleportation and the likes?


Who is to say that the transmigration of a sould would see anything as it does through the body? If esp is real it might not have any use to a person, except for himself, and maybe not even then, maybe beyond the veil is without structure.


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>As in, there must be suffering for pleasure to exist?

As in, there must be suffering, existing somewhere, sometime, or at least the memory of it, so the difference can be known, and a conscious choice be made for peace.

>So someone becomes so… literally self absorbed that they understand only themselves?

I wouldn't quite describe it so. Think grander,

Without multiple choices, there is just causality. When you perceive only one choice or one effect, you become a passive link in a causal chain initiated by someone else. The more knowledge and understanding you have, the more genuine choices you see, and the greater your role becomes as cause rather than effect. It is lack of knowledge that places one under the influence of causality. You cannot change what you cannot see, because without seeing you cannot choose.

Now you could theoretically intuit choices that where not present in your reality, but it's much easier if you have some iota of awareness of something different, something that is, and something that is not. It's kind of like trying to explain 3D to a flatlander.

>I have no particular desire to bring people to enlightenment.

Though you may not, in the act of bettering yourself you can not help but have your (literal) aura rub off and effect those you come in contact with, regardless of whether or not your trying. Hence why I called you a king type, you focus on you, helping/influencing others is just the side effect of them being in your life/sphere of awareness.

>There is indeed a kind of delicious despair to being trapped in a rotting illusion of a world, experiencing the despair and hopelessness of watching your life cave in with no belief in something after, thinking that all existence will one day be cold and empty.

You describe despair as something desirable, why? Vibrationally speaking that emotion is not pure, nor is it even the most powerful (astral) force one can work with.

>I think it's fine if people are like that.

I think despair encourages stagnation, but it will be overcome eventually so I worry not.

>Working in medicine takes a toll on your ability to sympathize. Being around the ill, tormented, and dying at all times of day would numb anyone.

It can take an incredible strength to stay genuine and not become detached, however knowledge of and how the beyond works can help ease it. Compassion also helps.

>I have to an extent(and like learning more), but I'm not here to heal,

Did you not take the Hippocratic (or at least Osteopathic) oath? Or do you just not care to respect it? Though they may or may not be legally binding, do you not at least think that being false to yourself won't have consequences?

Any how, my turn for a personal aside. Though I may not be a doctor, I am a healer. I know the bodies systems, both physical and energetic. I believe that every one should master such as every one has a body. It has been extremely useful for healing myself personally but also keeping my clan in good health. But I also subscribe to the school of thought that 'with power comes responsibility,' and thusly I offer, freely, my healing services to any one in need that may cross my path, and I've even instructed the occasional individual in my art.

There are many reasons I do this, but most simply, it is because I realize the unity of all. Even though we may appear in separate physical forms, we both metaphysically and societally are inseparably intertwined. Though I've said enough about the former so I'll elaborate on the later

No man is an island, entire of it self; every man is a peace of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the lesser, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manner of thy friends or of thine own were; each mans death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

>Also, orthopedic surgeons have the training to perform cybernetic implants, and that's rad.

You support/believe in a (non-biological) technological based transhumanistic paradigm is for the best, why?

>I just have a passion for human anatomy. I want to reach inside someone's body and feel them be alive, feel their pulse and breathing, and the tickle of the lymphatic system running underneath tissue.

So you are in medicine out of some obsession or intellectual curiosity with the body yet you wish to be rid of it?


OK /fringe/, help me out. I've been having dreams recently where I seem to forget the next morning, but at seemingly some unimportant time, I have a vague sense of de ja vu and I could have sworn I dreamed that it would happen the night before, my mother was a medium apparently and I also feel energy when I'm in some old ancient ruin or abbey. I need your help.

I believe I posses Psychic abilities of some kind, I have not yet found a proper theory on how these strange moments of psychic euphoria. But I am slowly beginning to feel that it is important to me in some way. How does one go about mastering something such as this.

It may be worth also mentioning that I am forced to take medication, Ritalin and Risperidone. Some anon once said "enjoy your inability to lucid dream", at first I seen it as a joke but now I am genuinely concerned. I used to lucid dream a lot of the time but now they've upped my dose I've been having trouble sleeping and shit, also I have not have a single lucid dream that I can remember since and I haven't remembered a single dream for at least 2 months, and I have a dream journal. Will that affect me?


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File deletion doesn't work here, but I can spoiler it in the future.


>As in, there must be suffering, existing somewhere, sometime

That makes more sense.

>I wouldn't quite describe it so. Think grander…

Similar concept, at least, but an interesting perspective. I could argue that divine intervention isn't expressly necessary, but I do see your point and have no reason to argue that.

>Though you may not, in the act of bettering yourself you can not help but have your (literal) aura rub off and effect those you come in contact with…

An interesting thought. I have no reason not to benefit others, so you may be right. I have to wonder how a king-type is different from a STS, though?

>You describe despair as something desirable, why? I think despair encourages stagnation, but it will be overcome eventually so I worry not.

It's useful if you want to do specific things, but I confess that I do have an aesthetic preference for it. I don't go out causing despair just to see it, but encountering it is always a pleasure. I disagree that it causes stagnation, however.

Despair tests someone's psyche. Some people crack under despair and become weaker in the interim, others rise above it and are stronger, the odd person is twisted by its constant presence. Despair is very individual, influenced by many factors, and I think despair is a better, simpler test of character than many other emotions and situations, and encounters with despair leave one more durable in the end.

Despair does not stagnate as it creates a situation where the only way is "out". Very few people will sit there and bathe in despair, at the very least trying to disconnect from it or forget it. This as opposed to anger, which can cause people to become "stuck" if they think of it as righteous or vindicated, or fear which can never be overcome as long as it is avoided.

>It can take an incredible strength to stay genuine and not become detached, however knowledge of and how the beyond works can help ease it. Compassion also helps.

I wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't have a valid reason beyond the money, don't worry.

>Did you not take the Hippocratic (or at least Osteopathic) oath?

I actually haven't yet. That's a thing reserved for full-on doctors, of which I am not one yet. Medical schools have a requirement that you have a degree in a medicine-related field and have worked in a clinical setting for 2-3 years first, and I'm working through the latter.

I like the human body more when it's strong and well. That's enough for me, and likely enough to appease the oath without guilt in my heart.

>Though I may not be a doctor, I am a healer. I know the bodies systems, both physical and energetic. I believe that every one should master such as every one has a body.

It has been useful for me, as well, but consider that doctors cannot often apply more energistic medicine. Doctors are watched closely for malpractice, and even the suggestion of "exercise and weight loss will improve your longevity" can have consequences in today's politically correct world. If I wanted to help people, I would not be able to as a doctor in a homeland practice.

It has been a long time since the practice of medicine was actually about healing.

Tell me about your healing practice, though. There are subtle medicines I can put into practice, and I always like knowing more about the body's systems.

>You support/believe in a (non-biological) technological based transhumanistic paradigm is for the best, why? So you are in medicine out of some obsession or intellectual curiosity with the body yet you wish to be rid of it?

You misunderstand; I have no desire to be rid of the human body, just to make it better. The human body is not disrupted, transcended, or destroyed by a careful addition.

The progress of technological implants is almost entirely in the hands of hobbyists, garage scientists, and home engineers–and this is fantastic, as they care much more about things like the energy system of the body and the accessibility of it to the majority of people.

Physical improvements to the human body using very nondisruptive implants are completely possible, and I do believe spiritual improvements are also possible. Not just things to increase longevity or improve strength, but even a tiny machine to stimulate the energy body is possible(which is part of why I love learning more about subtle medicine).

Why did you leap to thinking I'm a transhumanist immediately? I did just confess love for the human body.



>how do I develop my powers

Meditation, obviously, it seems like you've got some low-level extrasensory perception, try to block out all external interference to your senses so you can truly focus on it.

Lucid dreaming is only a pleasant experience if you were having a pleasant dream in the first place, otherwise it's just horrifying (wanting to wake up but you can't)

Also, stop taking that bullshit medicine, it does nothing but fuck with you, you can't hope to get anywhere if you're constantly consuming chemicals that turn your brain into mush, your psychic dreams could even become more clear and detailed.



Thanks anon, I have much to learn, I will take this seriously and I understand that information will not be spoon fed to me by /fringe/. Sometimes these feelings of de ja vu (when the realization of a previous psychic dream comes into reality for a brief moment) are far apart from the time I have the dream, I must keep this dream journal active. The medication thing is complicated (my wife honestly said she will leave me if I don't take them because apparently I am aggressive without them, yeah. The meds turn me slightly submissive), I really want to learn this as I feel that these dreams mean something and that I can make my life better by reading the signs properly.



I'm assuming it's ADHD you have, if you're unable to focus without the meds then it would be no good to abstain from them.


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You just need to be more persistent in your search, it does exist. For 2 examples right off the top of my head, see "Autobiography of a Yogi" and "Surfing the Himalayas." However as previously stated, to most even near that level of evolution fame is the last thing they want.


Apologies for the belated response.

>I have to wonder how a king-type is different from a STS, though?

Both do care about mastering/perfecting themselves the difference is in how they achieve that end, and how they live/what they do along the way that does not directly contribute to that.

A STS will victimize others, consuming them to empower himself, to gain greater degrees of power over reality, however the result of being aligned with the STS hierarchy is, as one advances, as one gains power one also loses the ability to act with their own freewill (outside of increasingly limited choices) with said power (else they would be consumed by other STSs that they previously 'worked with,' similar to crime families warring over power when one upsets the balance that allows them to harvest/victimize others.)

A King type also is primarily concerned about himself, but he does not consume, destroy, or otherwise harm others in their pursuit of excellence and perfection. They mostly just ignore others, as they are primarily not concerned with them one way or another.

That's why I felt you where such.

>but encountering it is always a pleasure.


>I disagree that it causes stagnation, however.

Well, according to Webster's despair is the abandoning of hope or expectation. Literally the pledge not to ever try. Quite a strong word.

>Despair tests someone's psyche.

In limited doses, perhaps. But I would question if it was truly despair or if it never quite crossed that threshold, and was instead but an extreme degree of sorrow or fear.

>encounters with [hardship] leave one more durable in the end.

I can agree with that.

>Despair does not stagnate as it creates a situation where the only way is "out".

By very definition it is the act of one not even trying to change or grow, that seems like stagnation to me.

>I wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't have a valid reason beyond the money, don't worry.

That's good to hear.

>I actually haven't yet [taken an oath].

Oh? Am I now wrong in the assumption that as part of being a med student is that you work with patients? Or is it entirely sterile academic environment, devoid of humans and humanity now-a-days?

>That's a thing reserved for full-on doctors, of which I am not one yet. Medical schools have a requirement that you have a degree in a medicine-related field and have worked in a clinical setting for 2-3 years first, and I'm working through the latter.

You know, you could still take an oath, personally. In years gone by a doctor was but a trusted and learned friend who visited and treated the ill.

>I like the human body more when it's strong and well. That's enough for me, and likely enough to appease the oath without guilt in my heart.

Some of your previous posts has alluded otherwise, nice to be set straight though.



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Forgot flag.


>It has been useful for me, as well, but consider that doctors cannot often apply more energistic medicine.

Even if you can not properly lay on hands, or anything else of the like, you can still manipulate energy and belief towards healing, and not even necessarily in a deceptive manner (as there is increasing amounts of unignorable science regarding the role of the mind in the bodies health, a la psychoendoneuroimmunology)

>Doctors are watched closely for malpractice, and even the suggestion of "exercise and weight loss will improve your longevity" can have consequences in today's politically correct world. If I wanted to help people, I would not be able to as a doctor in a homeland practice.

While that may even be true today in the majority of circumstances, times are changing and the tides are shifting. You and I are far from the only ones with this view of healing (even in the western MD world), people such as Patch Adams, Candace Pert, and T. Colin Campbell try to bring the new paradigm to the mainstream.

>It has been a long time since the practice of medicine was actually about healing.

Sadly so, among other things I seek to bring that back.

>Tell me about your healing practice, though.

In a nutshell, though awareness of the subtle energy the flows though life I can rewrite/alter the energy field of one's body, grounding (or transmuting in varying degrees) the disharmonic energy and flooding the patient with (I call it love, but more scientifically) dense energy programmed to restore normal operation. I typically do this by laying my hand on/over the afflicted area and visualizing and feeling the energy move though me while chanting affirmations.

>There are subtle medicines I can put into practice, and I always like knowing more about the body's systems.

In my honest opinion the meridian system from china (the one that acupuncture/acupressure) work with is one of the more well documented and detailed ones. Though one does need to learn their elements in abstract to see how they compare to the western elements (they are not really directly translatable). And furthermore I rather enjoyed perusing through Dr. Wilhelm Reich's works and research on the subject of the subtle energy body.

>You misunderstand; I have no desire to be rid of the human body, just to make it better.

I believe the best way to do that is through the spirit and increasing one's vibration and awareness and not through replacing it with technology (especially non-organic technology). I've just yet to see any sort of implant that does help (spiritually) in the long run, though I'll surely admit it is possible.

>The human body is not disrupted, transcended, or destroyed by a careful addition.

It may be disrupted by adding something though, the human body is an extremely finely calibrated machine, sure, little, one off, things are unlikely to cause any real problems, but something with permanence, akin in nature to an implant, will cause it's changes to compound over time.

>The progress of technological implants is almost entirely in the hands of hobbyists, garage scientists, and home engineers–and this is fantastic, as they care much more about things like the energy system of the body and the accessibility of it to the majority of people.

Indeed, power to the people is good. However they must be just as learned as the most esteemed mystics or else they could cause horrible damage and pain, and what's more, even worse they may (through ignorance) even think they are doing good while they do so. That is a tall order, hardly impossible, it's just (knowledge wise) beyond what most (in this super specialized society) can even imagine in terms of study load (especially with the interconnected nature of these subjects)

>Physical improvements to the human body using very nondisruptive implants are completely possible,

Do you have any ideas or concepts for such a devise? or just hypothesizing?

>and I do believe spiritual improvements are also possible.

I'd really like to see one of these such things.

>Not just things to increase longevity or improve strength, but even a tiny machine to stimulate the energy body is possible(which is part of why I love learning more about subtle medicine).

In theory, but pic related needs to happen in earnest first.

>I did just confess love for the human body.

Indeed you did, but in the selfsame post you also considered replacing the body rad.

>Why did you leap to thinking I'm a transhumanist immediately?

Just some mixed signals.



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>OK /fringe/, help me out.

Hail brother.

>I've been having dreams recently where I seem to forget the next morning,

You can start by keeping a dream diary, keep a pen and a journal next to your bed and then you first get up, ruminate on what happened during the night and record what ever detail you may recall, even if it's only a single word or image. You can also use affirmations such as "I recall my dreams"

>but at seemingly some unimportant time, I have a vague sense of de ja vu and I could have sworn I dreamed that it would happen the night before, my mother was a medium apparently and

Deja visions (my term), I've met others with the ability. It has to do with the fact that when you dream you are capable of moving beyond linear time as you experience in day-to-day life. If you learn to take (full conscious) control over this you can learn to lucid dream or even astral project, as it's the same medium.

>I also feel energy when I'm in some old ancient ruin or abbey.

You just appear to be sensitive, at least to a degree, of the subtle energy that exists in the world. And in areas of greater power you feel it 'in the air.' Personally I would advise you learn to become familiar with the feel of this energy and learn to play with it, move it around, considerate it, mold it, program it.

>I believe I posses Psychic abilities of some kind, I have not yet found a proper theory on how these strange moments of psychic euphoria.

It has to do with the inextricably inseparable tie between the observer and the observed. (Or less obtusely, how the mind effects reality.) If you want the science, read into Quantum mechanics, if you want the more spiritual theories

>But I am slowly beginning to feel that it is important to me in some way.

It is, awakening to the interconnectedness of all is a vital step cosmic growth.

>How does one go about mastering something such as this.

In a nutshell, mindfulness & void meditation. See the mediation super thread (>>33148) for details and progressive exercises.

>It may be worth also mentioning that I am forced to take medication, Ritalin and Risperidone.

You should stop taking those. The modern institution of 'psychiatry' is designed to rip, rend, suppress, and discredit the power of the mind and knowledge of the greater reality. Those 'medicines' will interfere with your ability to access your inner power.

The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns. - R.D.Laing


>The medication thing is complicated (my wife honestly said she will leave me if I don't take them

Sorry to hear that, perhaps you can explain how and why they don't actually address the problem (if there is one) but just mask it.



Link fix (Meditations Superthread) >>33148



Thank you kindly. Seems that people here really know their shit. I shall work on this. I can sort of channel energy at will now. But the vibrations are weak and it takes a while for me to get into that medetive state. These last few days of playing energy so to speak have certainly rekindled my intrests in this.



yea buddy risperdol is a chemical that shuts down large protions of brain activity, that is why it is used on people with horrible epilepsy. But in the case of behavoiral anomalys they will give it to kids with bi-polar, autism, ADHD, etc. when I was on that shit for a short stint it felt like I was being poisened. I literally was becoming retarded as everyday went by.

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