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Do they have any effect on the energy system

Blah blah fuck your rule 2 faggot, all I can find every where else on the internet is new agers.

Someone help me out, I think there's a kernal of truth to it but I can't be sure.

(Rule 2 - but I'll leave the thread alone (until better crystals thread is made), just don't do this shit again)


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The only type of crystal I've really found interesting is moldavite. It is alien to Earth and believed to have come to us through a meteorite crashing millions of years ago. It looks like kryptonite, and is supposed to have a variety of spiritual effects.


>muh rituals

>crystals are bullshit

Make some sense, faggots.


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I have gotten one of these, and they work. It's worth the 30$ investment to get the personal protection format shipped to your door. http://www.mother-earth-orgone.com/ I have one myself and it dose increase my balance plus I can feel the beneficial energy field that it generates.

Crystals in general are good to have around, it is animist belief that all things have a spiritual energy (soul) that has forced itself into material manifestation. Crystals are basically incredibly refined rocks so like i said its good to have some around you can google the properties of most crystals but personally I would recommend you buy yourself whatever the fuck catches your attention and keep it on you for some time see if it changes how you feel. But like /fringe/ likes to say it is what you make of it.



Belief in the power of ritual and disbelief in an inherent spiritual powers of crystal are not mutually exclusive.

You could easily argue that the benefits gained from crystal use is ritualistic and more about the symbolic act and "atmosphere" created in the asthetics of the crystal and how it is used.

I don't believe this but it is a logical and congruent position.


OP you're not just breaking rule 2 with the question threads thing today, you're also creating a duplicate thread; there's already a fucking thread on crystals you nigger.







But if crystals are conscious wouldnt they be manifesting at the same time? Any energy you put in would be translated according to their consciousness.

Both ideas could work, I'm just a pleb though so I have no idea



All this talk is useless… Just go to a store with a lot of crystals, buy the one that calls your attention the most than do experiences with it. If you do a fasting you'll clearly see the crystal is alive.


crystalline structure holds onto and 'remembers' vibration very easily.

because thoughts and emotions are a vibration crystals can be 'programmed' with them

thats why they use holy water and salt and incense etc bc they all have a semicrystalline structure.

incense is especially good bc its a resin which is crystalline and when you burn it it turns into vapours - meaning it can spread even further



What about stick incenses, are those any good besides the smell itself?



I think stick incense would work in the same way >>47161 describes.

You can also use incense in offerings to spirits, gods etc. Incense smoke can also be used in evocation as the spirit can be seen in the smoke if it is thick enough, this is usually charcoal burnt incense rather than sticks for evocation though.

You can also use it in the psychological sense of building up correspondences, say building a relationship between a certain type of incense and meditation, contact with corresponding spirit or planet or banishing/protection ritual.



Alright, thanks!



>open catalog




Provide a link please.



Jason Miller's book sorcerors secrets has a script for offerings with incense.

Basically you purify it by visualising fire burning away impurities, then wind blowing out the fire, water washing through the ash, and then multiplying it (earth) in all directions. Then you call on spirits to take in the offering, burn it, communicate or watch the smoke while internally offering it, then ask for spirits to depart.




Yes. meditate with them on your physical body while you meditate.

match the colors to your system:






You can clear the energy of a crystal by leaving it in the sun all day and by rinsing it with salt water.


Can you expand on what you mean by energy system?



Energy system = CNS Central Nervous System

We have "instruments" to detect "dimensions" of this. But not all of it. I'm confident that one day technology will assist us in visualizing out chakra system.




pls go



Yeah, there was a good thread on this, check the archives.

If you can't find it, crystals imprint the subtle universe, the monad of spirit upon which materia rests, it forces the vicinity to adapt to their frequency/aura/geometry, creating a space, depending on the crystal, that syncs with the frequencies your chakra centres should be at.

Crystals force your subtle body to adapt to their imprint.


I have used rose quartz to help navigate the astral plane with clearer direction and increased vividness and color of mental landscapes. It is also protecting.





sounds legit too.

I've worked with crystals and they were my first "major" experience with other energies. Petrified wood feels HEAVY because it's grounding energy.

Just go to a crystal shop and ask to hold one.

Root chakra ones are probably the easiest to feel, petrified wood is a strong one.


>Next time try putting your question in the question thread, then wait for replies, then gather some information yourself, then make a thread presenting your findings.



Meaning of someone else breaking your protective crystal on accident?



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been getting multiple synchronicities regarding crystals and all directions point to 'Marcel Vogel'.

He seems to be the most knowledgeable and certainly not new-age.



>when I agree with it it stops being New Age



Have you even watched it or are you just here to shit post?



While I'm very new to this, I'd be interested in why people are so keen on loosh farming when they can just buy crystals and orgonite to get something that's far more stable and almost impossible to fuck up with malign intention.

I ordered 3 pounds of Citrine, 3 pounds of rose quartz, and one tiny piece of black tourmaline. The black tourmaline was so powerful it began to make me feel physically ill, and not because it was bad, because I cleansed it and it's incredibly protective of whom it bonds to, but because it was removing energy blockages in my chakras. (I'm getting used to it now, though). I only have to hold the thing with skin contact for a few seconds to feel my heart chakra activate (even though this stone is more associated with the root–it works on all energy blockages). The citrine and rose quartz, placed under my bed, REALLY activated my heart, solar plexus, and sacral chakras. I did "program" them though, which could be a vital role in how active these crystals are. They're apparently consciousnesses of their own, and can be programmed without the use of thoughtforms or sigils. But visualization is still key.

This should be introductory occultism, since it's very easy and these crystals are so damn helpful and protective from dangerous spirits and thought patterns. Fuck, I love these crystal friends, and I'm beginning to sound new-age.




Shamans have been using their knowledge of nature (which includes minerals & metals, and not just plants) for thousands of years.

It's only recently, in this age of ignorance that mankind has lost this knowledge. Thusly, it appears 'new'.

>This should be introductory occultism

Agreed. Both crystals (and then orgonite) where instrumental in allowing me to awaken my awareness. They are abundant and stable in energy, something not much else is in the beginner stages.

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