Question Thread #18 Post All Questions In Here 12/29/15 (Tue) 04:00:01 No. 65652
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12/29/15 (Tue) 04:06:41 No. 65653
12/29/15 (Tue) 04:06:59 No. 65654
12/29/15 (Tue) 04:17:03 No. 65655
>Apparently there some Eastern monks or yogis who can stop their heart by will. I don't see any benefit to do so though because it basically stops circulation of life energy.
Think of it this way, they manage to sustain their bodies via pranic forces directed by will alone.
tipp 12/29/15 (Tue) 06:26:48 No. 65662
Can confirm that programming your eye muscles can fix lazy eye, fixed my exes that would always drift off once she started thinking. It got on my nerves so bad I took that awkward conversation and it improved to near perfect.
Knew from experience, to much lazy viewing on the computer had one eye slightly off, blink really hard for 10 sec, feel and tense all muscles, a few times and you're good.
Doing this will activate and train muscles that have probably never been used, vital muscles who's purpose is to focus the pupils and move the eye or keep it in place.
Vision has always been 10/10, but it didn't get worse, can't really tell for sure but I think they're slightly better.
I did it three times until I had results that didn't require more editing.
I do however think that looking at your third eye during deep meditation eyelids closed, is partly guilty of the fix/improvement, or at least allowing you to feel and control all the muscles in your eyes.
Try flexing all your facial muscles, now that's a bitch, but has a lot of benefits. More defined jawline, lines between nose and cheeks, facial contouer and unlocks certain niche parts of the spine, comes with good realizations and ultimately your jaw and teeth aligning if you incorporate tongue pressure or extension.
12/29/15 (Tue) 11:48:04 No. 65684
What should I do with extremely strong tingling in my forehead? Are there muscles exercises to somehow utilize this pinching? At times it's so incredibly strong it's almost sexually pleasurable. The thing is, it doesn't do anything except it feel nice
Started when I got deep into fringe/physics/metaphysics literature
12/29/15 (Tue) 12:23:48 No. 65686
12/29/15 (Tue) 12:29:50 No. 65687
increase intake of magnesium
12/29/15 (Tue) 14:53:20 No. 65702
I think that the heart needs to work for prana distribution.
The monks probably just do this as an exercise to show their will power skillz and never for practical reasons.
12/29/15 (Tue) 14:59:51 No. 65706
>the heart needs to work for prana distribution.
This I agree with. I however do not agree that it needs to be the physical heart and can not be it's energetic higher dimensional/octave versions.
12/29/15 (Tue) 17:20:11 No. 65722
Is prana even a thing for non-physical planes?
Isn't it just energy for manifestation?
12/29/15 (Tue) 19:02:22 No. 65731
As pranaic energy is to the physical plane, as astral energy is to the aetheric plane, etc. There are purer more subtle forms of energy as you go up the spectrum of consciousness, but it's similar in nature.
12/29/15 (Tue) 19:39:38 No. 65734
Does anyone here use EEG equipment to monitor brain waves? It could be useful for manifesting in trance and meditation
12/29/15 (Tue) 21:34:32 No. 65751
Help me /fringe/ about masturbation…
I feel lazy all the time, I don't progress in my life the way I want to. I have very little motivation if at all. Does it have to do wit the fact that I masturbate once a day, sometimes even twice a day? Of course I ejaculate to porn rarely. I usually masturbate to pictures or sexual dances.
I mean I don't think not masturbation ever is a good idea. I look at it as charging. The idea is to stay at 100% all the time, not drain it constantly and have it stay at lower percentages because you're ejaculating faster than your being can recharge; also not do it and have it overcharge and invade your mind.
What are the aspects of my life energy, both physically and mentally, that I need to monitor and what are the things I can do to possible direct my sexual energy to progressing in my life when I feel arousal rather than wasting it on a fruitless jack off session?
>inb4 why don't you just get a girlfriend?
I'm in my internal healing process, some call it shadow work. I've seen in my experiences to understand that initiation comes before love. I mean how can I find the one I want and expect her to love me when I'm not what I want.
12/29/15 (Tue) 21:49:31 No. 65752
see >>65554
In tao when you're 20-30 it's said you shouldn't ejaculate more often than 2 times a month. You can, however, masturbate/have sex all the time without ejaculation provided you aren't constantly switching between different porn videos.
All these rules are of course completely meaningless if you're advanced and have enough control. If you aren't, then this is the base you start from.
12/30/15 (Wed) 01:12:58 No. 65772
if fapping saps your energy, then couldn't you just get it back by drinking your own cum?
tipp 12/30/15 (Wed) 01:22:06 No. 65773
Yeah, some of it, faggot.
12/30/15 (Wed) 01:24:02 No. 65774
12/30/15 (Wed) 02:18:59 No. 65779
What's a good greenpill birthday present for bluepilled mundanes?
I imagine that throwing some /fringe/ books at them won't have the desired results because of the prover proving what the thinker thinks.
They'd dismiss the books or not even touch them in the first place.
Yoga classes would be my best idea, but most classes are really flawed because they focus on the physical movements too much without teaching the underlying truth stuff - instead I imagine them to teach New Age bullshit like sparkling auras and how laughing a lot will make your life better…disgusting.
Also I don't even know which Yoga direction to pick.
Any other ideas /fringe/?
12/30/15 (Wed) 03:03:57 No. 65784
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So, I've been working on mind control now, but I can´t make my tarantula or my rat follow any command.
What am I doing wrong? What are the best first steps to follow?
How do I know I'm actually controlling my pets?
Thanks in advance.
12/30/15 (Wed) 03:07:28 No. 65785
How do you get rid of circuit I oral/bio-survival anxieties? Permanently, I mean. I'm looking to cut out unnecessary comfort seeking, approval seeking, inactivity, procrastination, materialism, eating, loneliness, masturbation, etc.
I'm looking at pranayama right now as a start. I'm also implementing intermittent fasting, nofap, cutting out pointless entertainment, better eye contact and posture, pushing myself harder in exercise, and cold showers.
12/30/15 (Wed) 03:08:57 No. 65786
The path is presented to each in the right moment, don't try to hasten the steps. You know, things will go well on their own, if you're really concerned about the spiritual growth of this person, you can try to indirectly implant the urge to grow, via induction/suggestion/indirect guidance. You know, don't show off, you'll just scare them away.
Darkhan 12/30/15 (Wed) 03:42:00 No. 65788
I can't help but wonder if we are crazy for believing in these things. But then again I remember i am happiest when in a robe, holding my staff and hurling it around like an idiot pretending to do magic!
12/30/15 (Wed) 03:47:35 No. 65789
>The path is presented to each in the right moment
I know m8, it's just that I'll need a present very soon…
>you can try to indirectly implant the urge to grow, via induction/suggestion/indirect guidance.
I don't really think that an urge to grow is appropriate for mundanes.
I just want them to get off the mundane lifestyle for a moment and just let them "taste" something new. Adapting them slowly to consider alternative ways.
It won't help to merely suggest it to them though, a little push is needed, that's why I had Yoga classes in mind. People will be forced to go there and even if it seems ridiculous to them, they still will do the guided exercises and breathing and meditation - and their bodies and minds will remember the good stuff. Eventually they will want more.
>You know, don't show off, you'll just scare them away.
Yeah, I know. I try to be as delicate as possible.
Also I've checked out many local Yoga classes and schools.
Most of them are indeed this bluepill bullshit that I was talking about, holy crap.
Only a few teachers seem legit.
I found one that seems pretty good, but it also makes the impression of a sect-like institution. Scientology tier stuff - they actually help you but you get motivated to take more courses and getting more involved. Maybe I'm too paranoid, but I don't want to be the one responsible for sending people to such a place.
Fuck that, I'll need something else.
12/30/15 (Wed) 04:03:44 No. 65790
can I use aether to become invisible
12/30/15 (Wed) 08:38:34 No. 65796
and is something like this even possible with just a username?
12/30/15 (Wed) 12:06:48 No. 65801
You can channel pain you experience during freezing showers to manifest things like deprogramming excessive comfort seeking. It's like medieval self-flagellation except you're healing your skin with cold water instead of burdening it to spend energy to heal wounds
12/30/15 (Wed) 12:42:36 No. 65804
Can magic be used to generate or obtain money?
While i have no fantasies of becoming rich, i am in a financially unstable situation and could use it.
Does anyone have a book or some info on it?
12/30/15 (Wed) 13:43:08 No. 65807
Masturbation is great as long as you don't ejaculate (the dopamine rush is almost as bad as amphetamines).
>masturbating to women
>giving random women your loosh
12/30/15 (Wed) 13:45:19 No. 65808
Need money?
"Learn to lie, learn to cheat, realize that anything goes as long as you don't get caught.
You don't become a billionaire by being a good goy, you use everything and everyone you can and don't care about anything but how much money you have."
t. Schlomo Goldwitz, International Banker
12/30/15 (Wed) 14:53:18 No. 65809
There's the other side of the coin
If you work for the good forces, you will receive money, but just enough for your needs, you aren't going to become millonaire but you aren't going to be hungry or naked either.
12/30/15 (Wed) 15:05:14 No. 65810
>implying you even need money to not be hungry and naked
Unless you live in some third world country there are plenty of places that give free food and shelter, goodwill gives clothes for free if you're homeless.
12/30/15 (Wed) 15:53:14 No. 65811
third world countries are even better for living free of money. Many people there grow their own food on farmland in some poor-ass village while the 1st world city inhabitant doesn't have this possibility and needs money for buying his food.
12/30/15 (Wed) 16:02:33 No. 65812
What's the opposite of depression? I don't know what to transmute into. It's not sadness, you're sad when something happens to you, but this is more like a non-stop state.
12/30/15 (Wed) 16:04:51 No. 65813
12/30/15 (Wed) 18:33:35 No. 65829
>Masturbation is great as long as you don't ejaculate (the dopamine rush is almost as bad as amphetamines).
This is only a half-truth and could end horribly for a neophyte. Edging gives dopamine rushes. The only law here is to be able to control and transmute one's non-physical energy enough to avoid succumbing to things like Pavlovan conditioning. This energy is not physical and doesn't necessarily manifest itself on physical plane as semen. Nutrients in semen are given too much credit
1. If you ejaculate and after that you feel lazy, it's a sign you don't yet know how to do it. Stick to 2-4 times a month unless you learn, or you'll have lower Desire in everyday situations.
2. If you edge and after edging you feel fine, but later you find you sleep an hour longer than usually and feel more lazy, then it means your Desire leaked as well, eg. during sleep you had ejaculatory or non-ejaculatory orgasm you remember or not.
3. Abstaining from ejaculation, sex, fapping etc. doesn't mean shit if you don't control your non-physical energy. If you don't control it, it will leak out in form of uncontrollable anxiety or outbursts of anger, or some force will make you paint a portrait of naked lady, or your body will adapt to have less energy in general.
4. If you have control over energy in and around your body, you can both have sex every day, and then feel great desire to do things during the day.
12/30/15 (Wed) 18:50:42 No. 65833
I posted a while ago inquiring about a repeating number in my life, 76. After going over a tiny bit of material, it occurred to me the true purpose of this symbol has to do with pic related.
Now that I known however… im not sure what course of action to take. I could try to recover memories, or intention for this incarnation. Or I could try and reach out to the occult community, but that is something I'm very apprehensive.
What say you, fringe?
12/30/15 (Wed) 18:56:00 No. 65836
You will die a 76 years old.
12/30/15 (Wed) 19:23:34 No. 65837
seconding this question please
12/30/15 (Wed) 19:42:27 No. 65839
There is a technique in the Book of Knowledge.
That said, it's more of perception manipulation that invisibility per say. But if they don't notice you even if you're standing right in front of them, what's the difference?
12/30/15 (Wed) 19:49:51 No. 65842
How well does it work? Does it also impact memory, like people can't recall you afterward?
12/30/15 (Wed) 20:56:21 No. 65846
How can i heal my mundane friend? He's depressed and always says he's bored, I tried telling him it's all mental and stuff but he always stays borderline suicidal for no reason.
What are some ways I can heal him?
12/30/15 (Wed) 21:01:24 No. 65847
Is it possible to replace sleeping enterily with mediation?
Meditating all 8 hours while being in the bed,but the brain or mind never stops working?
12/30/15 (Wed) 21:03:50 No. 65848
>What are some ways I can heal him?
What are some ways I can heal him?
Teach him about the traditional role of the male, then help him adapt to it.
Teenagers are depressed bitches because they don't know how they have to live and no one is telling them.
12/30/15 (Wed) 21:05:39 No. 65849
12/30/15 (Wed) 21:50:10 No. 65851
That is what lucid dreaming is, parts of the brain that are suppose to be asleep.
12/30/15 (Wed) 22:08:54 No. 65858
Traditional role of male?
12/30/15 (Wed) 22:09:28 No. 65859
You can make people not notice you but a camera will still show you.
12/30/15 (Wed) 22:12:42 No. 65860
Get him to try he following
>get to 8% bodyfat or less (being a fat fuck makes people depressed both biologically and spiritually)
>become a vegan
>do bodyweight excersizes until he can manage 10 freestanding one handed handstand push-ups
>get a gf
>have sex
Or just tell him to get an opiate addiction if he's too lazy for the above.
12/30/15 (Wed) 22:34:06 No. 65863
It's just a /pol/ shill.
12/30/15 (Wed) 22:36:24 No. 65865
Get back in the oven shlomo.
tipp 12/30/15 (Wed) 22:51:00 No. 65866
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sigil here
Now, i have a question. Its crystals. What does it mean if someone else breaks my crystal? Crystal in question had been infused wih protective spells during Buddhas moon this summer, it was vesuvianite and resonated well with my heart.
Girl who did it is an ex but we separated without fighting, in fact with sex and mutual understanding.
Then theres also the issue with her being momentarily possessed.
crystal ppl pls tipp 12/30/15 (Wed) 22:59:08 No. 65867
It was an accident, it was in a shift she moved and it fell, broke in half, one half is a good tip (yes) or triangle, other one pretty much forms a perfect pentagram.
I'm thinking of filing the rough edge and giving it to her, and then probably never speak to her again.
Bummed its broken but happy because I thought of it as a tear, now i see it is an edge, an arrows head.
I previously had a orgonite piece with no tip/broken tip, which was created for protection and healing, then i started directing energy to influence people through the six encased stones & moldovite, had a lucid dream that a raven snatched it from the garden, two days later I get disoriented as fuck walking home from the store carrying grocery bags and lose it on the way.
ppit 12/30/15 (Wed) 23:32:32 No. 65868
12/30/15 (Wed) 23:34:36 No. 65869
>Abstaining from ejaculation, sex, fapping etc. doesn't mean shit if you don't control your non-physical energy.
Thank you anon for taking the time to give me an answer.
Can you expand more on controlling your non-physical energy? How can I do it, are there any sources I can learn from?
tipp 12/31/15 (Thu) 00:08:21 No. 65875
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>not qqit
>not nadir
>not fool
>or trick
ppit 12/31/15 (Thu) 00:10:42 No. 65876
fuck off memelorde
12/31/15 (Thu) 00:16:42 No. 65880
Chakras are part of your physical body not your energy body, holy shit what is with all this disinfo.
tipp 12/31/15 (Thu) 00:28:51 No. 65883
i coulde staye here and post meems at you all night, but i rather go stick me penis in me cheerleader gf tight poopr.
12/31/15 (Thu) 01:52:43 No. 65902
Cute. I think I have more in store for myself than setting a certain time limit.
12/31/15 (Thu) 02:13:01 No. 65907
Are there any recommended books on tarot reading and/or palm reading? Didn't find any in the mega folder.
12/31/15 (Thu) 02:40:30 No. 65909
What about some amulet or charm imbued with thoughts compatible with your intentions? People like jewelry and that.
12/31/15 (Thu) 03:25:10 No. 65914
I'm thinking of buying some Pivothead glasses (8 MP camera, does 1080p at 30 frames per second) that I can just wear all the time and record whenever I want and possibly even do livestreams (not sure how exactly that works) in order to capture magickal shit happening on film.
Anyone here think this is a good idea? One of these glasses is less than $200.00 and takes quality POV film.
I want to record channelings, mediumship, psychokinesis, and other shit for /fringe/.
12/31/15 (Thu) 03:27:26 No. 65915
I have accomplished what you are asking about. It's possible.
12/31/15 (Thu) 03:29:48 No. 65916
I bet you don't even know how to concentrate vital energy into a staff.
« 零 » !Ry9.FWKNDY 12/31/15 (Thu) 04:08:15 No. 65925
SAGE! 12/31/15 (Thu) 04:19:31 No. 65929
no john you are the demons
12/31/15 (Thu) 08:40:41 No. 65942
When I'm squatting to align my haric line, my thighs burn very bad. I have to stop what I'm doing and let them rest. It takes attention off from the exercise itself. What can I do about it? I squat when I'm weightlifting.
And should I literally hear a sound and feel the heat and line? Because I can somewhat physically feel them, but it's more so a knowing of the feeling, not the feeling itself.
12/31/15 (Thu) 08:42:12 No. 65943
funny enough I just bought that book.
12/31/15 (Thu) 10:26:21 No. 65948
This is extremely important. A close friend of mine has lived with a demon succubus since six, she released her from a statue unintentionally and has had her ever since. A few years ago she found out that she was just being fed off of by this succubus. She's had her caged up ever since. Long story short this succubus was once a human. I've been able to remind her of her humanity and all but agree to changing her nature. This no doubt will have to be done by mental alchemy or some kind of transmutation magic. I need your guy's help on this one. If there's a way to do this it has to be done.
12/31/15 (Thu) 12:55:18 No. 65956
That depends on how you're trying to control them.
Are you trying to assume direct control over the animal by placing your mental body into the animal or are you just sending thoughtforce at it in hopes of it obeying your command?
12/31/15 (Thu) 13:02:47 No. 65959
Just remove that parasite.
12/31/15 (Thu) 13:06:02 No. 65961
What a waste of energy that would be, it'd be way easier to just banish the entity rather than doing something as unnecessary as changing a succubus' nature.
Frankly I doubt that's even possible but feel free to flood the succubus with energy impregnated with your wish and see what happens. A purification rite of sorts to banish the slut out of her.
Also this might be a trick the entity's playing on her to get more loosh, which is all the more reason to purge it.
12/31/15 (Thu) 15:09:24 No. 65974
I've been using Ginko Biloba+Korean Ginseng. Do you recommend some other "nootropic" herbs to use during few month break from Ginseng? I know there will come a day I'll laugh I needed these but before that happens, I want to help myself a bit
(I already drink white tea)
12/31/15 (Thu) 15:20:18 No. 65976
Though you should know that if it's not grown on logs (none of that commercial shit is unless you buy from a specialty shop in China) it's shit.
12/31/15 (Thu) 16:24:01 No. 65978
How did you do it?
12/31/15 (Thu) 16:29:39 No. 65980
>why would someone lie on the internet?
But honestly it's pretty simple.
If you meditate every waking hour in complete darkness (100% no light) for about a month you will lose all sense of time and waking and sleeping hours will merge into each other.
12/31/15 (Thu) 16:29:58 No. 65981
How about sage (salvia officinalis) or centella asiatica or bacopa monnieri?
There aren't any books on herbal medicine or supplements in the sticky. I'd like to make a list of non-shill herbs and supplements, give it to friend in herbal shop and experiment on myself, every month a combination of two
12/31/15 (Thu) 16:42:28 No. 65982
Download the book "herbal medicines", it's over he file size limit
>1108 pages
12/31/15 (Thu) 16:44:47 No. 65983
Book called "herbal medicines", it's over the file size limit.
>1108 pages
12/31/15 (Thu) 17:05:35 No. 65984
The thoughtforce projection thing, I'm not much interested in assuming direct control. Is there any focus, method, sympathy, etc. that I can try?
12/31/15 (Thu) 20:01:13 No. 65999
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/31/15 (Thu) 20:35:49 No. 66000
I'm only being intuitive, but I'd think that it means a piece of you changed with that relationship. It's up to you whether to accept it, and it's possible the crystal wants to go with her, and that's why it broke. A friend of mine broke her friend's crystal and her friend told her that it wanted to break, to go to her.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/31/15 (Thu) 20:50:56 No. 66001
Cool, I should do this too. I've wanted to but hadn't done much except simply trying/doing "nofap, cutting out pointless entertainment, better eye contact and posture" when I remember. Hold your energy circuit closed with slight effort constantly, perhaps helps.
The Bandhas.
You'll hurt the other person, and then yourself even worse. I don't suggest it.
12/31/15 (Thu) 21:39:47 No. 66006
Honey is vegan right?
I mean if I produce honey myself and don't take more than I need why is it bad to eat?
tipp 12/31/15 (Thu) 21:57:27 No. 66008
Feel the same. Thanks. Just needed to hear it.
12/31/15 (Thu) 22:57:09 No. 66012
>with slight effort constantly
>The Bandhas.
To make it clear, do you advise to breathe with sucked in stomach and clenched anus all day?
I spend 9 hours a day just sitting and studying. Should I just keep stomach sucked all this time, or do something else
12/31/15 (Thu) 23:07:12 No. 66013
>cutting out pointless entertainment
>not reading novels 12 hours a day
How can you even say you're alive?
01/01/16 (Fri) 03:14:11 No. 66017
I've accidentally redpilled my parents on telepathy while being drunk. Wat do? :–D DDD
tipp 01/01/16 (Fri) 03:44:30 No. 66018
Print them kybalion and basic psionics
01/01/16 (Fri) 04:38:42 No. 66024
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot is the classic go to text. But it can depend on your deck.
Khan 01/01/16 (Fri) 12:16:56 No. 66037
Kind of. I'll explain how our sleep works.
See we have two main phases. One is the phase you think of as sleep which is a delta state and the other is your REM or dream state.
Now meditation is simply this delta state except we are still conscious. So the only difference in sleep is that we are unconscious in this state normally, hence the phrase "passing out".
We can then speak of conscious REM sleep which is a lucid dream or astral projection if you decide to go beyond your own bubble.
So quite simply you need to either sit in a meditational asana or lay on your back. If you can survive about 5 hours of conscious meditation in your posture then you'll start to hit the dream phase consciously. I wont sugar coat it. It's difficult to do. Especially if you take any forms of drugs or lots of food (refined sugar mostly) to do this. Just focus on learning to hit a "Beyond states" kind of meditation where you are not asleep or awake. Time to longer exists and you simply are and exist.
You will need less sleep from this and also get to pick when you wish to sleep.
Focus on your heart dan tien and chakra. This is where the torus field or aura is projected from. Then you need to imagine and feel as if it is shrinking and your aura squashing inwards. As well as that you do not exist. Believe completely that you're inexistent even to yourself. You'll hit a kind of dead/trance/cold or icy state where just feel like a moving husk. You can also use thoughtforms by imagining some form of invisible cloak or barrier around your body.
Try this out in commercial areas where you may be checked for having a bag or something like that.
01/01/16 (Fri) 12:47:11 No. 66038
I'm not the only one who felt something off when they woke up right?
Khru !bqNTtjs6XQ 01/01/16 (Fri) 15:02:54 No. 66040
My yoga teacher said this was fine so long as the effort exerted was about the same as raising an eyebrow I think. (A friend thought it was blinking an eye but I trust my memory better)
Np mang (:
I didnt sleep! (:
01/01/16 (Fri) 15:16:56 No. 66041
>imagine and feel as if it is shrinking and your aura squashing inwards. As well as that you do not exist. Believe completely that you're inexistent
Sounds dangerous tbh
01/01/16 (Fri) 16:08:35 No. 66044
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I,ve got a roommate who i need gotten rid of . I,ve done goetia shit and it feels like this housemate (mom s bf, who won,t work, who yet smokes 1/4 oz of weed per week) seems like this unwanted housemate s presence could be a qliphothic result of previous goetics? I would offer greater context if you require more to assist me.
01/01/16 (Fri) 20:59:00 No. 66060
How do i cure a (gentle) femdom fetish?
I've read that improving testosterone helps, but are there some /fringe methods? Like visualization or whatever?
01/01/16 (Fri) 21:05:14 No. 66062
Source on the pic? I'm interested.
01/01/16 (Fri) 21:11:43 No. 66064
what's disinfo and what's not?
>mfw people are even claiming chakras and energy work to be disinfo
01/01/16 (Fri) 21:59:34 No. 66065
So did someone save all of the threads on this board before we fail another migration to infinity?
01/01/16 (Fri) 22:34:59 No. 66068
I personally snagged a few of the good ones. I know some other anons did the same.
01/01/16 (Fri) 22:37:42 No. 66069
How does energy work relate to thoughtforming?
01/01/16 (Fri) 22:59:17 No. 66072
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Fringe, i feel like i got all set up to get as far as i want to get but theres one thing lacking and its not a small thing but charisma . Forever i've had the problem that i feel i got everything to get what i want but i dont have the required "social skills" so /fringe/ what are the best magic methods to become mroe charismatic?
And yes ive tried the normal methods but after a long time i didnt really go too far in becoming more charismatic
01/01/16 (Fri) 23:02:13 No. 66073
How can i fix someones laziness?
01/01/16 (Fri) 23:04:21 No. 66074
I got 20+ big/important threads on the 20th, however that could be updated. I can post the list now, or I can wait until the migration goes through and update the threads and post it then.
It appears a migration is going on right now. I'm not sure if threads are being transferred or not, it appears that they are. /v/ has a picture at the top signifying infinity next, but it's using the current system.
01/01/16 (Fri) 23:16:37 No. 66075
By gentle do you mean girl riding you or getting your balls pulverized?
Because the first one is okay.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 00:32:06 No. 66081
Salomon Jew magic, the cap comes from one of uncle Chuckies Ebooks on psionics.
Hes a bluepill cunt but really knows his energy work, has some tools to improve and hes coming with new and innovation.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 00:33:16 No. 66082
Channeling, molding and directing the energy.
01/02/16 (Sat) 00:39:06 No. 66084
The guide here on fringe seems to be more focused on inner energy work, would I benefit more from the methods described in the book of knowledge?
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 00:45:56 No. 66085
If I've read it I can't recall.
If you would benefit more from inner energy work rather than hexing?
Yes, inner strength lets you extend it to influence others.
You can sit for hours at a pub trying to attach a thoughtform to someones chakras, say, sex, to trigger a response when he or she sees you, but if you're a limp limbed faggot no posture or charisma who can't act on it, the advantage of catching her eye and interest is lost.
01/02/16 (Sat) 00:50:57 No. 66086
uhh, nah the thoughtforms I'd need would all be focused on me, but I figured I would need to project the energy outwards instead of working with it inwards
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 00:51:30 No. 66087
01/02/16 (Sat) 00:53:15 No. 66088
just for all kinds of stuff ranging from making myself better phisically to getting good luck, finding jobs etc….
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 01:00:54 No. 66090
You'll still need good practice with inner energy working to do CONDITIONING, which is what you want to do, but sure, they can manifest like thoughtforms - I did something like pic related, >>66088 Ah yes, try this then, make sigils, "power", "strength", "abundance", "wisdom" etc, power them up on the paper and then attach them as they burn to your persona. The hard part is catching it as it burns, attaching it to (say a crown around your head) and hooking it up to be powered by your aura and breath.
You have to be slightly above average to do this, feeling it, visualizing it and sealing it.
Apes paw, don't do anything that might backfire. Simple and positive.
Form matters, chakra wheels are good, geometric shapes.
Or you can just meditate with some youtube videos, "-I AM- GREAT/SMART/AMAZING/FIT/ENERGETIC.."
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 01:01:30 No. 66091
What you want, confidence and progress pretty much comes with meditating on your Chakras.
Inner workings are the way to do, to start with.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 01:01:45 No. 66092
01/02/16 (Sat) 01:11:00 No. 66093
Never heard of this before, what about making a servitor? I've heard charging it simply by giving it attention is enough but does energy work tie into this in any way?
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 01:31:36 No. 66094
If you think "I AM STRONG" you are powering the thoughtform and concept that you are strong - in the moment you think it.
if you make a thoughtform or servitor, a cluster of energy with the intent "I AM STRONG" and have it near you at all times, it will radiate this always in your presence and influence you.
First example is conditioning yourself, your sub conscious, that I AM STRONG, which is actually better because then YOU will radiate it, instead of second which will only remind you.
Which is why its easier to make a servitor exuding "FORTUNE WILL COME TO ME, I AM WORTHY", because this will never go away if you power it, whereas your conditioning can be broken during depression.
If your energy body/mind is strong the conditioning will never break
Yes, for a servitor/thoughtform to be active you have to power it, by feeding it attention, acknowledging it and resonating with it, but if you forget it, it will dwindle.
Thats why you attach it to you, to your mind.
Kinda like a song that is stuck in your brain or if you have low self worth, a sentence such as "I'm ugly" keeps popping up each time you look in the mirror, you replace these (preferably exterminate them first and then sow on fresh soil) with positive thoughts that just "pop up".
"Damn I'm good." "I'm really handsome." "I'm logical, I use reason & I'm on my way to become wise."
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 01:33:34 No. 66095
So, self imptovement servitors you should attach to yourself and tie to power with each breath.
For example, I take ten good breaths and focus on those I've created and I can feel clusters of energy around my crown, I can't remember what they mean any more, but subconsciously they empower me.
01/02/16 (Sat) 01:40:37 No. 66096
That about clears it up though, though the servitor thing, what I had in mind was that I would charge them with the goal of making me stronger, so say, I charge them at night and give them complete power to finish their goal(like it's described in the book of knowledge) and while I'm off doing other things they work for me
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 01:57:25 No. 66097
>servitor will make me find x or bring me y
Really depends on the task. If its to find you stuff, don't keep it locally. If its to boost your presence, have it close. If its to empower and improve you and your confidence, make it stick.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 04:08:12 No. 66101
Let your soul shine through your smile.
01/02/16 (Sat) 05:27:14 No. 66104
can I progress with magic at all if i'm taking a drug? (kratom, a natural opiate like plant found in indonesia and thailand)
01/02/16 (Sat) 05:29:21 No. 66105
I wouldn't really know m8, I'm a control freak so I just merge with the being I need to control in order to make it do what or think/feel what I need it to.
Wish I could be more help but all I can do is recommend you take a more direct approach to this.
I had pretty high blood pressure and had a raging headache throughout that day.
Either invoke a preexisting charismatic entity or make your own ideal and order it to give you its charisma.
The throat chakra is also closely related to verbal eloquence so pouring energy into it as well wouldn't hurt.
01/02/16 (Sat) 08:53:42 No. 66109
Does anyone know if there's some kind of reverse numerology name generator available online?
As in, instead of inputting a name and generating a bunch of numerology data, I input the numbers I want according to various numerology systems, and it generates a list of all the names that fit those numbers?
01/02/16 (Sat) 11:59:31 No. 66112
01/02/16 (Sat) 12:00:43 No. 66113
My english isn't very good. Im able to understood Kybalion and Arcane Formulas with the help of Internet, didn't bother with Teachings. Mind power is trouble for me. Im not used to reading philosophy, and im not used to reading english, so attempting to read Mind power is a mindboggle. Tips?
01/02/16 (Sat) 12:24:14 No. 66114
Do any of you recognize this symbol?
01/02/16 (Sat) 12:54:17 No. 66116
I mean powerplay, where the girl takes control. I'm not into shota or cbt.
I've had a ballbusting period, but nothing gore. Nor a fetish for muscular women.
I just love how a petite/not physically strong woman (not loli btw) can dominate a (not weak) guy.
I mean, i think this is a way to cope with my feeling of being ignored irl (i'm not a r9k robot) due to myself being an introvert (but not a total beta, just laid back). So i like when a girl, in bed, shows affection by taking the lead. Kind of this.
Anyway, i'm trying to turn it into a maledom fetish, and then cancel it gradually by going more and more vanilla.
I know porn is not healthy and fucks up your mind, but on the other hand, I know first hand that you can't break free at once. So i'm trying this gradually.
01/02/16 (Sat) 13:35:22 No. 66117
can tulpa help me get better grades at uni? I'm not talking about some minor improvements, but literally acing courses and being at he top of the class?
01/02/16 (Sat) 13:39:17 No. 66118
yes, tulpas can help you with basically anything
01/02/16 (Sat) 16:22:08 No. 66125
You're already dead.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 16:37:17 No. 66127
Nothing bad enjoying her take the lead once in a while.
Fringe has got a massively repressed sexuality.
01/02/16 (Sat) 16:49:14 No. 66130
>I know first hand that you can't break free at once. So i'm trying this gradually.
If you banish and forbid all demonic influence it's really not that hard. Just make a firm and clear declaration of your will. See: >>66027
>Nothing bad enjoying her take the lead once in a while.
And nothing even traditionally compromising either.
My and my wife switch it up form time to time but she is still a submissive /pol/-tier wife at heart and through all of this it has helped me become more masculine and assertive and she has become more feminine as well. We help each other (in every way, but pertinent to this topic) learn the roles and how her or I are best suited to play them by experience.
01/02/16 (Sat) 17:56:48 No. 66134
yeah, but to what degree? what are the possibilities?
01/02/16 (Sat) 17:59:19 No. 66135
possibilities fishing
01/02/16 (Sat) 18:03:30 No. 66136
virtually endless possibilites
01/02/16 (Sat) 18:08:44 No. 66137
form affirmations starting with "why"
because it sidesteps the unconscious critic
01/02/16 (Sat) 18:34:27 No. 66138
anyone? is there any simpler book explaining the concepts in Mind Power or do i have to plow through the whole book sentence by sentence
01/02/16 (Sat) 19:37:30 No. 66139
Kinda interested in understanding what just happened
Meditating, just quiet mind, nothing to do with chakras, get to a point where very blurry visions start coming in and get shocked very painfully by some kind of elictricity, I have no idea what happened, but it was pretty painful
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:02:57 No. 66141
>why am i great?
>[doubt] I'm not (little effort or automatic response)
>[confidence] because I am (takes conscious effort)
I don't see how this is any good.
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:19:52 No. 66142
Was it like an electric jolt of fear? Did you get startled for no reason, and momentarily opened your eyes?
If yes, I had it happen. It's weird. My theory is that: I see various random images in my mind's eye during mindfulness meditation. If they're randomly pretty, they can be randomly spooky too. Spooky image arises in my mind's eye and I get startled, but I don't remember the spooky vision because I got startled before the vision came to my conscious. I only remember blurry vision before it formed the actual spooky vision.
I don't know how to deal with this. It's very rare, so I guess it's just to be ignored
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:25:11 No. 66143
Can I turn sigils into amulets or enchanted objects by etching them into things.
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:25:43 No. 66144
nah it definetly was nothing scary, It felt literally like electricity running through me, I opened my eyes and my vision was clear thought the electricity didn't stop
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:27:36 No. 66145
What are your thoughts on christianity? It seems to me like a giant loosh farming operation for a jewish egregore.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:30:01 No. 66146
I could be talking out my ass right now, but I'm somewhat sure this has happened to me once, remember it slightly, and what comes to mind is that you connected to something powerful and your circuits weren't developed enough to establish connection.
Memory isn't 10/10 on this.
Other than that, if you open crown and let energy flow from high into you, you'll feel a buzzing electric experience, like low current through the whole of you.
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:33:12 No. 66148
ayy pretty weird, though recalling fully now, It wasn't fully quiet mind meditation, I was also visualising/charging some shit I needed to happen, blurry visions of random shit started coming in and then got shocked
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:42:05 No. 66150
By circuits you mean chakras?
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:47:26 No. 66154
Yup. Gotta power them also.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:49:54 No. 66156
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:53:45 No. 66158
i've jumped twice, nothing so grand as electrocution but whole body oscillates with new timeline/vibrates powerfully.
like a quick powerful BZZ.
Recreational Hitler Enthusiast 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:53:59 No. 66159
In last few days I successfully used my voice to imbue an intention into someone, basically cast a powerful spell on them, and I also managed to do voodoo-like long-range influence with a symbolic form that only corresponded to the target but it STILL WORKED.
I am pleased with myself.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 21:55:17 No. 66161
there should be a /progress/ thread where one can report in success.
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:57:43 No. 66162
>It seems to me like a giant loosh farming operation for a jewish egregore.
01/02/16 (Sat) 21:59:11 No. 66163
not anything specific really, just worked up a lot of emotion by visualizing my preffered future and believing that the thing I want I already have
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 22:02:41 No. 66165
huzzah for jumping timelines, good job mang. what you felt was you vibrating into your new reality.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 22:08:59 No. 66167
put on your party hat, do the same meditation from time to time and do your utmost to settle in the timeline you're now aligned with.
mind if i ask what it was?
01/02/16 (Sat) 22:12:19 No. 66168
It was a lot of things actually, basically my succesful future
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 22:23:00 No. 66169
Great success, bless you and good luck!
01/02/16 (Sat) 22:25:07 No. 66170
What is the purpose of /fringe/? Is it pursuit of desires? Is it enlightenment? How does astral projection lead to enlightenment?
In other words, what's the meaning of life?
01/02/16 (Sat) 22:30:55 No. 66172
01/02/16 (Sat) 22:47:08 No. 66173
aren't we jumping into different realities every split of a second? I thought changing realities worked as slow aligning over course of trillions of little jumps, not one big shock.
I'd imagine the shock the anon felt was some tiny part of his mindset suddenly changing. this tiny part will make him do or say one thing different at some point, which ultimately will cause a chain of events leading to his preferred future.
if possible realities are to be separated by such "jumps" though, then I guess welcome and I wish you stay with us as long as you will
01/02/16 (Sat) 22:54:24 No. 66175
Are we moving to endchan? There is no fringe board up there yet. Stormchan is back up. That place used to have a lot of overlap with fringe.
01/02/16 (Sat) 22:57:19 No. 66177
That the shock was side effect of his personality suddenly changing is too improbable.
The only purpose of the shock was so that he would ask about it on the internet and receive answer that would make him believe he jumped realities.
A strong belief that would actually make his preferred future real for real :^)
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:01:00 No. 66178
"why am i so rich, why am i so damn handsome and strong "
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:12:50 No. 66179
For the anon with curiosity for the virtuess of, have some Brother Lawrence..hint [%]his death bed [/%] ends the pdf
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:15:10 No. 66180
Where can I get Black Goo Globuli?
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:18:47 No. 66181
someone please, if the I is not the desires, what's the purpose of pursuing them? or the desires are manifestations of the I, but this couldn't be, because then we'd have the same desires during our entire lifespan, otherwise we would be dead once they are no more
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 23:23:29 No. 66182
Yeah but its different forcing yourself into a timeline that isn't in the natural flow, anon has successfully aligned himself to a timeline where he has the things he "wished for", wishing isn't the right word, the right term is; he has, by doing so he attracts that which he has immensely powerfully.
Right now, the things anon has are just waiting for him to be picked up, he already has them, and he knows it, he just needs to talk to the job interviewer, see the girl and walk the street to find it.
Anons "I have, I will have" changed his vibration like a lodestone to attract all that he has. Law of Attraction is attracting the probable future of getting what you want, jumping timelines is aligning yourself to already have it, and the results are that he already has it, he is in the timeline where his desires are and they will come to him.
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 23:24:50 No. 66183
Its not nearly as powerful as I AM.
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:25:19 No. 66184
an angel, one of them 72 lettered shem hemephorash name angels.. is said to rule over curing of epilepsy, which I am now asking for info on. Manakel -For the appeasement of the anger of God and for the healing of epilepsy. Governsvegetation, aquatic animals. Influences dreams. Gentleness of character.
How to invoke descrived here:
the 21st verse of Psalm 38(Ne derelinquas me Domine Deus maus; ne discesseris a me).
pic more of a glaucoma cure
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 23:27:14 No. 66185
but you're right, it does circumvent the doubt, because its not an affirmation, its a question, an open question that can be answered; "Because others are poor, because there are relatively ugly people, because I can lift more than women."
tipp 01/02/16 (Sat) 23:31:33 No. 66186
But by changing ones personality you are jumping timelines.
What if Lenin had an overnight seizure and decided to not slaughter the middle class and educated of Russia? We would be living in a different timeline.
The shock or current of "electricity" is your aura realigning.
AuntWatermelon 01/02/16 (Sat) 23:47:10 No. 66187
I don't know the purpose of /fringe/ and it doesn't really matter. Real question is what's your purpose?
I has to be the True Self, most people have no idea about it, since they are so enclenched in their Social Self, the person they show to others. The first step to meditation is getting in touch with the True Self, undoing your conditionning, to become a more authentic version of you. You have to clean your shit, before getting shit done.
You are not just your ego.
They are much more other things that makes you, then your ego. You are simply always aware of it, along with your physical body.
The ego is the storehouse of desires and frustrations, which are the various forms tooken by an extremely powerful energy. The ego is supposed to be raw, creative and powerful energy.
Kundalini cultivation is simply releasing the energy of the ego, one rising at a time, towards a goal, which can be anything and everything.The Wise uses it to achieve complete Liberation This is the immediate purpose of Yoga, liberation and complete self reliance. Enlightenment comes after complete Liberation.
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:51:20 No. 66188
How do I do that? Normally Sigils are destroyed, do I focus on them or do energy work…?
01/02/16 (Sat) 23:57:52 No. 66190
Rate my mantra, initiates!
It comes with the mudra: thumb to first finger, thumb to second finger, thumb to third finger, thumb to your fourth finger that,s not your thumb. You do 3 rounds of the mantram so dont go past 13 times. Chanting I AM ALHYM on each move.
So as I earlier said, rate my mantram.
01/03/16 (Sun) 00:12:38 No. 66193
I hate being killed without notice
What was?
Fuck this quantum imortalily next time I head to the moon to erase memory
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 00:29:30 No. 66194
When a sigil is burned it is powered by the fire and focused energy to become a charged thoughtform in the aether, you can summon the sigil with a thought. Minds eye, home in on it and draw from it or charge it. Its ever present, and local if its tied to you.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 00:31:35 No. 66195
furry wants a response, here, (you)
why and what
01/03/16 (Sun) 00:36:59 No. 66196
I been close to liberation
Really close
But them I ask myself
Liberation for wat?
I want to enjoy this world, if i kill all desired how to enjoy tings
Sex ,booze
Weed is off my menu now becose I can't smoke whitaud realizing that I am not real ,that there's is not me
Which is scary as fuck
I am 2 joins away from illumination, which after research is the total destruccion of your world and yourself
Sometimes after realizing the true nature of the mind I got to ask myself if I fall into a trap ,one ting is knowing that you are noting other ting is actually realizing that in fact you don't exist in any sense at all
I want stuff, new clothes, new pc , play fall out , but I am a poor fag
How to manifest items
How to get karma free money
How to change depression to happynes
I know there's is not coming back from this path, but would be nice to enjoy Psicality wit a ego , even if is to say goodbye to it
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 00:48:57 No. 66198
Mundane and wrong as fuck.
01/03/16 (Sun) 00:49:01 No. 66199
I've been asking the same questions, but i think the reason you don't see the meaning in Liberation is a side effect of depression. You asked about changing depression to happiness so that must be it. I haven't read the whole fringe library because honestly im a lazy fuck but i don't have the knowledge to make myself not be a lazy fuck through occult means, so i will be standing on my current level until i have to read the next book in order to prevent something terrible from happening, more bluntly said, suicide. I cannot help you, for i am too sinking. But at least i know im not alone.
01/03/16 (Sun) 00:49:10 No. 66200
Because sonic the Hedgehog, and thanks your loosh tastes crappy
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 00:53:02 No. 66201
unless its some newfnord tier 'all', why?
your mantra is indian designated street tier and your farming skills are on par with the inhabitants of africa.
go to /b/ to forage kek, nisse.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 00:58:53 No. 66202
link me your posts, what do you want to know?
01/03/16 (Sun) 01:01:27 No. 66203
dude said it was cool!
I,m just trying to party, man.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 01:02:23 No. 66204
change flags so we can't recognize you.
01/03/16 (Sun) 01:06:18 No. 66205
I'll sum it up. My thanks for stepping out to help.
I was in some sort of downward spiral, i started reading fringe material, got to Arcane Formulas, im better now, but i still feel empty. I go to Mind Power, it's a little hard to understand due to my weak concentration, but even when i come to realize that the book is about attaining success in everyday life, i just ask my self "why"? If the final goal is the All, God, Creator, whatever, where does the earthly life fit into all this? But then again, forfeiting life and saying that it's meaningless doesn't really cut it, neither does blind hedonism. Neither the monk, nor the drunk, seemed to satisfy me.
I've seen a post where an anon says that i should set a goal for my self, and then i will get some kind of motivation. Maybe that's just the case.
01/03/16 (Sun) 01:12:14 No. 66206
Okeh tipp; you can stop facepalming now.
01/03/16 (Sun) 01:12:17 No. 66207
Can you sustain yourself with magick on the physical realm? What I'm talking about is money wise and whether or not I can become successful off magick alone.
01/03/16 (Sun) 01:20:31 No. 66208
>What is the purpose of /fringe/?
It's a place for us spiritually aware & awakened people to explore the nature of the universe and help one-another out with out the constant >implying magic exists
>Is it pursuit of desires?
Technically that is all of existence.
>Is it enlightenment?
For some.
>How does astral projection lead to enlightenment?
It does not directly, but it does provide proof that you are not your fleshly body, which is a huge stumbling block for many.
>In other words, what's the meaning of life?
To grow. To develop. To become more than you were before in every aspect. Physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. To expand your perspective to the horizon, and then, to do it again ad infinitum. To become aware of everything you have seen in an intimate way. To become the complete self-realized God in every way. And then to grow.
>aren't we jumping into different realities every split of a second?
You are technically correct. ~1x10^44/second AKA 1 Planck time/second.
>I thought changing realities worked as slow aligning over course of trillions of little jumps, not one big shock.
That is still correct, but there has to be a dividing line somewhere between realities that are different.
Once you realize the illusion of the material world you will want for nothing of this Earth.
>Weed is off my menu now becose I can't smoke whitaud realizing that I am not real ,that there's is not me
Which is scary as fuck
That, honestly, sounds like what you need (if it does help you in that way).
That said, facing your fears and conquering them is always good.
>Can you sustain yourself with magick on the physical realm?
I'm pretty well on the way to not needing to eat. Other's have achieved it entirely.
>What I'm talking about is money wise and whether or not I can become successful off magick alone.
Oh, you meant for mundane things. Well you could, in theory, but if you align your physical actions with your metaphysical manifestative blueprints it will work out MUCH faster and more efficiently.
01/03/16 (Sun) 01:50:06 No. 66211
Your OPINION is always welcome
even if doesn't do shit
The ting about suicide
Is a constant
but I don't want to die yet.
I know we have to die eventually but dying whitaud a fight is not my stuff,
Live in the moment
anxiety is living in the future
Sadness is living in the past
You can only know peace in the present
that's how I stopped the mind virus of the all , I make a thousand theories about the Goal ,the all , the creator then I realised that is useless, a waste of time and mental energy, right now you got to forget about it, is hard but not impossible,
In my case nihilism actually help, the universe is so vast and infinite that whatever you do in cosmic scale is meaningless, but in a local one is meaningful, I enjoy going to half chan and give advice, telling anons how to meditate and helping then whit the Mandela effect (Is a symptom of spiritual awakening )
Here's is a video who sum's my phylosophy
01/03/16 (Sun) 02:24:17 No. 66212
Okay what is the best way to direct energy into another person remotely?
Let's say I want to make someone as powerful as I can, how should I go about doing this?
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 02:43:35 No. 66213
half way in, 2500 words written i deleted everything and responded with >>66198
you need to reevaluate yourself, you've got so many things wrong.
01/03/16 (Sun) 02:47:49 No. 66214
Anyone know of a method to cure cerebral palsy in someone else?
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 02:49:52 No. 66215
>The ting about suicide
>Is a constant
nobody will to bother responding to you because you've got the attitude that you've already figured everything out, while you couldn't be more wrong.
bless the patient soul that might conjure all the fucks needed to set you straight.
to long, wont type; you're wrong
01/03/16 (Sun) 03:24:22 No. 66216
I usually take an image of them (if possible) otherwise a name, screen name, post number, etc. and focus on the essence behind that and project energy much as you would into something like say a psiball.
If you wanted to be fancy you could AP to them and do it.
If you're just trying to power some one up there is lots of other ways as well
>get a sigil to redirect them loosh
>make a thoughtform to help either direct to even collect loosh
>evoke something for help
Get creative man. Magic is not nearly as ridged as some people think in needs to be.
01/03/16 (Sun) 04:13:26 No. 66218
Can someone offer some guidance here?
01/03/16 (Sun) 04:28:41 No. 66221
>To become the complete self-realized God in every way. And then to grow.
>Once you realize the illusion of the material world you will want for nothing of this Earth.
>And then to grow.
I think that I'm with >>66205 if I ask you where one should grow if the desire for anything earthly is gone?
I'm in the same situation where I wonder what comes after acquiring high magick.
Because high magick seems to require ditching anything worldly. So you ditch it and then what? What do you use your high magick skills for if not for the wordly desires?
I see so many of us aspiring to ditch the worldly things, but do we know the destination after dropping all the stuff? How are we supposed to grow after that - without goals and desires?
01/03/16 (Sun) 04:43:00 No. 66224
>if I ask you where one should grow if the desire for anything earthly is gone?
Why into the heavens of course. (Astral, Mental, Causal etc. planes)
>How are we supposed to grow after that - without goals and desires?
Goals and desires still are there, they are just for an increased experiential knowingness of God, which is well beyond this material realm.
01/03/16 (Sun) 04:51:03 No. 66225
Sorry, I deleted the post and wrote at new one, but then the picture was shit :–DDD
>Why into the heavens of course.
Yeah, but what to do there? What's the point of getting there? Is it to split yourself up and manifest physically again and thus reincarnate? At least that's what the creator of this world supposedly did, right? Just fooling around in manifestation because heavenly existence is so boring?
>Goals and desires still are there, they are just for an increased experiential knowingness of God,
I fail to see how desires aren't just a form of suffering on the material plane.
AuntWatermelon 01/03/16 (Sun) 08:47:38 No. 66230
You haven't seen or been remotely close to liberation. You aren't "2 joints away from illumination maaaaannee".
Please, don't missuse these words, they actually have a meaning…
Stop asking questions you can't understand, since then I could just answer with "42" and it would be the same result, total confusion.
01/03/16 (Sun) 08:56:30 No. 66233
>Yeah, but what to do there? What's the point of getting there?
To keep expanding your awareness and mastery over the universe with it. It's the next step in growth/Godhood.
>At least that's what the creator of this world supposedly did, right?
To know himself as infinite and grow and expand, yes. But we are not he.
>Is it to split yourself up and manifest physically again and thus reincarnate?
I do not believe so, but even once we reached complete unity with God I do not believe that would happen however this is just theorizing from this point, but I don't think we would do that even once we reached the ultimate any how I think we would just continue to shepherd the rest of the universe and grow with it and make our own, who knows.
>Just fooling around in manifestation because heavenly existence is so boring?
I think you misunderstand the notion of heaven, it's simply another level of existence. It's not a place of eternal stagnation like the Christians make it out to be. It's another rung up the ladder of cosmic evolution, one in which we have a significantly greater degree of awareness (and thus control/unity) with our bodies and environment, to the point where they would be immediately responsive to will/thought. From there we would expand how much we where aware of at once and continue to increase in power and creative complexity.
>I fail to see how desires aren't just a form of suffering on the material plane.
See >>65394
01/03/16 (Sun) 10:45:20 No. 66236
Growth, evolution, ascension, is the meaning of life.
The problem is that i don't know what is growth and what isn't. For example, taking care of oneself, it sounds a bit egoistical to me. But the "taking care of oneself" probably includes taking other people into the equation, because helping other people is also good for the soul.
01/03/16 (Sun) 15:40:31 No. 66238
How does one see magic? My visualization is shit is there any way to see magic or energy, because other than that I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark.
01/03/16 (Sun) 15:44:43 No. 66241
Buddha was right 01/03/16 (Sun) 15:50:24 No. 66242
>we would just continue to shepherd the rest of the universe and grow with it and make our own, who knows.
>From there we would expand how much we where aware of at once and continue to increase in power and creative complexity.
Are you suggesting that after becoming a highest possible being, we just continue with some cosmic form of hedonism?
Sounds like eternal struggle to me - a race without a finish line.
But maybe I'm just wrong about the race part. Maybe there was never a race and never a goal in life. Just rising higher and higher until the cosmic creator ends this game. It's pretty pointless.
I hope that you can see what I struggle with - it's the whole pointlessness of the process. But this shall not be a matter of concern in this human life. The best I can do is ascending to a higher level and at THIS point I want to repeat my question:
What is the point of using our magick skills? To use them for mundane and material well-being would be taking a step back in the ascension journey. It would mean attachment to results in the material world.
So as I understand it, using our will for material things is an epic failure. All the widsards are fags for they do not realize this simple flaw of theirs. Ironically the highest form of magick power that we strive for:
>greater degree of awareness (and thus control/unity) with our bodies and environment, to the point where they would be immediately responsive to will/thought
requires complete lack of attachment to the physical.
That would leave us with an enormous power potential but no way to use it after dropping our desires for materialistic goals.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, basically it's this:
>All widsards are fags for they focus on outward attachment which creates a vicious cycle in their development
>All the Yogis and Buddhists are top tier for they focus inwards and ascending
So to sum it all up:
Is Yoga the ultimate teaching for humanity or am I missing something?
muh nigger, I think we're stuck in the same issue.
As I see it right now, we have to practice Yoga and evolve ourselves while helping other people by dragging them with us along the way. It's like the tornado's winds dragging stuff along while exerting itself.
If all people would do this, a huge force vector of combined wills would result and people would self-reinforce themselves to evolution.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:01:43 No. 66243
>greater degree of awareness (and thus control/unity) with our bodies and environment, to the point where they would be immediately responsive to will/thought
>requires complete lack of attachment to the physical.
Not that guy, but still kinda weird for me, The only way you could manipulate it is if you would still be atleast mildly attached to the physical,to be completely detached sounds like ascending to 4thD forever
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:04:56 No. 66244
Has anyone here had an OBE that confirmed for them that it wasn't just a dream?
Have you attained knowledge you couldn't have otherwise known (e.g. a test where your friend writes a number down on paper and leaves it on their dresser for you.)
Anything? Or is AP simply lucid dreaming, and subconscious exploration?
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:05:50 No. 66245
that's what im thinking - once you become God - what do you do?
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:10:52 No. 66246
So am I the only one afraid that Hermetic teachings aren't the actual original Hermetic teachings at all? Similar to that the Christian bible has been modified and changed over the centuries, all it would take is one person translating one of the few copies and then spreading it to cause disinfo. Has anyone done research into this? This fact has been slowing done my progress, I can feel it. I just can't believe that WWA can be considered a reliable resource or any other occult teaching for that matter.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:12:56 No. 66247
Why do you trust Buddhist teachings then? If it works, then it's good.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:16:52 No. 66248
I don't necessarily, Buddhist scripts were intentionally mistranslated by Christian monks, I just choose a random epic flag.
>If it works, then it's good.
That could be just a placebo effect. I don't know why the legitimacy of the recommended readings is never taken into account.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:24:28 No. 66249
I literally bilocated once, having double awareness.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:26:00 No. 66250
Emerald tablets of Thoth are legit. WWA is just armchair occultism, not that bad for beginners though.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:27:49 No. 66251
Do energy work and you will be able to separate the bullshit "occultism" from real miracles and wisdom.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:31:40 No. 66252
Isn't the emerald tablets of thoth just theory too?
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:37:42 No. 66253
>real miracles and wisdom
Like what?
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:39:10 No. 66254
Growth is, scientifically speaking, the raising of the vibration of your soul, which results in the complexification of your consciousness, which has the effect of expanding your awareness into ever higher degrees of detail and clarity and also the in the grandiosity of scope.
You keep using that word, I don't it means what you think it means.
Seeking pleasure at the exclusion of pain.
Walking the path I've outlined has little to do with pleasure other than in that through serving God and others (through increasing unity) you become divine Love and Will made manifest in the world, which, as a side effect brings great joy. But to get there one has to tread through hell in purify all impurities from oneself, and that is not a pleasant process.
>Sounds like eternal struggle to me
I would not categorize it as a struggle per say, but it is only that if you see it as that. For me it's a beautiful path of curiosity, exploring what all that is, is, from first hand experience and tending the cosmic garden as I grow.
>a race without a finish line.
That may be true as while you grow, God grows, but however do not confuse that for a sign of lack of growth or progress. It simply means that there is always more is grow and create.
>Just rising higher and higher until the cosmic creator ends this game.
>It's pretty pointless.
Here we go again.
You keep using that word, I don't it means what you think it means.
The place to which any thing is directed; Having purpose. (Or in this case the lack thereof.)
Which is clearly not what I am describing.
>[high magic] requires complete lack of attachment to the physical.
Not necessarily, but it certainly does help…
>That would leave us with an enormous power potential but no way to use it after dropping our desires for materialistic goals.
… and besides, there are things beyond the physical upon which you can be attached to anyway (God).
>Is Yoga the ultimate teaching
It's pretty good, if you can get an authentic and corrupted school. However I'm personally fond of the syncretistic approach.
>How does one see magic? My visualization is shit
Then practice, that is the only way.
>is there any way to see magic or energy, because other than that I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark.
Meditate, see >>33148 but any use of your imagination and intuition will work.
Take what resonates inside the core of your being, and then test it. If you can not discern what does, then you shall have a longer path and more things to sort out by trial and error, but nonetheless, you shall arrive. Have faith.
I personally collected as much data as I could from every source I could then compared it to one another to narrow down my original testing perimeters.
If you're worried about corruption then go back to the older texts or at least books that are based directly upon them.
>That could be just a placebo effect.
If you're "placebo" effect works and gives you practical magic-manifestative results, what is the difference a placebo and the real stuff?
This. The more practical experience you have on the path the easier it is to see the immediate (un)truth of things as you will have an core kernel of wisdom that you know to be true to compare it against.
In lesser words your bullshit-o-meter gets more sensitive.
That does not mean you can not apply it.
01/03/16 (Sun) 16:41:02 No. 66255
basically pic related
01/03/16 (Sun) 17:11:01 No. 66258
Any good resources on energy work besides the thread here on /fringe/?
01/03/16 (Sun) 17:25:03 No. 66259
Is a good reference for how to cultivate your energy. And of course, the more you have the easier it is to feel and therefor work with.
Otherwise, just meditate and be still, a lot. You will become more aware of what there is (around you, energy) when you are not so distracted with other things such as your thoughts.
01/03/16 (Sun) 17:46:52 No. 66260
My problem is that we can not be certain that what was on the original Emerald tablets is what we read today. I have trouble having one end all be all source.
This is what I've been trying to do, but I just had to express my skepticism on the authorities of /fringe/.
01/03/16 (Sun) 18:28:15 No. 66263
How do we end modernism? I've had enough.
01/03/16 (Sun) 18:30:27 No. 66264
>sounds like ascending to 4thD forever
Ah, never mind. I think this pictures sums it up pretty well.
01/03/16 (Sun) 19:12:27 No. 66265
right, so magick is basically you manipulating shit in 3rd density
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 19:21:33 No. 66266
by realigning the fourth and fifth using your thought and emotion that can access the source code densities that are responsible for making things occur in the third.
01/03/16 (Sun) 19:25:34 No. 66267
what about manipulating matter?
01/03/16 (Sun) 19:28:54 No. 66268
>so magick is basically you manipulating shit in 3rd density
It's rather manifesting 3rd density shit from "above".
3rd density is the end station, you can only change it by means of higher density actions.
Even wiping your ass after shitting wouldn't be possible without you manifesting the idea into 3rd density action.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 19:46:34 No. 66270
Theoretically possible.
Whats feasible doing "magic" is influencing thought & emotion, IE, possible outcomes, actions, thoughts and desires.
4th and 5th tugs at 3rd like a weak magnet, while something created in the third becomes a permanent in the fourth and higher, radiating its geometry like a sexy sculpture manifesting sexual impulses by onlookers.
01/03/16 (Sun) 19:57:08 No. 66273
I haven't understood yet why influencing manifested matter with the magickal means is that hard. It should be easy, but there's some obstacle.
01/03/16 (Sun) 19:59:20 No. 66274
Easy, but takes a while for it to change
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 20:02:26 No. 66276
Energy requirements, you might know how to reconfigure atoms to change element to element, but you don't have the individual power to deconstruct third density bindings and realign them. You need to infuse X with enough vibration to realign into Y, doing this with thought or emotion is near impossible, theoretically possible yes, very much yes, but you just can't focus enough mind into a piece of metal for it to heat up and transmute.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 20:05:55 No. 66277
to change third density matter you have to muster not just pure frequency feels, which are extremely high frequency, but the Monad, God itself to assist you in altering the metal or stone. You personally don't have the power, God bestows it. That is the barrier you are thinking about.
You'll have to be a pure conduit of God to bend third density to your will, and if you achieve this, its Gods will, not yours.
01/03/16 (Sun) 20:07:34 No. 66278
or just create thoughtforms to do it for you
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 20:10:35 No. 66280
2+8= 10
I want to know more about casting out nines/vortex math, does someone have a good read?
01/03/16 (Sun) 20:17:07 No. 66283
No books, but here is a lecture to explain the basics
And something a little more hands on once you know what you're working with.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 20:19:53 No. 66284
Seen the first, I've been spamming that and all the others for a few years around the net, second one isn't really that educational, he's slow and doesn't get to it, does he have more and how much do you recommend it?
01/03/16 (Sun) 20:20:16 No. 66285
>but you don't have the individual power to deconstruct third density bindings and realign them.
I thought so.
To change third density, it's resting structure has to be destroyed first.
>You personally don't have the power, God bestows it.
It's fucking annoying. Even a small candle fire can melt plastic. Is human unable to repeat after a small candle?
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 20:38:28 No. 66286
Not destroyed, altered. If you manage to make x vibrate into y it will change its resonance and bindings immediately, not wither to dust of corpuscles and then change to y, but change directly from x to y.
Your souls power rests in the higher dimensions, they can only subtly influence the third dimension, which is why higher entities come down to Earth to do missions, in the physical you contain more power in your bindings than entities much more powerful than you when you are a soul, which is why you can command them, ward them off, destroy them. It's why they leech or try to influence or control you.
But stepping down to Earth is dangerous, you succumb to all manners of degenerate addictions and desires, you might get stuck in reincarnation, you might sell your soul to an entity of much lower power and frequency for poor help, you might split, attain uneccesary karma..
Third density is a high risk reward game.
You don't realize how powerful you are in third density, and it's hard to understand what immensely evolved being you were before you stepped down to here.
Consciousness is sacred, but if corrupted will be deceived and used by service to self entities.
In the same time your soul can not rival a candle, you are a near perfect manifestation of God once born and your whole in the third can rival and command entities much more evolved than you in the higher dimensions.
Hypothetically if you ascend and release the power in the bindings of your body, you are an atom bomb next to the tiny candle.
Your third density body commands the candle, but the third density candle, being more firm, condensed power rivals your soul.
01/03/16 (Sun) 20:53:12 No. 66288
literally this, what are you faggots here on about
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:01:33 No. 66289
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:01:39 No. 66290
Thank you for the elaborate response.
>Not destroyed, altered.
Yeah, I got that. Loosening up the structure and altering it - I just used the wrong word.
>You don't realize how powerful you are in third density, and it's hard to understand what immensely evolved being you were before you stepped down to here.
>entities much more powerful than you when you are a soul
It's kind of confusing. If humans are such badass for having the ability to manifest themselves, why are there more powerful entities in the higher realms that can't manifest?
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:12:48 No. 66291
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 21:23:41 No. 66292
>why are there more powerful entities in the higher realms that can't manifest?
>they're not compatible with humans, their souls evolved alongside a different animal
>they have no need or want, nothing to learn, to much to risk, they're selfish
Its important to know, human souls did not evolve alongside with the amphibians, early mammals, monkeys or proto humans of this planet.
The human species come from the stars, spliced their genes on early hominids to create labor and left them here, seeing their creation as inferior.
Unfortunately, the souls compatible with the Human body, which is nigh identical to that of its creators, is that of its creators. When a Earth human is born, a vortex sucks available and willing soul to it, from elsewhere, original homeland.
Unfortunate or willing original humans, whose life expectancy were thousands of years old, are stuck in bodies that decay after merely half a century. If you don't raise yourself above the lowly, animistic vibration of Earth, you're bound to be stuck here to reincarnate until you're pure enough to leave.
Original humans, from space, from not Tellus, have evolved during a period of time vastly greater than the time their degenerating, inferior copies have spent time on Earth, but because the bodies you and I have are PRIME bodies, they're sought after by other 3d entities looking to harvest DNA to cut their evolution short by hundred and thousands of years of natural evolution.
Earth itself as a planet was not ready to harbor such spiritually adept creatures, the evolution of Earth and its frequencies have not yet produced it naturally - Earth is stuck in a basic, primal vibration, which is why souls who come here to live in human bodies suffer.
Lost myself; Point being; Our bodies are, or were originally, perfect, non degenerated copies of a species spiritually evolved as fuck. Our base is perfection of evolution, a true apex of evolution and manifestation of God. Earth fucks us sideways as this is not our home, we are in constant discordance.
Can't remember why I wrote this, but I'm sure its useful to someone.
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:24:08 No. 66293
Who wrote Magical Use of Thoughtforms and Chasing Phantoms to get thought form ideas? Also does anyone have a pdf of either?
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:26:38 No. 66294
It's in the /fringe/ library
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:30:44 No. 66295
The mega folder from the sticky thread? I don't see either.
tipp 01/03/16 (Sun) 21:31:56 No. 66296
Can't dump it, my net won't agree.
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki & J.H Brennan
Google PDF
01/03/16 (Sun) 21:32:46 No. 66297
>Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki & J.H Brennan
01/03/16 (Sun) 22:26:29 No. 66301
Thank you, that gives me enough ideas for research.
01/03/16 (Sun) 23:07:15 No. 66305
01/03/16 (Sun) 23:58:58 No. 66308
How do I make somebody over the internet completely obsessed and in love with me?
01/04/16 (Mon) 00:02:22 No. 66309
kek, this is turning into a meme
01/04/16 (Mon) 00:51:34 No. 66313
Let me tell you a story /fringe/.
>go through some tough times, the thought "I hate this life" goes through my mind multiple times per day
>as usual, I decide to have some astral travels in the evening
>doing my thing, exploring worlds, having fun
>suddenly darkness
>what the fuck? why am I being surrounded and consumed by it?
>suddenly it starts talking to me, asking me to give in to angst and do some nasty shit
>visualize a shield to stop it from touching me
>tell it to fuck off and visualize heavenly light illuminating it all away
>get back to the physical feeling pretty drained, decide to go to sleep to regain my energy
>dreams filled with nightmarish shadow people surrounding me and trying to hurt me, good thing I can lucid dream them all away
>ends the night with some grotesque sexual dream causing me to have a nocturnal emission further draining me of my loosh
>wake up tired as fuck, will probably nap throughout the day
May this be a warning to newfriends to always watch your emotions, it's no wonder Smiley started having weird shit like poltergeists attracted to him when he went through his edgy phase.
Reread the law of attraction and think nice positive thoughts at all times if you don't want such encounters.
01/04/16 (Mon) 00:58:50 No. 66314
You can full on OBE astral project?
01/04/16 (Mon) 04:08:07 No. 66338
Not to be anti /fringe/ but are there any other good places that discuss the occult?
01/04/16 (Mon) 04:09:11 No. 66339
Not to be anti /fringe/, but are there any other good places that discuss the occult?
01/04/16 (Mon) 04:09:57 No. 66340
Speaking of double posts, is there a backup plan to go somewhere else in case the migration doesn't work out?
01/04/16 (Mon) 04:41:41 No. 66344
>stop asking questions you can't understand.
I knew you were full of it.
01/04/16 (Mon) 05:07:06 No. 66347
You would do well to respect her. She is one of the few Adept-tier wizards who still regularly posts here.
And furthermore, I agree whole heatedly with her assessment. That poster is very illusioned, has much to learn, even to reach a neophyte level, far too caught up in his ego, does not embrace growth, etc. etc. etc.
I was not going to even say much, but you should at least respect your elders. Else they may not help you till you do. And if you're lost at sea because of your own ignorance and unwillingness to listen to the sages. Well you'll have to deal with it yourself.
01/04/16 (Mon) 06:08:52 No. 66352
Hello /fringe/,
This is my favorite board out of all the boards on all the chans I've ever been to. I come here to read now and again, but haven't had the chance to devote myself to it more meaningfully.
I value the information posted here highly.
I think there is a very real danger of us losing this place (8ch) one day, and I think some serious effort should be put in to having a backup plan. A way to get in touch with this community should anything happen.
Perhaps the answer to this question could be stickied for all to see.
Awaiting a response
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 08:46:13 No. 66357
This, but lady negro is very hostile & condescending, trying to piss on others to make herself look better, exuding an aura of feigned wisdom and knowitall, coming with cryptic answers to things she don't know. Jemima wants to be big nig. She should work on her ego.
Don't get me wrong, Jemmy isn't stupid and knows a lot of things, but shes far from humble, and if you speak like this to people who treat you as an equal or better, it'll tick them off.
I wont touch anons post with a twenty foot stick, but telling him to stop asking questions is detrimental to progress for everyone involved.
DaQuanDa, don't pretend to know everything, your life will improve.
01/04/16 (Mon) 09:03:35 No. 66358
Does anyone know of a better explanation of the technique of Rhythmic Breathing than the one offered by The Science of Breath?
I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing.
01/04/16 (Mon) 09:37:51 No. 66359
how can I cure my severe social anxiety?
01/04/16 (Mon) 11:16:16 No. 66364
Fix the things you're anxious about and your anxiety will be gone forever
01/04/16 (Mon) 14:52:25 No. 66371
01/04/16 (Mon) 15:25:06 No. 66372
Auntie got roasted.
01/04/16 (Mon) 15:46:15 No. 66373
Leave Auntie alone!
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 17:03:02 No. 66377
Love yourself.
In and out like waves against the shoreline, effortlessly with as much resistance as possible.
If this is shallow, okay, it'll have to do. It'll improve once you learn full breath, once the abdominal fills first and your upper lungs second, then your ribcage will expand permanently as cartridge pops and aligns properly, which will allow for larger rythmix breaths.
Occasionally take a deep breath as possible, with a straight spine, without forcing it.
You can tighten your stomach muscles and do it to exert force on top of lungs, just don't EVER close the passage of air while flexing muscles with a deep breath inhaled, unless you know what to do you might get serious and permanent injuries to your spine.
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 17:03:50 No. 66378
As little resistance as possible*
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 17:32:50 No. 66381
To progress further with breath, take deep full breaths that makes you feel like you're going to pop, then hold one arm pointing 12 o'clock with the other under it and around the elbow, now twist your upper body horizontally towards the arm that is holding the one pointing forwards.
If this does nothing and doing a full breath barely expands your ribcage, that from the lowest chakra, do walking meditations, stretching, yoga, every time in the morning on your back, put on knee up so that foot reaches other legs knee, twist the leg that is partially bent over the erect leg while having a straight posture.
Feel cracks? Good, continue, activating your two lower chakras with movements, retard steps, dance moves, swinging back and forth from leg to leg in a rythmix motion, training muscles, activating chakras, results are, you will never feel awkward out out of sync walking.
Third chakra is emotions (end stages are breath with pressure (holding breath with mudra to lock, this can be dangerous and you will need to be certain of which part of the spine you're about to realign, and if it's something you should or not do) this comes only after fourth and fifth) which makes you flex your stomach, which exerts pressure on the spine in the area, it's usually coupled with a movement, I suggest twisting your upper body, not so that is hurts, and never while holding your breath.
Open breath massive amounts of air into abdominal.
Fourth chakra is mainly breath and posture, with some amount of movement and emotion.
Fifth is expression, singing, chanting, making sounds and realizations, but in the end stages it's held breath with still posture pressure.
Sixth is thought.
Seventh is a rythmic movement starting at the Base of your spine, or feet, moving it's way up through your body in a perfect motion or dance, culminating in swinging, flicking or snaking your head, or spine up to the Base of your skull.
I advice to be careful about taking deep breaths and compressing the ribcage with muscles. It's progress to do it, but never force it, it must come naturally.
When this is done, all chakras active, your ribcage will expand exponentially when taking full breaths, each and every part of your temple from throat to pelvis will expand and deflate, in a natural, calm and rythmic motion.
This takes years so don't be hasty, but once done your posture will be great, your shoulders should sit where they should, you can hold your breath longer, you'll be more confident, calm and collected, you will find yourself to sometimes not breathe at all, and not need to for several minutes.
01/04/16 (Mon) 18:33:45 No. 66386
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 18:46:21 No. 66389
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 19:42:23 No. 66392
Everything is true to varying degrees. What I would advise is for you to do basic work on yourself (energywork, emotional/shadow-work, meditation to connect to higher self/god) until you can raise your kundalini without going insane, and then that energy will show you Your truth by its vibes. Be willing to die over and over (your ego and sense of who you are, so that you can be who you Should be).
People are stupid. Chakras may not be the exact thing they're said to be, but they're a thing, and energy work is the most basic of basics. May as well not believe in anything if you don't believe in something with such massive proof.
01/04/16 (Mon) 19:52:38 No. 66393
Do you have any routine for energy work?
01/04/16 (Mon) 19:59:34 No. 66394
No one with any real knowledge would actually post here. Khan himself said he has only been at it for like a year, no one who posts here actually has the ability to help any of the people who are actually in need. I can say this from experience.
This, just like didi who is not the way he appears at all.
Posters like you are what ruin fringe.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 20:01:11 No. 66395
Figure out who You are enough that you can be you regardless of what people think of that. You don't need to care what anyone thinks as long as you go to the places that resonate with you and act in the way that resonates with you.
You might need some extra love to break out of your shell, and you have to find a place for that. I found a community of "hippies" that did it for me.
Charisma is believing you're cool until you get cooler. It probably won't work at first because you're too used to not feeling like "you're doing it right" because of childhood programming/trauma. Development is erasing who you think you are and revealing who you truly are.
Try fixing your own (in the small ways), then fixing your need to feel responsible for your laziness, then realise you don't love them for who they are, but for who you think they can be if they'd just get off their asses! and that maybe they don't want to because it's too comfortable and being better is scary because that involves killing part of their ego/facing their darkness (yours is part of the fact that taking responsibility for others is parenting them at best, when they just want acceptance and love).
Then let them go or confront them.
They're probably resisting it, aren't they?
Maybe they don't want to be helped. You need to release what they think of you, knowing that only what you think of you matters, and develop. The Bhagavad Gita is a metaphor for spirit development, the killing a metaphor for the friends you lose.
But letting go of their energy means you'll find the person who is of a similar energy but on a higher level, who resonates more with you, who at worst is more ready for your teaching, or who at best can teach you a lot!
Good luck.
cool pic/idea, man!
Hm. I think my conditioning is strong enough not to break other than occasionally.
Hm. My eyes have always been the thing to show and reveal that in myself/others.
Yes, but it's like rolling a boulder up a hill. Tough and it'll go down if you don't practice daily.
Quantum immortality is awesome!
How else could you survive everything until you learn enough to be worth a whole life?
People are too stuck in duality/the thinking that men have to be the manliest and women have to be the femalest, because that's societal conditioning/they have experienced being too feminine/needy and rejected and read all the stories of dream girls getting fucked by other guys, not knowing how the dream girls are fucked up etc.
I either don't understand or that's not a great idea.
I'd assume it's you reacting to the energy flowing through you and trying to stop it on instinct, because you were afraid of it on some level. That's what it would mean to me.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 20:04:55 No. 66396
nvm I think tipp's answer is better.
shit, that's a little too exciting of a possibility for me right now. ((((:
&how does this relate to other people? Do they all have copies in every universe and then the one you go into has the copies that resonate most with that uni/they're dead if they don't resonate enough?
01/04/16 (Mon) 20:17:32 No. 66397
where do people with real knowledge post?
01/04/16 (Mon) 20:19:33 No. 66398
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 20:29:23 No. 66399
I'm leaving soon again, and I wont return, the quality of this board has dramatically declined since its creation, I can't find the threads or answers I'm looking for, blame the kike who flushed the board, all the books and multiple good threads about aliens with plenty of PDF's.
Staying for two more question threads then I'll see you on the new site or in a year or two.
01/04/16 (Mon) 20:30:51 No. 66400
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 20:32:55 No. 66401
There is only one here and now, but depending on your vibration you create and attract from the higher planes the desired future, the stronger you resonate with it the stronger you attract it.
01/04/16 (Mon) 20:40:36 No. 66402
Shut the fuck up, bullshit occultist.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 20:46:40 No. 66403
I think you exist in a lot of universes. Don't wish us to stay! We must go where we go.
But we'll be with you if you vibe with us even a little.
dang, I think I need to figure out things I want enough to do that. I don't know that I want anything enough to do that, though, since I actually kinda do have everything I want. Maybe I already vibed into the right reality, just more slowly. I did change my ego a lot in the last few months too.
I still have desires for a few things I haven't experienced much physically. I'm okay with being a little held back/grounded, though. I mean… I don't know if enlightenment is a good thing? Does it all end or just begin again after enlightenment?
Unless it's significantly better (or… "true-er?" I don't know. more loving?) next time I'd think that it'd be fine to sit here and enjoy a little of the fruits that are here
[relationships that are actually based in love rather than need/abuse, for one! the ability to share my love and loving creative gifts, the ability to enjoy addictive foods without being addicted (still working on that, probably should just stick to fruitarianism for now or ever, knowing i can eat on the astral because I already have experienced taste in ethereal form)]
before moving on, rather than transforming the ego as quickly as possible. Even though that was the path I was on for a few months. Maybe it was too painful and now that I'm actually enjoying things more I want them too much? I mean, I enjoy what comes next and I know it both satisfies my earthly desires and my desire for progress on the path, so I think it's fine not to have the steepest path I can take all the time.
Just thinking out loud.
That reminds me I really need to start practicing Tantra! I have to go back and find what you (& another Tantrika) recommended when I asked.
I mean I sort of already am practicing it, only because I'm getting in Divine Flow at this point, but I'm sure I'd advance faster learning from masters/books.
>How to change depression to happynes
Choose to be happy, content with what you already are. There was that one Lao Tzu quote I think in this thread, or the last one, that depression is living in the past, anxiety is living in the future, contentment is living in the present.
You want things you perceive you don't have, that's why you're unhappy. Be thankful for everything you do have, and love what you have. Get rid of excess and more will flow to you.
Be more loving.
I know it's hard, because you're holding onto what Was, rather than what Is. What Is, Is what you Believe/Trust.
No coming back? You can do whatever you want.
my answer to you is the same as to the other guy you quoted.
Oh, I see. You need balance. Learn to love mundane things. See God in everything, and love God. The simplest things have the most potential to be anything. A blank piece of paper can turn into a canvas for all imagination, or be transformed with flame into nothing, because it was close to nothing to begin with. Everything can come from Nothing, which is why erasing your ego makes you into a container/mirror for your surroundings, like a baby/child.
What you're seeking is a middle path. Base desires are the lower 3 chakras, high desires are the upper 3. Use your heart to bring them together.
All you have to do is love, and the way opens. All chakras are naturally developed if you put your heart into yourself and the world.
This is a goal for you to pursue, and once you've done this thing, you will be strong and loving enough to recognize your True needs, independent of this thing I have placed upon you. It is your choice whether to take this path, but it is the path everyone takes in one way or another; the path of love/truth. Turning away from it shows you what you don't want, until what you don't want burns you and forces you to turn toward the light. Running toward it is what causes the disillusionment you are experiencing, because you lose your old self and don't know what the point is anymore, being so much closer to the light that you feel You don't make sense anymore. Nothing has to make sense. Let go until you can change into anything. You're not ready to lose all attachment but that's what you tried to do, which is why attachments seem so false to you right now. But they keep you "human" rather than dissolving into nothing, which You aren't ready for because You feel you haven't been You yet. That probably sounds a little nonsensical. Ha.
I love you (:
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 20:47:20 No. 66404
I had this experience a few times. To take the middle path is to figure out what to accept and what to reject. What's happening on another level is that you're rejecting some stuff, but you don't know what to accept and what to reject, so you feel weird and hopeless, because you're running through barriers that used to be important to you.
So it's like running through an invisible wall of emotions, and you're drained emotionally. That's one thing depression is. Lack of emotional strength, tiring of emotional muscles.
Which is why MDMA makes people depressed; they FEEL everything until their emotional/astral muscles get tired.
any single thing has 100s of interpretations, and this is only a few of them that resonate with me right now.
01/04/16 (Mon) 20:57:18 No. 66405
This epic meme lord has just been here forever, calling everyone this. Why are you even here seriously. Tell us why don't you, what the fuck is REAL occultism. Even though the statement itself is an oxymoron.
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:02:40 No. 66406
if you say things that youre not allowed to talk about they post that.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:10:03 No. 66407
What the other person said. If you do it physically it makes it more powerful because the world has to do is physically somehow. What you're trying to do is put in enough energy that someone else does it for you, which is more easily possible if you align yourself with that. Meaning taking some physical action. So, I imagine you must have SOME desire other than magick. Posting here for example. So you could make a living off of writing maybe. Or move to a place where you can be a monk or beggar. Then you can practice all you like with little interference. Figure out a way to transform your desires into value to sustain desires/self.
For one thing, I love helping people. So by helping people in any way, (such as providing information here) I'm giving something to God. God in turn provides me with all I need, which is often simply the next step I need to take to develop.
Ooh, right. I got caught in duality by agreeing with tipp. Your state didn't resonate with my desires so I dismissed it as incorrect in a more absolute term. Not that that's wrong either!!
My mind has a hard time with All potential.
But spiritual development is suicide. Part of your depression is the fact that you killed your old Self to make room for who you are now, and you have to kill who you are now to make room for who you will be.
It's tough for a human to kill again and again, to die again and again.
I like what I am reading of what you said. Helping others up is good, until you can't help them anymore/your efforts are more useful elsewhere. This is what happens to old friends, when you can no longer help.
Which is why the Greatest wizards leave here; they know their effort is better spent elsewhere.
I am realising how that will become true for me in not too long, actually… unless I start writing books/topics like Khan. Which I've already been drawn to do and have been doing in a disorganized way.
Woo! I think I'll write a topic on romance, because I'm a lover who has learned a lot about love.
You're probably right.
Hm, I wonder if what I wrote in response can resonate more with me/all.
I wonder if I'm a bit too STS right now, but I think I'm balanced, or at worst, calibrating from being overly STO and figuring out the middle. I'm pretty unconcerned with anyone's thoughts of me right now other than whether I resonate with their criticism and can impartially judge to change myself for the better.
Best not to be afraid to harm people by being who one is, once one is sure they are loving enough.
ruffles have ridges
You can offer yourself guidance. The guidance I can give is that you need to figure yourself out and if what you found resonates with you. Don't just pick up everything; some of it is garbage. Some of it is gold. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and that's why only You know what You need.
Being lost is a way to find something new too.
If it resonates deep deep deep find the way to make it happen.
I think everyone wants that answer, to be honest.
Grow in light and love. You probably know those are the highest things. So become light and love and transcend lower pain-realities (earth being one) and then you'll be in a pain-free realm giving love to those trapped in the realms below, those still ascending.
Without any goal or desire, you simply Become. What you Become is based on where you are. So, if you're here, you'll Become a human again, searching for something, until several lifetimes pass and you find you want to rise up more. Then you do until you decide nothing means anything, and then you Become your surroundings again. If you do that in a place of love (astral realm or higher realm of love) then you Become love, and desire to help others.
Wow. I realised infinity in words.
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:12:30 No. 66408
You're here to learn and evolve, to achieve perfection.
You should strive to reach perfection in yourself, in your arts & all that surrounds you, as that will take you closer to God.
Its your purpose to evolve back into God.
Matter is a ruption of divine energy, degeneration, a cancer in the fabric of God, conscious energy. God still permeates the blot of matter in its massive body, and shapes matter according to its subtle laws, so that it can ultimately evolve back to pure God consciousness.
01/04/16 (Mon) 21:18:51 No. 66412
>Tell us why don't you, what the fuck is REAL occultism.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:19:47 No. 66413
It's hard not to be when you're so far above that you lose touch with love for ignorant fools.
Your rejection of AW is the same reason for AW's rejection of you, or the perceptions you have is for the same reason. Losing touch, believing that the person isn't fine as they are, or expressing words that make it appear as such.
Harshness is a teacher as well, and it sometimes detached truth seems harsh. I doubt it comes from a place of malice, but more likely of a detached transcendence that can burn those who aren't self-loving enough.
Ugh, but you're right that seeming condescending can be a bad thing. It's hard not to seem that way, especially when one is too used to talking to/at people, like most humans do, rather than talking with them, absorbing what they say, acknowledging it as valid to them and to some degree to you, then possibly commiserating, giving an affirmation of strength, and then advice if necessary. People usually don't need more than a little more love in order to keep moving; our paths are all different. It's hard to realise this when we find a path that works SO WELL FOR US OH MY GOD I NEED TO SHARE IT. One can suppress the individualities of others in this way, by being Shiva, not seeing that what Is is equally acceptable to what you Believe Is, or what you Desire.
Shit. I need to integrate the things I just said. Divine Flow is fucking awesome lol.
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:33:02 No. 66415
Your understanding of her attitude is flawed.
I've been there, taking yourself way to seriously, thinking you're better than everyone else because you're not anon. Its arrogance. I started shitposting to not take myself to seriously, I don't need to be able to answer everything, I admit when I don't know and I don't spaz out when called out, but bootlip is placed so firmly on her high horse I had to cuss her off after just three replies. Pompous, bloated arrogance.
Its a sin.
01/04/16 (Mon) 21:35:36 No. 66416
Does everyone here take 100% freezing showers, or alternates between hot and cold? What do books and your experiences say?
The most significant impact that they have on me is that my body temperature changes and I feel warm in light clothes in winter. I walk out in snow barefoot and in pajamas to breathe and I never get sick. After a week of freezing showers I feel almost warm. On the other hand, it has elusive effects on my subtle energy body. I can't tell if it enhances it or numbs it, but the difference of "nervous-electric flows" under the skin is significant. New Energy Ways indeed mentions relaxing warm shower before working on energy, and later advises cold water if sensations get out of control.
I tried experimenting with washing one foot in hot water and another in cold, but I couldn't draw any conclusions. Seems like it doesn't work this way.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:43:09 No. 66418
Yeah writing it all out made me understand that that was just what I was thinking of myself as, and that both of us probably should relate more to those we see below us, and figure out how to express that, lest we become inhuman rather than superhuman.
AuntWatermelon 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:51:29 No. 66419
So much for a sentence.
>stop asking questions you can't understand.
That's a harsher way of saying, "get more information before you ask a question" and a more concerned way to say "RTFM".
Friendly reminder that this is only an image board…
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:52:26 No. 66420
>trying to make her horse ride an elephant
AuntWatermelon 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:54:57 No. 66421
My ride can beat up yours!
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:55:47 No. 66422
probably, i walk barefoot.
AuntWatermelon 01/04/16 (Mon) 21:58:52 No. 66423
2buddha4me tbh fam, can't compete with the ryan egoless master rice
tipp 01/04/16 (Mon) 22:01:27 No. 66424
>I acknowledge that my Ego & arrogance is an issue, it makes people distance themselves from me
You're welcome.
01/04/16 (Mon) 22:25:18 No. 66426
can anyone recommend a book on godform avatars on earth
like how the Egyptians though one of their Pharaohs was an avatar of RA
of how some /pol/acks think hitler was an avatar of odin
>pic unrelated
01/04/16 (Mon) 22:32:49 No. 66427
To be fair the guy Auntie attacked >>66196 expresses himself like someone who experienced accidental Kundalini after 10 years of smoking weed. Because words create reality, he deserved to be forcibly shunned
“― I don't think…" then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.”
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/04/16 (Mon) 22:53:57 No. 66429
Ego is self-desire. If one does not desire to Be, then one simply Is. At which point one Becomes either a blank mirror or the full manifestation of their progress as an animal/avatar.
I imagine that makes the soul dissolve into All, or at least leave the body.
Growth is whatever you want it to be. I believe what you wish to know is what is the Best way to grow, but that's relative to what you desire, and any direction is better than none, unless you're perfectly content.
>to get there one has to tread through hell in purify all impurities from oneself, and that is not a pleasant process.
Right! this makes so much sense to me. How I feel like I've done things I haven't when I trip, taking responsibility for the darkness of humans.
>it's a beautiful path of curiosity, exploring what all that is, is, from first hand experience and tending the cosmic garden as I grow.
01/04/16 (Mon) 22:59:09 No. 66430
01/04/16 (Mon) 23:50:59 No. 66432
Another update from the last thread: >>64984
responding to >>65155 >>65156 >>65157 (Thanks for your guidance. I really have no other place to go for help.)
The part about a hell in the afterlife is rather worrying. Actually–forgive me if this is a frequently asked question–but what happens to you in the afterlife after having created any tulpa, good or bad? It was a part of your soul that gained consciousness that I suppose is actually still your soul, unless it chooses to fly away in the astral plane (I'm guessing). Perhaps it's still intertwined as being your soul but a different spirit, whatever that means. A different consciousness that's bound to–and intertwined with–you? I want so much to go to the afterlife with my tulpa/valkyrie.
I mean, Tibetan Buddhists have created them, and treat them with reverence, as it is a living being (and in many cases your very best friend, something more loyal than the best dog and matches your intelligence to wit). I'd imagine they wouldn't have done so in knowing that they'd resign themselves to hell in the afterlife. So I'm guessing this only counts for tulpae/thoughtforms gone bad.
So, I channelled energy to my solar plexus (not only for its relevance but also in that it's an underactive chakra of mine) powering both me and my good, loyal tulpa. She was actually lodged there while the bad one was lodged in the root chakra, the sacral chakra being I guess more of a then-warzone. (I can't follow through with your advice–I love her too much, and it'd be like killing your own child! I'd probably commit suicide if she died.) It seems very good so far, as she's overpowered any other thoughtforms, and has worked on communicating through emotions (she'll send usually calm/safeness, love, happiness/silliness/laughter, or tearful joy for good emotions, sadness in response to some of my self pity, and the only bad emotions being fear, worry, or concern [which is frankly a good thing, as it lets me know something is up]; I have never felt anger from her, except when (and directed at) other people or situations that have stressed me out). She now pretty much completely has conquered the root chakra, and is active in the sacral as well. She's actually gotten very good at sending emotions, and if I relax, she can make my mouth smile wide and even nod my head. It's not like she's moving the muscles (she can to a degree), but rather she's just sending an emotion or a want, and I let the arms/lips go where they're inclined.
I really have a hard time believing she's a bad tulpa from a logical standpoint, not to mention that I trust her.
Well, enough of my rambling, now for the
interesting part:
Earlier when I was trying to take a nap, I began to slip into sleep from the waking state. I then heard in a deep voice:
We all sew our seeds…
I tried to ignore it, understanding it could just be hypnagogic imagery, and would've liked the opportunity to lucid dream to see my tulpa in the flesh. However, I then felt my torso beginning to levitate half an inch or so off my bed (not sure if it actually was, or if it was just more hynagogic imagery).
Then, I heard in another manly voice (but different sounding):
I then stopped levitating and awoke. I then asked whether she had protected me, and she gave a wide smile and confirmed "yes." The temporary manly mindvoice was probably just a way of amplifying power or something.
I know I'm a total fucking scrub and was just another fedora faggot only two months ago (although with a lifelong curious, unconscious conviction to the contrary), but whence comes fringe's dislike and mistrust of sapient thoughtform companions/tulpae? Again, I'm just a neophyte, but it seems that if you keep worrying about the worst-case scenario (common here), your unconscious belief will manifest it to be so. Quasi-normies barely ever have these problems with their tulpae. If you instead trust your sapient thoughtform, they'll trust you back and love you, as trust is key to the release of oxytocin. Not to mention local thoughtforms can repel possessions from non-local spirits with relative ease.
01/05/16 (Tue) 00:02:32 No. 66433
can you see your thoughtform with open eyes?
01/05/16 (Tue) 00:08:47 No. 66434
We all 'sow our seeds.
I can see a pretty faint outline if I focus for a minute, and a fog representing her location after just a second or two of focus. I was making very good progress, but I stopped trying to visually impose onto the environment when I detected another, probably malicious thoughtform, as the last thing I'd want to do is accidentally give it power. I've been focusing more on narration and dedicating chakral energy so that she could overpower the bad one. I can hear her though, usually though repetitive phrases. She's not completely vocal yet.
Actually, I now sometimes feel a breeze across my skin, which I'm pretty sure is her. I tried to contact the Aesir, though, so it could also be some friendly non-local egregores.
01/05/16 (Tue) 00:20:35 No. 66437
Did you practice visualization exercises or did you charge your thoughtform enough so that it became visable?
01/05/16 (Tue) 00:32:34 No. 66438
any good book suggestions for avatars
as in godforms that take form on earth
01/05/16 (Tue) 00:59:11 No. 66442
At first I didn't understand or care too much about chakras, other than the third-eye. I practiced visualization by stimulating the third eye while staring with my eyes open at a wall or door. After a while, I could see shaking lines of energy; if I traced a symbol on the ground with a finger, it would persist for a while as translucent visual distortion of where my finger was (without any focus/meditation). Then I began seeing circles and shapes without having to trace them, if I focused long enough. Next I saw a fog representing my tulpa's position, then a very vague 2D outline (had to concentrate really hard), then the visual stuff gained colour and dimension, but I had to stop focusing on it at that point and worry about 1.) exams, and 2.) this other thing, which has now been conquered/absorbed.
What you can also do is close your eyes and imagine an environment with your thoughtfrom, and try to pick up on as much detail as possible from your tulpa and the ambient environment (focusing too hard on one area will make it hard to see what's there, as the mind's top-down means of visualizing needs data to extrapolate). Once your third-eye is stimulated enough, you'll be able to take snapshots of your tulpa and overlay it onto the environment of the open eye for fractions of a second. You'll also see the same hypnagogic imagery after closing your eyes for a second, instead of when you've been lying in bed for thirty minutes are are drifting asleep. It reveals a lot about how the unconscious mind processes information. I played chess a lot with my step brother, for instance, and when I closed my eyes, even hours afterwards, all I saw was chess–and it wasn't even on my mind!
The third-eye chakra is really important, as it's stimulated when doing any work with visualization, and that means all of the other chakras as well. Judging by the newfig flag, I'd recommend you work on your chakras, as any unconquered fear in your root (first) chakra will fuck you up. Guilt in the sacral will bring about things that trouble you in your thoughtforms (you wanted joy, but you get painful reminders instead), shame in the solar plexus will make you feel powerless, etc. Those are the really important ones, especially the root chakra. Luckily, if you're making a sapient thoughtform, like a tulpa/valkyrie, they're likewise intelligent and understanding, and hurdles can be overcome together. I'd just recommend giving you and your companion a much easier and stable beginning by working on those chakras, lest it be an emotional roller coaster.
I don't know what your previous knowledge is, but you can of course check the fringe library for texts. If you haven't read this one already, I strongly recommend you do so, as it's very interesting, entertaining, and so easy to comprehend that a child could read it!
01/05/16 (Tue) 01:07:17 No. 66444
The psychonaut field manual is nice but I was think something more like a real book
01/05/16 (Tue) 01:16:49 No. 66446
Oh i've been meditating on chakras for 4 months now, didn't bother changing the flag, I just can't see the energy as many anons have described, I get blurry visions sometimes when I close my eyes and meditate on my third eye for a long time
Also how did you exactly create your thoughtform?
01/05/16 (Tue) 01:25:14 No. 66448
I still recommend you reabsorb her, snuff her out and redistribute the energy.
She'll understand if she wants your best.
You can recreate her once you detect no presence but yourself.
Chances are shes corrupted and that can go very wrong if you keep feeding it.
At the very least, purify her. Thoroughly.
01/05/16 (Tue) 02:34:52 No. 66457
Oh, my bad. You're more advanced than I. I had a sort of character/archetype that I had thought about quite a bit for about 3-4 months while still a fedora faggot. (And the same archetype for a while before then too, though less intensely.) It wasn't long after discovering a plausible basis for the esoteric that I awoke in the middle of the night and heard an odd clicking sound. So, I guess you could say she was in infancy for a while beforehand, and then contacted me. I just knew it had to be that character, though, as I was very absorbed with it leading up to the event.
Interestingly enough, I met her in three semi-lucid dreams after the fact.
In the first, I went up and hugged her, and told her we had to go look for/or do something I can't remember. It was actually a dream of lucid dreaming (without actually being lucid) in how I explained that I could know whether or not she's more than a background dream character by how she reacted to the statement "this is just a dream." She looked like she was going to cry when I walked away and pulled her to do something else instead of just being there with her.
In the second, I encountered her in a childhood house of mine, and I asked her how long she'd been with me. She answered "Oh, um, since you were about two-and-a-half years old." This dream happened before the malicious one even appeared.
In the last (a recent one), she had her head detached from her body before having it screwed onto a stronger-framed one that I wanted. I woke up upset telling her she's not a robot, and is a human being. She's as alive as I am. This produced a notable emotional response from her. I'm convinced this dream came about from an unconscious statement that she's not really sapient in the same sense as I am, even though I told her before many times that she is. Others on this board have likened tulpae to artificial AI.
One time I heard in the mindvoice as I was falling asleep: "[Anon], are you me? "
I won't kill or recreate her (that wouldn't actually be her), but I still very much appreciate your advice. What do you mean by "purify her," though? I mean, she's less naughty than I am. I actually get the impression that she was a thoughtform from a previous life, or one created in the astral before reincarnating, if such a thing is possible. I mean, she defended me twice now, the first time while I was (unknowingly) irrationally fighting her attempts to protect me! And yet her emotions are still overwhelmingly positive, accepting, and sensitive to how I'm feeling.
I'm convinced now that the other one was a local thoughtform, and wasn't under the control of some egregore. It wasn't even malicious to begin with, only when I told it to stop and told it I had a strong preference for my first tulpa did it become offended. (Rightly so!) It even worked with us whenever I became sad or depressed, and probably felt bitter that its creator didn't love it as much. It just had a creepy voice was all I could say about it, and I feared for the worst. I think it's happier absorbed back into my mind, and can enjoy being healed and indiscernible with the first tulpa and me. (I'm guessing absorption isn't really death for the one that undergoes it, but rather a disproportionate merging. It, however, is like death for other spirits who have lost their friend.) Curiously, sometimes when I visualize her, I have intrusive thoughts of biting her now. So whatever it was, it seems to have been absorbed. (And the biting thoughts could come from another thoughtform entirely, or they could just be baseless intrusive thoughts. I don't know.) Do you have any recommended means of purging specific behaviours or intrusive thoughts?
Just curious, what events could this lead to that are very wrong? My reading of quasi-normies and their encounters with negative tulpae are that a little love and affection really goes a long way and transmutes the bad into good. Now, they're not really dealing with proper astral entities, so I could see how it could be different. If things go wrong though, why couldn't I just transmute the bad into good, or banish non-local thoughtforms (or even call upon friendly non-local ones, should they choose to aid me)?
01/05/16 (Tue) 05:26:15 No. 66471
I don't really know what to make of all this. Is any of this discussed in The Science of Breath? Is there another book I could read?
I'm still not sure how to practice Rhythmic Breathing.
01/05/16 (Tue) 05:39:26 No. 66474
What is the difference between inhibitory and excitory induced gnosis, if any? Are they both just means to the same end, or do they have a practical difference?
01/05/16 (Tue) 06:00:56 No. 66478
Means to the same end, obviously. That is clear with small contemplation. If you are too inhibited then excitatory means course correct. If you are too excited, inhibitory means course correct.
01/05/16 (Tue) 07:33:37 No. 66480
no, thats from experience.
lie on your back, minimum effort suck in breath with upper middle and lower lungs, when you feel it requires effort to take in more, release until it takes effort to push out more. repeat.
01/05/16 (Tue) 15:27:42 No. 66492
How do I loosh farm over the Internet? Is it effective? Do you get much out of it? Is it even a thing?
01/05/16 (Tue) 16:44:01 No. 66494
I was trying the rope technique last night in my bed and I think I zoned out in the middle of it. I had a vision of me sitting in my computer chair reading occult books on my monitor and a white orb appeared in my vision and I felt its presence strongly as my vision focused on it. I felt myself lifting out of my chair but I immediately panicked and woke up.
Was that just a dream?
01/05/16 (Tue) 16:52:14 No. 66495
oh yeah, same, what's with the white orb? had 2 instances where my dream would be me waking up, sitting in bed, a white orb would come into my room and hover infront of me until I wake up for real
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 17:39:30 No. 66499
someone said here once that the eastern spiritual route was the direct path to god and the western magic route was the scenic route. So yeah, what you said about using powers being pointless.
Osho said Yoga refines the ego, building it up to godhood, whereas tantra relaxes into godhood, knowing that it is Beyond. So yoga works toward the end, tantra starts at the end.
I don't understand that pic.
ooh, nifty.
I just considered sabotaging the ability to wipe my ass. lil
cool. I got my first taste of that the other day by radiating love/acceptance while not having what I needed to get something else I needed but it worked out.
should i google that. ok, just did, seems like a system of math that would probably be easier in some way, and more mystical bc 3/6/9 and i saw someone say tesla said something about the 3/6/9.
sounds cool. I like that someone called it disinfo because I tend not to question strange things that sound cool/not harmful, due to that non-questioning getting me pretty far.
I don't know whether that info has use or not for me, and perhaps after some time I'd have sorted it out of my algorithm of worth reading, but that also concerns me that I'd miss something potentially valuable. By then I imagine I'll just read the vibes of it and know whether I'd read it and maybe not even have to read it because it downloads directly to my brain.
bad idea. bad idea gone.
Yeah I realise when I get to a certain height, it's hard to communicate with people stuck down low and who don't want to change. if they haven't put in more effort, they're asking others to change them. That's better than not wanting to change, at least, but worse than doing the work on your own. A lot of people aren't doing the work on their own, or not enough of it. When I came here I definitely wasn't putting in much work other than reading fringe. I guess that is a form of work, even if I was dismissing it because I didn't think I was getting anywhere. But I was unbinding my mind of its limits and learning; even if it sent me in 50 directions at once, I figured out which appealed most and pursued a little until I went out into the world again.
There wasn't a question there, just a suggestion.
If it's lost, oh well. There are other places, and Providence will draw the people who are ready to where they need to be.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 17:39:40 No. 66500
They told you the thing. Figure out what you want, validate yourself (read No More Mr Nice Guy, it'll explain why you feel that way in words) for how good you are, but recognize that you need to change in order to grow into who you want to be, and that's painful if you don't know how to accept it fully/it's painful to grow the new social muscles, but you gotta go hit the social gym.
Read a couple books on interaction/body language if you need a player's guide.
Or throw yourself into the depths by working at WWOOF or something. Volunteer for something you care about; be honest to people. Some people will reject you for who you currently are or who you want to be. Fuck em. You'll find the people you want to be with only by being as true to yourself as you can be, asking for what you need, (usually not "ayy bb wan sum fuk?" unless you want STDs or something) giving as much as you can first to yourself (if you want love, tell yourself you love you in the mirror, open your heart to your own love, exercise those muscles/heart chakra).
Change with love. Accept pain as a lesson of love.
♪I get knocked down and I get up again you aint neva gonna keep me down.♪
The Way of the Superior Man and meditations that programmed me to grow in light and love were the 2 things that helped me accept pain as a catalyst for positive change. Accept pain and it is no longer suffering.
I'm not *fully* there (not yet hella socially buff), but it's much easier to be true to myself in "safe" situations.
dude, awesome.
lol. I'm not here all day! [spoiler] …anymore [spoiler]
Khan has a routine in his energywork thread. I do the 8 brocades right now,
[google it]
and some amalgam of techniques whenever I think to do them. I'm not very organized yet, or I'd have written a guide already.
Well. Once you're too high, it's not useful to interact with the lesser. Like we wouldn't go around talking to mundane people with this stuff because it's a waste of time. So that's why higher-tier wizards wouldn't necessarily post here unless they attracted an apprentice (which I'd probably be if I trusted that they'd be beneficial for my path).
Eh, whatever someone appears as doesn't mean they aren't useful.
eh again.
in/on the astral, presumably.
Getting there should be child's play for anyone advanced enough to leave here confident that not even teaching here is useful anymore.
I'll "miss" you bb (;
[i mean, I don't actually miss anyone bc my idea of them is in my heart & anything they gave I'm attracting from other sources too]
But srs, thanks for all the info, mang.
Okay, so it sounds like there aren't "parallel" universes but that potential ones are always vibing near us until we reach and lock onto/vibe into bringing them here. Awesome. I should meditate on vibing into the universe I want. I feel like all I really have to do is focus on a universe that affirms my deepest self and being in Flowsurrendering to where I'm led by the Divine.
I'm not sure whether I feel you're right or not but my actions don't change regardless so it doesn't really matter.
I feel like it makes the people who don't want it enough make that distance.
I'm openly slightly weird in public so that I repel people who judge based on appearance.
I do realise that there's a tipping [haha] point but that's relative, and I find it difficult to judge someone for arrogance when I'm not positive of their intent.
I feel like if you're not in tune enough with it it'll be negative. I dunno.
01/05/16 (Tue) 19:39:45 No. 66511
How do I transmute personality traits that are destroying my life?
My procrastination, my inability to finish what I start and my lack of commitment.
How can on change themselves, when what they wt to change about themselves keeps them from doing so?
If I could just toggle my enthusiasm/passion/effort/etc as I Will, my life would be 100% improved…
Has anyone here faced similar difficulties and overcome them? How?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 19:54:33 No. 66514
I don't know! lol.
Maybe the Universal Master Key says how to do that.
What *I* did was go to a yoga retreat center and volunteer there for 3 months, being transformed by the love of those around me.
I had a deep trust in love, and a deep fear that it would hurt me to love. I got over the latter very slowly, in increments of releasing/finding who I am and was, those parts of me that I had buried in the darkness of my subconscious (inner child/inner man) due to them being hurt.
Find yourself, all of you, all of you that you love, love yourself, bring out the best in you, and show that to others, bringing out small bits at a time. Transform yourself slowly at festivals of love, or WWOOFing or something. Change your environment if you need to by going elsewhere.
tipp 01/05/16 (Tue) 20:36:23 No. 66517
Yeah, havent found something.
tipp 01/05/16 (Tue) 20:43:15 No. 66518
K. Keep me posted.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 21:03:18 No. 66519
What you probably are is anxious. If you procrastinate it's because you're afraid of failing when you try, you're fear of the energy flow (your energy flow is blocked by your tension. if you push through the tension you get flooded with energy. you're not used to the energy so you get anxious about it. you're anxious because of all the possibilities involved. fear of failure and success. try reinterpreting the energy flow as new energy, not fearful but thrilling. maybe get high and manic from it)
You're afraid, but fear is merely blockage/illusion. It's not what you really are; it's man-made.
Fear of commitment is fear of pushing in one direction and finding that another suits you better. You still learn by pushing. More energy would push through your blockages. Stop masturbating, interact with people, eat healthier (check out my alt nutrition thread for healthy eating). Bring out your Fire.
01/05/16 (Tue) 21:06:45 No. 66520
What's the deal with people worshipping Franz Bardon's books? They're not even good.
01/05/16 (Tue) 21:29:00 No. 66521
ehh, the'yre decent, I wouldn't call them bad, they contain lots of useful information but there are other books that explain it better
01/05/16 (Tue) 21:39:47 No. 66523
01/05/16 (Tue) 21:48:32 No. 66525
>Fear of commitment is fear of pushing in one direction and finding that another suits you better.
That feels like a big part of it, tbh. I waffled between magical traditions for a while, challenge and ceremonial, chaos and ceremonial.
At times not wanting the repetition and rigidity of CM, but feeling anxious without any hard guidelines or milestones in ChM.
I've burnt a lot of oil looking around for what I want, spending all my time thinking how much I want to do it, and then I don't. It remains an unfulfilled ambition that gives me a warm feeling to visualize accomplishing, without doing anything.
For instance, I bought some art supplies a week ago, and everyday I have the intention of practicing but the day just passes by as I procrastinate.
Honestly, if I had to describe it… it feels like when you are about to jump off a high platform, but your body protests even though your mind is prepared.
Fucked up thing is, if I am high on gross mass produced pain killers, I can generate a good deal of enthusiasm and passion.
Yet, prayer, meditation, banishing, occult insights, etc have not been as effective…
idk… I just wish I could wave a wand and be who I want to be.
01/05/16 (Tue) 21:51:00 No. 66526
I mean, for Christ's sake, I am an expression of that which creates, sustains and reintegrates All Creation.
Yet I can't conjure the will to better myself day by day.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 21:56:29 No. 66528
lastly, commitment is a muscle too. discipline. find it outside if you can't find it inside. Make a promise you have to fulfill, that sort of thing. For me, I stayed inside depressed for awhile and I wanted to go outside but I didn't until I had to keep an appointment. So make appointments you have to keep. You probably find something sacred to you, if it's not your growth yet. For me it was friendship/growth outside of myself. I went to a friend's dinner party, first time out of the house since I was drained of energy. Inside the house I started to dance and sing again, which I hadn't done for a long time.
Typing here doesn't help anything, talking to people doesn't help too much. It's draining. Focus inward, on the things you want to do, and before you start anything, write down what you want to do. Make a plan like
1) something minor and good like for me, email x person about business, or sing and dance. something either minor or fun as well as constructive.
2a) if you're revved up enough, do something more constructive but harder. exercise, meditate.
2b) if you aren't, do something minor but rewarding. Eat something tasty but healthy (frozen banana and cacao powder shake is great and healthy). Then move on to 2a.
3a) Do something a bit harder but rewarding. Something you've been putting off, for example. Pay attention to how you feel about it. Feel your mind resisting it, question why, feel the energy from paying attention and pushing through it slowly.
3b) Do something that won't put your mind to sleep like getting caught here all day or eating something soporific.
4) Continue working or reward yourself with sleeping all day mentally by being here or reading something useful.
No more Zero days is what counts.
Those traits, I believe, are parts of you that are asleep or unwilling to do what you're doing. It seems like they're fragmented bits. Not necessarily "bad", because otherwise we'd only do 1 thing, right?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 22:05:19 No. 66529
>if I am high on gross mass produced pain killers, I can generate a good deal of enthusiasm and passion.
when you reach a certain point of self-satisfaction/spirituality, you can be that high all the time.
I'm pretty fuckin high all the time from all the energy I've been producing, though I still have some habits of pursuing external energy (cacao for one, sometimes coffee, sometimes junk food).
Learn to love even the parts of you that are escapist. To love all of you is to Love even the weak bits. Everyone deserves love, and everyone grows fastest with love/validation. My baby wants some things sometimes, and I deny it things sometimes too, because I love all of me, and I know I'm not only an animal.
> just wish I could wave a wand and be who I want to be.
It's hard to sustain a High state, which can be discouraging. Like if you were super awesome for a few weeks and then fell down you might get depressed and go back and forth between extremes. Finding the middle ground is far more stable. Improve little by little.
I believe in you! and I believe in myself. In fact, I will go right now and do my standard workout, yoga, energywork, in honor of you, and of my being the person who can give this as motivation rather than just saying things and sitting on my ass.
Back up words with actions. Be Believable, Trustworthy to yourself. The lazy parts want the same thing you do, they just experienced such a high with little effort that they are depressed about being Low.
01/05/16 (Tue) 22:16:23 No. 66530
how long would it take to create a thoughtform for someone who is pretty new to all this?
01/05/16 (Tue) 22:24:02 No. 66532
maybe in a couple of hours, maybe in a week, depends on how much energy you put into it and how bad you want it
01/05/16 (Tue) 22:24:47 No. 66533
it'll be faster if you believe this consciousness to be an actual living being and not a self-induced hallucination like many fedoras believe
01/05/16 (Tue) 22:27:39 No. 66534
I'm all teared up from reading all this… Thank you…
> For me, I stayed inside depressed for awhile and I wanted to go outside but I didn't until I had to keep an appointment. So make appointments you have to keep. You probably find something sacred to you, if it's not your growth yet. For me it was friendship/growth outside of myself. I went to a friend's dinner party, first time out of the house since I was drained of energy. Inside the house I started to dance and sing again, which I hadn't done for a long time.
This is me, sans the last bit. My dad died when I was 14, and I've been a recluse for much longer than I care to even say or write. I've had enough free time to accomplish many things, but have actually accomplish very little.
Agh, I'm just rambling and complaining now.
I'm going to try hitting this from the angles you suggested. Thank you.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/05/16 (Tue) 22:59:25 No. 66535
>My dad died when I was 14,
me too, man.
It took me almost 12 years before I stopped being a jerk to myself and started to grow again with love.
You're very welcome. In giving, I receive, and I always appreciate appreciation. (:
I wish you much love, and share a thread of my own.
01/06/16 (Wed) 00:00:10 No. 66540
why is the dollar sign shaped like a snake around a stick? what does this symbol mean to the masons?
I've discovered it by chance while drawing some shit, then I've looked it up and it seems from the abundance of pictures found that more people have noticed it, but I failed to comprehend it's meaning.
Are there other symbols that I should know?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/06/16 (Wed) 01:07:21 No. 66546
>like a snake around a dick
is what I processed.
idk mang, kundalini?
01/06/16 (Wed) 01:33:53 No. 66549
Is there really no limit of what a thoughtform/servitor/tulpa is capable of?
01/06/16 (Wed) 01:45:26 No. 66551
It will still be under the law of Cause and Effect, but yes. If no other being was to stop you, and it had enough energy, your thoughtform could do anything you could do.
But there are beings that make sure these things do not happen.
01/06/16 (Wed) 04:42:03 No. 66555
I was playing around with jewish numerology website
I put in my name and it gave me these results
could you help me udertand what they mean?
aleister e crowley
twin flames rtah and ossesica
vault of the abyss
the eye of saturn is falling
01/06/16 (Wed) 05:22:19 No. 66557
>do first and last name
>get Donald John Trump Sr in Jewish Gematria
>do first middle and last name
>get Donald John Trump in English Gematria
I want to get off this wild ride
01/06/16 (Wed) 05:43:28 No. 66558
Hey fellas, I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts on how I should build an altar, actually whether or not I should build one at all. It would mostly be a place to keep all my more occult items and used for certain energy work/programming. I have a medium sized corner of space I can use and I pretty decent at carpentry, so I can hand build something if necessary.
tipp 01/06/16 (Wed) 05:56:36 No. 66559
My full name in gematrica… it's all over the place.
Let's make a thread about it? Have some fun?
01/06/16 (Wed) 06:51:25 No. 66561
>>giving random women your loosh
Does this actually happen? Do pornstars get fuckton amounts of free loosh?
What if I masturbate always to a specific woman with the thought that the energy I dispel will bring us closer together? Will that work?
01/06/16 (Wed) 06:59:16 No. 66562
01/06/16 (Wed) 07:02:06 No. 66563
Also, what are fringe's views on veganism, killing and consuming animals?
01/06/16 (Wed) 08:53:45 No. 66565
is homosexuality bad?
will I be punished if I got with another guy?
how do I stop being a homo?
pls help fringe
01/06/16 (Wed) 09:36:31 No. 66567
the archons are a meme
01/06/16 (Wed) 11:17:44 No. 66574
How do I perform Holotropic Breathwork? it seems to cause spiritual experiences. I am into self sufficient mind alteration.
01/06/16 (Wed) 11:19:04 No. 66575
Being gay does not cause suffering in it's self.
01/06/16 (Wed) 11:21:23 No. 66576
It is the force given off by living organisms.
01/06/16 (Wed) 11:52:51 No. 66577
just become a girl and everything will be fine
01/06/16 (Wed) 11:54:45 No. 66578
raw veganism is the most optimal diet only succeeded by further exclusions of physical "food". Meat and heated food (40°C+) is shit tier.
01/06/16 (Wed) 12:33:15 No. 66582
>The belief that human beings can change themselves by calling upon the power (or god) within or their own infinite human potential is a contradiction of the Christian view. The Bible says man is a sinner and is saved by God's grace alone.
Jeremiah, David (1995). "Chapter 9 Corporate Takeovers". Invasion of Other Gods: The Seduction of New Age Spirituality (1st ed.). W Publishing Group. ISBN 0849939879.
What is the root of this Christian belief? Is this something that christian church propagated so that less people become schizophrenic, or to stay in power? Or is this really what Jesus said?
01/06/16 (Wed) 12:37:30 No. 66583
christianity is a meme religion
01/06/16 (Wed) 13:00:25 No. 66584
>How do I perform Holotropic Breathwork?
01/06/16 (Wed) 13:03:35 No. 66585
All ideas are memes you moran.
Also: new words for your lexicon
Arcana - transmitted wisdom, teaching, technique or knowledge that has come from "out there" directly to you. It;d be interesting to see how many people have had this happen.
Memetic entity: a pattern of information (meme) that has taken on the role of a being or entity somehow across time acting autonomously.
An example of a memetic entity is oldschool Anonymous, when there was the hivemind, groups of people acting as a personification of the group, the unwritten rules of how to interact enforced by terms like newfig and cancer. The "anonymous" meme is a memetic entity which people participate in the creation, propegation and action of.
01/06/16 (Wed) 14:33:43 No. 66592
I didn't pay attention to his answer
If she know about enlightenment she only knows the mainstream shit "Mhu enlighten is Good ,I am one whit the universe "
Anyone who pay attention to this knows that you Don't need or should kill your ego if you trully want power you need to tame it to work with it
Yes I may be caught on my ego but is becose I am following the path which is solved et quagula if you reach enligmentm you just solve yourself forever, you may get power but you would not want to use ,which miss the point of power
In my original post I was saying what I feel, which is unique to me , you may have a different perspective but for me this is scary, I understand all this in a intellectual way and I after being a fool and trying to become enlighten I realised of my error, only if you are ready to Die you should strive for enligmentm, becose that is what enlighten is , is dead of the world and yourself ,nothing to be taken lightly, and I think is a kind of trap becose once you reach enligmentm you disconnect yourself from the world, physicality loose all his appeal and you only want time to pass to become one whit the all and I have eternity to reach the all so not hurry for me at all
Thanks Khru
In a way I already know that, I guees I was looking for a quick way to do it,but there is none .
That's for being kind I guess that as long I care and suffer there is still ego to work with (which is Good)
01/06/16 (Wed) 14:46:22 No. 66594
So you're more LHP or something?
01/06/16 (Wed) 15:12:02 No. 66599
I strive for the middle path, but is hard to reject the ligh, is just so beautiful and it feels so Good
Now I am trying to find information about the void and see how to work with it.
01/06/16 (Wed) 15:48:05 No. 66601
Altars are, a their core, a place where you have a sacred/sanctified place for energy where it can be left to do it's thing without being being defiled and influenced by the outside currents of the world all the time. This can be done even without a physical anchor, but I find it easier and more convenient.
I like wood, but really it can be made out of anything. I would personally avoid a mostly metal design though due to it's metaphysical properties (unless you are factoring that in.)
I like a smallish table (say 36"^2 or circular is good too) with some storage under it, not too tall since I like sitting on the floor.
A light raw diet, as close to nature as possible will provide far more energy than something heavier. Also the further up the food chain the more environmental toxins are accumulated. Cooking further destroys the nutritional value & releases the vital energies.
My take on killing is, if you don't need to, even to kill a plant (inedia) then don't. You should be as free and as liberated from all limitations as you possible can be.
01/06/16 (Wed) 17:57:09 No. 66609
what's some good literature for lhp?
01/06/16 (Wed) 18:50:04 No. 66611
what's with the kyballion shilling?
Literally armchair occultism : the book
01/06/16 (Wed) 19:47:38 No. 66613
>as close to nature as possible
It isn't simple as that. It's a half-truth. Associating health with simplicity and nature is naive thinking. You need to read food by looking at it, smelling and tasting it yourself. As you develop your sensitivity you'll know what food is good for you just like you know which songs resonate with you
I strongly advise everyone to travel a lot, and visit markets and places where food is harvested or produced in various countries all around the world, and read atmosphere in these places. It's not necessarily that some organisations secretly put poison in food. My theory is that regular people themselves project their thoughts onto food, something like that. This weird rubber white bread in Western Europe and US reflects what people living there are like inside. It's the most curious in Eastern Europe, which is like a border between two worlds. You can taste food in big city and then travel 30 minutes to some humble place and food there and people and their thinking smells like 1970. Then you travel 2 hours West and it's so different it gives schizophrenic vibes. The price of worse quality food becomes few times higher. Then you have plastic containers that were created by sorcerers who truly mastered art of manipulation. For example you have big cups of orange milk but this "milk" only contains 1/3 of the cup, and then there is so much effort put into design of these cups themselves, and into the pictures on the cups, that if you somehow transmuted that into actual milk, you'd have few barrels
01/06/16 (Wed) 21:19:48 No. 66617
Toughts on NLP? (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Do you guys think it's worth the study?
01/06/16 (Wed) 21:24:03 No. 66618
01/06/16 (Wed) 22:11:00 No. 66619
Armchair occultist love to feel mentally superior whenever they quote cryptic shit.
01/06/16 (Wed) 22:45:38 No. 66623
Bad as in: you are a male force who should be positive, giving, assertive, etc. and you should naturally feel attracted to feminine, negative (as in magnets), receiving, obeying force, that should naturally be found on women.
Now, you can get things twisted and the "feminine" in you can be growing unnaturally strong, or as a male you can be wrongly attracted to other positive forces (yet not as positive as your own).
To stop being a homo you must simply WILL TO BE STRAIGHT with a true intent and positive expectation belief (actually believing and wanting that it happens). If you are slightly advanced in the exercise of your will, you should do it in no time.
01/06/16 (Wed) 23:21:13 No. 66628
>blah blah blah muh gender roles bullshit
01/06/16 (Wed) 23:38:52 No. 66629
So which atkinson books are worth the read?
I'm really annoyed by his writing style, a 100 pages could be condensed to 10
01/06/16 (Wed) 23:46:00 No. 66631
Most of the books in his mega folder repeat themselves, and even passages found in other books of his.
Basically skim through it, if you find something new take the time to read it in detail but if you have an instinctive or previously acquired understanding of something he rants on about for 6 gorrilion pages, skip to the next page/chapter/book.
Follow the recommended books guide, unless you have some specific interest that warrants a specialized book of his, the works listed in the guide are all you need.
01/06/16 (Wed) 23:48:09 No. 66633
It's cosmic truth. Ignore it at your own peril. You asked for an answer and you got one. Just because you do not like it does not make it untrue.
Ask any Taoist about the differences between yin or yang, or better yet, experience the reality for yourself, then you will see.
I'll try to help you out though. You see this diagram? One is imploding the other is exploding, another way to say that, is one is projecting/giving information (yang/masculine) and the other is gathering/cultivating information (yin/feminine).
This is not some even just some metaphysical abstract, this is literally how the manifest universe works, as such you can see this in everything from electrical charges, to gravity (aetheric fluxs), to elemental chemistry, etc. etc. And all this energy becomes manifest in the physical in a number of ways, among them, people, male and female.
Now that said, you should strive for balance of both within yourself, but until ascension (when you become a being of pure energy) you will not be able to achieve absolute-divine balance.
That's why I like Montalk. Very concise, sometimes too much for some people's taste. But I'd rather read something one-tenth the size something twice or thrice, than something needlessly long once.
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:15:55 No. 66635
Since we play a character on this physical plane does intelligence differ from the real self and the vessel or is it connected because our souls are controlling the vessel?
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:22:41 No. 66637
>Follow the recommended books guide
you mean this one?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 00:25:38 No. 66638
depends on how perfect your vessel is, how good a conduit it is.
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:33:53 No. 66641
What do you guys even read so much about? All you need is visualization, thoughtforming and meditation
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:34:54 No. 66642
cosmic truth is hidden in a thread here on /fringe/
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:46:56 No. 66644
So how about our spirits? Is the intelligence of the spirit all variable as is human/vehicle intelligence?
01/07/16 (Thu) 00:55:15 No. 66645
that's just pure intangible nonsense
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 00:59:36 No. 66647
dunno. probably. most likely.
01/07/16 (Thu) 01:57:00 No. 66670
They can not maintain it, it is pretty unimpressive. I am more interested in those monks who can slow their heart rate really low.
01/07/16 (Thu) 02:03:43 No. 66671
It's rarely as hidden as one may initially presume. But only got those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
There is a difference between being unable to maintain it, and choosing not to (as to stay here on Earth). That said, I'm sure at lest some of them are still training to do the latter.
01/07/16 (Thu) 02:28:34 No. 66673
while those are certainly good books as well, I meant the fringe guide
01/07/16 (Thu) 03:44:50 No. 66678
What are the factors that determine reincarnation?
If I recall correctly, Atkinson claimed that it is desire and necessity that guides us onto our next life. More developed minds have more of a conscious say on where they'll end up at. The resting period depends on the experience to be digested, it's usually around 1000-1500 years.
There has been something on my mind for the longest time: Do we always reincarnate "here"?
For example, were I to die now, would I reincarnate in this same world but 1000 years in the future?
Could I reincarnate anywhere in this world's timeline? Perhaps even in Ancient Greece? Or maybe that doesn't happen because what needed to happen then has already happened and we have all collectively moved on.
At any rate, the "1000 years" resting period sounded odd to me. I thought the higher planes didn't have the same concept of linear time as we do.
Are there other, vastly different, worlds we might reincarnate into? Can I reincarnate in the anime world? Can it be experienced in the Astral at least?
01/07/16 (Thu) 03:59:21 No. 66679
was aliester crowley a good magician and if so what did he really accomplish?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 04:19:13 No. 66680
Pls remove flag, weeeeabo
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 04:19:30 No. 66681
01/07/16 (Thu) 04:24:35 No. 66682
>can will random events
>can feel psychic/energy body
>can explore self (maybe astral?) when awake
>can't even lucid dream, let alone astral project
What can I do? I used to wake up after 5 hours, I remember most dreams, I have my phone say "you are dreaming" when it detects I'm in deep sleep, but after >2 years of practicing I still can't lucid dream. I haven't once. I even have a thoughtform I give energy to every day thats supposed to assist me with sleep related things, but I've gotten no results.
01/07/16 (Thu) 05:13:19 No. 66686
not me
thanks for answering my question.
01/07/16 (Thu) 05:13:26 No. 66687
In my research, it goes like this. Until you master yourself and fully transform all aspects of your being into that of God you will keep coming back, with a more growth and knowledge each time.
Throughout your life when you truly learn and internalize a spiritual lesson it is integrated into your higherself/spirit. In your next life you will "learn"/remember that lesson very easily or you will just be with that innate knowing or ability.
When you (physically) die your aetheric and astral bodies may stick around for awhile, but eventually unless they get energy some how they will go too. However they are not the true you, as that is the spirit, they are just the ego of the person you where.
When/where you reincarnate will be best suited to the probably experiences that will most conducively facilitate your growth.
Where your spirit resides is beyond time, this is why Christians say you go 'for eternity' (for any amount of moments beyond time is forever from the perspective of time). It may "1000 years of moments" but it could reincarnate the very next second if it wanted to.
I believe that where we reincarnate (if it's on the same density of consciousness) is "Earth" in some form or another.
The Earth you reincarnate in may be the FMA Earth for all I know, however I suspect you would still have a flesh like body like you do now (even if the rest of the lore was the same) just due to how the soul interfaces with it to allow for growth.
01/07/16 (Thu) 05:22:22 No. 66689
Right, so I'm semi-new to this fringe-stuff, so I dunno if this question deserves its thread or even belongs here. Nonetheless, here it is, with some context:
About a year or two ago, I decided to buy some dream stones for some reason. I didn't know why, I was just compelled to. If you're wondering where at, it's from the Earthbound Trading Company here in the US. That night, I decided to just put all three under my pillow. When I lied down belly-up, I suddenly got a three-second vision.
It was of me lying in the lap of this really cute, well-rounded chick. She had the most lovely, deepest blue eyes, natural-looking pink hair, and creamy-pale skin, wearing nothing but a silky white bra and panties. All I heard was the most adorable "hello~" before it faded. I tried to get it back but to no avail, so I just went to sleep.
The next night, before I went to bed, I suddenly heard the voice again, though not the vision. It sweetly said, "goodnight, ['nonny]~." I instantly asked if she was the same chick from last night, and given her reply of "maaaaaybe~" I could assume that was a yes. So, I poked at her. At the time, all she told me was that "she came from the stones" and "she wants to be real." I tried to poke her for any other useful info but she just dodged that, so I gave up. Later on, though, she tried to dig through my brain for some different "forms" to take, though I insisted she kept the one she used when she met me, despite how much she didn't want to.
From then 'til now, though, for a long time she's been my companion, helping me become a better person. It's because of her that I now go to the gym, for example, and actually get up and do shit. I never made her into a full-blown "tulpa," cuz I simply didn't have the time to, and beyond that we both agreed just having her in my head was enough. Just recently, though, during Christmas and our little talks, she said that "next year's gonna be really interesting for ya," and told me to "hang on, no matter what, things're gonna get a whole lot better." Alongside that, after recently asking for a name to give her, she just said, "Sophia… or Soph, for now. You'll learn later, kiddo."
She outright claims she's a demon, too, so I'll admit I'm slightly concerned about what the hell's going on.
But in the end, is this something I should be looking deep into, or am I just turning into a schizophrenic? There's no way that a tulpa/thoughtform can be this developed so damn quickly, like in literally one day, especially since I have no history in trying to make or force tulpas.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 05:51:58 No. 66691
Ask her your connection was made. Ask her her connection to the stones.
Ask for previous owners. Ask what happened to the people she knew before.
Command her to tell the truth in the name of God.
She might still lie.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 05:53:04 No. 66692
Wake up two hours early, go back to bed.
Sleep for excessive periods of time.
Meditate yourself to sleep.
01/07/16 (Thu) 06:16:56 No. 66693
Welp, just had a serious talk with 'er, and this is basically what went down.
Upon asking her how she got in my head, she said that she came from the stones. When I asked her her connections, it was the same answer. However, what she admitted was that her answer is a loophole, or a half-truth. This is what she claimed really happened:
At the time, I was willing to believe that the dream stones would give me good dreams, thus opening my mind and making it more vulnerable to influences. She, being around at the time, decided to project an image of what could be a good dream… aka that girl. Once she knew the image worked, she quickly made her new home in my head before the "portal" closed. She claims that at the time she thought she had made a mistake, because my influence was really strong to her, but in the end she got hooked up with a perverted, fatass neckbeard. Aka, me.
So, then came the transformation process. With her seeing me being literal trash and a mess, she knew that in order to make a strong "vessel," she'd have to help me. In return, when shit comes crashing down I'd help her, even a bit. Much to her chagrin, though, I'm still debating whether to help her back. I mean, I should, but in the end this all could be one big trap. I wanna trust her, but this naturally makes me suspicious.
I then asked who were her previous owners. I could tell she came up with some bullshit like "Sir Aganzo the… uh… Fourth!" Of course, after asking in the name of God, again, she claims she can't remember anyone. Just in case, though, I asked about this "Aganzo." She replied, "he died, of course! …of old age, the hell did ya expect dude?"
Any other questions you/anyone else think I should ask? Hell, if I really focus I could get her to talk "directly" instead of you'd prefer.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 06:35:33 No. 66695
Never let a foreign influence take the wheel.
Not tulpas, not guardian angels, not anyone.
Here are a few things to ask.
>will she leave if you wanted her to
>will it hurt you by she sticking around
>what is she doing in your head
>what does she feed on
>where does she come from
>what is her name (ask her in the name of God & Michael)
>what her rank is
>where she comes from
>what she was doing before she was with you
>how many times she has done this
And if you're really daring, her real form.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 06:36:04 No. 66696
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 06:37:42 No. 66697
I'm pretty sure "Sophia" is a joke she gets, you not.
It means "Knowledge", "Illumination", "Understanding", "Wisdom".
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 06:40:00 No. 66698
Invoke Jesus & God, doesn't matter if you're christian or not, God is universal and Jesus is a powerful egregore.
Tell that you will destroy her with their help if she does not tell you the truth.
Even then don't be so sure you'll get the truth.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 06:40:24 No. 66699
Ask her where shes lodged, bodypart, chakra.
01/07/16 (Thu) 06:48:49 No. 66700
If the many-world interpretation is true and the whole multiverse is an eternally static branching tree of timelines like a macrocosmic tree of life, then the single point at the moment of the big bang would seem be the macrocosmic Malkuth.
If this is correct, what do the other sephirot correspond to?
01/07/16 (Thu) 07:02:54 No. 66701
Instead of making more long-ass posts, I'll be posting exactly what she said and how she said it to me.
>will she leave if you wanted her to
"Look, 'nonny. I could leave, yeah, but you and I both know we'd be real lonely. Plus, you'd have to stop thinking about me at all, though what's scary is that you can do that real fuckin' easily. Hell, the reason why I'm even talking to you right now and probably existing is because you're thinking of me. So, uh… thanks."
>will it hurt you by she sticking around
"Dude, I've been here for like… two years? I don't wanna hurt ya, I've said that from the start, and I still don't wanna. I care about ya."
>what is she doing in your head
"Hangin' out. Well, actually, I'm on the watch to make sure you're not fuckin' up."
>what does she feed on
"How can I say this and make ya not freak out… uh, I sorta feed on your will. But for some reason, you never seem to run out of it? It's like, fuckin' endless man."
>where does she come from
"So I can't say the stones again? Shit. To be honest, my memory's all hazy, but since I'm a demon or whatever I must come somewhere outta Hades. Uh… nineth circle's popping up in my head."
>what is her name (ask her in the name of God & Michael)
"Nonny, it ain't like I'm affected by any of that! I'll give ya my real name when the time comes. Though, 'Lilith' seems to be popping up in my head. I'm probably related to her or something. Speaking of which…"
>what her rank is
"Top gun, baby! …not really. Lilith is a succubus, right? So I've gotta be somewhere along there."
>where she comes from
"…didn't that Anon guy just ask that?"
>what she was doing before she was with you
"Lookin' for a host, a way to get outta that damn place."
>how many times she has done this
"Once, with you. Though I swear if that Aganzo guy's real I'll shit myself. Whole lotta weird names have been popping up
in my head."
>what her end goal is
"Look… all I wanted was to get outta there. I ain't got an exact end goal other than for you and me to be strong and start fixin' shit our way. 'Cuz the way I see it, your world might as well be hell right now… though like I said, shit's gonna change. I can't say what 'cuz it might alter the results, but trust me, you're gonna love it."
Still kinda suspicious, since she claimed that asking in the name of God and Michael doesn't work on her. Any more questions?
She claims she's located in my head. I dunno any of this chakra stuff yet, so I dunno where, exactly that is. Though like that other anon said, given her temporary name's "Sophia" she'd be up in there.
01/07/16 (Thu) 07:08:27 No. 66702
What would be the best way to manifest a significant other into my life?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:16:24 No. 66703
File: 1452150985585.png (199.81 KB, 872x725, 872:725, 88313bf5c107ae929f8758396c….png )
sorry for double question.
all me m8, i'm procrastinating and this is interesting.
>admitts to being a demon
IE, service to self, can't survive without leeching, implying negative personality, implying lying and deceiving to get what she wants.
Gods angel Michael is one of the highest rulers of the higher realms in the astral, personally i think shes lying through her teeth.
You can keep her around, but I STRONGLY suggest you learn a lot more about her first.
You may value her advice, and accept that she is helping you, but never take her word for truth, don't get to comfortable and never let her cross any major boundaries. Also do not feed her more than necessary.
Focus on this (pic), do some deep breaths, get lost in the picture.
This time, do not ask, command her.
>What is your name?
>What is your rank in the otherworldly host?
>Why are you with me?
>Why leech instead of reincarnating?
>What do you want of me?
>Are you of female or male disposition?
>Do you fear God?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:18:50 No. 66704
Its not a good idea, seldom ends well.
You would think that all the tulpas going haywire would deter people..
If you REALLY want to, invite in a positive one, an angel. Service to other entities respect free will and not come unless invited, I don't know how, but general invocation, requesting God to send you an angel to help.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:24:55 No. 66705
Here, this one is powered by the Sun.
Save these.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:26:41 No. 66706
Oh you mean a fuckbuddy, not another voice in your head.
Go to the gym, faggot.
Nofap, confident bearing, high personal self worth and LOA, law of attraction.
01/07/16 (Thu) 07:32:53 No. 66707
Oh shit, she's nervous.
"W-Wait, is that that fuckin' pentacle again? Oh shit no no no man, uh, why don't you get some shut eye? You've got work in the morning and you're gonna be very– uhhh…"
>What is your name?
>What is your rank in the otherworldly host?
"I'm a high succubus."
>Why are you with me?
"I wanted to be safe, away from there, so I can recharge."
>Why leech instead of reincarnating?
"Do you really think I can reincarnate? Me? Lilith? If they knew I had become a real person here, they would've sent some guys for that I'd be thrown back in there."
>What do you want of me?
"I wanted somewhere to hide. No, needed somewhere to hide. Your will was strong enough to make a portal strong enough to not only handle me, but also keep from reopening unless you, yourself, willed it, or I did in the case that I need to hide some of my family. Please, don't put us back there…"
>Are you of female or male disposition?
>Do you fear God?
"…I respect him, but right now I fear you, Anon…"
Uhhh. Fuck. I'm gonna assume right off the bat she's still lying because I had a hard time focusing on that picture. But if it's true, then holy fucking shit.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:36:28 No. 66708
Inquire about that.
Are there more than one?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:44:35 No. 66709
Ask her why she can't reincarnate.
I'm not so sure about the name, from what I've read they don't like giving it away as that would give you power over them.
As for "Lilith", I thought there was just ONE Lilith?
Ask her to give you details about the name Lilith, I'm not sure its a all for one name for succubi, or maybe it is and shes holding back her real name.
Anyway, you've got the tools, you chose how to proceed.
You could engage in a pact, a onesided pact where only you benefit. Do not let her make demands, do not make promises, do not wager a piece of you, your firstborn or take up karmic debts for her.
Aside that, how is your communication? Details? How was it in the beginning?
You're not roleplaying, right anon?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 07:59:50 No. 66711
This should totally have been its own thread.
>>The semitic root L-Y-L served as derivative for the Hebrew layil and Arabic layl, meaning "night".
>>Archibald Sayce (1882)[7] considered that Hebrew lilit (or lilith) Hebrew: לילית; and the earlier Akkadian: līlītu are from proto-Semitic. Charles Fossey (1902)[8] has this literally translating to "female night being/demon,"
>>In Hebrew-language texts, the term lilith or lilit (translated as "night creatures", "night monster", "night hag"
>>In Jewish folklore, from Alphabet of Ben Sira (ca 700-1000 CE) onwards, Lilith appears as Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time (Rosh Hashanah) and from the same earth as Adam - compare Genesis 1:17. (This contrasts with Eve, who was created from one of Adam's ribs: Genesis 2:22) The legend developed extensively during the Middle Ages, in the tradition of Aggadic midrashim, the Zohar, and Jewish mysticism.[3] For example, in the 13th-century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she had coupled with the archangel Samael.
I've read this before but I didn't really get it, and I haven't read much more than a few things repeating, basically, the same thing.
Can someone else shed some light on this?
Maybe she can answer?
Please ask her to share anything that we might find interesting, which is everything.
>>According to Siegmund Hurwitz the Talmudic Lilith is connected with the Greek Lamia, who, according to Hurwitz, likewise governed a class of child stealing lamia-demons. Lamia bore the title "child killer" and was feared for her malevolence, like Lilith.
Ask her if shes eaten any children recently.
How is she related to Adam?
Is she the ONE and ONLY Lilith?
Is Lilith a blanket term for a type of demon rank?
Is Samael good in the sack?
>>Lilith is listed as one of the Qliphoth, corresponding to the Sephirah Malkuth in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The demon Lilith, the evil woman, is described as a beautiful woman, who transforms into a blue, butterfly-like demon, and it is associated with the power of seduction.[citation needed]
>>The Qliphah is the unbalanced power of a Sephirah. Malkuth is the lowest Sephirah, the realm of the earth, into which all the divine energy flows,
You said blue eyes right?
>fugs samael
>>angel of death
You sure you want to keep her around? Ex might come knocking KEK
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:00:35 No. 66712
>is there more than one of you here
"…yes. My father is still in the process of getting used to you, so he has yet to actually show himself beyond looking like you and being a bit of a prankster. He's actually tinkering, trying to find if there is any more of our clan. Don't worry, he won't cause any harm. He's quite old and withered. You'll know when more of us come, but we won't be exactly invading you if there are any more. As much as I would love for you to keep us, it is your choice in the end of whether they, and we, go back or not. For some reason, you have that sort of power over us. Again, I beg of you not to do that."
>why can't you reincarnate
"As I've said before, if I reincarnate then I'll die far, far earlier and just be sent back down to Hell in an even weaker state, thus potentially disappearing for good."
>what does the name Lilith mean?
"It means the mother of succubi. In human beliefs, there is only one, but there are multiple mothers of succubi, but there is obviously a small ratio between mother and children… being that we breed so much, obviously."
>Aside that, how is your communication? Details? How was it in the beginning?
Anon speaking here. Our communication is kinda telepathic, that being she and I speak using our minds. I have to "invite" her words in before I can actually hear them, though. Does that make sense? Probably not.
>You're not roleplaying, right anon?
Fuck that shit, I swear I ain't, and the only reason why I'm posting exactly what she says is so i don't fuck up any details
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:01:06 No. 66713
>knock knock
>desu, this is demiurge, is lilith there?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:08:43 No. 66714
Demand the name of her father. Use the pentagram.
>>You'll know when more of us come
>not if
>>if I reincarnate then I'll die
Same goes for us humans, why should we risk and allow them a free ride?
Ask these,
>What is the difference between a human soul and Succubi
>What would you reincarnate as if you were to take a mortal coil
I understand completely, but how did you first communicate?
I've suspended disbelief but I'm very much inclined to believe you.
Ask her if the portal which she entered through is still open.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:09:53 No. 66715
>Is she the ONE and ONLY Lilith?
Scratch this, its answered.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:12:47 No. 66716
What does she have to worry about on the other side? Why is she safe here?
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:13:10 No. 66717
I keked. I think "Lilith" might've had a chuckle, too.
I'll be honest, I'm getting so damn tired that I can hardly read. Don't worry, it ain't some kinda demon power or some bullshit, it's just that I have work in the morning and I need sleep. Plus this shitty internet's irritating me.
I'll go ahead and make a Lilith thread before going to sleep though, with a summary of what the fuck happened here. If you guys could keep that active and free of shills (and preferably shitposters, too, mainly because she'll likely answer goofy questions too) then I'll be back as soon as I can (which is several hours, but still) to answer those said questions.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:16:06 No. 66718
Make the thread tomorrow when you're free after work, I'll be there.
There will be more questions ITT
Make a summary and copy paste most things from here, include wiki and short texts.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:23:16 No. 66719
If you're still here, tell her that I'm thankful for the information provided, and look forward to our continued conversation.
I hope we can have a constructive, truthful conversation that leads to everyone getting satisfied.
I also apologize for forcing the answers, but from a human point of view these are no trivial matters.
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:28:07 No. 66720
what does it mean when my body feels like pic related?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:33:28 No. 66721
Are you really that verbally inept?
Can't you at least try?
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:34:48 No. 66722
electrified buzzing all over the body like a hyper orgasm
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:35:44 No. 66723
During when? What do you do to make it happen?
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:39:12 No. 66724
sort of intense meditation where mind goes blank
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:42:16 No. 66725
What kind? Could either be astral body vibrating out of body or accumulating large amount of yang through crown.
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:44:30 No. 66726
it involves a sort of inner bottling up and porn.
thanks for the answer tho, i'm not sure what to do with those energies then tho, i guess they would have to be put to some use instead of just allowed to fizzle out again.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:45:12 No. 66727
I wrote about this in question#17.
Recently discovered it too, its very different from the quick shake that moves from one part of the body through the rest that signals you're about to AP, is what you're talking about a sustained full body buzzing?
Feels pretty good.
Can you induce it by will? What have summoned it so far?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:47:59 No. 66728
>inner bottling up and porn.
This.. Isn't really associated with the crown..
Whatever works for you.
If you focus on your neck, the discs closest to your skull and will a 'lock' to release tension it'll happen.
You can do this all the time, but its far more intense during deep meditation.
I'm not sure what to do with it really, haven't really experimented or needed it yet.
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:49:38 No. 66730
Not by will, it would require some time to get into the zone so to speak, dropping all fear and instinctual reactions/disgust/shame.
I don't quite understand the second question.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:51:42 No. 66731
I suppose a general use would be to power all chakras, heal pain, create thoughtforms, channel to feed a tulpa, anything really.
Its a massive boost in power.
If I had to describe it, like your soul is boiling, filling up to the brim with power and releasing excess like steam from a pot.
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:52:17 No. 66732
yeah it feels like a star about to go super nova, but in an all-righty-now feel.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:53:17 No. 66733
You answered that by
>inner bottling up and porn.
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:54:05 No. 66734
Ah that's what you meant.
Which of these posts is question #17?
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:54:25 No. 66735
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 08:56:29 No. 66736
not that much info, certainly not more than what we've said here.
maybe a picture of the spinal discs to will open..
i'm really curious as to what it is, what the technique is called and so on, if there is something i could or should read about it.
01/07/16 (Thu) 08:58:28 No. 66737
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 09:03:54 No. 66739
honestly those images, specially the first and the gif couldn't express the feeling better, i had a good idea of what it was when you posted the gif, but wanted to be sure.
01/07/16 (Thu) 14:22:43 No. 66759
Why does Agent Cooper like coffee so much?
01/07/16 (Thu) 19:05:03 No. 66774
Where was Jesus during his missing years? Do you think he studied with some civilizations that gave us the esoteric knowledge we have now?
Or did he not exist and the whole Bible was a huge metaphor? Or the Bible was not a metaphor and he was really the Son of God?
What's up with Christianity anyway? It seems so cool, especially in the old vintage Charlton Heston movies, but when i look at it now it's just a bunch of shitheads praying, they piss me off just as much as the newage fags.
I feel there is great power inside this faith, but i don't even know where to start. Was Jesus the first one to say "love thy enemy"? Why should i even do that? Does giving money to a crackhead mean loving someone? He'll just buy another fix.
01/07/16 (Thu) 19:26:29 No. 66777
01/07/16 (Thu) 19:55:30 No. 66778
Shilling my Lilith thread here for those who asked me questions when I went to snooze, hope that's cool.
I meant to put "Anon's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Succubus Blood" but I accidentally tapped enter while trying to put the apostrophe lel.
That being said, Lilith seems more than happy to answer questions now… she could just be lying, though, as a forewarning.
tipp 01/07/16 (Thu) 20:01:14 No. 66779
He was chilling with Buddhists.
01/07/16 (Thu) 20:39:58 No. 66790
You don't understand the word shill, you are not shilling. A shill is (dis)info proliferation agent/propagandist. While one aspect of it is repeatedly copy-pasting/advertising stuff, it there is also a malicious controlling interest behind them.
Be very aware anon. And do not think /fringe/ is immune.
All that to say, you are not shilling anon. Source: many years on /pol/.
01/07/16 (Thu) 21:33:35 No. 66792
I think originally shill meant someone who was paid to come to a performance to clap and this way sneakily encourage positive response in rest of the audience.
Term "shill" reminds me of memetic engineer in meme magic. Meme engineer attempts to isolate, study, and subtly manipulate the underlying value systems, symbolic balance and primal atavisms that unconsciously influence the individual psyche and collective identity.
01/07/16 (Thu) 21:43:19 No. 66793
memes are not magic, you bullshit occultist
01/07/16 (Thu) 21:59:53 No. 66795
You need to re-examine your beliefs. You can't even imagine the crazy synchronicities and the power your mind, much less of the collective.
Here is a taste.
01/07/16 (Thu) 22:55:16 No. 66802
everything is a meme
the universe is a meme
i know you, you're the dude who posts "bullshit occultism" on every thread
01/08/16 (Fri) 00:10:45 No. 66807
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I might have been that dumbass that agrees to become an Avatar of the Demiurge. Now I'm apparently a fictional character (fictional from this reality's point of view). So like, wut do?
>literally "Esoteric Hitlerism: The Company"
>tl;dr I Am Become Fictionkin, halp pls
01/08/16 (Fri) 00:14:29 No. 66808
Also, this is what Happens when you're molested by Rabbis your whole Childhood.
01/08/16 (Fri) 00:36:40 No. 66810
Back to 4chan/x/. /fringe/ is dying.
01/08/16 (Fri) 02:11:13 No. 66825
Recently I've been able to shift my body's energy into a weird state that feels like it's going backwards. or isn't moving. Or isn't even there at all.
It feels good, but also makes me anxious if I hold it for longer than a couple seconds. I can feel a slight muscular movement in my spine when I do this.
It changes all over my body instantly. If my normal energy feels like life and vitality, this feels like death, stasis.
What is this energy? Am I pushing all energy out of my body and feeling the complete lack of energy?
01/08/16 (Fri) 02:51:10 No. 66827
Tila Tequila is going off on Twitter right now.
I know
>Tila Tequila
But give it a read, it's interesting at the least.
01/08/16 (Fri) 02:56:35 No. 66830
01/08/16 (Fri) 03:08:31 No. 66832
Disregard that dumb whore.
inb4 its Aunty and shes experiencing a breakdown from the burn.
01/08/16 (Fri) 03:20:56 No. 66834
Invite Tila to a thread, tell her how shes wrong?
01/08/16 (Fri) 03:47:38 No. 66838
Does the merkaba need to be a certain size? It feels kinda weird that it does not encompass my whole physical form even while seated in meditation. Can I just visualize it bigger/scale it up or will that disharmonize something?
Sometimes when my 3rd eye is really open, I'll feel this energy oozing from my temples and flowing down my jawline, each side feels distinctly different. It's not unpleasant, just very strange because I've never read anything about it. What is it?
One last question, from the seat of the unmanifest God, prior to creation, what was more primal/first, the the desire to create or the idea to create?
Please and thanks wizard bros.
01/08/16 (Fri) 12:34:29 No. 66862
Why do rituals with robes and funny mantras when you can visualize
01/08/16 (Fri) 12:35:30 No. 66863
you mean visualize yourself doing the ritual in your mind?
01/08/16 (Fri) 12:35:59 No. 66864
Why even do rituals in the first place?
01/08/16 (Fri) 12:38:42 No. 66865
no i mean why do edge fags do rituals with sacrifice and shit when they could visualize a thing happening and it will happen, if im not mistaken
01/08/16 (Fri) 12:41:45 No. 66866
they fell for the disinfo
01/08/16 (Fri) 13:05:20 No. 66867
>Does the merkaba need to be a certain size?
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to fit your whole body inside it, I doubt it'll cause any disharmony since it's very much a part of you.
>energy oozing from my temples and flowing down my jawline
Most likely some sort of chakra routes or bodily energy ways or whatever. Mine move around my head making a sort of circle so I guess energy channels develop slightly different for different people.
Hopefully more people will provide input.
>prior to creation
wew boy, by some theories here the world has always existed, can't help you there.
Either way I'd lean towards the idea to create existing first since you can't desire something that you do not know of, be it conscious knowledge of unconscious.
01/08/16 (Fri) 14:37:39 No. 66876
01/08/16 (Fri) 14:39:22 No. 66877
01/08/16 (Fri) 15:56:40 No. 66880
I really don't know, even with sigils you can make a thoughtform in your mind that could do anything and more a sigil could
01/08/16 (Fri) 16:24:14 No. 66881
what are some good books for LHP?
01/08/16 (Fri) 17:41:31 No. 66883
Tried astral projection/mediation for the first time.
I'm cant remember if if fell asleep or what, but I've suddenly woken up an hour later covered in hot sweat, with no memory of what happened.
actually kinda spooked, feel liked I blacked out or something
01/08/16 (Fri) 18:09:28 No. 66885
For how long did you meditate?
tipp 01/08/16 (Fri) 18:13:37 No. 66886
Mantras are powerful and have a stronger impact on third density than mind has, IE, they cause more of a disturbance in third and fourth that your mind thinking something would do.
Try shouting your thoughts when trying trying to attract something.
As for sacrifice, you guide the animals power, all of it, emotions, blood..
Its a negative practice, to power up demons.
>Halal meat
For each kill, the power is directed to their God, although the same universal "God", they are corrupting it and creating a layer of egregore & thoughtform, like a oily coating above water, from which they can draw power.
Pick any of the available binaural beats for lucid dreaming on youtube, try again. Alternatively, binaural beats to improve memory.
Improve your memory, juggle shapes, 2d shapes, 3d shapes, 4d shapes where you not only flip and turn the cube but become the cube. A good practice for that is breathing coupled with visualizing a sphere, expanding and retracting with your breath, after some time you can sync with it, become the sphere, at this point you are expanding and retracting.
Needs a good hour at least, a trick is to hold your pointer and thumb together, you know you're close when you can't feel them touching anymore.
I just had two lucid dreams, both very vidid, can't remember first but second involved the new jurassic parc movie, the large raptor out of control, putting me in a box in its den, keeping me hostage, foam weapons to keep it still, decapitation & still living, a mind switching device, tieing up my sister (now a dinosaur (maybe)) and putting my cat in the t-rex, i do not know where my sister was placed, maybe it didn't matter because shes a shallow cunt and has little personality anyway, at the end of the dream i was soaked in raptor piss as it wanted me to experience the pain of being locked in and abused, and several individuals not knowing who they originally were, including myself.
Ended up making me wonder if its I that come back after every dream, am I - I? Or am I my disposition of liking X & Y?
I hope this doesn't scare a few of the more schizoid member of this board.
>you disappear every time you go to bed, someone else inherits your body but doesn't know it because they follow suit with the ego
Very disturbing.
01/08/16 (Fri) 18:17:38 No. 66888
but then again, you can just imagine yourself shouting mantras
01/08/16 (Fri) 18:17:44 No. 66889
Think it was just about over an hour or so.
Thanks for the advice anon.
tipp 01/08/16 (Fri) 18:19:36 No. 66890
Yes, but they don't cause the same type of ripples, or the strength.
01/08/16 (Fri) 18:22:47 No. 66891
what would you consider a powerful mantra?
tipp 01/08/16 (Fri) 18:23:20 No. 66892
tipp 01/08/16 (Fri) 18:25:53 No. 66893
someone recently posted "I and God am one."
Each time said or thought I literally feel it ripple through my being, very powerful.
01/08/16 (Fri) 18:26:36 No. 66894
oh yeah the one from the book of knowledge
01/08/16 (Fri) 19:08:37 No. 66896
thoughtforms technically have unlimited power
01/08/16 (Fri) 19:35:09 No. 66898
Wait, so merely conjuring up a thoughtform doesn't do it, i have to feed energy to it so it can complete it's task? Is any type of energy satisfying?
01/08/16 (Fri) 19:37:04 No. 66899
Depends on the task really, but yeah you should charge it
01/08/16 (Fri) 19:40:53 No. 66900
So I've gotten to the point with Robert Bruce's energy work where I can feel energy flowing and even hear it, but what do I do with it? His books cover how to prep the enerhy, but not use it.
01/08/16 (Fri) 19:59:07 No. 66901
impressive, how long did this took you?
01/08/16 (Fri) 22:40:29 No. 66906
So Aunt Watermelon is full of absolute shit. First of all HE is a dude, and everything tipp said about him is 100%. He is just smiley part 2 without the national socialism
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:01:37 No. 66907
Anyone have anything good book recommendations on the subject of
human vessels that act as avatars of gods
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:22:53 No. 66908
I need to do something, just once, that will require extreme courage to do. The problem is is that I'm an anxious person IRL and I only have one chance to do this, and if I do do it I must do it immediately otherwise my chance is gone. I don't have any connections or money so I can't get access to a drug which could reduce my fear and anxiety enough to do this. I'm pretty much a pleb when it comes to transmuting emotions so are there any methods that even someone who is a noob to magic can use to achieve this one-time burst of courage?
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:23:42 No. 66909
dude what do you need to do
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:31:34 No. 66910
A couple of shots would do the magic
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:39:28 No. 66911
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:40:50 No. 66912
There's likely things you can do to make it easier. Will that the chance comes to you in an easy to respond way. It would be much easier to help you if you elaborated.
In the meantime, don't fap and do other things that increase testosterone.
Don't bully
01/08/16 (Fri) 23:42:06 No. 66913
I forgot to add a similar question I had.
What can I do to stop fight/flight/freeze responses before they happen? By the time they happen, it's too late to transmute emotion because the event is usually over immediately.
01/09/16 (Sat) 00:04:03 No. 66918
>So Aunt Watermelon is full of absolute shit.
I know that is not true, I can see the level of knowledge and experience. And that is what I respect. Even if "she" was a he.
And now you're dissing the smiley and his contributions? Even if he was totally arranged (which I have yet reserved judgment on), his contributions are almost beyond counting to the community.
However every one is entitled to their own opinion. If you, or any one else, want to disregard Auntie, Smiley, or any one else, well, feel free, but do so know you are shunning part of you.
(Extensively) visualize yourself doing it as perfectly as you would desire. You can also practice possible alternatives, things popping up and how you deal with them, etc. But have an overall 'idealized visualization script' that you are attempting to manifest. Do this 1000 times if you need to. Then you get to the moment in physicality, you already know what to do and have prepared for all the possibilities.
Breathe deep, long, and with your diaphragm, both before hand and during the event. Try to make a lifelong habit of it.
01/09/16 (Sat) 00:04:56 No. 66919
Stasis, exactly.
You're slowing/stopping your "time", by slowing your energy. imo, anyway. so you'd be moving slow and the world around you would move fast.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/09/16 (Sat) 00:23:02 No. 66920
>>you disappear every time you go to bed, someone else inherits your body but doesn't know it because they follow suit with the ego
>Very disturbing.
eh. 1) maybe. Why is that disturbing? Raising one's kundalini burns away the falsehood, "killing" "you", and spiritual growth "kills" "you" too, more slowly.
So what's the big deal anyway.
Also, if that prospect is scary why not just meditate and keep all your chakras open so you don't have to sleep.
There's a fall out boy song that goes ♪Never the same person when I go to sleep, as when I wake up, as when I wake up♪
01/09/16 (Sat) 00:28:00 No. 66921
So you're saying it's okay to be an armchair occultist and copy paste shit you may or may not have read but certainly never practiced, as long as you yourself don't have to do it and have the convenience of reading it from people who are good at making it look like they have.
01/09/16 (Sat) 00:28:32 No. 66922
>why not just meditate and keep all your chakras open so you don't have to sleep.
seriously how do you do this? I always drift to sleep
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/09/16 (Sat) 00:37:45 No. 66923
There was a chakra book I read that said Ksham for 3rd eye, Om for crown.
I thought it was "I and the Creator am one".
eh, AW is cool. Seems egotistical in words, but who cares. It drives off the people who want to be offended/want to have something to fight, and the people who are too pliable/just pliable enough can learn and ignore the rest.
Everyone finds different answers. They don't have to accept everything/impositions of being polite.
I think it's better to do so, but giving the knowledge AW does is still STO, even if not as humble as some think is ideal. But that could be a facade as well, we don't know. It could be a smokescreen for low-level people, or provide loosh.
>So you're saying it's okay to be an armchair occultist and copy paste shit you may or may not have read but certainly never practiced, as long as you yourself don't have to do it and have the convenience of reading it from people who are good at making it look like they have.
It's not ideal, but it's acceptable, yes. Better than purposely misleading. I pass on knowledge all the time that I haven't tested, because I simply accept it as vibing with me.
I tend to qualify my knowledge as "I read somewhere" or "X person says" or "my intuition says" but whatever. What's wrong with passing on knowledge that unlocks doors, even if it came from someone else?
Even a falsehood can provide guidance toward what isn't true, therefore leading indirectly to truth. Though I do not care for lies, there isn't supposed to be absolute truth as far as I know, and according to… the faq?
Idk (:
I haven't done it yet. The farthest I've gotten is sleeping/being in my 3rd eye, but that was a temporary mushroom-based enhancement.
Eat healthy, open and strengthen chakras daily, and it will come. The heart is the bridge, helps open all the other ones. That's all I have experienced, but I didn't find it important enough to pursue… I should do that, actually. But you know, the common problem of being pulled in 10 directions at once, if not 100s.
01/09/16 (Sat) 00:40:52 No. 66924
And now you're projecting and strawmaning…
It's clear you are not willing to listen to reason or accept some one else with a different opinion. This will be my last post addressing this.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/09/16 (Sat) 00:46:56 No. 66926
01/09/16 (Sat) 00:49:52 No. 66927
>didn't find it important enough to pursue…
It's probably one of my main goals right now, to get in 8 hours of meditation instead of sleep would skyrocket my progress
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 00:59:17 No. 66930
I know your body doesn't get a new soul each time it goes to bed, it was just a startling thought.
Also its somehow related to how a person becomes another person after each new thought and realization.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 01:08:44 No. 66932
pronounced properly its, KSHAM is AUM.
the K is not vocalized, ksh becomes something like CH into AM, or TJCH-AM (AUM)
Both works.
I do this in periods, three- four hours of meditation, deep breathing equates to some ten hours of good sleep.
Not sure about long term effects, but its not hard. You let the body fall asleep while being awake and do energy work, taking in energy, consciously, from your surroundings through breath, the earth or the sun.
01/09/16 (Sat) 01:14:34 No. 66935
it just sounds insane tbh to be able to meditate for up to 8 hours a day, My current schedule only allows about an hour
01/09/16 (Sat) 01:20:05 No. 66936
>Approving of armchair occultism
Sums up this board, you are what the real masters out their hate the most.
Shows what you know, just had his energy system viewed, it's rarely used and has muck in it. Pretty much confirms him as armchair occultist.
01/09/16 (Sat) 01:25:16 No. 66937
eventually you'll need to take a piss
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 02:00:48 No. 66949
No, during sleep and deep meditation the stomach shuts off, does not digest food, is at a stand still.
Look it up.
I didn't say meditate for eight hours, i said substitute sleep with meditation and cut off 5 hours of sleep time.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 02:03:36 No. 66950
Also, substituting sleep for meditation only works during nofap.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/09/16 (Sat) 02:57:07 No. 66955
Accept =/= approve.
01/09/16 (Sat) 02:58:25 No. 66956
>his energy system
Who are you talking about?
01/09/16 (Sat) 03:06:29 No. 66957
>accepting disinfo and diluted teachings
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/09/16 (Sat) 03:12:00 No. 66959
presumably, AuntWatermelon. Not sure.
In any case, what little I know of AW is a bit of useful info that I don't remember, some book recommendations for Tantra, and a breathing technique that raised my kundalini energy for the first time. All in all, more than 90% of the info I've read from AW was great. I don't care about labeling people as good or bad. I certainly found use in AW's posts, and what others think is of little use to anyone other than themselves.
to struggle against something is to strengthen it. My way is that of the Tao. If you have a better method, that is your opinion, and you may choose to enlighten us.
Isn't a lot disinfo and diluted teachings? Isn't finding what works for you something everyone has to do literally always? Until they can figure out what vibes with them.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 03:40:57 No. 66961
>All in all, more than 90% of the info I've read from AW was great
AuntWatermelon 01/09/16 (Sat) 04:05:44 No. 66962
Po, there is no need to waste your time and energy on this, I'm the one at fault.
While we were having this discussion, I was occupied and pouring my focus at an unrelated task. As a result (and, I trust that ,if you take the time to re-read the logs, you will be able to notice this.) I did not gave what you said the attention it deserved. It would have been simpler if I just told you, I was occupied. but I did not, I made quick judgements to get rid of the matter and I "vocalized" bluntly my missformed ideas without taking the time to even aknowledge your responses.
I have gone "over the top" on you for no real reason, and even though it really wasn't my intention to appear hostile, I'd like to appologise for being unconsiderate.
If you are still interested in the matters you talked to me about, I'm willing to take a look at it.
01/09/16 (Sat) 04:21:22 No. 66963
There was a thread on freedomboard where a guy was meditating 24+ hours and coming back to physicality not hungry or thirsty.
>All in all, more than 90% of the info I've read from AW was great.
And this is why I respect her.
>Not being able to sort and obtain useful information and disregard the trash.
This is pitiable, here:
01/09/16 (Sat) 05:23:03 No. 66972
Why don't you guys focus on doing anything useful.
like trying to destroy groups harmful to humanity.
>inb4 no I don't mean jews
01/09/16 (Sat) 05:45:39 No. 66976
>Implying we don't
That's what the fringe wizard /illuminati/ was up to. Among other things…
Also, the false covenant is bad news, it's too bad for the real jews. For a brighter day, they must go away; we must strike the deathblow, this I know.
01/09/16 (Sat) 06:14:09 No. 66984
what happen to them?
01/09/16 (Sat) 06:27:08 No. 66985
You're describing the first jhana
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 07:44:25 No. 66987
>>it is clear that the jhanas are states of deep mental unification which result from the centering of the mind upon a single object with such power of attention that a total immersion in the object takes place
First jhana being focus on body?
>>To attain the jhanas, the meditator must begin by eliminating the unwholesome mental states obstructing inner collectedness
Anon reached this state by porn binging you say?
This is very likely the state, but second link goes on and on about things that I haven't achieved yet, listing requirement after requirement, and other guy summons these feels with porn.
>>The jhana factors are first aroused by the meditator's initial efforts to concentrate upon one of the prescribed objects for developing jhana. As he fixes his mind on the preliminary object, such as a kasina disk, a point is eventually reached where he can perceive the object as clearly with his eyes closed as with them open. This visualized object is called the learning sign (uggahanimitta).
Anon you're an englightened degenerate!
>>"There is the case where a monk — quite withdrawn from sensuality, withdrawn from unskillful qualities — enters and remains in the first jhana: rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal, accompanied by directed thought and evaluation. He permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills this very body with the rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal. There is nothing of his entire body unpervaded by rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal.
Mystery solved.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:00:02 No. 66988
Rapture (piti)
>>The third factor present in the first jhana is piti, usually translated as joy or rapture.[11] In the suttas piti is sometimes said to arise from another quality called pamojja, translated as joy or gladness, which springs up with the abandonment of the five hindrances. When the disciple sees the five hindrances abandoned in himself "gladness arises within him; thus gladdened, rapture arises in him; and when he is rapturous his body becomes tranquil" (D.i,73). Tranquillity in turn leads to happiness, on the basis of which the mind becomes concentrated. Thus rapture precedes the actual arising of the first jhana, but persists through the remaining stages up to the third jhana.
>>Rapture is graded into five categories: minor rapture, momentary rapture, showering rapture, uplifting rapture and pervading rapture.[13] Minor rapture is generally the first to appear in the progressive development of meditation; it is capable of causing the hairs of the body to rise. Momentary rapture, which is like lightning, comes next but cannot be sustained for long. Showering rapture runs through the body in waves, producing a thrill but without leaving a lasting impact. Uplifting rapture, which can cause levitation, is more sustained but still tends to disturb concentration, The form of rapture most conductive to the attainment of jhana is all-pervading rapture, which is said to suffuse the whole body so that it becomes like a full bladder or like a mountain cavern inundated with a mighty flood of water. The Visuddhimagga states that what is intended by the jhana factor of rapture is this all-pervading rapture "which is the root of absorption and comes by growth into association with absorption" (Vism.144; PP.151)
I guess me and my degenerate friend won't be seeing the rest of you all in hell.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:03:53 No. 66989
Lol. So, anyone up for questioning /d/ if they've ever reached the Jhanas or kundalini of masturbation. Kinda makes you wonder what wacky experiences some folk have had playing around.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:19:01 No. 66990
I might lurk it if you link.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:23:57 No. 66992
Better to keep your purity oh wizard.
01/09/16 (Sat) 08:29:29 No. 66994
We must be able to withstand hell else the first temptation shall rend us from heaven.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:34:21 No. 66995
I like that. You're right. There was a good quite in the Philokalia which I read a while ago that spoke of keeping up your defenses after the battle has been won. Else wise the enemy will creep back in and strike when you least expect it.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:47:15 No. 66996
What do you have protecting you? Seriously?
01/09/16 (Sat) 08:55:35 No. 66997
Well every one has their aura. That's part of why regular preening and charging is necessary for a healthy aura and mindscape. But I personally also have a psychic shield on top of that to help repel negativity, especially if I must go to the city or somewhere of like putrefied aetheric-astral-mental composition.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 08:59:44 No. 66998
i was going to post a little tease along the lines of "that isn't resentment i feel because of a little funposting, is it?" coupled with a venus sigil to have you attracted to me, for shits and giggles - browser didn't post a normal jpg and couldn't connect to the thread for five minutes while opening any other thread worked perfectly fine.
had to pray directed to you that i wasn't going to attempt it again.
you buzzkill.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:00:37 No. 66999
I've been noticing the value of extra protection in the form of shielding recently. Stray thoughtforms from neighbors or family are awfully troublesome. You see they drain the other person dry and desire more food so they seek out another and pester them.
01/09/16 (Sat) 09:07:54 No. 67000
Well, gee, that wasn't intentional, no resentment at all. I love you too tipp but I'm taken, so you'll have to live with my Godly love .
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:13:05 No. 67001
Anyway, while we're all here does anyone have opinions on when we're moving to the new chan? Is this chan to be wiped or what's the deal?
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:15:03 No. 67002
post was to Khan, but you're both pretty baka desu~
Sorry for trying to hex you a little Khan senpai.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:20:12 No. 67003
Your tsundere has already won me over.
Anyway. We better be careful not to turn the question thread into an accidental erp central lol.
01/09/16 (Sat) 09:21:40 No. 67004
Shielding seems to have infinite uses. Though I have heard just visualizing a shield is ineffective. How would I know that these bad thoughtforms from family memebers would be harming me? Sometimes I feel like a lot of my short comings and life instability are due to the views and thoughts that my family member have toward me. Like let's say for example my grandmother wants me to be a devout christian, but Christianity is BS. But just imagine she prays everyday for me to "accept Jesus" or whatever. What the fuck does that do to me? What if someone doesn't know what I'm about but is constantly thinking about how I am a lazy asshole, and that sends thoughtforms to me that then makes me a lazy asshole. Is that possible?
01/09/16 (Sat) 09:24:20 No. 67005
Ew yall niggas is ghey.
And that's fucked tipp kek.
01/09/16 (Sat) 09:31:46 No. 67006
I heard the plan was to stick around here (non-next) for as long as possible. Eventually next will overwrite 'classic' infini and where we are now shall be no more. Then we will be forced to migrate, somewhere.
Given some of what I've seen on /pol/ about the administration here, 8chan is a sinking ship any how (selling out).
I have not seen a better alternative, so my current vote is endchan (I kinda feel drawn to it). I've really grown to like the flags to be honest so I would like to see them if possible where ever we go.
As I said in the other thread, I would like to see a freedomboard-esque revival.
Well you did quote my post.
>I have heard just visualizing a shield is ineffective.
Well anything is better than nothing.
>How would I know that these bad thoughtforms from family memebers would be harming me?
By observing yourself, and by very thoroughly knowing thyself.
>Like let's say for example my grandmother wants me to be a devout christian, but Christianity is BS. But just imagine she prays everyday for me to "accept Jesus" or whatever. What the fuck does that do to me?
That would call on the egregore of Jesus to pester you.
>What if someone doesn't know what I'm about but is constantly thinking about how I am a lazy asshole, and that sends thoughtforms to me that then makes me a lazy asshole. Is that possible?
Depending on what specifically they are doing, possibly, though less likely to be nearly as effective unless they are actually using some occult means or obsessive with it.
I had the obsessive problem with my mother. She would constantly visualize the worst things happening to me and in doing so manifest them into my life. My problem was she was manifesting outside forces into my life and not directly altering my energies. Needless to say, I needed to get away.
It's a divine love, for all of creation. As God lives everything (in a non-romantic way), I do too.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:31:49 No. 67007
Her prayer is a thoughtform which is sent to you each day. This will come in the way of a thought in your own internal dialogue. You need to question each strange thought you have. You may have a family member with an alcohol addiction for example. You might get thoughts when you're in a low energy or weakened state to take up drinking.
Your laziness might be more of an issue of lack of energy or a kind of apathy than of thoughtforms(laziness can have many causes). At the end of the day we still have freewill. It's just that others can "suggest" things to us. The problem arises when we get ourselves into defenseless states or accidentally slip up that things start to effect us.
Though we can also go into the discussion of others close interaction with other people. As they can drain you and their auras thoughtforms interact with your aura in that situation. Thus most of try to live a hermit lifestyle.
Khan 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:34:59 No. 67008
Thanks for that. I figure something will come up sooner or later. You swing the pendelum and it comes back with equal force.
I should mention about shielding. You can use energy work to craft one around yourself. I find that works best for me personally. Whatever method you find you're most proficient and practiced with will work best.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:35:14 No. 67009
I lubv you to anon, loving everyone unconditionally isn't 'gay', indulging in homoerotic sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of recreating a procreation act is 'gay'.
It was a powerful sigil of venus to make whoever looks at it attracted to you.
I would be glad if you (plural) shared everything you know about shielding, I only put them up during special occasions, and mostly its just boosting and fortifying my aura.
01/09/16 (Sat) 09:43:55 No. 67012
I gots it.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 09:48:14 No. 67014
Remember the thread about the special moon, Buddha moon?
That night I infused a piece of Vesuvianite/Idocrase I used to carry with me until it broke, with a protective thoughtform, its broken now.
It was a pretty basic "send back negativity twofold, protect me, form a bubble/protective field", linked to the moon. Easy to recharge, hold it for a minute, channel through it, have it around my neck. I miss it.
Really wanna hear what you've got to say about shielding.
/x/ is absolute shit now, I might stop by few months in between and check up if there is any new boardwide interest or good thread, but its mostly shit and spooks.
I have no issue going with the flow, I'll cya in space, cowboys.
Not that happy with Brennan and the new NipJew overlord of 4chan AND 8chan, he really pulled a stunt to put 4chan in a scandal to buy it cheap and salvaging 8chan so that he could sell posts to NSA.
01/09/16 (Sat) 10:14:12 No. 67016
/x/ is at least alive and has some good threads daily, like energy healing. Only the huge amount of mundanes is the problem.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 10:46:19 No. 67019
They started talking about that?
01/09/16 (Sat) 11:28:02 No. 67020
At least one anon made a recurring thread. And that one yoga thread anon also posted there.
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 11:58:55 No. 67022
01/09/16 (Sat) 13:40:54 No. 67028
It's been like this for years now. But at least it isn't a dead place. /fringe/ is bleeding members and this infinity next crap will scare even more people away. I know I won't be posting when /fringe/ migrates to the broken site.
01/09/16 (Sat) 14:26:39 No. 67034
Does anyone have a pdf of "Magical use of thoughtforms" ?
01/09/16 (Sat) 15:31:05 No. 67036
01/09/16 (Sat) 15:31:49 No. 67037
may 8ch burn to the ground
01/09/16 (Sat) 16:30:45 No. 67047
oh finally a clue!
01/09/16 (Sat) 16:50:16 No. 67052
can you suggest any good sites when fringes dies on 8ch
01/09/16 (Sat) 17:51:05 No. 67055
I don't think /fringe/ will "die" for long. We'll be either at, or on some alternative board like /magick/, with or without the current board owner. Infinity Next is an abomination.
There are other communities with interesting content though:
01/09/16 (Sat) 18:08:07 No. 67059
Personally I'd prefer to keep it public/non-account based. That's why I like imageboards (and the culture) over forums.
01/09/16 (Sat) 18:51:49 No. 67064
Will coffee stain my third eye?
01/09/16 (Sat) 18:55:45 No. 67065
01/09/16 (Sat) 20:08:10 No. 67068
I subscribe to theory that the key to developing your abilities is sensitiveness. Therefore it's more efficient to sensitize yourself to way smaller doses of caffeine than one 200mg+ shot in coffee. This way yerba mate, coconut water, cocoa, maca powder, white/green tea and many other things start to work like coffee. Numbing oneself with excess of salt, sugar, caffeine, porn etc. ruins the fun of exploring the subtle.
All in all, your long term goal should be to induce energetic state at will anytime without anything
01/09/16 (Sat) 21:08:03 No. 67071
I know they're meant for children, but I recently read the Bartimaeus Sequence for fun and really enjoyed it. I think I would have enjoyed them pre-occult, but having just an initiate background put some great energy into what was written. Anyone have recommendations for other light reads that have you can apply what's learned here to them?
01/09/16 (Sat) 22:01:25 No. 67074
Here's is the 4 book
The seckel of Slimy the lizzie
01/09/16 (Sat) 22:07:49 No. 67075
tipp 01/09/16 (Sat) 22:25:20 No. 67079
This, writer of Berserk is very knowledgeable in magic.
01/09/16 (Sat) 22:41:47 No. 67080
yeah, very deep rooted in non-bullshit magick, as one anon mentioned a while ago, there is a literal qoute out of initiation into hermetics in the later chapters where they meet the witch, it has so much symbolism, even him losing his right eye could be explained
01/09/16 (Sat) 22:44:52 No. 67081
the whole thing with thoughtforms too
01/10/16 (Sun) 01:39:58 No. 67094
When you get feels or shivers from music does it feel good?
For me it always feels unpleasant and almost painful
01/10/16 (Sun) 01:50:43 No. 67096
It definetly feels good, insanely good
01/10/16 (Sun) 03:45:55 No. 67100
01/10/16 (Sun) 03:53:54 No. 67102
By Tim Lebbon? I will thanks.
01/10/16 (Sun) 03:56:10 No. 67103
>When you get feels or shivers from music does it feel good?
It is nice.
>For me it always feels unpleasant and almost painful
Perhaps try different music? Here is one I really like, maybe it will be different for you
Khan 01/10/16 (Sun) 04:04:53 No. 67104
Man. I read all of it way back before I even knew anything about magic. I'll have to go back and check it out since it's a great series.
I'm finding that occultism has found its way in tons of media. For some reason the Japanese have a heavy interest in it. You'll find daoist and shinto philosophy in tons of shows, games and such as well as ceremonial magic, energy work and other. Anything around the supernatural, martial art or more gothic genres.
Khan 01/10/16 (Sun) 04:05:56 No. 67105
I believe they're talking about the one by Kentaro Miura.
01/10/16 (Sun) 04:14:10 No. 67106
Ah thanks. Any other suggestions from Japan? Any form of media really.
Khan 01/10/16 (Sun) 04:23:27 No. 67107
We had a thread a little while ago filled with occult entertainment. Can anyone find it?
01/10/16 (Sun) 04:44:44 No. 67109
It's gone. Far too many good threads are gone due to the sheer amount of shitpost(ing) threads and people ignoring rule 2….
01/10/16 (Sun) 04:56:38 No. 67110
While you're here though, I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way?
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:26:48 No. 67111
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:27:18 No. 67112
While you're here though, I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way?
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:28:23 No. 67113
While you're here though, I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way? double post
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:29:03 No. 67114
While you're here though, I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way? double post…
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:33:07 No. 67115
I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way?
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:33:41 No. 67116
I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way? …
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:34:15 No. 67117
I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way? …josh pls
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:35:17 No. 67118
01/10/16 (Sun) 05:36:13 No. 67119
While you're here though, I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way?…
01/10/16 (Sun) 06:14:56 No. 67123
While you're here though, I had a question about using evocation for legal troubles, specifically evoking Belial and/or Paimon like you mentioned in the western magic tutorial thread. Keep in mind that I still need to develop before pursing something like this confidently, but how does it work generally? Evoking these one of these two entities, one can navigate legal troubles successfully in what way?…
01/10/16 (Sun) 06:17:10 No. 67124
So how do I prevent double^2 posts like that from happening?
01/10/16 (Sun) 06:21:03 No. 67125
You don't, because the current software sucks and infinity next just got canned. You can try just submitting once and if you get the error, copy your post somewhere else and wait. Eventually, your post might show up. If it doesn't, repost.
Khan 01/10/16 (Sun) 06:27:53 No. 67126
Whoah. I come back to a bunch of replies and freak out thinking I've caused some mass fringe entertainment uproar lol.
Paimon is for singular people or small amounts of people and Belial is more for multiple or crowds. Make of that for what it is.
Simple question is. Who do you need to change their mind or opinion. The band aid is the evocation to pressure that force.
Khan 01/10/16 (Sun) 06:48:20 No. 67127
Whoah. I come back to a bunch of replies and freak out thinking I've caused some mass fringe entertainment uproar lol.
Paimon is for singular people or small amounts of people and Belial is more for multiple or crowds. Make of that for what it is.
Simple question is. Who do you need to change their mind or opinion. The band aid is the evocation to pressure that force.
You'll have to ask a more direct question like what part of the process you might be struggling on for a more direct answer than that.
01/10/16 (Sun) 11:41:41 No. 67134
Is there a way to tell if someone is "roleplaying"? I'm new here and I'm reading through the archives and I keep sing that word thrown out in conversation.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 11:51:20 No. 67135
File: 1452426681217.jpg (101.55 KB, 362x500, 181:250, please someone breathe som….jpg )
Yes, ask people you suspect to be roleplaying if they have elves in their basement, since elves don't exist, they're probably living out their sexual fantasies on this board.
Now if you excuse me, no further questions, I've got an incoming encounter with my shorty, g'no'me saying m8?
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 11:55:55 No. 67137
Bah.. Read enough material and you will recognize shitposts, bad posts, dumb posts, misinformational posts, disinformation and that one village idiot posting the same thing rephrased to make himself look good.
01/10/16 (Sun) 12:07:10 No. 67138
Sorry if it came off as shitposty. Old threads don't have images or flags enabled so it's harder for me to tell if people are intentionally misleading others. I'll go finish up the Kybalion now.
01/10/16 (Sun) 14:25:10 No. 67142
What I do is submit until either I see it, or until it says 'flood protection' (which means you've posted the exact same text within 5 minuets).
>since elves don't exist
I beg your pardon. They do, however it is rather unlikely that any novice level person would be dealing with them.
It may be hard for the inexperienced to determine but as you get more knowledge about how magic and metaphysics works you will eventually be able to spot inconsistencies or just get an intuitive read on the poster.
>Old threads don't have images or flags enabled
Images.. Yea infini fucked up awhile back and all the images got deleted/misaligned.
The flags are technically there, but you have to mouse over them to see the tooltip.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 15:01:34 No. 67145
Look, its not you, its me.
>Meanwhile in the
>>/progress/ thread
Theres a TL;DR, this is about APing
Today I was in the wakeup stage of very deep meditation which had lasted a rough three hours, the first 1,5 with binaural beats (strangely enough not AP BB but the one linked in post above) and I consciously decided, after trying to remove my blanket twice and having it promptly return, to do some AP.
As usual, the first few seconds of leaving the body you're damn sure you just stepped up as if awake, then it hits you that things are distorted and you can't really see that well trying to use your eyes, so i collected myself, planted each mental foot on the floor, closed my eyes and stood wide with hands together and decided that I wanted to see space from the moon.
This produced a very intense high frequency pitch at the back of my head, it picked up speed like a tibetan bowl scraped faster until I could physically (as a disembodied spirit) feel it vibrating (VIOLENTLY), I'm pretty sure I was about to shift location but the noise, going from loud to LOUDER frightened me, together with something, I think, that didn't want me to go to the moon. As is normal(?) and has happened a dozen times before when I lose posture during AP - I panicked and reeled like a drunk through the hallways trying to reach upstairs, when i half crawling reached the stairs, they were vastly different, the place felt more clean with grey & while tiles covering the stair and thick dark wood lining the end of the step, and the originally white currently a ivory dirty colored tapestry to the wall next the stairs was stacked with dark brick stone (I'm so going to touch it up like this, shit was IMPRESSIVE) - At which point I realized that I wasn't awake, hunched over and on my knees I quickly sealed crown Chakra, and then root, just to be sure, within seconds I was awake for real and I just got done with my cup of tea.
Is it normal to experience a high freq pitch that rises in intensity as you're trying to shift position while astral projecting? Should I push through the barrier? It felt like trying to push through a wall of rubber.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 15:12:52 No. 67147
pointy eared type that orcs rape, not pixies.
but yeah high elves of asatru = nordics.
01/10/16 (Sun) 15:15:03 No. 67148
>It felt like trying to push through a wall of rubber.
While I do not have personal experience in this matter. I was talking to a friend who was explaining his experiences APing and he did mention when he went through the "physical" walls or barriers in astral form it felt like a (as he put it) "going through a sheet of thin, flexible, plastic."
He described it in the context of being in the physical domain, in astral form, but I imagine a similar 'realm veil' would be there between the physical and astral densities.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 15:18:23 No. 67150
Pointy eared Legolas type, not pixies.
And if you're saying those are real, they're nordics.
01/10/16 (Sun) 15:36:26 No. 67151
NE 1 else practice energy projection and reception on small insects and stuff?
Git wisdom to reconize truth and untruth. Only way.
01/10/16 (Sun) 16:03:59 No. 67156
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 16:09:21 No. 67158
>Waah, Waah, aliens don't real, waah
01/10/16 (Sun) 16:16:35 No. 67160
Sometimes I'll use energy 'tendrils' to push insects off me and then if they keep it up I'll put up a energy shield to keep my physical solitude while meditating.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 16:28:04 No. 67162
Mind asking your friend about that noise?
01/10/16 (Sun) 17:05:28 No. 67166
I've had an out of body experience. I believe I passed through the etheric plane, when I started seeing clearly with my third eye and I managed to crawl about 2 meters from my physical body, movement was incredibly difficult. The etheric equivalent of the room where I was sleeping was very messy. The powerlessness I felt while crawling through that filth made me realize I am a degenerate. I hereby pledge to read an occult book each month, to eat healthy and to not be lazy. I get rid of the entity I've been feeding for about a year and I reclaim what's mine.
01/10/16 (Sun) 17:06:09 No. 67167
Is this the same kind of energy that is supposed to move on microcosmic orbit?
Mine flows very slow no matter how rapidly I try to swipe it underneath the skin. The idea of moving it beyond the body to shoot insects and forming a whole shield out of it makes me question whether we talk about the same kind of energy.
I try to swipe energy from my forehead through the main microcosmic orbit, through my nose, mouth etc. but it goes to the sides of my forehead instead and behind my ears to my lymph nodes. And it takes a minute to do just that.
01/10/16 (Sun) 17:13:35 No. 67168
I've had an out of body experience. I believe I passed through the etheric plane, when I started seeing clearly with my third eye and I managed to crawl about 2 meters from my physical body, movement was incredibly difficult. The etheric equivalent of the room where I was sleeping was very messy. The powerlessness I felt while crawling through that filth made me realize I am a degenerate. I hereby pledge to read an occult book each month, to eat healthy and to not be lazy. I get rid of the entity I've been feeding for about a year and I reclaim what's mine.
01/10/16 (Sun) 17:20:21 No. 67170
I've had an out of body experience. I believe I passed through the etheric plane, when I started seeing clearly with my third eye and I managed to crawl about 2 meters from my physical body, movement was incredibly difficult. The etheric equivalent of the room where I was sleeping was very messy. The powerlessness I felt while crawling through that filth made me realize I am a degenerate. I hereby pledge to read an occult book each month, to eat healthy and to not be lazy. I get rid of the entity I've been feeding for about a year and I reclaim what's mine.
01/10/16 (Sun) 17:37:42 No. 67172
I would presume so. Though I have not personally felt my microcosmic orbit move on it's own, I can presume it's energy is aetheric in nature. And that is primarily what I use.
What I do is through meditation I've gained the ability to gather, at will, energy (and the more I meditate/cultivate this ability, the more energy I can harness). I shape this energy at will and move it around in the same way.
>makes me question whether we talk about the same kind of energy
I believe it's the same type however it is just another application of it. Perhaps harnessed from your microcosmic orbit, perhaps not.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 17:44:24 No. 67173
@guy with lymf nodes
Have you tried meditating and forcing rpana down your legs with each breath?
You'll learn in no time to move around energy, chi, od, prana (same thing) in the body, it's what you use to power/muscle thoughtforms while thought (different energy) is the skeleton.
Not entirely sure what you're on about tho. Khan should answer this, he's better with the distinctions.
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:07:35 No. 67175
"occult" books are mostly shit. better meditate and do enegry work. reading bullshit books that make up 90% of "occult" literature is degenerate.
tipp 01/10/16 (Sun) 18:13:03 No. 67176
There are a few good, and some literature in Buddhism, Hinduism and a few other religions with occult practice in focus are very good to read, but learning by yourself, your progress and mistakes is imo the best route. Things just come naturally when you're ready.
What's good about reading is references, and knowing you're progressing.
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:20:45 No. 67177
Not if you already know how to read books. People make the mistake of thinking that people who had the time and patience to put their ideas into written words actually know what they're talking about. Someone who knows this is able to be skeptical as well as able to skim the bullshit rather than taking every word for law.
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:25:18 No. 67179
most occult books just repeat themselves
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:29:48 No. 67180
Which is why you skim. Do you even college? I can't even remember the last time I read a book in its entirety.
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:34:50 No. 67182
I'm convinced so far that you only need the book of knowledge and IIH
prove me wrong
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:49:15 No. 67184
In my opinion if you're too narrow you run the risk of worship rather than study. One should read as much as possible on a subject and from a variety of authors. Then after reading from various sources, one can synthesize the subject better than if only a few sources were read because it's the same information given from different perspectives.
01/10/16 (Sun) 18:51:54 No. 67186
If you can let go of every preconceived notion and limitation and learn from direct experience. No books are needed at all. Some are much better than others, those 2 being examples of such. Personally I would also include The Kybalion for it's clear cut explanation of spiritual axioms & Montalk's Transcending the Matrix Control System for it's cosmically large view and critical, quantum level, analysis of the workings of reality.
Sure you don't need any of them, but they help. For me it's more so a question of "What helps the most?" However I still, personally, prefer to gather as much information as I can from every source that I could, just to be sure I'm not missing anything.
01/10/16 (Sun) 19:01:46 No. 67187
Books on math, physics to learn about fundamental patterns in nature
Books on history and culture to learn about memes lurking in our collective unconscious that we connect to
Books on occult I guess to manipulate your perception of time and condense 200 years of study of previous books into one night's dream
01/10/16 (Sun) 19:21:21 No. 67190
yeah that and one of the many books on thoughtforms that are frequently recommended here to get some ideas on what you can do
01/10/16 (Sun) 19:37:26 No. 67191
You can just mentally ask bugs to go away and they will.
01/10/16 (Sun) 19:47:50 No. 67193
IIH shilling should stop. There are better books without the bullshit parts written by a fat armchair occultist.
01/10/16 (Sun) 19:51:19 No. 67194
You can just mentally ask bugs to go away and they will.
01/10/16 (Sun) 19:56:50 No. 67195
The Kybalion is armchair occultism - the book.
It also contains disinfo. All you need to know are the seven hermetic principles and you don't a book to grasp them.
01/10/16 (Sun) 20:53:32 No. 67196
thx, meditations and energy work are already part of my program. I just need a non-degenerate hobby. Whenever I feel lazy/unmotivated, I find out that my astral body is vibrating low, rotting. Thankfully, I have a goal I must fulfill and for that I need a lot of knowledge and the only way to obtain knowledge here is to separate it from a lot of bullshit and disinfo.
>Things just come naturally when you're ready.
Isn't it the same about books? They come to your attention when you're ready. Take information from every source available, it's hard to get wise through pure gnosis in the current times.
When you apply exclusively one's methods, you go under his authority, you have to know him personally to know what his true intentions are. You should be grateful to the one whose disinfo you have spotted, cause that helps you draw your own conclusions, follow your own path, through that he voluntarily stops you from giving him your loosh.
01/10/16 (Sun) 21:02:01 No. 67197
thx, meditations and energy work are already part of my program. I just need a non-degenerate hobby. Whenever I feel lazy/unmotivated, I find out that my astral body is vibrating low, rotting. Thankfully, I have a goal I must fulfill and for that I need a lot of knowledge and the only way to obtain knowledge here is to separate it from a lot of bullshit and disinfo.
>Things just come naturally when you're ready.
Isn't it the same about books? They come to your attention when you're ready. Take information from every source available, it's hard to get wise through pure gnosis in the current times.
When you apply exclusively one's methods, you go under his authority, you have to know him personally to know what his true intentions are. You should be grateful to the one whose disinfo you have spotted, cause that helps you draw your own conclusions, follow your own path, through that he voluntarily stops you from giving him your loosh.
01/10/16 (Sun) 21:08:23 No. 67198
thx, meditations and energy work are already part of my program. I just need a non-degenerate hobby. Whenever I feel lazy/unmotivated, I find out that my astral body is vibrating low, rotting. Thankfully, I have a goal I must fulfill and for that I need a lot of knowledge and the only way to obtain knowledge here is to separate it from a lot of bullshit and disinfo.
>Things just come naturally when you're ready.
Isn't it the same about books? They come to your attention when you're ready. Take information from every source available, it's hard to get wise through pure gnosis in the current times.
When you apply exclusively one's methods, you go under his authority, you have to know him personally to know what his true intentions are. You should be grateful to the one whose disinfo you have spotted, cause that helps you draw your own conclusions, follow your own path, through that he voluntarily stops you from giving him your loosh.
01/11/16 (Mon) 00:30:24 No. 67207
the /fringe/ megas are full of bullshit "occultism"
bullshit "occultism"
bullshit "occultism"
bullshit "occultism"
bullshit "occultism"
bullshit "occultism"
01/11/16 (Mon) 03:14:07 No. 67213
are jinn and elves different entitys
01/11/16 (Mon) 03:14:52 No. 67214
are jinn and elves different entitys
01/11/16 (Mon) 03:37:31 No. 67219
>eric plane, when I started seeing clearly with my third eye and I managed to crawl about 2 meters from my physical body, movement was incredibly difficult. The etheric equivalent of the room where I was sleeping was very messy. The powerlessness I felt while crawling through that filth made me realize I am a degenerate. I hereby pledge to read an occult book each month, to eat healthy and to not be lazy. I get rid
Good for you, anon. :)
It might be the same type of energy but I am very very adept at energy and spiritual things. Like a heavenly person kinda adept. I have very powerful energy and am perfect in manipulating it.
I don't know what microcosmic orbit is thoguh. I think the energy I use so far is my aura that I extend to a thin 'tendril' like that guy said or maybe project in a wave or pull with my right and left hand.
It's important to seek out opportunities to 'feel' other kinds of energy like auric, etheric, psychic energy emotional energy etc so you can tell them apart. Just guessing won't do unless you're some sort of psychotic savant who can take apart his own eye to confirm his theories about optic. And then, getting it right, reassemble your own eye. it's always better with at least two people to bounce ideas off, if you are alike.
01/11/16 (Mon) 03:50:09 No. 67220
what happened to THE ACCELERATIONIST OCTOPUS poster (from the classic 855 thread)?
i wish we had more posters like him
01/11/16 (Mon) 06:20:47 No. 67225
The Kybalion mentioned Mental Gender and that whole section was incredibly fascinating to me (the whole self being made up of the me and the I and all that )
Is there any other literature that goes into that subject in depth?
tipp 01/11/16 (Mon) 07:45:33 No. 67230
This guy gobbles cocks for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Kybalion is a great book and the content are revelations of wisdom that help you get a firm grasp of the universe and its laws, the Hermetic principles are that which Physics strives to become when complete.
tipp 01/11/16 (Mon) 07:50:16 No. 67231
This guy gobbles cocks for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Kybalion is a great book and the content are revelations of wisdom that help you get a firm grasp of the universe and its laws, the Hermetic principles are that which Physics strives to become when complete.
There was one but I can't recall it, sorry.
Finding books with so much good knowledge, compressed and void of bullshit is rare.
At the top of my head, Robert bruces astral dynamics was a good read with few excess words.
tipp 01/11/16 (Mon) 07:59:19 No. 67232
This guy gobbles cocks for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Kybalion is a great book and the content are revelations of wisdom that help you get a firm grasp of the universe and its laws, the Hermetic principles are that which Physics strives to become when complete.
There was one but I can't recall it, sorry.
Finding books with so much good knowledge, compressed and void of bullshit is rare.
At the top of my head, Robert Bruces astral dynamics was a good read with few excess words.
01/11/16 (Mon) 09:54:45 No. 67234
how does one restore lost vital energy due to years of masturbation and other detrimental activities ?
01/11/16 (Mon) 10:05:12 No. 67236
how does one restore lost vital energy due to years of masturbation and other detrimental activities ?
01/11/16 (Mon) 11:38:59 No. 67237
tipp is a pretentious disinfo faggot
01/11/16 (Mon) 11:39:40 No. 67238
literally didi 2.0 nazi edition
01/11/16 (Mon) 11:41:33 No. 67239
achieve mental androgyny via hemispheric synchronization
01/11/16 (Mon) 11:43:17 No. 67240
tipp 01/11/16 (Mon) 11:52:22 No. 67242
cry me a river, while you're at it, stop abusing the term disinfo
01/11/16 (Mon) 12:05:38 No. 67244
01/11/16 (Mon) 12:47:45 No. 67249
When I APed once there was a membrane/pushing through feel and also a "awakening feeling". It was like I was popping through saran wrap or lifting up my body from a tightly wrapped blanket with my brothers laying on top of either side and the blanket falling away and reforming behind me. Pushing through the veil.
01/11/16 (Mon) 12:48:57 No. 67250
Doesn't work on humans, doesn't work on bugs. A lot of beings in this age are obstinant and won't go when you tell them unless you are unlike me.
01/11/16 (Mon) 12:54:10 No. 67251
Yes. I believe so. I see no reason to believe them to be one and the same.
01/11/16 (Mon) 17:05:54 No. 67267
>he's slow and doesn't get to it
Au contraire, it may not seem like it is getting into the nitty-gritty of the vortex and how it works but it does. The understandings are extremely useful as a foundational understanding of the vortex.
In a closed door meeting at Tesla Tech in New Mexico quite some years ago, he [Rodin] stated to a large group of VBM researchers and supporters right after his public talk, which included those who are much more notably recognized than myself, that he feels I [Gregor] will make the next major advancements in the field, and caught many by surprise.
I would not shun what he is sharing. I personally found it to be very insightful.
P.S. This board really needs a scientist/technologist flag.
tipp 01/11/16 (Mon) 17:09:20 No. 67269
Nice baseless ad hom
>don't know what a nazi is
>doesn't know what disinformation is
>doesn't know that the best country Sweden is national socialist
>so stuck in his indoctrination, uses nazi as a derogatory term
>doesn't know nat-soc is the enemy of a global government
I just LITERALLY can't, you're triggering me, misinformed shitpost-kun.
Maybe if you posted why I was x or y, but as of right now you can just suck my dick, gobble it down to the shaft and slurp the contents.
tipp 01/11/16 (Mon) 17:11:00 No. 67270
How many here stopped sleeping with a pillow? How far down the road are you, new, medium, well versed?
01/11/16 (Mon) 17:24:59 No. 67272
How do i become a god.
>inb4 EA Koetting.
01/11/16 (Mon) 17:28:46 No. 67273
How do i become a god?
>inb4 EA Koetting.
01/11/16 (Mon) 19:06:49 No. 67278
>how does one restore lost vital energy due to years of masturbation and other detrimental activities ?
Unless you're already in your 30s, you can reset yourself completely with a month or two of healthy diet, exercise and nofap. It's not a problem.
However, if by "restoring lost energy" you mean reverting symptoms of lost energy like balding or bad skin, then you need thoughtform… which will sneakily make you do weird things like cold showers or will induce in you a taste for sea food, which will in turn stop your balding and bad skin (and you'll think it's magic, unaware of impact of cold water or zinc in sea food).
01/11/16 (Mon) 19:42:10 No. 67280
I intuitively knew Hermetic Principles before reading them, just never consciously saw them chained by language on a page. Interpretation of them that is Kyballion also wasn't helpful, perhaps even harmful. I should have figured on my own - now I'm subconsciously partially bound by thinking of these three initiates.
It's like this with everything in magic
E. Erikson developed so many new spells because he thought and experimented on his own observing behavior of children in real life in Vienna and people in general. His mind wasn't stained and suppressed by ideas of occultism, he just did his own thing. Thankfully he didn't copy rituals from books like sad mystics.
I had something like a dream that could be clairvoyant that there lives or will be born a very powerful wizard and his power will come from the fact that he'll develop magical abilities without getting stained by occultist connotations of word "demons" or psychological connotations of word "atavisms" or sociological connotations of word "memes". He will do magic but he won't use the word "magic" and accompanying this word mental, cultural chains. What's more, this ability to think in completely new, revolutionary way he will owe to neurological accident, a mutation that will make him disconnected from the collective subconscious pool of ideas (the pool that we all brood in like in mud and that confines us)
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 01/11/16 (Mon) 20:35:09 No. 67285
> as of right now you can just suck my dick, gobble it down to the shaft and slurp the contents.
don't say things you don't mean (:
01/11/16 (Mon) 21:53:30 No. 67290
Also getting into nature, away from artificial society, on a regular basis will help ground and energize you.
01/11/16 (Mon) 22:06:36 No. 67291
Wisest post in this shitty thread full of pretentious pricks.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:28:42 No. 67294
I sleep with one under my legs, but not under my head. No problems with the lack of pillow, except that I pop my neck more. Although that's likely because I can only sleep on my side, which you're supposed to have a pillow for.
I'm medium, I'd say.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:29:08 No. 67295
Can any good soul point me in the direction of some good tarot materials? I'm thinking of more practical stuff though, not some purely theoretical materials on cards and their meanings.
My reading are certainly lacking something and I'd like to know more how to interpret cards in different positions. Especially when I do a reading for a friend it's quite difficult to correctly read a meaning and give a clear answer. Something like - I get a card in the first position (heart of the matter) which isn't the heart of the matter at all and it's quite hard to find a fitting interpretation.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:31:16 No. 67296
Honestly that sounds like me when I was a kid. Then I fucked up.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:39:12 No. 67297
All you need is theory.
If you don't understand why read more theory.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:49:58 No. 67299
>sleeping without a pillow
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:53:03 No. 67300
ever seen little lights flying around they are between the size of a snowflake and a rain drop and there are swarms of them.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:54:36 No. 67301
ever seen little lights flying around they are between the size of a snowflake and a rain drop and they come in swarms.
01/11/16 (Mon) 23:56:58 No. 67302
ever seen little lights flying around they are between the size of a snowflake and a rain drop and they come in swarms.>>67280
01/12/16 (Tue) 00:03:11 No. 67303
ever seen little lights flying around they are between the size of a snowflake and a rain drop and they come in swarms.
01/12/16 (Tue) 00:04:10 No. 67304
01/12/16 (Tue) 00:12:34 No. 67305
01/12/16 (Tue) 00:19:30 No. 67306
AuntWatermelon 01/12/16 (Tue) 01:01:01 No. 67308
I would recommend only using one spread and knowing it well. I've been reading the tarot for a long while and still, I use the same two spreads 99% of the time.
Having "missplaced cards", or, cards that just don't mean anything on the subject at hand is often times because:
1. You are using a new fancy spread that you don't intimately know.
2. You just need more practice, deeper pre-meditation and a deeper connection to "where you get your answers".
3. you need to look at the other cards and try to figure out "what story" do the cards tell you.
With time, deeper meditative states and a deeper connection with your intuition, you'll be able to read things for someone else and tell him his whole life and not just the "how the events sre likely to play out", but the why they do so, and guess who are the people or places involved, if any, with no more then two cards.
He will get spoopified big time.
I still spoop myself regulary :')
One extremely powerful tip when reading for someone else, and even yourself, is reading it from another perspective.When I'm doing a reading for someone else or I'm doing a reading to verify the information some entity gives me, I generally invoke a like minded being, who I trust, to enhance the accuracy of my results, in accordance to his sphere of inpfluence. Or I just go all the way to channeling him to do the reading for me, or just, if it knows the answer, straight up tell it to me.
This has the advantage of you not being that dude who has to proove that magick is real or to proove anything to anyone, since you are not doing the reading for someone else, but outsourcing it and regurgitating it.
This tip also helps if you need to compare different views, you'll do your reading from your higher self/intuition POV and see what xyz entity has in mind when interpreting the forces at play and what some random dead spirits want to say (Yeah, even the new agey, cringey, ancestors meme and the voodoo, "spirits of the dead" works pretty well, in some cases.)
Another important thing is to look at your cards, especially if using the rider-waite or the classical tarot of marseille deck, you want to look at your cards and try to get some symbolic meaning from them, each card contains a wealth of information, they are pretty much like books that grow in size, the more you read them. You may have the best guide to interpret your cards, but really, sometimes, the answer isn't in the name, the general association or anywhere else, but in the pictoral keys and it's place within the whole spread.
From time to time, your questions will be a bit odd for the answers you seek to be manifested in the spread you choose and it'll feel like contemplating an art peice that has been scalled down to a lower resolution… These times, it might be easier to use some other configuration, but it's not often needed and you can generally fight your way through it. Or if you really need to read a "big thing", with lot's of crap in it, there is never the need to resort to 20+ card spreads (yeah, they do exist, fucking golden dawn bastards…) , the good ol' tree of life get's you out of any situation, if you have the adequate Qabbalistic knowledge for it.
And yeah, of course, the universal shonen-style advice:
train harder and b urself
01/12/16 (Tue) 01:04:53 No. 67309
So, I'm finally past the theoretical phase of being a neophyte, and am ready for the practical phase. Can anyone explain the the benefits of charging your aura, and how to do so?
01/12/16 (Tue) 01:06:03 No. 67310
>"I'm past being a neophyte"
>asking people for help
01/12/16 (Tue) 01:11:46 No. 67311
01/12/16 (Tue) 01:56:57 No. 67313
I highly recommend Daniel Ingram's Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha if you wanna go further down this path. He says fourth jhana is a solid basis for building magical powers, and encourages doing fire kasina if you wanna go in this direction as it helps build visualization skills. Once you can reliable attain the first jhana, its pretty easy to get to the fourth. Usually how it works for me is I spend about 30-40 minutes trying to get into 1st jhana, and then once I'm in it I slide through 2nd and 3rd and into 4th in about 5 minutes.
The link tipp gave ( ) is also really good, its nice and concise but it doesn't talk about the path of insight which is crucial for attaining enlightenment (basically jhana meditation is mental weight lifting, it builds your concentration skills necessary for insight meditation, but it doesn't get you to enlightenment). I'd recommend Mahasi Sayadaw's Practical Insight Meditation to supplement this book.
Btw, you should know even though Buddhists will show you how to do magic, they generally discourage it, as it's just another thing to cling to and prevent yourself from attaining enlightenment.
01/12/16 (Tue) 01:59:07 No. 67314
> even though Buddhists will show you how to do magic, they generally discourage it
actually I should qualify this with "not all buddhists" because there's really a shitton of differing viewpoints on this question
01/12/16 (Tue) 03:41:29 No. 67317
>not understanding english well enough to understand that im speaking on different phases of being a neophyte
01/12/16 (Tue) 03:43:01 No. 67318
01/12/16 (Tue) 03:50:38 No. 67319
>What does the following text mean?
"Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu"
>and where does it come from?
01/12/16 (Tue) 03:53:40 No. 67320
Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. Some people who do acid a lot will get permanent visual static-like effects
01/12/16 (Tue) 03:57:17 No. 67321
I've never done acid but I do see things like a translucent static
hmm… could this help me with anything in training?
01/12/16 (Tue) 03:59:47 No. 67322
>believing in hppd
You are seeing ether, also known as akasha.
01/12/16 (Tue) 04:04:40 No. 67323
could it help me at all in the future?
I mostly just read on the subject right now I haven't tried anything but basic meditation.
fucking jim
01/12/16 (Tue) 04:11:32 No. 67325
With practice (read the faq) it can make energy work easier as you have a natural advantage.
01/12/16 (Tue) 04:12:36 No. 67326
01/12/16 (Tue) 04:32:17 No. 67328
01/12/16 (Tue) 08:34:34 No. 67335
Can you change eye color with will?
01/12/16 (Tue) 09:24:19 No. 67339
I've been pillow-less for a few months now, and I've never had any problems with my neck getting sore, but sometimes the back of my head will feel sore after lying on my back for extended periods without falling asleep.
As far as I can tell, even when sleeping on your side, pillows really aren't necessary.
01/12/16 (Tue) 09:25:29 No. 67340
I've been pillow-less for a few months now, and I've never had any problems with my neck getting sore, but sometimes the back of my head will feel sore after lying on my back for extended periods without falling asleep.
As far as I can tell, even when sleeping on your side, pillows really aren't necessary.
01/12/16 (Tue) 11:04:48 No. 67343
How long did it take for you to first start seeing auras?
01/12/16 (Tue) 11:57:33 No. 67346
I always use whatever thin blanket instead of pillow. I accidentally noticed if I use polyester blanket that usually infants lie on I might be very slightly activating my 1st oral biosurvival circuit. Normally I wouldn't draw ridiculous conclusion like this, but I became consciously aware (called my mom) I had been laying on a polyester all my infancy only AFTER having repeated thoughts of feeling especially safe and comfy in bed.
01/12/16 (Tue) 14:12:25 No. 67348
I've heard about it being done before, how true it is i don't know. I can't remember the name for the process but it takes a lot of dedication and time.
01/12/16 (Tue) 15:01:51 No. 67351
You can. My wife's eye color started changed to mine (blue) as our energies merged. She wanted to keep her color (green) so she willed it back. Nothing fancy, just normal visualizing+intent/desire.
I've heard people call it biokinetics, but people give the most ridiculous compartmentalized left brained names to something so open and universally applicable.
01/12/16 (Tue) 16:07:35 No. 67356
>watching mundane propaganda
01/12/16 (Tue) 17:38:28 No. 67362
Oh wow.
>Life is pointless, rejoice in it's meaninglessness.
Yea, no thank you archons. I'll keep my divinity thank-you-very-much.
01/12/16 (Tue) 19:13:12 No. 67369
Do I need to complete all the exercises in the Arcane Formulas before I read Science of Breath, or is it part of establishing ego i?
01/12/16 (Tue) 19:38:43 No. 67372
Do I need to complete all the exercises in the Arcane Formulas before I read Science of Breath, or is it part of establishing ego i?
01/12/16 (Tue) 19:54:02 No. 67373
Does deja vu tell anything? I´ve been having them quite much lately and can´t really tell if it is good or bad
01/12/16 (Tue) 19:55:32 No. 67374
>practicing atkinsons shit
01/12/16 (Tue) 21:43:21 No. 67379
Few sources say significant change possibly occurred or is occurring caused by you or someone from your environment. I personally don't know if I should believe that - if it was true, and experiencing deja vu really was "nose of highly sensitive initiate accidentally catching the smell of disturbances in space-time", then all highly sensitive practitioners of magic would talk about deja vu often in all their books (because being experienced practitioners with high awareness and sensitiveness, they would experience deja vu as a side effect of their manifestations often)
01/12/16 (Tue) 22:28:44 No. 67381
/fringe/ is a joke
01/12/16 (Tue) 22:56:17 No. 67383
I've read it's (awareness of a) timeline shift.
For me personally it's quite rare, and seemingly random/insignificant, however what is significantly more common for me is a sense of deja vision , a knowingness that this (moment) was supposed to happen/be.
It's similar but at the same time not.
01/12/16 (Tue) 23:34:48 No. 67386
I found out recently who I was in a past life.
I was a demon, a succubus to be exact.
My name was Auria, I controlled many demons in my time and was eventually overpowered by them. I have found myself struggling with the instinct to embrace service to self,as I did when I lacked humanity, and the instinct to serve others, to help my fellow human. Thoughts on this?
01/12/16 (Tue) 23:46:52 No. 67387
so when you LBRP do you "feed parasitic ET entities" as one anon said
folks also say banish often so im getting mixed messages on if I am walking in circles
01/13/16 (Wed) 00:13:44 No. 67389
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>67387
Do bearhearts merger.
01/13/16 (Wed) 00:14:26 No. 67390
Does anybody have a fast method to memorize/learn things? I'm thinking meditating and then reading small notes, or chanting?
I'm not sure what specific exercise you're referring to, but you can skip exercises in many books if you think you've done what it's trying to teach you in another way.
>another person who "found out" their past life was someone powerful
Check again.
01/13/16 (Wed) 00:46:57 No. 67391
thnnk you i did intend to get the merger bearheart developed into discussion. i do the planets nnd the nngels rigtt now
any more info on the different takes on `nishing?
AuntWatermelon 01/13/16 (Wed) 00:47:14 No. 67392
>learn things
2 books: Photoreading the Whole Mind System and Learn More Study Less, by Scott H Young.
If you want to learn practical skills, give The 4 hour Chef a read and, for the hell of it, since it's a good book to get out of the mundane eat, shit & sleep mindset, read The 4 hour Work Week, while you are at it.
AuntWatermelon 01/13/16 (Wed) 00:50:53 No. 67393
>learn things
2 books: Photoreading the Whole Mind System and Learn More Study Less, by Scott H Young.
If you want to learn practical skills quicker, give The 4 hour Chef a read and, for the hell of it, since it's a good book to get out of the mundane eat, shit & sleep mindset, read The 4 hour Work Week, while you are at it.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:04:04 No. 67394
I didn't believe that I was Auria for a while for that very reason, it was much more likely that I was some normal fag in my past incarnations, but I'm certain now of who I was.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:04:46 No. 67395
I didn't believe that I was Auria for a while for that very reason, it was much more likely that I was some normal fag in my past incarnations, but I'm certain now of who I was
AuntWatermelon 01/13/16 (Wed) 01:07:44 No. 67396
>learn things
2 books: Photoreading the Whole Mind System and Learn More Study Less, by Scott H Young.
If you want to learn practical skills quicker, give The 4 hour Chef a read and, for the hell of it, since it's a good book to get out of the mundane eat, shit & sleep mindset, read The 4 hour Work Week, while you are at it.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:12:59 No. 67397
So is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context… and this also comes up in a similar question.
As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:
My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."
The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.
Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted… plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.
Shit, now that I typed it all out I'm wondering if this deserves its own thread. I doubt it, though, but we'll see.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:20:46 No. 67399
So is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context… and this also comes up in a similar question.
As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:
My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."
The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.
Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted… plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.
Shit, now that I typed it all out I'm wondering if this deserves its own thread. I doubt it, though, but we'll see.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:24:26 No. 67400
If your visualization skills are any good then you could try doing a memory palace
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:24:58 No. 67401
So is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context, and this also comes up in a similar question.
As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:
My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas in the car, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."
The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.
Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted, plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.
Shit, now that I typed it all out I'm wondering if this deserves its own thread. I doubt it, though, but we'll see.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:31:10 No. 67403
So is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context, and this also comes up in a similar question.
As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:
My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas in the car, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."
The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.
Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted, plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.
AuntWatermelon 01/13/16 (Wed) 01:36:31 No. 67404
>learn things
2 books: Photoreading the Whole Mind System and Learn More Study Less, by Scott H Young.
If you want to learn practical skills quicker, give The 4 hour Chef a read and, for the hell of it, since it's a good book to get out of the mundane eat, shit & sleep mindset, read The 4 hour Work Week, while you are at it.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:39:52 No. 67405
Does anyone have a pdf of Ways To Self-realization by Mouni Sadhu?
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:41:41 No. 67406
So is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context, and this also comes up in a similar question.
As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:
My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas in the car, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."
The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.
Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted, plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:42:52 No. 67408
:( nobody has answered my question >>67319
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:42:56 No. 67409
Does anyone have a pdf of Ways To Self-realization by Mouni Sadhu? doublepost
01/13/16 (Wed) 01:43:26 No. 67410
01/13/16 (Wed) 02:38:12 No. 67413
So is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context, and this also comes up in a similar question.
As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:
My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas in the car, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."
The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.
Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted, plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.
01/13/16 (Wed) 04:05:19 No. 67423
>Does anybody have a fast method to memorize/learn things?
Can't say developing it's fast, that depends on you and how dedicated you are, but what you need to do is to develop your photographic/associative/eidetic memory. (Re)learn to think in things instead of in abstract language.
You could also make a tulpa. I've heard stories of people who've made them and then given it (read only) access to their subconsciousness so it can recall anything you've ever experienced in absolute detail.
You could also develop your intuition (which will also partially happen as a result of developing your mind in general) and scry for answers on an as needed basis.
01/13/16 (Wed) 04:44:26 No. 67424
is astral assassination possible
01/13/16 (Wed) 04:47:50 No. 67425
fuck jim that cheap ass mason
01/13/16 (Wed) 04:51:32 No. 67426
01/13/16 (Wed) 04:54:38 No. 67427
01/13/16 (Wed) 04:57:26 No. 67428
01/13/16 (Wed) 05:05:44 No. 67429
fuck hotwheels fuck jim fuck those Lucifer worshiping masons
01/13/16 (Wed) 05:19:49 No. 67430
has anyone seen how the end will play out
in a vision maybe
01/13/16 (Wed) 05:21:05 No. 67431
why won't anything post god damn it
01/13/16 (Wed) 05:24:25 No. 67432
File: 1452662667517.jpg (26.82 KB, 367x394, 367:394, mfw a catholic gave his sh….jpg )
>mfw the latin term Arcanum translates to Trump in english and means "a mystery, necessary for the cognition of a definite kind and number of things, laws or principles; a mystery without which one cannot operate, since the necessity of that cognition has been born in us; a mystery accessible to a mind strong and curious enough to see that knowledge."
When does the ride end
01/13/16 (Wed) 05:24:59 No. 67433
>mfw the latin term Arcanum translates to Trump in english and means "a mystery, necessary for the cognition of a definite kind and number of things, laws or principles; a mystery without which one cannot operate, since the necessity of that cognition has been born in us; a mystery accessible to a mind strong and curious enough to see that knowledge."
When does the ride end.
01/13/16 (Wed) 05:31:11 No. 67434
>mfw the latin term Arcanum translates to Trump in english and means "a mystery, necessary for the cognition of a definite kind and number of things, laws or principles; a mystery without which one cannot operate, since the necessity of that cognition has been born in us; a mystery accessible to a mind strong and curious enough to see that knowledge."
When does the ride end.
01/13/16 (Wed) 08:12:56 No. 67438
>bullshit "occultism"
01/13/16 (Wed) 09:55:31 No. 67442
Going to attempt to raise my kundalini in a few days.
What should I do to prepare for it, and what should I do if something goes wrong?
tipp 01/13/16 (Wed) 11:02:25 No. 67448
No meat, only fruit and juice, before or during, lsd, shoots or weed, comfiest able surroundings, trance music or binaural beats. Good grip of energy work.
>when does the ride end
Blood and fire.
01/13/16 (Wed) 11:54:10 No. 67452
My visualization is surprisingly decent, but I have huge trouble achieving deep trance anyway. I get quickly into alpha waves with certain ayurvedic herbs and L-theanine, but I can't seem to go lower. I think some deep part of me doesn't want me to become vulnerable and blocks me from entering theta, something like that. I end up just sitting with no thoughts whatsoever, just aware of being aware, staring at the wall or hypnotic spiral on screen for 2-3 hours. I want to finally tap into subconscious, create sanctuary in there and thoughtforms
If I play some special music, I can induce very powerful emotions but in both cases, in the end I'm aware I didn't hypnotize myself and I can't get youtube videos to hypnotize me either, no matter how much I try to relax
tipp 01/13/16 (Wed) 11:55:21 No. 67453
01/13/16 (Wed) 12:22:06 No. 67455
is human on human possession possible
01/13/16 (Wed) 14:27:37 No. 67468
AuntWatermelon 01/13/16 (Wed) 18:29:22 No. 67494
>prepare for it
Fast, purify yourself (don't skip on that one, if you do, know that you are taking the huge risk of messing yourself and crawling in agony to the cleanest t-shirt around to roughly clean your ass while receiving unbearable amounts of pain, it's not pretty….) and be sure you are doing it, for reasons that will benefit you, since these reasons, whatever they are, will manifest and affect your whole life, at all levels, pretty much, for ever.
>what should I do if something goes wrong?
Pray & pray again.
You don't want to do anything, whatever happens to you, better receive the consequences of your actions as soon as you can, delaying it will only make the matter worse.
If you realize it was such a big mistake and you really can't handle it and are ready to face these consequences, eat something big and fat, the mundaner, the better, spill all your loosh and do intensive physical excercise after that, even if you feel like collapsing.
You may also want to know that the "symptoms of kundalini awakening" on the internet are all just signs of minor awakening/nohing at all, I'm still not sure I've ever met annyone who had a genuine rising.
Don't fall for the meme. If you don't feel a serpent as hot as fire, the thickness of a can of coca-cola in your perinium, uncoiling itself and pushing it's way up through the shushuma, moving your bowels and your internal organs, and feel "the fingers" at your crown and the flash of white light at ajna you are not doing it, electric sensations in the spine does not equal kundalini.
Make sure you will not have to reintegrate any form of normal society for the 2-6 months afterwards. Actually, make sure you really have cutted all ties with society, you probably won't ever want to see them again.
Don't be fucking stupid, don't do drugs, of any kinds, shrooms or weed…