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(This was originally directed into one person but I thought everyone might benefit from it).

Every moment passes and you know there is probably some imbalance in your life, it might be a physical,emotional,intellectual, or a social one.Sometime you need to step back from your current "YOU" and look at the "YOU #1" from the POV of a new "YOU #2".ASC(Altered States of Consciousness) provide us with a very easy way to examine ourselves from afar, but that isn't really enough it must be something that the "rational mind" have to see and experience with the rational mind.Here a simple example to exercise to try:-

One method of organizing your concepts is by recalling everything that happened during the day, right before going to sleep at night. Verbally, express the events from the time you first woke up that day. Speak through them, one by one, until you remember each one. As you follow through in this, notice which events demand your attention the most and come back to them when you're finished going through them all. Then, return to those events requiring more thought from yourself so that you might be able to understand and digest it easier. Leisurely, spend your last lingering moments processing these events so when it's time to sleep, you can let go knowing your dreams will take care of whatever you could not. The important thing here, is to take the time to organize your thoughts about those events requiring your attention. This will get you into the habit of having a say and developing a point of view about your own life.~Angel Tech,P.102

Now once you start having this sort of POV on your lifestyle and where your "demons"(habit,desires,indulgence,addiction,etc) reside start eradicating them one by one, start with the biggest one then to the smallest.Remember not to try forcefully denying something but instead finding another form of expression.I have to be honest here I am not 100% balanced, but I have beaten my biggest weaknesses and some of my major faults in my daily life.Use visualization,thoughtforms,incantation,etc to get rid of these "demons" inside of you.I myself have found the I.O.B method of Kraig's Modern Magick simply amazing(and you can modify it to suit your own needs).Though I must warn you dear reader from experince the same warning that karig's gave in his book but I will not quote rather I will give you what happen to my own self.

I went directly my biggest indulgence with the method, Sexual gratification.Sadly like most NEET edgy internet user I have grown a habit of daily masturbation(I am embarrassed if your picture of me as begin a good balanced person is not that great now), and I felt bad when I was helping people but not helping myself so I decide to hit it with all that I could put my hand on expect doing retrograde ejaculation(eww, sorry).Since I had some background on telesmatic images(giving power/trait/thing names so that they be controlled by the magician) I decide to give it image and become all ceremonial expect without a tool and a large room for a temple.The ritual I used was simply to purge lust from me, I gave it a form, started using an astral elemental weapon/astral AK-47 to banish it and used this "incantation" to get rid of it

"Unwanted influence

Unfriendly influence

By the power of the All Highest

By that which is without attribute


I command you, begone lustful desires.

then I started to imagine the figure getting weaker and smaller and the bond between me and it getting more fargile by the second just as the link break I sealed my aura and said adoration to Lord of the universe:-

""Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe.

Holy art Thou, Whom Nature hath not formed.

Holy art Thou, the Vast and the Mighty One.

Lord of the Light and of the Darkness."

I sat down and felt I almost buzzing and sweating from what I did, like something was ripped off right out of me, like feeling some one ripping off your skin.It didn't stop there, knowing that one setting wasn't enough I kept doing it for more 3 days. In the second additonal day I stopped, I couldn't keep going because I felt weak and I actually got a flu from this "demon".I took the advice of The mind has certain block and safeguard which prevent us from learning the innermost truth about ourselves until we are ready, but I didn't really stop it there I did the holy name visualization from this part >>47466 and I finally(semi) purged uncontrollable sexual desire from my mind which give me more time to pursue other activities.I will present the I.O.B method on this thead(on next post) and Liber Boomerang(for thought-provoking)


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I.O.B technique

A word of Warning:knowing yourself can be the most awe-inspiring and frightening experience imaginable. So, if you opt to attempt this technique and find yourself scared, physically ill or feeling lost, stop immediately! The mind has certain blocks and safeguards which prevent us from learning the innermost truths about ourselves until we are ready. Go slow, be gentle, and be kind to yourself if you try this system. It is very powerful.

I.O.B stand for

*Identify aspect of yourself you no longer which to possess

*Objectify, to build an image of thing which is capable of life that possess the trait you want to banish

*Banish, get rid of that demon.

Note:you have to build and reinforce the image of the demon before-hand/before starting the ritual

1.Take a bath(but imagine all negativity begin washed away while you're taking the bath)[aka ritual bath/purification rite]

2.Do a progressive relaxation(tense all your muscles and relax them slowly starting from your feet till you reach your forehead)

3.build up the image in your mind of the demon/trait and visualize as clearly as possible begin connected with you by a strong chain of steel from the solar plexus of yours to the solar plexus of the demon(or it's heart or head).

4.Use your magical weapon/dagger/fore+middle finger as cutting-tool for the cord and then immediately..

5.Say Name of Demon/Object BEGONE O THOU PROFANE, give a pushing gesture/punching gesture(like a powerful sonic-wave) that pushes the object/demon a short distance away from you and the demon stay at that place for the reset of the ritual.

6.cast a protection circle/imagine brilliant white light circle shinning around you/do a banishing ritual,etc.The figure must be OUTSIDE the circle/where you're protected.

7.Choose the best weapon to attack this entity/demon(the weapon must be of counter nature of that demon) and then imagine gathering at your left hand to your body then direct it to your right hand, inside the weapon and then let it go through the weapon to the entity, then say with authority while the energy is begin cast/attacking the demon:-

"by the power in the name of all highest EHIEH(or the god-name of the fitting spehira) I command you (name of demon) to dissolve,vanish,depart,disappear.You are banished forever and may you never return, so mote it be.

8.Raise energy up and then direct the energy on the edge of the circle which faces the demon and let it shine as bright as you can imagine and the demon becoming weaker and transparent and every time you send energy it must be stronger and stronger until the demon is overpowered and disappear into nothingness and keep going just to make sure it is truly destroy for ten minute.

9.Raise your arm in "V" shape and look up, say:-

"Hail unto thee, Lord of the Universe.Hail unto thee whom nature hath not formed.Not unto me, but unto thee the power and the glory forever and ever, AMEN.(or praise the archetype and the ultimate non-duality)

10.wrap up everything and close everything you just opend(close your circle,banish again, seal ur aura,etc,etc)

NOTE:As you can see this method is very similar to psychodrama(it's psychodrama).This was "early psychology" and it's DANGEROUS(as Kraig say it), you're better going to a growth psychologist/psychiatrist then choosing this method but if you're alone then go ahead.


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Liber Boomerang

A god ignored is a demon born.

Think you to hypertrophy some selves at the expense of others?

That which is denied gains power, and seeks strange and unexpected forms of manifestation.

Deny Death and other forms of Suicide will arise.

Deny Sex and bizarre forms of its expression will torment you.

Deny Love and absurd sentimentalities will disable you.

Deny Aggression only to stare eventually at the bloody Knife in your shaking hand.

Deny honest Fear and Desire only to create senseless neuroticism and avarice.

Deny Laughter and the world laughs at you.

Deny Magic only to become a confused robot.

~Liber Boomerang


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Nice. This is basically the Gnostic didactic for the annihilation of the ego.

>"Hail unto thee, Lord of the Universe.Hail unto thee whom nature hath not formed.Not unto me, but unto thee the power and the glory forever and ever, AMEN.(or praise the archetype and the ultimate non-duality)

>"Pater [Πτα - Ptah] noster, qui es in cælis.

>Sanctificetur nomen tuum.

>Adveniat regnum tuum.

>Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.

>Panem cotidianum da nobis hodie.

>Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

>Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.

>Sed libera nos a malo.


>Our Father, who art in heaven,

>hallowed be thy name.

>thy kingdom come,

>thy will be done,

>as on earth, as it is in heaven.

>Give us this day our daily bread,

>and forgive us our debts,

>as we also have forgiven our debtors.

>And lead us not into temptation,

>but deliver us from evil.


The key factors are meditation on the defect you want to destroy, and prayer.




This is really cool. Thanks OP.



>put Lord prayer

here lemme give you a more "beautiful version"

"O cosmic birther of all radiance and vibration. Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your presence can abide.

Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to hear the fruit of your mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth power and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SS Invocation for Power

„Ich schwöre Adolf Hitler unerschütterliche Treue. Ich schwöre ihm, und den Führern, die er mir bestimmt, unbedingten Gehorsam.

Adolf Hitler: Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!"

Dress like you were about to meet Adolf Hitler in person.

Affirm a strong love and affection for the things you love about the Third Reich and want to bring into your life.

Stand upright in a proper posture.

Close your eyes.

Do 11 deep complete breaths.

Speak the incatation in a strong confident voice. Speak loud and clear!

Upon each "Sieg Heil!" shout and perform a Hitlergruß while resting your left hand on your solar plexus chakra. Feel the power of "Sieg Heil!"

Do 11 deep complete breaths.

Now meditate in a comfortable position. Imagine getting struck by lightning all the time and your whole body tingling, the energy surging through you.

Perform this exercise during a storm outside for maximum results.

Throughout the day perform "Sieg Heil!".


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More of this and sauces, please.

Interesting stuff.


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Source: wizards from unglaublichkeiten.info and nsl-forum.org (all dead websites)

Upon going to sleep, lay down on your back, repeat the mantra and visualize what you say:

"Ich befinde mich im Obergruppenführersaal der Wewelsburg im Zentrum der Schwarzen Sonne."

Translation: "I am located in the Obergruppenfuhrer Hall of the Wewelsburg in the center of the Black Sun."

Don't expect anything, just visualize being there and repeat the mantra.



The Silva Method has techniques similar to these. The mirror of the mind technique for example. I am going to post a link to a youtube video, but let me say up front that it IS a sales video. They are trying to sell the Silva Mind system. This is just one technique. If you don't want to listen to the sales pitch, skip ahead to 9:50 and start from there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElMwiKWgWJw



Don't post something that actually helps in a shit thread.



My bad…hahaha



fuck, tried to do this, my eyelids kept twitching the entire time, couldnt get relaxed




Really interesting insight anon, but why do you keep talking about demons as in evil spirits instead of beens filled with knowledge?





>One method of organizing your concepts is by recalling everything that happened during the day, right before going to sleep at night. Verbally, express the events from the time you first woke up that day. Speak through them, one by one, until you remember each one. As you follow through in this, notice which events demand your attention the most and come back to them when you're finished going through them all. Then, return to those events requiring more thought from yourself so that you might be able to understand and digest it easier. Leisurely, spend your last lingering moments processing these events so when it's time to sleep, you can let go knowing your dreams will take care of whatever you could not. The important thing here, is to take the time to organize your thoughts about those events requiring your attention. This will get you into the habit of having a say and developing a point of view about your own life.~Angel Tech,P.102


>I.O.B stand for


>*Identify aspect of yourself you no longer which to possess


>*Objectify, to build an image of thing which is capable of life that possess the trait you want to banish


>*Banish, get rid of that demon.


>Note:you have to build and reinforce the image of the demon before-hand/before starting the ritual

These 2 posts are actually really well structured.

People are generally not aware of this, but, what you describe here is the same as deconstructing unintentionally created tulpas.

Most people have tons of them, but they consider them a part of their personality and are powerless against them. The whole purpose of creating a tulpa seems to be, to make you realize how they function, that your mind is full of them, and how to deconstruct and remove them.

Remove all your hallucinatons and you are fully enlightened.



>One method of organizing your concepts is by recalling everything that happened during the day, right before going to sleep at night. Verbally, express the events from the time you first woke up that day. Speak through them, one by one, until you remember each one. As you follow through in this, notice which events demand your attention the most and come back to them when you're finished going through them all. Then, return to those events requiring more thought from yourself so that you might be able to understand and digest it easier. Leisurely, spend your last lingering moments processing these events so when it's time to sleep, you can let go knowing your dreams will take care of whatever you could not. The important thing here, is to take the time to organize your thoughts about those events requiring your attention. This will get you into the habit of having a say and developing a point of view about your own life.~Angel Tech,P.102


>I.O.B stand for


>*Identify aspect of yourself you no longer which to possess


>*Objectify, to build an image of thing which is capable of life that possess the trait you want to banish


>*Banish, get rid of that demon.


>Note:you have to build and reinforce the image of the demon before-hand/before starting the ritual

These 2 posts are actually really well structured.

People are generally not aware of this, but, what you describe here is the same as deconstructing unintentionally created tulpas.

Most people have tons of them , but they consider them a part of their personality and are powerless against them. The whole purpose of creating a tulpa seems to be, to make you realize how they function, that your mind is full of them, and how to deconstruct and remove them.

Remove all your hallucinatons and you are fully enlightened.



You do realise that you can use these thoughtforms to influence reality?



How to embrace death ?

I got suicidal toughs and fighting them are actually stopping me and I think that the souls that are me, evil ones and good ones are in a kind of natural balance that I don't want to upset. I know how to kill aspects of myself but I used it as last resource.

When I read this threat I remember doing something like this

I remember that I want it to do a map to everything, to know we're I am going and read about hell , and I was feeling that I was being drawn to hell , day after day I tough that I was dreaming and I was being drag slowly to hell fighting the tough every day until one day I was tired of it , I begun a no fap period and mindfulness meditation to dream, then in dreams I remember the Buda and call for the body tree , we're the Buda attain enlightenment there I sit in a simple temple at his roots , just a little roof and a sitting place and ask for help when I did this my eyes found a mirror, I remember tinking the mirror of the soul!

And take it in my hands and started seeing into it and I begun to change, several faces were on it and I remember tinking with rage, where is this faggot where are you, then a face with black make up ,like a dead metal performer was staring at me whit a sneaky smile, got you! I thought and I grab a candle and put it in my chin , burning me and him but then we become 2 and he was on flames and I was not longer me on the mirror ,but a older indu like a bhraming or something like that and then the God emperor of war hammer ,whit a hammer Crush the flaming body of the faggot aspects of me who was dragging me to hell ,since them tough apear but I dismissed and not appear anymore.

Doing dream work is kinda of a instic I have but I have issues doing visualisation and almost all other magics

I want balance, then control and at last power I think this is my path.



So basically you reinforce a tulpa in order to banish it? Do you connect it to something physical or is it just you give it some basic image and then tell it to fuck off/lbrp?


Hmm… interesting.

I wonder if getting rid of personality traits is "desirable" though.

I had meditations that included finding lost/hurt parts of oneself, giving them love, asking them if they can do what they're doing in a more constructive way.

So integration rather than… destruction? I don't know how I would classify this.

I am not against loss of not useful aspects, though.


So ignoring certain aspects makes them negative then, and your solution is to banish them? Presumably this makes them stay away?



>how to embrace death?

You, or at least your physical body and the ego that governs it, will die someday. This is an absolute fact. Anything can kill you, including you. The whole universe is a war of order versus entropy. "solve et coagula."

The only thing that keeps life alive is a desire to live and to be, to create order from chaos. Discover what you desire above all and chase it, physically, mentally, spiritually.


Banishment is one means, transmutation however is the ultimate goal.

Initiation into Hermetics speaks of listing all of our negative traits (and positive ones, separately). when we become aware, we can redirect the energies (ritual banishment is one way) that cause them to be expressed in one way to manifest in a way we desire best.

In other words, we want healthy, natural expressions of the primal energies rather than pathological, ideological or otherwise compulsive ones. This is sort of the basis of the book Prometheus Rising by RAW. You can't fight and absolutely eliminate something that is there by design, removing personality traits as you put it, you can only understand and harness it. Ride the tiger, my nigga.

From a purely systematic standpoint this requires conscious judgment, de-programming from corporate culture and reprogramming and creating newer, more useful habits against those conditioned or coerced compulsions. In essence, creating your own physical/mental/spiritual ecosystem to thrive in where the world is lacking in one.

Yes, even the "mundane" stuff is important. The bigger picture is where the magick happens.



>Yes, even the "mundane" stuff is important.

Oh yeah, I've been well on the path to integration, and I realise that my most hurt/dark/damaged parts are the ones that are the most powerful by far. I suppressed them out of fear of hurting others, but I'm bringing them into the light in a good way.


>transmutation however is the ultimate goal.

thanks. So basically, yeah, the meditation was correct in a way.

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