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Esoteric Wizardry


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How to fix my chakras?

I especially want higher crown chakra.



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Damn my chakras are fucked up.

I should probably start doing something about it.


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It's like I'm the only person who's ever done emotional alchemy and chakra opening meditations when I started on the wizard path.

Book of Knowledge by anonymous and IIH by Franz Bardon, both in the mega, Godspeed.


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Well well, not that bad. pretty average but they are kinda balanced.

I could also feel that the results are true.

>I sometimes forget about my root chakra (big mistake)

>Whenever astral traveling, dreaming, I can feel my throat chakra being the most active.

>I've been doing a lot of work on my third eye chakra. glad it's one of the most actives.

>I have had some vizualisations and dreams with a lot of symbolism about how I seperated my head from my body and tried to supress my emotions too much. This is probably why my heart chakra is under active.

>The sacral and the navel are open because I'm still quite young. Otherwise I don't pay much attention to them…

>I always regarded my crown chakra as something I'll do later on and didn't spent much time on it.

All in all the chakras I don't work with too much during my energy work are the ones being under actives or just open. Not surprising.

I really have to take my time with those chakra excercises.



But I have no idea why my throat chakra is so active. I never actually cared about it…

Something to do with a past life maybe ?


What is this mundane bullshit thread even about?

Masturbation to some shitty test results? Please stop.


Goddamn this test is fucking worthless



there is no questions about masturbation….


Chakras are real. This test is just crap.





File: 1438614271393.png (18.65 KB, 582x475, 582:475, 235.png)

8/10 would reincarnate again


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There are also no questions about your intelligence.


File: 1438630504925.png (18.47 KB, 592x508, 148:127, chakra.png)

The only one fully operational is my throat chakra. Amazing.


Root: open (19%)

Sacral: open (62%)

Navel: over-active (69%)

Heart: open (44%)

Throat: open (50%)

Third Eye: open (19%)

Crown: open (44%)

Pretty balanced, want to work on 3rd eye more currently though (I knew that even before the test).


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The results of a celibate.


File: 1438650693448.png (253.62 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, kek.png)



my heart root and navel and underactive and my throat is overactive and I would say it is right. but fuck this website, these tests are always retarded and worthless


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>Those tabs.

Anyway, here's mine.


Root: open (56%)

Sacral: under-active (0%)

Navel: open (62%)

Heart: open (31%)

Throat: open (56%)

Third Eye: open (44%)

Crown: open (50%)

Wtf. My sacral chakra is at zero percent? Zero?

Can someone tell me what this probably means? Am I dead?


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Its funny that you post this I did the test and had similar results all open and 0% Sacral but worry you can have negative percentages so 0% is ok.


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Fruits of the greater LHP + Bardon the badass.


File: 1438738167982.png (15.49 KB, 612x502, 306:251, muh chakras.png)

So basically everything under heart is goofed. Specially root.


File: 1438744031485.png (24.93 KB, 629x507, 629:507, 5732098576.png)

So, apparently I'm doing pretty well, if this test is anywh. But there's one thing I don't get. I think my manipura chakra is a little dysfunctional. I'm confident of my worth and potential and my ability to exert will as I am. I can assert myself when it suits the situation, but I see very little results from cause/effect actions that would better myself. Instead, I seem to get the things I desire through convoluted sequences of events along with varying delays. My current life situation explains this pretty well.

I'm living in Canada with my girlfriend at her parents house in the middle of rural Alberta. This is because I met her cousin on a game I played in middle school. Back then, I wanted a healthy relationship and to live in nature and get the fuck out of the suburbs. 7 years later, here I am.

Am I walking a path I carved for myself before I got here? Or am I just a lucky bastard drifting along with the wind?



>I especially want higher crown chakra.

Looking at the graph, perhaps you should consider strengthening your base.


File: 1438745071275.png (206.29 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2015-08-04-23-2….png)

Is this any good?


Words are violent.

Chakras are best visualized and felt as they bloom open in spirals of petals.


File: 1438755971042.png (15.32 KB, 583x444, 583:444, chakras.PNG)

Honestly, this makes absolute sense for me.

How much I've moved around in life, and all the relationships I've made and broken off has made me kind of a wanderer, meaning that I don't have enough time to develop my heart and root chakras.



You seem like the polar opposite of me. Here's mine

Root: open (50%)

Sacral: under-active (19%)

Navel: open (69%)

Heart: over-active (75%)

Throat: open (62%)

Third Eye: open (56%)

Crown: under-active (-6%)


Only girls flaunt over make-believe shit like this.


File: 1439379812393.png (26.17 KB, 603x472, 603:472, Chakra.PNG)

Huh, that makes sense


File: 1439383908341.jpg (48.47 KB, 586x468, 293:234, chakra test.jpg)

How fucked am I and how do I even begin to fix this?


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File: 1439425729258.png (19.28 KB, 629x510, 37:30, 2015-08-12_19-23-43.png)

my naval chakra is over-active cause im aggresive atm but how do i fix this 0%? lol


>im posting my egotistical charts of egotistical need/values

>am i special guys??? please tell me


File: 1439459947169.png (147.57 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, but what does this mean.png)

don't know anything about chakras what does this mean?



>hating on the ego



File: 1442056546331.png (112.27 KB, 820x584, 205:146, d5131c9d3d2d58044ca705a19d….png)


did I do good? (^:


I got +100% on my Root Chakra.

>Root: If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.

How could I possibly get 100% if I said I definitely feel at home everywhere? How am I obsessed with being secure if I'm absolutely not concerned with feeling secure to the point that I feel at home no matter where I am and what's going on around me?

I disagree with the materialistic and greed implication as well, but the test didn't even ask questions related to possessions or materialistic desires, so that seems completely out of place. Perhaps the questions about understanding what you want were related to material desires, but that wasn't specified at all (I was thinking of a zen koan when I answered, "when hungry, eat; when tired, sleep.")

I felt like three of the results were reasonably accurate, and the rest were very inaccurate (the descriptions of what levels of activation meant being more inaccurate than the suggested activation levels).

This test is not very comprehensive, and leaves many questions too open to interpretation. It needs many more questions, which could be extremely similar to the ones already there but worded differently in order to be sure most are actually interpreted as intended. Alternatively, they could drastically broaden the meaning of the results. It does succeed in only a very general sense, and should be viewed as a vague indicator, not any kind of exact reflection of the state of any aspect of yourself.


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File: 1442133756931-1.jpg (204.45 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, meself.jpg)

here are my results. i think they are quite accurate

selfie attached aswell


>using a website to check your chakras



File: 1442197701213.jpg (90.35 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 4236623c4876f319fa66a90685….jpg)


You can also learn a lot of hidden truths about yourself and your name whit websites its really epic.




Go troll pol. At least people here are trying to improve their life by focusing in themselves, not a bunch of poor dark skinned people.


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I ran a few tests on thor's name and was able to learn allot about thor while doing this. I understand what he is now. God bless 2015 and based internet name tests that are 100% true and accurate



Thor is heru / hanuman / jesus / yeshua.


File: 1442260699709.jpg (60.5 KB, 960x931, 960:931, RxID022.jpg)



Egyptian (Selection)—Asar, Ra, On, Hrumachis

Egyptian (Practical)—Ra



Greek—Iacchus, Apollo, Adonis, Dionysus, Bacchus

Roman—Apollo, Bacchus, Aurora

Christian—God the Son, Maker of fine Weather



Egyptian (Selection)—Anubis

Egyptian (Practical)—Thoth


Scandinavian—Odin, Loki



Christian—God the Holy Ghost (as Comforter and Inspirer of Scripture), God the Healer of Plagues

At first I thought when people called you disinfo dindu was a joke, it seem to be true.


Download "The Way to a Vibrant Health" by Alexander Lowen and do his exercises involving the legs to give power to your root chakra.



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But I'm way too nice to people.



Maybe you're not nice to yourself, or nature, or or or



>How to fix my chakras?

Being a complete Neophyte myself I'd also like to ask this question.

In particular how do I fix a chakra with blockage/damage?



address the emotional hangups related to them

example: fucked up blue throat chakra means you aren't expressing yourself enough, you're repressing you own creativity or flow - it's to do with waters, liquid, aka thyroid gland - you're stagnating in a specific context.



emotional alchemy

Please expound on this, I've read tons about it but in the moment can never get it right


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Time to meditate crown


File: 1447081144151.png (18.05 KB, 585x492, 195:164, chakras.png)

How fucked am I?


Root: under-active (-12%)

Sacral: under-active (-12%)

Navel: under-active (0%)

Heart: open (19%)

Throat: open (38%)

Third Eye: open (38%)

Crown: open (25%)

These results make sense for me. But I'm guessing results like mine are to be expected of a perma virgin



It's broken. It doesn't accept the same answer to every question. This will only tell you are diseased no matter what.


It seems to me like it's "be a doormat or your chakras are unbalanced."

Can I get a comment or a guess at what my personality is like? I have no idea what this means.


File: 1447117335264.png (35.83 KB, 589x474, 589:474, aaaaa.png)


fugg, forgot to attach




I got good heart from just answering that I cared about people. Perhaps you are not so loving as you may think.


File: 1447124448173.png (37.6 KB, 599x501, 599:501, results.png)

god damn I wonder how close this is to a paranoid schizophrenic


File: 1447132228920.png (17.71 KB, 589x517, 589:517, my chakra.png)

Here are my results, what do these mean?


File: 1448069275199.png (24.09 KB, 586x461, 586:461, ss (2015-11-21 at 03.26.35….png)

My god do I need to save myself.

And I'm insanely sexual, it's just that I don't get to express it much (read: at all). I doubt it's underactive so much as it is overactive. I honestly feel a discomforting pressure there a lot of times.


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Can someone explain this to me i'm kinda new to this stuff


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>get on my level


File: 1448132449114.jpg (46.54 KB, 599x460, 599:460, well.jpg)

I don't know a shit about chakras. Being opened is good? And how to improve the heart part?


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Personally I don't see 'over-active' here being a bad thing, considering how my life is currently (for whatever the accuracy of this test is, that is.)

Also any tips on working on the lower chakra's? I've had the feeling i've been mismanaging those even before this test.


1) Don't worry about silly results of a thing like this.

2) Opening your chakras is simple. Meditate on them.

Advanced-ish) Figure out something that can let you release your emotions.

Singing might do it.

I encounted a version of the hare krishna chant that was a lament, a cry for re-unity with god/our dicision. I used this to work through my chakras. With each one, I envisioned the traumas that blocked each one, and lamented the perception that it gave me of being separated from god.

I worked through 1 repetition for each chakra with the negative aspect, then 1 repetition imagining all the positive things for which I'm so grateful that one as "unworthy" as I could be blessed. Then I imagined, for a final repetition, all 8 chakras working in harmony.

This released much of my emotional tension, made me cry, etc.

From there, you can do this release when you need it, or just meditate on the chakras, what you'd like to do with them. Find the art that appeals to you most, and incorporate it into your practice. If you wish, find a deity of sorts to help you, the one that appeals to you most.



File: 1448236150904.png (33.7 KB, 642x536, 321:268, chakras.png)


How the fuck

Also there's mine.



Oh god. I don't know why but I feel you are adorable.


File: 1456309488729.png (18.75 KB, 594x497, 594:497, Getting There.png)

Getting there, getting there.



Looking at this thread I can't help but think that /fringe/ attracts both extremely fucked up individuals and very advanced and hyper-aware people.

One group tries to create "magical" illusions in order to improve their lives, the other tries to DESTROY every kind of illusion.



An advice to people that fall in the first category: improve your health, improve your physical fitness (lift, stretch and MOVE!), learn how sell so you won't have any money problem while studying and practicing (it all comes down to emotions, read William Walker Atkinson book on successful salesmanship), learn how to read people intuitively and give them exactly what they want, mundane life will be much easier this way.

Also, psychedelics are great to shatter illusions. Meditate on the in a dark room until there is no illusion left to destroy.


File: 1456396024008.jpg (17.11 KB, 196x140, 7:5, vlcsnap-2016-02-24-20hr03m….jpg)

I masturbate, and think about nothing, but sex.


These tests never work because the questions are usually flawed. Plus this is chakra points we're talking about. A single questionaire wont tell you which chakras are active or not



How do channel my sacral up, and down?



take the enegram test for better explaniations, but i guess you will get Enegram 8 with 7th Wing



Please respond.


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Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently.

Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).

Chant the sound VAM.

The 2nd one its focused on Intimacy and Pleasure, so if you want to open up focus on been more Vulnerable tot he world in a positive way, the oposite or the way to fuck it up will be Appear as sassy/arrogant/perfect to others and even lying to yourself that been an angsty Know it all pretentious fagot its the way to live, people of all ages (right now specially woman) are prone to be hurt in love, and their aparent "resolution" is to close the door of your hearth in order to never be hurt again, and while it does prevent been hurt it also prevents building long lasting relationships in an Intimate way, Open the door of your heart and you will rise up your Sacral Chakra.

The other side of the coin its just plain old pleasure, like huges and kisses, but mostly love and masturbation, not in the sence that you dont over do it, but that you learn to do it without any guilt. a lot of /d/eviant love their fetish but after they came buckets then fall in a guilt trip, if you are one of those, learn to embrace it instead of shame yourself.

So far thats the 2 more common obstacles for the 2nd one, but if you provide more info about yourself i may give a more fitted method for you.







Third Eye:over-active(81%)





Glorious success.


Posted for reference, few years ago I did almost as bad as pepe except for third eye.

Got to start somewhere.

I would say the test is fairly accurate.

Anyone that want to improve lower three and in turn the rest do >>70981 meditation.


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Fixing imbalance.

Charming Kundalini.

Energy work for a better life.


You need this book by Casondra Starseed called Hands of Isis : Energy Work Unveiled





“There is great art in the use of the swung crystal (suspended on a string like a pendulum). You would do well to work with the unpowerful crystals in ascertaining not only the physical major energy centres (the 7 major chakras of the aetheric body) but also the physical secondary and tertiary energy centres (the minor chakras of the aetheric body). You may use any dangling weight of symmetrical form, for your purpose is not to disturb or manipulate these energy centres but merely to locate them and become aware of what they feel like when in a balanced state and when in an unbalanced or blocked state.”

“The circular motion (clockwise or counter-clockwise) shows an unblocked energy centre, however some entities are polarized the reverse of others and, therefore, it is well to test the form of normal energy spirals. The test is done by first holding the weight (crystal) over your own hand and observing your particular configuration. Then using the other-self’s hand, repeat the procedure.”

“The weak back-and-forth (linear) motion indicates a partial blockage although not a complete blockage. The strong back-and-forth motion indicates the reverse of blockage, which is over-stimulation of a chakra or energy centre, which is occurring in order to attempt to balance some difficulty in body or mind complex activity. This condition is not helpful to the entity, as it is unbalanced.”

an empiric way of checking out chakra balance. To hell with questionnaires.

swing pendulum above chakra.

If rotation = balanced

If swining back and forth = unbalanced

The crown cannot be balanced because it is the result of the 6 others.

Refrain from working non-linearly with the balancing of chakras. Bit by bit. The 3rd density lesson sits greatly in yellow ray blockage.


File: 1457520091643.png (27.38 KB, 587x469, 587:469, vvfdiogg.PNG)

no i'm not that bad of a person


File: 1457580044488.png (24.37 KB, 649x494, 649:494, chakras.png)

Pretty accurate summation of my strengths and weaknesses for a computer algorithm

I wonder what steps I can take to even this out a little…



massage your balls while in a hot bathtub

your circulation down there sucks

or examine your balls under a strong light, you'll see them rotting

thank me later


File: 1458610785610.png (201.68 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2016-03-21-20-2….png)

How do I fix this heart problem?



>or examine your balls under a strong light, you'll see them rotting

Wait what?

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