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Esoteric Wizardry


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ITT We'll be discussing current uses of CyberShaman, come up with new techniques and the best possible, most effective ways to work it.

Requesting new flag and participation for joint operations.


File: 1455883453933-0.pdf (1.99 MB, cybershaman_manual_compile….pdf)

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CyberShaman is a program written in VortexMath, coding language of the universe, application includes thoughtforms, sending thoughts, siognal boosting telepathy, influencing dreams etc..



Issues installing or running? Get VMWare, install and run it there.


Highlight of the manual, pic related.


Good preliminary knowledge for fiddling with this is PSIONICS, and few people do Psionics better than this guy.



I have a question. I've never used CS before but I plan on doing so and I just went through a portion of the manual and didn't see my answer.

Could you guys clarify the "tune" and "strength" options? And any other field which requires numerical input for that matter. Do I need to put anything in there or is it generated automatically?



Finetune target&trend.

If target is a woman, say, Felicia, you first mainly target the entirety of Felicia, then fine tune with her looks/face, then maybe living/position/coordinates or personality or odd personality traits.

Strength, meditate, build up energy, channel through arm, finger, left mouse click, through cords to program button.

Its how much loosh you want it to use. Frequency of your current thought or emotion will be locked in the RNG, tied to that number which the program, your processor will repeat or run in circles or sacred geometry equations, your processor will toss electricity around and manifest a pattern in the material and subtle universe, this pattern carries your energy.


File: 1455899147580.jpg (96.98 KB, 605x639, 605:639, trust me i'm a hermeticist.jpg)


Welcome aboard, this is going to be lots of fun.


First on the list to figure out, does CS transmit the tiny image uploaded to the program (which might be smudged), or the source code of the original picture?

For people this is no issue because their aura is stuck to the image no matter how smudged, this is in regards to patterns that direct energyflow.

Runnerup question, does the it matter if it transmit the tiny picture or source code of original image?

The source code of the image is, after all, the image in a different format.

>but the programming language of current computers are flawed and do not work with vortex math

Does CS translate it?

>does it matter since its all the same thing in different languages?

>is the source code of a mandala image more perfect than that of a squirrel?

Probably, most likely yes. Yes.

Does it matter in the end?

Yes, if CS doesn't transmit the source image.

For the record, I think it does, but I'm not sure.


We've got a lot of pents to draw from but is it worth investing time to redraw them?

What we've got are pictures of old book pages, the quality is poor and resizing doesn't make it better.

Having tiny versions of good quality no larger than a coin also means being able to sneak it into pictures and art subtly.


slapper post that energizer so i can shoop it



Sorry, I just got from the barber and feeling sleepy.

here are the points I have,

§ Colors help, if they mean something for you or you have a belief that support that color do have a boosting effect.

§ Golden ratio+Psionic is probably the safest and fool-proof method for anything.

§ Attacking/Affecting area that people reside in is far more effective than targeting defended/guarded magician.

§ SATOR square is a good general-purpose talisman.

§ Deep trance would super charge cybershaman but light trance is okay for normal things.

§ You can fuck up someone computer to a degree where they describe it as " I have to restart it again pretty much every day, so much that I scripted everything to just boot up all my stuff again because I was so tired of having to do that manually restarting it all the time."

§ Enchanting object with demons is fun.

§ Cmandala is pretty good tool when you try to target someone who doesn't have his picture online.

§ Pentacles and Goetia are good for trends but some of the channelled texts and writing are also good.

§ Experiment carefully with theurgia-goetia(one of the lesser known grimoire of the solomonic tradition but might be even more powerful)

§ I could have food poisioned myself once with cybershaman while doing explode mode and having my sandwich near the PC.

§ It is sure a good tool but shitty effort will give you shitty results.



btw the energizer is within the program's file. you can get it from the cybershaman folder.



I think that the quality of the original and the smudged one isn't that determinant in the working unless there is a desire for perfection in it. I used both smudged and normal one tbh there isn't that much difference.



Isn't that the same energizer in one of Chuckies books? Not sure which book not what page.

Post it, cba open vmware im off to bed in 15-30


File: 1455908353567.png (556.84 KB, 744x747, 248:249, Gives the power of directi….png)

Post it you lazy cunt or i'm not posting this


I will add more to this thread during this week but my testing time with it might be limited since I will be trying to work with the reverse mode lately.


File: 1455908443050.jpg (32.24 KB, 400x400, 1:1, radionicamp.jpg)


This one?



Only really need target and intent for CS to work, everything else is just a powerup.



Thank you outstanding citizen.




These are supposed to be the same pattern right?

Chuckies is handmade and makes me wonder because of..


its a shitty quality but as far as i can tell theres a triangle in each circle pointing outwards to distribute energy from center.

because its blurry as fuck i was suspecting a hexagram, but that wouldn't make sense.

i'm probably remaking or making another version of it with improved pattern and triangles like the chaos star as that would be more effecting, right now the centered triangle points energy getting drowned in the vortex.


>tfw no pic of intact giza pyramid from birdview

why live.


I wont be able to make this project small which means no pocket version to glue on wood with blood to transmit.

Anyone here that might be better than me to make a detailed, say, 12x12cm version?


I need "Crown chakra visual" detailed but smaller, about a third.


I'll check google later or tomorrow.


File: 1455910821692.jpg (270.35 KB, 800x800, 1:1, transmitter.jpg)

Work in progress, try it out, even without the triangles in the middle this should be one of the most powerful transmitters to date.

I'll lengthen the extension to make room for triangles outside the circles and add pixel pyramids in them at some other occasion.

Anyone else is free to give it a go.

Would really appreciate a tiny image of this, 12x12 for print out.


File: 1455911214210.jpg (141.8 KB, 492x712, 123:178, hype.jpg)

Really glad this is taking off, dropped info on CS and its uses years ago in different threads, got ignored and accused of spreading malware.


I tipp my wizard hat to you OP.




It's actually a great image to keep on the phone, put your thumb on it and look at person and energy work.

If anyone is in a position to try this now, report back.

It's really lacking without triangles to spread energy, feels like a stale buildup atm.

Fixing that asap.



A simple cool thank you is enough, no need to get cringey.

But if you really want to, please squeeze the balls while work the bellend m8.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around what the fuck is going on in this thread



All in a days work m'wizzy.

[magick intensifies]






Not really, I just don't lurk here as often as I should it seems, been meditating and trying various different magick for about a year now, still, what does this program do?



>what does it do

Yes I too didn't read the first post but if i were to guess it's related to thoughtforms and using electricity and universe coding to ramp up and direct the higher frequency energies of thought and emotion attached to the rng/electricity.



If you read uncle chuckies books on radionics you'll have a firm grasp of what it is and how to use it.

Come the weekend I'm making that stupid helmet and posting pics.


I'll look through his books and find the one or two best, must reads to understand and work with CS tomorrow.



psionic power and grimoire are nice for the seals and sigils. psionics basic for getting to know what psionics is about.



just tried it.

Can confirm it is really good one.


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Just dumping my thought here, if this tool was used collectively by dumbass like /pol/ or /b/ it would greatly empower their fapping-to-ebola magick or their "meme magick".



I want to find the quote about pain. Happen to know what book?


see >>70721

Made some three threads, nobody caught up. /x/ chanted "VIRUS" in choir.

>>We'll be trying to summon storms in places that aren't prone to it, to watch for effects, effectiveness, power, we might be trying to "awaken people" like that experiment with 100 Buddhist monks (or was it a 1000) placed in Israel, stock markets went up significantly, people felt better, less crime..

>>We'll most likely bless/curse a public figure with bad luck and watch results.



How are you sure that was smiles and why are you cursing him?


I want to be a group of around seven and then together try to implant something crazy in someone. What if we made Bernie terribly afraid of, say, rats, or Hillary of bankers.

Deathly afraid.

>public figure/talkshow host scared shitless from greenscreens/monitors/pineapples thinking they'll eat him or explode in his face

>sending a pineapple every now and then to person to check on results


>nightmares for months about pineapples

>twitter feed full of pineapples



posting style and he always whine in the chon, thus I get a direct feedback from him.

I just did it for the lulz.


>I want to find the quote about pain. Happen to know what book?

Psionic Warfare?


>change the DNA of fertilized egg, making a tiny raptor out of a hen

>make plant grow in strange shapes



have you tried the cluster water preset?



don't think so, what is it for?



>Psionic Warfare?

ctrl+f'd pain or finger, didn't find it. i'll keep looking, i can single out some two or three books that i think should have it.



>for the lulz

Sure but keep it up and you might kill him.



I know what you're saying, I was only putting it for 70 min.

btw I found that the program work even when minimized(but might be little weaker).


>what is it for?

I dunno, I have been doing it to my water for a while now, it just make it feel "weird"?

I don't know how to describe it.



What's it supposed to do?

Weird, stale/stagnant or energizer?



I feel it little energized, but dunno if it might placebo effect or not. Trying not to rush it.


>>Extract from Chuckies "Basic Psionics"

A radionic instrument has two functions

, tuning and transmitting. When it does

either of these, the device acts di

rectly upon the energy field surrounding the

individual in such a manner as to isolat

e the different patterns in that field and

either emphasize them or depress them.

So what the hell does that mean?

The common conception of the human energy field is as a more or less mass of

etheric energy. This is not, however, the

case. In reality, the etheric body is

something more or less like light when you break it up with a prism, before you

put the prism into your Hieronymus Ma

chine. There are many different

wavelengths combining to make up the whole. Now if you work with light, you

can use colored filters to isolate a parti

cular set of wavelengths. The same is

true with radionics. When you use the ma

chines, you isolate bands of energy in

the etheric body. By means of this capacity for isolating things, we can discover

many useful things.

For example, someone hits his thumb with

a hammer. He feels the pain of the

thumb, anger at himself for hitting himsel

f in the first place and as the thumb

swells it produces another reaction. Now

all these things show up in the etheric

body, and by means of a properly tuned

radionic device we can isolate each


We can isolate these things because they show up in the etheric body. The term

for them is "wave-form." Some psychi

cs would consider the reaction to be

thought-forms but they are mistaken. Ther

e is a vast difference. A thought-form

is a clump of energy, as you will recall, wh

ich tends to stay put for a length of

time in proportion to the amount of energy

put into it. A wave-form, on the other

hand, is a transitory phenomenon which spreads throughout the etheric body like

the proverbial ripples in a pond after you toss in a rock. Now, if you have never

seen a pond, fill the bathtub with water and

toss in a penny. You will see what

everyone is talking about.

Wave-forms, unlike the much more powerful thought-form, can never take on a

life of their own and rarely influence another

person directly unless that person is

present when the wave-form is produced.

For example, have you ever seen

someone have an accident and felt the accident? That is the energy coming off

the wave-form.

When you use a radionic device to isolat

e and work with a wave-form, it is

something akin to reaching into that pond and pulling out one wave while leaving

all the others intact. The radionic instrument makes us capable of so specifically

tuning our psychic abilities that we are able to seek out and either analyze or

work with the particular wave form or colle

ction of wave-forms that we desire.

The ability to accomplish this, however, lies in the skill and control of the

operator. That is why I made the point

of starting this book with meditation.

When you proceed with a clear vision of w

hat you wish to accomplish, you can

use the machines in this book with both accuracy and effectiveness. You will find

that by using radionic instruments in

the ways I will describe, you will be able to

accomplish things that ordinary psychic methods cannot and make the others

much easier.

The reason for this lies in the peculiar stru

cture of the etheric field. It is so

designed as to be largely impenetrable to

all but the most powerful psychic

transmissions. It is, in fact, a very dense clump of energy. It is difficult to put

things into it from the outside, and just as difficult to pull things out of it. This is

very good, because there can be nothing

worse than to know what everyone

around you is thinking and feeling. It would drive you insane even quicker than

reading this book. By the use of radionics, however, we can find weak points in

that clump, that wall if

you will, and penetrate it like a bullet through paper.


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which one is more effective, making cybershaman work with it on the screen or when it work minimized?



I'm not sure and it's pissing me off.

If I were to guess, it doesn't matter because in the end it's all code and electricity.

This is related to >>70703 and we need to figure this out.



>tfw when it is closed source.

Do you have any project lately? I have been trying with the spiritual awakening one and it seem to cause some weird energetic movement in the body.



Haven't used CS in a long time, it was mostly to continually influence others.

See question thread, I'm not going to be able to access CS in a month and half.


We can solve those questions by looking through the forum, I've got an account and will do it when I want to.

Or we can contact the maker.



there is a forum???



yeah, cybershaman forum, takes a few days to get your account approved though.

but theres literally nothing there, imagine if a caveman had found a spaceship.

forum is tech support for people that doesn't know what VMWare is.


We can try transfering images in a few hours, not in the mood to enter trance.

But when we do, lets spend some twenty minutes on each pic and see if i can guess posture or haircolor etc?


download link on main website is broken


can someone mirror the download

this one aint working



Sorry I can't solve the dl issue right now as I don't have the exercise to upload.






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If dub the BO is dead.


If dub we control 8chan by transmitting clop picture to site's logo.



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File: 1456063290151-0.gif (16.97 KB, 350x350, 1:1, EyeKanaloa.gif)

File: 1456063290376-1.jpg (115.04 KB, 737x518, 737:518, LargeArray.jpg)


Came back to post about experimentation.

§Clustered water can be embed with affirmation and the usual water magic tier of impregnating it with qualities.

§Eye of Kanaloa is good for energetic healing and work as a passive(?) energy generator.

§Erine's Array is a huge collection of chi gens and amplifiers that can be put as center image to empower CS or top right to empower the broadcast.

§Just did some experiment on my sleep and trying to give a restful sleep. Result was that I felt very restful and relax+boner and some thought about a sissy. I found that when I was just falling asleep I felt very cold in my feet.



I have worked very little with the seven pointed star. Not even sure what it represents.

Array consists of what kind of chi generators?



>Eye of Kanaloa

i get the impression this is used for targeting.

represents the seven days or creation, babylon, seven planets.

holy in christianity.

positive connotations see for babylon which can be either or.

i would imprint it with the seven planets, or make a new image similar to recently made transmitter and put the planets in stead of crown visual.

>but saturn

for healing.. maybe to control and repel that which hurts you?

>>It is a particularly powerful tool in the practice of necromancy, protection, and exorcism

>>is ruled by Jupiter,

>> It is occasionally linked with Kabbalistic teachings and also with High Magick as a Seal of Jupiter ( contributed to the Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon as the Sigilum Dei Aemeth).

>>This particular seal is used to conjure and control and dismiss spirits.

where did you find it mentioned with healing? jupiter is related to greatness.

>>The number seven has immense spiritual significance. Its said that there are 7 levels of heaven, 7 levels of angelic hosts, in some cultures 7 levels of the universe, 7 chakras (well, 7 main chakras but that's another article altogether), and 7 is the number of perfection. It represents a balanced universe and balance between heaven and earth

>>As a tool for this communion, it serves to align the seven points of existence, or the seven directions : North, South, East, West, Within, Above, and Below. It aligns the numerical number of heaven 3 with the numerical number of earth 4

>>Elementally the seven points represent the elements of Moon, Sea, Magick, Spirit, Forest, Wind, and Sun

>>Initially this was a tool for angelic communication and ritual work. It was intended to be used by higher beings to communicate and glean wisdom from beings even higher up on the vibrational scale. Within High Magick the elemental assignments and planetary associations are vastly different and very often much more technical than the aforementioned system. It is very specific with each point representing not only a planetary alignment, but also a harmonic and angelic alignment. Each point is represented by a specific color and is used to connect with harmonic of planetary energies and planetary rulers, angelic hosts. For the most part the element of Spirit is completely excluded from ritual work, but represented singularly as the All. On a higher level of magickal work, the septagram removes the barrier between the worlds and allows complete communion between higher level and earthly beings.


most important

>>Initially this was a tool for angelic communication and ritual work

with the whole host of the seven planets.



On version 8 by Erine Vega(The maker)

Permalink Reply by Ernie Vega on January 29, 2010 at 8:37pm

A few years of making it more smooth, effective, less power hungry, and a lot prettier.

CS 8 has mostly images of my making.

The free version of 8 allows you to save programs to a DB. CS 7 did not.

The commercial versions have 8 more positions to place images.

In general it's just a much better program.

I get better results with 8 than I did with 7.

personal note:CS7 have same preset and have more set of images ready. I feel more comfortable with CS7 dunno might try out CS8


>where did you find it mentioned with healing? jupiter is related to greatnes



>Array consists of what kind of chi generators?

Here are one Domed Tesla Tower and a Tesla Tower Chi Generators, A Mini Tesla in the middle, and a "3" tuned Triple Tower. On the left a Stargate, at Bottom a Rad Box with Chi Generator built in, with a CtberPuck on top. All powered by Freq Gen(from Erine's account in Cybershaman ning)



-the "eye of Kanaloa" is a new age thing and not ancient Hawaiian. So if you have been led to believe that this is something sacred to Hawaiians or truly Hawaiian, you should know that it is not.


Tipp, I got some free time if you want to experiment with anything.




assuming different people i want 22 to namefig slapper.


this, i doubt the authenticity of this, if its really Hawaiian tradition, it feels like their focus is mind, totems and fetishes, thoughtforms and "cursed items".


recently ate a lot of meat, very grounded and sluggish.



>assuming different people i want 22 to namefig slapper.

nah it was me, just refuting myself :P.


File: 1456069785924.png (60.4 KB, 2648x212, 662:53, something.png)


>Smiley's looshin it out.

>tfw smiley have beeninto magic for three years.


Welp, Now I know from experience that the nazi swastika is disruptive pattern.


>>Aloha International

Okay, lets assume this is an image they have been using for some times, regardless what they use it for (taking control of destiny), this image bridges the seven planets and exudes their energy.

I wouldn't use this for healing, mainly for taking charge of all aspects of "life" and commanding them, or higher communication.

Maybe for personal healing as in taking control of ones own life/affairs, but certainly not for physical healing.



Yeah, it seem that some new-agey stuff get into the cybershaman manual.

btw some of your questions were answered in the cybershaman manual about using the image as a sigil or if it need to be as perfect as the original.



They were? Page?


also, you should have at least a modicum of respect towards your forebears, a lot of things wouldn't have been possible without smiley.

i don't know what his secret, ritual or happening was but for a lot of things you need good timing, settled sun, certain hours and days are optimal for the planets, preparation for energy work..

i don't know what you've got against him but its rude how you're pushing him like that.


this once, as a test, try reversing the effects and give him a boost? i'm really curious about his claim and wouldn't want to see it spoiled.


I will get the pages screencapped in a while

I lost the page count so I am skimming atm.


ctrl f the words, or just give me an approx of the page number and i'll find it, or if you care to, type it out in a short neat y/n+sentence.


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>i don't know what you've got against him but its rude how you're pushing him like that.


Smiley is a lolcow tier attentionwhore who's only ability is being a schizo. I can have direct feedback with my fiddling with him and he will spill all detail he have if it mean that he is getting the attention he wants.

>try reversing the effects and give him a boost? i'm really curious about his claim and wouldn't want to see it spoiled.

the whole aim of all his ritual is either to attract an astral mommy to hand hold him in his development or create a tulpa to teach him according to his master plan which he confirmed he is still following it


File: 1456074548403.jpg (49.77 KB, 293x331, 293:331, 1437078326629.jpg)


>Golden ratio

>Affecting area that people resid

>e in is far more effective

>SATOR square

>You can fuck up someone computer

>Enchanting object with demons is fun

>Pentacles and Goetia are good

>one of the lesser known grimoire of the solomonic tradition but might be even more powerful

>poisioned myself once with cybershaman while doing explode mode and having my sandwich near the PC

Holy shit what a fucking clown. Are you paid to be this stupid?

As in, are you literally being paid to spread useless misinformation?









We've already talked about GR, I have no I'm put on affecting computers but disrupting ones and zeros can't be that impossible, altough much cruder than thought. Hard yes, theoretically impossible? No.

Use as much ad hom you want but please, try to refute the res so we can learn from mistakes.



All of that is wrong, even the part with languages which I considered you to be right about for a second.

If you ask me in a calm manner I can also tell you why.


Actually nvm I won't answer that ITT, learn basics and you'll see why you're wrong.



Just ignore him.



When smiley gets online I will do it.



That was some time ago, it feels like he's not doing anything practical what so ever and wants to be coddled and spoofed info or "powers".

If you're reading this smiley you're on the wrong path and should do personal development.



hope these screencaps answered your questions



Second last cap made me want to put CAD schematics in CS, I'm glad the question was raised in last cap, hopefully we might see that in an upcoming version.

I would want to have a device like CS as a solitary unit, hooked up to a chi generator, scanners/Web cams for trend and target, WiFi or long range radio to broadcast..



They didn't, main most important question was if CS uses the image uploaded to the tiny box in the program or draws from the source.

It's just a desire for perfection, we can conclude that it doesn't matter.


With large screens for images on a 50" led interface.


File: 1456076511509.jpg (52.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1449400990953.jpg)


A personal crude pencil drawing representing the concept is orders of magnitude more significant than anything you can find.

Anyone who is so stupid that a picture they find is a more meaningful than anything they could create is incapable of magic.

Dead languages are useless. The words you use in everyday life are far more potent.

Sigils are not meant to be spooky or "authentic" looking. Goetic crap is worthless to someone who hasn't lived a 17th-century life bathed in its significance.



You know jack shit about sigil magic, the single most neopyte craft.

Did you for example know that you can find language, words and sentences, using aramaic, a combination of letters and numbers, in your "junk" DNA?

If I weren't on my phone I would post you the links, further, because you're being disrespectful while not open to being wrong I probably wont be helping you at all.

I'll see you in the question thread.




ignore him.



I believe myself to know ten thousand things, but I don't know the next question, if he keeps this up he just might find it.

Besides, if he changes his attitude he might get me to type out stuff that might be valuable to others.



His first three posts sounded "supercilious", I don't expect his fourth post here will be any different.



Learned a new word, already happy with the last couple of posts.



Welp, am off to experiment with some stuff.


btw requesting for dump of all pentacles here.


Hey i got a good experiment for you, still here?

Its VERY good for progressing.

Does dance, fluid spontaneous movements come easy to you?



> dance, fluid spontaneous movements


But I am going to bed currently to take a rest. I can do sleep experiment.



Its not a sleep experiment, you gotta be pretty vibed up and energetic.

Don't fap for a while and I'll post the thing to do so you can try it when you wake up.



I want the sixth pentacle of the moon right now.

going for rain experiment.






File: 1456079683716.jpg (63.35 KB, 400x465, 80:93, 1376150034076.jpg)


>right now

opening gimp.


yellow or white.





slapper pls namefag








File: 1456080488548.png (1008.1 KB, 783x671, 783:671, ba5fed26181d77bd7f65d300bc….png)

>bottom arrow



Suggested experiment regards the law of rhythm, it is to be understood but also practiced, former being much harder to grasp.

When your energy body is filled to the brim it tries to force new pathways through your centers, expressed in bursts of creativity, heightened senses, /in the now/ etc, if left uncared for you'll get itchy, depressed.. One way to express creativity, often neglected in western society is dance.

I've noticed this a lot, I live in Sweden and the women here have rhythm like sticks, why beats me, but I do know that when you're pumped up after, say, victory, or strong emotions you often bust a move, this is emotion expressing itself through the body, your energy body aligning your physical, and creating permanent pathways in the physical corresponding to those of the energetic, if you do not express the emotion in a movement the pathway is still locked, ie, moving or dancing is great for aligning your physical body with your energy body.

Movement is related to, mainly, first and second chakra, second for sexual movement such as grinding or fucking.

I haven't watched much of, or read, Mantak Chia because he did not impress, but once I saw a lecture involving "snaking the dragon" which involved channeling the serpentine movement of a S (for snek) from bottom to top while grunting (which I argue is not needed), this channels energy through movement from the lower to the higher chakras.

Him displaying this was absolutely pathetic and he had no rhythm at all but I immediately recognized it as something I had previously done and continue to do to align my body.

I've written advice on this before, it involves getting a rhythm going from your feet, pressure on left and right in a rocking motion that should without thought reach the base of the spine and then converge throughout the whole body, intermediate skill doing this will involve arms and intricate movements, (as of now let them hang limp) once on shrooms I stood up from my chair caught in the rhythm of a Schpongle song and moved like possessed, guided by spirit for eight whole minutes, movements i recognized from Hindu dances, just more fluid, more perfect, interlacing with the next movement in perfect balance.

Not to boast, I have a very developed energy body and must regularly fap to get rid of energy - but I still daily and frequently bust a move which snake from my hips to the tips of my fingers making mudras or to the top of my head which aligns cranium spine and cervical cord, a fluid motion that sometimes evolves into a two minute dance.

As a result of this I've got perfect posture and can expand my ribcage for breath better than most yogis, it also helps to engage/activate unused muscles in the body, connecting them to the brain allowing for conscious control/straining.

I want you to use CS to channel "Rhythm" to your base chakra, sit 10-15 minutes in lotus, as good as you can, collecting energy and syncing with CS, while listening to a tune that makes you want to move.

Once you feel restless or get impulses to move, stand up with your feet shoulders apart, relax and let the music take you wherever.

Its going to take a lot of tries, once you lose your rhythm get back to starting position.

First goal is to focus the rocking motion up your spine.


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>Did you for example know that you can find language, words and sentences, using aramaic, a combination of letters and numbers, in your "junk" DNA?

Did you know that the FUNCTIONAL human genome alone contains more than 6 billion base pairs? Did you know that you can find language, words and sentences, using aramaic, a combination of letters and numbers in cracks in the pavement? You just have to allocate an arbitrary numeric interpretation to the binary spaces between the cracks, like you're applying an arbitrary numeric interpretation to chemical base pairs. And also pictures of Jesus in toasts and coffee stains?

You're a hilarious moron


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I need to correct something important, Pi is for expansion and continuous growth of thoughtforms and curses.

Phi is for stability.



Would love to read more from you man.

Thank you.



Good questions get decent answers.



I do this, only. Writing random out of context walls of text comes off as know it all, preachy pretentious, as if I should expect people to listen, it feels like a waste of time, probably 404s without reaching the people that needs it.

If I answer questions at least I'll know one guy reads it and gets what he wants.


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ohoho we wouldn't want you to come off as know it all, preachy pretentious



Not my fault I decided to figure out the universe in a three year seclusion while you were trying to undo getting dropped as a baby.

Be glad I'm sharing.


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So, I just started my occult studies after a long journey of self discovery with the aid of psychedelics.

While meditating on psychedelics, I realized what the mind is truly capable of, and the subtle energies of my body.

When I walked on psychedelics, I could feel my energy body, it wasn't "attached" to my physical body. I could feel the imbalance.

After reading the Kybalion, I realized that I figured out a lot of it on my own, and as you know, truth is experienced.

Now, back to my question.

I'm meditating on my chakras every day now, I want Kundalini to rise.

Following my intuition, the test is spot on.

Any tips on chakra/kundalini meditation? Binaural beats? Drugs? Open to anything.



Also, my dreams.

My dreams are full of "lessons" and esoteric knowledge, like I'm being lectured by someone while I sleep.

Pretty strange, because I KNOW I'm learning while I sleep, but I don't know what I'm learning.




this is in no way related to the thread, why aren't you in the question thread?

>root 12%

do >>70981

once your fixed your root it will spread easily to your heart and fix that to.

when all are balanced its just a matter of time before you're so pumped with energy that it just happens.



>Any tips on chakra/kundalini meditation?

This was asked and answered with a good compilation of moderate to hard energywork in the question thread.


Ask specifics there.

This thread is for CyberShaman.



Thank you, missed it.


Report on rainmaking.

Time started:8:00AM

Time ended:10:00AM

Set up:

~sixth pentacle of the moon.


~picture of my hometown.

Intent:It is raining in [my hometown]

Result:little clouds in the sky.

Trying again tomorrow.



Summoning storms or rain isn't something done over a night, its to work the local energy for months before seeding crops.

A real test for this would be to water one of the dry states.

Would be more effective to encase the image in resin & metal with six pipes sticking out of it pointed at the sky, let it stand and you shouldn't see blue sky ever again. Lots of passive energy and directed flow.



Chembuster, right?



cloudbuster, distributes moisture in the air, if used to "remove" chemtrails it just distributes it, which isn't the best idea.

the heavy metals, although fine grain, wont have mist of various chemicals to bind to and would fall on the environment.

chemtrails are supposedly to reflect sunlight, cancelling global warming, theres this theory that its meant to give people Alzheimer, its a side effect of the aluminum but i think thats tinfoil.

i say supposedly because i believe the heavy metals in the top layers of the atmosphere are to better reflect back HAARP frequencies for weather warfare.


to add, its not enough to glue the image to the device, it should be added into the resin to let the images vibration shape the resin during hardening.




Yeah :$.

Maybe it isn't as powerful as it is or that I might need more force :/.(or more denser energy)

Welp I will go to psionic grimoire to see and find a pentacle to use.


The Illuminati card game is a gold mine if you know how to interpret it.



I think its going to work but its might take a week, and after that, if keeping it up, you'll have very good results.


Yeah sure but talking in riddles is a good way to get ignored.

What are you implying about chemtrails?


Should I draw a few paint images detailing how CS work/affect space?



Seem good to me.


Gonna try it and see if it work.


Lots of VMWare downloads…

What file should I download exactly?



one for windows xp



Desktop & End-User Computing?


Application Platform?


Application Management?

Networking & Security?

Infrastructure & Operations Management?

Datacenter & Cloud Infrastructure?



So using this program is like boosting sigil magic through technology?

I'm starting to read the pdf of the book you recommended in the 3rd post but wanted a general idea before I started.

Ways to test this would be similar to beginner sigil magic ways?




So I've skimmed Elementary Psionics and read the entire thread and I still don't understand how to fine tune this program to do what it says in this book. Can you do a small write up of a basic example of using this program?



>So using this program is like boosting sigil magic through technology?

Could be used as that, or you could use a sigil again and again through it. You can send vibes or thoughtforms to people through it. It can feed your thoughtforms and egregore.


I will be using Cybershaman 7 for illustration here.

You will see 4 boxes to put images and 2 boxes to write intent and target. On the far left you will see a box for image where you select your sigil/pentacle/deity/weapon(trend) and belows it you write your intent "I am healthy" or "Tipp is my sex slave". Then you press the Get button in the lower left while gazing at the trend/intent.

On The center, you will find one box image which charge/feeds the program energy.(sort of energizer)

On the right of the center image you will see the target, you can choose image of the target or something that represent the target and the box below the target's image you will write the name of the target. Go below near the trend's rate and you will find target's rate with Get button, click it while thinking of the target.

On the upper right you see the image that amplifies/energize your broadcast. Put a magentron here or just leave it alone.

now on the right side you will see the minute the program work(choose 90/444/333/whatever minute) then put your cursor over the set button and focus clearly with full attention on the target being affected then click it. Lastly press start and let it do it's work.

that's it.


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Strength of CS is depending on how one pointed you are when you set the RNG trend and targets.


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Report on rainmaking.

Time started:7:00AM

Time ended:10:00AM

Set up:

~sixth pentacle of the moon.


~picture of my hometown.

~magentron amplifier by tipp.

Intent:It is raining in [my hometown](in blue color)

System:golden ratio


Result:see picture.

Trying again tomorrow.



double check with weather forecast to see if its supposed to rain or not without your interference.



This is hard as fuck to get.

I have windows 7, I downloaded cybershaman 8 and vmware.

Now what?



open vmware, move exe into the xp desktop, install it and try it out.


You haven't been sending bad vibes to my wrist, have you?



You've got results, my feet were really cold yesterday, knees and joints stiff, and today my wrist is weak and aching slightly.

I'm going to put up shields and amp my aura, just for you I'm going to stop fapping and collect as much energy as possible.

If i still feel this going on by 18:00 tomorrow I will lock on to you and not stop until you are dead. Should this escalate I'm starting sooner.

I'll also be kind enough to inform you that I work in medicine and caretaking, I've seen people die and have recently acquired two spirits of deceased individuals dear to me in life that I'm thrilled to try out.

You will not last long, this is your only warning, cease immediately.



>You haven't been sending bad vibes to my wrist, have you?

No. Why would I do that to you?



Would you do me a favor and try to heal my wrist for an hour? Repelling attacks, shielding?


Can this be used to mind control an enemy?




I will use the psychic protection preset.





Running it atm.



You need a copy of a windows xp .iso


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le forecast.




Great conditions for this test.




The weather is warm and there is little wind.

Most of the cirrostratus clouds are gone and I see about 2 cumulus clouds.


File: 1456286016965.jpg (1.71 MB, 2249x2223, 173:171, 2016-02-24 07.51.41.jpg)

The sky right now.

I will turn on the cybershaman in 8 minute and go away.



Report on rainmaking.

Time started:7:00AM

Time ended:09:30AM

Time started:12:00PM

time ended:2:30PM

Set up:

>~sixth pentacle of the moon.


>~picture of my hometown.

>~magentron amplifier by tipp.

>Intent:It is raining in [my hometown](in blue color)

>System:golden ratio


Result:I will post soon.



Soft patches of clouds right now, still no rain.


>tfw clear sky and windy weather





People are easier than the weather, pick a celebrity to mess with.


Besides I don't think CS is optimal for weather engineering, you want cloudbusters or versions of it.



I think I fucked up.

One day is half-cloudy

the other day is burning sun.

another day cloudy.

and today it is cloudy with hot sun.



>I haven't watched much of, or read, Mantak Chia because he did not impress,

whaaaaat rly

i wonder what you do that does better than ancient taoist secret

wondering because i'm gonnab learning that stuff


damn. now i wanna do that but i also wanna be in society bc 4 years older than you




The information isn't wrong, it's just that he presents it very poorly and can't practice it himself to a higher degree, maybe because he's old and his bones would break or because he just doesn't have what it takes to do it properly.

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