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Esoteric Wizardry


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Everyone i meet over chans tells me to go to /fringe/, so here i am, i guess.

I have lots of tulpas.

I see things in my head, and know things about human nature and dreams most ignore, or can't define in their own words.



> know things about human nature and dreams most ignore, or can't define in their own words.

Tell us what you know.


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The reason we dream, daily (and if we don't have the time to dream, we feel shitty) is because in our dreams, WE are the center of our universe. It's because withouth our delusions, and lies, that we tell to ourselves on a daily basis, we would all be mad because of how shity reality is.

Want more?



Lel, op confirmed for not knowing shit. But go on ahead, maybe I'm too eager to call you out.



We are always the center of our universe. Although maybe you mean it in a different sense.


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>saying i'm wrong withouth a counter argument


Yes, more in a childish, unaware of the world sense, like a child would think.

Another truth is that human feelings such as anger, fear and sadness are coded inside the human brain since the moment we are born, and only get more complicate as our brain developes.

This is why humans have a different way of feeling things than animals, cause our brain processes sentiments way more, and applies 'em to our life and dreams.

This also means that feelings are born into the same place where thoughts are generated, and are a lot similar in the body, but thoughts follow logic, while emotions are supposed to work in a different way.

A human withouth his emotions would be a perfected human, not graved by his inner chaos (and outer, under the form of empathy), and capable of better logic thought than someone who's too busy dealing with his useless and illogical human emotions.



The Universe is infinite, therefore everywhere is the center of the Universe.




>muh materialism

>perfected human

a human without emotions would be a motionless vegetable.

>inner chaos

emotions aren't chaotic



Should have better expounded on your tulpas, their uses and creation process.


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care to tell us about anything practical you do on your daily basis and any brain-change games you play?



everything i've read so far in the last 2 years about occultism and physical western science tells me you're pretty ignorant from those statements and chosen adjectives and labels.

welcome to fringe, read the sticky first and read the recommended content.


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Good point, but you're overthinking a simple statement.

Being the center of their own universe means expecting everything to be a function of us, and us only.


I actually have some pretty helpful ones.

I have a church full of nuns resembling pic related, that help me forgetting uncomfortable memories.


Then maybe i'm wrong.

I won't stay much here, just having some fun screwing around.


>what do you do on a daily basis

I hallucinate with the help of music day in day out, so i can visit my tulpas or make new ones.

>brain change games



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brain-change games/magick is just usage of meta-programmer circuit/neurogentic circuit for the purpose of changing one psyche and becoming more and more flexible.Book like Promtheus Rising,Angel Tech,All rites reversed will give a good start then of course you can start getting practical by reading "Undoing yourself with energized meditation and other devices".

here is one of exercise from Promtheus Rising if you want to try


also if you are going to dedicate yourself for training you can take Liber MMM or Liber E

''Man is ignorant of the nature of his own being and powers, Even his idea of his limitations is based on experience of the pad. There is therefore no reason to assign theoretical limits to what he may be, or what he may do.

— Aleister Crowley, Magick''



Why should I ask you anything? You're just a neophyte with nothing to tell me I don't already know. You should be the one asking me things except I'm not interested in responding as I'm working right now with some other initiates on some astral stuff and don't want to be distracted.



This complete bullshit lie and FYI the center of the universe is everywhere because the universe is ultimately ordered in a way that goes beyond spacetime and is non-local in nature. Every point of space contains the rest of everything holographically. The All in All. Dreams also are not delusions but a way of accessing other mental planes.

You need to read our sticky >>1 and http://8ch.net/fringe/faq.html and then you can start talking when you're not an ignorant fuck.



Jesus christ how fucking ignorant and wrong can you be twice? A human without his emotions is dead, he's catatonic, he has no will, no desire, he does nothing. Furthermore desire is the heart of all things, the entire universe exists because of emotion, and all thoughts and all things are ultimately created out of emotion. From simple matter to the most complex lifeforms on our plane to the higher beings on higher planes, all are powered by emotions. Emotions give us meaning and purpose and are a critical resource in our universe which is why the aliens/4D beings harvest it and why we ourselves harvest it too.

Feelings do not run contrary to logic. They are not opposite of logic at all. One can be intensely emotional and yet extremely reasonable and logical at the same time.



His tulpas are no doubt worthless and crippled by his materialist assumptions about the limitations of reality thus making all of his thoughtforms inept to cross informational and physical boundaries. They also no doubt reinforce his materialistic delusions which he will never snap out of until such an event occurs as he crosses paths with someone that can prove him wrong personally by a show of power; an unlikely event.




Why are you an idiot materialist? Materialism is a retarded philosophy. We don't live in a universe of dead matter, blind forces, and ontological randomness. Everything proceeds in accordance with Law, Order, and Sequence. There is nothing above the Law, there is nothing that is unordered, and everything is arranged sequentially.

Go read The Arcane Teachings.







Why not just quote all his messages and then direct him to the sticky and faq?,why reply to all his message and shunning him down?of course he is ignorant but it's not a TOP DOG BOTTOM DOG game here we are all trying to learn things from each other in /fringe/.


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All this thread is making me think….

What do i gain, in exploring the depths of my mind, if i have a life to live before me?

I mean, sure, i'll be able to do things, etc.

But the time i'd spend learning, is time no one would give me back.



>What if he was called to come here by his path so as to advance in his level to become a sentient manipulator of this co-creation with a higher overstand and innerstanding of self?

>what if we don't attack every noob who displays basic fourchannery or redditardaton with venom and instead provide them with healing material?



there's a 95% chance that if i make the assumption that you have binged watched at least one tv show in your life i would be correct. Get that time back.

Everything we do in the occult is simply to better know a refined version of self and embody it, all else is simply just distractions and amusements. It's really just if you're ready to know who you are and be that. This physical reality isn't everything, there's unfathomable verses to experience and unfathomable universes, and then what if we discover something else that could make the symbol universe a classification?

is time no one would give ME back.

Humanized westernized self-entitled ego.



because he made a thread saying "I am le englightend master learn from me." Anyone who does that deserves to be berated.



I don't always agree with what you post but this time, didi, you're pretty cool



I don't regret binge watching The Sopranos or Trailer Park Boys at all or no lifing the various games i've played. Those were definitely some of the best times of my life. Yeah sure I could have spent that time studying, but maybe I was in a state of mind that would have made that studying useless or even destructive. To be honest the only thing I really consider a waste is all the times i've fapped to porn… what a truly empty act.



Do unto other what you would do onto yourself.


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Never say that to a sadomasochist or a druggy unless you want to get whipped or drugged.


Oh and never say that to someone with a deathwish; less you wish to be killed yourself.




Thanks for the advice.











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Hi guys OP here.

I just came to learn about the place tbh.

Do you guys know each other?



no there are just recognizable tripfags and people who use the name function.

if you'd like to learn about this place read the FAQ and go here: /fringe/res/1.html

there should be a link somewhere in there to a free occult library

the most useful link from the sticky is wizard progress report: /fringe/res/30727.html#30727

in order to get your bearings on this board read the following:

1) kybalion

2) arcane teaching


3) arcane formulas

4) mind power

5) initiation into hermetics

pretty much in that order, but explore texts to see which you're most comfortable with. the "do" section contains a bunch of exercises and meditations that develop your awareness of mind.

other texts to consider:

the science of breath


life after death

i strongly recommend reading the kybalion and arcane teachings if anything. you'll notice the patterns of nature and mind and can apply the teachings to some success even without prior practice. its also pretty much unquestioned material on this board. personally, i disagree with bits and pieces of these books, but that's true with any occulto books. the point is that I got so much more for the stuff that I could try out and apply.

IMO don't rely too much on other people, this board included. there are a lot of cool people and infos here, but what's most important is direct experience. getting information indirectly is risky until you try it out yourself.

as others said, the general point is to learn. the more you learn, the more you know how clueless you really are. don't listen to anyone who says they are pro (the arent.)

and read books outside of the free library. sometimes books just come into your life.


ps get a good bullshit detector and use it on yourself ruthlessly. this will save you many tears.



My bullshit detector is making my life hell so I'm selling it on ebay for $50


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To be honest i don't really think reading and doing all those things will change my perspective much.

I'm really, really interested in this new world that is /fringe/ cause i never saw anything like it before.

But i think i will mostly study it as an outsider, i will place my doubt on whatever thing i read, and treat it as such…

Is there an irc channel for this board where i can ask questions or discuss?



we have a couple skype chats

add "fringewizard" on skype to talk to the board owner


paste this into any skype conversation then click to join the /fringe/ skype group (mostly shitposting and memes)



also Unofficial Fringe Chat: irc.occultminds.com #fringe

i've never joined the channel so i dunno if there's anyone in there or the quality



i will second that i do not regret binge watching Trailer park boys either. never seen the sopranos.



you will learn more by lurking than you will by starting threads such as "i am le eternal edgelord, ask your questions unto me"



solid advice.

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