>listening to Omran
Robert Bruce I have like no respect for. All he has done of any worth is popularize some useful generic terms for referencing entities in the astral such as "neg" or simply "entity". You won't lrn2astral with Robert Bruce.
The physical plane is an astral plane.
There are 7x7x7x7x7x7x7 planes total.
You just need to will your consciousness to tune into the right planes.
Whenever you think thoughts you're operating upon the mental plane.
You can interact with the astral without following projecting; see psychomancy and crystal gazing. You can use black mirrors, thoughtforms, black cloth strips, crystal balls, etc. anything to help you lose focus on the physical so you can peer into the mental planes.
Getting into the astral is easy but energy intensive. It requires a ton of emotion and raw energy.
Please learn what the astral is before you try to navigate it, read "The Astral World" by Swami Panchadasi (William Walker Atkinson) and also Life Beyond Death by Yogi Ramacharaka (also William Walker Atkinson).
The first book is the shorter of the two and you don't really need to read both.
The main points are planes overlap, they're not other places, and you need to lrn2navigate them properly.
The other thing I'm going to tell you is you need to unfold all your astral senses and all the senses are advanced phases of one basic sense; feeling.
For today or you can start tomorrow or you can do it for just one hour if you feel short on time I want you to become hyper aware of everything you touch, every pressure you feel, the sensation of air pressing down on your body, the sensation of objects pressing against your body, the feeling of blood inside of your body, food inside your stomach, things taking up space, touching things, etc.
After you're done that start using the imagination to create forms and give them these qualities of space, pressure, texture, etc. and touch them with your imagined hands (astral hands). If you have to practice touching and feeling everything in your room then reproducing it in the imagination.
This will prepare the way.
There will be similar practices for smelling, tasting, hearing, and sight… and there are 2 more senses as well but you need not worry about them for now as they're closed to you until much later.
Astral projection is simply a matter of powering up your aura intensely and parting a bit of it into what is a thoughtform which drifts away from the aura powered by the desire channeled into it. Except you transfer your awareness into this thought-form at the same time.
Read this also: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/25337/25337-h/25337-h.htm
This text is very necessary to achieving Adepthood one day as after you've developed all the basics and feel well prepared you're going to want to develop mediumship to learn and connect to far more.