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Esoteric Wizardry


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What are you preparing for this year's Halloween, /x/?

and how will you spend Halloween night?


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I need MORE wizards to live close to my area, I am planning an operation to transform our town in a complete Halloween fuckfest, similar to this guy >>40774 , but with real monsters and similar shit.

My town is full good goy sheep with weak brains, so only a few powerful minds would be needed to successfully complete this operation. I will start attracting more wizards close to me, and the preparations will be coming soon.

This Halloween will be fucking crazy, god dammit. Specially with so much magical energy left after the Schmita.

Prepare yourselves, a very wild ride is up next.


Bumping this thread.


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i tripped on shrooms last halloween and had a terrible trip. demons raped me for like a million years and then turned me into an electron and i floated through the astral plane aimlessly for another million.

the demons looked like this



On shrooms? Salvia maybe, but I've never had that intense of a trip on mushrooms. How much did you take and how much did you vomit?



it wasn't really shrooms. it was actually 4-aco-DMT and i took it anally. i took 40mg which is supposed to be equal to ~8g shrooms oral.


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I have.

I took a heroic dose of psilocybin on my first trip. About the amount that an experienced tripper twice my size would take, plus I mixed it with coffee which is a potentiator.

I dissolved lost all my memory and experienced an alien hellworld for god knows how long (could have been minutes or hours time dilation is a hell of an experience). I now feel it may have been the psychic residue of all the maggots who infested the mushrooms and the substrate (these were wild picked subs).

>The sheets feel odd against the skin, the deafening hiss remains. I peer up to the curtains and make out a barely discernible black grey and green pattern, like replicating scales of a similar texture to those 3D hidden image illusions. The pattern spirals with the tempo of the ungodly hiss, and bleeds from the curtains filling up the room.

> There is a hostile entity present that wishes to do me harm, the idea of a massive static snake comes to mind. I fall into this black-grey-green abyss as the world breaks into pieces. The sensation reminded me of descriptions of hell though lacking the heat. A black emptiness filled with gnashing teeth.

>I emerged out of the blackness and was an enormous fleshy entity, similar to a Giger painting, Lovecraftian. I have no memory, no name.

> Had a vague idea that I existed in another form in a previous life but it feels as though it had just been a dream. This cavernous, hulking, omnipotent, monstrous thing was everything that had ever existed. I felt the strange vessels and tumor like sacs as part of my being. Feeling it all, not seeing it.



Hoolly shit, this is what happened to me on salvia I just realized. I did a thousand backflips and became an electron in the ground and then floated through fucking Hell, shit. It all just made sense now.



HAHAHA, you do know that is just one face of the mushroom consciousness don't you? It reacts to what you ask for. So in some way you asked for an experience like that. In essence you basically just described whats going on here on earth.

>demons be raping everybody up here

>loosh farming

>tell us they have the power

>you are actually the electron all along

>wandering the astral realms from the physical realm

The mushrooms showed you what you needed to see. You were probably just picking up on all the energy that night on halloween and externalizing that into your mushroom trips. Demons are just a creation of the mind yuh


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>it's halloween and my subconcious has been programmed to react to this day as if it's a all-spirits and spookey day

>i ingest a substance which triggers my subconcious to manifest itself as an experience

>ruh-rah scarry shit all over

>but why….

Btw, it's november 1, not october 31st the power day, they only celebrate the night portion of the day before because they prepare the portal with the specific energy - then once the portal is open they conclude, and since many folk have riddled themselves with the crystal known as suger which disrupts and breaks the dna branches and has been shown to feed cancerous cells which is essentially just a transfer of preservative quality atomic structures which halt the cell from properly duplicating …. you have a bunch of fools who are un-receptive to the energies of the nov 1st.

Why isn't it like 1st page of the occult curriculum to research the origins of hell-o-days the hollow worship ( emptyness of life and spirit ) and the polarities of life+death energy rituals, plus the metaphysics of theology.

instead of being a pleb why don't you take some knowledge.. here learn how the quoran is actually the kundalini force and the union of the female and masculine energy.


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How can you keep up with daily life after having such one-of-a-kind experience?


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Not him but I am a veteran tripper (my day job is studying psychedelics in a technical setting, so if you have specific questions, feel free to ask. Tryptamines are my technical forte but LSD has been by far the most useful and consistently helpful spiritually) who has experienced satori but retained an ego, shell-like as it was at first. Daily life is itself an utterly absurd experience and stranger by far than most of my trips, especially the most useful ones, in which the self is most cosmic and the ego's boundaries cease to be, at least for a time.

Daily life inevitably creeps back in after a trip but it's actually easier now for me to play this game of human life than it ever was beforehand because now I recognize it for what it is, a cosmic joke (in a good sense). The mundane world is far less threatening. In fact, in a cosmic sense it is not threatening at all, but a game played for fun, intense as its high and low manifestations may be. Daily life is therefore not only not threatening in its bizarre aspects but it is laughable and a pleasure to watch unfold, knowing that its threats and bluster are not only hollow but comedic.

To more pointedly answer your question, the person you responded to got lost in experience, like jumping into the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim. To a swimmer, the deep end is far more engaging than the shallow end, but if you're learning to swim, you don't dive head-first into ten feet of water.

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