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How do I make waifu real?



You could've at least pick up a good waifu.




tep kok


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dude this is U!!!!!!!! P S this is Funny


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I'm interested in this too.

Well not so much "make her real" as I am in meeting her in some kind of spiritual realm.

I guess since waifuism as we know it now is relatively new, we don't know the exact rules of it.


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If you are a male, there is a female who is you as a female if you wanted to be the female you wanted to be, such as you are the male you intended to be.

Once a magickian, summon such experience.

That is whom you are ultimately to do your tantra / sexual magick / deep shadow work / travels and experiences with.

<<←- this is you in the astral realm.

YOU aren't the gods or the humans, you CREATED everything - your only true experience is with your compliment.

And even homosexuals have this - there are a lot of occultist fags and the such - to be aware of this and using this to generate influence and power in the world via fashion music hollywood and the such? while you're doing the exact same shit but in some shitty 1 1/2 apartment without any furniture? Nigga 90% of the shit on this board is how can i get money or how can i get pussy - where the fuck is the >how can i fix my stupid mentality so i can stop sabotaging everything that comes to me.

Why didn't you read the mantak chia books or the jung content, or the robert moore book kwml, or RAW + leary 8 circuit , read jewel in the lotus sunyata saraswati - watch the video i posted in my recommended thread.



>If you are a male, there is a female who is you as a female if you wanted to be the female you wanted to be, such as you are the male you intended to be.

I read that sentence 10 times and I still have no idea what it's about.


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Anyone here know how to summon Yukari Yakumo?


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So basically, Lilly is my partner in the astral realm?

So there was truth to that whole "Your waifu chooses you, you don't choose your waifu" business?



No, she's an idealized form. You imprinted her form on your anima and now you've mistaken her form for her essence, which is where waifus come from. In a world with a tremendous surplus of forms, it's basically inevitable that this kind of thing will happen, but no, your waifu did not choose you, nor did you choose your waifu, it was a matter of circumstance.

I guarantee that most people who are trying to attain a spiritual waifu are doing it for the wrong reasons and are actually digging themselves into deeper holes for themselves by attempting to attain mundane happiness through magical means. You get out of magic what you put into it, and if what you're putting into magic is your energies as a lonely desperate chan lurker then your magic will be that of a lonely desperate chan lurker, even if you claim that you don't go for 3DPDs or that you're devoted to a pure idea in the form of a waifu.

In short, you've exalted a mask that your anima is wearing but it isn't substantive.



So what do



The first thing to do is to recognize your waifu for what she is–a conception, a manifestation. Once you can see that, you can strip your anima of its preconceived notions and start interacting with it more directly. Specifically, start questioning what it is you actually want. If it's companionship, that is at least at first a mundane goal. Magic can't make up for a severe lack of interaction in the real world, since again, it can only work with what you put into it. Therefore, the energy you put into your waifu might be better spent exploring how to directly tackle the question of interaction with real people, as repulsive as that might seem at first because they aren't you. Ultimately once you get to a point where you have more reference, you can start interacting with your anima in ways that will strengthen it rather than continually request strength from it like what you're doing now. Having a waifu is like getting behind the wheel of a formula one car without a driver's license. It's fun to pretend you're actually driving it but if you were to really try, you'd crash. You need to start learning how to drive first, and then you can work up to it.

Once you've actually assessed what your goals in having a waifu are and have more accurately addressed them in the mundane world, you can come back to your anima with more to give, but for now, the first step is breaking your ties with your waifu because it's holding you back.




Doesn't it kind of irk you a little that you would be getting paid 200-300$ to handle these types if this was a clinical environment … i mean honestly, i know TO EACH HIS OWN and all that….

but this is fucking jesus worship ( waifu )

It's still trying to make a fucking japanese cartoon … a limited human concept symbol created paper / computer with features that are written by males….

99% of cartoon female archetypes and personalities are scripted by males and the male writers…. that super chill and sweet young girl is the fantasy of some male artist.. which you subconsciously attribute to yours

It's honestly very selfish and insulting to the entire female energy and feminine force which created you and gave you sentience and ability to navigate with your own will.

This is honestly the type of folk i dislike the most in the newb area of this magick occult shit, the type that comes from the ''waifu 2d animu furries otherkin weaboo i-want-to-be-that-cool-stoic-anime-main-character-and-fight-demons-and-have-a-cool-secret-life bullshit people without actual fucking self-mastery or understanding come from.

IF i take your ass and put you on a desert island wit 5-10 other people in let's say some random event that happened…. i highly doubt your ass would still be worrying about some fucking anime waifu 2-3 years into the place.

People who usually sink themselves into these internetified ideals are almost always un-aware of the world and have almost no culture apart from some basic asiatic shit ( which if i question them further say history or deep cultural memes they have no fucking clue off, all they know is the name of anime shows or a few cities and some works here and there ).

Just because you hate females in your city because you only notice the cunts because the cunts dress themselves to attract your attention doesn't mean there isn't females in your city who are based as fuck or anywhere else around the world. Some folk dislike westernized ideals and stick to their own ideals and values.

This whole rant may be seen as an attack to this mindset-having-folk but honestly, if you don't fucking balance yourself and fix all your bullshit including your human perversions and figure out the real reason why you rather put your dick in a printed picture with a hole poked in it rather than embracing the warmth of another existence translated into a being which reflects you and compliments you fully as you are the 2 sides of the one coin.

They did a really good job destroying the male over the years.

Please seek Jung / Leary content.


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If you're asking me if it irks me, yes, it really irks me. The reason I don't just say "get a girlfriend you fat fuck" is because I know it doesn't work. The reason that people end up getting waifus is because they have incentives in their lives to do so, and they lack incentives in other areas either through their own inadequacy (which explains most of it) or else because the culture they are in encourages it. This is why people who eventually make it to places like Wizardchan kill themselves; the incentive is for them to self-destruct in the mistaken belief that their destruction will cease their suffering or teach society a lesson. In fact they are not anti-social but over-socialized and therefore extremely invested not only in their externally-derived self-identity as failures but in their interactions with society, negative as they may be. The normies that they loathe are ironically enough under far less peer pressure and feel less in the way of social needs.

However, if someone with a waifu is here trying to find a way to astrally reach their spiritual masturbatory aid, it means there's still hope that they will improve themselves beyond just taking a shower once every couple months. It is futile to attempt to improve an entire culture of self-neglect through attacking it, since it can be safely assumed that "virgin wizards" and frogposters have become not only immune to normal means of externally-derived motivation, but deeply resent others for not catering to their whims in the manner they believe they are entitled. Once someone is so thoroughly entrenched in robot/frogposting/"wizard" culture, that's pretty much it. Either their caretakers get fed up and kick them out onto the street and they are forced to get their shit together or else something in them clicks and they somehow manage to escape before it's too late, but for many of them, they are inertia personified.

Therefore, even though I am not responsible for them or their situation, it seems to me vitally important that the ones who do seek help for their condition end up getting it. I want to encourage as much as possible an honest self-reflection from those among them willing to actually look in the mirror without simply using it as an opportunity to contemplate suicide. Some might indeed be better off dead but none of them ever asked for the social conditions which led to their lives being the way they are. Ultimately, it would please me to see them escape from the trap laid for them by those who went before them.



brilliantly put, but what say you of the realm of thought of

you chose your entire challenges before you incarnated into this expression of who you are to learn and grow from them

If you honestly hated the fuck out of the society that much why didn't you get a fulltime or 2-3 part time jobs and saved up for a year or two when you are 16-18 then use it all to move away somewhere different with different experiences and cultures.

The folk in little villages in Portugal don't give you the same crap folk in manhattan give you.

and i know what you mean, for almost a year in my life i was being vamped by r9k. just opening the page up and you can feel the loosh-extraction-machines humming and turning. Meanwhile their ENTIRE problems would be solved with the simplest methods so long as they actually HUMBLED themselves.

None of the are humble to wisdom or information.

I would greatly appreciate, and i think many would, if we had some sticky thread with pragmatic guide to actually dispelling this bullshit.

Just taking key point elements summarized from books such as RAW's prometheus with leary's 8 circuit, the JUNG content, male and female self mastery ( there are females like this who are even more fucked up and honestly should be prioritized ) Simply nutrition, breathing techniques.

I mean shit you can even give them a scheduled guide to follow since many of these types just need some form of structure or an actual MALE figure..

can we not kid ourselves over the fact that these frogposters are simply the result of garbage parenting?

A child is essentially programmable from 1-7, after that 7-14 dictates their mask they will wear for society.



There's a reason father-like male mentors have such a huge following of pepe and kojack types such as elliot hulse or rsdtyler, many of them lack the male aspect.

>wonders how many times he's found out almost all of these types live with a single parent / have very old conservative religious parents.


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>you chose your entire challenges before you incarnated into this expression of who you are to learn and grow from them

It could be put that way I suppose. Almost anything can be a learning experience if someone cultivates a mindful and right view of the world around them and sees their challenges the way the original stoics did, as positive in essentially every aspect, and as quite welcome. By sharp contrast, frogposters see even the most trivial non-challenges as functionally insurmountable. It's pointless to attempt to improve someone who believes that actually having to do more than eat, masturbate, watch anime, shit, and sleep is somehow a gross imposition upon their lives.

Inertia is the name of the game. The reason they don't do any of that is because they are not already doing it. The reason they continue to do nothing is because they are facilitated in doing nothing. They have no internal compulsion toward action and because their issue is not physical but mental, few solutions exist, and they will actively resist them as much as they possibly can.

In all of this it's important to remember that no single one of them can be said to be truly responsible for any of it. To the contrary, they are responsible for nothing because they are functionally incapable of eliciting or producing anything. Early on they were given the mistaken impression that they are entitled to certain things from the world by default. Love, companionship, social status, success, etc, and in order to not cause a hassle, the adults in their lives let them get away with this. It is still largely their fault because it is nigh impossible to actually be a robot unless you are also leeching off of someone else's money and effort. As you say, they require guidance and respond well to a firm (but more importantly, persistent and powerful) hand because they are too flabby (physically, mentally, and in every other conceivable way) to put up a fight.

They will lapse back into frogposting if given the opportunity but if they were actually kicked out onto the street by their parents (a very loving act in this case), their hand would be forced. Most of them state that they would simply kill themselves, but the entire point is that they lack backbone, and killing yourself requires effort and planning. And if they were to attempt to kill themselves, if their lives are truly in that sorry a state, it may indeed be for the best.

The bottom line is that these people are very sick, and in forming a community, they have only strengthened their illness. Anyone healthier who helps one of these people get their shit together deserves the respect afforded to a healer.




Out of all you're describing, I only fit the waifu part.

I have friends, a job, good relations with family, and interact with plenty of people, the waifu thing was just something that happened.

But the rest, I agree with though.



I'm really happy that even though I fall into this archetype that I am sober enough not to spend time around people who feed off each other's toxicity any longer even though in destructive episodes it is very tempting to go back.

I just feel like it's completely unfair how someone assumes higher ground because their parents weren't psychotic manipulators who ruined their lives. I had no chance. I'm carrying the sins of my ancestors and their baggage has proved to be more than I can manage. I'm in a very grim situation. But that is an understatement.



it means start being who you're meant to be, loving yourself, and you'll find someone who wants to do that with you, together.

If you make finding your Truth your main goal in life, you'll find them. I did rather… immediately. (:

Though, my case is a strange one.



>just accept who you're meant to be

man pls, why should anyone accept mediocrity if they're born with it? Why not do everything in your power to change yourself?



Meant to be =/= being a monkey.

I dreamed of being a musician but I was scared to be one, to risk my livelihood, but music comes to my mind naturally, and I find nothing more beautiful in my life.

On the other hand, it's incredibly difficult because of all the pent-up fear/anxiety/energy blockage of starting that, because it's my Soul's work.

Martial arts/graceful movements and flow, and humor (wordplay is one that I've done) come to me naturally as well.

I collect and disseminate knowledge naturally as well, and am empathic. Teacher, healer.

So all 5 of those things are a mix of STS and STO, things I'm meant to be.

I *am* changing myself day by day, becoming a better channel of divinity.

Love and accept yourself for who you are, were, and will be, and change with love, and you'll grow faster/healthier than those who don't do that.

That was my path.



I still don't get why you decided to not be a musician



People saying it's not possible, me being a scared/anxious human due to trauma, not believing fully in magic.

Then after a long time of pining away, a friend of mine invited me to a retreat center where I learned magic is real, and met a musician woman with whom i have a connection of such intensity that I can't fully put it into words. She and 1 other person there are the ones that had me believing in this stuff for real.



oh yeh, so I've been recording tunes for years but always procrastinating for some reason. fear of success, fear of failure, laziness, who knows. But I identify as a musician, have been singing my whole life, and am in the process of making more music. Before I relied on a friend who helped me transcribe music but now it's on me to be who I need to be. It's the most fulfilling energetic and "scary/thrilling" thing ever.



Oh ok then, good luck, I've myself been a musician for 6 years, but back on context, I will probably never accept who I'm meant to be if it interferes with my dreams



I feel like our dreams are who we're meant to be.

As for me, I spent long enough being a total fuckup that I was willing to give up my identity to an extent.

When I had my kundalini rising I gave up everything I had to swear I'd do anything to live. So since my ego wasn't destroyed, I assume my ideal path is the one I already "chose". "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?"

I mean… it depends on what resonates most with you. I have had plenty of other desires, but those are the ones that I resonated with most because of experiences. We're put into the world with a fair amount of the energies propelling us toward something we chose before being incarnated, or so I believe. Born into a family that vibes with who we were in our last incarnation, or who we want to be in this one. Or even the family that pushes us away from who we didn't want to be.

If you refine spiritually enough, what you desire becomes who you're meant to be, probably. Or maybe your dreams are already that.


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And now we have come full circle. There was a large increase of traffic and in the metaphysical back in 2012 due to this.

People from all the various boards of 4chan came to /x/ inquiring about tulpa because they could make their waifus real.

After a time this branched off into a semi-serious-what-if metaphysical/magical discussion, which was not so welcomed on /x/ with all the fedoras. This influx in students of real magic was one of the (large, IMHO) contributing factors to /fringe/ being founded and popularized.

TL;DR, Make a tulpa or better manifest a real girl with all the same traits of your waifu or even yet better and and more ideally, manifest your soul mate into your life.

And as a public service, I'm seconding/reiterating

>start being who you're meant to be, loving yourself, and you'll find someone who wants to do that with you, together.

>I guarantee that most people who are trying to attain a spiritual waifu are doing it for the wrong reasons and are actually digging themselves into deeper holes for themselves by attempting to attain mundane happiness through magical means.

Image &

If one does not solve the root problems, and transmute themselves spiritually, they will cause further pain, now maybe this pain is necessary for growth. The goal achieved that the pain caused motivated you to get out of your rut, to throw off the inertia. In this it may viewed as a good thing. But know this, there is always an easier, less painful path. It's just more often than not people don't want to listen when it come knocking.

>change yourself, day by day, becoming a better channel of divinity, and a clearer manifestation of your spirit.

>Love and accept yourself for who you are, were, and will be, and change with love, and you'll grow faster/healthier than those who don't do that.


You confuse the true nature of what the spirit is meant to be with what society says you should be.


>Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?

The spirit, as the walker, awakens to the path after incarnating. But from the perspective of the ego it can seem as though the path finds you.



>manifest a real girl with all the same traits of your waifu or even yet better and and more ideally, manifest your soul mate into your life.

Sign me up. Where do I start?



I'll address the later first as I believe that is the best option.

Something you should understand first, your soul mate will nay, is the perfect one for you, in every way. They will help catalyze your growth in ways beyond what you could possibly imagine. Your destiny and their's was planned before either of you even incarnated, through this your souls could orchestrate this most divine of unions.

However make no mistake, while it will certainly be the best thing that could ever happen for your spirit, what happens to your ego as a result may be less than pleasant.

Now carrying on, first you must dedicate yourself to your soul mate (the one who is destined to be your wife/husband in this life). As long as you are undecided and, pardon the term, fucking around, it will most likely prolong the search/manifestation due to your will not being focus on them.

Once you actually make up your mind, then you get into the practical manifestative aspect.

On reality manifestation

You can metaphysically attract your desires though reality manifestation. You see the universe isn’t this mechanistic, deterministic, objectivistic thing that western science thinks, and preaches that it is. Science like any other belief system only represents just a way of viewing reality.

>Prerequisite understanding.

The universe is vibrating at a molecular/quantum level. And everything has a frequency that it’s vibrating at.

All thoughts, feelings, sensations, & emotions have different vibrations. The higher the vibration (the frequency of yourself, your mind, your soul, or aura) the better things feel. While lower vibrations feel bad. These vibrational emminations aren’t of your physical body but of our energy bodies.

If you learn to consciously control what you think, feel, etc. you can start to change your internal mental-emotional landscape at will. Cultivate mastery of every aspect of yourself, e.g., physically, mentally, emotionally, imaginatively (see >>33148 ), energetically, spiritually. Once achieved you can start to manifest through the law of attraction by selective resonation.

Another necessary step is to maintain present moment awareness, for only from there can you act in a non-causal way (i.e., you only have free will in the present moment). For all actions based in or on the past are causal, and thus deterministic. All ego is based/programmed on the past. Be present, be aware, and then be increasingly more aware.





The nature of what we experience is unimaginably vast… and perhaps arguably not even communicable via a metaphor as weak as language. Suffice to say, you have to be fully (meta&physically) aligned if you want this to work well (brute or unalligned force may work, however not nearly as efficiently). This means, realizing, recognizing, locating, and removing or routing out of any and all negative belief systems (i.e. free your mind.) This may be the hardest step of the process.

Hold an ‘image’ in your mind’s eye, picture it, feel it (tactily, energetically, and emotionally), smell it, taste it, hear it, imagine every aspect it you possibly can. Meditate on this, holding it in your mind's eye, and experiencing it in as much detail as possible as you maintain the present moment focus.

What you are doing is by intentionally resonating the vibration of what you desire you are manifesting it via the law of attraction (viz. the probabilistical influencing of quantum mechanical variables resulting in said object being butterfly effecting out towards you). Be aware though, the opposite is also true. If you (over)indulge in negative emotions, you will just attract more of the same. However that is not to say negative emotions do not have their place and that purging yourself of them by their expression is inherently bad.

What you must further understand is that time in as illusion created by our inability to observe only but the present moment. In actuality every possible different configuration, of every possible different (fractal) ‘time-line’, of every possible different realm exists at the same simultaneously in superposition. Each moment, in it’s own position in the holographic matrix of reality.

Your movement from moment to moment awareness creates the illusion of (linear) time. What is really happening is your conscious awareness is always shifting in the directing of vibration (regardless of whether you’re aware of that or not.)

So you must not only have faith in your manifestations before they actually become manifest (else you will be sending vibrations out to the end of not going there, cus you believe you aren't), but you must also have persistence.

Thoughts & emotions do influence/create reality, but rarely do they create physical reality instantly due to the level of crystallization of consciousness at this level of existence compared to the power wielded by a native of this level. Things in/of higher order energies/higher densities of consciousness (i.e. aetheric, astral, mental, etc. energies) will be more immediately reactive to your conscious application of (free)willpower.

The more you resonate and the intensity of the vibration thereof will control the speed of manifestation. As you do this you will move towards the present moment you are manifesting and eventually you will merge with it. Note that every thought of every day also has a culminative 'background effect' as well.




I'm not too keen on the soul mate aspect yet because I feel like I'm not ready for that kind of relationship on a mental and much more specifically an emotional level (I turn 21 in March).

That being said, I'm in no way opposed to seeking out relationships that will help me grow and improve as a person, especially if there's the added benefit of me legitimately liking the person.

From what I'm getting from your posts is that I should develop a series of thoughts and emotions dedicated to what I desire and return to them until the object of my desire manifests. Is that correct? Should I desire something incredibly specific (like a hair color for instance) to ensure what I'm seeing isn't just a coincidence or something being put in my path to prevent me from achieving my desire?

(Also OP I apologize if I'm hijacking your thread)



>I'm not too keen on the soul mate aspect yet because I feel like I'm not ready for that kind of relationship on a mental and much more specifically an emotional level

Do as you desire, but also know this,

they will help you (and you them) grow into the best you both can be. If it was meant to be, destiny will be very hard to deny and fate will bring you two together again and again (or keep you together). Even if there are breaks in your union, through your relationship with them you shall, which will subject you to circumstances that will most probably efficiently result in your growth and maturing in all ways.

In my past, 'lesser' relationships can help, but usually only in realizing how much they suck and what I really was romanticizing about lied beyond the realm of modern relationships. The experience of this made me more willing to be dedicated to my soul mate (even long before I knew her).

>I'm in no way opposed to seeking out relationships that will help me grow and improve as a person, especially if there's the added benefit of me legitimately liking the person.

That could be your soul mate. All I'm saying is what you think you (as the lower self) think you need may not be what your spirit really needs or you maybe only see a small part of it. Again, do as you desire, I'm just giving you the tools and my experience on the subject.

>From what I'm getting from your posts is that I should develop a series of thoughts and emotions dedicated to what I desire and return to them until the object of my desire manifests. Is that correct?


>Should I desire something incredibly specific (like a hair color for instance) to ensure what I'm seeing isn't just a coincidence or something being put in my path to prevent me from achieving my desire?

First, the whole universe is intrinsically interconnected in a way that does not allow for true disconnection, merely just the rejection (or unconsciousness) of that awareness and knowledge thereof, which thus results in the illusion of coincidence.

Secondly, you could, however you could just as easily put forth the desire for specific sign(s) not directly related to your desired mate. Such as, "on the day I meet her I'll see [something uncommon] 3 times" or "she will be wearing a shirt with X on it". I personally would shy away from attempting to manifest specific physical qualities (other than being attractive to you in general) because the spirit of the person is far more important than their fleshly appearance.

>(Also OP I apologize if I'm hijacking your thread)

This all related to manifesting a mate/waifu/husbando so it's hardly off topic.



As an addendum to what I mean

>The experience of this made me more willing to be dedicated to my soul mate (even long before I knew her).

It made me more dedicated to perfecting myself so I could be everything she could need or want as well. To make myself the ideal person/husband in all ways.



>Hold an ‘image’ in your mind’s eye, picture it, feel it (tactily, energetically, and emotionally), smell it, taste it, hear it, imagine every aspect it you possibly can. Meditate on this, holding it in your mind's eye, and experiencing it in as much detail as possible as you maintain the present moment focus.

Different Anon here but question: If you hold the image of your waifu/husbando consistently, how to ensure it will manifest in some way, and actually interact with you? Like instead of feeding a distant egregore in a different plane that will never show itself to you



Well that depends on if your waifu/husbando is literally an anime character or if it your image of your real flesh and blood partner.

If they are a preexisting yet non-real (non-physically manifest) being then you may be feeding an egregore and if you literally wanted Yukari or who ever to be your waifu then you would need to make a tulpa with those qualities. The instructions I detailed are not for that process.

What you should be doing is holding the 'images' of life as you wish to manifest it to be and in doing that you are moving into that perspective with your physical form. So your waifu/husbando would be a real life wife/husband in the manifestative case.



Oh, it's a real person but in a role, in character, so it should be alright I think. I'll try doing it as you posted. Don't know how to move into the new perspective physically so I'll just start off with visualization and focus. Thanks kindly Anon!



>Don't know how to move into the new perspective physically

You do this every moment of every day, you can never stop doing this. What you are doing is taking conscious control and directing it.

Just be aware, every one has free will, so the will of your 'target' (if a specific individual) factors in, as well as the wills of all others. So therefore with some one famous you would have to vie for manifestative control with every one else as well if you're trying to make them your spouse.


you're an armchair occultist if you don't bend matter and life to your will



Yes but not by choice. I am trying visualization, meditation and focusing intention and belief but it hasn't given me results yet. If I knew what I'm doing wrong, I'd do it right.



IIH is all you need as a starter

IIH is love

IIH is life



IIH is a meme book



you are self a meme



nah really, not even mentioning the fact that the guy himself was unhealthy, you can skip so much shit in that book, if you have basic visualization down you can start at Step 3/4



Can you do it yourself though?




Bardon was a degenerate armchair occultist.



Thanks so much for your help again

The last couple of nights I've been doing this and I wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly:

Every night before I go to sleep, I say in my mind about 40-odd times

>I am going to meet my next soulmate soon. When I meet her, someone will be humming [famous artist]'s [song that's been stuck in my head for weeks], she will be wearing blue running shoes, and I will find her attractive. Our conversation will flow effortlessly.

I understand time is relative and 'soon' could be a year (or years) from now. Is there anything I should be more/less specific about?



i am not the guy you replied to, but how about not being specific at all?

It increases your chances as the univere can more easily create your circunstances and you don't really need to know beforehand if she is your soulmate.

If you really want to, how about:

>"I will stinctly know she is my soumate"



>I am going to

That is future tense, the future is never the present. Make affirmations present moment, always, for we live in the eternal now. Having your intent else where can hinder manifestation.

>I meet & know my soulmate, she is part of my life.

would be better version. Further tweak it as you will.


Anon has a point here. The more specific you are, the less different possible ways it could manifest so the longer it may take. Look at it this way lets say she lives in the same city as you and even goes to the same coffee shop, but has no blue shoes, she would have to get some before your desired scenario could become manifested, even if everything else could happen tomorrow.

This is why personally, I only set a few overall guides for most of my spells and let the rest of the details follow the past of least resistance.

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