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The Inner Guide meditation

The Inner Guide Meditation; a relatively obscure and idiosyncratic book first published in the 1960s, after hearing it mentioned by a Jungian astrologer on a you tube video. What made it interesting to me is that even though it's basically been forgotten by contemporary esoteric voyagers the ideas it contains have had an influence on most of the creative visualization based stuff that became popularized in the late 80s on through the 90s (including the neo-shamanic fad).

Steinbrecher, a jungian analyst turned astrologer, is probably the guy that sparked that whole genre of guided tarot meditation crap. The only thing is - the actual system that Steinbrecher outlines in this book is one of the most ingenious, creative and innovative modern spiritual systems I have come across; the quixotic love child of jungian concepts, astrology, tarot and the practice of active imagination. That watered down talk-to-a-tarot-card page filling nonsense that would become plastered across every New Age book store, in fact, had its roots in a remarkably unique system of inner work.

There are so many more things you can learn, experience and do with this type of meditation that it really has no limits, this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. If you get to know, meet and befriend the various archetypes (usually represented by the 22 cards of the Major Arcana in the Tarot, also called the "22 Faces of God" and 22 paths of the Kabbalah etc) you will experience your outer world and your inner self changing and transforming greatly towards the better and deeper understandings of Existence and Creation and Life.

alright copy&paste mode off

Now This is probably either make it or break it here to attract you to this book and give it a chance.

"All projections provoke counter-projection when the object is unconscious of the quality projected upon it by the subject." Thus, what is unconscious in the recipient will be projected back onto the projector, precipitating a form of mutual acting out.~Jung

Now I had to think about this quote for about 5-10 min to actually get it and integrate it, I think an example is best in this situation

Projection refers to the idea that you see elements of yourself in others, usually elements of yourself you are not consciously aware of. The old "liars never trust anyone else" idea. Counter projection refers to the other person unknowingly encouraging you to project onto them (eg acting suspicious, without meaning to, when you are projecting your own untrustworthiness onto them.).

Alright now we know that everyone is in this play/stage weather it is projection/counter-projection or something else than that.Most of you here think the mind is "out there", so we are right now in a "play of gods", each one in your life is playing a part of the "Great Unknowable God" and that part is projected from you unto him.As it is said "As Above,So Below", will take for example here the problem of a crippled mouth-breather NEET who his family hate him.Now we can't say it is the NEET's fault that he is broken and crippled, but does that mean throw all hope?, it is a messed up thing here so I will put it in state of a point to know how all this happen

1)The Family produce the normal baby

2)The Father/Mother/Family project unconsciously the crippled no-good NEET archetype into the baby

3)The Baby turn into the Crippled NEET

4)The NEET is forced unconsciously to act as how he was projected and is talked about.

now we try to solve this problem

5)The NEET start inner work and converse with the sun archetype with the help of an inner guide(for protection and guidance) to heal him

6)The image of the NEET archetype is healed inside the NEET's body and he look "different" to everyone/his family.

7)Since his family cannot be removed from his innerscape(because they are hard-wired part of it) they change their attitude toward the NEET and the person is fixed.

Of course your problem might not be the "NEET" problem but you can get it now that all your problem have an "image" inside of you and when that image is fixed/healed the world take care of itself.I think this give a wonderful illustration for "As Within,So without", if you fix yourself from the inside the whole world will fix itself around you.

if you also like the weird stuff,Edwin also had a part where he instruct you into FUCKING THE ARCHETYPES


Anyway, try it if you want, I will post way to "visualize" better here and sources.

the book


English book→Author name S→Steinbrecher,edwin





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In Respone to


>I can't really visualize for peanuts.

>How can I become better at it quickly, because I really want to try inner guide meditation….

I will try to put what I have

1.take a small object like a spoon, a pen, a bottle cap, then later things like a bottle of water, a glass of water, a jar of peanut butter – take them into your hand and feel the details of the object, look at the object… Then, close your eyes and feel the object, move it around in your hands.

2.when you first practice visualization, find a mental space deep in your mind and away from your "physical" eyes. That's the space where you need to visualize. Do not (at first) visualize in your eye-space.

3.One more option: create a Tulpa. It requires a lot of visualization, but it's a hell of a lot more engaging than just recreating objects. Keep in mind though, Tulpa are like heavy-duty servitors, and they can (and likely will) take on as life of their own, so it's probably not a good idea unless it's something you'd be interested in anyway. r/Tulpas has really good techniques for creating one (though most of them see Tulpa as nothing more than imaginary friends).

This is just my opinion, it might be true,false,nonsensical:- Your astral reality is mostly ruled by your belief and desires, create the tulpa with care and with dedication and they will hopefully be a good companion in your development

4.see image, note All of the above techniques are accomplished by "fixating your awareness AWAY from the physical".

5.also Lesser Pentagram ritual(Invoke in morning and banishing at night)[or just invoke everyday and banish once a month DON'T DO THAT ] will greatly infuse the "spiritual energy'" the element in you and in general improve you in a "round" and a stable way(also do the LBRP)

6.PATHWORKING(I know it is dogmatic, but at-least it is a refined tool)

7.Also the visualization through inverted color(it will improve both your visualization and concentration)





Middle pillar after lbrp will improve visualisation. I often start seeing my room through closed eyelids while doing it.


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This is here

Alternative to INNER GUIDE/YOUR OWN ASTRAL WORLD/building a pocket realm

The Akashic Records contain the entire cosmic drama in all its dimensions, including the future and the past. The records are available to the psyche of the reader and various portions of them can be tapped. For further information, please consult the head librarian located somewhere in the main library.

here a method to access it:-

I have created an astral world of my own, where I can go to whenever I want when meditating. In this World, I have a mountain, and one of my Spirit Guides are present there to guard the place and make sure it is always kept free from others than myself and those whom I permit to enter. He also guards a portal which leads to my Astral Sanctum, which basically is a room I have created, where I have various objects and things placed that I can use to gain various information. For example, in this room I have a big screen covering the whole of one wall, and in front of the screen I have two chairs with various controls on them. These chairs are for me and my Guardian Angel or any Spirit Guide or other entity I want to have with me. The chairs themselves function to activate the screen, so that I can ask a question, for example about a past life, and it will be shown on the screen visually. Then I can simply fly into the screen, and I will BE in that previous life and experience and see it just as if I am there. I can do the same thing with other entities, for example if I want to call on an ascended master, I ask him to appear on my screen if he is available and want to be in contact with me, and then when he appears I can either just communicate with him on the screen, or make him come out of the screen and manifest in the room I am in, or I can go into the screen on various journeys with him.

This place is extremely useful to say the least as I can get the answer to virtually any question I may have, and find out anything I need. The way it works is that the place itself is directly connected with the Superconscious, and through what is called the Akashic Records to the Source of All Existence itself, and thus it has access to everything that ever has happened, is happening, or will happen. Things that will happen are always only possible outcomes, and can of course be changed, so the future is not something set in stone and when trying to view the future you have to have that in mind, and also be aware of the fact that many different future timelines exist. You can even create your own future timelines, where you for example have the exact life you want, a great and positive future, and then "grab" this future timeline with you back to your present and implant it in yourself as a seed that will grow to make your future become the way you want it to be, as long you follow and do the things that needs to be done for that specific future to properly unfold for you.

Well that was a lot of talk about this place itself, so now I will try tell you how you can create it and go there.

(cont 1)


First of all, do a meditation, enter an altered state, and visualize yourself in a place of your choice - this will be the world you are creating. Personally I visualized a nice valley surrounded by mountains and nature, with great fields around, rivers and lakes. Then I envisioned a portal on top of one of the mountains, and asked my spirit guide to come there and guard it, and thus visualized him there as well. Then I did this meditation several times to properly manifest this reality in the astral planes, meaning that I would daily go and visit this place in my mind in my meditations, and just fly around, explore the scenery and landscapes, and make sure all was the way I wanted.

Then I moved on to the next step, which is to go through the portal, and visualize yourself entering a room or other place of some sort, for example like I described above. I have created a room that have various things that has a personal meaning to me in the room to bring it a sort of familiarity and spiritual strength, among other things I have placed my altar in there which I use in real life for various rituals, and all items that I have on this altar. I also have a couple plants by a window, and the window has a great view out over the valleys and mountains of the previously mentioned world that I entered this room from.

You decide yourself how you want to decorate the room and what to put there, I do however recommend the screen and chairs for making contacts and getting answers to things you wonder about. So, basically do this meditation and these visualizations for some time until you have properly created it as a place you can easily enter in your mind whenever you want, and you can use your pendulum to ask your guides and guardian angel etc to help you make the place strong and protected and in assisting with maintaining it and helping you use it for the purposes you want to use it for.

Then, all you have to do is to finally start going to the next step, which is to enter your World at some time you want to find some answers of something, then enter your Portal to your own special Astral Sanctum room, and sit down in a chair, have your guardian angel with you to make sure all contacts and experiences you have are truthful and real and that you are protected against false prophets and deceivers. Then just turn on the screen in whatever way you have chosen it to be done and ask the questions you want and let the answer appear on the screen.

I guess that should be enough to get you started on such a work, which I personally have found tremendously useful and its great to just enter this world to relax and renew oneself whenever needed. For example in my World all the lakes and rivers have Holy Water that cleanses me and charges me with the Holy Spirit if I pour it over me or take a bath in it.

It is your world and you can make it however you want it, I hope these examples will be of some interest and use.

The important thing to remember is to trust your intuition and what you feel, and listen to yourself, to your inner guide, and try to sense and feel what is your "own" creations, and what is "external input" - in other words, find the difference between your own thoughts and outside communication. With some practice this will become more and more easy until it is as clear as the difference from speaking yourself to listening to someone else talking to you.

(btw we can have one on one chat if you want, I am bored and feel lonely most of the time, if you have a way to contact that would be great)

(cont 2)

P.S:In the astral world create a body for Eris and make a "pineal gland hat", make her wear it then fuck eris.[MmMMMMMMMMM]


Reading the book. It's some heavy stuff. I'd strongly advise anyone to check it out. Reminds me a little bit of ARVARI. It's distilled magic in its purest form.


There's a point at which you're supposed to test your Inner Guide by holding his hands and asking him to let you feel how much he loves you. This proves that he's the real Guide and not a false guide who is just a projection of your ego who will lead you out into the deep water and let the hostile archetypes drink your soul (author says the archetypes can literally kill you if your true Guide isn't there to protect you. I'm assuming you probably don't want to run into The Devil or Death or any of the other darker trumps without your HGA watching your back).

So far, this step is where I get stuck every time I try the meditation. My guides apparently don't love me, or I'm just not able to call a real one. Has anyone gotten past this step? Do you just have to force the feeling of being loved? Visualizing the cave, calling the spirit animal, etc. is all easy, but visualizing the guide seems extremely tough, and getting him to prove he's not an ego projection is prohibitively difficult as far as I can tell. Author says it should be very easy.



The Devil and Death are actually two positive cards in the tarot.

Death is nothing but a new cycle of things.

The Devil is material opulence, opulence that binds you to the status quo of things.

Not the "best" cards but there are positive, no risks in interacting with the devil or death, except if you are scared, which will then modify your perception of things.



I would assume that all cards have a positive and negative aspect. Principle of Polarity and so forth. The author of this book makes a big point to emphasize that all the archetypes are innately dangerous, because the forces they represent are so powerful.

Maybe your chart is configured in such a way that The Devil appears to you as a cheerful satyr, but you might have some issue that makes some ostensibly benign archetype perilous to deal with. Hence the Guide.


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1.make sure you're in First Person Point of view

2.In the whole process let the images come to you, dont try to force it or create it with your mind, just be open like a blank piece of film where the image is slowly becoming clearer and manifesting itself.

3.Try the above method if you like begin in "control" over the method(Alternative to INNER GUIDE/YOUR OWN ASTRAL WORLD/building a pocket realm) which can also be used as inner guide meditation[to some extent]



In the realm of constant concern about how to survive, it's nice to know the methods, but being in that realm is often the result of directing enormous amounts of energy toward believing you are there.

Overwhelming anxiety about being stuck tends to perpetuate the situation.



Can you post any ARVARI related materials if you have any? Heard about it many times and I'm curious.


Thanks. I will try this out and report back with results if I have the time.




^- Here are the ebooks that the course includes. The rest is all guided meditations with binaural beats to put you into theta or delta brainwave states, but I got them from a pirate site which compressed them down to a low bitrate which supposedly makes them less efficacious than the original audio files.



Thanks very much anon; gonna try that.



Thank you.


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That's a mighty big library,

thanks for sharing it op.



I saw this book mentioned just a few days ago and read it.

Have been experimenting with it.

Results so far are good, even though I have some issues with the author's cosmology (all external events being strongly influenced or semi-caused by internal structure sounds a bit a stretch to me.)


This somewhat is close to my experiences. I went a bit gungho and decided to trust him anyway, as all the other checkboxes were filled and tbh I don't even know what "massive amounts of love" would even feel like. Meeting the couple of archetypes I've so far sought out has mostly worked out, some being more difficult than others to communicate with.

I wonder whether the Tarot is the only archetype system worth following, or whether some more personal forms of archetypes would work better.


Thank you.



I've had strange difficulties with separating my visual attention without moving my eyes, but I'm probably just overworking it. Thanks for all the visualization help, though!


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>(all external events being strongly influenced or semi-caused by internal structure sounds a bit a stretch to me.)

That's just a rephrasing of the maxim on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: "That which is below corresponds to that which is above, and that which is above corresponds to that which is below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."

Or, in modern parlance, "As above, so below. As within, so without." The macrocosm reflects the microcosm.

This is the final red pill. There is no reality external to you. The All is Mind, and there is only one mind, and it's you, experiencing yourself subjectively in infinite ways. This is how magic works; in changing yourself, you change everything else, because you are all that is.


When I get to my guide, I had to go through about 5 false ones (when I asked "Can you protect me in the inner worlds?", they kept saying "No").

Then I met one who said "Yes". So I took his hands to feel that overwhelming love and after a short pause all I got was a very weak pulse of energy. I gave permission to let me know his true feelings and got the same.

How do I proceed?



Read the damn book. It says what to do after meeting the guide. Something about being shown the sun which is the first archetypal image you meet. Then do the rest of it with the other tarot archetypes.



Read my damn post. I am stuck on meeting the guide, they all seem false. A weak pulse of energy is hardly the outpouring of love it says to expect.

The book says not to try contacting archetypes without the guide present, I don't want to push ahead with a false guide.

What do I do if all the guides I meet seem false?

captcha: alienz



push through.


"Then ask him to send as much love and light as he can into your physical body. The feeling of receiving love and light is usually strong, and at that moment the practitioner realizes that she is in contact with the real archetypal force, and that what she is doing is not a product of her imagination. The contact can be very strong, filled with emotion, so that the practitioner gets tears in her eyes. If such a strong experience does not happen, most often the cause lies in the practitioner’s internal barriers. You should therefore invite your Master to melt away the barriers inside of you with the warmth of his love."



You might not be "ready" yet. Do more routine magical work.



Isn't that about the Sun archetype though? Shouldn't I have my true guide sorted before I try to interact with archetypes?

>push through.

I-I'll try.


Thanks, will do.



The author have a very deep understanding, for example if you read thoroughly you will notice the author carefully putting adult circumcision as an initiation method, we all now that circumcision can cause trauma but here is a text from a fellow magician:-

The rites and rituals that are designed to put you into contact with the HGA in modern times are functionally designed to induce a traumatic event so intense that you are able to see, hear, and interact with your HGA. You spend your six months or eighteen months ritually creating the circumstances necessary to instigate a psychic breakdown, to create a reframing experience that allows your whole perception to be altered. You use special oils and perfumes to put your brain into a particular state, and there's some speculation that you get high to help. Aaron Leitch very carefully doesn't mention that he uses Marijuana as a psychoreagent in his Work with the Holy Guardian Angel. He also carefully doesn't show it in a picture on his blog.

Since you haven't probably gone to something that will make you very sensitive I don't think anything big will happen really, the author is known to exaggerate stuff.

Just try, and if it doesn't happen there is in the 3rd post in this thread another way, no need to lock yourself into one paradigm(If you need practical results I would say aim at Al.G Manning)



everyone uses something but they won't tell you.

Just like how most of the posters here enjoy their netflix and their vidya games but when they put on their mage robes and hat all of a sudden it's beneath them to partake in the mundanity that they obviously enjoy.

It's fun to play a game of basketball or tennis from time to time, even tho the games are masonic rituals and blah blah blah mainstream evil jewmoney blah blah. You still enjoy your FPS shooter match even tho it's made by degenerates who run subliminal occult scripts on the games.

Cannabis is fucking legit, anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or scared as fuck of letting it take over them, which is just pointing out their own weaknesses. Nothing is addictive when used with ritual mindset, I tried with cigarettes, it didn't work. alcohol, didn't work, addictive foods such as fried potato based foods, didn't work. Smoked 10-20 joints a day ( yeah ) for 2 years straight, then quit for a year on the spot to see the effects, initial 2-3 days of wtf since synapses seth tunnels… then just regular shit.

Addiction is weakness from the first to second circuit of the brain, survival mentality - transcend that and you find yourself playing the game instead of being played by the game.


There's mixed ideas on the such, one being the foreskin of the glans being essentially the male version of the yoni, the vagina, which in ritual was to remove such to make you fully masculine in energy, where as the females had their clitoris removed as it was a symbol of the male aspect in them as to fully feminize them.. the glans and the clitoris are the same appendage with slight variations in the DNA code for the pattern.

In tantric magic and daoist magic, including egyptian tantra - the clitoris serves as to generate and accumulate male energy in the female to balance out the kundalini force and versa for the males. If you have an overabundance of an energy you would be too right brained or too left brained which would fuck with your energy balancing and would make it more difficult of a process ( not impossible just more difficult ).

Furthermore, there's really something fucked from my own point of view as to the butchering of the body for religious or even spiritual reasons.. you created yourself and all that is, nature being the middle-man for experience in such environment, yet you gave yourself all these defects? Makes 0 logical sense - just as some would say the wisdom teeth should be removed… well guess what, wisdom teeth are linked to lung function, the apendix gets fucked when you have too much toxicity in the colon and it's essentially a FINALE warning for you to change your dietary habits. Tonsil problems are from poor oxygen and polluted air, including the mouth-breathing issue where bacterial and contaminants flow directly into your mouth and deposit on the soft skin in the back of your throat, also the consumption of polluted foods contaminated with foreign non-useful minerals.



Please stay on topic.



Please shut da fuck up when theres good info in front of you

>muh order

>stay on topic

>spoonfeed my desires



Bumping this to ask what kinds of experiences people have had. I have gotten some pretty weird fucking tasks from the archetypes.

Throw an empty can in a river? Really?

Also, I am constantly having to check that my guide is the real one. Every single time I arrive there are at least a few false ones hanging around. I have to do a banishing when I arrive and even then I check a few times that the guide is legit.

What does this mean?

I would appreciate any anecdotes about IGM.



Do you get any rewards for the tasks? What have they shown you other than asking you to do weird shit?



Nothing tangible. They have not manifested any results in the real world.



Any subjective gains? From what I've read you need to balance the archetypal forces within you before you get material changes.



Before I did the task for the sun, I only got weak energy from him. After I did his ridiculous task, I got really REALLY intense energy, sustained for about 10 seconds. It was strong enough to make me convulse a bit. I have never felt anything like this before. But this does not seem to have had any real effect on anything.





Wait for it, it is a slow process and you are changed by the process.The "le ridiculous" task is nothing but a symbolic act for change in the inner world which will start to manifest in the real world, give it some time and keep pushing through.



Thanks for the advice.

Again, I would like to hear what kind of things others have been experiencing.



So long as you don't start sacrificing the neighbours pets to the devil its all good.



Well I might not have a lot of time to write text here I am more focusing on PHYSICAL results and more and more on my academic life(I know it is bullshit but I gotta keep myself secured both on the physical and the spiritual side), so I know that begin the OP here I will look like a fag but excuse me for now, hopefully when I finish my planetary talisman and comeback from the uni tomorrow I will have time to write, sorry.


How do you decide which archetype to work with next? Do you work with multiple at the same time? Once you have completed the task for one, do you go back to it?

Also, bumping for other people's experiences.



You ask the guide whom the best archetype to work with best, or you use your natal chart to see where you have conflict and you need to fix dat.


I met Last Judgement today. I definitely think my work on the inner planes is doing some aspects of the outer, but it's getting a bit confusing. Make sure you guys are using journals.

XX gave me a Ruby earring that I can only wear when I'm dreaming. My guide brought me to her after I asked for help in lucid dreaming.

She automatically put it in my left earlobe and my guide gave the gift the green light. In return, however, she asked me to masturbate. I asked my guide if she was serious and he confirmed.

Had I known that would have been asked of me, I would have negotiated - I don't want to waste my creative energy. Good thing she said "only this time"

I did it anyway to appease her and today has gone exceptionally well.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this with one of the archetypes?

On another day (can't remember which archetypes I met this day)

I have experienced a synchronicity involving meeting a girl at a bus stop who struck up conversation with me about meditation and the chakras. Only a couple minutes after getting on the bus and it breaks down on a bridge. I offer to walk with her to her house (I was enjoying the conversation) and she accepts. We discuss all sorts of phenomena involving the universe along the walk and discuss yoga, something I was meditating on earlier in the day.

We get to get house, literally watch Netflix and chill, and she gives me a book on Hatha yoga.


Before I start this: Is it possible to move my Inner Guide to an astral temple after I have started the process? I do not have one now, but I feel as if it may be handy at a later time. If I'm making an astral temple to put all my practices in one place, I don't want things straying off.

Also, what is the end result of the Inner Guide process? I am just reaching the first 100 pages, so I'm not sure if it is written later in the book, but will I ever reach a state where I am content with myself and do not need to work with archetypes any longer? Can my Inner Guide help me with magick in general? Has anybody gone past 7 true guides?



Bumping because it's very odd how this method has so little coverage.

Since this post I've talked to my inner guide but I feel as if I am influencing everything myself and getting answers that seem invalid. The sun archetype wanted "freedom" and in return gave me a symbol for "freedom", which must have been a mistake on my part because it contradicts. Another time I talked to The Fool and he promised me material desires, which seems unlike what I have read about The Fool. I asked my guide which archetype could help me with my lust issues and he said The Empress. So now I am worried that I have wasted my help from The Empress because instead of putting energy in front of me and talking to its true form, I've forced The Empress to help me with something that is my own problem. And since I have done what she said, I have struggled just as much if not more.

All these mistakes of mine as well as how little information is surrounding these "inner guides" has me very concerned. If I have entered this world and acted mistakingly, and yet it seems to work around how I thought it worked, how is any of this true?

Perhaps I will return to this method when I have improved my abilities later.



This is why you should say no to drugs kids

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