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Esoteric Wizardry


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Galdr,Bindrunes, and servitor

If you hear about Runes you would probably relate it immediately to magic, at the same time just like tarot both of them can be used as a magical tool.I hope that the technique I present here are rather easy and practical rather than a mental masturbatory thread.The technique are tested, but there is always risk.

Galdr: The oration of the runes and their powers.

Bind Runes: Combining multiple runes to create a single rune in a manner much similar to sigil magic(note:the set of runes used is preferably less than 6).

this page give excellent overview on Galdr and the magical value of runes


Galdr thoughtform, and bindrune servitor

I want to point out here the use of galdr for thoughtform and bindrune for servitor isn't because it is restricted for each one of them(galdr can be used for servitor and bindrune can be used for thoughtforms).I don't want to jab a lot about the runes instead I will just list the method:-

Firstly, prepare your intent/goal and make sure that you both set it right and correctly(because it will be harder to reprogram later on the servitor/thoughtform once it is set).Give the thoughtform a figure,timespan,material span,etc( I have included Aspect of Evocation if you need an outline for building the servitor).

Now you will need to consecrate the thoughtform/material base to infuse the rune into the "servitor".You can use the galdr by vibrating them(as shown in the sunnyway link above), or send energy through contradiction and relaxing from the method pointed out in the tulpa's thread ( >>25313 ).you can also use MPR,Microcosmic pillar to charge it(also radionic and orgone work too).

Lastly after you have done all of this you will launch it, as I said that there is a risk and I am going to list them one by one:-

1.Runes usage in normal languge have been minimized and have been found to be a better "gateway" to realm than normal alphabet because of conditioning, for example you use the alphabet "B" everyday but you might not think of using it in magical working(using it as a talisman,gateway in the astral,etc) but you would be okay with using "mannaz".(Just a theory may be true or may not be)

2.Intent is a big thing, if there was some mental glibberish and a bad Statment of intent the rune servitor might be more of a trouble than a helper.

the casual warning about sigil that it will manifest through weakest path of Resistance, might give you what you NEED and not what you WANT, but overall it is a good system both for practical and development magic.


~ Phil Hine

~Prophecy(the member from Vsociety)

~dat dude from sunnyway



Almost forget

this give a good overview on runic magic as well.



I am only interested in what the OP from http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/14456978/ did.



Many of the sigils shown on Sunnyway lack instruction. If you read The Galdrabók, the source for many of them, you'll see in there that some of them involve specific materials to use and various small rituals to go along with them.

The reason for these specific actions is not explained though. I'm assuming that there is a reason that certain items were chosen, but I haven't come across any explanations for them. There is also the possibility that these methods were based off untrue ideas about the workings of magic, but I don't think this is the case, considering that they were important enough to be written into a book.

Sunnyway is still a great starting point on runic magic. I just had to mention that you're missing half the story on there.



Everything in grimoires must be done exactly as it is written

He he. Grab your grimoire and check the language it is written in and it was translated from. Chances are that these two are completely different, which means someone had to translate it for you, and trust me he could had translated it in hundres different ways, each and every sentence.

Words of power that should be kept in its original manner should be kept in the original language, which means that everything that WAS translated can be considered as "do something like this, say something like that" instead of "do this, say that".

Modifying procedures to suit your needs is also fundamental to the healthy occult practices, it helps you to develop intuition, reasoning and also understanding of the matter. But really, take grimoires only as an inspiration, not as the only possible strict procedures.

Here is one of the spells found in Icelandic girmoire

If you want to make your own necropants (literally; nábrók) you have to get permission from a living man to use his skin after his death.

After he has been buried you must dig up his body and flay the skin of the corpse in one piece from the waist down. As soon as you step into the pants they will stick to your own skin.

A coin must be stolen from a poor widow and placed in the scrotum along with the magical sign, nábrókarstafur, written on a piece of paper. Consequently the coin will draw money into the scrotum so it will never be empty, as long as the original coin is not removed.

To ensure salvation the owner has to convince someone else to overtake the pants and step into each leg as soon as he gets out of it. The necropants will thus keep the money-gathering nature for



Of course it was translated, but it's not like Icelandic is some obscure dead language that's difficult to interpret.

There is a photo of a pair of necropants in an Icelandic museum, I think their witchcraft museum. You can't miss it if you look it up.

I don't even use the sigils from the grimoire, I make my own.



yeah but the picture was just weird and it will draw some looshtastic people here in this thread so I preferred to keep it away.


i would always see things like op's first pic when I took DPT



what the fuck Iceland


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Lol some poor sob actually tried it. Imagine wearing another man's dingdong and not getting gold in your sack and realising what a sucker you are for believing this bullshit.

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