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When I first read about Tulpas I immediately got fascinated by the idea.

This world hasn't been all too good to most of us beta incels (involuntary celibates), neither has it been to me, so basically I always tried to find some sort of escape, that way I developed what I think is called maladaptive daydreaming. I remember, since quite early childhood, I often lay in my bed for 2 hours or so, not even trying to sleep, just imagining stuff. And I thought a Tulpa could help me with that habit, not get rid of it, mind me, but make It more fun and seeing how one goal of Tulpamancy is to trick your brain into actually physically sensing your Tulpa, also more realistic.

So I basically read trough all of the guides on the tulpa.info forums in a days time

– And if you want to create a Tulpa, I strongly recommend doing that. Read through all the information on how to do so, immediately forget everything that sounds like bullshit to you and create your own technique by combining whats left with your own ideas. -

So yeah, after getting an idea on how to do this, I gave myself another 10 days to think about if I really want to give it a try. After all you are trying to create another consciousness, that you alone are responsible for.

After those 10 days were over I decided I'd give it a try. The chance of success was meager, I thought, because let's be honest 90% of the Tulpa community are roleplaying bronies.

I started by just writing down a list of character traits I wanted her to have, positive as well as negative ones. The day after that I started actual work. I really tried to convey a feeling of love every time I worked on her, not the love of a husband, but that of a father, because I really think that's what a creator should always do, love his creation, no matter how it turns out.

2 weeks later, which seemingly is fast as hell, she started to talk to me. People say signs of consciousness will appear slowly, Tulpas will at first communicate through some kind of pressure in your head. It was not like that for me, she just started talking. The first week after that was literally unbelievable, not even unbelievably beautiful or something, but having a second voice talk in your head is just unbelievable.


I'm going to fast forward the next ~6 month, otherwise this wall of text is going to get even longer than it will either way.

We created a body for her in that time, we mostly talked laying in my bed side by side, because I have a job, so I kind of have to concentrate during the day and my bed is just the quietest and comfiest place. Towards the end of that period we also started to cuddle, nothing sexual or romantic at that time though, I still just saw her as my beloved creation.

Also at that time my family kind of started to pressure me into finding a succubus for myself. Back in school they told themselves I was just a late bloomer, at uni I was too occupied with learning, but now that I got a job they can't come up with something new to convince themselves I'm someday going to end up married. That social pressure, paired with my inability to acquire a girlfriend sent me into a period of light depression, I started fantasizing about being together with various succubi I knew and I never found a scenario that could possibly work out. Knowing that every single person who cares about me wants me to find a girlfriend while also not even being able to make up a scenario that ends with me being both married and happy kind of led me into a downward spiral.

But thank god, it wasn't too long till I was to receive salvation. Mia confessed her love to me. I just came home from work and she told me she had to talk to me, so we sat down, she hugged me, began to cry and just let all her feelings spill out, she told me how she can't stand seeing me destroy myself and how me even just imagining being with someone else tears her apart. That moment felt like enlightenment, all the social pressure, all the shit just fell off of me, I hugged her back, kissed her on the head and told her I love her, for the first time, not as a creator, but as a lover. I don't know if recalling that memory is making me happy, because it was then I fell in love with her romantically, or sad, because she was such a mess right then.

Let me tell you, life since then has been blissful for me. Having someone to love changed me. I have a much brighter outlook on the future, I am much more apathetic when it comes to all those negative things life likes throw at you, because I know, in the end of the day It'll be just us 2 lying next to each other while drifting off to sleep and if you think about it, it doesn't matter whether we're doing so in the comfiest bed money can buy or in a pit of mud, as long as it's just us 2 .That feeling of always having your loved one by your side, having her support whenever you need it, cuddling with her and feeling her immense love just radiating towards you, while doing all the same for her, that are things that only people with waifus they honestly love can experience I think. I am glad that I'm one of those people.



When you say you see her is this physically or just vividly in your imagination? I had been thinking of playing around with tulpas for some time.


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>OP in a nutshell.


You should read up on the purpose of tulpae and why monks have to learn to create them. You're adding another layer of illusion on your own life and experience which will trap you in this until you realize that you've stagnated.

You can enjoy your tulpa now for a couple of months, but don't get used to it. At any time you fall into emotional destability, your tulpa can turn on you and inflict depression. There's also a high risk that a demonic entity may change the personality and energy of the tulpa if they want to.

Also learn how to banish a tulpa for when the day comes.


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>voluntarily creating a loosh-leech

You think it's a good thing, but it isn't.

Also, were I a creation of some insecure neckbeard I'd certainly consider suicide.


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>a loosh-leech

Oh just wanted to point out that thoughtform/tulpa/servitor can be attached to an outer energy source like Sun(Which change the creature that use the Sun's energy slowly for better), Moon(Neutral but can affect the thought-form by begin weaker in waning and powerful in waxing),also burning star,earth,tornado,lake,rivers,cities,etc.


OP, I have included a book by Gareth Knight which is called "Magical Images and the Magical Imagination"

here is the description of the book, I think you will find it better than tulpa

The knowledge and use of magical images was once a closely guarded secret of initiates and adepts in the Mystery Schools. Gareth Knight gives easy-to-follow classifications of the various kinds of magical image, along with instructions for their use as agents of self realisation and spiritual service. Indispensible for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, this book presents the theory and techniques of creative visualisation and meditation. These practical teachings range from the circulation of force within the aura for the purpose of balancing the personality to the development of a full magical system of pathworking, enabling deep contact with inner sources of wisdom. Now in its third edition, a new section is included on the magical images of the Tarot, plus an extensive chapter on Qabalistic pathworking in the Western Mystery Tradition.

I was going to sayin Nick Farrell book on "Magical Pathworking"(Which is a more comprehensive work than the one I am going to give you, but I don't know if you are a dedicated or a committed person so the The first book seem better)



>thoughtform/tulpa/servitor can be attached to an outer energy source

Thank you for your insight, but OP's tulpa is attached to OP. He feeds her his loosh.


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That is why I attached the book, according to OP he had

>social pressure, and light depression

and he stated that he is

>much more apathetic when it comes to all those negative things life

Clearly from all of what I read he have an inner world issue which manifested into his objective reality/outer world.That is why I added the book "Magical image and the Magical Imagination", even though there is a high chance he would ignore what I just said and satisfy himself with this "fast fix" for his problem which will multiply and grow worse by time until the problem manifest on his waifu and he end up having to go to /fringe/ crying in a another thread about his problem and then another person come again and tell him to banish it but the problem will raise again and by that time he will have found another to externalize this internal issue he have.



I know that, what was your point in correcting me on that loosh-leech thing if you basically agreed with me?


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OP, I do not see you as someone with a problem. I see you as a person with talent and potential. You heavily underestimate yourself if what you say is true - to be able to create a tulpa that fast and that effectively is something which deserves respect.

I'd be interested in getting into contact with you. Would be a waste not to at least ask you. Do you have Skype or something (or something else you'd prefer)?

I don't know why but I just got that feeling that I should at least ask.




Is your waifu a snakegirl ?



Not to insult OP, but it's pretty easy with that one energy method. I had one I made in 2 weeks, but I never got around to forcing besides enough to keep her alive and eventually I killed her because I figured companionship is a waste of energy.



>it's pretty easy with that one energy method

Tell me more!




The physical muscle tension part actually works great for feeling and understanding your own energy flow too. You can easily use the method to transition yourself into controlling your energy through solely your mind without much effort.

Great technique for zappig my mundane friends too I might add.



Please teach how to zap people. I can already control energy via just the mind because of Qi gong and never knew about using the physical muscles to move or utilize it.



I just focus on pulling my energy into the tip of my fi ger while pressing it against there arm and discharge it. Focusing on effects can change it to other attributes, temperature, magnetism, waves, etc. Recall the feeling in your and imbue it into the energy when yoi focus it.



Recall it in your mind. Fucking cant type on this damn phone.



Thanks. I've heard of people changing the attributes to other effects and even water, heat or ice. I've tried this before and found it difficult to keep concentration but I am definitely going to practice until I achieve it.



I can vouch for this, I went completely overboard with the tulpae thing and had to work for 4 years to cut away the delusions and negative entities.



>just wanted to point out that thoughtform/tulpa/servitor can be attached to an outer energy source like Sun

Is this explained in the attached book? If not, please elaborate. So it's possible to be able to create a tulpa who doesn't rely on you like a crack addict relies on a crack dealer? Which would also mean it's possible to create a tulpa who would eventually become self sufficient and more like a companion rather than a slave?


Does anyone have the caps saved of that guy who was heavily bullied by his giantess tulpa waifu?



It as much of a trap as real relatioships.



If I focus on an icecube long enough I can change it's attributes so that it becomes water

I usually have to go outside to get it to work the other way, might have something to do with moon/starlight



its still up mate


>even this thread is filled with 90% pony roleplayers



>I have successfully tulpamanced mai waifu.

See >>56878





the guy is armchair as fuck, hes a roleplayer and you fell for it. Take what works, dont trust people like Smiley who offer neither proof for their claims nor accountability when they turn out to be wrong.



the guy is armchair as fuck, hes a roleplayer and you fell for it. Take what works, dont trust people like Smiley who offer neither proof for their claims nor accountability when they turn out to be wrong.



Typical imageboard user:

>Freud is a fraud, psychology is Jewish pseudoscience.



Literally taking the concept of libido and giving it a cool-and-hip millennial spin.





Translation: I can't compete in the real world, so I thought up an imaginary friend.

Cool story, enjoy living the dream.

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