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File: 1443519277714.jpg (405.67 KB, 1649x1649, 1:1, 1426406164353.jpg)


A good visual imagination is the basis of any magical work, but not everybody is blessed in this department.

In fact some people can't visualise a face, a landscape, any complex shape, when they close their eyes all they see is just a blurred mixture of colors.

Is there a way to give more focus to those images and see with more clearness?

Any books/links/exercises about visualisation welcome ITT.

Couldn't find a related pic, so have the happy lynching loli.



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watch hentai and fap with it, serious it's work



Any more info on this, That statement sounds like totally denuded of logic, why would faping to hentai improve visualization ?




it doesn't - you're being rused.

that sexual cartoon crap with all the subliminal programming will fuck with your programming + fapping will deplete you of your loosh / nutrients.


do the exercises in cyclomancy + use the black dot on the white wall technique, or even better - stop consuming heavy metal polluted foods, as it will disrupt your ability to fully use your substanca nigra. If you have visualization issues most of the time it's either from not detoxing the heavy metals in your diet or bad serotonin circulation, get proper sunlight and get proper darkness while lucid - darkness meditations are always recommended for the adept, with open eyes in pure darkness.



lol srry just a joke

like you said it's a gif, but you can try the exercise above


I too have trouble with Visualization and what I've found to be working is to watch guided visualization meditations on Youtube, they really help you visualize places/objects.

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