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Hermetic and General Western Magic Tutorials and Practice

""Introduction - What can I find here?""

Hello and welcome to another theory and practice tutorial. The original intent of this thread was to teach evocation since I've always felt it to be one of the most major and integral techniques that an aspiring metaphysician/occultist/wizard should learn and master. Namely because of the effectiveness of it in "bending" reality. Chances are if you're an occultist on this site then your life is not all sunshine and rainbows. Most of us have come from having nothing and being screwups into alchemizing ourselves to a far greater human than we ever thought possible. Evocation is one of the tools which allows you to take this to the next level. Ideally western magic in general is good for this. I'll teach you some practices which can be applied for both lesser and higher magic. As always, what you do with this stuff is up to you. Do the work, make it your own and use it to better your own life.


Be careful what you wish for. Be careful about crazy wizard syndrome. Don't take things too seriously or let it get to your ego. I suggest you all to read my previous Qi-gong thread since I merge eastern and western esoterism into a wholesome combined field(Though I will be keeping it simple for the new comers. Though you may add the energy work parts in later to amplify the rituals). Finally the most important thing to know is that there is no right or wrong way to do any of this. You're always doing it right. But there is a gauge of how effective you've done it. For example if you keep chanting a spirits name but still don't hear them then chances are you've still made contact(we'll go over that later). Unlike energy work where meridian blowout symptoms or kundalini shocks are a problem of misconduct, the problems here are far more mental and metaphysical.

""What is Expected of you?""

I do expect you to have a decent grasp of the occult already if you're thinking of undertaking the practices here. But if you are a complete occult noob then this read will do you good and if you feel like undertaking these practices then by all means do. You should know by now a basic understanding of things like the 5 elements, 7 chakras, planar theory, egregore and deity theory, basic planetary magic Qabalah and lesser magic. I'll be going over and giving a simplified explanation for most of these while we go through the practices but it will aid you to already have some understanding in these fields. What's absolutely required is that you are currently performing at least 10 minutes of mindfulness mediation per day. This is so you can still and quiet your mind enough to perform the rituals. Aside from that you're ready to jump in.



""What are we "Really" doing in Ritual""

We're combining physical actions, emotions, objects, words, symbols, energies and other elements with a mixing pot called our imagination. All of this unlocks corresponding parts of the subconscious and collective "god mind". We impress our own will on the astral plane which is known as the womb of Gaea. Everything in the astral plane manifests downward. This is why when you become more conscious and aware you start to notice that everything in your life is just a manifestation of a previous thought be it conscious or unconscious. Like a dancer in performance, the magician truly is an artist. Using gestures along with imagination to impress symbols into astral matter, calling upon energy or what is personified as entities and gods, speaking divine frequency to give life and power to all of this. Every part of ritual is just a show and play to impress our subconscious mind. But do not think lightly of this for impressing your own subconscious impresses the entire world. You will soon find this with your own experiences that the world around you shifts and bends to your will. Strange anomalous events seem to happen and your own views of reality crumble once again as they have many time before.



"Elements of a Ritual"

I mentioned some of these elements previously in which I will expand upon here. Firstly there is the use of your imagination. Drawing a banishing pentagram or planetary hexagram is completely useless if you do not "see" it and "feel" it being created with your own internal vision - the imagination. We are using our own chi or energy which acts as a vaporous liquid to really draw these symbols and sigils, intentions or ideas into the astral plane which overlaps our own physical reality. I want you to understand that your imagination is creating impact in other worlds beyond your physical eyes. We are beings capable of multi-dimensional control and manipulation.

Next are the toys or physical implements such as daggers, wands, pentacles and cups. Depending on the order or school of thought will depend on the tools used if any. All of these are simply enchanted and imbued items to act as physical representations of their symbolic subconscious true meaning. For example a magician may use a wand to represent his will. It may also represent an element. You may use an item to represent deities, elements, energies, zodiac houses or other. It's just like using a sigil of a planetary god to access their archetypal force and energy. These all put magicians into "the zone". A magical mind state. This is the same thing for robes, candles and many of the other items. While some do have actual purpose like fire is a portal to the astral and incense is a good manifestation base, a lot of them are just for tradition and habit. If you understand the second law of correspondence or analogy this will be easy for you to grasp.

Your physical actions and emotions are key elements to making any ritual successful. The physical action is your dance to direct the flow of the ritual. While you may bring up a sigil or banishing pentagram within your imagination, it is much more impacting to draw it physically along with the imaginary part. The body also helps for integrating energy work into the ritual since your hands are excellent energy exchange points for your shen (upper dan tien chi - spiritual energy). As for emotions, these act as a directing and fuelling element for the ritual. My first groundbreaking evocation was done in a wrathful fury. Emotion works exactly like a hot iron for your subconscious. Allowing you to draw new thoughts into it. It can also act as a radio frequency crystal for your current state in the astral. To say that it will dictate what plane you're native to and the kind of entities that are drawn to you.

Finally we have symbols and energies (deities, gods, egregores, demons, angels, spirits, faries, etc). Wherever there is energy there is intelligence. Ancient cultures around the world would categorize this energy and personify them. Calling them angels, spirits, demons, nymphs, salamanders, fae, gnomes and other such names. Every time you start a fire you're calling upon the energy of the fire spirits. When you're washing your hands the water spirits. People are controlled by all manner of entities. The common man has far too many aura gaps to have any protection. This is why some people seem to become "possessed" by depression or other ailments. Others "invoke" the wrathful forces of Mars or an artist might invoke the divine beauty of Venus for a performance. The thought loops inside of your mind are the entities around you. A thoughtform is just a thought that thinks after all. Thinking equating to much more than you currently are aware of. It would be quite a lecture to go through intelligent energy so hopefully these basic ideas have sufficed to get you thinking about what spirits are.

We as magicians call upon these spirits or energies by using their given name and symbol/sigil. Sigils being a geometric creation which the subconscious mind can access and tap into acts as an astral telephone number for the entity in question. Asking an energy force to do your bidding is like calling up a friend to go run an errand for you. Sometimes they can do it much better than you can and surprise you of the results.


Tomorrow I'll begin write ups of the exercises and practice component to this thread. I've prepared it to be more traditional and intermediate so the main focus will be on altars, evocation and I'll dissect the LBRP so you can begin to understand and create your own rituals.

Until then I suggest everyone to keep up their meditations and internal cultivation.



Giving it some more thought I'll probably have to give a proper rundown on mental projection/scrying (ghetto astral projection), channeling and egregore and thoughtform creation.



Neophytes who don't know the LBRP can find it here, along with the middle pillar and a guide to basic meditation, which is a good starting place for western esoteric daily practise:


Can I upload your posts when you're done?



Neophytes can find an LBRP anywhere. But do they know what each step means or what they're actually doing? I doubt it. I'll teach the fundamentals so that they can properly understand the ritual and ritual in general. As for they middle pillar I recommend lighting up the Taiji pole or haru line which I've spoken about in the Qi-gong thread. They both serve similar purpose depending on what you want to do.

You may upload my posts if you wish.



nice, do you have to be experienced in meditation to be able to do these rituals and do you need any items or do you do them with your mind?



The ritual is completely mental. In fact I do all of my rituals and have been doing them with little more than some paper and a pen for spirit sigils. Even this I've found myself throwing away.

As for meditation you do not need to have strong grounding in it but it is required that you keep up a routine.



Journaling and documenting your occult work is one of the most important skills to learn. Keep a general day journal, health journal, occult journal and any other journal you might find useful like routines, cultivation or other. Not only can you look back on your journal to remember and figure out the kind of rituals you might have done but it also serves as good documentation when you need to share your work or compile it. You may cast of a ritual and then forget all about it which starts to lead havoc in your life. Or maybe you just need to go back through your successes and create a new foundation for your dedication. Journaling has too many important uses to pass up. Always be writing down each occult event, be it ritual, synchronicity, tarot readings, evocation, spirits or other notes. Remember to write not only the ritual but what results came later.


"Altars and Magical Tools"

Do I need an altar and the tools that long along with it to perform magic? No, not really. At the purest form ritual magic is all done via the mind and all rituals like the LRBP, MPR and others may even be done astrally to the same effect. I've done rituals with and without tools finding good results in both. Your altar acts as your own magical workstation in physical reality. You will create one physically and astrally as well to conduct rituals up there. The altar can be thought of like a physical representation of our subconscious. This means we get to customize and personalize it for ourselves. There are many kinds of altars and purposes for them but let's start out with a general beginning altar for ourselves. I will link some pictures of my own altar (the current state of it has changed slightly from the pictures date) to give a basic idea and a full explanation of each and every item on it.

Go find yourself an altar base. Be it a table, box made out of metal or even cardboard. It can be the floor of a closet or a small corner in your room. It's preferable to not have your altar in any room you spend a lot of time in but most of us will end up having it in our bedrooms due to space constraints. Performing rituals starts to change the energy of whatever room it is done in. This means after a certain time and work the room will invoke strange or different feelings. You or a family member/friend may have already noticed this. This is why it's preferable to have a dedicated location to perform your esoteric arts. Though do what is necessary for your own situation. Energy cultivation is best done outdoors and ritual is best done indoors I've found. Once you have found a location for the altar and a suitable object (or floor) it's time to get a cloth. Usually you will use a colour specific cloth for the ritual except since this is a universal/general altar it may be any colour or pattern. You don't technically even need the cloth but it does serve as nice decoration. The more effort you put into this the more you will subconsciously attach to it and respect it. The next required element is candles. I suggest using 4 candles for each elemental quadrant. You may also use two candles one black and one white to symbolize the two pillars of the qabbalah. You may even just use a single candle if none of these are appealing or none at all. Fire helps to excite and awaken the subtle senses. It also acts as a portal to the spiritual realms. Currently on my altar there are four candles symbolizing the elements and a little cloth I scavenged laying about. Make do with what you can get.



Next we'll go over the tools and objects. Our main tools for ritual use are a wand or dagger which acts as the extension of your will and an item to channel shen or spiritual energy through, incense for a manifestation base, a black scrying mirror/black bowl/ fire brazier, sigil paper, pen, summoning triangle and circle of protection and an offering holder. As mentioned previously, none of these are required. Most of my earlier rituals were done with these tools and then I slowly dropped them all except the sigil paper which then I finally let go of last. They all act as symbolic "Training wheels". While these are the main tools there are many others that can be used like a lantern, spiritual jewellery and robes for example. I'll briefly explain the tools on my own altar. I have four tools to represent the four elements. The violin bow acts as a sword to represent air. The war fan (covered up in purple fabric) acts as the wand for fire. The black chipped bowl represents water and is used for scrying, offerings and fire (try to find an actual black bowl if you want to use one. Water wears away at most paints). The incense acts as my earth element and is a manifestation base(Gives energy something to form in). Other tools on the altar are the crystals. Four for each element and many placed all around the altar to act as batteries. I've set up a complex energy grid system with these so that they store and feed the intention of any ritual performed. Around the cloth is a journal, pencil and eraser for note taking. Above that are mantra beads and two tarot decks. You might have noticed the tarot cards spread all over the altar. I place these symbolically related to my current altars intention. To the far right is a wooden lantern that acts as an "on and off" switch for the altar( I personally like eastern styled things which is why I use it along with the fan). Next to that are some items like scissors, sewing thread and rosin. The sewing thread was a request and the rosin and hair dressing scissors are ancestral items. If you're trying to communicate and connect to your past ancestors then it is good to use items that they are fond of. Below this is my offering plate with two sweet potatoes on it. Similar thing as before with requests. Spirits will communicate what they want no matter how strange some might be. Generally your offerings will stay preserved through the energy of the altar.

Each item needs to have a significance to you. You may use a toilet brush for your wand and potato as a scrying tool if it resonates with you personally. What I'm saying is that there's no wrong way to do this. Set the altar up around its purpose (planetary energies, pathways, spirits, elements, themes, rituals, people or other). Use items that are special to you and bring out the qualities you want. Maybe you want to use a pencil as your wand or a pan as your bowl. It does not matter as long as you trust and believe in it.

You might be asking around now "How do I set an intended purpose for specific items". We use our enchanting skills for this. You simply need to enter a trance like state and build up energy with an intention. This is easy if you already do energy work. If not then try to feel as if you're drawing and breathing in energy all around you with your body inside one of your dan tiens. So either at the heart, naval or head. Give this energy the intention you have by simple will or affirmation. For example if you're trying to enchant a dagger to become your magical tool then hold it in your hands while pouring out the energy with the intention of its purpose to be your magical implement, an extension of your own willpower. Allow the energy to flow into it and merge with the item. This is all done via the imagination. Through every sense you can muster up. Every time you use this item it will be consolidated further in your mind that it is the tool you've created it as. You may be a planetary magician who uses an item for each sphere. Your thoughts of war, strength, will, courage and anger give your battle axe of Mars a certain "magical" quality to it. That every time you pick it up you start to enter "a zone". A new state of consciousness which invokes red bloody Martian energy. Crowley used a new ring for each magical personality. You can do the same with a piece of jewellery or a robe if you wish. Every time you put the piece on you "become" the magician. This is when you give up and forget every part of your old self and life for the duration of the ritual. Eventually it becomes inbuilt and this item BECOMES "magical". It's just like a lucky charm.



Anyway go have fun some setting up an altar and making magical tools. Remember that it's meant to be personal and all within your own means of acceptability. Butter knifes and masking tape circles will bring you closer to the other side than you could ever imagine. As A side note I recommend putting pictures up on your altar or above it to do with your own intentions. Be them comic book, anime, movie, cartoon characters or even the gods themselves. The main key is what works with YOU. You may notice by now that regular people build up what you might think of as an altar. Areas of space with personal items that take them into their memories or dreams. It may be a traveller who puts his acquired items on the wall or an artist who has a slanted table full of pens and paper. A work station and area of mental invocation. These can both describe the altar but it is far more than only this.


As a fun side project I want people to start meditating over, deciphering and understanding the symbolism of baphoment, the picture posted.


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>would be quite a lecture to go through intelligent energy so hopefully these basic ideas have sufficed to get you thinking about what spirits are

I've been looking for a good explanation for that term for some time now. If it's not too much trouble, would you mind going over it?



Yeah sure I'll go over what we call spirits, gods, energy, and all that other entity stuff during the evocation tutorial.


OP, I hope you can share some of your personal successes and failures with evocations and invocations.



>this shit


I think you don't really understand.


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I think that's clearly you that's not getting it.



This is what western "occultists" actually believe.



90% of Western Occultism is total bullshit.




Admittedly a lot of my notable evocations were for physical gain as I use western magic as my tool for external cultivation and eastern for internal. I've used evocation to help other people get away with legal trouble via both state and corporate reasons, helped others gain jobs and gain housing, helped myself find multiple income streams and have used it to amplify those, pulled myself out of semi-legal trouble, cured health problems and diseases, communed with spirits for information and experiences about occult and physical reality, amplified artistic pursuits, gained material items, manipulated corporate workers or other for all manner of things (documents, deals, pathways). Many of my earlier evocations were testing the waters by using it for conversations. I've books full of spirit communication where they've given meditations, techniques, advice, guiding, help and occult information. In fact most of my work in the threads I write comes from the experiences I've had. Now I'll mostly use evocation to inject a bit of life and force into any project or venture I'll currently be involved in be it work, hobbies or other desired things.

I can assure you that I've "broken" reality with this kind of magic. That's why I trust it and wish to share with other people because of how useful it is.

Anyway I'll get to the energy and evocation explanations/ tutorials later on tonight.


""Explanation on Spirits"

As magicians we work with energy. We've learnt to categorize this energy through planetary spheres, elements, pathways, the zodiac and other. That's why if you pull open a grimoire you will usually see a degree, element or planetary sphere for each spirit. This defines the alignment (for practical reasons the purpose and use of this spirit). Familiarize yourself with the Qabalah since it is a roadmap and compass of the ritual magician. http://8ch.net/fringe/res/34915.html Here's a little write-up I wrote quite some time ago. Other than this go search up pictures of it to get your mind thinking. I would suggest you to at least build up a basic understanding of what each planetary energy represents. If you're familiar with mythology then this should be of no problem.

What are spirits you might ask? They are energy. Usually this energy is personified by a given appearance and name. The energy of Mars is that of pure will, aggression, force, the masculine principle and so on. This is how we create the archetype of a red warrior with a spear. The spear representing the masculine principle again. You will soon find or have already found that everything in the occult is heavily symbolic. Thus I've posted a picture of Baphomet to get your mind thinking in symbols instead of words. You can ponder this further by thinking of the fae are the energetic personification of nature, salamanders of the fire element and gnomes of the water.

There are two schools of thought. One that says all deity and spirits are simply part of one's biology, mind and nervous system and the other that thinks they are external. I personally like to understand that we have the "potential" of all energy or spirits within and that the external reality is merely a tool in which we use to bring out this energy. You stub your toe and get angry which causes the invoking of an anger spirit. You might sit in nature and be given great ideas from invoking the energy of nature. Or maybe you listen to a beautiful piece of music and feel inner divinity, invoking the energies of Venus. You are a microcosmic version of the macrocosm so this should be understandable. Think of it like you have a closet full of archetype figures which you pull out when you wish to either "become" or request the aid of one of these. In fact using crafted figures is a method of performing ritual.

Spirits reside in the astral plane. A non physical realm which overlaps our own reality. This can be accessed simply by the use of your imagination. When you call upon a spirit you bring it astrally into the current room you're in. You can mental/astral project to this room or use a scrying device to view and interact with the spirit. You may also bring it into your body or another vessel. There is a third technique which we call manifestation that the magician will bring this energy into reality via the use of blood, yang chi, incense or other "manifestation bases". This acts as a thick vaporous substance that allows the energy of the spirit to inhabit as a body. Meaning you and the spirit both meet in between worlds per say. I personally rather astral evocations since they can be done within less than a minute and serve the same purpose as a full manifestation.


I heavily suggest to anyone who's seriously interested with evocation to watch EA Koetting's evocation video tutorials. He may look like a cheesy salesman but he's one of the only few people alive right now who's had decent experiences and actually does "the work". Anyway I'll still be posting a tutorial on evocation but if you're not good with text tutorials then check him out.



First we need to go over the trance state. In day to day reality you are usually at an active beta state. This is your alert state. Next is the alpha state. This is when you dip into relaxation, maybe watching tv, listening to music, reading or eating food. We need to go further than alpha or beta for ritual work which is where we enter theta. Theta is the state you start to hit once your body is fully relaxed and you're in what you might think of as meditation. If you keep your eyes open and relax your gaze you will start to see tv like static. A fun experiment is sitting outside in theta with a piece of white paper. Gaze lightly at the paper and wait for the theta state to set in. I won't ruin the results and fun of this test. Anyway to hit this state you simply need to drop mind. Completely relax the body and almost "flop" over mentally and physically. Still the mind enough that it can begin ritual orientated work and you're all set. This is not difficult so don't make it any more than it needs to be. You should be able to train yourself to enter this state within a second or two.

Next we need to prepare our ritual tools. What tools you use is up to you. You don't need to use any at all but I suggest at least using sigil paper and a journal as a basic crutch. A reminder that all of these tools are simply subconscious reminders to help you enter certain states and to focus your will. They help the untrained and inexperienced magician achieve better results. Your circle will act as a gateway between the microcosm and macrocosm(Everything inside the circle is a direct representation and mirror of everything outside of it). The triangle acts as a space for the spirit to inhabit (think of it as a room or sofa for the spirit). Your incense acts as a physical substance for the spirit to inhabit and manifest in. The candles are to light up your scrying device, cause burn in effects, set the mood and open up the subtle senses. A wand or ritual dagger act as an extension of your will allowing you to reach further. Offering bowls hold energetic offerings like flowers, food, liquids or others to give to the energy(simply calling the spirit will feed it enough energy to perform your request). Any garments act as a tool to separate the magician from his human ego. The journal acts to hold notes, sigils, speeches and other things you may want it for. And your sigil paper which I think is the most important tool acts as a gateway or telephone to call the spirit into your presence. What tools you use is up to you. I suggest using thick black marker to draw sigils out on white printer paper. This helps you keep focused.

I'll now give you the fundamental barebones of what you need to do to make contact with these forces. It might sound simple or basic because of how much I've stripped away and refined. But I assure you once you get results you won't complain. First thing is mentally preparing yourself. This is done through a banishing ritual. You usually want to clean both inside and outside so I suggest either taking a bath or doing a little bit of mindfulness to get yourself in the mood. Next is the external banishing. You may either perform a LBRP (I'll explain this one later on for the newer people) or perform a simpler banishing using energy and water. To do this you hold out your palms and project banishing energy out. You may view this as white light coating the room you're in. You may also create banishing water with salt. Pour your intention and energy into this water for it to banish all unwanted entities and then sprinkle it around your area. Especially into the corners of the room. This work prepares your room and body astrally by removing the current energies or spirits from it. Think of it like cleaning up your apartment before calling a friend over. We'll also want to set out and prepare our tools if using any. Try to have everything near you on the floor and set the spirits quarters out in front of you. Light up the candles, burn the incense and get ready.



Enter your favoured posture(asana) or simply sit cross legged on the ground. Keep your palm sized piece of sigil paper lightly in your grasp. Start to relax your entire body and enter the theta level trance state. Gaze lightly at your sigil taking in the entire image and not focusing strongly at any part. You may start to see static around you, this is a good indication of the theta state. Start attuning yourself to this sigil by impressing it into your mind. See the sigil glow in front of you in blue energy just like you will do in an LRBP. Feel as if your entire consciousness is a radio crystal which is aligning to the energy and power of the sigil. Call upon the name of your spirit. Try to pour your emotion and power into the calling of this spirit. It may be done mentally if you are unable to physically call for it. Continue aligning yourself deeper to the energy via entering a deeper trance state. Lose your conscious mind in this work and allow the subconscious elements to take over. Keep gazing and chanting the spirit name until you start to feel a presence. It may be a weight or different quality of the room. Strange phenomena may occur around you or you may feel energetic activity like pulsations in your third eye points. The more you're able to lose yourself and merge with the ritual the better. Don't be expecting fireworks and a puff of smoke which shows a cartoon demon right in front of you. It does not work that way I'm sorry to say. If you don't notice any effects but have still tried to sufficiently call the energy then don't be worried or disheartened. Chances are you have not developed your spiritual centres enough to hear, see or notice the energy. But you can still progress with the ritual.

Onto communication. Since we've just called the spirit into our astral presence this means all communication and exchange will be done mentally. If you wish to see the spirit then ask it inside your imagination to see it(your inner monologue). You will be given an imagine or a person/ other being will appear mentally. This is how your mind interprets the energy. Talk to this energy via the use of imagination and mind as well. It may feel as if you're talking to yourself and for all intensive purposes you technically are. Just a long hidden and kept secret part of your inner being(you'll stop caring about the ridiculousness of ritual and stop self doubting once you get good physical results). Don't disrupt or halt the flow of information by allowing your ego to enter the exchange. Many people self doubt so heavily that they can ruin any connection. You may notice you get answers back which you've never known or heard of, new information. Anyway if you're not particularly interested in having a conversation then it's time to cast away our intent and ask for whatever goodies you're in this for. Remember that we're communicating with something that does not primarily speak English so you will want to use pictures as well. Conjure in your mind an image of exactly what you want or want to have done. See yourself in the situation where your ask has been fulfilled and you have what you want then project it and give it to the spirit(They can see everything you see and hear everything you do internally). Along with this you should tell exactly what you want the spirit to do. Be stern and strong. "I command you to perform this or to do this" While giving a mental image of exactly what it is you want. After all has been said and done you simply need to say your goodbyes and close up the ritual. I personally do not perform a closing banishing ritual as I believe it is disrespectful and can disrupt the energy.



To give a simplified basic instruction for someone who self doubts, you simply need to enter trance and gaze at your sigil while calling the spirits name for as long as you intuitively feel needed (Or a minute for potato intuition), ask for what you want and close the trance/ritual. Sounds easy right? Well it really is just as simple as that. An easy minute long ritual to cause all the change in the world in your life, direct the flow of it and manifest what is beyond your current grasp. If only we'd been taught this kind of stuff in school. I've given the basics on how to make things happen. If you want explanations of little things like how to full manifest, what invoking is, using scrying devices or other tools and other ritual shenanigans you might be reading in your grimoires than I suggest you ask them as questions and I'll write them up as later segments. I do expect you guys to already know things like basic rituals, lesser magic(Mainly how results manifest), astral work, where to source spirits in grimoires and the other basics of this form of magic. Though I know there are newcomers who probably can't even understand half the simplified terminology I use so do feel free to ask questions if anything has not been given clearly and such.

As for grimoires I suggest you get yourself a copy of the lesser key of solomon (goetia spirits are my favourite, Paimon is insanely powerful) or other known grimoires like the necronomicon and Franz Bardon's book to evocation. You can find sigils almost anywhere nowadays even plastered all over the place online. Have fun evocating. Remember that you are the God and that all is mind. You can't do this improperly and wrong so stop self doubting. If you can't keep your mind together then go masturbate over sigils like the lesser magician you are. I'm only joking. But seriously if you need to calm down your self doubt or ego then do some other lesser magic like sigils, thoughtforms, mantras, autosuggestion or Neville style imagining.


Some little extra tips is to focus on your breath to enter a deeper trance. The slower and deeper your breath the more you can enter yourself.



So by entering a trance you mean the opposite of what mindfulness meditation would do right? I have never really practiced awareness lowering meditations.



Mindfulness meditation is to become aware and conscious of ones internal world. Think of it that mindfulness is the door to trance states. You need to first enter a mindful state and then push beyond it. The objective of trance states is to dissolve the conscious mind and enter the superconscious or subconscious. This is why western magicians will use robes, tools and all this other fancy stuff. You're trying to get rid of the part of you which worries about things like your family, time, hunger, ego, fear. The conscious mind. Try to get a good understanding of what the conscious mind is. Then think you need to temporarily put it under water while doing this work.


Which spirits do you recommend for some common evocations? For example, healing yourself, healing others, bringing money, finding love, influencing the decisions of others, etc.

Also, if I want guidance to improve my magic, which spirit should I evoke?



Marabas is good for healing. Lucifuge Rofocale and the earth prince Ghob are good for income related matters. Paimon is your go to guy for anything related to influencing people (This can go a long way and can be expanded into many fields). As for guidance I would recommend Azazel since he is very knowledgeable. The goecia also has a few more that you might want to check out but this should get you started.



Wouldn't you rather trust your intuition and higher self on such matters instead of contacting some spirits who only exist in concept? How do these rituals differ from intending and requesting? What if you brute force something in reality and end up fucking up something else?



One could say that the intuition and higher self has brought the body to view the correct and required spirit. You may use the intuition to find spirits and in fact I do that. It's what we do via astral travel to find new spirits but that's a write up for another day.

>How do these rituals differ from intending and requesting?

If I understand you correctly I believe I would say their effectiveness and potential.

>What if you brute force something in reality and end up fucking up something else?

You're the magician. You have to deal with the consequences. I've always made sure to plan my rituals or perform them for such minor tasks that nothing terribly wrong can come from it. Though I've found that the ritual will focus reality like a magnifying glass on your current intention of it which does not really seem to "leak out" per say to other things.


OP, mega guy here.

Do you have a skype, magic email or nick you go by? I could include the skype in the mega version of your stuff for neophytes to ask you questions and/or so you get some rep.

Also a nick in general would be cool, wanna name you with a folder, something like "-nick- on the western esoteric tradition"

I can just call you anon if you want.



Khanmelichior@gmail.com is my wizard email. Just call me Khan. I can set up a skype if people wish to for it.




Added yer email to the intro on your folder "for questions" and updated folder name.



Sounds good. Always happy to help new members and neophytes.


Are there any specific problems, rituals or western occult things that people would like me to go over? It can be as basic as lesser magic like sigils and thoughtforming to things like subconscious work, basic rituals (LBRP, MPR), astral work. If not I'll just write up about whatever seems to grab me at the time. I'll probably end up doing some write ups on astral work since most of this board seems to be crying out about astral projection but probably does not grasp the concept behind it or what it "actually is".



>astral work


As a side note: You seem to be pretty damn experienced, how long have you been practicing, studying?



A little over a year now. Except I've dedicated a lot of my time to this and have tried out every practice, exercise and piece of information that I've been able to get my hands on. I've also sourced out other people who've taught me and shared their wisdom and practices with me. If you can understand where you're being guided then you accelerate at insane rates. Also kundalini cements your path and FORCES you to walk the path or suffer immensely(in fact you'll be doing both for the same time) which accelerates you even more. In the greater and grand scheme of things I'm merely a basic practitioner but fringe dwellers are absolute ground level so my knowledge and understanding seems vast.

I would suggest to everyone to DO and TRY everything they can. Then to journal your results and start figuring out why and how it works. Build your own understanding by reading and viewing other peoples. But you want to eventually have your own system which works and you know exactly what makes it work.




I should probably have mentioned that years before that I was your average drug shaman, psychological researcher philosopher kind of guy who was fed up with the scientific and corporate/governmental side of the world. I figure that's where most of us start out hence the strong connection to /pol/



/Fringes/ strong connection to /pol/ that is.



If I've never done a ritual before, and cannot enter a trance state. Could I still successfully fo the LBRP? I'm being monitored, just imagine having to listen to your ear ring all the time without stopping for a month. I know it's monitoring because it started right in the middle of me reading some secret material.



>mentions secret material

>doesn't post it



Well it's secret for the average person. The material was the Cassiopean Transcripts which I've been able to confirm is fairly accurate save for a few hiccups here and there.



You CAN enter a trance state. Everyone can enter a trance state. You enter one every time you watch tv or a movie or when you try to go to sleep.

And yes you can still do the LBRP. As long as you can visualize (even slightly. And if you can't see it then try to feel it) the energy of the ritual. Meaning the glowing blue pentagrams, the four elemental winds, etc.



Oh okay, can I not pause to read the ritual? It's pretty long after all.



You can do it step by step and take your time. Each time you use visualization you're actually "creating" something on another plane. This wont poof away(It wont be as strong. But improvements come with time). Eventually you will be able to remember the ritual of by heart. Just remember the basic formula is cross of light - four pentagrams - four elements - hexagram - cross of light



Much thanks.


If anyone's interested in egregore or God creation/thoughtforms then go read this thread. 8ch.net/fringe/res/56683.html

I've outlined and explained how these things are made and how they change reality. Also a basic explanation on how lesser magic works. It will really help to holistically inform you.



>If you keep your eyes open and relax your gaze you will start to see tv like static.

could you explain what this static is?



>. If you can understand where you're being guided then you accelerate at insane rates. Also kundalini cements your path and FORCES you to walk the path or suffer immensely(in fact you'll be doing both for the same time) which accelerates you even more.

could you also expand on this please?



This is what we would call "energy" or the aether. There is no such thing as empty space since all space is filled with a thin conductive medium. Go to a graveyard and you might start to see heavy clouds in the static field. These are stronger areas of energy also known as a ghost or spirit. Or go outside and try the paper exercise I've linked. That one is particularly fun and interesting.



well thats exciting



They call them sprites. You might notice them inside your house if you have a particularly good energy zone like an alter or some plants inside/ an open window.


I have a slightly unrelated question. Now this includes for energy work and meditations as well as any practice that involves visualizations. Do you visualize in third or first person? Also what colors do you use for energies or lights or power etc?



I do all my practices and rituals in my room and it is often so staticy afterwards I feared I was maybe either going blind or spending too much time by a monitor



That's a good sign you're in a lingering trance state. It happens after a lot of exposure to ritual work and meditation work. I recommend clapping a few times to jump yourself out of it if you need to ground.



where can I read more about these sprites?



To tell the truth I don't know. I believe they might be related to the fae so that is probably your best lead.



Looks like we've been practicing for approximately the same amount of time, what do you plan to do for your growth apart from experimentation and learning from astral entities?



My main practices and progression is based in internal cultivation. Energy work like Qi-gong, Nei-gong, etc. This current thread was more a little write up from my earlier days work when I was more a Hermetic magician(I thought fringe needed the knowledge). Now I more or less tinker with my own nervous system, meridians, energy body and other such parts in it. Developing and enhancing those. I've found it to hold great results.



Seems like most people on /fringe/ started practicing more seriously about a year ago. Energy work seems like where the money's at since thoughtforming is useful and all, but seems severely underpowered if the practitioner hasn't developed himself beforehand.



I can certainly relate, developing the energy body to a point where you can feel all the channels running through your body sure feels nice and improved my physical performance.

You tested your reaction times in any way recently? Like catching a falling object?



That's exactly it. The more I cultivate my own internal energy systems the stronger everything becomes. I can manifest months worth of work within days (Same thing for information and knowledge since everything is energy). Cultivating your energy is cultivation of the creative Godly power.


I do a lot of cycling and manage to pull myself out a lot of unpleasant situations with my reactions and intuition.



You do any lifting at all? I remember reading that muscle allows having greater energy reserves but I'm doubtful about the truth of it. Healthy body is one thing but there's not much relation between muscular mass and mental power.



I sure do. I've heard that the more you lift (for endurance) the more your muscles can hold electrical energy. Thing is that while the physical body does have *some* mirroring physical components to the energy body like the plexus, fascia and endocrine glands, it's not the energy body. After practice you will notice that the energy body and the physical body are actually separate and that the energy body is in another level of reality(you need to feel it to get it).

So while lifting is nice and all. It's more the cultivation of that non physical energy body which allows you to push more energy through the meridians and use the lower dan tien, etc.



I figured as much.

Thank you for your inputs and tutorials btw, hopefully they'll set a new batch of neophytes on the right path so that one of them can teach the following newfigs in a year's time.



Yeah I figure this boards quality had dipped down so low that I needed to do my part and help it out. Looks like we've managed to ride through the mini slump and come out clear. As long as people are taking the knowledge and applying it to help their owns condition and lives then it's all worth it.



got any good sources for qi-gong and nei-gong?



/fringe/res/54577.htm Check out my thread on energy work. At around the end I link a ton of resource. You'll want to sign up for SaToGa's Lonemanpai forum for serious work.


Bump for moar


""Sigils, Mantras and Thoughtforming - Lesser Magic""

I figure we did not have a decent thread up dedicated to the most basic forms of magic (Though one of the most useful on this physical plane) so I will do a summarised writeup explaining the fundamentals and how they work so you can gain a good understanding of it. There's many forms of lesser magic be it candle magic, auto-suggestion(mantras), sigils, thoughtforms(reality creation), cooking(Enchanting food), rituals, enchanted items and just about anything you can channel your will and emotions into. I would suggest picking one and developing it fully or picking two and using them for specific reasons. This will be a large topic so I will go over the "how" of lesser magic first. Then go into the "how" of results and how they manifest. After that I will be giving out basic formulas which then you can either use or learn to develop your own with the understanding you have. I'm not going to hold your hand and writeup a "you must do this and that" formula. But instead try to encourage you to understand the fundamentals so you can then adjust and work out your own.

How does lesser magic work you might ask? You have an idea of what you want done. This is called our intention. Your intention acts the structure or mould of what you want to project into the astral plane (or your subconscious mind). Then we have our emotions which acts as a fuel to push and actualize the intention. This emotion is a currency which you use to create the thoughtform in the astral (or impressing it upon your subconscious mind). And then finally we have the will element. This acts as a physical force to bring your goal into manifestation (though some rituals will manifest without you doing a thing. Some still require will and actualization) by making you or another bring it into our reality.

Think of it this way. You want to buy a melon. Your thought-plan of how you will get to the fruit store, which store you will go to, what you will buy it with, what kind of melon you want, how you might eat the melon are all details of the thoughtform or intention element. Now you may only have the intention to get a melon. This is fine as the ritual will usually work the small how's its self out if you are able to follow the subtle pulls and leads(rituals will lay out the dominos, you just need to knock the first one down). Then the element that makes you "want" to go out and get that melon is the emotion. Be it the emotional, mental or physical hunger that causes you to want that melon. In a ritual setting we are able to utilize any form of emotion. This in a physical setting acts as our desire to get what we want. This is why rivalry can be good for people to improve from. The strong clashing desires and will to become greater than another grows great improvement. And then finally once our blueprint and desire to manifest it has been created we must gather up our willpower to bring it into reality. One way to think of it is that the melon does not exist until you think of it. Your emotions and thoughts bring that specific melon which you will buy into reality. Then you go out and find a path to buy it. Usually you will be "lead" and "guided" to complete your objective. You'll notice people around you start giving cues and clues as to what you might need to do. But I'll go over that more later on once I speak of how results manifest.



Let's go into the subconscious - conscious model of thought to explain how this works. I like this one because even people who are "fuzzy" in their experiences, understanding and knowledge can get along with this example. You have a conscious mind which is the current mind you are reading this with. It's the mind you use to interact with your reality. The "awake" you. I'm sure we all know what our conscious mind is by now so I won't go into much detail on it. Then we have our subconscious mind which is the hidden side that we tap into during meditation and deep theta trance states. Your subconscious is the mind that remembers and allows you to remember how to ride a bike, play an instrument and anything you need to do that is a habit or routine. I would say about 90% of your day is subconscious. Think of each and every habit you perform. Eating, your work or study, what entertainment you might view, the substances you ingest, the activities you do, even browsing /fringe/ is a habit. Habit and routine are two things to learn if you wish to become a master of your own self and reality (I can do writeups on those later on if people wish). As a side note I suggest everyone to pick up a hobby like an art that they can do every single day as a habit and routine. You'll learn a lot through analysing it. Anyway, if you're able to understand that about 90% of your life is all subconscious through habit and routine you can then begin to entertain the idea that learning to change and manipulate this subconscious is a good and very important thing to do. This is exactly what we're doing through ritual is reprogramming and rewriting our subconscious. We're impressing and injecting a foreign "programs" (the thoughtform created via the ritual, be it a sigil, mantra or other method of intention). A computer example is that rituals are basically self inflicted viruses that hijack parts of our own personal operating system or subconscious. In fact relating the subconscious to an operating system is a good way to understand it. Our default processes that are ran are all subconscious. And then the way we interact with them or bring new processes and programs in are conscious.

There is a barrier between our subconscious and conscious mind that is broken by emotion. This emotion "thins" the membrane that locks you out of self-writing your own subconscious mind. This is to stop people from ruining themselves. You may begin to understand how traumas work. You see a lot of people, we call them mundanes who seem to inflict their own self destruction through seemingly idiotic actions(egotistical wounds, abusing dopamine, etc). People who act more on subconscious than conscious mind. They look like robots or at the level of a dog to a man who is conscious and practices meditation. These people keep performing self destructive or improper behaviours because their minds were impressed at a young age by strong levels of emotion. They have not taken the time to perfect and self evaluate through shadow work (subconscious delving). Any time you feel a strong level of emotion it means your subconscious will become active and go into receive mode. This is how through pain and emotional abuse a child will learn to become just like their parents. Other animals are also usually trained through pain and abuse or rewarded with treats and love. As a fun little side note this is how people manage to develop "degenerative" or "altered" sexualities and fetishes. You can ponder that one on your own if you'd like to understand it. Try to think up your own examples to understand this idea of emotion + information = impression on the mind. A famous salesman might tell a joke or two to get emotions flowing or wait till someone has dropped their consciousness state and then they offer a positive affirmation of "you want this, don't you?".



I forgot I have to explain consciousness states. Alright. Try to keep with me cause I might be going all over the place but it will be worth it in the end. Just re-read this or meditate more over it with your own practical examples and understandings if you need to. Anyway we have four basic levels of consciousness which is beta - aware and conscious, alpha - relaxed, theta - meditative state, delta - unconscious/asleep or in very deep meditation. The deeper you are in a theta state the easier it is to impress your subconscious. This is called a trance state which I have explained how to enter previously. Essentially you just relax the body and focus the mind. Easy and only takes a few seconds. Propaganda and brainwashing is given in television broadcasting since it is a time and place that we dip into alpha and even theta or deeper for those who sleep while watching tv. So essentially what we do as magicians and mystics is intentionally put ourselves into these easily manipulatable states so we can start to "rewire" our own internal world. This is also the way that you tap into the internal planes like the astral but we'll go over that in another writeup.



Did you get all of that? Good! Cause we're going to go over another example for the more "occult" minded people. The traditional folk that don't care for that Fruedian and Jungian occult intellectualization (Psychology is just the occult intellectualized at its basic level after all. Still viable to learn for various reasons.). There's a land where dreams are made and majestic strange creatures walk. This of course is the astral plane or your imagination. Everyone has access to this shared hub (It is called the collective subconscious to give a relatable understanding to our past example), thus is acts as humanities communal dumping ground of thoughts and stray emotion. Everything that is here on earth has been created by a thought. Even the plants can be manipulated by thought (see the example of a spineless cactus). Thoughts go into the astral plane as thoughtforms. Or a thought that thinks(Ponder that). It can be of any shape, size, purpose, intent, colour or whatever other detail. A thoughtform can be something as simple as the idea that gets a man from one train to another to a complex tulpa like imaginary girlfriend of that same man. So you can think of the astral plane as a plasticine like world where all of these thoughtforms live. They all fight amongst themselves for energy and resource just like setians do in the physical plane. And as we should currently know, everything in the astral manifests downward. Does this mean every single thought I have will manifest into reality? NO! Think about it. If you have a little thought to go eat an apple, will you go out and get an apple then eat it? Maybe. But unless you put the desire (emotion) and willpower into it then that thought won't go anywhere. Thoughtforms without sufficient energy (What /fringe/ refers to as loosh or I may sometimes call chi) will not influence or interact with anything. Now here's where we're really getting into the heavy theory. And I'm going to say I KNOW this from experience and YOU will too soon enough (This is where you start to understand how YOUR magic works and why you get stupidly amazing results from some seemingly silly rituals(I'm looking at you sigil masturbators)) and practice/ manipulation of systems to learn them. Remember our last example of the apple? This thoughtform will probably have dissipated and returned to the cosmic aether once it did not become actualized as reality. BUT! For the purpose of example let's say that an experienced magician scryed out your thoughtform, evoked it and started to feed it energy. Now understand that thoughtforms exist all around you (people think of them as ghosts or spirits). Also that the thoughts you have that are not your own (try to be conscious and see which thoughts are and are not yours) are these thoughtforms(Think of all those nagging and pestering thoughts you get throughout the day). That's how you pick up on what is in the area. Go into a shady area and pick up on the vibes / thoughts you get to understand this. *back on topic* our evil magician has turned our past apple thoughtform into a monstrous and magnificently powerful demon of applageddon appleocalypse. We'll name this creature "Aplucifuge". This malicious little apple man has been infused with the dark desires to force weaker willed individuals into buying apples! How this manifests is that wherever the thoughtform is astrally located (remember that the astral and physical both overlap) is where people will start getting thoughts to buy apples. You may have had a drug addiction in the past and have tried to quit. You feel an immense pressure pulling you back, thoughts that tempt you with dark desires of self destruction. This is a thoughtform. If a thoughtform has the power to control and enslave a humans willpower than what else do you think can be done with them than just force a person into being a drug addict? This is how results in magic manifest. Through subtle and slight adjustments and manipulations eventually your goal is reached. This is of course if your ritual intent is more "Exterior" in the way that it requires people other than yourself.



If you can understand all of that it means you should know that by changing the internal subconscious (astral plane) mind through a trance state by injecting our intentions (Thoughtforms) and using our own emotions (energy) to fuel and impress then it leads to action and willpower for either us or other people. Get it? If not then we're going to pretend this is like school where you remember formulas until one day you might actually think about it and "understand" it.

There's still one last piece of the puzzle to fit in before we can start free styling this ritual work. We need to learn how the subconscious thinks. It's very much like an animal. It does not think in words (though it can be trained to) but thinks in symbols and uses emotion. You need to keep everything in the ritual at present tense. No "I wills" or "I wants". Either you got it or you don't. So keep to words like "I have" "I am". They feel strange but will be more effective. Next is to use positive terminology. This means you can't say "I don't smoke" since you're using the word "don't" - do not "Not". No no's. Use polarity to change a negative to a positive(fear to courage). Next is to believe it will happen. This can feel ridiculous even at higher levels when you've already had tons of results. But you can kind of bypass it by just doing a really damn good ritual pumping it with everything you have. And after the ritual is done its best to forget about it. You don't want to disrupt the thoughtforms in their job.

So let me try give a summarized version of the practical work that you can apply to any kind of lesser magic.



Step 1. Create the intention - phrase - thought.

We need to first create out current tense and positive intention. This can be a mantra like "I have a job" "I am healthy". Don't limit yourself here. Or it can be a pure intention like that you want to get a new car or start up a business.

Step 2. Create the ritual - sigil - mantra - thoughtform.

This is where we draft out our ritual. So if you want to use a mantra you can just use the previous worded intention like "I have a job". If you want to make a sigil then knock out all the repeating letters and vowels which turns "I have a job" into "h,v,j,b". And if you're using reality creation you need to plan out a visualization where you see yourself achieving or have already achieved exactly what you want. Or maybe you're an oldschool pagan who wants to collect herbs and special items to put on an altar and use visualization in one energy building session to get it done.

Step 3. Take a step back step.

I had to add this because I've done a lot of stupid impulsive rituals which I'm embarrassed to talk about(Let's just say when we have not dealt with our shadow side we can bring terrible things into our life). Think over your intention if you REALLY want it or if it's GOOD for you. Maybe you're shooting of a ritual to find a dealer. Should you really be doing this? Or you're in an imbalanced and lustful state trying to find a girlfriend. The best tip I could give is be honest with yourself. Also spend some time to think over it. You may find you don't even want the ritual the next day. This is not a necessary step since each life screwup will make you a better person and magician in general.

Step 4. Energy building.

We have our skeleton and now let's give it some life. First enter your state of trance via meditation and relaxation. Dances, music, alcohol, plays, tantric masturbation/sex and all manner of things may be used to give your ritual energy and emotion. I would suggest to think about your results. Imagine as if you already had the money that you desire, the partner of your dreams or whatever other life change you desire. Keep building it up around the heart centre which is your dan tien of emotion. Wrap yourself up and become drunk with your own desires of whatever it is you wish to manifest into reality. As you do more magical work you will become better in this aspect of building up emotion. A quick and dangerous way is to pop your own emotional bubbles. Recall a traumatic childhood event or bring up something that really angers you or pulls out emotion. Though you may want to alchemise the negative emotion into love since it's the most efficient fuel(The thoughtform you create will feed of its original source usually).



Step 5. Channelling the energy - putting it all together.

Once you have the energy you need to direct it to your intention. In the second step we created a tool to help us channel. This is where you will gaze lightly at the sigil and see it glow with power. Pushing that energy into the blue glow, fuelling and feeding it. Or you will play out your visualization of exactly what you want to happen, getting up to the point where your wish is granted and feeling the immense emotions floor as if it were actually happening. Loosing yourself to the mantra which you may be repeating until it sounds more like wordmush to your conscious mind.

Step 6. How results manifest.

You're still going to need to work at your goal. If you ask for a job you still need to apply for jobs but you might find that a friend has recently opened up a new spot at the business he works at or you will be swamped with calls for jobs you never knew you applied for. People will subtly tell you directions as to where to go or you may intuitively gain this information. It will feel as if life is squeezed into a line which aligns to your will. Doing exactly what you want will become simple and will run smoothly. Depending on the kind of ritual you do will depend on how much work you need to do on your own end. This is where having a clean and efficient vessel or body comes in handy. Anyway have fun with lesser magic.

Remember that there is no right or wrong in this field. There are many different paths to the same result. Also ask me any question you need. Even if your question is a complete neophyte question like "Uhhh. I don't get how to make a sigil. Can you give me a formula?" As long as you're doing the work and trying to learn, understand and improve your life and condition I will spend my time to help you. Ultimately you will want to be performing magic in EVERYTHING you do. Eating some food or water? Bless it with an intention, see that energy of the intention pouring out into the meal while you recall exactly what you want to happen. Have a job interview coming up? take a minute to see yourself winning it easily. Want to go for a walk tomorrow? See yourself walking and enjoying it the day before. Get what I mean? I heavily suggest you spend 5 minutes or so before going to sleep to think up and perform some visualization magic before you drift of in that heavy trance state. See everything you want to do happening. This also acts to focus your intentions and resources. You will find you don't have the income to do what you want until you focus the desire. Then it "magically" seems to arise. This is because you're manifesting the object at another level. The astral.

*side notes to ponder* Thoughtforms rule the world!!! They're almost like astral parasites. So let's start using them to change our own life! Anytime you have a goal or need something done in life stop for a second, imagine it already done and start pumping that emotion. The idea of magic is to change your conscious state so remember that you need to align your current conscious state with that of the rituals desire and goal. Don't do a ritual to start up a garden if you aren't willing to change your current conscious state to that of a positive garden happy one. A final sidenote is about energy. This is why internal cultivation like qi-gong is so important. Where do you think your physical, emotional and spiritual energy comes from? These kinds of practices build them up. Also having a clean lifestyle where you don't binge out on drugs or food that suck up your energy.


Phew. You can see why I was putting that one off for a while. Anyway, start cultivating that will. You can see from these posts that your own will is an immense force in the physical plane that can be manipulated by either parasitic thoughtforms, your lower nature or your higher self. When you're not getting enough sleep, hydration or the correct food you might find your willpower wains.

As always start using a journal. Keep track of your rituals, results, your own development, health, random notes, thoughts and whatever else.

Remember that YOU are the most important person in this world. YOU are the GOD. This means your own body, mind and ideas are important. Everything in your own life is to be taken as important. Messages and guiding is given through anything and anyone. I'm sure you all know what I mean. Anyway get to it and start doing the work. Develop yourself.


Damn nigga, much appreciated


I'll start preparing material and practices for a new guide and I want to ask if people are more interested in subconscious exploration like scrying/mental projection or invocation and assuming God forms.



Whenever I'm meditating and begin visualizing my desire, my head begins to feel like something is pulsating/emitting from it very softly.

What does this mean? Is it a good sign?



It's your pineal/third eye chakra. Whenever we use our imagination or mind in general we activate the third eye chakra. It's like when you want to use your emotions you use your heart chakra or willpower your solar plexus. The governing glands and plexus will start to flood with energy and blood to fuel the activity you're doing. Just like a muscle, except this is a muscle you have not used much through you life (I'm assuming since most people forget about their minds and imagination until they go into this kind of work).

So to summarize. You're using new parts of your body thus they will provide sensation to show their new activity.

If you wish for a little experiment I recommend visualizing a white orb of light inside of your skull. Imagine it shining out like a sun enlivening the glands inside of your brain. You will begin to feel even more sensations. This is a little test just to show what visualization can do. Visualization is basically the way we can communicate with out bodies and tell them what we want them to do (Our bodies also being a microcosm of the macrocosm universe).


Here's a big tip that I will repeat because of how important it is. Once you've casted of that sigil or completed your ritual remember to forget about it completely. Every time you interact and disturb the thoughtform you've created it slows down and halts.


I will give out the formula I use for all my lesser magic. It's the most simple condensing I've been able to create. There's one rule though. You need to be able to trust yourself 100% or at least do the ritual and forget it.

All you need to do is visualize something you want to happen as if it's already happened. Visualize yourself getting what you want or doing exactly what you want. The end result in the scenario. While doing this you need to bring up lots of positive emotion. You should know that all emotion is controlled by the heart centre and dan tien so feel it and bring it up at those areas. Pour it into the visualization. Finish up and completely forget about it. This is best done in trance states or before going to sleep.

Now I want you guys to practice this with the simplest and smallest situations you can to start of with. Work your way up as your courage increases.


There is only one thing I have not figured out yet that I want to know. A few reliable sources I have read from indicate that not only are rituals demiurgic but they actually lesson your connection with your higher self and the divine in general. I have also read that rituals were a 4th density STS invention. By using rituals are we making it harder for divine forces to work on planet earth?



You're impressing your intentions into the demiurge. The demiurge is just an input output machine which does as it is told. Go read Ophiel's book on this if you're interested in it. Next you need to understand that you are performing ritual magic all the time. Everything in your life has been gained through subconscious ritual. It's just that we do it unconsciously. We live in a magical reality or a reality that is controlled by magic. It's only that the rules of reality have always been kept from the common man by the priest classes.

Think of it this way. If your purpose or goal in life is to become a carpenter but you can't even afford the tools is is malicious or wrong to use magic to acquire the tools? Or if you do not have the income to support yourself financial. Is using magic to find work and income wrong?

Once you start to work with the higher self or the self - your crown chakra more then you realize that there are not as many rules as we think. Crowley found out that the one law of the new age we live in is "do what thou wilt is the whole of the law". So what I'm saying is that you can perform rituals which align to your true self or not. At the end of the day you're either serving the true self or the false self. And if you're using ritual to speed up the process then there is no harm. Play by the game of chess that the Gods play instead of checkers that the blind play.

That was a whole lot of semi unrelated stuff until I got more on point but I felt some of it needed to be said. If you really want you can ask your higher self if the ritual you are doing is allowed or correct. You will generally get an answer telling you it will help advance and serve you or help to feed into ego or the beast.



Thanks yes that is true, which then brings up an unrelated question. How is it possible to contact your higher self without interference. All the channel material I read, that was always a constant issue/possibility. What if something gets in the way?



At the end of the day I'm not going to tell you what's right or wrong or what you should be doing. But there is one BIG tip I've found in my entire occult and esoteric work. If something is stopping you out of fear then that means it's a fake barrier set up to stop you empowering yourself. This is what religions usually do. And what will happen to you a lot during this work. Especially something like evocation. It looks spooky and scary at first as most things do until you do it. Then it's as normal as anything in your day.



Yeah you're always going to get background noise. The best thing you can do is try to open up the channel more by working with your crown chakra and living a good lifestyle. I can't tell you how well my intuition became after turning to a raw diet. Remember that your intuition is the self or what we call the true self or the higher self. We all share the same "self". It's the force that has helped you to find this imageboard to feed your mind, knowledge and wisdom along with the spiritual drive in you.

For actual practices you will want to banish all other thoughtforms around you. Rituals like the LBRP are intended to banish your own thoughtform. Yes let me repeat that. It banishes YOU, the ego you. Your own personality and everything around you. You can achieve the same effect by expanding an aura field with the intention to banish and maybe throwing a few pentagrams out. This will all help to clean up the astral space which thoughtforms are lurking about in. Next step is always to enter our meditative trance state. Enter a state that your own imagination is vivid enough that you can actively work with it. Next you can either call out and ask for your higher self and start firing of questions or you can perform an astral "Evocation" of the higher self. Calling them into a tangible body in front of you. Start questioning them. You should be able to decipher if they are real or not. If not then banish and try again. It might take time to get the channel open. Remember that throughout our entire lives we've been conditioned and told to not believe or contact our higher self. What happens if you don't use your arms for your entire life but then start to decide to use them again? Remember to keep yourself centred around the crown chakra also.

Learn to decipher what is intuition and what is not. Your intuition will give non egotistical answers. Listen to your emotions because they are always true. It is said the higher self is actually at our heart chakra and dantien. This is also another location you can focus on to try "tune in" or "listen in".

Anyway give it all a try. Remember that you're working a new muscle so it may take some time. But the more you give and put in the more you'll get back.

Some more last minute tips is that the self can speak through anyone and anything. You may be thinking a question in your mind and then a friend gives you an answer a minute later. This is how I found one of my main life purposes and activities. You can also ask yourself questions and then sleep on them for your self to "work it out" and process it. You'll get an answer in the morning as an epiphany. Your higher self is always listening and guiding you. It always has a say and a part in your life and where it is going.



Wow seriously thanks, you take all this time to type out this stuff. I myself have yet to figure out how people like you or montalk can over and over again explain the same stuff to new people. The only question I could have left is why haven't you ascended yet lol. Yeah I've intended for a while now to adapt to a breatharian lifestyle and to follow closely the lifestyles that Neville Goddard and Joseph Benner present in their books. I have yet to figure out what I am here for, but my intention so far is souly ascension and eternal freedom not only for me but all of humanity. Yeah I have recognized the feeling of intuition as an epiphany or a realization. It has a unique feel to it, as if your perception has broadened and a veil was removed. Sometimes I worry though because you can feel this way when you do drugs as well hehe. Anyway thanks seriously, I will make sure I don't waste this opportunity.



Hahahah. It makes me very happy to hear someone is appreciating the information. You see I invoke and wear the archetype of the teacher. We all have a collective of archetypes and energy centers that we are located at. Through and through no matter what field I will always find a way to share and teach it. I had actually been given the chance to leave and ascend but my own desires had drawn me back since I felt I needed to continue sharing my "self". This had lead to a great understanding of what our purpose is and what keeps us grounded here. The way you figure out what you are here for/your purposes in life is to ask yourself "What stops me from leaving this earth right now?". What keeps you rooted in physical reality? Usually this boils down to the desires. Desire is not bad since it makes us "do". Some people have the desire to experience love or explore the world, eat and intake all of lifes pleasures. Others like Beethoven had the desire to create music. Your consciousness level will decide what kind of desire you have. Look at the chakra model. If you wish for something to do with creativity and expression then you're mainly on the throat level. Love and connection - the heart level. The occult and metaphysics - third eye and crown. And some of us are even here just to enjoy food, drugs and lust - the sacral and root level. Or to satisfy the ego and power drive - the solar plexus. We all have a mixture of these. Some may even encompass the root and crown.

Neville speaks of a great thing that the garden of eden is within. And you should trim that garden every night by doing the ritual I posted here >>57358 . Which is exactly just his work summarized. Most people at this level have the main desire as ascension. But do not forsake your other desires. You need to live your life to the fullest and fulfill everything that you wish to do for each desire keeps you rooted here as said. Be it you wish to help people, create art, indulge in life, commune with people, or whatever it might be. The simplest thing of cooking food to building a house and looking after a cat. We are human after all so some of our desires will be very simple and "mundane".

As for drugs. Psychedelics(Entheogens) are a great example of what an open crown and third eye feels like. They rip these centers right open(usually quite forcefully). If anyone has performed Mantak Chia's sexual alchemy or kundalini then they will have felt a similar state of all knowing, peace and being like that of a psychedelic trip. As if your perception has expanded to encompass and embrace the entire universe. Anyway I'll answer more questions tomorrow. Goodnight.

I'm going to drill in another reminder for people to journal. Each time you put a note in your journal it means you've crossed over a mountain. You will never loose wisdom but you can loose knowledge.




It's interesting you mention other desires. I have always had an active imaginative ability and even before I started spiritual practices my third eye was very active. It's easy for me to use. I didn't think much of the world before I awakened. I was a shut in. in fact I was depressed because I couldn't understand why it even existed and why so many had to suffer. Of course that changed and now I'm enthusiastic about life. I wonder could we not just will what we desire? Change our desires? Which also begs the question, are some people just not meant to wake up? Should we not aim to awaken all of humanity and end suffering? I will wait for tomorrow.



>I had actually been given the chance to leave and ascend




He probably already knows his identity and his purpose. Self-realization. That and/or is in complete alignment with his higher self. There are many ways to go about it but that is basically it. Divine love and wisdom.



I tried that visualization experiment.

It feels like I have a tiny headache along with my temples getting the feeling of expanding, and I've been keeping the sensations there since this afternoon.

Am I making progress?



I've found many of us in this field have had past experiences with depression and avoidance. Usually one needs to go through a "dark night of the soul" before they are able to reach higher fields. And as the internal world starts to change and come alive the external world follows with it.

We can will what we desire. Though some desires are more progressive like an artist who wishes to paint landscapes all over the world. You are the self actualized God, thus you may change your desires as well. Though most people feel more comfortable working with the desires they have been gifted from childhood and adolescence.

Some people are here just to teach a lesson. It is not everyones time in this life as they do not have the required "resource" to make themselves whole and connect with the self. Or they are too inclined on self sabotage and other such reasons. Think of it like a young tree which has yet to fruit. Maybe next year or a couple down the road it will have its chance and time. So it is best to leave these people be. The best thing you can do is ask them questions "Do you believe in a non physical reality?". They hear this question as if they had asked themselves it. But showing them some piece of evidence or a grand theory will only serve to strengthen their guarding.


Via communication to the self in the higher planes. You may hear of people entering states of meditation to never come out or dieing in sleep and other such phenomena. Some of it is that they've gone beyond and "cut the cord".


The progress you will have made is what you get out of it. The experiment was to show the power of visualization and I believe you have found that out. If you're more interested on this then I suggest you to visit the Qi-gong/energy work thread. You can learn fun tricks like mental healing to remove pain, etc.As a side note I don't suggest stressing the higher organs too much at first as it can cause an imbalance. If you wish to take up chakra work I always suggest a balanced amount upon each of them. Think of it like overworking a muscle/ over exercising.


What's so far been keeping me from taking a copy of the goetia or similar works and evoking spirits is that I am very uncertain what I can actually offer to these beings (assuming they behave as separate beings) or do anything close to bargain seeing the gigantic knowledge and ability disparity. It eventually boils down to begging, and I'm not sure that's a good mentality to have while summoning.

Aren't you almost guaranteed to get fucked over in some way if you enter this game with experienced spirits without a competent guide?



First step is to drop the mentality of the old world. You are the ruling God of these beings. Calling them into your existence through evocation is already like giving them a buffet of food. That's enough as an offering. You're the God who keeps these entities alive in our reality. They respect that and wish to help your own ascent.

The idea of offerings and all that other silly ritual shenanigans came from the excessive personification of these entities. What happens when you give an entity a human ego? It starts to act like a human and can manipulate inexperienced magicians. If a spirit ever disobeys or asks for some kind of sacrifice/ offering then you need to put your foot down and COMMAND. Though I do recommend always being respectful. Only use force when it is required. Think of it as if you're the boss of a large corporation. Sometimes your employees will disobey or slack of and that's when you put the foot down. Otherwise they are happy to help you because without you they have no source of income and that income = security.



Ah ok, that clears some things.

Two other questions, first, if spirits can hear what you mentally tell them, do they also hear your thoughts? And second, if summoning some spirit from a manual that builds on a much more complex evocation ritual system than what you described, is it necessary to go through with it or what will happen if I don't do it that way?


File: 1445302330670.pdf (119.02 KB, Grand conjuration.pdf)


Try to start imagining and thinking as if your thoughts are all solid but in another realm. The astral plane which is where you will bring these energies into. Your brain has many little crystals inside of it which will help to project your thoughts out like a sound wave in all directions.

Again, the old complex forms of evocation like using sacrifices, incantations and all the other thematics are simply to help newer people get into the magical "theme" and "mode". It's the difference between holding a play in a large concert hall with costumes, music, lights and all the other zazz compared to a couple guys reenacting Shakespeare in their backyard. It's still the same story but one is much more immersible.

Now that's not to say all tools, incantations and whatever else is useless or for show because you may have actually enchanted something or maybe you're someone who does not trust himself so you need a little extra kick. I will give you an incantation packed full of entities which can help bring out any spirit if you feel you need to use it. Credits to Bear Hear for the conjuration.



My question about thoughts was more whether it's also possible to think thoughts that the spirit won't pick up, or whether I should enter the summoning expecting to be able to hold no secrets.

Wouldn't that kind of evocation fill up the astral room with dozens of additional spirits you don't necessarily want? Especially if you don't really like the jewish god.



The incantation does fill up the room. That's why I personally don't like using them. Though I thought to give it as a crutch if needed.

Your best bet is to think your thoughts before. Even if a spirit does hear your thoughts it will not judge depending on who you're working with.



Ok, thank you.

Do you have any advice on getting clearer communication from these spirits? I have so far never evoked an "old" spirit you'd find in a grimoire, only thoughtforms, so maybe former are more powerful or something, but sorting out incoming talk and your own pre-simulations of what the spirit could say (which automatically happen in a conversation) has been a great nuisance. I don't really hope that there are instant easy ways to dispell this, but are there maybe particular spirits with the patience (and experience) to practice this with, or any other advice useful for a neophyte like me?



Experience plays a key role. But it all comes down to how well developed your third eye center is. You can perform some basic chakra work before the ritual or even focus an orb of light inside of your head opening up the centers within there.



So I should just do those meditations+visualisations until a breakthrough event happens and my third eye is open/more developed? Or does such a breakthrough not happen and just astral impressions get clearer and clearer? Are there other ways to open it?

I went through a large part of the energy thread, the only other thing I saw mentioned was cyclomancy in >>55476 .

Also, is it dangerous to regularly pulse that center without spending approximate equal attention on all the other chakras? You hinted at something of the sort in the energy thread, but I'm not sure whether this is what you meant.

[Sorry if this is the wrong thread or if I'm asking questions you already answered somewhere]



There are plateaus. You need to think of it like a muscle as I've previously said. You don't deadlift 100kgs on your first try but you slowly work up to it and take it as a milestone.

As for other methods there are many. The world is full of infinite possibilities after all.

It is not dangerous per say to activate a higher center but generally if you are doing a lot of pineal work you will want to build up a foundation first.


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""Assuming a God Form, Modernization of Magic and Astral Work""

I will give a quick overview of this lesson since it will be made up of three mini-lessons or parts. The first part which is the raw fundamental teaching is to assume a "God form". This simply means to merge your own astral thoughtform with that of another thoughtform. So you're putting your own personality and that of a God or other thoughtform in a blender. This is done in the astral with an astral body that you create to represent yourself. Now we're not going to be traditional because this is a living system as all are. This means that instead of merging yourself with YHVH or some other grandfather egregore, we will be using fictional characters. What is the difference between Mars of the old mythologies and Bruce Lee?(Insert any person/character real or fiction). They both have thoughtforms or astral personalities and presences which represent and embody the warrior like masculine force. It's just that Mars is a very raw archetypal character of the fundamental energy he encompasses and expresses. But I hold off on sharing too much as this will be explained soon. To tie this all together we'll be taking an introductory look into astral work. We'll set up our very own pocket dimension in the astral with an altar that we can do work at. The lesson will be structured in a way that you can easily fill in your own preferences and practice it. These are all easy practices which will set up the groundwork for any further astral work that you decide to do so I heavily suggest it. Think of it like we're crafting your very own non physical work station. Anyway let's get onto the required theory for this lesson.

Back to our example with Mars and Bruce Lee. Take a look at a picture of the Qabalah(I will include one that I drew up a little while back). This is our categorization tool of the universe. Though it's a much more "un-organic" tool compared to the chakra systems. But it is the best we have for Hermetic magic and it works well at that. See how there are 10(11) spheres? These are called sephirot or sephirah. But we're going to learn them by their planetary form to make it easy and relatable. Try to think of each planetary sphere as a fundamental principle and energy of the universe(Remember that you are a microcosmic version of the macrocosm). So if we baked a cake which is the universe it would be made up of these 10(11) ingredients(I could take this analogy pretty far with the pathways but I really don't want to). Or instead, if we wanted to tell the "story" of the universe we could have 11 main characters which all personify these fundamental forces. Wait. Did we just decode mythology? You bet!. Take a look at the Gods of all religions and you will start to notice something. They are all the same except in different cultural clothing and settings. This means Zeus is the same as Jupiter and Jesus is the same as Sol which is also just Horus or the main character, the hero, aka YOU. Hermes is Mercury who is also Ganesha or Tehuti. You get it? Qabalah is so important because it gives us a raw and fundamental skeleton to understand each energy(sphere, archetype, God). Meaning we can boil all mythology down into the Qabalah. And you might be sitting in your chair all adventurous and ready for a new world of exploration. But wait, you ask "What if I never studied Qabalah or don't have a background in it?" Don't you worry young neophyte! For I will have already turned this into a secret and hidden four part lesson just like Da'ath is the 11th "hidden" sphere of the Qabalah. Which hides in the shadows( Our subconscious mind) and gives knowledge to those who wish to explore it. This sphere explains the phrase "To bring light from darkness".

*Continued* *Some nice Qabalah pictures I found*


Let's take our journey through the universe, peeling away one layer at a time. Our first sphere is Malkuth. This sphere represents everything of physical reality. Your body and the four elements. Work on this sphere will actually be done with the Tattvas(elemental sigils) to connect with the elements(If you don't know what the four elements represent then you will either need to self study or wait for another write up). Next is Yesod which is commonly thought of as the astral plane. This has all kinds of relations to our dreams, our false self and that of non physical manifestation. After we remove the elements that you know as "physical" like objects, we enter the sphere of Hod or Mercury. This layer of reality is all about logic, mathematics and the intellect. The part that wants to use language. From the left brain to the right brain we enter Netzach/Venus. This sphere deals with our creative faculties and our emotions. Next is Tihpareth which is where our higher self is. It represents divine solar brilliance. The kind of energy that people like Jesus personify. Geburah/Mars(One of my favourites) which is the masculine principle of will, strength, power and force. Chessed/Jupiter which covers law, order, philosophy and "systems". Binah/Saturn is about time and cycles. Chochma being Neptune is about the higher occult abilities, think the pineal glands abilities. Kether/ Uranus is the true self, the self, the divine spark. Da'ath/Pluto is the subconscious mind, it is darkness where knowledge can be found. I'm just going to link a bunch of pictures and you can try make some more sense of it. Qabalah is one of things where you need to meditate heavily over it and integrate it within yourself to really understand it. But those basic descriptions will get you going. Just spend some time viewing Qabalah media if you're interested in it.

Taking two steps back we go to our first example. You could now say that Bruce Lee represents the Martian energy. So assuming a Godform in his image will empower that part of you. Now here's we go into the "living system" part of things. Chances are you've only heard of Mars in your history class or maybe you've read a book or two on mythology. But your knowledge of Bruce Lee is probably vast in comparison to someone like Mars. What I'm saying is that I suggest you pick characters from stories you personally know and admire. Think of someone who has positive qualities that you respect. Be it a videogame, book, anime, movie, tv show, real life personality or whoever. These are the "Gods" of our age. It could be said that the egregore of Mario is more powerful than that of Loki. So you want to pick someone who's personality you have good grasp of. If you wish to stick with mythological figures then by all means do so.



Before we assume the Godform it is required that you have a safe and suitable place to do it in. This is where we get to crafting our astral space and altar. What you need to do is imagine up a location. It can be any terrain or size and contain any number of objects and decorations. I personally use a forest since it is calming and gives the illusion of vastness. Next step is to clear out a floor to walk around on. All you need is around 2x2 metres of space to perform ritual in. You may decorate this in any way you wish if it's with quadrant candles, altars and cloths or some other esoteric design(You can even get a monument to Baphomet up in there). I use a large Hermetic rose cross to act as my "spawn" location of sorts. To summarize I'm telling you to make up your own imaginary zone. It can be fun if you let it. You need to remember every detail and be able to bring it up perfectly the same each time. This way you strengthen and use the same thoughtform. Acknowledge this place as your astral temple and make sure to always bring yourself here while doing astral ritual. Next step is making yourself an astral body. This is what they call the astral body of light in some other traditions. You simply want to create a body for yourself. Preferably the same as your physical body in a robe or some basic clothes. Acknowledge again that it is your astral body. Place your awareness inside of this body as if you're a ghost possessing it and test it out. Move your arms and legs and try to simulate it as much as you can. You will also want to remember this body and recall it any time you wish to perform astral work.

Now that we have our temple and body it's time to put them to use. Take yourself to the temple and enter your body. Time to bring up the character you've previously selected. Create them as if they were a 3d body right in front of you. Then you simple need to "posses" them as well. Almost as if you're wearing two pairs of clothes. Merge your current astral body with the personality right in front of you. You need to use your intention and will for this to think "I wish to take on all of the positive qualities of this person". And feel as if you're integrating with them. This may feel like an entirely imaginary exercise though I will give a brief explanation of how it works. Every time you perform any ritual you're impressing energy into your aura. Drawing pentagrams and other symbols puts them in your aura. Just like a middle pillar ritual where someone will chant God names which bring them into their aura and body as well. So by merging with a personality you are in fact merging your astral self with them. And as we know everything manifests downward. If you proceed to do this every day as a routine you will start finding your own personality changing and that you have the opportunities to develop further towards the Godform you've merged with.

Create an imaginary altar, then body, wear the body, bring up a character and then possess them taking on their essence. Sounds pretty simple right. Give it a shot. All this stuff will help you in further lessons about astral work when we start to pull light from darkness.


You have any insight on loosh farming? How can you prevent this sort of thing?



I would suggest reading montalks articles on how we're being harvested. The key is that your energy is your emotions so get rid of all useless thoughts and emotional leaks.



Well that may work for preventing alien harvesting, but what about human energy vamps? People who deliberately milk individuals.



I went over energy shielding in the question thread. I would suggest checking that out.


Can you briefly explain banishing vs invoking and why we should banish every night and invoke every morning. Also about the specifics of the elements, for what situations should we banish/invoke which elements?



You know how in the IIH one of the exercises have you become aware of your astral spirit body/self?

Do you think performing the ritual you describe while moving around in the physical as well as remaining aware of your astral body yield greater results or the same?




This might give you a good overview of how banishings work. Essentially a banishing is casting energy away and dispelling it. Invoking is bringing energy within the human vessel, be it physical or non physical. You don't need to banish every night and invoke every morning since it can disrupt the natural energy flows of your house and rooms(though if you're hardcore into western magic you should do it. I'm personally an internal cultivator so I will use daoistic alchemy instead). But if you are calling dangerous energies into your room like Qlippothian(don't mess with this stuff) currents then you will want to banish. Invoking every morning is more or less to call upon a bunch of helpful spirits and energies. It's like waking up with good luck.

To know which element you need to banish requires knowledge of the elements. I will explain them very briefly and then you must use intuition which is the master guidance. Fire is the spiritual element of willpower and desire. To invoke fire is to call that Martian energy which makes you move and "do". Get really motivated and fired up. See "fired up". Analysis of language is key to being a magician. Water is all about emotions. Pretend you are water incarnate. Picking up and receiving every signal and message or impression made upon you be it physical or non physical (though I don't recommend invoking this around malicious people since empathy can mess you up big time). Earth is the physical feeling of solidity and magnetic being. Feel that you are totally present in your body, like a statue or like clay. Earth always represents physical (or non physical but still bodily like material) material. This is why we banish and invoke with the earth element since all spirits or entities will have an "Earthly body" meaning physical or non physical body. Finally air is all about the intellect and intelligence. When you're making a thoughtform the air element is the brain of it. It separates a silly automaton from an almost realistic thoughtform.


This is the exact same exercise that Franz Bardon uses. Except I have said it in plain English. When you tell people "hop into an astral body". They don't expect it to be so simply as slipping into an imaginary body replica. I need to say this right here. This stuff is easy. We're meant to be able to do this naturally. We're meant to as humans live in two worlds as once that's why it sounds so stupid and silly when someone says "Go into an imaginary body, align your desires, will, intent and emotions to a specific planetary sphere then scry there". The largest barrier is actually doing it. Once you do this stuff you start getting amazing results.

I did not mean to rant. I'll work on a post tomorrow about scrying around the planetary spheres, astral and tattvas. This IS astral projection. It's just that we're accessing it via mental projection which is kind of like a weaker version but still just as good. I'm going to teach a way that people don't need to believe in their own potential. They just need to have an intent in mind and the rest will work its way out.



Thank you, so I should stick with earth only unless I am doing some serious magick.



Yeah. Using other banishings is for what we call "higher magic". This is where we get into the archetypal energy like planetary. You can rest easy for quite some time unless you like experimenting.



So to avoid messing with the natural energies how often should I do it? Once each a week?



It's all up to your intuition. You are the God after all. I would suggest banishing only after a heavy ritual. One that's thick enough you feel you might need a shower just to clean the dirt of you. As for invoking you can really do that whenever you want. Granted if you're okay with turning your house or temple into an astral party house. If you're using your bedroom then I recommend banishing after each invoking or ritual. Trying to get some rest after any kind of ritual or esoteric work is like sleeping in space or another dimension.



Oh okay, I only ask though because I want to keep beings out and away from my home. I'm being targeted by negs and the LBRP seemed like a good way to keep foreign psychic energies and astral beings out.



That it certainly is. I suggest performing a banishing in any room or area that is specifically under attack.



This brings up an interesting question. If you live with other people in your home, especially mundanes. How would this effect them and their thoughtforms?



This stefan guys video is good. Should I watch all his stuff?



I messed up the LBRP twice and had to do it 3 times.



Chances are they're the ones creating the negative thoughtforms. I've noticed that some places carry a lot of "memory" like places near water. Sadly you can't banish them away because there will always be fresh water. Back on track of your question. It depends on if they personally have a thoughtform inside of their aura field leeching from their energies. But sometimes you just have an eerie room where everyone can feel it. Banish that and it'll be gone.


Yeah go look up Uncle Bearheart/ Grand order of Draco slayers. That's the guy speaking in the video. A lot of his stuff gets taken down though people re-upload it all the time.



You can't really "mess it up" just go on from any slip ups or redo the errors.



I said agla on the west pentagram and then drew another on top of it. Then I felt like a heat burn, I think I messed it up lol. Either way I just did it over and got it right that time.



do you know anything more about this uncle bearheart guy?



He used to have a really good blog except it was taken down. You can get a download for the articles from some of the descriptions in the re-uploads of his videos. There's tons of good rituals there.



Is it true that George Washington is a badass dragon slayer and can be summoned?



Hahaha yeah. You can invoke or evoke the egregore of dead people.



Uncle goes into something about the Faustian Pact. How would you go about freeing yourself from contract?


Just want to say how much I appreciate your threads man. Thank you and godspeed.

I'd encourage you to compile your stuff into an ebook, or at least a PDF so it is all in one place and doesn't get lost in the case of board trouble.

Also, what would you advise for a babbies first evocation?



This is pretty much the pact made between you and the egregores of any major religion, cult, groups or anything else that you may have joined. The act of worshiping Jesus every day, chanting the Hare krsna mantra and other such repetitious behavior is what locks people into it. There's also the thing about the birth certificate but you can research that on your own since it's a large topic to go over. To free yourself of the pacts you simply need to become aware of them and demand that you do not wish to be apart of any pact you were not aware of. This will break up any of the thoughtform tentacles on you.


Yeah I plan to use some of this material as a basic guideline to expand upon for an eventual book. I'll give it out free on fringe for anyone who wants it once I've done it.

As for your first evocation I would suggest a spirit which helps you in a part of your life. Something self serving since this will usually be the easiest to achieve. I would go through the goetia and pick one which intuitively stands out for you. A lot of this work is playing it by intuition. Or pick a spirit which brings out a lot of fear and emotion within you like the old Gods. Azazel for example. A lot of people feel uncomfortable working with what the christian religion calls demons. These demons are just old Gods of magical systems like the Sumerian or Kemetic.



So should I burn my birth certificate.



Ehhh. It's complex, very complex. Most of us are not able to live without a legal name. But it's good to at least realize that your legal name is what binds you to the machine. As I said you'll need to do some of your own research. I know Santos Bonacci has some work on it.



You should go by a name. Why not become a Draco Slayer? You would be a great addition to the battlefield.



Alright I guess I will. The draco slayers are not exactly after new members. They intended to hand out their resources through Bear Heart so others could learn and create their own groups. I've had my fair share of astral battles and it's exhausting work. I'll protect what's under and with me but go no further than that. I follow the dao which is not aggressive or passive but neutral.



I don't mean to be a dicksucker, but I know an inspiration when I see one. Thanks for all your information. I'd love to hear how one of those astral battle go.


Anyway just to let you guys know I'll be doing two more write ups. One on mental projection/ astral work and the other on the how, why and what of basic rituals like the LRBP and MPR. After that I probably wont be doing too many threads or writeups till another few months. Not until I have a nice new chunk of potent information and wisdom to share.


S'all good. We all find people who inspire and teach us. You'll meet many masters on your path. Even once you become your own master there are people who project and push you further.

As for battles I'll do a brief explanation of what to expect and how to arm/guard yourself in my astral writeup. They're one of those things which build up your warrior nature and allow you to fight your fears and shadows. Let's just say when you get into astral work the negative thoughtforms and wounds turn into personifications.



I have been at this for about three months and have had no success at all in results magick. I'd be interested in a guide about how you got started, your early successes and failures, common pitfalls, correct attitude, recommended daily practices, etc. What are the essential basic skills we need for success? For example, I have very weak visual visualization skills and wonder if I can't manifest anything because I can't clearly see it mentally.

Basically a "So you want to be a wizard?" guide for total beginners, a step before any of your other guides. Some of the ideas you take for granted may be a revelation to us rookies.

Again, thanks for taking the time and effort to help.



Dude I fucked up the LBRP and it still worked. My visualization skills are all jacked up too, can't even focus on the image that long. Do you have some doubt inside? The books in the MEGA is all you need.



I intended this thread to be for intermediate students and then I went of and wrote up a lot of beginner stuff like lesser magic.

Funny enough, most of the early tries were all successes and exceptionally so. And then I started to have some rituals which did not work and wondered why. There are many reasons why a ritual does not work but the main reasons I've found is that you're not manifesting within your current sphere of influence. This means if you want a rolex watch but can't even afford to pay your rent then you're probably not going to get it. I've found the sphere of influence is half and half who you come into contact to, your habits and what influences are in your life and the other half is your internal energy. I've found when I cleaned my diet up and started cultivating that things started to manifest quicker and more immense. This is all if you already know how to do the ritual side of things.

Ask yourself. Do you trust yourself? this is difficult as a beginner without results. Then you must ask if you're putting enough energy into it. If you have poor visualization I would suggest sigils since all you need to visualize is a glowing sigil in your mind.

Next you should focus on basic rituals. I'm talking the most basic thing you can think of. Pick something in your life that happens on a random basis or that has choice which is not out of the ordinary. Make a sigil to influence the result that you want.

As a last note you may want to dig into your subconscious to find out if you are subconsciously not wanting yourself to get results. Since you will then live your entire life proving what it wants to happen. Read some books on lesser magic if you haven't already. In this kind of work we need to keep the conscious mind entertained with what we're read so we're able to bypass it and make the magic happen.

One big tip is to know that eventually you will live in a world beyond right and wrong, works and does not work. So keep that all out of your mind. You're still putting energy towards the goal. Another little tip is that you need to actually be working towards your goal (most of the time). If you want a job then you should be applying. Obviously a friend can call you up but you should open up each avenue.


Can someone explain the process of calling on gods. I mean the Christians call on Jesus and say "in the name of Jesus" all the time right. That's why they have these reactions, but the bible Jesus story isn't entirely accurate. What exactly is coming in on them and moving them spiritually? Also the same with the Chinese, some of them pray to fucking Mao Zedong and even Buddha. They are giving these things power, what are they exactly. Like during some rituals you will say "in the name of Apollo" for example. Clearly that works, is there books on these details? I mean are you supposed to beg and plead in a prayer? I wanna close in on the differences.




*warning* I'm writing this up in the thread writer so it might be a bit scattered. You'll just need to stick with me for a little bit.

I remember being a stoner trying to figure out the universe. Feeling as though the drug was my only connection to divinity at that time. The divinity that I never knew was inside of me all along. Anyway, I always checked /x/ at the end of each night. This was probably around 6 in the morning at those times. This was back before 8chan was much of a thing as well so we're back in 4chan days.

Anyway I'm browsing /x/ as usual hoping that I'll find some kind of lucid dreaming or astral projection thread. Hoping that I can have some kind of spiritual experience beyond all the psychadelics and other drugs. I think I found a thread on magic or something like that. Anyway that video was posted in the thread. Before that I had just listened to hours and hours of people like Terrence Mckenna and Alan Watts. I felt those people connected me to the feeling that there's something else out there. That there might be some kind of spiritual reality or existence. I'm sure you all have your own portal to the higher be them drugs, meditation, people, or whatever. I connect directly nowadays through an open crown.

Going on, I listened to that video and felt another connection to the information. I'm sure everyone here knows the feeling when you connect to a person or their information. It feels as if their information is "right". That's because it is for the current time and level you're at. Grant Morrison felt like an honest guy who was too truthful to be trying to deceitful. I could feel aligned to him. So when he started to say "actually try this" I thought that I would. I think there was also a sigil tutorial picture in that thread as well so I decided to give it a shot. I think up what I might want to make a sigil for. Something that I do every day. Around that time I was a lead guitarist working in between some bands. It was pretty much the only good habit I had in my life in a pool of self destructive habits and cycles. So I make a sigil that goes something like "I want to be a master guitarist" or "I am a master guitarist". At that time I did not know about current tense in sigils (it can still work depending on your intention). I knock out the vowels and draw it up on a piece of paper. I feel warm and childlike imagining that it might actually work and be possible. So I go gaze at the sigil having no idea what to really do and then light up a candle and keep the sigil in my mind trying to see it glow. I feed the blue glowing sigil imagining as if it is giving it energy.

After passing out and waking back up in the afternoon I get stoned and go outside with my guitar. Taking a seat in the garden it looks as if the sun is already getting ready to set with it having reached the hight of its cycle for the day. I start out with a usual jam session to warm up my playing. I find I'm having an amazing jam session and it's not just the dope that's running through me. It's as if a limiter has been removed from my playing. I'm learning all kinds of new ways to play. Then as my session starts cooling of into some tinkering I start to go into rhythm playing. At this stage I had almost never gone into rhythm. Having a trusty rhythm player as a great friend meant that I never had to learn it in all of my previous playing. But anyway I start to figure out how it all works. How you can make alternate chords out of the intervals in a scale and how these scale notes all define the chords played in your designated scale. Y'know, the real basics(eventually I work into jazz rhythm which is quite a bit more complex than your usual metal or country players repitore).

So at this point I'm thinking "well damn. Something happened." I'm not quite sold on the idea but I know there's something to it. The next day comes up and I'm having similar experiences. After this my instrumental skills took a huge leap and it keeps going on every day after that. Having been satisfied with the results I start using these sigils for everything and anything that I want. Being a hedonistic drug addict at that time I may have made some poor choices. But I found it's all part of the journey. This was the start of my journey into occultism and magic. After that I had grown consumed by my own desire to explore what else I could do and is out there. I read and tried everything I could. Having made many of my own mistakes and having had to dig through mountains of rubbish to get to what works.

Why did I feel the need to write all of this up? I figure sharing the experiences of someone like myself and showing how I was probably just as run down as most of you guys have been if not worse might be humanizing and inspiring. It might motivate you to try and test. To wonder and gain interest.



I figure I could do a beginner thread if you guys really want. I wont deny it's a pain pushing through all the junk as a beginner and trying to figure out what is right and wrong. I've been thinking of doing some videos for a little while. I figure it's easier to understand than textblocks.



Alright. There's invocation and evocation. Invocation is calling energy into your aura field or your body. This lets the energy have access to your inner sanctuary. Think of it like allowing one of your dodgy alcoholic friends into your life. You're allowing them to influence and access part of you. Which means you start to become more like them and probably take up the habit again and start self destruction.

Evocation is calling an energy into your current astral or physical space. This means you can communicate and interact with it as if it were a separate entity to yourself. That's why we personify everything as a human like figure.

Yeah people are giving these real life people or stories power. What are they you might ask? they're the collective thought of what everyone thinks they are. What is dirt? it's exactly what you think it is. If tomorrow someone finds out that we can use dirt to build rocket ships them your perception of dirt has evolved into something different. Now here's the thing. You can tap into the aspects and information of these energies that your conscious mind does not know using the subconscious mind. Thus pulling light from darkness. That's how we're able to "speak" to a spirit and gain information we've never known before. We are personifying energy into a human form which allows it to speak to us. But in actual reality all we're doing is aligning ourself with some kind of different frequency. Think of it like our brain is a radio and the stations are different energies/spirits. (I use the word energy for entities so replace it with spirit, god, archetype, entity, demon or whatever else floats your cosmic boat)

Everyone has an astral body or form. This is simply the idea of what they are. It's like the energy of Mars is simply the idea of what it represents. This being the collective unconscious idea of Mars. That being masculinity, force, power, yang ,etc. So when we invoke this energy we're going to become more ballsy and manly. Next time you're lifting weight or doing exercise start chanting in your mind to invoke Mars "I invoke you Mars, give me your power". Yell it inside or outside with power and strength. Try to feel the energy. Though if you evoke Mars that means you're just going to have an entity next to you which will respond in communication with exactly what the energy it represents would respond with.

As for begging and pleading you don't want to do that. Here's a big secret. Everything is inside of you. Even I'm inside of you right now. I'm simply a reflection of your own subconscious mind. So you're not reading what I'm trying to tell you but as exactly what your mind is interpreting this as. It's like how people try to coat everything with their own warped perceptions and minds.

To go further into this. Imagine if you started acting like a (was going to use the word bitch, but we want to keep this stuff PG rated, oh wait) spineless pile of jelly to some kind of big scary demon like Paimon? "Oh Paimon, I beg of you to please do this for me if you feel you are capable" as you shiver fearfully in your darkened room lit by a few candles (Tried to paint the beginners evocation attempt). What do you think the energy is going to do? They're gonna take advantage of you and scare you further. Well, granted some entities are nice and respectful. But generally a lot of the more brutish or lesser will eat you up for lowering yourself.

Anyway. YOU ARE THE GOD. This means you're the only thing that makes any of this exist. Do you bite the hand which feeds? No. If you're feeding these entities the fuel which they need to keep themselves alive it means you DEMAND if you need to. I always recommend being respectful but if anything turns hostile then you put the foot down.



Damn mind blown, but doesn't that mean I could just call upon anything and have it represent whatever I feel it does? Also that raises the question, if people see Jesus as the savior wouldn't pleading to him be the way to get his help?


File: 1445573835676.jpg (27.92 KB, 333x204, 111:68, Honey_Ant.jpg)


Let's go over some examples. we'll pick Jesus. Catholic Jesus (there are lots of different Jesus egregores) being the collective idea of what every catholic thinks he is. What if we then started a huge revolution which made Catholic Jesus out to be the Villain in the story and the devil to be the hero (switching their mythological roles). We then burnt all of the old bibles or books which had any mention of Jesus being what he used to and all of the people which remembered him as what he was had died out. This means the egregore of Jesus will slowly fade away and starve to death (we're imagining that it has not been able to convert people to act as energy batteries). But a new egregore of Jesus will rise up (or you could even manipulate the old one to change it into the new one). This might give you an understanding of what makes Catholic Jesus.

Anyway as a side joke. This picture is essentially what religious followers or followers of any egregore are. Remember that people who worship idols or pop stars are just as bad in this. They're modern day idol worshipers. Get it "Idol".

We need to start understanding that we're being harvested. The astral world is just like the physical world where there are greedy blood suckers who want your money. Well there are lesser entities who want your energy. Next time you're about to indulge in some kind of hedonistic habit like masturbation, drugs or overeating you need to "refresh" your brain and become conscious. Ask yourself. Was it me that wanted to do that? This will let you gain more knowledge and get in touch more with the understanding that different entities are always around us in our astral space and can even enter our vessel. The 7 sins are a good example of activities which call entities into us and our space. Once you start segmenting your own thoughtspace into aspects, archetypes and entities you will begin to learn how all of this works.

Most people have these "thought loops" in their mind. These are another example of parasites connected to their aura or in their astral space. Anyway I thought to go on a huge tangent so you might have a little more to think about.

Read this, go read what I wrote about evocation, read this all again, go take a long bath and have a think. You should be able to answer all your questions by the end of it.



Not exactly. You are calling upon the "Collective" idea of what it is. That means what it has been written down as and carbonized and thought of throughout all of history by everyone.

You're right about the second part. If I create a God of weight lifting then lifting weights is an excellent way to connect with his energy. Thus pleading to Jesus is a good way to align to his energy. If you're pleading you better hope the energy is merciful.




This explains so much thanks, have you ever contacted these Jesus egregores and what kind of beings they are? This is continuously a topic of wonder for me because from growing up in a christian home, I want to try and free people from the religion and it will be easier to understand this stuff. Before I awoken I have had experiences with prayer and saying "in the name of Jesus" The first time which opened me to spirituality It made me stand up and put my hands up in the air and I felt this really pleasant feeling in my head that felt similar to the bliss of a crown chakra meditation. The second time however was more like some being was moving through my body and making me shiver and tear, not that it was cold or painful or anything. It just kind of moved through me. I see Christians doing this like speaking in tongues and having visions. Why is that? I have heard speaking in tongues is a suggestion but I have not been able to figure it out.



I can't say I've personally worked with any egregores of Jesus.

As for your experiences they very much were by the hands of the egregore of Jesus. This should give you a hint as to what kind of egregore it is. You may be able to understand how powerful it is to be able to understand, control and work with egregores/entities.

People have visions and speak in tongues because of the immense energy moving through them. Jesus is a powerful egregore after all with the many millions that believe and power him. Speaking in tongues is something we call glossolalia. It's a way of using your voice as a means of raising or expressing energy. Occultists use it in rituals to raise up more energy and get themselves into a deeper trance state. So when they're speaking in tongues they're actually "tripping" out in a trance state having some kind of experience. Be it they're seeing visions or being spoken to.

You can think of a lot of this stuff as primitive and experimental parts of occultism and evocation. Kind of like some kids mashing pots and pans pretending to be musicians. Not that there experience is any lesser but it is called "occult science" for a reason. Since we take these primitive like mystical experiences and put them in a working "intellectual" way of understanding and calling upon them.



Another little note is that Christianity or many other religions/cults that follow Jesus are what we would call a "solar cult/religion". This part works with the solar self. It's all related to that divine and brilliant part of yourself. You know how some people can walk into a room, perform an art piece or some kind of hobby and everyone around them will be in awe. That's the divine running through them. People who're involved in these religions/cults are at the state where they need to "awaken" this part of themselves. You might find a lot of folk turn to spirituality or move on after sometime in the church.

There used to be cults and religions dedicated to all kinds of energies and states of development. For example there would be lunar cults which indulged in hedonism. Or you could even look at a gladiator Colosseum or a fight club as a Martian cult.




Man I've been wondering this hit for so long and I finally got some answers. Thanks so much. I would like to mention though, and perhaps you can experiment with this yourself. The Holy Spirit as they call it, I believe is a real thing that is separate from the cults. Montalk's and the Cassipeans ideas on the Jesus story I believe to be accurate. I have experienced personally and have read from excerpts from well practiced psychics who can easily see and sense these beings, that the holy spirit is a real thing that can be called upon and help you almost instantly. Montalk and the cassiopeans said that when Jesus went into suspended animation that is what he left behind in order to help people and heal the world. I believe this may be true, I'd love to hear your idea on this. If you call on it now, or request it would probably work.



Your holy spirit is the higher self. This is why you see saints with halos around their head. It means the crown chakra has become opened. This is the highest form of you. Many different religions and systems of spirituality will have their own version of this. For example thelema uses "The holy guardian angel". This is the "God" that religions people are actually connecting to and calling upon.

You may call upon this any time you wish. It is your most divine part and connection within you. Though it does take time and experience to be able to connect to. Enter meditation and start to focus on your crown chakra. I suggest doing "warm up" exercises like going through each of the chakras or bouncing your awareness through the middle pillar/taiji pole of your body. Just try to get yourself into the highest vibrational state you can. Then focus on the crown chakra and start to ask and connect with your own holy spirit or higher self. There may be multiple voices from the other thoughtforms around you so wait for a patient and calm voice which you feel is true. This is how you can ask for guidance in life. Just remember to not allow your ego or conscious mind to interfere.



Damn Khan, you're saving lives and making futures. Thank you, I imagine that's how people channel their higher selves right? Automatic writing and such.

>Your holy spirit is the higher self

That makes sense, I don't know if that's what the cassiopeans/montalk meant though. They said something about Jesus being in suspended animation and whenever you call for him can multiply himself infinitely to assist. When I think about it though, it could mean the same thing. Either way much thanks for everything.



You "can" channel yourself just like you channel an entity. Your mind and body are both a vessel which can be inhabited by anything. And automatic writing may be done by your higher self or by entities. Since again the hands are just the tools of the vessel. I used to do planetary magic where I would invoke the major energy of a certain sphere like Venus or Artemis and then break of into lesser known energies and follow an energetic trail.

You see we have a higher and a lower self. Lead and gold. People invoke the lower self through self destructive activity and behavior and the higher self through activities like creative expression, metaphysical work and such. Then as we discussed we have the solar self which we can invoke. So it's kind of like you have three "self". These three are related to the three lower chakra and lower dan tien then the middle dan tien and heart chakra and finally the higher three chakras and higher dan tien. Can you remember entering "The zone" or "the flow" state? that's your solar self(Or what we just call the self). Maybe you're a really good chef and enter this almost spiritual state while cooking. That's you invoking your own solar self. This is why we say the solar plexus is the guardian to the heart. It means your ego is the guardian to your true self.

Try to start deconstructing language and using your own body as a a tool of analyzation. Most spiritual knowledge is riddled in code and analogy.



Thanks so much, never really heard about the solar self. I knew about the reality creation abilities coming from the solar plexus though. I want to align and heal/open all my chakras, is there stuff in the MEGA for this?



Yeah I'm trying to decode all of the nonsense and rubbish that people have to go through in this journey. Every spiritual system tells the exact same story using the exact same characters. Except we don't understand it because we were not taught and brought up in that culture. Along with everything having 10 different meanings that all mean the same thing (Second hermetic law stuff). We were brought up in the culture of the western scientific world. Thus I'm in the process of intellectualizing and converting all of this occult and bio-energetic information into "understandable" terms to people like ourselves. Even scientific study of anatomy and psychology is occult related if you know how to interpret it all.

All systems in the world are being expanded, grown and compressed as time advances. Like if you think of computer technology. We don't make people use dial up or floppy discs anymore so why should people have to use the occult equivalent.



Here's some decent resource for anyone who wants to soak up some knowledge. Though I would suggest to only skim through it and read what the original poster wrote.


I don't trust Omrans shit. Can you explain the Middle Pillar and why we should do it everyday? Also should the orbs be specific colors?


Has anyone ever summoned Michael Jackson's egregore? I also want to know can you summon a well known fictional character with a lot of fans? What about stage names and personas?



Personally I don't like any of the Golden Dawn rituals since they are based upon using the Qabalah (Not that the Qabalah is wrong or bad) as a bodily overlay. When the chakras instead should be used since they are the actual energetic parts. And the rituals make you impress symbols and energies of egregores into your aura field. This means you're inviting in entities like YHVH to leech on your energy.

Instead I would suggest looking up the taiji pole or hara line. Bounce your awareness from the pernium up to the crown and light this area up with energy. It performs the same function as the middle pillar but without the egregores. As for the colours it does not exactly matter since they are colours of the Qabalah spheres which do not align with the bodies energetic structure.



Seriously? For real? I wish someone had told me that shit before. Is there a banishing ritual I can do that doesn't invite egregores into my home? I wish there was a MEGA for the eastern stuff then.



Jesus Christ I just got the biggest Deja Vu for looking up Taiju pole. Wtf



Here I thought magick was the end of the line. Can you please recommend me some books and websites for eastern practices? The MEGA seems to have little of that, I already have Mantak Chia's stuff, and I know about his channel. Have yet to get into it.



DUDE Bruce Lee though, I gotta know what happen to him.


File: 1445592136155-0.pdf (93.55 KB, 2012_LBRP.pdf)

File: 1445592136156-1.pdf (132.68 KB, LRBP short.pdf)


That's what we call synchronicity.


You can use banishing water, certain herbs or project your intent to banish as a white light. There are also versions of the ritual which don't include hebrew god names. I'll include a pdf of bearhearts ritual. Technically his still use egregores but they're not as malicious as the hebrew ones(Since it's fundamental archetypes). One pdf has an explanation and the entire ritual (this is an extended and large version of it though you can simplify), and the other is if you want to quickly replace the names.

Here's the deal with the LLRP/LBRP is that they're not only an invoking and banishing ritual. They're much more than that (In a good and bad way). I'm explaining this so I can say that "only" banishing is actually really simple. The previous exercises with bouncing the taiji pole will banish anything nasty inside of you. It's better to prepare internally than externally.


Magick is what we get when Medieval westerners try to scrounge knowledge from the previous Hebrews who took knowledge from the Kemetic folk. I feel as though it's one half of the coin. Incomplete but still worthy. That's why I've dedicated a thread to it. But you also need to learn internal cultivation to make your magic work and develop yourself in a spiritual manner.

Start out with reading Mantak Chia's book "Awaken healing light". This goes through some basic energetic cleaning exercises and the microcosmic orbit. This is one of the most fundamental exercises and teachings. If you wish for more knowledge after that then you can go check out the energy work thread I made.

You'll want to get into a good routine of performing a microcosmic orbit every day. You will feel what it is like to develop yourself internally how you willpower and "self" seem to grow and strengthen. Along with other effects.


Yes, I believe Brother Panic said he evoked Michael before. As previously mentioned anything has existed in the collective consciousness/unconsciousness of man has a thoughtform (Though some dissipate once forgotten). Thus you can invoke and evoke fictional characters. In fact personas are technically an invocation.


We better not let /pol/ know that they can do a mass evocation of Hiter hahaha.



Dude thanks you're the best man. I hope the deja vu was a good one. I read that it indicates a timeline change. I don't know that can go either way.



Fuck the GD LBRP summons evil beings? Shiiiit, I already have them watching me. My mom would be so sad. Can't believe I was practicing black magick, the fuck am I gonna do now.



Don't freak out. We've all been there and done that. Eventually the higher self guides you to the correct path. The egregores you've called into your aura will dissipate, especially with the conscious understanding. There wont be any lasting negative effects if you conscious take control of your own self and declare that no other entity has control over you.


I would imagine so. A lot of folk experience tons of synchronisity when knowledge is being given in a situation like this.



I'll copy paste some things from Satoga.

"Banishing- similar to "White Lightening"

The Banishing Wave is a technique that the Magickian can use that is effective against ALL entities in my experience.

There is one key requirement that is necessary for the Banishing Wave to work; the Magickian has to KNOW that the Banishing Wave will work.

The Magickian VISUALIZES and FEELS a wave, similar to the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, expanding and radiating out from within the Magickian in all directions. The wave should be seen as forming a pressure wave that physically and astrally "blows away" anything in its path. The Magickian should feel the heat of the explosion, the force of the blast, and should SEE the pressure wave expanding out to the horizon in all directions. This explosion should be seen and felt as an expanding CIRCLE or SPHERE, with the Magickian being in the center of this explosion..

The effectiveness of the Banishing Wave is greatly increased if the Magickian incorporates the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual. To do this all that is required is that the Magickian remembers what the energy of the Sol Empowering Ritual feels like and feel THAT ENERGY as the nuclear explosion that radiates and expands evenly away from the Magickian.

This Banishing technique, once mastered, can be performed instantly almost without thought and, as long as the Magickian KNOWS that it works, has proved effective (in my personal practice) against any entity or force that the Magickian wishes to Banish."



Thank you, my soul is safe now phew. Will do.



Wouldn't people believing yahweh and the angels are good. Make them good? I don't know.



It's a little more complex than that sadly. When the creation of an egregore happens by the hands of magicians like the old Golden Dawn. They will specifically design this egregore in the way they want it. Now there are some egregores created by a bunch of people (like some kind of fandom) and not a crafty magician. If you managed to change the entire fanbase then the collective group egregore would change.

See you can have egregores of things like corporations or countries. And you can have egregores that are personifications of energies like Ebola-chan or Yahweh. This is all complex stuff but I would advise you to just try learn about thoughtforms, servitors and egregores if you wish to understand it.



Has anyone eve thought to summon and ask a country what it thought of it's own people? Ebola-chan, can she really spread ebola? Do you get ebola if you contact her? Also what does that make chinchin? You think franku knows about this shit and made a fake god so people will perform sacrifices and give him power?



I can't say I know if anyone's evoked a country thoughtform. I know people have seen corporation thoughtforms and have not been pleased. As for ebola-chan she would be giving energy to her cause. You don't get ebola by contacting an entity it does not work that way. As for chinchin and franku I'm not sure. If you believe they're a wizard then possibly. Marketing departments will make corporate sigils as you might know.



Damn, I wonder what bad karma all those ebola chan guys got. They literally created a death god and murdered people.


People should probably stop fucking spreading around and telling newbies especially to do the LBRP every day. That is hazardous as fuck. That shit should be on the pinned thread, "don't call upon fucking yahweh and his minions"



And where is that thread? I hate Jahwe and everything related to it. The LBRP, like most western shit, is 100% Placebo anyways.



Agreed. Golden Dawn style magic has a bad habit of worming its way into the resource of newer folk. Might be something to do with the strength of the egregore.


Karma is less of a debt against your head and more of a form of cause and effects (though you could say there's an energetic debt on you but that's a whole other topic). The problem with feeding entities like ebola-chan is that good entities wont want to align themselves and help you. It's kind of like if you murder someone you're going to invoke and evoke a whole bunch of nasty stuff in your astral space and until you get rid of all that you're not going to be able to find positive guides.


The LBRP is a strong ritual if done correctly. Think of it this way. You're first raising energy in your entire body, then impressing pentagrams in your astral space and also calling upon the power of the 4 elements.

As well as awakening up the internal self through use of the hexagram.



What does the six pointed star of sol look like?



A hexagram.



oh so it's the same thing. Wonder why he says different. Also he didn't replace the words said at each of the four pentagrams. Does that matter I wonder



You don't really need to speak anything at the pentagrams. Usually you would chant egregore names to impress them within you.



He talks about the angels in his videos like they are not bad. Yahweh might be evil but what about angels? I mean they are real beings that serve god right?



I can't say I have enough understanding about the angels. I know enough to understand that they can be considered the Hebrew version of the archetypal Gods of other religions. Metatron = Uranus. Gabriel = Artemis. Raphael = Sol. You can probably find this out with Qabalah study.



Makes me wish everyone knew about the truth. The way everything is connected like that.


I'm converting Khan's posts to pdf and storing em here if you want a hard copy:


Working on a question and answers pdf at the moment which I'll upload when thread is dead.




Thank you, this is the simplest I've seen it explained and I think I can now understand how to use emotion to alter reality. Thanks again, I will try it soon, hope it has a good success.



What do you think about the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual instead of the LBRP?



As I came here from /pol/ I always had reservations about anything Jewish.


DUDE KAHN, thank you for telling me about bearheart. His article where he talks about what you can do in a lucid dream just fucking changed my life.


Alright I'm fucking SICK of these motherfuckin remote influencing fag FUCKS, fucking with my shit. Every fucking time I almost enter a fucking trance they fucking literally intercept that shit and blast it off into space. This motherfucking ringing won't fucking stop, it's been like this for too fucking long now. Sometimes I swear I can hear these faggots in my head. I fucking wish I could just grab them by their god damn lizard bitch slave necks and shove my foot inside which I'm sure is already a gape from all the lizard dick these fuckniggers take. I've been making aura shields everyday, and using the LBRP as well. Someone PLEASE give me a garanteed way to stop this bullshit in my life. They are seriously halting my progress.



Not to mention on top of that shit I got this fucking entity attachment, that fucking squirms around every time I do one of those fucking aura shields.



I have the same problem. There's not an easy answer, sometimes magic works, sometimes it doesnt. It depends on what they want most of the time, they're in control.

Here's a suitable Crowley quote, although I don't advise killing anyone.

>If the barking of a dog disturbs your meditation, it is simplest to shoot the dog, and think no more about it.

I had the ringing too, just remember it can always get worse.

I used to have success with new avatar power relaxation, middle pillar then new avatar power invocation for protection.




>I used to have success with new avatar power relaxation, middle pillar then new avatar power invocation for protection.

This generally worked for the rest of the day after using it btw.



Here's some more books that might help:

For attack:


For defence (includes a seal for entity attachment removal and has a very good yet simple banishing ritual, do the master ritual as well)



How would I do the middle pillar using Greek/Roman, Shinto, or even Caribbean gods? As in, which places on the body and which names? In fact it would be good if you can explain how we can interchange any alterable ritual for personal preference/heritage etc.





Holy shit, I just had a dream where they were in my home, and trying to drill me all over with these strange metal devices. I tried to drill them back, they got pissed and came at me. For some reason they all looked like these evil pretentious Asian guys. I also saw a loved one covered in some weird crap that I couldn't even describe.



I started to lucid dream then they got pissed. Those fuckers know I'm to good for em



I found the article on the other version.



I know this is not a very metaphysical answer. But I used to have ringing in one specific ear and it was because I would sleep on that side with a pillow. Just a thought to check that.

And for a metaphysical answer you're going to want to set up an astral shield every day so nothing can destroy you.


You will need to use the Qabalah and convert each god into its qabalistic equivalent. I've linked a planetary Qabalah which is easy to link other Gods in. Just find the "middle pillar" gods such as Terra, Artemis, Sol, Pluto and Uranus.



I already use the astral shield, it makes my entity attachment react that's all. At least I think it's an entity attachment, my research would imply that. I know it's not just my ear because it fluctuates and changes severity depending on what's going on, also because it started while I was awake. Not to mention the dream I just explained, they are trying to stop me from lucid dreaming. During my dream shit was really fucked up, my head was heavy and everything was distorted, all kinds of glitchy shit was appearing in my vision. I know this to be psychic attack, not to mention I ended waking up in my astral body in my room with a bunch of gunk shit covering my eyes. I whipped that shit off. I went out and they came out of no where with drills and fucking drilled at my head. All the aura shield has done is make this entity attachment active again.



I'm back from doing this, just a question though, at what point do you know you have successfully charged your intention? I am still a neophyte so I don't know if my concentration is good enough, also, if it's possible to have "energy leaks" and that built up energy can radiate out instead of charging the intention? Sorry if this doesn't make sense


What happens if you perform magick with an entity attachment on you? Any advice on fighting off a possession?


I need information on exorcism please. Or entity attachment removal.



It's kind of like charging up a battery with infinite capacity. The more you do it the stronger force you push behind it. Any attempt and concentration will still push energy behind it. I find the requirements of a ritual equalize at the magicians skill so an unskilled magician unknowing of a lot of variables can still pull of a functional and powerful ritual. Energy leaks are just any forms of lost energy like distracting thoughts, cracks and openings in an aura, etc. Don't worry too much about that for now.


Chances are you perform a ritual devoted to that entities goal. It's like a man who wishes to perform a ritual to expel lust has a lustful entity influencing him. To remove attachments you must first realize what is attached to you via subconscious/shadow work. Then you need to use your own willpower to starve this entity. If it is forcing you to do something then always do the opposite/ the right choice. You being the God have full control.


Exorcism is closing of your awareness to the side of you which you wish to remove. Start thinking of these entities attached as parts of yourself. Then you simply need to integrate, alchemize or eliminate that part.



What if it is already trying to possess me? It's like lodged in my head or something. The only rituals I have been doing were the LBRP(modified) middle pillar(modified) I did one solar grounding which I think might have done something. I have also been making purple/violet aura shields.



It's thick and heavy in my body and head, It's making it harder to breath. I don't know how it could have gotten this much influence. I have no conscious part of me depressed or ready to give up my individuality and freedom.



It sounds like you might need to shut down your higher centers and focus on grounding. Sometimes when a practitioner has forced too hard they need to go back to their regular life for a little while until they find enough support to branch out again.



So it won't posses me? It burns my neck. is this really a time to just do nothing? How do I shut down my higher centers?



If none of these techniques work you may just have to walk the path of the master. The men before you figured out all their knowledge in times of need through self experimentation. It's not particularly easy but you will grow from it.



A beginner walking the path of a master? Is this really all I can do? Is there not someone who can remove it for me?



Do you do the LBRP daily? Isn't it like once you do it once you have to keep doing it because it brings attention to yourself?



I do not perform the LBRP. If I wish to call upon an entity it will usually be internally. I also do not wish to disrupt my current set up astral space. As for the second part, that is true about all of the esoteric. The more you cultivate internally the more you become a beacon of light. Like attracts like so you wont need to worry too much.



I can technically remove the entity in a lucid dream state right?



You can. You may want to be on your guard next time you go to sleep. If you can host a match you might just be able to get it over and done with.



Host a match? I thought I would just take it off and kill it? Isn't it technically possible for a person to astral project over to my place and remove it while I sleep?



Depends on all the variables. It's not exactly that easy. Generally these are the kinds of things you want to deal with yourself as a personal trial and test.



That's the funny part, I was just about to start really reprogramming my brain but I suddenly just got fed up with the psychic influencing I am getting. So I tried some magick and some aura shields and for whatever reason this thing started raging on me swimming around in my head. Now I have to deal with both. I was just about to change things. I hope this trial and test doesn't end my life or my sanity.



Such is the life of a magician. The path we walk is not always easy. Not much more I can say.



I'd consider myself more of someone who wants to escape suffering then a magician. Damn, this shit is poking at my emotions.



Well I never killed any type of entities before, got any tips?



Think of it like a struggle of wills. You can manifest this however you want be it an actual fight of weapons or even of chess.



I don't intend to, but it would be my first fight so… What if I lose?



Everything manifests downwards. A failure in the astral manifests as a failure in your physical life. You might remember waking up feeling certain emotions or drained from dreams. Among other strange phenomena that can happen.



I would like to ask, have you personally experienced any monitoring or remote influencing in your path? Also this thing seems to be sucking on my pineal gland, what kind of creature is this?



I can't say I have. I've always been cautious to take many precautions and use a lot of barriers. I'll end by saying I think you might need to go into a deep meditation and confront whatever it is you might have. Remember that is the state which you change and control the microcosm.


When mental/astral traveling, I am able to fairly accurately discover various physical imagery, such as the position of objects in another room.

However, while I can get a general picture, such as the arrangement of bottles on the floor behind me, there is some inaccuracy/blur and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do apart from practicing which has already increased clarity.



Other than practice the only other bet is developing your third eye chakra and upper dan tien. Also working into a deeper trance state will help. If you can break into delta that's where true magic can happen. Though it's very difficult to hold since you can "forget" about yourself and end up spending hours in it before you remember you exist.



>Also working into a deeper trance state will help. If you can break into delta that's where true magic can happen.

I've noticed that but after deep trips like those I can barely remember what even happened after returning half an hour later to my stiff physical body.



Yeah the memories are similar to dream memories as they're held in short term. try to work on your dream recall. It'll help in that regard.


OP do you know any intact hermetic traditions that can be joined?



Dude, you're just autosuggestioning yourself. Everyone hears rings when there is silence and time goes by, it's a glitch of your nervous system. Get your shit together and snap out of it.



Hmm interesting, Do you mind explaining some of the precautions you take and barriers you use? Also why not go a little into protection rituals since there are so many anons now who find have found themselves into victim positions lately. What are the chances the solar grounding ritual or middle pillar can actually give power to internal entities? What can Targeted Individuals do about their situation metaphysically.


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What are the best ways to study the mythologies? Knowing that historical and mythological information has been altered and or watered down?



I don't suggest joining any orders or large groups. Your best bet is making your own group among friends. Problem is that a lot of these orders have a bad cause of crazy and control. You're going to be a peasant for years which will only hold you down.


*warning, scattered post*

Here's the deal. Whenever you invoke, evoke or whatever else that entity becomes part of your world, permanently. Banishing rituals will only "shut off" your perception to it. Once you figure this out it means you start treating these entities as yourself. This means a lot of "victims" are self made. A lot of people subconsciously perpetuate their own demise. This is like a drug addict who wants to quit but can't. He enters the crossroads every day where he can pull himself out or fall back in and always chooses the later. People don't realize how much power they have. I keep enforcing this by telling everyone that they are a God. This is no joke. If you can follow me this far it means any kind of banishing or protection is simply at the command of your will. If you wish to protect yourself then use your will and make a thoughtform. The simple thought of "I am protected" with a strong belief is enough to keep away the worst of entities. The only entities that prey on people are low level after all.

So if you get all of that it means you don't need any kind of banishing if you keep your shit together. But I'll at least give you something to run of. I create protective thoughtforms and guardians to clear out anything nasty.

As for the middle pillar if you're using egregore names then yes you are giving your energy away to entities. Instead just use a taijipole meditation. Daoist stuff is 10x better than western rituals since there's no egregore involved and you're actually cultivating your own internal nature.

As for what targeted people can do. It's kind of like a lousy band member. You get yourself together, realize what's going on and tell them to get out.


I would suggest trying to find some old poetry on the old legends. https://www.youtube.com/user/OccultLectures/search?query=mythology If you can stand the presentation this guy is one of the best.

You need to learn Qabalah as well. Figure out enough planetary Qabalah that you can start putting any God from any system into the Qabalah. Like Jesus = Sol = Horus, etc.

Or if you want to skip the mythological stories you can go straight to Jung and Gnosticism. These two have decoded mythology. Basically you're the hero trying to fight the villain(Your lower self) in order to raise up the higher self (Top three chakras). Kundalini is the same stuff. It's all just a journey to raising kundalini and living in your higher nature and eventually building up your energy so that you can leave and become immortal(Obviously there's a bit more to it but this is the basis).


Agreed 100%. Problem is when something is subconscious people have no idea that they're doing it. It's like telling someone with a body image problem that they're the opposite of what they think they are. This is why we enforce shadow work/ emotional body healing before going on and doing magic. I don't know how many times you need to tell someone "You have the power to change yourself" before they get it. Ah whatever.


I'm going to quickly say to everyone. Learn the 7 Hermetic laws. Make them your brains default way of looking at the world. This would have to be the first step in thinking like a magician.


I need a reliable PROFESSIONAL guide on making a servitor. I am not looking for an imaginary friend and I am not looking for some distraction. I don't want a best friend but I don't want a plane servant either. I need a comrade, a brother of the battlefield, a loyal and honest servitor. I need one that could guard me while I sleep, fight by my side, tell what the fuck is going on where I cannot see or figure out. I need one that could make me lucid in dreams or pull me into the astral. I need a servitor that doesn't seek to judge but sees things objectively says what needs to be said and has a being of justice with a hate of evil and betrayal. A true brother who has my back. One who will always be calm and collected and especially remind me too be when I lose my way. I want to know how I can maintain this being, how to cultivate enough energy that I don't weaken myself when I power it. I want to know if on not 100% there subconsciously can something mess up the process of this servitor's creation and personality. I want information similar to this video as well


I don't want to fuck this up, I also need to know more about this time limit thing, about how long am I supposed to keep this thing alive and how to destroy it or will it go free or dissipate on it's own.

I need this info as soon as possible, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you



If that was true then why would protection spells even exist. How powerful is freewill honestly, when does it just turn into delusion. I mean what if your attacker has more freewill then you? This may work for tiny entities but maybe not government lackeys. Anyone know about robot bugs?



For some basic information you might want to start with Cunningham's Creating Magical Entities



A protection thoughtform is useful for the same reason all other thoughtforms are useful. It means you can throw something on the back burner or in astral RAM. Freewill varies depending on person to person as to how powerful it is. Cultivate it. If your attacker has more will than you then you best get to the altar and work something out.


That video is pretty decent at describing how to do it. I can't answer a lot of your questions just because they speak of inexperience. I would honestly say you're better of experimenting and trying this stuff out first. As I've mentioned before there's no way to screw up, just ineffective ways to go about it. The time limit is what you set - the saturnian aspect.

To everyone else who might have questions about something they've never tried before I'll say this. Do the work and then question it once you have experienced it. My answers wont serve any purpose unless you have a common grounding in it. Anyway Mental projection tutorial coming soon.



Well I want to at least know HOW to make one. I didn't want to read an unreliable guide about it. I also don't want to give up my energy to something and not know how to maintain my own energy. But thanks





You can even make a sigil since it's exactly the same thing. I keep trying to drill into peoples heads. All lesser magic is making a thoughtform. There are a million ways to go about it. Intention + energy = thoughtform.



Thank you, unfortunately I cannot make a nice altar and cay like described in that video. I wish I could have sent him a message and asked him more about it. I wanted to experience that profundity he described.



You don't need to use any of the physical items. It can all be done in the mind. They just help to provide analogies. Honestly you're best just making a sigil. That's what I recommend as everyones first magic ritual. It's physical enough to mean you wont screw up but powerful enough to grant good results.


"Mental projection/Astral work"

You ever have one of those experiences where you're laying down in a psychedelic fuelled trance thinking that you've figured out the universe, as if everything within it is connected to you and at your own fingertips? Your mind expanded and within another world almost. As if you've truly become God, at least within the circle. But then you slip up consciousness and remember you're in bed, having forgotten everything you journeyed? Welcome to astral projection.

Last lesson we went over creating an astral body and altar. To do this you simply need to create your own little wonderland that you can imaginarily bring up whenever you need to. As for the body, same principle. Think up a vessel that you always can remember. Keep it simple. A lot of you want to astral project so I'm going to be giving the method to doing it via mental projection or scrying(Though don't come crying when you figure out that you've already had the ability all along). "How do I know any of this is real?" You might ask. When you scry into a friends bedroom and tell them exactly what is going on or scry to a person and know their exact co-ordinates you might take it a little more seriously. There's tons of fun stuff you can do with this. I suggest reading some of William Walker Atkinson's books. Those are where I learnt a lot of this. Though I've heard Clyclomancy works just the same. Anyway it really does not matter if you trust yourself or not because I'll be teaching a method that you don't rely on exterior entities to channel through but your own self talk and mind.

The astral plane, being your imagination is ALWAYS at your grasp(This means you can be in two worlds at once yes, though it's exhausting). This is how we're linked in and are always sending out impressions and influences to it via our thoughts and emotions. Your current astral space can be known by analysing the current thoughts and impressions you feel(Or even scrying to the room you're in). This is what's "around" you. So anyway, in the astral we need to know how to navigate. That's really step 1. We use these geometric patterns named sigils as gateways. Namely the tattvas for the elements and the planetary sigils for the planetary energies. Do you need to use these symbols to enter (let's use the fire plane). No! They are merely guides. It's like how the number one can be represented in sticks or other languages. You can think of the feeling of the fire element. Think of fire, see the fire triangle. Anything that links you to fire will get you tuned in. The purpose of these symbols is to give an easy link to the plane. The astral plane is exactly like the internet. Except if we had virtual reality. If you want to source information on the internet you set your intention and start searching on a search engine. The astral is the same except it's instant speed and controlled via thought. Pretend you are a radio tuner and set your "frequency" or intent to where you want to go.



There are two forms of the imagination. Passive and active. We need to learn them both in order to use the astral. Passive imagination is when you yield yourself over to whatever enters. You will start to see imagery(or any of the other senses) as a way of your mind to interpret what is going on. This is what we do in mediumship such as clairvoyance. And then we have the active which is what we use during magical rituals. We "force" the astral matter to our will. This is simply what we mostly know as imagining. You need to know this because when you want to access a plane on the astral you must set yourself to "receive" or passive mode. This allows you to pick up whatever is coming into your mind. whether it be the plane, spirit communication or other. The way this all works is just like the internet. You are a computer hooked up to the internet so you've got complete connection and access to anything. That's what our subconscious is. It's connected to the astral "internet". This means everything exists inside of you. Think of it like we're all this singular self except we control our own little avatars who're fighting for dominance (our will and internal cultivation will tell how strong you are).

Alright let's actually get down to it so we can experience this. Firstly I want everyone to have an intention in mind. For this example we're going to use one of our hobbies. This gives us something to learn about and use as our directional intention. Close your eyes, focus on your breath and start to slow it down. Drop mind and enter that theta state. Delta's even better if you can hold it. Now see your astral temple and hop into your astral vessel. Start to deepen the visions, feeling as if you're more in the astral than your own body. This is where meditational practice comes in handy. If you can't see much or it's blurry and lousy well don't worry. This will work either way since you have a decent auditory second sense. Next I want you to create a gateway. This is done purely through, intention and will. Though we like to use tools for simplicity. Remember the Qabalah? Good. Pick a planet from the Qabalah depending on what kind of plane you wish to go to. This will depend on our designated hobby as well. Possibly you picked cooking and wish to become more creative and put "beauty" into your presentation. So we choose Venus. See the Venucian (Or chosen) sigil and focus on it. Try to feel it as if you're merging with the sigil. Set your intention to enter that plane. Remember that this is a NATURAL ABILITY. Meaning you CAN do it by default. There's no way you can screw it up unless you get too hasty and can't trust yourself(trial and error young neophyte). Allow your passive imagination to take over. See whatever it is your imagination shows to you. It might be a green forest or a stone temple. Let it be whatever your subconscious wishes to show you. This is different for everyone depending on how you interpret the plane. Don't worry about the image fading and merging. Try to refresh it and clarify.



Now what can you "actually do" and what are WE going to do here(Think of it like you're connected to the entire universe. What can you do then?)? We're going to stick to speaking and communication/exploration. Remember that hobby you picked? Good. Ask a question and use your intention. The intent is to call or hone into an entity which can answer it. Say something like "I wish to find an entity that can help with my cooking presentation" and "feel it". Allow your passive imagination to take you there. You might see another human or a group of entities (They might not even be humans). Try speaking and communicating with them. This is the most difficult part at the start. They will probably speak in your voice since everything is using your own personal "software" or mind "technology" to communicate with you. You will need to remove and shut down the conscious mind and ego part of yourself. Just allow it and yield. An easier way of doing this is simply to align yourself to an entity and then ask your questions to yourself. Because the energy of the entity is right next you it means they will give you the thoughts. But you're using yourself as a medium. As if you're just pondering over some questions("What are you saying Khan?" I'm telling you to ponder a question and allow any thoughts to come into your mind". I want you to experience this because you won't understand why it's so beneficial to astral travel and link up with energies until you do it. The amount of knowledge at your disposal will be amazing. But remember you will burn up a lot of your "shen" doing this. It's kind of like in the days of limited internet usage. Again I will say. Whenever you call an entity into the vicinity or "warp/align" to them you're accessing their energy or "website".

So I'm pretty much telling you to play in your imagination. Except using a bunch of "structured" ways to hone in on specifics. This might sound a little childish or stupid. I assure you those thoughts will pass once you start digging up immense amounts of knowledge and have worldview breaking experiences. There's really so much I could say about the astral as to what you can do in it and how it can be used. I hold off from explaining too much because it needs to be learnt in layers or progressively. Try to stick to this simple exploration, meet and greet experiment.

*side tips* If you are attacked by anything negative summon up an area of effect light aura which melts everything around you. Remember! Intention!!. Use your intention. "How do I do x and y?" Intention! The rules still apply with regular magic. If you call out an entity to help with a certain problem you still need to do the physical side of it as well. Last tip is to keep a journal nearby and write down all the key notes and experiences since you're easily forgotten just like a dream memory(in fact this is dreaming, conscious awake dreaming). And as some fun things to try if you have another magician friend. Scry into their house (using intent as a navigator) and try guess their outfit. Try this among each of you.




Does this mean I can stop doing LBRP?


Let me give a practical example without all the esoteric Qabalah overlay. (Though these are your theoretical tools just like knowing how to do perspective drawing is the technical part of drawing).

Have you ever thought up something in your imagination and then come to an amazing understanding of it. I mean truly learned the dynamics, inns and outs of some field of study. This is astral work. You're using the astral plane to tap into knowledge in the ether. With the astral work I posted you're just being specific about it.

Artistic minds will use their imagination to create composition or think up and "merge" material to learn new techniques. But the mind is not only a tool for artists. Scientific fields of study can greatly benefit of the imagination as well. Think about how an advanced mathematician will use their imagination to figure out equations.


You're free!! Yes. Though I heavily recommend you take up some energy work to get what you might be loosing.


Is it better to focus on breath or just focus on focusing when meditating?



Breath is a portal to the different states of consciousness (Trance). Try to focus on your breath but also on the lower dan tien (lower naval inside it). As if you're breathing energy into it. This means you're well energized but are also focusing on the breath.

Important announcement

Everyone go check the Qi-gong thread. I've listed an entire intermediate routine that everyone should work up to doing. You don't need to do any of the middle pillar, LBRP or any of that junk if you're doing this routine.


I'm currently done with write ups for now. If there's enough demand I might think of doing a beginner thread (Not that this stuff is not beginner stuff). But I mean a really basic thread cause it looks like there's way too many ground level people who want to practice this stuff but just don't even know how to "think" in an esoteric way.


Is magick required to be a formidable astral warrior? Is it possible with the eastern methods alone to deal with the fear of fighting and being challenged by monsters? Do you have to use magick to gain higher secrets that only secret societies know or to build proper relationships with spirits and deities? I think in honor dedication and respect to uncle bear heart you should make a way of the warrior thread. I think we should further cultivate his efforts and let it be known on larger scales that human beings don't have to be victims and can learn to kick lizard ass. HOORAH!



Magic and energy work are two sides of the same coin. One is there for you to control your world and the other is there to develop the tools that allow you to control it.

Remember that the Lizard or reptilian is all a representation for that part of the brain. Being root level consciousness. People who live at this level are the sociopaths in power who choose to horde resources and serve only themselves. Always remember the second Hermetic law. To fight this is to fight it within yourself. Fighting your lower nature is the greatest thing you can do to fight the reptilian side of the world. By developing a solar personality or your true self is to develop your armour and weapon against it.

Always remember and apply the second Hermetic law. Everything external is a mirror of everything internal and vice versa. Apply this to others as well and see how much greater you are at analyzation.



I agree completely. However actually killing these beings would help the entire planet greatly would it not? Can you really fight these advanced beings with energy work and personal training alone?



It's a little bit more complex than that. There's an old saying that goes live by the sword die by the sword. I suggest you meditate over it.

Try to understand (as I always say) that you are God. If you cultivate enough then eventually your every step sends ripples of energy and power into the world. Everything you do will invoke power within people. If you can show others what it's like to become strong and developed then they will follow as well.

There will always be a dark and a light side. A yin to go with yang. One cannot live without the other. To fight is to only add fuel to an already burning fire. But this war is only an analogy for the battle going on internally within you.



What I'm saying is that you need to be like the dao. Neither passive nor aggressive. If adversity comes in your way then you strike it down. But do not go looking for trouble for there is a natural rhythm in life which brings exactly what you put out back to you. If you go out looking for trouble you will find exactly that for it will become your path. All things are infinite as that trouble will never end.



Even if you live with mundanes?



I recommend a kind of spiritual cleansing ritual. I've listed many in the routine part of the qi-gong thread.



So would I do this in one sitting or daily? My intentions, do I say them aloud or in my head or both? The sigil would be a peace of a paper with h,v,s,v,t,r exactly or no? I just stare at the paper and visualize as I state my intentions? Do I forget about it and just leave the paper there after I have finished?



Just once. In your head works fine. You want to combine those letters into creating a picture. Try to lightly gaze at the sigil in a trance state. Visualize it glowing and try to pour your energy into it. You may dispose of the paper via burning it, burying it or placing it away where you wont be able to see it.



Into creating a picture… So like writing them over each other making it look like a unique symbol?


File: 1445932375078.png (275.53 KB, 898x701, 898:701, liber nul.png)


Yes. Check a book like Liber Null psychonaut page 25 for an example. You can find it free.


So what really is the difference between tulpa, servitor, and egregore?



Tulpas are like humanoid and self conscious thoughtforms. They're what you would think of an imaginary friend. Or go check out the current popular tulpa thread for a laugh and some entertainment to get an idea. Servitors are simply thoughtforms for the purpose of personal tasks. Think of a sigil. Someone wishes for a small task to be fulfilled in this situation. Then we go onto egregores which are collective thoughtforms. Think of the collective stereotype of a country, corporation or group. If a collective grows large enough it forms an egregore. Take fringe for example. Many of us use the word "loosh". That's part of our egregore.



In that video above, it sounds more like forming a servitor with a personality. So when does tulpa/servitor/egregore creation become dangerous? How exactly are you supposed to kill them or send them back into the ether? Is it possible that they can go rouge?



Is it true that you can make a servitor that give you a HUD? Also I read in the other thread about contracting muscles to give vital energy. Is that necessary?



Many people use egregore as a blanket term for Godforms (think Ebola-chan). I suggest you go read the tulpa thread I spoke of previously to understand when it becomes dangerous. Quite simply once the thoughtform can control and manipulate your own free will is when you need to take control.

You can either set a time limit, allow them to dissipate from starvation, banish them or simply command them to dissipate. It is possible for some tulpas and egregores to gain too much strength and "go rogue" as you've described it. Though if the magician carefully creates it with pure intentions then the chance of that is next to none.


Technically you can create whatever you want. The HUD will be imaginary but you may develop enough astral sight for it to almost overlay your own vision. As for contracting your muscles, this is simply a method for gathering energy. It's not necessary as there are an infinite amount of methods to everything. You may instead use emotions to use as energy.



How long might this take to manifest anyhow?



Depends on the amount of energy you put in. I find an average of around a day up to a week or two for most rituals. Sometimes they even happen near instantly.



How do I know if it didn't work and I need to put in it?


I saw a black shadow in my home, should I use LBRP? Will this banish my servitors?




Go ahead. Shouldn't banish anything benefitial to you. If it does just feed them more energy after.


Could I draw a sigil on some looseleaf paper and program it so that I can lucid dream every night I sleep?



Here's the thing about sigils(thoughtforms). Is that they act like an energy battery with a stored programmed intention. So by making one you're pushing forward your own goal of lucid dreaming. Which means it will give you the energy to learn more, understand more and practice more about lucid dreaming. What this means is that the outcome is up to where it leads you. Chances are you'll find out a method to achieving your goal of lucid dreaming. It's up to you to actualize it in physical reality by following that method.



Okay but if my subconscious is reprogrammed with the thoughtform of "I always lucid dream" Would that not reprogram my reality in that I have frequent lucid dreams? Like if I did a mantra.



I use an explosive type banishment like what Khan described before but I add on a short incantations that's along the lines of "all malevolent entities that wish to harm me, BEGONE" before the actual magical nuclear holocaust removing their ass-trals from the premises.


File: 1446032805351.pdf (1.54 MB, The Art & Practice Of The ….pdf)


You're right. But here's the thing. If I program my reality that every day I eat a papaya, how am I going to get that papaya? By which I mean, the magic part of the process is completely to go towards the end goal. But I just tried to describe what will happen when you create the sigil. Magic propels us towards our goals but we still need to go through a physical dance/medium/action to get there.

Here's a treat from the ol library. Ophiel is one of the best when it comes to western magic.



This is exactly what I want to see. People creating, modifying and customizing their own rituals.

You can even shout out "Nuclear holocaust!" to get the blood flowing and energy rising.



Thank you.



They should add Modern Magick: Twelves Lessons in the High Magickal Arts to the Library.


What about the Rose Cross ritual? You could of recommended that to that anon up there. We should make an invisibility thread. It would solve some problems. I also heard that aura shields have to be in constant visualization in order to work.


Someone in my family just had a dream about me with shadowed dark skin, sick, and nervous. I also saw a shadow in my kitchen. What can I do guys? I'm in a weird position right now, I have an entity attachment, psychic viewers watching and influencing my dreams, and this weird spirit that appeared in my kitchen. I think I should do the LBRP, I don't want to bring more attention to my home..




Damon Brand is good for quick and simple defence.



Magick is a double edged sword. Not to mention all the rituals have to be reworked so there is no archontic entities like jewweh summoned. Exception is invisibility ritual.



By all means post link to invisibility ritual, I'll put it in the defence folder. Damon Brand has worked for me personally despite the jewish roots.



Yeah they work, problem is yahweh now has his pimp print on you. Your energy goes to dark beings and illuminados



Yeah, I don't like the sound of that much either.

I've been watching bear heart's videos recently and wanna upload his version of lbrp+middle pillar to the mega but I don't understand them well enough yet to make my own document teaching them.



Here are all his articles, even the ones missing from the zip




Thankyou brother anon.



>practicing jewish sex majick



Can't find text for his lbrp.

Am interested in these…

AM1. Acknowledgment of Prime Creator, sphere of personal influence(http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/05/all-prime-creator-wants-is-for-you-to.html)

2. LBRP (http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/04/the-codified-lesser-banishing-ritual-of.html)

3. Middle Pillar Ritual(http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/04/codified-middle-pillar-ritual-mpr.html)

4. Reporting for Duty/Healing, and reclamation ritual (http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/05/reporting-for-duty-ritual-daily-healing.html)

5. Formulation of the Magical Armor (codification coming soon)

PM1. Lesser Banishing Ritual (http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/04/the-codified-lesser-banishing-ritual-of.html)

2. Formulation of the Magical Armor (Codification coming soon)

But all the links are private.





Bearheart folder with all of above in, except for reporting for duty/healing and reclamation which I can't find.



Note - I took the rituals out of the big blog files and converted them to pdf. The set of blog files .zip is in there too.

Anyone wanting to do the lbrp and middle pillar without hebrew deities can use this. Also check the youtube videos on this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N6mXktg87A&list=PL6-Dryr_1_EjyG5MoNcNYl7nae6NV0Lqi&index=3



The reporting for duty ritual is there. check the daily routine article



Does the invisibility ritual make a person invisible to negative entities or just other people?



I heard it cloaks your aura, so everyone I assume. Look up rose cross ritual.



If someone could rework it for non jew archon infection, that would be dice



Yo this book fucking works, all you have to do is talk to your higher self it's crazy bro.



Can someone go into the sphere of influence meditation? It's really important and should be inside the MEGA.





If you can link to it I'll put it up there.

Also, if anyone can write down the main points for some of his videos I'll put that up too.

Bearheart's stuff is in the /fringe/ initiation folder at the moment.


I've had to scale back the stuff on the mega so it'll be mostly OC from now on.

You can find in the initiatiory folder daily practises such as meditation which are vital to your progression, elemental balancing tasks which I'm still working on and gems from /fringe/ by omran and khan.

The meditation folder is currently set up as a course where you do each technique for two weeks before moving on, this'll allow you to get a handle on each technique so that at the end of it you can pick your favourites for long term use.

If you'd like to contribute or request something you can contact me on the skype group: https://join.skype.com/tAid5bIgqhsw

I'd recommend everyone take up the daily practises, meditation is priceless for occult work, middle pillar and lbrp are great too, you can use bearheart's version if you're not keen on hebrew godnames, offerings supercharge your magic in every area and open up the door to direct spirit contact, japa is useful for those interested in an eastern approach.

I've also added a pdf of practises you can do before you sleep such as yoga nidra which allows you to squeeze extra time out of your day for practise.

Post last edited at



Also: we are looking for book reviews, how to's on practise, essays on theory, exercises and reports on how your daily practise is going.



can you please expand on the concept of "intelligent energy" and "thought that thinks"?



Try to think of it this way. Intelligent energy is kind of like a computer program or AI. You can think of spirits as an intelligent energy. They are simply just currents of energy or power, a feeling to us. The same way a burst of rage or tingle of inspiration is a current of energy. Now imagine if this sparkle of inspiration was intelligent since it's also connected to the universal self or what you might call God. So the feeling of inspiration has a "mind of it's own". It's a thought that thinks. It thinks "Inspire! inspire!", which causes you to feel it (think it, feel it, become it). Let's use art as an example. This "thoughtform" has its own ideas about what it wants, in this case to inspire you to create art. Just like a program with the intention of a calculator could be said to be a thought that thinks of numbers.

Now we can separate the product from the creator. Take a carpenter. Every day he works on his craft creating wooden desks, tables and chairs, etc. He has a thoughtform attached to his aura which thinks "I practice carpentry every day". And because it thinks, the man makes it happen through his own creative force (kundalini energy). Since we as humans are creators or what you would call Gods(Creator-God). The body is the vessel which allows for manifestation of thoughts into physical or the most dense reality.

This is just a little example of what we can use thoughtforms for. To create habits. Habit and routine is what makes or breaks a man(Replace word according to gender). It's what allows him to reach all goals and desires.

Did not mean to go on a little tangent but I figure every bit of information will help people to "understand".

Anyway, wash this around in your head and try digest it.



Forgot my name tag.



Hey Khan, can you make a shamanism thread? I'd like to hear about it from someone experienced like you. Like, what is real shamanism, what makes a real shaman, how to be a shaman, shaman tech, where to find legit shaman, shaman and dream walker initiations. Shaman stories, shaman healing, shaman astral traveling. etc

Also did you do the write up?



Which write up is this?

Thing with shamanism is that it's mostly just the South American version of the stuff we're doing here. They go much more on the "mystic" side than the "magic" side. Which means a lot of trance work.



I should probably add so I can give you something to go of. There's a nice book about it in the fringe wizard library that you might want to check out.



Does this include native american medicine men?

>which write up

The astral battle one.



Could you do some write up on eastern shamanism, priest work, sorcery? Not like energy work but eastern shamanism and magick specifically. Like do paper talismans actually work? Stuff like that.


If I summon Goku and ask him to protect my family will he?



Here's the thing:

Why work with cthonic spirits when you can work with theurgy and divinities? Why evoke stuff that it's risky and could manifest bad things to the physical world (raising the amount of work many people have to do to banish them when they go rogue) when you can invoke and be guided through prayer?

Many people had their life devastated by evocations gone bad. Why suggest to "try everything and see what works and what not" when this could only be a recipe for disaster?



I try to keep my writeups neutral and fundamental. This means you don't need to go for systems with cultural layering. If you're interested in shamanism you're honestly better of going to the jungles and meeting actual shamans who can teach you. I've already pre warned that all esoteric systems can be broken down in the same fundamentals.


Give it a shot. I try to give out the fundamental methods and allow people to test it out for themselves. They need to have their experiences without me spoiling the results.


It sounds like you're coming from a religious mindset based around fear. I would suggest for you to do some work with this kind of field to experience what it really is. It's not as grand and glamorous as you might have read. Most of the people that get messed up in this field simply trigger their own shadows and mental problems which swallows them up. I say this with absolute force because it needs to be said. ""DO NOT USE THE OCCULT OR MAGIC TO JUSTIFY YOUR OWN MENTAL PROBLEMS OR FAULTS"". Kind of like fear stories of people triggering mental disorders from drugs (It's the same concept really).

One last thing is that evocation is safer than invocation because in invocation you're actually allowing the energy to enter your vessel. Though these entities will always respect a strong will.

If you hold any fear about this kind of work than it means you're not at the level of development in which it should be done. Always push through fear as it is an obvious barrier. Think of it like the gate to the next level. At the end of the day we are the Gods and everything that happens does so internally. We go into this work understanding the risks involved.

And for those who don't, it just means they get to have an accelerated journey through trial and error.

I want to stress this again. The most danger in this work is your own emotional wounds and latent mental problems. Yes there are VERY powerful entities. But if you're able to contact and work with them you probably know what you're doing.



you did not address the "entity gone rogue" issue. What happens if you cannot banish and an entity manifests physically and starts to do strange shit?



> I would suggest for you to do some work with this kind of field to experience what it really is

who can tell if you have good or bad intentions? What if shit hits the fan?


New to ritual stuff so here are some questions

I did the channeling your higher self exercise some time ago, and all I got were some vague thoughts, I predicted the weather correctly and got the first three letters of a book I needed, but other than that all else was uncorrectly predicted, any way to get clearer answers?


How to make an altar? What's a simple way.



Consecrate the area as holy space. Ask for statues to recieve the deity into them. You can hold them in your hand and just tell them to come alive with whatever spirit.


Someones gotta explain how the astral battling works. Also if I astral projected in my home, could I see if any entities are inside and fight them out? Could I perform a healing or exorcism in astral form as well? If I feel drained after a ritual, what does it mean? Can I make a guard dog servitor that will protect my home and everyone in it?



If you banish an entity you've banished it away into the far reaches of the aether. Not much else to be said about that. It honestly sounds like you're talking more about an enemy magician than an entity. All of the things you've spoken about are only common tactics of what you would call battles between magicians. The only negative entities which torment and cause trouble are the extremely lesser ones. Which can be banished by a mere thought of the magician. Any higher up negative entities are smart enough not to cause trouble. In fact they're some of the kindest and respectful entities which you can work with.


Just like everything else it's all practice. Usually there will be other forces trying to give you answers, especially if it's a question which has you emotionally involved(your emotions act as bait to all kinds of entities). Try to tell the difference between the higher self and these false entities. Remember that your higher self is located directly at the upper dan tien in your head. Focus on it.


To the first two questions and the last all yes. ""This goes for everyone"". Next time you have a question ask yourself "can I test it out myself?". If you can then give it a shot first before asking. This is how you self learn through experimentation. Don't take this as a negative comment or insult. I state it to try help people become their own master.

As for being drained that is because in ritual you're using vast amounts of your own life force or essence(Don't worry about it. It's like investing money to receive more back later) to act as an astral fluid or fuel. I suggest cultivation to regain and build up your energy supplies.

As for astral battles. This is another thing you can try yourself. Go scry the martian sigil and set the intention to challenge someone. Have fun.

I suggest area of effect weapons and AOE light bubbles for little gnats.



Is it true that through invocation you start to look more like the entity you're invoking?



Through my own experience I found I took on a different look after evoking Paimon many times. A much sharper and refined look.

I would imagine the energy does change you over time. It's like how those who work with death magic become very ill and sickly.



Wow, that's interesting, I just want to look more masculine, taller etc..



Start aligning yourself with masculine Martian energies.



>Just remember to not allow your ego or conscious mind to interfere.

Can I still ask questions about how to attain my materialistic desires though?



The only negative entities which torment and cause trouble are the extremely lesser ones. Which can be banished by a mere thought of the magician.

Any sources on that?



So are all your first posts about evocation rituals, or ritual in general? Sorry for such a noobish question, I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.



Isn't a servitor just a lot more powerful?


What a huge read, thanks m8



How do you think I make my money hahahaha. There's no shame in using magic to improve your materialistic circumstances. Infact this is what the entire field of lesser magic is about. You're the god so you decide what you want to do.


Every magician ever. No seriously. Go into some other threads or sites and try find people who've worked with this stuff. If you don't believe me either do your own work or find another person to tell you.


Ritual in general but made to prepare you for evocation. If you can understand this stuff holistically then you'll be able to apply it to anything in the field.


Servitor comes from the word serve. It's a thoughtform to serve you. They're all just names really. The strength is within the force you put in it.



doesn't lesser magic tend to "bind" you to matter? Shouldn't one be doing stuff to ascend?



Your lesser nature must be appeased or else it spills out and leaks into reality in very nasty ways. This is how binging can happen. Thinking about the entire body, lower, void and higher natures should all be considered interlinked and whole. Meaning you develop both worlds.

Another idea to consider is the general state of most fringe students. Think about how many of us have income, family and love, housing, and many other basic necessities in this world. Sadly many of us are struggling with this, thus we've turned to using magic to get by. We have choice as to what we use our energies for. Appeasing your lower nature for income, love or some other desire restrains and tames the beast within you. We live with wounds, traumas, poor environmental factors and harmful people. All of these create emotions which may not be able to be handled.

So it is what it is. People need to get out of the mindset that physical reality is something to be vilified. Ultimately everything in life is here to teach. The negative polarity is there to show the positive polarity. Those who give into extreme amounts of materialism sooner or later learn and grow from it. To sum it up. The middle path or the dao should always be respected and taken - Balance.


What Magick do you recommend for money, legal, government, avoiding trouble, securing a good home, illnesses etc. I think this is info everyone should know.



A lot of that falls under the element of earth and of Jupiter and sol. Try to work with and bring those energies into your home or sacred space. I recommend checking out the Goetia for specific spirits. Belial and Paimon will help with your legal or human troubles. Marabas can also help with Illness. Remember that each spirit is capable of performing their duty and the polar opposite.



I've heard the goetia are not to be trusted and you have to make pacts and do the proper initiations in order to work with them properly.



Well you've heard wrong. Don't trust anything you have not experienced yourself. That's a religious mindset.

Do the work yourself and then form your own opinion of it.



yeah, sure, so the solution is to try everything we get our hands on, like the Goetia, and stick with the consequences without actually knowing what those consequences will be

I'll see you when I'm dead or become batshit crazy



I don't know about that, I heard from a Palo Mayombe priest that the goetia don't really give a fuck either way and you have to be careful when dealing with them. The possibility of betrayal is always there.



How can I ban an entity like azazel, or jesus, or thoth, or anubis? I asked for their help to obtain serenity, knowledge and guidance.

Is it offensive? Should I just stop thinking about them to stop feeding them energy?

Also, I asked them through "mental talk", meaning no specific formal ritual or invocation whatsoever.

Although I participated to a mass



evoking? Wouldn't invocation make more changes to your own body?



By ban do you mean banish or exorcise? Banish is to remove their energies from your current room or aura and exorcise is to remove their existence from you completely. To put down the phone or to delete their contact number. So either do a banishing or exorcise the energy from yourself depending on what you need. You can even communicate with the energy and tell it to no longer be with you since most spirits are willing to comply. And if they don't you put the foot down.

Yes to stop feeding them energy is to cut the link. Since they need your energy to survive. It's only offensive when you do it in an offensive manner like asking them for help with a task and not following up on it and completely ignoring it. Say you want help with a job and then ignore the search and completely cut communication. But you can always just find another energy.

I'm glad someone is doing the work. Everyone read this guys post. You all need to get your own experiences like this. Keep up the exploring and practice.


Yeah you're right. Technically I do an astral evocation and then allow the spirit into my vessel. I just have a habit of calling all my rituals evocations from the times when I used to do really grand ceremonial rituals to evocate.



by astral evocation you mean you would just imagine everything? Like even the sigil paper? Are the effects greater than simple astral invocation? Also, can you do many invocations during the day? Can you do many invocations during the same meditation session?



Hello. This night I woke up at 3:28 feeling fear. I sensed a presence. This thing, this "sensing a presence", I have it since two months or so, to the point where sleeping has become difficult.

I tried banishing rituals, salt, but to no avail. I also heard one "click" or "tick" around my bedroom every 5 minutes or so. These stupid clicks scared me to hell (although I think it was thermal shock caused by the cold air coming from my window but you know, suggestion did the rest).

The cool thing that sent my sanity to shit was that I picked up my smartphone, looked at the magnetometer, and saw values of 400-500µT, whereas normal Earth magnetic field would be around 30-65µT.

Also, the clock showed 4:44. I freaked out so much! I started a stopwatch and it looked like time was faster than normal. I started praying, reciting psalms and just freaking out in silence to avoid waking up neighbors. After that, I looked at the magnetometer again but the values were the same, so I rotated my smartphone a bit and then looked at it again, but nothing happened. The compass was also blocked. Then after some seconds the values went back to normal.

Now, what the fuck is it I'm dealing with? Could it have anything to do with the fact that I'm currently trying to contact alien beings through CE-5 protocols? Why do I freak out instead of feeling "an overwhelming love and smells of flowers"?



aliens are negs



what is neg? what does it mean?



negative entity



uhh they are physical and move through the astral, and some only exist there but I think you're making a mistake there, telling that every single one of them is negative, aren't you? What about Steven Greer?



Idk anything about steven greer but according to "chasing phantoms" they're mostly negative entities



Kinda. It's like performing an LRBP without the wand. Or just inside your imagination.

I still usually use sigil paper because remembering some of those complex sigils is a pain. Though admittedly nowadays I don't even need sigils. Think of it this way. An astral evocation is bringing the spirit into the same room you're in but in astral space. Since reality doubles as physical and non physical. A physical evocation is using manifestation bases like blood or incense to bring them into the half way point between their world and ours. I just got sick of the house stinking of incense after a while hahaha.

You can do as many evocations as you want and call as many spirits as you want. In fact you can align yourself to a certain frequency and call hordes of spirits which are on that level if you have the energy to do it. Though I suggest you assign the spirits different roles or objectives. You don't just cram them all into one job or they will conflict.


Okay calm down. Don't ever loose your shit. Remember that ultimately you hold the power. You need to figure out the cause and effect. Think about what you've currently been doing for the path two months that is different.

Anyway until we work this stuff out try to keep yourself on a high vibration. Build up that warrior like nature.

>Could it have anything to do with the fact that I'm currently trying to contact alien beings through CE-5 protocols

You're going to need to explain this.



I was more interested in the assuming godform exercise, does merging with the thoughtform many times in one meditation session make a difference instead of merging once and stopping the meditation?



Think of it in a matter of vibration - frequencies - electricity. If you want it to be more effective you simply need to intensify the exercise and perform it for longer.

I would merge with a thoughtform for about 20 seconds a day and noticed results on the second day. So I imagine you can do this for about 5 minutes if you can hold the visualization up for that long and find good results.



That kinda clears it up, but what do I visualize? I assumed that the whole thoughtform entering your body thing only takes a moment

also kinda curious, what did you mean by results?


File: 1447677436255.jpg (137.94 KB, 361x681, 361:681, tropes_Hakuoro_9446.jpg)


I'll tell you what I did to test it.

First I picked a God form or thoughtform that I knew about(I'm still trying to find pieces of mythology to get an understanding of them, I'll eventually read that copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses).

So I picked Hakuoro. He's kinda like a Jupitarian/Saturnian figure. A fatherly like general who embodies great control, wisdom and patience.

I would take myself to my astral altar (I've gone over this in previous tutorials) and imagine him in front of me. I face myself to the back of him and while inside of my own personal astral vehicle or body that I've created (A form of my physical body in some summer clothes. used to be a monk robe but it's summer now so we gotta change it up lol) and then "enter" or float and merge into his body. I try to feel as if the thoughtform is still there but I am encased within it and merging into it. As if both astral bodies are becoming one. This will probably feel pretty intense if you can imagine well enough. Try to keep up that sensation. It's as if you're merging two frequencies together.

Anyway as for results what happens is that the next day I notice my own personal ego completely changed. I notice this easily because of mindfulness meditation. As if I've unconsciously become a different person. This was honestly too weird so I stopped doing it.

I might do some more experiments with it later on I guess.

Remember to study the Godform well beforehand.



CE-5 is basically meditation, projecting your location on earth through consciousness and invite any positive light being or alien that picks up these thoughts to come pay a visit and enstablish contact.

The majority of times you see a bright, star like, flash in the sky, other times a very fast -meteor like- light, other times slow moving lights that look like satellites but sometimes don't move exactly straight.

Google Steven Greer and CE-5 protocol. He's the guy on top of the disclosure project. It shouldn't take too much time to acquire some quick info on him and his work



when did you started noticing physical change?



It's possibly you've accidentally invited some unfriendly guests. Did you start getting sleep disturbance around the same time you did this?


Ahh you're asking about physical change.

That happened from invoking Paimon since I would pretty much be invoking him in a weekly basis. I can't honestly say when I noticed it. Maybe a month or two after the first evocation I noticed I started changing in physical appearance. More refined and drawn back. Like some kind of old scholar.

My appearance slowly changed back because I have not worked with that energy for a long while.



You'd still be invoking him for 20 secs only?



For Paimon. Average invocations/ evocations would last around 2 minutes. If you're interested in changing your physical appearance I would suggest crafting an astral body of the appearance you wish to take on and merge yourself with it like a God form. Have the intention to change your appearance.

You can test this by trying to make stigmatas or skin marks. Imagine an astral overlay on your arm of a mark like a symbol and impress it every day.



I assume having a raised kundalini would be of great help too?



Having a risen kundalini is kinda like playing on the next level. I like to think of it as if it speeds up your own life 10x compared to other people.

You could think of it as if your creative juices are increased incredibly.


Youtube channel's up guys. I'll be posting a video every day to share some wisdom and give tutorials on all kinds of things like electric anatomy, western magic and health.



Any way to make the changes permanent?



Think of it this way. If you do squats every day then your quad gains are permanent. Once you understand that life runs in cycles you'll know that what you call permanent is just something restored or created on a regular basis. If you get what I mean.



>Youtube channel's up guys

Cool, looking forward to more of your vids. Thanks for all the info you share.

Didn't know you were a skip



I thought my rough sense of humour would of given it away.



yes, it was around that time, and when I generally became interested in esoteric stuff



Alright. Sounds like it's a possible connection. I would suggest to stop the rituals for a couple weeks and note down in a journal the changes. In the mean time get down to some banishing rituals and put up some paper sigil wards in your room of symbols you've personally charge with the intent of tranquility.



This brings up a good use of the Hermetic principle cause and effect.

If you guys have a problem or wish to find out why something is happening try to look for the cause. In your rituals see what effect the cause of the ritual creates. This is especially useful for health.



I never did any rituals, only a modified minor banishing ritual of the pentagram, qabalistic crosses, christian crosses (I was really desperate)



By rituals I mean the CE-5 stuff.



Oh. Right. Heh



tried it now and it got pretty intesne at the last few minutes, random parts of my body started contracting very hard, I guess I done it right?



That's it. You'll get those contractions and spasms when you're putting a lot of force and energy into something.



after enough practice your etheric body conforms to the newly imposed image



Check out this site if you guys want some Qabalah resource. I just started reading the first article on Malkuth and have to say it's full of wisdom without the gibberish.



Actually the contractions and spasms are from not being used to the energy. You can create a channel for the energy to flow through and the spasms stop. If you're contracting you're trying too hard and not using your energy efficiently. Its not something you force to happen. Its a subtle energy you have to let through.



How do you create a channel?



This is actually something that has perplexed me quite a bit. Its to learn if you have a friend irl to help. Just grab hands, and try to connect to their energy field and open up the channel like it was pipeline and the energy was water. I really dont know how to explain it. My friend who studied reflexology first showed me and it stuck with me. He didnt even teach me how, just did it and I replicated how it felt.

The mind builds up imaginary barriers. We all know matter isn't even solid. Boundary lines are bullshit. Creating a channel is the workaround.



Good website. I've used it before for reference.




I believe I call this connecting or creating a circuit. Pick two locations and imagine as if they're connected. The energy flows after that.



Same guy, pretty weird, done it today and barely felt anything, I usually put lots of force into it through visualization, is there any other reason for this?



It's possible as the other anon said that your may of had blockages and your body has adjusted to it. Think of it as if your own personal frequency has leveled and merged more with that of the Godform.


Khan, how long do you think an evocation ritual should take from start to finish? EA Koetting writes that preparations should start up to 12 hours before, whereas the way you write things it seems like everything could be done in as little as 3-5 minutes.



It all depends on what systems you're using. I know Koetting goes heavy sometimes for show but also does miniature rituals. He's actually the teacher I learned evocation from. He explains about ritual efficiency. Which is where I learned the quick bulk free method.

The variables that add to ritual time are things time/planetary hours, using power spots (Laylines) and material setup. Some systems like Voudoun or Wicca will require heavy amounts of prepared alchemical mixtures. Also the trance state can be difficult for a beginner as the experienced magician hits it within a snap of his fingers.

You're gonna need to go on your own level and experience. Someone like Bardon would look up at the stars and evocate that way. Others need to prepare large ceremonies and use props to get them into the mood and theme of it. What it all comes down to is either bringing a force into your reality to command or bringing it within yourself to experience. With experience you can do it within seconds.

After all you never know when you need to quickly drop into trance, invoke a spirit and force reality while waiting in lines or other commercial locations.

Magick is a skill like any other.



So basically, just do it in the astral.



Yeah that's it. It's what we call an astral evo/invocation.



Can I make a thoughtform to let me divinate stuff without errors?



Yeah. Depending on what your idea is you can work it into divination. Like a tarot or I ching thoughtform. Or one which simply bridges the "trust" barrier.


Hey Khan, what do you think about using the Major Arcana of the tarot for evocation? I study tarot so the archetypes are more familiar to me than most stuff from grimoires.

Also, I work with the Tarot Arcana as part of Inner Guide Meditation. Would that be a help or hindrance?



That's a great idea! What works for us and what systems we use are the ones that we've learned and integrated. So a planetary magician will have spent his time learning planetary energies. This means he thinks of manipulating energy and his subconscious in a planetary way. A Qabalistic magician will do the same but with the spheres. If the same Qabalistic magician wishes to bake a cake then he will craft it Qabalistically. It all comes down to what system you know and can use.

All of these systems can combine and be used interchangeably because of the nature of what "magic" and self exploration is. You'll understand within time how open ended it is. Remember that we live in a world of unlimited growth and potential so you can do "anything" through "anything" if you know what I mean. For all that it matters you can invoke the energies of a carrot, whatever they may be - probably earthy energies. And then meditate over the same grater you used on it to understand how air works against earth. It's all divine fire or wisdom at the end of the day. No matter where it came from.

To really sum it up. Do whatever you personally "feel" is right because that's exactly what you need to progress. That "feeling" is your own internal self or divine parts telling you it's right. We all need to start developing our own systems using the tools and already made systems as a base.



Hey Khan, did you ever see anything strange? Like random objects on your desk moving on their own? Apparitions? Aliens and / or demons?

I see that you take a strict feet-on-the-ground approach to the occult in general. I wonder how much of that is appropriate, especially when you see paranormal stuff happening before you eyes.



When I was a child and more in tune with spiritual sight I would catch glimpses of people. This is kind of like in a psychadelic trip where your imagination overlays on reality. Same deal for people who see shadow people.

In my earlier years while hitting real poor states my imagination would also overlay. You can see some real nasty stuff when you're in a lower vibration.

This is mostly phenomena from being heavily ungrounded and in fear.

I've had plenty of ritual phenomena in my days of evocation. Except that is more "physical" phenomena. I would always get a signal that the spirit is there by leaves falling on my book. Can spook you a little when it whips past lol. Other than that I've had candles turn violet from the wind holding them perfectly at a specific angle of sorts. A lot of animals seem to watch rituals. There is this flock of crows which turned up for my first outdoors evocation. They just watched me throughout the entire ritual and once I banished the energy they all left. I imagine it's just spirits using them as a vessel since black birds are messengers of spirits.

Recently I've been observing visually the energy in rooms. When you hit the theta state you'll see static which is energy. Sometimes you can catch really foggy clouds which are spirits in that area.

To sum it up. Most visual phenomena will be caused from you being so scared that you ungrounded yourself and see more imagination (astral sight, so it's still there but just on another level) than physical reality.

Not to say lights flashing on and off, objects moving and all that other stuff is not legit. But you need to be inviting some really nasty energy and then pissing it of to get any of that stuff.

I know some people who used to be in the "ghost control" field(Psychic work is larger than you'd ever think. Even the cops use it I'm told) who've dealt with all that stuff. Makes you laugh a little. /fringe/ NEETs struggle to get a lesser spirit in their bedroom but somehow these unsuspecting mundane folk call angry imps which cause physical havoc lol.



I just want to say don't believe anything or don't disbelieve anything. Take everything for what it is. There's a lot of "unrefined individuals" who project their own mental fears into reality through the occult.

But obviously that's not to say amazing phenomena and abilities are not real.

But when the natural spirits and masters have long since left the city or human inhabited areas it is a lot more difficult to find it.




I think this could be a fun topic to our readers to share their thoughts on. A "What strange phenomena have you experienced?". Don't worry, we won't judge. Anything from spooky faces in incense to your bathtub talking to you lol.



During an anniversary of the death of a distant relative a glass started levitating off the table and dropped on the ground and shattered, 20+ people could confirm that they saw just what I did, theere was nothing that could've faked it, it literally started levitating



Yeah that's where you'll usually find this kind of phenomena is with death, fear or misfortune. Any event which raises high levels of energy. It's all about the energy and collectively it's raised a lot faster.

We should all gather and play drums somewhere. I figure that'd do some good.



I've gotten out of a high speed car crash (my fault) with no injury whatsoever to either party, and there was a time where me and another guy both got out of the way slightly before a firework shot where we were standing.

(we were both watching a multi-firework box shooting and I had the sudden impulse to step to the left and turn my head to the left, seeing a rocket shoot at right where I was standing)

Probably higher self/guide interference.

Live in a house that's been haunted. Some guy had his pants unzipped when he was working here, heard a voice talking to him.

Stereo would turn on for no reason.

Blessing was performed and the phenomena went away.

Other stuff with divination, nothing too big. Stuff coming true, channeling someone's guides to do a card reading.


"Tulpas, thoughtforms and servitors"

So I had an interesting experience with this the other day that I thought I'd share. I'll try keep it half story with half tutorial orientated so for those who want to go about doing it can. I've mucked about with servitors and thoughtforms before. They're kind of like mental programs we create which have their own "orbit". If you could imagine another "mentally living" entity. Mainly I've personally used these to kickstart habits, keep me motivated in something and general experimentation. I used to experiment quite a lot with thoughtforms back in the day trying to build up mental networks. If any of you have done administration work you can think of a mental version of that. I've found noticeable results in some of these ventures though the real complex ones take more work than I was willing to give at that time. You can kind of think about this exercise as segmenting your mind up into multiple parts or processes.

Story time! I'm standing around outside making small talk at a group held by an OA(Somehow I accidentallyed myself into the OA cause of some conversations with Saint Oliver John, cool guy)(ordo astri) member whenever the stars are right(Some real synchronistic stuff). I see this new member(skinny, pale looking girl) standing around and decide to talk to her. She's telling me about her brainscan devices and all the shenanigans and fun you can have with one of those. I inquire about her work and she says 20 years in Chaos magic. Specifically tulpamancy(Said a fancy Tibetan work for it). I'm sitting here knowing that I've hit the jackpot. She tells me her own personal thoughtform or tulpa is from a Japanese videogame. Being a bit of an otaku in my younger years myself I inquire further about what game it is. Thinking that it's probably some Jrpg like one of the Shin megami tensei games (Summoning demons through the computer). She pulls out this 3DS and turns it on. A Japanese game starts with this moe little girl as the splashscreen character. At this point I'm thinking "No, no. This can't be?!". It's one of those virtual girlfriend games like love plus(I believe it is, though unconfirmed). At this point I'm mentally laughing my arse of thinking that reality is truly the best source of entertainment. Turns out her thoughtform is that very character. Then it hits me. Imagine the amount of people who're either consciously or unconsciously creating tulpas and life altering thoughtforms through videogames and other sources of entertainment or imaginitve stimulation like this. Your own energy really does create your reality eh. I'll give you guys have a couple seconds to digest that piece of entertainment and thoroughly get the smirks of your face.


Anyway. Turns out she runs groups for this kind of stuff and dedicates a lot of time teaching it to others. Tells me most of the people have some kind of mental problem(No surprise there). So of course I question how the process works and how they're made. We can't come home empty handed or else there won't be any tutorials for you guys. Now we jump ahead nearly half a day. It's early morning and I'm on a train ride to my eventual psychological doom(the human world can suck sometimes). I have hours to kill so I figure that I might as well test out the ideas shared from that night. First step I'm told is to bundle together some ideas of what you want this thoughtform to represent. Personality traits if you will. But here's the catch. You need to explain why these traits are there. Try to fill in the blanks as much as you can. Like someone who's courageous might of worked a job which forced them into that trait or maybe they were cowardly and lost a loved one so they decided to train themselves to know no fear. I'm sitting there with my trusty on the go idea notepad (get yourself a little journal to keep in a bag you take or your car for when you're out and about) writing up personality traits I find desirable. After sitting around I get bored enough to put it into action. I start thinking up all the personality traits. As if each thought is adding to a mental bundle or bubble. My intention is to make a thoughtform and each trait I add goes into the mixing pot. I describe and acknowledge mentally why each trait is there and some of the further implications of it (Go checkout Bearhearts vid on egregores to do it Qabalistically). After I've made a mental cloud of traits and ideas I start pushing energy into it. Think of it like a frequency that you crocodile clip to and zap with your own energy. Trust me this is all easier than you think. Do it whatever way you feel and you'll get results if you put in the energy and work. Last thing here to do is name it. Name the bundle/cloud/ web to give it a "seal" so to speak. Or you can put it all under a sigil (Do both but get the sigil done later).

At this point I'm pondering over some of the rituals and information of that night. I've always read in those brief tutorials that it takes people days to get these things working, which is what I expect. Especially the physical sight overlay part. Then I start to hear a voice. I notice this is not my own voice or mind. I've been doing a bit of work with my own mental archetypes so I instantly figure out its foreign. This is just like in an evocation or invocation where you "feel" another presence and communicate with it. Does not matter if you're both using your own mental hardware to communicate, you know it's not you. I communicate and talk to this voice in my head. I feel kind of ridiculous, playing around in my imagination with a phantom voice. But damn, I can't deny it made the night go a lot quicker and easier than it would have. At this point I figure giving the thoughtform a body is a good idea. So I imagine a form for it. At this point my imagination is going all over the place because of the four worlds middle pillar ritual that I did at the group previously. The energy that night was so scattered. No one could think straight. This leads to the body having to be fairly basic, though I have thus since fixed it up. Long story short I made up a thoughtform with personality. Not quite a tulpa since you need to visualize and hear the overlay of the tulpa to "Bring" it into the physical world for you(among other things). Just more work.


Now as I said I've done a fair bit of work with thoughtforming. But a thoughtform with personality was really something new. Without further ado here's the condensed version to thoughtforming. You can decide how complex you want to make it.

Think up exactly what you want your thoughtform to do. Remember that thoughts create reality. The thought of "I want that" causes a man to go out and physically get it. Instead of you doing the thinking you craft a familiar which does it all for you. Kind of like a mental program. So in all magical work we need our intention. I'll skip over examples since I figure you guys have the point by now. But I suggest starting out with basic habits and routines. If you want to start up a weightlifting, martial art, cardio, stretching or other health routine you can make a muscular little familiar who inspires physical health within you(Okay I lied about skipping examples). How basic or complex do you want it be? What kind of thoughtform (servitor, tulpa, egregore) it will be. Giving it a personality will create it into a more tulpa like thoughtform. Making a collective thoughtform with your friends is more of an egregore. Keeping it a basic automaton will keep it as a servitor class. Get into trance and go into your own astral temple (you can do this on the go but better to be prepared). Imagine a cloud or some kind of formulative etheric substance in front of you and pour your intentions and ideas into it. You can do this any way you imagine it as long as you put the intention behind it. Speak to the cloud, connect a wire to, pour liquid intent into it, Simply will it(do whatever you need to get yourself to feel right). You guys know by now that we simply only use visualizations in the way we use words and symbols to express thought(crystaline intention). It all means jack to represent an intention of what's going on behind the scenes. Once you've bundle the ideas and thoughts like "You will last one week", "I want you to only perform your activity on this day.", "spread novelty throughout the world", "Attract occult wisdom of my choosing towards me", "Heal the aura in my right arm.", "Stay in my aura field to feed of energy". Whatever commands you like. Give it a name and if you want a body. You're simply creating a "thought that thinks" so name, voice, appearance and all that "physical" stuff is simply secondary. Once you've done this it's time to juice it up with energy. The amount of energy will dictate the gravitation and strength of this entity. You're wondering "How do I feed it energy". Simple. Intention. Imagine as if you're connecting with the entity (use visuals if you like it) and then "Feel" as if you're pushing and pouring energy into it. As I say "Change the frequency to one where it already exists or happens".


Finally we'll want to bind it to an object. I use clay tablets with the sigil carved into it. You can use a simple rock to a piece of paper to anything. Draw the sigil on the object and command the thoughtform to bind to it. Feel as if you're drawing it out of you and into the object. This is mostly a process of intention and will put to action in a ritual scene.

This is the simple way to create an entity. Start experimenting with all the variables to really learn and master the system. You can have your entity "Stabled" or stationary in your astral temple and or aura if you wish. Go create your own farm or gang of imaginary waifus, I mean utility servitors and have fun playing magical pretend. I can't help but think that chaos magic is the magical study of stuff we used to do as kids(imaginary friends). Who would of thought that this stuff gets you physical results though lol. All jokes aside though this is some pretty heavy occult shit(Super serious occultists only!). Don't toy or play with it lightly. Entities can mess you up if you create them with a negative outlook or do it stupidly. But I'm sure you guys are smart and stable enough not to screw this up.


Phew. That was a long writeup. Stick with me while I get down understanding, crafting and working with your own internal archetypes through art.


"Understanding your Archetypes"

Within each one of you is a warrior, a badarse who never gives up and fights for what is right and just. Whenever you need strength, call upon this internal warrior which always waits inside for the right moment. Through being in the moment you can withstand any pain no matter how great. Because the only fight is internal. Anyway. You're made up of multiple people or archetypes. You might notice in different states you seem to "become" or invoke another personality. You may already have become familiar with the archetypes within you. They may be your current personality, your magical personality, a greedy or wrathful personality or your work personality/face. These are all persona or masks that we wear. The simple thought of this will cause you to become aware of it throughout the day.

Spend some time figuring out your own internal cluster of archetypes and masks. Understand that these are not you but more like passengers inside of your vehicle waiting to take control in certain situations. Look at mythological figures to try figure out what kinds of archetypes you may encompass. A lustful and artistic Venusian personality. An intellectual scribe like Mercury. A Shining hero like Sol. A wise fatherly figure like Jupiter. A dark and psychologically disfigured subconscious side like Pluto. Your own personal warrior like Mars. Think over what archetype you generally invoke and personify.

Once you've figured these out on paper it's time to do work with them. You'll want to bind them inside of objects. Your very own pantheon or zoo of yourself. I personally enjoy using clay for any type of magical working so I will create basic egregore like figures of each archetype. Feel free to keep it as basic or complex you want. They can even be pieces of paper with sigils on them. Jars of oil with herbs and colours. Whatever you want. Give each archetype a name and sigil. Then we need to ritualistically bless the object to be linked with our archetype. In a ritual setting you simply need to( like the previous thoughtform exercise) hold the object and pour energy into it. Link with the object astrally and give it the intention to hold the archetype. To be a physical representation of the archetype. How you do this is up to your own magical system. This is how a lot of ancient ritual work was done, with clay figures.

Now what? Well you've pretty much just figured out one of the inbuilt thoughtforms that make up part of you. You can choose to control or command these just like in the previous writeup. Work with them, banish them or whatever you wish to do.

Remember that it's all a process of self awareness, realization and learning. To learn your own masks is to learn more about yourself. This brings more of who you are our of subconscious and into the conscious which can be manipulated and controlled.


Hope you guys enjoyed all that(Don't deny that love). Even if you don't feel comfortable with practicing it I'm sure the insight from my perspective, experiences and ideas will at least fill in some gaps of your own occult understanding and self realization.

Anyway I just wanted to say that you should all develop your own systems of understanding. Understanding of the world or yourself. Take what you like from other systems and integrate it within your own.

I'm currently doing some research into a new field and am keeping myself busy with my work so I haven't been able to do as many writeups or videos as I'd like to. But this does not mean that I've stopped by any means.

As always, feel free to ask whatever questions you want answered here and I'll get to them when I check the thread. No matter how stupid or how many times they've already been answers before. If you feel I can help then feel free to ask it.


Welp I wanted to know your thought on Monui Sadhu's book on heremticism.



Do you have a link? I'll give it a quick look since I don't really have the leisure of reading it all right now.




Scratch what I said about not reading this. It looks amazing. A real "How to" Qabalah manual with the learning tool as the Tarot.

I recommend everyone grabbing a tarot deck and playing with it. They're awful good fun. Do a daily card ritual where each day you pick a card which will represent your day. The results will blow your mind.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sadly I don't have the freedom to buy or arrange any physical ritual so I have to relay mostly on mental and astral one.The writer made it clear that he put DISINFO but a sincere study will show that it was on purpose to protect from le abuse.(or so he claim in a video)

I have a tarot app tbh and each day it seem to give me accurate "vibe" of the whole day.

>A real "How to" Qabalah manual with the learning tool as the Tarot.

Smiley's tulpa creation method is ripped off from this book. technically it was ripped off from this book to another book then smiley ripped it off from that book



When I first entered the occult I was disheartened at the requirement of physical objects. Being turned of by the whole thing from some nasty folk(I'm looking at you /x/) who said you NEED the ritual items. I always decided to create systems without that need for objects.

What I'm saying is that you can certainly make do without any objects or whatever you have. Ultimately all this work can be done in the mind.



Of course I researched it and read about it I have found that these physical objects are instruments and tools of development that refine and develop us and we develop it with us kind of the tool are thoughtforms and weapon in the arsenal of the magician that have we have mutual relationship with, so I don't think it is absolutely needed neither tools are worthless.



That's exactly right! The ancient Chinese sorcerers would change the tides of a battle by simple meditative rituals alone.



It's nice seeing you go more in-depth on this but do you really have to go this far in creation of thoughtforms? According to bardon you first just imagine a simple ball of light with the purpose you have for it in mind and just name it and charge it afterwards, though I'm not experienced in this at all, when I tried to create it I gave it a name, charged it a bit and nothing really happened, not sure if it worked or not, apparently since the next day I haven't completely forgotten about it, means it's still there or something, though I'm hesitant to charge it since maybe I gave it a bad start or something, any thoughts on this?





>I'm sure you guys are smart and stable enough not to screw this up.

I'm thinking "the majority that read this far" would be a good qualifier or substitute for "you guys" there.


Yeah, I've used oracle cards in that way. It is crazy accurate if the right theme was in the deck.


>kundalini cements your path and FORCES you to walk the path or suffer immensely(in fact you'll be doing both for the same time)

Sounds like what I wanted to do 4 months ago.

(Instead I met my twin flame and had a lesser form of that. No way I'd have been able to handle the real thing back then.)

I'm pretty sure I'll have my kundalini awakening start within the next year, if not within 2 months.

The only thing I'm concerned about is being sane, so that'll limit its rate.



404 ):



Everything is infinite in nature so the depth of a subject can expand in the same manner. I go into depth for those who wish to understand the fundamentals of how it really works. I could give you a little formula. But chances are unless you really played around with it you wont get too far.

As for yourself I suggest playing around with it and building up a larger understanding of what magic is and how it works along with astral theory.

It may even be another few months until it really "clicks". Though all of this will be stored in subconscious memory ready to work once you're ready.


If you've come this far you'll be well ready for kunalini whenever you wish to raise it.




oh, it was that it was .htm instead of .html.




So I should probably make a new thoughtform right? Also do you clearly hear your thoughtforms talk to you, or is it more of an astral sense?



It is astral until you do the work to make it a physical sense. Just like how the voice will be your own voice or mental instant speed communication until otherwise. It's all up to you with your own preferences.



Any tips on how to train these senses? I'd really like to see and hear the thoughtform



You simply need to train your astral ears. This means imaginary hearing ability. To program in a voice for your thoughtform you just have to create the voice and apply it to the thoughtform. "Overlay" It if you will. Talk to the thoughtform and will the voice you command to be what comes out in astral audible tone.

Eventually the astral sense becomes as strong or stronger than the physical sense. They are the same current but one is weaker due to neglect.

I'm sure you can think up some exercises like imagining a gong tone or some kind of music/instrument.


Dear OP,

First, thanks for your posts here. I very much appreciate them.

Secondly, I was curious as to whether you have managed to synthesis or differentiate between the Kabbalistic systems and the Eastern Systems.

For example, have you managed to link the Chakra system to the Qabalistic system in a way that doesn't seem like you're squishing a peg into a round hole?

Do you think these systems are actually compatible or are they dividing the Universe into different bases?

Thank you.



I've done a lot of research and personal work to try combine the chakras and Qabalah. Ultimately they don't really fit sadly. There are minor similarities which can work together though it's not enough to really "link" the two together. That said they should both be learned as they're excellent tools and can complement each other.

You might think of Qabalah as a more mental or theoretical tool of creation and the Chakras a guide to the result of this creation.



One system which works well with the chakras is the Daoist system though. Since the Yogic systems and Daoist are both about cultivating the body just as much as the mind.


Hey there.

First of all, I am very glad for all that you have posted, thanks a lot.

I am really new to occultism, even though I did have experiences like telekinesis and telepathy before.

I have started doing various energy body training, and I also started visualizing everything to train my astral senses. As I understand these are the two main things for a sorcerer?

I actually started doing body change a few weeks before I found this place. Before sleep, I would enter a meditative state, inhale energy, intend the energy to make my body grow and get stronger, and on the exhale release the energy to spread to my limbs and influence them. Now, I have only been doing it for two or three weeks, and I have tried my best to measure at the same time of the day, but I think I have gained around 4 millimeters. I was wondering if you have any tips on that. I will start creating an astral body with my preferred stats and merging with it. I also started inviting the mars energy in my astral altar, and taking martian energy from it. Do you have any more tips for physical body development? (of course, I work out and stuff)

Also, I have a question about though forms. I am currently trying get some clients and basically creating my own income stream. I was thinking about creating a thought form to aid me in that. I thought about it, and I came up with the idea of programming it like this:

It can feed on my gratitude for material possessions. This way, I would program it to natural seek out and help me with acquiring material stuff, because it would benefit it as well.

But is my understanding of though forms correct? Can a though form go out and help you in external goals like that? Or do I have to make a ritual and summon some spirit.

I thought about it, and at least theoretically, a form like that would benefit me through my life, and it could even grow. Constantly helping me, and me constantly fueling my energy of gratitude to it. Seems like a win-win. What do you think?

And finally. About astral plane. Currently I have a hard time visualizing. I mean, I can, but its fuzzy and fleeting. Is it just a matter of practice? Or maybe I should be opening my chakras?

Anyway, thanks for the info, and good luck to you!



seconding every question, interested as well


Is caffeine degenerate? I don't know the right terms to use, but will it negatively affect esoteric practices? Alcohol too


there's this question I had in my mind that really bothers me:

I was scared shitless by aliens. Greys, to be precise. I'm starting to expel this fear and win it, however the doubt still remains: are they demons or real beings going through the astral?

So the question is:

If they were only mental or astral beings, the best strategy to win this fear would be to just not think about it, thus not feed them energy. But here's the catch: how can I be sure they aren't? If they are physical what is stopping them from using technology and appearing out of my ass and abduct and torture me?

Am I on the right track here? Positive/enlightened beings going through the astral cannot hurt anyone because they would lose the ability to travel in astral whereas negative/bad beings must reach an advanced level of technology to stimulate their brain to enter the astral?



>I have started doing various energy body training, and I also started visualizing everything to train my astral senses. As I understand these are the two main things for a sorcerer?

Training the mind and training the energy body is our form of exercise. You're on the mark with it. A good energy flow with a sharp mind allows for all occult work to happen.

You're certainly on the right track for the physical work. One little tip is that you can even train the body astrally. I do this with instrumental training and I find it allows you to enter a much more free "open" world to explore the art with. Just say if you need to develop new exercises, practice form or some other inventive use.

Also remember to invoke that Martian force before training. Get so worked up through movement, invoking and deep quicker breathe that you are bursting full of physical energy.

As always the more energy you can put into something the more aligned you become to that frequency. Do whatever you need to keep yourself inspired and flowing. If it's visualizing your goal body or strength to tapping into an inner archetype or nature, etc.

Two other things. First is to "become" the exercise, not just do it. This means to become so conscious that you and the training are one. Another is I would suggest checking out Cyclomancy(the book). I've been slowly working through it and have seen exercises much further on which relate to controlling the bodies muscles to reduce fatigue. All the exercises help you train the pineal so it's win-win for visualization.

You definitely could make a thoughtform to do that since they can effect the exterior world(Which is just the internal world beyond common perception). You could even make a small section of your altar to dedicate to this thoughtforms correspondences of money or income, Jupitarian and Solar forces. And use the thoughtforms given sigil in advertising(that's how big corporations do it). Run some tests and see what ritual or methods of creation work for you.

I also recommend evocations if you're interested in that. I've found that an evocation will boost my own current income streams nicely.

Something to meditate over for those two questions is whatever you focus your attention, will and energy towards will grow in life. We make our own reality either consciously or unconsciously. You decide what you want to happen. This is why people develop skills by simply putting in 10-15 minutes of work each day. It's not much but because they've opened up the channel it slowly grows and progresses.

Now for astral work it is a combination of a few things. Practice will help to increase any skill. But some tips to practice properly is to get into as deep a trance state as you can(deep slow breathing and full body relaxation). And then focus on the third eye or brow area. Try to imagine a blue sphere here, or feel it burning, expanding, radiating, spiraling or any sensation which works for you. You'll find this starts to increase your astral sense or visualization abilities.

And here's a little bonus tip which I'll discuss a little more in the intro thread later on. Just say you want to make an energy bubble or shield. You don't need to "See" it. If you instead use your tactile sensations to "feel" it and know it's there or use your auditory to "hear" the frequency it will all work the same. It's all frequency. Your senses are just different methods of picking it up.



Drugs have their uses. If you "need" the drug then don't deprive yourself of it while unready to. Because in that current state it is a "medicine". As they say all medicines are a cure and poison in varying quantities.

Bare with me a minute while I text wall my practical experience and study on drugs, lifestyle and energy.

I come from drug addiction (food is a drug, entertainment is a drug. there is only one drug which many things if not everything can be.) so I've had a bit of experience with the entire process.

We use the drugs to change our state. Caffeine gives us energy we're lacking. Or we use it to gain more energy thus taking on a debt. This lack of energy usually comes from diet. I've gone from eating pasta to eating rice, lentils, beans and oats to eating fruit and herbs(Meat to vegetarian to vegan to raw to fasting and everything in between. I've gone on a diet of stimulants and squarepusher before if you can understand music as a food lol). All food is a stimulant except acidic food takes minerals/energy(also dehydrates most of the time) and alkaline gives. So when I'm on a good diet I don't need any of the drugs to give me energy. But that changes if I eat poorly. There's also proper hydration which you'll want to watch over (we're never really hydrated). And portion sizes. Most of your energy goes to digestion, remember that. Internal mirrors the external. Your diet(food drugs) and drugs of choice are all mirrors of your internal world(energetic, emotional and mental body).

If you do want to ween of any drug you need to do it slowly, SLOWLY. Else wise you swing to one polarity and sling back to the other(It's all good in a scholarly knowledge experience though). I heavily recommend qi-gong, chi-kung, exercise or any other energy exercise. They all help you naturally ween of and slowly take your internal state back to harmony.

Another tip is to understand where we get our energy from. Being the breathe(cosmic) mostly to the sun(electric), the earth(magnetic) and food(water can take on these properties as well. These are the main though there are others). Usually we'll go to the drug when we feel a low energy state. It acts as a stimulant. Or when we're in an uncomfortable emotional state. You'll need to learn to sit with and "feel" the state out.

Now I'll discuss a little about the effects of the drugs in a more esoteric sense. Caffeine effects the nervous system so your energy work can be enhanced as well as the focus. Though it is more difficult to enter proper relaxation and higher spiritual states with it(grounds you to that solar plexus - physical world). Alcohol dulls heavily the spiritual centers so you're kinda potato when it comes to higher work(grounds you to the sacral and root). Admittedly I've done my meditations, ritual work, cultivation and other spiritual work after a bottle of wine or half a bottle of spirits and have gone alright(just a little bit lazy and dopey). As well as some great cultivation sessions after around 4-6 cups of coffee( though I don't suggest binging of caffeine and playing with the nervous system to new practitioners lol).

So to sum it up. You're the master. Depending on how well you can "achelmize" will depend on what you can do in these states. I've gone through addictive cycles where I'd smoke so much dope and for so long that it became my sober state and sobriety was a drug or psychadelic state of consciousness. You need to know when the drugs are negatively effecting you. Though they are there to be used if you so choose. Decide when they need to be used and when they need to be restricted. And as you grow spiritually, energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally you'll find yourself giving up these drugs(hence why many spiritual people hardly eat, sleep, drink or consume much of anything. Instead they're more focused on creation).

As a side note has anyone done ritual or spiritual work while stoned? Been ages since I last used it (in my philosophical stages) and I'm wondering if others have found good use of it.



Two ways to look at it which both correlate. There are physical aliens out there which we can be fairly certain of. Since our universe is infinite. And there are also negative astral aliens/entities out there which we can be certain of. Here's where it clashes. If your own vessel is of multi-dimensional nature that means you can exist within both at once or merge between each when you so choose(we can do this as well. Astral project or project and control your body for a multi-dimensional experience). It's very probable that with higher tech an alien can materialize and come to a human or pull the human to him. Either in the physical or astral planes.

I had this astral projection experience in a real negative and lower state where I was lying down surrounded with negative alien like entities. Not too nice. It was incredible lucid. So yeah I attracted that experience through my own negative state. It opened the guard and barriers.

As for keeping them away you want to think of your state as a radio station. They don't play metal on a jazz statation and bossa nova on a classical station. This means negative entities don't "exist" if you put yourself in a state above them.

This goes both physically and astrally. You don't meet to converse with people who're interested in guns or cars if your own interests are in gardening and animals (not saying it does not happen. But the chances are slim that you'll have an in depth discussion about an automobile engine when you don't even know what a car is).

You need to trust me on this until you understand astral theory. Everything manifests downward. Air - active manifests into earth - passive. Astral to earth. So cleaning your astral aura and space will manifest physically. To this I recommend any kind of energy aura cleaning and shielding(banishing, energy work, salt baths, whatever works for you).

You can also think of it this way. You piss someone of on the internet. That person would much rather use 4d methods to get back at you like yelling back (thus astral alien rape instead of physical. Though you may want to check your butt just to be sure. Joking.).

You get me? It's all about the mileage. Unless you're telsa just about to release free zero point energy and in that case they'll possess some armed forces to take you away(yeah negative entities can possess open vessels - poorly shielded humans who have weak occult ability.).

This means we've restricted any kind of harm to the astral. Which can easily be shielded or protected from.

There is a third point which we can discuss. It is that these things work both ways. There are as many astral entities trying to fuck you as there are astral entities trying to help you. Right now this entire text that you'll read is simply a physical manifestation of the words I'm channeling from an astral current. Meaning one of the entities trying to help you is doing it through my own vessel.

At the end of the day you're God whether you've realized it or not. You create this dense experience through the energy in motion (emotions) or archetypal fire expressed.

Phew that's a lot of text. Hope you guys get a lot out of those three.




Really enjoying your writings still.

Back to the topic of synthesizing the Kabbalah and the East, do you really think they're not compatible or they're just incredibly difficult to pin together?

I would've thought that the Kabbalah, as it is founded upon God's discretion between "things" (numbers), would eventually unfold into something that could accommodate the Chakra system?

If it doesn't, or it's an impractically elaborate effort, then it makes me wonder whether the Kabbalah is really as efficient as it should be. The Kundalini experience is obviously quite real and far more concrete and "Earthly" than anything the Kabbalah seems to describe, in my (limited) experience, and this would break the "Microcosm Mirrors the Macrocosm" principle (quite severely).

I tend to think it's more a matter of the modern Kabbalistic books being either misinterpreted/misunderstood or or the formulas for applying it are still secret.

I usually consider the Kabbalah a Base-10 system (the Universe/One divided into ten - or better yet, The Universe/One understood as ten), where as the Chakra seems to be Base-7 (The One understood as Seven). But I do wonder if the Kabbalistic numbering system factors this in so that, for example, it can act as a Base-0 (Ain Soph), Base-3 (Supernal Sephirah), Base-7 (Lower Sephirah), Base-12 (Star Signs), Base-22 (Tarot/Hebrew Alphabet), etc, etc. The higher the base, the higher the resolution (as in, the more precision).

Have you ever followed this line of investigation?



Thats some great tips, thanks a lot! I also decided to, instead of doing the martian aligning, and doing the physical body change, to merge it in to one event- create a body, charge it with martian energy and merge with it. Really interesting feeling, my breath gets more intense, I get shivers on my body.

I actually really wanted to ask one more thing, because I got triggered recently, and I think it might interfere with my sorcery.

The thing is, because of personal family reason, I have a real trigger to money. The belief with money to me, seems really stressful, hard, not fair, and just miserable overall. And I know that its stupid. Money is neither good nor bad. But I think some circuit is really affected by scarcity in me.

Now, I write this because I just got triggered again, when I was thinking about my business. And I think it might interfere with manifestation. Because I am either thinking how to make it, or thinking how I am failing. Which does not leave much space for allowing it to happen I think.

What do you think about this? Sure, by aligning myself with martian or other energies, I am slowly chaining my imprint. I am also doing shadow work for a while now, really letting myself feel out all of the fear about the subject. I would say its getting better, but I still feel like there is some underlying tension, and I think it can interfere with magic.

I know that its more of a general question and might be more appropriate in another thread, but you seem to be knowledgeable and trustworthy on these subjects, so I would be glad to hear your opinion on this.



Thank you very much for the thorough answer!



>There's also proper hydration which you'll want to watch over (we're never really hydrated).

! When I eat fruits-only for a week or two, I start to get REALLY thirsty and wake up in teh middle of the night bc of my strong sense of thirst. This is most definitely the reason. Though I also read on some "crazy" esoteric site that raising vibrations need more water.

>in an uncomfortable emotional state. You'll need to learn to sit with and "feel" the state out.

going through that right now.

>has anyone done ritual or spiritual work while stoned?

lol… most of the "spiritual work" I've done stoned is try to keep myself calm/stable (not give into paranoia delusions) when I'm too stoned.


>here is a third point which we can discuss. It is that these things work both ways. There are as many astral entities trying to fuck you as there are astral entities trying to help you. Right now this entire text that you'll read is simply a physical manifestation of the words I'm channeling from an astral current. Meaning one of the entities trying to help you is doing it through my own vessel.

>At the end of the day you're God whether you've realized it or not. You create this dense experience through the energy in motion (emotions) or archetypal fire expressed.

dude. this is. let's "say" "mindblowing". I was just going to leave it as "this is" and let you pick up the wavelength if you wanted to, but I feel the need to finish

what is god, anyway, I wonder.

I seek without too rather than within too much.

This is my note-to-self to decide on 5 things and do them without tech usage for a month.


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So, what's the meaning of picture attached, Baphomet in your meaning?

Satanist adopted it… And thinks it symbolises the "family of Samael".

It's so far from historical origins of that being it's sick.

So they build that statue in US, Baphomet didn't had much to do with Satan in original.



I pondered over it last night and worked the numbers together. You can work the chakras into 7 - 7 planets. The 3 dan tiens - 3 prime letters of creation. And 12 chakra points (from a side ways diagram) to the 12 zodiac. All of these being representations of the hebrew alphabet. You'll have to study over that as there might be connections.

But to be honest, Qabalah is more of a divine language or map of reality and the chakras an energetic map of frequencies. There are similarities that can be found but ultimately they serve different purposes.

We use Qabalah and astrology to understand reality through the influences and energies of the cycle. And the chakra system is more a self evolution process through tapping into the energy body. I suggest for you to study and look up Alchemy if you're interested in a western or more Qabalistic system of ascending and refining the soul.


This is in the catagory of shadow work. Your life traumas or experiences make imprints within the subconscious mind or your body. You'll need to figure out where the tension happens in your body when you're triggered by it. Work on relaxing that at all times as well as the rest of the body when it's allowed. You will also need to remove the imprint or alchemize/change the polarity of the original wound.

Check out some vids on shadow work to learn more.


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God is the cycle or nature - light the source. The sun rises and it sets. The moon waxes and it wanes. The earth revolves. These are both yin and yang phases or positive and negative - black and white. White is the absence of colour and black is all colours. We then split this black up into 7 prime colours and 6 other secondary colours to make 12. This is expressed through all frequency like music. Or the 12 zodiac in the circle taking up 30 degrees and the 7 planets.

I suggest studying divine proportions, mathematics, art and the science of frequency to understand God. Even drawing angles or using angles and geometry to study your own body will bring you closer to that knowledge and source.

Another way of thinking about it is that God is a creator. Nature is the ultimate creation force. You may take up the role of God by becoming a creator. Your bodies spinal fluid is the creative fluid and force running in you. Whether you choose to create dense forms like children or you allow the fluid to rise more and create less physical creation like science or art.


The goat is symbolic of a higher state or consciousness since goats are up above the mountains. The pentacle and in the is the third eye or true perception and the torch is of a risen kundalini. The moons represent duality as well as the female and male genitals symbolizing an androgynous perfect being. This is a stage of alchemy where you integrate your divine masculine and feminine, the right and the left brain or science and art. The arms means so above as below.

So all in all it's mostly symbolic of the higher stage of conscious ascent. When you're on that indigo frequency after having traversed the aether or the heart.


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Thank you for explaining your point of view on them. I always held Baphomet, as depicted as Levi (since we didn't knew what the check it was before, just that "it had horns") was rather metaphorical figure at best, but since adoption of atheistic LaVeyan Satanism people see it in obvious way.

Still trying to track its origin, the Trinity Mohammedans were accused of worshipping - Apollyon, Baphomet/Mohammed and Termagant.


I have problem with astrology, relating to newest scientific discoveries. Does it updates within then?

The original theory of Seven Heavens (as depicted in ancient cosmogony), how does that even relate to Neptune, Pluto and Uranus which weren't known to ancients. Or even deceased planets like Nibiru, Tiamath and other postulated if you held them true.

Zodiac sign which wasn't active in their time, but is in our - Serpentarius/Ophiuchus, shouldn't there be 13 of them?

During times of Babylonians and Persians astrology was serious science and part of spirituality and religion, so it was in mediaeval times, but is this anything more than charlatanery today?

I wonder what would be angels assigned to new planets.



Sorry for bringing this up again.

But, I still think the Kabbalah must be able to encompass the chakras. My reasoning, simply put, is as follows:

1. The Tree Of Life provides a map of the Universe (from no-thing, to one-thing, to many-things, back to no-thing)

2. Any "thing" that cannot be accomodated by the tree, belongs to the realm of the Qlipoth (Not of God/Not Holy/Not Whole-y).

3. The Chakras, if they cannot fit, thus belong to the Qlipoth. Not "of the tree" = Not "of God".

4. They're, thus, "evil" - according the the Kabbalists.

I do not think the above is correct. If the Microcosm mirrors the Macrocosm (Man mirrors the Universe) and the Tree Of Life is meant to act as a map of the Universe, then the Chakras must certainly be able to find their place in the (Energy) Body of the Universe, just as they do in the (Energy) Body of Man.

As there's so much conflicting information about the Kabbalah, I think the best approach might actually be to form its foundations upon the Chakras and then work upwards from there. Earth (with the Chakras being more tangible) then back up to Heaven. Blinds have been inserted historically, maybe they're still there?

I remember seeing a correspondence that Israel Regardie once gave. I'll see if I can find it and post it up.



Currently doing some fasting and cleaning out so you guys will have to excuse the lax answers.

By scientific discoveries do you mean pole shifts? If so then yes. (there's also the pushing forward of the zodiac along the ecliptic due to the age of aquarius. But I don't have enough understanding of that to explain or share it)

As for Neptune, Pluto and Uranus these planets are out of our "octave" or scale. So they do have effect but it's much more distant and different than you would imagine.

As for the other signs I can't say.

The science still works and is extremely viable as I've found out through studying it. Give me another moon cycle and I'll teach this entire board astrology(science of the cycle or circle) and how to use it for the modern age which we changed into around the late 1800s.

As for angels you'll want to look up the Qabalah. You can put Pluto to Da'ath, Neptune to Chockmah and Uranus the crown to Kether(Metatron). Just fill in the other two angels.



Here. This'll explain the correspondence between the chakras and european/western work.


I'll be tinkering with bearhearts rituals. All of them, even the grand conjuration, watchtowers and other great rituals. I'm figuring out each day more about this matrix or time cycle of yin and yang broken up into 12 degrees that we live in. I figure it's time to play with it like a true magician.

Anyway I just wanted to tell everyone if they have any interest in learning about influences of the day to take up some understanding of astrology. Even if it's just learning about your own natal chart or learning about the planetary, elemental or zodiac houses. Start small and try to expose yourself.

I'll do a writeup(In a lunar cycle or two I estimate) on first - understanding the circle or cycle that we call time, a day, a month, a year, etc and then manipulating it via all the energies involved(This is true ritual magic).

This will be the most comprehensive and powerful writeup on manipulating the influences in reality. The strongest form of personal magic.

I want you guys in the meantime to advance your selves. Train and heal the body and mind. Start doing rituals to help you in your own life. Plant your seeds of intention during your yin(dreaming, trance) phases and work on them during the yang(awake). Look within to find your own key values, dreams and desires. What do you want to bring into this world? what do you represent and wish to share?

*side note*

Do you guys prefer "Magic" or "Magick"?


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Khan you're pretty good. My new fav poster.

What do you know about the flat earth theory? Mantids? Hall of records under the Romanian mountains? What NWO found in Iraq?


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Ok I tried the evocation ritual described at the top of this thread. I've never done anything like this before. I said some prayers, asked for God's blessing, meditated for a couple minutes, then sat down, closed my eyes, and visualized the olympic spirit Aratron's seal while calling its name and telling it to show up. I got to that point where I couldn't feel my body, and felt like I'd descended into a deeper state. I never felt a particular "presence", but I eventually just started asking questions. Someone answered me, but it could have just been my gullible self. The voice certainly came from inside. The "spirit" was extremely terse, and didn't teach me anything I didn't already know. I asked him to tell me something which would prove he isn't a figment of my imagination, and he was silent. Aratron supposedly can turn things into stone. I asked him to turn a wooden bead into stone, "he" agreed. Then I asked him to reveal to me certain divine secrets, and he agreed. Then I dismissed him, opened my eyes, and the bead was still wood. tbh I don't know what I was expecting. I would've been seriously freaked out if it was stone. I also don't feel like i've gained any knowledge about the things I asked about, but it was a couple minutes ago so maybe it takes time? I have no idea what just happened to be honest. Did I screw up? Was I just an idiot talking to myself? Some sources say he only shows up on saturdays, so maybe that didn't work because of that.



Great to hear.

I pondered over the flat earth theory the other day a little bit. Since I'm currently studying the cycle that we live in or the science of astrology-astronomy. My logical left brain and ego is telling me not to touch it. That it is silly to think the earth is anything but round. Though I've never actually proved or found significant evidence for either side. And then my intuitive or right brained side is telling me that there might be more to it. It all feels too suspicious and odd that it leaves a little to be wondered. The ancients all believed the earth was flat until I believe around the renaissance was it? The ancients are not stupid. In fact they are brilliant scientists and artists who very much harnessed and utilized the art of astrology to understand time, influences, the seasons and such. So their knowledge of the geographical or geometrical shape of the earth would of been at least somewhat well studied. That and the fact that the only records of the earth being round (not certain on this) are from NASA. A government funded organization.

To summarize on that. I can't make a proper decision yet. I'll see where my studies take me and then go from there. I know Santos Bonacci believes the earth is flat and he is one of the most trustworthy and respectable syncretism/astrological scholars of our time. I'll see if I can find his reasonings. I hypothesize the geometrical shape and orientation of reality is a lot stranger and complex than we have anticipated.

As for the Mantids I can't say I know what that is. But would love to know if you'd be up for sharing.

I have not heard of the Romanian record but I can very much believe there are many, many ancient libraries, records, technological caves and even societies living underground waiting for us to find them.

You'll have to tell me about the NWO found in Iraq. Though I can give you a little dream I had about the 13 powerful families. They're actually foolish or stupid. Dull or blunt. There may be a few smart ones here or there but the real problem is that they're being "possessed" or lead by higher negative forces. Be it aliens, 4d entities, dark magicians or other. So the real battle is an astral one.



It definitely sounds like you made contact with something. Whether it was Aratron, a stray astral spirit or one of his underlings we don't know. Now here's where we get to the meat of it. Grimoires say a lot of funny things like that a spirit can make you invisible, make you levitate, turn 360 degrees and poof into a dimension full of young virgins (except they are the dimensional walls mwahahaha). Does that mean this is true? Well I can't say for certain as I've never tried. I do know you can astrally turn invisible. Enough that is manifests physically in an astral quantum way(Good fun to try). But what I'm saying is there's a lot of fanatical stuff in these grimoires. Now I hypothesize it is an analogical language to tell you what the spirit actually does. Aratron is the Olympic Saturnine spirit. Saturn is known for being an energy of time. Thus it sounds like "Turn to stone" is an analogy of "turn to the earth" or kill. To run the cycle or time of something. So if you asked Aratron to turn a friendly house plant to stone, chances are you'll wake up one morning and find it dead. Is this to say that it's impossible to transmute something to stone? No, anything's possible. But the way you go about it is the tricky thing.

Anyway. You've definitely started out doing well. For your next attempt I suggest to first banish to get rid of any residue laying about and then charge yourself up with energy. Then you'll want to pick a more earthy or simpler goal(treat yourself). Pick something aligned with your own self like if you have a hobby you wish you make change within or a lifestyle change like a new job, more income, a partner, etc. Pick something you're extremely passionate about and will go out and help manifest. The more passion and energy the better this stuff works.

The first really successful evocation of mine was the day I managed to get a nasty fine. I was furious so I remembered the story from Koetting when he was fired, called up Paimon and managed to get a nice payout. I decided to do the same. I set up a ritual space outside, banished/invoked, grabbed my sigil and made the connection. Saw exactly what I needed done and poured all of that energy into it. Demanding and commanding as if the world hinged on this one ritual. Little to say I figured out that magic is a great way to get out of any kind of corporate or legal trouble for me other others hahaha.

Anyway keep trying. Even if it's just evocation with entities which enhance clairvoyance so you can try connecting and speaking with something outside of yourself. Each experience gets you closer.



>the real problem is that they're being "possessed" or lead by higher negative forces. Be it aliens, 4d entities, dark magicians or other. So the real battle is an astral one.

This reminds me of the SSRF (spiritual science research foundation) saying WW3 will start soon and the battle is already joined on other planes.

I was hoping they weren't right because I wasn't mentally/egoically ready for my life/pursuits being destroyed (oriental med school, found my twin flame who I won't see for months/didn't do much with her to begin with).

I'd link but I don't want to feed a fear-based egregore/meme if that wouldn't otherwise happen.



Since we live in almost entirely virtual times a war would be fought in much less dense ways. Common people wont have to worry too much about anything more than fear its self for the most part thankfully.


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I misunderstand what spirits are capable of. If it's an unreasonable request to ask for stone transmutation, what is more reasonable? Do they only effect my mind? Can they effect the minds of others? If spirits only effect Astral things, shouldn't that manifest itself physically (as above, so below)? How do I get astral stuff to happen on the physical plane? Forgive me for not knowing anything.



I imagine they can read the minds of others. They effect astral reality which then manifests into physical reality.

As I said. Stone transmutation sounds very much like analogical talk. Most ancient magic is written down in code. You need to pick an intention which you need help with in life. Try to invoke for your goals in life or for something you need.






Whoops ignore that reply.

What are the limitations on what a spirit can do?



It's something you need to try for yourself and find out. I can't tell you as all spirits are different. You will need to converse with them.


Khan, are you familiar with Inner Guide Meditation? There is a thread in the catalog. Is it a form of evocation?



I believe I checked that out a little while ago and it was a form of invoking local archetypes within the mind. Though if you can briefly explain some of it I'll be able to figure out what it is.



The conditioning regarding round Earth, I accept as an absolute truth. According to the laws of physics and common reason its just the way things are supposed to be, right?

The more I look at it however, the more I doubt.

>operation fishbowl

The conclusion of round Earth being invalid is that we live in an enclosure, created by someone.

The pretty much "solid" van allen belt also has me wondering, with this recent discovery its clear that the moon mission from NASA were faked, and not just the first.

I still don't doubt round Earth, but I look at the supposed evidence of flat Earth, and its starting to pile up. Honestly don't know what to think. Just wanted your input.

Mantids, an alien species, thought you knew something, you didn't, I don't know much either.

>Bucegi mountain hall of records




Tunnels leading to Tibet & Giza.

Don't know that much either, unfortunately.



Not a flat or spherical earth. But a hollow earth!

The mystery just keeps on complexifying. If only they did not station military to guard these tunnels and areas of the sea or else we could figure it out ourselves.



Hollow earth I'm absolutely down with if the Earth is round.



>enter trance

>meet spirit animal

>spirit animal leads you to Inner Guide

>Inner Guide introduces you to archetypes (tarot by default)

>archetypes assign tasks and give gifts

>check with Guide that all is in order

The final goal seems to be to fix imbalances with all of the archetypes.

The writer assures that the archetypes have power outside your head, that they can effect the outside world with it. Since you mention that you do your evocation in your mind these days, I wonder if it is the same thing (or alternatively invocation or simply some kind of healing process).

The reason I ask about this is that I have had no problem interacting with the entities in this process, but when I do evocation I never get a sense that anything is there.

Also, looking forward to your next vid on evocation.



Yeah some folk say all the primary 7 planetary Gods are just archetypes within your own hardware. Everything's connected so it's all effected just the same.

I filmed an LRBP and MPR vid today. It's a good 30 minutes of footage I need to edit down. I'll go over a heptagram ritual and then get into evocation. I figure I need to at least prepare people with the basics so that they have some tools to work with - play around and change variables.



can you do a video tutorial on telekinesis?



Maaan, I used to do that stuff back in high school. I guess I can get back to it and do a tutorial.



so it is real?

can you suggest some good books or videos that are not faked to learn? I cannot seem to wrap my head around the techniques used. I try with a paper psi wheel but it doesn't move.



Psi wheel is the place you want to start. It's time consuming. Not an easy thing to learn as you really do need to dedicate time to it.


This is the guy you want to learn from.

To be honest I figure it's not worth it until I have a well developed energetic body and all that stuff.


Loved the new video Khan. I noticed that you used simple pentagrams instead of Bearheart's combined upright and inverted pentagrams. Was this just for expedience?

Also, in Koetting's writing, he advocates heavily researching the entities you are calling upon. Do you feel this is necessary? I have never heard of the elemental entities used in the GOOD LRP.

This video would be a great starting point for newbies I reckon.



>until I have a well developed energetic body

*you* don't have a well-developed energy body? what!



>The first really successful evocation of mine was the day I managed to get a nasty fine. I was furious so I remembered the story from Koetting when he was fired, called up Paimon and managed to get a nice payout. I decided to do the same. I set up a ritual space outside, banished/invoked, grabbed my sigil and made the connection. Saw exactly what I needed done and poured all of that energy into it. Demanding and commanding as if the world hinged on this one ritual. Little to say I figured out that magic is a great way to get out of any kind of corporate or legal trouble for me other others hahaha.

I don't usually have much of an emotional reaction to things/can usually be the observer of it because of past things/current divine connection, so it sounds like I'd need to feed into emotional responses if I want to do something magically.

I have read hardly anything in terms of western magic (including this thread), so it is my weak area.

I assume reading this is a good first step. I'd ask for books but I'm already too fragmented in pursuits; should meditate, write, and focus more.

Do animals have astral bodies?

I noticed one time I focused on my sister's knee and she scratched it (I assumed that is an astral action/reaction), but I can't seem to have the same effect focusing on a dog's ear. Though, I am touching a computer.

How advanced does one have to be to manipulate elements, I wonder?

A martial arts instructor of mine once suggested trying to ignite flash paper by holding it in one's hand and imagining a line of fire running down the fire meridian in the arm. Someone told me he could divert water.

He definitely knocked people out with chi balls.


It is said that all magick is performed in the astral, so that I'm just manipulating it and it later manifests and so on and so forth.

However, the world of Yetzirah, the astral, is just the second in a four worlds path. How do I get beyond the astral level, if my magick only operates in the astral level?



>*you* don't have a well-developed energy body? what!

Takes time and years to get your energy body strong enough for the subtle to influence the material, to force your ligaments, muscles and tendons into place.

I'm eight months in on crown alone, figuring out the right amount of breath, pressure to apply and posture to lock it without getting slipped discs and damaging your spine, even then I've been forcing it and pinched the cartridge thrice, in one instance (throat) it took days to fix the damage and it was full of nerve wracking pain while i searched for the perfect breath.

I have no doubts that if I had forced the fix and failed, I would permanently damage and crush my spine in that place.

Unless you have done sports, been raised lovingly to walk with your head held high and walked with good posture since childhood, a sudden spiritual awakening, burst of energy forcing its way through your body, can be dangerous and potentially dangerous.

Goes without saying that if your posture isn't perfect your energy body is lacking, and if it isn't its going to force your physical body to snap into place.

If you do not experience ligaments moving about or already have a proud posture, your energy body is not well developed.



> can be dangerous and potentially dangerous.

derp, harmful*



>heavily researching the entities you are calling upon

This is good to create a stronger sense of what you're working with.

Reading into planetary magic would be a good idea for GOOD LRP but it'd be better if you got information on bearhearts system speciically.



Oh, wow.

Yeah, that makes sense. I've been trying to get that into place. Sounds like yoga is the thing for bridging that gap. In my case maybe a chiropractor to help things along.

I wonder if the Alexander technique is good for doing that.

I don't consciously maintain my posture, unfortunately.



I figured teaching the basics first would be good. I want to give people a simple version of the ritual which they can later expand on with the resources.

As for researching entities I do recommend it. Since it helps you connect more with the proper entity. There may be a thousand Bael's used all throughout history. You want to try narrow it down as much as you can.

Anyway the LRBP demonstration and the intro to the MPR will be out today. As for those four winds they're the old pagan components. You'll find them in Ophiel's books as well.


Admittedly I have a better energy body than probably 99% of humanity. Though I'm more interested in cultivating and strengthening right now. My main focus is bringing my body back to perfect health and strength. A perfect vessel to conquer a kingdom with.

You will want to learn how to bring up emotion. Even if it's just intense amounts of love or joy. This can be done by focusing on the heart chakra.

As for western magic check out Ophiel and any old grimoire or bearheart.

For chi powers it's half and half cultivating/strengthening and actually practicing it. You practice these powers for a week and you're going to be in a much better position than a guy who has abundant amounts of chi but has never done it.

Don't worry. When I feel the call you can bet I'll be setting stuff on fire as well. Only problem for me is that I cultivate heavy so I have loads of mental energy to do other activities like the arts. So I need enough to get me through the day and more to play with.



I'm glad someone picked up on this.

This is where stuff really gets rolling. From divine fire or the world of Atziluth which is active we manifest down into Briah - water and passive. Then it goes back to active air or Yetzira, what we call the astral. And finally back into passive earth, Assiah.

Think of it like a blanket. The need for warmth drives the divine fire or will element of it. That luminescent inspiration. Then it complexifies into the idea of "something to wrap around you". That would be the water component. A more structured and formulative part of it. On the astral or air we imagine this blanket. Noticing what kind of fabric it can be made out of, size, patterns, thickness, etc. And finally on earth each of those components are successfully manifested into an actual physical blanket.

So you may ask. "How do I bring fire into my ritual". We'll use our example of the blanket again. You wish for a blanket to keep you warm. You create a complex visualization (the air component). And then you add emotion into the mix (our water component). The emotion is a joyful glee at the newfound warmth of your velvety enveloping blanket. And then as a true magician you start to "will" this into existence. Perfectly aligning yourself with the frequency of what it is you desire, not only "knowing" it exists and exists within your grasp but "making", "forcing" it to exist.

And in good magical fashion an opportunity in "earth" or physical reality to obtain that blanket comes up. You have simply created it on a higher plane or less dense level of existence which it then manifested more densely as has been attracted to you.

Think of a swimmer. And then think of a swimmer in shark infested waters. The "fire" and will of the second swimmer are working overdrive to get them over alive. So I want you to imagine yourself in shark infested astral sea! They're gonna eat you unless you're able to properly do a ritual. But these are not just any sharks. They can go in all directions and teleport between dimensions!!





New EA. Koetting vid guys. Who wants to be my crack team of occult researchers? I need one guy to play the bongo on a lawn chair. I'll supply the bongo, you bring the chair. And another to film me while I get fucked up in a summoning circle while we're in the desert. It'll make for great youtube.


Oh yeah the spine is vital to learn about. If you have a wonky spine the electrical energy can't raise and one of your electrical centers or chakras gets maxed out. Hence a lot of people with blockages in the lower three.

We all gotta make sure to work that core and lower back.


As a side note I suggest you guys do your rituals according to the correct astrological influences. So a mercurial ritual would be done on Wednesday (And on the right hour depending on the other forces if you can). This helps to "allow" your ritual to take effect.



Hmmmm thats quite interesting. I usually consider the "energy" (like, the emotion of the newfound warmth of the blanket) at the level of Netzach, that is then wrapped into a fitting form in Hod and then manifested and so on and so forth.

So, what you're saying is that by aligning with this "raw emotional energy" you kind of make a connection with a briatic layer of reality, then with whatever specific signs (air) you use in your ritual you build some kind of wrapping around it so that it manifests in a more specific form, right?

I don't quite get what you refer to with the sharks, though. Unconscious crap that hinders the manifestation of whatever you want to manifest, or astral inhabitants in a more 'objective' sense?

Also I guess then in order to experience reality beyond the astral, the aim should be to let yourself be dragged beyond to the water component avoiding all air-like form, which would be the reason the tasks i.e. for the A.·.A.·. Zelator/Practicus/Philosophus are related to self-control up to every detail?


Dice rollRolled 11 (1d14)


>I'm more interested in cultivating and strengthening right now. My main focus is bringing my body back to perfect health and strength. A perfect vessel to conquer a kingdom with.

Yeah I'm interested in doing all the corework asap to get everything faster later.

It's helped that I stopped pursuing power for the sake of power/protection of myself/thrill of competition, because that allows me to get my ego out of the way.

I've accepted that fire element/hero archetype in me though.

I tend to go in every direction at once, so discipline/meditation is probably what I should do first, as well as journaling/culling the things I should work on now vs later/finding the middle path of working on a few things intensely and a few others slightly. It seems beneficial to combine things, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing before one masters one.

Like combined meditation + everything once one masters meditation.

I'm not sure what I want to master first, but meditation does seem like a profitable first one combined with bodywork (physical, energetic, etc).

I tend to come to realisations when writing to people but that assumes they could benefit from it somehow.

That may be egotistical. On here that doesn't matter because enough people read it that it's fairly probable, but 1 on 1 that's probably a matter of "it'll come up if it needs to or one is *that* interested in it".


>one guy to play the bongo

bongo me.

The tulpa thread and someone else saying "we are all tulpas of god" made me consider the possibility of a twin flame being a soul split in two. If we're all tulpas of god, isn't that god putting soul into beings, and then if a soul splits it goes on and on until god "breathes in" instead of "breathing out" (splitting). So, twin flames are pieces that come into the same energy/vibration and are content enough with that and playing on this plane/playing enough with the creative energy of being apart that they come back together as god "breathes in". Then it's 1 bigger soul, that goes higher until it matches vibe with another soul, until we're all god again before the "big bang"



What's your daily routine if you don't mind?



>That's what we call synchronicity.


>Start out with reading Mantak Chia's book "Awaken healing light".

could you give a suggested reading order of chia books for someone who wants to do the groundwork and then accelerate through the rest?

Naturally I'm going hither and thither and picking things out but I think Taoism/chia is a good direction and could use a little guidance on building up the bodies, since I've mostly worked on refining the mind/emotions/ bringing spirit in more rather than the body/energy.


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This picture may only serve to confuse you a little more but it's a good reference to meditate over. I'd suggest you to go check out some books on the elements like Ophiel's book on western occultism and the Chicken Qabalah.

Another example you could use is that of modifying a car. The earth is a finished product of the car. The air is the car in the workshop. What parts do you want to change? The wheels, rims, lights, furniture, glass ,etc.

Now as for fire it is to be cooler than the next guy. That feeling of firey expansion and strength is what pushed you to get it done.

You can also think of it like this. Just say you're some peasant farmer who's called to a town meeting. Your king gives a speech of expansion and domination over other lands to insight and enflame the feelings of passion of war within your little heart(martian energy pretty much). This raw quality is one way of bringing fire into a ritual.

Think over the meaning of archetypal. You want something. Peel back the layers of reality. Pick an object, think of it at the level of air - customization and options. Then of water. The real raw fundamentals of what it represents and then of fire. The simplest rawest of what something represents/ intention.

Do you want a car because you need to get to work or do you want a car because of an insecurity or ego problem? It's kinda like that. Find whatever it is and force it. Use it as your fuel to getting whatever you want.

To be honest we're working in a world and discussing one that is beyond words. You really just need to meditate over this stuff and interact with it. Invoke fire in your LRP or explore the archetypal realms.



The simplest way to give advice is to work on what you feel and are guided towards. It's a long process but you've got a lot of time to ride it out. Do what you can and take it at your own pace.

As for the tulpa thing. It's certainly something to think about. We are fundamentally just thoughtforms with a spark of consciousness. And as for soul splitting they say we're just 13 beings split up into 7 billion. Interested stuff. Anyway I'd give more of an answer and discussion to that but I'm a little washed right now.


For physical maintenance:

Every day - Stretches and joint rolling.

Several times a week - Cardio, strength training(Weights/calisthenics), balance training and martial arts(as well as core training in there)

Meditational/energy development:

Every day - Three meditation sessions. I'll do mindfulness, chakra work, microcosmic orbit, dan tien work, and other things I've neglected to mention.

Several times a week - All over the place.

I've also recently added an LBRP and MPR as well as some chi nei tsang. I feel a lot more guarded and protected during the day I have to say. As for the chi nei tsang all I can say is that my intestines hurt lol. They'll need a bit of work.



Here's a list of his teachings, step by step. There's a corresponding book for each generally.

Learn the inner smile, 6 healing sounds and microcosmic orbit first. Then go onto the iron shirt and dan tien development which is all about the body. After that is the sexual alchemy and then it's the pure energetic alchemical work.



can you explain lbrp and mpr from a daoist/yogic perspective? to me they sound like silly/inferior techniques to what's already available.


the earth is flat



Energy work wise it is inferior. Except what it wins on is that the rituals imbue sigils within your aura and call upon planetary Gods. So you are controlling the elements and planetary energies with these rituals as with daoist energy work it's all about personal alchemy and transformation.

They both have their uses. One is more a scientific form of control and the other is more like strength training.



Excellent, thank you. I got a video torrent of a lot of these already.



Yeah his vids are great. A lot easier than going through an entire book. Though his books are equally good and informative.



i have subluxations in the small of my back, should i go to a chiropractor before i do stuff?


Khan, what do you think of using music to set the mood and support evocation?



Ultimately you're the best judge for your own body. Try what you feel you're able within your own means. If you're unable to safely perform what you need then don't worry. You have much time to fix it.


Whatever helps and works for you is fine. You can even use some drums or get another person on them if you wish. Ultimately these are crutches just like the tools but you can think of them as training wheels or even spices.



fam, I have read all of your help threads and I know you always stress getting a journal to record magick work, and just to keep track of things in general.

I decided I would imagine myself in the astral getting a journal, I would not go out and buy one.

Sure enough a couple days later, I stop by my moms house, and she is cleaning some stuff out. She comes upon a unused moleskin journal and asks if I want it.

Was a great synchronicity, looking forward to progressing. Just wanna say thanks for making this info easy to understand.



Great to hear you got some results!

This is how you do it guys. Imagination - will and emotions. Use lesser magic on really small things at first just to get comfortable with it. I remember half a year ago I'd test it out with common household items and foods. It's extremely satisfying even though it's simple and basic.

Managed to attract a free sewing machine to myself just the other day lol.

Anyway guys I'll be back to making vids soon enough. This weekend has been busy as it can. I have some entertaining and handy tutorials/vids that I think will really get people thinking and experimenting with the potentials and possibilities of the mind.

Hope everyone's settled in to this new moon well.




Personally, and seeing as the root Latin word, magicus, is with a c and not ck, I'd attribute the ck to the overly phonetic spelling of old English, historically etymologically speaking it is more correct as well.


I have a specific situation in which magical help would be really great.

In my country, they reinstated the forced army duty. I am absolutely not happy with this. I finished my university, I am working on building my life, and the idea of missing out on my life for 9 months seems absurd.

The good thing is that it is a random draft. So I was thinking of creating a thought form to infiltrate and reduce the chance of me being chosen. Would you have any specific programming advice for this kind of work? I have about three weeks before the pick, I am thinking that I should probably start charging it pretty soon. Do you have any practical advice for this operation?

Also, I was thinking of summoning some energy and asking for its help as well. Any tips for evocation for this special operation?



I would absolutely recommend using evocation. Either use Belial or Paimon. Both are great to manipulate exterior human opinion and decisions/



>what if they go batshit crazy like suck out all of his energies and can't be banished?



Please get some experiences first before making comments like that. Evocation or spirit work is not as cinematic and dramatic as it is made out to it.



so what happens during an evocation?



Nothing really, it's Western Occultism aka concentrated bullshit.



Try it and see for yourself.



will I hear a voice in the environment or will hear it in my head like hypnagogic sounds? Or will I just imagine a voice with the "eye of the mind" like when you remember a conversation with someone?

Also, could you do a live evocation video and then explain what happens and how?



Hey Khan, I need help!

I always use the time after lunch for my projections tries. I become kind of sleepy and just lay down on my sofa. Since I was a child, I always crossed my eyes when they're closed and I'm sleepy, as I've found that it really relaxes me and "raises" the amount of that "ohmygod I'm gonna sleep finally, I feel soooo good" sensation. During the night, when I know that I have to sleep, I always fall asleep without problems.

However, if I'm trying to project in the mid-morning (11am or so) or a couple hours after lunch, after a while, I automatically feel a very energetic feeling, resembling almost a headache-like sensation in between my eyebrows.

1) Why every time that I try to project I seem to reach a point where, after deepening of trance, the random noises and images peak and I suddenly snap out of it and out of the mental fog of the trance and I feel suddenly completely rested (without black out of consciousness)?

2) I also found that after the vibration stage (wich by the way is becoming more and more difficult to reach) I'm in the same situation as described above: I feel vibrations, I switch my perception from my mind noise to them and my body, and suddenly all the feel good sensation and my tiredness is gone, and I'm pretty well rested and alert, completely and suddenly out of trance. Further tentatives to concentrate on my "mental noise" to reach again trance are unfruitful. Why?

3) Also if I'm well rested and try to get into trance I can't seem to reach the vibration stage, just a conscious no thoughts state while looking at the dark-orange-sparky space of my closed eyelids. Or alternatively I just talk in my head and see stuff with my mind's eye, mostly just memories or fantasies. Why?

4) If I continue to stand completely still after the vibration stage my body just starts to "scream" that it wants to be turned around. At this point I just wake up because I feel that I'm rested and that there's nothing to do and I've wasted another opportunity, and so I go read something to understand what the fuck I am doing wrong. It always happens. What should I do?



With your astral senses - imagination. I plan to do a few vids about it soon. I'm just doing a bit of cleaning of my body and don't wish to give a poor or lethargic video.


As for 4, we call that sleep paralysis. But anyway. As for what to do I heavily suggest that instead of laying in bed waiting for a projection you make it happen yourself. By this I mean actively working in your imagination.

If you're able to use your imagination and visualize with a deep enough trance state you will naturally hit an astral projection state. That is a secret technique you're not told.

It takes time but eventually you will be imagining and then the state will deepen enough that you actually "enter" it completely just like when you're in a dream (It's a similar concept).

So first be able to enter a deep enough meditation that your conscious and unconscious are merged, time no longer exist and you simply exist like in the womb. At that state you can start visualizing and using your imagination. This is the first step into astral projection. Eventually you'll enter more into your mental body than the physical body which will make it sensually real like the dream state you wish to gain. It's all practice so I suggest you get some ideas of what you want to spend your time imagining. The imagination is both the tool of the scientist and artist, so remember that.



what's the point if you're imagining everything?



Your dreams are imagination, astral projections are all imagination. You need to understand the difference between active and passive imagination. It's our tool to interface with the world beyond our two physical eyes.

Eventually instead of you imagining it, reality begins to imagine you.



so "passive imagination" is a portal to "external" information, so to speak?

Because oobes can bring you to physical places you never went to or seen.



An obe or astral projection is all viewed through the passive imagination.

Though you may interact with these using the active imagination in order to create in these worlds or to "direct" the experience. Since duality is a singular polar beam. Two sides of a circle. By that I mean I'm simpling using words to split up the functions of the imagination that are all the same faculty.

The major difference between regular "awake" meditation of what we usually think and sleep is that during "sleep" we're in a higher trance states that naturally allow the third eye to activate and produce more dmt. This is why perfect meditation is key to astral projection.



A good experiment to understand the sleep/wake states (and to get into a conscious dream or OBE state) is to consciously sleep on your back. It'll take about 4-5 hours before you hit REM state but eventually you'll consciously go into a dream state. Though I wont sugar coat things. Conscious sleep boring and tedious unless you're able to go deep enough in meditation that you no longer are conscious of time and your body.



4-5 HOURS!?

what the hell. This is so much heavier to withstand than the 30 minutes WILD technique that books talk about



Yeah. Our sleep cycle goes something like this. We have around 5 hours of delta sleep then start having Rem sleep cycles mixed in with delta sleep until we eventually wake up. Either stay conscious during a Rem cycle or consciously project via imagination. Both will lead to total immersive projections. It's not the easiest of work if your body is messed up or you're poor at meditation.

Those wake back up methods clear out your delta sleep block and allow you to go straight into the Rem sleep without having to consciously be aware for it all.

Worst case if you're hopeless at all of this you can just buy yourself a herb named "Calea Zacatechichi". Munch that up and keep it in your mouth after a couple hours sleep and you'll fall asleep consciously. You could almost say because of the taste of it alone hahah.

Either way just analyze and learn exactly what astral projections, dreams, the imagination is as well as sleep. Get a proper understanding and then you can manipulate any variables you need to make things happen.



can I communicate with people while in astral? Can I go see other planets without imagining stuff? Or should I discard my old cenception of "imagination" and accept it as an alternative sense?


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I would like to chime in here about REM sleep.

You can alter your bodies sleeping mode to enter REM nearly instantly. It's called polyphasic. I've done on a few different occasions, and once I transitioned. I did uberman when I did do it and I would enter REM within 5 minuets, usually less than 1 or 2, of laying down.

And from what I've read from others who have maintained it for longer periods of time, even years later they can still 'fall asleep' within seconds.



Depends what you view imagination as. You are a crystal reciever. You're simply using the imagination to pick up on frequencies beyond the physical world around you (or the physical world as well). You can definitely do all of what you've asked and spoken about. The astral is simply a world created by the collective emotions, thoughts, ideas and such of reality. It is a doorway into tomorrows future. As the physical world is one created by the hands and toil of todays work.

But, there are worlds beyond the astral which you may soon find. The world beyond that is of memory and data recording. Try to take yourself into the dimension, reality, plane or phase of memories. It's a little complex to describe so you may just need to experiment on your own.

With your own experiences you will come to understand how powerful the imagination is. I recommend projecting yourself into a friends room and trying to pick details about either him or the room. You know you're properly projecting once you can tell them the clothes they're wearing and some other details. The possibilities of this are limitless. Another good experiment is scrying "into" someone. You can actually go "inside" of someone and find out not only their internal state (emotions and such) but location.

The more of these strange and fascinating mystical experiences I have the more it perplexes me about the potentials of reality.


I do believe polyphasic is a great idea. I'll be going for it once my body is clean enough to handle it. I hear taking at least a nap or two is something we should all do as humans. I figure if you're going to sleep exhausted or passing out then you may have expended a little too much energy(Which is why we have the nap). Sleep is simply just phasing onto another part of the day for me now. A completely conscious experience. This is how you achieve conscious dreams as well. And damn are they entertaining though also a little confronting.

Anyway guys. This week we're heading into a full moon. That means you need to start planting both physical and mental seeds. Whatever habits, routines, lessons or experiences you wish for the current cycle all need to be performed and ingrained right now! Learn the moon cycle, learn your own cycle.



What about masturbation and OOBEs?



>Anyway guys. This week we're heading into a full moon. That means you need to start planting both physical and mental seeds.

Thanks for the reminder. I actually think I'll try polyphasic again.

>I'll be going for it once my body is clean enough to handle it.

Note about purity though, the 1st two times I did it my diet was your normal mundane GMO, meat, and hyper processed foods diet. And while those where the hardest times to transition, I'm not sure purity or inexperience had much to do with it, I don't know.

The 3rd time I did it, it was easier, maybe it was because I was sungazing, though I would personally primary attribute it to previous experience and the fact I had a partner (my wife) to do it with, again I'm not sure.

My personal advise to any one looking to do it is, collect your willpower/solidify your dedication to it before starting, as getting actually pulling yourself out of bed while you transition can be an exercise in will, especially if you are the 5 more minuets type.

Here is a diary log of a guy who did it for a few months:




What about them? Do you mean masturbation in an OOBE?

Anyway guys. New vid from Santos where he explains his understanding on the flat earth theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MX2eL-6Qnw

Should be interesting.


I mean what about masturbation? Does it affect the ability to go out of body? Does it drain some kind of energy needed to reach that state or is it beneficial to release tension and ease the reaching of the trance state?



Sadly it does eat up your vital forces which makes it more difficult to create and be a present force in higher realms. Though obviously once you have the skill you can do it regardless like most things.

I recommend doing it tantricly until the next new moon and then giving it up or keeping it as a ritual/intention thing.


Here's something you guys can do over the holiday season. If any of you have younger cousins or your friends have kids then have a conversation with them. You'll notice kids are extremely imaginative and they will talk about things inside of their imagination and dreams. A cousin I spoke to today told me of the music they compose in their imagination. More so they come to them and are also heard in dreams. There are many other things like imaginary friends which they'll tell you about.

Whether they're communicating with exterior entities or have crafted thoughtforms is probably situational.

But what I'm saying is that you can confirm a lot of occultism by interacting with those who've always been with open centers to experience it. In this field we're simply trying to get back on all levels to that perfect state of a child. The indigo consciousness level. It all sounds quite funny and ridiculous to think that all this "occult" or hidden, dark and cryptic looking stuff is simply childsplay for adults. Until of course you start to experience the wonders of heightened consciousness.

As always, keep observing. Whether it's the world around you or your own self. If you wish to know an effect you must figure out its cause. Understand the Hermetic principles to understand the universe. Think in analogy, figure out causes, understand the nature of polarities and of gender, know the cycles and rhythms and understand how frequency or light interacts.

Our left brain can analyze all of these laws separately but it is up to you to use your right brain in order to combine them all together. Understand electricity, frequency and vibration to see how they all interact and are simply characteristics of a singular force - Kether or thought.


A little note on celibacy and masturbation from the Light of Egypt is that Burgoyne notes it as an unnatural state and unneeded for him who is not yet of non physical nature(assuming he who has gone beyond or into the crown). This is not to say that the vital force be waisted or misused recklessly. I assume it would be best to use this energy via the moon. Possibly use it for alchemical or magical work during the new moon in order to bring in and push energy towards whatever you wish to slowly manifest into your life for the full moon.

Anyway. More work and thought will need to be put into this topic so we can finally rest it and put it behind us.


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How fitting, this has turned into my own Christmas present.

I've been working on transitioning back to to polyphasic. And today (my 3rd nap of this 24 hour cycle). I started dreaming in my nap, while mind-awake. I was only partially lucid, but I was nonetheless lucid. This is exciting.

I gave my dream a few pointers and nudged it a bit here and there and of course it obliged. Once I get further on track I won't be nearly so tired (as I'm still not getting as much rest as I should per nap). But this is exciting, thanks for reminder/thread/circumstances that triggered it Khan.

Note on transitioning. I've only been doing this 4-5 days now and my body is already starting to get in the rhythm again. And this time my wife is away so it is just I, and I have not been able to sungaze but maybe once every 1 days. I am however now living on a much greater degree of prana that I did before. Overall I do think it's the experience that is really contributing.

The first (real) time (which was my second attempt) I did this it took me nearly 4 weeks to start to get the rhythm and only then after a week solid managing to stick to it and hardly oversleep at all, did I really start to get over the hump into restful naps. The second (real) time I did it it took me maybe about 2 weeks, and I still often napped (much of) 1 cycle in 6 when I failed any how, but I did manage to get into it by the 3rd week.

Now I've been transitioning into it much easier. I'll still lay down every 4 hours for 20 mins regardless (and usually do some energy work or something while I wait). This is important even if you do not rest or sleep at all at it programs your body clock. I found myself actually waking myself up, at my normal 'wake up' times even without an alarm a few times. And overall requiring less sleep in transition period (Like only part of a nap in 2 or 3 hours of 1 cycle plus naps). ~24 hours ago/last 'night' I even (intentionally, other things happened) got a 'whole nights rest' set no alarm and woke up at my normal get up time of a nap, and from there got back into it without missing a beat.

Hope this helps some of y'all and happy dreaming (poly or not).



I'm glad to hear about the synchronisity. Remember that your higher self is always guiding you to exactly where you need to be. Whether we see and take notice of the signs is up to us.

Love to hear your progress. One man doing the work opens the doorway to everyone else. Keep a strong will as the rewards are immense. Either way we'll all get there eventually.

Anyway, side notes everyone. As I keep talking about the moon. Plan your life out for what you can handle in the current cycle. Bring in the new at the new moon and remove the old at the full. Take things easy as we don't need to go cold turkey in everything in a single cycle.

Healing and learning the body is the first step to taking back control of yourself. We've all been traumatized and disfigured by society. They feed us lies in the form of education, food, news, medicine, jobs and other systems which simply serve as distractions from ourselves. Start from the bottom up and build a foundation in physical reality so that we can flourish and flower in a higher spiritual reality.

If you want to get a taste of what we're trying to do then go take some psychadelics. That is the childlike state which is a perfect orbit/energy body and perfect health. The idea as always is to get ourselves into the highest vibration with infinite energy and incredible developed vessels - our own personal technology. With this you can craft reality as you see fit. You need your own goals, themes or something to motivate you. What binds you in physical reality? Fulfill it with absolute passion and ability.

Last thing I'll mention is to find your core - heart. What do you love? What is your favorite colour? relate it to a chakra. You will find there is a theme to your life for your strengths, loves and goals. Cultivate and do whatever it is that you love. This is building your own kingdom. Also, start learning your intuition. My own will give me a clairvoyant vision of what will happen in the future. Small things which show me an outcome so I can plan ahead and not get into negative or annoying situations. It's usually very simple and subtle. You'll need to be aware and take note of what is not your ego.



How can I get a stronger connection to my higher self?



The higher self is heaven or the higher three chakras. It is you in your higher frequency. Let's observe the opposite polarity and ask the question of how we would enter our lower self. Your lower self being hell or the lower three chakras signifies the physical side of you. Ego, lust, desires, survival and such. Take a look at folk who're bloated and unsatisfied with life. The ones who feed their stomaches and egos more or those who're always on high alert and always fearful from the news and other propaganda. We can then understand that anything which allows our energy to rise further than the three lower chakras into the mediator which is earth or the heart and then up into the head will bring us to our higher self. Try to understand yourself as three people. Your lower self, the inner child or your heart self and your higher self or higher intuition, wisdom and creator self. Heal the body and take up energetic exercise like yoga, tai-chi, qi-gong, nei-gong, dao-yin, martial art or even calisthenics will help. Anything that strengthens the core after all will help to rise that energy.

You are already your higher self. It's just a more perfect, higher vibrational perfect version of you. So once you know this you can begin to take steps which get you closer. Intuition will guide you.



The higher self is heaven or the higher three chakras. It is you in your higher frequency. Let's observe the opposite polarity and ask the question of how we would enter our lower self. Your lower self being hell or the lower three chakras signifies the physical side of you. Ego, lust, desires, survival and such. Take a look at folk who're bloated and unsatisfied with life. The ones who feed their stomaches and egos more or those who're always on high alert and always fearful from the news and other propaganda. We can then understand that anything which allows our energy to rise further than the three lower chakras into the mediator which is earth or the heart and then up into the head will bring us to our higher self. Try to understand yourself as three people. Your lower self, the inner child or your heart self and your higher self or higher intuition, wisdom and creator self. Heal the body and take up energetic exercise like yoga, tai-chi, qi-gong, nei-gong, dao-yin, martial art or even calisthenics will help. Anything that strengthens the core after all will help to rise that energy.

You are already your higher self. It's just a more perfect, higher vibrational perfect version of you. So once you know this you can begin to take steps which get you closer. Intuition will guide you.



So I should focus more on the 3 highest chakras? I know I have to develop every single one, I'm doing that for about 2 months now


>western magic shit

>half of the thread is bullshit post modern new age occultist garbage

>bulshit hinduist garbage in other half of the thread

Every time





>western occultism is bullshit

>eastern occultism is bullshit

what's not bullshit?



Well then contribute something yourself instead of complaining. You're just wasting loosh getting angry and frustrated.



>what's not bullshit?

The Kybalion

The Arcane Teachings

The Arcane Formulas

Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic


Mental Influence

2013 a Series of Lessons

Personal Power

Read these and you won't need to ask what is bullshit, you will smell it.



what about book of knowledge?



>trusting jewish derived occult knowledge

>trusting knowledge from the people who made a pact with a demon so their race could become 'chosen'

There's some good stuff in the book of knowledge but if you take it at face value you deserve what you get.



what would be that "good stuff" if you don't mind?



Probably everything except Merkaba. I have yet to figure out what this Merkaba thing is or if it is even real. Joy of Satan says it's shaped differently.



How exactly is Atkinson not "Hinduist garbage"?



I always like to propose a holistic method of focusing on everything equally and building a strong foundation. Learn from my mistakes that forgetting the physical side of reality and especially your solar plexus can turn you into a flat, gooey potato.

Ultimately you need to do what is in alignment to your highest self. To the most divine and beautiful part of yourself. Little by little this will open the doorway. Try to meditate over what has been said already as I'm sure it will flower into a beautiful resolve and understanding. I can go through all the technical and theoretical stuff but there comes a time when push comes to shove and words do not help because it goes beyond that. As well as everyone requiring something different to help them. But if you desire you shall gain it.


What is good is what is good to you. Information is what it is. All of it can be alchemized so that you find yourself learning the secrets of the universe from any book you pick up. It's not the book but the observer which is required to be good if you get me. Ultimately you could say that you are the book and that everything in between is to stimulate yourself. Form your own opinions from your own experience. Become a master or follow another as their slave.

Anyway guys here's some notes from the Light of Egpyt that I wrote up a while ago. I figure I'll make another thread on the qabalah once the new chan is up so I figure some seeds will do well.

First is movement which forms duality - male and female energies(Kether into Chokmah and Binah). Dao forms yin and yang.

Then this trinity is surrounded by the seven prime forces - 7 planetary energies or other sephirah.

Spirit - the active principle manifests into matter the passive.

Matter is simply a dense projection of spirit.

To get back to spirit we must learn the path from matter to spirit - in the Qabalah.

Subjective knowledge is spiritual knowledge. Objective is material.

Man is a perfect creation of his planet. Men of other planets are either higher or lower vessels - analogies of the inhabited planet.



Most of Atkinson's works are utter bullshit, almost everything except The Arcane Teaching, The Arcane Formulas, and Psychomancy is utter drivel.



I'll go through your recommended list intesively.



Clearly you haven't actually read any of his books than those ones mentioned. None of his rr"re"o"blh".Ty lilaa,credrb.

I bet you haven't read the books he wt"Pancadi".

Fucking faggot s have no legit criticism atall for Atkinson.



Have you read the Swami Panchadasi books?

Have you read anything at all other than those 3?

What about The Kybalion?

What about his book on self-healing or suggestion?

Everything of his I have read has proven to be valuable to me.



Key of Solomon Book I. Chapter VII.


hey khan, will the magic formulas like invocations and evocations work if I read them in english if I'm of a different language?



It's all based on intention. If it makes you feel any better all of occultism has been translated between languages and ideas for thousands of years.

The only exception is Qabalah where we still need to learn the Hebrew alphabet because it is based on divine proportions and occult principles.

Being both an art and science, occultism is a very loose and free flowing field to work with. We use our external to stimulate and arouse the internal which is where the true magic happens.

Anyway good luck with your incantations. Say them with emotion, force and power. Then as the energy of your own power fades wait as you hear the voices and images of another world.

Anyway for all this Atkinsons shenanigans. Guys, if an author helps you then that's great. No one needs to get salty over who's the best. You'll be guided to who suits you the best. Then you can use your intuition and have your own experiences to test the validity of the information.

I started out reading Atkinson as many others and found his works were great to give a an impression on what is possible and what is truly out there. I still to this day recommend the Kybalion to be the first occult book you study since knowledge and understanding of the seven hermetic principles is absolutely key.

Then you can branch out and find other masters to help guide you. Eventually you become the master.


Well, did my first evocation yesterday. I choose Belial.

I kept it simple, a circle for me, a triangle for him, 4 items to represent elements, candle and incense.

I got in to a meditative state, was looking at its sigil, chanting it.

What is interesting is that I dont remember much of what went on.

I do remember that I started asking questions. I think he said that I need to develop my senses more. I asked him to show himself in my mind, and I got this huge rush of energy running around and concentrating on my third eye.

It is interesting, he was quite amused by me. I explained the situation and and my desire and questions how to go along with it. His response was " Will it! " after which I started an inner chant of describing and willing the situation that I want to unfold, using my energy to fuel it, visualizing it as a force, like a beacon of energy signaling to the universe.

I did not have much to talk after that, so I thanked and said that he can leave now. Sat there for a while, quite dazed and went to bed.

Overall, interesting experience.



P.S. I did not actually see him, it was more like sparks and energy in my third eye. I think that is what he meant when he said that I should develop my senses more.




I'm glad to hear someone is doing the work.

I can recommend keeping a journal with you to write down questions, answers or even to scribe down conversations. In this kind of state we loose a lot of our memories since it's an astral state like dreams. It can be a little annoying when you forget an important answer right after it has been said haha.

One little note on seeing the spirits. We do something called materializing or forming. The evocation thread http://8ch.net/fringe/res/65919.html here has a little explanation.

Try to think of it as if you're thoughtforming and creating a body for the energy to inhabit and take form in.




I don't really want to post my babies first evocations here because I want to have a quantity of the before I talk about them. But, then again, I don't want to make you feel like your just writing for entertainment not practical advice.

Doing hobo evocations (barely any tools). Did Paimon and Bune drawing their sigils on paper with candles and incense around. Went into them without much energy, so effect was as expected. Had an interesting dream after Paimon, nothing too notable about Bune. Did Nasi from Bardon's evo book. Was in an emotional, desperate state of mind and sat in a lounge chair staring at the sigil from a laptop screen, then poured my heart out. Definitely felt more powerful response. Received a call the next day, explaining what I could do to solve my problem (aka fast response that fits my short and long term necessities).

Plan on continuing with Bardon's book for evocations. Currently setting up a list for entities to evoke from the 360 Heads of the Zone Girdling the Earth. I'm curious if evoking a different entity every day for a week might give me results or overstimulate me, so I'll probably just try and see what happens.

Hey Khan, when 8chan goes tits up, is harassing you for questions over e-mail a viable option? I'm currently at the phase where I just want to practice, not post in online message boards, but I'd definitely would want/need to discuss stuff down the road (3-6 months time from now) with someone that is further along and more or less trusted.



Don't worry over "over" evocating. I used to do multiple a day when I first played around with this stuff. And when it comes to emotion. I've also found those evocations to be very powerful. It's why we learn to draw up and use a lot of emotion in our works.

Glad to hear you're experimenting and testing things out as well.

Feel free to email me. I'm always up for discussion and such. That goes to anyone.

I do wonder where we'll all migrate to or what'll happen to 8chan. Does anyone know if we're officially moving to the new chan yet? If so I'll get to writing to compile up a new thread over there.



Okay, thanks, will try out materializing when I am interacting with an entity next time.

I remember you mentioning that you are planing to create a post about moon cycles and such? Would be really interesting to understand the basics of that. Do you have any book recommendations?

Also, as I understand, I can evoke anything right? I mean, anything that has people thinking about it? So does that mean that I can evoke Sony or Samsung lol?

Also, how do you know the difference between the power of spirits? How do you know what to evoke, from mythological descriptions alone? Is it all personal preference? For example, if I am in to indian shamanism or something, and I like eagles and animals very much, should I just evoke them, and if I like some nordic gods, should I evoke them? Is there a qualitative difference to watch out for?

Also, is evocation used for egregores only or do you summon gods as well? I guess I dont really understand the difference between the two.

Anyway, its a mouthful of questions, but doing the evocation really opened up a lot of doors I think.



I'll go over these one at a time.

For moon cycles I can't say I know any books as of yet. I've learned them from videos like that of R Budd and Santos Bonacci along with many months of personal research and experimentation. Though I will cover it in a thread soon enough. Enough to get people thinking and experimenting on their own.

Technically you can evoke whatever you want. Since you're just drawing upon whatever energy that exists. I know of some who scry to large corporate egregores. It's not always a pretty sight. In fact most of my evocations now are elemental or planetary where I call upon all forces of a certain alignment which come out.

Knowing the power of a spirit can not always be an easy job. Spirits have hierarchies which dictate their position according to that power. It's more something you learn from experience in the field as well as deduction of information. Conversing with a spirit may help.

And yes it is personal preference as to what you evocate. Whatever you feel aligned to will be the best to use as this is what you most strongly resonate with. Along with knowing more about an entity will help you.

The difference between these archetypes is mostly the persona given to them by their mythology and story.

Evocation can be used to call forth any form of astral energy be it egregore, spirit, angel, demon or Godform. The difference is that an egregore is a collective idea that survives on the people in that collective. Take a country, corporation or 8chan boardwide meme. A Godform is more of a self sustaining, powerful form which has been fed and fueled for years like Allah, Krsna or the Catholic God or Jesus.



Okay, thanks for the fast response and for support in general, my thanks goes to you.

I will look in to what you said and check out the youtube videos. I do feel that learning something about these cycles would be beneficial. I only started noticing something last month. During the full moon, certain habits of mine, really intensified, and in the period up until now, when the moon is waning, I think the ropes are a little less tight, leaving more space for new habit insertion. But I need to measure this for longer.

A bit of a side note, but I would like your opinion on something.

My ex and I used to have a pretty telepathic connection. I have actually sent my awareness to her, and she wrote back to me saying that she feels me around her(this is long before I knew as much about occult as now)

What interests me, is that one night I had this huge desire to see her. Because of circumstances, its was not possible to do this in real life then.

I remember going to bed, having these strong emotions that I MUST see her, backed up with pure will.

I went to bed and the dream that I had was nothing like I have dreamt before. First of all, I felt very conscious, and my goal was to talk to her about a specific thing. She was there, however, she was sleepy all the time, and I did read that people who are not conscious look sleepy or drunk to someone else in a dream.

Did I actually interact with her in the astral plane?( she has neither confirmed nor denied, circumstances, bla bla bla). I mean, I know its possible, but how do you know when you are dreaming, and when you are actually having a meeting with another person?



First thing on the moon. We're right near a new moon. So right now a lot of our digestion of the past cycle will be coming to a conclusion. Meaning some habits can slip away and a lot of lessons will be learned. The new moon coming up tomorrow is the time to replant new habits and seeds. It's easier and more effective on the second week in but both weeks do count. What you do for those two weeks will become your new cycle.

As for your dream. There's two things that could of happened. First is that your subconscious created her in your dream to represent a certain part of yourself. That's why I like to think of everything and everyone as aspects and archetypes of myself(This is more dream analysis kinda stuff).

And the second possibility I can see is that you've contacted her thoughtform. This honestly seems more likely because of the desire and will you used. That is a ritual in a raw sense. Now these thoughtforms could be thought of as the "background" processing of a person or subconscious. As in if you forgive or apologize to someone while in astral form you'll find they seem to integrate the apology or forgiveness in physical reality unconsciously. Maybe they start to talk to you again or act without hostility for example.

It's all very interesting to play around with this kinda stuff once you get experienced in it. You can find out practical information in this state and then spook people with it lol.





Okay…. Yea…Yea, interesting.

So if I understand correctly, each person has a thought form of them as well. Yea, that makes sense. And that thought form should be connected to the person himself…Hm very much to think about.

Hm, okay, thats a lot of great info to digest, watched some of first guys videos, now watching the second one. Thanks!


So Khan, I've been talking to a friend… He's an initiate on multiple stuff, and has experience, and is VERY knowledgeable.

He basically said that evocation is VERY risky as the entities/energies/whatever that one calls upon are not human and ALWAYS ask for something in return. He also said that only demons and very low level entities can answer, as someone HAS TO HAVE THE AUTHORITY AND GRADE to evoke anything. If one does not, then other stuff will answer.

One can't just follow the instructions and evoke spirits; an initiation and the authority, given from master to neophyte are required. If you call a demon from the Goetia a different random entity will "answer" if you don't have the appropriate authority and power to call it.

He said that you could evoke even the wrong entities accidentally, that could harm you, infest the environment and even give you schizophrenia if you don't "exit" the trance state properly. And they could even lie to you, harm you and others; you could accidentally call a spirit or an elemental that mimics the entity and deceives you and a bunch of other bad stuff.

All in all, it seems pretty risky.

Also, Jesus said "One cannot serve two masters". This means that one cannot "go up" if he tends to "go down", and that the law of balance here doesn't really apply. This means that this stuff is comparable to materialistic pursuits and the latter is incompatible with spiritual ones. And is also risky as fuck.

Now, don't get me wrong, Khan: I'm the first to go against religious induced fear. But evocations seem particularly risky, and the stuff that my friend told me means only that you put out false, deceiving AND DANGEROUS information mixed with good info here. So why exactly are you deceiving the people on this board, is my question?



>So why exactly are you deceiving the people on this board, is my question?

I think you misunderstand.

It isn't inherently dangerous, but certainly working with STS does make it more so. That said you should always use discernment, both intellectual and intuitive in dealing with anyone, but especially entities.

I've worked with entities before and if they don't want to abide by the ground rules I set ("all actions must be for the good of all") then the interaction ends before it really even starts. I've had that happen before.

Else ways I'll have a conversation or what ever with the entity. Personally I care not for who the claim to be, instead I would analyze what they said so in that I don't just blindly trust some one cus they said they where X entity.

But then again I don't really evoke looking to ever do anything that is not STO in the first place that really limits what could possible go wrong.

If you want to get into more of the STS side… Well most of what you is probably accurate, though I have not personally dabbled in that and I in fact refuse to.

>This means that this stuff is comparable to materialistic pursuits and the latter is incompatible with spiritual ones.

Not inherently so, you can find channeled material, or become a channeler yourself (of a true STO source) and grow spiritually, in a way that is to the benefit of all, as a result of the interaction. You can see this with such examples as The Law of One, The Cassiopaean Transcripts, & Bringers of the Dawn.



Conveniently this vid just came out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crDzy6vId5I Skip to around 3 minutes to get into it. Just place the full moon where he puts summer and the new moon down at winter. You can the sub in the rest. That's probably the best explanation of the cycle you'll get. Remember the same cycle is of a day, year and month. It complexifies and expands like the Qabalah the more you investigate it.


I think you should try re-read what you said clearly and calmly.

Firstly think about this. Do you honestly believe that you need someone to initiate you and that the only people with any kind of power are those with badges and grades that say they've payed x amount and have done certain order requirements?

As for deception if someone pretends to be a friend of yours can you not tell the difference?

Can you tell lies apart from fiction?

Negative from positive intentions?

I think you might also want to question your power over physical reality. Do you truly believe that using power to gain material objects leads one into corruption and the negative planes?

I abstain from throwing fuel onto the fire of explaining exactly why a lot of that is ridiculous. As proving a point and making yourself look good in the moment does not help both parties. But I'm sure anyone seeing this themselves will deduct their own answers and truths.

Instead I think it's up to you to answer your own questions in this scenario. I've had my experiences that I share and break down the how, why and what of the work to explain and teach it. You say your friend has experiences which is great. But do you have experiences? I'd suggest for you to get your own. And if you're unable due to your own reasons at this moment then I'd suggest for you to decide for yourself what is truly right for you to do.

Maybe come back in a couple weeks or months when you feel more comfortable in finding your power or feel the yearning.



>being so weak you're afraid that instead of some cool entity some little faggot neg responds and attempts to fuck your shit up

Grow a pair m8, humans aren't that weak so that any random mischievous entity can screw us up.

Either way, while the other guys already subtly called you and your friend idiots I'll try to ease your concerns that the prerequisites for many evocation rituals, if you even decide to use one, has the wizard creating protective circle or rune or whatever around the place where the desired entity shall be evoked to prevent any harm coming to the wizard.

I've personally only evoked healer entities so it's not like they could harm me but if you decide to evoke some edgy killer mcdark entity without any protection on your side, getting your loosh beaten out of you will be entirely your fault.






What tarot deck is recommended for this book?


All of this evocation stuff got me thinking.

Lets talk bluntly. What about the thoughforms of our addictions?

I mean, the statistical male spends years and years on porn. That should create a thoughform, bloated with the energy given.

I have quit porn a while ago, I also know how to withhold the energy in a sexual act, without releasing it. But the idea that there is a thoughtform out there with my precious loosh is intriguing for me.

First of all, could I bind it? Could I take it back and consume it? Could I transmute it?

If I dont. Wont it just attack another victim? It is the creation of my teenage lust. I am not sure if it should be let loose, now that I am starving it.



I have no idea, but let me speculate as to what my imagination tells me…

The thoughtform/energy is out there somewhere, and you can "reclaim" it in a sense, but you have to "prove yourself worthy" by feeling and overcoming the emotions you were feeling or were ignoring by doing the thing. So it's internal cultivation by facing past mistakes, allowing access to greater energy. Kind of an egoic/yogic cultivation of energy, as opposed to meditation that starts you at the end, Being. It makes your ego stronger, which can be negative if you don't already control it by Being.

It brings out the latent power within in a conscious way, which can overcome you if you aren't "strong" enough to let go of all that is entailed, which is more and more forever.

I wonder if it's a waste of time to re-do old energies like that; perhaps it simply enhances awareness of energy which enhances perception of power.

I wonder what greater wizards than I feel about this interpretation.

It's all terribly romantic to me.



Yea, its all very romantic indeed. I am really excited and happy that I found this path.

Anyway, one of the first things that got me thinking, when I learned that thoughtforms can survive and exist outside us, was this- what if one has a shitty addiction, or weakness or whatever thoughform. If you understand what feeds it, I guess you can start starving it. But if it is energy that can move around, why would it not just leech on the nearest person, my family or friends or so on.

So I do feel responsible for it, for spreading it around. This is why the idea of maybe transmuting that energy form or binding it or banishing it sounds interesting.

Also, part of the reason is that I simply started valuing my energy much more, and now I understand that I need to preserve it as much as possible, to perform magical acts.



Looks like it's own tarot. I'd suggest using any of the main three (Rider Waite, Hermetic and Thoth) if you're interested in picking one up. Though ultimately they're mostly all the same(except the symbolism is different depending on the orders).


You can work with it just like any other entity. Though it does have a mind of its own technically so you can't really own or control it beyond what it allows you to do.

It is now floating about in the aethers preying on poor folk who allow it in with open arms hahah. Don't worry too much about it though.

You can go to really scummy areas of town to see the influences and effects which these thoughtforms have. Especially a seemingly innocent area like a shopping district(food and liquid addicts are some of the worst addicts). Once you get out of a decent radius you'll feel like a weight has been lifted and all the parasitic thoughtforms which were gnawing at you have gone. It's a fun experiment to see how much banishing and barriers can help. Or another one is to go to different boards and see what thoughtforms are being expressed and what the board egregore encompasses.

I first had the horrific realization of the reality when someone showed me their video-game waifu character. Imagine how many people create thoughtforms for their fantasies? At this point I think invoking Miku to improve your singing will help you more than Apollo hahaha.

Anyway if anyone is interested in this kinda stuff I'd suggest you to ponder over it and then run some experiments of your own. There's much to be learned in this field of inter dimensional mental hyjacking, thoughtform shenanigans.



>At this point I think invoking Miku to improve your singing will help you more than Apollo hahaha.

Lol, and it would not surprise me, given the sheer number of those who so wantonly feed her loosh now-a-days.



Yep. The idols we see today are the archetypal Gods of the past. They're ingrained in us. You just need to dig a little deeper to find out what they represent. But the rules still apply. I know it was a popular thing for regular folk to invoke James Bond for a little confidence.

As we see a lot of this stuff is simply the science of childsplay.

Pick a character you know well that applies somehow in your life or what you wish to do and invoke it to perform a task, etc. It all sounds a little silly, just pretend you're someone else, put on a new mask. But it provides interesting results. You can do a similar thing with removing or briefly wiping your ego. There are even some folk with so many masks that they loose touch with who they really are. A new mask for each person as they say.


Hey Khan, what is the relationship between evocation and energy work/body? I don't do any energy work beyond MPR as I feel I would be spreading myself too thin. My focus is meditation for mental cultivation and Western evocation for practice.

Am I short changing myself? What benefits might Eastern energy work provide to evocation?

Another question, have you ever evoked to physical manifestation? Is this the ultimate goal, or is mental enough?



If you're more focused on western practices then exercises like MPR or LBRP are quite enough. We can run into problems of spreading ourselves too thin in this kind of field(I've too many practices and have figured that out haha).

I like to think of energy work as a general all round supplementary and benefiter. Since it's all about opening up the body from tension, healing it and pressurizing it. You'll find it just generally helps in all fields. I've personally found that I'm more aligned to internal energy work because of my health interested nature. Which has lead me to completely prioritize it and keep magic as a sidearm which I pull out whenever required.

Ultimately go with what you feel more aligned to. But either way they both work without each other but do supplement each other(As many things do).

I remember spending quite a bit of time attempting full manifestation. Though due to tricky situations I could never relax myself into a deep enough trance(our family or housemates don't always take kindly to this kind of work hahah) or had developed the proper psychic faculties to properly pull it of. The best I got was partial manifestations with an unformed body.

After that I ceased to bother since mental and astral seemed to work just fine.

I have a couple evocations on my list coming up so I'll dedicate some time to a full manifestation now that my abilities have refined and progressed to a suitable level.

As for it being an ultimate goal, yes and no. I can't say there's any ultimate goal but it is something you'll unlock along the way among other things.


Done another evocation after Belial. I choose Paimon this time.

I think I am starting to see the picture now. These energies represent the potential configurations, the nodes of access, different functions. Its like having a telephone to some shop in another town or something. You tune in, and you get access to that energy, you can then understand it, feel it, and if you want, impulse it to manifest more in your life.

It was interesting, that with Belial, I really felt a more of a " no law can hold me, it is my will above laws". While Paimon was…… More commanding? Its like different degrees of a similar thing. More direct.

I wonder if the 10 sephira can be considered as the generalized nodes of access(not sure how to describe it), and western magic as a more of a … differentiation of the energies, in to more niche energies….


>I think I am starting to see the picture now. These energies represent the potential configurations, the nodes of access, different functions. Its like having a telephone to some shop in another town or something. You tune in, and you get access to that energy, you can then understand it, feel it, and if you want, impulse it to manifest more in your life.

Yes! Exactly! Sticky that, put it in bold and caps lock! Each energy is a different archetypal potentiality.

I must also say the qualities and personas of these energies are all so interesting and entertaining.

>I wonder if the 10 sephira can be considered as the generalized nodes of access(not sure how to describe it), and western magic as a more of a … differentiation of the energies, in to more niche energies….

That's exactly right! That's why we like to use comical visuals that the spheres are the home, frequency, plane or gateway of these energies.

This is beautiful. You've done the work and in doing so have managed to come up with your very own understanding.

This is how we learn! Through experience of some level(mental or physical). As I say, our own understanding is the only one which will serve us.

You're very much on the right path. I'm glad to hear of your experiences.



Thanks a lot for the support!

I actually have an unrelated question…in regards to dreams.

I want to try to retrieve information from a dream. Have you ever done something like this?

Last nights dream was something different, I wandered to a library in the mountains, and met an entity there. What was interesting was that the entity noted that "look where you wondered", increasing my awareness of the situation , then it showed some diagrams of what seemed some basic functions-upward, downward etc. It also mentioned that I am on the right path, and that will only get more fun and interesting from now on.

Now this is the point that I am interested. She(it morphed between a female and a feminine male) gave me a letter, and instructed me to "open when I get back home" …

It really intrigued me, because the whole feeling of the dream was off the charts, I was aware of the laws, I was operating with my will and feeling with my intuition, I was aware of the presence of the entity as something different then regular dreams.

So now I wonder what is in the letter.

Do I care too much about this? Are dreams just random occurrences in a mix, or can we find some insights and guidance there?

I guess the question of general memory/information retrieval is an interesting one to me.


I've been reading all of Uncle Bearheart's stuff lately, in and out of order.

I stumbled across this "secret of magick" in his blog. I think I understand the concept, but I don't understand the practical application of it. How do you do it?

>The formula for manifestation is a current that runs down from Uranus (Kether), recollects -refocuses in the Moon (Yesod) and is beamed down into physical manifestation into Earth/Terra (Malkuth). However, a human must reverse the current back up the tree of life, and then allow his or her own ideal/intent to flow back down into manifestation.

>You are planting a seed in the sky so to speak and letting the reality of your desire grow downwards. (You should all send me like a couple thousand dollars… I just basically gave you the absolute secret to all magic/sorcery, something NO ONE else has ever placed in such simple terms)

How is this put into direct practice?



You sure can learn and gain information from dreams. In fact a lot of my occult studies and even a lot of my knowledge as a producer has come from dreams.

What we know as dreams are simply unconscious astral projections. I learn a lot more from conscious astral projections as well(Just remember to write it all down!!!!). This is what we call pulling light from darkness or tapping into divine wisdom and knowledge(Even your thoughtforms and tulpas can visit you in these dreams).

Go into a deep meditation state. Enough that you can work with your imagination. Invoke whatever archetype you wish to work with. For example you want to know the logic behind something so you gaze upon the mercurial sigil and align your heart vibration to it. Then ask for a guide and request what you want to know. You may be told something. Try to do this very loosely. Just allow it all to happen.

I'm trying to recall what I experienced the other day. I believe it was about using geometry to figure out and explore music. Other than that I found out the chi pressure tech from this same method (the energy work practitioners can probably tell you about it). Whatever hobby you have, learn about it in this way.


Basically you imagine something, you desire it enough to do something about it and then you do something. First all of reality must be made in the non physical, mind or imagination. Then we must bring it about in the present with our desires.

Kether is the mind - imagination. Yesod is the desire. This is the emotion you pour into a ritual and intention. Then Malkuth is the manifested past. So the result of the ritual.

I'm preparing to do an intro lecture on the Qabalah soon so that'll have plenty of info to plant some more seeds.


Reaching a theta state seems essential to evocation. How can I tell when I am in this state? How do I best achieve this state? I have been doing meditation for 6 months, but to be honest I don't know how to sense the difference between alpha and theta.



Evocation tutorial up.


Alpha is the state where you prepare and relax yourself. theta is simply one step deeper. If you enter meditation, you're already at alpha. Theta comes on within a couple seconds to minutes of that. The best indicator is that you enter your internal mental world more than the physical.

It's simply just the state where you're able to properly use your imagination. No simpler than that. If you close your eyes and focus your mind, you're there. You know that state when you wake up in the morning and have not stood up? That's around theta and delta.



Thank you for the explanation. I've been doing evocation a few times a week and wondered if I have been doing it right.

You refer to kind of "static" effects. I see kind of little "electric dots" (not floaters) racing around my vision when I go into a trance (same effect when I sit outside looking at blank paper). Is this what you are referring to?

>Evocation tutorial



File: 1453883096639.jpg (1.2 MB, 2192x2680, 274:335, 1451896438026.jpg)


That's exactly right. This is believed to be energy. You've hit theta once you see that. My sister tells me that she sees thicker clouds at graveyards in this static rain.

I'm going to repost a picture given by another informative anon in his information thread. I think it's vital to help everyone assimilate western magic and syncretise it with their own understandings.



Just a heads up Khan, your video blanks out from about 10:50. The screen goes black and there is no sound, though occasionally text flashes up on the screen.

Also, could you please upload the GOODS evocation you mention? Why do you prefer it?



No way! That's when the evocation happens!

Oh geez. I never knew this kind of work can mess up cameras.



Heh, maybe the negs are butthurt at all the good info you put out. Or maybe the spirit you evoked is a bit camera shy.

Will you record it again?



>maybe the negs are butthurt at all the good info you put out

Yeah man. I had two power outs trying to upload the evocation video lol.


I managed to grab the original file and upload it.



>You refer to kind of "static" effects. I see kind of little "electric dots" (not floaters) racing around my vision when I go into a trance (same effect when I sit outside looking at blank paper).

It all makes a lot of sense to me, because I see these static effects all the time, and during meditation or falling asleep they become stronger.

Are there any other helpful signs like this?

I usually just sit in total emptiness for half an hour and the static becomes stronger, but that's it. I feel a bit more groggy maybe.


File: 1453982066259.pdf (120.19 KB, Conjuration.pdf)


Theta is simply just a state which allows you to access the mind and imagination easier. If you are awake and alert you're in beta. Once you start to relax you hit alpha. Then once you've started the meditation you're in theta.

The problem is that people are over thinking it. If you can close your eyes, focus on your breathe and calm yourself then you're in theta. It's not that you start hallucinating fireworks and pixies or some other cosmical phenomena. It's quite simply that you're in a relaxed state which is easier to use the imagination or inner world.

Now that you know this, go of and do whatever it is you need to do.


It's not so much that I prefer it since I don't use any. But I suggest if you do want to use one that you go hard.



Inner world? I'm either thinking about nothing at all and just sitting there or get mundane thoughts like "I wonder if farts are a positive symptom of digestion or negative?"

I was hoping I'll go into half-dream and receive a sign there that will teach me who I am; what primal archetypal energies reside within me.


This thread is amazing, seriously thank you. However, can you discuss the planetary hours and their importance as you referenced in your evocation video >>69270? Do these hours, as represented by the moon and 6 other planets, sort of act as a magnifier for the entity one is evoking? Sort of like a radio wave being magnified by an amplifier to be able to travel farther? Do you have any recommendations on where I can learn more about this system? A google search brings up alot of watered down horoscope stuff.


File: 1454081374754.pdf (165.19 KB, Planetary spheres.pdf)


Inner world is the imagination.

Go into your meditation with an intention. And then figure out a way to initiate or reach that intention. How you achieve this is a test for yourself. In doing so, more knowledge of the mind will become yours.

If you have trouble then come back and I'll give you some methods to use.


>Do these hours, as represented by the moon and 6 other planets, sort of act as a magnifier for the entity one is evoking? Sort of like a radio wave being magnified by an amplifier to be able to travel farther?

That's right.

I've included a pdf that'll get you started. Other than that I'll be doing a Qabalah lecture which is simply just the ancient cosmology so it'll cover each sphere or planet. Your last place to look are planetary magic books. Other than that try to ponder over the spheres influences and how they react one you've internalized them a little more.



Is there any reason why Neptune and Uranus are left out?



Technically they're out of our octave in a manner of speaking. It's similar to why we don't deify and study suns outside of our sol. Though some like to represent the logos or chokmah as Neptune and the monad or Kether as Uranus.

I was quite confused at all of this as a beginner and it turned me of a lot of this kind of work. Though I can assure you now in my current experience that it is all quite functional and proper.


I read that during evocation you can ask for familiars.

Do you recommend doing that, and what can you expect?


File: 1454625146788.png (641.16 KB, 444x751, 444:751, approach.png)

He has been invoked.

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