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Esoteric Wizardry


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Open query to le Smileberg:

I need an explaination, I'm tired of the bullshit. I'll go straight to the point.

You read and swear over IIH. IIH is all about equilibrium in one's self.

If you actually did any of it, you'll know that the elements excercises are actually for achieving physical and mental balance.

If you actually did any of the excercises, you'd have the solution to 80% of your questions… Why are you asking questions like these:

>"Does that work?"

>"Can I do combo wishes?"

>How can I do shapeshifting ?

>How can I get rid of acne?

When the answer to these are in IIH ?

Honestly, what is wrong with you ?

You appear like a new age retard who just happened to skim over IIH and 3-4 books of WWA, calling himself a magus ready for enlightenment… Supposedly, you have been reading for years (4?). But you still have no idea of how to change your face ?

You still have no idea of how to create a powerful entity to help you in your spiritual developpement ? Even NAP, a book for housewives and beginners has a fucking method on how to channel a part of your higher self… Fuck, the whole point of the Great Work is interacting with your higher self and becoming it, but you wouldn't kow that, would you ?

Do you really think you can grasp something experience based just by reading books for years. That's like saying "I can command a whole space exploration program because I read books and played a bit of kerbal space program!".

How dumb could you be ?

>psychological projection

Yes, absolutely, let me repeat it again, How dumb COULD you be ?

You say you have crazy visualization abilities and you can visualize HUD a la minority report…Why don't you visualize a representation of your subconscious and fix it? Why don't you create servitors, thoughtforms and entities to do mental and astral surgery over you ?

>inb4 mental and astral are the same

Let me point you to Dharana, which you apparently don't know about since you dont' meditate.

>doesn't meditate

>calls himself an occultist

Saying the astral and mental are the same is like saying emotion and thought are the same…I hope that statement is sufficient to tell you just how wrong you are…

Please, don't spew lies that have long been debunked and clearly written about since WW2…

Astral = emotional realm, Mental = mental realm. Why do you think that the chakra system and the tree of life are also a map of your endocrinian system ? Maybe that is why your life is such an emotional wreck… Confusion between emotion and concentration…Read the book Concentration by Mouni Sadhu, since all you are apparently able to do is read…

You said you can astral travel, so why do you want to use a wishing sign to wish for a succubi ? Are you so repulsive even succubi's don't want your loosh ? If your guide to attracting a succubi worked, why need something else ? If you could AP, why not just evoke Toth and ask him questions as to why you can't access the akashic records ? If you could AP, why don't you use it to have physical sex? Hell you don't even need to AP to do most of that…

If you can achieve one pointedness, why not influence the thought of others to bend them to your will instead of bitching about your boss not paying you enough ? IIf you can achieve one pointedness, why not using it instead of using /4chon/ as your anchor ? If you can achieve one pointedness, why aren't you successful in any shape or form ? If you can achieve one pointedness, why aren't you commanding change in your life from that state ?

If you can do powerfulz magikal operationz why not do them and resolve your issues in life ?



>inb4 I'm not finished with my reading, faggot

But you are finished with your reading when someone gives you a wishing sign ?

You are ready to spend time on that ? But not improving your life in a more powerful way through other occult means?

Why would you need that sign to wish to become a shapeshifter or for a succubus encounter or a spiritual guru, or that your eyesight becomes perfect, or for changing your skin or DNA or any other of your wishes ? Seriously, reading is just an excuse to cloud yourself, creating a net of dellusions to make you think you are productive and advancing on the path, while you are just mentally masturbating.

Why do you need to finish your reading when you could read and absorb information using occult methods ? Why don't you use the power of your subconscious to read a book in 20 minutes ?

You'd read any reading list in less then a couple week and REMEMBER it all, since that seem to be an issue of yours…

Seriously, why ? I have speculations, as you can guess, but I want to know the real answers. Why aren't you helping yourself ?

Why are you so full of yourself, when if you combine all evidence, you have a clear proof of your incompetence ?

Why do you reject others help, when others have been practicing this art for longer then you ever did ?

Why would you even talk about something you never done, hell, scratch that, something you never tried ?

In advance, thank you for your time and answers Smiley. I hope that by this, you will be able to reestablish the truth in the minds of many.

>inb4 rule 2

You are a funny man


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Are you so repulsive even succubi's don't want your loosh ?

You just got roasted son.


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>If you can do powerfulz magikal operationz why not do them and resolve your issues in life ?

Because magic isn't real :^)



Because magic doesn't* real

>*tips fedora seductively in your general direction* ;^)


I think the biggest ruse this board had was that smileberg is not one person, he's many.

He never used a tripcode, he rarely posts as the moderator. All he uses is a smileyface and the flag for his cult.

Anyone here can be smiley, including me. Stop generalizing. If you want to ask people questions, refer to them as people, not smiley.




Le real smiley actually answered on /4chon/…

tl;dr: he's a dellusional faggot trying hard to be less dellusional, the fact that he is mentally ill doesn't help.



Where in Initiation into hermetics does it say about shapeshifting?



^ applies to everyone.


New to this board..

>inb4 lurk more

Sorry I'm impatient.

What is the point of this wall of text? Is it aimed at a certain individual? Anyway, I hope someone wants to talk about some of the things you mentioned.


>Why don't you visualize a representation of your subconscious and fix it? Why don't you create servitors, thoughtforms and entities to do mental and astral surgery over you ?

This is not actually hard. I've done it. I didn't know any of the vocabulary or that this was a systematized "thing" at the time. If anyone need any advice on this subject I'll be here to help now and then.

>so why do you want to use a wishing sign to wish for a succubi ? Are you so repulsive even succubi's don't want your loosh ? If your guide to attracting a succubi worked, why need something else

Working out and doing qi gong helps a lot. Being a fat lazy bum living on fast food will have the same effect on succubus as it has on regular girls. If you have no chance with girls irl you probably have no chance with succubus either.

>If you can achieve one pointedness, why not influence the thought of others to bend them to your will instead of bitching about your boss not paying you enough ?

What is "one pointedness" ?



>Is it aimed at a certain individual?

it's aimed at Smiley, the board owner and creator of /fringe/



interested as well, is it really far ahead?so far in the 4 chapter


OP to you I tell you that you have fixed ideas about me and if you want to understand what I really do you must approach me like a stranger, without assumptions, and talk with me in the right way to find out what I know. I don't care about all the shit you've written about ITT as it's mostly Omran-tier delusions and butthurt.

If you want to tell me something I might actually be keen to hear you out on though at this very moment I am in the predicament of really needing rest, my body being really sore, but I am bursting with energy and my muscles refuse to relax and instead stay in a tense state. I have tried forcing myself to be absolutely still and tired to sleep for hours tonight and when I lay down and don't move it just ends up hurting my muscles very badly as they do not untense.

If you have any suggestions as to efficient means to overcome this issue and gain conscious control over my muscle tension or somehow find a way to force my body to stop being stiff and hurting itself tell me but do spare me the insults and irrelevant shit.



*tips fedora*


Just a warning in advance I've read shitloads of stuff already on relaxation from levakama so if you have any suggestions they better be novel. I'm guessing some kind of purging of nerve force might do the trick? Who knows. I actually have one method that definitely works but it has drawbacks that have made me decide not to use it at all tonight and hopefully never again.



Go outside into the sun, run around and do physical exercises like running and bodyweight shit until you get exhausted.

Then you do some more till you feel like you've expended all your energy and are ready to spew your wizard guts out.

Go sleep and relax.

Or have you, I don't know, tried pouring your excessive energy that apparently can't be used for treating acne into some other outlet to relax and unwind?



not smiley/10

gr8 b8 m8


smiley believes in 'faking it till you make it'

he hopes if he says hes doing a bunch of bullshit one day he'll trick his subconscious into actually believing and carrying it out


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is this movie any good tho





Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension? That's what google gave me.

Reminds me of: >>61460

>OP finds a system.

>System works

>OP believes everything else is bullshit.

Why was this bumped?



>Why was this bumped?

Learningcode got butthurt and spammed the board. Sorry about that.



Also IIH = Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon (I assume)



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My sides…

And what makes it more hilarious is it's truth.

If smiley was even half the wizard he claimed to be his problems would not be and he emotional and mental state would be saintly calm and stable.


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I've studied this smiley phenomenon a long time and all I can say is that :

>>In mother russia loosh farm you.

Smiley is anon and this is who he will allways be, I don't see why he is relevant to the attainment of our goals as individuals.



>implying all those giantess or vore threads are good for attainment of goals.


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