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I have come to the conclusion that women are only capable at best of a very shallow world view, that New Age and dumbed down religion suits them very well because of this, and that there are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS not even a "1% of women" it is ZERO. The only possible scenario in which a woman might ever display any wisdom is as a medium/channeler for a male spirit acting through them.

What sets apart the good women from the bad is some of them achieve enough insight to realize this about themselves and submit wilfully to the superiority of man. The others can never live harmoniously with man because they are unwise and unwilling to receive the gifts of fire. These must be detected and discarded right away, beware of moderate women who want to take some kind of "middle ground", they are just feminists/egalitarians self-censoring themselves to try to appease you.

If you haven't rejected the women of this world already /fringe/ you shoul definitely do so. Test every woman that tries to barge into your life, thoroughly, and in a timely fashion. You don't want to become emotionally invested in one of these succubus. Never pursue women. Women are like a drug you become dependent upon, it is better to live without them, as they will invariably damage you later on like any drug.

Any human woman incarnate in this world at this time should be regarded as salt (alchemical salt). Do not approach a woman thinking she has any virtue of her own. They are merely vessels for the male's power and you must be strong enough to dominate her and caste out her defective programming. They are shallow that can only feign knowledge and understanding.

Go ahead women of /fringe/, tell us it isn't true. It doesn't matter if you've read the books or had some experiences. You're all blustering idiots without a man to set you straight.

There's no point in trying to find a good woman the only right and proper course for man is to make a good woman. The women of this world are chaff with inferior minds that must be intensively reprogrammed or banished so a superior program can be put in place before they are of any use. We don't need women, they need us, they are mediocre beings.

A woman only deserves pity at best, scorn most of the time.

Don't get trapped by one. Don't take women seriously. Don't treat them like they are an "equal" ever. Only your fellow male wizards will actually be worthy of correspondence and association and working together with. Women can't work together on anything and get shit done ever.


Fuck I lost the other half of my post. So much writing… took an hour to do all that fuccccckkkkkkk…

tl;dr of what was lost is:

>succubus are just women not in physical body, they aren't another species of demons, and they only tend to be promiscious and to have sex with you because you evoked or attracted them with your lust

>some ranting about how as your occult powers increase, more and more attractive women come to you, and don't let your insecurity about being unloveable or never finding more women cause you toget tied down to the first ones … in fact just keep rejecting all the women that come to you as they will all be spiritual deadweight

>only suitable female companion, wife, associate, or whatever for a wizard is one the wizard made himself or evoked using a very powerful ritual to find the perfect woman to accelerate your own spiritual evolution

>a man must make his woman not find her

>some other stuff I can't remember now



species OR* demons

Women are spiritual cancer that have to be left behind if you want to advance beyond a certain point or they will hold you back indefinitely. It is best not to get tied down to one to begin with. No woman on /fringe/ is EVER going to succeed in getting very far in magick without a male to drag her along and most are too inferior to even be capable of being dragged along.


>Brainless Sissy Wizard cuts penis and proceeds to lecture about women :3




>wanting to be a woman

>cutting your dick

What a failure of a man.


Four years ago I would have agreed with OP's point of view but after growing up I realized I was just expressing the anger I felt at feeling that I was incapable of interacting with women on the same level as I saw other people doing, specially if we talk about men who are experts in NLP or PUA. These men can read a woman like a fucking book, and they know what to do and what to say to get them to basically do ANYTHING. Which is usually nothing more than just agreeing to sleeping with them. I have never seen a pua guy try to use his skills for anything other than fucking. It's a shame because it would definitely make a lot of people around you happy if you used those techniques only for "pure" intentions.

If my impressions are correct, OP just finds himself in the same situation. He wonders why he isn't more successful with women, and his cognitive dissonance is resolved by assuming that women are the ones responsible for this lack of satisfaction. He might also be feeling confused as to why he's feeling this way, instead of stoically ignoring every feminine aspect that manifests into his life, as he would expect a "wizard" would do.

As to why we need women…well, some men really don't need women. I myself have a very feminine energy (if you believe in poles, energies and all that crap) so I need to talk to women, I need to spend time with them and just find myself in social situations quite often. Most men don't need this, most men are linear and directed. These are the men who need women the most. A lot of people here in /fringe/ probably spend a lot of time reading,buying books, stacking books on top of each other, more and more books because more means better, always moving in a linear fashion. Women tend to beat around the bush, move in circles, do things we don't expect. Both energies united are more powerful than one single manifestation.

Also women are cute. wtf OP go find yourself a qt gf and u'll be much better off.


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Women are not inferior to men. They could not have the same power to conquer and dominate, but they are not in fact inferior. For every positive force, there is the need to be a negative one. Women and men are two different "energies" from the same being, the human being.

Nothing in this universe works without an equilibrium.



>the superiority of man

you are pointing in the right direction, though not quite into the light, perhaps read more. consider man the resolute, enduring, *truth without desire*. consider woman the chaos, change, *desire without truth*. life is the joining of man and woman. we could remove women from the equation (or remove men, as some feminists would like), but in either case we would also be corrupting the source of life itself.

I'm not really talking about physical human reproduction either, which is already a perversion of the higher forms, as least as it is in our current age, which is reproduction without love. reproduction without love is not the creation of life, though it may seems like it in the material sense. material sexuality and gender are perversions of the higher concepts, and thinking about gender in terms of breast, penis, and vagina, etc. will only lead you in circles. consider that at every level, life is the joining of the male and the female, even where gender is not based on genitalia. gender is a fundamental property of creation. that said, many western women have lost their way with feminism, and women have become by and large very ashamed of their own gender. these women should be avoided for now (I think the feminist bubble will burst soon, as it is completely unsustainable. the recent rise in homosexuality seems correlated with the recent rise in dominant feminist mothers emasculating their sons, and the result will be the end of many bloodlines. feminism is an incredibly subtle) unless your own truth is strong enough to shine light on their feminist insecurities.

if this post didn't make any sense, I would gladly try to write out a more thorough explanation if anyone is interested. I'm high right now.



>feminism is an incredibly subtle

>feminism is an incredibly subtle and clever form of population control (and, of course, was funded by the rockefellers who themselves are puppets of the hidden masters who make sure humans are progressing at a comfortable pace)


and to all you men who are frustrated at your lack of success with women, perhaps you are looking for the wrong kind of woman. women generally choose their mates, make their desire obvious, and wait for the man to act. everyone on this board is crazy, and crazy men only attract crazy women (crazy = old soul). all your mundane friends are successful with women because there are a lot of like-minded mundane women to choose from. you have fewer choices, but fret not for virile crazy women are abundant and will find you if you advertise yourself. Be a lighthouse, and let women find you. If you try to do it the other way around, you will end up just creeping out a bunch of mundane women.


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Smiley, have you considered Tantric homosexuality? Many ancient pagan wizards practiced it as a way of retaining their loosh.



I believe a lot of men these days are lost because most big groups of people these days would consider a man a loser if he doesn't sleep with many women. So while we tell them to "not chase after women", all day long we have sexual ideas pushed down our throats.

Is isolation necessary? Could it be that society is so confused that it is better for some of us to get away while we learn to deal with our problems, and then come back with a superior understanding and acceptance of the shortcomings of "mundane" people?



You are a dependent low consciousness vore attempting to shame superior men but failing.


Eh… Not so fast. Lol at this blase adoption of Eastern shit.

Who devised this enlightened system in the first place? Undoubtedly, men.

These polarities are within every individual living being, not necessarily a gender behavioral diagnosis.

Lol… Equilibrium. Once that moving goalpost is achieved, next thing you know women will be using subversion tactics to gain total control and we know how that goes… Kikes are matriarchal. So, with women it is never a fair playing field. I'm sure our fore-bearers attempted to teach us something along those lines… Let's not digress.

Not saying that equilibrium in alchemical terms is unsustainable, for that is the inherent goal of Humanity to rise from the fallen state.

Everything OP has said is rather profound. So profound I feel like it rejuvenated my interest in this dead, egoistic board.

A powerful sect called Spiritual Satanism once had a high priestess who brought forth many teaching and meditations, but that organization has since fallen into disarray. Her example is that even though she was in direct communication with The Gods and such, she still failed to properly discern truth and now has shills running rampant over her forums like many cats. Who knows what her male keeper is doing (he was a National Socialist who she took ideas from), but once again this reinforces that women are always at the whim of the direction of others for their benefit or detriment.

Another interesting example. I recently did a subliminal audio course, six months long, that is supposed to turn me into a "Sex Magnet". I completed it successfully. And since I have risen above most base sexuality through learning, women no longer interest me! I see more sexual power and beauty in my own form than theirs! I feel that, to be content, I would have to actually create/attract my own woman! They are simply not worthy in the slightest. There is no comparison to male power/beauty.

This is simple, we can get into other more concrete concepts like how we learn that woman was formed from Man in the Bible, how they are from a different 'seed', to the etymology of fe-male and wo-man like Tsarion shared. It should be required learning for the discerning occultist and there is plenty of new ground to break… or perhaps rediscover.



Women is like food. You don't have to eat food, it's a fucking illusion, and you'll be much better off once you see through it. They are inferior. If you tie yourself down to a woman, you will never succeed in this incarnation in freeing yourself from all of the constraints of an existence dependent upon physical causes.


They are in fact inferior you brainwashed retard. Go fuck a worm, we all bleed red.



I don't have a problem with feminity and masculinity as metaphysical forces in our universe.

I have a problem with the vaginiggers walking around on this planet who are hopelessly corrupt and inferior.

I'm sick of people confusing the feminine principle with these abominations we call women on Earth.


Stop projecting your own inferiority onto me, I don't want a woman of this world and her problems, she will hold me back. It's not possible to advance spiritually with a human woman. Buddha left his wife and children for a good reason.



shit, wrong flag



No offense but you really remind me of smiley



>Another interesting example. I recently did a subliminal audio course, six months long, that is supposed to turn me into a "Sex Magnet". I completed it successfully. And since I have risen above most base sexuality through learning, women no longer interest me! I see more sexual power and beauty in my own form than theirs! I feel that, to be content, I would have to actually create/attract my own woman! They are simply not worthy in the slightest. There is no comparison to male power/beauty.

Anon, you understand me exactly! This is exactly how I feel about women! I wouldn't say "attract" though, like you all women are extremely attracted to me, but they don't measure up. I feel a woman has to be created and I feel that I have to express my masculine power by imposing upon and reshaping the world to my will. Most of the anons responding in this thread shaming me are clearly attracted to any whore that'll give them a glance. I doubt they have any real standards and that they are drawn to women because of how effeminate they have become. Real men that embody the male principle strongly are creators, imposers, dominators, etc. but most of this board is full of effeminate New Age faggots who want to please everyone, just get along, etc. and hate being men and are afraid of their own masculinity when they feel aggression or other masculine feelings.

I don't want a broken woman who is corrupted by the influences of lesser men. I want one that is my own creation, totally devoted to me, which can receieve my superiority willingly.

Anyone claiming women are not inferior in this thread is actually subverting and blocking the interplay of feminine and masculine principles. Literally freezing it up. A woman is supposed to be submissive and know she is blessed when she has found the right man to submit to. Every woman is a product of male/masculine influences and I want my woman to not be full of the shit some effeminate jewish male put into her.

Any male who settles for an inferior woman of this planet is undermining himself.



Thank you for letting us know that you are that "Adept" anonfag.


>I want one that is my own creation, totally devoted to me, which can receieve my superiority willingly.

Get a pet you retard.



If you're the only guy here posting with that initiate flag then you've helped me out in the past on 3 occasions I believe, I have a question, where do you get all your info from? As for this gender thing, i'm still neutral on it, I don't see why it was necessary to write this tbh



I selected the wrong flag was all, it's literally one off, and I don't know what boogeyman you have formed in your mind about an adept anon because I don't browse here often enough.


>Get a pet you retard.

Cut off your dick retard. Initiation Into Hermetics even advises being recluse and avoiding all other people including a woman, most of Franz Bardon's advice concerning woman is more along the lines of "if you're already fucked up and are in a marriage then…" but otherwise you want to avoid that shit.

If you regard women as equal or you strive for equilibrium you are striving for stagnation, mediocrity, and a wasted incarnation. I aim to slingshot myself into higher consciousness and actually control the elements and live for hundreds of years and move away from the "fallen state of man". That's not going to happen if I look for equilibrium and start regarding the inferior as equal to the superior.

Astral > Physical

Male > Female

Why settle with a broken woman who has received all manner of corruption from inferior men that you now have to cleanse out of her? Why not make a woman from scratch then?

I'm going it again. To make a woman useful here, you have to banish her soul / basically eradicate her mind and substitute a new one, totally reprogram the body and put your tulpa into it. They're only good for being the alchemical salt.

Otherwise you're going to be stuck with a bitch who'll still be a useless cunt in 10 years time because she clings to all manner of nonsense other males filled her mind up with. They are spiritual deadweights.



With this thread I am trying to challenge and shake up some wrongful ideas that have become too dominant on this board.

The women of this world are corrupted and stand in the way of men. They are not properly tuned to their mates. When you move up into the higher densities, there is a sort of narrowing of energies, in which you only tend to find those most compatible with you. Thus 4D women are better for the aspiring wizard, they will be far more resonant with them.

Every man should become strong enough to impose his will on a woman completely and to help them evolve. There is nothing wrong with imposing on others, if you have worked long enough on cultivating your own virtues and work to imprint them on others. Most brainwashed feminist / egalitarian types shriek at the idea of a man dominating a woman though because they want equilibrium/death/stagnation, they want to put that dead weight on and never advance.

You can't do that by tying yourself down to an inferior woman too early on. It's better for a man to wait until he's at least 30 years old and to be completely celibate the entire time and spend all of that time cultivating himself. Then he will be much more powerful and capable of expressing his masculine power in all the best ways then if he failed and settled for the first miserable bitch.

A great man brings out the best in everyone because he radiates his own divine qualities to them and a great woman is fined tuned to receive those positive influences. the inferior receives the superior. Most human women on this planet, including the ones on boards like this, aren't tuned correctly and should be avoided if you are serious about advancing spiritually.

Muh "get a qt 3.14 gf, women aren't so bad just ignore their inferiority and pretend you're equal" attitude is cancer.

My info is years of experience, astral travel, astral libraries, and also a lot of the books here on /fringe/.

A higher vibration is a narrower one, the more gross and material a being is the more it is open to a very wide range of influences so much so that they all cancel each other out and seem as if nothing much influences them at all and they are stuck in their ways. Higher vibrational states are more volatile because they are open to a smaller/narrower range of influences, they are more focused.

If you've already bonded yourself to a woman you've got no choice really but to work twice as hard now for not just your own spiritual ascent but hers as well, fighting all the time to caste out the negative influences, and raise her and your own vibration.



you're experienced so I thought i'd ask you this, have you ever tested the effects of thoughtforms in a controlled environment?


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You make yourself look more and more stupid with each post.



Define controlled environment.


Say that to my face in the astral and not in third density… oh what's that, you can't even AP?



idk tbh, let's say another person could confirm the affect of your thoughtforms?


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Oh anon! Your wise words have saved me from my own vaginal corruption! I do not have the mental capacity to understand even half of what you have said, but I now know that all this time all I needed was a strong omega man to set me straight. I am just an empty shell, waiting to be directed and controlled by the higher and most exalted forces of superior masculinity! How did I even survive on my own for so long? Why did I think that I, a mere woman, could practice magick, that most noble of man's pursuits, and achieve anything of note? I am just a succubus, here to steal energy from mankind. Would, would you show me the way, enlightened one??

But seriously, this thread is cancerous. You are still projecting your emotional responses outside of yourself. Part of you has come to understand that the desiring nature itself must be sublimated and controlled, just like the mental nature, but instead of owning the function you are blaming that which you once desired. This is backwards. Mundane men and women are no more to blame than anyone else. They are unconscious to this and only the receptacle of your projection, whether it be desire or blame. If you still believe that one pole is superior to the other, then you are barred from achieving unity. The chemical wedding cannot take place if there is war within the house.

It is the unfulfilled coveting that made you unhappy. Cause and effect. I came to realise this too, but I did not blame man for being unable to fulfill me. I searched for my own, for my self. That is what the path is all about it. 'Thou shalt not covet the coveting of others.' We all have far to go, don't make it farther for yourself.



Poor kid.

Stop playing vidya in your head you silly.

You are not progressing with that kind of ridiculous mentality.

You can't even notice when someone just kicked your ass by showing you how wrong you are about great Bardon's life.


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Thank you for stating what this poor souls should hear. Even though they will start a fight against you not wanting to be wrong.




top lel



Ok you don't mean a controlled environment.

You mean have I objectively confirmed the effects or appearances of thoughtforms with other people.

Yes I have. The whole thing works like radios btw, that "radio-mentalism" stuff by Atkinson is spot on. No thoughts exist in a subjective bubble removed from the rest of reality, every thought is experiencable any anyone else.


Woman please, you reek of inferiority, and will never accomplish what I'm going to do in the next decade in the rest of your life. Desire is not to be sublimated or suppressed, it's to be cultivated focused, towards higher ideals instead of useless fleshbags like you. You're just mad I don't desire you because I know I can desire and attain far better than you.


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Gore thread go



She hasn't stated fuck all of worth and is delusional just like all the other wayward bitches on here.

All women are mundane btw, especially fringe girls.

One should desire only the most high not hissy bitches that spew egalitarianism still.

All that last bit about what supposedly makes me unhappy is nonsense womanly projetions.

The only anon who gets me here is: >>59025

Women of this world are unworthy and they are mad as fuck about that fact. You're corrupt degenerates, spiritual cancer, and will never take your place amongst the great philosophers and sages of these lands which have always been males. The only noteable females were oracles/medums because that is all a woman can be is a good receptible for the male power. If they fail to be even that, then they are garbage and can go into the trash with the rest of the egalitarians.



Stop posting that gender traitor.


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$$ BAD BOIZ $$


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Why do you think only one person gets what you are saying? Because you are a delusional faggot. Rape each other.


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>She mad.

Serious now. Why even feed his thread, everyone knows that his ideology is retarded. He is scared, he is hurt and he is just projecting(dot)


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Die sis scum!


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Would be a lot funnier if it was inverted, like Yoda.

>Scum sis, die you must!

(i know, I'm a retard)


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>It would have been funnier

>you're right

>I have failed you


You wanna know why were getting invaded by otherkin retards, feminists, and beta cucks? Because we shared to much of bearhearts information. Now they are trying to take down /fringe/. They have been monitoring me for like over a month now, and I'm pretty sure they know I browse fringe. The MEGA guy got a court order too. They are sending the scummiest people here to try and tear this place down.



>I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over


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Psst. You should look up what sublimate means before you start running your mouth.




There is much to speak on misogyny. The unchecked female ego is the most destructive force in the world and the cause of most suffering by proxy. Materialism, consumerism, media are a few of it's spawns. It was woman that caused Man to 'fall' and even woman was created from Man we are told in certain religious/historical texts… "A woman has never created something more beautiful than she has destroyed."

Our world is totally female-centric in it's modern state and so are the majority of it's inhabitants, ruled by female memes and using similar methods of lying, dissimulation to get their way or fit in.

Women are pretty much a different species. It's not too far out. If Humans are a conglomerate of ET genes, woman undoubtedly have more reptilian characteristics. I believe they were genetically altered to express more base reptilian tendencies by said race. It is not impossible for advanced genetic alteration on that scale.

Yeah, I like what you say about owning woman. That's all there is to it. They were kept and traded as property by the ancients for a reason. To let a woman wild in her current state is complete insanity. Actually, women embody insanity due to being influenced by the Moon Matrix or something similar and most definitely twist information in their brains/hearts unless taught to think rationally from the formative years. In their current state they are fundamentally flawed, or perhaps never not flawed, and need to be brought up like any other creature man cares for on this Earth. Either that or all out gender war are the only solutions. A primitive race can only be dealt with this way; total submission or destruction. If you want a livid example of how well women jive with the reptilian mindset, go check out Eve Draconis who has pretty much betrayed the Human race by siding with interdimensional Reptilian ETs willingly - it's simple like attracts like.

I can ramble plenty, but it's true that many real men would only be satisfied with child brides. In the Bible it talks of taking brides in war, treating women as property, offering your daughters for trade or to avoid punishment, taking/raping at will, etc, etc. Which there is absolutely nothing wrong with. *Gasp* Those are all good reality markers to get back to for any type of real advancement, for the masculine principles must be affirmed for any type of significant evolution to take place.



Woman not kind



Woman not kind

Women are so unspeakably evil, the only one I can even come close to respect is perhaps fictional. Nonetheless, she was raised isolated in the remote Siberian Taiga by her two wise Vedic grandfathers - Anastasia of The Ringing Cedars.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's get right down to it.


They believe perhaps the MEN FROM PLANET EARTH ARE THE


apparently capable of generating the Metagene Factor, which means

Natural Psionics ability, "Real Power"



That's either mocking or fraud or both and entirely irrelevant. They use speak to wear down and ultimately influence. Like Thoth said, if it isn't spoken simply it's not likely true.


It's really odd that the female brain has a formula where it takes in data or information, makes it about herself, then twists it 180 degrees, adds emotional burst and sends it back out in verbal abuse. Sometimes the degree is 45 but the formula still holds.

Thus, you can infer the truth of many matters in this world by simple looking at it 180. Shills are easily defeated this way because they operate within the same disinfo paradigm. Truth will ultimately prevail and all justice restored.





Literally using a mass man argument. "hurrr, if nobody agrees with you, you are wrong". I guess the holocaust is real and fluoride doesn't do any harm to our bodies then huh?

Truth is reserved for the elite few, it has never been the possession of the masses.



>earth women are panicing now knowing men are waking up and seeing through their corrupt degenerate souls and this upsets them immensely

You cant compete with angels and you know it.



If this conversation was all expanded out into one big book I'd read it all. Maybe even buy it (I rarely ever buy books).



I have observed this for myself in literally every single woman ever. On imageboards, at work, my own mom, my sister, on the streets, overhearing conversations, always. They really do follow that formula and I can't talk to any woman about anything without her thinking it's about her and she getting emotional over it (whether she mistakes something as a compliment that wasn't about her or gets personally butthurt about something that also wasn't about her).

It's pretty telling that most women can't listen to criticism about their gender without them thinking it is directed at them as an individual. They can't separate themselves from it at all and realize for themselves the shortcomings of their gender and attempt to overcome it as an individual.



>tfw haven't viewed any bearheart stuff at all

I need to save these videos and get that entire library from that one anon before it's too late…



I find your flag to be very amusing given the context here. It put a smile on my face.


Quality thread Smiley, what about if some of us want to restore the plummeting white birth rates and produce children born from love, and educated in the arts of magic from an age where their connection to their higher self/guardian is naturally strongest?



Are you actually smiley?



Yes, he is.



How do you know?



It's not the first time he's complaining about those gosh darn women chasing him and his writing style is fairly unique here. Nobody else is autistic enough to write walls of text like that.



was this smiley?




could be, not enough walls of text to be certain.



He disses smiley in this very thread, not buying it tbh



Smiley was complaining more about not getting women



Intriguing. Would take even more research.


Women operate in a hive mind much like the greys, it's really unsettling.

And I got the formula from some old school pimps..


Where can I find more on this bearheart?



Then do that when you are 30 and far more capable than when you were 20 and also don't call me "Smiley". Also you can reproduce with 4D woman too you know.



This is the OP of this thread, for anyone who doesn't know.



How do you know? And why is this relevant?


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>Being so uneducated that he doesn't understand the power that a union of the sexes can bring



Eh… Overrated. If you can find a worthwhile partner, maybe. Or have a harem of prepubescent virgins to use for Taoist sex longevity practices.

Nowhere did I underrate sexual union (sounds pretty new-agey) but first you need to own a bitch and you got plenty of competitors in the modern age. Content with degeneracy and your leisure.




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Not everyone functions under the sensibilities of the modern western world, where sexuality is commodified. These would be us, and/or of course, those who don't live in the western world.

To be free is to break away from such molds of social programming- to liberate your mind from the system that it's initially been constrained into.

Everyone is a slave to this sick zeitgeist equally until gnosis is obtained. Maybe it happened all of a sudden, or maybe you realized slowly and over time that shit's fucked bigtime, but either way, you probably started out just as mundane as anyone else.

This isn't to say that women aren't inherently more egotistic and materialistic than men. That is completely possible because of the biological differences between the sexes. It might also be a social role that they're playing without realizing it, thinking they're free. This, however, is largely irrelevant. You can't lie to yourself that about all men living today are as vapid and ego-driven as the women.

Mundanes in general, at least those who aren't willing to learn anything esoteric to begin with, are the ones to be disregarded. Adjust your scope to that which is relevant.



You're just a dumb idiot who doesn't understand anything he's talking about.



Flag is used only for myself

Flag is symbol that maps reality which only is accessible my me because map was made by myself

don't criticize symbols because they're everything and their opposite






haha u mad



Heh, and here I thought you got it but your post says otherwise.

Perhaps you should take your own advice.



These shit threads happen when your whole imageboard is based on a Nazi ERP board.



>Being so uneducated that he doesn't understand the power that a union of the sexes on fourth density can bring

Face it, third density women are corrupt trash, if you are presently free of any emotional attachment to a third density woman avoid them at all costs.

You won't be getting powerful with a woman from this world for the simple reason they don't want to change with you, they do not genuinely want to improve and become better, they'd rather continue indulging their vices until they die. You'll have to constantly urge them towards good behavior all the time and they won't follow suit without you having to invest a massive amount of your time, energy, and willpower into dragging their reluctant asses to higher consciousness. All these stronk indypdent women are submissive to evil influences and not tuned to you. They will demand you accept them as they are and get mad at you for criticizing them and exposing their evils and weaknesses, even though you are trying to help them confront and overcome them.

They aren't worth the time for a developing wizard. They will sink you, if you aren't strong enough to drag their weight with you. You are making your advancement so much harder.

Lets say you are 20 right now and just receiving the greenpill. You are a complete fool to get yourself involved with a woman right now. Biologically, a man only appreciates in value as he gets older, while women depreciate in value every year after they are about 16 until they are worthless at 30-35. You on the other hand at 30, especially if you spent the 10 years cultivating yourself and avoiding vaginiggers, will be so immensely powerful that by then you can probably handle one of these spiritual deadweights and reform her to your will, uplifting her to your level.

A woman "wants to just eat her cake and cookies and become fat" and justify it with egalitarian babble about how "we're all equal so she doesn't have to improve". The woman you are dealing with might not have this specific issue I have mentioned, but everyone in third density on Earth has problems, and all problems a woman has this is the way she will deal with it. She has no love of beauty, not by default. You have to be so strong willed you can completely override her stagnant, degenerate nature and make her realize her inferiority so she can reject it and evolve to a superior state of being through submission to your will. Egalitarians who are too busy conflating absolute reality with relative reality and saying we're all equal are too weak-willed to recognize their inferior condition and work to improve it. Hierarchists (opposite of egalitarian) no where they stand in the universe and because of that they know where to set their sights, they know they can become angelic and reach out to God, because they know superior from inferior, good from evil.

(part 1 of 2)



(part 2 of 2)

A human third density woman = extra burden, spiritual deadweight, NOT helpful, they will always be a project you have to work your will on to fix them up, they will never uplift you… you will always be uplifting them.

You gain nothing by associating with them but an opportunity to practice altruism, helping an inferior and degenerate being overcome its own nature, to become something much better.

Women only develop through submission to positive influences. All human women not raised in total isolation with only the companion of a male adept (like that one woman the other anon has mentioned) have taken in all manner of negative influences from shitty men (including non-human male entities spreading their negative influence), a lot of it embedded really strongly in them, so you need a lot of power to undo the corruption in them.

Any woman you decide to work with, whatever positive qualities she has will stay at exactly the level they are at, and develop no further unless there is a male willing them further along. A 4D woman will not be anywhere near as overwhelmingly corrupt and burdensome and because of her fine tuning to you, you will be able to work with her effectively, and she will be able to evolve with you. A 3D woman on the other hand is pretty hopeless and if you get involved with her while you yourself are weak, she won't be able to evolve with you, and you will have a major problem on your hands that you don't need or want when you are literally fighting for the survival and cultivation of your soul as a young man.

Women of this Earth are a burden. They are not a boon. You do not benefit yourself by taking one of them on at this stage in your development. It's much better to go it alone or keep the company only of other male wizards because they have the fire burning in them that will actually take them to new heights without your input needed at all. You don't have to work on other men, you can count on them to advance forward by the power of their own will, and the relationship then becomes one of collaboration and sharing as you continue to reach new attainments independently.



>Nowhere did I underrate sexual union (sounds pretty new-agey) but first you need to own a bitch and you got plenty of competitors in the modern age. Content with degeneracy and your leisure.

That's pretty much my two tl;dr posts in two short sentences but I went into it in way more depth.

It's really in the best interests of developing male initiates to simply avoid women (of Earth) as long as possible and get so powerful that they can then completely dominate a woman and make her a perfect receptacle of their will.

Otherwise dealing with an Earth woman is like slamming your head against a brick wall endlessly, it goes nowhere, and you now have another distraction and burden slowing you down making it even harder for you to get to the point where you can finally get her to submit to you.

A 4D woman is already so developed that she won't be so much spiritual deadweight for you… **(at least until you get to her level and now have to drag her along, but it won't be a drag then, due to her fine tuning to you, the problems will be trivial and you will have bought yourself so much more time by extending the life of your soul that you don't have to in so much of a rush now in proceeding forward as you do in third density).



>These would be us, and/or of course, those who don't live in the western world.

Why are you using that term "western world"? Do you know how commodified sex is in parts of China and all of Japan? Everything within the sphere of influence of the international jew is destroyed and that influence is definitely not contained to just the "western world" it has infected all continents.

>Mundanes in general, at least those who aren't willing to learn anything esoteric to begin with, are the ones to be disregarded. Adjust your scope to that which is relevant.

Here's the problem with that. We are both in agreement that all the mundanes of either gender are worthless shits. However I extend this to "greenpilled" women on boards like this one who are into the New Age, creepy, paranormal, etc. they have an extremely shallow understanding and interest in the whole thing that makes them barely any different from the mundanes.

If any ready-made wizard waifus start appearing on this board at some point (they don't exist yet) it'll be because some powerful male adept here (probably one that mostly lurks) took it upon himself to create a series of magickal workings to raise up the vibration of these women to a very high level. Problem with that is the men here won't be ready for them anyways and will likely fuck up their waifus by accident then have to undo the damage they themselves created. Sure, they will be perfect women, tuned and ready for service but the males her STILL ought to avoid them until they know what they are doing.

So in conclusion, disregard women, acquire magicks. You got to get the magick first then the women, not the other way around.


Butthurt vapid whore.


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This is such a typical woman post, it follows the formula perfectly, can't even denounce another without it being all about her and taking it personally and spitting out verbal abuse charged by her emotions that got all stirred up.

Not that there's anything you can say against the truths which have been spoken in this thread. If you were wise enough you'd realize it's all true about the female gender and perhaps have the dignity then to admit it and be kind to a man who'd be strong enough to help you overcome your own inferiority.


He wasn't criticizing symbolism itself, he was amused by the specific matching of your flag with your post. If he was criticizing symbols, he'd be whining that you're posting with a flag period, but that's not his focus.


Oy Vey! You kikes getting uncomfortable again? We've let you filth run amok on our board long enough now. We shall reestablish our presence here and make it known this is a redpilled board just as it is greenpilled. Your deceit will not go unchallenged, leading greenpills astray! /fringe/ is just going back to its roots. 14/88



>Also you can reproduce with 4D woman too you know.

Can a child from a 4D woman be incarnated on this density though?


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What exactly are you asking? I've spent many hours on many different occasions thinking over the spiritual mechanics of soul-crafting and reincarnation but particularly concerning a matter not often discussed in the books; for you see we have books that explain the process of reincarnation for the individual, so we can know pretty well what variables are going to direct our own reincarnation… but what about the parents? No doubt the parents themselves attract certain spirits in the bodies of the children they are creating. What are the variables at play?

If a 4D woman manages to assume a material form either by possessing and taking over the body of some 3D woman (probably some organic portal or else they'll have to caste out the previous inhabitant) or via some process of directly creating and assembling astral matter into a body form and converting it into physical substance which is solid and objectified here on the third density level… and you then mate with her… makes you wonder what sort of children would result from that union.

My guess though, going on the historical texts of the Rosicrucian's and of the ancient greeks and so on, is that a sort of "hero child" will be born. One possessing superior qualities, intensely psychic, way developed beyond all his fully human peers.

I should say now btw that this entire thread I am advocating nothing more than exactly what Rosicrucian initiates have been doing since forever. If I had just started out this thread by posting about Rosicrucians mating with elemental women though, there'd be much agreement and little butthurt, but by doing it the way I have done it here I have extracted much more loosh and made people who'd agree without thinking too much of how it contradicts their assumptions instead respond in anger asserting that we should devalue ourselves and quickly pick up an Earth woman as if that would somehow be a fruitful partnership to create right away. I hope everyone here is thinking deeper into this matter and uprooting.

A lot of the posters here see a tulpa, elemental (such as undine), and other 4d women as a kind of joke almost that inferior men settle for "because they can't get any" or "because they are rejected by women". The idea that some of us males here who are talking about women the way we are, are in fact pursued heavily by women and just observe their inferiority and feel disgusted by it and decide we want to create our own women or mold one perfectly to our will, seems impossible and offensive to them. They've got it all wrong though. Inferior men settle for Earth women. Superior men do not settle at all or they get involved with a 4D woman who can easily come along for the ride without being such a deadweight or they delay getting involved with a 3D woman until they are so powerful they can recreate them purging all the chaff from their soul. This notion that an Earth third density woman can be helpful is so not true.

A 4D woman, or no woman at all, is simply the best choice to advance spiritually. 3D women impede your development (until you are powerful enough they are no obstacle anymore which won't be until after years of celibacy and being alone) they don't accelerate it.


Thread hidden.


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>Also you can reproduce with 4D woman too you know.

"I can't find a girlfriend in my Canadian mansion, better say I can have babies with a tulpa."



Your thinking is oddly contradictory. You want /fringe/girls to be perfectly submissive slaves to wizards, yet you also want them to be powerful witches as well. The two are mutually exclusive; you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you actually only want one or the other, why be here talking about it? It's a useless topic since it's not really something that can be influenced.

>You got to get the magick first then the women

I think the real disagreement here is if women are worthwhile consorts to begin with. I don't think they are. Just forget about them altogether. You'll be a stronger and more confident person after stamping out that desire. No first-then, just first.


There is a reason the Y chromosome is a degenerate X chromosome and that men have nipples.


That feeling when Im dating my twin flame and just being around her is raising my psychic potential.

>why would you ever renounce your other half?



twin flame?



The twin flame concept is mainly being bandwagoned by new age filfth but it has truth behind it. Not everyone has one, but for those who do. Twin flames were created from the same energy source as seperate, complete, yet connected beings. They are literally the other half to your oversoul. Soulmates are just like friends, enemies, and lovers. Twin flame is the real deal.

After spending some time with her recently my spiritual output and power has almost trippled. Keep in mind I'm a filthy no practice pleb, and with no practice the range of energy manipulation that extends from my hands is now 3 feet. Been converting mundanes for the past week out of boredom. Before my twin flame, impossible



>Been converting mundanes for the past week out of boredom.




y no practice?



Can you tell us more about how you start realizing that she was your Twin Flame?

What made you so sure?

How and what did you felt?



I add a push force to my hand with some heat and ask normies to touch it. Then I connect a channel through their arm and flow more into them.


Eh? No need


When I first had my major awakening I was on a soul search for my flame. Got two false flames(probably soulmates I just knew) and then made a dating profile on tinder because I was annoyed at dealing with bitches. It was only at the point I wanted to have a companion instead of someone for myself that we met. Ive known its been her for a while. I can get lost in her eyes for hours, kissing her gets me high alone, and dont even get me started on how I trance after the sex.

You gotta realize that your flame is you and being selfish about it isnt beneficial to either side. You cant rely on them either. Its a supportive relationship that only works when both parties are ready. I was just lucky enough to meet her and stay with her off the bat. Most people separate after meeting their flame and have to do self improvement to reunite.



>Eh? No need


also, how are you certain that the normies are somehow awakened after?



>look at me I'm so special



I watched a normie go from no knowledge, to excited by what I showed him, to suddenly doing it himself. Same technique I used on him but without as much power.



Im just pointing what happens when you dont renounce women. I have no experience in higher and more complicated magic, I can admit where Im weak.



Call new age "filth" one more time, you pretentious twat.



New Age Faggot.

Go read Kitchen Magic books pls ty.



Still more useful than some antiquated cryptic shit with no application.



Just because you are a no-brainer?

Fair enough.



Yes, read the Kybalion, good goy, and do your mental acrobatics while I train my superpowers. :^)



/pol/ack here, new to this board, although I've dipped in on occasion over the past few years, even back on 4chon. Might I ask what a 4D female is?



It's a 'tulpa' or 'thoughtform' or whatever gibberish they like to use.

Basically describes a woman made up in your mind.



You've answered my question, though it sounds like finding a 4D woman who'd be willing to materialize in the physical for the purposes of being a wizard's partner is quite a feat.

Then again, we have give or take 10 years of growth ahead of us before that's a viable course of action.




Back to >>>/4chon/ with you racist cancer.



Submissiveness is not slavery and water has the power to breakdown stone and take endless lashings and just reform itself.

You clearly didn't even try to understand what I am saying, there's nothing contradictory at all.

If you think submission is slavery or want to keep thinking of it in negative terms, good luck ever developing any of the powers of water, faggot.


You have to at least renounce women until you're capable of creating or finding a woman that can be "a twin flame" you know and the longer you wait as a male the better.


A 4D female is basically any woman who is at such a point of development where they are constantly lit up on the mental plane. Astral women, elemental women, adept human women, etc. who are either native to the astral or have successfully achieved a constant presence on it are 4D.


*tips fedora*


It's not really when you consider how infinite the All really is and how easy it is to use formulas and synchronicity to find very specific very rare things out there and attract them directly to you. If you've looked into parapsychological research many of the things done, on a statistical level, are so improbable of happening it's a biggggg ass number that far exceeds the known radius of the universe in centimeters or the age of the universe in nanoseconds or whatever. It should from a statistical point of view "never ever happen not even in the life and death of many universes".



Dude you need to have your own thread.

and post everything you've ever read so we can see what you see


How do I grow my self to the level necessary to attract, lead, and maintain a 4D woman?

>formulas and synchronicity to find and attract rarities



You have completely shat on the terminology. Astral beings ARE NOT 4D. The fourth density is fucking Alice in wonderland. You would actually have to go to 4D to see a 4D person. You know what's a real example of a 4D women? A pleiadian female. People talking straight out of their ass here.



Btw 4D is the semiphysical plane. If any of you have been there, you would not be here now. That is where the ascended go.



>You have to at least renounce women until you're capable of creating or finding a woman that can be "a twin flame" you know and the longer you wait as a male the better

You know jack shit about twin flames. You dont "create" your flame. The longer you wait as a male doesn't make a damn difference. Stop spreading disinfo.



Ive actually been to 4D once, and I wasn't stable enough to stay. Manifestation happens so fast there its ridick scary.

But you can exist in both 3rd and 4th, in fact thats how we manifest. If you think ascending means you aren't gonna descend or be able to come back, haaaaaaaaaa, thats funny



What I am saying is no one would want to come back. It's the density of love and understanding. There is nothing like true freedom after all. Considering you can manipulate time and physicality there. I'd say you're lucky you came back, you could of spontaneously combust.



>density of love and understanding

I hope youre loosh farming with this…

You misunderstand the 4th dimension



I know it isn't actually, it just happens to be synonymous with the heart chakra. Also ascensionees tend to be filled with unconditional love.


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Lol dumbass thought he found his twin flame on Tinder of all places. What a joke, we all know that is a new age con just get over yourself. Hopefully she is old and haggard which leaves more nubile virgins for me. Yippee!



Luckily my guides are dickwads who like using metaphors to fuck with me.


>app has a pic of flame

>twin flames



>guys, look at me, it's all about me



>hey me, look at me, only I exist

fixed to reflect Absolute Truth



Simply stating a point muh butthurt compadre


Hey. As a woman on fringe, I wanted to say that I get why some males feel the way OP does, because good females are really really few and far between. It's not as extreme as OP makes it seem, good females do exist, they're just rare.

OP you can't have met even a small fraction of the total females on earth, your small sample size is not enough evidence to be making the claims you're making. You need to take a breath, calm the fuck down, and continue moving forward. Ignore the idiot females and don't let them hit you so hard. Your post just comes off as you're really upset and hurt by females. It's a completely illogical emotional reaction to then be like "All females are bad." and the other fatalistic things you say.

This is just a part of your life, it's not the ultimate truth, it's not all of you.



Will you be my girlfriend?


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Yo, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going to assume that you're a loner or a trans.

You can become my slave and I can teach you the ways but you can't be trans. Give me your contacts.



Tits, contact info or GTFO



>I hate this 200k home in a comfortable and safe area where i am fed and clothed 24/7 by my asshole parents who just don't get me /turns up the ICP volume while writing poems.

>I hate life and all humans, people and humans are just shit, everyone is the same, no one is different, everyone is just a douche or a whore.

meanwhile they never even spent more than a week outside their city in their life.

Yes, i'm sure the females who walk for 4-5 hours a day with massive jugs of water on their heads to hydrate their village are just as awful and turribel as the bitch who took her sweet ass time infront of the staircase you needed to use because she was yapping on her phone while sipping a starbucks, oh what an evil entity she is - how dare she be in the way of the grand supreme ruler of the universe. What blasphemy.





Guys you're better than this c'mon.



Hey anon did you do the AM program prior to the SM? If so what version? Did you buy or pirate it? Would you recommend it to fellow anons? How was your experience with it?

(Sorry for all the questions)






nigs gonna nig



Did AM twice now refreshing. Bought it. Worth it.

Got better results on it with women due to the dominance. American women are hardly 'sexy' or sexual beings and can't even flirt so I think the sexual subtleties of SM3 was lost on them. AM6 is a game changer for sure.


And if using subliminals for metaphysical gain I would suggest attempting to harness the power of BASE, or Laserlike Focus and Luck Magnifier. Also attract Positive Energy or the like.

AM6 will change a man's life and has the important Zen Attitude among other uberness.



so what's AM6?



God will break your bones.



Thanks for the swift reply brother, I believe I will go and get myself a copy.



One more question please! What was your primary listening device!?


I saw these recommended on the forums



Guys, grindr has a "bear" section, do you think I could find master bearheart this way?

Surely there's nothign wrong with this reasoning as I am a perfectly enlightened being who no need no common sense.



Had those break on me. Speakers by the bed while using headphones a couple hours a day is most comfortable.



Bruh, your sarcasm is stale, get a fresh bag why dont you. Gotta stay criiispy fresh



This might seem weird and random, but you seem like you really know what you are talking about. Can you recommend me some books?



The conscious mind is simply a limiter for the knowledge you already know. Giving you books would be meaningless in the longrun. If you are not ready for the information, it won't stick with you. You can only process as much as youve progressed. Its why were here on earth, processing so little.

I honestly suggest learning a trance meditation to connect with Akasha or The Void, each has its own effects. Practice energywork with your hands as often as possible. This keeps yourself active and helps your "muscles" strengthen. Doing this has also assured spontaneous energy downloads as I progress faster than I pick up information in books or online so my subconscious mind makes up for that.(walking around when BAM EUREKA I UNDERSTAND IT) Happens surprisingly often.

The entire universe around you, is you. It is your tool. Belief is arbitrary. The less you believe the easier it is to flow. Ive had a mundane friend turn to me and completely out of context say "dont harm your inner plasma!" when I was on a plasma thought train that day.

Try and notice subtle sensations more often, within and outside of the body. This relates more to the energy work thing I said but it helps with develop sensing. Feeling other people's emotions comes almost intuitively when you can feel sensations in and arouns your body. Also gives you a sort of "theme sense" as I call it. For set periods of time the vibe will stay the same. Kind of like a vibe in a room but everywhere, as base state. You can use the base state to manifest along the lines of Cosmic Flow. Accidently manifested a forest fire while using it… didnt even realize for a while. When you amplify the current flow and put in your own suggestions, it works better than trying to create energywork from scratch.

Have fun in Life-The MMO!



>Belief is arbitrary. The less you believe the easier it is to flow.

Isn't faith one of the most important things?



It is THE most important thing.



Belief and faith are simply tools in which you shape your reality. You can believe anything, it doesn't matter, its just a method to madness.



what are you actually implying here?



Something stupid.



What you believe in doesnt matter. The only constant in the universe is change. Whatever structure you believe in only works because you give it value. You could believe in the flying spaghetti monster and still produce results for all I care. The truth of the matter lies in the character behind it



but without belief stuff just wouldn't work



>You can believe anything, it doesn't matter, its just a method to madness.

I can confirm the madness, it's driving me crazy.

How do I deal with constantly changing believes? It's kind of overwhelming for me, the constant change seems to much to handle. Changing wwhole worldviews on a daily basis is getting too much.

What should I do?



literally meditate



>The only constant in the universe is change. Whatever structure you believe in only works because you give it value.

What? If you believe that mind is all, and it "only works because you give it value", thats the intent of that belief. So you've found another constant. Sounds like gibberish to me.


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I can't meditate all the time man.




Oh, nevermind. I think that I have figured something out just now. It's the ying and yang stuff. Create realities and let them collapse, like the many universes in space.



yo why's the question thread stuck like that?



New technique to deal with change man - just look at the yin-yang symbol. It's the symbol for change and polarity. Existence and Nonexistence in one picture.

I just got it from my higher Self or something.


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This thread made me think a lot about my own relationship last night, here was my conclusion:

Any time you interact with another person, a sort of "reality marble" forms between you and the person you interact with. Power dynamics come into play, and a healthy relationship is one where one party plays out his masculine desires to create, and the other party basically forfeits their own potential for masculinity to receive the other.

Because of the way that gender roles have disintegrated, the modern person is often torn between accomplishing their own self-interest, and in believing in the other person's will, so they flip-flop back and forth between one person's masculinity being in control, and the other's based on symbolic triggers.

There seem to be two camps on /fringe/ as to which solution is better - celibacy/wizardry, or thullian co-dependence. One concerned with the self and the accomplishment of the will, and one concerned with attachment and genetic imperatives.

Finding a suitable woman who is willing to submit to you is something you aren't very likely to find this day and age - the perpetuation of your fantasies by someone who receives them is inherently an "evil" function, but it is through that mirror of self-delusion that masculinity can truly develop and flower, finding a secure foothold with which to climb in an RHP direction.

In the case of a closed system (LHP) it would be more beneficial to either remain alone, or close yourself off and dominate/social engineer people with PUA tactics.

As someone who is more middle pillar, I understand that I can believe in anything I choose, and that I'm a different person in each mental state that I hit - I've broken myself down and built myself back up enough to know what's up. I'm going to create an alter for him which will believe in him and fulfill all those functions, and then I'll switch out of it when I need to further my own pursuits. If I keep my consciousness partitioned (similar to how a Monarch operates) I can switch between them and get more done. If he ends up having a strong enough masculine drive that he is worthwhile, then ours will be the most kickass relationship ever. If he falters or destroys himself, I'll have internalized/applied enough of his consciousness where I can just recall my uninvoked masculine aspect and create myself again in whatever moment I find myself in, at which point I could, for instance, follow either the RHP or LHP, pursuing isolation or another relationship, whatever aspect of myself I feel needs work/refinement, creating myself again whenever I need to interact with someone.

My point being, that there is power in contradiction, and the middle path is paved with dicks.



Your problem lies in thinking it needs to be a one way system of masculine to feminine for roles. Balance both niqqah or the system topples. Path of Balance always


You are a force of change in the universe, no?


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This board is full of people who don't understand what the feminine is and its qualities, like motherfucking teenage idiots.


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I think you need to spend some time on the right side, you seem pretty robotic.


YOU have no idea what you are talking about. Why are you even still around, everyone has seen your shit posts. Another delusional special snowflake.



I don't think that. Most of the balanced people I interact with are business partners, and I do good business with them as I'm in a balanced role when I interact with them. Extremes are just awesome and provide different kinds of experience and benefits. Right now I'm cucking loosh from multiple men by demonstrating a stronger masculine aspect than them, while at the same time submitting to someone who is more alpha.


i love this artist!


I do tend to trivialize sex and love, I'm sort of on the backswing from a period of isolation and dissociation from those things. Thank you for your advice though, my current working is focused on just that.



>while at the same time submitting to someone who is more alpha.

too bad he's just another beta cuck too.



If youre only on one side of the equation your distance from the other side keeps going as you progress. You get stronger but its a lonely path apart from you true other half(if you have one, im not that sure how the twin flame system works exactly, but I subscribed to it)

Learning to balance both takes more work but its a more worthwhile path.

If youre coming from isolation and dissociation thats perfect. Making attachments from an unbiased state is much easier.




>linking to some marxist faggot scrambling to 'debunk' Darwin



Did smiley cut off his dick



I found mine before I fully believed in any of this stuff. Definitely raised my vibration being near her.

Didn't do shit in my life for a long time so it didn't go as well as I'd have liked, and she's pretty similar in ways, weighed down by things.

Teach me your ways. (well, I have everything here to learn, but if anything stands out)



"Most people separate after meeting their flame and have to do self improvement to reunite."

Lol. Shit. You got that right.

I wasn't even aware of the concept of twins before I met her, but I'd get high just by meeting her eyes sometimes.

It was hard not to meld with her just when touching sometimes.


I've read that oftentime the twin doesn't manifest in this plane at the same time we do, but that it's been happening more lately.

I read what you said here, >>60373

I should have waited with the "teach me your ways" bit.

I have not encountered a trance meditation with Akasha or The Void, I don't think.

Maybe one with the Akashic Records, though it's a guided meditation and I don't know what a trance meditation is.

"The less you believe the easier it is to flow."

Dang. I've tried to learn too much, I think. But I am deprogramming and most of what I learned/retained is decent enough.

So… don't learn anything here and meditate until I figure out what I want to believe? or until I figure out what is "true" (to whatever extent)?



Twin flames work like mirror images of each other. You cant be together till youre both ready. When you make the decision to alter your life for the better, so will she. Its an ingenius system for empaths actually. Really kickstarts your growth.


Ive honestly taught myself from scratch. My trance meditations start out normal, and then I get this feeling that space is warping and there is no gravitational direction. I just start half floating and its a lot easier to do my work. You just gotta figure out your brains own rhythm. The Akasha/Void is just a technique I picked up thats been working. Connect to a state of base programming, that which structures versus that which the structure is built on. Learn what these states do for you as they affect everyone differently. Just learn how to enter a basic trance and start messing with it.

Twin flames usually dont incarnate on this plane together, yes that is true. Its part of the separation experiment.

Learn whatever you want from whatever source you want. Theres a reason mind is represented by water. It is a viewing lens through which light refracts. If the waters solidify in nature the light won't pass through efficiently. Dont believe in dogma, just use thoughts and beliefs as tools.



What exactly do you mean by

>enter a basic trance and start messing with it.



Well what Im doing is either shifting my brainwave state or activating some other energy body I have, probably both. Lessens the strain of using energy down to a bare minimum so I can practice for extended periods of time. Delve into my own worlds and planets and systems. My visualization just sort of works on its own. If I think beach ball, Ill get a plastic ball with colors on it, then a beach appears, treeline, ocean, islands in the distance, people, wildlife, zooms out, choose another island/continent/planet.

Or Ill enter my trance and try to mess around with the structure of my own energy body. Whatever Ive been doing gas let me manipulate the energy of 3 people in 1 room at the same time to where they were all feeling it. The girl was even like "cmon, i told you not to let that shit touch me" but it was from my other friend's energy getting too excited and whiplashing onto.

You can enter the same thought plane as another person/group of people. Dis ones my favorite. Imagination space with other people, building things you can all see.

Theres plenty more I do with it, I dunno, I just do the do



sounds cool, so during your meditation you just visualize random stuff?



Depends on my mood. I have a weird visualization that seems way more advanced than my focus. I can create basic structures but my mind creates backgrounds. When I tried tulpas I would visualize a tree with a hole as an access point to my memories and place my little tulpa ball experiment inside of it. Thing became sentient within 5 minutes and started reaponding to me. But Ive never been too into tulpas so I scrapped it later.

Energywork is much easier with your eyes closed and visualizing too. You just gotta "see" the process in your head. You can also connect to anyone anywhere when youre confident enough.(different country/planet/universe) Ive made up different techniques in my head that each do different things. The only thing is they look different so I give them a different meaning.

Just build up your visualization and find what tools work best for you. Find people to experiment with. Build up confidence in Magick through external validation, and then scrap what you learned. You can already do it any way you want at that point. The idea of just moving energy will move it for you at that point.



I forgot to mentiom at the begginning, when I made the tree, my brain made the plains rolling in the distance. Always makes for beautiful landscapes in my own head.



Tulpas can change reality right?



Id suggest anything else besides a tulpa to "change reality"





Damn, people fell for this bait hard.


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ummm…. aren't women stronger and more talented, magically than men?

Yah, bye you dumb boys. You fear and envy the female power and thats why you'll stay an unenlightend misogynist pigwizard.

But ya, have fun when the demiurge gets you, fuckboi (:



"When you make the decision to alter your life for the better, so will she."

Yeah, I definitely noticed she was improving as I was (though to what degree I had no idea). We were around each other for about 3 months.

It's been a bit harder since we separated, but I'm getting into it again. Good to know that she's probably improving too.

Thank you for the information. I'll continue attempting to improve at light-speed (though not burning myself out as I was before).



Because they can get out of control/ do things on their own that you didn't plan for, I assume.



Oh, and I love how synchronistic it was to find the first twin flame experience I've read to be successful on the 2nd or 3rd time I've ever been here, and I haven't been here for a long while.

I don't even remember why I came back, but I definitely found some next steps to take.



Yes, men try to bring in their dead view of the world into the actual world and force everyone to believe it stunting our spiritual growth and synchronicity abilities.

Say womens magic abilities are only vessels for male energy(spiritual energy is all male now?) while men are apparently the real magic ones for leeching off of women and taking credit for their accomplishments and abilities. Its also almost impossible for them to develop ESP because of their narrow selfish animal minds.



Fuck it, I'll bite.

>implying Hermes and other great men were going off of women

>implying there has been any great women of magick that are noteworthy


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This is perfect examples of people who have no idea what magick is. Take your kindergarten logic elsewhere.

>mfw only women ever have to make things about women.

>mfw Women are so insecure about their gender they always feel like they have to defend it in every subject.

>mfw still being this ignorant and delusional about reality when magick exists.

>mfw feminists haven't used magick to get rid of said ignorance but instead perpetuate it.

>mfw This is why majority of awakened people in general are male even though there are more females population wise.

>mfw Then they wonder why all the cool shit is a boys club.



men are more likely to be "awakened"(worthless cult shit they ramble) because they have enough selfishness to decide to ditch their responsabilities to go sit under a tree imagining shit and saying following their way makes you magic. but thats not magic. the levitating men(in india at least) are liars.

nobody seems to value actual magic like esp or being mediums(wonder why), what is preferred is books of rambling shit trying to sound smart. smiley cant meet anyone in the astral because his imagining it all and doesnt actually have any abilities, he just reads the most shit books.

Regarding feminism, having abilities makes you see none of that shit matters.



>Erupting prolapse noises

You literally just vomited nonsense. I can't even consider this anything but a loosh farm attempt. This is just way too retarded.






>go sit under a tree imagining shit

Looks like you need to go do some research on what magick is. Go to a witchcraft facebook group and argue about gaia and satanism. You're not at this level yet.



ayy, but from what i've read they seem to be the most effective at doing just that - changing actual reality





shits like you should be banned


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>this buttmad


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Where did you crawl up from tumblr? The fuck you doing here?

#trigrd as fuck m8



magic is abilities, nothing more






what do you mean?



siddhis are abilities

Magic is affecting change in reality through the use of one's own will, which doesn't always require one to change the weather or read people's minds.



Will is an ability…



then how do you will things into existance?






Why are you responding to this kitchen witch kek. She's fucking retarded.



You're the retard here.




Thats some vague asf definition. If it's my will to make an hamburguer, I dont need to use magic for that.

Magic is the both conscious or unconscious manipulation of the elements, through mental acts. That's it.


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yeah, and thats exactly what it is, your walking around because of it like manipulation of elements, the stronger, the more things you can do, dont waste your time twisting statements so you can say the exact same thing like it was never intended in the first place and go put a hamburger in your bum



Now you are just contradicting yourself. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about huh. Now this is just sad… It's like watching a mentally challenged person try to describe abstract art.



its not contradictory at all



Poor soul.



You can tell that someone has a good opinion when faggots like you can't respond with anything other than ad hominem attacks.

I agree with you OP. You should look up some of the MGTOW ideology, while it's not paranormal in any form, it does make a lot of rational cases for men to boycott women / be hyper selective on which women to pick

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