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Esoteric Wizardry


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Should we share practices that are under the category esoteric, which in itself is less esoteric each time you share the knowledge?

Let's see what history has to say:

The masses could handle mind-bending drugs which are now widely available. The masses can handle having guns you can easily gain and are everywhere in Southern United States. The masses can even handle the modern technology of computing and robotics even with their multitude of illegal and deadly capabilities. Global militaries are currently worried about quickly advancing drone technology and hackers turning many products against us, and futurologists are concerned an A.I. could in roughly 3 decades turn on us and 'delete' or enslave us upon surpassing the Technological Singularity.

So, if you're worried about the 'dangers' of psionics/magics being used by everyone, there are already dangers I'd say have been handled fine and are yet to come, though we are aware of hiccups here and there of insane idiots misusing technology and drugs just as you can with the esoteric arts and sciences. The fact of the matter is, if we don't teach people, they'll build their psionic/magic abilities from metal and electricity. Technology will eventually be able to do in the material realm what can be done on the immaterial realm with psionics/magics.

Rather than worry if progress will cause our downfall, just as every society and nation has in the past worried with every newfound ability or special tidbit of knowledge that makes you a bit more powerful than is normal, I say embrace this progress. If it truly means our downfall, it would be the first time in history progress has caused everyone's downfall. We should not allow ourselves to become closed-minded hoarders of knowledge in the name of fear, that may never come to fruition.

In economics, what we call introducing a new product that makes old products obsolete is 'Creative Destruction.' Creative destruction is our only way to innovate, and there has never been a case where people advocating against creative destruction won. The new product of Creative Destruction this era will not be just hyper advanced A.I. or 3D printers or drones: it will be psionics. And maybe some magics and high level yogics thrown in there for philosophical and health reasons but definitely psionics since it's the most pragmatic and hence the most easily teachable.

Now that I've addressed the dangers, of sharing esoteric information, I'll quickly address what you are all consciously or subconsciously thinking: I won't be special if everyone can do it.

Why do you people think the common masses, and many of you, hate the very concept of the illuminati? It's because it is absolutely douchey to hoarde knowledge selfishly and that's precisely what such a group would do. Being hindered by ignorance is a suffering nobody enjoys, hence why everyone advocates for free knowledge and why this has bubbled to the surface as 'free college' in modern politics. To demand others must have the will power to at least do things themselves and actively research this knowledge is justified; to demand they sift through the ignorance and lies surrounding these studies instead of just giving them a well-lit path is wrong. Even many of you, on some level, have likely been misled a few times, been unable to find the right books or teachings, had some false teachers, wished this stuff was taught in a more professional, trustworthy manner. You could've had that, if others were willing to part with their feelings of 'special chosen-oneness' in favor of helping the majority. If it was revealed to the masses what can be done, they would refine the teachings and improve upon them.

I dream of a world where esoteric knowledge is free, universal, and in time, exoteric.

TL;DR: If we don't share psionics/magics out of fear of misuse, people will build their own dangers with technology, and we'll be no better than the closed-minds of the past.


Not all people are ready to be awoken. It is the balance of Natural law. They've been pushing psionics in movies for 2 decades now, people haven't even bothered reading on their wiki.

Some people can't wake up. They are NPCs, background characters. They are zombies.

"I can show you the door Neo, but you are the one that has to walk through it"



Knowledge should be given to the seeker. Knowledge should not, ever, be given without effort. Look at how society is evolving, everything is wihin reach easily, in 2 hours, one can learn how and where to buy the ingredients to build his own bomb. Everyone, right now could solve their shit and stop complaining about how the world is unfair, everyone, right now can become rich as fuck if he puts just a tiny bit of effort into it.

And yet, how many people do that?

Everyone can buy a gun in muhricucks, but how many people go through learning how to fire it properly and use it responsibly?

Do you want laws and astral police instaured because of stupid people missusing magic?

All is available. You just have to get it. Except making more information available through books, since we can see that stupid people apparently have an aversion to them and passing on the teachings on how to interact with higher power, if one invests the time, I don't see what more can we do.

When you realize that the average 20 years old is not even a yota more mature then his 14 years old little brother, you really become disgusted of what the middle class has become. Even the elites are pretty dumb nowadays, it's a game where you can only win by not playing.

And not playing is achieving enlightenment.



I see your point OP, but I don't agree with you.

I'm studying and practicing Tantra and there are some pretty nasty Mantras. Mind-control, harming/killing enemies, raising dead, all that good stuff.

Some Pandits refused to publish or allow access for translators to tantras in their possession without omitting mantras given in these tantras (other of course didn't have such scruples). Proper conduct isn't a prerequisite to achieving siddhis via Mantra Shastra. Anyone, no matter how corrupt can have this power.

I agree that esoteric knowledge should be kept secret. Imagine giving an ape a gun and teaching it how to shoot. Not the brightest idea, right? Now imagine giving it a button that launches a nuke.

But, truth be told, that doesn't matter at all, because all esoteric knowledge is already revealed. I didn't need anyone to share the knowledge with me, I found it myself. Every book or teaching you may ever want is somewhere on the web. People just don't look for them. They don't care. What you are suggesting is basically making them care, right? Forcing this knowledge onto them. I disagree with that. One must be ready and willing to follow this path.

I dislike spoonfeeding people. If someone desires more knowledge, more power, then he/she should find it on their own. I admit that I'm not really benevolent in my opinions, I simply don't want to share, I want to keep the power to myself. Maybe I'm just a bad person, but I care more for myself than for the majority of people, especially when they could've easily followed the same path as myself or as others here on /fringe/.

Ignorance is a choice and people are choosing it.




We need to strike for a balance

In the past Egypt fall

and several other cultures fall becose the concentration of power in the wrong hands (good or evil) also if we free all the information it we will fall

we need to learn from the past

Total order is stagnation,

total freedom is chaos

We need to balance both

The goal should be to avoid the destructive transition that we are heading to it , whitahud falling in becoming a totalitarian world or a boring hyppie commune , avoid any undesirable extreme,

God is coming, wouldn't be nice when he comes if he finds a balance society worthy of keeping ,not a boring hyppie paradise ,neither a evil totalitarian hell.

I say let them lie all they want, as long we got free internet, people will wake up when ready , thrue seeker's will arrive to /pol/ and see meme magic working, that will make them cuestion their fedora ways and they will find the truth

If the joobs/illuminati/governments or anyone try to seize all the power lest use the power of meme - magic not to finish them but to balance the game again .



rich with a "tiny bit" of effort?

I'd think it takes more than a tiny bit, but maybe that depends on creativity and how quickly one wishes it done.


Don't share it with the masses. But make it available to the individuals.

Don't go teaching magick in schools or universities, but make the books and information available online. You can download almost any book you want for free. Or for a very cheap price. We can buy fucking entire magick systems on Amazon. How amazing is that? Do you really think we need to make this information more available? I don't think so, it is already very much available to those people who want to spend a bit of time reading and doing their research.

A person who reads about these things will probably me more prepared to handle the responsibilities of using/misusing this knowledge. You really think humans are ready to have magic powers? Do you not watch the news? People are fucking nuts, masses are the worst. Forget about the masses, focus on the individual.



I think religion and such makes ignorance less of a choice and more forced. It's hard to overcome things one is instilled with in childhood.

I'd have gotten into this stuff long ago if I knew better, though who knows if I was stable enough, and maybe I would have gone for "cool" stuff instead of becoming stable, just like you said about giving an ape a gun.

Anything you can recommend for Tantra? I'm currently reading The Book of Secrets by Osho. (I suppose your point about seeking may mean I should find it on my own when I'm led there)


There is no balance here unless we wake everyone up. I say we go after the religions first, start taking the most influential people in religion contacting them with egregores of their gods and telling them that they've been lied to.

btw already a thread on a similar subject




Let me help you wit my history

I tough that I was awake (red pill)

I am a sociopath, with a long story of being a troll , cynic, tougher as fuck and the go to guy wen shit goes down , very practical.

I started going /pol/ becose /b/ was not fun anymore the gore and traps just lost his original apeal

There I begun to fuck with he racist becose they are easy targets ,Virgin middle aged guys whit paranoid tendency , really fun to poke,

Then I started to read about the holohoax ,thanks to /pol/ I tough that I finally saw the ligh , fuck the tinfoil were right, wat else is fake?

August came and started to be involved in the September happening threads , a little actual fear , like I never felt began to creep my life, I was always a fedora meditator so I just start to pray before every meditation to God, and offers to stop fapping and smoking weed for a month just to ask God for forgiveness, did heavy meditation during September and I begun to dream again

Dreams of awakening and scaping from prison were my first dreams in years since I was a kid , I begun to look for lucid dreaming and having fun dreaming

read the entire montalk site and fucking matrix and number signtins begun, I tough this was fun , besides the irrational fear of Alex Jones crapp I tough all of this was fun

I dismissed everything like fuck they troll me ,don't believe everything you read and was ready to be plugged in to the matrix again, I begun to smoke weed again, I was doing chacras meditation by the time for a few days and I tough this is crapp I don't feel diferent is the same like regular meditation, let me smoke weed,

Hit it hard baby , then I look down to my dick, shit what is this?, a purple circle in front of my dick! is this a chacra?

Because I was smoking I begun to rotate with mi hand and all the disk apear, I did never had any illusions not even on lsd, not ever find something that I could not explain and rotation to thoose disk were subreal I remember rotating all of them up to the sky


Welcome to kundalini hell

Anon everything has changed, I am still dealing whit this , my mind is kinda broke now and I Been dealing with HEAVY suicidal toughs, now I don't have any doubts about GOD and bohemian rhapsody make sense for first time in my life, remember anon I was a tough cynical sociopath whit no feelings whatsoever whit a lot of experience in mindfulness meditation and trully awakening make me a soft bag of feels , who ask himself every day if living is worth, don't worry I will not kill myself, that is up to God, but I can not fantom if this were to happen in mass scale to the regular Joe blue pill

People will seek the true when ready, and wen they are ready we need to be here to guide then for a good path , be patient.



Inspiring. I'm totally behind and beside you.

…As a mundane wishing to be a neophyte.



So you went from edgelord to sudden visions of purple circles on your dick and seeing disks, and eventually to full blown kundalini? Are you sure you've reached Kundalini?

Not trying to shitpost here, its just funny in the matter how you wrote it all down.

Glad your redpilled somewhat either how.


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>I suppose your point about seeking may mean I should find it on my own when I'm led there

I can give you some pointers as to the direction you may want to go.

I started my journey with Tantra with Osho as well, and he's solid and fun to read. He's Western friendly and not hard on Sanskrit names and terms. I've never finished reading his Vigyan Bhairav Tantra though. Osho is more "spiritual" and "New Age-y" (or are the New Agers "Osho-y"?), embracing who you are, just be etc. Also I had some disagreements with him, me being Śakta, him being Saivia. But his explanations of various meditations are solid.

I was fascinated by the Left Hand Path of Tantra (although at the time I didn't really know what it exactly is). Check out "Eastern" folder from Temple of King Solomon mega here on /fringe/. Frater K has a fine collection of tantric works. Just read up and see what resonates with you. Kali Kaula book is a good place to start. At least if you want to get short summary of general tantric practice and somewhat deeper summary of LHP Śakta practice.

I quickly realized that I prefer to learn directly from the source and not from Westerners writing summaries of Eastern Esoterism, because I wasn't so sure they got everything right, or from Easterners laying down some IMHO "dumbed down" Tantra.

Luckily Tantra is primarily textual tradition (tantra means text). Finding a guru in this place and age would be impossible. There are many great original tantras, some of them very ancient. If you want to go "hardcore" Tantra practice that is the way to go. I must warn you though that you have to learn and understand many Sanskrit terms. That can be a long process which requires a lot of determination. But it's also fun, at least for me. It's not really even half as scholarly as you would imagine. Sir John Woodroffe material is good and I'm going through it now, he's done translations, commentaries and also wrote books on the subject. I'm not even half as advanced as I want to be, but I can't complain, I think I've found my way.

Now, that is pretty long post for someone who doesn't want to share his knowledge, eh? If you want to follow this way then I welcome you.

Tantra is Shastra for Kali yuga. Anyone can become initiated in it (unlike Veda).

As Mahanirvana Tantra says:

"That low Kaula who refuses to initiate a Chandala lowest caste or a Yavana non-Hindu into the Kaula dharma, considering them to be inferior, or a woman, out of disrespect for her, goes the downward way. All two-footed beings in this world, from the vipra Brahmana to the inferior castes, are competent for kulachara."




Do you know this song is about?


well now I do.



We don't talk and don't share because it's literally a complete waste of time. Most people are too weak-willed for magick.


Psionics is all bullshit btw, you can throw away the electronic parts, they are just placebo.



You do realize you are not a sociopath if your higher chakras are active. I think you only think you're a sociopath.


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I still dont see tings

Not energy, not tough forms, no ghost no auras

I am working on it I belive I have to activate parts of my brain that I never used before ,the fact that I never use to dream and that when I dream is always blurred let me know that my brain need development.



You said you smoked alot of weed. You know that smoking weed severely hinders your ability to dream properly, right?



Yep I know now

But in my life I been though periods of heavy smoking and not smoking at all longer than six months

Now I dream again, but that only happen after I when for a period of heavy mindfulness meditation more than 3 hours per day ,

there was a time when I when trough all the books on sociopathy and it was okay with me

There are good sociopaths ,often people mistake them for saints and the like I was neutral about it, I was "happy" with my fedora ways and I never thought on killing for fun (too much trouble ) I was good at manipulation and trully didn't give a fuck, a good balance edgelord

Actually becose my knowledge about sociopathy my favorite target were other sociopaths ,I love it to make them rage and using them , the ego of the sociopath is their strengt but also their weaknesses ,good times.

Now I am a spiritual person (I tink I may be wrong ) and I don't want to do damage just becose, anon thanks for your interest, is nice to write about this becose I don't have anyone to talk about it.



I am unaware of the difference between Śakta and Śaiva, unless it is the difference between seeing oneself as god and worship of Śiva, which I've intuited through not entirely clear google results (especially on Śakta).

I do actually like the idea of learning Sanskrit, due to the idea that it is the language of vibrations.

I do believe that Tantra is a key component of my path, along with, perhaps, some Daoism. (though, the latter is mostly reinforced by finding the works of Mantak Chia and being drawn to those and Taiji/flow)

I am very grateful for your guidance on this path.




It seems fairly obvious to anyone who's read and understood enough spiritual texts (and maybe had ego death and knowledge of kundalini awakening), though I've only experienced surges of chi, maybe *slight* kundalini energies, but not awakening (which I'm well aware fucks people up depending on their purity/readiness for incredible energy).


I am glad and grateful for your development.

"my favorite target were other sociopaths"

That reminded me of Dexter, haha.

If you think you are spiritual, you probably are, at least somewhat. Though some people like the idea of being spiritual without actually putting effort into it, which usually destroys their ego if they do enough spiritual practice. You seem past that at least, though the path is constant refinement/effort/mindfulness.

Well wishes to you.



Śakta is an adherent of Shaktism - cult of Devi, while Saiva is an adherent of Shaivism - cult of Shiva.

Those two paths, ultimately, lead to the same place, but Shaktism (at least to the extent I am aware of it - LHP Kaula) is more concerned with acquiring magical powers, siddhis, supernatural abilities etc.

Most of tantras concerned with magic are Shaktic.

Of course the terms are much more complicated and sublime than what I cared to explain here, but you will have to understand it on your own.

>difference between seeing oneself as god and worship of Śiva

Just wanted to point out that one can do both in non-dual worship.



Let me interject for a second and point out something.

I have had a kundalini rising, full blown.

The first 30 seconds were the famous spine raping fucking your brain big time ~stories~ memes, it was literally unbearable.

I then did something that all humans do when faced in extreme conditions. I asked God to give me only what I could withstand, with pure faith and Will (I had very little alternatives), sure enough, the pain disappeared, in a heartbeat, it became constant delight and extasy, there was still discomfort, but I could totally handle it. It then became a gentle and progressive developement since that day. The Shakti respects my individuality and states of mind, it will only awaken when the time is right and when I chose so at the right intensity,

Do not let horror stories scare you out. Ask for a higher power's guidance, God, Higher Self, your Guru, whatever you are into, it is the time of your life when you will need Him the most.

I believe it can be one of the interpretations of the story in the bible where Solomon, the wizrard and king, asks God to have Asmodeous (Highest sexual demon) under his will and god gives him a ring with which he can do so, with All demons and angels.




Was not obvious to me until the experience , and believe me I love that song ,Queen is my favourite band and Bohemian rhapsody is in my top 3 of all time, the first time I listen to it after my episode I broke in tears, was mind blowing then I realised that God loves me and never let me alone, din't care about my fedora ways, my abuse of drugs, my evil fun, he just love me not matter how much I ran away from him he was always there,

Fuck I am crying again.



You sound like one of those christianfags, just replace "God" with "Jesus".



What gave you the impression that people are hoarding esoteric knowledge? What kind of esoteric knowledge do you mean?


>Some people can't wake up

What if being awake is only half-awake? A lot of people like myself see the symbolism, do visualisation (I don't) and see through government/media lies and feel comparatively good self-esteem (due to the catch of being 'awake' in a crowd of sleepers) but that doesn't mean the world or even that someone is 'awake', despite their 'kundalini rising' (probably predestined anyway).

>They are zombies.

Everyone's weighed down by programming, chemicals and monotony; and a lot give up from these. The people are the same, the majority and minority are tied in a knot.

Should the world go on as a prison for recidivists where some attempt jailbreaks, others become jailers and a few serve their time in silence; choosing their every thought and deed carefully? or can it be easier?


>I admit that I'm not really benevolent in my opinions, I simply don't want to share, I want to keep the power to myself. Maybe I'm just a bad person, but I care more for myself than for the majority of people, especially when they could've easily followed the same path as myself or as others here on /fringe/.

You can admit that because it's not true but you won't admit that you're a liar.





Thank you.

Indeed, I intend to attempt pursuit of non-duality.

Though I think I might also do both paths. Supernatural powers interest me to an extent… but perhaps I can let go and allow the flow of seeing and doing only what a higher will needs to be done.



That sounds simple. I've done that all the time, minus the kundalini experience.

I already attempt to allow higher guidance into me. My ego does still get in the way though.

Thank you for the information (:


I've induced the same feeling in myself. A Hare Krishna taught me a Kirtan that is a lament for separation from God. (the hare krishna chant but to a specific melody)

Divinity is beautiful to the point of tears. I find that it's usually the resistance to it that causes the tears, so that once I've cleared one level of blockage, the feeling isn't as strong unless I advance in finding love and sing and cry it out again.





>You can admit that because it's not true but you won't admit that you're a liar.

Did you give that person a chance to admit he's a liar?

>Some people can't wake up

Thanks for providing perspective on this, I'd sort of accepted it because I want to give up on someone who is asleep.

I still think I should, for now, but that "can't" is more code for "it's more productive to work on oneself than others, past a certain point".




People only wake up when they sleep enough, rushing the awakening would only wake people who still want to sleep

And I know how mad I am when people wake me and din't sleep good enough

I understand the frustration of some anons , the fact that our watchers seem to be abusing of us , but this is a strange prision, the key is in front of you all the time, the only one holding it from using it is you , if you look you will find, some people awake becose they were looking for something that they don't know what it is

And accidentaly wake up , have you seen the videos in youtube?

Is crazy, I don't say the system is perfect, (is not ) but we don't want to cause unecesary damage, like the first rule of the medic is do not harm I belive that need to be our mantra , that one and search for balance,

look the world is scrub, but /pol/ has meme magic ,that would cause a lot of problems for our watchers if they miss behave a lot (picture another cruzade lead by a Crist chan avatar,the last one recapture France from the English ), if we see that they either try to take the internet down or some game changer at the same level people will awake by themselves and we can help if that happens until then let the river of history run his way.


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Would pointing out the symbolism in this to people be considered leaking esoteric knowledge to le masses?


>Did you give that person a chance to admit he's a liar?

I didn't try to verify if he was lying or not either, so I'm doubly guilty – another lifetime on the karmic painwheel for me. Cheers.



Explain video pls



Would I lose my soul if I fap to her pornos?



I've read the idea that reincarnation is a choice, and that one can choose to free themselves of such obligations one puts on oneself.

Cheers indeed. (:


Indeed. As I've read, the best thing one can do for others is live life well, being the beacon.



bump this


We are entering the Age of Aquarius and it is the will of The Gods that this knowledge proliferates. Aquarius represents psychic awareness. Get with the times.


I agree with OP but there is also the question of the who what when where and how, because most people are not willing to go through the door even if you presented all the information for them, for many reasons ranging from fedoras to religious extremists.

There is also the matter of wasting your energy on mundane shit like that. The more you are involved in the world of mundane shit, the more it hinders your progress because that mundane frequency is entangled with yours.

The best thing you can do is cultivate your powers to the best of your ability and give freely to anyone who crosses your borders demanding answers.

I surely wouldn't mind being part of a huge project waking people up though.



Heh, get in the times, it's Kali Yuga son, this age of aquarius has been so damn missunderstood, it's pretty funny.


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It's a pornstar that few will be listening to, saying she believes candidates are selected and not elected. She has the eye symbol on her cushion, the pyramid symbol on her twitter handle, a reference to being in the 'illuminaughty' on her bio.

My thinking is that she's revealing a truth people will ignore and then she's leading them into the mire of perversity, encouraging them to be unconscious of the consequences of their actions, estranging them from reality. Maybe so in an event in a dark future they can say 'Don't say we didn't warn you'. Maybe it's something else. Perhaps we should just be glad they warn people, or maybe we should feel bad that we don't tell others?


I tested those waters and it's fine. Feel free to ==join us==.



>Let me interject for a second and point out something.

>I have had a kundalini rising, full blown.

>The first 30 seconds were the famous spine raping fucking your brain big time ~stories~ memes, it was literally unbearable.

>I then did something that all humans do when faced in extreme conditions. I asked God to give me only what I could withstand, with pure faith and Will (I had very little alternatives), sure enough, the pain disappeared, in a heartbeat, it became constant delight and extasy, there was still discomfort, but I could totally handle it. It then became a gentle and progressive developement since that day. The Shakti respects my individuality and states of mind, it will only awaken when the time is right and when I chose so at the right intensity,

>Do not let horror stories scare you out. Ask for a higher power's guidance, God, Higher Self, your Guru, whatever you are into, it is the time of your life when you will need Him the most.

If you're reading this, anon, I ended up doing it and doing what you suggested. I feel like I would have done it anyway because that's what I tend to do when overwhelmed that hard, but who knows.

Thank you (:


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>I won't be special if everyone can do it.

>thinking this



care to explain?



"mama I killed a man"

kundalini kills the ego.

Spiritual growth kills the ego. You die to who you were.

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